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Minutes of Meeting November 15,2001 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission was called to order by Chair McNIAMEE at 7:30 p.m., November 15, 2001, in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 2. ROLL CALL Commission Members Present: Anne Brinkman Staff Members Present: Alan White, Planning Director Travis Crane, Planner Mike Garcia, Development Review Engineer Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer Ann Lazzeri, Secretary 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IN, W m 4. APPROVE ORDER OF AGENDA It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner COLLINS to approve the order of the agenda. The motion passed 7-0 with Commissioner BRINKMAN absent. 5. APPROVE MINUTES It was moved by Commissioner COOPER and seconded by Commissioner SNOW to approve the minutes of November 1, 2001 as presented. The motion passed 6-0 with Commissioner THOMPSON abstaining and Commissioner BRINKMAN absent. 6. PUBLIC FORUM There was no one to appear before the Commission. Planning Commission Page I November 15, 2001 M A. Case No. WZ-01-07 (continued from November 1, 2001): An application submitted by Semper Development for approval of a final development plan mid subdivision plat for property located at 12700 West 32 d Avenue. Commissioner THOMPSON expressed concern about increased pollution from idling cars in the drive-through facility. Chair McNAMEE questioned the traffic entrance onto Youngfield. Mike Garcia stated that the entrance is planned to be right-in and right -out and will be shown on the civil plans. Steve Nguyen stated that an island barrier in this area will not be possible until adjacent properties are developed. Commissioner COLLINS suggested that a masonry fence would be better than a cedar fence. Ms. Godfrey stated that masonry fences are much more expensive than cedar and she assured the Commission that Walgreens will keep the cedar fence in very good condition. Commissioner SNOW asked if the Walgreens at 44 and Wadsworth had 24-hour service and, if so, suggested that customers could use this facility for emergencies. Ms. Godfrey stated that she did not know the hours of operation for the 44 and Wadsworth store. In response to concern expressed by Chair McNAMEE regarding traffic access from Youngfield, Steve Nguyen stated that signs will be utilized until, such time as a traffic island can be installed on Youngfield. Installation of the island will take place when adjacent properties are developed in the future. Planning Commission November 15, 2001 Pale _2 With the following conditions: 1. Approval is contingent upon City Council approval of the Preliminary Development Plan. 2. The non-living landscaping be reduced to a maximum of twenty percent. Planning Commission Page 3 November 15, 2001 Commissioner SNOW commented that the hours of operation of the drive-through facility are limited on the present plan to 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 P.M. She stated that she would vote in favor of the application if the time limitation stays. Commissioner THOMPSON requested an amendment to the fourth condition to add the words "south side" in addition to the east side. The amendment was accepted by Commissioner PLUMMER. Commissioner THOMPSON moved and Commissioner PLUMMER seconded that the second note on the development plan be amended to allow the drive-through window to be open for a 24-hour period. The motion passed 6-1 with Commissioner SNOW voting no and Commissioner BRINKMAN absent. A vote was taken on the main motion which passed 7-0 with Commissioner BRINKMAN absent. It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner COLLINS that Case No. WZ-01-07, a request for approval of a final subdivision plat for property located at 12700 West 32 d Avenue, be approved for the following reasons: 1. The plat is consistent with the standards and requirements in Chapter 26. With the following condition: 1. The access easement which serves the cell tower be relocated so as to provide continued access to the lessees, that the subdivision plat be redrawn and approved by the staff prior to being recorded with the county, and if there is any disagreement about the access relocation, it will come back to Planning Commission. 111 1 1 1 T II I � I I B. Case No. MS-01-03: Application by Jeff Scott for approval of a three-lot minor nd subdivision plat on property zoned Residential-One and located at 9733 West 32 Avenue. Jeff Scott Scott, owner of subject property, was sworn in by Chair McNAMEE. Since all administrative and engineering requirements have been met, he requested approval of the application. Mike Garcia stated that Mr. • "• • • • •• Planning Commission Page 5 November 15, 2001 In response to a question regarding liability for drainage from Commissioner COLLINS, Mike Garcia stated that the drainage engineer would be responsible for liability resulting from his plans. Daniel Schneider returned to the podium, He stated that eleven revisions were made to the original drainage plan before final approval by city engineers. Ron Roush returned to the podium to state that he is not opposed to the subdivision but wants to make sure that every precaution is taken to protect the existing homeowners. Robert English returned to the podium to express concern about liability for existing water or sewer lines. He checked with his insurance company who advised him to take out more insurance for possible broken lines from his house to the right-of-way because the developer's liability only exists up to the right-of-way. He expressed concern that it would be necessary for the developer to cut through thirty-three lines to install the drainage system. Chair McNAMEE asked if there were others who wished to address the Commission. Hearing no response, she closed the public hearing. Planning Commission Page 6 November 1 5, 2001 With the following conditions: RWM,Tr1V1T condition: "and provide for maintenance of drainage structures and sanitary sewer improvements not in the city's right-of-way". The amendment was accepted by Commissioner THOMPSON. Uommi n amenament a 31:111 '"M771 building will take place until the drainage system is in place. The amendment was accepted by Commissioner THOMPSON. Commissioner SNOW offered an amendment to add a seventh condition which would require the developer to pay for paving half of Iris Street abutting the subdivision. Commissioner THOMPSON asked if the city could legally ask the developer to pave half the street. Alan White stated that he believed this was a reasonable condition. The amendment was accepted by Commissioner THOMPSON. • 'JIM, limtVaol"t - , A vote was taken on the amended motion which passed 7-0 with Commissioner BRINKMAN absent. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business to come before the Commission. A. Election of Officers: Janice Thompson was elected as Planning Commission chair and Nancy Snow was elected as vice-chair. 10. COMMISSION REPORTS There were • commission reports. It. COMMITTEE AND DEPARTMENT REPORTS There were no committee or department reports. Planning Commission Page 7 November 15, 2001 12. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner COOPER and seconded by Commissioner COLLINS to adjourn the meeting at 1000 p.m. The motion passed unanimously. MARIAN McNAMEE, Chair Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary Planning Commission November 15,2001 W= TO: Planning Commission FROM: Alan White, Planning and Development Director w SU13JECT: Case No. MS 01-03, Scott Subdivision DATE: November 30, 2001 The Attorney is advising that this condition should be reconsidered at the next regular meeting of the Commission. Staff is requesting reconsideration of this condition. rhe Attorney will be vresent at Ae City of Wheat Rid Planning and Development Department L OR N Memorandum 4 e 9 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Mary Austin, Planner SUBJECT: WZ-00-091'Autonation DATE: November 29, 2001 Additionally, the Planning Commission requested supplemental information. That information is included in this packet and includes: Water Assessment. Recommendations and Conclusions (report prepared for the City, by Clear Creek Consulting). 19. Field observations and Geophysica report by Martin and Wood Water Consultants (report submitted by the applicant). At this nine, the first three issues involving CDOT approval have not been satisfied. On Monday November 26. 2001, City staff received revised plans from the applicant to begin the process of Department of Public Works review, followed by CDOT permit review. When the Public Works staff concludes their review of the plans, they will be forwarded to CDOT for the permit review no= Since the major outstanding issues remain unresolved, and the CDOT review process could alter the PCD plans as well as the plat document, staff recommends continuation of case #WZ-00-09. 4tt 4b EM-4 EMIL-% 0 V. � ♦, > � �� x tie � S;3 �,.. ', n � �'" x L g x x . re e• r . e + t .. i � .. � ° .. W °yw.m.� °� a °•"' # ��`�„ �_ ^ � p w y t, I' t " +T„ .0 x s al f ,, M1e .,.. . p"S ♦ . � A' .d+ r V4 "fy r s , as ^r M 77 F 7,77 ' M 2 rty w � Y e AF 4 o, �� � ! + � +�� t �� � �;" a � as � �' "k �e „.,. . -; 4 . �^ ,, « r. , 4 - v CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION 1 MINtITR WOF' MEETING - SEPTEMBER 5, 1984 z4n A� y : 4x a. � i : '^4 A �' F m � LS, ,, � I � * 'w„ r �. � , � w ? �';' A � ? �!� �. � -.� a ti � * ;� �tlr �t` ,�' b "'gym 3 4� �'"b�.�' G9 � °� M: �� � ..� � � W � + � � . h V . K s y _.. ... P m a % °� w, s m • r w � _._ �'� t .... .._...m.a.�. .4 A" i a 0 Im + 3� « « s k, e r�r r AA: k.e ° •3 %, ' w a w # ! k . # « ! !! # # # # Ilf vow 2TY COUNCIL MINu D« All service agent have no oajections, 4 responsibility of the the City of Wheat Rit E. Subject to the bt development of 35th relocation of the but Allison Street which F. The permit for w. District with access affect,the neighborho described as by the a imposed by the Wheat Ridge Sanitation Dist, modifications shall b successors or assigns harmless in this math 1 7ONDITIONS a A. That the develop*, the accelarationjdecea on Wadsworth Boulevarc t..,. Highways. H. That the developer control devices inrluc signal on Wadsworth Bc Seconded by Mr. Flascc following reasonst 1« purpose of the Compreth development into two c Kipling Activity Cente: Town Center and will tenter 0 will realize sales tax receipts th fro in conflict with the 1 medium to high density proposal would be very two - thirds with some l would add to the al.rea holding tanks, althoug' require tanks. it may 1 manner until the sewer concerned about the cot to apartment condominii intended disturbance fi frequent deliveries. S intersection at 35th at can handle and add came streets. I do not feel because a great many ct and creates additional, t ignore the signs and um +.. � � ��. �s" � , � � W � 2 +h. ° x w , .. 9 ;." ' e ` r w �. a w r 4 n ..,w > ?, i N M .. 'fix . y w _',1� ♦ y ,._ 'e x;- ... t e e .. : e . n a z �. , a ,'� f,ea; /" "�? ., � i� ..'_+«. �' :�' "� * � a } r T. J XV�,�„�, COUNTY "I' � #� ,4�,. �:� ' .`C4)LQRADO , - ,_.QiWCtRiii .. _ .. . � � �' . �a •�� � # X � ' s. r rt ti �� r k� y . A ,'� : .. > y *M '{ S b ir." ,a �., � . e w . . � :: �. t .. � � �' . �a •�� � # X � ' s. r rt ti �� r k� y . A ,'� : .. > y *M �\ » /`« � »� \/ � « �/ � * ,� . \ \ /� *° » /\ } »� � � \� \�� � 2�� / r M � .. �, �, _. _. LL w� .., �: I" fflmpm -. NO m -.,. .. ,,.� . .. , y ,.�, o � �,� ,. ,. �. � °_" ,x. 4 »� �» � � ? � � : � \/ y , ,N t l *tl 9 4 w y , ,N t l *tl 9 Item 6. Council 8ill 188 - An ordinance initiating an amendment to the Home Rule Charter of the City of Wheat Ridge, amending Section 4.3(B), terms of office, of said charter to provide for staggered four year terms of office for members of City Council. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: June 17, 1985 Page -4- Item 5. Council Bill 188 - An ordinance initiating an amendment to the Home Rule Charter of the City of Wheat Ridge, amending Section 4.3(B), terms of office, of said charter to provide for staggered four year terms of office for members of City Council. Item 60 Council Bill 189 - An Ordinance providing for the approval of rezoning from Residential-two (R-2) to Planned Commercial Development (PCD) and approval of an Outline Development Plan on Motion by Mr. Merkl to move Item 9 up to be next; seconded by Mrs, eller; carried 8-0. M WMMT RZDGE BOARD r - ADJUSTUM OF .,1 C . Septemb WMT RIDGE BOARD OF ADaUST Page i aN=S o == njG : , Septeombex 12, 1996 xXiq=S OF M3mTnM-. September 12, 1996 Page 7 Ms. Reckert said the key point to be made is that they are going on the assumption that this is acceptable to the city. applicant would still'have to *w through development plan and plat. No one knows what city counC11 H WHEAT RIDGE BOARD OF .ADJUSTMENT MINUTES OF MEETING: September 12, 1996 Page 9 represent Board Member ECHELMEYER.asked Ms. Hanna how many people does she • owners association, and she replied M MMAT XIDGZ BOARD OF ADJUSTXMT FAINUTES • MMTINGt September 12, 1996 Page U WEXAT RIDGE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT UnM=S OF IOUrkXNG: September 12, 1996 Page 12 Board Member ABBOTT asked Mr. Lundy if he,feels this document gives the people some authority related to the TUP use that is being requested, and he answered not the people so much as the board and he does want the board to read this document before they use their authority. Meredith Reckert noted this case had been continued from September 12, 1996, and handed out Copies of a memo and a revised plan submitted by the applicant. She suggested,Board Members take some time to readher memo and look at the revised plan. Ms. Reckert went over MI on # plan, staff's conclusions, # ten-recommended conditions. Board Member THIESSEN asked how many parking spaces would there be in a certain area, and Ms. Reckert answered she did not know. The plat does not indicate how the lot will be striped. The parking spaces would have to be designed to,certain standards, 8 1/2 feet wide by 18 f eet long, with aisle widths not Board,Member MAURO asked if growth of the business could account for the urgent parking needs, and Ms. Ellis replied the applicant could that question best. added, businesi growth was evident and a majorcause of the problem. Board Member MAURO asked if inventory had been increasecl, and Ms- Ellis stated she was not certain. 9 Board MemberABBOTT reiterated-list that as a condition, since Reckert agreed. phat there would be no need to r egu l at i ons req and Board of Adjustment Minutes Page 9 September 26, 1996 Board.cif Adjustment minutes Page li September 26, 1996 Board of Adjustment Minutes g 12 September 26, 1996 Beard Member ABBOTT feels th are financial and neighborhood hardships. __~_____-�,._~^_^ '_� `�__- `--__ -_- '-___ . ' �� ��� . ADJOURNIIENT Motion was made by Board Member ECHELMEYER, seconded by :Beard Member MAUR to adjourn meeting. .Meeting adjourned at Sandra Wiggin Secret Mary o hapla, secretary WIMAT RIDGE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT X•WT,ES OF XEETtXG: October 23, 1.997 Page 9 Motion was made by Board MemberABB07T, that Case No. TLIP-97-9, an application by Johnny Ketelsen,.Recreational Vehicles, be APPROVED for the following reasons.:_ 1. No clianges to the property have occurred. The vehicle storage lot,bas not negatively affected,the health and welfare, of persons residing or working in the area. 2. Adequate provisions for internal circulation have been made and maintained. 3. This'has been a compatible land use with the adjacent properties. 4. The Temporary Use Permit has not overburdened the capacities of the streets and utilities,, nor-increased the number of residences or employees in the area and the parks and schools have not been impacted. - S. Staff and the owner's representative agree would be, impracticable. at.this time to request a zoning change. WITH THE FOLLOWING ,CONDITION-, .. '. I 1. . 17, 1 Board Member THI stated she is strongly opposed to,any continuation of this case and is strongly leaning towards a, denial. . #• �. . • • x # UZ4 # .. U] Page 10 On .- r five the proper screening will assist in providing o screeni area., The been # like to see that landscaping be installed'along the.adjacent WHEAT RIDGE BOARD OF ADJUSTUEVT MINUTES OF MEETING: October 23, 1997 Page 11 on number six, the.issue of the Allison Street revocable 11cense has been reviewed by the.City attorney. This relates to a-zoning.condition and-when final zoning action is being reviewed, staff will need involve a certain neighborhood to the east. They are asking for an extension on Temporary Use,Permit to correct the violations'and problems with the development, but also would like a continuance of the hearing tonight. Board Member ECHELMEYER asked if he was not aware of the terms that were - aet down, and Mr. Morgan replied absolutely not of that term.. _. Board Member ECHELMEYER asked Mr. Morgan if he was'speakng for the firm, and he replied yes, but this was.entirely the contractor's position to take care of these things and handle them properly. Board Member ECHELMEYER stated to hold a contractor responsible is.a very loose arrangement on the part of management and to say you do not know what it is that he should be doing., Mr. Morgan answered the company is responsible, and accept that, and are trying to correct the problems. .Board Member MAURO wanted to know what the .lot 'is ,used for, and Mr. Morgan answered service parking and employee parking only. At the City's request, there is absolutely no storage of vehicles. WHEAT RIDGE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES OF MEETING: October 23, 1997 Page 13 a continuance does not ,grant that, and Mr. Morgan said-that is why he is asking for both. Mr. McKinnon said they came here to-plead for som6 additional time and feel they are penalized already by not doing what they said they would. They want the opportunity to do what should have been done before, and to be given sufficient time to comply totally. Board Member ABBOTT said they relied heavily on testimony by management last time and took them at their word. They seemed very sincere and competent, but obviously they were not, so how doe Board know they are plugged in-tonig#t. Board Member HOWARD asked with what there is left to do, how much more time did he feel is necessary for a Temporary Use i 11 Ms. Brinkman said she does not believe the parking lot is for employees only because there are there tonight, and there are no employees there. Elsie Brennan, Wheat Ridge Plaza, was sworn in. Ms. Brennan' s concern was the seven lights on the south end of the building that glare right into her bedroom window at night. No further questions were asked. motion was made by Board Member THIESSEN that Case, No. TUP- 97-8, be DENIED for the following reasons: 2. The Board concludes that the applicant: (a) Has failed to comply with the conditions imposed by the resolution granting the original Temporary Use Permit, and >. 4 � y ,. ri ,. a. improvements relating to the erosion and drainage control matters, ♦ w re-seeding of the sitep shall b completed within ninety (90) days of the date of execution of this agreement. b. Improvements relating to the requiremOnts of the wetlands permit be completed, accordance provisions of paragraph below. 2. within thirty N da ys a • • enumerated in paragraph 1, Chesrown will submit a dumping anal landfill permit, if required by the wheat Ridge Code of Laws, wiv- appropriate fees for review and approval by the Public -Wor bepattment. 4. At the time of filing of the PCD or outline development plan amendment application referred to in paragraph 3 Chesrown 2 5. PUBLIC FORUM Chair THOMPSON asked if there was anyone present who wished to d ' iscuss; any. ' subject not appearing on the agenda. The following individual appeared before the Commission': Lew Higgins 3720 Yukon Street Mr. Higgins stated that he had heard rumors that a high profile retail center is being planned for the I present Chesrown Ford property. intorme public comment portion of the public hearing on Case No. WZ-98-13. Commissioner SNOW asked for further explanation about an agreement with Wheat Ridge Plaza in regard to Yukon being opened. Mr. White explained that there is an emergency access which comes in right next to the entrance to Valencia. That development plan atlienurT777 Ly cy - ms of Yukon Street and this emergency access would • dedicated to the City as a street. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked when the applicant was advised of the shallow water assessment, Mr. White replied that it was probably a few days after the City received it. Bob Goebel stated that the date of the report was June 30, so the applicant probably received it during the first part of July. Avenue into a storm sewer which the City's consultant felt had an impact on the well situation. Chair THOMPSON stated that she I sees a problem with moving the light from Allison to YuIr-on because of the traffic stacking which occurs when 3 ' 8th Avenue is busy, Mr. Goebel replied that traffic from Allison Street could possibly be impeded; however, it had not been studied at this point. Chair THOMPSON expressed concern about buffering protection of neighbors to the south of the subject property, Mr. White replied that there was required landscaping for a public street. Chair THOMPSON asked if the City could have a guarantee that the parking lot would be for employee parking only. Mr. White replied that it would be an appropriate condition for the final development plan. Planning Commission Page 4 09/3/98 Chair THOMPSON asked if the auto dealership could have an auto body shop if the southern portion • the property were to become an auto dealership, Mr. White replied that it would depend • whether or not it was an allowed use under C-1 zoning, Commissioner SNOW read from the code which states that body repair and painting is allowed in C- I zone Mr. Goebel stated a correction to the date that Chesrown Automotive Group received the groundwater report. He stated that Chesrown would have received this report the first or second week in August rather than the first week in July. Dick Scheurer 143 Union Boulevard, Suite 165, Lakewood Planning Commission 09/3/98 im Commissioner SNOW asked why they were changing their request for 35-foot building height to 50-foot building height, noting that such a change also relates to zoning, Commissioner BRINKMAN asked if the applicant had received the 30-day temporary use permit extension Mr. White replied that the extension had been granted. Commissioner GOKEY asked for clarification regarding ownership of the property. Mr. Scheurer replied that the subject property was owned by Republic Industries doing busine as Chesrown Friendly Ford. He explained that the present dealership property has several owners, one of which is the Johnny Harper Estate. Chair THOMPSON asked if it would be setting a precedent which would allow the entire parcel to be used for car sales if the plan is approved tonight for the parking, Mr. White replied that the Commission still has the ability to restrict uses in the planned commercial development. Planning Commission Page 6 09i3/98 Mr. Scheurer responded to Chair THOMPSON's concerns about use of the parking lot by stating that they have restricted the parking area to employee parking, customer parking and parking of customer service cars. Commissioner COLLINS took exception with the islands being located on the perimeter of the parking lot and asked where handicapped spaces were located. Mr. Harper replied that they could stripe h andicapped spaces within the lo t o meet t requirement. He further Planning Commission Page 7 09/3198 stated that the Friendly Ford lot has handicapped parking spaces. Commissioner COLLINS noted that handicapped spaces on the existing dealership lot cannot be counted toward the required spaces for the additional parking lot. Todd Maul Chesrown Automotive Group 7320 North Broadway, Denver Mr. Maul was sworn in by Chair THOMPSON. In response to an earlier question by Commissioner COLLINS, he stated they employ approximately 120 people. Commissioner BRINK.