HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/02/1998CONTINUED C. Case No. ZOA-98-05: An application by the City of Wheat Ridge for an to July 16, 1998 amendment to Section 26-5.Definitions. for the definitions of Net and Maximum Density within the Zoning portion of the Code of Ordinances. 8, CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING 9. OLD BUSINESS 10. NEW BUSINESS 11. DISCUSSION ITEMS D. City Review of Schools: Concerning the City's purview in reviewing plans for schools in relationship between the charter school and R- I School District. 1.2. COMMITTEE AND DEPARTMENT REPORTS 13. ADJOURNMENT July 9,1998,7:00 p.m. 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chair THOMPSON at 7:30 pm. on June 18, 1998, in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the June 4, 1998 Wheat Ridge Planning Commission were presented for approval, Planning Commission Page 1 06/18/98 It was moved by Commissioner DUNN and seconded by Commissioner COLLINS to approve the minutes as presented. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0 with Commissioner SHOCKLEY abstaining and Commissioner BRINKMAN absent. 6. PUBLIC FORUM I I ININ ! III I 1 11 11 1 • 7, PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. CUP 98-02. A request by Glory of God Lutheran Church for approval of a conditional use permit to allow a 4,000 square foot expansion for the property located at 12200 West 38th Avenue. This case was presented by Meredith Reckert. She presented overhead projections of the site plan and slides of the subject property. She entered the zoning ordinance, case file, She informed that the property was within the City of Wheat Ridge, all notification and posting requirements had been met and there was jurisdiction to hear the case. Ms. Reckert reviewed the conditional use permit criteria and informed that, because the expansion would have minimal impact on the surrounding neighborhood and the proposal far exceeded the zone district development standards, it was staff's conclusion and recommendation that the request • approved. Questions and discussion followed. Chair THOMPSON asked if there was an alternative to moving the trees if it presented a financial hardship to the applicant. Ms, Reckert replied that moving the trees was not a requirement • the conditional use, however, the City Forester had visually inspected the property and felt that the two trees in question were worth saving. Planning Commission Page 2 06/18/98 (Commissioner BRINKMAN arrived at 7:50 p.m.) Representatives of the applicant appeared before the Commission Dale Catlin 3117 Owens Court Rick Scheuber 2965 S. St. Paul, Denver In response to a question from Commissioner GOKEY, Mr. Catlin replied that it was the applicant's intent to work with the city forester to save the two mature trees. one i • coi,cewii Q tjtisiiatter. It was moved by Commissioner SHOCKLEY and seconded • Commissioner SNOW to approve Case No. CUP-98-02, a request for a conditional use permit for property located at 12200 West 38th Avenue for the following reasons: 1. The evaluation criteria support approval of the request. 2. There will be minimal impact to the surrounding neighborhood. 3. The proposal far exceeds the zone district development standards. 1. The applicant work with the City Forester to move specimen, mature trees. The motion passed by a vote of 7-0. B. Case No. MS-98-02: A request by C. Holstein for approval of a minor subdivision of an R-3 zoned property into two lots. Property is located at 10911 West 44th Place. Planning Commission Page 3 06/18/98 Ms. Reckert informed that all agencies are presently serving Lot I and could serve Lot 2 with certain improvements as follow: (1) The Arvada Fire Protection District requested that the turnaround at the southeast corner of Lot 2 must remain in place and that a fire hydrant be required at the end of 44th Place upon development of Lot 2. (2) Valley Water District requested easements be in place along the southern and eastern property lines and that water taps and service lines would be required when Lot 2 develops. ( 3 )) Public Service Company requested a ten-foot wide non-exclusive utility easements along the southern and northern property lines. (4) A drainage report, grading and erosion control plan and street construction plan would be required by the Public Works Department before a building permit wou be issued for Lot 2. (5) The City of Wheat Ridge Parks and Recreation Commission recommended a 5% land value contribution in lieu of land dedication. Ms. Reckert reviewed the subdivision design showing the existing four-plex on Lot I with enough land area on Lot 2 for construction of another four-plex. In conclusion, she informed that the plat document would fulfill the conditions of vacation Ordinance 1106 which would allow the eastern portion of the property to be developed; that the subdivision regulations had been met; and staff recommended approval of the minor subdivision. Commissioner SNOW asked for clarification regarding the turnaround requested by the Arvada Fire Department. Ms. Reckert replied that since 44th Place is a dead end at the eastern property line, a 40-foot right-of-way has been left in what was Owens Street right-of- Planning Commission Page 4 06/18/98 way to allow emergency vehicles to turn around. Mr. Goebel informed that the area would be posted with no parking signs to leave it clear for emergency use and that there would be enough room for a fire truck or trash truck to pull in, back up and drive out. Commissioner BRINKMAN commented that parking was presently occurring in the turnaround area and that there was a weed problem on the property which needed to be addressed by Code Enforcement. Chester Holstein 3995 Way, Golden Mr. Holstein was sworn by Chair THOMPSON. He informed that he intends to sell the lot and addressed Commissioner BRINKMAN's concern about the weeds and informed that he had made arrangements with San Juan Landscaping to cut the weeds as often as necessary beginning the following day. Commissioner GOKEY asked if new construction would be consistent with the new patio homes existing in the area. Ms. Reckert replied that any new construction would have to meet all city reguirements and would be consistent with other new develogment in the area. Commissioner GOKEY asked if requirement could be made that drainage • installed before construction of buildings takes place. Mr. Goebel replied that he would not have a problem with that. There were no individuals signed up to speak on this matter. It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner SHOCKLEY that Case No. MS-98-2, a request for approval of a two -lot minor subdivision on property located at 10911-17 West 44th place, be recommended to the City Council for APPROVAL for the following reasons: I . It will fulfill the conditions ♦ vacation Ordinance No. 1106. 2. It will allow the eastern portion of the property to be developed. 3. All requirements • the Subdivision Regulations have been met. Planning Commission Page 5 06/18/98 I That the fire hydrant requested by the Arvada Fire District be placed no later than after the foundation has been constructed. The motion passed by a vote of 7-0. (Chair THOMPSON declared a recess at 8:20 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 8:30 P.M) C. Case No. MS-98-03: A request by Saulsbury Properties for approval of a minor subdivision of four lots for residential apartments and duplexes. Said property is located at 3195 Saulsbury Street. Meredith Reckert distributed copies of the following exhibits which were then entered into the record and accepted by Chair THOMPSON: Exhibit A: Letter dated June 9, 1998 from Lynn Yehle, 1235 Everett Court, Iy residence and that all vegetation on the subject property between 32nd Avenue and the ditch be preserved. maffllm��� a a Ms. Reckert stated that in May of 1998 the owner applied for and was granted a building permit for the construction of twelve multi-family units on the property zoned R-3 which was consistent with density established by Ordinance No. 1090. She informed that if the Planning Commission Page 6 06/18/98 singre resiaence stays • Me property, Tne 511774aole Tensity TOT MIIIIIF ity units would be reduced to nine units, She stated that the applicant had applied for approval of a subdivision to plat the southern portion (zoned R-2) into three duplex sites. Planning Commission Page 7 06/18/98 WIFIR Commissioner BRINKMAN expressed concern about dead-end sidewalks. Commissioner GOKEY asked if the sidewalks would be consistent with ADA requirements. Mr. Goebel replied that they would meet the ADA standards. Commissioner COLLINS asked about the fence along 32nd Avenue. Mr. Goebel informe that some residents have expressed concern about sight distance as they are pulling out on 32nd Avenue and the City is requesting that the fence be moved back onto the property lin Commissioner OOKEY asked if a neighborhood meeting had been held concerning this development. Ms. Reckert replied that neighborhood meetings were not required for Chair THOMPSON asked about irrigation ditch. Mr. Goebel replied that it would remain open with a 4-foot chain link fence at the top between the ditch and the multi-family units. In response to a question from Commissioner BRINKMAN, Mr. Goebel replied that a traffic light for the entrance would not be required. Commissioner COLLINS asked about the retention pond. Mr. Goebel replied that the design is required to retain a I 00-year storm, Alec Garbini 1546 Cole Boulevard, Suite #227, Golden Planning Cornniissio,n Page 8 O6/l&/9O offered to members of the audience who wished to review them. He stated there is no access During discussion of parking, Ms. Reckert suggested that parking restrictions for RV, trailer and boats could be instituted. The applicant was agreeable to this. Thomas Slattery 6869 West 32nd Avenue Planning Commission Page 9 06/18/98 Commissioner SNOW commented that'the applicant already has the building permit. Mr. Slattery felt the building permit was not legal. Lisa Hamilton Fieldnian 7125 West 32nd Avenue Chair THOMPSON asked if the detention pond area could be used for play structures, treen etc. Meredith Reckert