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CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting February 15. 2001 CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair McNAMEE at 7:30 p.m., February 15, 2001, in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 4. APPROVE ORDER OF AGENDA It was moved by Commissioner - SNOW and seconded by Commissioner GOKEY to approve the order of the agenda as presented. The motion passed 7-0 with Commissioner COLLINS absent. 7. PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. ZOA-00-11 - (continued frorn February 1, 2001) An ordinance repealing and re Chapter 26 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. Alan White invited discussion on his memorandum of February 8. 2001 which summarized changes suggested by the Planning Commission at the hearing of February 1, 2001. Private streets were discussed. The City's Public Works Department prefers not to have private streets in the city. Anything that serves over four homes would be considered a public street. Although the Commission did not reach an agreement as to whether or not private streets should be allowed: there was consensus that, if private streets are allowed, they should be built to city standards. Commissioner SNOW referred to page 149 of the zoning code and questioned why accessible parking spaces are required to be 8 feet in width and regular parking is required to be 8 feet. There was a consensus of the Commission to require 8 1 4- feet for parking spaces whether accessible or regular. There was a consensus to support the changes set forth in Alan White's memorandum of February 8. 2001 There was discussion concerning sight triangles. There was consensus that sight triangle regulations should apply to class one through five streets as well as frontage roads. At the request of Planning Commission, staff looked into landscaping requirements for multi- tamily housing developments in other j urisdict ions The findings indicated a very wide range in landscaping requirements from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. 'There was consensus of the Commission to recommend 30 landscaping for multi-family developments. There was discussion regarding issuance of variances with special use permits. There was consensus of the Commission to leave the special use permit process as written. Having the Planning Commission hear the special use permit portion of the case and the Board of Adjustment hear the variance portion has only caused confusion in the past. There was discussion regarding signs for home occupations. There was a consensus of the Commission to leave the regulations as written. Commissioner SNOW questioned whether the last sentence regarding special use permits (page 76, paragraph A under Section 26-214) is enforceable. There was a consensus of the Commission to remove the sentence: "Special use permits are required where compatibility between adjacent land uses could be a concern." Planning Commission Page 2 February 15. 2101 There was further consensus of the Commission to add wording on page 76 to pro-vide that an A-2 lot, less than one acre in.size, could only be used for residential purposes. Commissioner SNOW recommended that car and truck sales lots be allowed only under special use permits. There was a consensus of the Commission to forward this recommendation to City Council. Alan White reminded the Commission that special use permits are alreadN required if a car lot wants to locate within 1500 feet of an existing car lot. Commissioner McNAMEE inquired about possible limitation to the amount of vehicles that may be parked at a residence and perhaps even commercial buildings. There was a consensus of the Commission that this matter could be handled ways other than a zone chang Commissioner NOW submitted a memo pointing out that there are eight uses regal group homes. rest homes, etc. listed in the code that are similar and for which definitions can overlap, There was discussion regarding the number of residents allowed in residential group homes. Commissioner SNOW moved and Commissioner DOYLE seconded that a limit of fourteen residents be placed on group homes. The motion failed. There was a consensus to move congregate care homes and nursing home to the category of residential group homes (page 49). There was a consensus to direct staffto simplitN definitions as much as possible. For purposes of the use chart, there should be a distinction between special and permitted uses dependent upon the number of persons in the horne. There was also a consensus to remove the words "owner occupied", "nonprofit" and "facility" from paragraph (b) on page 49. In regard to group homes for children, there was a consensus that a family foster home should be a use by right in all residential and agricultural districts. 8. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business to come before the Commission. Planning Commission Page 3 February 15, 2001 a 11. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business to come before the Commission. COMMISSION REPORTS There were no commission reports. COMMITTEE AND DEPARTMENT REPORTS There were no committee or department reports. 12. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Commissioner THOMPSON and second by Commissioner DOYLE to adjourn the meeting at 10:45 p.m. The motion passed unanimously. MARIAN McNAMEE, Chair Planning Commission February 1 5, 2001 Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary Pattie 4 Z- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission DATE OF MEETING: March 1, 2001 DATE PREPARED. February 2l,2001 CASE NO. & NAME: WSP-00-01 and MS-00-07 CASE MANAGER: AM. Reckert ACTION REQUESTED- Site Plan approval in a C- I zone district and approval of a four lot minor subdivision LOCATION OF REQUEST: 4865, 4875, 4885 and 4895 Ward Road NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Colorado 10350 Dakota Avenue Denver, CO 80231 NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): Same ------------------------ — ----- — - — ---- — ----- — - — --------- — — ---------------- ------ APPROXIMATE AREA: 6.22 acres PRESENT ZONING: PRESENT LAND USE: Commercial-One Vacant DATE POSTED- February l5, 2001 DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: February 15, 2001 — ------- — ----- — --- — ------- — — ---- — --- — - — — ------ — — - — -------- — ---------- — --- — — - — - — -------------------------- ENTER INTO RECORD: ----- I. REQUEST The applicant requests approval of a site plan and f<, minor subdivision on Corninerclal-()ne zoned propertN located at 4865, 4875, 4885 and 4895 Ward Road. Separate motions will be required for each action. 