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AGENDA CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION APRIL 16, 1998 Notice is hereby given of a Public Meeting to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission on April 16, 1998, at 7:30 p.m., 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA (Items of new and old business may be recommended for placement on the agenda.) Approved 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - March 19,1998 6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda. Public comments may be limited to 3 minutes.) 7. PUBLIC HEARING 8. CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING 9. OLD BUSINESS W. NEW BUSINESS 11. DISCUSSION ITEMS Lpproved w/ A. Case No. ZOA-98-3: The City of Wheat Ridge is proposing to amend Sections conditions 21-124(4) and 21-151(2) of the courtesy Benches and Bus Stop Shelters portion of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Zoning Ordinance to include shelters in the R-2 zones and to lift the 100' spacing from a house requirement. Di - B. Planning and Zoning Division Projec : The Planning and Development Department is asking the Planning Commission to prioritize and schedule a list of projects assigned to the division for completion. C. Body Art Regulations - City of Denver (Denver Post Article dated March 26, 1998) 12. COMMITTEE AND DEPARTMENT REPORTS 13. ADJOURNMENT C:\Barbara\PCRPTS%P[,ANGCOM\PCAGENI)A\980416,wpd Minutes of Meeting March 19,1998 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chair THOMPSON at 7.35 p.m. on March 1 , 1998, in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 2. ROLL CALL: The minutes of the March 5, 1998, Wheat Ridge Planning Commission were presented for approval. It was moved • Commi seconcled by176 — mmissioner,111T , approve the minutes as submitted. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioners GOKEY, SNOW and THEANDER, absent, and Commissioner SHOCKLEY abstaining. I A Mr. White stated that the City's Three Mile Plan is in place and that the North Plains Community Plan adopted by Jefferson County calls this area an enclave and allows, residential • to 4 units per acres or the existing zoning. Mr. White presented a map showing the outline of the development plan approved by the City of Arvada for the Ridge Home property. He pointed out that the boundary line between the residential area and the office park use was proposed to be road and that the Planning Commission Page 2 0-11/19/98 plan for this road had been modified to include a portion for emergency access only. He advised that the City of Wheat Ridge is not in agreement with the plan for emergency access and noted that the annexation would include the right-of-way for West 52nd I Avenue adjacent to two ownerships and would give the City the right to control its usi Mr. White advised that the City of Wheat Ridge had provided public noticing and posting of the property as well as the required legal notices for the zoning portion of these ' two cases, and therefore there was jurisdiction to hear this case. He commented that Colorado statutes contain no requirement for notification of an annexation hearing, however the public notices did include the annexation along with the zoning. Mr. White stated that at a neighborhood meeting held on February 24, the major concern of the neighborhood was the use of West 52nd Avenue. Zoning uses were discussed at this meeting and it was the consensus that A-2 would be the best zoning. He outlined the eigh) criteria used • evaluate a zone change and reviewed the State statutes criteria for annexation eligibility. Mr. White stated that the City of Arvada is not opposed to the annexations if the following conditions were met: Planning Commission Page 3 03/19/98 Commissioner SHOCKLEY asked why only these were the only three parcels in the area under consideration for annexation. Mr. White responded that the Beyers and the Bakers were the only property owners interested in annexation at this time. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked if staff felt that Arvada's conditions were reasonable in regard to right-of-way. Mr. White responded that he didn't believe it was a reasonable request as the extra 40 feet would bring the street to the front door • the Beyers' residence. Ron Beyer IV I&&" VIVAMAWI Planning Commission Page 4 03/19/98 Steve Steigleder Deputy Fire Marshal, Arvada Fire Protection District Chair THOMPSON asked if the present right-of-way was sufficient for fire vehicles to which Mr. Steigleder responded that, since there is a minimum of 20 feet required, the present 30 feet of right-of-way would be sufficient. Mr. White commented that the preliminary plan for the subdivision presently shows the cul • sac with the emergency extension as a note. In response to Mr. Beyer's comments