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AGENDA CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION January 15,1998 Notice is hereby given of a Public Hearing to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission on January 15, 1998, at 7:30 p.m., 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. -1 CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA (Items of new and old business may be recommended for placement on the agenda.) APPROVAL OF MINUTES - (Minutes will not be available) PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for anyone to speak on any subject not appearing under Item 6 of the Public Hearing Section of the Agenda.) PUBLIC HEARING A. An application by Greg Stieger for approval of a special use permit allowing non-residential counseling and treatment in a I Restricted-Commercial zoned district located at 4243 Harlan Street. CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING D]J1C1aK315= DISCUSSION AND DECISION ITEMS ADJOURNMENT ' 1111111111111111111 , 1111111 F ill 11111 1111111111111111111 pi llill 111111 , 11111 1111p 111 H= 9 NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Greg Stleger 4243 Harlan Street NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): Same ............................................................................................................................................ APPROXIMATE AREA: 11,250 sq. ft. (land area) PRESENT ZONING: Restricted Commercial PRESENT LAND USE: Office, Counseling, Residential SURROUNDING ZONING: SURROUNDING LAND USE: N & S: Commercial; E & W: Low Density Residential COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE AREA: Neighborhood Commercial/Low Density ....................................................... . ......................... ........... . ....... DATE PUBLISHED: December 26,1997 i • i I I 1 11 RIF;Erffo «� DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: December 31,1907 ......................................................................... pccovrrn.fnn I. REQUEST The applicant requests approval of a Special Use Permit to allow non-residential counseling and treatment in a Restricted-Commercial zone district for property located at 4243 Harlan Street, In the Restricted-Commercial zone, listed as special uses (page 1727) are "Clinics for psychological, social, marital, developmental or similar counselin@ and treatmcnt,-W&WA% counseling and treatment for substance abuse and alcoholism; including both residential and nonresidential facilities." It has been staff s interpretation when applying zoning laws that the "specific" overrules the "general". Therefore, we must conclude that a special use permit is needed. In this particular case the specific use is for violence therapy including domestic and family violence, anger control, and gang related involvement. The facility also addresses alcohol and substance abuse issues. The majority of the counseling occurs at night. Please refer to Exhibit 'A' which is correspondence relating to the services offered at the facility. It appears that the existing structure was built in 1958 as a residence. It is unclear to staff as to when the property was converted to a commercial use. There are two existing residential, rental units in the basement which are considered legal, non-conforming uses. j! %1 I &�� 1 W 0 A second meeting which did have a City staff person in attendance was held on December 16, 1997. The following persons were in attendance: IMOMMI The types of clients and typical offenses committed requiring this type 0 treatrittwtit. 