replied restrictions on the plat would not allow that to occur. I Planning Commission Page 10 06/18/98 Margaret Parry 3060 Teller Street Planning Commission Page 11 06/18/98 Chair THOMPSON stated that Ms. Parry has indicated to the ' City that she is in opposition to the subdivision. Chair THOMPSON then asked if there were individuals who had not signed the public hearing roster but wished to speak-. The following individuals addressed the Commission: Martin Burrows 7200 West 31st Place Chair THOMPSON asked Ms. Reckert if the proposed development complied with all subdivision regulations. Ms. Reckert replied that it did. it would not be a good idea to have three access points onto 32nd Street all within _ )00 feet of each other. Chair THOMPSON asked if additional parking could be required on the 12-unit side to alleviate parking needs for the duplexes. Mr. Goebel replied that there would be an area designated as common area which could • used for extra parking. Commissioner GOKEY commented that using the common space for parking could result in the loss of some of the more mature trees on the property. Joann Howard 7260 West 31st Place Ms. Howard was sworn • Chair THOMPSON. She stated that it was her understanding the 'bwner had previously indicated he was building a development for senior citizens and now his plans have changed. She was concerned about increased traffic in the area, She said there was an existing driveway on 32nd next to the RTD bus pad. She did not want to see an access onto Teller. She was also concerned that the development would not be maintained. Commissioner SNOW asked Mr. Goebel about a right-in only entrance from 32nd. He replied that it would • necessary to have right turn lane installed for this to happen. It! I III I WAR III I EML411 I Eq googy-W agwi #a I a I Italki, Me Iw M ol I Planning Commission Page 12 06/18/98 Reckert replied that it could proceed and that if the application is denied, the applicant cou""- come back with a different subdivision plan or appeal to the City Council. I Mr. Garbini returned • the podium to respond to concerns raised • the previous speakers. In regard to the retention pond, Mr. Garbini stated that the engineer felt this was the best I'M s sincere desire to save as many trees as possible. He commented that there will • some offsite improvements which will benefit the neighborhood such as the widened street, curb and gutter. He stated tj t i It was moved by Commissioner BRINKMAN and seconded by Commissioner SNOW that Case No. MS-98-3, a request for approval • a four-lot minor subdivision on property zoned R-2 and R-3 located at 3195 Saulsbury Street, be recommended to the City Council for Planning Commission Page 13 06/18/98 *f the retention pond. The motion died for lack • a second. Chair THOMPSON declared the public hearing portion of the meeting closed. , Planning Commission Page 14 06/18/98 lanning uommission - orKsnU - c7onimissioner they would be attending the workshop. Meredith Reckert informed that staff is planning a study session regarding procedures, etc. in the near future. .9 I ''!III - 11 Yr N E L vruffllsslutuen?� • 7 InT secon * MISSIORT "If meeting • adjourned at 11:35 p.m. The motion passed by a vote of 7-0. FM"#NW"W#EL=# to"Ifflem 'Janice Thompson, Chair Planning Commission Page 15 06/18/98 • 14 afla-fid'' • z ACTION REQUESTED: Preliminary and Final Plat, Variance and Preliminary and FinalDevelopment Plan including Street Designation and Width LOCATION: Generally Located South of 44 h Avenue, North of Highway 58, West of Interstate 70 and East of Eldridge Street in Jefferson County with approximate address of 13500 West 44' W225929M mmm OWNER(S): 44 Eldridge, LLC c/o Tom Hartley 12345 West Alameda Avenue, Lakewood, Colorado 80228 — --- -------------- – - . .......... . ........... — --- — - – ----- – ---- – ----------------- – - – ------ – -------- – ------------- SURROUNDING ZONING: N: Planned Development and A-2 (County) S: Highway 58, then Planned Development and A-2 (County); E: A-1 (City); W: Planned Development (County) SURROUNDING LAND USE: N: Cemetery; S: Highway 58, then undeveloped; E: CDOT maintenance yard, Interstate 70, then commercial, industrial and residential; W: Eldridge Street, then commercial and Industrial COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE AREA: North Plains Community Plan: Retail, Off ice and Industrial – --- – -------- — --- — -- – --- – – ----------- – ------ – ------ – ------ – ---- P "IRM vu M* • • « DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: April 14, 1998 --- – --- – ---- – ------ – ---- — – - – – ----------- – ----------------------- – — ------ ENTER INTO RECORD: N COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 0 ZONING ORDINANCE - 4 ii ii 1 . I*k A IMINNE209 MMINKRUME 0 OTHER ----- – ------ – --- – ------- ----------------------------- ---- – – --- --- — – --- ------- – --- – ------ – -- — ------ – ------- JURISDICTION: All notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. Planhing Commission Page W -9 -11 t Hartley This case was continued from the June 4" Planning Commission