HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/19/1997AGENDA
JUNE 19,1997
Notice is hereby given of a Public Hearing to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge
Planning Commission on June 19, 1997, at 7:30 p.m., 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat
Ridge, Colorado.
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4. APPROVE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA (Items of new and old business
may be recommended for placement on the agenda.)
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6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for anyone to speak on any subject not
appearing under Item 6 of the Public Hearing Section of the Agenda.)
i A. !Cgse, CIIP-97-4: A request by the Wheat Ridge Presbyterian Church to
approve a request of a Conditional Use Perment to allow a church and
outdoor worship area on Residential-Two zoned property located at
9180 W. 38th Avenue, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of
Recording Secretary's comments.
June 5, 1997
1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chairpers
WILLIAMS at 7:30 p.m., on June 5,1997, in the Council Chambers of the Municipal
Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. I
Janice Thompson
STAFF PRESENT: Glen Gidley, Director
Planning & Development
Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner
Marilyn Gunn, Recording Secretary
The following is the official copy of Planning Commission minutes for the Public Hearing he
on June 5, 1997. A copy of these minutes is retained both in the office of the City Clerk and
the Department of Planning and Development of the City of Wheat Ridge,
4. APPROVE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA (Items of new and old business may
be recommended for placement on the agenda.)
A motion was made by Commissioner CERVENY, seconded by Commissioner SNOW •
approve the agenda with additions made by Commissioner CERVENY to Section 11, Discussion
Items: Comp Review Plan. Motion passed 7-0.
Planning Commission Minutes
June 5, 1997
Page 2
A motion was made by Commissioner RASPLICKA, second by Commissioner SNOW to
approve the Minutes of May 28, 1997. Motion passed 7-0.
6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for anyone to speak on any subject not
appearing under Item 7 of the Public Hearing Section of the Agenda.)
A. Case No AVZ-97-7; An application by Louis Fieco on behalf of Dorothy
Smith and Lenore Harris to rezone from Residential-Two and Commercial-
One to Planned Commercial Development and outline development plan for
property located at 6225 W. 48th Avenue, City of Wheat Ridge, County of
Jefferson, State of Colorado.
Planning Commission Minutes
June 5, 1997
Page 3
anticipate excessive noise from a new 35 HP motor as opposed to what was the case with older 5
HP models.
Discussion was held regarding semi-trucks, fill to be used, flood plain concerns, reluctance ►
having a tire recapping business, landscaping, loading zones, general traffic, noise, zoning,
A *mits . time limited semi aarkincL, outside storage, %.Ve of businesses allowed, and
effort to save as many trees as possible.
Planning Commission Minutes
June 5. 1997
Page 4
plan approval and final development plan approval with a variance for
property located at 9500 W. 49th Avenue, City of Wheat Ridge, County of
Jefferson, State of Colorado.
Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Chris Rusch, 6108 S. Pierson, Littleton, 80127. Mr. Rusch is
the sign designer and presented the proposed sign overview.
Planning Commission Minutes
June 5, 1997
Page 5
The following motions were presented:
Commissioner SNOW motioned, Commissioner THOMPSON seconded, "that Case No. WZ-97-
5, a request for approval of rezoning from Commercial-One to Planned Commercial
Development and for approval of an outline development plan for property located at 9500 West
49th Avenue, be DENIED for the following reasons:
Commissioner BRINKMAN motioned, Commissioner CERVENY seconded, "that the request
for approval of an outline and final development plan for property located at 9500 West 49th
Avenue. be APPROVED for the following reasons:
I A rezoning is required to expand allowed uses as recommended by Staff which
would allow a land use transition.
2. All requirements for a PCD outline development plan have been met.
Planning Commission Minutes
June 5, 1997
Page 6
Commissioner THOMPSON motioned, Commissioner CERVENY seconded, "that the request
for a five foot sign setback variance for property located at 9500 West 49th Avenue be
APPROVED for the following reasons:
I Approval of the reduced request would not prove a hazard to the public health,
safety and welfare.
2. It would not had a negative impact on property values or public welfare.
3. Proposed location is more aesthetically pleasing than other locations meeting
With the following conditions:
I . Landscaping be installed around the base of the sign.
2. No other freestanding signs be allowed on the property."
Planning Commission Minutes
June 5, 1997
Page 7
Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in the following meeting attendants:
Sharon Peterson, 12360 W. 49th Avenue. She felt that the truck parking restriction should be
reconsidered. She also felt that the outside storage areas in an industrial area, which is not visible
from the street, should not have to be screened.
Jim Oglevie, P.O. Box 2808511, Wheat Ridge. He stated that notifications should be sent out any
time this subject is going to be discussed. He also questioned the fencing requirements which
Director GIDLEY clarified for him as well as permitted uses. He questioned the fencing
requirements which Director GIDLEY clarified for him.
Planning Commission Minutes
June 5, 1997
Page 8
The following motions were made • Commissioner SNOW, seconded by Commissioner
"That Council Bill Exhibit 'A' regarding: An Ordinance amending the Wheat Ridge Code of
Laws, Chapter 26, Zoning Code, pertaining to parking and storage of truck-tractors and/or
semitrailers upon property located within Commercial and Industrial zone districts, be forwarded
to the City Council with a recommendation of APPROVAL with a request of the Staff to further
define the phrase " any noncommercial use" and that Paragraph 8 be deleted."
