HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/18/2001CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting October 4, 2001 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair McNAMEE at 7:30 pm., October 4, 200 1, in thc. City Council Chambers • the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer Ann Lazzeri, Secretary 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Planning Commission Page I October 4, 2001 5. APPROVE MINUTES It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner COOPER to approve the minutes of September 20, 2001 as presented. The motion passed 6-0, with Commissioner BRINKMAN abstaining and Commissioner WEISZ absent. 6. PUBLIC FORA.M- There was no one to appear before the Commission. A. Case No. WZ-00-09. An application submitted by John Elway AutoNation for approval of a preliminary and final development plan and final plat for property zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD) and located at 3501 Wadsworth Boulevard for the purpose of operating an automotive dealership. W t 11414P)l nelawmirnollms ti tnt n 1 1 I t", va t HHU Wicst, available to the citizens. The amendment was accepted by Commissioners SNOW and COOPER. Dick Scheurer, attorney for the applicant, asked if the case could be continued without the applicant's consent. Alan White explained that the applicant's consent was not necessary. Planning Commission Page 2 October 4, 2001 The motion passed 6-1 with Commissioner BRINKMAN voting no and Commissioner WEISZ absent. In response to a question from Chair McNAMEE, Mr. White stated that the applicant did n wish to operate his kiosk on Sundays. Commissioner BRINKMAN expressed concern about the visibility of the curb cuts on 40 Avenue as well as on Upham. She suggested painting the curb cuts or delineating them in I Commissioner COOPER asked what would happen to the kiosk if the property should be developed. Alan White stated that this would be a matter between the owner of the property and the applicant. He also stated that the kiosk should not result in increased traffic in the area. Willis Wodnik 965 East 78 Place, Thornton Mr. Wodnik, the applicant, was sworn in by Chair McNAMEE. In response to questions from Commissioner THOMPSON, Mr. Wodnik explained that the kiosk would have pressurized tanks for fresh water and tanks to hold gray water. Arrangements have been made with the Stage Stop Antique Mall for kiosk employees to use the Mall's bathroom facilities. In response to Commissioner BRINKMAN's concerns about the curb cuts, Mr. Wodnik statei he would apply directional arrows to the curb cuts. Planning Commission Page 3 October 4, 2001 In response to a question from Chair McNAMEE, Mr. Wodnik stated that he would prefer not to have a restriction for Sunday hours even though he does not plan to operate on Sundays at this time. Sam Peila 965 East 78' Place,'Thornton Mr. Peila was sworn in by Chair McNAMEE. He spoke in favor of the application. Tony Leenknecht 4420 Allison, Wheat Ridge Mr. Leenknecht was sworn in by Chair McNAMEE. He is the owner of the kiosk company and spoke in favor of the application. Chair McNAMEE asked if others were present to address the Commission. Hearing no response, she declared the public hearing closed, ITU. a request to anow a urive-turougn espress KlosKonproperty7filleu Planned Commercial Development located at 7340 West 44 Avenue, for the following reasons: With the following conditions: 1. The special use permit be a personal grant of use to Mile High Java. 2. Directional pavement arrows and lane lines be affixed to the pavement to guide vehicles. Planning Commission Page 4 October 4, 2001 Commissioner BRINKMAN offered an amendment to the conditions as follows: Some kind of t nal arrows or ' be Y to the two closest access points; one !! Upham M one t m 44' Avenue. The amendment was accepted # Commissioners COOPER and SNOW. The motion passed 7-0 with Commissioner WEISZ absent. In answer to a question from # .# that the land owner recreational question is Ketelsen Campers. There is another possible situation on the east side of 35 and Wadsworth. It is proposed to repeal portion of the ordinance relating to the storage of period of # then revert back to the original code. Commissioner # m recreational vehicles. Alan White stated that the city only on # .# recreational Commissioner # if there were any consequences for # • being vehicles were stored illegally. Alan White stated that monitoring 'i due to high turnover in staff during that time. Commissioner # M concern about relaxing the code for certain individuals # ecially when illegal storage occurred. Randy 9 0 Service Road t sworn Mr. Ketelsen was # #M E 0, s In response to a question from Commissioner SNOW, Mr. Ketelsen stated that he received a TUP from the Board of Adjustment in 1997 and again in 1999. He stated the city staff advised his attorney not to apply for rezoning until he was through assembling all of his property. Mr. White stated that he had not met with Mr. Ketelsen's attorney, but his advice would have been for the applicant to go to the Board of Adjustment for another TUP. Ums a tygwko woul I L"'I #a In n I ag" m. #11-:2 g I umol a In tq #I L112 I I a I I 1 &1&11 u" tq I I Lei aw, # : J He expressed his opinion that the purpose of city staff, city council and other city commissiol should work together to make changes to increase economic development within the city. H spoke infavor of changing the ordinance. In response to a question from Commissioner COOPER, Mr, Loecher stated that the car rental business would pay a use tax to the city. 8. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business to come before the Commission. �1 TIEW BUSINESS There was no new business to come before the Commission. 10. COMMISSION REPORTS There were no commission reports. in ulluvw, I to • hVIN Im mw I Sit N2. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner COLLINS adjourn the meeting at 9:25 p.m. The motion passed unanimously. I MARIAN McNAMEE, Chair Lim SUBJECT: Case No. WZ-00-08/Daughenbaugh DATE: October 8, 2001 On September 6, 200 1, Planning Commission took the following actions on Case No. WZ-00-01 All conditions of approval will be incorporated into the outline development plan document prior to recording. 1: IMMI •• MINIM, Attached is a copy • the minutes from the September 6, 200 1, Planning Commission meeting as Exhibit'A'. 