-MAN asked Mr. Maul if he had attended any of the Wadswort h ' Corridor studies. He replied that he has attended some in the past, but did not attend the most recent meeting. Commissioner B N asked if they planned to mow the weeds and maintain the lot. Mr. Harper replied that they will keep the property in compliance with City codes. (Chair THOMPSON declared a recess at 10.00 p,m. The meeting was reconvened at 10:10 P.m) motion failed unanimously, leaving the City Attorney in the position of having to defend the lawsuit on the basis of his position with the City, but not being allowed to on the basis of the motion. A lawsuit ensued which resulted in an agreement to approve the rezoning on the provision that Allison Street would be closed, In 1992, a subsequent City Council voted to open Allison Street • conditions of the subject license agreement. Mr. Lundy read the following from the agreement: "The completion of construction of an alternate traffic route, rather than Allison Street, which shall be required by the City as a conM ition by the City of any rezoning or redevelopment request whether instituted by the City or a third party of all, or a portion, of the vacant property located at 35th and Wadsworth." Commissioner GOKEY suggested that some confusion regarding condemnation could have arisen as a result of the Wadsworth Corridor Study meetings. was 50 feet and therefore it was included on the drawings; however the original plan was for a 35-foot building height and a 50-foot spire or bell tower. He stated that Mr. Maul had indicated a 35-foot building height limitation would serve his purposes. Commissioner BRINKMAN expressed concern about the weeds, etc, on the vacant portion of the property and commented that future development on that lot would probably be more accepted by the community if the lot were kept up until the development comes before the City again. Commissioner BRINKMAN referred to the islands and the handicapped parking requirements. Mr. White replied that the applicant meets code requirements for one island per fifty parking spaces. Commissioner COLLINS stated that federal ADA regulations require one handicapped parking space per every 25 parking spaces. It was moved by Commissioner NO and seconded by Commissioner BRINKMAN that Case No. WZ-98- 1 ), a request for approval of an amended Outline Development Plan, be DENIED for the following reasons: Although there have been changes in the area since the approval of the existing PC► , these have generally been toward becoming a more retail and service oriented area. p "'m -, ,�into -arim for emploNees and -cl fy -P cars being serviced, a use producing very low sales tax revenue, The proposed change neither brings the plan more into conformance with the previous comprehensive plan nor would the plan, especially the parking lot portion of the plan, be in conformance with the intent of the proposed comprehensive plan for this area. Planning Commission Page 10 09/3/98 e expansio e parKing portion 7 existing 17-Tio r s expeclea lights and large amounts of paving is not compatible with the residential uses to the west, southwest and northwest, 4. The fact that the existing dealership is crowded on its present site does not justify the expansion onto a site more suitable to retail and service uses of greater benefit to the City. The major and most significant change from the current PCD is the expansion of the parking area for the existing dealership. Since there is no void in auto dealerships in the City • Wheat Ridge, this change does not meet the criteria • filling a void for needed services, products or facilities, Commissioner BRINK-MAN asked if Commissioner SNOW would be agreeable to addin an additional reason for denial as follows: It is not known what the impact of the development will be to the shallow ground water situation. I Commissioner SNOW responded that, although she had considered it, she felt such a condition would imply that the use of a car lot is acceptable if the drainage problem is corrected and that she didn't feel a car lot was the proper use for this piece of land regardless of the drainage situation. Chair THOMPSON asked if Commissioner SNOW would consider downsizing the parking from 218 spaces to a smaller lot to help alleviate parking on Yukon Court. Commissioner SNOW responded that she felt that the dealership should utilize their existing space for employee parking. The motion carried by a vote of 7-0 with Commissioner D absent. Commissioner BRINKMAN moved and Commissioner SNOW seconded that the Planning Commission not make an additional motion on the preliminary and final development plan as it is not relevant since the outline development plan has been denied. The motion carried by a vote • 7-0 with Commissioner DUNN absent. I Chair THOMPSON requested that, at such time as a future development plan for this property comes before the Planning Commission, that the revocable license agreement for Allison Street as well as the Yukon Street agreement be made a part of the packet for the Commission's consideration and, further, that it be made a part of the City Council packet for the Chesrown hearing. Planning Commission Page I I 09/11/98 Commissioner BRINKMAN requested that Planning Commission members receive copies of the minutes to review before they go to Council since the Planning Commission meeting of September 17th has been canceled. N a A. Commissioner SNOW asked the date of the mass rezoning meeting. Mr. White replied that the meeting would be held September 15. NEW BUSINESS B. Alan White advised the Commission that there would be neighborhood meetings regarding the Wadsworth Corridor on: September 3)0, 0, October 1- and October 20. All of the meetings will be at 7:00 p.m. Commissioner GOKEY stated that some people in his neighborhood are concerned about the Wadsworth Corridor. Mr, White replied that staff was aware of these concerns and held a meeting at the middle school to address their concerns. There were no reports. 12. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Conu GOKEY to adjourn the meeting at 11:10 p.m to September 10, 1998 Ann Lazzeri, RecordViecretary C:J ice Thompson, Chair C:\Barbat�a\PCRPTS' INUMI 998W30903.wpd Planning Commission Page 12 09/3/98 il:� WHEAT RIDGE CIT *UNCIL MINUTES: SEPTEMBER:2s 1•98 PAGE- 3 - Me ica ton cK to TV Boa Adjustment to extend the temporary use permit at their discretion; and that until action by the Board of Adjustment the temporary use permit be stayed; seconded by Mr. DiTullio; carried 7-0. IteM 2. Council Bill 31 - An Ordinance dissolving the Wheat Ridge Special Improvement District Number 1987-1. Council Bill 31 was introduced on second reading by Mrs. Worth; title read by the Clerk; Ordinance No. 1132 assigned. Motion by Mrs. Worth for approval of Council Bill 31 (Ordinance No. 1132); seconded by Mrs. Dalbec; carried 7-0. 5. The City received four calls requesting denial, including two from previous signers of the petition for variance submitted to the Board. The motion for denial passed by a vote • 4-1 with Board Member WALKER voting no and Board Members ECHELMEYER, HOVLAND and JUNKER absent. Chair MAURO advised the applicants that their request had been denied. B. !Case No. TUP-98-08: An application • Chesrown Automotive Group, Inc., for approval of a one-year extension of their existing temporary use permit for an employee'and customer parking lot on the south side of the Chesrown Friendly Ford dealership. Said property is located at 3601 Wadsworth Boulevard and zoned PCD. Board Member WALKER commented that drainage from hundreds of vehicles in the area would probably pollute the wells. Board of Adjustment Page 5 12/10/98 [toard Member HOWARD commented that he felt the wells had nothing to do with the granting of a TUP which is being requested to give the applicant time to get everything in *rder to proceed with their planned commercial development. Board Member ABBOTT asked if the resident's concern about lighting from the parking lot had been addressed, Mr. White replied that the lighting issue had been modified and resolved. Board Member asked the status of screening in regard to concerns of neighbors on the west who were asking for more permanent type screening such as landscaping. Mr. White replied that the additional screening was an issue connected with the outline development plan. Dick Scheurer 143 Union Boulevard, Suite 625 Lakewood, CO Board of Adjustment Page 6 12/10/98 t 111DEADY.-JA4 Board Member THIESSEN asked if Chesrown would continue with their plans if the TUP were not granted. Mr. Scheurer replied that they would continue. Chair MAURO asked if there were others present who wished to address the Planning Commission. Upon a motion by Board Member ABBOTT, and second by Board Member WALKER, the following resolution was stated: Whereas, the applicant was denied permission by an administrative officer; and Whereas, Board of Adjustment application Case No. TUP-98-08 is an appeal to this Board from the decision of an administrative officer; and Whereas, the property has been posted the fifteen days required by law and there were no protests registered against it and Type of Temporary Use Permit: A one-year temporary use permit for an employee and customer parking lot • the south side • the Chesrowri Friendly Ford Dealership. Board of Adjustment Page 7 12/10/98 I filill 2111112"! 111i'll 11111111 A,103 ' i� The applicant has complied with all conditions established in the resolution of the original temporary use permit and the conditions of the stipulation agreement with the City. 2. The request the requirements set forth in the established criteria for temporary use permits. 3. Denial could be expected to recreate the previous problems on Yukon Court with, employee parking. 4 The City Council has postponed final action on the related PCD pending further information on several questions; therefore, a permanent permit for this lot cannot be practically approved outside of the PCD process. 5. There have been no complaints recently received related to any health or safety issues related to continued use of this parking lot under the conditions of the TUP. 1'11111111111111 111!! 1 1 111111111 �illill illilljllllllllllllll�illillill 1 111111 r 1 111111 11111111111 1111111111111111 • Board Member THIESSEN offered a friendly amendment to include the restrictions contained in the original TUP in regard to vehicle storage being limited to excluding all inventory, and limited to employee's cars and vehicles awaiting service. Board Member ABBOTT and board Member WALKER accepted the amendment to read as follows: Tile 1117tion P AND JUNKER absent. Board of Adjustment Page 8 Z) 12/10/98 3. Due to the scope of this proposal, its uses and size, the proposal is insubstantial in significant areas necessary to allow the Board to make a sufficiently educated decision. For example: (Chair HOWARD declared a recess at 9:40 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:50 p.m.) C. Case No. TLJP-29-06: An application submitted • John Elway Auto Nation for an extension of TUP-98-08 allowing for employee and service vehicle parking on the south side ♦ the current Friendly Ford facility zoned PCD and located at 3601 Wadsworth Boulevard. Board of Adjustment Page 7 December 9, 1999 16 Todd Maul Mr. Maul was sworn by Chair HOWARD. He stated that John Elway Auto Nation is here to stay. A large investment has been made in this dealership and is very much a part of the community. He stated that Marshall Chesrowm, the previous owmer, has no further ownership or interest in this property. in response to a quesTion rrom 57 M er • C Tff 0 i ' I "r It a 4 Upon a motion by Board Member ABBOTT and second by Board Member MAURO, the following resolution was stated. Whereas, the applicant was denied permission by an administrative officer; and Whereas, Board of Adjustment Application Case No. TUP 99-06 is an appeal to this Board from the decision of an administrative officer, and RIMIFFITU17M kAM F MM and without substantially impairing the intent and purpose of the regulations governing the City of Wheat Ridge, Now, therefore, be it resolved that Board of Adjustment Application Case No. TUP-99- 0• be, and hereby is, approved. Type of Temporary Use Permit: To allow service vehicle and employee parking in a PCD zone, Board of Adjustment Page 8 December 9, 1999 4 No significant public safety issues have occurred as a result of this temporary up Q The motion carried by a vote of 7-0 with Board Member JUNKER, absent. - Chair HOWARD advised the applicant that the temporary use permit was granted. Board of Adjustment Page 9 December 9, 1999 ly� , A. Case No. 11 t' An application submitted by John Elway AutoNation for approval of a preliminary and final development plan and final plat for property zonei Planned Commercial Development (PCD) and located at 3501 Wadsworth Boulevard for the purpose of operating an automotive dealership. Commissioner BRINKNUN offered a friendly amendment to add to the requested information any city-sponsored reports regarding impact on water and drainage to the 2djoining neighborhoods to the north, south, east and west, and that this information be -.vailable to the citizens. The amendment was accepted by Commissioners SNOW and COOPER. Commissioner BRRQ(NIAN stated that she would like to see architectural features and the hydrological survey • 1998 that addressed the neighbors' concerns