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Minutes of Meeting
January 18, 2001
The meeting was called to order by Chair McNAMEE at 7:310 p.m.. January 18, 2001. in the
City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue. Wheat Ridge,
Commission Members Absent: Paulette Cooper
Dean Gokey
Don MacDougall
The following is the official set of Planning Commission minutes for the public hearing of January 18
2001. A set of these minutes is retained both in the office of the City Clerk and in the Department of
Planning and Development of the City of Wheat Ridge,
It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner COLLINS to
approve the order of the agenda as presented. The motion passed 5-0 with
Commissioners COOPER, GOKEY and MacDOUGALL absent.
It was moved by Commissioner COLLINS and seconded by Commissioner DOYLE to
approve the minutes of January 4, 2001 as presented. The motion passed 5-0 with
Commissioners COOPER, GOKEY and MacDOUGALL absent.
There was no one to appear before the Commission
Planning Commission Page I
January 18, 2001
A. Case No. SUP-00-03: An application by Brad Johnson for (west Wireless for approval
of a Special Use Permit to alto\ the collocation of additional CNIRS K "ornmercial
Mobile Radio Service) antennas on an existing 160-foot freestanding lattice tower at
City Hall located at 7500 West 29" Avenue and zoned Residential-Two.
Meredith Reckert was sworn in by Chair McNAMEE. She reviewed the staff report, presented
slides and overheads of the subject application and entered all pertinent documents into the
record. The documents were accepted by Chair McNAMEE. She advised the Commission
there was jurisdiction to hear the case. Staff recommended approval of the application for
reasons outlined in the staff report.
Commissioner COLLINS commented that, since the tower is located on public property, lie
would prefer to see a revocable permit, rather than a 25-year contract,
Commissioner THOMPSON expressed concern that priority should always be given to
emergency use of the tower. Ms. Reckert explained that (west's plans for structural
improvernents to the tower would actually increase the capacity to add additional antennas.
Brad Johnson
4301 E. Colfax, Denver
Alan Bungo
4301 E. Colfax
Mr. Bungo, systems engineer for Qwest Wireless, was sworn in by Chair McNAMEE. Fie
explained the reasons for the gap in coverage and requested approval of the application to
improve and expand service for Qwest customers.
Brad Johnson stated, in response to a question from Commissioner THOMPSON, that Qwest
does not like to enter into contracts that give another party the right to terminate their lease on a
tower. He also explained that the tower is presently at approximately 82-83% capacity for
emergency use. Qwest has agreed to increase the capacity of the tower by adding structural
reinforcement which would bring the percentage down to 70-75%.
Alfred Davis
4301 E. Colfax, Denver
Mr. Davis, construction coordinator for Qwest Wireless, was sworn in by Chair McNAMEE,
In response to a question from Commissioner DOYLE, he explained that (west normally
Planning Commission Page 2
January 18, 2001
maintains all additions to towers. however, he stated that he was not aware of the particular
conditions in the proposed contract with the City of Wheat Ridge.
Brad Johnson explained that a lad-y was present in the audience who had expressed concern to
him about possible interference from the antennae with electronic equipment on an organ she
has in her home. He assured her that Qwest operates within a licensed spectrum and is
governed by the FCC. There have been no known interference issues in the state-, however. he
provided her with a contact name and phone number in case she should have any problems.
1. The addition of additional panels will not create visual impacts or other significant
2. The collocation appears to be a better solution to improving coverage in this area
than constructing another freestanding tower in the area.
With the following conditions:
1. Prior to the City Council meeting, the staff shall obtain detailed information
analyzing the city's current needs and an estimate of additional capacity that
might he needed in the future in order to ensure that the additional antennae will
not jeopardize the primary purpose of the tower which is emergency
communications for the city.
2. Qwest Wireless will provide information required by the FCC regarding level of
emissions from the tower at present and estimated with the additions.
3. That the City Council consider the possibility of a revocable contract (if the city
attorney deems it advisable) before entering into a 25-year contract. The motion
passed unanimously.
(Chair McNAMEE declared a recess at 8:37 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:00 p.m.)
B. Case No. ZOA-00-1 1: An ordinance repeating and re-enacting Chapter 26 of the
Wheat Ridge Code of Laws.
It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner THOMPSON
that the public hearing be closed; that Case No. ZOA-00-1 I be continued to the February
1" Planning Commission meeting; and that the meeting be adjourned to a study session to
discuss ZOA-00-1 1. The motion passed unanimously.
Chair McNAMEE closed the public hearing.
Alan White reported on results of the discussion of ZOA-00-1 I that took place at the City
Council study session.
Concern was expressed about decreasing parking requirements. Commissioner SNOW wanted
the Council to consider decreasing parking requirements in development by some other means
than amending the zoning ordinance. Commissioner THOMPSON commented that vehicles
are larger now and perhaps consideration should be given to making parking spaces wider.
Commissioner SNOW referred to subdivision regulations. page 108, item f., and asked Alan to
correct the language to exempt the division of structures. Such as is the case with townhomes,
from the subdivision regulations.
Commissioner NOW asked if there could be a requirement that even private roads must be
built to ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) standards.
Planning Corninission Page 4
January 18, 2001
Commissioner SNOW referred to a recent Supreme Court ruling regarding a more restricted
definition of wetlands. There was a consensus ofthe Commission that the wording Should be
changed in item B. I.. page 129, to read: "Drainage and ivetland areas shall be left ill 41
natural state...................... " The code should also contain a definition of wetlands. Alan White
will discuss this with the citv attorney,
Commissioner SNOW stated that the Comprehensive Plan Committee and Planning
Commission have been in favor of reduced density and increased landscaping and open space,
This is not addressed in the new ordinance. She requested this item be placed on the next
Planning Commission agenda,
Commissioner SNOW referred to the present zoning ordinance, page 1746?, right column (last
paragraph before the regulations) which reads: "It is the intent of this district to Provide a
means, fear allowing innovation and flexibility" but the provisions shall not be used merell to
circumvent the absolute standards of other similar districts. " She requested that this language
remain in the code.
There was no old business to come before the Commission.
There was no new business to come before the Commission.
There were no commission reports.
There were no committee or department reports.
Commissioner COLLINS moved and'Commissiover DOYLE seconded to adjourn the
meeting at 10:35 p.m.
Planning Commission
Jantiary 18. 2001
Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary
SUBJECT: Chapter 26 -- Planning Commission Recommended Changes
DATE: January 25, 2001
3. Subdivision Regulations, Page 130 -- DISCLIssion about requiring private roads to be built to
ADA standards. At the time this memo was written, I had not had a chance to speak to the
Public Works Director,
4. Subdivision Regulations, Page 129, Paragraph B I -- Change sentence to read: "Drainaoc and
wetland areas, wherever possible., shottl l shall be left in a natural state... Also need to
include a definition of — wetlands in the definition section. I have not a chance to talk to the City
Attorney about this matter. He will be at the February V hearing.)
5, Densities have riot been reduced and landscaping has not been increased in the new Code.
This was suggested in the Comprehensive Plan. It was suggested that this be discussed at the
February V hearing.