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CITY Minutes of Meeting August 5,2004 UI 0 The regular meeting of the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission was called to order by Vice Chair McMILLIN at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. yRTMv000KM3xM= UH�WPF ALLEGIANCE Following is the official set of Planning Commission minutes for the public hearing of August 5, 2004. A set of these minutes is retained both in the office of the City Clerk and in the Community Development Department of the City of Wheat Ridge. 0 9 Im It was moved by Commissioner McNAMEE and seconded by Commissioner STEWART to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed unanimously. 0 11 It was moved by Commissioner STEWART and seconded by Commissioner WESLEY to approve the minutes of July 15, 2004 as presented. The motion passed 4-0 with Commissioner McNAMEE abstaining. P4 11LIC FORUM Planning Commission Page I August 5, 2004 ki a 10 I" A. Case No. ZOA-03-18: An ordinance amending Chapter 26 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws pertaining to signage. This case was presented by Meredith Reckert. She reviewed the staff report. At the request of Vice Chair McMILLIN, questions and answers took place during the presentation. Sam developments. • Lighted signs that are partly blank should have the blank sections obscured. • Staff will check • the average life of cabinet signs in order to assist in developi regulations for amortization of nonconforming signs. NEW BUSINESS IV nr�#Tf arnamn to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m. The motion passed unanimously. John McMillin, Vice Chair 5M City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Department • Memorandum OR TO: Planning Commission FROM: Jeff Hirt, Planning Technician SUBJECT: MS-04-07 DATE: September 10, 2004 This memo is to inform you that Case No. MS-04-07 has been postponed from the September 16, 2004 Planning Commission hearing as a result of the disclosure of new information in the application. The original request for MS-04-07 was published as a request for approval of a 2 lot minor subdivision plat for properties located at approximately 3821 and 3841 Otis Street. However, ne information received after the time of publishing for this request indicated that this request woul require a variance • variances to lot size in addition to the subdivision request. City • Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department TO: Planning Commission FROM: ilreredith Reckert i ; I 'II 1 111111057 -MAKHOW511i V 131 '• - #1 1 This Case is: — Quasi-judicial --2�— Legislative MIMMMEM= Attached is legislation amending Chapter 26 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws regarding signage. February 2001: A new sip code is adopted as Article VU of the planning and developme code. i May 2003: Staff discussed proposed changes with the City Affairs Committee. The two issues under consideration were amending the current regulations to allow corporate flags and establishing a time limit for temporary signs. Staff agreed to solicit input from local businesses regarding how the proposed changes may affect them. June 2003.- A flyer was distributed with the quarterly newsletter to all businesses within the city. November 2003: A study session was held with Planning Commission to discuss proposed sign code changes. I * I I I III December of 2003: City Council discussed the sign code at study session where they made the following recommendations: • That corporate flags not be allowed. • That staff study time limits for temporary signs and return with a recommendation. May of 2004: A study session was held with Planning Commission where the following recommendations were made: • Canopy signs: May use up to 50% of wall signage allowance on a canopy. • Changeable copy signs: Staff will check with traffic engineer regarding whether or not these types of signs are traffic hazards. • Banners- Allow half the size of a permanent sign for a limited time until a permanent sign is installed. The same time limit as for pennants would apply to banners. August of 2004: Another study session was held with Planning Commission where the following recommendations were made: N =11111; I III � MIMI III Mll�llll 171111111111111 111111111111111� 1 FORMAT CHANGE: thfoughs shown on Exhibit 1. i :� � I Definition of animated sign (page 2): Slightly modified definition. Removes "time and temperature signs" from definition. "Time and temperature" signs are now considered "changeable copy"' Definition of artistic mural or sculpture (page 2)- Definition has been slightly modified to disallow branded" products, per Planning Commission recommendati The note that has been stricken-through was incorporated into the sign standards chl III I 11P 111 11111111111111 ill 1111111111glill1pliIIIII&II gill I I ligill I RIMINI iliq I 1 1 111 1 1 Pill! Will! I 1 I== 9 1111111111ii � I I I I MM=M��Ml Definition of public information signs (page 4): Removed as they are included in the definition of public sign. �Mll SMMM Definition of revolving sign (page 4): Slightly modified definition. Revolving signs are considered animated and are prohibited. 1 Ir 111111p 1111111111111111111111111 1 It! I M23MEM • Definition of traffic and regulatory signs (page 5): New type of sign reflected in sign standards charts. Page 6: Amends Section A to reference the sign standards charts. Unlawful signs, (including temporary and portable signs) which are not allowed are violations and can be dealt with through code enforcement action. g ��E3KM� IF 'lli IM ill il FIRM I . # 0 IRWIN 1 1 1 1 ill I ill Il lp,11111 ill Lt Rooms for rent (page 8): Added a maximum size and number limitation. Hastobeon the property it is advertising. Door and Window signs (Page 8): The square footage allowance for window and do] signs has been reduced from 50% to 25%. Addressed in sign standards charts. M Signs inside buildings (Page 8): Signs inside buildings but visible from outdoors ha been deleted. I Political campaign signs (Page 8).