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November 7, 2002
'Commissioner McMILLIN suggested that Mr. Homberger look into the possibility of obtaining
a variance to build his shop and garage,
A. Case No. ZOA-02-06: Ordinance amending Section 26-204 of the Wheat Ridge Code
of Laws pertaining • changes to the Table of Uses for the Commercial & Industrial
Districts regarding tattoo parlors.
The case was presented by Alan White. He reviewed the staff report and noted that Planning
Commission had requested that only one type of business be considered at a time. Tattoo
parlors are being addressed at this meeting. Pawn shops and psychic advisors will be addressed
at the November 21 meeting.
R aPresearcn incucatea MaT orner j urisuicuous VVII L bUt; MCLU • 11W
regulations for tattoo parlors. Commissioner SNOW questioned the reasoning that tattoo
parlors should not be located in neighborhood commercial districts.
Commissioner McNAMEE commented that she could not see a problem with tattoo parlors.
John Slaughter
675 Santa Fe Drive
Mr. Slaughter is the proprietor of Tribe Tattoo. He stated that he learned Sacred Skin tattoo
parlor is closing so that his establishment is now the only tattoo parlor in Wheat Ridge. He
requested that his business be grandfathered in.
In response to a question from Commissioner PLUMMER regarding age requirements, Mr.
Slaughter stated that he follows Denver's regulations. His establishment does not tattoo under
the age of eighteen. Infants' ears may be pierced with parental consent. Basic piercings are
performed for age thirteen and above.
Commissioner McNAMEE offered a friendly amendment that spacing restrictions be measured
from property Ime to property line as it is in other spacing restrictions in the city.
A vote was taken on Commissioner SNOW's motion. It passed 6-1 with Commissioner
McMILLIN voting no.
B. Case No. ZOA-02-04: An ordinance amending Section 26-621 of the Wheat Rid
Code of Laws pertaining to parking in residential areas. i
This case was presented by Alan White. He reviewed the staff report and the ordinance which
contained suggestions submitted by the Planning Commission at the previous hearing on this
matter. He submitted photographs taken, by staff around the city showing examples of various
combinations of recreational vehicles. He also submitted information regarding surrounding
communities' regulations concerning recreational vehicles.
Commissioner MeMILLIN asked which problems are most pressing with citizens of Wheat
Ridge. general appearance, neighborhood impacts, lot overcrowding, or relative visual scale.
Alan White replied that he wasn't sure that one problem was more pressing than another but
that it depends on the circumstance.
Commissioner McMILLIN asked how many complaints regarding RV parking have been
received by the Planning Department. Alan explained that these complaints go to code
t but his office received three calls within the last
week in favor of regulating RV parking. No calls vvere received in opposition to the
regulations. -
Commissioner SNOW questioned the reason for the inclusion of unattached pick-up campers in
the ordinance. Alan White replied that it was due to concern that several campers might be
stored on the property.
In response to a question from Commissioner McMILLINI, Mr. White explained that the Board
of Adjustment cannot allow variances in relation to storage of RV's.
Commissioner NOW stated her concern about relating the number of RV's to the size of the
Commissioner COOPER asked if this would present an enforcement nightmare. Alan White
Planning Commission Page 4
November 7, 2002
collection In responseto a question from Commissioner SNOW, Alan White stated there is presently no
allowance in the code for the
Planning Commission Page 5
November 7, 2002
(Chair WEISZ declared a brief recess at 9:45 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:55 pm.)
Commissioner PLUMMER stated his opinion that as long as vehicles are not kept in the front
yard, and they are screened, the number of vehicles shouldn"t matter. .
Commissioner MicMILLIN stated that he would vote against the inotion because Planning
Commission would be neglecting its responsibility by forwarding the ordinance to City Counci'i
with no recommendations,
Commissioner McNAMEE withdrew her motion.
Commissioner McMILLIN expressed concern that storing vehicles cannot be addressed
through the variance procedures.
Alan White explained that the Planning Commission could make a provision for the Board of
Adjustment to hear cases concerning the parking of recreational vehicles.
Plannino 0 Commission Page 6
November 7, 2002
Commissioner McMILLIN reported that he was unable to attend the Lakewood Planning
Commission open house. However, he did learn that Lakewood's new COMPLAN has no land
use changes planned on the northern border that would affect Wheat Ridge, but, rather
addresses procedural changes for their development review process.
Alan White stated that they were not allowed to cut the trees down and he has not had time to
look into the situation any further,
Commissioner McNAMEE stated she would like to amend the bylaws, under rule no. 6, as to
Ila, - ' 6r&1A
It was moved by Commissioner NOW and seconded by Commissioner PLUMMER that
we waive the rules regarding having a written rule change at the meeting at which we vote
and, at the next meeting, we have in our packet a written rule change changing the time to
elect a Planning Commission chairman to no later than the end of March. The motion
There were no Commission reports.
There were no committee or department reports.
It was moved by Commissioner McNAMEE and seconded by Commissioner PLUMMER
to adjourn the meeting at 10:45 p.m. The motion passed unanimously.