11. CASE HISTORY The property was zoned and platted in 1986 while a part of unincorporated Jefferson County, The existing Kaiser Permanente facility was constructed shortly after. In 1998, the City of Wheat Ridge annexed and approved zoning for the entire 31 acres pursuant to Case Nos, ANX-98-04 and V4= - 98 -16. A condition of the zoning approval was site plan approval by Planning Commission and City Council prior to any additional development. A subdivision is required to separate this development parcel from the remainder of the,Kaiser ownership, Ill. SITE PLAN The proposed site plan allows for four buildings, containing 16,000 square feet each. Access from the south is gained by a shared access drive serving the Kaiser building, This access with Ward Road is a signalized intersection. The shared drive is described by separate document and is referenced as parcel C on the plat document. This access easement will also provide access to future development to the west of the subject parcel. Construction of a sidewalk will be required along this shared drive. Access from the north is via a private street which is located within the jurisdiction of Jefferson County. Although it is not a dedicated public street, it is signed as West 49" Place. The applicant will be improving the street oil the north with curb, gutter and sidewalk and additional pavement width. Access to the individual buildings will be from a 30' wide roadway running between the private streets on the north and south. An informal pedestrian crossing is provided across the landscaped median and access drive between the cast and west buildings by landscaped pavers. Flandicapped access across the access drive will occur on the north and South perimeters of the property. The proposed landscape plan meets tile city standards for size and quantities, Two Austrian pines at the lighted access drive on the south must be relocated out of the sight distance triangle. All landscaped areas are to be serviced by an automatic irrigation system. The structure at the northeast corner of the development site �s ill have a loading area oil the north side. Vehicles using this loading area will enter the site from the lighted intersection on the south side and circulate north through the development, Public Works has reviewed this design and has required that the curb radius at the west side of the loading area be expanded to facilitate truck turning movements. The buildings will not exceed 20' ill height and will be of tilt -up concrete construction. All roof-top mechanical equipment will be screened by parapet walls. Building coverage oil tile site will constitute 23,5%. -with 28.26% in landscaped coverage and 48.25% in parking, drives and other hard surfaces. 279 parking spaces are provided where 274 are required by code. All requirements of the Commercial -Cine zone district regulations and commercial development standards have been met or exceeded, IV. SUBDIVISION DESIGN The proposed plat document creates four separate lots to accommodate the four proposed buildings. A common. shared access through the development'has been reserved as an access easement. A note has been added regarding blanket cross access through all parking and drive areas through the development. The storm \pater detention area has been reserved as an easement with the city's standard maintenance lang included as a note. Except for a 30' x 30' corner radius dedication for existing traffic control equipment. no right-of-\va\ is needed for Ward Road. The 30',\ 30' dedication needs to be shown on the plat as being ``hereby dedicated The property is accessed from Ward Road by private streets on both the north and the south. Appropriate access easement documents have been provided for review by the city. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been ina V. AGENCY REFERRALS Wheat Ridge Department of Public Works has reviewed the plat and the necessary access easements documents. A 30' x 30' corner radius needs to be dedicated at the southeastern corner of the site for existing traffic control hardware. A drainage report has been reviewed and approved. They will require the installation of public improvements along the north side of the property abutting West 49" Place (private street), Public improvements are in place along Ward Road. A sidewalk needs to be constructed along the southern access drive, Jefferson Count) Planning has reviewed and commented regarding the site plan. They had no comments relative to the private street along the north. Valley Water District can serve the property. They are working with the applicant to reserve the necessary easements. Public Service Company has requested their standard language for easement be included on the plat document. Arvada Fire Protection District can serve the property with improvements at the developer's expense. Colorado Department of Transportation has reviewed and accepted the drainage report. No access permits will be required. VI. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Staff has concluded that pursuant to the annexation and zoning conditions a site plan approval process is required on the property prior to any development. Because all of the C- I regulations and commercial development standards have been met or exceeded, a recommendation of approval is given for Case No, WSP-00-01 with the following conditions: I The curb radius at the west side of the loading area must be expanded to facilitate truck turning movements, 2, Two Austrian pines at the lighted access drive on the South must be relocated out of the sight distance triangle, In regard to the subdivision, staff has concluded that a Subdivision is required to separate the development parcel from the remainder of the Kaiser Permanente ownership. Staff further concludes that all requirements of the subdivision regulations have been rnet. Therefore a recommendation of approval is given for Case No. MS-00-07 with the following conditions: A 30' x 30' corner radius be dedicated as right-of -wa\ for the existing traffic control equipment. Easement language requested by Public Service Company be included as a note, VII. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS SITE PLAN Option A: "I move that Case No, WSP-00-0 I . a request for approval of a site plan on C- I zoned property located at 4865, 4875. 4885 and 4895 Ward Road, be APPROVED for the following reasons: I A site plan review is required pursuant to the annexation agreement and zoning conditions placed on the property. 3. All minimum requirements of the C- I zone district regulations have been met or exceeded. With the following conditions: I Tile curb radius at the west side of the loading area must be expanded to facilitate truck turning movements. 2, Two Austrian Pines at the lighted access drive on the south must be relocated out of the sight distance triangle." Option B: "I move that Case NoWSP-00-0 1, a request for approval of a site plan on C -1 zoned property located at 4865. 4875, 4885 and 4895 Ward Road. be DENIED for the following reasons: I. 2, MINOR SUBDIVISION Option A: "I move that Case No. MS-00-07, a request for approval of a four-lot minor subdivision on C -1 zoned property located at 4865. 4875. 4885 and 4895 Ward Road, be APPROVED for the following, reasons: A subdivision is required to separate the development parcel from the remainder of the Kaiser Permatlente ownership. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. With the tollow% ing conditions: I , A 30' x 30' corner radius be dedicated as right-of-way for the existing traffic control eqLliplllCnt. 2. Easement language requested by Public Service Company be included as a note." Option B: "I move that Case No. MS-00-07, a request for approval of a four-lot minor subdivision a request for approval of a site plan on C -1 zoned property located at 4865, 4875, 4885 and 4895 Ward Road, be DENIED for the following reasons: I . 2, 3.'