HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/15/2004AGENDA CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION July 1S, 2004 CI'T'Y OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting June 17, 2004 Staff Members Present: Meredith R. ckert, Sr. Pt' er Ann Lazz Recording Secretary 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 6. PUBLIC FORAM No one indicated a desire to speak at this time. Planning Commission Page t June 17, 2 A. Case No. ZOA-04-05: An ordinance amending Chapter 26 of the Wheat, Ridge Code of Laws regarding landscape standards. This case was presented by Meredith Reckert. She reviewed the staff report and the modifications made to the ordinance. Suggestions made by the Planning Commission at the May 20 meeting were incorporated into these modifications. thousand square feet of required landscape area for multi-family and commercial developments. It was moved by Commissioner CHILVERS and seconded by Commissioner McNAMEE that Case No. ZOA-04-05, a proposed amendment to Chapter 26 of the Zoning and Development Code regarding landscaping regulations, be forwarded to City Council with a recommendation of approval for the following reasons: With the following change: Rama- Nu AIQ ikWfilliffflogsk1#1 gn (glawastv j111i1q#NF'j jIggE III # 1!11 1 jr uN1441 ffglav� V. OLD BUSINESS E There was no old business to come before the Commissiol 9. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business to come before the Commission. 10. COMMISSION REPORTS There were no Commission reports. Planning Commission Page 2 June 17, 2001 1. COMMITTEE AND DEPARTMENT REPORTI� There were no committee and department reports. It was moved by Commissioner McNAMEE and seconded by Commissioner WITT to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 p.m. The motion passed 8-0. Phil Plummer, Chair Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary Planning Commission Page 3 June 17, 2004 DATE: it This Case is: Quasi-judicial X Legislative A public hearing for this code amendment has not been scheduled. This is a study session. W. + # i In April the Planning Commission requested staff to develop new lighting standards based upon a presentat o t ob o t Internat Associat (ID preparing prepared an ordinance, but rather has scheduled a study session to discuss some issues prior to ordinance. Ather Jurisdictions' Six jurisdictions have amortization periods, ranging from 2 years to 15 years. Wheat Ridge created an amortization period in the code amendment in 2001, requiring nonconforming outdoor fixtures to be brought into compliance with the new requirements by December 1, 2005. Current City Standards The City's current standards are performance based, not measurement based. The standards are found in Section 26-503 of the Zoning and Development Code. A surrunary of the standards follows: 21agniag and code enforcement s 7MM assurance that plans and constructions conforms (sic) to the standards of the code when the building or lighting permit is issued and when the project is completed, but also monitoring of continuing compliance after the project is completed "Some areas of lighting codes suf erftom difificuhy or impracticality of enforcement. f The International Dark-Sky Association has prepared the USA Pattern Lighting Code that can serve as a model lighting ordinance for communities. It appears at least one local jurisdiction (Littleton) has patterned their lighting code after this publication. Exhibit 4 is Littleton's lighting code. The issues the Commission needs to consider in recommending new standards to City Council are summarized below. 1. How detailed should any lighting limitations be? Should the approach be the Lone Tree approach, the Boulder approach, • the Littleton approach? 