included in the: next report. She stated that she would vote against the motion to continue because she believed the applicant should be able to hear the neighbors' concerns this evening in order to address those M- e Trio - ISS1101 - V - a 771-T& 7.1—TiT 177imissiltner .2bsent. This case was presented by Alan White. He reviewed the staff report, presented slides and overheads of the subject property and entered all documents into the record. The documents were accepted by Chair McNAMEE. Mr. White informed the Commission they had jurisdiction to hear the case. Staff recommended approval of the application with conditions as outlined in the staff report. Commissioner COOPER asked what would happen to the kiosk if the property should be developed. Alan )White stated that this would be a matter between the owner of the property and the applicant. He also stated that the kiosk should not result in increased traffic in the area. Willis Wodnik 965 East 78' Place, Thornton In response to questions from Commissioner THOMPSON, Mr. Wodnik explained that the kiosk would have pressurized tanks for fresh water and tanks to hold gray water. Arrangements have been made with the Stage Stop Antique Mall for kiosk employees to use the Mall's bathroom facilities, In response to Commissioner BRINKMANT's concerns about the curb cuts, Mr. Wodnik stated he would apply directional arrows to the curb cuts. Planning Commission Page 3 October 4, 2001 ■ ■ Im E3 11 CLEAR CREEK CONSITLTNG - W 34r AVE GROUND WATER ASSESSMENT - 06/30 - Page 3 of 22 To: File 498.1 From: Phillippe L. Martin, C.P.G. Date: March 29, 2000 Subject: Field Observations In going around the excavated drainage ways and the wet areas, I examined the soils at • near the water surface at a number of locations. I primarily found silt (windblown loess) or dense plastic clays. Neither of these appears to be a component of the reported alluvial sands and gravels that make up the aquifer at the site. Phone: (303) 526-2600. Fax: (303j 526-2624 email: pjtmwi@aol.com Mr. Bud Simon DHM Design Corporation 13•0 Lawrence Street Suite 100 Denver, CO 80204 Re: Auto Nation Site Job No. 498.1 Our investigations have led us to the conclusion that the Clear Creek Consulting report is in error in stating that the operation of the Sump is contributing in any significant way to the changes in water levels being'reported in the wells to the southeast of the site. Our reasons are as follows: N Martin and Wood Water Consultants, Inc. 3 Martin and Wwd Water Consultants, Inc, We hope this report has provided the level of detail into our investigations that you requested. If you have any questions on our analysis, or the contents • this letter, please do not hesitate to call us. El Alartin and Wood Water Comultants, Inc, \ / INTRODUCTION / geophysical surveys were conducted. i W, i ro =1# i INOTIMOUV591 0. EMBLEM= An OhmMapper survey was started and some useful data were collected. However, after the first day of resistivity data collection, rain and snow caused the ground to become too conductive for the system to operate properly. At this point, the only option was to switch to an the resolution of a detailed resistivity survey. N RESISTIVITY RESISTIVITY 1 CONDUCTIVITY (ohm-centimeters) (ohm-meters) (milliSiemens/meter) Marine clay Moist all UVIUM Glacial outwash - ---------------- 1.3 X IW River gravel 4.8 X 104 i W, i ro =1# i INOTIMOUV591 0. EMBLEM= An OhmMapper survey was started and some useful data were collected. However, after the first day of resistivity data collection, rain and snow caused the ground to become too conductive for the system to operate properly. At this point, the only option was to switch to an the resolution of a detailed resistivity survey. N ul III I liq ill"Ill 1 11 11 11 ;;;�;, I I I I i 1' 11111 13 El 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 EASTING (feet) ++i i. + + + + + +. +. +t +t+ + + + +. ++ +t +.t ++ + + + + ++ ++++++ ....... i++++++++i++.++i-li++- ++ i-+ t. + + + + + + +} + + + ++ + + + + +.. +. + + + + +.. + ++ ++ +- t + + + +t+ + + + ++++t t + + + +.i +i+ +t + ++ ++ +........ + + + ++ + + ++ ++ + + + + + + + +i + + - + +. +. ..........+++ . + +............ ++ +++i- FF•++-FF ++J— � + + + +++++t + + + ++ +++++++ + ++_F$!-F+ .t+. + ++++ + + + ++ ...... ! + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ ++++++++ m 4 0 z F_ w Z 3 L FRIENDLY FORD /AUTONATION �-Chain Link Fence 1-14 -hV rl- r+ri- Fw -i-r +++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ + + + + + ++ + + +t + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ i++++++ ...... . . +++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + ++ + ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + e1- li- I- r +F!-- i- i-!-h; l-!+'•� i- F+i}+H-rl++i ++++++++++++++++++++i-+++i.+ + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + + + + + + + + +...... +i �}}i- + 4 -+i -H- 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CONDUCTIVITY (MilliSiemens /Meter) NOTES: All data collected with a Geonics EM -31 conductivity meter in horizontal dipole mode 10 100 37TH AVENUE 100 �- 200 300 T 400 T 500 r- --,- -� 600 -�- 700 EASTING (feet) 400 500 600 700 AUTONATION EM -31 HORIZONTAL DIPOLE RESULTS (DEPTH = APPROX. 10 FEET) !GEOPHYSICA April 2000 JOB #00 -7 FIGURE 2 0 100 200 300 500-1 - - - - I _ .. 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T - - 1 - - 0 100 200 300 400 EASTING (feet) 500 600 700 Q W D / O CEO W O / W 0 R1 We 200 I W (D t 1 V Z L 2 N w Z NOTES: + Data Point Location I AUTONATION I EM -31 VERTICAL DIPOLE (DEPTH = APPROX. 18 FEET) DATA LOCATION MAP !GEOPHYSICA April 2000 1 JOB #00 -7 1 FIGURE 3 5 m 40 J ID _Z 2 Z 30 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 - - '- - -� -L_ ' L - -J- -- - - -L--- EASTING (feet) 0 W J `O M H O D 700 - - 1-800 700 00 Z HE F- W 00 Z 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 CONDUCTIVITY MilliSiemens/Meter NOTES: 200 All data collected with a Geonics EM -31 conductivity meter in vertical dipole mode 10 37TH AVENUE 0 100 200 300 400 EASTING (feet) 500 600 100 AUTONATION EM -31 VERTICAL DIPOLE RESULTS (DEPTH = APPROX. 18 FEET) !GIEOPHYSICA 700 April 2000 I JOB #00 -7 FIGURE 4 ��26 Phone: (303) 526-2600. Fax: (303) 526-26 email: pjtmwi@aol,co' December 20, 2000 Mr. Bud Simon DHM Design Corporation 1390 Lawrence Street, Suite 100 Denver, ;0 802-04 Re: Water Level Monitoring 35th and Wadsworth AutoNation Site Job No. 498.1 2 .4fartin and Mcw,)d lKiter Con.,5ultants, Inc, 7480 West 34th differ by only one or two tenths of a foot for the same June 1998 to summer 2000 comparison. Please let us know if you have any questions about the contents Of this letter or the data collection carried outViis past summer. PLM:vm 11 1114win anti Wbod Mater Cbrvmllant,�;, Inc. U z W J cr W aJ 5 ix W W Z 0) — W 2 w Z �v x Q I E 0 000 `n Alnr NO 03lldiSN1 Wn.Lva 3AOSV (MOND 13A31 V31VM NI 3JNdHO 00 0 - E N , D OE'S oa O Oi 6 O C� 7 tle, 60 S O 2�� O i V., 40> ° c'� c' � O fs { a c'� C' � ' d I � ; 00 q � 2 /s 00 t, W 02J�z Q 2,, 0 G t, O, ° c am S O 000 e-l- 00, SO 0 ,° 80 �°e�� �o 0 0, L 0 � ve- 2 `O ev e eo c, a �i �O 0 0, ° c,'• c eO '0 d0°e "S *0 �2 " � �0 © ` ve 0 .* 0 I m LL as ;q V? z UJ -J LU > J 0 1 ui z 1'- W Z LU 0 Lu Co A" I i v as i C OD 0 0 0 0 a L6 6 0 6 0 C%4 Cq T- V- 000z d u Ainr NO 0311VISNI wn.Lva 3AOS► (S31-13NI) MA31 M31VM Ni 30NVH3 7 m 0 0 ,- 0- 0 , t 0 0, v e- 6 1 0 0 � 1 8 1 1 0, 0-1 1 0 0 0, 0 0, I 2 c i9 b 0 0, V al 3 1 0 ° - �; ; no 0 0 0 a o s 000e- " (I 00 Ali va L 000 - 1 E-% 49e% UJ Oo, ve-, 00 t, 0 0, - e, " I 2 e- R P o O i ol 0 0, 1 e oll ve, 6 1 0 e ve- &o 0, 0 o 0 0, 0-.% 8 0 Val 0 Ve, eo 0 0, " ve- I ro 0 0, � ,J, el. " va eo 0 e," VO - 0 0 (p o oe- �4 o 0 0, 0 00 b e, o Z- le vo 000z d u Ainr NO 0311VISNI wn.Lva 3AOS► (S31-13NI) MA31 M31VM Ni 30NVH3 7 m C7 m O O O N CL IUL as — � � 3 r U) .® w 00 � L CD Q � O � Q! C4 m ® Z I �� cc 4) d V d � M o I O m N - fj C4 � a d W) W) co V qq W) a W) W) W) }aa: - uoi;eAG13 algel J04eM TO: Planning Commission DATE OF MEETING: CASE NO. & NAME: ACTION REQUESTED: Case Nos. WZ- 01-03, WZ -01 -04 and WS -01 -0 Various - See gage 2 DATE POSTED: November !1 November DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: ENTERINTO RECORD: Planning Commission November 28, 2001 Page I LEMENUMINIM This staff report involves three land use case described below. There are five different property owners involved. All of them have signed applications which have not been included in the packet but are 'in the case file. Property address: Owner(s): 4455 Simms Street Lynn and Nancy Fightmaster 11641 W. 44' Avenue Herb and Glendene Fightmaster 11661 W. 44' Avenue Zelma Fightmaster Estate 11680 W 46' Avenue Jim Turgeon WMW= 11690 W. 46' Avenue Jim Turgeon Emu= Owner(s)' Mailing Address: Case No. WZ-01-04: Properties involved: Vacant property located south of 11680 and 11690 W. 46' Aven Action Requested: Zone change from F4r, 'to Case No. WS-01-02: Properties involved: 11680 W. 46' Avenue, 11690 W. 40 Avenue and vacant property located south of 11680 and 11690 W. 46' Avenue Action Requested: Approval of a combined preliminary and final subdivision plat The case numbers referenced above have all been published separately. Individual actions in the order designated above must be made, If the first request (removal of the zoning conditions) is not approved, then no action can occur on Case Nos. WZ-01-04 and WS-01-02. If Case No. WZ-01-04 is denied than no action should be taken on WS-0 1 -02. The Fightmaster and Turgeon holdings were rezoned from Agricultural-One to Residential-Three pursuant to Case No. WZ-80-28. This case rezoned all 5 acres (five parcels) under single ownership (Fightmaster). At the time of the rezoning, which was speculative, it was assumed that the property would be developed into a single Planning Commission Page 2 November 28, 2001 This case was scheduled for public hearing in front of City Council on January 13, 199T At the Council ruled meeting, it was that here was no jurisdiction because of condition original The applicant subsequently withdrew Planning Commission November 2, 2001 Page 3 Planning Commission reviewed this case at a public hearing held on June 1, 7, 1999 A recommendation of approval was made for subdivision plat the following reasons: I . It is consistent with the original zoning condition. 2. All minimum requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. 3. The Public Works Department's analysis of traffic circulation in the area and the traffic report submitted indicate that a connection between West 46' Avenue and West 44' Avenue is not desirable. With the following conditions: A recommendation of anDroval was given fVLA ii • I , It is consistent with the original condition, 2. All minimum requirements of the R-3 zone district regulations have been met, With the following condition: Public hearings were held in front of City Council on January 24, 2000 and February 14, 2000. Final public hearing action was taken by the City Council on February 28, 2000. The request for subdivision approval pursuant to Case No. U-99-01 was denied for the following reasons: The request for site plan approval was denied for the following reasons: 1. The condition imposed by Ordinance 443 (March 9, 1981) requiring `unified design illustrating Planning Conimission Page 4 November 28, 2001 NEIGH130RHOOD MEETING Public Service Company has requested their standards language be included on the plat (see Note #3). V. CHANGE OF ZONING CONDITIONS ON 5 ACRES The condition of approval for Case No. WZ-80-28, Ordinance No.443, reads that "Prior to issuance of any building permits for new construction, the subject property legall described in S There is no mistake on the zoning map. If the request for condition removal is approved, the zoning on the property will remain R-3 until zoning action occurs, Planning Commission November 2 8, 2001 Page 5 The ownership conditions changed in 1986 when the Turgeons purchased the northern two lots and developed them into four-plexes. The density standards at that time would have allowed 26 units for each of the two parcels, 3. That the change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance, with the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives and policies, comprehensive land use plan and other related policies or plans for the area. Adjacent land use and zoning surrounding the property includes low density residential (single family and duplexes) • the north and Planned Commercial Development (RV park and retail along 44' Avenue) to the south. Abutting the property to the west is a duplex and vacant property zoned A- I and R- I and multi-family development zoned R-3. • the east is Agricultural-One zoned and utilized Iroperty, Removal of i • i: T , I . 