HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/16/1999t i t t t o t t t t t t t t t t t t t ! e t Planning Commission Page 1 September 2 1999 6. PUBLIC FORUM There was no one signed up to speak- before the Commission on unscheduled matters. 7. PUBLIC HEARING Planning Commission Page 2 September 2, 1999 9. OLD BUSINESS Planni�j!Cpntm:ts§ion Vacangy �- In response to an i*iry fromChalr BRINKMAN, Mr. Whi advised that no applications have * been ki6eive&fbi the v4catickwhich�ekists�66 the Planning Commission. I B. Elway Dealers-hip - Commissioner COLLINS asked the status of this property. Mr. White stated that he will be meeting on September 3, 1999 with the dealership representatives and the potential commei6WAevdlqpers4b: feVieWlfieir concept plan for the entire area between j5th a 38th on Wadsworth. The plan will go before City Council at a study session on September 13, 1999. He commented that the developers may seek ESTIP funds. A. 2000!Capital LProjects BLidget Bey W - As part of the annual budget process ihe planning im I Commission is asked to review and comment on the 5-year Capital Projects Budget. Chair BRINKMAN expressed concern that there was nothing in the plan for the parks support 7 building on the Jaedinger land. She also mentioned that the plan doesn't address drainage problems around 32nd and Teller. Commissioner THOMPSON asked if the city was responsible for any part of the sound barrier walls planned for 1-70 from Tabor east. Mr. White replied that he will find out if the city has any obligation, She also commented that she would like to see the design using raised triangles at the handicapped access ramps on sidewalks be discontinued and that those already in place on 38th Avenue be removed because they are dangerous to people with sight impainnents. B. 1-7Q and Hig_hw#y �a Lleetin_g - Commoner THOMPSON encouraged Commission members to review the design report and forward their comments to Bob Goebel for presentation at the final option plan meeting to be held on September 20. She felt it was important to strongly oppose the proposed closing of 38th at 1-70. Planning Commission Page 3 September 2, 1999 It was moved b}Co fission :2"m +» and seconded ¥:«!« « « « ww < » :w2 °< that the meeting i><journe » : <} tm The motion *:ssedby vote of5 -with Commissioners « IO?: »andSNOW absen C:2 arb=TCRJYrS\PLANCiCOMWMROJM9""2.wo y Planning C laon Page 4 September y} 9 TO Wheat Fidge Building jivivislon IAM�� Bayou Ditch Company Brown axd 3. In addition to #2, that the change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance, with the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives and policies, comprehensive land use plan and other related policies or plans for the area. 4. That the proposed change of zone is compatible with the surrounding area and there will be minimal adverse impacts considering the benefits to be derived. Wx Acres: Permitting the sale and service of all terrain vehicles and snow mobiles (personal recreational additional retail sales uses to the list of permitted uses may result in more traffic generation on Tabor Planning Commission Page 7 W7- 9- 49 /trailersource A-7 8. That the property cannot reasonably be developed under the existing zoning conditions. 1.3 Acres: Due to the size of, access to and triangular shape • this property, it could not reasonably be developed by anyone other than the applicant. 3.03 Acres: The property is currently developed. The applicant's business is growing, reflected in their purchase of the 1.3, acres and their requested retail sales land use changes. 9. That the zoning will not create an isolated or spot zone district unrelated to adjacent or nearby areas. K"Ve at! MR IMMOU 100201;!M411 ki 11r A - 1 .0 f A I 3.03 Acres: This property is already approved and developed for commercial usel 10. That there is a void in an area or community need that the change of zone will fill by providing for necessary services, products or facilities especially appropriate at the location, considering available alternatives. This application has been submitted in response to business needs and opportunities recognized by the applicant. With the exception • all terrain vehicle and snow mobile retail sales, floral and garden supply retail sales, and rental items visible from public rights-of-way and adjacent properties, the majority of the proposed land uses have previously been approved by the City Council for the Trailer Source property. M EXISTING PLAN PROPOSED PLAN Personal Recreational Vehicle sales and service not permitted permitted Floral Shop-retail not permitted permitted Equipment Rentals screened from public not screened from rights-of-way and adjacent public rights-of-way and properties properties Parking of semi-trucks not addressed permitted & trailers whole loading and unloading Overall Landscaped Area 25% minimum 20% minimum Planning Commission Page 8 WZ-99-09/traitersource M m Amendment to Outline and Final Devellopinept flap.