date at the request of the City's Department of Public Works. Public Works has requested and received revised engineering drawings which more satisfactorily address said Department's concerns. Included as part of this overall case are approval of a variance for the length of the cul-de-sac, and approval of the street classification designation and street width. Staff has included a requestfor variance approval of 3,000+/- feet from the 500 foot maximum length as provided in City's Subdivision Regulations for a total roadway/cul-de-sac length of 3,500+/- feet. Staff has the following comments regarding the criteria used to evaluate a variance request: Can the property in question yield a reasonable return in use, service or income if permitted to be used only under the conditions allowed by regulation for the district in which it is located'? No. The property is comprised of 51 acres of land oriented in a mostly linear manner. The limitation of one access way combined with a constrained interior roadway would likely prove to be prohibitive to the development and success of the property development. Planning Commission Page 3 WZ-98-11 /Hartley Yes. Resultant from discussions with the City Council, the applicant chose to make application to the City to annex this property to the City with the intent of developing a light industrial park, The The site. Planning Commission Page 4 - 7. Has the alleged difficulty or hardship been created by any person presently having an interest in the property? No. The hardship is inherent in the physical aspects of the subject property. 8. Would the granting of the variations be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is located? No. The vegetation and topography • the site will effectively serve to block the view of this variance is not expected to create a detriment to the public welfare. The roadway length has received conditional approval from the Fairmont Fire Protection District. 9. Would the proposed variation impair the adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property or substantially increase the congestion in the public streets or increase the danger of fire or endanger the public safety or substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood. Planning Commission Page 5 WZ-98-11 / Hartley 4-5 PITZMEM To Hartley - owner Jefferson County Planning Department: The Count�,L�Planni�� Department enerally su orts thepro3ect but recomme along 44 Avenue be granted by the applicant for future site i'mprovements. The County also recommends *f streets in County • City jurisdiction. 2. Roadways of an all weather surface and capable • supporting fire apparatus must be in place prior to construction of any building. requirements of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 13. 6. Drawings need to be submitted to this office for approval and compliance to the latest edition • the Uniform Fire Code. Permits will be issued by the Fairmont Fire District for sprinkler and fire alanTi systems. Building permits will need to be obtained from the City • Wheat Ridge Building Department. Planning Conunission Page 6 WZ-98-11 / Hartley A b Mount Olivet Cemetery: In a letter dated May 27, 1998, the cemetery expresses their support for the industrial element of the project, but states their opposition to the gas station and convenience store use. The cemetery states that the location of the gas station, and convenience store would have a serious negative impact on the ambiance of the cemetery. Fain Improvement District: In a letter dated May 27, 1998, the Improvement District states its concern regarding the commercial use anticipated at the entrance to the project and how it would not be in the character or spirit of the Mount Olivet Cemetery decorum. The Improvement District also expressed its concerns regarding increased traffic on 44'�' Avenue resultant from the property's' development. Jefferson County Department of Health and Environment: In a letter dated May 28, 1998, the Health Department lists standard requirements which apply to all land development in urbanized Jefferson County. The applicant/developer will be required to adhere to the requirements as applicable to his project. Prospect Recreation District: In a letter dated May 28, 1998, the District states that its only concern is that trail access be considered in the development of the land. Colorado Department • Transportation: 1h In a letter dated June 11, 1998, the Department expresses their concerns about access on 44 Avenue for the project users and the Department of Transportation service vehicles. Planning staff has coordinated with the applicant's engineering consultant to revise and accurately depict the access design • the access to the Department of Transportation. The Department requested their review of the hydraulic analysis. Responding Without Concerns: Colorado Division • Wildlife Scientific and Cultural Facilities Distric, Planning Commission Page 7 WZ-98-11 / Hartley Planning Commission Page 8 NV Z-98-11 / Hartley similar to other light industrial development in the City of Wheat Ridge, subject to conditions following." Approval • the Preliminary and Final Development Plan and Preliminary and Final flat are subject to t e following conditions: 1. All requirements of the City of Wheat Ridge Department of Public Works shall be addressed to the satisfaction of the Department of Public Works prior to the City Council hearing date for this case. 0 2. A four foot wide continuous sidewalk aloner the entire length and on the north side of the interior roadway shall be incorporated into the Final Plat. 3. Prior to recordation of the Final Plat, incorporation of a plat note stating that all buildings shall include a sprinkler system which meets the approval of the Fairmont Fire Protection District. 