5. After construction is completed, •PCO would do the enforcement. Unless officers responded only • a complaint basis, enforcement would require continual monitoring of 7. If an amortization schedule is created • the current one is revised, business owners and landowners'should be involved in the process of developing the new standards so that it is not a surprise when they get a notice to change their lights at the end of the amortization period. q. If it is decided to use EDA approach, it is recommended that we engage the services o an illuminating engineer to educate staff, Planning Commission, City Council, and the public about illumination and to review or help write the new regulations. Unless the approach is to minimally change the existing regulations, new regulations shouldn't be adopted unless an expert can advise us on what works and what doesn't. MT Page 1 Csntsnnisl Y Y 15 to 25 feet; Lighting plans must Y Y Y Y N ptsd 35 feet for address fighting parking lots controls for post Arspsltos over 5 acres. curfew hours. Lights County shelf be turned off by standards) 10 :00 p.m. orw0in 1 hour of Closing. Sports field or court fighting shalt be turned off 30 minutes after the last event. Conunorco N N N N N N N N N E psnvsr Y Y 12 to 35 feet; Reduction required 1 N Y N N N 40 feet for to 2 hours after parking lots closing for all uses over 8 acres except businesses and tennis open 24 hours and courts. lighting for security purposes, Douglas Y N 24 to Oft feet t hour after closing N N N N N and within 1 hour of County opening. Sports arena fighting must be extinguished by 10:00 p.m, or immediately followin the event, Englewood No, N 25 feet for auto N N N N N N jurisdiction sates. uses a no spillage off property standard. iioldsn No, N Shall not N N N N N N jurisdiction exceed the uses a no lesser of 5 feet spillage off letter than the property main building standard. or 25 feet. fr'nsn ood Y N 18 feet N N Y Y Y N Village JoIllarson Y N 12 to 20 feet N N Y N N N County public sports and cultural facilities are exempt. Lafayette No, N N N N N N N N jurisdiction uses a no spillage off property standard. l„akew"d No, N N N N N N N N j urisdiction uses a no spillage oft property standard. Elitist,,- Y Y N N Y Y Y Y 5 years Page Lana Tm* Y Y 24 to 40 feet 1 hour after closing Y Y N N N and within 1 hour of opening (except for security purposes), Longmont Y Y Residential Outdoor recreational N Y N N 3 years zone districts _ uses no later than 18 feet. Non- 11:30 p.m. residential and public zone districts - 25 feet. Louisvilio Y Y 20 to 24 feet N N Y N N N Morrison Y Y 12 to 25 feet, Field or court lights Y Y Y Y 15 years (ba"d on 35 feet for within 30 minutes of parking lots the last event. ordinainaa Over 5 acres, Service station d"Ot, has not for sports canopies and paissad as of fighting or as vehicular display light 6130104) approved by must be minimized Planning within 1 hour of Commission. closing. Recommended after close for other uses. SlIvorthomo Y Y Residential - 1 hour after closing N Y N N Approximately 15 feet, and within 1 hour of 2 years Commercial - opening. It business 18 feet, is Open 24 hours,. no Pedestrian - 8 decorative or feet architectural lighting may be illuminated after 10:00 p,m. if adjacent to a residential zone district. Sunaurier No. 1 N 1 N N 1 Y 1 N 1 N 1 N 1 N IN lots. Page 3 Chy of Lone Tree Zoning Ordinance May 29, 2004 � OTIME= 3002 Lighting Standard All outdoor lighting shall meet the following standards* 0 City of Lane Tree Zoning Ordinance May 29, 2004 111� I I p I ��� lipp I I �l�� I I I I q 1 1111 M � IMEMEMEM 300205 Lights which are mounted on the ground or poles for the purpose of 3002.08V Any fixed light not designed for roadway illumination that produces incident or reflected light that could be disturbing to the operator of a motor vehicle. 3002,08.02 Any light that may be confused With or construed as a traffic control device except as authorized by a State, Federal, • City government. III piIIIIIIII 11 1��IIII�� 1 �1 11 rr ;11111�11111 :!Illlllll Iijrl • i lill IIIIIIII1111 11!!!• R1 0 City of Lone Tree Zoning Ordinance A1gy 29, 2004 security, however, a maximum level of 1.5 foot-candies at entrances and stairways, and 0.5 foot-candle on the rest • the site is permitted. M� 24 feet whe n fixture is located within 75 feet of the site's boundary and 3001 All fixtures mounted within 15 feet of any residential property line or public right-of-way boundary of the site shall be classified as IES Type III or Type F (asymmetric forward throw) and shall be fitted with a "house side shielding" reflector on the side facing the residential • public right-of-way property line, 3002.13 Acceptable bulb types: • High Pressure Sodium • Metal Halide (coated preferred) Incandescent 3002.14 Maximum on-site foot-candies shall not exceed the following and may be reduced if adjacent to residential or other similar sensitive type land use: 3002.14.01 Ten (10) foot-candies in areas adjacent to building entryways. Said 10 foot-candle maximum shall include light spilla" from within the building as well as light from signage. R Till 3002.14.03 Ten to thirty-five (10-35) •! ti for special display areas associated with such uses as auto sales. 