about a 52nd Avenue connection to Ridge Road, Mr. White commented that Arvada would still require emergency access across the subject area. Commissioner DUNN asked if an emergency access would have to be maintained such as snow plowing, etc. Mr. Steigleder replied that the access would have to be an all-weath surface with the ability to support a 46,000-pound vehicle and would require maintenanc Planning Commission Page 03/19/98 Mr. White noted that it is an immediate concern of the landowners that the issue be Richard O'Day 5422 Tabor Street, Arvada Chair THOMPSON asked if the requests made by Mr. O'Day would prohibit the Beyers from conducting their landscape business. Mr. O'Day replied that he was not concerned with the Beyers landscaping operation, but wanted restrictions in regard to the storage of manure, etc. in case the property were sold. I mm��� Mr. Gonyea addressed the request by the City • Arvada for an additional 40 feet • right-of- way, He stated that because the road is so narrow, there is not room for 70 feet of right-of- way and that he was opposed to the emergency access Chair THOMPSON gave an invitation for anyone else to address Commission. Mr. Beyer returned to the podium and asked Mr. Steigleder if Station Two was an unmanned volunteer station and, if so, how this would affect response time. He also expressed concern that a safety hazard would exist with the present right-of-way considering the close proximity of residences to the proposed fire vehicle access. Planning Commission Page 6 03/19/98 Following her discussion, Chair Thompson closed the public comment portion of the hearing. It was moved by Conunissioner BRINKMAN and seconded by Commissioner SHOCKLEY to recommend to the City Council that the request to annex property into the Wheat Ridge corporate limits pursuant to Case Nos. ANX-98-1 and ANX-98-2 for property located at 11721 West 52nd Avenue and 5220 Swadley Street be approved for the following reasons: With the following conditions: I . Provisions be made in the annexation agreement which prohibit the extension of 52nd Avenue to the east except for possible emergency access and that the access be reviewed upon availability of final development plan of the Arvada properties to the east, • be vacated as a main thoroughfare. Provisions be made in the annexation agreement that a 30-foot right-of-way and/or non-exclusive public works and pedestrian casement be retained. I I The proposed zoning is consistent with the City's rezoning criteria. Planning Commission Page 7 03/19/98 2. It would allow the historical use of the properties to remain. 3. There would be no impacts as a result of the zoning. 4. The zoning is consistent with the City's Three Mile Plan With the following condition: 1. Delete dog kennels, catteries, veterinary hospitals and the keeping of swine and/or pot bellied pigs, from the list of permitted principal uses. 2. Delete public and private I communications towers, television • radio antennas or any other similar communication receiving • sending device which does not exceed 35 feet in height whether ground mounted or mounted upon a building or other structure, or water tM wers or above-ground reservoirs not in excess • 35 feet in height from permitted accessory uses and accessory buildings. =�SGZMM=1111 � IMEM= Reg J!rgsgryati Lrxangg. Presentation and update by Bill Cassel, City Forester, on the adoption of the City's tree preservation and retention codes. At the direction of the City Council, the Arborist Board and staff have reviewed and discussed the concept of tree protection, modes of operation and possible impacts on developers and the community fM rest in Wheat Ridge. NNNI Planning Commission Page 8 03/19/98 property requiring a building permit would require a tree preservation plan. Trees removed from the property would need to be replaced. Tree retention would develop a plan from the developer to protect the remaining trees from construction damage,"' Mr. Cassel informed that any tree in a utility easement would not be included in the preservation plan in order to eliminate trees from growing under power lines. He noted, that the ordinance should also contain some direction in situations where a tree is removed from a property before a development plan starts. Mr. Cassel also informed that there is an objective that the City of Wheat Ridge would qualify as a Tree City USA. Discussion followed. Commissioner BRINKMAN addressed the requirements for maintenance of replacement trees on property other than that of the homeowner, and also expressed concern about the effect of future construction on aquifers which feed large trees within the City. Mr. Cassel further advised that the ordinance would require notification to the City in all cases where a utility easement would require cutting within the drip line of