- Political campaign signs must be on private property. Informational signs (Page 8): Menu boards have been added to the category of informational signs. Company logos on these signs cannot exceed one square foot. Addressed in sign standards charts. I Bus benches and bus shelter signs (Page 9): Bus bench signs and bus shelter signs are addressed in miscellaneous provisions. Adds a maximum size for bus stop shelter signs. Mill 11 '1111� �l I � �i:�l ll I !ill �11 Incorporated into performance standards (Page 11): Dangerous signs, location of signs, attachment to public structures and conformance to building code have been addressed in performance standards. The following types of prohibited signs have been incorporated into Performance Standards: signs violating sight distance regulations, signs that interfere with traffic, signs that cause radio interference, signs that obstruct egress, structurally unsafe signs, display of merchandise, signs in the rights-of-way, lighted signs The following types of prohibited signs have been incorporated into the Sign Standards Chart: flashing signs and searchlights, animated signs, roof signs, wheeled advertising devices, off-premises signs, banners attached to vehicles Nflnor changes: There were minor language changes made to the provisions for signs that interfere with pedestrian traffic, animated signs, structurally unsafe signs, outside display, signs that are in the rights of way and off-premises signs. R Home occupation signs: At the August study, Planning Commission recommended that home occupation signs be allowed up to two square feet in size on properties located on arterial streets. Designated arterial streets in the city include Sheridan, Wadsworth, Kipling and Ward Road. These changes have been incorporated into the Sign Standards charts. Other issues of concern have been incorporated into the General Provisions/Performance Standards: illumination, establishment of right-of- Ell 1111111111111 milli Freestanding signs - residential, agriculture, public facies (pages existing code uzes a formula for freestanding signs based on lot size with a maximum size of 32 square feet. Staff is recommending deletion of the formula approach and applying the maximum for of 32 square feet for all freestanding signs. The height maximum would be 7'. Required setbacks have been modified from 10 to 5. U • Freestanding signs - commercial, industrial, mixed use (pages 15 — 17): No changes except for the setback for signs 15' in height. The existing code references 25' as maximum height, which was changed to 15' in the 2001 rewrite. Projecting signs (page 18): No changes except that a projecting sign can encroach into the right-of-way with an approved right-of-way permit. Each tenant in a multi-tenant structure can have one. Not allowed in residential, agriculture and semi-public zones. Public and send-public signs (page 18, page 19 — 20): This category combined public, semi-public and public information signs. No major changes. "Activities" are now referred to as "organizations or attractions". Construction signs (page No changes except construction signs must be setback 5' from property lines. There is currently no required setback. Permitted height has been reduced from 8' to 7'. Specifies that construction sips must be on the premises for which they are advertising. Construction sips cannot be illuminated Real estate signs (page 20): Added a setback requirement • 5. Real estate signs cannot be illuminated. Pennants, streamers and similar devices (page 21): Pennants, streamers and similar devices were originally in the same category as balloons. Pennants and balloons have now been separated into two categories. Pennants and streamers are allowed for up to 30 days per year. Pennants cannot be attached to utility poles or public signs. Permits are required. Balloons and other inflatable devices (page 21): No change in duration or required h 0 permitting. A height limitation • 35' has been added for residential with a maximum height allowance in commercial zones to be consistent with that specified in the zone district development standards. Temporary model home sign (page 19): For consistency with other parts of the sign code, the height limitation has been changed from 6' to 7'. A five-foot setback has been added, Cannot be illuminated. Wall or painted signs (pages 21 — 22): No changes to the number, location or size. Some minor verbiage changes. 1. Four 25' high freestanding signs (two on each property) with 81.72 square feet • signage per face. 2. One "mega7 sign, 50' in height with 536.7 square feet of sign face (per side) located • the westem property. A condition was included that three existing smaller signs on the eastern lot be removed and replaced with the signs approved above. The approval occurred in 1997 but the sign plan has never been implemented. Subsequent conversations with the owner's representative indicated that when the property • the east side of Parfet is developed into an additional car sales facility, a revised master sign plan may be pursued. While the example given above is extreme, Staff is concerned that the master sign plan provisions with the ability to vastly increase the amount of permitted signage directly conflicts with current philosophy regarding reduction of signage and the negative affects of lighting. Staff 8 believes that the more appropriate process is the City's planned development process, whi allows flexibility in application of the sip code standards. i SECTION 26-711. BILLBOARDS; SPECIFICATIONS AND REGULATIONS. (PAGES 23-24). ffilliq jppiii�m�111�1 IMMOMewo t7ue vi Wws regaruing sign coue, oe forwaroed to City Council with a recommendation • APPROVAL for the following reasons: 1. The changes will improve readability and understanding of the sign code. 2. The changes deal more effectively with the negative affects of exterior lighting on adjacent properties." 