HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/17/2005CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting February 3, 2005 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission was called to order by Chair Plummer at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 2. ROLL CALL 0 lowing is icia ission minuFe the pub c hearing of Fee 2005, A set of these minutes is retained both in the office of the City Clerk and in the Community Development Department of the City of Wheat Ridge. 4. APPROVE ORDER OF AGENDA Planning Commission Page I Febnwy 3, 2005 6. PUBLIC FORUM There were none present who wished to address the Commission during this portion of the meeting. A. Case No.,WZ-04-0�JAJ: An application filed by 70 West Business Center, LLC for approval of an outline development plan for properties located at 32.30, 3270, 3291 • 3300 Youngfield Service Road and property located at approximately 13001 W. 32nd Avenue. B. Case No. WZ-04-06(M: An application filed by 70 West Business Center, LLC for approval • a final development plan for properties located at 3270 and 3291 Youngfield Service Road and approximately 1 )00 1 & 13051 W. 32nd Avenue. C. Case No. MS-04-08: An application filed by 70 West Business Center, LLC for approval of ♦ final plat for property located at 3270 and 3291 Youngfield Service Road. All three cases were presented by Meredith Reckert. She entered all pertinent documents into the record and advised the Commission there was jurisdiction to hear the cases. Ms. Reckert reviewed the staff report and digital presentation. Staff recommended approval of the applications for reasons outlined in the staff report. Following questions by the Commission, the applicant addressed the Commission. In answer to a question from Commissioner SCEZNEY, Mr. Wise stated that any rooftop equipment will be screened. There will also be four low-noise vacuum units. Planning Commission Page 2 February 3, 2005 Commissioner WESLEY referred to Mr, Richter's request for an 8-year build-out with opti to extend for an additional 4 years and asked if he intended to take that long to complete his development. Mr. Richter stated that he plans to build immediately, He explained that he h owned the property for 30 years and development has frequently been delayed by litigation economic conditions. His request was influenced by past experiences. I Commissioner WESLEY referred to Mr. Richter's earlier statement that all retail users for his market area have been swallowed up • Colorado Mills and he has been unable to sign any retail users in this area since 1999, and asked if he was actively searching for people to occupy these buildings, Mr. Richter replied that he has searched for other users and commented that the proposed development to the north will further swallow up any available retail tenants. Colleen Leclaire 3278 Zinnia Ct. Ms. Leclaire opposed the application and expressed concern about increased traffic and noise from this development. She already hears traffic noise fi - om 1-70. There was discussion about Planning Commission Page 3 February 3, 2005 Mr. Wise stated that the 13-foot sign would be placed outside the sight triangle and would only be erected if the service road is widened. His understanding is that, in addition to widening the service road, a lane would be added to 32 d Avenue which would eliminate the existing sign and the proposal is to move the sign to the other side of the service road. Commissioner McMILLIN advised Ms. Mauldin that City Council will be considering a new lighting ordinance that might address some of her concerns. Commissioner McMILLIN asked if the 24-hour operation could be eliminated. Ms. Reckert explained that this could be restricted in the outline development plan. Steve Schaller 3239 Zinnia Ct. Mr. Schaller stated that he didn't believe a car wash would generate much sales tax as opposed to retail. He would like to see retail use for the property. Mr. Richter approached the podium to explain that the City of Wheat Ridge collects sales tax on the gross receipts of a car wash. referred to by Commissioner WESLEY are automatic car washes attached to service stations and one-bay car washes will not accommodate today's market. Commissioner WESLEY asked if the applicant would be amenable to reducing the hours of operation for the car wash. James Horne 3381 Alkire Ct. Mr. Home expressed concern about increased traffic. He expressed concern about noise from water pumps, decrease in neighborhood water pressure and discharge of water into the city's sewage system. Karen Wood 3340 Alkire Ct. Ms. Wood is in favor • the development because there are other uses which would be more detrimental. She expressed concern about noise and asked if signs could be posted at the car wash to require patrons to decrease volume on their radios and "boom boxes." 'A i i i 17,77011b, IVIL, 171M would have been allowed to build a Jiffy Lube. Ms. Reckert explained that he couldn't have, however, that was a use he wanted to add in at the neighborhood meeting but deleted it as a concession to the neighborhood. There being • others present to address the case, Chair PLUMMER closed the public hearin], Planning Commission Page 5 February 3, 2005 Commissioner WESLEY stated that he would vote against the application. He considered the important issue to be that this property is zoned Planned Commercial Development and that it was his opinion that the application only meets two zone change criteria out of eight. He didn't believe a car wash fits in with the Comprehensive Plan nor would it benefit the city. Commissioner STEWART expressed concern about water and conservation. She encouraged the applicant to install a recycling system. She was in favor of eliminating the temporary uses and planting evergreen trees in the buffer zone. She stated that she understood neighbors" concerns and, while she didn't know if this was absolutely the best use of the property, she didn't know of any other solution. Commissioner McMILLIN commented that an application doesn't have to meet all criteria in order to have a zone change. He stated that he would vote in favor of the application and commented that the real issues confronting this neighborhood will be coming up in a few months from now. He also applauded the applicant for considering the use of solar heat. It was moved by Commissioner WESLEY to recommend DENIAL for Cast No. WZ-04- 06, a request for approval of an amended Outline Development Plan for property located at 3230 Youngfield Service Road, 3270 Youngfield Service Road, 3291 Youngfield Service Road, 3300 Youngfield Service Road and 13001 W. 32nd Avenue for the following reasons: 1. The applicant has failed to adequately address that a zone change would be a benefit for the city. 2. The applicant has not shown any hardship. The motion died for lack of a second. 1. The proposed amendment is consistent with uses in the C-1 zone district. 2. The proposed development standards will accommodate the widening of Youngfield Service Road beyond its current width. 3. All requirements for an Outline Development Plan have been met. Planning Commission Page 6 February 3, 2005 Commissioner STEWART offered a friendly amendment to add a condition to eliminate the use of temporary uses such as produce and bedding plant sales. The amendment was accepted by Commissioner McMILLIN. Commissioner STEWART offered a friendly amendment to require the applicant to use a- water recycling system for the car wash. The amendment was accepted by Commissioner McMILLIN. The motion passed 5-1 with Commissioner WESLEY voting no and Commissioner CHILVERS absent. It was moved by Commissioner McMILLIN and seconded by Commissioner STEWART to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-04-06(B), a request for approval of a Final Development Plan for properties located at 3270 Youngfield Service Road, 3291 Youngfield Service Road, 13001 W. 32nd Avenue and 13501 W. 32nd Avenue for the following reasons: With the following conditions: 1. The 10 foot high fence on the northern boundary of Lot 3, Block 2 (duplex lot) must be constructed within two months of Final Development Plan approval by City Council. 2. A row of evergreens of at least 2-inch caliper shall be planted along the wall to the west of the Youngfield Service Road at a distance between trunks that, at maturity, the trees will grow together and grow to the top of the neighborhood buffering wall. 3. Prior to the widening of Youngfield Service Road, a nr uth running cross access casement be obtained across 3230 Yr Service Road to connect L 1, 70 West Business Center Subdivision Filing No. 4 with Lot 3, 70 West Busin Center Subdivision Filing No. 2. 