3002.14.04 Thirty (30) foot-candies under canopies ♦ service stations or similar approved uses. Exceptions may be granted for the lighting of monument or other signs, which enhance the City's identity or image. OKI 3002.17 Al project fighting must receive final administrative approval, including illumination levels and types of fixtures prior to issuance of a Certificate • Occupancy. Any unsatisfactory lights must be further shielded, reduced or increased in intensity, • removed. RM B OULDER 9- 3.3 -17 Outdoor Lighting. (a) Pu case: The purposes of the outdoor lighting standards are to: 1) Provide adequate light for safety and security; Pr e • to c am ortization period based upon the formula used b Unite States Internal Revenue Service to depreciate fixtures attached to real property over a fifteen year period is reasonable and provides a rational basis for the amortization schedule set forth in this section. � ,1 (c) ag2M: This section shall apply to all exterior lighting including illumination from outdoor signs that impact the outdoor environment. No person shall install any light fixture unless such fixture meets the requirements of this section. TTTCo 57r — m - ance at Me T ime oi — call with the requirements of this chapter shall be required for all new development. The following outdoor lighting improvements shall be installed prior to a final inspection for any building permit for any redevelopment which exceeds the following thresholds: (B) When development or redevelopment exceeds fifty percent of the Boulder County Assessor's actual value the existing structure then: I (i) All exterior lighting, except existing parking lot lighting, shall be brought into • # I L. I # u (ii) All existing parking lot light fixtures ww" M 11 I 11junaltigIg- T77 - Mm - UPON RM-FAICRiPs"d M f the existing structure then all exterior lighting fixtures shall be brought into fall conformance with the requirements of this section. (2) _RMlacement of FLxtures: If an existing light fixture is removed, it shall only be replaced with a conforming light fixture. (d) DesigLi Standards: No person shall install or maintain any exterior lighting that fails to meet the requirements of this section: (1) Maximum Light Levels at Progerty Line: The maximum light level at any point on a property line shall not exceed 0. 1 footcandles within or adjacent to a residential zone or 0.2 footcandles in non-residential zones except as follows: (4) Architectural Li tin of Building Facades: The lighting of a building facade for architectural, aesthetic, or decorative purposes is permitted subject to the following restrictions: (B) Building facade lighting exceeding nine hundred lumens shall be fully shielded, aimed downward, and mounted as flush to a wall as possible. III I W I I tr4w-] k IFWJ IMI 1# gaq;Ksl al I Lima wy saw Iffs.2 fillemn wu gut (D) Building facade lighting that is measurable at the y4wrt le-MITIMA light levels. - FMIJI#T*WXiTVI-WiTI section. In addition, all exterior signs are also subject to the requirements set forth in QhWter 10- 11 "Signs on Private Property," B.R.C. 1981. residential use, and/or right-of-way; (fs) U assinM as an MbNA IType or ype - I fixture; and (C) Shielded on the side closest to the property line, residential zone, residential use, or public right-of-wa Tr canopies Tsea Yor vehicular shelter shall be aimed downward and installed such that the bottom • the light fixture • its lens, whichever is lower, is recessed • mounted flush with the bottom surface of the canopy. A full cutoff light fixture may project below the underside • a canopy. All light emitted by an under-canopy fixture shall be substantially confined to the ground