1. Staff's proposed revisions to the existing code section 2. Table • contents illustrating existing and proposed code sections 3. Ordinance 0 • IL I I � In a W] MAIN" SWU IM B. To promote traffic safety and the free movement of traffic, and protect the public from the hazardous conditions whichresult from signs that obscure or distract the vision of motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians; C. To facilitate easy, safe and pleasant communication between people and their surroundings; D. To conserve the character and economic value of buildings an neighborhoods; I E. To provide a balance between legitimate identification and advertising jnee [� of and the visual discord which signs sometimes cause, and to provide a sense of balance or Eroportion between a sign and the building or gro2Erty whicA, F. To encourage the erection of signs which are legible in their surroundings, com!,3atible with the visual character of activities identified; and . (Ord. No. 2001-1215, § 1, 2-26-01) For the purposes of this article, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section: • M Arcade sign. Any sign projecting beneath and attached to the underside of any balcony, canopy, awning or other structural overhang or passageway. Artistic mural or sculpture. A freestanding statue or sculpture or a graphic illustration • design, • an architectural design or relief applied directly to or Awning. A movable shelter supported entirely from the exterior wall of a building ?-nd/or a type which can be retracted against the face of the supporting building. Building front. The exterior wall(s) of a building facing a public street or streets or other public right-of-way other than alleys, or one (1) exterior wall containing the primary entrance to the building if not directly facing upon a public street. Canopy. A roof-like structure serving the purpose • protecting vehicles and/or pedestrians and which may be freestanding or attached to a building, is provided with supports, and is open on three (3) sides if attached and on all sides if freestanding. Changeable copy sign. • sign, either illuminated or nonilluminated, which is I El"I Jul �WW11114410.1 IA N building complexes which are held in singular or common ownership, either by individual . comoration,,aartnership. or other le, , IN reco I ized entit��"a)" &.W;:Jt a "development" for the purpose of si page. Erect. To build, construct, attach, hang, place, suspend, affix, relocate or reconstruct any sign • sign-supporting structure. Flashing sign. A sign that is illuminated with intermittent lighting, animated including a moving light or lights. Freestanding sign. A sign that is permanent and self-supporting, being nonden_endent on su rt rom-a a_1J_W!x&i_r_n0_&r_Avff nw-,,JtLv_-_W_ f fences or nonsupporting walls. r Direct. Lighting by means of an unshielded light source which is effectively visible as a part of the sign. Neon lighting is considered direct lighting. Informational sign. A freestanding or wall-type sign, not located within public street right-of-way, which gives necessary direction or non-advertising information to motor vehicle operators or pedestrians, such as entrance, exit, parking limitations or location of onsite buildi 1 -6 s or facilitie i A WMA I MUNIVIRIKUN ItrivAgimalay [its (g, Im I a-gLeg wig m 111,ga #0 11H Lot. A tract, building site, parcel or portion of land separated from other parcels or jL#Ttions by descri ion, as on a subdivis kq" arnwk and bounds, for the purpose of sale, lease or use. Nonconforming sign. A sign which does not conform with the regulations set fi*wkr*�S " tr* date of its erection. 9 Off-premises sign, Any sign' 1��,7-777A INA��Ifttt which advertises or t" directs attention to a business, commodity, service or activity conducted, said or offered elsewhere other than on the pro pr perty which the sign is loca te di,'Va ► J 640" Painted sign. A sign that is painted directly onto the exterior surface of a building, wall or structure. Political sign. A noncommercial sign, which is exempt from permit requirements, erected or placed so as to advertise, announce, declare or state a political message, whether relating to a political campaign or election or any other issue of public concern which is protected by the First Amendment right of free speech. Portable sign. Any sign which is supported by one (1) or more uprights or braces upon the ground and which is • portable design. Projecting sip. A sign which is affixed to any building, wall or structure and which extends beyond the building wall more than fifteen (15) inches. Sign. Any object or device or part thereof situated outdoors or indoors, viewed from outdoors by the general public, and which or device or the effect produced i dej declare, demonstrate, displa instruct-, designs, fixtures, colors, motion, illumination, sound or projecting images. Sign permit. A building permit issued for the erection, construction, enlargement, i # # im removalL conversion • demolition of an,%.Ugn issued pursuant to the building code of the city or this sign code. Sign structure. Any supports, uprights, braces or framework of a sign which does not include any portion of the sign message. El Temporary sign. Any sign, banner, pennant, valance or other outdoor advertising sign constructed of light fabric, cardboard, wallboard, plywood, sheet metal, paper • other light materials, with or without a frame, intended or designed to be displayed for a limited period of time. Unlawful sign. Any sign or outdoor advertising device erected in the absence of a permit required by this article, or in violation of any of the limitations, prohibitions or requirements of this article. Wall sign. A sign constructed of durable materials or painted and which is permanently affixed to an exterior surface of any building, wall or structure and which does not extend more than fifteen (15) inches beyond the building wall, except that Sec. 26-703. Enforcement and penalties. Enforcement and penalties shall be in accordance with those provisions set forth in article X. In addition to any remedies set forth in section 26-1004 et seq., specific authority is granted to the enforcement officer to remove. or have n, tke- 9 signs aTter posting • U premises where such sign(s) is located: IMMMME=1 A. No person shall engage in the business of installing, altering or repairing any sign contractor's license, except for those signs exempt from permit. B. The city shall have the power to suspend or revoke the license of an holdm of a sign license • issued pursuant to this article, in accor • dance with • the provisions as set ions.) forth in the builing code. (See chapter 5 • this Code f Laws fr related provisy I u �111111115111"Iiiii il � • Sec. 26-705. Permit required. A. No sign or modification to an existing sign shall be erected, placed or displayed outdoors within the city limits until a permit for such sign has been issued -701 wft �,; u s such si is exernfou from a rmit in accordance with section 6 26 this sign code. I M N tMAIM 1C -`,*"A"-,- - "' " 1 -111 1 --- toe '- 161 01MU114110140 # # 1 • #" • # IMS • # # ' * # MOWN (Ord. No. 2001- 1.215, § 1, - 26 -01; Ord. No. 1288, §§ 1, 2, 5-12-03) Sec. 26 -706. Signs exempt from permit requirement. The following are exempt from application for permit; however, they are subject to all ether provisions of this article. Flags A. # only), # # badges, or similar devices of governmental agency or civic, charitable, religious, #« # political, or # N # organization, d on their own premises r s.. C <. ' I a s a M'1! D. Real estate signs erected for the advertising of the prospective sale or rental of property on which it is maintained, when in conformance to this article. MJ E. • sign advertising individual rooms for ## and . # if it # #. not exceed # (2) square feet of disolav N ^ F. One (1) temporary construction sign per use per street frontage which advertises the proposed new use of the premises or any number of signs which are K. Informational signs which are accessory to the primary use (i.e., ttrestrooms," "no smoking," "wheel chair entrance," j#0#"R" etc.), or directional (i.e., "out," "ramp," "drive-thru," etc.) are exempt from a sign permit subject to the following standards: 2. May be wall-mounted, freestanding or attached to other freestanding signs or canopies, but shall not be counted against the allowable size of another type of permitted sign; 3. May be illuminated by internal lighting only, if freestanding type; and 4. If freestanding, shall not exceed thirty-six (36) inches in height if within a required sight distance triangle, or forty-eight (48) inches where outside of a sight distance triangle. 28 P " . , x,.a estate signs. • i r • • ! • i • • i i • «• • i, • • 0 Sec. 26-707. 011im 04*1144=0*1 A. Nonconforming signs. The lawful use of a sign existing at the effective J,- , =J use does not conform to the provisions of this article, subject to the following provisions I Rebuilding, enlargement, relocation, extension, replacement or conformance with this article. �� A nonconforming sign that is destroyed or damaged more than fifty (50) percent of its net worth due to natural causes may not be reconstructed except in accordance with the provisions of this article; however, any sign destroyed or damaged to a ilt to its original state within six (6) months or 0 in conformance with this article. Normal maintenance 't'1`44 which does not require modification of the sip structure, su 'ports or members shall be permitted. � VW M ljl�JJIJIMMW RM111141 __ _, _I J u V171 IT-se M Mn V ai F-M IMET by a sign conforming with these regulations. " Removal or reconstruction of dangerous signs. All signs which are prohibited below shall conform to the provisions of this article either by removal or reconstruction, whichever applies, within sixty (60) days after the owner of such sign notified of the violation. i H Location of certain signs. All signs, except billboards, public signs, sernipublic signs and public information signs allowed by this article shall be located on the lot for which they advertise. Attachment to public structures. Attachment of any sign to utility poles or other poles or structures within pblic ri ht-of-wap is by city council pursuant to this article. ;M Conformance to building code. The design of all sip structure members and foundation shall conform to the requirements of the building code relative to allowable stresses, materials and engineering standards. Loads, both vertical and horizontal, shall not produce stresses exceeding those specified in the building