6:v be consistent with adjacent low density residential land use immediately abutting that portion of the property (north, west and south). Removal of the condition on the Fightmaster portion and maximization of R-3 zoning would allow the following: Address: lot size: present land use: R-3 maximization: 4455 Simms Street 19,099 sf Single family 5 units 11641 W. 44' Ave. 16,041 sf Single family 4 units 11661 W. 44" Ave. 69,897 sf Single family 19 units Planning Commission Page 6 November 28, 2001 Planning Commission Page 7 November 28, 2001 There have been very few changes to the area which is predominately developed with single-family residences and duplexes. 3. That the change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance, with the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives and policies, comprehensive land use plan and other related policies or plans for the area. 4. That the proposed change of zone is compatible with the surrounding area and there will be minimal adverse impacts considering the benefits to be derived. Adjacent land use and zoning surrounding the property being rezoned to R-2 includes low density residential (single family and duplexes) with R-2 zoning to the north and R-3 land with single family homes to the south (Fightmaster properties). Abutting the property to the west is .« and vacant property zoned A- I and R- 1. To the east is agriculturally zoned and used property. Staff concludes that rezoning to R-2 would generally be consistent with zoning and land use in the vicinity. 5. That there will be social, recreational, physical and/or economic benefits to the community derived by the change of zone. 7. That the proposed rezoning will not adversely affect public health, safety or welfare by creating excessive traffic congestion, creating drainage problems, or seriously reducing light and air to adjacent properties. EMOMEM. MMEMMI « MMOMIM Planning Commission Page 8 November 28, 2001 Staff is supporting the installation of speed humps • Swadley because they meet the criteria specifi in the NTMP guidelines. The neighborhood, however, would like humps installed on both Swadley and West 4• ' Avenue. The location and configuration of the humps will • determined by City Council at the public hearing for the subdivision, Planning Commission Page 10 November 28, 2001 3. The neighborhood is generally in support of it with the proposed platting for duplexes." Option B: "I move to DENY Case No. WZ-0 1-04, a request for approval • zone change from Residential-Three to Residential-Two for vacant property located south of 11680 and 11690 West 46' Avenue, for the following reasons: I. It is inconsistent with the designation on the Comprehensive Plan. 2. 3." Planning Commission Page I I November 28, 2001 � � A P (,A7 . p2 e) v t it,�G89 "a 1'16' ...,.. ®.. ...�.. ..._ R� 15.00" 25' 25' R- I 5.00" I_- 23.64` 1.- 23:48' I LOT e LOT 5.359 SO. FT. 15.358 so. FT } - ---10' UTILITY AND .` DRAINAGE EASEMENT ( I 10` UTILITY EASEMENT (Tm) Ir I 5, , 5.00' UTILITY EASEMENT {TYP) n 10` UTILITY AND 1 DRAINAGE EASEMENT 0 LOT 5 LOT 2 � 0 Cc 14 StY. FT. r 14,515 SQ, FT, I 0a67 57` 36` 1 8 4 5.00' L-66.16' 4 19'0 Rw45.00` m Ln 4 1 1. =64.65' 4 'r 125:35 � �...... 7-25771 „..�.` �.... ._._ .�, I #t8 9 2 ' �.. .�. nMP *2A y Sr4C. C uc.$ 12t6- *4r - - WAY � exreA)sfory ti71 A-63` 17' 2r” R- 45.00 A 1 0.4 �r11 F 0 4 1 ° L- 9.7 1-�4 00` 21' "" s LOT f _ LOT 3 i+td ,� ,� V AVM t Q I ROIWAXWM W" " =i I- 04 lm.'- A Pe RO er Z> terl ;eel 4 8 8 '1415 t i S lif I R 1116,111 , Of M. uj t i ! 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A S ON R Jq"LAT - Ef) A-! r-'01NING EIST / CORNER SFCTKN 20 ,, 1/4 BRASS CAP IN RA!,IN'JE POI! D4X L !", 7 ,212 S 813 25I„755" _L \y VIZ 80-28 WS -62 WS-98H NZ -Oi -03 1 INS-0HO2 NZ-01-04 NORTHEAST CORNER SECT0N 20 3 •V BRASS CAP IN RANGE POla BOX LS 1321' IF PREPARED BY: LANE ENGINEERING SEFv'iCE, INC. 9500 WEST 14M AVE1 LAXI Fed OOD, CX) 80216 TEA: 1300 233-4042 F= (303) 233-006 l � \ A DESCR&TICIN A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE NORTHE45T ONE 0 SEC00\j 20, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, QANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL VER10AN, CiT� 0: WHEAT R13GE, YFIERSON COCINTY, COLORADO BEING TW7 OR !ON OF LOT 1 4 , LEES SuBD 1 V ; 5 !ON, A SUBD: V 1 S ION RECORDED IN T4E RECORDS OF THE .�EFFFPSQN COUNT v CLERK AND RECORDER IN PLAT 3001 2 AT PAGE 23 DESCR !BED AS VOLLOII3 GOMMENCING AT THE EAST CNE-QUA020 CORNER OF SAID SECTION 20, THENCE N 50"31 29 IN ON AN 1 55UVED BEA;I%C AI; ONC HE EAST LINE 07 SAID SECT ON 20, A DISTANCE OF E53 !a :EE "0 InE SQUIHEAST COON; R OF LOT ii Cl SAID LIE S SOODnVISION, THENCE CONTINLING N.00 29 A DISTANCE OF 335 30 FEET TO THE TRnin POINT OF BEGINNING. FHENCE CONTINUING N 00 29'w A DiSrANCE OF 33 .Ob �El TO - 1-7 SOuTI-I R - GHT- OP- WAY LINZ OF WEST 46T& &IENUE AS vONUMENTED, THENCE S 89"1 !7 ALONG SOID SOUTH R OF - WAY LINE A 031ANCE OF 33i& PEET E TC THE NORTHEAST CORNER 0 F 7 TRACT OF AND DESCRIBED . RECEPTION NUMBTR 91045584 OF THE jEFP EPSON COUNTY RECORDS, THENCE 5 00c4b 43 A DISTANCE OF K, )C FEE! TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER )P SAID TRACT. THENCE 5 1029 3C'E ALONG ' E EAST LINE OF THAT TRACT 0' uAND )ESCRiBED IN PITCA . PI PON NUVBER _)21Wb4 CT THE jTTFERSON COuNlY RECORDS, A DISTANCE U 245 Ob - ET, THENVE N 89 77 4 DISTANCE OF 330 87 FEET 10 TYE TRY DOINT OF BVINNINC 7 M N I Z 14 OWN T 4 - 7 - it SUBDIVISION A PORTION OF THE NOR1104'S I)NE--()I(_,ARlEr?, OF THE JaME5 R TuROECN EAST CONE—HALF OF 1.01T 14, OF SEMICA 20, TOWiNSHIP :5 5001-1 LEE :,3 SUBDI'V III ON FRANGE OF THE ✓1h RA TURGE0, CITY OF �A/HEAT RITE, jE7PT.,R�_ 20 RX)ROCKS AAY DESCR&TICIN A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE NORTHE45T ONE 0 SEC00\j 20, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, QANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL VER10AN, CiT� 0: WHEAT R13GE, YFIERSON COCINTY, COLORADO BEING TW7 OR !ON OF LOT 1 4 , LEES SuBD 1 V ; 5 !ON, A SUBD: V 1 S ION RECORDED IN T4E RECORDS OF THE .�EFFFPSQN COUNT v CLERK AND RECORDER IN PLAT 3001 2 AT PAGE 23 DESCR !BED AS VOLLOII3 GOMMENCING AT THE EAST CNE-QUA020 CORNER OF SAID SECTION 20, THENCE N 50"31 29 IN ON AN 1 55UVED BEA;I%C AI; ONC HE EAST LINE 07 SAID SECT ON 20, A DISTANCE OF E53 !a :EE "0 InE SQUIHEAST COON; R OF LOT ii Cl SAID LIE S SOODnVISION, THENCE CONTINLING N.00 29 A DISTANCE OF 335 30 FEET TO THE TRnin POINT OF BEGINNING. FHENCE CONTINUING N 00 29'w A DiSrANCE OF 33 .Ob �El TO - 1-7 SOuTI-I R - GHT- OP- WAY LINZ OF WEST 46T& &IENUE AS vONUMENTED, THENCE S 89"1 !7 ALONG SOID SOUTH R OF - WAY LINE A 031ANCE OF 33i& PEET E TC THE NORTHEAST CORNER 0 F 7 TRACT OF AND DESCRIBED . RECEPTION NUMBTR 91045584 OF THE jEFP EPSON COUNTY RECORDS, THENCE 5 00c4b 43 A DISTANCE OF K, )C FEE! TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER )P SAID TRACT. THENCE 5 1029 3C'E ALONG ' E EAST LINE OF THAT TRACT 0' uAND )ESCRiBED IN PITCA . PI PON NUVBER _)21Wb4 CT THE jTTFERSON COuNlY RECORDS, A DISTANCE U 245 Ob - ET, THENVE N 89 77 4 DISTANCE OF 330 87 FEET 10 TYE TRY DOINT OF BVINNINC 7 M N I Z 14 -Al a E NOTES OWN T 4 . JaME5 R TuROECN DIAMETER REBAR WITH CAP STAMPEO DANIEL A. TURGE0, SET 706 ELM CIRC.1 2 HOWN !qUSQ) 20 RX)ROCKS AAY GCLD!% CO 20 !HE RAS GOLDEN CO 80401 C PORTION 5 T 303-271 80&� IS - HE ASSUMPTION THA THE EAST LINE OF THE NORTHEAST ENG 1 DEEP -DuAR - EP OF 5ECT;DN 20 BEARS 100 29 W, 5 OR 1 Tv 1 T -I 085 DARKER >� T* _OCAT;ON OF NEST 46 AVENUE - H AVEN 15 BASED ON - HE RECOvERED 1 PARKER CO 80 38 TH 5 MONUMENT IS CONSIGIEN7 0TH THOSE SET By HERBERT SuRn YOR 172, FOR ONE-SIXIEENTH CORNERS. VR, 01\1 WAS THE ORIGINAL STEVEN 5 L 1 In FER EYOR PON ROWE 5 SUBD v 5 1 ON PAR T TWO , VH I CIA DED �0 TES _H I LANE ENG HE EA : NC SEAR 0 NJ,, OF ROWE S SUMVIS ON PAR WD 9500 WEST 411- AVE, ONE-SIXTEENTH CORNER AT THE SOUTHEAS CORNER 0 THE WEST LAKEWCOD CO 8020 &ENUE DEDIC Tr. ON. 4 303033-4042, IS a hON- BUILDABLE TRACT to BE DEEDED TO THE ADAnCEN OWNER SITE DA7A ILE THE POSSESSION AND DEED LINES 5 TOTA. ARCO DF 3 TE - _ 507 LCRES KE BENCH MARK NUMBER OF LOTS 6 CORNER 0 SECT ON 2 ON SMAL.SST LOT - 1 4,52; SQUARE FEEF HE LARGES1 LOT - 17,370 boiARE FEE 14 DWELLING JN1 LEGEN',' INDICATES EX 1 ST ING SE01? I _10, INDICAKS TX! ST ING WATER VAL4 INDICATES EXI SF iN6 NITER METER' INDICATES EXISTING FIRE H'DRLNT INDi EXIST ING uTwT" PQL,- INDICATES -. 1 S T NG E.ECTR:C TRANSFORMER OR jiNcTKON A& KMDICATES TEAPPONE CABLE jjNCT 05 Box ZiCATES CONCRETE I V1 PROVEIVENTS -Al a E NOTES . E/d INCA DIAMETER REBAR WITH CAP STAMPEO 'LANE ENS SR'. %2 SET At PSI N! 2 HOWN !qUSQ) 2 !HE RAS 15 POR THE BEAR:NGS SHOWN ON THE GRAPH C PORTION 5 T PLAT IS - HE ASSUMPTION THA THE EAST LINE OF THE NORTHEAST ONE -DuAR - EP OF 5ECT;DN 20 BEARS 100 29 W, 3 T* _OCAT;ON OF NEST 46 AVENUE - H AVEN 15 BASED ON - HE RECOvERED 1 PIPE. TH 5 MONUMENT IS CONSIGIEN7 0TH THOSE SET By HERBERT LS 172, FOR ONE-SIXIEENTH CORNERS. VR, 01\1 WAS THE ORIGINAL SUAV EYOR PON ROWE 5 SUBD v 5 1 ON PAR T TWO , VH I CIA DED �0 TES _H I OR &N OF wz!T 46T AVENUE. THE AT OF ROWE S SUMVIS ON PAR WD SHOWS 4 ONE-SIXTEENTH CORNER AT THE SOUTHEAS CORNER 0 THE WEST 46TH &ENUE DEDIC Tr. ON. 4 7RACT A IS a hON- BUILDABLE TRACT to BE DEEDED TO THE ADAnCEN OWNER TO R-,_,',? ILE THE POSSESSION AND DEED LINES 5 ELEVA_ ONG SHOWN ARE BASED ON CITY OF WHEAT R KE BENCH MARK THE MONUMENT THE NORIHEAS CORNER 0 SECT ON 2 ON !HE TOP K AT HE ELEVAT &N IS 5397 35 4- 7 77 P . X v& Sl I % PROJECT F79-1.11 PREPARED 1/011/2001 , vA t3 li S , ,A ,I- Ski I - HLTA ANGLE R3 ZONING < R2 ZCDN NG 1,8 i'23" oo VIHEAT I RIIDGE, ECTIO! , 01 4 CORNER S, 2 w C 3 1 89'11 "17 ' 17 c . 6 2 1 :�) ori' 1 LINE r,-. w - Lo 2 C'., 4 7. A, 3' S 00'29'3O 0 OF NO .H FA' R E r SI `OIIN S'CIICN 20 L 3 lN.89'1 I 'I 7"IE, .� .-I f � - r, - 'Si !0 1 B D I V I '17 NO SC o OT r 26637.M' CI LOT 2 1 4 523 SO.F 1 1. 1 1 "VV I '3 /4" f-3RASS ANE U A A lm, 12 A--1 ZOINING A 124 .56 ' C) AND RECORDER ' N SI P ',I -DIVISION E E'S S JP POINT BOX LS 3212 NOR]"- nRi\I S 20 g), i I EASFIkM YPIZ�! ) (T E , ) - CHORD BEARING I 8' jTitjTY 1'), -1 7, 12,25 S 3 4 BRASS CAP .N RANGE N z I ,, F I Z�u,' I 6.71' 12,25' S E-AS'I`,/J-NT BRASS 2 1 4,9 4' 2 ' . .17 N 44 "i 8'2 7 , " E POINT BOX LS 1 324 2'. DE POND EASEMFINH - 0 r,I \I'vL DETE POIND DATA /DEDICATED BY THIS PLAT 2 • 8' L 1 H E BEARING DISTANCE 1 3 Ibi SE� NK'E q N.S9'! 7 " E. 34.01'7` BY: LANE ENGiNEERIN Sr PREPAPEL; SRVICI INC, tai 9500 WEST 14TH AVENUE, LAKEWOOD, CO 8 G III 1 1 5 p si 80-28 WS-96 -2 TEL: (303' ) '233 -4042 FAX: (303) 25.5 0.796 _ C 3 ; f ijRAINAGE & U' T! L IT" c 'b VVZ 0 1-a - 04 Z . L3 L i iil O IeP 0 < R-2 ZONING = 'OWE'S SUB. PART 2 III 46TH AVENUE 50' RIGHT -OF -'NAY "S 89 1 7 IV 3.31 ' =T7 1/2 l.r), 1-01 6 R 0 N PIPE LOT 1 1 1 5,157 lz�Qj- L 15,219 SQ.FT, .2 -2 F < P OF LID1 11 4 LEP'S SUDDIVISION 16 70NIIIJG b cc X I s TI t B cp, EXISTING BUILDING DETAIL ,;J REMIAIN TO [REMAIN NO SCA LE , vA t3 li S , ,A ,I- Ski I�tvl'iJal ED A1 ZCNINIG i N 1 89 1 17 1 64.94 4 CIF BEGINNNING' < CURVE I - HLTA ANGLE R3 ZONING < R2 ZCDN NG 1,8 i'23" oo VIHEAT I RIIDGE, ECTIO! , 01 4 CORNER S, 2 w C 3 1 89'11 "17 ' 17 c . 6 2 1 :�) ori' 1 LINE r,-. w - Lo L. I S 00'29'3O 0 OF 1 � THE DETAIL L 3 lN.89'1 I 'I 7"IE, .� .-I f � - r, - 'Si !0 1 B D I V I '17 NO SC o OT r 26637.M' CI LOT 2 1 4 523 SO.F 1 1. 1 1 "VV I 14,521 SQ R-'2 ZONING I�tvl'iJal ED A1 ZCNINIG i N 1 89 1 17 1 64.94 4 CIF BEGINNNING' < CURVE I - HLTA ANGLE RADIUS R2 ZCDN NG 1,8 i'23" oo VIHEAT I RIIDGE, ECTIO! , 01 4 CORNER S, 2 40� co Z C 3 cr I J c 90( �'! 7" 1 :�) ori' 1 LINE c�E,F)ItIIG 1,-" RE"PRESENITS, L. I S 00'29'3O OF 1 � THE DETAIL L 3 lN.89'1 I 'I 7"IE, .� .-I f � - r, - 'Si !0 1 B D I V I '17 NO SC S 8("22'16"W 26637.M' 1 1 "VV I 1- JEFFERSON COUNTY `I ER U A A lm, 12 A--1 ZOINING A 124 .56 ' C) AND RECORDER ' N SI P ',I -DIVISION E E'S S JP 5' - IT'LiTY 8. DRAl NAGE R_ ZONkNIG _IR g), i I EASFIkM YPIZ�! ) (T E , ) - CHORD BEARING I 8' jTitjTY 1'), -1 7, 12,25 S 23*3 VI 5 "W` R CGE �� -) � N z I ,, F I Z�u,' I 6.71' 12,25' S E-AS'I`,/J-NT BRASS 2 1 4,9 4' 2 ' . .17 N 44 "i 8'2 7 , " E DE POND EASEMFINH - 0 r,I \I'vL DETE POIND DATA /DEDICATED BY THIS PLAT 2 • 8' L 1 H E BEARING DISTANCE 1 3 SE� NK'E q N.S9'! 