surface directly beneath the perimeter of the canopy. No lighting, except that permitted • the sign ordinance, shall be permitted • the top • sides of a canopy. (10) Strings of Lighlss: No person shall use a string of lights on property with non-residential uses except as follows: I (ii) The string • lights shall be located within a pedestrian way, plaza, patio, outdoor dining area, • the primary entry into a building; (iii) The string of lights is not placed in any required landscape setback adjacent to a street; • of lignts s on a building, wall, fence, trees, and shrubs; and (11) Parking Lot Lights and Trees: Parking lot light fixtures and poles shall be located such that trees located within the parking lot do not obscure the operation of the light fixture. horizontal position as designed. (e) Maximum Ligbt Standards- No person shall operate any device which makes light in excess of the levels specified in this section. Light from any fixture shall not exceed any of the limits for the applicable zoning district or use classification in Tables "A" and "B." In the event an applicant utilizes light levels at the highest level permitted for a specific use area, such lighting shall be substantially confined to that particular use area. MUM Ummi Maximum allowable light It'velat (measured in foottandles) Maximum Uniformity Ratio (max. to ads.) Maximum lumen rating for a fun cutoff luminaire sbk4dtd from view of adjacent streets and properties I T M Fi-ri RWCr� Omar.-MM= 3.0 along pedestrian walkways 11 3.0 along pedestrian walkways 2.0 in common Open Spam arm 24 in outdoor storage areas (max, uniformity ratio requirements we not app"le) M 9,500 - parking areas o(6 or more Spam 90:1 (except as noted above) 23300 on 35 foot pole when permitted Table B Sgedal Use Requirements stairways and entryways lb, far High Pressure Sodium perrttitted l when Maximum lumen rating for an IESNA 900 1 250 1.250 cutoff or semi cutoff fixture Public Recreation Lrse Automobile Dealerships, Building Drive -tip Windows 900: except no lamp or bulb. Maximum lumen rating for an other than for seasonal displays The lesser of 30 unshielded light fixture and landscape ornamental 900 900 Inotcandles or the lighting, shall be visible stricture and pedestrian beyond the property line standar for the specific 5.0 in building entries and q entries standards for the specific sports venue Controls Motion ors required for all unshielded fixtures in excess of Recommended after close of Recommended after close of lumens business business Eo parking lots 5,0 in parking lots 20.0 service station 20 feet in parking lots within (measured in footcaodles) 20 feet in parking lots 25 feet in parking lots at adjacent to residential 15.0 within vehic l circulation ... zones, otherwise 2$ foot Maximum allowable pole height d�p�Y maximum (includes base, pole and luinaire) 15 fit in all other areas 35 feet far contiguous parking lots of 5 or mare acres in size 3.0 along podestrian 20 feet in all other areas Table B Sgedal Use Requirements Parking& Structures sod Service Stations, Covered Parkdog Below a Private Recreation Use Public Recreation Lrse Automobile Dealerships, Building Drive -tip Windows ,�..._.... The lesser of 30 5.0 within structure and in Inotcandles or the The IESNA recommended stricture and pedestrian NA men standar for the specific 5.0 in building entries and q entries standards for the specific sports venue v windows sports venue Maximum allowable light levels 5.0 for uncovered upper levels Eo parking lots 5,0 in parking lots 20.0 service station canopies (measured in footcaodles) 5.0 for exterior pedestrian 4.0 in Irian 4 0 in Irian 15.0 within vehic l circulation ... d�p�Y IF 5.0 in parking lots 3.0 along podestrian walkways 5:1 within parking 11 on sports field or 3: I on field or 10:1 Maximum uniforro y ratio s re eaurt (max. to mia.) 10 :1 rernainder of site 10: l it riui` of site l0: l der of site Maximum lumen rating for a 23,500 107, full cutoff light fixture s bieMtd 14,000 14, from vk* of ad*tot streets field or court arcs sports field illiql1iiiiii lillipilill IIII illipi III III III iiiiiiiiiiij �1111 I (5) Any upward oriented lighting except as otherwise provided for in this section; M (7) Exposed linear lamps that include, without limitation, neon, Light Emitting Diode (L.E.D.), and fluorescent lighting, primarily intended as an 2rchitectural highlight to attract attention • used as a means • identification or adverlisement except as permitted by Chapter 10- 11, "Signs • Private Property," BRC 1981, and Min IN• MR — .