Motioned carried 7-1 with Commissioner CERVENY voting no.
"That Council Bill Exhibit 'B' regarding: An Ordinance amending the Wheat Ridge Code of
Laws, Chapter 26, Zoning Code, pertaining to outside storage requirements in Commercial and
Industrial zone districts be forwarded to the City Council with the recommendation of
Motion carried 8-0.
"That Council Bill Exhibit 'C' regarding: An Ordinance amending the Wheat Ridge Code of
Laws, Chapter 26, Zoning Code, pertaining to maximum lot coverage and minimum landscap
requirements within the Light Industrial (1) zone districts be forwarded to the City Council wi
the recommendation of APPROVAL." I
Motion carried 6-2 with Commissioners THOMPSON and CERVENY voting no.
"That Council Bill Exhibit 'D' regarding: An Ordinance amending the Zoning Code of the
Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, pertaining to Special Uses be forwarded to the City Council with a
recommendation of APPROVAL with the following changes:
I That Item 'B' remain as it was with no changes
2. That Item 'B' (1) last sentence be changed to: 'Approval of these special use
permits shall become a vested property right which may transfer with the land or
lease, subject to compliance with the conditions of approval.'
3. That Item 'B' (2) first sentence be changed to: 'This category of special use is less
Planning Commission Minutes
June 5, 1997
Page 9
dependent upon unique site ancl/or • ul
accommodate the use but is highly dependent upon proper management to ens
that operational aspects of the use..." i
C—aae N% ZQA 27-2: An application by the City of Wheat Ridge for approvm
of an amendment to Section 26-30(T)(9) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws
pertaining to Commercial Mobile Radio Facilities. I
Commissioner SNOW motioned, Commissioner RASPLICKA seconded, "that Case No. ZOA-
97-2 and application by the City of Wheat Ridge for approval of an amendment to Section 26-30
('r)(9) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws pertaining to Commercial Mobile Radio Facilities be
forwarded to the City Council with a recommendation for APPROVAL."
Motioned carried 8-0.
Commissioner THOMPSON suggested reviewing the horsepower standards and high tech
businesses. She felt many may have a low impact on the area and she would like to know
whether or not these uses should be allowed in commercial areas. She stated she would like other
cities to be polled, review of their rational, and what high tech businesses entail.
A motion was made by ComrnissionerTHOMPSON, seconded by Commissioner CERVENY to
review these items. Motioned carried 8-0.
Planning Commission Minutes
June 5, 1997
Page 10
Meeting was adjourned at 12:45 pm. by consensus.
Marilyn Gunn, Recording Secretary
NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Wheat Ridge Presbyterian Church
9180 W. 38th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, CO
NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): Presbytery of Denver
1710 S. Grant Street
Denver, CO
PRESENT LAND USE: Church, vacant
SURROUNDING LAND USE: N:, S:, W: low density residential E: institutiona.1
----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-7-xmkt,ert-x I within thn Ci )nnaidlkLtcr�memAd,
therefore, there Is jurisdiction to hear this case.
Staff Report Page 2
June 13, 1997
CUP-97-4/Wheat, Ridge Presbyterian Church
The applicant requests approval • a conditional use permit to allow a church and outdoor worship area
on Residential-Two zoned property located at 9180 West 38th Avenue. Pursuant to Wheat Ridge Code
of Laws, Section 26-6(A) Conditional Uses are "Permitted Uses" which are subject to review to ensure
the use is properly designed so as to mitigate potential negative impacts to the neighborhood.
are still being finalized. Staff has prepared Exhibit 'A"which is a cross- section diagram of example
buffering showing a berming with a double-sided wooden fence and dense landscaping.
The outdoor worship area will be used for church service when the weather permits, weddings and
occasional performances by the church's youth group. The amphitheater will not be covered and will
not be lighted although electricity is being wired in. Low level courtesy lighting may be installed for
safety purposes. A 200-watt P.A. system will be used for voice amplification.
nere is a property ime encroacnmenrw= occTrs ailing ie eas sic - — — ,, , LTnyVMKMg-4rcd
This strip is shown on the site plan with an existing chainlink fence. The church is
negotiating with the adjacent property owner (Wide Horizon) for acquisition of this strip.
• Es• •�
Staff Report Page 3
June 13, 1997
CUP-97-4/Wheat Ridge Presbyterian Church
Charles Miller - 3' )60 Braun Road
Jim Niquette - 3860 Everett Street
Edith and Hollis Fender - 3850 Holland Street
The folio - vNing items were discussed:
What type of public announcement system will be used.
MINE 6=1
1. Will not have a detrimental effect upon the general health, welfare, safety and convenience
of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use.
The proposed conditional use will allow the expansion of an existing use. There will not be a major
impact on traffic on West 38th Avenue. There is potential impact regarding noise generated from
outside functions. The use of a solid, double-sided fence on top of a berm, with heavy landscaping with
evergreen trees would mitigate this potential impact.