tree to make sure that bracing roots are not affected or that the health of the tree would not be \ Planning Commission Page 9 ,� _ 03 /19/98 ' ' Chair THOMPSON asked if code enforcement would begin enforcing maintenance of landscaping by commercial properties. Mr. Cassel replied that the ordinance would contain a provision for placing liens on property taxes, rather than on the property itself, in cases of noncompliance in order for the City to receive reimbursement for its work without waiting for property to be sold. fia��� Commissioner DUNN asked if there would be a list of undesirable trees contained in the ordinance. Mr. Cassel replied that this will be considered as the ordinance is reviewed %vith the planning and zoning departments. Mr. Cassel concluded by stating the ordinance will be reviewed with planning and zoning, taken back to the Arborist Board and Planning Commission and then presented to City Council for final approval. I Planning Commission Page 10 03/19/98 ill Commissioner SHOCKLEY"m6e'd and Commissioner BRINKMAN seconded to adjourn the meeting at 10:20 p.m. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0 with Commissioners, GOKEY, NOW and THEANDER absent. Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary Janice Thompson, Chair Planning Commission Pag g e 11 03/19/98 SURROUNDING LAND USE: JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met. Therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. MENEURNIM The applicant is requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow for the development of a children's playground on property zoned Agricultural-One. The playground will be used by the CompassMontessori School,which will be-occupying the existing Garramone Market building to the west of said property. The school is in the preliminary planning stages and is scheduled to open in June, 1998. Staff has been informed that the Compass Montessori School would like to purchase said property and expand the school uses in.the future. Staff would like to note that future use of said property for school purposes would require another conditional use permit or a change of zone to at minimum Restricted- Commercial One. 11 SITE PLAN The applicant has submitted a site plan proposal which shows the scope of the work requested by the conditional use permit, The Montessori School will offer studies for ages 3-12 years (preschool-6 grade) and therefore the playground is designed to support activities for children of different ages. f I As the site plan shows, the playground will be located in the rear of the property, extending from just north of the existing detached garage to within 18' from the northern property line and 20' from the eastern property line. The playground will extend west to abut the Montessori School building (existing Garramone Market). There won't be' any new structures proposed for the playground. However, there will be concrete plaza pathways and an asphalt play area. The rest of the site will consist of an irrigated play field, deep sand ior pea gravel play pit and landscape planters. Access to the play areas will be from the Montessori School grounds along the west side of the playground. A neighborhood meeting was held on Wednesday February 18, in the second floof conference room of the Wheat Ridge City Hall. Neighbor's from the adjoining Ptarmegin Apartments were present and were in support of the request. 7M f Y7177 an ommission shall find that the proposed Conditional Use: 1. Will not have a detrimental effect upon the general health, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use. The addition of the playground should not have a detrimental effect on the neighborhood in that this is intended to be an accessory use for the Montessori School and adequate parking will be supplied on the adjacent site. Also, because the playground will be used by daytime school children, there should not be any detrimental effects of light or noise following normal school hours. 2. Will not adversely affect the adequate light and air, nor cause significant air, water or noise pollution. 3. Is consistent with the Comprehensive'Plan. The Wheat Ridge Master Plan designates desirable land use as high.density residential. Staff conclude a private school would be incompatible with the desired land use. However, because the proposed use for this site 'is an accessory use for a permitted principal use, and the applicant is not proposing to construct any permanent structures, staff believes the playground would be consistent and compatible with the existing surrounding land uses. I 4. Will not result in undue traffic congestion or traffic hazards, or unsafe parking, loading, service or internal traffic conflicts to the detriment of persons whether on or off the site. The proposed playground will not result, in undue traffic