7 " E. 34.01'7` BY: LANE ENGiNEERIN Sr PREPAPEL; SRVICI INC, 9500 WEST 14TH AVENUE, LAKEWOOD, CO 8 G III 1 1 5 p si 80-28 WS-96 -2 TEL: (303' ) '233 -4042 FAX: (303) 25.5 0.796 _ C 3 ; f ijRAINAGE & U' T! L IT" c 'b VVZ 0 1-a - 04 Z . L3 L i I�tvl'iJal ED A1 ZCNINIG i N 1 89 1 17 1 64.94 4 CIF BEGINNNING' < CURVE I - HLTA ANGLE RADIUS C i 1,8 i'23" oo VIHEAT I RIIDGE, ECTIO! , 01 4 CORNER S, 2 40� co Z C 3 139' I J c 90( �'! 7" 1 :�) ori' 1 LINE c�E,F)ItIIG 1,-" RE"PRESENITS, L. I S 00'29'3O OF 1 � THE DETAIL L 3 lN.89'1 I 'I 7"IE, .� .-I f � - r, - 'Si !0 1 B D I V I R\ G�l BOOK 8 PAGES 598 1\ I 1 7 7 � E ----) ) E) I\/ l i ( S` VIHEAT I RIIDGE, ECTIO! , 01 4 CORNER S, 2 40� co Z OF !IS CITY COUIJCI DW ONI THkS --- DA" OF ADOPT AND APPROVE THE WIIHIN' PI-Ai AND ACCE-I.Df HOSE ` BRASS CA' :N RANGE 1V1 1 1 RE"PRESENITS, l� c" SA-) A SUBDIVISIC)N OF 1 � THE DETAIL POINIT BOX LS 13212 OF L 0 1 1 .� .-I f � - r, - 'Si !0 1 B D I V I NO SC S 8("22'16"W 26637.M' Lt N I LA F7 E D 1- JEFFERSON COUNTY `I ER U A f"ORT131�4 OF THE Ni 0 T R [7 A--1 ZOINING A H L 3 �li I PA"T or 4�, C) AND RECORDER ' N SI P ',I -DIVISION E E'S S JP 6 9 vv `,1 OF R_ ZONkNIG _IR AR"' I i ANU E I "OR CHORD BEARING I 1 2.62 1'), -1 7, 12,25 S 23*3 VI 5 "W` R CGE �� -) � N z I ,, F I Z�u,' I 6.71' 12,25' S 24'4' "F BRASS 2 1 4,9 4' 2 ' . .17 N 44 "i 8'2 7 , " E 5,06 '5 1.26' Aj 4 5'4 1 '3 1 0 r,I \I'vL DETE POIND DATA 2 • 8' L 1 H E BEARING DISTANCE " 7, 4 $' q N.S9'! 7 " E. 34.01'7` BY: LANE ENGiNEERIN Sr PREPAPEL; SRVICI INC, 9500 WEST 14TH AVENUE, LAKEWOOD, CO 8 G III 1 1 5 p si 80-28 WS-96 -2 TEL: (303' ) '233 -4042 FAX: (303) 25.5 0.796 VVZ 0 1-a - 04 O R\ G�l E C 1\ I 'S`) L, E ----) ) E) I\/ l i ( S` VIHEAT I RIIDGE, ECTIO! , 01 4 CORNER S, 2 F NJ OF !IS CITY COUIJCI DW ONI THkS --- DA" OF ADOPT AND APPROVE THE WIIHIN' PI-Ai AND ACCE-I.Df HOSE ` BRASS CA' :N RANGE 1V1 1 1 RE"PRESENITS, l� c" SA-) A SUBDIVISIC)N OF 1 � THE K POINIT BOX LS 13212 OF L 0 1 1 .� .-I f � - r, - 'Si !0 1 B D I V I 1 S 8("22'16"W 26637.M' 1- JEFFERSON COUNTY `I ER U A f"ORT131�4 OF THE Ni 0 T R [7 T ON - E.--Q F,�[ UA T C) AND RECORDER ' N SI P J 6 9 vv `,1 OF _IR 0j5EC I F 7 9 - jO W L I R CGE �� -) � N z ', U : \j , I U _OF r D BRASS C"AP IN RANGE A 'PRET 'RED 5� FoHy BY: LANE ENGiNEERIN Sr PREPAPEL; SRVICI INC, 9500 WEST 14TH AVENUE, LAKEWOOD, CO 8 G III 1 1 5 80-28 WS-96 -2 TEL: (303' ) '233 -4042 FAX: (303) 25.5 0.796 VVZ 0 1-a - 04 R\ G�l E C 1\ I 'S`) L, E ----) ) E) I\/ l i ( S` VIHEAT I RIIDGE, "1111, I L /I F NJ OF !IS CITY COUIJCI DW ONI THkS --- DA" OF ADOPT AND APPROVE THE WIIHIN' PI-Ai AND ACCE-I.Df HOSE ` HEREON 1V1 1 1 RE"PRESENITS, l� c" SA-) A SUBDIVISIC)N OF 1 � THE K (`)NE--H1AL1` OF L 0 1 1 .� .-I f � - r, - 'Si !0 1 B D I V I 1 1- JEFFERSON COUNTY `I ER U A f"ORT131�4 OF THE Ni 0 T R [7 T ON - E.--Q F,�[ UA T C) AND RECORDER ' N SI P J 6 9 vv `,1 OF _IR 0j5EC I F 7 9 - jO W L I R CGE �� -) � N z ', U : \j , I U _OF r D A P P:R C)VA LS WE, Li ,P -1 R. TURGEON AN" DANIEL R- TUR-,EON BEING TEiE OWNERS OF THE PIRGPER`f• OF 2.507 ACRE'S DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A TRACT OF LOCATED IN THE NOR ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 20, ]OVvINSHIP - SOU RANGE 69 IVE OF THE 61 PRNCIPA' MERIDIAN, ;TY OF WH" RIDGE, 1'EFFERSON COUNTY. COLORADO BEING TH,`T A DORFV1 OF ! 101 1 4, -EES SUBDIVISION, A SUBDIVISION RECORDED IN HE RECORDS Oi THE JEFFERSON COUNIFY CLERK AND RECORDER 'N PLA'F BOOK 2 AT PA�GE 23 DESCRIBED AS COM,VIENCING AT THE EAST ONEQUAJR - ER' CORNER OF SAID S)EMION 20; FHENCE N.00'3 ON AN ASSUME[) BEA"ING ALONG THE EAST L OF SAID SECTION 20 A DISTANCE OF 553.34 FE EF TO THE SOjTHEAS' CORNER OF ; I - IS, 'SUBDIVISION TqENOE CONTINUING N.O I I -, Ivv. ,0T 13 OF SAID LEE I 1 0 3 5" M OF 3- FEFF TO THE I'RUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTIN iNG A DISEAN(E OF 330,06 '-E TO T SONIT,, LINE OF WEST 46TH AVENUE AS MONIJIMEN 'ED ; THENC` r 89'11I17"W. ALONG SAID SOIJ RlGif LINE A D!STAN-E OF 3 6 FEE( TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THAT TRACT O LAND DESCR&ED IN R, CEP ICI NIJIV13ER 91045534 OF THE JEFFE COUNT" RECORDS, (HENCE S.cl "E. A DI",'TANCE 0 85,00 RLET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAIL TRA(-T, IrIHENCE S,0C'29'30"E,ALONG THIS EAST LiNE OF 'THAT TRAIT OF Li\INID DESCRIBED iN RECEP NUMBER 92112784 OF THE J Ff ^r UNTY RECORDS, A DIS OF 245.06 FEET; THENCE N 89'11'171- A DISTANCE OF 330.87 FEEi TO TH'IE TRUE POINT (j:- _ BEGI NNING ........... . HAVE LAID OUT, SUBDIVIDED AND PLATIED SAID AS PER THE DRAWING HEREON CONTAINED UNDER HE NAME AND STYLE OF TU'RGEON I OF THE C17 WHEATRID,'JE, SUBDIVISION OF A PART I V OF r-, I COLORADO, AIND BY THESE PRES ' D DO r EDf CATI' E TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AND THE F"UHLiC THOSE PORTIONS OF REAL PROPERTY SHOWN AS RIGHT-OF--WA'( AND DO FURIHER DEDICATE TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AND THOSE MUNICIPALLY OWNED AND/OR MUNICIPALLY FRANCHISED UTILITIES AND SERVICES THOSE FORTIONS OF REk. PROPERTY SHOWN AS WASEMENIS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, !NSTALUJION, OPERATIOIN, 11TAIN7E.1' RIL'PAIR AND REPLACEMRNT Frp 0 ALL SERMCE THIS INCLUDES BUT IS NtU'i LIMi"FED TO TELEPHONE AND G A Ei-ECTiRlC r" LINES. S LjNES, WATER AND SAN( APP SEWEF,' LINFS, I ' I I YDRAIN "'FORM WATER SYSTEMS AND PIPES, DE7EDNTION PONDS, STREIL , K3HJS AND All.. APP THERETO, ii1 h1 R rAN;EL R. !URC. E' E , 7 (-'I R T'-Fif S " +"i A( F �\i, 8G407 1 03-279-&D49 K7 , 11526-- 13515 r A — 7F COLORADO -" OF JERFER�N Y 0 THIS THE FOREGOIIItG iNS WAS ACKNOV/' II A M; ')4 , - l IF R ND DAINIEL R , TURGEON BY AS OWNERS. ,PviTNESS IVY HAND AND OFt CIAL ESE MY COMMISSION EXF1!RES NOTARY PUBLIC MAYORS , �'ER TIF CATIOIN: "u" OU N DA'DY ;01 Fjf-'GEON T HIS is 1 " CER71ry THAT TL-E CITY OF VIHEAT I RIIDGE, M ORAPQ 1 3Y MOTION OF !IS CITY COUIJCI DW ONI THkS --- DA" OF ADOPT AND APPROVE THE WIIHIN' PI-Ai AND ACCE-I.Df HOSE ` HEREON MADE. RE"PRESENITS, l� c" SA-) MAYO ( EST : ATTL-S': CIT'Y CLERK SEAL ow iLJA OF W�i LA T R0G .'AiRrIS 1 PECREATI"DN't CO3 WHEAF Rif)GE - Icily - :) '�-- r ' 4 /111 � I ; )IRECTOR Or Pl AND 1 F I �� i DIEVELOPM "tJR CERTIFICAT�F S EVEN D, LIE INw-R, DO "u" OU N DA'DY ;01 Fjf-'GEON N SI JPERVISK)N, f itr Cil I R - I,, I—, !N11 THIS DOCUIj�NT Ir—f-f- Lw. I Mt y, 4 OF ✓V I [I� I- A!ND IN ACCORD W11H "A i-,f PLICA�-1, I , 0 'A L C, S, AF, RE'vis"' EDITION AS AMFLNIDED Al,"D I`I RE"PRESENITS, l� c" SA-) ti p oF i"1 RI11)G r TD , OF PU13LIC S1`ORKS " D' LA t, P NNING COMMISSION (\- - j J 1 NL 3E.;R i998 'A"ND O�N AND PELEF C U R < -( D j v4 1 37 4 i,D`,, 802r ACCORE)ING I() PJ FASED " PON AINv ;Iv ... ... U V! K 'S�UCH IDEFC IN' N') ""I" N r 10/� ytflom p j, Y 7 v I' t _4 N': - FNG Si"'V "N", SET PO'N 'iI THUQ'� 2. '1 Hr BASIS F"')R TH," BFAK\ Si-C)"AllN ON 1H,� GP4DH pnr,, TI& 7 A lilriapfi I -SUMP -,'A' !JN1 is TH' Ac:c ')NE-0UAK,1-,R C S --,-,r i ON JJ BiEARS N 0 3 c 2 Q 3 E('Hl FOOT W) WIDE UTILITY EASCM~ T' AR: HE LqUY G'RA;ilHi ON PRI'vATE - PROPERT( 'M ALL -p jr E EASEME Ii-A U s' O R PL A" NED AREA Ti , NTs INS3 L! TA I-ATION, MAINII'ENANCF. AND REPLACE! 0,' ELECTRJO GA",;, EVISION CABLE, AN F.A.CILFPES. QF'LITIE"' SHALL AI SO B'E PFRI,41 WITIIIIN A!% ACCESS R IN THE SLBDI'ISION. PERMAtIENT S- AND `NAT �ER k S !_;HAL NO BE PERMIT ' `,i I - VVITHI! SAID 1 ILITY EIEEIMENT'E 4 N4E (DCI'011 OF WEST 46TH e*/EN-UlE IS BASED RECO VERED 1/2" � �,, ' , 1 0 1%� Tj -j PIPE, THIS VONU'iJE"-,'T IS CONSISTENT WITH Th-IOSE S'"' Ji-y'lHE'�` K, P� 572 �OR CURL` RS. M LINN WA THE ORIGNAL S-UOVEYOP FCR ROV F' SU1I3,1iV&oII I) i � A, 7 OF i?'WE'S SUBDIV&ON PAP,'T POR11ON OF IN 'T 46TH' AVENUE, HE L I v WO SHIDY"Is A Hu ,0„ E,1kS TI i 0 R I OF 1HE WEST 46TH AVFNIJE DEIDICCATION, THE DET` J;CqJ/.R', NTi0! , CIV , N -At1 `5` - ONSTRi ! C T FD AND' MAItI �,`I;NED D HE 0'VVNI AS '!GINS, III' THE IEVEIN THAT SAID CONS' ijC`0I'q AND NIAIN'NE ANC E IS NOT PF "L - I—' F�FO -�IED BY SAii) OWNER H, t, Q - �-, J y - W !,-A HAv"E THE RIGHT !U` ENITER' ARFE�A AND THE. NECESSAIRY VVORK, _ -1 COST OF WHICH, SAID OIAINER, H!' I IRS. "UI -- S`R�, AND,,, A�SSIGNS AG, I z E PAY UPON BiLLINI NO 81 ILD11 OR S r Uf RE N1 L 01% 1-7, 0 3"r C !_�RJ. LEI IN TIHE DETENTION 'F R; E S AN'D' NI-) A N S OR AL:F L i I I/ I�'ETENTKI N Ar EP, - ;.jyDF� �jr I- - 1 'E - , , AFFEC F1 NG I HE 'A rul' I i )ETEN'Th-)N/ R E T ' K)N AIREA W ILL BE 00 "pl- �Il' I E " I I iL A Hu,AL I CI 1 1 ENGINEER, 6. TRACr A 6 71" - C 1- D s10 THE "JA C I 0 W NE R TO P C"DIi, I f - . II - 1-1 - -I { S S,� C NI AN - L' DEED LI-M S a. LJ RECORDERIS CERTFICATKSNI� INIJMBEIP, THIS DOCUIj�NT Ir—f-f- Lw. I fj,' I [I� I- U CLERK AND RECORDFR uz J% "'N TI-JE DA'' Or K 7 1 JEFFERSON COUNTY `I ER AND RECORDER 0j5EC I F 7 9 - jO RELVIS ED 11 /2,')0 1 Ri1VISED A 'PRET 'RED 5� RIDGE CITY OF WHEAT DATE PREPARED: Nw 11 CASE MANAGER: ACTION QUESTED: Rezone from A -1 and PCD to PCD and outline development plan approval DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: November 1 ' ! •1 NMMM�* � ff flnmm��* �01 Inc 1 0, irp• se • Inc ZU11c, talwip WIZ co Q1 Cam a 17 A-M with associated sales. See exhibit 'A' The application was recommended for approval by Planning Commission but denied by City Council on January 10, 2001 The applicant subsequently filed 106 action with the Jefferson County district court. No action has occurred by the court pending processing of the subject zoning application. III. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING parameters have been modified from the original outline plan. (See chart below.) Differences between old outline plan and new plan Minimum landscaped coverage: Allowed building height: Maximum building coverage: Allowed land uses: Old Outline Plan 25% All requirements for an outline development plan under section 26-25(V)(B) of the old zoning code have been met. III 11 A change in the character of the area is apparent with the 1986 zone change at 4 549 Tabor from A- I to PCD and, more recently, the 1995 Case No. WZ-95-09 for the original Trailer Source property. Planning Commission Page 3 November 26, 2001 Desired character and locational characteristics: Smaller businesses, office, research and development or laboratory space that may require the distribution of goods, produced or fabricated on site (no semis) Areas are located with easy access onto collector streets The southern one-third of the site is designated as AgriculturallEstate Residential. Desired character: Neighborhoods with very low density housing and a predominantly rural character Due to the outdoor storage and display and the fact that the use is primarily retail and is dependent on exposure to 1-70, the zone change on the north is inconsistent with the Small Business/Office Center designation. However, the proposed expansion to the north is consistent with the existing Trailer Sour business and is a logical use for this remnant piece of property. The proposed zone change on the southern portion is clearly inconsistent with the Agricultural/Estate Residential designation. The desirability of this location for residential use is questionable as it is surrounded on three sides by commercial development. The property to the south (4549 Tabor Street) Planning Commission November 26, 2001 W= was rezoned to PCD in 1986 and is developed as a small office/warehouse building. If the zone change is approved, there would be only one remaining non-commercially zoned parcel left on the west side of Tabor (4433 Tabor). The Comprehensive Plan designation on this property is also Agricultural/Estate residential. ARM Planning Commission Page 5 November 26, 2001 available alternatives. VII. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS Option A: "I move to APPROVE Case No. WZ-00- 12, a request to rezone property located at 4601 Tabor Street, 4651 Tabor Street and property north of 4651 Tabor Street from Agricultural-One and Planned Commercial Development to Planned Commercial Development and for approval of an, outline development plan for the following reasons: Planning Commission Page 6 November 26, 2001 mm "� � `� • � ���Illlllllllll 'iiill��III�JI � � � " I R A r r " r. y � pyp ��77 1� A �® t U A WZ-78-1 18 PICI LAKFMONT CENTER SUB PCD TADOK PRO "ES � #1MIMpl11 �.. I/ A A DEVELOPMENT On :A �> J 4 PROSP PAR PAKK PLACE i x r: AD O AA � VALLEY C-1 5W PCD n ,i ..... x a . y O W 200 500 400 FwL 1 4 DEPARTMENT OF MAP ADOPTED: June 15, 1994 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Last Revisi0n: September 10, 2001 EscFfl• 8/ r 1 .4 ; LEGAL DESCRIPTION: OF 1 THAT PART OF LOTS 7 L 8, LEE'S SUBDIVISION, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE WEST L " E OF LOT 8, LEE'S SUBDIVISION, COUNTY OF JI F FERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, WHICH POINT IS 166.96 FT. NORTHERLY OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 8; THENCE N 00 °2,3'26" W ALONG THE WEST LINE OF LOTS 7 & 8, OF SAID LEE'S SUBDIVISION A DISTANCE OF 179.50 F TO A POINT; THENCE N 64`05'09" E A DISTANCE OF 98.80 FT. THENCE, N 89'03'28" E ,4 DISTANCE OF 500.55 ri. TO THE WEST LINE OF A R.O.W. PARCEL 179A (C.D.H.) AND THE EAST LINE OF PROPERTY. THENCE ALONG SAID R.O.W. LINE I S 09`06'0" A DISTANCE OF 223.35 THENCE S 89 °02'x9 > ' W A DISTANCE OF 623.56 TO THr POINT OF BEGINNING. TKS PLAT CONTAINS 3,03 ACRES MORE OR LESS. EX CLP T ANY PORTION THEREOF DCDICAI LD TO PUBIC USE NOT IRRIGATION DIT EASEMENTS DESCRIBED HEREIN ARE NOT PART OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE'S DEDICATION. IN THE C11 .1 OF WHEA T R1 R.O.W. PAP,CEL SURVEYOR'S CERT i 79 (C S �.: 2P I, WILLIS B COMEP„ A REG:STEP,ED LAND SURVEYDP t+ THE STATE D / I D 1 DRADC, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE PLAN D= TABOR DEVELOPMENT -�r 99.J�V, A.0 SUBDIVISION WAS MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION AND THAT THE 8 •6 p" UC. A ACCOMPANYING PLAT ACCURA AND PRDPERLY SHOWS SAI SUBDI DATED TH 1 496. ;J CL RIG � ' $ 4 $. ... � 805; TEMPEST RIDGE WAY PARKEP, CO 8u ^ :34 CULVERT a LI LOT 8 CROSSI NI N • g 9 w AC KNGWE�DGMEN� � °a \ 4"� ONCRET: i� OWNER _ E 4N� ' Au � �j� y y p � { ��''++,�}[ ��^^� �y�j ¢ O UTD O 4.: i \ J 1 Let R.A� L HEADwA_L WZ TH THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF ALL THE LAND SHOWN AND D_ C w.NG WALLS A / HEREON DO HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE AND APPROVE THE SUBDIVISION PLAT C J AND I D D I S E [ p K ARC -.+L BOTH EN T SIGNED THIS DAY O OF 1 1996. N 4 4e / WI IN_SS MY HAND AND OFFS CI AL SEAL. Lam, MY COMM? SSION _ NOTA Y U �N L OU _ A ESS 8 PLAN NING COMMISSION CERTIF.WE 'a f THIS IS TO CERTIFY THE WITHIN PST HAS BEEN APPROVED PLAN 'N COMVM SSION OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO. {E CHAIR CS: S � CS: IP_` O -.. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT APPROVED BY: L .. All I _I V r - A ?PROVED BY: cI ERA: ArdL RFcORa R'S c �TIF!cA ACCEP FOR FILING IN THE OFFI O THE COUNTY C__RK AND RECORDER 0'" JEF,TEREDN COUNTY AT GOLDEN, COLORADO ON THIS _A$ AY D 1996, A T_Lilatt"ItQ D' (,LDCK_�_. M. r7M . • D AND RETENTION P OND \. v C�7— n W +�� N Ln Lr) NN C) NN G') mm mm own= mm mm L Li W A .11 p.8 . (C. 89 0� 49 /%. S) 4 ^' A INTERSTATE HIGHWAY CONC, DITCH _ 4 Ac d4 _ _ ----- JEr RSDN' SOUN CLERK ANL RECORDER" d - r J r — S. LIME LOT 8 LELE S SUBDIVISION i DESCRIPTION OF PRO t NTE N- PURPOSE OF TRAILER SOURCE, : N THE SA E OT TRAT LERS, 1 NE UD NG H'JRSE, ENCLOSED, CARGO FLATBED AND USEED, THERE W1 L B_ L. M1 `ED SAL S O= MOTOR) Z_D VE HI CLES NOT TO EXCEED 15'/ OF LI CENSAB VEN CLES. RUCK ACCESSDRT S HT TCHES, HITCH 1 NSTA_LATI ❑N, H_ '3 CH A r- SSORI S, DUAL WHEE C ONVEPS ONS, T RA TR REPAIR, UNDERCOAT ING AND HARDWARE SALES OF ACCESSDRI ES COM AT _. BLE TO TH HORS INDUSTRY. SPECIAL USES OF PROPER -" ST L rr': L BE APPRDPR:n FOR THE USE I PR7 °USED AND UNIQUELY RES'R1C -❑ - - - INDUSTR`'. I - TRAILER SALES, INCLUDING HORSE, FLAT BED AND ENCLOSED, TRAILER, TRUCK AND EQUINE RELATED ACCESSORIES. LIMITED NEW TRUCK SSALES :15 PER YEAR). - SERVICE IS DEFINED AS FOLLOWSI TRAILER SERVICE INCLUDING REPAIRING WIRING, AXLES, COUPLERS, FLOORS AND OTHER MI SC. MAINTEEPANCE ON USED TRAILERS NOT INCLUDING PAINTING OR BODY WORK. HORSE TRAILER AND ACCESSORIES SALES AND SERV.(E LIMITED NEW TRUCK SALES C NOT MARE THAN 25 PER YEARR), NO SEMI TRUCK ORI TRACTOR SALES. - EXTERMINATDRS. - INTERIOR DECORATING ShOP, - ANTIQUE STORE. - ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION OR OTHER PUBLIC UTILITY LINES AND POLES, IRRIGATION CHANNELS, STORM DRAINAGE FACILITIES, AND WATER SUPPLY FACILITIES, AND OTHER SIMILAR FACILITIES. - GREENHOUSES AND LANDSCAPE NURSERIES, INCLUDING BOTH WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SALES OF RELATED PRODUCTS) PROV H❑WEVER,.JHAT BULK STORAGE OR PILES OF MATERIALS, SUCH AS MANURE, P , TOP SO! IROCK, SAND, Fi' REWOOD OR SIMILAR MATERIAL, ARE SCREENED FROM VIEW FROM ADJACENT PROPERTIES BY A VIEW OBSCURING FENCE SIX (6) FEET IN HEIGHT, BULK STORAGE DR PILES O= SUCH MATERIALS SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED WITHIN A FRONT YARD SETBACK AND SHALL BE N❑ CLOSER THAN TWENTY -FIVE (25) FEET TO A SIDE OR REAR L ❑T LINE WHiCMI ABUTS RESIDENTIALLY ZONED PROPERTY, ❑R WHERE ZONED ;4GRI'CULTURA:_ AND THERE IS A RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE WITHIN FIFTEEN (15) FEET; OF THE COMMON PROPERTY LINE. - ASSEMBLY HALL AND CONVENTION FACILITIES - BANKS, LOAN AND FINANCE OFFICES, - CHILD CARE CENTERS, - GOVERNMENT DR QUASI - GOVERNMENTAL BUILDINGS ANt OFFICES OR PUBLIC UTILITY BUILDING, WHERE OUTSIDE STORAGE, OPERATIONS OR REPAIR FACILITIES ARE N ❑T PLANNED. HOMES FOR THE AGED, NURSING HOMES AND CONGREGATE CARE HOMES. - MEDICAL AND DENTAL CLINICS OR LABORATORIES - OFFICES, GENERAL BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL ❑ "ICES. - PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES OF CLIENTS, PATIENTS AND PATRONS D- OCCUPANTS OF ADJACENT COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS. -- PRIVATE CLUBS, SOCIAL CLUBS, BINGO PARLORS AND SIMILAR USES - SCHOOLS, PUBLIC PAROCHIAL AND PRIVATE (IN^ UDI?NG PRIVATE, VOCG I❑NAL T BADE OR PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS), COLLEGES, UN V..-RS. TI ES PRESC H ❑tDI.S AND DA)' NURSERIES INCLUDING THOSE USES COMMONLY ACCEPTED AS NECESSARY THERETO WHEN L❑CATED ON THE SAME PREMISES). - BLUEPRINTING, PHOTO STATIC COPYING, AND OTHERISIMILAR REPRODUCTION SERVICES, HOWEVER, NOT INCLUDING LARGE PRINTING, PUBL AND /OR BOOK BINDING ES T ABLI SHMENTS - EQUIPMENT RENTAL AGENCI ESl PROVIDE D, HOW V R +HAT THE ❑UTSI DE STORAGE M-F TRUCKS, TRAILERS OR OTHER EQUIPMENT FOR RENT SHALL BE WITHIN AREAS SCRELNED FROM VIEW FROM ALL STREET'S AND ADJACENT PROPERTIES. I - STUDIO FOR PROFESSIONAL WORK OR TEACHING O- PINE ARTS, PHOTOGRAPHY, MUSIC, DRAMA OR DANCE - TAILORING, DRESSMAKING OR CLOTHING ALTERATI ON SHOP UPHOLSTERY SHOPS - SMALL AN! M' VEeERI NARY HOSPITALS ❑R CLT NI CS WHERE :HERE ARE NO OUTSIDE PEkS OR RUNS tDR DOCK s - APPLIANC STORES AND INCI DENTAL SERVICE AND REPAIR. - AR TS OR STUDIOS. - AUTIDMOBIT PARTS AND SUPPLIES SALES. BAKERI ES RETAT R f C:_E STORE BOA', C MIP a AND TRAVELIRA:: R ' AN a-_?' AND . HOTOGRAPHI C S E RVICE ANL SUPP TDPFS. A R:.ER1. I - .LORAL SH ❑PS - WHU- -SALE - GARDEN SUPPLIES STORES WHOLESALE. - TE_EVI SI ON, RADI C, SMALL APP'LI ANCE REPAIR AN. r RVI CE : SH ❑.PS). CUSTOM FABRICATION AS ACCESSORY TO A MAIN USES ANY SI M TAP USE WHICH, IN THE ❑ NI ON OF THE t[INI!NG ADMINISTRATOR, ❑P UPON APP AL O HIS DECISION, O THE BOARD Or ADJUa MINT, WOULD BE SOMP4TIB -c IN �HARAC P AND IMPACT WITH H G I HER USES IN TrIE DISTRICT, WOOL B CCNST ST N : WITH THE INTENT O' THIS DISTRICT, AND WHICH, WOULD t i BE OBJECTIONABLE TO NEARBY PROPERTY BY REASON QF; ODOR, DUST, FUMES, GAS. RADIATION, HEAT G ARE, V: BRATT ❑N TRAr r SEiNER'ATI ❑N PARKI NO NEE:',o OUT71IDDR STORAGE OR USE, 2R T NOT HAZAR "` TO THE N TH AND SA SURRJ NO AREAS THROUGH DANGER O !RE DR _XPLOSTDN j E i W. 46th AVE. EX: S': NG r. H, N OTES: - MAX'r'P UM Y LDQRAREA RA ? MAX F'JI BUT ! DT t u H- ti` 3 F EE "'! N MUP LANDSCAPE APE LV =R"r. T N SS THAN 2� VROtd T ` 50 -- S? S 5 F R ARI 15 = 7 , PT BOARDS ARE NC P- ;;)Y,T T T - D ❑N 7H P PE PEK T Y. LBBREVIATIONE- M. AS MEAS A. IC AE DEEDED A, C. , — AS CALCULAT W. Af, WA TER JUT TER TY, '= WA TER SPIGOT F. ,T '_ FIDE HYD RA-,'VT ADNA_N ASSOCIATES, II`IC, 586 South I3pan.. Bonver, Colorado 60229 +trl "� (503) 036 -3426 ?Eric (30a) R36 - 0161 A PIA I D . I n P l,h E N,T �J J. !!SIG`: I VI CINI T Y SCA" . N.T.S. t.. NE DEVELOPMENT PLAN PROJECT NO. 45296 I ABdR DEVELOPMENT SUB DIVISION DESIGN: ,,.AA. DRAFTING MIT DAs' •Il1Ne 22 995 LLY �',4S BU DWGS 08/05/96 CHECKED. W.H.C. CAATE SEF-. 20, '.995,1 —® tbAT't - :VA 16, 1996 I SF9Vs.f 1 OF I _G.�0.CA� \x411=8 \TRARG r7M . • D AND RETENTION P OND \. v C�7— n W +�� N Ln Lr) NN C) NN G') mm mm own= mm mm L Li W A .11 p.8 . (C. 89 0� 49 /%. S) 4 ^' A INTERSTATE HIGHWAY CONC, DITCH _ 4 Ac d4 _ _ ----- JEr RSDN' SOUN CLERK ANL RECORDER" d - r J r — S. LIME LOT 8 LELE S SUBDIVISION i DESCRIPTION OF PRO t NTE N- PURPOSE OF TRAILER SOURCE, : N THE SA E OT TRAT LERS, 1 NE UD NG H'JRSE, ENCLOSED, CARGO FLATBED AND USEED, THERE W1 L B_ L. M1 `ED SAL S O= MOTOR) Z_D VE HI CLES NOT TO EXCEED 15'/ OF LI CENSAB VEN CLES. RUCK ACCESSDRT S HT TCHES, HITCH 1 NSTA_LATI ❑N, H_ '3 CH A r- SSORI S, DUAL WHEE C ONVEPS ONS, T RA TR REPAIR, UNDERCOAT ING AND HARDWARE SALES OF ACCESSDRI ES COM AT _. BLE TO TH HORS INDUSTRY. SPECIAL USES OF PROPER -" ST L rr': L BE APPRDPR:n FOR THE USE I PR7 °USED AND UNIQUELY RES'R1C -❑ - - - INDUSTR`'. I - TRAILER SALES, INCLUDING HORSE, FLAT BED AND ENCLOSED, TRAILER, TRUCK AND EQUINE RELATED ACCESSORIES. LIMITED NEW TRUCK SSALES :15 PER YEAR). - SERVICE IS DEFINED AS FOLLOWSI TRAILER SERVICE INCLUDING REPAIRING WIRING, AXLES, COUPLERS, FLOORS AND OTHER MI SC. MAINTEEPANCE ON USED TRAILERS NOT INCLUDING PAINTING OR BODY WORK. HORSE TRAILER AND ACCESSORIES SALES AND SERV.(E LIMITED NEW TRUCK SALES C NOT MARE THAN 25 PER YEARR), NO SEMI TRUCK ORI TRACTOR SALES. - EXTERMINATDRS. - INTERIOR DECORATING ShOP, - ANTIQUE STORE. - ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION OR OTHER PUBLIC UTILITY LINES AND POLES, IRRIGATION CHANNELS, STORM DRAINAGE FACILITIES, AND WATER SUPPLY FACILITIES, AND OTHER SIMILAR FACILITIES. - GREENHOUSES AND LANDSCAPE NURSERIES, INCLUDING BOTH WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SALES OF RELATED PRODUCTS) PROV H❑WEVER,.JHAT BULK STORAGE OR PILES OF MATERIALS, SUCH AS MANURE, P , TOP SO! IROCK, SAND, Fi' REWOOD OR SIMILAR MATERIAL, ARE SCREENED FROM VIEW FROM ADJACENT PROPERTIES BY A VIEW OBSCURING FENCE SIX (6) FEET IN HEIGHT, BULK STORAGE DR PILES O= SUCH MATERIALS SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED WITHIN A FRONT YARD SETBACK AND SHALL BE N❑ CLOSER THAN TWENTY -FIVE (25) FEET TO A SIDE OR REAR L ❑T LINE WHiCMI ABUTS RESIDENTIALLY ZONED PROPERTY, ❑R WHERE ZONED ;4GRI'CULTURA:_ AND THERE IS A RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE WITHIN FIFTEEN (15) FEET; OF THE COMMON PROPERTY LINE. - ASSEMBLY HALL AND CONVENTION FACILITIES - BANKS, LOAN AND FINANCE OFFICES, - CHILD CARE CENTERS, - GOVERNMENT DR QUASI - GOVERNMENTAL BUILDINGS ANt OFFICES OR PUBLIC UTILITY BUILDING, WHERE OUTSIDE STORAGE, OPERATIONS OR REPAIR FACILITIES ARE N ❑T PLANNED. HOMES FOR THE AGED, NURSING HOMES AND CONGREGATE CARE HOMES. - MEDICAL AND DENTAL CLINICS OR LABORATORIES - OFFICES, GENERAL BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL ❑ "ICES. - PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES OF CLIENTS, PATIENTS AND PATRONS D- OCCUPANTS OF ADJACENT COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS. -- PRIVATE CLUBS, SOCIAL CLUBS, BINGO PARLORS AND SIMILAR USES - SCHOOLS, PUBLIC PAROCHIAL AND PRIVATE (IN^ UDI?NG PRIVATE, VOCG I❑NAL T BADE OR PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS), COLLEGES, UN V..-RS. TI ES PRESC H ❑tDI.S AND DA)' NURSERIES INCLUDING THOSE USES COMMONLY ACCEPTED AS NECESSARY THERETO WHEN L❑CATED ON THE SAME PREMISES). - BLUEPRINTING, PHOTO STATIC COPYING, AND OTHERISIMILAR REPRODUCTION SERVICES, HOWEVER, NOT INCLUDING LARGE PRINTING, PUBL AND /OR BOOK BINDING ES T ABLI SHMENTS - EQUIPMENT RENTAL AGENCI ESl PROVIDE D, HOW V R +HAT THE ❑UTSI DE STORAGE M-F TRUCKS, TRAILERS OR OTHER EQUIPMENT FOR RENT SHALL BE WITHIN AREAS SCRELNED FROM VIEW FROM ALL STREET'S AND ADJACENT PROPERTIES. I - STUDIO FOR PROFESSIONAL WORK OR TEACHING O- PINE ARTS, PHOTOGRAPHY, MUSIC, DRAMA OR DANCE - TAILORING, DRESSMAKING OR CLOTHING ALTERATI ON SHOP UPHOLSTERY SHOPS - SMALL AN! M' VEeERI NARY HOSPITALS ❑R CLT NI CS WHERE :HERE ARE NO OUTSIDE PEkS OR RUNS tDR DOCK s - APPLIANC STORES AND INCI DENTAL SERVICE AND REPAIR. - AR TS OR STUDIOS. - AUTIDMOBIT PARTS AND SUPPLIES SALES. BAKERI ES RETAT R f C:_E STORE BOA', C MIP a AND TRAVELIRA:: R ' AN a-_?' AND . HOTOGRAPHI C S E RVICE ANL SUPP TDPFS. A R:.ER1. I - .LORAL SH ❑PS - WHU- -SALE - GARDEN SUPPLIES STORES WHOLESALE. - TE_EVI SI ON, RADI C, SMALL APP'LI ANCE REPAIR AN. r RVI CE : SH ❑.PS). CUSTOM FABRICATION AS ACCESSORY TO A MAIN USES ANY SI M TAP USE WHICH, IN THE ❑ NI ON OF THE t[INI!NG ADMINISTRATOR, ❑P UPON APP AL O HIS DECISION, O THE BOARD Or ADJUa MINT, WOULD BE SOMP4TIB -c IN �HARAC P AND IMPACT WITH H G I HER USES IN TrIE DISTRICT, WOOL B CCNST ST N : WITH THE INTENT O' THIS DISTRICT, AND WHICH, WOULD t i BE OBJECTIONABLE TO NEARBY PROPERTY BY REASON QF; ODOR, DUST, FUMES, GAS. RADIATION, HEAT G ARE, V: BRATT ❑N TRAr r SEiNER'ATI ❑N PARKI NO NEE:',o OUT71IDDR STORAGE OR USE, 2R T NOT HAZAR "` TO THE N TH AND SA SURRJ NO AREAS THROUGH DANGER O !RE DR _XPLOSTDN j E i W. 46th AVE. EX: S': NG r. H, N OTES: - MAX'r'P UM Y LDQRAREA RA ? MAX F'JI BUT ! DT t u H- ti` 3 F EE "'! N MUP LANDSCAPE APE LV =R"r. T N SS THAN 2� VROtd T ` 50 -- S? S 5 F R ARI 15 = 7 , PT BOARDS ARE NC P- ;;)Y,T T T - D ❑N 7H P PE PEK T Y. LBBREVIATIONE- M. AS MEAS A. IC AE DEEDED A, C. , — AS CALCULAT W. Af, WA TER JUT TER TY, '= WA TER SPIGOT F. ,T '_ FIDE HYD RA-,'VT ADNA_N ASSOCIATES, II`IC, 586 South I3pan.. Bonver, Colorado 60229 +trl "� (503) 036 -3426 ?Eric (30a) R36 - 0161 A PIA I D . I n P l,h E N,T �J J. !!SIG`: I VI CINI T Y SCA" . N.T.S. t.. NE DEVELOPMENT PLAN PROJECT NO. 45296 I ABdR DEVELOPMENT SUB DIVISION DESIGN: ,,.AA. DRAFTING MIT DAs' •Il1Ne 22 995 LLY �',4S BU DWGS 08/05/96 CHECKED. W.H.C. CAATE SEF-. 