2. Will not adversely affect the adequate light and air, nor cause significant air, water or noise
Construction of the new worship facility will not affect the amount of light and air to adjacent properties
Staff Report
June 13, 1997
CUP-97-4/Wheat Ridge Presbyterian Church
as there will be primarily surface improvements and no building mass. There will be a negligible affe
of the amourit of vehicles traveling to and from the site since there are no ambitious plans to increase
membership norwill the new worship area dramatically increase seating capacity, There could be a
4mm"alm. ate the negative affects wil
fencing, berming and landscaping. I
consistent with the ComM33a3D32OLM
The Comprehensive Development Plan designates this area as Public/Semi-Public on the edge of Low
Density Residential to the west. The use of the property as a church would correspond to the
Public/Semi-Pubic designation. A church is considered compatible and complementary to a residential
neighborhood. Staff concludes that the proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.
4. Will not result in undue traffic congestion or traffic hazards, or unsafe parking, loading,
service or internal traffic conflicts to the detriment of persons whether on or off the site.
There will be a negligible impact to the traffic on West 38th Avenue since the congregation will not
greatly increase in size. The current parking area behind the church will still be used. The parking area
is striped with appropriate parking stall size and adequate aisle width and sign a e. Parking and loading
' g
on-site could not be considered to be hazardous.
5. Will be appropriately designed, including setbacks, heights, parking, bulk, buffering,
screening and landscaping, so as to be in harmony and compatible with the character of the
surrounding areas and neighborhood, especially with adjacent properties.
Height and bulk are not an issue. The applicant is attempting to reach a compromise with the adjacent
property owner who is most affected (Wide Horizons) in regard to buffering, A combination of fencing,
berming and landscaping will be used. The church has indicated the construction of a masonry wall as
requested by Wide Horizons will be cost prohibitive.
6. Will not overburden the capacities of the existing streets, utilities, parks, schools and other
public facilities and services.
Staff has already concluded that there will be a small impact on public streets. All agencies can serve the
property. There will be no affect on parks and schools as no new dwelling units are being proposed.
All agencies can serve the property.
Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District has no concerns with the proposal.
Public Works will require a final drainage report for the proposed improvements with a fill permit as
Staff Report Page 5
June 13, 1997
C Ridge Presbyterian Church
Staff concludes at approval of a Conditional Use Permit is required to allow the construction of the
outdoor worship area. Staff further concludes that the proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive
Plan and that noise impacts to adjacent properties can be minimized with proper landscaping design and
improvements, Since the criteria used to evaluate a conditional use support this request therefore a
recommendation of approval is given with the following conditions:
The use of the amphitheater be used only for church functions, not by outside community groups
or as a money-mak-ing venture (IE, renting out for private affairs).
g !
- 1
• increases in wattage for sound system • allow(a
I A conditional use permit is required to allow construction of the outdoor worship area
2. The proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan., and,
3. The evaluation criteria support approval of the request.
Option B: "I move that Case No. CUP-97-4, a request for approval • a conditional use permit • allow
a church and outdoor worship area • property zoned Residential-Two located at 9180 West 38th
Avenue, be DENIED for the following reasons:
3. xx
Fin 1- 77
WA D E H 0 R I Z 0 N
Meredith Reckert
Planning and Development
• Wheat Ridge
7500 West 29th Ave
Wheat Ridge CO 80215
JJ fir,
We want to thank you for the opportunity to express our views regarding the Presbyterian
Church's proposed construction of an outdoor worship center and memorial wall.
The Wide Horizon Board • Directors has two major concerns about the project.
Wide Horizon is prepared to approve the church's request and convey to them our rights t
a strip of land (25' by 217') vacated by the County along our common property line and
additional strip (5' by 217') east of our existing property line in exchange for an adequate
sound barrier.
9t1(3 West 38th Avcnuc - Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033.303/4 4 -4445
c: Presbyterian Church
Wheatridge Presbyterian Church is proposing to build an Outdoor Worship Center and Memorial Garden
on the property located at 9180 W. 38th Avenue. The location of this meeting is Wheatridge
Presbyterian Church, Fellowship Hall, 9180 W. 38th Avenue at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 6, 1997,
Ims - srorvaTJ
testimony, it puDlic nearings In TruffDMUl"Tanning CtEm _ - j
are rendered. If you want input in the decision-making process, it is imperative that you attend the public
The kinds of concerns residents normally have include the following*
After attending the Neighborhood Input Meeting, please use the following space and the back of this
form to list any specific concerns, issues or suggestions which you may have regarding this proposal.
Please sign it and give it to the applicant, as he is required to provide these forms to the city along with
his application.
The City of
Type • action requested (check one or more • the actions listed below
which pertain to your request.)
Detailed Descrintior� of request
List all persons and companies who hold an interest in the described real
property, as owner, mortgagee,'lessee, optionee, etc.
Department • Planning and Development
7500 West 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
Phone (303) 237-6944
Date Receivl6d Receipt No.&Q31ij Case No. 6 411:7 - 4 7 �L
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