4. The applicant shall meet all requirements of the Fairmont Fire Protection District including but not limited to the District's letter dated April 16, 1998. 5. Prior to recordation of the Final Plat, incorporation of a plat note which states that no parking shall be permitted in the right-of-way of the interior roadway. 6. Prior to the issuance of any building permits, the developer shall be required to install no parking signs along both sides • the interior roadway generally located adjacent to each side lot line. Exception to this shall be at the immediate comer of the interior roadway and 40 Avenue. Maintenance of said signs shall be the responsibility of the commercial property owners association. 7. Prior to City Council hearing for this case, the applicant shall submit a commercial property owners association docurnent which adequately addresses, a.) the maintenance • the open space, b.) the fencing adjacent • Highway 58, c.) the entry monumentation/signage adjacent to 44 Ih Avenue, and maintenance of the no parking signs. 8. The applicant shall dedicate an additional 10 feet of continuous right-of-way adjacent to and on the south side of 44 to • shown on the Final Plat. 9. The applicant shall be responsible for all public improvements. Said improvements shall meet the approval of the City's Public Works Director. 10. An additional criteria stating, "All roof mounted equipment shall be fully screened by parapet walls so as to be not visible from West 44 Drive" shall be included on the Preliminary and Final Development Plan for Use Areas 1 and I A. Note. West 40 Drive is the name of the project internal roadway. Planning Commission Page 9 WZ-98-11 / Hartley 14 -61, Option B. "I move that Case No. WZ-98-1 1, "Preliminary and Final Plat of property known as the 44 1h Industrial Park, and generally located south of 40 Avenue, north of Highway 58, west of Interstate 70 and east of Eldridge Street with an approximate address • 13500 West 44 Ih Avenue, County • Jefferson, as legally described in Exhibit X' be recommended for DENIAL to the Wheat Ridge City Council for the following reasons: Planning Commission Page 10 WZ-98-11 / Hartley 'EXHIBIT A I , May 27, 1998 . FAJRMOUNT IMPROVEMENT - - Sincerely, Q- alxLet� Flora A. Andrus, President — MOUNT ET Cemetery Association Consecrated 1,492 ki SFWZWN��*- BEW IND Sm Thank you for your kindness in answering our questions yesterday, We look forward to working with Wheat Ridge as our new neighbor to the south. I I all Approy •d Date If you have any questions, please contact me cc: Bob Goebel, Public Works Director Dave Kotecki, Sr. Project Engineer File STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION City of Wheat Ridge Community Development I WOPI 7500 Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 ATTN: Martin Orner RE: WZ-98-11/44T INDUSTRIAL PARK PLATS AND FDP, WEST 44 SH58 AND 1-70 in i .7velopment Plan and we have the following comments: 1. Major conflicts will be created between the existing Colorado Department of Transportation maintenance yard access onto West 44 Avenue and the proposed access to the Park on 44" Avenue. They are too close, and other alternatives need to be developed. cmz�� 3. A complete hydraulic analysis needs to be submitted for Colorado Department • Transportation review when available. 319= EM CC: L. Wamer L. Lipp M. Awamezhad File (SH58) RF 2700EP061198.doc WE3= EXHIBIT B 44 Industrial Park 6-15-98 a) ' Statement of Proposed Zoning: Use Area I Permitted Uses: (a) No commercial explosives may be included. (b) Sales, warehousing, storage, collection • materials, including machinery • vehicles not in operating condition, may be permitted only if contained within a fully enclosed building. 3) Sale at retail of any commodity, manufactured, processed, fabricated or warehoused on the premises. 4) Sale at retail of hardware or'equipment, supplies and materials (except commercial explosives) for agriculture, mining, industry, business, transportation, building and other construction. 5) Repair, rental and servicing of any commodity, the manufacture, processing, fabrication, warehousing • sale of which is permitted. 30MOMMEMO= 7) One combination motor vehicle, gasoline filling station, car wash, and convenience store, not including such facilities and services for semi-tractor trailer trucks. Any use reasonably interpreted as a truck stop shall not be permitted. gi 11111l I I I I I lz�� 12) Roof and/or building mounted or freestanding with monopole low power telecommunications facility.