• •r fixtures on the subject property; (4) The type, initial lumen rating, color rendering index, and wattage • each lamp source; maximum to minimum uniformities for each specific use area such as parking and circulation areas, pedestrian areas, and other common public areas. (i) Exceptions: The standards of this section shall not apply to the following types of exterior lighting: (1) Qmamental Lightin : Low voltage (twelve volts or less), low wattag ornamental landscape lighting fixtures, and solar operated light fixtures having self-contained rechargeable batteries, where any single light fixt does not exceed one hundred lumens, I (2) StrinLs of Li&: Strings • light, not exceeding a maximum of fifty lumens per lamp, (equivalent of a seven watt C7 incandescent light bulb) on properties located in all residential zoning districts • on properties that are used exclusively for residential uses shall be exempt from the requirements of this chapter. (4) Fight-of-Way Lightin thin the right- g: Public lighting that is located wi of-way. (5) �j�aso MIT through January 30 of the following year. 111 11 ER 116— (2) Variance: The city manager may grant a variance from the provisions of this section if the city manager finds that one of the criteria of subparagraph 0)(2)(A), (B) or (C), and subparagraphs 0)(2)(D) and (E) of this section have been met: • (C) Upon a finding by the city manager that outdoor lighting in specific areas of the community, that otherwise meets the requirements of this section is not adequate and additional lighting is necessary to improve safety or security for the property or its occupants; and (D) The granting of the variance will generally • liquiltilrb tit' Alto *F AtUICI tictrulicnial I* the public welfare; and (k) Amortization: All exterior lighting fixtures which do not conform to the following standards shall be brought into conformance no later than fifteen years from the date of adoption of this section. (A) The owner's investment in improvements and other became non-standard. (B) Any costs that are directly attributable to the establishment of a compliance date, including demolition expenses, and reconstruction expenses. (C) Any return on investment since inception of the use, including net income and depreciation. 11HOUP111116#1 (2) Compliance RNuirement: If the city manager establishes a compliance date for a non-conforming use, the use must cease operations • that date and it may not operate thereafter unless it meets the lighting standards of the Boulder Revised Code. - 0 • MUOPFAM • exempt from the amortization provisions, but not the shielding requirements, • this section: (A) Existing high pressure sodium and metal halide light fixtures which do not exceed the maximum allowable light levels of subsection (e) of this section by more than twenty percent; section, (5) SMial Amortization Rgquiremen : Notwithstanding the fifteen year amortization period set forth above, the following types of fixtures or bulbs shall be replaced sooner, as follows: bulb, the light bulb shall be replaced with one that meets the requirements of this section upon its failure or • September 1, 2004, whichever is earlier. (C) Aiming of FixgKes: • the extent that compliance with this section can be achieved by reaiming a fixture, such fixture shall be reaimed by September 1, 2004. I � 15 - 1; PURPOSE AND INTENT: http://66,113,195,234/CO/Littleton/ 13015000000001 000,htn I of 1 1/5/2004 12 P) DEVELOPMENT: Any residential, commercial, industrial or mixed use subdivision plan or development plan, including, but not limited to, site development plans, planned development overlays, subdivision plat or planned development plan, which is submitted to the city for approval. DIRECT ILLUMINATION: Illumination resulting from light emitted directly from a lamp or luminaire, not light diffused through translucent signs or reflected from other surfaces