HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/11/2002! _, A. Case No. WZ-00-09: An application ■ John Elway Auto Nation for approval of a preliminary and final development plan and final plat for property zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD) and located at 3501 Wadsworth Boulevard for the purpose of operating an automotive dealership. I Bud Simon, DHM 1390 Lawrence, Denver Mr. Simon, representing John Elway AutoNation, was sworn in by Chair WEISZ. He stated that he concurred with staff recommendations to continue the case until July 18. It was moved by Commissioner McNAMEE and seconded by Commissioner SNOW to continue Case WZ-00-09 to the next Planning Commission meeting on July 18, 2002. e motion passed 8-0. B. Case No. WZ-02-06: An application by Balmar Management Group, LLC for approval of a rezoning from Residential-Three (R-3) and Commercial-One (C-1) to a Planned Mixed Use Development (PMUD) and approval of a preliminary and final development plan and final plat for property located at 5630 West 38"' Avenue. Commissioner McNAMEE »k®, if a time limit could be placed regarding the completion of the project. Alan White x!. that, while there is a city requirement for a developer to start within a year of obtaining a permit, there is no time limit on when the project must be finished. Planning Commission Page 2 June 20, 2002 Planning Commission Page 3 June 20, 2002 Commissioner Skl'011 expressed concern about businesses sucn as Tavefris, TTT7 MITIMM cleaning below the residential units, Mr. Galloway stated that dry-cleaning business would consist only of pick-up and drop-off. Earl D.Quinnell, Jr. 3775 Depew, #10 Mr. Quinnell was sworn in by Chair WEISZ. He spoke in opposition to the proposal because of the increased traffic which would affect the many senior citizens who live in adjacent apartments. commi ect triaTT-Timmercia traffic than the requested mixed use zoning. WIT t OT-0 increase the value of Mr. Luebke's property. Victor Boog 143 Union Boulevard, #625, Lakewood Mr. Boo g, attorney representing Mr. Luebke, was sworn in by Chair WEISZ. He expressed the Planning Commission Page 4 June 20, 2002 concerns same w • by 1 expressed concern that the freestanding row houses '♦ for commercial questioned landscaping in that most of it is in the public right part of the streetscaping process and includes non-living Ian scaping. He also questioned landscaping being placed in the detention area. Planning Commission Page June 20, 2002 4. This proposal will create less traffic impact than if the land were developed with the current C-1 zoning. With the following conditions: Commissioner McNAMEE requested a friendly amendment to request that a note be choice of the applicant, the entire building could be used as commercial. This would can the language • the preliminary plan to match the final plan. The amendment was accepted by Commissioners SNOW and PLUMMER. The motion passed 8-0. 1 it was moveet dy - WTT , 1n1T 3 PAVV" to recommend approval of Case No. WZ-02-06, a request for approval of a Planned Mixed Use Development final development plan for property located at 5630 West 38 Avenue, for the following reason: It is consistent with the proposed Preliminary Development Plan and generally consistent with the City's commercial development standards. With the following conditions: 1. The subdivision is consistent with the proposed final development plan. 2. All requirements of the Subdivision regulations have been met. Planning Commission Page 6 June 20, 2002 With the following condition: 1. Language be added to the document regarding maintenance of the common detention and landscaping included on the cast side of Lot 7. ( Chair WEISZ declared a recess at 9:25 pm. The meeting was reconvened at 9:35 p.m.) C. Case No. W&02 An application by Roger Loecher for approval of a rezoning from Residential-Two (R-2) to Planned Commercial