19 a) Will meet a proven public need in that it will rill a void in necessary services, products or facilities especially appropriate at the location proposed, considerin, available alternatives. According to discussion with the City's probation officer, there is a void in counseling services for this specific type • treatment. As the problem of domestic violence continues to increase, so will the need for this type of facility. Since this facility donates services to "indigent" clients, it is filling a public need. b) Will not have a detrimental effect upon the general health, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use. The true counseling use conducted within the building will not have a negative affect on the general health, safety and welfare of persons in the area. There could be anxiety created for the neighbors if clients are allowed to loiter on the grounds before, during and after sessions. The applicant has indicated that he is willing to have the grounds patrolled to alleviate this concern. C) Will not create or contribute to blight in the neighborhood by virtue of physical or operational characteristics of the proposed use. Once again, if loitering by clients is allowed or if the grounds are littered as a result of loitering, there could be a negative affect resulting in blight, d) Will not adversely affect the adequate light and air, nor cause significant air, water or noise pollution. As no physical changes are proposed to the property, there should be no affect on the adequate light and air. In regard to noise, there may be some affect on adjacent residences at night, if clients congre JU f) WiR not result in undue traffic congestion or traffic hazards, or unsafe parking, loading, service or internal traffic conflicts to the detriment of persons whether on or off the site. g) Will be appropriately designed, including setbacks, heights, parking, bulk, buffering, screening and landscaping, so as to be in harmony and compatible with the character of the surrounding areas and neighborhood, especially with adjacem properties. There are ♦ physical changes proposed for the property. The existing improvements appear to conform to the commercial development standards of the City with the exception of landscaping (a minimum of 10% required) and access (unlimited access). Unless additions are proposed for the building, the City cannot require conformance. Buffering for the homes to the west is consistent with Code, h) Will not overburden the capacities of the existing streets, utilities, parks schools and other public facilities and services. All utilities are in place. Because this is an office use, there will be no negative affect on parks and schools. Harlan Street is classified as a collector street and should be able to support this type of office use. M��� 1 111 1�111 jig 1111MI i 1 116 1 11 jp�jjg P 11111!11 1111�� 3=1 � �: o public benefit. Staff further concludes that there are no physical changes proposed to the property, but that there are aspects of the use which could have a negative affect on the character of the area. Because the criteria used to evaluate a special use permit support the request, a recommendation of Approval is given with the following conditions: Option A: "I move that Case No. SUP-98-1, a request for approval of Special Use Permit to allow non-residential counselin2 and treatment in a Restricted-Commercia,!v� Harlan Street, be APPROVED for the following reasons: I . It will fill a void in services and provide a public benefit. 2. The criteria used to evaluate a special use permit support approval. 3. Staff recommends approval. Option B: "I move that Case No. SUP-98- 1, a request for approval of Special Use Permit to allow non-residential counseling and treatment in a Restricted-Commercial zone district at 4243 Harlan Street, be DENIED for the following reasons: I N 36TH AVE Z ON E DISTRICT y YV " r' y� • # • l .L ' i M DENOTES MiLTIPLE ADDRESSES i • it � N 36TH AVE Z ON E DISTRICT y YV " r' y� • # • l .L ' i M DENOTES MiLTIPLE ADDRESSES • it � t F * • rR 1 M.- rm- be Famijh L ioffence Pio ,gram 4243 Harlan Street a - heatRid ge, CO 800,33 (303) 403-8325 (fa%) 403-8497 To: The City of WheatRidge, Colorado Pursuant to your "Administrative Process ApphcatioW' requiring a detailed description of my program, I offer the following: I was directly involved in the inception of CRS 18-6-803 (•• mestic violence laws) • testifying before 3 Senate subcommittees, supporting the need for legislation to hold violent offenders accountable for their behavior and to serve the community in insuring reasonable safety for the victims • violent crimes through treatment, monitoring and surveillance • said offenders. I have also worked extensively with schools in Jefferson County