1 4. The following language be placed on the Final Development Plan prior to recording: At such time as the Youngfield Service Road is to be widened from its existing width of 34 feet flow line to flow line, the City may impose the following restrictions upon the current owner(s) of Lots I and 3, 70 West Business Center Subdivision Filing No. 4: Planning Commission Page 7 February 3, 2005 1. The southwesterly access shall be restricted to a right-in, right-out movement for the 25' cross-access casement, of which 13 feet lies within Lot 3, 70 West Business Center Subdivision Filing No. 4 and 12 feet lies within Lot 3, 70 West Business Center Subdivision Filing No. 2. 2. The northwesterly access drive cut lying within Lot 1, 70 West Business Center Subdivision Filing No. 4, shall be removed and replaced with City of Wheat Ridge standard curb, gutter, and sidewalk. The motion passed 5-1 with Commissioner WESLEY voting no and Commissioner CHILVERS absent. It was moved by Commissioner WESLEY and seconded by Commissioner STEWART to APPROVE Case No. MS-04-08, a request for a two-lot re-subdivision plat for property located at 3270 Youngfield Service Road and 3291 Youngfield Service Road for the following reasons: 111111 IN I I � =pIIII I I � g� I I I I . = M i ,I i i I, �� 111111TIVI With the following condition: The motion passed 6-0 with Commissioner CHILVERS absent. Commissioner WESLEY expressed appreciation to members of the community who attended and participated in the hearing. In response to a request from Commissioner McMILLIN, Alan White reported on the status of the sign code and lighting code. City Council will schedule both matters for a future study session. Commissioner McMILLIN suggested that members of the Planning Commission attend the study session and that a field trip to look at lighting situations in the city also be included as part of the study session. Chair PLUMMER asked about the status of the proposed Cabela's development. Alan White stated that some information is available and will be posted on the City's website. He cautioned Commissioners that discussing this information would be considered ex parte contact. 10. COMMISSION REPORTS There were no commission reports. 'M Commission Page 8 February 3, 2005 It was moved by Commissioner WESLEY and seconded by Commissioner ST WART to adjourn the meeting at 9:47 pm. The motion passed unanimously. Phil Plummer, Chair Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary M ww CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT ° i0RA TO: Planning Comm fission CASE MANAGER: Travis Crane CASE NO. & NAME: NI -E - 121Schneider DATE OF MEETING: February 17, 2005 ACTION REQUESTED: A request for approval of a four -lot subdivision plat. LOCATION OF REQUEST: 11900 W. 38 h Ave. APPLICANT (S): Prospect Gardens Development Group OWNER (S ): Dawn Penland, Alice 3866 Union Court and Horner Sessions Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 APPROXIMATE AREA: 50,221 sq. ft. (1.1.5 ac) PRESENT ZONING: Residential One -A (R -1A) ENTER INTO RECORD: ( ) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) ZONING ORDINANCE (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION (X) SUBDIVISION REGULATI Location Map � :use t R- � � 1S65t1 m ° - >_ 3784 37135 3765 3764 n m Subject R- A 3754 p Property €j � �- � ��,, n 3755 377 m W 37TH PL c� W37THPL CO yr All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. Planning Commission l MS-0 I. CASE ANALYSIS The applicant is requesting approval of a four-lot subdivision plat (Exhibit 1, Letter of Request). The property is currently under contract. Proper permissions have been granted by the property owners to proceed with the application. The property is currently zoned R-1A, and contains a single-family structure. The applicant wishes to create four lots. The R-lA zone district allows single-family structures and accesso buildings. The property is currently 50,221 square feet in size. The subdivision will allow for the construction of three single family homes, and the retention of an existing house on the fourth lot. I Access The applicant is proposing joint access points. One access point will • created between lots I and 2, and a second will be created between lots 3 and 4. A note should be added to the plat which states: "Joint access points permitted between lots I and 2, and between lots 11� 11 11 "Il 11 111, IIIE 1 1 AF Staff concludes that the proposed subdivision meets all of the requirements of Article IV of the Code of Laws. Additionally, all created lots will meet or exceed minimum lot size standards in the R-1A zone district. Therefore, staff recommends APPROVAL of the subdivision plat. OPTION A: "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. MS-04-12, a request for approval of a four lot subdivision plat for property located at 11900 W. 38' Avenue, for the following reasons: 1. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. With the following conditions: I A note be added to the plat which reads: "Joint access points permitted between lots I and 2, and between lots 3 and 4. 2. The existing detached garage on lot 2 be removed." OPTION B: "I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. MS-04-12, a request for a inroval of a four lot Planning Commission 3 MS-04-12/Schneider zmmm� Ms. Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Planning and Zoning Department City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29' Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Subject: Proposed Minor 4-Lot Subdivision (property located at 11900 West 38' Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado) Each lot will have a single family home on it when fully developed. My concern for reduci 'i the number of access points to the property has lead me to design a "shared driveway po 8 betwe-I each tow properties which will reduce the number of access ints on 3 Ih Avenue to 2 inst e of 4, Thank you for your time and consideration of this project. Please contact me at 303-748-5725 if you have any question concerning the proposal as set forth. BMW oak VA a PCANT OF' CONO M.ENCEMENT NW CORNER NE - . , ,/4 SECTION 29 3 1/4� BRASS, CAP IN RANGE POiNIr BOX STANAPED 13212 67A 4' S TRACT A - I CY RIGHT --- C)IF -WAY HERESY wrl�l ELA%1_1 2 I1 DY 'A TA E "LA , E )/5 -�4CA I O�AME TE R RE BAR 6111 1 1 1 /2�' AL c f S A mP n N ENG SR V WC 15837" 15 SET AT POINT SHOV�N THUS: 0 2, 1 SASiS FOR THE BEARING SHOWN ON THE GRAwPF1IC PORTION OF I",HIS SURIAE.Y IS THE EAST-WEST CENTERLINE OF 11AE NORD-EAST ONE QUARTER OF SEC_9ON 29, AS DELJNEAT D BY THE M;ONW,4FNTS D -- 02SCRiBED ON '!'HE CRAP IC PORTION OF TIHIS PLAT BEARS N 8901507 (CITY) - i, DATE OF Pl,.,f PREPARATION IF, DECEME;ER 20, 2004- 4. NO POR OF THIS SITE IS VOTHIN THE 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN. AS t N`OICATED BY THE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAR (FIRMY CITY CIF WHEAT RID'GE, COILORADO. JEFFERSON, COUNTY, COMMUNITY PANEL. No, 080509COlq4E, DATED JUNE 17, 2000 5. NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAV4 YOU MjST COMM.'.ENCE ANY LFGAL AC",10N BASED UPCX%� ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WirHIN _PHREE '(EARS AFTER YOU FIRST t1;SCO SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EvENI mAy A04Y ACTION BASED UPOI• SUCH DEFECT jN TH.1S SURVEY 6E (',0MIMENCED NC,)RE (IHAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE CER'1IFICA­ION' SHOypri HEREON, 6, ANY PERSOf V6 KNO'MNOLY REM O', ALTERS OR DEFACES ANY P US( JC U LAN D SUR'AD ( MONUMEN T OR !-A DOUN"DARY MONUMENT OR ACCESSORY ,COMM TS A CLASS TWO (2) MISDEMEANOR FUR TO Slj'AtE STA7UIE 18-4-508, COLORADO REEVISED STATUTES. 7. TRACT A 15 HEREBY DEDICATIED TO Ts­HE CITY OF W11EAT RIDGE AS JIUDIUII,e 'PkOHi --OF- WAY, TEN FOOT (101 WOE EASEMENTS ARE HERESY GRANITE) OtA PRIN/ATE- E PROPERTY ADJACE'NT TO ALL PUBLIC STREETS AND FRON AND REAR, PROPERTY UNES OF EACH LOT IN 1AE SUBEIMISION OR PLATTED AREA. E-1-FOOT 5) 'WD E EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY G ON P-RiVAIFE PROPETY R ADJACENT TO ALL TIDE LOT 'LINES OF EACH LOT it! THE K AREA. THESE EASEMENTS ARE DEDICATED FOR JBD�VISONI OR PLATTED FE[E YSION CABLE DRAINAGE AND FACILITIES INSTRUME04T _T rq QxrITE DEDICATED By TIS PLAY 21� CONITAINED UNDER IHE NIAME AND SlYLE' OF PRO SPEC T'GARDEmS SUBDmEION, I UTfUTIES, S"'Aij- ALSO 19E -PERMITTED 'WITHI{N ANY ACCESS EASEmENF j COLORADO AND BY THESE PRESENTS DO UEDI 10, f CIT­r OF NASAW-112 THOSE PORI NS OF REAL PROPFP_. S-HO'AIN AS AND DO DEDICA it: 'I'D THE CI OF V6iCAT RIDGE AND 11"05F M.Qt Ono AND/CR W PREPARED 6'Y LANE AND PM VA T STREETS IN DAE PERMANENT STRUCrIURES .,F.PA!fR A-ND REPLACEMENT FOR ALL SERVICES, T_�Os iI BUY �S NOT I-IMITE Ds IRC,' 9500 WEST 14TH AVE;ajE, 'LAK,_'0fOCX), CO a 11'n 2 Af-Ol AN ALL ..y 1 N 7 A PART OF THE NORI'l-l"EAST C)NE-QUAlf TER OF SE7_11_10i 29 TOWNSHIP 3 S K_:TH, E313 WEST' 0 THE 6TH FIR1110:00Q, MERIDIAN EASEMENTS,, C1111 COF M-1EATI RIDGE, COUNTY 0F_ OF' C_',01-ORANO 6 Q 23 11 E ET 1 0 F I PCANT OF' CONO M.ENCEMENT NW CORNER NE - . , ,/4 SECTION 29 3 1/4� BRASS, CAP IN RANGE POiNIr BOX STANAPED 13212 67A 4' S TRACT A - I CY RIGHT --- C)IF -WAY HERESY wrl�l ELA%1_1 2 I1 DY 'A TA E "LA , E )/5 -�4CA I O�AME TE R RE BAR 6111 1 1 1 /2�' AL c f S A mP n N ENG SR V WC 15837" 15 SET AT POINT SHOV�N THUS: 0 2, 1 SASiS FOR THE BEARING SHOWN ON THE GRAwPF1IC PORTION OF I",HIS SURIAE.Y IS THE EAST-WEST CENTERLINE OF 11AE NORD-EAST ONE QUARTER OF SEC_9ON 29, AS DELJNEAT D BY THE M;ONW,4FNTS D -- 02SCRiBED ON '!'HE CRAP IC PORTION OF TIHIS PLAT BEARS N 8901507 (CITY) - i, DATE OF Pl,.,f PREPARATION IF, DECEME;ER 20, 2004- 4. NO POR OF THIS SITE IS VOTHIN THE 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN. AS t N`OICATED BY THE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAR (FIRMY CITY CIF WHEAT RID'GE, COILORADO. JEFFERSON, COUNTY, COMMUNITY PANEL. No, 080509COlq4E, DATED JUNE 17, 2000 5. NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAV4 YOU MjST COMM.'