- Option A: "I move that Case No. WZ-99-09, a request for approval for an Amended Outline and Final .,Development Plan for 3.03 acres known as the Tabor Development Planned Commercial Development Outline Development Plan and the Tabor Development Planned Commercial Development Final Development Plan be recommended to the City Council for APPROVAL for the following reasons: M Option B: "I move that Case No. WZ-99-09, a request for approval for an Amended Outline and Final Development Plan for 3.03 acres known as the Tabor Development Planned Commercial Development Outline Development Plan and I the Tabor Development Planned Commercial Development Final Development Plan be recommended to the City Council for DENIAL for the following reasons: 1. 2. Planning Commission Page I I WZ-99-09/trailersource -/3 �����. '��' o .. ._ ... �, �, �r � .�/ �'' ,r� �� T / .F .. _ � . � i /CIS � � iI #s� ' 11 %; „� " -/3 $684 s .f k t t # $0-1.096.4$89 P-46.C.0; 303-505-4118 M.- 901-769-5221 # k Case No. NV - 9-09 - TraDer Source 97011zmM # = - districts, because this is a PLinned Developincill, it uould not ncccssariky apply here, as tI)c standards dim appl� arc thosc establislied by the specific &m plan for this PCD. We would prefer not placing irms along I- 70 as the exposure to the interstate Inghway is die main reason ror (tic purchase • the nexi parcel MOM Prepared By 9500 Lakewood, Colorado $0215 i r CONTENTS ARTICLE PAGE INTRODUCTION PROPOSED (IMPROVED) DRAINAGE SYSTEM Criteria 8 Runoff 9 Detention Streets 9" CONCLUSIONS Discussion of Impact of Improvement 10 Compliance with Applicable Criteria 10 Areas in Flood Hazard; Zone 10 APPENDIXES Hydrologic and Hydraulic Computations 11 Standard Design Tables and Charts 37 DRAINAGE MAPS AND PLANS Drainage baps, Plans and Construction Details 41 1. Existing Topography, Ground Cover, Use, Etc.: Sloping to the northeast, on grades of less than one percent, the site presently consists of a trailer sales facility with open gravel surfaced display areas, and a an adjacent vacant area with a covering of native vegetation and trees. *Runoff approaching the site from the south is intercepted by the Brown & Baugh Ditch that flows to the east, just south of The south site boundary, crossing Tabor Street near the Extreme southeast corner of the site. The Bayou Ditch and the Wadsworth Ditch also cross the site as shown on the Drainage Maps at the back of this report. 2. Existing Drainage Facilities: A stormwater retention pond exists just west of Tabor Street on the previously developed trailer sales portion of the site. This pondand associated site drainage are the subject of Drainage Report #95135, prepared by AA-ADNAN & Associates dated September 22, 1995 I- Commercial Development: The presently vacant portion of the site will receive minor surface smoothing and shaping to form an additional trailer Aug • Revision 2 display area to the existing trailer sales facility. No changes to the developed portion of the site are proposed. 9 ti VICINITY ME oNty mm p"m i 3 i 0 CRITERIA 1. Size Basin and Subbasins: A summary of subbasin characteristics appears below: AREA POINT SUBBASIN (acres) 1 H1 0.52 RATE AT STUDY POINT ORA 0.28 2 H2 0.69 Q5 H3 1.41 Q100 H6 0.43 (cfs) OH$ 0,12 4 H4 0.89 OHC 0.84 1.2 H5 0.25 0.4 OHD 2.42 TOTAL PEAK RATE OF HISTORIC DISCHARGE TOTAL PEAK RUNOFF RATE AT STUDY POINT SITE ONLY SITE + OFFSITE Q5 Q100 Q5 Q100 (c s) (c s) (cfs) (c s) 0.3 1.9 0.3 1.9 0.3 1.2 0.4 2.3 0.4 2.3 0.9 4.8 0.9 4..8 0.4 1.5 0.4 1.5 0.1 0.6 1.8 4.6 1.8 4.6 0.3 0.9 0.5 1.2 1 .2 y0.5 1 M 4 8.0 4.3 16.3 6.4 27.0 A more detailed appears E. RUNOFF I. Developed Flow Rates and Paths: 1• Storm Drainage System: 0 m CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE IDT t TO: Planning Commission DATE OF MEETING: September 16, 1999 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ -99 -10 DATE PREPARED: September 3, 1999 CASE MANAGER: Martin Orner I. REQUEST Approval is requested for an amended Outline and Final Development Plan and Planned Industrial Development to allow defined commercial and light industrial land uses on Lot 29/Use Area I -A of the 44 Industrial Park, and also for the addition of display area standards for the entire 44` Industrial Park development. The following concerns