Minutes of Meeting
October 1, 1998
L CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chair
THOMPSON at 7:30 prn. on October 1, 1998, in the Council Chambers of the Municipal
Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
Commission Members Present:
Ann Brinkman
Dean Gokey
Don MacDougall
Toni Shockley
Janice Thompson
Commission Members Absent:
Staff Members Present:
Jerry Collins (Excused)
Jim Dunn
Nancy Snow (Excused)
Sean McCartney, Planner
Meredith Reckert, Sr. Planner
Ann Lazzeri, Minutes Specialist
The following is the official set of Planning Commission minutes for the public hearing of October
Z:� 11:�
1. 1998, A set of these minutes is retained both in the office of the City Clerk and in the
Department cif Planning and Development of the City of Wheat Ridge.
Chair THOMPSON requested discussion of Planning Commission Chair appointment under
"New Business."
Commissioner GOOEY requested discussion of privately owned schools tinder "Old
Meredith Reckert requested an item to be added under "Discussion Items."
Plannin- Commission
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It was. moved by Commissioner GOKEY and seconded by Commissioner SHOCKLEY that
the agenda be approved as amended. 'rhe motion carried by a vote of 5-0 with
Commissioners COLLINS, Dt JNN and SNOW absent.
Commissioner MacDGUGALL moved and Commissioner GOKEY seconded to approve the
minutes as presented.
The motion passed by a vote of 4-0, with Commissioners COLLINS, Dom, and SNOW
absent and Commissioner SHOCKLEY abstaining.
There was no one signed up to speak before the Commission.
A. Case No.WV-98-04: An application Submitted by Russ and Jan Anderson for approval of a
vacation Of unused public right-of-way for a portion of Marshall Street for the purpose of
maintainino the area. Tile area is zoned A- I and C- I and located adjacent to 6465 West 48th
Avenue (north of 1-70).
This case was presented by Sean McCartney. He reviewed the staff report and presented
slides and overheads of tile subject property and advised that there was jurisdiction for the
Commission to hear the case. He entered the comprehensive plan, zoning ordinance.
subdivision re-ulations, case file, packet materials and exhibits into the record w4lich were
accepted by Chair THOMPSON, He stated that this case had previously been approved by
the Planning Commission on November 20, 1997 and then denied by City Council oil the
basis that the right-of-�vay could be used for future development and might be needed to
access those possible developments. He stated staff s opinion that, since this right-of-way
has never been improved .and there are no plans for future use, it is unlikely to be developed
in the future. He stated staff's conclusion that, because this portion of public right-of-way
has not been used as a street nor does it provide access to an adjacent parcel since it serves
no other purpose than a utility easement for the existing Public Service power poles, the
proposed vacation Should be approved as requested.
Commissioner BRIN KIWI AN asked if this application satisfies the previous concerns of City
Council. Mr. McCartney replied this application will answer the City Council's concerns in
that the original request dealt with three existing billboards which have since been removed
and tile right-of-way remains vacant,
Commissioner BRINKMAN asked if there were feasible alternatives for use of this land.
Mr. McCartney replied that no additional structures Could be placed in that area.
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In response to a question fi•orri Commissioner MacDOUGALL. Mr. McCartney replied that
Disabled American Veterans owns tile one property to the wvest.
In response to a question from Chair THOMPSON, Mr. McCartney stated that all issues
with .Jefferson County have been satisfied.
John Bradley
2201 Ford Street, Golden
Mr. Bradley was sworn in by Chair THOMPSON. He stated that he is an attorney
representing the applicants, He stated that the previous concerns of City Council have been
addressed, and that there have been no protests or concerns expressed by the neighborhood.
Ile stated that the applicants were looking forward to the privilege and responsibility of
rnaflltalnlnl; the subject property in order to improve the overall condition of the
Chair THOMPSON asked if there were any other individuals present who wished to address
this matter. There was no response.
