HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/02/19997. PUBLIC HEARING fill X11 i 1 1111 1 1 i 911 w FIT Q plolhung is Mij rcl�Tfrcu Yor Tne ixvniagT me pro• elly; alu TIM Me sign Tell clo MY was pul • again. Planning Commission Page 2 August 5, 1999 • ;� �► s .. � � • • • • • • • • � a 4. � �, *. � w ,� � � ,� •. ♦ � a and -would ultimately rezone The prooftY, Planning Commission Page 4 August 5, 1999 The motion passed by a vote of 6 to I with Commissioner GO KEY voting no, A. Dannijil!Commissio La Vaeg Lrkev - Chair BRINKMAN inquired about the status of filling the vacancy on the Planning Commission. Alan White replied that he was not aware that any applications have been received by the City. Chair BRINKMAN stated that she would like the City Council to make this a priority, Planning Commission Page 5 August 5, 1 999 Planning Commission Page August 5, 1999 Planning Commission Minutes Page 1 August 1, 1999 A. Case o. 'WPA 99 -01 An "application from the City of NNIcat Ridge to adopt the revise Comprehensive Flan. Planning Commission Minutes Fags 2 August 12, 1999 Comprehensive Plan that suggests existing commercial properties would need to be considered Commission members. Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 August 12,1999 Commissioner SNOW asked if the proposed street was dedicated. Alan White reptiedthat portions of Planning Commission Minutes Fags 4` August 12, 1999 Planning Commission Minutes fags August 12, 1999 Debbie Fidrich 7737 West 46th Avenue Ms. Fidrich stated that she attended the Wadsworth Corridor meeting with Ms. Fishef And NI w.� I xeSii(WIk!ZLt 5"'111MIMI N • • OUN M-11 I W ITWIM" ever soK e��ial will not be�alfoWed in its �Iace. Planning Commission Minutes Page 6 August 12, 1999 ANNE BRINKMAN, Chair Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary Planning Commission Minutes Page 9 August 12, 1999 City. of Wheat Ridge .w . Planning and Development Department Memorandum=' TO: Planning Commission 7500 West 29th Avenue mmum VV-4 Telephone 303/ 235-2868 FAX 303/235-2857 August 26, 1999 • Mr M • r " ' • � ` 2'99 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE as revised or updated by approved Suvp1eindots published ind issued�poor to4he date of ihe� buil ding r Table 720- C tv of Wheat Ridge IVIaterrials, Testing Requirements Type of Test Frequency I I Remarks Soil Survey (Classification), 11 1 per 1000 f�cet of roadway, 1 1 J� Surveys for a roadway �idew lk Density in accordance with A.ASHTO M145 sidewalk or pipe trench 11 j i and trench may be combined Moisture-Density Curve I per on-site sot type A-ASHTO ethod determined 1 per each HBP grade and AASHT► T•• or T ISO I per import material source by soil or materials type asphalt content and gradation 77 Embankment in-place density , I per 300 &et per per 8 approved mix desip Colorado Procedures loose lift Roadway subgrade in-place --- 77 7 7777777 density, Colorado Proced ore Concrete compressive strength i� 1 100 cubic yards , per 777 P 3W&��6fsi&walk er murn density per soil AASHTO Procedures classification, Section 203.07 Cement treated base in place I per 300 feet;ierwe� Density in accordance with density, Colorado Procedures C ontract documents, T134 Hot �61tuminbw Piveinertt 1 per each HBP grade and Within specifications ♦ of asphalt content and gradation �"l blow s�fed approved mix desip --- 77 7 7777777 Concrete compressive strength i� 1 100 cubic yards , per AASHTO Procedures Concrete air content and slump per 50 cubic yards PCC pavement, structural AASHTO Procedures concrete sidewalks and curbing !1 w ► TO: Planning Commission DATE OF MEETING: - July 1 1999 D DATE PREPARED: June 10„ 1999 CASE NC1..