04 Wil ?J 4 HZMNMM Commissioner BRINKMAN asked about streetscape requirements in relation to sidewalks. Alan White explained that staff didn't think streetscape requirements would apply because this application was started before the requirements were in place. V, IS TIT= on the Comprehensive Plan, Alan White stated that this was simply an oversight on the Comprehensive Plan. (Chair McNAMEE declared a recess at 9:00 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:13 pm.) Planning Commission Page 2 September 6, 2001 u M UF Mi M rl ril _t Iffffn Commissioner COLLINS offered a friendly amendment to (1) require a central trash holding area to be enclosed with noncombustible material per city requirements. The amendment was accepted. Commissioner SNOW offered a friendly amendment to increase the amount of landscaping to a minimum of 20%. Commissioner THOMPSON did not accept this amendment to her original motion. k.;ommi y arnen ment To and that the space be a van space. Commissioner SNOW st ' ated she would vote against the motion because, while the city has been working on streetscaping plans, this is a, cement block building with no requirements for paint, uniformity of fronts of buildings, nothing about the glass and nothing to make it an upgrading of Kipling. It is necessary to set a precedent toward improving Kipling. Commissioner COLLINS expressed concern about the sidewalk being placed immediately adjacent to Kipling. ORA # IS I I ii 1 0119111 1 ! Filill �: I AS= Planning Commission Page 4 September 6, 2001 It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner BRINKMAN that the consideration of a request for a subdivision plat for property located at 4240 Kipling Street be continued to October 18, 2001. The motion passed unanimously. B. Case No. Z1A-01-03 (continued from August 16,2001): An ordinance amending Section 26-1004 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws pertaining to violations of the Zoning and Development Code. The staff report was presented by Alan White. 01 ii ME It was moved by Commissioner COLLINS and seconded by Commissioner COOPER that Case No. ZOA-01-03 be forwarded to City Council with a recommendation of approval with the following amendments.- 1. In paragraph A, fourth line, the words "of said" be removed and in the fifth line the word "the" be changed to "these" and the word "hereof" be removed. 2. In paragraph C, the last word "hereof" be removed. The motion passed unanimously. 8. , OLD BUSINESS A. Case No. ZOA-01-02 - An ordinance amending Sections 26-206, 26-207, 26-208, 26- 209, 26-210, 26-211, 26-212 and 26-611 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws pertaining • required setbacks for residential structures and exceptions thereto. There was discussion about commercial requirements. Commissioner SNOW expressed concern about the Possible situation of having a deck on -rw- cesidential property. It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner THOMPSON that Case No. ZOA-01-02 be scheduled for public hearing with the following amendment: in Section 26-611 (b) the following words be added: "provided, however, that no encroachment to side ► rear yard is allowed when adjacent to a residentially zoned property." The motion passed unanimously. 16'. Clear Creek Zonin - Commissioner Collins asked about the status of rezoning along Clear Creek. Alan White stated that a legal description needs to be prepared before an ordinance can be drafted. Planning Commission Page 5 September 6, 2401 City of Wheat FZidge Depamnent of Public Works MEIM10 RAN D UM a It TO: Meredith Reckert, Planning FROM: Dill Caooel, City Fore i5tcp Followim,g our development review mectime with the. owner • the alrove mentioned property, I have talked with �oth the. Director of Parke and Recreation and the property owner, Thee included the following planto: If you have any queo Lion e, or I can lie of further ao6iotamce, pleaec feel free to contact my office. u GM4 -31;1111 1111 QQDICAJOR`t TATE'k4ENT We, the O xr augh family :rust and Ma M W. Koeltxow, being the rod ectNa owner and Ilan lads of recd props ty aontai ing 7.320 arise, desorR ed a fcdawe Pagel 1; Beginning at a point 51 rods 14 feet north of the Southwest comer of the NW 1/4, SW 1/4 of Section 22, Township 3 South, Rage 89 West 8th Printlpol Meridian, Elena East 436 fost thence North 229 feet. thence No t efy 440 test to the west line of Section 22 to a point 302 feet North from Point of Beginning; thence South 302 feet to the Point of Beginning,. EXCEPT the South 92 feet thoretot, and EXCEPT that parcel conveyed by Melvin W. Koeitxow and Marius L. Kosittow byy special wwmty deed to the D ortmont of Highways, Stott of Colorado, dated March 17, 1969 and recorded April 4, 1969 at Reception No. 321523, in Boric 2093 at page 637, Jefferson County records, and EXCEPT that pparcoi oonvsy$d to Janet and Glean Doughenlaugh it deed recorded February 14. 1990 at ffeaptkn No (0013146, Canty of Jefferson. State of Colorado. .. ER WITH, t'���x A parcel of land in the Southwest One of Section 22. Township 3 South. Range 69 West of the 6th Principal MerkUan, County of Jotfer*on, State of Colorado more parttulaly described as follower Commenoin at the West quarter oomor of said Section 22, thence 300"17'35*E along the west line at sold Section 22 a detanco of 19745 foot to a point said point boas N0017 } 35 * 1V a distance of 2432.31 foot from the southwest comer of Bald Section 22; thence N69'42'25*E a distance of 4, feet to a point on the east right-O= lots of Ktoling Street, sold point also being on the west One of a of Sand described under Reception No. 85070137 in Jefferson County " thews N89'42'25 Borg the cowmen line of agreement a distance of 132.55 foot to the Point of BegtnniniG then" NW42`25 *E along sold comman line by agreement a distance of 238.45 feet to a point on the. eat line of that property d under Recobtlw No. 1058 in Jefferson County:. thence SOO17'35 *E a distance of 36.17 feet to the southeast carrier of sold property {Reception No. 89051058; thence N81'4O'OO*W along said south line of sold arty Raaeptlon Na. 890 C a dlstanos of 241.18 feet to the Point of arty of bffersoh State of Cal also described w follows: Commaroaing at the W-1/4 garner of said Section 22; thence SOO17*35 * E a distance of 197.95 fat along the west lots of sold section; thence 14W4Z25"E a distance of 45.00 foot to the eat right at way iite of Noting Street as described In Sook'2093 at Page 637 of the Jefferson Canty records and the Poi t at Ssaiubi c thatoe NSW*Z25 a distance of 391.00 feet thence, S0017'35 *E a distance of 169.71 feet along the west dint pf tls s at Rgcr>Qtlon too, f1rX189fA7 at sp[d. county r " 'rA 4,'t"2.S`W va d "'of `381 feet along tit south fine of sold parcels ts; �lrs westerly right of wayy Use of Kdlotg Street a d sal 1n Book 2093 at Papa 6371 thence along sold eastely tight at way line.tlo. fdtawity three drrew:. 