.ENCE ANY LFGAL AC",10N BASED UPCX%� ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WirHIN _PHREE '(EARS AFTER YOU FIRST t1;SCO SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EvENI mAy A04Y ACTION BASED UPOI• SUCH DEFECT jN TH.1S SURVEY 6E (',0MIMENCED NC,)RE (IHAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE CER'1IFICA­ION' SHOypri HEREON, 6, ANY PERSOf V6 KNO'MNOLY REM O', ALTERS OR DEFACES ANY P US( JC U LAN D SUR'AD ( MONUMEN T OR !-A DOUN"DARY MONUMENT OR ACCESSORY ,COMM TS A CLASS TWO (2) MISDEMEANOR FUR TO Slj'AtE STA7UIE 18-4-508, COLORADO REEVISED STATUTES. 7. TRACT A 15 HEREBY DEDICATIED TO Ts­HE CITY OF W11EAT RIDGE AS JIUDIUII,e 'PkOHi --OF- WAY, TEN FOOT (101 WOE EASEMENTS ARE HERESY GRANITE) OtA PRIN/ATE- E PROPERTY ADJACE'NT TO ALL PUBLIC STREETS AND FRON AND REAR, PROPERTY UNES OF EACH LOT IN 1AE SUBEIMISION OR PLATTED AREA. E-1-FOOT 5) 'WD E EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY G ON P-RiVAIFE PROPETY R ADJACENT TO ALL TIDE LOT 'LINES OF EACH LOT it! THE K AREA. THESE EASEMENTS ARE DEDICATED FOR JBD�VISONI OR PLATTED FE[E YSION CABLE DRAINAGE AND FACILITIES ti ti SC E = 500 004EIVS CERMFICATF V44 PIDS PECT GARDENS ROTJP, L.L.Q BEING 7HE OAN[RS OF REAL PRO: CC .,,)NfAiNH IG 1.153 ACRES DESCR 9 A A _5,',ACT OF LANO LCCATED .N II -E i' ONf--(41Li`AJRT1R OF THE 0Q)RT1AEA5',--' ON ", --- QUARTIER OF SFCTION 29, TOVA�ISHNP 3 SO U114, RANGE S9 V ST 0� THf-, 6TH fi t.. , EFFF" �s�om, CF ID!AN, C�TY OF %MEAT RIDGE, COOyNtTY OF PARTICULARLY DjESCRIBiED AS FOLLOAS: �A)NMENONG AT THE NORTH 0NE--0LJARcER. CORNLER D• � SAID SECTON 21 _MENCE* S. 00' 45' 10 E. ON AN ASSUIPAED BEARING, ALONG THE 1VE13T LiNE OF THE NORIPEASS Or�'E­QIUIARTER, OF SAID •EC 29, A OESTAJFQCE OF !J23.39 FEET T.'C), 7 tE� CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-ChARIER OF THE NORTHEAST 01YE-0,1ARTER OF SAO, SEC,3"TION 29; Tl-iENCIK N. 89' 25' 50' E, ALONG TI-iF BOOTH JUINE ()F 'SA ,D , 5, N . ... 'QUARTER A DISTANCE OF 1 ;,332.57 iFEET TO THE CORNER OF T'HT� NORTHEiIST ONE--QUAvRTER OF ?HE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SA!D SECIT1 0N 2`9; NL CV 42' 41' 'Of, Ad THE %EST LINE OF TIE NORT OINE... QUARTER Of NORT'HEAST ONE--QLjMRTER A EAST104CE OF FDE,�f ­m � NCE FT OW 25 50" E. PARAd-LEL. WITH THE SOIjk! UNE QF SAUL) ?4QRThQEvkSY 0NF­Q OF THE ! A DIS7ANCE.OF 2`45.1 FEE"'; T'H"ENCIF tc Cr 42 41" 01. PARA&EL $4714 - 14E AEST OF SAb NORTH EASY ONE-QUARTER DISTAhCE OF 173.81 FEET TO 1WE SOUTA LINE OF tES 38TH AvfjQE; THENCE & 80' W 02" Q 349.57 FEET TO A PCINT 0 THE "AEST UNE ()F `R-iE NORTHEAST CtIE-QUARTER OF HAE NORTHEASIF ONE-QUAR'71ER OF Ski) 'EC_F 29; 1HFNCE S. 0 42' 41" E ALONG SAID 'WEST LiNi' A DISTANCE OF 117,24 FEET YO ITSE r ! - -- --- WL - L E llin CO C� F � CONTAINING 1,153 ACRES, MORE. L--S-,, INSTRUME04T ., 12/20/0 QxrITE DEDICATED By TIS PLAY 21� CONITAINED UNDER IHE NIAME AND SlYLE' OF PRO SPEC T'GARDEmS SUBDmEION, I UTfUTIES, S"'Aij- ALSO 19E -PERMITTED 'WITHI{N ANY ACCESS EASEmENF AR OF A PROSPECT GARDENS 5U51Ok/1 N, A SU,:3,r)PASN� AV ' it VIL r O F WHEAT RIDG E CAT' COLORADO AND BY THESE PRESENTS DO UEDI 10, f CIT­r OF NASAW-112 THOSE PORI NS OF REAL PROPFP_. S-HO'AIN AS AND DO DEDICA it: 'I'D THE CI OF V6iCAT RIDGE AND 11"05F M.Qt Ono AND/CR , MUNSCIP ALLY FRAPACHISED UTILI]TES AND SERVICES3 TI­4 PQRmc. '�NQ; PREPARED 6'Y LANE AND PM VA T STREETS IN DAE PERMANENT STRUCrIURES .,F.PA!fR A-ND REPLACEMENT FOR ALL SERVICES, T_�Os iI BUY �S NOT I-IMITE Ds IRC,' 9500 WEST 14TH AVE;ajE, 'LAK,_'0fOCX), CO a 11'n 2 Af-Ol AN ALL TEL: (303) 233-4042 FAM (303) 233-079F: AND WATER IdIfEll ER - S1 LALL NO BE PDRMITTE SAID UPUT' ED Vell .... ...... EASEMENTS,, 6 Q n. cj 3 Q L1111--cER]HI KI x 1 CY FRONT D, ARAT�G��-: AN0 U' 7" SEMIE T `F-R. - = E-IF N OTE 8) a L; D. L�I;Tbj, Ld_ CERPFY THA OF iHt BOUNDARY OF PROSPECT GARDENS SUBDI'VISION "NAS MADE BY IVE OR Rr S, E". UNDER NANY EARECT SUPER�ASIM AND TO THE BES OF' M", K LED v e C NO M E J7Y EASEMEN' LOT 2 NF(,�iP'N ANO BELDETL �! A(SCORDANCE: VvITH ALi_ > }3P 35 COI_iC�ZAI)() t't L OT 3 :rjua R 4 , A A �1 17 , _�- , .) , RRENT REMSED EDFRON AS AMENDED. THE ACCOMPANT10 1. w! a it020 SF vu- A754 ST -1 51 AT REPRESEN - SAID S;IJRV�`__Y� i SF a27 ACRES 0.25 ACRES to (f'3 5' Sff�, 11)5 &`RES R-1A R - 1 A ZO N NIG DR. A!NAG, I-. R- 1 A Zt`,r* 4; N G VI AN 'J"TiLL 0' FREAR DRAINAGE AND T-1 EASEME10 (TYP SEE L't (TYP. SEE NOTE 8) RFASTERED LAND A NOTE S) BICE' 0' , _l 0 'kk7­ - -------- N 89'2V!50� E 345 BEGNNiNIL, P, vV D j E LOT SW CORNER NYV 1, N_ 1/• SEC 2-0 N 1 N t 1/2' CAR STAMPED IS 16837 QT ON #6 REERAR IN RANGE POINT BOX A I Div` Cl,' - -r�NPJR NE 1/4 NE 1/4 SECTION' 29 2 CAP STAMPED YS 1683V N 89*25'50" E 133217' ON Rff'_[','AR iN RAsNGE POINT BOX Ja VICINI MAP BASIS FOR BEAR NG (CITY? ti ti SC E = 500 004EIVS CERMFICATF V44 PIDS PECT GARDENS ROTJP, L.L.Q BEING 7HE OAN[RS OF REAL PRO: CC .,,)NfAiNH IG 1.153 ACRES DESCR 9 A A _5,',ACT OF LANO LCCATED .N II -E i' ONf--(41Li`AJRT1R OF THE 0Q)RT1AEA5',--' ON ", --- QUARTIER OF SFCTION 29, TOVA�ISHNP 3 SO U114, RANGE S9 V ST 0� THf-, 6TH fi t.. , EFFF" �s�om, CF ID!AN, C�TY OF %MEAT RIDGE, COOyNtTY OF PARTICULARLY DjESCRIBiED AS FOLLOAS: �A)NMENONG AT THE NORTH 0NE--0LJARcER. CORNLER D• � SAID SECTON 21 _MENCE* S. 00' 45' 10 E. ON AN ASSUIPAED BEARING, ALONG THE 1VE13T LiNE OF THE NORIPEASS Or�'E­QIUIARTER, OF SAID •EC 29, A OESTAJFQCE OF !J23.39 FEET T.'C), 7 tE� CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-ChARIER OF THE NORTHEAST 01YE-0,1ARTER OF SAO, SEC,3"TION 29; Tl-iENCIK N. 89' 25' 50' E, ALONG TI-iF BOOTH JUINE ()F 'SA ,D , 5, N . ... 'QUARTER A DISTANCE OF 1 ;,332.57 iFEET TO THE CORNER OF T'HT� NORTHEiIST ONE--QUAvRTER OF ?HE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SA!D SECIT1 0N 2`9; NL CV 42' 41' 'Of, Ad THE %EST LINE OF TIE NORT OINE... QUARTER Of NORT'HEAST ONE--QLjMRTER A EAST104CE OF FDE,�f ­m � NCE FT OW 25 50" E. PARAd-LEL. WITH THE SOIjk! UNE QF SAUL) ?4QRThQEvkSY 0NF­Q OF THE ! A DIS7ANCE.OF 2`45.1 FEE"'; T'H"ENCIF tc Cr 42 41" 01. PARA&EL $4714 - 14E AEST OF SAb NORTH EASY ONE-QUARTER DISTAhCE OF 173.81 FEET TO 1WE SOUTA LINE OF tES 38TH AvfjQE; THENCE & 80' W 02" Q 349.57 FEET TO A PCINT 0 THE "AEST UNE ()F `R-iE NORTHEAST CtIE-QUARTER OF HAE NORTHEASIF ONE-QUAR'71ER OF Ski) 'EC_F 29; 1HFNCE S. 0 42' 41" E ALONG SAID 'WEST LiNi' A DISTANCE OF 117,24 FEET YO ITSE r ! - -- --- WL - L E llin CO C� F � CONTAINING 1,153 ACRES, MORE. L--S-,, INSTRUME04T ., 12/20/0 C/V`�E_ HH'S'I NAS OL CONITAINED UNDER IHE NIAME AND SlYLE' OF PRO SPEC T'GARDEmS SUBDmEION, AR OF A PROSPECT GARDENS 5U51Ok/1 N, A SU,:3,r)PASN� AV ' it VIL r O F WHEAT RIDG E CAT' COLORADO AND BY THESE PRESENTS DO UEDI 10, f CIT­r OF NASAW-112 THOSE PORI NS OF REAL PROPFP_. S-HO'AIN AS AND DO DEDICA it: 'I'D THE CI OF V6iCAT RIDGE AND 11"05F M.Qt Ono AND/CR , MUNSCIP ALLY FRAPACHISED UTILI]TES AND SERVICES3 TI­4 PQRmc. '�NQ; PREPARED 6'Y LANE SHCAN AS EASFN1EN'F3 F'QR THE CONSTRUCTION, tN',STALLATION, OPERA`30i`-4�, .,F.PA!fR A-ND REPLACEMENT FOR ALL SERVICES, T_�Os iI BUY �S NOT I-IMITE Ds IRC,' 9500 WEST 14TH AVE;ajE, 'LAK,_'0fOCX), CO a 11'n 2 STORM WATER SYSIE�AS AND Pi PEE,. DEIENTION PO NOS, STREET UGHTS AN ALL TEL: (303) 233-4042 FAM (303) 233-079F: ti ti SC E = 500 004EIVS CERMFICATF V44 PIDS PECT GARDENS ROTJP, L.L.Q BEING 7HE OAN[RS OF REAL PRO: CC .,,)NfAiNH IG 1.153 ACRES DESCR 9 A A _5,',ACT OF LANO LCCATED .N II -E i' ONf--(41Li`AJRT1R OF THE 0Q)RT1AEA5',--' ON ", --- QUARTIER OF SFCTION 29, TOVA�ISHNP 3 SO U114, RANGE S9 V ST 0� THf-, 6TH fi t.. , EFFF" �s�om, CF ID!AN, C�TY OF %MEAT RIDGE, COOyNtTY OF PARTICULARLY DjESCRIBiED AS FOLLOAS: �A)NMENONG AT THE NORTH 0NE--0LJARcER. CORNLER D• � SAID SECTON 21 _MENCE* S. 00' 45' 10 E. ON AN ASSUIPAED BEARING, ALONG THE 1VE13T LiNE OF THE NORIPEASS Or�'E­QIUIARTER, OF SAID •EC 29, A OESTAJFQCE OF !J23.39 FEET T.'C), 7 tE� CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-ChARIER OF THE NORTHEAST 01YE-0,1ARTER OF SAO, SEC,3"TION 29; Tl-iENCIK N. 89' 25' 50' E, ALONG TI-iF BOOTH JUINE ()F 'SA ,D , 5, N . ... 