congestion, traffic hazards or unsafe parking, loading and service because this use is an accessory use for the Montessori School, which is a use by right in the Restricted-Commercial zone district. Parking, loading and internal traffic will all be 5. Will be appropriately designed, including setbacks, heights, parking, bulk, buffering, screening and landscaping, so as to be in harmony and compatible with the character of the surrounding areas and neighborhood, especially with adjacent properties. The playground addition will be designed to • in harmony and compatible with the character of the surrounding areas and neighborhood. The applicants are proposing to utilize much of the existing -character and infrastructure of the existing Garramone Market. The development will not overburden the parks as they are providing their own playground facility. All other public facilities will be serviced by outside agencies. VII RECOMMENDED MOTIONS Option A: "I move that case no. CUP-98- 1, a request for approval of a Conditional Use Permit for a Montessori School playground at 10351 West 44' Avenue, be APPROVED for the following reasons: I The criteria used to evaluate a Conditional Use Permit supports approval • the request; and 2. Staff recommends approval. With the following condition: completed Building and Dumping / Landfill permit be applied for prior to construction.." 2. Y* { J J a "mow �ll..w r ! w +� t- sm f . F A + W 44TH PL R—G to +"" _R tN IN A -1 o * � * *� ONYX PAW - `44-11 V PBF r OFFICIAL AREA REQUIRING'SITE PLAN APPROVAL NE 21 C7 N E T RI O ;... w a I<; - R FL PLAIN (A OXIMA LC?GATIt?hU Mutt+ COLO ».._: f�i�T Y 1. A � L/ L PARCEL/LOT BOUNDRY (DE SIC7NATES OWNERSHIP) MAP ADOPTED: torte 15, 1994 Last Revision. September 19, 1996 _, _ _. _: WATER FEATURE + DEN OTES KkTIPLE ADDRESSES U11DO Cr- N$ AID VEM-OPMW - 235-2M i�pproved Date SUBJECT: Montessori School Playground/Parking Lot Addition, 10351 West 44 Avenue - CUP-98-1 The Public Works Department has reviewed the Planning Department referral dated March 9, 1998 for the above referenced site, and has the following comments: 1. We will need a letter, in conformance with City drainage criteria, that amends the final drainage report approved by the City on April 29,1986, and reflects the proposed onsite modifications. A drainage & grading plan will also need to be submitted in conjunction with this letter. 2. The proposed use is going to require that the City's standard section of curb, gutter and sidewalk (4-foot I wide)be installed for the entire property frontage along Miller Street. In addition, asphalt paving may k be required to match these new improvements to the existing asphalt surface. Finally, engineered plan and profile construction drawings for these public improvements will need to be submitted for review and approval. 3. We will need a completed Dumping/Landfill Permit. In conjunction with the requirements of this permit, an erosion control plan may need to be submitted for review and approval. the project's consulting engineer), • those public improvements required to be constructed per item 2 above, WgINS=t1i 8. The driveway fronting West 44 Avenue will need to be closed off due to the close proximity to the Mi I ler Street intersection and the crosswalk. West 40 Avenue is currently not equipped with a left turn lane to accommodate this access. In addition, keeping this access in use will create a traffic hazard condition due to excessive turning movements within this short spacing distance, 9. Miller Street will need to be striped with a dedicated left tum bay so that unnecessary delay can be minimized for drivers wanting to turn on to West 44t Avenue. The access closure and the proposed striping will help the intersection operate more efficiently and safely. Please not that approximately four parking spaces can be gained from the access closure requested. VALLEY WATER DISTRICT RIDGE, RO. BOX 9 12101 WEST 52ND AVENUE WHEAT • •" i• 80034 TELEPHONE R 1R March 19, 1998 City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Attn: Sean McCartney Dear Senn:. Valley Water District has received the review .farm for Case CUP -98 -1 at 10351 W. 44th Avenue and offers the following comments. Valley Water District has no concern with playground use but does offer the following items to note regarding the Compass Montessori School building. 1. It is unknown at this time if additional public facilities will be needed to meet Arvada Fire Protection District requirements such as fire' hydrants or fire sprinkler water main line. 2. Current service lines may need to be increased to service the school's needs. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 303- 424 -9661. Sincerely, Robert Arnold District Manager „ , P14nnmg sW Zo=g 7500 W. 29th #, WbW Ridim CO Sincerely, s RECEPTION NO. FQeS� .0 pt >00 1- 00 1 E1 RECORDED IN jF -FFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO 6t14196 1 0 0 7 i i C c whose l egal address is 1 0352 West 44th , Avenue Wheats dge, Colorado $0033 of the 'County of Jefferson and State of Colorado, grant"(*-). I ts. County of r �r The foregoing instrument was acknowledged bcfote m this day of Richard Louis Garrmone and Kathleen Marie Garram witness env hand and en'ttciat scat. f , 1 996 . 111IT • III IgIIIIIIIII 1 !111 Ippilill 11 1 -4 3WF • I . 0 • • -OCATION: Generally Located South • W Avenue, North of Highway 58, West • Interstate 70 and East of Eldridge Street In Jefferson County with approximate address • 13500 West 44' Avenue APPLICANT(S): Tom Hartley OWNER(S): 44 Eldridge LLC c/o Tom Hartley 12345 West Alameda Avenue, Lakewood, Colorado 80228 --------- — - — -- — APPROXIMATE AREA: Combined total of approximately 51 acres ITT!"M M� =� Two (County) East: Agricultural One (City) West: Planned Development (County) North: Cemetery South: Highway 58, then undeveloped 70, then commercial, Industrial and residential West: Eldridge Street, then commercial and Industrial COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE AREA: North Plains Community Plan: Retail, Office and Industrial --------- - - - DATE PUBLISHED: March 27,1998 March 31, 1998 DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: March 23,1998 ENTER INTO RECORD: N ZONING ORDINANCE 0 SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS MENNUM (X) EXHIBITS OTHER JURISDICTION: "T, to Va mnnnu! � This is an winexati6n and zoning request for property located directly adjacent to the City ♦ Wheat Ridge ih approximately located at 13500 West 44 Avenue. The request is for two parcels of property being considered for annexation with corresponding Case'Number ANX-98-3. Should the annexations be approved, the parcels could then be zoned with one action, being Case Nos. WZ-98-8. Case No. WZ-98-8 is for the zoning of the property to Planned Industrial Development (PID) for land uses similar to although somewhat more restrictive than those proposed to the County. Exhibit 'C' is the legal description of the properties proposed for zoning. Exhibit 'B' is the proposed list of permitted land uses for the property. of the City in the following ways: 11. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING A neighborhood meeting was held on April 7, 1998. The following persons attended: Martin Omer - Planning staff Tom Hartley - owner Tom Duffy - owner's real estate agent Phyllis Lewis - 4475 Eldridge Street - neighbor to the subject property PMWM The Wheat Ridge Code • Laws does not contain criteria for review • an annexation, but State of Coloradt. statutes provide criteria for eligibility for annexations. These criteria are: 1. Not less than one-sixth of the perimeter of the area is contiguous with the boundary of the annexing municipality: 2. That a community of interest exists between the annexing area and the annexing municipality. 4. The annexing area is integrated with or capable of being integrated with the annexing municipality. 5. It is necessary and desirable to annex the property. State statutes also state that meeting the requirement of contiguity "shall be a basis for a finding of compliance with these requirements, unless the governing body ... finds that at least two of the following are shown to exist:" Less'llrian are V _1# 1 -1 of the municipality: recreational, civic, social, religious, industrial, or commercial; or less than 25% of the area's adult residents are employed in the municipality. provides to all • its citizens. The City Council has adopted the Jefferson County North Plains Community Plan, with modifications, as the City's Three Mile Plan. That plan shows the area under consideration for annexation as retail, office and Endustrial use. Exhibit 'C' is the legal description of the property proposed for zoning. Staff has the following comments ,regarding the criteria used to evaluate a zone change or approval. 1. That the zoning is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance with the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives and policies, comprehensive land use plan and other related policies or plans for the area. The City of Wheat Ridge has adopted the Jefferson County North Plains Community Plan as the City's Three Mile Plan. The proposed land use of Planned Industrial is in conformance with the North Plains, Community Plan designation of retail, office and industrial land uses. The existing, Jefferson County zoning is Mineral Conservation and Agricultural Two. Staff's findings are similar to the County Planning Department's findings in that: 2. That the proposed zoning is compatible with the surrounding area and there will be minimal adverse impacts considering the benefits to be derived. The property is bordered on the south • Highway 58 and on the east • Interstate 70, both roadways effectively separate the subject property from land uses further to the south and east. Mount Olivet Planned Industrial Development. The property is bordered • the west • a commercial/industrial transportation business, with which the proposed PID is considered compatible. 