1) NOO"17*35'W a distance of 14,00 foot 2) `S89"42'29 "W a dirtana of 10,00 feet 3) NOO'17'35 *W a distance of 155.71 test to the p a n*- 4tWA0ita Hans tad out subdivided, and platted wall land as per the drawing henwty certain" under the hens and wtvle of Janet 0. Minor Subdivision, Fill g No. 2 *, a ion at a pat of the City of tifneo Ridge, Colorado and by thaw present* do dedloato to the City of Wheat Ridge ono the public those portions of real property shown a right of wait and do further dedicate to the City of Wheat Ridge and thou municipally owned and /or nun y franchised utilities and. ssrviees, these s of real property shown a earemsnts for the construction, installation, operation, maintenance. repair, and replacenitin for oil services. This i ckl400 but to not lonRsd to telephone and electric !loos, gin Hies, water lines, and sanitary sewer lines, hydrants, $tom water and pipesi . dsteantkwn ponds. street lights and all appurtenances thereto. [i, fr. AL SIGNED THIS DAY OF 2001 PE l STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF JEFFERSON l .. ! a . s �. •a • s. w . b t Y Y El Fiiaf -r l Im } a µ� }��o` a' :'•Tor Em Y ANO /OR FROM ABUTTWO PUBIC y - of en " t FURTHER CERTIFY THAT ALL PARTIES SIGNATORY TO Tire OEAICATKkd CER1111FtCATE ARE T14M SUFMI TO GONWY TITLE TO THE CITY FOR ALL PROPERTY FOGHT5 SO DEDICATED. 90140 7HtS - ----- DAY OF -2W. } h : b « } • is M lira' I W fill THIS iS TO E' COMMISSION * C OF WHEAT RIDGE A77XV. city Sea "« BY` t F�f . m F ASS00t' "• r- W W,\ \5OSK8\ PROD \D044A\DPLA1'\CVR- PLAT.DWkG OCT, 4, 2001 RSP 123e0 et sw're rob W: \SDSK6\PROJ \004 \DWG\PLAT\CVR- PLAtDWO SEPT. 24, 2001 RSp 44e0rwe4 s W: SDSK8\PROJ \D044A DWG P (gas) 067-3980 (343) "7-11m \ \ \ L.AT \CVR- PLAT.D'NG AUG, 24. 2001 DRB .Tf)1I�F 7. } ' w PF 96 Uf OAL HENBAUGH FAMILY TRUST ' MELMN W. KOELTLOW Ov 11900 DRANSFELDT ROAD 12305 W 48TH F11 PAStKF.R, DID 80134 WHEAT RIDGE, CO BW33 D 303 - 841 -3945 303" -420 -4607 E/ STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF JEFFERSON l .. ! a . s �. •a • s. w . b t Y Y El Fiiaf -r l Im } a µ� }��o` a' :'•Tor Em Y ANO /OR FROM ABUTTWO PUBIC y - of en " t FURTHER CERTIFY THAT ALL PARTIES SIGNATORY TO Tire OEAICATKkd CER1111FtCATE ARE T14M SUFMI TO GONWY TITLE TO THE CITY FOR ALL PROPERTY FOGHT5 SO DEDICATED. 90140 7HtS - ----- DAY OF -2W. } h : b « } • is M lira' I W fill THIS iS TO E' COMMISSION * C OF WHEAT RIDGE A77XV. city Sea "« BY` t F�f . m F ASS00t' "• r- W W,\ \5OSK8\ PROD \D044A\DPLA1'\CVR- PLAT.DWkG OCT, 4, 2001 RSP 123e0 et sw're rob W: \SDSK6\PROJ \004 \DWG\PLAT\CVR- PLAtDWO SEPT. 24, 2001 RSp 44e0rwe4 s W: SDSK8\PROJ \D044A DWG P (gas) 067-3980 (343) "7-11m \ \ \ L.AT \CVR- PLAT.D'NG AUG, 24. 2001 DRB .Tf)1I�F } ' h ♦ 4 n. ff #' • VICINITY MAP Parcel 1: Beginning at a point 51 rods 14 feet north of the Southwest corner of the NW 1/4, SW 1/4 of Section 22, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, 6th Principal Meridian; thence East 436 feet; thence North 229 feet; thence Northwesterly 44.0 feet to the west line of Section 22 to a point 302 feet North from Point of Beginning; thence South 302 feet to the Point of Beginning, EXCEPT the South 92 feet thereof, and EXCEPT that parcel conveyed by Melvin W. Koeltzow and Marjorie L. Koeltzow by special warranty deed to the Department of Highways, State of Colorado, dated March 17, 1969 and recorded April 4, 1969 at Reception No. 321523, in Boob 2093 at page 637, Jefferson County records, and EXCEPT that parcel conveyed to Janet and Glenn Doughenbough in deed recorded February 14, 1990 at Reception No. 90013148, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, TOGETHER WITH, Parcel 2: A parcel of land in the Southwest One of Section 22, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, of the 6th Principal Meridian, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the West quarter corner of sold Section 22; thence SOO'17'35 "E along the west line of said Section 22 a distance of 197.95 feet to a point, said point bears NOO'17'35 "W a distance of 2432.31 feet from the southwest corner of said Section 22; thence N89'42'25 "E a distance of 45.00 feet to a point on the east right —of —way line of Kipling Street, said point also being on the west property line of a parcel of land described under Reception No. 85070137 in Jefferson County records; thence N89 "E along the common line of agreement, a distance of 152.55 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence N89 4 42'25 "E along said common line by agreement a distance of 238.45 feet to a paint on the east line of that property described under Reception No. 89051058 in Jefferson County, thence SOO'17'35 "E a distance of 36.17 feet, to the southeast corner of said property (Reception no. 89051058); thence N81'40'00 "W along said south line of said property (Reception No. 89051058) a distance of 241.18 ,feet to the Point of Beginning, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. THE OWNER, HIS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS GRANT LIMITED RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF ACCESS TO, AND FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH THOSE AREAS INDICATED AS CROSS ACCESS /INGRESS — EGRESS EASEMENTS, AS ILLUSTRATED UPON THIS OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN. SUCH GRANT OF EASEMENT SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE OWNERS, TENANTS, CUSTOMERS, AND GUESTS OF THE OWNERS, AND SHALL FURTHERMORE GRANT ACCESS TO, AND FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH SAID EASEMENTS TO THOSE ENTERING SAID EASEMENT FROM SIMILARLY RECORDED EASEMENTS FROM ADJACENT PROPERTIES, AND /OR FROM ABUTTING PUBLIC STREETS. mmi JANET DAUGHENBAUGH OWNER MELMN W. K OEL72O W C 11900 DRANSFELDT ROAD 12385 W 48TH 80134 WHEAT RIDGE • YI• 303 - 841-3945 # / •! STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss: COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF 2000 BY OWNER. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL NOTARY PUBLIC ADDRESS S HEET 1 OF VICINITY MAP Ro • T r • - R # rT r • • AN N IM M .• . MAN, T .� .. . ..;.« .:1 •.,w ! .•` -Y r 1 • f . " r r • ¢•• . • • ! WNW " 02 2 al 24MAR 1 1 111"42411111-VA IN • ; 0 III= V0 2 DOUGLAS T BE DATE PILS 34594 F OR AND ON BEH O M OUNTAJN STATES ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES P .C. C OMMISSION RLANNING , A PPROVED T HIS_____ DAY OF 2000 BY THE WHEAT .r q COUNCIL DIRECIQR D E, LAN U AND DEVELQEMENT CITY COUNCIL CERTFICLOON THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE CITY OF MEAT RIDGE, COLORADO BY MOTION OF COUNCIL DID ON THIS-----DAY OF o 2001, ADOPT AND APP" WITHIN PLAT AND ACCEPT THOSE DEDICATIONS HEREON MADE. CITY SEAL ATTEST CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ACCEPTED FOR FILING IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN, COLORADO, THIS — DAY OF � : M E. ADEQUATE USES OF THIS M THE W REVISI ®N No. Me By 2 12/14/00 BKP 3 03/05/01 BKP 4 08/24/01 GDT 5 10/04/01 NRM RSP 10/0212001 14:23:46 FDP- 091101.dwg fti Cw ; Li -1= f1 0 0 ox r Ex ritl. LLJ W ,. -w ,d . ... Y CD zi ,. ., .. 