'QUARTER A DISTANCE OF 1 ;,332.57 iFEET TO THE CORNER OF T'HT� NORTHEiIST ONE--QUAvRTER OF ?HE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SA!D SECIT1 0N 2`9; NL CV 42' 41' 'Of, Ad THE %EST LINE OF TIE NORT OINE... QUARTER Of NORT'HEAST ONE--QLjMRTER A EAST104CE OF FDE,�f ­m � NCE FT OW 25 50" E. PARAd-LEL. WITH THE SOIjk! UNE QF SAUL) ?4QRThQEvkSY 0NF­Q OF THE ! A DIS7ANCE.OF 2`45.1 FEE"'; T'H"ENCIF tc Cr 42 41" 01. PARA&EL $4714 - 14E AEST OF SAb NORTH EASY ONE-QUARTER DISTAhCE OF 173.81 FEET TO 1WE SOUTA LINE OF tES 38TH AvfjQE; THENCE & 80' W 02" Q 349.57 FEET TO A PCINT 0 THE "AEST UNE ()F `R-iE NORTHEAST CtIE-QUARTER OF HAE NORTHEASIF ONE-QUAR'71ER OF Ski) 'EC_F 29; 1HFNCE S. 0 42' 41" E ALONG SAID 'WEST LiNi' A DISTANCE OF 117,24 FEET YO ITSE r ! - -- --- WL - L E llin CO C� F � CONTAINING 1,153 ACRES, MORE. L--S-,, INSTRUME04T ., 12/20/0 HAVE LAD CWT, SUBDIVIDED AND PLAT1`.­_',D SA�D� LAND AT, PER TH.E HEREO,-N NAS OL CONITAINED UNDER IHE NIAME AND SlYLE' OF PRO SPEC T'GARDEmS SUBDmEION, AR OF A PROSPECT GARDENS 5U51Ok/1 N, A SU,:3,r)PASN� AV ' it VIL r O F WHEAT RIDG E CAT' COLORADO AND BY THESE PRESENTS DO UEDI 10, f CIT­r OF IM AH AT RI[, (3E ANC TL_ THOSE PORI NS OF REAL PROPFP_. S-HO'AIN AS AND DO DEDICA it: 'I'D THE CI OF V6iCAT RIDGE AND 11"05F M.Qt Ono AND/CR , MUNSCIP ALLY FRAPACHISED UTILI]TES AND SERVICES3 TI­4 PQRmc. '�NQ; .`'.D OF RfAL PROPEP',IFY SHCAN AS EASFN1EN'F3 F'QR THE CONSTRUCTION, tN',STALLATION, OPERA`30i`-4�, .,F.PA!fR A-ND REPLACEMENT FOR ALL SERVICES, T_�Os iI BUY �S NOT I-IMITE Ds IRC,' TELEPHONE. AfID FELECY'IC LINES, GAS LINETI WATER AND St".N11 . U 1 RANIM SEWER NEE, 11 13 STORM WATER SYSIE�AS AND Pi PEE,. DEIENTION PO NOS, STREET UGHTS AN ALL APP'u'RTENANCES - RiEREIFO OV PROSFIECT GARDENS I)EVELoPIAENT OR(.UP, LA_ DANIEL F. SCHNEiDER, ?4A7NAGER STATE OF COLORADO ) ss COUNT OF -,AE.FrERSOIN TIE FOREGO410 INSTRUME04T PREPARE& 12/20/0 PROECT 52V-11 NAS OL IA A,fl 2005 EY DAI`= SC NDDI R `.-.',PECF GARDENiS LJL('. .... ...... "4 0 PLANNING COMUMISSiON CIERTIFICATIOIq RECOMMENDED FDR APPROVAL 'T­H�S - ------ DAY OF_ THE ISHEAT F:DGE PLANNING C OffY CERTIFICA'flION APPROVED DAY OF`( COUNIC.ii_ All"T11"'ST C L E DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR OF PUBUC WORKS COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER'S CER'f1FicA7_E 5FA7E OF COLORADO ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFOR.SON 1 HEREBY CE0,17IFY THAT 1 PLAT WAS FRID !N T]HE Of CLERK AND RECORDER OF' JEFFERSQN COUNTY AT GOUDE M. ON 20G5 •D , 1N SIOCK - ------ ---- RECEPT jE_FF',.,'R5C)N COUNT( CLERK AND RECORDER sy� DEPUTY . ...... .. . R AS NANAGER OF ME 2005 ir3)' "P -MriEAF RID�� MA YOR OF THE COUNTY LORbOCL A' I PREPARE& 12/20/0 PROECT 52V-11 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-04-12/Exempla DATE OF MEETING: February 17, 2005 ACTION REQUESTED: A request for approval of a Final Development Plan LOCATION OF REQUEST: 8301 W. 32 Avenue, 8321 W. 32 Avenue I I 11 = 0 1 ON OWNTY A-2 (Jefferson County) All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. U CASE ANALYSIS The applicant (owner) is requesting approval of a Final Development Plan. The purpose of this application is to allow eventual construction of a hospice facility. The properties involved in the Final Development Plan are 8301 & 8321 West 32 nd Avenue and are collectively 256,728 square feet in size and have a rectangular shape. The properties are currently zoned PHD, and are currently vacant. The applicant intends • construct a hospice facility, an allowed use listed on the ODP, with an eventual total of 32 beds. The Construction Phasing note under Character Development Standards states that an approximately 4,000 square feet will be added with Phase 2. There is no timetable listed for the phasing. t The western 200 feet of the property is labeled as "Tract A". Tract A is actually part of northern hospital property (Exempla Lutheran Medical Center); however it was never incorporated into the original PHD. This tract was rezoned to PHD on the Outline Development Plan. Tract A is used as an access point to the hospital campus. There are changes planned to Tract A. Develogment Standards There are no criteria for approval of a Final Development Plan, as there are for a rezoning. The Final Development Plan should be reviewed for compliance with the development standards established by the Outline Development Plan. These development standards are detailed in the following table: Provided 000 Nuare feet Minimum Setbacks 30 feet (front) 34 feet (front) 25 feet + 10 feet for each story (side) 54 feet (cast side) 25 feet (rear) 98 feet (west side) 30 feet from riLht-of-way 54 feet (rear) q Ilill II 1 °" VIII of lot area 54.9% of lot area low 75% [ (, square-feet)-l— www fall Minimum Landscape 25% of lot area (65,182.39 square feet) 47.09% (120 900 Coverage Refer to Section 26-502 of the fteat square feet) Ridge Code of Lawsjor additional requirements I tree and 10 shrubs for each 1,000 squat - e 89 trees and 799 feet of required landscaped area (66 trees shrubs and 652 shrubs Refer to Section 26-501 oft he Wheat Ridge Code for Laws for additional Maximum Building 135 feet - - ---- T - 33feet Signage Refer to Article VII, Chapter 26 of the To be reviewed with Wheat Ridge Code of Laws + provision building permit for existing 98 square foot Freestanding Fencing _En Refer to Section 26-603 of the Wheat Two 6' — wrought iron Ridge Code of Laws fences To be reviewed with building permit Exterior Lighting Refer to Section 26-503 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws Freestanding lights — max. height of 18' Freestanding —18' Wall lights — max height of 12' Wall —12' All H& rust be contained onsite Architectural Detail Refer to the Streeiscape and Architectural Building meets Des`--- 14--y I intent of Manual 140ding The proposed building will meet all required setbacks and will not exceed maximum building size or height, The most eastern point ♦ the building is located 54 feet from the eastern property line and the adjacent neighborhood. A minimum 25 foot landscape buffer is required from adjacent residential., Page 5 details the architectural elevations of the building. The ODP specified that the buildin Idi must meet the'requirements of the Streetscape and Architectural Design Manual. The bui di will incorporate a large amount of brick • each elevation, accented by contrasting masonry borders. A tile roof is proposed, which will create cohesion between the hospice facility and the hospital campus. Decorative wood trusses will create interest at the entrances. I Page two of the FDP shows a crosshatched area on the northern property to be used for parki and access. Because this access point and overflow Parking are located on the hospital campu property, the Exempla Lutheran Medical Center Final Development Plan must be amended. I Signage There is one existing sign located on Tract A, which will remain. Any additional signage will be reviewed in accordance with Article VII with the building permit. Final Plat A plat has been submitted which will consolidate two of the lots; 8301 W. 32 d Avenue and 8321 W. 32 nd Avenue. The Code • Laws dictates that a consolidation • two lots shall be reviewed administratively. This plat has been reviewed and approved by staff. Agency Referral All responding agencies have indicated that they can serve the property, and the applicant will bear the cost of upgrading any service to the property. Three fire hydrants are being required by the Wheat Ridge Fire District. Planning Commission 4 WZ-04-12/Exempla "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-04-12, a re 11 uest for approval of a Final Development Plan for properties located at 8301 and 8321 W. 32' Avenue for the following reasons: 1. The Final Development Plan complies with the development standards established by the Outline Development Plan. 2. The Final Development Plan meets the technical requirements as established in Article III for Final Development Plans. OPTION B: "I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. WZ-04-12, a request for approval of a Final Development Plan for properties located at 8301 and 8321 W. 32 nd Avenue, for the following reasons: mom MUM E T EXEMPLA 1 LUTHERAN HOSPITAL OUTLINE SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN EXISTING ZONING -- PLANNED HOSPITAL DEVELOPMENT PERMITTED PLANNING USES PERMITTED USES PLANNED USE 1. PUBLIC AND PRIMATE GENERAL HOSPITAL 1. HOSPICE 2. HOSPITALS AND SANITARIUMS FOR CONTAGIOUS 2. HOMES FOR THE AGED } Uoil DISEASES, OR THE MENTALLY DISTURBED OR 3. NURSING HOMES r HANDICAPPED. 4. CONGREGATE CARE HOMES NO. 3. HOMES FOR THE AGED, NURSING HOMES, 5. ACCESSORY RESIDENTIAL USES z CONGREGATE CARE HOMES, HOSPICES OR SIMILAR c '01 T RESIDENTIAL FACILITIES WHICH ARE ACCESSORY TO ri A HOSPITAL OR SANITARIUM PRINCIPAL USE. 4. ACCESSORY USES AND STRUCTURES n• . x. e:p z y USES AS SHOWN ON THE APPROVED FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN. x a . , 1 3 n b Y5 J F• s' 9 i kv i� i 4.. y !a CROWWN HILL CROWN HILL-, PA6IC. CENMENTARY } ' MUM E T EXEMPLA 1 LUTHERAN HOSPITAL OUTLINE SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN EXISTING ZONING -- PLANNED HOSPITAL DEVELOPMENT 7 290 f CITY COUNCIL AP C APPROVED THIS — DAY OF 20 BY THE WHEAT RIDGE CITY MINIMUM PHD 5 ACRES FDP USES - - -- PLANNING AREA: 5.8937 ACRES (256,729.57 SF) I MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT I 35 FEET DIRECTOR Car" COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT JEFFERSON C OUNTY r IK OFJEFFERSON COUNTY AT G OLDEN , i! 9i i i ON THIS DA YOF Lt, > :: [$T INIA 1M- fii! •.