* CCU N�l A L F1 7 7-1 �Z A;ZSA ZEQU 5 'T - z P LAN APPqOVAL ZvN E D T 5CUNCQ r PA� CSIL/LC 5CUNC%Zy C LNE NN 20 icara; y orumlted rd 4xtrader stims trader v%$ w Yirtw Of the laws of the store If Of wd p*rt I Om twat vd***# to 10350 5. of 'Deaver, Colorado, 80231 AWKISITH. that the sold PO?tY of the fIrSt pert, for and Its t"idtr4riltn of the 40, of I Ter Dollars and Other Good And Valuable Consideration ---------------------------- to the said party of the first pert in hatt pall by V* We party of the sworw$ porr, tho rd *sAfkIdWiftroof ` 19 hw** to 9`4 witwomto*W. both trIMOd. IWIP20MOd. 064 " tv and by it*" pvwts 40" grom. torlsift, **Lt. mwty end confim. onto the said potty *# the second part, its vj:c**W4 wd #s f fenrrer. Ott *f the fattoviml *"Mbod or pomot(s) of told, situate, tying and boirl in the cowlity Of aid State of Woruk, to-wft* = AMNCHM ZXH= "A" TWUNER, with sit wW silhOwIsr the h*mdtt*WiU WO mmu"twwmm betaVirs Th#?*%At4, or ift owmso "MVAN, ift the royontom 04 II rowl"dw W4 to"fmd"s. Mt#, t"L" and wvIts thwooff ord Ott "s, Isis", rf4hl, tittt. Inter" t . twx #md dommomd tfttwmvvr of the isle OmOrr( of tu ftr*t port. #I"*? in taw or owity,*f, In old to too ObM tWettr0d 0*04114#, with the N~4140000M I Orld spatwrtw,ara TO Milt Me To MU the "14 primissa tArpsirved and ossurlow sOmm, with the smLeterwm unto the sold porty of thl I;mt It# Succos"m Ord a I fare"r. " this said � � ft5 A CkLMem Nw-pa:*= COWAIVIT=ff IMS H 3 Mr.77, ¢ )am J C!": ttZ M 7 t " i' I l"I cc V !r'14111 q^. %,:l 5- TaXICS SOUTH 0 DEGREES 04 Xl)rJTES 21 SECONDS EAST, PARALLEL WITH THE NORTH-SOUTH CENTERLINE OF SAID SECTION 17, A DISTANCE OF 325.00 MV 6. THENCE SOUTH ag DUREES 55 MINUTES 39 elcomns WEST, A DISTANCE OF 5,00 PEET; 8 - THENCE SOUTH 0 DEGREES Cl MINUTES 14 SECONDS EMT, PARAZZOL WITH THE NORTH CENTERLTNE OF SAID SECTION 20, A DISTANCE Or 204.95 FEM 9. THENCE NORM 99 DEGREES 58 XTIrVag 46 SECONDS PAST, A DISTANCE • 5.00 FEET; 10. THENCE SOUTH 0 DEGREES 01 nMTZS 14 SECONDS EAST, PAMAIZZL WITH Tim NORTH-SOUTH CENTERLINE ♦ SAID SECTION 20, A DISTANCE OF 362.50 FEET; 11- THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES SS MINUTES 46 SECONDS VAST, A DISTANCE or lo-oo FnTi 1,10,41 hil RECEPTION NO. 9elb6I51 NC A U1 "� M I'K K�31vl ii Ef MAOC 41- -�,H EXHIBIT 'S" MOTING LUM AND TZXAXCItS, SASEMTS, CONDIT:OXS, RRSTRICTIONS, An RZOUVATIONS ON THS R=RDED FIAT. 12 pECEPTION NO. qel6s,31 LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION E'ia�rn;r�; at�ri;Iortterttafaat°Ftrtetzt - )t 0 Wezit 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO , Phone ;303) 235-2846 Please l)nnt cat tv e ail inf'oi - ma €sort= Applicant Kaiser Foundation Address 10350 Dakota Avenue Phone 303- 344 -7411 ea an o o — or - o City. State _L :dip 8N"31_ Fa O wner ser Foundati Healt Address Phone Plan of Colorado City State _ 1 Zip 80?31 Fax {l - X44 - 0 Fype of action requested check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request.) Application submittal requirements on reverse side Change of zone or wane conditions Conditional Use Permit Consolidation Plat Mood Plain Special Exception Interpretation of Code Lot Line Adjustment ?tionconforming Use Change Planned Building group Site Development flan approval Detailed description of the request: . r Annexa sed zoned use is C-1. The M z Q W J Q 0 z 0 0 m I WEST 52ND a o gN W K I 0 1 1 I'Mi all 101 I= PERMANENTE MOUNT SUBDIVISION OLIVET FILING NO. 2 CEMETERY 44T PVEN _ ..--''�� - /f / PARCEL 4, LOT 3, UNPLATTED SAVEMORE CENTER EXEMPTION SURVEY NO.1 SAVEMORE CENTER RECEPTION NO. 92104253 PLAT BOOK 117, PAGE 26 PLAT BOOK 98, PAGE 35 ZONING = I -3 (JEFFC❑) ZONING = PDA (JEFFC!3) ZONING = PDA (JEFFC❑) — — — 30' INGRESS AND EGRESS EASEMENT --� 30' INGRESS AND EGRESS EASEMENT — ® - - --- 30' INGRESS AND EGRESS EASEMENT REC. N0. 85064173 -.— BK 1813. PG 575 R REC. NO. 85064170 BK 1474. PG 325 & BK 2539, PG 942 N . 501,66 _ 8. T 24-77 9' _ 1 45:9 45' ;nI K�7 30' NON - EXCLUSIVE UTILITY EASEMENT —� 20 168.02 — 1� 12', ; v R.O. W. V 10' NON - EXCLUSIVE 70' — I ^I- UTILITY EASEMENT (TYP.) Z� t D n € n �r € n � � � c c � �) LOT 4 ( ICU AREA = 70,140 S.F. (1610 ACRES) M/L »-t0 ' a ZONING = C -1 0 C) i U ci nj € n CD 0 Z Z R ru C> 30' NON - EXCLUSIVE UTILITY q � AND ACCESS EASEMENT ; W o � W ( e N W Dv S.F. (1.548 ACRES) NIL m �w U N ZONING = C -1 X Q 3 a W � W W h.. Iq I co .- 20' ru y - a r Q Ri m U i _ —{ w N89'55'39 258.27' C j n CD 7�5 Q Z L7 v R.O. W. V � Z 70' — I ^I- 9a. Z� 20' D n € n Li Li € n � � � � c � �) ICU 6 »-t0 0 a a 0 C) i U € n CD 0 Z Z R ru C> 2 q � �C W W o � LOT 3 w€ AREA = 67,445 S.F. (1.548 ACRES) NIL m ZONING = C -1 3 a W � h.. Iq CL olvi \ i CD 7�5 ` �(`� 20' WIDE a �' � ACCESS \ 90 sti EASEMENT' El ACCESS EASEMENT RECORDED N 114 CORNER SEC rION 17 (FOUND 3 114' BRASS CAP LS 13212) s I , FOUND PE -PL S 5447 0.5' SOUTH N € 1 UTESr 1) 0 = SET NO. 5 REBAR WITH ALUMINUM CAP STAWED `(.AMBERT PLS 13210" UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE D) t he stor'n 0otention area here shown os 'tETE AREA' shall be constructed and maiitak+ed by the owner and subsequent owners, heks, successors and assA rrs. In the event that such construction and maintenance is not performed by said owner, the Gty of Mheat Ridge shall have the rot to enter such area and perform necessary work, the east of PAkh said owner, he* successors, and assigns agrees to pay. Ab bull or structure wit be constructed An the oetention area and no changes or atteratlal affecta'x3 the hydrotdic characteristcs of the detentdon area wit be made without the approval of the grwtor of PWic Vorks. 3) The owners of Lots 1, 8 3 and 4 of Kaiser Permonente Subdivision Fll No. 2, their successors and assigns grant linited rights and privAege of access to, and free movement through all curb cuts, parkkV areas and drive aisles witt*7 these lots. Such grant of easement shat! be (Wted to the owners, tenants, customers and guest of the owners and shat! furthermore grant access to, and free movement through said areas to those entering said easements from sill recorded easements from adjacent properties, andlor from abutting puiblic streets. 4) Lots 1, c', 3 and 4 of Kaiser Per nente Sr,"visdon FRing Ab 2 are zoned C-1. PDA (Jefferson County Zoning) = OFFICEIRErAIL /INDUSTRIAL 1 -3 (JePPL -rson County Zoning) = INDUSTRIAL 5) ACCORDING TO F.E.M.A. FLOOD 1NSIRANCE RATE NAP C 1 rY -PANEL NUKBER 080087 0170 B EFFECTIVE DATE. AUGUST 5, 1986, KAISER PERNANIENTE SUBDIVISIDN FILING A41 2 LIES IN ZONE" C (AREAS OF MINIMAL FLOODING). i ' - t..w TRUE POINT OF BEG.(NNING UNDER REC. N . E \ �_ — -- 4 1 Jt17 "Cd - J•rW I ci ✓.,. ea 4 �s� \ S P 4'06` PARCEL C 1 UNPLATTED \. h N89'- - 20 - -- - o N89'21'S4'E - - - - - _ - - + RECEPTION N❑. 