code, aM. material construction shall be of the quality and grade required by the building cod. , All signs and structures shall be designed and constructed to meet the (Ord. No. 2001-1215, § 1,2-26-01) Sec. 26-708. Prohibited signs. A. Any sign which would violate the sight distance triangle requirements of section 26-•04 M B. Any sign which, even though in general conformance with the standards and requirements of this sign code, is judged by the chief of police and public works director as a dangerous sign due to interference with a traffic control device by being in direct line between the control device and oncoming traffic or otherwise in visual competition with a traffic control device. D. Any sign employing a lighting or control mechanism which causes radio, radar • television interference. E. Any sip so erected, constructed or maintained as to obstruct or be attached to any fire escape, window, door or opening used as a means of egress or ingress or for 4' light or ventilation. W G. Animated signs, including SIM", . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . or any other sign which uses motion, either impliec actual. B r poles exceeding five (5) feet in length and not roof-mounted arbe 101 It I try) a rt KWIMIJ 11.11 LiO V I I all P IN C s erected in such a location as to interfere with motor vehicle F. Flashing signs and searchlights. I I IM EMM 11 i M I Wheeled advertising devices, except for currently licensed, operative vehicles which are primarily used by its owner for service, delivery or general transportation on a regular basis. n a y"le, a i cc, u piatiol IT, rivor Rifler WNIMIJUr evice or structure shall be considered a sign and is prohibited. This shall not, however, be construed to prohibit merchandise customarily stored outside of buildings and placed upon shelves or tables, such as automobiles, campers, boats, plant materials, produce or lumI1er. L. Any sign which is in the public right-of-way, with the exception of sips on 0 ME M M. Any sign which may be construed as a traffic sign or signal or which may be confusing to motorists or mistaken as a traffic signal. N. Off-premises signs, boo IN ... ... ... .. ..... � 11111 11 IIII RUN III II I I I III I II I I. MINOR- W-1 1111, Wmmlii "fl �S4 \4u 91 Freestanding- Residential �. �„ $..,,. .w, $.. .,�� .. �wf+k7i l.Z. 2 Maximum sign area is fit ii x' t P t ri,w 14*w w thirty -two (32) square feet per sign. 3. Maximum of one (1) per street frontage. 4. Maximum height' �w w Must be set back a minimum of feet from any property line. May be illuminated. r # `. MW 1! ! N ♦ + a g f AVI IN b Where two (2) freestanding signs are permitted by virtue of multiple street ' dui d K 1'ry m ai frontage. ,� � '� ►� � the sign area allowed may be transferred from oneu(l � sign to another, provided, that � ., , M „ �, ,. U, �`�a�^±�►�ac' � ice, r� at�r� r�ta�ai�i 3. Sign setback requirements: • • 4 • c • r • `1 vises �,t &4� "ii been � b ,., ,i , ,gn 'ta nM 4. Landscaping requirement: For new development or total redevelopment, all freestanding signs shall be placed within landscaped areas. ..... . . ..... .... ...... q-"' iR .......... . . . ....... . .. .. . 0-1,500 s.f. 35 s.f. 60 s.f. --5,000 s.f. 35 sf. plus I s.f. per each additional 50 s.f. of floor area over 1,501. 60 s.f. plus I s.f. per each additional 40 s.f. of floor area over 1,501. 5,004" --50,000 s 100 s.f. plus I s.f. per each additional 500 s.f. of floor area over 5,001. 150 s.f. plus I s.f. per each 300 s.f. of floor area over 5,001. 1. Within one hundred (100) feet of a residential structure, indirect or internal lighting only. M 2. Over one hundred (100) feet from a residential structure, any type of lighting source is allowed, except search or flashing lights, provided that it shall be shaded, shielded or directed so that the light shall not adversely affect surrounding premises or safe on on public or private roadways, including highways. per street frontage, but no more than two (2) per development. 4mmust be set back a minimum of fo*��IIi eet from any street right-of- way line if over thirty-six (36) inches or two (2) feet if tinde thirty-six (36) inches 00* *WWRWW 5. Must be anchored to the ground or weighted sufficiently to prevent movement by wind. us= 7. N I iii 11 R 11 1! 111 g 1 :1ij;I111; i M1 uw#mlmmlmmu 11M MR 11111"i Maximum size: One (1) square foot for each one (1) foot of height of the building wall to which the sign is to be attached. *4 Projecting and wall sign not permissible on same wall. Z Maximum number: One (1) per street frontage jo �. I. Public. Direction o and other official signs or notices that are required or authorized by law only. ZM= ME= b. Not to exceed twenty (20) square feet in area or six (6) feet in height; c. Monument-type signs must be set back onto the property a minimum of te (10) feet, unless incorporated into a traffic island entrance, then twenty-five (25) feet back from face • street curb and three (3) feet from edge • traffic island. I d. Fence or wall -incorporated-type signs may be placed parallel with and at property line following the same height and sight distance requirements as for a wall or fence. 13= a. One (1) per model home; b. Not to exceed twelve (12) square feet each and not over six (6) feet in height if a freestanding type; and pilligill • 19 MISEM ffloammm�m . ! III MMIGMEMM ! ! i I R t 3. May be l ocated off with approval of pro perty t i � . �' #: 4, May be l ocated within • M f-way if approved by either the city t r if a cit street and b an a pro riate State of Colorado official, if a ! ! ! !! ♦ i #YI k IVA DI I M W# ! ! enforcement officer t be lo cate d w ithi n c r i g ht - of-way or ! r equirements ! i by such enforcement officer with no requirement o n PH c! The total size allowed for any single banner or total combination • multiple banners shall be determined usinQ-, the same criteria that • —lies to wall Si-.,,ns. If the banner is to be affixed to a fence, size shall be the same as if it was attached to the nearest adjacent building wall having street frontage. 