such as the ground or building faces. pili'll 11111 111 il IN 11 ill 11 1 1 1111111 111 Will 1; '1 Mill FLOODLIGHT: A specific form • light • lamp designed to direct its output in a specific direction and as a broad beam, 101--JAW11111ji 3*�l MuM GLARE: The sensation produced by a bright source within the visual field that is sufficiently brighter than the level to which the eyes are adapted to cause annoyance, discomfort, or loss in visual performance and visibility; blinding light. The magnitude of glare depends on such factors as the size, position, brightness of the source, and on the brightness level to which the eyes are adapted. I cif 4 1/5/2004 1 2:20 PN 10-15-2: DEFINITIONS: EHW# ## M IIII!II]III C I ' (B) Outdoor light fixtures installed under canopies, buildings (including parking garage decks), overhangs or roof eaves where all parts of the lamp or luminaire are located at least five feet (5') but less than ten feet (10') from the nearest edge of the canopy or overhang are to be included in the total outdoor light output as though they produced only one-quarter (0.25) of the lamp's rated initial lumen output; (C) Outdoor light fixtures installed under canopies, buildings (including parking garage decks), overhangs or roof eaves where all parts of the lamp • luminaire are located at least ten feet (10') but less than thirty feet (30') from the nearest edge of the canopy or overhang are to be included in the total outdoor light output as though they produced only one-tenth (0.10) of the lamp's rated initial lumen output. 3 of 4 115/2004 12:20 P1 SPOTLIGHT: A form of lighting fixture designed to direct or project a spot of light illuminating a defined spot or object by directing a narrow beam of light on a small area. I of 4 11512004 12:20 PX I of 1 1/5/2004 12:20 Pf 10- 15-4: SHIELDING AND TOTAL OUTDOOR LIGHT OUTPUT— hapl/W I 13.195234/CO/Litfleton/l 3015000000004C)00,hin 1 10-15-4: SHIELDING AND TOTAL OUTDOOR LIGHT OUTPUT STANDARDS.- 1 - In the E-3 lighting zone, total outdoor light output shall not exceed two hundred thousand (200,000) initial lumens per acre when all outdoor lighting fixtures are fully shielded and/or twenty thousand (20,000) initial lumens per acre when nonfully shielded lighting fixtures are used. 4. Each lot or parcel in the E-1 and E-2 lighting zones shall be allowed a minimum of six thousand (6,000) lumens per lot or parcel, regardless of area. (E)Lumens Per Development Acre "Lumens per development acre" are calculated as follows: Total • the initial lamp lumens for all lamps used, excluding those used for internal sign illumination, those used in display lots, signs, and those under service station canopies, divided by the acreage of the development. I of 2 1/5/2004 1 2:20 PN _ 10- 15-4: SHIELDING AND TOTAL OUTDOOR LIGHT OUTPLIT,.. http;HW 113. 195.234/CO/Littleton/I 3015000000004000.htm I of 1 1/512004 12:2I P' 10-15-6: SPECIAL USES: http:/ (A) Shielding: All display lot lighting shall utilize fully shielded luminaires that are installed in a fashion that maintains the fully shielded characteristics. (8) Off Site Spill: The display lot shall limit off site spill (off the parcel containing the display lot) • a maximum of 0. 1 foot-candle fifteen feet (15') past the property line on any nonresidential property, and 0, 1 foot-candle five feet (5) past the property line at any location adjacent to residential property, as measurable from any orientation of the measuring device. (C) Certification: Every display lot lighting system design and installation shall be certified by an illumination engineer as conforming to all applicable restrictions of this chapter. (D) Foot-Candle Maximum: A maximum • thirty five (35) foot-candles in the display lot is permitted. A five (5) foot-candle increase in the maximum allowance is allowable for unforeseen design constraints. The applicant will be required to provide justification, to the community development director, from an illumination engineer stating why the thirty five (35) foot-candle maximum cannot be met. (E) Development Of Acreage: Each display lot shall be limited to a maximum of thirty percent (30%) of the development acreage. (A) Lighting for outdoor athletic fields, courts • tracks in all lighting zones, shall be exempt from the lumens per acre limits and shielding requirements of section 10-15-4 of this chapter. E3 (A) Shielding: All luminaires mounted on or recessed into the lower surface of service station canopies shall be fully shielded and utilize flat lenses. The edge of the canopy is not considered to be a shielding source. 