Minutes of Meeting
May 20, 2004
A set of these minutes is retained both in the office • the City Clerk and in the Community
Development Department of the City of Wheat Ridge.
It was moved by Commissioner McNAMEE and seconded by Commissioner SCEZNEY
to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed 5-0 with Commissioners
Planning Commission Page I
May 20, 2004
• canopy a. May use up to 50% of wall signage allowance on a canopy.
• Ch ru -eable copy signs: Staff will check with traffic engineer regarding whether or not
these types of signs are traffic hazards.
• Banners — Allow half the size of a permanent sign for a limited time until a permanent sign
is installed. The same time limit as for pennants would apply to banners.
Staff will bring the sign code with suggestions made by the Commission back for a later study
Staff will bring the landscaping regulations in ordinance format back to the Commission at a
later meeting.
There were no Commission reports.
There were no committee and department reports.
It was moved by Commissioner McMILLIN and seconded by Commissioner McNAMEE
to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 p.m. The motion passed unanimously.
Phil Plummer, Chair
Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary
Planning Commission
May 20, 2004
Page 3
City of Wheat
Community •• Department
ILTIM"11TIT "41=
! : Planning Commission
FROM: Meredith Reeert
SUBJECT: Case No. ZOA-04- O5tLandscaping Regulations
DATE: June 8, 2004
On { 2004, staff discussed proposed changes with Planning • •
following The • made:
Changes proposed • • consideration • bold. De t
suggestions, in stiikedwough. Planning Commission's • •• • into the
or dinance , - • in rt rfe italics.
Summary of Ordinance Changes
Section 26-502.C.5. (page 3): Requires all new landscaping installed to be served by
automatic irrigation system which allows for a combination of drip, subsurface irrigati
and high efficiency sprinklers zoned according to plant watering needs. Requires an
automatic rain shut-off device. I
Section 26-502.C.7. (page 3): Requires new fountains and water features to use
recirculated water.
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Section 26-502.D.I.c. (page 4): Limits the amount of turf allowed for new single an
two-fhmily residences
•'M Encourages the use • low water demand turf varieties.
Section 26-502.D.2.e. (page 4): Limits the amount of turf allowed for new multi-family
projects to 60%. Encourages the use of low water demand turf varieties. Planning
Commission suggested thisfigure be increasedfrom 30%.
Section 26-502.D.3.c.4. (page 5): Limits the amount of turf allowed for new commercial
projects to 30%. Encourages the use of low water demand turf varieties.
Section 26-502.F.I. (page 6): Encourages the use of xerie/waterwise plants in all
landscape plans. Added to meet Planning Commission's concerns regarding prohibited
and requiredplant lists.
• Removes all references to the city forester.
Staff Comments
Differentiation between low and high water turf varieties and permitted coverage
Staff has consulted 12 different municipalities and other industry sources for this
information. We have been unable to find any differentiation between low and high
water demand turfs and corresponding lot coverage allowances. For this reason, we fe
we had no basis to make an uneducated guess about what is appropriate. I
Recommended Motion
"I move that Case No. ZOA-04-05, a proposed amendment to Chapter 26 of the Zoning and
Development Code regarding landscaping regulations, be forwarded to City Council with a
recommendation of APPROVAL for the following reasons:
The following are proposed amendments to the existing landscape regulations in the zoning and
development code. Deletions are shown with 4f ike th.-fe-O. and new language is in bold typeface.
All proposed modifications are shown with shadowing.
o Section 26-502.0.I. (page 2): Increases the maximum amount of non-living landscaping
from 20% to 50%.
• Section 26-502.0.3. (page 2): References landscaping "in" the right-of-way, not "on" the
• Section 26-502.0.4. (page 2): Modifies reference from the UBC to the "adopted building
Section 26-502.C.5. (page 2): Requires all new landscaping installed to be served by drip or
subsurface gation system which is zoned based on plant type. Requires an automatic rain
shut-off-device. Something to consider is whether we should require wind sensors too.
# Section 26-502.C.7. (page 3): Requires new fountains to use recirculated water.
# Section 26-502.C.8. (page 3)- Prohibits artcial turf and plant materials.
• Section 26-502.0.9. (page 3): Requires compliance with water district regulations for
Council Bill No. 0
Ordinance 1
Series of 2004
WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge would like to encourage
practices that utilize xeric/waterwise design • !
See. 26-502. Landscaping `#
4. Landscaped areas on the site including:
d. The species, location and size of any existing plant materials to be preserved.
e. The species, location and size of any existing plant materials to be removed,
6. A description of existing trees which are proposed to be preserved during site
preparation and construction.
ape (low "s Coverage shall be determined for the projected
growth after two (2) fill growing seasons.