Development (PCD) and approval of a preliminary development plan for property loc ated at 3502 Wadsworth Boulevard. Planning Commission Page 7 June 20, 2002 I I I I I I I � I I i I I I I I I � , t I n== 1 ';3♦ TtTMTTTy was TT=Yffi77Y7F nell train ! ! about continuing the matter. PROMMONK-7A It was moved by Commissioner McNAMEE and seconded by Commissioner PLUMMER to reconsider the motion made at the last Planning Commission meeting to cancel the July 11 meeting in order to continue this matter. The motion passed 8-0. It was moved by Commissioner McNAMEE and seconded by Commissioner PLUMMER to continue the hearing on Case No. WZ-02-02 to July 11, 2002. The motion passed 8-0. Commissioner WEISZ noted that she will not be able to attend the July I I th meeting. Commissioner McMILLIN commented that one reason for continuing the hearing is that the Commissioner SNOW stated that she would not vote to approve the application unless there is a I 0-foot setback at the rear of the property. 8. OLD BUSINESS There was • old business to come before the Commission. M00101011tell #1015141411W.14 =1445V0,11 N0,11M Planning Commission Page 9 June 20, 2002 Planning Commission Page 10 June 20, 2002 City of Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department Memorandum TO: Planning Commission FROM: el Reckert ac UZI is a revisea preliminary d •• pfafi the propeffy (zone change from R-2 to PCD). On June 20, 2002, Planning Commission continued this case until July I I so the applicant and staff could discuss the list of allowed uses and site design. See attached minutes under agenda item 5. of this packet. MEE���� PCD ZONING PERMITTED USES ACCOUNTING, BOOKKEEPING, TAX SERVICE, CONSULTING APPRAISERS, ARCHITECT'S OFFICE, & OTHER SIMILAR PROFESSIONAL OFFICES EXCEPT MEDICAL ADVERTISING, BLUEPRINTING, PHOTOSTAT COPYING & SIMILAR SERVICES ART GALLERIES, ART SUPPLIES CANOPIES, AWNINGS, WINDOW SHOP BABY PRODUCTS SPECIALTIES & UNIFORM SHOPS BICYCLE & ACCESSORIES SHOP (SERVICE AND REPAIR) BEAUTY SALON AND NAIL SHOP FLORAL SHOP TROPHY & NOVELTY SHOP BILLIARD SHOW ROOM WINDOW COVERING SHOW ROOM BRIDAL SHOP CARD SHOP CARPET SHOP CELLULAR PHONE STORE & REPAIR BUSINESS MACHINE OR COMPUTER SALES, SERVICE & REPAIR ARTS & CRAFTS STORE CANDY, NUT & CONFECTIONERY STORE FABRIC STORE WIG SHOP PACKAGING & MAILING STORE GLASS REPAIR SHOP GOLF EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES /SALES & SERVICE HEALTH FOOD & VITAMINS STORE JANITORIAL SUPPLIES WATCH, CLOCK, CAMERA SALES & REPAIR KITCHEN & BATH SHOWROOM & SALES LIGHTING SHOW ROOM, SALES LOCK SALES /INSTRUCTIONS OFFICE FURNITURE OPTICAL SHOP, OPTOMETRIST'S OFFICE PAINT AND WALLPAPER STORE WIRELESS PAGING SYSTEMS PARTY SUPPLY STORE PATIO ENCLOSURES STORE PHOTOGRAPHER SCUBA DIVING EQUIPMENT /INSTRUCTIONS SEWING MACHINES, SALES AND SPORTING GOODS STORE STOVE INSERTS & FIREPLACE STORE SURVEYOR'S OFFICE TAILORING, DRESSMAKING & CLOTHING ALTERATION SHOP TELECOMMUNICATION OFFICE TILE STORE SHOW ROOM TRAVEL AGENCY UPHOLSTERY & FURNITURE REPAIR SHOP VACUUM CLEANERS, SALES /SERVICE WATER PURIFY & FILTER EQUIPMENT. SALES HANDICAP & SPECIAL NEED EQUIPMENT, SALES ANTIQUE STORE /SALES JEWELRY STORE APPLIANCE STORE AND INCIDENTAL SERVICE AND REPAIR BOOKSTORE, NEWSSTAND, STATIONERY AND CARD STORE TOY STORE TOBACCO SHOP LUXURY OR SPECIALTY CAR RENTAL COIN SHOP DRAPERY & HOME DECORATING SIGN SHOP MIR ,' PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMEN PRELIMINARY DEVE P LAN] VICINITY MAP CURRENT ZONING: R -2 PROPOSED ZONING: PCD PROPOSED LAND USE: Office & Rental tRzt - UHt h umy. Ut UILIA 1 IUP4 USE SQUARE FOOTAG Building 5,740.0 Parking, Drives & Other Hard Surfaces 9,837.0 Landscaping 8,926.6 Totals 24,503.6 % OF TOTAL 23.4 40.1 36.4 100.0 AFTER R.O.W. DE UIUAI IUN USE SQUARE FOOTAGE % OFTOTAL Building 5,740.0 27 Parking, Drives & Other Hard Surfaces 9,837.0 47.1 Landscaping 5,310.4 25 -4 _ Totals 20,887.4 100.0 