1 of 2 115/2004 12:21 Pt 2 of '2 11512 12:21 F1" k)- 15-7: St'BMISSION OF PLANS AND EVIDENCE OF COWL- hapl/66 113. 195,234/CO/Littletonll 3015000000007000,htn 10-15-7: SUBMISSION OF PLANS AND EVIDENCE OF COMPLIANCE WITH CODE.- 1. Plans indicating the location on the premises of all fighting fixtures, both proposed and any already existing on the site; 3. Photometric data, such as that furnished by manufacturers, • similar showing the angle of cut off • light emissions. • • 0 I L01• 1 mr, I a go- I r-A - « I I a p 6-211 a A (C)Lamp Or Fixture Substitution: Should any outdoor light fixture • the type of light source therein is to be changed after the permit has been issued, a change request must be submitted to the community development director for approval, together with adequate information to assure compliance with this chapter, which must be received before substitution. rm 00 ^* 0 0 MEER= I of 1 1/512004 12:21 P] APPROVED MATERIALS AND METHODS OF CONS., http-.//66.113.195-234/CO/LittletorJI3015000000008000,htrr. 10-15-8: APPROVED MATERIALS AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION OR INSTALLATIONIOPERATION: (A)The provisions of this chapter are not intended to prevent the use of any design, material, or method of installation or operation not specifically prescribed by this chapter, provided any such alternative has been approved by the community development director. The community development director may approve an alternative provided that it: 1, Provides equivalence to the applicable requirements of this chapter, or 2. Is otherwise satisfactory and complies with the intent of this chapter. (Ord. 1, Series 2003) 1 I of 1 1/5/2004 12:21 Pi 10- 15-9: PROHIBITIONS: 1111MM11 • UM (A)Laser Source Light: The use of laser source light • any similar high intensity light for outdoor advertising or entertainment, when projected above the horizontal, is prohibited. (B)Searchlights: The operation of searchlights for advertising purposes is prohibited. (Ord, 1, Series of 2003) I of 1 11512004 12:21 P1 }0-15-l& TEMPORARY EXEMPTIONS: hapl/W I 13,195-234/CO/Littleton/i 30150000000 10000,htrt ) 1 0-15-10: TEMPOR EXEMPTIONS: (A)Exemption Request: Any person may submit, on a form prepared by the city of Littleton, to the community development director, a temporary exemption request. The request shall contain the following information: � 2. Duration of � . / ` _-__-_--''p-_. ` _,. 7. Such other data and information as may be required by the designated officia the person making the request will have th appeal rights provided in section 10- 1 _5- 1 2 of this chapter. (Ord. 1, Series of 2003) lof1 1/5/2004 12:21 Pll� http://66,113,195,234/CO/Littletori/13015000000011 .htn (A)Seasonal Lighting Seasonal lighting and decorations using typical low wattage incandescent lamps. R MIS (C)Emergency Lighting Emergency lighting, used by police, firefighting, or medical personnel, • at their direction, is exempt from all requirements • this code for as long as the emergency exists. (D)Swimming Pool And Fountain Lighting: Underwater lighting used for the illumination of swimming pools and fountains is exempt from the lamp type and shielding standards of section 10- 1 5-4 of this chapter, though it must conform to all other provisions of this chapter. (F)The use • nonshielded decorative "Sternberg" type lights are exempt from these regulations with respect to shielding requirements. When used on any specific site the total lumens output will be calculated in the overall maximum allowance. (G)Flagpole and monument lighting are exempt from these lighting requirements. Series • 2003) 1 1 of 1 1/5/2004 12:21 P� 10- 15 -12: APPEALS: http:// 66. I13.195.234/CU/Llttleton/13015 12 .htar 0- 15 -12: APPEALS: 1 of 1 1/5/2 12:21 P? I of 1 1/5/2004 12-21 PI 10- 15-14. PENALTIES: will http://66.113.195,234/CO/Littleton/1 3015000000014000.htn mms��