Minutes of Meeting
December 18, 2003
The regular meeting of the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission was called to order by Chair
McNAMEE at 702 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West
29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
Commission Members Present:
Staff Members Present:
Alan White, Community Development Director
Kathy Field, Administrative Assistant
Following is the official set of Planning Commission minutes for the public hearing of December 18,
2003. A set of these minutes is retained both in the of of the City Clerk and in the Community
Development Department of the City of Wheat Ridge,
It was moved by Commissioner WEISZ and seconded by Commissioner WITT to
approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed unanimously.
5. APPROVE MINUTES — December 4, 2003
It was moved by Commissioner McMILLIN and seconded by Commissioner WESLEY to
approve the minutes of December 4,2003 as presented. The motion passed with
Commissioners WEISZ and WITT abstaining.
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Commissioner McMILLIN suggested that language be added to clarify that if an RV is parked
on the side, but a portion of it extends into the front yard, it would be counted as an RV parked
in the front yard.
language be added regarding boat trailers because, while a boat trailer would not exceed the 6-
foot limitation, adding a boat would most likely exceed that 6-foot limit. Alan White
commented that this would come under the exempt status.
In response to a question from Commissioner McMILLIN, Alan White estimated that variance
fees would fall between $200 and $500. Commissioner McMILLIN then suggested that
variance fees be forgiven for a certain period of time to allow citizens to apply for a variance
without charge.
Commissioner WESLEY asked if there are height limitations for boats. Alan White explained
that height limitations presently apply only to structures.
Chair McNAMEE invited public comment at this time.
Tom Gillen
3250 Nelson St.
Mr. Gillen was sworn in by Chair McNAMEE. He thought the ordinance was a good
compromise. He thanked Alan White and staff for their work on the issue.
Planning Commission Page 2
December 18, 2003
Vanessa Moreno
6671 W. 26th Ave.
Ms. Moreno was sworn in by Chair McNAMEE. She commented about the proposed setbacks.
In her case, the increased setback would actually make her trailer more visible.
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Commissioner PLUMMER agreed that horse trailers should be, eliminated from the ordinance
and suggested that a waiver of variance fees be allowed for a period of up to two years. He
further commented that the Commission should act upon the ordinance at this time.
It was moved by Commissioner PLUMMER and seconded by Commissioner WEISZ to
recommend approval of an ordinance amending Section 26-621 of the Wheat Ridge Code
of Laws pertaining to parking in residential areas with an amendment to allow a waiver
of variance fees for a period of two years after the ordinance is adopted and that horse
trailers be eliminated.
The amendments were accepted by Commissioners PLUMMER and WEISZ. The moti
passed 5-1 with Commissioner WESLEY voting no. I
Commissioner McMILLIN asked about the status of an earlier request for staff to
investigate a lighting code based on objective measurements. Alan replied that this request
was taken to Council and they also requested staff to pursue the matter. Commissioners
PLUMMER and McMILLIN volunteered to prepare a report based on their research
Alan White advised the Commission that the next Planning Commission meeting falls on
January 1, 2004 (New Year's Day). It was moved by Commissioner PLUMMER and
seconded by Commissioner WEISZ that the January 1, 2004 Planning Commission
meeting be canceled. The motion passed unanimously.
There were no commission reports.
P - tanning Commission Page 4
December 18, 2003
There were no committee and department reports.
#1 #1 #
Marian McNamee, Chair
Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary
Planning Commission Page 5
December 18, 2003
TO: Planning Commission
FROM: Alan White, Community Development Director
SUBJECT: Case No. WPA 04-01, Comprehensive Plan Amendments W
DATE: January 8, 2004
Attached are two proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. One amendment extends the
planning area outside the city boundaries and the other is a revision to Chapter 7.
The addendum serves as a supplement to the City's Comprehensive Plan, The adopted Plan does not
identify areas of potential development outside the City's boundaries, The 2001 Plan contains a
general discussion of areas of potential annexation, but does not illustrate the areas on any maps or
recommend any future uses in these general areas.
This addendum is being proposed for several reasons. Prior to any annexation, C.R.S. 31-12-105
requires that a municipality have in place a plan for the area, including proposed land uses, Such
plan may extend up to three miles from the municipality's boundary.
Chapter 7 is proposed to be replaced in its entirety with the new Chapter. The new Chapter more
directly speaks to Metro Vision and regional cooperation.
Suggested Motion: "I move to approve Resolution
This document serves as a supplement to the City's Comprehensive Plan adopted by
City Council on October 25, 1999. Amendments were considered and adopted on
January 24, 20M
This Comprehensive Plan addendum addresses the potential urban growth area to the
west of the City. The area subject to this addendum is illustrated on Map 1. The
addendum meets the requirements of C.R.S. 31-12-105.
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Boundary Area
Map I
Boundary Area
Map I
Existing land uses in the urban growth area are vaded. To the northwest are areas of
low to medium density residential development and commercial development along
Ward Road,
Few natural hazard areas are present in the planning area. The Clear Creek 100- a
500-year floodplains generally parallel SH58 in the center • the planning ar
*ther natural hazards exist in the area.