OWNER'S CERTIFICATION AND DEDICATION: KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE. PRESENTS THAT ROGER P. LOECHER AND EILEEN F. LOECHER, BEING THE OWNERS OF THE REAL PROPERTY OF 0.7633 ACRES DESCRIBED AS FOLLOVVS ALL THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST 114 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE_ OF CC DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF THE NO[ OF SAID SECTION 26, 1350.00 FEET, DEEDED, 1357.33 FEET, AS MEASURED, NORTI SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID NORTHEAST 114: THENCE N 00° 00'00" E, ALONG S A DISTANCE OF 190.00 FEET; THENCE S 89° 58'58" E A DISTANCE OF 175.00 FEET, 00'00" E, ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN BOOK 1494, F DISTANCE OF 190.00 FEET, TO THE NORTH LINE OF WEST 35TH AVENUE. THENCEI ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID WEST 35TH AVENUE AND THE WESTERLY EXTEI THEREOF TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, EXCEPTING THEREFROM, THOSE PORTIt DESCRIBED IN BOOK 1185 AT PAGE 428 AND IN BOOK 1185 AT PAGE 430, ALL IN TF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. CONTAINING 33,250.00 SQUARE FEET, GROSS 20,900.00 SQUARE FEET, NET. BASIS OF BEARINGS: THE WEST LINE OF THE NE 114 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P M., THE BEARING OF THIS LINE BEING N 00 " 00'00" E, ASSUMED. THE CENTER OF SECTION BEING A 3" BRASS CAP, L.S. NO, 13212, THE NORTH 1/4 CORNER BEING A 3" BRASS CAP, L.S. NO. 13212 OWNER'S CERTIFICATE The below- signed owners, or legally designated agent(s) there agree that the property legally described hereon will be develops Development in accordance with the uses, restrictions and condi this plan, and as may otherwise be required by law. We further i approval of rezoning to Planned Development and approval of tl Development Plan, does not create a vested proper right. Veste may only arise and accrue pursuant to the provisions of Section', Code of Laws. Roger & Eileen Loecher, 5500 W. 44th Av. Denver, CO 80212 (303) 422-8500 NOTARY PUBLIC Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of Witness my hand and official seal Approved this Attest: WE My commission expires_ _ NOTARY SEAL CITY COUNCIL CERTIFICATION day of _ by the City of Wheat Ridge City Council. PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFIC, Approved this day of by the RRIMM Mayor Director CHARACTER OF DEVELOPMENT The proposed development will actually blend into the residential neighborhood better than the commercial area. A one -story, pitched roof with earthtone brown shingles, stucco, block, split -face block, glass and brick will be employed in the construction. The owner's property landscaped area after dedication will be 25.4% of land use, greater than the 20% required by the City. Dedicated propeny to the City and State will add another 3,616 square feet of landscaping. Three varieties of trees, totaling 32, and 67 bushes, will be found throughout the landscaped area. One freestanding sign not to exceed 5 feet in height and 40 square feet will be located curbside on Wadsworth Boulevard. Physical benefits derived will be the elimination of an "eyesore" property that has plagued the city and neighborhood for years. The City will also be upgrading some storm water drainage areas that will benefit the neighbors to the east. Based on industry - recognized standards, the businesses that will be located on the property will generate less vehicle trips than a multifamily or a group home that could be built on the property. There will also be a visual- and noise- buffering provided by the structure to the residence to the east. NOTES 1. No outside display of vehicles or products allowed. 2. Stocking of items intended for use or sale on the premises is permitted, however, no warehousing is allowed. 3. No maintenance or washing of vehicles is allowed outside the building. 