�c NAME: MS -99 -0 f Davis C CASE NAC ER: can McCartn e W -99 -07 ACTION RE Approval of a r rezone from Restricted Commercial to Restricted Cornnercial and Residential- Three, and a `lot minor subdivision. LOCATION OF RE 6 6690 West 3P Avenue NAME & ADDRE OF APPLICANT(S): L Lena and Lynda Davis 6690 West 38* Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 NAME & ADDRESS OF CI , ER(S): L Leo and Lyn da Davis 700 Elm Circle Golden, CO $0401 APPROXIIVIATE A: 3 34 690.7 square feet PRESENT ZONING: R Restricted Commercial PRESENT LAND USE: C Commercial Retail SURROUNDING ZO G: N N: Commercial -One, $: Residential -One C,, E: an H: Restricted - Commercial SURR OUNDING D USE: N N,, 3y: and .E. Commercial, and s: Residential COMPREHENSM PLAN C Commercial Activity Center and Low Density Res. DATE PUBLISHED: J June 11, 199 DATE POSTED: J June 17, 1999 DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT d dune 8, 1999 ENTER C1 CO (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ( (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) ZONING ORDINANCE ( ( ) SLIDES (X) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS ( (X) EXHIBITS OTHER JUR ISDI CMN: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. ► ,.eparate motions are recommended for the individual requests. The individuals at the meeting were in support of the propose&zoning and use. The, owner of the apartment building to the west, Elliot Harris, was glad-to see that something was going to be done with the property. IV. AGENCY REMMI" Plannifii Coftirrilssion MS-99-02/WZ-99-07/Davis Paget HM " C VII. REZONING Planning Commission Page MS- 99- 02/WZ•99 -0 7 /Davis �3 Planning Commission Page 4 MS-99-02/WZ-99-07/Davis concludes Staff down-miII the property • r to s. is a benefit for the residents who live on * # is the possibility that the owner of the property could construct a commercial development that would s Approval of the request would allow for an additional buffer from the commercial uses Option B:"I move that Case No. WZ-99-07, a request for approval of a rezone from Restricted Commercial to Restricted Commercial and Residential-Three, for a property located at 6690 West 38 1h Avenue, be recommended to the City Council for DENIAL for the following reasons: 1. 2. 1 Option A: "I move fhai Case No. MS-99-02, a request for approval Of a two-lot minor subdivision for a property lo6tea at 6600 West 30 Avenue berecommendea • ih�tityCo biAPrk6'�� for the followi fig reasons: EAMCCaftCY\C'M fi1t$\MS"02'WM Planning Commission Page 6 MS-99-02/WZ-99-07/Davis Commissioner SNOW asked if there would be a planting strip. Mr. McCartney replied that a six-foot landscape buffer is required. I Planning Commission Page 2 July 1, 1999 • • s +► a • ,� I M ► Planning cmmission Page July 1, 1999 Commissioner SNOW stated that she would prefer that the applicant reapply for R-2 zoning and �that the fee for such application be waived, a ALA W-� All t ------------ Planning Commission Page 4 July 1, 1999 Planning Commission fags 5 July 1, 1999 Planning Commission Page • • • r. • « «•° • Im Alan i , Planning and Development D irector Planning Commission MEMORANDUM � �W) CITY OF WH EAT RIDGE 000 CAP ITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM July 1999 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT SUDGET 19S7.2003 SALES rAx u 776 I MX Xs $3 -- -- J77 $4�400 ------- $2,1480, --- I sen OAA 1 A ------- --- S�56 044 INMRES'r '7 0� 000 $4554,0 stq0000 u'sZ000 $41,785,000 S $5'0.'3 SOND tNTEPES7 sl,077�0 5 1 1 �06, : 31 025 $190=0 $190.0co s 