Because the urban urban growth area is currently unincorporated, Jefferson County
has jurisdiction over planning and zoning matters. The urban growth area lies within
two subareas the County has identified for planning purposes. The North Plains Plan
covers that portion • the urban growth area north of Clear Creek and the Central
Plains Plan covers the area to the south • Clear Creek.
The Future Land Use map reflects the recommended land uses for the area as shown
in the County subarea plans. The recommended land uses were matched as closely
as possible to the land use categories contained in the Wheat Ridge Comprehensive
Future land uses for the planning area are shown • the Future Land Use Map • the
following page, The Plan establishes the following recommended land uses-
---------- 4 ,
Y 1 V71,
Single Family 6 DLJs/AC
Business Park
Future Land Use
Map it
network The existing street « major of ..
.o -• and Youngfield on border
on the western border. East-west connectors are W. 52 Avenue at the north, W. 44
Avenue, W. 32 Avenue, 1 20 th Avenue to the south.
Trails currently exist along Clear Creek from to Golden, along 52 • Avenue
west of Ward Road, and along 32 Avenue from 1-70 west to Maple Grove Park,
« i will continue to serve the dual roles of providing access to the area a i
carrying regional
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special districts Jefferson County currently provides general governmental services
and law enforcement. Portions of the area are included in the Urban Drainage and
Flood Control District.
• Fairmount
• Arvada
• West Metr*.
* North Table Mountain W& S
* Valley Water
* Fruitdale Sanitation
9 Northwest Lakewood Sanitation
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frew W-11f f r area is not currenny servea Sy a
water or sanitation district.
The City will provide general governmental services and police protection for any
areas annexed by the City.
Fire protection will continue to be provided by existing districts currently providing
Water and sanitation services will continue to be provided by districts currently
providing services within their respective boundaries. Within the area currently not
served by water or sanitation districts, there are three options to consider:
Formation of a new water and sanitation district, or metropolitan district, with
provision of services by the new district.
Formation of a new water and sanitation district, or metropolitan district, with
provision of services by another district or districts by contract with the new
Wheat Ri P14,
(This Replaces the current Chapter 7 in its entirety.)
The Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) adopted the Metro
on 2020 in 1995. It is currently being updated and expanded to the year
2030. The Plan emphasizes local control over growth and development
decisions, but also establishes a framework within which to make decisions that
affect the entire metro area. The plan establishes six core elements:
1 . Extent of Urban Development — will occur within 700 square miles by
2020, accommodating the expected population growth and adding 165
square miles to the existing area. The conversion of land should prevent
the unnecessary extension • infrastructure, reduce regional vehicle travel,
maintain air quality standards, and help preserve open space.
3. Free-Standing Communities — Boulder, Brighton, Castle Rock and
Longmont to be separate from the urban area, with an adequate
employment/housing balance and internal transportation system. These
communities should retain their visual and physical separation and strive
to meet the employment, service and facility needs of their new residents.
is to provide mobility and accessibility to support the physical, social and
economic development of the region. Metro Vision promotes an efficient
transportation system by increasing capacity through public transit, system
management, and providing for alternative modes in addition to roadway
Metro Vision recognizes the fundamental link between land use, growth and
development patterns, transportation, and environmental quality, and that
# #^ 7
Each core element provides a natural focus for addressing a wide variety of
issues. While they are broad in scope, each has a set of policy objectives that
more fully describe how they provide for growth while striving to protect the
regional qualities residents value.
While not faced with the challenges of rapid growth, Wheat Ridge is faced with
many of the issues identified in Metro Vision 2020. Revitalizing commercial
areas, maintaining stable neighborhoods and enhancing transit service all can be
guided by the principles of Metro Vision 2020.
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to the year 2030. It currently does not overlap with the urban growth
boundary/area • any other jurisdiction.
The Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan supports many • the core elements •
Metro Vision 2020, including designating a specified area for urban development;
creating a balanced multi-m►dal transportation system; participating in a regional
open space system; and incorporating public participation processes into all
planning efforts.
Goals and Policies • Encourage Mutually Beneficial Region
Cooperation i
of life, to protect the environment and to promote the economic
vitality of the communes wn the Denver Metropolitan Region.
2. Goal: Annex and grow in a manner consistent with the goals an
policies of the Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan. i
3. Goal: Coordinate and cooperate with other agencies in the provision
of infrastructure and services to City residents.
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Series of 2004
WHEREAS, C.R.S. 31-23-206 (2) provides that the Comprehensive Plan may be
• the City from time to time; and
WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan did not include any areas outside the corporate
limits of the City as is permitted under state enabling legislation, at
WHEREAS, prior to annexation, a city must have in place a plan for the area considered
for annexation pursuant to C.R.S. 31-12-105, and
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission
this 15th day of January, 2004:
1. The Comprehensive Plan amendments attached hereto as Exhibit A are recommended
for approval to the City Council.
Secretary to the Commission
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