<I PROJECT NO. 03117.00 PERMITTED PLANNING USES PERMITTED USES PLANNED USE 1. PUBLIC AND PRIMATE GENERAL HOSPITAL 1. HOSPICE 2. HOSPITALS AND SANITARIUMS FOR CONTAGIOUS 2. HOMES FOR THE AGED ODP APPROVAL 10.21.04 DISEASES, OR THE MENTALLY DISTURBED OR 3. NURSING HOMES r HANDICAPPED. 4. CONGREGATE CARE HOMES NO. 3. HOMES FOR THE AGED, NURSING HOMES, 5. ACCESSORY RESIDENTIAL USES z CONGREGATE CARE HOMES, HOSPICES OR SIMILAR ,r RESIDENTIAL FACILITIES WHICH ARE ACCESSORY TO A HOSPITAL OR SANITARIUM PRINCIPAL USE. 4. ACCESSORY USES AND STRUCTURES e:p CUSTOMARILY ASSOCIATED WITH THE PERMITTED y USES AS SHOWN ON THE APPROVED FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN. 7 290 f CITY COUNCIL AP C APPROVED THIS — DAY OF 20 BY THE WHEAT RIDGE CITY MINIMUM PHD 5 ACRES FDP USES - - -- PLANNING AREA: 5.8937 ACRES (256,729.57 SF) I MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT I 35 FEET DIRECTOR Car" COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT JEFFERSON C OUNTY r IK OFJEFFERSON COUNTY AT G OLDEN , i! 9i i i ON THIS DA YOF Lt, > :: [$T INIA 1M- fii! •.<I PROJECT NO. 03117.00 ALL DRAWN AND WRITTEN INFORMATION APPEARING HEREIN SHALL NOT DE DUPLICATED, DISCLOSED, OR OTHERWISE USED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENTOF M:OiA Architectural Paknership PRINT RECORD Z PURPOSE DATE PRE -APP. CONE. 4.29.04 OOP SUBMIT. 1 3.03.04 ODP COMMENTS 9.07.04 ODP APPROVAL 10.21.04 FDP SUBMIT. 1 10.29.04 z 0 r REVISION RECORD NO. CHANGE. DATE z Z � o cn ,r e:p y x a . , 1 3 n b Y5 J ; a s' 9 i kv i� i 4.. y !a ALL DRAWN AND WRITTEN INFORMATION APPEARING HEREIN SHALL NOT DE DUPLICATED, DISCLOSED, OR OTHERWISE USED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENTOF M:OiA Architectural Paknership PRINT RECORD Z PURPOSE DATE PRE -APP. CONE. 4.29.04 OOP SUBMIT. 1 3.03.04 ODP COMMENTS 9.07.04 ODP APPROVAL 10.21.04 FDP SUBMIT. 1 10.29.04 z 0 r REVISION RECORD NO. CHANGE. DATE SHEET TITLE FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN 0. Z O w z 0 ®a z w Lu � z Z � o cn Eva M RICHARD A. PLS �. - ,r... FO R a ON BEHA G � a CASE HISTORY 1NZ- 04 -12, WZ- 04 -07, WZ- 03 -10, V4'Z- 02 ®15, WZ- 02 -07, WZ- 02 -05, WZ- 002 -2, WZ -70 -1, 15-04-09, PBG -87-1 SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR AGENT Date NOTORIAL: STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF )S9 THE FOREGOING WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF _ , 200 —A.D. BY AS OF EXEMPLA / LUTHERAN HOSPITAL APPLICANT AS APPROVED BY EXEMPLA / LUTHERAN HOSPITAL. .. -' �j s k WITNESS MY H AND AND O FFICIAL NOTARY PUBLIC MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 1� O O 9 z 0 ®a z Aom � � n 0 w f- U ; i ` w U o L o SHEET OF 1 TOTAL 6 z c � a w U ; i ` w U o L o SHEET OF 1 TOTAL 6 ; i ` w U o L o SHEET OF 1 TOTAL 6 ' 4 2 z R 2 Y t 1 -4 7 s �I T NORTH EXISTING - — — — — — — — - EASEMENT — -- CURB & GUTTER — - - - - -- 5750 - -- - -- CONTOURS U MANHOLE ------- 3T - - - - -- STORM SEWER INLET FLARED END SECTION SIGN DIRECTION OF FLOW 0 TREE DRIVE DESCRIPTIONS FENCE STORM DRAIN SANITARY SEWER - - -- - _. WATER LINE ELECTRIC LINE _ GAS LINE TELEPHONE LINE DRAINAGE LINE -- - -- HYDRANT VALVE —"��- CATCH BASIN - - OUTFALL /HEADWALL BENCHMARK TRIANGULATION POINT STOP SIGN SHEET { GENERAL LANDSCAPE NOTES 1. ALL TOP SOILS SHALL BE STRIPPED TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 6" AND STOCK PILED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. FOLLOWING ROUGH GRADING, TOP SOIL SHALL BE REDISTRIBUTED IN LANDSCAPE AREAS INCLUDING PUBLIC RIGHT -OF WAY. TOP SOIL SHALL BE FREE OF ALL DEBRIS. 2. ALL TOP SOIL SHALL BE AMENDED WITH COMPOST AT A RATE OF 3 CUBIC YARDS PER THOUSAND SQUARE FEET OF LANDSCAPE AREA. COMPOST SHALL BE MECHANICALLY INTEGRATED INTO THE TOP 6" OF SOIL USING TILLER OR RIPPER TEETH EQUIPMENT. 3. ALL SHRUB BED AREAS SHALL BE EDGED WITH 118" GALVANIZED STEEL EDGING. ALL EDGING SHALL OVERLAP AT JOINTS A MINIMUM OF 6- INCHES. ALL EDGING SHALL BE FASTENED WITH A MINIMUM OF 4 PINS PER 10 FT SECTION. 4. ALL SHRUB BED AREAS SHALL BE MULCHED WITH SHREDDED BARK MULCH TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 4- INCHES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL A WEED BARRIER FABRIC UNDER ALL MULCH (PHILLIPS 66 DUON OR EQUAL) ANCHORED W /GROUND STAPLES. 5. ALL TREES PLANTED IN LAWN AREAS SHALL HAVE A 2 -FOOT DIAMETER MULCH RING. MULCH SHALL CONSIST OF A 4 -INCH DEPTH OF SHREDDED BARK MULCH OR EQUAL. 6. ALL TURF GRASS, TREES, SHRUBS, & FLOWERS SHALL BE IRRIGATED BY AN AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM USING SPRINKLER AND DRIP EMITTERS AS REQUIRED TO ADEQUATELY SUPPLEMENT MOISTURE REQUIREMENTS. THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM WILL BE OPERATIONAL FOR A MINIMUM OF THREE YEARS. 7. ALL PLANTING PITS SHALL BE 1.5 - 2 TIMES THE WIDTH OF THE PLANT ROOT BALL WITH SCARIFIED WALLS. THE BACKFILL SOIL SHALL CONSIST OF A MINIMUM OF 1/3 PEAT MOSS OR OTHER ORGANIC MATTER HOMOGENEOUSLY MIXED INTO BACKFILL ALONG WITH OSMOCOTE 14 -14 -14 FERTILIZER AT A RATE PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATION. 8. NO SUBSTITUTIONS OF PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE MADE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 9. ALL TREES SHALL BE STAKED WITH NEW 6 -FT POSTS AND GUYED WITH 012 GALVANIZED WIRE THROUGH RUBBER HOSE LOOPS FOR A MINIMUM OF 1 YEAR. ALL GUY WIRES SHALL BE FLAGGED WITH FLORESCENT TAPE 12 -18 INCHES LONG FOR SAFETY. 10. ALL TREES, SHRUBS, PERENNIALS, SOD, AND /OR SEED AREAS SHALL BE GUARANTEED TO REMAIN ALIVE AND HEALTHY FOR A 12 -MONTH PERIOD AFTER FINAL ACCEPTANCE. REPLACEMENTS SHALL BE GUARANTEED AN ADDITIONAL 12- MONTHS. ALL REPLACEMENT COSTS SHALL BE BORN BY THE CONTRACTOR. 11. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VISITING THE SITE PRIOR TO BIDDING. IT IS FURTHER RECOMMENDED THE CONTRACTOR TEST SOILS TO ENSURE NO CONTAMINATION IS PRESENT. VERIFY STATIC WATER PRESSURE FOR IRRIGATION SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS, AND REVIEW ALL PLANS FOR CONFLICTS. ANY AND ALL CONFLICTS WITHOUT EXCEPTION SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY. 12. ALL PLANT MATERIALS SHALL BE TRUE TO TYPE, SIZE, SPECIES, QUALITY, AND FREE OF INJURY, BROKEN ROOT BALLS, PESTS, AND DISEASES. AS WELL AS CONFORM TO THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS DESCRIBED IN THE "AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK ". 13. ALL LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES, WORKMANSHIP, AND ErI fiCS SHALL AT A MINIMUM, BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH INDUSTRY STANDARDS SET FOR LANDSCAPE FORTH IN THE HANDBOOK CONTRACTORS PUBLISHED BY THE COLORADO LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION. 14. ALL CONTAINERS, AND ROPE SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE ROOT BALL PRIOR TO PLANTING - BURLAP SHALL BE PULLED DOWN FROM AROUND THE TOP OF THE ROOTBALL AND TUCKED DOWN INTO THE PLANTING PIT. 15. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATION OF AND PROTECT ALL UTILITIES AND STRUCTURES PRIOR TO AND DURING WORK, DAMAGE TO UTILITIES AND STRUCTURES SHALL BE REPAIRED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT THE EXPENSE OF THE CONTRACTOR TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE OWNER. 16. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DAILY CLEAN -UP OF DIRT AND DEBRIS SPILLED ON TO ANY PAVED SURFACES OR PUBLIC ROW. 17. PRIOR TO SEEDING OR SODDING THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RAKE SMOOTH OR OTHERWISE LOOSEN THE SURFACE TO OBTAIN A SMOOTH FRIABLE SURFACE FREE OF EARTH CLODS, LUMPS, AND DEPRESSIONS. LOOSE STONES HAVING A DIMENSION GREATER THAN 1/2 -INCH AND DEBRIS BROUGHT TO THE SURFACE DURING CULTIVATION SHALL BE REMOVED AND PROPERLY DISPOSED OF BY THE CONTRACTOR OFF -SITE. 18. PLANT QUANTITIES ARE FOR CONTRACTOR CONVENIENCE ONLY. WHERE CONFLICT OCCURS, PLAN DRAWING SHALL PREVAIL. 19. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE AND THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT A WEEK PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. 20. THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DELAYS, PERSONAL INJURIES, PLANT MORTALITY, OR PROPERTY DAMAGE RESULTING FROM OR ASSOCIATED WITH I THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THIS PLAN. O . , Me CODE QYT. COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME Deciduous Trees Eastern Redbud C ALE 2 Allee Elm Ulmus parvifolia'Emer II' APIA 4 Autum Purple Ash Fraxinus americans 'Autum Purple' GIN 4 Ginkgo, Maidenhair Tree Ginkgo biloba GSM 6 Green Mountain Sugar Maple Acer saccharurn 'Green Mountain' HBY 3 Hackberry Celtis occidentalis NRO 7 Northern Red Oak Quercus rubra PAA 2 Patmore Ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica ' Patmore' WCA 2 Western Catalpa Catalpa speciosa WHO 2 White Oak Quercus alba Evergreen Trees MYS 2 23 M AUP 3 Austrian Pine Pinus nigra BCP 1 Bristlecone Pine Pinus aristata CBS 10 Colorado Blue Spruce Picea pungens'Glauca' PIP 4 Pinon Pine Pinus edulis SCP 2 Scotch Pine Pinus sylvestris SWP 3 Southwestern White Pine Pinus strobiformis Ornamental Trees ARC 2 21 A Autumn Higan Cherry P Prunus subhirtella 'Autumnalis' ERB 1 1 E Eastern Redbud C Cercis canadensis YFC 2 2 Y Yoshino Cherry P Prunus x Yedoensis Deciduous S Shrubs AIDE 5 5 F Forsythia 'Arnold Dwarf A Arnold Dwarf Forsythia AHY 6 6 A Annabelle Hydrangea H Hydrangea arborescens'Annabelle' AWV 4 4 V Viburnum Dentatum V Viburnum dentatum CCV 1 16 C Compact American Cranberry Bush V Viburnum trilobum 'Compactum' CTP 1 14 C Coronation Triumph Potentilla P Potentilla fruticosa 'Coronation Triumph' GAO 1 11 G Gambel Oak Q Quercus gambelii GLB 2 20 G Greenleaf Barberry B Berberis thunbergii MYS 2 23 M Mellow Yellow Spirea S Spiraea thunbergii 'Ogon' NKC 8 8 N Nanking Cherry P Prunus tomentosa PBP 1 12 P Pink Beauty Potentilla P Potentilla fruticosa'Pink Beauty' PFQ 1 13 P Pink Flowering Quince P Puisatilla vulgaris PGH 3 3 P Pee Gee Hydrangea H Hydrangea paniculata 'Grandiflora' RFQ 7 7 R Red Flowering Quince C Chaenomeles japonica RMS 4 4 R Rocky Mountain Sumac R Rhus glabra var. cismontana RUS 2 28 R Russian sage P Perovskia atriplicifolia SFB 1 11 S Silver Fountain Butterfly Bush B Buddleja altemifolia'Argentea' SNF 5 5 N Neon Flash Spirea S Spiraea japonica'Neon Flash' TLS 3 3 T Three -leaf Sumac R Rhus trilobata Evergereen Shrubs / Broadleaf Evergreens BAJ 5 53 B Bar Harbor Juniper J Juniperus horizontalis 'Bar Harbor' CBC 1 16 C Coral Beauty Cotoneaster C Cotoneaster dammen 'Coral Beauty' CPJ 1 13 C Compact Pfitzer Juniper J Juniperus x media 'Pfiteriana Compact 2" Cal. B &B 2" Cal. B &B 2" Cal. B &B 2" Cal. B &B 2" Cal. B &B 2" Cal. B &B 2" Cal. B &B 2" Cal. B &B 2" Cal. B &B 6' ht. Min. 6' ht. Min. 6' ht. Min. 6' ht. Min. 6' ht. Min. 6' ht. Min. 2" Cal. B &B 2" Cal. B &B 2" Cal. B &B 5 Gal. Cant 5 Gal. Cont. 5 Gal. Cont. 5 Gal. Cont. 5 Gal. Cont. 5 Gal. Cont. 5 Gal. Cont. 5 Gal. Cont. 5 Gal. Cont. 5 Gal. Cont. 5 Gal. Cont. 5 Gal. Cont. 5 Gal. Cont. 5 Gal. Cont. 5 Gal. Cont. 5 Gal. Cont. 5 Gal. Cont. 5 Gal. Cont. 5 Gal. Cont. 5 Gal. Cont. 5 Gal. Cont. 10 Gal. Cont. 5 Gal. Cont. 5 Gal. Cont. 5 Gal. Cont. 5 Gat. Cont. 1 Gal. Cont. 1 Gal. Cont. 1 Gal. Cont. 1 Gal. Cont. 1 Gal. Cont. 1 Gal. Cont. 1 Gal. Cont. t l � 1/2" STEEL RODS FREE -FORM ROLLED MW : 1. HSS 4" x 4" x 1/4" POST w/ welded can i where no overhead structure is DYE A JUSE (S.F.) OVERALL SITE (S.F.): 256,726 BUILDING 31,756 GRAVEL MAINTENANCE STIP 5,261 ASPHALT PAVING 49,846 CONC. PAVEMENT 13,305 INCL. COU RTYARDS & EXISTING SIDE WALKS, PATIO GRAVEL PATH WITHIN COURTYARDS 523 SEED 54,329 INCL. FIRE TRUCK EMERGENCY ACCESS : 2,450 S.F. SOD 91,484 SHRUB BED 10,222 TOTAL LANDSCAPE AREA 64,182 156,035 256,726 X 25 %= 64,128 S.F. TREE AND SHRUBS ON SITE TREES 64 TREES 89 INCLUDING 33 EXISTING TREES IN TRACT A, DOES NOT INCLUDE R.O.W. STREET TREES SHRUBS 321 SHRUBS 334 SHRUBS ONLY, ORNAMENTAL GRASSES NOT INCLUDED R.O.W. (409 L.F./30 =14) TREES 14 TREES 14 SEE PLANTS LABEL r BUFFER ADJACENT TO 25' 25' RESIDENTIAL >a AT c�a m C xam ALL DRAWN AND WRITTEN INFORMATION APPEARING HEREIN SHALL NOT BE DUPLICATED, DISCLOSED, OR OTHERWISE USED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF M +O +A Architectural Partnership PRINT RECORD PURPOSE DATE PRE -APP, CONF. 4.29.04 ODP SUBMIT. 1 6.03.04 ODP COMMENTS 9.07.04 ODP APPROVAL 10.21.04 FDP SUBMIT. 1 10.29.04 REVISION RECORD N9 11 ATC: DRAWN CHECKED GM DATE 2 SHEET TITLE �o IL c7 amB V) i �n M 0 M �o Z c.I w SHEET OF 3 3 TOTAL 6 TREE AND SHRUBS ON SITE TREES 64 TREES 89 INCLUDING 33 EXISTING TREES IN TRACT A, DOES NOT INCLUDE R.O.W. STREET TREES SHRUBS 321 SHRUBS 334 SHRUBS ONLY, ORNAMENTAL GRASSES NOT INCLUDED R.O.W. (409 L.F./30 =14) TREES 14 TREES 14 SEE PLANTS LABEL r BUFFER ADJACENT TO 25' 25' RESIDENTIAL >a AT c�a m C xam ALL DRAWN AND WRITTEN INFORMATION APPEARING HEREIN SHALL NOT BE DUPLICATED, DISCLOSED, OR OTHERWISE USED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF M +O +A Architectural Partnership PRINT RECORD PURPOSE DATE PRE -APP, CONF. 4.29.04 ODP SUBMIT. 1 6.03.04 ODP COMMENTS 9.07.04 ODP APPROVAL 10.21.04 FDP SUBMIT. 1 10.29.04 REVISION RECORD N9 11 ATC: DRAWN CHECKED GM DATE 2 SHEET TITLE �o IL c7 amB V) i �n M 0 M �o Z c.I w SHEET OF 3 3 TOTAL 6 >a AT c�a m C xam ALL DRAWN AND WRITTEN INFORMATION APPEARING HEREIN SHALL NOT BE DUPLICATED, DISCLOSED, OR OTHERWISE USED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF M +O +A Architectural Partnership PRINT RECORD PURPOSE DATE PRE -APP, CONF. 4.29.04 ODP SUBMIT. 1 6.03.04 ODP COMMENTS 9.07.04 ODP APPROVAL 10.21.04 FDP SUBMIT. 1 10.29.04 REVISION RECORD N9 11 ATC: DRAWN CHECKED GM DATE 2 SHEET TITLE �o IL c7 amB V) i �n M 0 M �o Z c.I w SHEET OF 3 3 TOTAL 6 DRAWN CHECKED GM DATE 2 SHEET TITLE �o IL c7 amB V) i �n M 0 M �o Z c.I w SHEET OF 3 3 TOTAL 6 RAU 1­­ ..... ­­_ ............ T ............ . . :. - -- :: ,,_... 1 i Z : ..:..... ...:.. r: -: '::::::- .::...:::.::. -:::. - ::::::::. ; _. _. ....... - .. . . . E . ....... - .- .. :._:. :: :.::- : : ;:: �._.. •. - - =1 - -- 5532.3 - - -- - -- G = - - - -- - I JI 11 11 111 1110114 191 N ' 3 1 4 _ ..< yr ry < .v<_ •, ..� , ,..TeSn s ' '.... . <: °,,, x °.: . :.:.. : ........................ .................... ..... •: r.: i 4i }iii:iiii:i: ?: .. .i,.'i: ?:i' .. ..:::. .. _ r ........... ° ° ................: °........ - ......... ..... . . t r LB ? LSS . . - ALE .................... _ :::::. - :.'::::... TAL FEN AWAY ` ROM St ... \ w ........._- ._...... ..- /f -APA ........ . t A(�1. \. . `5 G -- ,•;: 2 CBS I __ .. TAJ - .: .:: . .:...:. ..:..:.: �. 5 -' - - s CTP - -BEN H (TYP) v ; :...... �'3 CiNP : 1 -AA 1 1 -PGH 1 -HBY - 3 -AHY/� 1 -SFB 5- BC =c # G VEI_ 3 -CCV - : "tza':.:. -P l H 31CCBC 3 -CBC 1- PC -� , -GSM 2 -CCV e ° 3 -PGH 1 -PAP i i AJ a I Q 3 -M S" I 3 -BAJ 15 J 1 - 3 3 -S 3- GSC• - 1 1 -HBY 8. HG 3 -GSC 1- PGH .._. 3 -RMS- 3 GAO 35 -BLS � � 1 -ERB -/ �aI 1 -RUS Q S 1 -APA — ( -RUS , ,- SOD (TYP) t) _ 14 -KFF I i _ - 1 -T 1 -GSM ................. ... . ..... ...::. SM 3 PFO METAL FENCE /. 3 -TAJ- ::::::_ 1 -SGJ 1 -RFQ 5 -BAJ' 1 -PFQ 1 Y 3 -ADF 1 -SGJ 3 BP 1 aG1N. X AHC METAL FENCE ' BO r DE -TAJ / - 3-RFQ 1 -PFQ BAJ 5 -GLB FSP• ........... 1 , >_�.. I 3 -PBP 5 7 RUS , { � 1 i1 S u l YY 3 NKC R 1- AJ " I S " 35 -B ES - 1 -MYS 3 -MYS L =FSP j. 1 - 1 -CBC 3 -CCV ^ -YJG 1:SGJ .I . ° -GAO BENCH 1 -SFB (TYP) : :::,::. >:.:':; 9 -TLC : :,- : .::..:.::..::.:. 7 -BAG BES : . 1 -NKC ; r - :., - :'. '.. ........ 3 -MYS 0 J 4 -13 J 1: DF 1-A IF ... ..: °::: - .. _- w f 3 -PFQ ✓ 1 A?�3V .....................---- - h 28 -K F 3_AHC >. # 1c2Y .. '.:::: 5 FSP 3-TL :: _,.._.. G - 6- BAJ ..ASS, ' ::.t: .... : ' . . —1-SFB 4 5 :' .::.::: ::.:::::t:':';_,::.::. " ".: EXISTING _ -- -: 1 -MYS SL "-HEDGE I :..:.:- ._ ... .:......:. 7 -TLC - 1 MGR `- SWfi? ......:.... ..: - - - -< 23 -SBO r _' ::::::::::" ;: / - 3 -P _. :•::.::;- ..:- .: :: :;::c::: -, 10 -GLB -1 -TAJ !fF 3T : . .::.... ...... 15 MFG _ ..... ....... .. 3 CPJ 1 -BAJ 1 -TAJ 1 -SGJ 1 _ --3 -MYS x 20 -BAG I `v. � 1 -SFB 1 -BAJ 6 -BAJ c - .:w 3 -SNF 9 -BES 3 -CPJ , -9 -SBQ - 1 -NKC s BAJ 5 MYS , I .` ` 2 -GIN I �• I _ 16 KFF . ° 1 APA > _ I _...._..... , ° , t ` < "] =WHO`, . 3 GSM. STREET TREES)" 1 -H Y.STR E TREES][ _. _......::::;:::. ° _ T _. - $ ,( ° I 1 ) . 1.P iBY.. ST"R _T. 3NRO.(STREETTREES) ° 3;N(S[REEf R ) �_ . _... .. ................... - fN STR ET TREE .. ' -- ...._ ...... .... __ ... .......... ._4 ....... -------- - � -- - rte SCALE: 1" = 30' SCALE: 1" = 3 Courtyard Planting Provide by Donor/ Volunteer Groups Sod [ j j Seed u Grass Paver for Fire Truck Emergency en c Access 9 Y s s Non -irr ated Zone /Non iantin Z n g p g c e 0. 10M1 �1 EN (5' Maintenance Strip Along Building Wall - Rock Mulch) ' � w w � M ' � C✓E ' � K r�7 1 PURPOSE r PRE -APP, CONF. 429.04 ODP SUBMIT. 1 8.03.04 ODP COMMENTS g z ODP APPROVAL 10.21.04 FDP SUBMIT. 1 10.29.04 1 � ' � o DATE c� 1.18.05 co 2.10,05 0 0 -v -a o d � � o Gu z d CL n. RC N Q � 0 v 0. R 0 y ff W W 4 -s, i c e.s w 1 PURPOSE • t. PRE -APP, CONF. 429.04 ODP SUBMIT. 1 8.03.04 ODP COMMENTS 9,07.04 ODP APPROVAL 10.21.04 FDP SUBMIT. 1 10.29.04 ti NO. CHANGE DATE 1.18.05 co 2.10,05 0 0 o d Z Gu z CL n. RC 0 R 0 y ff W W 4 w a z me c5 �a rr rn Y M ffff ALL DRAWN AND WRITTEN INFORMATION APPEARING HEREIN SHALL NOT BE DUPLICATED, DISCLOSED, OR OTHERWISE USED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT Or M +O +A Architectural Partnership PRINT RECORD PURPOSE DATE PRE -APP, CONF. 429.04 ODP SUBMIT. 1 8.03.04 ODP COMMENTS 9,07.04 ODP APPROVAL 10.21.04 FDP SUBMIT. 