Paula Weisz, Chair
Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary
Minutes of Meeting
November 21, 2002
order The regular meeting of the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission was called to by
WEISZ at ! 0 p.m., November 21, 2002,
Building, ♦ Colorado.
Commission 2. ROLL CALL
Kevin Witt
Staff Members Present. Alan White, Planning Director
Meredith Reckert, Sr. Planner
Ann Laz eri, Recording Secretary
Following is the official set of Planning Commission minutes for the public hearing of November 2 1,
2002. A set of these minutes is retained both in the office of the City Clerk and in the Department of
Planning and Development of the City of Wheat Ridge.
It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner McNAMEE to
approve the order of the agenda. The motion passed 7-0.
1« : Application filed by Herb Fightmaster for approval
minor • property * « 4
located at
Planning Commission Page 1
November 21, 2002
This case was presented by Meredith Reckert, She entered all pertinent documents into the
record which were accepted by Chair WEISZ and advised the Commission there was
jurisdiction to hear the case. She reviewed the staff report and digital presentation. Staff
recommended approval, of the case for reasons outlined in the staff report.
Commissioner SNOW asked if staff contacted the ditch company. Ms. Reckert and the
from the ditch company is not required.
Herbert Fightmaster
11641 West 44"' Avenue
Mr. Fightmaster, the applicant, was sworn in by Chair WEISZ. In response to a question from
Commissioner SNOW about water, he explained that lot I has city water, lot 2 is on a well, and
a tap is available for lot 3.
It was moved by Commissioner PLUMMER and seconded by Commissioner SNOW to
recommend approval of Case No. MS-02-06, a request for approval of a three-lot'
subdivision on R-3 zoned property located at 1166, West 44' Avenue, 11641 West 44
Avenue and 4455 Simms Street, for the following reasons:
1. All minimum requirements of the R-3 development standards have been met
2. All minimum requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met.
0��. W
B. Case No. ZOA-02-06: Ordinances amending Section 26-204 of the Wheat Ridge Code
of Laws pertaining to changes
• the Table of Uses for the Commercial and Industrial
Districts regarding psychic advisors and pawn shops.
Planning Commission Page 2
The motion passed 7-0.
Alan White presented the pawn shop portion of this case. He reviewed the staff report which
included information previously requested by the Commission.
Commissioner SNOW expressed her concern about the high interest charged (up to 240% a
year) by pawn shops. She made a request for the city attorney to look into whether or not the
city is able to regulate the amount of interest charged. Alan White has contacted the city
attorney who will research the matter.
Commissioner McMILLIN asked Alan White what the prospects were for having more pawn
shops locate in Wheat Ridge. Mr. White explained that there are five C-2 parcels in the city
process. He further stated there have been no new applications for pawn shops during the pasl
five years in which he has worked for the city.
Commissioner MCMILLIN commented that people sometimes use pawn shops as a p ace to se
items rather than obtain loans.
Commissioner McMILLIN referred to a triple murder that occurred several years ago in the
store on Wadsworth and asked if anyone knew the motive for this crime. Commissioner
SNOW stated that she recalled from newspaper accounts that the crime had nothing to do
directly with the pawn shop business.
Robert McGhee
5940 West 38 Ih Avenue
Mr, McGhee stated that he is a local merchant. He stated that when he was a contractor, he
sometimes used pawn shops to pawn tools in order to make payroll. He stated that heavy state
regulations prevent the use of pawn shops as places to dump stolen property.
P Page 4
November 21, 2002
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0 Commissioner PLUMMER inquired about trees which were removed from the Phillips 66
and from the cabinet shop at 41" and Kipling. Alan White replied that staff is looking into
this matter and will initiation code enforcement.
• Commissioner McMILLIN asked about the intensity of light coming from the Phillips 66
station. Alan White explained that since the light bulb is visible from the property line, it is
a violation of code. Code enforcement will also address this issue.
Meredith Reckert advised Commissioner McNAMEE that Foothills would receive a
certified letter in the next few days regarding the pedestrian access to 47`' Place. The letter
also expressed the city's concern about parking.
Election of Planning Commission Chair - It was moved by Commissioner McNAMEE
and seconded by Commissioner SNOW that a recommendation be forwarded to City
Council to change Planning Commission bylaws so that elections for chair and vice-chair
are moved to coincide with new appointments to the Commission and that elections be
held the first meeting after new appointments are made. The motion passed 7-0.
that Paula Weisz continue as Chair and Nancy Snow continue as Vice Chair until new
appointments are made to the Planning Commission. The motion passed 7-0.
Commissioner McMILLIN asked when the position vacated by Jerry Collins would be filled.
Commissioner McNAMEE stated that it was her understanding that City Council planned to
wait to fill this position when all new appointments are made in March.
There were no Commission reports.
There were no committee or department reports.
It was moved by Commissioner PLUMMER and seconded by Commissioner McNAMEE
to adjourn the meeting at 9:25 pm. The motion passed 7-0.