190, Q00 $190=0 "ISC REVENUE CEAO MEE PROGRAm $121,095 so Sol 0 000 $1 , so 310=0 so $10,00 so so slocco sc sto RfL5ASE0 ENCUmSER so 325,000 so so so so so so TPA HSACPS IN 1804ZS so so so so so so so CEC GRANr so so so $24912 so so so so so EDARC ESr'p SWOOO S50,000 i i # so X =0 so ssuoo so SSO,oco so $50,000 sol MOW FO REVENUES SSAT91 I I 5S,933 $60,000 sa A14 u0 CM, San mfl tAn Ho.wo wow —A ------- --- $0 $647.4111 111,472 $0 so so so so so so SaMbdd so $80400 so $0 so so so Stiu tk si000woo ` so $3,000 sl,1$6,577 $1,250,000 -1 Traffic Sival knwovwwt pfqf"� $142,573 UMOOD WCOOO #Y ii --Z $2100001 StS4000 svo I NEW • ESTIP ftontivos g2AffC Tr t* OW $0200 Fund Transtv t* Traftfltv tO EW*ftont Fund =1000 ' so $25400 $10.000 $25400 $10,000 s2s.000 i SM000 T—sf*t t* CW"W PuAd $37S,000 S375,000 $31 $375,000 1 TMA%ftt 10 Gw4nI Fund Tranow to Sm R*vm* so" Fund $0 $750000 $100,000 SIAS2,000 S1,05ZODO S100.000 $100,000" $1,079.000 �Ltl—"S(Mf, t* VWOMV. iod-t Mt, A nve $1.067470, $1,067.025 sm"'7570 3. Harlan Street Drainage at 48 Avenue 2004 Budget: $400,000 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BU DGET P s• 1998 1999 1999 Survey Services and Tem porary Personnel $29 • rya O r S36,000 so inspection Services • « . - t Maintenance Services and Tern -. , • } so so $34�031 $80,000 CF ! 11 • 'CIF y: • ...... • !. �, so 0 •'> $300,000 So $400,000 « « + « s +. * y... - 11,380.60 6. , Public ' Improvement Projects 1�t .• !1 1il. DPW STREETS Street Improvements Project 5512,411 $60 CC} $600,000 $400,000 29th Ave Reconstruction, Fenton to Sheridan $0 so so SX0,0 H if ^A Clt 0 # ; **� I 00 I V � e uc on, 32nd to join $647,638 0 32nd Avenue Trail Construction $11,472 $01 1 Harlan St. Sidewalk & Ped, Lights, 1-70 to 38th so $0 so $0 50th Ave, Construction, Kipling to Miller so $0 so $0 Youngfield St, Addition of Left Turn Lane, 38th to 44th so so $0 $0 Parfet St. School Sidewalk, 32nd to 38th $276,699 -A 1,4uV,UVV $11,250,000 Independence Ct School Sidewalk, 38th to 41st $0 $325,000 $325,000 Kipling St/39th Ave Sidewalk and Trail Connectiion $0 $80,000 $80,000 $0 0 $400,000 $01 1 so $0 -$7.124 SIIOOAO $11W�� $100,000 $0 $5, 0 $5,000 $5,000-� -A 1,4uV,UVV $11,250,000 $1,250,000-1 S45000 S45-000-J . Street Light Installation Budget: $5,000 N. DPW Street Maintenance Materials 2000 Budget: $45,000 I Ml 777 77777 TOTAL STREETS DPW TRAFFIC 11. Traffic Signal Improvements DRAFT 2000 Budget: $100,000 12. NeighborhoodTraffic Management Project e 2000 Budget: $200,000 13. Community Improvement Tree Program 2000 Budget: $45,01 D 'r, ) A !7 -r- DPW TRAFFIC Traffic Signal Improvement Projects J Nei hborhood Traffic $142,573 $200,000 $256,000 $100,000 TOTAL TRAFFIC $25,032 5167,605 $210,000 $210,000 DPW FACILITIES 410,000 $410,000 S310,000 Public Works Shop Build Im2rovements m2. $9.387 525,000 525=0 55,000 TOTAL OPWFALILITIES $9,387 $25,000 525 000 L1 PARKS & RECREA TION CAPITAL PROJECTS Community Improvement Tree Program $15,290 $45,000 $45,000 545,000 Recreation Buildin s Im rovem 5I $20,000 $20,000 TOTAL PARKS & RECREATION ------ $65.000 sas,ono $45,00 tit 0 * & I I lot ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ESTIP Incentives EDA RC $54,791 $60,000 $60,000 $60,00 TOTAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT $50,000 $104,791 $50,000 S50.0n 550.000 & ou 0 0 000 0 0 MUNICIPAL CAPITAL PROjECTS S110,000 S110�000 S110.00 "0 0 City Hall Improvements City Entry Signage $155,890 $293.000 $293,000 $300,000 Capital Communication so $0 S18,000 so $18,000 Wadsworth Blvd Corridor Study $44,253 $0 $0 so TOTAL MUNICIPAL 5155 , 830 5319 ------ -- 5293,000 5318,000