were expressed: 1. at is the public notice procedure for neighborhood meetings and for the public hearing process? IV. AGENCY REFERRALS Referred and Responding Agencies (Exhibit C) Public Works De(#, -Ina memorandum dated Aw st 111999, the Public Works D en made the following comments: 1. Based upon the requested action of this referral to only amend the existing PID to include Use Area I -A (Lot 29) into Use Area I uses, Public Works development standards will be required when any future site development is proposed. ,-/�o 7. That 1 proposed t 6 t' will not adversely affect pub health, or creating excessive traffic congestion, creating drainage problems, or seriously reducing light and air to adjacent properties. As a Condition of Approval, and prior to recordation of the amended development plan, it is recommended that the Applicant be required to *include a statement requiring that any application for a Building Permit for Lot 29 will need to be accompanied by documentation insuring satisfactory access to the lot. no at Trus time, requi a satisfactory site and use speciric drainage report prior to issuance of Building Permit for the lot. Approval of the Display Area Criteria will not adversely affect public health, safety or welfare by toadjacent properties. i That the zoning will not an isolated or i f zone district # o f adjacent or nearby Approval of the Display Area Criteria will not create an isolated or spot zone district unrelated to adjacent or • Planning Commission Page 5 W - 99- 10/44diindustrial i_' S VII. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS Amended Outline and Final Development Plan - Option A: "I move that Case No. WZ-99-10, a request for approval of an amended Outline and Final Development Plan be APPROVED for the following reasons: e t } O Z,4 NY Zt 3++5 001FI; N01 ., OOSC 35Yr+� ^-° 0094 MS430 -^ OOL4 *0045 0065 N9ar3� 4Ya°S —^ 0009 Nv,OrM co" 51'YONt °'° OOZ4 0049 0049 0099 ll Yb642#YN -� ONYIM3N 0049 SUO 0049 3Oa3c 0004 .k yn o co" 033a ,_.., OOL :ttRfk45?PlS --^ Y [3 S 3 °- OO4t oolz, SNYDteA3 ^^ OOYL $: NYR 009L 543 -- m ht OO9L Mi$oMSOYNt 'r e t } H I CASE NO. WZ�99-10 44 PARK Mmmmm• • 8) All office uses including banks and financial institutions 9) Laboratory 6-9 -32MMM 1 1) Micro-cell or repeater telecommunications facility IfAns I r, MR I Lot 29h#se Area I-A Permitted Uses: Permitted uses shall be the same as those for Use Area I except as followl 5) Casino bus storage shall be allowed. 6) Micro-cell or repeater telecommunications facility shall not be permitted. 1�-ID I a- I 0 6 1 0 \ � .$.\ �1 1. ALL ITEMS DISPLAYED SHALL w ! °A N a■ OR ASSEMB e.: THE ..., L OT AS THE PROPOSED DI .! 2. DISPLAY OF ° REQUIRES , HARD SURFACE $< ASP CONCRETE OR WASHED D al.: ,$.. DISPLAY AR 3. DISPLAY AR W NOT COUN TOWARDS $§ . . . »2: LANDSCAP ,, A ND/OR PARKING AREA REQUIREMEN : ,, �2. »r�? a�a.• . .f.> a f. .y$ ,.,. �'�,���a t.. , �e.�l�...�.a l�, :�a »� »�! <© <,.■ a ;. °. 8. DISPLAY AREA SHALL BE SET BACK A MINIMUM OF :e PRO PE RTY LINES ' ■: , et. .:a« �a ! LIGHTING OF 2 #S,.l. AREA SHALL BE L TO GROUND LEVEL � � ��� m r 12-- A A& Approved D ate M rN DEPARTYMNA" OF. MUC WOM om TO: Martin Omer, Planner FROM: Greg Knudson, Development Review Engineer DATE: August 13, 1999 SUBJECT: 13000 West 43 Drive/44 Industrial Park, WZ-99-10 - PID Amendment The Public Works Department has reviewed the Planning Department referral dated August 3, 1999 for the above referenced site, and has the following comments: (Lot 29) into Use Area I uses, Public Works development standards will be required when any future site development is proposed. 2. Access requirements for this lot from West 44" Avenue will need to be referred to Jefferson County Department of Highway and Transportation. 4. The Survey Division has reviewed this referral, and has no comment at this time. RE: WZ-99-10/AMEND PID USE AREA, 44 TH INDUSTRIAL PARK, 13000 W. 43 RD DRI (SH70) CDOT has previously made the followmig comments on 8/17/1999 to ADG Engirteeriig-, ITyc. Otherwise, CDOT has no other concerns regarding the First Amendment. CC: J. Muscatell L, Lipp L, Glasser/D. Walker File (SH70) RF 386NS081899 Page 1 of 1 / S'— 7500 West 29th Avenue AUG 0 6 19•9 Wheat Ridge, Colorado $0033 CASE NO: WZ-99-10 LOCATION: 13000 W. 43' Drive144th Industrial Park 'REQUESTED ACTION: Amend the existing PID to include Use Area 1 -A into Use Area I uses. 5 Are there anY concerns or problems you agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this r . equestIA Please reply to: it. XjS OrmC 221-1114 DOPSrtment of Planning & Development Fax: 3031233-2857 1MR1#311:1411 9 AUG n 6 ­9