Paula Weisz, Chair
Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary
City of Wheat Ridge
Planning and Development Department
Council has addressed #2 and #5 with the first reading changes. Items #1 and #3 are
recommendations that appear not to need further discussion. This leaves the issue of the large
motor homes. Questions to consider are:
Attached are two examples of regulations that restrict the parking of large motor homes in
residential areas; one from Denver and one from St. Louis Park, Minnesota. The vehicle siz
used to set limitations are fairly consistent with our definition of major vehicle. I
111111 1 ill All I I ill 1 111111
I strongly encourage you not to entertain a grandfather clause. In order for grandfathering to be
effective, we need to know what exists at the time the ordinance is passed. It would take a
tremendous amount of time to inventory all existing recreational vehicles and trailers in the City.
All recommendations concerning this ordinance are requested to be made at this hearing. This is
the last opportunity to make recommendations under the 60-day limit for Council to refer matters
to the Commission.
CADocuments and SettingsWanNy DocumentskWPFiles\Projects\zoning amendme=\ry parking pe dec memo.doc
Council Bill No.
Ordinance No. 36
Series of 2002
E. Pickup truck-mounted campers and pickup truck shells, when mounted upon pickup
trucks, are not subject to these parking restrictions except that such camper shall not
be used for permanent or temporary living quarters. Nothing in this section will be
construed to restrict or limit parking of any vehicle so described upon private
GED\53027\425590,01 -2-
Section 3. Section 15- 25 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws is amended by the addition
of a new subsection (k) to read:
Section 4. Ordinance No. 1265, Series 1 hereby repealed.
INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of — to on
this 18th day
• November, 2002, ordered published in full in a newspaper of general circulation
in the City of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for
December 9, 2002, at 7:00 o'clock pm., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue,
Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
Wanda Sang, City Clerk
I st Publication:
2nd Publication:
Wheat Ridge Transcript
Effective Date:
GED\53027r425590,01 -4-
2. The proposed parking area is located away from abutting residential structures and
will have a minimal impact on the character of surrounding residential properties.
OM •
City of St. Louis Park, Minn.
Sec. 36-162. Restrictions and performance standards.
(b) Definitions, For the purpose of subsections (c)(8), (c)(9) and (c)(10) of this section, the listed terms are
defined as follows:
Back yard means the area between a line created by extending the rear face of the principal building and the
rear lot line.
Front yard means the area between a line created by extending the front face of the principal building and the
street in front of the house.
(4) All access roads shall have a poured-in-place concrete curb measuring at least six inches above and
below the grade in all developments except developments of single-family or two-family dwellings.
(5) Interior pedestrian circulation and pedestrian linkage to any existing public trails or sidewalks shall •
provided where practically possible for all developments except developments of single-family or two-family
I Garages where the building dimensions exceed 12 feet in height and/or 26 feet in width shall be located a
minimum of two feet from a lot line abutting an alley and five feet from any other lot lines.
e. The total ground floor area of all accessory buildings shall not exceed 25 percent of the area between the
principal structure and rear lot line and in the R-1, R-2 or R-3 districts and it shall not exceed 800 square feet.
Except in the R-3 district, the total ground floor area of all accessory buildings shall not exceed either 1,200
& No accessory building other than a garage shall be located within three feet of any lot line abutting lots in
an R district.
h. Accessory buildings located less than six feet from a principal building on the same lot shall be considered
part of the principal building for the purpose of applying provisions of this chapter.
L Where the natural grade of a lot at the building line of a house is eight feet or more above the established
curb level, a private garage may be erected within any yard provided one-half or more of its height is below
grade level and it is located a minimum of ten feet from any street line and five feet from any side lot line.
K Twenty-two feet in length, measured at the longest point of the vehicle or, if a trailer, the horizontal
weent jhj ijiiij jid rear edgej jj Jig trailer bed, For the • umose • measuring length, all accessories,
c. The vehicle shall be screened using a 90 percent opaque fence which is six feet high and plant materials
which at maturity have the ability to screen 100 percent of the height and 100 percent of the length of the
vehicle with a minimum of 50 percent opacity from view from:
1. Any park.
2. Any abutting residentially developed property,
3. Any street which abuts the back yard.
a. No more than three vehicles can be parked or stored outside an enclosed building at a single-family
residence. For a duplex, six vehicles can be parked or stored outside. If there are more than three persons
residing at a single-family dwelling who have valid state driver's licenses showing the residence address, then
the total number of vehicles allowed to be parked outside is increased to a number equal to the number of
licensed drivers residing at the property not to exceed five vehicles. The provisions of this subsection shall not
apply during snow emergencies.
e. No more than one recreational vehicle which exceeds the size requirements in subsection (c)(8) of this
section can be parked on a residential lot outside an enclosed building.
No nonpassenger vehicle can be parked within five feet of an interior side lot line or rear lot line.
nonpassenger vehicle can be parked within the front yard or within a side yard abutting a street except
where designated parking space is permitted under subsection 36-361 (b)(3)1. Under no circ, urnstances can a
nonpassenger vehicle which exceeds the size limitations in subsection (c)(8) of this section be parked in a front
(Code 1976, §§ 14:5-4, 14:5-4. 1; Ord. No. 2202-01, § 2, 8-20-200 1)