4 Any banner that becomes discolored, ragged, shredded, detached, etc., shall be removed or repaired. 5. Pennants, streamers and similar devices, and balloons or other inflatable devices, shall be permitted upon nonresidenti ally zoned or used properties onl subject to the following provisions: 1� a. Any one (1) or a concurrent or successive combination of pennants, streamers or balloons or other inflatable devices shall be permitted to advertise special events or sales one (1) time per year for up to thirty (30) days or two (2) times per year for up to fifteen (15) days each time. b. Such devices shall be securely anchored or attached so as to prevent ,iislocation, entan acent pri glement or encroachment onto adj undue hazard to motorists or pedestrians. c. Roof mounting is pennitted. Th "I ........... ... .. ,'V .. . . ... . . .. ... . . . . . ..... .......... . . ....... .... (Ord. No. 2001-1215, § 1, 2-26-01; Ord. No. 1288, §§ 1, 2, 5-12-03) w See. 26-711. Billboards; specifications and regulations. MMMMZEMM�r L For the purpose of this subsection, the city is divided into two (2) billboard Iistricts, B-1, and B-2, as shown on the official billboard zoning map of the city and incorporated herein as seen below. 2. Billboard structures are allowed in the city as provided by this sectio provided, that any billboard proposed to be located, relocated or rebuilt within six hundred sixty (660) feet of the right-of-way line of any state or federal highway i additionally approved by the state in writing and that such written approval is ma sl available to the department of community development. I Setbacks shall be as required for a principal structure in the zoning district where located. 4. Roof billboards are not allowed, 5. All new billboards shall be of the pedestal type, unless prohibited • soil conditions as certified by a professional engineer. M B. B-1 district. On and after January 1, 1996, billboards are prohibited in the 13- I district. 1. Maximum number allowed is sixteen (16); provided, that existing billboarl located within the 13- 1 district may be relocated to the B-2 district regardless of the maximum number. 2. Maximum size equals seven hundred fifty (750) square fe(a 3. Setbacks shall be as required for a principal structure in the zoning district where located. 5. Ungth shall not exceed three and one-half (3 1/2) times the height. 6. No new billboard may be located closer than six hundred (•W) feet to any 411 VA4414 3CAT#; 'i30iWPV_*rj cun name or number. I IN I mmm 91 ARTICLE VII — SIGN CODE Section 26-701: Intent and Purpose Section 26-702: Definitions iiiijill Ill, 111211 111.101. • - INT, • 4 AV "I 11#11UIL-MEMBE Council Bill No. 05 Ordinance No. Series of 2004 # WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge has adopted regulations pertaining to the regulation of signs; WHEREAS, the City has identified changes which will improve the readability and understanding • the sign code; WHEREAS, the City • Wheat Ridge is concerned about the negative affects • exterior lighting and its affects • adjacent properties; BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO THAT: Section 1. Article V11 of Chapter 26 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws is hereby repealed and reenacted as follows: Section 26-701. Intent and purpose. VRMMUM� MEMMMMM B. To promote traffic safety and the free movement • traffic, and protect the y,ublic from the hazardous conditions which result from sips that obscure or fistract the vision • motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians; C. To facilitate easy, safe and pleasant communication between people and their surroundings, D. To conserve the character and economic value of buildings and neighborhoods; • N Building front. The exterior wall(s) of a building facing a public street or streets or other public right-of-way other than alleys, or one (1) exterior wall containing the primary entrance to the building if not directly facing upon a public street. Canopy. A roof-like structure serving the purpose of protecting vehicles and/or strians and which mai be freestandinj oi jttac�ed j I - I j Changeable copy sign. A sip, either illuminated or nonilluminated, which is designed so that the message or any part of thernessage may be periodically changed, either mechanically • electronically, however, where a change in message occurs no sIt ner than every fifteen (15) seconds. Erect. • build, construct, attach, bang, place, suspend, affix, relocate or reconstruct any sign or sign-supporting structure. Flashing sign. A sign that is illuminated with intermittent lighting, animated lighting or with varying intensities of light at intervals of fifteen (15) seconds or less, including a moving light or lights. Freestanding sign. A sign that is permanent and self-supporting, being nondependent on support from a building or other structure, including signs placed upon fences or nonsupporting walls. Illuminated sip. A sign that is illuminated with constant intensities of light of a non-varying nature. There are three (3) types of illuminated lights as follows: (a) Direct. Lighting by means of an unshielded light source which is effectively visible as a part of the sign. Neon lighting