3. That there will be social, recreational, physical and/or economic benefits to the community derived by the zoning. • III! I � I �!� I I I I � I I I I I I I � I I p I III I 1111 All applicable service agencies (water, sewer, telephone, etc.) can provide service to the property. The developer of the property will be required to construct roadway improvements associated with this development, as well as any site specific drainage facilities. 5. That the proposed zoning will not adversely affect public health, safety or welfare by creating excessive traffic congestion, creating drainage problems, or seriously reduce light and air to adjacent properties. 6. That the property cannot reasonably be developed under the existing zoning conditions. Development • the property as a planned light industrial park would require rezoning the property from 't Responding With Concerns; I . City of Wheat Ridge Department of Public Works Department: a. Please change document title to "Annexation Plat No. 9, and Annexation Plat No. 10". The Cil NOTE: 1. The City has a database and coordinates for all. section comers within the City. We will require that these bearings fit our coordinate base. Please call our office for this information. 2. . Please return all red-lined prints with the second submittal. N a Responding Without Concerns: Scientific and Cultural Facilities District North Table Mountain Water and Sanitation Distri City of Wheat Ridge Police Department I Colorado Division of Wildlife Jeffco Health Department Jeffco Schools Jeffco County Commissioners Staff concludes that the proposed annexation meets the state criteria for annexation eligiby, is a logical extension of the City's boundaries, is able to be served by and is in the best interest of the City. Staff also finds that a similar Albeit somewhat less restrictive zoning proposal was recommended for approval by the County Planning Department and the County Planning Commission. Therefore, staff recommends approval of the annexation. Staff concludes that the proposed zoning • the property to Planned Industrial Development meets the corresponding City criteria and the proposed land uses are considered appropriate for the property. No significant negative impacts from the zoning are anticipated. Staff recommends approval of zoning change with associated conditions of approval. L. "I move to recommend that the City - Council DENY Case No. ANX-98-3, "'Annexing to the City of Wheat Ridge unincorporated territory known as the 44" Industrial Park, Parcel 2, generally located south of 44 Avenue, north of Highway 58, west of Interstate 70 and east of Eldridge Street with approximate address of 13500 West 44 1h Avenue, County of Jefferson, as legally described in Exhibit A" for the following reasons. d . 2. 3. 11 ZONING I . "I move to recommend that the City Council APPROVE Case No. WZ-98-8, An ordinance zoning certain property known as 44 Industrial Park, Parcel I and Parcel 2, wn the City of Wheat Ridge with an approximate address • 1350 - 0 West 44 Avenue, County ♦ Jefferson, Colorado, as legally described in Exhibit C, Planned Industrial Development pursuant to Section 26-6(C) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws and amending the Zoning Ordinance and map to conform therewith, for the following reasons: 1. The proposed zoning is consistent with the City's rezoning criteria. would allow the planned and intelligent development of the propertie 3. There would • no significant negative impacts as a result of the zoning 4. The zoning is consistent with the City's Three Mile Plan. I With the following conditions: 2. "1 move to recommend that the City Council DENY Case No. WZ-98-8, An ordinance zoning certain property known as 44' Industrial Park, Parcel I and Parcel 2, within the City of Wheat Ridge with an approximate address • 13500 West 44" Avenue, County • Jefferson, Colorado, as legally described in Exhibit C, Planned Industrial Development pursuant to Section 26-6(C) of the Wheat Ridge Code • Laws and amending the Zoning Ordinance and map to conform therewith, for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. C:\Barbara�PCRFITS\anx9g-3 PC. wpd y > f rt 3 f film is � � i� _ >i ster4i +"rt �• r z r M wweu * +t � �. ��,.,.... i 1' '; � � • t 3?acy •1 � � +� .F ! +w ,,,�^'�» til3rA: •t .:t. � , i � � � "s•"} f t r ion 1" t p. I V I .[jar # ` "�" .,�,.