20, '.995,1 —® tbAT't - :VA 16, 1996 I SF9Vs.f 1 OF I _G.�0.CA� \x411=8 \TRARG LBBREVIATIONE- M. AS MEAS A. IC AE DEEDED A, C. , — AS CALCULAT W. Af, WA TER JUT TER TY, '= WA TER SPIGOT F. ,T '_ FIDE HYD RA-,'VT ADNA_N ASSOCIATES, II`IC, 586 South I3pan.. Bonver, Colorado 60229 +trl "� (503) 036 -3426 ?Eric (30a) R36 - 0161 A PIA I D . I n P l,h E N,T �J J. !!SIG`: I VI CINI T Y SCA" . N.T.S. t.. NE DEVELOPMENT PLAN PROJECT NO. 45296 I ABdR DEVELOPMENT SUB DIVISION DESIGN: ,,.AA. DRAFTING MIT DAs' •Il1Ne 22 995 LLY �',4S BU DWGS 08/05/96 CHECKED. W.H.C. CAATE SEF-. 20, '.995,1 —® tbAT't - :VA 16, 1996 I SF9Vs.f 1 OF I _G.�0.CA� \x411=8 \TRARG ADNA_N ASSOCIATES, II`IC, 586 South I3pan.. Bonver, Colorado 60229 +trl "� (503) 036 -3426 ?Eric (30a) R36 - 0161 A PIA I D . I n P l,h E N,T �J J. !!SIG`: I VI CINI T Y SCA" . N.T.S. t.. NE DEVELOPMENT PLAN PROJECT NO. 45296 I ABdR DEVELOPMENT SUB DIVISION DESIGN: ,,.AA. DRAFTING MIT DAs' •Il1Ne 22 995 LLY �',4S BU DWGS 08/05/96 CHECKED. W.H.C. CAATE SEF-. 20, '.995,1 —® tbAT't - :VA 16, 1996 I SF9Vs.f 1 OF I _G.�0.CA� \x411=8 \TRARG 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 0— The City of Wheat Ridge -tepnone.5vj/ FAX 303/235-2857 Applicants proposal: 2--A I 6-m- LA_ � Lemb 0- 4 (d CV L P 10- PA Attending parties of interest: (See attached sign-up list) Issues discussed: EAReckert\neighmecting recap.wpd Name 1. 2. - 4.�; 5. 6. 7. 9. 11. 12. 13. 14, 15. 16. 17. 18. a 41� v - A t Ill��h�u�i m p W L E ME w"NA` 40 • E ii I lt=P I -r Co 4 f c- F- kA 6 fT lO N A L TR ; OV ur W 44th Ave. --------- Izz C14L [TRAN TIAL .1 M,M Al� - CI LNTIAL C: j L 0 m m m m m m ca m m -n m 0 > z e z -0 m m cn 0 z CD m C) m z m --4 3z z 0 M M v z --I (n - 0 0 0 z "TI 0 0 m ol 0 Ct C cr > > 0 z to o Co 0 0 0 ? � Z 1 0! 4 C> P Na CO-" M ry W 0� -4 m m C 'U (A 0 > ;v M m rn -Ti > TM - n 0 m Z > 0 4CO r 71$ z > 0 I > >; 0 '-'0 ;u n z M 0 m Z po cr 0 w ry= �_ F 0 > o ;o :L 2.0 0 F 0 -4 fl-4 P4 N) W" M tr 0 , 0 -4 N� W N4 ON W W = CP co W, 0 00 00 Ct C cr 0 z toy ( c s o Co 0 0 0 ? � Z 1 0! 4 C> P Na CO-" M ry W 0� -4 0 M (A 0 p M 0 A m -Ti - n 0 m 0 4CO r > m 2 tg ;u M M 0 r a o 0 z 0 V Z M 0 �4 0 Ct C 0 z 0)o Co Co ? � Na CO-" M ry W 0� -4 0 M 0 M n > coo r tg r a 0 �4 > W--W 0 0 -4 fl-4 P4 N) W" M tr 0 , 0 -4 N� W N4 ON W W = CP co W, 0 00 00 Co ? � Na CO-" M ry W 0� -4 .P. 1 tj rl.) N) r) Cr+ Lr a 441 crt v co co RECEPTI(W -mq. F0948357 9/23/ 39 9:51:48 PG: 001-002 PAGE 1-cE: 10.00 DOC.FEE: 0.00 OCrnOnCT1 TAl I CM n, Ty f 00W\n THIS DEED is made this day of August, 1999 between James R, BlurtienthaVames R. Blumenthal, 11 and Gayle Jo Blumenthal, whose legal address is 9168 W. 10 1' Avenue, Westininister, CO 8002 1, of Jefferson County, State of Colorado (Grantor), and Skitzo Offshore. LLC, a Colorado Limited Liability Company (Grantee), whose legal address is 465 t Tabor Street, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, 80033, WITNESSETH, that Grantor, in exchange for interests in Skitzo Offshore, LLC, and other good and valuable considerations to Grantor in hand paid by Grantee, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby confessed and acknowledged, and as all initial capital contribution to Skitzo Offshore, LLC, has granted, bargained, sold, and conveyed, and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, convey, and confirm onto Grantee, its heirs, successors and assigns forever, all (fie following described real property, together with improvements, situate, lying and being in Jefferson County, State of Colorado, to wit: TOGETHER with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining and the reversions and reversions, remainder and rcrnainders, rer issues, and profits thereof: and all the estate, right, title, interest, claim, and demand whatsoever of Grantor, either in law or equity, of, in, and to the above bargained premises, with the hereditaments, and appurtenances, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises above bargained and described, with the appurtenances. unto Grantee, its heirs, successors and assigns forever. And Grantor, for themselves, their heirs, executors, and administrators, do covenant, grant, bargain, and agree to and with Grantee, its heirs, successors and assigns, that at the time of the ensealing and delivery of these presents, Grantor is well seized of the premises above conveyed, as of good, sure, perfect, absolute, arid indefeasible estate of inheritance, in law, in fee simple, arid has good right, full power and lawful authority to grant, bargain, sell, and convey tile same in mariner and form aforesaid, arid that tire same are free arid clear of all former and other grants, bargains, sales, liens, taxes, assessments, arid encumbrances of whatever kind or nature soever,except general taxes and assessments subject to easements, restrictions and reservations of record; and the above bargained premises in the quiet and peaceable possession of Grantee, its heirs, successors and assigns, against all and every person or persons lawfully claiming or to claim the whole or any part thereof, Grantor shall and will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND, The use of the singular shall include the plural, the plural shall include the singular, arid tire use of any gender or the neuter shall be applicable to all genders, LL RECEPTION F0948356 pG 001-002 9/23/1 9:51:46 0.00 PAGE FEE- 10.00 DOC.FEE: RECORDED IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO GENERAL WARRANTY DEED THIS DEED is made this day of August, 1999 between J.R. Blumenthal and Gayle Blumenthal, whose legal address is 5395 Easley 3 L ;D 4, Rd., Golden, Colorado 80403, o f J County, State of Colorado (Grantor), and Skitzo offshore, LLC, a Colorado Limited Liability Company (Grantee), whose legal address is 4651 Tabor Street, Wlieat Ridge, Colorado, 80033. WITNESSETH, that Grantor, in exchange for interests in Skitzo Offstjore, LLC, and other good and valuable considerations to Grantor in hand paid by Grantee, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby confessed and acknowledged, and as an initial capital contribution to Skitzo offshore, LLC, has granted, bargained, sold, and conveyed, and by diese presents does grant, bargain, sell, convey, and confirm unto Grantee, its heirs, successors aced assigns forever, ail tile f described real property, together with improvenlents Situate, lying and being in Jefferson County, State of Colorado, to wit: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A; IN WITNESS WHE 401` Grantyqias signed this General Warranty Deed on the date specified above, M. M i STATE OF COLORADO ss. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON The f instrument was acknowledged b e f ore me this 731 day of August, 1999, by J.R, Blumenthal and Gayle Blumenthal. Witness my hand and official seat. My commission expires: Notary Public i 6 • ip • . w • I M I :Will. s • Ti 0 0 �- 0 ;u ° E. w > ;o m r r m > m r* > � m � CA CA * -: ca c -• 0 o cn w tn h per tz tss cn > = m >< t^ Co = 0 xJ C CS c �p f14 vc ° oo cr,'.s -r, a , fl4, 0 c� as 00 �, 0 eaa ry w uz r. rl,) ;. v+ 171 r. o a. rl> I M I :Will. s • Ti 0 0 RECEPTION NO. J;'()I3z 91231199 9:51:45 PG: 001-003 'PAGE FEE: 15.00 .FEE: 0.00 RECORDED IN JEFFERSON DOC COUNTY, COLORADO GENERAL WARRANTY DEED THIS DEED is made this 31 day of August, 1999 between James R. Blumenthal, James R. Blumenthal, 11 and Gayle Jo Blumenthal, of Jefferson County, State of C_0T0rado (Grantor), and Skitzo Offshore, LLC, a Colorado Limited Liability Company (Grantee), whose legal address is 4651 Tabor Street, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, 80033. WITNESSETH, that Grantor, in exchange for interests in Skitzo Offshore, LLC, arid other good and valuable considerations to Grantor hand paid by Grantee, the receipt and suff it) Iciellcv Of which is hereby corifLssed arid acknowledged, and as air initial capital contribution to Skitzo Offshore, LLC, has granted, bargained, sold, and conveyed, and by these presents does grant, bar sell, convey, and confirm unto Grantee, its heirs, successors and assigns forever, all the following described real property, together with iniprovenlents, situate, lying and being its Jefferson County, State of Colorado, to wit SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A; TOGETHER with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining and the reversions and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profiv; thereof; and all the estate, right, title, interest, claim, and demand whatsoever of Grantor, either in law or equity, of', in, and to tire above bargained premises, with the liereditaments arid appurtenances. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises above bargained and described, with the appurtenances, unto Grantee, its heirs, successors and assigns forever. And Grantor, for themselves, their heirs, executors, and administrators, do covenant, grant, bargain, and agree to and with Grantee, its heirs, successors and assigns, that at (lie time of the ensealing and delivery of these presents, Grantor is well seized ofthe premises above conveyed, as of good, sure, pet absolute, and indefeasible estate of inheritance, in law, in fee simple, and has good right, full power and lawful authority to grant, bargain, sell, and convey the same in manner and form aforesaid, and that tile same are free and clear of all former and other grants, bargains, sales, liens, taxes, assessments, and encumbrances of whatever kind or nature soever,except general taxes and assessments subject to easements, restrictions and reservations of record; and the above bargained premises in tile quiet and peaceable possession of Grantee, its heirs, successors and assigns, against all and every � or persons lawfully claiming or to claim the whole or any part thereof, Grantor shall and will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND, The use of the singular shall include tile plural, the plural shall include tile singular, and the use of any gender or the neuter shall be applicable to all genders. RECEPTION NO. F09483 a a e RECEPTION NO. F0948355 i 0 \111, V5 . RECEPTION 90. F081152 I 2/26!1999 15:47:41 PG: 4, 042 PAGE FEE: 11.44 DOC.FEE: 16.15 4651 TABOR STREET WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 County of JEFFERSON and State of Colorado, grantec(s). IL No. 933. Rev. 4.94. P.r .w.... "e c)tarrca.ttnt DEED e,wre,e Publirrii"{, tra3 w" St. D"." ctr eozaz —tea }r 292#25o — s.oa & 4 THIS DEED, made this between ofthe CITY AND Colorado, grantor(s), and ' whose legal address is ofthe RECEPTION 90. F081152 I 2/26!1999 15:47:41 PG: 4, 042 PAGE FEE: 11.44 DOC.FEE: 16.15 4651 TABOR STREET WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 County of JEFFERSON and State of Colorado, grantec(s). IL No. 933. Rev. 4.94. P.r .w.... "e c)tarrca.ttnt DEED e,wre,e Publirrii"{, tra3 w" St. D"." ctr eozaz —tea }r 292#25o — s.oa & 4 LE I CAE PROCESSING LT NN APPLI O I 1F� Plannin and �? Selo ent Department ; 700 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 � OR a "� . Phone (3€73) 233 -2340 City Wheat • St _ 10 _303 - 4 22 - 804 , • ♦ ,.. !. _ # # .. # # 11111 . "' • #li � # # / I Required information. 424194 lh l A ssessor s P arce l 1 x 3 i 7 3 — Size of Lot (acres or square footige): — 7 acres Current 1 Current use: Proposed use-, X-CD-11 • • #1E• Zo ning. # G� # , Date received Fee Receipt No. Case No. `�> '- Comp Plan Desi . Zoning Quartet Section Map Related Case No, Pre -App Mtg Date Case Manager