to conduct in-service teaching for both students and faculty to aid in addressing the dynamics of violence =4 addiction and to offer resources for children and their families. Currently, my program supplies 240 staff hours each month toward "indigent" clinical services for the poor (we receive no state, federal • other grant moneys for this). We offer an advocacy program to help victims ♦ violent crimes find the necessary resources to help themselves rebuild their lives or to simply find a safe harbor where their lives will not in danger. We are also doing a lot of work with social services in helping families whose children have been placed in temporary custody due to violence and addictions. Additionally, we have a youth offender program to assist youth away from directing thei energy and time into drugs and gang activities. This also includes family therapy when it appropriate. I Thank you, Greg Stieger, LCSW, CAC III Executive Director: Family Violence Program f S treet 4243 Hadan ..* • »e• D U C A T 1 0 N University of Denver 1988 Denver, Colorado MA STERS DEGREE IN SOCIAL WORK„ MENTAL HEALTH EMPHASIS. Metr C o ll eg e 1 ! i M i M De nver, C o l o r ado BACHEL DEGREE IN HUMAN SERVICES FROM # STU DY R DRUGS, ALCOHOL AND ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS. A C C R E D I T A T t Q N' S LICENSE C LINICAL S OCIAL # * OF REGULAT AGENCIES # 991029 CERTIFIED ADDICTIONS COUNSELOR, LEVEL III: SENIOR STATUS, SIN"" SUMMARY O F Q U A L I F I C A T I O N S WheatRidge, Colorado ♦ r OWNER/ DIRECTO R S Denver, Colorado OWNER/CO OFFICER Darr Denver Co PSYCH ♦�,• fej SPECIALIZATI O. Chemical Dependency Program WheatRidge, Colorado PSYCHOTHERAPIST # Aurora for Treatment Aurora, Colorado PSYCHOTHERAPIST Arapahoe House Englewood, Colorado DETOX SHIFT SUPERVISOR f • ! f ADDITIONAL PROFESSIONAL A { IVI 1 Ise COMMITTEE, MEMBER ON THE STATE COMMISSION'S DOMESTIC VIOLENCE STANDARDIZATION MEMBER ON THE JEFFERSON COUNTY DOMESTIC VIOLENCE TASK FORCE. MEMBER ON THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S JEFFERSON COUNTY SUBCOMMITTEE ON EDUCATION ! PREVENTION OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. �f �# .� ® ;z »�o / » .< c \ m (| S }| k� j| {� /� � E t M » Q) / @ ! 0 M 11 EXCEPTED 4`m &¥ R0 PURPOSES) / y \\ \ :\ y . ,ME S - T ..� . \ � ..� � vy < «�2 , 75,00 ' DEED a ¥ „ � ) } m # w s � 13 G . c $ G \� Z § 2 «a ?m ® m to ° o . 2\ \ g z � ! © » E Q � » , ■ � » ° 2 �f �# .� ® ;z »�o / » .< c \ m (| S }| k� j| {� /� � E t M » Q) / @ ! 0 M 11 EXCEPTED 4`m &¥ R0 PURPOSES) / y \\ \ :\ y . ,ME S - T ..� . \ � ..� � vy < «�2 , 75,00 ' DEED a ¥ „ � ) } m # w s � 13 17 Notes for Neighborhood Meeting of 12-6-97 Approximately 12 neighbors attended the meeting and about 8 staff persons form the Family Violence Program along with their families. Most • the 12 neighbors coT, Property Values were discussed as a concern, although one resident noted that property values have gon down over time an, I nmr. In sy ,eaking to rn-� realtM—Urom -J&, - Y 1 V have, in fact, been going up recently. I �1�11g the client base, any more than they would leaving the grocery store at night. We also told the neighbors were not coming here. Additionally, if the clientele were not interested in changing their behaviors, they would not bother to even show up for treatment. the neighbors concerns. Greg Stieger, MSW, LCSW, CAC III Executive Director: Family Violence Program The Famib I Yolener Program 424 lar4m Street 11`heatRrcr e. CO 90035 (503) 40J-8525 (fax) 403-8497 WbeatRidge, Colorado. Neighborhood Input Meeting. The purpose for this meeting is to allow the applicant to present his proposal to the neighborhood and also to allow the neighborhood to express directly to the applicant, their concerns issues and desires. A Staff Planner will attend the meeting to discuss City policy and regulations and the process involved, however, the Planner will remain impartial regarding viability of the project. Keep in mind that this is not a public hearing. Although a synopsis of the meeting will • entered as testimony, it is the public hearings in front of the Planning Commission and City Council where decisions are rendered. If you want ,.nput