�.,. w+...F � ^ �tt '�! z i ,* .» wi � ±'� r • r ' o f ( MAC' Ilk t � 9 -- ML v Im Im = FAI I salk LEGAL DESCRIPTION - PARCEL 1 (a) No commercial explosives may be included. warehousing, storage, collection of materials, including machinery or vehicles not in operating condition, may be pennitted only if contained within a fully enclosed building. 3), Sale at retail of any commodity, manufactured, processed, fabricated or warehoused on the premises. 6) Veterinary hospital. 7) A motor vehicle service station, gasoline filling station, car wash, and convenience store. 8) All office uses, except banks and other financial institutions. azu�• 1 1) Micro-cell • repeater telecommunications facility. 12) Roof and/or building mounted or freestanding with monopole low power telecommunications facility. 13) Other similar industrial uses which are not more detrimental to the highest and best use of land in this district than the, permitted uses listed above, subject to Planning Directors interpretation, with appeals to Planning Commission and City Council. 112 1) Parking 903MEMI= • 0 - 4) , Micro-cell repeater Telecommunications Facility. 5) All uses permitted in Use Area 1. Use Area 2. Permitted Uses: MEN =,= mmm�� am MEEMMEM P� 1) Designated native or natural open space (Use Area 3) shall for the most part remain untouched, Any disturbed areas shall be reclaimed by the planting of native grasses suited for this area. This area is bounded by West 44"' Avenue southerly to the alignment of the Reno Ditch. 51.05 Acres Area I (Outline Development Plan) 39.5 Acres Maximum Building Coverage 45% Maximum Building Height 50 Ft. Landscape Coverage - minimum per lot 10% Total Lot Coverage by Structure, paving and storage 90% Gross Floor Area maximum .45 FAR I I Parking 1) Office space, veterinary hospital and other similar uses: 3.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet Gross Floor Area. 4) 'Manufacturing, processing or fabrication facilities: I space for each 200 square feet of office, and I space per each 2,000 square feet of Gross Floor Area. 5) Medical and dental offices and clinics; 5.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet Gross Floor Area. ' 9 mom Maximum Building Coverage Maximum Buil ' ding Landscape Coverage - minimum per lot Total Lot Coverage by Structure, paving and storage Gross Floor'Area maximum 45% 50 Ft. 10% 90 1) Office space, veterinary hospital and other similar uses: 3.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet Gross Floor Area. 2) Retail or wholesale areas, gas station, service station, motor vehicle repair facilities and similar uses: 5.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet Gross Floor Area. 3) Warehouses, mini-warehouses, storage facilities and similar uses: I space for ea 200 square f e e t • office, and I space per each 2,000 square feet of Gross Flo] Area, 4) Manufacturing, processing or fabrication facilities: I space for each 200 square feet of office, and I space per each 2,000 square feet of Gross Floor Area. 5) Medical and dental offices and clinics; 5.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet Gross Floor Area. 6) Off street loading space; Off street loading spaces shall • provided on each site based upon individual needs of users for each site, their site plans and building plans. Each such loading space shall not be less than 35 feet in length, 12, feet in width and 15 feet in height. PZMi •3111 ii !I 11111 �!IIIEMWME= zmzzm•�� Maximum Sign Height Maximum Sign Face Minimum Sign Setback 2 N Notes: 1. Required corner vision triangle criteria of the City of Wheat Ridge shall be met. . - Entry signage or monumentation shalt be allowed to be lighted by either ground mounted lighting or interior non -glare lighting. - Area 3 Native/Natural Open Space . 10.6 Acres d) Building Setbacks: Area I & Area 1 -A Minimum Front Yard (Internal Street) 30 Feet Minimum Side Comer Lot 30 Feet Minimum Side Yard (Internal Lot) 10 Feet Minimum Rear Yard adjacent to street or highway 30 Feet Minimum Yard to Rear Property Line Fence interior to Property 10 Feet e) Parkins Lot Setbacks Minimum Front Setbacks to any Parking Lot 10 Feet .Minimum Side Setback for any Lot 5 Feet Minimum Rear to Interior Lot 10 Feet f) Lot Access - Vehicular access to all lots will be from internal streets except for Use Area t -A west of the railroad tracks. g) Multiple Lot wnershi In case of multiple lot ownership by the same purchaser /owner, setback and other related requirements as they would effect interior lot lines shall be waived, subject to an administrative process by the City of Wheat Ridge. N 1) The minimum percentage of landscaped area per lot shall be 10%, but not less than 67% of this 10% landscaped area shall occur in the front setback area to building. 