0 • 0 0 .T RSP 10/0212001 14:23:46 FDP- 091101.dwg RSP 10/02/2001 14:23;39 PAP-091101.dwg i ■ p 0 -Millolm mo 0 mvivimmus MEET & MATCH EXISTING CURB & 0 GUTTER Lo 10' R.O.W. DEDICATED BY PLAT 4, 1 MEET & MATCH EXISTING CURB & GUTTER i. OFFSITE CURB & GUTTER SHOWN FOR INFORMATION ONLY li EXISTING, CURB & GUTTER TRASH. ENCI.O�U DEMO EXISTING CURB I EXISTING BUILDING O WA",,UGHTS (TYP) EXISTING RETAINING WALL PROPERTY LINE S89°42'25'W 7 /L 0.73' 391.00 _ ,: 7 35 CROSS ACCESS/INGRESS—EGRESS: �. U 1 % 1 EASEMENT DGM BKP 2 03/05/01 (TYP) 3 --z GDT 4 10/04/01 5 - PROPOSED BUILDING FIF 5362•8 �Nl 2 0 000 t. 5362 b " M U NJ z 00— Lu < FL OD Z NE Lu ELE� = 5135 9 n - oneA RAISED CURB HEIGHT = 2'-4" x ISLAND + N7 0 j MEET & MATCH EXISTING CURB & GUTTER i. OFFSITE CURB & GUTTER SHOWN FOR INFORMATION ONLY li EXISTING, CURB & GUTTER TRASH. ENCI.O�U DEMO EXISTING CURB I EXISTING BUILDING O WA",,UGHTS (TYP) EXISTING RETAINING WALL PROPERTY LINE S89°42'25'W 7 /L 0.73' 391.00 _ ,: 7 35 CROSS ACCESS/INGRESS—EGRESS: �. U 1 % 1 EASEMENT DGM BKP 2 03/05/01 (TYP) 3 --z GDT 4 10/04/01 5 - PROPOSED BUILDING FIF 5362•8 �Nl 2 0 000 5362 b " M U NJ T PROPOSED 100—YEAR FLOOD ZONE ELEV 53W AN RAISED ISLAND -- 777 7 POND 'A' RELEASE STRUCTURE No. Date By 1 11/06/00 DGM BKP 2 03/05/01 BKP 3 08/24/01 GDT 4 10/04/01 NRM PROPOSED BUILDING FIF 5362•8 5• " M U NJ 00— AR FL T PROPOSED 100—YEAR FLOOD ZONE ELEV 53W AN RAISED ISLAND -- 777 7 POND 'A' RELEASE STRUCTURE I � NMI A wiffolw1ow • • LEGEND PROPOSED CONC. SIDEWALK PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE PROPOSED SIGNAGE PROPOSED STREET LIGHT X PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT m , p7z� rd HISTORY .00-08 REVISION No. Date By 1 11/06/00 DGM BKP 2 03/05/01 BKP 3 08/24/01 GDT 4 10/04/01 NRM 5• 00— AR FL OD Z NE ELE� = 5135 9 n - oneA RAISED CURB HEIGHT = 2'-4" x ISLAND I � NMI A wiffolw1ow • • LEGEND PROPOSED CONC. SIDEWALK PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE PROPOSED SIGNAGE PROPOSED STREET LIGHT X PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT m , p7z� rd HISTORY .00-08 REVISION No. Date By 1 11/06/00 DGM BKP 2 03/05/01 BKP 3 08/24/01 GDT 4 10/04/01 NRM REVISION Na. Date By 1 11/06/00 DGM 2 08/24/01 GDT 3 10/04/01 NRM F . .f;e .�• ren: wm IrxIrx16'Dow. am (PAHM LIGHT TAW) m 0 I m rr. ., 0r L 4-tl' I m ® b• i ME mgm gm .k T Qs � k• f ELEV. RSF 10/02/2001 14:23;32 FOP- 0911O1.dmg REVISION Na. Date By 1 08/24/01 GDT 2 10/04/01 NRM N SOD - 8 A 0 1 9 N AN N AN OFFICD;IAL w u"EV E L""E m ''T ro "L I B THE C�I`IY U WHEAT Ri SHEET F4 it I 7�/ PROPOSED BUILDHING FF = 5362 j T I LANDSCAPE I NOTE: ALL LANDSCAPED AREA SHALL BE IRRIGATED WITH AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM, 6 7 -7 1, EXISTING OULLETTE DITCH 2 5 - 7 Ii J it I 7�/ PROPOSED BUILDHING FF = 5362 j T I LANDSCAPE I NOTE: ALL LANDSCAPED AREA SHALL BE IRRIGATED WITH AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM, 6 7 -7 1, EXISTING OULLETTE DITCH 2 5 - 7 Ii CL UJ 5ui Lu J ELI 0 < x z 6 cl) E 00 w Li L 00 ol F W C Z LLJ 4) to o(n N NO :Z: r 0 < M 00 (A cd z a 0 =5 o co z O 0 0 0 C14 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission DATE OF MEETING: October 18, 2001 DATE PREPARED: October 8, 2001 CASE NO. & NA WZ -01 -05 CASE MANAGER: Travis Crane ACTION 1 1 : Approval of Restricted Planned Commercial Development * and approval of prelimin subdivision plan and preliminary development plan, LOCATION OF • 1 West 32' Avenue NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Semper Development 1200 17 Street Denver, Colorado 80202 t .MKIM ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) CASE NILE & PACKET MATERIALS () ZONING ORDINANCE () SLIDES (X) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS (X) EXHIBITS OTHER JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of eat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case, 900SHISIM] The properties in question are a combined 104,695 square feet in area. The current zoning is Restricted Commercial for the area identified on the plat as "Lot I", and Commercial One for the area identified as "Lot 2" (Exhibit 4, Vicinity Map). Planning Commission Page 3 WZ- 01- 45/Walgreens ITICT MIT ML- %-Ity vu, -1 I- J7 m7 P� was the increased traffic volume on West 32" Avenue. It has been added as Exhibit "T'. All outside service agencies that currently serve the property will continue to serve the property. The Public Works Department has reviewed the drainage report and preliminary subdivision plan. The drainage for the site has been approved in concept. Final design approval of the drainage report and fl,lan will be completed in conjunction with approval of the final development plan and plat. MO MM" 2. That a change in character in the area has occurred due to installation of public facilities, other zone changes, new growth trends, deterioration, or development transitions, and that the evidence supports the finding of the following. There has been a change in character in Ine area si • I Uaft� UU110-1 M gas station, site conditions have deteriorated. Redevelopment of the property improve the site conditions dramatically and improve the economic viability of the area. residential neighborhoods. The proposed use will fit this definition of Neighborhood Retail, as specified in the Comprehensive Plan. 4. That the proposed change of zone is compatible with the surrounding area and there will be minimal adverse impacts considering the benefits to be derived. 5. That there will be social, recreational, physical and/or economic benefits to the community derived by the change of zone; and I 7. That the change of zone will not adversely affect public health, safety or welfare by creating excessive traffic congestion, creating drainage problems, or seriously reducing light and air to adjacent properties. Dy U10 "A Ey engineer. The access points on West 32 d Avenue will remain, however the most western access point on 32 d Avenue will be a restricted access, limited to right in and right out only. This proposed development should not reduce air or light to adjacent properties. 8. That the change of zone will not create an isolated or spot zone district unrelated to adjacent or nearby areas. Planning Commission Page 5 WZ-01-0 5/Walgreens This change of zone will not create an isolated zone district. The property is currently zoned Restricted Commercial and Commercial One, and is surrounded to the north and west by commercially zoned property. Since this is a rezoning to a Planned Commercial Development, a special use for the drive through would be a redundant process. Included with the PCD approval is the drive through for the Walgre only. Any subsequent drive through uses would require a Special Use permit. I We, Retail desiWation in. the Comprehensive Plan. There will be an increased and continual economic benefit the City, and an increase'of service and convenience to the surrounding neighborhood. Therefore, staff recommends "I move that Case No, WZ-0 1 -05, a request for approval ♦ a Preliminary Development Plan and Subdivision Plat, for property located at 12700 West 32 nd Avenue, be APPROVED for the following Planning Commission Page 6 WZ-01-05/Walgreens Jul-11-01 l IT \ I LA ND ON Planning and Development Department d ®� 7500 CO \0 .d Phone , .< 46 MM '� -� � ° ^f \�� ,■ ,2 � �. � -: � � ■ � t .. , �. \ .� ° �� �� . ■$.? � �■ #�. �.� �2 °�.f�.`. ,s�« : m » » »AA -- WALGREENS AT MAPLE GROVE PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN - - I . S 11 my � I 1111 JJQ 311•0 Youngfield Street (former Day Care and vacant land) Susan • Heritage Susan Mller, as sole successor Trustee under the Will dated May 11, 1987 of Conrad R, Becker, Deceased 12700 W 32 Avenue (former Diamond Shamrock): TOC-DS Company, a Delaware corporation Wriv M-01%7-w Properties will be acquired and platted into two (2) legal lots, The ownership entity is anticipated to be a limited liability company or corporation. Unified Control Statement: A preliminary development plan has been submitted which enumerates uses, setbacks, landscape percentages, etc. for the property. I= lamona roe a Walgreens drug store. The current plans for Walgreens anticipate a first class development that will utilize creative site design, high quality architecture and building materials, and attractive landscaping within the site and adjacent to the residential neighbors on the east and south. This redevelopment proposal removes two vacant and dilapidated structures ridden with trash and weeds, and replaces them with a high quality neighborhood drug store that will contribute to the economic vitality of the neighborhood and to the city's overall tax base. ii Hill It ♦ RP alk-R AIM-WILI WO INVIIIgNUR F I 10740 1 #j?MAW14%f#1# 2. To promote flexibility in design and permit diversification in the location of structures. The currentproposal includes only one structure. The Walgreens drug store is sited to provide convenient access to its customers who enterfrom eitherpublic street. The building is positioned to accommodate access to the pharmacy pick-up window. 3. To promote the efficient use of land to facilitate a more economic arrangement building, circulation systems, land use and utilities, I 4. To preserve, to the greatest extent possible, the existing landscape features and to minimize impacts on other natural features of the site. The existing trees • the property are, for the most part, in very poor condition. wl landscape plan is being prepared that will inventory the existing vegitation and determine ifany trees should be saved. 5. To provide for more usable space through the combination and grouping of structures, parking, loading and storage areas. 6. To combine and coordinate architectural styles, building forms and building relationships within the planned developments. Only one structure is planned. However, in anticipation ofthefuture redevelopment of the Amoco property, a condition will be made thatfuture buildings must be compatible architecturally and utilize similar colors and materials. 7. • minimize traffic congestion • public streets, control street access, and to provid+ for well-designed interior circulation. The developer will accommodate right ofway needs adjacent to the Walgreens parcel at the time of development. In addition, an agreement will be made that guarantees right ofway dedications and improvements adjacent to the Amoco parcel when that property redevelops. 8. To ensure that adequate public utilities and facilities are available within the area to serve the specific development. 9. To promote conformance with the adopted comprehensive plan, established policies and guidelines for the area and for the community. 10. To promote handicapped accessibility. / 1 % I-- 3 E 5 1 JN s J C R . 4 .. k ! ,. �.. 6 • CL • ®r w 4 z j • / 1 % I-- 3 E 5 c� cl i cli rti csa 'I ti C6 6 Ir Ir- JN J R . 4 k c� cl i cli rti csa 'I ti C6 6 Ir Ir- JN R . 4 k c� cl i cli rti csa 'I ti C6 6 Ir Ir- 1'--I%'tjIIVIIV k V'#VM""m*I Fax (303)235-2857 MM Existing use/site conditions: 3 parcels with an old Diamond Shamrock gas station, an old day care center and open space. Applicants proposal: Rezone the property to PCD and develop a Walgreens with a drive through facility. 3180 Xenon St. Wheat Rid 11: e, CO 802 July 1, 21 1 Re: Walgreens Proposed Rezoning - 12700 W. 32 d Avenue MM= 12700 West 32 Avenue for construction of a Walgreens drug store. FLUO - C L N11 144 Hij HOUR; MUL 111111en I bun In yard. We defmitely do not need another commercial site encroaching on residential property from West 32' Avenue. Please take this letter into consideration and note my adamant and resounding, "No!" vote to the proposed rezoning at 12700 West 32 Avenue. Sincerely, R , ", . I I I'll, - • 3180 Xenon Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 n N Q N L m a 0 a C ca N ,r rll 0 a u z j < w Tem !eye ry'+n' a-nh rn w vh Avo I o " W 36tH PI YJ.'}�h Ava- I ' d i Yt 35th Aua _. VI A° JUS� I tPR K2 - `x"�22n W92�PI `N 32nd AUao o_ f i� vd s2nd Avg � lY W28th Aas P ;w' W2�IH 6r h. T7rh I o W 271h Ade Etraun Rd irn 51+25fh�Pl a �'"o, e U25th 1M1 +24th PI Crt Q pt :e a F rva/r _ mm C;r � - Carmsi Or '- 'W22nd PI +'e - W2Yrd Art 4V2f" P. o VICINITY SCALE: 1"=2000' TABLE OF ALLOWABLE UE 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 11. 12 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18 19._ 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. ANIMAL VETERINARY HOSPITALS OR 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41 4'2. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. ELECT RICAL SU AND 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. OFFIC SUPPLY STORE _ SE _ _ ERVIC z� _ CLINICS °> OFFICES: GENERAL ANTIQUE ST _ EXTE ADMINISTRATIV BUSINESS AND w PROFESSION OFFICES APPAREL AND ACCES STORES FLOR SHOPS O PTICAL ST ORES T MOO PAINT AND -, WALL INCIDEN TAL APPLIANCE STO RES AND FU RNITUR E S TORES - SERVIC REPAIR y U GARDEN SU STORES P ARKING O , AUT 5. Ag ART GAL LERIES OR STUDIOS C LIENTS, PATI ENT 30._ GIFT, NOV OR SOUV OF OCCUPANTS BAKERIES,__ RETAIL STO COMME RCIAL DISTRI PET S TORES P HARMACIES - - - ---- - FRAM OP S _ _._ _ -_ BANKS LOAN AND FINANCE GROC OR CONVENIENCE OFFICE STORE NO GAS PUMPS BI CYCLE STORES __ GROCE STOR WHICH MAY _ INC LUDE NO MO RE THAN 1 BLUEPRIN PHOTOSTATIC _ GASOLINE SERVICE ISLAND WITH _ - PICTUR E _._. COPYING AN OTHER _ SIM NO MORE TH 2 D ISPENSING PLUMBIN AND HEATING S UPPLY ST ORES AND _SHOPS REPROD SER VICES PUMPS SPECIAL USE PER S ECTION -- -_- . 