4. Each leasable area shall have a minimum of 75% of space as work shop /work area or storage of products for sales. In no case shall any individual leasable space exceed 25% of retail, office or any combinaton of the same. 5. All mechanical equipment shall be screened from view. 6. Freestanding light standards shall not exceed 1 B' in height. 7. Maximum building height shall not exceed 25'. 8. Minimum landscaped coverage shall be 23 %. COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE This document accepted for filing in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Jefferson County at Golden, Colorado, on the day of A.D., in Book , Page , Reception No. JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND Seal RECORDER By: Deputy Chairman PLANNING DIRECTOR CERTIFICATI Approved this day of , 200_ Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of Witness my hand and official seal My commission NOTARY SEAL Sheet 1 of 2 - Kotzebue E'ngint DAVID L. KOTZEBUE COLORAI P. D, P. SHEET INDEX Sheet I Notes & Cert Sheet 2 - Site Plan i ALL DRAWN & WRITTEN INFORMATION APPEARING HEREIN SHALL NOT BE ouPUCnrEO, DISCLOSED. oR REPRODUCED OR PUBLISHED BY ANY METHOD IN WHOLE OR PART. TILE To T HE PLA &THE INFER- MATION TH OEPICT SHALL BE WITH KOTZEBUE ENGINEERING, WITHOUT PREJUDICE, I REVISIONS p j1 jT-{� TTT/,�� dry /r(]�) 111 a L -t l4. V 1 1 jjj� 7 C p DES CRY � t'f ( I� UY: D ATE 1 Per City S taff dlk 3/12/02 2 - - -- Per City Staff dlk . s/5/02 7'}� /Z 2 Per City Council dlk 6 /28/02 VISUAL CONTACT WITH THESE PLANS T SHALL CONSUTE PRIMA FACIE M ira cf e - LYIDENOC OF THE ACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. DLN O 2001 , ALL RIGHTS RESERVED I -" DESIGNED BY! dlk DRAWN BY: dlk CHECKED BY: dlk ;E 69 00. DST 114 - HE EST LINE �E S 00° ;E 134 A 58' 58" W 1 HEREOF JNTY OF ) hereby a Planned contained in Inize that the , eliminary perty rights ?1 of the Ring Commission. & `-. 0! .I N L Wwm 1ngC 797 Camp Eden Rd. Golden, CO 80403 E,#14513 Tel. (303) 842 - -1129 re, Colorado 35 A ve. Job: 007 -01 I errIple Northwest Quarter of Northeast Quarter _ Section 26 N00 °19'35 "W 1350.00` Deeded 1357.33' (A.M.) Add'[ 5'x5' R.O.W. Dedication 5" 5.00' Util. I B. Esmt.' _ 4 A. 3 B. s R.O.W. to be Dedicated by _Plat C. d I I cn LANDSCAPING m 3 � o 1p.,,.: 5 00 D3' - -- - Lj - - - - -- - - - - - - -- _ - - -- i Wit PARKING, DRIVES, WALKS „wo 00 r BUILDING' o = v ao Ell 00 z SOU00'00''E LANDSCAPING 5" A. Util. I B. Esmt.' 2. F.D.P., Construction Plans. A. 3 B. City Council - July, 2002- C. d I Side 1p.,,.: C orn rnu Olity DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE: MaowA�s GRAPHIC SCALE 10 20 40 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft. 60 LEGAL DESCRIPTION BY Terra Engineering & Land Surveying, Uwg. # 5d145 P.D.C.: Martin L. Lopez, P.L.S. 7391 Conoso Ct. Westminster, CO 80030 (303)650 -2658 SI FE SURVEY BY: KPW Consulting, Inc. P.O.C.: Douglas Howell, P.L.S. 8000 W. 14th Av., Ste. 200 Lakewood, CO 80215 (303)763 -7312 <IL 4N A F,I -rHI ']FO9kWIQN Ptf 41 < HEREIN SHIN NM BE DUPULFIED, DISCLOSED , OR REFP DUCED OF PU6LI5'.. D By I' ll ID] IN wio o AR R E,� S IN DR- 4u iO " D PICT SHALL 9 wIM ONTZ d LNGN ERIN WTHOUT IR E .LDI ON A AttH TMF F INS SAL _0']S D PR MA FACIE ✓ 0 L [ F F AC AN E ... T =5 R s RH DNS. A LK LOJF AL ZHCI 5 HESEn 2D 1. P.D.P. A. Planning Commission -Ap B. P.D.P., City Council -July 2. F.D.P., Construction Plans. A. Plan Submittals & Review - B. City Council - July, 2002- C. Construction - August -Novi 2002. 2002. Sheet 2 of 7 �.D.R � ,p.l.n 797 Cainp Eden Rd. b Ine g Golden, CO 80403 DAVID L. KOTZE'BUE COLORADO RE.#14513 Tel. (303) 642 -1129 REVISIONS 7pr # DESCRIPTION BY: DATE Wh Ridge, Colorado 1 Per Citt I dlk 3/12/02 2 Per Cit Staff dlk is /5/02 3 Per C °ty Staff dik 6 /11 /02 Mira on 35 A ve. Bubble Plar? DESIGNED BY: dlk Scab: Hor. 1 "= 20' Job #: 007 -01 _ DRAWN B dlk CHECKED BY: dlk Dare' 12/14/01