is considered direct lighting. (b) Indirect. Lighting which illuminates the front of a sign or the entire buildi facade upon which the sign is displayed, the source of the light being shielded from public view and from surrounding properties. Indirect illumination does not include lighting which is primarily used for purposes other than sign illumination, such as parking lot light. I R .V.VA I I "I'll", . I'll I � I i iade *f translucent or oDaciue material. In Sign. Any object • device or part thereof situated outdoors or indoors, viewed from utd rsbvthe eneralUblic.a vice ortke effect �jm n#dIuC Sign permit. A building permit issued for the erection, construction, enlargement, M alteration renair reocationim i roV1 i meni, il i coi • # # • • • !!" • SIM111mal a 4i 0 Sign structure. Any supports, uprights, braces or framework of a sign which di not include any portion of the sign message. I 11.1 W RNE "t Min I Temporary sign. Any sign, banner, pennant, valance or other outdoor adveiritisi sign constructed of light fabric, cardboard, wallboard, plywood, sheet metal, paper or r other light materials, with or without a frame, intended or designed to be displayed fo limited period of time. Traffic and regulatory signs: Signs, signals or markings placed or erected by federal, state or local authority for the purpose of regulating, warning or guiding traffic. Unlawful sign. Any sign or outdoor advertising device erected in the absence of a permit required by this article, or in violation of any of the limitations, prohibitions or requirements of this article. Unsafe sign. Any sign or advertising structure found unsafe or insecure creating a hazard or menace to the public safety, health and welfare. I 'Milli -1111RIVII141141K W1114#1 11W 01VT 1111 M Section 26-704. Contractor's license required. A. No person shall engage in the business • installing, altering or repairing any sign within the corporate limits • the city unless he is the holder • a currently valid, city sign contractor's license, except for those signs exempt from permit. B, The city shall have the power to suspend or revoke the license of any holder of a sign license issued pursuant to this article, in accordance with the provisions as set forth in the building code. (See chapter 5 of this Code of Laws for related provisions.) A. No sign or modification to an existing sign shall be erected, placed or it vpmAk• • • *wpiks triwil-VI the city, unless such sign is exempt from a permit in accordance with section 26-706 this sign code. I Z C. Fees for the erection of signs shall be established and set forth in gJjiW fei will be ved w e novcoV+&,MiLg Section 26-706. Non-conforming signs. The lawful use of a sign existing at the effective date of the ordinance from which this article is derived may be continued, although such use does not conform to the provisions of this article, subject to the following provisions: A. Rebuilding, enlargement, relocation, extension, replacement or ievvtw # s Vr9V'-'&S conforrnance with this article. im M101016114 I NON" ', 1 11 1 accWTVance TIMMS aftj sipi ItVbU*J'CU It'r Uum Oxot any extent by vandalism may be rebuilt to its original state within six (6) months or otherwise it must be reconstructed in conformance with this article. C. Normal maintenance which does not require modcation of the si structure, sign cabinet, supports or members shall be permitted. A face change is considered non maintenance. I D. In order to provide an incentive for removal of nonconfortning signs, permit fees and city use tax will be waived where a nonconforming sign is removed and replaced • a sign conforming with these regulations. Section. 26-707. General provisions/performance standards. A. Sight distance triangle 1. No sip is allowed which would violate the sight distance triangle requirements of section 26-603B. 2. • signalized intersections, where both streets are collectors and/or arterial, the required sight distance shall be governed by the standards set forth in the most current edition of the policy on geometric design of highways and streets, INJI,ljj�led J,% Ate A,uneica LUM WIMM��# N 1. All signs allowed by this article, except billboards, public signs, and semipublic signs shall be located on the lot which they advertise. EM sign is allowed which employs a lighting or control mechanism which causes radio, radar, cellular telephone or television interference. I No sign is allowed which, even though in general conformance with the S • OTOWMIT-Ourvi uirements of this si udged b; the chief • j fjolice and public works director as' a dangerous sign due to interference with a traffic control device by being in direct line between the control device and oncoming traffic or otherwise in visual competition with a traffic control device. Z 11111111111 EE= I . No sign shall be erected, constructed • maintained which obstructs or is attached to any fire escape, window, door or opening used as a means of egress or ingress *r for firefighting purposes, or is placed which interferes with any opening required for light or ventilation. M 2. No sign is permitted which is structurally unsafe as determined by the chi' building official, based upon criteria established in the adopted building cod I WOMEMEMEZ= G. Illumination 1. All illuminated signage shall comply with Section 26-503 • the zonin• development code. 1 3. Signs over one hundred (100) feet from a residential structure, may use any type of lighting source, except search or flashing lights, provided that they are shaded, shielded or directed so that the light shall not adversely affect surrounding nremises or inte4ere witk, safe visiot ov, nu'plic or nTivate i 4. All direct and indirect lighting sources shall be downcast to reduce glare, skyglow and light pollution. 