26 -204) BOOK STORES NEW PRIVATE CLUBS SOCIAL CLUBS, STATI ONERY AND CARD STO HAIR, NAIL A ND CO SMETIC BINGO PARLORS AND SIMILAR USES SER VICES _ BUSINE MACHINE OR S HOE REP AIR SHOPS COMP UTER STORES HAR DWARE S TORES SH C AMERA AND PHOTOGRAPHIC HO BBY AND CRAFT ST ORES ERVICE AND SUPPL _ SPORTIN GOODS STORE _S_ H OME FU ST ORES CANDY, N AND CONFECTIONERY STUDIO FOR PROFESSION WORK STORES HOME IMPROVEM SUPPLY OR TEACHIN - OF FIN A RTS, STORES _ PHOTO MUSIC, D OR DANCE _. CATERERS _.._ INTERIOR_ DECORATING SHOPS TAILOR, D OR CLINICS - AND FOR THE _ OFFICES _ COU NSELING AN TREATMENT OF JEWELRY STORES CLOTHIN ALTERATIO SH _ PSYCHOLOG SO MARITAL _- D EVELOPME NT AL OR SIMILAR LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING TELEVIS RA DIO . SMALL CONDITI SHOPS APPLIANC REPAIR AND S ERV ICE - -- - SHOP - - - - - -- DAIRY PRODUCTS STORES - - -- - --- .LEATHER GOODS AND LUGGAGE STORES TOBACCO STORES CARECE AN PRESCHOOL LARGE LIN SUPPL T OY STORES _ DAY CARE CE NTER AND LIQ UOR STORE UPHOLS SHOPS VIDEO RENTALS _ PRESCHOOLS, -___. LOCKSM SHOPS _ DEP ARTMENT OR VARIETY STORES MEAT, POULTRY OR SEAFOOD _ WATC AND JEWELRY RE PAIR DRUG STORE W /DRIVE THROUGH ST ORES SHOPS ALLOWED WI THIS DEVE PLAN; ANY SUBSEQUENT SHALL_ MEDIC AND DE NTAL OFFICES, REQUIRE A SP ECIAL USE PERMIT CLINICS OR LAB - - -- - - - -- EATING ESTABLISHMENTS, DRIV - -- MOT FUELIN - ___.._ STATIONS SPECIAL ----- - THROUGH SP ECIAL USE PER USE PER SEC TION 26-204 SECTION 26 -633 ,_ _. --_ -- - -- - -- ____ MU SIC STO EATING EST ABLISH M E N TS, SIT' - - - - -- - DOWN NEWSSTANDS _ - - - -- SXW1W USA P£R S£07701V 26-JO7 k z' s� S3.,y t � `� // - u 8 f„y*;k � � z�,. Y• tx { � � p ¢k. V£rYe MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY BUILDINGS AND HARDSCAPE: 80 PERCENT MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT: 50 FEET RAAWINO- BASED p UPON y SECTION 26 -501 IFIV GS . 1140 W4 AS SPECIFICALLY DETAILED ON AN APPROVED FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN, OTHERWISE FOLLOW REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 26 -603. S101V40 AS SPECIFICALLY DETAILED ON AN APPROVED FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN, OTHERWISE FOLLOW REQUIREMENTS OF ARTICLE VII. L IWSG`4PI NO: MINIMUM OF 20 PERCENT S C7(S.° MINIMUM BUILDING SETBACKS: 25 FEET FROM PROPERTY LINES ABUTTING RIGHT -OF -WRY AND RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS, 10 FEET FROM INTERIOR LOT LINES. MINIMUM PERIMETER LANDSCAPE BUFFER SETBACKS: 10 FEET FROM PROPERTY LINES ABUTTING- RIGHT -OF -WAY AND RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS. is 10 ":.1 2� ' * THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN SHALL CREATE A COHESIVENESS BETWEEN THE DEVELOPMENTS ON BOTH USE AREAS 1 AND 2 AS WELL AS WITH THE ADJOINING DEVELOPMENTS. STANDARDIZED CORPORATE ARCHITECTURE SHALL BE ALLOWED. THE ARCHITECTURE FOR THE TWO LAND USES SHALL USE SIMILAR FORMS, MATERIALS, TEXTURES AND COLORS AND SHALL UTILIZE BRICK, GLASS, MASONRY BLOCK AND EIFS AS PRIMARY BUILDING MATERIALS wl'l',GfA USE AREA 1 WILL BE DEVELOPED ONCE APPROVALS ARE OBTAINED FROM THE APPROPRIATE MUNICIPAL AGENCIES. USE AREA 2 IS CURRENTLY DEVELOPED WITH A AMOCO SERVICE STATION. THE SUBJECT SERVICE STATION HAS APPROXIMATELY SIX YEARS REMAINING ON ITS GROUND LEASE. IT IS PROBABLE THAT REDEVELOPMENT OF THIS USE AREA WILL NOT OCCUR UNTIL THE LEASE HAS EXPIRED. SAID REDEVELOPMENT WILL BE SUBJECT TO AN AMENDMENT TO THE FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN, AUDIT7U L US£ ArYFC>MP CELL TOWERS AND ALL APPURTENANT EQUIPMENT MAY BE LOCATED ON THE SUBJECT PROPERTY WITHIN LANDSCAPE BUFFER AREA ON THE SOUTHERLY PORTION OF THE PROPERTY. COLLOCATION IS PERMITTED AND ENCOURAGED. R8F7FS ��lD SO dr�LI,S` L£L�� U£Sd= r`r'1PTlt21Il. A PART OF TRACT "A ", RESUBDIVISION OF MAPLE GROVE VILLAGE, BLOCK 1, TOGETHER WITH A PART OF AND ALL SITUATED IN THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 29, T.33- R.69W., OF THE 6TH P.M., CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NW CORNER OF THE NE 114. OF THE SW 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 29; THENCE N89'29'16 "E ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE NE 1/4 OF SAID SW 1/4 A DISTANCE OF 85.23 FEET; THENCE SOO °30'44 "E A DISTANCE OF 30.00 FEET TO A POINT LYING ON THE SOUTHERLY R.O.W. LINE OF WEST 32ND AVENUE, SAID POINT BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N89 °29'16 "E ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY R.O.W. LINE A DISTANCE OF 105.50 FEET; THENCE S00 °49'23 "E AND CONTINUING ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY R.O.W. LINE A DISTANCE OF 10.00 FEET; THENCE N89 °29'16 "E AND CONTINUING ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY R.O.W. LINE A DISTANCE OF 183.46 FEET; THENCE SOO'47'47 "E A DISTANCE OF 438.56 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID TRACT "A "; THENCE S89 °29'16 "W ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT "A" A DISTANCE OF 104.45 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF A PARCEL OF LAND DESCRIBED IN BOOK 1031 AT PAGE 481 OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO RECORDS; THENCE NOO'49'23 "'W PARALLEL WITH AND 50.00 FEET EASTERLY OF THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT "A" A DISTANCE OF 70.00 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL DESCRIBED IN BOOK 1031 AT PAGE 481; THENCE S89'29'16 "W PARALLEL WITH AND 70.00 FEET NORTHERLY OF THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT "A" A DISTANCE OF 50.00 FEET TO A POINT LYING ON THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT "A ", THE EASTERLY LINE OF A PARCEL OF 'AND DESCRIBED IN BOOK 617 AT PAGE 253 OF SAID JEFFERSON COUNTY RECORDS AND THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL DESCRIBED IN BOOK 1031 AT PACE 481; THENCE NOO °49'23 "W ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT "A" AND THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL DESCRIBED IN BOOK 617 AT PAGE 253 A DISTANCE OF 148.22 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL DESCRIBED IN BOOK 617 AT PAGE 253; THENCE S89 °29'16 "W ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID PARCEL DESCRIBED IN BOOK 617 AT PAGE 253 A DISTANCE OF 178.55 FEEL 10 A POINT LYING ON THE EASTERLY R.O.W. LINE OF YOUNGFIELD STREET; THENCE N00 °49'23. "W ALONG SAID EASTERLY R.O.W. LINE A DISTANCE OF 186.10 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT WHOSE CHORD BEARS N44 °19'57 "E A DISTANCE OF 62.39 FEET, SAID