It was moved by Commissioner SHOCKLEY and seconded by Commissioner GOKEY that
Case No. WV-9 8-04, an application for approval of a right-of-way vacation of an unused
portion of Marshall Street (approximately 6465 West 48th Avenue) be recommended to the
City Council for APPROVAL for the following reasons.
The property is. and has always been, unused for street or access purposes,
The Director of Public Works finds that there is no other need for the property other
than a utility easement for Public Service,
The reclUeSt ,vill not hinder the future improvements established oil the Wheat Ridge
Comprehensive Plan.
4, Staff recommends approval.
The motion carried by a vote of 5 -d with Commissioners COLLINS. DUNN and SNOW
B. Case No. MS-98-05: An application submitted by C. B. l ser for approval of a minor two-
lot Subdivision as well as a maximum building coverage variance and front, side and rear
yard setback variances for the purpose of selling one lot, The property is zoned R-2 and
located at 6745 West 32nd Avenue,
This case - ,vas presented by Sean McCartney. Ile reviewed tile staff report and presented
slides and overheads of the SLIlaject property and advised that there was jurisdiction for the
Commission to hear the case. He entered the zoning ordinance, subdivision regulations,
case file. packet materials and exhibits into tile record which were accepted by Chair
THO,\01-'SON. Ile stated staff's conclusion that a Subdivision Is required to allow the sale
of I nd i - vidUal structures as well as to review the proposal in regard to development
Plannin- Commission page 3
regulations for the R-2 zone district and. further, that approval of tile variances are required
to allow the subdivision to occur. He stated that staff recommended approval in that the
request kvould not chanize the physical attributes of existina structures which have remained
on-site for a number of years, and would not be detrimental to the surrounding
Commissioner BRINIKMAN asked for clarification regarding concerns of the Wheat Ridge
Sanitation District relating to a SeNver easement. Mr. McCartney replied that there is an
existing se line oil the property and that the easement Could be established on the plat
before recordation.
Chair THOMPSON asked if the proposed - variance would apply to future buildings ifthe
present buildings \Vere to be destroyed. Mr. McCartney replied that Gerald Dahl, City
Attorney. advised that the Commission could place conditions on the approval which kk
establish the variances for existin(II, structures only. Ms. Reckert stated that \, Dahl had
also SLIO-ested a condition Which Would provide that any change Of use for the Current
11reellhOUSe Structure Would have to comply with Current regulations.
Cleii Gidley
8684 West Warren )rive, Lakewood
IMr. Gidley %vas sworn in by Chair THOMPSON. He stated that lie is - Vvith the firm of
Zoning and Planning Associates, representing the applicant in this case. He stated that the
present lot lines are nonconforming rather than illegal in that tile lot lines were established
long before the City of Wheat Ridge was incorporated. In regard to staff suggestions for a
fire-rated wall to be retrofitted into the greenhouse, lie stated that this requirement would not
fit With tile Purpose of a greenhouse and, therefore. the of would not be agreeable to this
condition. He also stated that the applicant Would prefer not to inove the lot lines in by three
feet. I le referred to his memorandum dated September 2 1, 1998, to the Planning
Commission (which is contained in the packet) and requested approval ofthe application.
In response to a question from Commissioner GOOEY, Mr. Gidley replied that tile present
greenhouse has been ill use year-around since 1959.
Commissioner BRINK%MAN refierred to the request for fire rated walls in the greenhouse and
asked ifthe applicant would rather move the lot lines or Install tile tire rated walls. Mr.
Gidley replied that the applicant would be more agreeable to the lot line aqjustnlent,
however, this would require a variance to the west setback and increase tile variance on the
north side but Would have no other negative effect oil the applicant.
In response to a question frown Chair THOMPSON regarding tile purpose of the fire wall,
Ms, Reckert replied that it was the opinion of the City's building official that a fire wall was
necessary, She suggested that a lot line adjustment and a variance to the rear setback would
probably be the most desirable solution.