5. Internally lighted signs with white or light-colored backgrounds, with or without sign copy are prohibited. 6. All lighted signs shall be turned off one-hour after the business which they are advertising is closed. R M 1. Any sign, including temporary signs, that becomes discolored, ragged, shredded, detached, etc., shall be removed or repaired, J. Removal or reconstruction of dangerous signj 1. All signs which are proted shall conform to the provisions of this article either • removal • reconstruction, whichever applies, within sixty (60) days after the owner of such sign is notified of the violation. Section 26-708. NBscellaneous provisions. I . House or building address number signs shall be consistent with Section 26-419 C. — E. of the zoning and development code. All 1. Signs located on bus benches shall be in confonnance with Code of Laws, Article IV, Section 21-124. 2. Signs located on a bus stop shelter shall be in conformance with Code of Laws, Article IV, Section 21-151. Such signs shall be limited to two (2) faces per shelter for commercial adverlising purposes with a maximum of twenty-four (24) square feet per face. C. Freestanding signs — Commercial, Industrial and Mixed Use zone districts IN Maximum Sign Area (Square Feet = s.f.)* TABLE INSET: Floor area of Building Single Use Development 0-4,500 s.f. 35 s.f. 1,501-5,000 s.f. 35 s.f. plus I s.f. per each additional 50 s.f. of floor area over 1,501. 5,001-50,000 s.f. 100 s.f. plus I s.f. per each additional 500 s.f. of floor area over 5,001. Over 50,001 s.f. 190 s.f. plus I s.f. per each additional 1,000 s.f. of floor area over 50,001 up to a maximum size of 300 s.f. 60 s.f. plus I sf. • each additional 40 s of floor area over 1,501. 1 50 150 sI plus I s.f. per each 300 s.f, • floor area over 5,001. *In computing allowable sign size, only the footprint of the structure can be used. The floor area of gas station and drive-thru canopies cannot be applied toward the freestanding sign allowance. D. Freestanding signs — Residential, Agriculture and Public Facilities zone districts I . Where two (2) freestanding signs are permitted by virtue of multiple street frontage, each permitted sign shall • allowed to have the maximum square footage allowed, as defined in Section 26-708.C.5. 2. Where multiple signs are permitted because of multiple street frontage, th4 signs may be erected on the same street frontage. ,JiJliliJJ,;lJJJJlJJillJJill lill ill Jill 111 1 "n 4. Landscaping requirement: For new development or total redevelopment, freestanding signs shall be placed within landscaped areas. i IV 26-709. Residential, Agriculture and Public Facilities zone districts sign ctandards chart. Section 26-710. Commercial, Industrial and Mixed Use zone districts sign standards chart. = 1111111111111111111! 1 1 1 ! 11111 I� III 1�= WM I T �� 1. For the purpose of this subsection, the city is divided into two (2) billboard districts, B- 1, and B-2, as shown on the official billboard zoning map of the city and incorporated herein as seen below. 2. Billboard structures are allowed in the city as provided by this section; provided, that any billboard proposed to be located, relocated or rebuilt within six hundred sixty (660) feet of the right-of-way line of any state or federal highway is .c4--written aAxroval is made available to the department of community development. 3. Setbacks shall be as required for a principal structure in the zoning district where located. Toliffimm 9 5. All new billboards shall be of the pedestal type, unless prohibited by s conditions as certified by a professional engineer. I B. B-1 district. On and after January 1, 1996, billboards are prohibited in the B- I district. 1. Maximum number allowed is sixteen (16); provided, that existing billboards located within the B-1 district may be relocated to the B-2 district regardless of the maximum number. I I IFIR91151pi I I gg� :1 Him= 3. Setbacks shall be as required for a principal structure in the zoning distri where located. 5. Length shall not exceed three and one-half (3 1/2) times the height. 6. No new billboard may be located closer than six hundred (•00) feet to any other billboard facing in the same direction • the same roadway as defined • roadway name • number. 7. Nonconforming billboards are subject to the provisions of section 26-707A. hereof. a. A signed copy of the lease between the advertising company and landowner. The lease must include parties to the lease, duration of the lease and signatures. IN SIGNED by the Mayor on day of ii M . u Sm I ST publication: 2 nd publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript Effective Date: GERAL DAHL, CITY ATTORNEY IN 3 b a fi a h r v r 0 .V 3 Q y a� m m a L U c m U) ch C O N U- d_ co U O) Q c N N r C S e 2 a Z. z w r S � ce q a W Ede •y7 s� ' W O � IL cn Q t e w Q0 zF � U Q m W e � CA ` u a Tz O �wE� z A d r O F z C7 N W z� a w awa �^ Q L N Ca A W R i..l O W N a� m m a L U c m U) ch C O N U- d_ co U O) Q c N N V. a) V) to a- V- cu L U c LM U) a� c O N LL Q cu 73 V cu O N O o o � d . CL N Z �' 3 p A .c v Go � 78 `o 'o E O a c Lft:� o o eq M 'Q � � � p� r � d s �� G � C `�• V N S F�v E E S.5 e o op � an a a v a c� z €n 3 w b R' . VJ a N cr `D A F a A W 3 O a a � •z r ti � 0 C9 v _ c a ,OL, on a 0 Z ° � v1 V. a) V) to a- V- cu L U c LM U) a� c O N LL Q cu 73 V cu O N O M a> 0) cu CL m U c co a� c 0 N U- d cC 7 7 U . 01 co C a> V) a> Of .G .O yy bevy! �y S IL 5 y 3 71 "" a c G a `o to e « � 4 a. 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