92168151 �- - - - - -- _ -- '� �o N ZONING = C -1 u0 M 00 SOUTH LINE SOUTHV _ONE_ - QUA SEC TION 17 - N89'26'49 N , SW CORNER SECTION 17 - N FOUND 2 1!2' PIPE WITH CAP STAMPED 1817 in 19 20 u J v 0 i NOTICE- ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW, YOU MUST COMMENCE LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN >- THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO L `' EVENT, MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF N THE CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON JKAISER 7.16' ACCESS EASEMENT RECORDED v2 N4_ N45 '02'32'E UNDER REC. NO M Se9` 70.01 LOT 1, BLOCK 1, PERMANENTE SUBDIVISION FILING NO.1 PLAT BOOK 88, PAGE 22 ZONING = C -1 CORNER SECTION 17 (FOUND 3 114' BRASS CAP LS 13212) POINT OF BEGINNING 1. `P , B KAISER FOUNDATION HEAL PLAN OF COLORADOi, A COLORADO NON - PROFIT CDRPORArIGN,i BEING THE OWNER OF 6.BI9 ACRES DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A PARCEL OF LAND BEING A PART OF THE S£IUTHWESr DPI'- TER OF SECTION 17, rIjWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, cawTY OF .JurcRSON, STATE OF COLORADO, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS. (FOR THE PURPOSE OF THIS LEGAL DESCRIPTIOld, THE NORTH -SOUTH CENTERLINE OF SAID SECTION 17 BEARS N00 BEGINNING AT THE SE CaRWR OF THE SVI14 OF SAID SECTION 171 THENCE S89'2646'V ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SVI14, A DISTANCE 1Wr 70.00 FEET TO A DINT ON THE WEST RIGHT -DF -WAY LINE OF WARD ROAD, WHICH POINT IS ALSO ON THE EAST LINE OF LOT 1, BLOCK I, KAISER PrRmwwr SUBDIVISION FILING Al 1; THENCE N00'04'27'W ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 1, BLOCK 1, A DISTANCE OF 78.85 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LO T 1, BLOCK 1, WHICH POINT IS ALSO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE S89 °2I'54'V ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1, BLOCK 1, A DISTANCE OF 2'2'3.11 FEET, THENCE S45 ALONG rHE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT I, BLOCK 1, A DISTANCE o n.63 FEET; THENCE DEPARTING THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1, BLOCK 1, S89'21'54'W, A DISTANCE OF 120..44 FEET; THENCE N45'25'25'V, A DISTANCE OF 19375 FEET; THENCE N00'0421'V, A DISTANCE OF 433.17 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF THAT PARCEL OF LAND AS DESCRIBED IN RECEPTION Al 92168151, JEFFERSON COUNTY RECORDS; THENCE N89°55'39 "E, 501.66 FEET ALONG SAID NORTH LINE TO A POINT 7D.00 FEET W EST OF THE EAST LINE OF THE SWI 14 DF SAID SECTION 17, WHICH POINT IS ALSO ON` rHE WEST RIGHT -Dr -WAY LINE OF WARD ROAD; THENCE SOO 04'2I'E ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT -Gr-WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 545.75 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 270,905 S13UARE FEET OR 6.219 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. HAVE LAID OUT, SUBDIVIDED AND PLATTED SAID LAND AS PER THE DRAWING HEREON CONTAINED UNDER THE NAME AND STYLE OF KAISER PERNAAENTE SUBDIVISION FILING NO P, A SUBDIVISION DF A PART OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO AND BY THESE PRESENTS DO DEDICATE TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AND T MUNICIPALLY OWNED AND /OR MUNICIPALLY FRANCHISED UTILITIES AND SERVICES THOSE PORTIONS OF REAL PROPERTY SHOWN AS EASEMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION, OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT FOR ALL SERVICES. THIS INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO TELEPMNE AND ELECTRIC LINES, GAS LINES, WATER AND SANITARY SEVER LINE'S, HYDRANTS, STORM WATER SYSTE AND PIPES, DETENTION PONDS, STREET LIGHTS AND ALL APPURTENANCES THERETO. 17WN£Rt .JAMES M. L YAW FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT MANAGER KAISER FOUNDATION HEAL TH PLAN OF COLORADO, A COLORADO NON-PROFIT CORPORATION STATE OF COLORADO ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) BY WITNESS BY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL, MY COAa1+tISS117N EXPIRES NOTARY SEAL NOTARY PUBLIC DIRECTOR OF PLANNING OF THE CITY OF , 2Dv, ADOPT r I, .JOHN S. LAMBERT DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY OF rHE BOUNDARY OF KAISER PERMANENTE SUBDIVISION FILING NO 2 WAS MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION, RESPLAN►SIBIL1rY AND CHECKING ON UWABOUT JANUARY 1, 2001 AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE COLORADO STATUTES, CURRENT REVISED EDITION AS AMENDED, AND THE ACCOMPANYING PLAT ACCURATELY REPRESENTS SAID SURVEY. �unuxxurr,_ JOHN S. LAMBERT, PL S C��,� ilBel:Tltlti: RECORDER BY: DEPUTY CLERK AND RECORDER AT ION NUMBER CASE HISTORY: ANX-98 -04 WZ -98 -16 MS-00 -07 WSP -00 -01 PREPARED 0210EIVI I € 48TH AVE. R.O. W. V VARIES 70' — I n € € n � � � � c � �) 6 0 a a C) i U € n 0 Z Z 2 q � �C W W o � w€ �Q W � h.. Iq CL UTESr 1) 0 = SET NO. 5 REBAR WITH ALUMINUM CAP STAWED `(.AMBERT PLS 13210" UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE D) t he stor'n 0otention area here shown os 'tETE AREA' shall be constructed and maiitak+ed by the owner and subsequent owners, heks, successors and assA rrs. In the event that such construction and maintenance is not performed by said owner, the Gty of Mheat Ridge shall have the rot to enter such area and perform necessary work, the east of PAkh said owner, he* successors, and assigns agrees to pay. Ab bull or structure wit be constructed An the oetention area and no changes or atteratlal affecta'x3 the hydrotdic characteristcs of the detentdon area wit be made without the approval of the grwtor of PWic Vorks. 3) The owners of Lots 1, 8 3 and 4 of Kaiser Permonente Subdivision Fll No. 2, their successors and assigns grant linited rights and privAege of access to, and free movement through all curb cuts, parkkV areas and drive aisles witt*7 these lots. Such grant of easement shat! be (Wted to the owners, tenants, customers and guest of the owners and shat! furthermore grant access to, and free movement through said areas to those entering said easements from sill recorded easements from adjacent properties, andlor from abutting puiblic streets. 4) Lots 1, c', 3 and 4 of Kaiser Per nente Sr,"visdon FRing Ab 2 are zoned C-1. PDA (Jefferson County Zoning) = OFFICEIRErAIL /INDUSTRIAL 1 -3 (JePPL -rson County Zoning) = INDUSTRIAL 5) ACCORDING TO F.E.M.A. FLOOD 1NSIRANCE RATE NAP C 1 rY -PANEL NUKBER 080087 0170 B EFFECTIVE DATE. AUGUST 5, 1986, KAISER PERNANIENTE SUBDIVISIDN FILING A41 2 LIES IN ZONE" C (AREAS OF MINIMAL FLOODING). i ' - t..w TRUE POINT OF BEG.(NNING UNDER REC. N . E \ �_ — -- 4 1 Jt17 "Cd - J•rW I ci ✓.,. ea 4 �s� \ S P 4'06` PARCEL C 1 UNPLATTED \. h N89'- - 20 - -- - o N89'21'S4'E - - - - - _ - - + RECEPTION N❑. 92168151 �- - - - - -- _ -- '� �o N ZONING = C -1 u0 M 00 SOUTH LINE SOUTHV _ONE_ - QUA SEC TION 17 - N89'26'49 N , SW CORNER SECTION 17 - N FOUND 2 1!2' PIPE WITH CAP STAMPED 1817 in 19 20 u J v 0 i NOTICE- ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW, YOU MUST COMMENCE LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN >- THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO L `' EVENT, MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF N THE CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON JKAISER 7.16' ACCESS EASEMENT RECORDED v2 N4_ N45 '02'32'E UNDER REC. NO M Se9` 70.01 LOT 1, BLOCK 1, PERMANENTE SUBDIVISION FILING NO.1 PLAT BOOK 88, PAGE 22 ZONING = C -1 CORNER SECTION 17 (FOUND 3 114' BRASS CAP LS 13212) POINT OF BEGINNING 1. `P , B KAISER FOUNDATION HEAL PLAN OF COLORADOi, A COLORADO NON - PROFIT CDRPORArIGN,i BEING THE OWNER OF 6.BI9 ACRES DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A PARCEL OF LAND BEING A PART OF THE S£IUTHWESr DPI'- TER OF SECTION 17, rIjWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, cawTY OF .JurcRSON, STATE OF COLORADO, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS. (FOR THE PURPOSE OF THIS LEGAL DESCRIPTIOld, THE NORTH -SOUTH CENTERLINE OF SAID SECTION 17 BEARS N00 BEGINNING AT THE SE CaRWR OF THE SVI14 OF SAID SECTION 171 THENCE S89'2646'V ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SVI14, A DISTANCE 1Wr 70.00 FEET TO A DINT ON THE WEST RIGHT -DF -WAY LINE OF WARD ROAD, WHICH POINT IS ALSO ON THE EAST LINE OF LOT 1, BLOCK I, KAISER PrRmwwr SUBDIVISION FILING Al 1; THENCE N00'04'27'W ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 1, BLOCK 1, A DISTANCE OF 78.85 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LO T 1, BLOCK 1, WHICH POINT IS ALSO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE S89 °2I'54'V ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1, BLOCK 1, A DISTANCE OF 2'2'3.11 FEET, THENCE S45 ALONG rHE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT I, BLOCK 1, A DISTANCE o n.63 FEET; THENCE DEPARTING THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1, BLOCK 1, S89'21'54'W, A DISTANCE OF 120..44 FEET; THENCE N45'25'25'V, A DISTANCE OF 19375 FEET; THENCE N00'0421'V, A DISTANCE OF 433.17 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF THAT PARCEL OF LAND AS DESCRIBED IN RECEPTION Al 92168151, JEFFERSON COUNTY RECORDS; THENCE N89°55'39 "E, 501.66 FEET ALONG SAID NORTH LINE TO A POINT 7D.00 FEET W EST OF THE EAST LINE OF THE SWI 14 DF SAID SECTION 17, WHICH POINT IS ALSO ON` rHE WEST RIGHT -Dr -WAY LINE OF WARD ROAD; THENCE SOO 04'2I'E ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT -Gr-WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 545.75 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 270,905 S13UARE FEET OR 6.219 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. HAVE LAID OUT, SUBDIVIDED AND PLATTED SAID LAND AS PER THE DRAWING HEREON CONTAINED UNDER THE NAME AND STYLE OF KAISER PERNAAENTE SUBDIVISION FILING NO P, A SUBDIVISION DF A PART OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO AND BY THESE PRESENTS DO DEDICATE TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AND T MUNICIPALLY OWNED AND /OR MUNICIPALLY FRANCHISED UTILITIES AND SERVICES THOSE PORTIONS OF REAL PROPERTY SHOWN AS EASEMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION, OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT FOR ALL SERVICES. THIS INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO TELEPMNE AND ELECTRIC LINES, GAS LINES, WATER AND SANITARY SEVER LINE'S, HYDRANTS, STORM WATER SYSTE AND PIPES, DETENTION PONDS, STREET LIGHTS AND ALL APPURTENANCES THERETO. 17WN£Rt .JAMES M. L YAW FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT MANAGER KAISER FOUNDATION HEAL TH PLAN OF COLORADO, A COLORADO NON-PROFIT CORPORATION STATE OF COLORADO ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) BY WITNESS BY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL, MY COAa1+tISS117N EXPIRES NOTARY SEAL NOTARY PUBLIC DIRECTOR OF PLANNING OF THE CITY OF , 2Dv, ADOPT r I, .JOHN S. LAMBERT DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY OF rHE BOUNDARY OF KAISER PERMANENTE SUBDIVISION FILING NO 2 WAS MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION, RESPLAN►SIBIL1rY AND CHECKING ON UWABOUT JANUARY 1, 2001 AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE COLORADO STATUTES, CURRENT REVISED EDITION AS AMENDED, AND THE ACCOMPANYING PLAT ACCURATELY REPRESENTS SAID SURVEY. �unuxxurr,_ JOHN S. LAMBERT, PL S C��,� ilBel:Tltlti: RECORDER BY: DEPUTY CLERK AND RECORDER AT ION NUMBER CASE HISTORY: ANX-98 -04 WZ -98 -16 MS-00 -07 WSP -00 -01 PREPARED 0210EIVI I € 48TH AVE. - �. , . �* �m �r: Fri ` ,.> z 1L F q tit z ?1i E ?z? �s I OFFICUL DEVELO , SHEET INDEX OWNER ARCHITECT ARCHITECTURAL CIVIL OJALA & COMPANY A -0 COVER SHEET C1 SITE PLAN ALLAN R. OJALA 390 UNION BOULEVARD C2 GRADING PLAN A -1 SITE PLAN 1889 YORK STREET ARVADA, COLORADO 80002 ARVADA, COLORADO 80002 LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80228 C3 UTILITY PLAN A-19 HORIZONTAL CONTROL C4 EROSION CONTROL PLAN A -2 TYPICAL BUILDING ELEVATIONS C5 DETAILS EXISTING SIGN CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPARISON C6 DETAILS Total square footage per code — section 26- 410(e)5 [maximum sign area] multiple use development; 150 sf. + 1 sf /300 LANDSCAPE 150 sf. + 63,666 sf / 300 = (212 sf) = 362 x 2 signs = 724 sf. C7 DETAILS L1 LANDSCAPE PLAN C8 SECTIONS and PROFILES - �. , . �* �m �r: Fri ` ,.> z 1L F q tit z ?1i E ?z? �s I OFFICUL DEVELO , CASE NO. CASE HISTORY ANX -98 -04 WZ -98 -16 MS -00 -07 WSP -00 -01 SITE DATA Total property area: Building Gross Area: Interior Floor Area: Total building coverage: Area devoted to landscaping: Living: Non — living: Parking and Drives: Other Hard Surfaces: Present zoning classification: Proposed use: Number of buildings: Number of stories: Height of building: Parking spaces required (sec 26- 31.D.1) PARTICIPANTS area /parking space per OWNER ARCHITECT CIVIL ENGINEER TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS OJALA & COMPANY OJALA & COMPANY SELLARDS & GRIGG, INC. LSC TRANSPORATATION CONSULTANTS, INC. ALLAN R. OJALA ALLAN R. OJALA 390 UNION BOULEVARD DAVE RUBLE JR, 6425 WEST 52ND AVENUE 6425 WEST 52ND AVENUE SUITE 630 1889 YORK STREET ARVADA, COLORADO 80002 ARVADA, COLORADO 80002 LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80228 DENVER,COLORADO 80206 CASE NO. CASE HISTORY ANX -98 -04 WZ -98 -16 MS -00 -07 WSP -00 -01 SITE DATA Total property area: Building Gross Area: Interior Floor Area: Total building coverage: Area devoted to landscaping: Living: Non — living: Parking and Drives: Other Hard Surfaces: Present zoning classification: Proposed use: Number of buildings: Number of stories: Height of building: Parking spaces required (sec 26- 31.D.1) interior floor area /parking space per square feet 1 parking space per 200 s.f, of office_ area = 59,870 / 200 269.5 1 parking space per 600 s.f, of warehouse area = 2,460 / 600 4.1 Total Parking Required: 273.5 Total Parking Provided: 279 Handicapped parking required: 5.5 Handicapped parking provided: 8 1 Loading berth grade high (no building access) Buildings are not fire sprinkled, they are fire alarmed per Fairmont Fire regulations & N.FP.A, SIGNAG Master Sign Plan Program Proposal 270,905 square feet Per Wheat Ridge City Code Section 26 -411 63,674.6 square Due to the unique nature of the site /buildings it becomes necessary to propose alternatives to the strict interpretation of the sign code so we are proposing the following: 62,330.0 square 1. The overall development would be allowed to have one 2 sided free standing monument sign along Ward Road indicating the developments name and address of the 4 buildings. This would be a concrete 2 sided sign matching the buildings facade. It would be textured and painted, and would have recessed areas for cast metal pedestal mounted raised lettering maximum 12" high (name) with 6 " -8" address numbers. The sign would be lighted by ground mounted lights. 47 square foot each side total 94 sq. ft. approximately 7'H x 12'L and patch to match concrete surface. 