* * All telecommunication facilities/towers/poles used to support an on-site primary business operation other than telecommunications will require administrative approval by the Director of Planning and Development. All other telecommunication facilities/towers/poles will require Conditional Use Permit application and approval by the City Council. 1 1 liIl'� 1) Parking, excluding semi-tractor trailer trucks. 2) Railroad access 3) Accessory uses to existing contiguous property user to west. 2 1) Office space, veterinary hospital and other similar uses: 3.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet Gross Floor Area. 2) Retail or wholesale areas, gas station, service station, motor vehicle repair facilities and similar uses: 5,0 spaces per 1,000 square feet Gross Floor Area. 1 - 7 /") 3 5) Medical and dental offices and clinics; 5.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet Gross Floor Area 6) Off street loading space; Off street loading spaces shall be provided on each site based upon individual needs of users for each site, their site plans and building plans. Each such loading space shall not be less than 35 feet in length, 12 feet in width and 15 feet in height. 8) Handicapped parking shall • required as per City • Wheat Ridge standards. Area 1 -A 0.7 Acres ( If Area I-A is to be used for uses other than parking the following regulations shall apply) Maximum Building Coverage 45% Maximum Building Height 50 Ft. Landscape Coverage - minimum per lot 10% Total Lot Coverage by Structure, paving and storage 90% Gross Floor Area maximum .45 FAR 1) Office space, veterinary hospital and other similar uses: 3.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet Gross Floor Area. 2) Retail • wholesale areas, gas station, service station, motor vehicle repair 4) Manufacturing, processing or fabrication facilities. 3.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet Gross Floor Area, • office, and I space per each 2,000 square feet • Gross Floor Area other than office. 5) Medical and dental offices and clinics 5.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet Gross Floor Area. IEHMEH�;' IME= Minimum Sign Setback 80 Sq. Ft. 2 8 Feet w Minimum Side Yard (Internal Lot) 10 Feet Minimum Rear Yard adjacent to street or highway 30 Feet Minimum Yard to Rear Property Line Fence Interior to Property 10 Feet Minimum setback for lots adjacent to 44"' Avenue 50 Feet am Minimum Front Setbacks to any Parking Lot 10 Feet Minimum Side Setback for any Lot 5 Feet Minimum Rear Setback to Interior Lot 10 Feet Vehicular access to all lots will be from internal streets except for Use Area I-A west of the railroad tracks. g) Multiple Lot Ownership In case of multiple lot ownership by the same purchaser/owner, side setback and othAll an administrative process by the City of Wheat Ridge. 1) The minimum percentage of landscaped area per lot shall be 10%, but not less than 80% of this 10% landscaped area shall occur in the front setback area to building. 2) Additional on lot landscaping may occur at owner's choice. 3) The following minimum sizes apply wherever landscaping is requireol 6 5) Two ornamental trees may be substituted for I deciduous shade tree, as require4 7) All other turf shall be a blend of grasses native to this area. 8) Other landscaping materials shall consist of native plant materials indigenous to the area, and native turf grasses. 9) Any and all disturbed areas shall be revegetated with either native seed, or a blend of native grasses indigenous to this area or a variety of designed mulch options such as M ark chip, rock • ground cover plant material; such mulch area shall not exceed 20% of the surface area involved. 10) Any one • the following techniques may be used to landscape areas adjacent to 44" Avenue, (for only the length • development where lots are adjacent to 44 Ih Avenue, - the entry west to Reno Ditch) and interior street and parking areas on individual lots: (a) Within a minimum strip of 10 feet, provide shrubs at a spacing of 5 feet on center with a minimum of I evergreen tree every 20 feet of length of landscaping. 11) Landscape treatment on rear • lots that it up to State Highway 58. The entire length of Highway 58 shall have a 6 foot high black clad chainlink fence with 3 strand security barb wire on is The landscape treatment along Highway 58 abutting adjacent lots in a 10 foot irrigated strip shall be: I evergreen tree (minimum • foot height) and 3 evergreen shrubs (minimum 5 gal, size) every 25 lineal feet. a) Native or natural landscape areas. b) 44" Avenue frontage to this Industrial Park. c) Area 2, or project entry landscaping and signage. 