2) Additional on lot landscaping may occur at owner's choice. M ME= Deciduous shade trees 2 1 /2 caliper Evergreen trees 6 ' height Ornamental trees I V2 caliper Shrubs 5 gallon container 4) Maximum amount of high water consumption sod (i.e. Bluegrass shall be 50% of . landscaped area. 5) Two ornamental trees may be substituted for I deciduous shade tree, as required 7) All turf shall be a blend of grasses native to this area. 8) The landscaping materials shall consist • native plant materials indigenous to the area, and native turf grasses. 9) Any and all disturbed areas shall • revegetated with either native seed, • a blend of native grasses indigenous to this area or a variety • designed mulch options such as bark chip, rock or ground cover plant material; such mulch area shall not exceed 20% • the surface area involved. 10) Any one of the following techniques may be used to landscape areas adjacent to 44 Avenue, (for only the length of development where lots are adjacent to 4e Avenue, - the entry west to Reno Ditch) and interior street and parking areas on individual lots: (a) Within a minimum'strip of 10 feet, provide shrubs at a spacing of 5 feet on center with a minimum • I evergreen tree every 20 feet • length • landscaping. (b) Within a minimum of 15 foot wide strip provide a minimum 2 foot high earth berm with a minimum • I evergreen tree planted every 20 feet. No more than 20% of the surface shall be exposed gravel or mulch. 2 0 DESCRIPTIO City of Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department Memorandum Im FROM: Sean McCartney, Planner SUBJECT: Case No. ZOA-08-3 / Courtesy Bus Shelters DATE: March 23, 1998 !IQ 10 Council Bill No. Ordinance No. Series of 1998 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 21, ARTICLE IV, SECTION . SECTION 21-151, OF THE CODE OF LAWS OF THE CITY • WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, CONCERNING COURTESY BUS SHELTERS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OFTHE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO,THAT: �=-t _7 �r �-' U T -1111L - Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, concerning courtesy bus stop shelters are amended as follows: EMM The city may provide for the erection of bus stop shelters directly by the city, by contract, agreement, or otherwise. All such bus stop shelters shall be constructed in compliance with the requirements of the Americans With Disabilities Act. If erected by contract or agreement with a private company, the terms • such contract • agreement shal I govern the placement of such shelters; provided, however, that all such shelters shall comply with the following requirements of this article IV (wherein all references • "courtesy benches" shall • deemed by this reference • include "bus stop shelters"): Section 3. Severability. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, • part • this Zoning Code or the application thereof to any person • circumstances shall for any reason • adjusted by a court of competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgment shall not affect application to other persons or circumstances. 5ection 4. Supersession Clause. If any provision, requirement or standard established by this Ordinance is found to conflict with similar provisions, requirements or standards found elsewhere in the Code • Laws • the City • Wheat Ridge, which are in existence as • the date of adoption of this Ordinance, the provisions, requirements and standards herein shall supersede and prevail. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED • first reading • a vote • to on this day of —, 1998, ordered published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City • Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and consideration • final passage set fo r , 1998, at 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of to , this clay of , 1998. SIGNED by the Mayor on this day of , 1998, GRETCHEN CERVENY, MAYOR * E X # l « l 0 " A ♦ l c: ing\f ormslprd. Crm City of Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department Memo*randum. 77 .. .......... .. M 2 W.3,2 11,21 taML41610T I E FROM: REDITH RECKERT, SENIOR PLANNER SUBJECT: PLANNING AND ZONING PROJECTS DATE: APRIL 16,1998 Commission meetings through the year have been attached. A few of the projects on the list are currently under review as denoted by an asterisk. Staff would like to point out, that while attempting to schedule these additional projects, that the Commission keep in mind the case applications being processed for the Commission's, City Council's, Board of Adjustment's or EDARC's ©. (approximately 40 case applications submitted to date). RECOMMENDATION: Staff would recommend that the Planning Commission review the list of current Planning and Zoning projects and assign a e frame for completion. CABarbara\PCRPTSkPR0JECTS.WPD k 00 4n 00 tn C 6 1.. W . CN tn > z CN > 4n Vl tn C 6 1.. W . tn C6 > > 04 IT m tics rs C 6 1.. 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