2. Site interior building signage; these signs would match number 1 sign except smaller (21 sq, ft. per side or 42 sq. ft.). Total maximum height of lettering 9 ". These signs would indicate a building name or maximum �f two tenants and address of building. These signs would be located at the entry drive to each building off the center private drive. These signs are to be a building owner option. square feet 3. The third component of this sign program will be building signage and will consist of the following: vinyl cut lettering, logo, address (i.e. unit numbers), color white, max 8" to be adhered to glass at entry of units maximum sq, ft. of sign to be .30 sq. ft. per linear ft. of frontage of tenant space. Building frontage maximum per building = 64 sq, ft. in drive lane 7" full depth EXISTING SIGN CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPARISON Allowable number of signs per code section 26- 410(e)2 one per street frontage. Therefor 2 frontages = 2 signs. 4 Total square footage per code — section 26- 410(e)5 [maximum sign area] multiple use development; 150 sf. + 1 sf /300 sf over 5001. 150 sf. + 63,666 sf / 300 = (212 sf) = 362 x 2 signs = 724 sf. PROPOSED SIGN PROGRAM TOTALS: 1. monument sign 2 face x 47 sf each = 94 sf o 2. monument sign 2 face x 21 sf each CL x 4 buildings = 168 sf o 3. building lettering 64 sf per building x 4 buildings = 256 sf 0 TOTAL PROPOSED 518 sf 6,219 ac., 270,905 square feet NOTES 63,674.6 square feet 62,330.0 square feet W1 — Concrete site cast tilt up wall panel welded in place with 23.5% 76,548 square feet — 28.2% 99% — 75,783 sq. ft. and patch to match concrete surface. 1% — 765 sq. ft. finish and a pattern of scored 112,242 square feet — 41.5% 18,480 square feet — 6.8% necessary . Damp proof when panel C -1 P3 — Asphaltic cone. paving in drive lane 7" full depth C -1 P4 — Asphaltic cone. paving 4 19' 1" PROJECT DESCRIPTION The site is located just north of 48th Avenue on Ward Road, west side. Approximate acreage is 6.219 acres, site is sloped slightly from north west to south east with curb and gutter sidewalk, power and all utilities in or at Word Rood, An acceleration /deceleration lane has been dedicated and exists along the Ward Road side of the site. 48th Avenue is a signalized intersection and provides major entry to the site, We are proposing to have a private road as a flow through from 48th Avenue private road on south to the private road on the north with access to Ward Road. Traffic Impact is minimal as noted in traffic study. The development is proposed to be single story concrete /gloss office buildings with low slope single membrane ballasted roofs and parapet walls in a campus —like setting that has a well landscaped set back street presence and are well landscaped on the interior side of site as well. The development will provide small cluster like buildings in appearance so that the impact of four 16,000 square foot buildings will be minimized and the park like landscaping will contribute to break up the parking and drive areas. Buildings have the potential for being sold or leased, with single or multiple owners /tenants. We anticipate minimal truck traffic and dock use if any. The buildings themselves will be made from textured concrete panels with insets and reveals pointed in two colors to emphasize detail. Colors are to be medium warm tan gray for the body and darker warm tan gray as accent. Storefront glass extends from floor to soffit of 9' and surrounds the buildings, the glass is a blue green tint with reflective surface on number 2 surface (to reduce any glare). The storefront metal is clear anodized aluminum, on an approximately 4' —+ module. A metal canopy is suspended above the major entries to the buildings to detail and accentuate the architecture. Round concrete columns are placed along the exterior to lend more detail and accent to the fogade. The overall height of the single story buildings is 18' -4 ". There will not be any basements or penthouses. Landscaping will be much more prolific than depicted in the renderings as we opted not to hide any of the buildings details. OWNER: James M. Lynn owner Facilities Development Manager Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Colorado, A Colorado Non— Profit Corporation STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) SS The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this s day of , A.D. 20 by Witness by hand and offical seal My commission expires Notary Public PLANING COMMISSION This is to certify the within site plan has been approved by the Planning Commission of the city of Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Chairman LEGAL_ DESCRIPTION KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN OF COLORADO, A COLORADO NON — PROFIT CORPORATION, BEING THE OWNER OF 6.219 ACRES DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A PARCEL OF LAND BEING A PART OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE— QUARTER OF SECTION .17, TOWNSHIP :3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: (FOR THE PURPOSE OF THIS LEGAL DESCRIPTION, THE NORTH —SOUTH CENTERLINE OF SAID SECTION 17 BEARS N00'04'21 "W) BEGINNING AT THE SE CORNER OF THE SW1 /4 OF SAID SECTION 17; THENCE 589'26'48 "W ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SW1 /4, A DISTANCE OF 70.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST RIGHT —OF —WAY LINE' OF WARD ROAD, WHICH POINT IS ALSO ON THE EAST LINE OF LOT 1, BLOCK 1, KAISER PERMANENTE SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 1; THENCE N00'04'21"W ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 1, BLOCK 1, A DISTANCE OF 78.85 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 1, BLOCK 1, WHICH POINT IS ALSO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S89'21'54 "W ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1, BLOCK 1, A DISTANCE OF 223.11 FEET; THENCE S45'02'32 "W ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1, BLOCK 1, A DISTANCE OF 28.63 FEET; THENCE DEPARTING THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1, BLOCK 1, S89'21'54 "W, A DISTANCE OF 120.44 FEET; THENCE N45'25'25 "W, A DISTANCE OF 193.75 FEET; THENCE NOO'04'21 "W, A DISTANCE OF 433.17 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF THAT PARCEL OF LAND AS DESCRIBED IN RECEPTION NO. 92168151, JEFFERSON COUNTY RECORDS; THENCE N89'55'39 "E, 501.66 FEET ALONG SAID NORTH LINE TO A POINT 70.00 FEET WEST OF THE EAST LINE OF THE SW1 /4 OF SAID SECTION 17, WHICH POINT IS ALSO ON THE WEST RIGHT —OF —WAY LINE OF WARD ROAD; THENCE S00'04'21 "E ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT —OF —WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 545.75 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 270,905 SQUARE FEET OR 6.219 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, HAVE LAID OUT, SUBDIVIDED AND PLATTED SAID LAND AS PER THE DRAWING HEREON CONTAINED UNDER THE NAME AND STYLE OF KAISER PERMANENTE SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 2, A SUBDIVISION OF A PART OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO AND BY THESE PRESENTS DO DEDICATE TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AND THOSE MUNICIPALLY OWNED AND /OR MUNICIPALLY FRANCHISED UTILITIES AND SERVICES THOSE PORTIONS OF REAL PROPERTY SHOWN AS EASEMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION, OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT FOR ALL SERVICES. THIS INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC LINES, GAS LINES, WATER AND SANITARY SEWER LINES, HYDRANTS, STORM WATER SYSTEMS AND PIPES, DETENTION PONDS, STREET LIGHTS AND ALL APPURTENANCES THERETO. DIRECTOR OF PLANNING This is to certify the within site plan has been approved by the Director of Planning of the city of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, Director DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS This is to certify the within site plan has been approved by the Director of Public Works of the city of Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Director MAYOR'S CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, by motion of its city Council did on the _____ day of 20_, adopt and approve the within site plan. MAYOR G1 — 2" x 4" extruded aluminum clear anodized storefront glazing system with 1" insulated glass. Tempered where required by code, caulking to match storefront as noted and at all glazing to concrete surfaces. Laterally braced to meet local code and wind loading. Slip head condition required, verify deflections with architect. Provide break metal closure pieces as required or detailed no exposed fasteners. Glass to be blue tint reflective on no. 2 surface. 