15) Grounds ' shall be maintained in a safe, clean and neat condition free of rubbish and weeds. Lawns shall be kept in a mowed condition. Roads sidewalks and pavements shall be kept true to line and grade and in good repair. Drainage ditches shall be kept clean and free • any obstacles. i) Signacge Unless otherwise noted in other areas of these regulations all signage shall be in accordance with Section 26-401 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. j) Lightin All exterior lighting shall be in accordance with Section 26-30(S) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. The City of GWheat ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS APPLICATION Department of Planning and Development (; Rldffe 7500 West 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Phone (303) 237-6944 Applicant 44 EIDRIDGE., LTC Addressl2345 W. Alameda L1j.AY Phone 969-8400 Lak&ood, Colo. 80228 Owner 44 ELDRIDGE, LLC W. Aic Pkwy Phone 969-8400 - Address12345 80228 Location of request ;4 44th Ave, between i So. 44th Ave. 7 7- Type of action requested (check one or more of ��e actions listed belo w which pertain to your request.) Change of zone or zone conditions Vdriahce/Waiver Site development plan approval Nonconforming use change Special use permit Flood plain special exception Conditional use permit Interpretation of code Temporary use/building permit Zone line modification Minor subdivision Public Improvement Exception Subdivision Street vacation Preliminary Miscellaneous plat Final See attached procedural guide Solid waste landfill/ mineral extraction permit for specific requirements. POther A Ntl;� 0 "'J Detailed Description of request Annexation - zone chanqe, preliminary plat List all persons and companies who hold an interest in the described teal property, as owner, mortgagee, lessee, optibnee, etc. NAME ADDRESS PHONE 4, EIDRIDGE LLC 12345 W. AlaTeda Pa ay #100 4 969-8400 Lakewood; Colo. 30228 Subscribed and sworn to me No day o gg My commission expires Receipt No. Case No. t mi"N270=1213 TO: Planning Commission DATE OF MEETING: July 2, 191 CASE NO. & NAME: MS-98-4 /Cillessen 9-0-ma-M = = - I I KAMM V LOICKS) a a K9111 gas NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): CASE MANAGER: Sean McCartney ! I 12200 West 5 2"' Avenue Planned Industrial Development *ffice / Warehouse N: Agricultural-Two and Arvada, S: Planned Industrial Development, E: Light Industrial and )Y: Light Industrial SURROUNDING LAND USE: N: Single-family and Office / Professional S: and 3y: Light Industrial (Jolly Ranchers) and E: Single- family Residential ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE PUBLISHED: June 12, 1998 DATE POSTED: June 18, 1998 ( ) OTHER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I, REQUEST The applicant is requesting approval of a 2-lot minor subdivision for an existing Industrial Development known as the Wheat Ridge Industrial Center. The property is zoned Planned Industrial Development and is located at 12200 West 52 Avenue. 11. CASE HISTORY Council on May 8, 1975 as a request of a rezone. The property was approved to be rezoned from Agricultural-Two and Light Industrial to a Planned Industrial Development, which concurrently permitted the development to be subdivided into two separate lots (shown • the original plat as Lots I and 2). Of the tw• L• ts shown on the original development plan, the applicant is requesting the subdivision of Lot 1. Therefore, the property located on the east portion ♦ the Wheat Ridge Industrial Center will remain as Lot 2. The building on Lot 2 was built in January 1985. An administrative amendment was approved in 1997 to divide allowed buildable area ♦ Lot I into two buildings. All outside service agencies can serve the property with improvements paid for at the developer's expense. Public Works Department requires dedicatory language for access easements and detention pond easements. 'IYe ngineerFng iplepartment was concerne • at Trus sutialvislon may a future realignment of Ridge Road and West 52" Because the development already exists, the minor subdivision should not impact the realignment. All of the lather public agencies stated that the minor subdivision would not impact any of the existing services. the west side of the development. The proposed plat will create two parcels, Lot I A and I B. The applicant intends to keep Lot IA. The existing building on Lot I A is 18,000 square feet and the building on Lot I B is 9,000 square feet. Both buildings allow f o r office / warehouse use and provide adequate parking. Planning Commission Page 2 MS-98-4/011cssen Planning Commission Page 3 MS- 98- 4ICiIlessen Q -3 f ,s l 1 '""d 9'"'.�■ f Y1Z+'J6 -lilt f WKrAde RD WR X X T t I r tm. r ° aM ., illessen O wner , M Lo I 6--�r RECEPTION NO. F0399091 36.97 230 RECORDED IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO I= USE I THIS DEED, Made this 11 th day of Apri I PG: v001-002 4/14/97 16:29:19 19 97 , between WHEAT RIDGE INDUSTRIAL CENTER, LTD— A COLORADO LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. of the *County of JEFFERSON and State of Colorado, grantor, and JOHN A. CILLESSEN AND JANEIL Y. CILLESSEN mow, -� STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF "City and Denver Ths instrument was acknowledged before me this 11th day of April b WHEAT RIDGE INDUSTRIAL CENTER and LTD, A COLORADO LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. *j;iin - 11- Duke; Partner of Witness my hand and official seat. t4o My commission expiros - a /17 19 ?? N .