CURVE HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90 °18'38 ", A RADIUS OF 44.00 FEET, AN ARC LENGTH OF 69.35 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL CONTAINS (104,695 SQUARE FEET) 2.4035 ACRES, THE THE BELOW SIGNED OWNER(S), OR LEGALLY DESIGNATED AGENT(S) THERE DO HEREBY AGREE THAT THE PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREON Wil. BE DEVELOPED AS A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THIS PLAN, AND AS MAY OTHERWISE BE REQUIRED BY LAW. I (WE) FURTHER RECOGNIZE THAT THE APPROVAL OF REZONING TO PLANNED DEVELOPMENT, AND APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN, DOES NOT CREATE A VESTED PROPERT RIGHT. VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS MAY ONLY ARISE AND ACCRUE PURSUA' 'TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 26 -121 OF THE CODE OF LAWS. SIGNATURE OF OWNERS OR AGENT (S) STATE OF COLORADO S SS COUNTY OF THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF , A.D. 2C , BY WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL, MY COMMISSION EXPIRES:_ NOTARY PUBLIC 80MM L ®IiffaSda& L�� APPROVED THIS DAY OF , 20 , -, BY THE RIDGE PLANNING COMMISION. a n m mim W W �wh g� F WAR < �0� Lu cc d U v e e z� =) � °> y � Lr 0 (e��i bad x� W LL Nw7 w Z'z T MOO Lu o wQY < y U THE THE BELOW SIGNED OWNER(S), OR LEGALLY DESIGNATED AGENT(S) THERE DO HEREBY AGREE THAT THE PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREON Wil. BE DEVELOPED AS A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THIS PLAN, AND AS MAY OTHERWISE BE REQUIRED BY LAW. I (WE) FURTHER RECOGNIZE THAT THE APPROVAL OF REZONING TO PLANNED DEVELOPMENT, AND APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN, DOES NOT CREATE A VESTED PROPERT RIGHT. VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS MAY ONLY ARISE AND ACCRUE PURSUA' 'TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 26 -121 OF THE CODE OF LAWS. SIGNATURE OF OWNERS OR AGENT (S) STATE OF COLORADO S SS COUNTY OF THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF , A.D. 2C , BY WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL, MY COMMISSION EXPIRES:_ NOTARY PUBLIC 80MM L ®IiffaSda& L�� APPROVED THIS DAY OF , 20 , -, BY THE RIDGE PLANNING COMMISION. a n m mim q ® O O O z Lu cc d U U � OU � > m h N W� h w W 0 cl) o 0n. Odd v U T ri s °n o O v O w = t a ° w q ® O W W z Lu cc d U U 0 OU � > m h N W� h w W 0 cl) o 0n. Odd v U CHAIRPERSON PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR �17Y CUUNGiI �a£rPI7F177e�A! APPROVED THIS DAY OF , 20 BY THE WHEAT- RIDGE CITY COUNCIL. CITY SEAL ATTEST:�� CITY CLERK I, BRETT L. MILLER, A PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF COLORADO, CERTIFY THAT ON THIS DAY OF 20 THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION, AND TO THE BEST OF MY PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF IS ACCURATE. BRETT L. MILLER PROFESSIONAL L.S. NO. 27609 FOR AND ON BEHALF OF ENGINEERING SERVICE COMPANY fMff s41b2 R£GDR&XR.'S' f£R77F7�-07 ° THIS DOCUMENT ACCEPTED FOR FILING IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN, COLORADO, ON THE DAY OF A.D. 2C , IN THE BOOK PAGE RECEPTION _ JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER BY: ° o o o zso o W:5P Q o D< w� 0 z��z W_ o � ELZ <OW3- -Xx �� {6A� ° w wn ® ~0 ' o tmo w zwN o n p w o CL O X03 w 0 0 CHECKED RHY DRAWER NUMBER: � ww OZ 8 0 o? } > r¢z Lu iw]j in � f Q 7) mj Q� o <� W z z O:�E 1 U z N M � > m h W� � M M 0 v 0 cl) o 0n. Odd v T ri s °n o O v O w = t a ° w CHAIRPERSON PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR �17Y CUUNGiI �a£rPI7F177e�A! APPROVED THIS DAY OF , 20 BY THE WHEAT- RIDGE CITY COUNCIL. CITY SEAL ATTEST:�� CITY CLERK I, BRETT L. MILLER, A PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF COLORADO, CERTIFY THAT ON THIS DAY OF 20 THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION, AND TO THE BEST OF MY PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF IS ACCURATE. BRETT L. MILLER PROFESSIONAL L.S. NO. 27609 FOR AND ON BEHALF OF ENGINEERING SERVICE COMPANY fMff s41b2 R£GDR&XR.'S' f£R77F7�-07 ° THIS DOCUMENT ACCEPTED FOR FILING IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN, COLORADO, ON THE DAY OF A.D. 2C , IN THE BOOK PAGE RECEPTION _ JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER BY: ° o o o zso o W:5P Q o D< w� 0 z��z W_ o � ELZ <OW3- -Xx �� {6A� ° w wn ® ~0 ' o tmo w zwN o n p w o CL O X03 w 0 0 CHECKED RHY DRAWER NUMBER: � ww OZ 8 0 o? } > r¢z Lu iw]j in � f Q 7) mj Q� o <� W z z O:�E 1 U 0 cil v 117 U N n al cn L m �i a i a v a i m n N In a U 0 v a CURVE L Al A ;C:OURSE CENTRAL RADIUS LENGTH ANGLE C1 90 °18'38" 44.00' 69.35' CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BM# 6109 DESCRIBED AS BRASS CAP (NE CORNER OF THE NE 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 29) INTERSECTION OF 32ND AVE. AND WARD RD. EXTENDED PUBLISHED ELEVATION = 5463.29 FEET (DATUM NOT REFERENCED ADD 5000 FEET TO THE SPOT ELEVATIONS AND CONTOURS SHOW14 HEREON TO ARRIVE AT DATUM ELEVATION. W7 g,, 6 ' I/10AOE /ff `ORNER OF THE NE 1/4 HE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 2S R.69W., OF THE 6TH P.M. ND. 3. 1/2" ALUMINUM CAP NO. 13155 IN RANGE BOX) Lu w co ir � d ra z Z) 0 � t- Vey - fi � �F � �►.L 2 �4. J �S `?. n� C' ^ I g a io wi N 1 w o� �I vi I �I _ � I S00`3 � y �l w� Z W O wl J O gl , I J I i i I \ \ p \ 9 v+ I \ y \ k \ i \ I \ I I I \ I i i 1 'i 1 1 I I,i I 1� i li I I g I I 9 I 1 I I i I 1 I , 1 I 1 I 11 1 I 1 1 I I ' 1 I ' I 1 1 I ' NE CORNER \OF THE NE 1J',4 \\ OF THE SW 1/4 \ OF SECTION 29, \ E,$T 32ND AVE WE T.3S., R.69W., OF 6TH P.M:I \ \ O.W. VARIES) (FOUND 3 1/2" BRq$S CAP L.S. �\ �O. 1 - 3212 IN' RANGE' BOX) ; I N89 '29'1 6" E _ 1 OF WH EAT RI BE ARINGS SYSTEM)�'`, - NORTH LINE OF THE NE,`i74 OF THE SW 1/4 OP SECTION 1 29, 1 I T.3S., P..69W., OF THE 6TH P.M. (BASIS OF; HEARINGS) N ^ h h i I O FFED EDICATION 4 30'x35' R.0!N. FUT i - EM1O' R.O.W. DEDZCATtON (1 I I . II AND 5' EASEMENT I. (FUTURE R.O.W. aEDICAT10N (FUTURE R.O.W. AND (EASEMENT � �.�� TO BE DEDICATED IF /WHEN 70 BEIDEDICATED IF /WHEN LOT 2 �� 1 I 0 LOT 2 REDEVELO ) REDEVELOPS) _ I ; .... 44 1 - 9 ZONIN AYQ <' i � d'iPFi✓9GY Fps �� - 1 \ -- ------ --- - - - .i / —� - - -- I , l i Lr/IIL35N &4PLE t 1 Z�/TVYL - i Rl /19t /YLFG l� / I �' V 1 'Y •✓ r y J y \r W v v W 'y 1� W I '\ y '11' I P { A l i t� I 1 I W I v t I I I 1 y I +- ' I 'I It d .�-- /` d - ��� I �� 1 � � � y W 4• ° ° ° °. �_ - � 'y � �Y I y l .lm� � __. y','''; 1 5'x�,O' LgASE.,ARE$ REC. ;F029444 I 2 ` 1 REC. F04697C}� y ° I L5 R-3 ZONING 1 1 L�O/i'f/Oo t zorfIf i lG �d I j I 1 P 1 gE 6 , L� 0 w W EXISTING FENCE LINE — -_—� PROPOSED FENCE LINE e- —:- - - - - -- I--.