11• F1 — 5" smooth steel troweled concrete slab on compacted structural fill with fiber mesh and control joints scored 1 112" deep at intervals indicated (RE: Soils Report and structural plans.) ATTEST: City Clerk CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF COLORADO ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) I hereby certify that this site plan was filled in my office _ o'clock _.m. on the _ day of , 20_, and is duly recorded in Plan File _ Fees paid _. Recorder By: Deputy SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, do hereby certify that the survey of the boundary of Kaiser Permanete Subdivision Filling No. 2 was made under my supervision, responsibility and checking on or about and to the best of my knowledge, information and belief and in accordance with all applicable Colorado statutes, current revised edition as amended and the accompanying plot accurately represents said survey. 0 E SYSTEMS NOTES WALLS PAVING W1 — Concrete site cast tilt up wall panel welded in place with P1 — 4" slab on grade concrete with texture (broom finish) with 3/4" chamfer edges, joints panel to panel to be 3/4" weld tooled joints. at 5' o.c. or as noted on prepared subgrades, and patch to match concrete surface. Concrete surface to be P2 — P1 w/ 6" slab with broom finish and a pattern of scored painted with medium sand textured paint to simulate light joints, see plan, continuous slope to drain on prepared stucco. All to be caulked with color to match. Backer rods as subgrode. necessary . Damp proof when panel is below grade. Provide P3 — Asphaltic cone. paving in drive lane 7" full depth reveals as noted. P4 — Asphaltic cone. paving in parking area 5 ". Per soils report. G1 — 2" x 4" extruded aluminum clear anodized storefront glazing system with 1" insulated glass. Tempered where required by code, caulking to match storefront as noted and at all glazing to concrete surfaces. Laterally braced to meet local code and wind loading. Slip head condition required, verify deflections with architect. Provide break metal closure pieces as required or detailed no exposed fasteners. Glass to be blue tint reflective on no. 2 surface. 11• F1 — 5" smooth steel troweled concrete slab on compacted structural fill with fiber mesh and control joints scored 1 112" deep at intervals indicated (RE: Soils Report and structural plans.) ATTEST: City Clerk CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF COLORADO ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) I hereby certify that this site plan was filled in my office _ o'clock _.m. on the _ day of , 20_, and is duly recorded in Plan File _ Fees paid _. Recorder By: Deputy SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, do hereby certify that the survey of the boundary of Kaiser Permanete Subdivision Filling No. 2 was made under my supervision, responsibility and checking on or about and to the best of my knowledge, information and belief and in accordance with all applicable Colorado statutes, current revised edition as amended and the accompanying plot accurately represents said survey. 0 E A U �I W O 15 ° > m i _0 0J , a� w b ,1 Ai a{ i Q 4 : ; a o z 3 o M CL o 0 W Z v ,� d J W Gal > Is Z N W ra cr 0 ra O NION* Surveyor VICINITY MAP c 1 , L :_ B A �I i a� w b ,1 Ai a{ i y5 4 : ; a Surveyor VICINITY MAP c 1 , L :_ B i. T , '7 7 w 7 w I' M tea LOTS I w 4 OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN of the Ci 0 eat — 7 — 17 c � TRIENCH ORAIN 1 C � K / t T IMO /tCAAL I PATIO ONE SE E- PA 0 r WALK 205- 8 405 s.f. BUILDING #3 15,715.15 50. IT, 51NGLE STORY CONCRETE l II RIBBON GLA55 OFFICE DIULDING 3 Q Ol L II SE' 1 30.00' ; I PADWA Y 4 ILT VATS an DRIVE 610 d 1 ; Ac 130-9 RI 1 � NON-Ecw5lv 0 STOP SIGN �p 0 HC RAMP 433.16 S 00 04' 21 E —A 271.58 1, -0 < HC PATIO iBEP OLESERCE —205 BUILDING #4 15,942.7 50, FT. 5INGLE STORY CONCRETE 4 RIBBON GLA55 OFFICE 51ULDING WATER , SEIM WE HC RAMP LT m x < () >1 1 10. 4 0 ' ETB)N� m P O REC z msum z II 0 M n II L -u > II it 06 u U-) u c yny 34'-78 ----34A— PROVIDED ILL LOT 51ZE 270,902,0953 5Q. FT. 6.2 19056 ACRE I BUILDING 5QUARE FOOTAGE (GAAJ o m X L ______ _ 1 711 I I-A II T- 108, :5'-4 II S '-iNg SMITARYOU ANTARY OFFICE 59,870 51 Z-9- 041 , to - 2'-V to II ; 00 ANG to OVERflANG In 2A60 51 • C', 34,�78 34 - ru Of LOT) II HC PATIO iBEP OLESERCE —205 BUILDING #4 15,942.7 50, FT. 5INGLE STORY CONCRETE 4 RIBBON GLA55 OFFICE 51ULDING WATER , SEIM WE HC RAMP LT m x < () >1 1 10. 4 0 ' ETB)N� m P O REC z msum z II 0 M n II L -u > II it 06 u U-) u c yny 0 0IK 517E < NORTH rRONI&GURU A� VINICITY MAP NOT TO SCALE 51TE DEVELOPMENT 5TAT15TICAL PACT 5HEET NAME Of DEVELOPMENT: KA15ER PERMANENTE 5UBDIV1510N PILLING NO, 2 ITEM t PROVIDED RE QUIRE D LOT 51ZE 270,902,0953 5Q. FT. 6.2 19056 ACRE I BUILDING 5QUARE FOOTAGE (GAAJ o m X L ______ _ 1 711 0 IT P,F,A-) 62,330.0 5Q.FT, OFFICE 59,870 51 m Co to OFFICE RELATED 5TORAGE wma5Q z-0-- 2A60 51 • C', \=,WHT-MA -- No, ru Of LOT) II I W UINQ 51.0 14 - 0 5' C KAISER PERAMENTE PARKING PARKING t DRIVE 5 HC RAMP 0 3: 296.56 — 1 — 12742 5Q.FT. A T �Mp 271.58 OTHER HARD SURfACE5 it BUILDING #2 II Cc 0 PRIVATE DRIVE o < S 00 04' 21 E V, , 3 4�- I S 0' 04' 21 E PRIVATE DRIVE 0 < LANDSCAPE ARE I 15,942.7 50. FT. W!!sm Z SANITARY 1 U HC RAMP 27,090.2 50.fT. kJ LANDSCAPE COVERAGE Of LOTI 28,2G% BUILDING SIGHT TT ]A TRIANGLE 10% LIVING BUMING' WIN 4 SI6HT TRWGLE S I r NON-LIVING _I Ll 0 0IK 517E < NORTH rRONI&GURU A� VINICITY MAP NOT TO SCALE 51TE DEVELOPMENT 5TAT15TICAL PACT 5HEET NAME Of DEVELOPMENT: KA15ER PERMANENTE 5UBDIV1510N PILLING NO, 2 ITEM t PROVIDED RE QUIRE D LOT 51ZE 270,902,0953 5Q. FT. 6.2 19056 ACRE L BUILDING 5QUARE FOOTAGE (GAAJ 93,674.6 5Q.FT. -7 1K INTERIOR F LOOR AREA P,F,A-) 62,330.0 5Q.FT, OFFICE 59,870 51 m Co OFFICE RELATED 5TORAGE wma5Q z-0-- 2A60 51 • C', BUILDING COVERAGE ru Of LOT) II 23.50% m KAISER PERAMENTE PARKING PARKING t DRIVE 5 F - C4 — 1 — 12742 5Q.FT. A T �Mp 5 r-n OTHER HARD SURfACE5 it BUILDING #2 II Cc 15,479.7 V, , 3 4�- • LANDSCAPE ARE I 15,942.7 50. FT. W!!sm Z SANITARY 76,548. Q,FT. 27,090.2 50.fT. kJ LANDSCAPE COVERAGE Of LOTI 28,2G% z 10% LIVING II RIBBON GLA55 OFFICE DIULDING 99% NON-LIVING I % Ll PARKAG 5PACE5 BY U5E T-T 2247— A sa OfficE o.w (11200s.1.1 274 <w 09 21 A OFFICE RELATED 5TORAGr wAmam r (11600 5.f.) 5 4,1 271 5PACE5 + 8 HC SPACE5 = 275 2G8 5PACE5 + G HC 5PACE5 = 274 59BAM 7—mo FRONT z 50 50 SIDE I0 19 PER STORY REAR 10 10 --4 2 LT IT 1 1 E I �71i Ll 0 LT T UTIUTY t cn M L z -7 1K m Co z-0-- m • C', Ln OVERHANG - \ II m KAISER PERAMENTE PARKING > 30-9 RVATE F - C4 I A T �Mp UTIUTY t 1 s z -7 1K m Co z-0-- II • C', Ln OVERHANG - \ II 04r- F - C4 I 5 r-n it BUILDING #2 II Cc j II V, , 3 4�- • I 15,942.7 50. FT. W!!sm Z SANITARY kJ 5INGLE 5TORY CONCRETE z E II RIBBON GLA55 OFFICE DIULDING it Ll T-T 2247— A sa 0 205-5- <w N u PATIO Tamsm 1 10.00 , PATIO 7—mo E TBACK z k LANDSCAPE RETAINING WALL TRASH < c� LANDSCAPE RETAINING WALL PAD ENCLOSURE Lj m 0 !