in the decision-making process. It is imperative that you attend the public hearings. Is the proposal compatible with surrounding land uses and zonine. Are there adequate utties and services in It or proposed to serve the project? What is the impact on our streets? Where will the storm drainage go? PRINT NAME ADDRESS PHONE e ee ee Ycz� Ha� 4 1a /- /9YT_ d V - a 0 mil M q k& U i _ dt C) N •ON M I O 0, f\ a J e-'L'o aAe- �' �T tkAll/ The Famil ,y 7olmee Pmgram 4243 Harkm Street W heat Rn�ge, CO 80053 (303) 403-8525 ffxw,) 403-8497 WheatRidge, Colorado. ig� iffill R 11!11111li I t plip'll alklmll Neighborhood Input Meeting. The purpose for this meeting is to allow the applicant to present his proposal to the neighborhood and also to allow the neighborhood to express directly to the applicant, their concerns issues and desires. A Staff Planner will attend the meeting to discuss City policy and regulations and the process involved, however, the Planner will remain impartial regarding viability of the project. R I'Auggligingy-tal Is the proposal compatible with surrounding land uses and zoning? Are there adequate utilities and services in place or proposed to serve the project? What is the impact on our streets? Where will the storm drainage g# ? flow will the project be designed to enhance rather than detract from the neighborhood? What specific changes can be made in the proposal to make it more acceptable to me? _MPRms"M Rmm? ROO jaJ, Please sien it andeiv� t1e IE A# DRESS PHONE "&j �'l (4 31 f-I I \ loud M(1-)4'1C Thr Fanrilj T ielenee Pmgmm 4243 Harlan Street 11"heatRidge, CO 80033 (3O3) 403-8525 ffav) 403-8497 Greg Stieger, LCSW is proposing a special use permit for the Family Violence Program located at 4243 Harlan Street WheatRidge, Colorado. Neighborhood Input Meetin& The purpose for this meeting is to allow the applicant to present his proposal to the neighborhood and also to allow the neighborhood to express directly to the applicant, their concems issues and desires. A Staff Planner will attend the meeting to discuss City policy and regulations and the process involved, however, the Planner will remain impartial regarding viaty of the project. 1110411 'M M Is the proposal compatible with surrounding land uses and zoning? Are there adequate utilities and services in place or proposed to serve the project? What is the impact on our streets? Where will the storm drainage go? After attending the Neighborhood Input Meeting, , please use the following space and the back of this form to list any specific concerns, issues or suggestions which you may have regarding this proposal. [lime sign it and give it to the applicant, as he is required to provide these forms to the City along with his application. PRINT NAME ADDRESS PHONE V -47 -117 9 The Family U`ialencr Pmeram 4243 Harlan Street W CO 80033 f305) 4034525 ffa.v) 403-8497 Greg Stieger, LCSW is proposing a special use permit for the Family Violence Program located at 4243 Harlan Street WheatRidge, Colorado. III W I I 1i i I 1 tj fIf US #IN If ij�&114i" NJ L01 # 0 1 #14, Will## h the proposal compatible with surrounding land uses and zoning? Are there adequate uti I itics and services in place or proposed to serve the project? What is the impact on our streets? Where will the storm drainage go? How will the oro'ect be dest 'ed to enhance rathei thM gerac, Iroi, magamim I 1 #1 1 RJL�111J� s6ci fie concerns, issues or s gestions which you ma; have rezardim this n6owsal, Pl=e st it an V to tke JIL" PRINT NAME ADDRESS PHONE The Fury qy I "iralence Prn{ rjm, 4243 Harlan Styret WheatRid ge, CO 80033 (3(75) 4034,i25 (fax) 403-8497 Grer-ASjdcge WheatRidge, Colorado. The Ci of Wheat Rid.. has ado ted a re uire t ee; n mind that this is not a Rublic hearini. Alt cup" I ip IMAN A66fiIiii [If[ uf to I# al I L-Ke L.." 0 Lol 12 1 IN I a I I 1 11 tuy-igs"M to I-M I It I" rt it ix4s 0 1 ra Wijg Ir UW 11i tL Un 0 1 ox Is the proposal compatible with surrounding land Uses and ZOning?, Are there adequate utilities and services in place or proposed to serve the project? What is the impact on our streets? Where will the storm drainage go? 6116"111 �61 * I 1 11 1, , IlliM 91 # 0 0, ffim NAME