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I 01 1 98
In response to a question from Chair THOMPSON'. Mr. Gidley replied that the applicant
understood all of the issues related to nonconforming uses.
Chair THOIVIPSON expressed concern that the greenhouse Could be used for another
Purpose SLICII as stora(le some time in the future. Ms. Reckert stated that she believed the
intent of the code applied to all operating greenhouse; however, there was the option to place
this as a condition of approval,
Steve Lister
15320 Great Rack Road, Brighton
, Mi% Lister was sworn in by Chair THOMPSON. stated that lie performed the surveys
and prepared tile drawings for the application. He stated that lie could not understand how
tile applicant C01.11dcornply with Public Set Company's setback requests given the
configuration of the area. Ms. Reckert replied that the Public Service Company letter
contained their standard lan"Llage used for any SUbdiviston. Since tile buildings are already
in place. she t"Cit it would be possible to modify the language Which Could also be placed as a
condition ot'approval.
Commissioner 'lac }tit. referred to the three-foot section on the South side of" lot one,
and asked the status of the mechanical equipment. Mr. N/IcCartney referred to Ms. Reckert's
C011CCI that this Could cause the Mechanical equipment to actually extend over the property
line and. therefore, a three-foot property line adjUStruent would be desirable to allow for the
extension of the mechanical CCILlipment.
Commissioner MacDOUGALL asked ifU reqUirements Would be met if the lot line were
111OVed three fcCt to tile SOLltll. IN"Ir. i% replied that Situation would meet UBC
In response to a question from Chair 'I'HO)vIPSON in regard to tile necessity ofthe second
fire rated wall. %1r. McCartney replied that a requirement Could be made for a variance to
allow for the required space between the greenhouse and the residential structure. Mr.
Gidley noted that the ( is Currently two feet from the lot title and therefore would
require only as one -foot variance, Chair THOINMI asked INvIr. Gidley if his applicant
Would be agreeable to these conditions. Mr. Gidley replied that his client reluctantly agreed.
It was moved by Commissioner BRINKMAN and seconded by Commissioner GOKEY that
Case No. IMS-98-5, as request for approval ofa 26 maxiniurn building coverage variance
R)r the ;greenhouse known as lot one, a 27-foot front yard setback variance for tile
"reelillOUse known as lot one. a 246ot side yard setback variance for tile greenhouse known
as lot one, as 20 -foot side yard setback variance when abutting a public right-of-way for the
greenhouse known as lot one, a 5-foot rear yard setback vat for the single Fanli1v
residence kilo\vri as lot two, and a 1 -foot side yard setback variance for the single family
residence knom,'n as lot two, for property zoned Residential-Two and located at 6745 West
32nd AVVIlUe be approved for the following reasons:
1 commission Pa-e 5
I Wo 1 /98
I .�kpproval of tile variance request will not change the physical attributes of the
existing Structures.
2. Approval of the request should not be detrimental to adjacent properties or
Approval of the request should not be detrimental to the essential character of tile
With the following conditions:
Anv chance in use of lot one would have to comply With current reOUlations.
If fifty percent of anv existing structures oil either lot one or lot two are destroyed,
tile new structures would have to comply with current regulations.
The motion carried by a vote of 5 with Commissioners COLLINS, DUNN and SNOW
It kv as moved by Commissioner BRINKNIAN and seconded bv Commissioner GOOEY that
Case NV IMS-4-5, a request for approval of a two-lot minor subdivision on property zoned
Residential-T%vo and located at 6745 West 32nd Avenue, be APPROVED tor the following
1 . A subdivision is required to allow for individual ownership of the existing lots.
1 All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met.
With tile folloxvillo? conditions:
I Public Service Company language be modified by planning staff and included on the
subdivision plat,
2. Fasernent directed by tile Wheat Ridge Sanitation District be shown oil the
subdivision plat.