1 10.29.04 REVISION RECORD NO. CHANGE DATE 1.18.05 co 2.10,05 DRAWN CHECKED �� Mpp Wi 1gi DATE 2110/05 SHEET TITLE Z c7 u , i ffi �o co 0 0 o Z z CL n. 0 0 lu ff W W w a z me c5 �a rr rn 12 5F TILE ROOFING SYSTEM TYPICAL, HIGHEST ROOF FORM. ALUM. STOREFRONT CLERESTORY TYPICAL PAINTED HORIZONTAL LAP SIDING TYPICAL ee y „ 5 z L r� !' 0!7 1 7 TILE ROOFING SYSTEM TYPICAL I I { TILE ROOFING SYSTEM TYPICAL DECORATIVE WOOD TRUSS i 12 5 01 'Ll I I ❑II�_l MASONRY WINDOW SILL DETAILING TYPICAL —DARK BRONZE ALUM. STOREFRONT SYSTEM TYPICAL i LL I ! PAINTED FIBER CEMENT BOARD CHIMNEY FLUE COVER TYPICAL CASEMENT WINDOWS TYPICAL ROWLOCK MASONRY COURSE TYPICAL = CARVED STONE BORDER TYPICAL — BACK/SOUTHEAST ELEVATION CASEMENT WINDOWS 12 5 MASONRY WINDOW SILL DETAILING TYPICAL PROJECT NO. 03117.00 ALL DRAWN AND WRITTEN INFORMATION APPEARING HEREIN SHALL NOT BE DUPL ]GATED, DISCLOSED, OR OTHERWISE USED W Il'HOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF M +OTA ArchltecW ml Partnership PRINT RECORD PURPOSE DATE PRE -APP. CONF. 4.29.04 OOP SUBMIT. 1 8.03.04 ODP COMMENTS 9.07.04 OOP APPROVAL 10.21.04 FOP SUBMIT. 1 10.23.04 REVISION RECORD NO CHANGE DATE SHEET TITLE EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS PAINTED FIBER CEMENT BOARD CHIMNEY FLUE COVER TYPICAL RANSOM DOOR FRAME TYPICAL HINTED HORIZONTAL LAP SIDING MASONRY VENEER TYPICAL mm I TILE ROOFING SYSTEM TYPICAL !I MULLION WINDOWS TYPICAL PREFIN. METAL FACIA AND SOFFIT SYSTEM TYPICAL SYSTEM TYPICAL HWEST ELEVATION E 10�_a ONRY EER SYSTEM LATCH AGENT DING DNC. —1 B RE: {2 j" diA. CANE BOLTS -f I W Ar' DEEP SLEEVE IN I f i NOTE: PAINT ALL EXPOSED STEEL - COLOR TO MATCH ADJACENT BUILDING. COURSECAP GATE WITH PTD. STL. ANGLE FRAME WITH CORRUGATED SHEET PTD. STL. FACING MASONRY VENEER SYSTEM TO MATCH ADJACENT BUILDING n 4 sign DOOR WITH PTD. STL. AN FRAME WITH CORRUGATI SHEET PTD. STL. FACING 1/8 t CASEMENT WINDOW TYPICAL DARK BRONZE ALUM. STOREFRONT ® SYSTEM TYPICAL I ALUM. STOREFRONT CLERESTORY TYPICAL PAINTED HORIZONTAL LAP SIDING TYPICAL r_... -I Lj PAINTED HORIZONTAL LAP SIDING TYPICAL PAINTED FIBER CEMENT BOARD SIDING CHIMNEY FLUE COVER TYPICAL TILE ROOFING SYSTEM TYPICAL ' BIER RRISE M � o 0 LU w F z — N t�ben W S� r , � I L O w w C W Z Z j3 ty U u, .gev .. I c U o ALL DRAWN AND WRITTEN INFORMATION APPEARING HEREIN SHALL NOT BE DUPL ]GATED, DISCLOSED, OR OTHERWISE USED W Il'HOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF M +OTA ArchltecW ml Partnership PRINT RECORD PURPOSE DATE PRE -APP. CONF. 4.29.04 OOP SUBMIT. 1 8.03.04 ODP COMMENTS 9.07.04 OOP APPROVAL 10.21.04 FOP SUBMIT. 1 10.23.04 REVISION RECORD NO CHANGE DATE SHEET TITLE EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS PAINTED FIBER CEMENT BOARD CHIMNEY FLUE COVER TYPICAL RANSOM DOOR FRAME TYPICAL HINTED HORIZONTAL LAP SIDING MASONRY VENEER TYPICAL mm I TILE ROOFING SYSTEM TYPICAL !I MULLION WINDOWS TYPICAL PREFIN. METAL FACIA AND SOFFIT SYSTEM TYPICAL SYSTEM TYPICAL HWEST ELEVATION E 10�_a ONRY EER SYSTEM LATCH AGENT DING DNC. —1 B RE: {2 j" diA. CANE BOLTS -f I W Ar' DEEP SLEEVE IN I f i NOTE: PAINT ALL EXPOSED STEEL - COLOR TO MATCH ADJACENT BUILDING. COURSECAP GATE WITH PTD. STL. ANGLE FRAME WITH CORRUGATED SHEET PTD. STL. FACING MASONRY VENEER SYSTEM TO MATCH ADJACENT BUILDING n 4 sign DOOR WITH PTD. STL. AN FRAME WITH CORRUGATI SHEET PTD. STL. FACING 1/8 t CASEMENT WINDOW TYPICAL DARK BRONZE ALUM. STOREFRONT ® SYSTEM TYPICAL I ALUM. STOREFRONT CLERESTORY TYPICAL PAINTED HORIZONTAL LAP SIDING TYPICAL r_... -I Lj PAINTED HORIZONTAL LAP SIDING TYPICAL PAINTED FIBER CEMENT BOARD SIDING CHIMNEY FLUE COVER TYPICAL TILE ROOFING SYSTEM TYPICAL ' BIER RRISE mar J�05 SHEEP SI M � o 0 LU w F z — N t�ben W I r , � O O w w C W Z Z mar J�05 SHEEP SI • 6 • L 3 �- ° o F I r , � U.1 w w c UN � w + U u, u tQ c U o mar J�05 SHEEP SI 8 N O rci F- Q Q d� L Q W D_ C lll d v W Z W J_ W x x x x 2' x ' x x 'x \, x x x �4' 0.0 O.G O.D 0.0 091o.0 G.i i 03 0.4 i.0 �A .\1> + + V0.2 x x x x x x x O.I O.O D.0 D.O O.0 O.O O x .O O.O D.O D.O x C x .O O.G x O.O x O.O x O.O x 0.0 O.O x x 0.0 0.0 x O.O x O.O v \ 22 \ 0.6 x x, x x & x x x x x x \ x ' % ' x x x x x x x x x , 0.0 G.O 00 D.o,, C_C 1 0.9 C.0 O C.2 0.4 0.11 24 \\ a 2 0.I .O D_O O.O O.D 0.0 O.D 0.0 0.0 x x x x x O.O 0.0 O.O O.O D0 O.O O.O on O.0 x 0.0 OD S.q \ \.I A x x x x X x X .o x o. x x s x x x \ \ V 0.3 al > x x x o. o.o o.o o.o o.o o o x .o .o o o.o o.o o xo.o o o.o o.a a.o o.o o.o o x .o o.o O.O O.O x x O,O O.O b.o O.G `O.G D.o O.I P.I 0.3 O.6 .5 ., OD x x 0.2 O.i O.O x O.O x O.O x O x O.O x O.O x G x D.O % O x O.O x O.O x O.O X O x O.G x O.O x O.O z % x x x Ix x x % x x x x .O O..0 O.O .O O.O G.O 0.0 0.0 0.0 ! 0.0 O.a O.O 0.0 0.0 D.1 0.2 0.3 G.8 x1.5 12 * Ll��!'1'1.4 � �'`� \�^ ! x x � x x % O x % % x x . x . x X x x x x x G.O x 0.0 �0.0 I x 0.0 x 0.O x O.O x O.O x O.f x 0. x O. j �� \ 0.3 0.1 O O.G OO O. 0.0 0.0 O.O 0O O.D OO OO o.0 O.O O.O 0.0 O.O '0.0 .O O.O d.0 x 0.0 v.0 0.0 o.0 0.2 4 - I x l.G G '2 4 I1 1.2 12 i.0 x x x x x' x % x x 'x x x x x x �0A� 0.3 O. 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LAMP VOLTS MOUNTING NOTE MAX SHEET INFORMATION WATT N DECORATIVE EXTERIOR WALL SCONCE COOPER INANE "ENTRI" IN TON CERAMIC 2ll WALL ': 2 b5 WITH PREMIUM FINISH, WEATHERPROOF, ENG- IO- MH-2TI- EB- FT- DP -L0-L METAL HALIDE FORW THROW DI5TRIBU �5TRAIGHT AA 51NOLE HEAD PARKING LOT POLE MOUNTED COOPER INVUE 'VISION" (1) 150W HP5 MULTI -TAP RND, 2 185 FIXTURE WITH DARK BRONZE FIN1514, VX5- 150 - HP5- MT- 35- 5Z- MAIO145Z GLR ED -23 1/2 5TEEL POLE, TYPE III DISTRIBUTION, FLAT LENS POLE: 5RX4A206Z GUT TO IS' 1 18' PH BB 42" HIGH SQUARE BOLLARD LIGHT N COOPER INVUE 'V1510N" (1) 35W HP5 211 MOUNT ON 12" 2 50 LOWERED TOP s DARK BRONZE FINISH VXB- 42- 5O- HP5 -2"17! BZ CLEAR ED -11 ROUND X 24 "D CONCRETE BA5E GG 51NOLE HEAD PARKING LOT POLE MOUNTED COOPER INVUE V1510N" (1) 150W HP5 MULTI-TAP STRAIGHT RND. 2 185 FIXTURE WITH DARK BRONZE FINISH, VX5 -150- HP5- MT- 45- BZ- H5- MAIO - 145Z GLR ED -23 1/2 5TEEL POLE, TYPE IV DISTRIBUTION, FLAT LENS POLE: 5RX4A20BZ GUT TO le" IS' PH MOLN LI ABBREVIATIONS AFF - ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR PL - PENDANT LENGTH BFG - BELOW FINISHED GEILINCG PH -POLE HEIGHT RFD - REGE55ED FIXTURE DEPTH 5t FIXTURE SHALL BE WET LOCATION LISTED. r 5 � COORDINATE FIN15H, MOUNTING AND AGGESSORIES WITH ARCHITECT F LUMINAIRE "AA" AND "GG" 0'_O AT TOP OF FIXTURE OROUND LUG AT HAND HOLE --�, LUMINAIRE "AA" AND "GG" ROUND STEEL DARK BRONZE POLE ANCHOR BOLTS PROVIDED BY E.G., INSTALLED BY O.G. POLE BASE BOLT GOVER FURNISHED WITH POLE. 1/2" GHAMFER ORADE 4 #4 VERTICAL REBAR WITH #4 REBAR TIES AT 12" O.G. CONDUIT IN AND OUT, 30" BELON GRADE 3/4" X 10' COPPER OROUND ROD WITH #b GU TO OROUND LUO SCALE NTS BA N H E PLATE A G O R � BOLTS FURNISHED KITH FIXTURE GRADE t <t .I 4. GONDUIT IN AND OUT MIN, 30" BELOW ORADE - - r`!" x x x x x x x x x x x x x oa x o x oG- % 4.a x -' x x ' 0:0- 4 0 . 0 --- , Tr x "00 x x /% - "O.1' = - -01e ='acs a:o-- o:o- 6 bt2 ° - fl 6 o-o- e & ed - =JfO e.o - - oo . o.- - o- 4a - - -o.a O:o - - �J.O- t1.0 0.0 -0-4 O!- O-2 � 9� F�,lj,! -. SCALE I' = 30' 42" CONDUIT IN AND OUT, 30" BELOW GRADE 3/4" X 10' COPPER OROUND ROD WITH #& GU TO OROUND LUO SCALE NTS 12" DIAMETER GONGRETE BASE KITH (4) #4 VERTICAL RE -BAR5 AND #3 GRO55TIE5 ♦ - y SCALE NTS !I - ROUND STEEL DARK BRONZE POLE S _6 -- ANCHOR BOLTS PROVIDED BY E.G., INSTALLED BY O.G. OROUND - POLE BASE BOLT GOVER LUO AT FURNISHED WITH POLE. HAND - I 12" GHAMFER HOLE GRADE 4 #4 VERTICAL REBAR WITH #4 �aF7�a TIES AT 12" O.G. SHEET or 1530 16TH STREET URTE 400 DENVER CcLonADo 80202 p er^ ^ TOTAL 303-623 -6200 (VOcE) p� 6 303-6238435 (FAX) A6SCONSULTANTS.COM !I - ROUND STEEL DARK BRONZE POLE S _6 -- ANCHOR BOLTS PROVIDED BY E.G., INSTALLED BY O.G. OROUND - POLE BASE BOLT GOVER LUO AT FURNISHED WITH POLE. HAND - I 12" GHAMFER HOLE GRADE 4 #4 VERTICAL REBAR WITH #4 �aF7�a TIES AT 12" O.G. I I I � III IRIT I ml� 11 1 11� WHEREAS, C.R.S. 31-23-206 (2) provides that the Comprehensive Plan may be amended by the City from time to time; and WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan did not include any areas outside the corporate limits of the City as is permitted under state enabling legislation, and WHEREAS, prior to annexation, a city must have in place a plan for the area considerl for annexation pursuant to C.R.S. 31-12-105, and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City to extend its Comprehensive Plan boundary outside the corporate limits; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing as provided by Section 2- 60(b) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws; legal notice thereof being duly published in the Wheat Ridge Transcript and Mgh Timber Times on February _, 2005, said public hearing held on February 17, 2005. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission this 17th day of February, 2005: 1. The Comprehensive Plan amendment attached hereto as Exhibit A is recommended for approval to the City Council. Secretary to the Commission Chair 11srv-ci-eng-00]kusers\awhiteWI Res\COMP PLAN\up amcndment pc res 05.doc ADDENDUM # THE CITY OF COMPREHENSIVE URBAN ADDITION INTRODUCTION This document serves as an addendum to the City's Comprehensive Plan adopted by City Council on October 25, 1999. Amendments were considered and adopted on January 24, !1 v Q lS plaijbuno,, M �v Q � CL I � I is a I i c Li I 0 1 ° I , I I I I I 1 o - IS eueipul I O 4 1 1 I w 0 1 IS RAAlulON I I I I i I I anal LAND USE OOMMZ-Ir� Few natural hazard areas are present in the planning area. The Clear Creek 100- and 500-year floodplains generally parallel SH58 in the center of the planning area. No other natural hazards exist in the area. Because the urban growth area is currently unincorporated, Jefferson County has jurisdiction over planning and zoning matters. The urban growth area lies within two subareas the County has identified for planning purposes. The North Plains Plan covers that portion of the urban growth area north of Clear Creek and the Central Plains Plan covers the area to the south of Clear Creek. J 1 40 .1 1 . I f-mmumalm muslimmom m -- mank, I t mm Future Land Use Map M - MOM I M The Future Land Use Map (Map 2) illustrates recommended land uses for the urbar, growth area. The categories used and the definitions, desired character, and attributes of the various land use categories shown are the same as defined in Chapter 2 of the Comprehensive Plan and are hereby incorporated as a part of this Addendum. i i D 7 N C M LL I 'is a r . — J I U 1 � 'is euelpul is p A} ulOW ,( \ I Q lS plail6unoA / CY) 477 1 1 a) c o U 70 U_ a cc o' cu co Q o a f N 2 0 o E o E w IL LL ZI V) aD E a> c c p U) U m I: ji L I TRANSPORTATION 1 111 1 ! OHIO: I ��!i East-west connectors a re)Af 44th Avenue at the north and W. 32 Avenue to the south. Trails currently exist along Clear Creek from 1-70 west to Golden and along 32 Ild Avenue from 1-70 west to Maple Grove Park. Improvements to complete the 1-70/SH58 interchange movements are needed to improve not only access to the area, but to increase mobility for the region. Becaus • minimum spacing requirements, no new interchanges are proposed for 1-70 and S. 58. Improvements to the 1-70/32 Avenue interchange to increase capacity will be needed. I 1-70 and SH58 will continue to serve the dual roles • providing access to the area and carrying regional traffic. 0 o I v, cy U \ Q is af)pupl3 jS eueipul v�v 0 'IS plailBuno k ' M I _ ,/ F I � z I o m . O C � O m O co Q �. i w � g ` c Q U l ,, �- , , U555 LE I w \I �9 0 0 -f -,) 0 O/ z 0 o Q w \I �9 0 0 -f -,) 0 O/ z Future Traits The County community plans for the area show potential trails extending along W. 32 from Maple Grove Park to McIntyre and on McIntyre from Avenue to the Clear Creek Trail. A trail connection is proposed from 32 Avenue I ea g • be ed op the Clr Creek Trail in an alinment t determin at the time of develment the ar. I ea 61 COMMUNITY AMENITIES AND COMMUNITY SERVICES M- Services in the planning area are currently provided by Jefferson County and several special districts. Jefferson County currently provides general governmental services and law enforcement. Portions of the area are included in the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District. , 11211 � I ii 1 121 11 �i 11 1171, 11'12113= * North Table Mountain W& S * Consolidated Mutual Water �mjjll ranolls!j folvill Air-, I In *I, I ifel Atgalsn a n r ani areas annexed by the City. services. • Inclusion into existing water or sanitation districts. N Formation of a new water and sanitation district, or metropolitan district, with provision of services by the new district. 6 # Formation of a new water and sanitation district, • metropolitan district, wil provision of services • another district or districts by contract with the new district, Park and open space areas in the urban growth area are currently acquired and managed by Jefferson County and the Prospect Park and Recreation District. Two parks located just outside the growth area, Maple Grove Park and Arapahoe Park, a provided by the Prospect Park and Recreation District. I 1 At the time of rezoning, the following items should be requested of a developer, if applicable: a. Access easements across private property to public land; b. Dedication of private land; c. Open space required with the development if located adjacent to publ land; I 2. Open space purchases should be based on regional demand for recreation in the area and on the goal of preserving an open character and significant natural features. a. secure access easements across private property to public land; b. encourage dedication of private land by providing information about open space incentive programs, and N c. suggest, where appropriate, that the open space required in a development be located to augment adjacent public land. 4. The acquisition of undeveloped an should be related to the following planning objectives: il��!111111qil!1�111111� 111111;qIIIIII 6. Plantings in open space areas should be native or naturalized species and should be varieties that require minimal maintenance, are drought tolerant, and benefit desirable wildlife needs, 11C M. 1. An expanded trails network should be developed that provides additional trails for hiking, biking and equestrian use, and that precludes motorized vehicles. These trails should: D 'IS plalj6unoA I _ I Q a M O m _ 'is a i gi, 3S euelpul \ - 1 JAJUJOVYI .....1..A.,."aAim � ,(I a) > Q 7 N M Z a� m v � cc c CL :3 o m c Co CL p (t3 I =/O c r� L C C: C: C: co aUC� O D O Q c rn a� � r i I� , 1 E� � o z 0 Q O Q c rn a� � r i I� , 1 E� � o z A. vary in length, ascent and nature experience; D. intersect to allow the traveler a choice of paths to a destination; E. avoid damaging • impairing areas containing endangered species, fragile environments, • high hazard areas; and MEE= �.•lg, 4:11 • I1'*IAI*II rATAIIIA"1110 A M 2. Accessible trails should be provided for all citizens, including barrier-free trails where possible, recognizing that trail users have different levels • ability and seek different levels • challenge. 3. New trail systems in critical wildlife habitat areas, i.e. nesting and calving areas, and wintering grounds, should be routed in a sensitive fashion, and/or have seasonal closures to minimize stress to the wildlife. 4. Trail corridors should be negotiated which utilize floodplains, public rights- of-way, leased private property, parks, and public open space. 5. Liability releases should be used to remove this obstacle to the creation • trails across private land. 6. Areas • development should have trail connections to areas • natural op space. I 7. Trails should be separated and buffered with landscaping from the streei and roads when possible. 8. Roadway projects should provide equestrian, pedestrian and bicycle crossings; (eg., equestrian tunnels and grade separated bike crossings at railroads). 9. The Jefferson County Open Space Department should be requested to assist in funding the Clear Creek regional trail corridor, 10. Local trails could be jointly funded through the Jefferson County Open Space Joint Venture Grants Program. This is a joint venture program with adjacent cities and park and recreation districts. 0 11. Equestrian and jogging trails should be unpaved and marke 12. Parking areas should be provided at trailheads to facilitate trail usage by equestrians, hikers, bicyclists, etc. 13. Public facilities, e.g. restrooms and telephones, should be provided at major trail intersections and significant open space sites where feasible. 14. The local park and recreation agencies should be consulted to determine potential trail connections. 15. Developers should coordinate with public entities to provide trails and public access along flood plains and/or easements such as ditches, roads, power lines, etc., whenever possible. 16. Developers should provide trail connections to adjacent open space areas, trails, schools, bus stations, Regional Transportation District park-n-Rides, and light rail stations. This includes providing a safe crossing at roads whenever possible. I A variety of trail systems should be provided with appropriate fencing and signage to minimize trespassing, 2. Trails should connect with others in the City and surrounding jurisdictions to provide opportunities for commuting to other jurisdictions and to provide multiple recreational alternatives, 3. The trails should intersect at strategic points to allow travelers a number of choices to reach a desired location. 4. Areas containing endangered species or fragile environments should avoided. I 5. Intersections between paths should be defined with a good visual warning ♦ intersection ♦ it is approached. I 6. Trails should take advantage of the diversity of the landscape through which trails pass. As the landscape changes, its dominant features should be clearly seen from the paths, ie., good observation points for views and vistas that feature landmarks. 7. Bicycle paths should be designed for safety and be clearly marked. Safe bicycle paths can be provided in the following ways: M A. Providing wider roadways with paved shoulders. F 17 1 1 1 T I I I I I I I I pliq I I vIll!1I � �-- M