- EC} LAJ �II ICI RAMP A5 DE51BED IN W 295M 522 HC m F T m x w WATER SM Z ::j z z BUILDING # I m m 1 6,073.7 50. FT. l 0 SrorJn Ln > DR AI M, CONCRETE t 51NGtf 5' L RIBBON GLA55 OFFICE BIULDING warefimse 2,055s.f. 1 > 00 --1 m! I )K .i fA I IT �j (j) --4 —205-j I I I z arm z TEXACO STATION GAS & FOOD MART PATIO F zo 1 < vp PAD zi! b -n r % cn L ; I f V) 271.58 S 00 04' 21 E S 00* 04' 21 E 4 1 11 W EXISTING WALK €s s. a -_ "M SITE MONUMENT SO OVERHEAD POWERLINE SIGN 545,74' DE DICATED TO THE COUNTY OF JEFFERSON D By DEED RECORDED UNDER (n L 24' RCP STORM SEWER * - SOO 04'21" E RECEPTION NO. 86M2964 cn m STOP SIGN 't I IT WATER MAIN --A Z 30'X30 TRIANGLE UTILITY EASEMENT EXISTING ACCELLERATION/ DECELERATION LANE CD EXISTING INTERSECTION c nw PRIVATE ROAD TO WARD RD NO CHANGE THOART WIDTH 32'(V) HWY NO. 72 WARD ROAD (R.O.W. VARIES) C NE ONWI/4, SE 7 R AK RTH QTR. C. 20 COR. SEC, 20, T,3 S., T.69 W. uj b NOTE: (j) TEMPORARY ARE LANE TO BE PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 1994 U.F.C. SEE 901 & 902.2 CONSTRUCT A 3" ASPHALT DRIVE 20' WIDE CONTINUOUS, HOLD DOWN 3" FROM FINISH GRADE. USE AS IST LIFT OF PAVING. (Z EXTERIOR LIGHTING SHALL BE ARRANGED TO REFLECT THE DIRECT LIGHT GLARE AWAY FROM ANY ADJOINING RESIDENCES AND ADJACENT STREETS (3) ALL ROOFTOP MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE SCREENED FROM VIEW (SEE A2) 40 LANDSCAPE RETAINING WALL TO BE DESIGNED BY OTHERS 12,00' 2. RESERVED NO PARKING g PARKNG 6 FIRE-LAM L 10. Ar L-t IO4v —f I I/? TUBE 1 112 m 5m 5LCff 5LOM �3 TDIA ODNC 5A5E BA51! COMPACTED 5DO6 a le COMPACTED 50IL5 RE: 501L REPORT RE: 501L REPORT NO PARKING 51GN NO PARKING 51GN SCALE : 112 " = I'-0' SCALE : 112'- I'-Oo 111 11 IL a 1 ,777 P - E t 1 s z • C', Oz 0 1c M I V, , 3 L • kJ z E Ll CL 0 <w N u w L z k 7 Lj IIIIIIIIIIIIIIM • L ro X 0 P Ri tvTED FLIP 9 1 s P Ri tvTED FLIP 9 'S ys f {f 4 s tei I E 1 I . w .1 y c f J 'y, _ ,x. uffici D u of the City of Wheat Mage I I TOP OF BU ILDING BOTTOM OF FASCIA EL 1`� t1' p• — BOTTOM OF FASCIA EL 109' -0 TOP OF SIL WALL EL 1024 FIN, FL EL 100' -o° _ OF FINISHED ROOF TOP OF EL I 19 I BL — BOTTOM OF B� OTTOM Of EL 109' -0 TOP OF SI FIN. FL. _ OF FINISHED ROOF fl. 100'-0' — m n HORIZONTAL RECESS 2" DEEP x 4" HIGH 6 HORIZONTAL RECESS 2" (DEEP x 2' -1" HIGH BD (TYPE X) SOFFIT 5 VERTICAL RECESS 2" DEEP x 4" WIDE L n :RETE COLUMN 8 I I 1/8 ,_O„ HORIZONTAL RECESS HORIZONTAL RECESS VERTICAL RECESS 2 DEEP x d' HIGH 2 (DEEP x 2'-1" HIGH 2 DEEP x d „ WIDE TOP OF BU ILDING ranrrnkA nl' I°AgrIA T f— CIRCULAR RECESS f' 2” DEEP x 12 "R � CIRCULAR RECESS 2" DEEP x 12 "R I N C � —CLEAR ANODIZED ALUMINUM ROOF DRAIN NOZZLE MULLION SYSTEM REAR E LEVATIO N 1/8" - 1' -a O 0 1 1 1�� �. X1011,/11 N I REFLECTIVE BLUE—GREEN--J SITE CAST TILT UP EXTERIOR GLAZING REINFORCED SILL WALL PANELS I 1) 0 11 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 lol 1 II 1 1 1 1 t) 1 i m m 0 REFLECTIVE BLUE —GREEN EXTERIOR GLAZING 0 -11 I V SITE CAST TILT UPJ REINFORCED SILL WALL PANELS BUILDING COLOR & MATERIAL INFORMATION (A) - BUILDING AND REVEAL COLOR - ARROW WOOD, 460 (10YY 27/( - EXTERIOR GLAZING - REFLECTIVE BLUE -GREEN © - WINDOW MULLIONS - CLEAR ANODIZED, ALUMINUM Q- BUILDING ACCENT AND RECESS COLOR - CHINCHILLA WHITE, 471 (D- METAL DOORS - ARROW WOOD, 460 (10)Y 27/060) Q- OVERHEAD DOORS - CHINCHILLA WHITE, 471 (10YY 46/041) 1/8 11 = l ' -O" FOR BUILDINGS 1 2, 3 60) (IOYY 46/041) k 4 ROOF TOP HVAC UNIT PLACEMENT ENVELOPE 0 (VAM5) - - - --I TOP _ OF FINISHED ROOF i �, TOP _,,, QF BU ILDING ' _+1 EL 11� —y I . — R Y N! QF PROPERTY LINE FIN. FL. _ at ,_�'._,._ a loo a' = USCS (VAM) s i SIDE WALK — • U%S Nmcs) r — (VAMES) - - PARAPET S CREENING AEI CAL EQUIPMENT 1 /B" = 1'_®" • e ROOF TOP UNITS WILL BE LOCATED WITHIN AN ENVELOPE THAT IS VISUALLY is SCREENED BY THE BUILDING PARAPET ON ALL FOUR SIDES OF THE BUILDING 0 -11 I V SITE CAST TILT UPJ REINFORCED SILL WALL PANELS BUILDING COLOR & MATERIAL INFORMATION (A) - BUILDING AND REVEAL COLOR - ARROW WOOD, 460 (10YY 27/( - EXTERIOR GLAZING - REFLECTIVE BLUE -GREEN © - WINDOW MULLIONS - CLEAR ANODIZED, ALUMINUM Q- BUILDING ACCENT AND RECESS COLOR - CHINCHILLA WHITE, 471 (D- METAL DOORS - ARROW WOOD, 460 (10)Y 27/060) Q- OVERHEAD DOORS - CHINCHILLA WHITE, 471 (10YY 46/041) 1/8 11 = l ' -O" FOR BUILDINGS 1 2, 3 60) (IOYY 46/041) k 4 P F 1T . r .. ,, FEB 2 2 10L1i V 0 to In i r ' R Y • • s i • ' • e is S y ,< , �f Lj • N �i Z M vi ie r a tomm rn ,^ P F 1T . r .. ,, FEB 2 2 10L1i y - ;xr' � ..w 1, i ?: -. i, <, x. o.. Yom,. <. :. fn. M1Y, i .x yi ✓:�, "-d^ b [.� 1 :.,. r. tix x OFFICIA DEVELO r , o f S ,4 '.i r n � ,., ,. M 1 + , m X z G z 0 I M xi In z z M x z G) (n n z 0 PP P on d er o sa . Ponderosa ° ( 5 cal. :� i� [ . Austria P ine 1 8 Ht. Juniperus Horizontalls' ar Harbor' t CB Colorado Blue Spruce Fraxinus A I f i x 7 Prince of Whales Juniper n w ORN DECIDUOUS '' R v 1 1 1; ? I: 11. f ME 1 I 7� tf H 9'.fl :J ra . :1_i :f l! WH SSC fit. Jra p!? � W L' WJ a Am ericana Juniperus Horizontalis Vlltonli' 5 cal. 210 DRIP � BHJ Bar Harbor Juniper Juniperus Horizontalls' ar Harbor' 5 cal. 02 DRIP Fraxinus A I f i x 7 Prince of Whales Juniper n w 5 Gal. ` Ek Til Co C BJ Buffalo Juniper J%iperus Sabina X11 alo' 5 Gal. 50 DRIP ORN DECIDUOUS '' R v 1 1 1; ? I: 11. f ME 1 I 7� tf H 9'.fl :J ra . :1_i :f l! WH SSC fit. Jra p!? � W L' MMMT AIL N C7 - R-T" i 3 WJ wilton Carpet Juniper Juniperus Horizontalis Vlltonli' 5 cal. 210 DRIP � BHJ Bar Harbor Juniper Juniperus Horizontalls' ar Harbor' 5 cal. 02 DRIP PWJ Prince of Whales Juniper Juniperus Horizontalis'Prince of wales' 5 Gal. X05 DRIP C BJ Buffalo Juniper J%iperus Sabina X11 alo' 5 Gal. 50 DRIP BMJ Broad Juniper Jurniperus Sabina Broadmoor 5 Gal. g� DRIP MR Creeping Grape Holly Mahonia Repens 5 cal. 85 DRIP ®GJ Old Gold Juniper Juniperus Ghinensis'Gld Gold' 5 Gal. 3 DRIP MR Manhattan Euonymus Euonymus Klautschovicus'Manhattan' 5 Gal. 104 DRIP IIRGII1iJOUS SHRRU3S 0 E GpS Goldflame Spirea Spiraea Rumalda'Goldflame' 5 Gal. 165 DRIP a. KIIP Kathryn 11y es Potentilla Potentilla F`ruticosa'Kathryn Dykes' 5 Gal. 155 DRIP DRIP RTD Red Twig Llogwood Cornus Serica 5 cal, all W 1- Mulch 4 min depth b " Permiab a Weed Barrier 30,103.7 s.f. — none - > 0 Kentucky Bluegrass ^42 s.f. SPRNK -� 1 - an gasses drainage control area � _ ^°3 s.f: I MMMT AIL N C7 - R-T" i 3 wo w w k m � w w cn Re F- Q r ° Z U � t o �n4o u u, Q n 'n^; i :7 e � ' s 0 1 0 W 8 '6 2� 6 �s '� 00 1 a¢ C $ O tv 3 ^' F P Qy z z i 0 0 CJ V) ° M 3 U w > z 0 E t. Q a. a w (A a w W 1- > Q L0 I z V) w pool 0 ra w INNIft X to wo w w k m � w w cn Re F- Q r ° Z U � t o �n4o u u, Q n 'n^; i l a e ' s p m 1 '6 2� x �s a¢ C $ a 3 ^' F P % z wo w w k m � w w cn Re F- Q r ° Z U � t o �n4o u u, Q n 'n^;