The motion carried by a vote of 5-0 with Commissioners COLLINS. DUNN and SNOW
Chair'FHOMPSON declared the public hearing portion of the meeting closed,
A. Privately Funded Schools Commissioner GOO referred to the upcoming ballot issue
reu I
.ardirio tile VOLICher system for private schools. He expressed concern reprding the lack
ofcontrol by the City of Vheat Ridge in regard to privately owned schools which are funded
by the State being developed within tile City of Wheat Ridge. He stated that while the
Plannio" commissioll E' (e 6
I Wo 1. 98
scho(ils have definite impacts on the neighborhoods, the City has no control over building
permits. traffic Studies. etc. He stated that if the property is owned by the state. it is exempt
fl-0111 CIt• reOUlations; but if it Is privately owned property. it Should tall under the same
criteria as other privately owned property in the City of Wheat Ridge.
13. Conivi Plan In response to a question from Conlillissi oiler BRINKMAN,
,Meredith Reckert presented as brief update on the Status of the Comprehensive Plan.
A. -tk nning �Coni�niissio�nCh air THOINIPSON suggested that the nexv Chair
) �)oin�tnient oaf
be elected the rneetinor before the appointment to give that person some time to prepare for
the position. Ms. lZeckert replied that she would take this matter before staff for discussion.
B. Bus Stop at 44th and Ward Road Chair THOMPSON requested that the bus Stop located
in front of the Total gas station at 44th and Ward be relocated to a less hazardous location.
1% i\ replied that statfWOLIld initiate this matter with the Regional Transportation
C. Vehicle Sales - In response to a question from Chair TI-10IMPSON, Ms. Reckert presented a
brief update oil the proposed ordinance to ban private vehicle sales in places such as vacant
1). Conference in Estes Park In response to a question from Commissioner BRINKNIAN,
Commissioner GOKEY presented as brief Summary of the conference,
A. I'lannin" ("'onimission StUdv Session Ms. Reckert distributed a nlemorandLIT11 concerning
the study session to be held on October 15 with the City Attorney to discuss the scope of
authority and appropriate decision making during tile public hearing process. She asked
Commission members to contact her if they had additional comment or sm—estions in
regard to (IiSCLISSion items. It was tile consensus of the Commission to start tile study
session at 6: p.m.
There were no committee or department reports.
Plannim— C0111111issiosi Paoe 7
It was moved by Commissioner SHOCKLEY and seconded b Commissioner GOKEY to
adjourn the meeting, at 9 :10 a,m.
Janice'llionipson. Chair
Ann Lazzeri. Recotiding Secretary
Plannin" Comillissioll
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I WO 11,98
City of Wheat Ridge
Planning and Development Depaftment
TO: Planning Commission
FROM: 4redith Reckert, Senior Planner
DATE: October 1, 1998
As you know, we are having a dinner meeting/study session on October 15, 1998, with the City
Attorney to discuss scope • authority and appropriate decision making during the public
hearing process. Attached are several scenarios derived from cases we have processed during
the past year.
Please review ' the examples given and submit comments to me. If you can think of other
situations • questions for discussion, forward these to me • Barb Delgadillo in writing no later
than October 7 for inclusion in the packet.
• •�
Ir•!' I - i fl
Irl -7 7as t-- Y zning on
I 1 • • 7
of the property and R-3 zoning on 1/4. Existing on the property is a business which has been
operating ' for 30 years. The property is nonconforining relative to t•day's conunercial
regulations for landscaping, access, paving and residential buffering. The purpose of the
rezoning request is to consolidate zoning. No building expansions are planned.
Does PC have the authority to approve standards above and beyond existing regulations (IE, an
8' high fence to provide buffering when a 6' fence is already in place) when no variance is
published? Would it be legal grounds for denial because the applicant refuses to ask for a
variance as part of his original request.?
mmms •
BE • •
As part of a subdivision approval to separate adjacent, existing structures on a single property, a
setback variance is required. If the variance is granted, can the existing structure expand in line
with the varied setback? If destroyed, can the structure be rebuilt with the varied setback?