-,----- EXISTING CONTOUR LINE - -- 500 - - - EXISTING 5 FOOT INDEX 64 �, CONTOUR LINE ®� PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ® -j PLAN LIMITS • PROPOSED INTERIOR LOT LINES DENOTES PROPOSED � V : L BUILDING AREA DENOTES PROPOSED ' I .. . ........... .... ASPHALT AREA w y y DENOTES - PROPOSED LANDSCAPE AREA 0 I 4 cr 'C CURVE L Al A ;C:OURSE CENTRAL RADIUS LENGTH ANGLE C1 90 °18'38" 44.00' 69.35' CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BM# 6109 DESCRIBED AS BRASS CAP (NE CORNER OF THE NE 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 29) INTERSECTION OF 32ND AVE. AND WARD RD. EXTENDED PUBLISHED ELEVATION = 5463.29 FEET (DATUM NOT REFERENCED ADD 5000 FEET TO THE SPOT ELEVATIONS AND CONTOURS SHOW14 HEREON TO ARRIVE AT DATUM ELEVATION. W7 g,, 6 ' I/10AOE /ff `ORNER OF THE NE 1/4 HE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 2S R.69W., OF THE 6TH P.M. ND. 3. 1/2" ALUMINUM CAP NO. 13155 IN RANGE BOX) Lu w co ir � d ra z Z) 0 � t- Vey - fi � �F � �►.L 2 �4. J �S `?. n� C' ^ I g a io wi N 1 w o� �I vi I �I _ � I S00`3 � y �l w� Z W O wl J O gl , I J I i i I \ \ p \ 9 v+ I \ y \ k \ i \ I \ I I I \ I i i 1 'i 1 1 I I,i I 1� i li I I g I I 9 I 1 I I i I 1 I , 1 I 1 I 11 1 I 1 1 I I ' 1 I ' I 1 1 I ' NE CORNER \OF THE NE 1J',4 \\ OF THE SW 1/4 \ OF SECTION 29, \ E,$T 32ND AVE WE T.3S., R.69W., OF 6TH P.M:I \ \ O.W. VARIES) (FOUND 3 1/2" BRq$S CAP L.S. �\ �O. 1 - 3212 IN' RANGE' BOX) ; I N89 '29'1 6" E _ 1 OF WH EAT RI BE ARINGS SYSTEM)�'`, - NORTH LINE OF THE NE,`i74 OF THE SW 1/4 OP SECTION 1 29, 1 I T.3S., P..69W., OF THE 6TH P.M. (BASIS OF; HEARINGS) N ^ h h i I O FFED EDICATION 4 30'x35' R.0!N. FUT i - EM1O' R.O.W. DEDZCATtON (1 I I . II AND 5' EASEMENT I. (FUTURE R.O.W. aEDICAT10N (FUTURE R.O.W. AND (EASEMENT � �.�� TO BE DEDICATED IF /WHEN 70 BEIDEDICATED IF /WHEN LOT 2 �� 1 I 0 LOT 2 REDEVELO ) REDEVELOPS) _ I ; .... 44 1 - 9 ZONIN AYQ <' i � d'iPFi✓9GY Fps �� - 1 \ -- ------ --- - - - .i / —� - - -- I , l i Lr/IIL35N &4PLE t 1 Z�/TVYL - i Rl /19t /YLFG l� / I �' V 1 'Y •✓ r y J y \r W v v W 'y 1� W I '\ y '11' I P { A l i t� I 1 I W I v t I I I 1 y I +- ' I 'I It d .�-- /` d - ��� I �� 1 � � � y W 4• ° ° ° °. �_ - � 'y � �Y I y l .lm� � __. y','''; 1 5'x�,O' LgASE.,ARE$ REC. ;F029444 I 2 ` 1 REC. F04697C}� y ° I L5 R-3 ZONING 1 1 L�O/i'f/Oo t zorfIf i lG �d I j I 1 P 1 gE 6 , L� 0 w W � S m�0 P � ,� Q o 0 zwm d € d Z U wa 64 �, ppg 6i � QO-, ® -j wQx N�° moo dO� V S1 � w O ( o i 0 I 4 cr 'C N m rn O i z O W L U U U O O w U U U =I�INIMI c � n M 0 V M fb �NM V v1 O ¢v `� N 2 & t V O y Yq�B OOMy PdA O V M v O O s IM c > M m � O � v O M 0 a O 5 U U m� zwaao ag�F � w� W w o J�3o� CL . w (L M M M w g_... , < a - - O M z�� wZ HH �1�zo �W�v2 �� w r n� U U 3: H � O d } U RHY DRAWN BY: RHY CHECKED BY: RHY DRAWER NUMBER: Z HO aSd o � CL ww¢ ozv° w > y�z LL9 :E Lu Lu Q O O 0 z I MI TO: Planning Commission FROM: Alan White, Planning and Development Director MOM 44` 11 Attached are redevelopment fo • Wadsworth Boulevard from 35 ' Avenue to 45" Avenue • 38'' Avenue from Sheridan to Wadsworth • 44' Avenue from Tabor to Youngfeld conformance Per Colorado statute, the plans must be presented to Planning Commission to determine their 4 the Comprehensive Plan, finding 4 the City Council. Council • plans. Planning Commission does not 4 4 approving plans. Planning Commission's i' 4 determine conformance • There are three resolutions corresponding to the three plans. 4 • approval resolutions finding conformance 4 4 Plan. CA1MyFi1es \Wf Files \' \pc resolution inenao.wl WHEREAS, the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority is authorized under C.R.S. 3 1 - 25-105(i) to prepare a plan for redevelopment for certain areas of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado; and WHEREAS, the Wheat Ridge City Council, upon recommendation of the Wheat Ridf Urban Renewal Authority, did on April 23, 2001 make a finding of the presence of blight in t area included in the redevelopment plan; and MMMIM 1 1 1 111 1 i MIMI WHEREAS, under C.R.S. 31-25-107(2), the redevelopment plan is to be forwarded to Section 1 - The proposed redevelopment plan for Wadsworth Boulevard between 35 Avenue and 45" Avenue is in conformance with the Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan. E • a i t ��* �1 B. Chairman Secretary to the Commission C:NyFi1es\WPFfles1URA\PC Res Wads URP,wpd RESOLUTION NO. 02 Series of 2001 TITLE: A RESOLUTION APPROVING A PROPOSEI WHEREAS, the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority is authorized under C.R.S. 31- 25- 105(1) to prepare a plan for redevelopment for certain areas of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado; and WHEREAS, under C.R.S. 31-25-107(2), the redevelopment plan is to be forwarded to the Plannin2 Corttrriissio,#,.-t* dete-at NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission as follows: Section 1. The proposed redevelopment plan for 38' Avenue between Sheridan Boulevard and Wadsworth Boulevard is in conformance with the Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan. Section 2. This Resolution shall be transmitted to the Wheat Ridge City Council pursuant to the requirements of C.R.S. 31-25-107(2), 11 1 1112: 11 111 11115 • La C:\MyFi1es%WPFi1es\LTRA\PC Res 38th Ave LTRP,wpd I N TA APPI M I�W E �14 1 1 RESOLUTION NO. 03 Series of 2001 TITLE: A RESOLUTION FINDING A PROPOSED REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR 44TH AVENUE BETWEEN TABOR STREET AND YOUNGFIELD STREET IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE WHEREAS, the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority is authorized under 25-105(i) to prepare a plan for redevelopment for certain areas • the City • Wheat Ridge, Colorado; and WHEREAS, the Wheat Ridge City Council, upon recommendation of the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority, did • July 23, 2001 make a finding • the presence of blight in the area included in the redevelopment plan; and WHEREAS, the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority held a public meeting for the purpose • receiving comment • the redevelopment plan; and WHEREAS, under C.R.S. 31-25-107(2), the redevelopment plan is to be forwarded to the Planning Commission to determine its conformity with the comprehensive plan for the City. NOW THEITKWOXE BE IT XESOLVED by the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission as follows: Section 1. The proposed redevelopment plan for 44 Avenue between Tabor Street and Youngfield Street is in conformance with the Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan. Section 2. This Resolution shall be transmitted to the Wheat Ridge City Council pursuant to the requirements of C.R.S. 31-25-107(2). 0 Chairman Secretary to the Commission CAMyFi1eskWPFiks\URA\PC Res 44th Ward URP.wpd