�.q c If in Denver, inSett *City and 1 X; P"W. (Z-) WARRANTY DEED (To Joint g g �,b c,a ;'} 1W �e giC� � sA �"i, ! rild.m 8 fil 's a$ E tz E O Z Li I t z 0 t~ � w 3.33 d 01 1 ;t.. YY rk < R 6-7 A ' • a" LU •strtln V to 6-7 si " 4.3 rz OL A— Z `r �Esi tr s' : I w- us ow - - - - - - - - - - - - A z -t W O w cc t a. 0 12 w 0 0 x -i W W > U. 0 w 0 0 a U- w t� U) R 2 0 I m , ts- Q tL tn U. 0 w ul z U. 0 2 m 0 cr \- 0 W z W 0. z Z . 0 �. \ 1 \ � ,rte ��\ .• «!w? ..�1 -- 7 I Y ca M� to 11 rct rt $$tog 1!111 LIJ < w m Q sf LAND Y06E CASE PROCESSING APPLiCATION ri Planning and Development Department 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, C0 80033 0 Phone(303)235-2846 Applicant Address 1 bJ J5' AU6 Phone J4)dL; 1 4. C City Owner Address Phone M ffl� I Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request.) I Detailed description of the 1 fJ7�> E] Variance / Waiver [] Nonconforming use change E] Flood plain special exception E] interpretation of Code E] Lot line Adjustment E] Planned Building Group 0 Street Vacation E] Other: ioE Lor I - r.tr-, w4 E4 p ca ORN 0 M�* �*! w� Z0tL1.'>1&J6T C>PJ 9909Cr5Eb I LD 1 -6 1 City of Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department -Memorandum "� 1 0 @ 00 Ni 00 # 10"0", ""im 10 ON I I ON 1 00 t, 1 001001# ", W Wi TO: Planning Commission FROM: Alan White, Planning and Development Director 00 The definitions reviewed last year were: Net Density: Net Density is the number of dwelling units'allowed on an area of land excluding all streets and roads, whether public • private, to their full platted, dedicated • reserved width for circulation for the traveling public within or through the development, The calculation for net density shall exclude those areas used as driveways and access to parking areas. Maximum Density: Maximum density shall not exceed the stated number. This per acre maximum is not a guarantee and shall only apply if all site development standards and rezoning evaluation criteria are adhered to. The future land use map for residential units contained within this plan designates a range of densities. There is no absolute right to �i Why a definition of "maximum density" needs to be created and included in the Zoning Ordinance is not clear. The Code does not use density as a development standard for the variou zone districts. Minimum lot size and lot width are used to control the size of lots and, ultimatel density. I Staff recommends that this issue be tabled indefinitely and discussed as part of the upcoming Comprehensive Plan meetings with City Council. Ultimately, staff recommends that the densities of the land use categories in the Comprehensive Plan be defined as net densities and that a definition of net density be included also. The "maximum density" definition noted above should become an additional policy in the land use chapter. The definition of net density can be included in the Zoning Ordinance, but it has limited applicability. - b-I ATTORNEYS AT LAW ss •.� TowER 1. SUITE 1000 � 1515 ARAPAWN STREET ! DENVER, COLORADO 80202 $ TELEPHONE (303) 376-5000 1 FACSIMILE (303) 376-5001 GEPALD E. DAHL DIRECT DIAL (303) 376-5019 Alan White Planning and Development Director City • Wheat Ridge 75•• W. 29 Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 IN email! gdah4gorsuch,com You have asked whether the Compass Montessori School is subject to land use review and approval (or denial) authority • the City. I understand that this question was posed by the Planning Commission. This letter is in response to that request. I The relevant statute is Section 22-32-124, C.R.S., which provides, in pertinent part, as follows: GED1530271288467.01 Alan White Planning and Development Director June 16, 1998 Page 2 division of labor. Nothing in this subsection (1) shall be construed to limit the authority of a board of education to finally determine the location of public schools within the district and erect necessary buildings and structures. (em• hasis added). Sincerely, • The administrators, teachers, and parents of Compass Montessori School aim to nurture the whole child, adapting to meet each jtudrrts unique intellectual, emotional, social, physica4 and spiritual needs. tour goal is tojoster competent, responsible, and independent citizens who are innovative problem solvers. At Compass Montessori, students will learn to respect themselves, other people, and the environment In addition, we will strive to instill a life-long love of learning in every student. (303) 982 im R�•• Mr. Sean McCartney City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 A RECEIVED MAY 151998 This letter is in response to your question the other day regarding how much of Compass Montessori School is an R- I School, and what- percentage is the school 11 private", I hope this clears up any questions you may have. If you have any further questions, please feel free to call me at 431-2385. Thank you for your support, and we are looking forward to being a member of the Wheat Ridge community. Sincerely, Susan K. Myers President -q