I The growth of plantings or ! n of any landscape structure or berm is
regulated by section 6
3. Except for i! ! landscaping •
between the property line and the curbline shall not be obtain
above greater than thirty-six (36) inches •
8. Artificial turf or plant materials are not allowed.
D District requirements:
Single- and two-family residential uses:
a. One (I) street tree per seventy (70) feet (or portion thereof) of street frontage to be
placed within the front setback prior
• issuance of the certificate of occupancy. This
shall not be construed to mean trees placed seventy (70) feet on center.
b No less than twenty-five (25) percent of the gross lot area and no less than one
hundred (100) percent of the front yard (exclusive • driveway and sidewalk access to the
home) shall be landscaped.
a. Required within the minimum building setbacks abutting public right-of-way: one
(1) tree, deciduous or evergreen, for every thirty (30) feet (or portion thereof) of street
frontage, This should not be construed to mean trees placed thirty (30) feet on center.
b. In addition to trees required based upon public street frontage, one (1) tree and five
(5) shrubs are required for every one thousand (1,000) square feet of required landscape
c. Except for pedestrian and vehicular access, the minimum required front yard shall
• fully landscaped.
3, Nonresidential uses:
a. Required within the minimum building setbacks abutting public rights-of-way: one
(1) tree, deciduous or evergreen, for every thirty (30) feet (or portion thereof) of street
frontage. This should not be construed to mean trees placed thirty (30) feet on center.
b. In addition to trees required based upon public street frontage, one (1) tree and five
(5) shrubs are required for every one thousand (1,000) square feet of required landscape
2. Multifamily residential uses:
d. Landscaping shall not be less than thirty (30) percent • the total lot area,
c. Required landscaped areas shall be as follows:
(1) Landscaping shall not be less than twenty (20) percent of the gross lot area
(1) A six-foot high solid fence or landscaped hedge with a mature height of six (6) feet,
(2) A strip • land at least fifteen (15) feet wide planted with a variety • vegetation ani
a minimum density of one (1) shrub or tree per every two (2) linear feet of buffer area
adjacent to the residential • agricultural zoned property.
excess of the minimum requirements stated herein, either on their property or within
public right-of-way, if approved by the public works director; however, offsite
landscaping cannot reduce the onsite requirements.
E Landscape buffering for parking lots.
(3) On residentially zoned property, a minimum ten-foot landscape buffer is required
adjacent to public streets abutting front or side yards.
buffer areas as approved by the director of community development through a landscape
2. When a parking lot is placed between the public right-of-way and the structure(s), a
screening of the parking area shall be established between the right-of-way and the
parking area. This view-obscuring screen shall be composed of live plantings, berms,
fences or walls, or a combination thereof. The height of the screening shall be subject to
the sight distance triangle requirements. See section 26-603.
1. In all cases, the use of xeric/waterwise plant materials is encouraged.
44 2'. Minimum size of plant and other materials:
a. Deciduous trees: Two-inch caliper, measured one (1) foot above the ground. Trees
with a caliper in excess of five (5) inches may be counted as two (2) trees. Trees with a
caliper in excess of ten (10) inches may be counted as three (3) trees.
jiliii�iii III �oiiip
Evergreen Trees: Six (6) feet in height.
d Flowering and evergreen shrubs and hedges: Five-gallon size.
g. River rock: A minimum of one (1) inch to two (2) inches in size and at least three
(3) inches in depth over a weed barrier groundcover.
h, When required in the Streetscape Overlay District, street trees within or adjacent to
pedestrian walkways shall be a minimum of three (3) inches in caliper with a minimum
of seven (7) feet of head clearance to the lowest branches.
planting and finish materials shown on the approved landscape plan are installed and
accepted. The amount of the escrow or letter of credit shall be determined by the
de artment of connnunity development based on the submitted Ia • glan. j *I
CS 0 1" city in el 0
the fun s pr vided by the letter of credit or escrow shall be recovered by the city through
normal lien proceedings.
I ic plant list comamea in � e
streetscape and architectural design manual,
1. Waivers and variances. Generally, for waivers and variances, see section 26-11
Whenever a waiver or variance is required which would be reviewed by the board of I
Section 3. Severability. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this Zoning
code or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be adjusted by
a court of competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgment shall not affect application to other
persons or circumstances.
Section 5. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect 15 days after final
INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of - to
in this - day of , 2004, ordered published in full in a newspaper
of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge and Public Healing and consideration on final
passage set for 2004, at 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council
Chambers, 7506 2�9'Avenue, WATheat Ridge, Colorado.
READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a
vote of to -, this _ day of 2004,
SIGNED by the Mayor on this day of 2004.
ff� 0
Wheat Ridge Transcript
Effective Date: