HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/06/2003CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting February 20, 2003 1, CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission was called to order by Vice "Chair S NOW at 7:00 p.m in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenues Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 2.. ROLL CALL Commission Members Present: ` Paulette Cooper Marian McNamee John McMillin Phil Plummer Nancy Snow Kevin Witt Commission Members Absent; Paula Weisz (excused) Staff Members Present: Alan White, Community Development Director Mike Pesicka Planning- Technician Meredith Rec ert, Senior Planner Cindy Hagerman, Code Enforcement Ann Lazieri, Recording Secretary 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IN anning Commission Page 2 February 20, 2003 Commissioner McMILLIN dommended W Heine for using apiece of r • RME M EMN • Vice Chitir SNOW d§k6d if flieit Were tn�trs �6Hic • • �Mshed f6 �ddress this issue. e s • e • 6 =111111 •. • s� 1. Staff and PlanningCo bodies than the B o a rd of Adjustment. 2. It will exp r elim inating Planning Commission Fags February 20, 2003 PLANNING COMMISSION TRAINING SESSION Second Floor Conference Room March 6,2003 - 6:00 P.M. Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Wbikihop April 6, 2000 B. Exactions and Conditions of Approval. (1) What can the City require as conditions of �q�y* of a land use case? (2) Are there different '"rules" depending upon the type of land use case? 1 increased TOCUS on clear standards and adequate notice. Beavgr Mgad• w§ v. Lacirrigr Cgunty a) Off-site road in pacts and emergency services. GED1530271 344689,01 1 heard !. •o C EOt5302713446 M1 c) Rely upon and state your conclusions in the motion 2. Findings a) Written: Summarize the evidence and relate the evidence relied upon to satisfy each and every one of the criteria in the Code of Laws b) Oral: Not recommended. Now do you defend an oral finding? c) Written conditions have a greater chance of being Stick to the request before you, a) Apply the same standards of relevance you would want to see in public testimony. b) If it is a rezoning case, do not engage in site planning, c) Applicant is in charge of his application; if the request is for rezoning to C-1; that is what you vote on. (Exception: variances.) GED\530271344689,01 3 Key: P = Permitted Principal Uses S = Special Uses A& 303-235-2851 www.d.wheatridge,co,us USES NOTES R-1 R-1A R-1B R-1C R-2 R-2A R-3 R-3A One-family dwelling commercial P P P P P P P P Two-family dwelling playgrounds or P P P P Three-family dwelling other public P P p Four-family dwelling recreation uses P P P Multi-family dwelling Restaurants, S S S S S S P P Bed and breakfast See 26-608 S S S S S S S S Church, parish house permitted as S S S S S S S S Day care home, large accessory to a S S S S S S P P Electric transmission public or private S S S S S S S S substation golf course. Family foster home P P P P P P P P Governmental and No outside storage P P P P P P P P quasi-governmental buildings, fire stations See § 26-612 S S S S S S S S and public utility buildings Governmental and Outside storage S S S S S S S S quasi-governmental buildings, fire stations and public utility buildings Parks Includes: non- P P P P P P p P commercial playgrounds or other public recreation uses Public or private golf Restaurants, S S S S S S S S courses, country clubs lounges and bars or clubs operated for permitted as the benefit of members accessory to a only and not for gain public or private golf course. Public and private S S S S S S S S schools, colleges and universities. Residential group See § 26-612 S S S S S S S S home for children USES ` NOTES R -1 R -1A R -1B R -1C R- R- 2A R -3 R- Residential group See § 26-612 P P P P P P P ' homes, nursing Private stables for horses, cows, llamas, sheep, See § 26 -605, EXCLUDES the keeping of swine goats; and similar animals Private storage sheds Private swimming pools and tennis courts See § 26 -603< homes, or congregate For satellite earth receiving stations, see § 6 -616, television or radio antennas and § 6-617. Public utility lines and poles, irrigation channels, storm drainage and water supply facilities Rooming and/or boarding of not more than 2 On a contract basis for not less than 7 days care facility for 6 -6 Water towers or aboveground reservoirs Not in excess of 36 feet elderly persons Residential group See § 26 -612 S S S S S S S S homes, nursing homes or congregate care facility for g or more elderly persons Wind powered exce ss of 36 S S S Sgenerators �Not Table of Uses --a-A ricultural grad g ublic, Facilities Acceseo l.3 es 1 =or Residential # istricte Notes Bee beeping See § 6 -6013 and 667. Ancillary uses operating within a church's primary ;; e.g.: day dare centers, scout meetings structure Home occupations See § 26-613 Detached private garage or carport Household pets, limited to no more than 3 dogs Plus their unweaned offspring and 4 cats Private poultry houses, pigeon coops, rabbit and See § 26 -666, chinchilla hutches Private stables for horses, cows, llamas, sheep, See § 26 -605, EXCLUDES the keeping of swine goats; and similar animals Private storage sheds Private swimming pools and tennis courts See § 26 -603< Public and private communications towers, For satellite earth receiving stations, see § 6 -616, television or radio antennas and § 6-617. Public utility lines and poles, irrigation channels, storm drainage and water supply facilities Rooming and/or boarding of not more than 2 On a contract basis for not less than 7 days persons Water towers or aboveground reservoirs Not in excess of 36 feet Table of Uses --a-A ricultural grad g ublic, Facilities EASES NOTES A-1 A-2 PF Daycare home, large S S Clay care center, large S S Gay care center, small S S Clog kennels, catteries, veterinary hospitals Provided that outside runs which are S S adjacent to residentially zoned or used property are no closer than 25 feet to a side or rear lot line. Electric transmission substations S S General farming and raising or keeping of PROHIBITED in A -1: The raising or P P stock„ bee keeping, poultry or small keeping of swine. INCLUDED in A -2. The animals Such as rabbits or chinchillas. keeping of swine and /or potbellied pigs Sus Scrofa Vittatus, except such animals shall not be fed garbage, Family Foster Dome P' l Fish hatcheries P P Governmental and quasi- governmental No outside storage P P P buildings, fire stations and public utility buildings Governmental and quasi - governmental Outside storage S S S buildings, fire stations and public utility buildings Greenhouses and landscape nurseries, See § 26 -624 P P including both wholesale and retail sales of related products One family dwelling P p Parks Includes non- commercial playgrounds or P P P other public recreation uses. Public and private Schools, colleges, and In Public Facility District only public S S P universities . schools. Public or private golf courses, country Not including a private club which provides S S clubs or clubs operated for the benefit of service customarily carried on as a members only and not for gain. business Race track, fair grounds, amusement S S resorts, heliports, radio towers and stations Residential group homes for 6 or fewer See § 6 -612 P P elderly persons Residential group or nursing homes, or See § 2 -612 S congregate care facilities for 9 or more elderly persons , Residential group homes for children See § - 612 S Riding academies and public stables Provided that any structure housing P P animals which is adjacent to a residentially zoned or used property shall be no closer than 25 feet to a side or rear lot line. . a 1t + w do a • •. s Meeti the definition and stand Detached private garage or s♦ USES H ousehold pets - • to no more than 3 dogs Plus their unweaned • s e and 4 cats, -1 C-2 I Adult entertainment establishments In accordance with Wh Ridge occurring on pre mises. P Private storage sheds, barns, animal shelters or out building s fix "M 1 , 1 Im. W See ' 26-603 for related requirements. Public utility lines and poles, irrigation channels, Includes other similar facilities such as electric storm drainage and wafef supply facilities. trai4rnjistoiOines and Poles. Public and private communications towers, P television or radio antennas, P P Amusement parks S Rooming and/or boarding for not more than 2 On pi�confra�i basis for not'��Ies�s than 7 days. perso With outside runs; no cremation • + .ss s e e • Not in excess of 35 feet. Table of Uses—Commercial and industrial Districts USES NOTES NC P -1 C-2 I Adult entertainment establishments In accordance with Wh Ridge P P P Code of Laws,: Chapter 3 Ambulance services P P P P Amusement parks S P P Animal veterinary hospitals and With outside runs; no cremation P P clinics' Animal veterinary hospitals or Wh there are no outside pens or S P P P P clinics runs for dogs; no cremation USES NOTES NC RC C -1 C -2 I Antique stores In NC & RC Districts Provided that S P P P P no more than 200 square feet of building area shall be allocated to repair Apparel and a ccessary store See Footnote 1 S P P P P Appliance stares and incidental P P P service and repair Art galleries or studios See Footnote 1 P P P P P Assembly halls and convention P P P facilities Auction houses S P P Auto service, repair and See § 26 -631 P P P maintenance shops, minor Auto service, repair and See § 26-631 S P P maintenance shops, major Automobile and light -duty truce See § 26 ®623 S S S sales and rental Automotive parts and supplies P P P sales Bakeries, retail See Footnote 1 S P P P P Banks„ loan and finance offices See § 26-633 P P P P P Bed and breakfast Dames Subject to requirements set forth in P P P P P -608. Bicycle stares See Footnote I S P P P P Blueprinting, photostatic copying EXCLUDING: Large panting, S P P P P and other similar reproduction publishing and /or book binding services establishments See Footnote 1 Boat, recreational vehicle and See § 26-626 S S S trailer sales, rentals and service Book stores, newsstands, See Footnote 1 S P P P P stationery and card stares Building contractors service shop See § 26 -629 S P P and storage yard incidental to an office/showroom principal use. Business machine or computer See Footnote 1 S P P P P stares Butcher shops and food lockers EXCLUDING. Food processing P P P Cabinet and woodworking shops S ' The amount of building space devoted to retail use is limited to 5,000 square feet in NC and RC Districts. USES NOTES NC RC; C -1 C @2 I Camera and photographic service See Footnote 1 S ' P P P P' and supply stores Car wash, automatic Candy, nut and confectionery See Footnote 1 P S P P P P" stores P P Caterers P Caretaker residence Only one unit for caretaker or Lay care canter, large P P P P - P manager P P P Carpet cleaning and fumigating S Carting, express, hauling or S' storage yard Car wash, automatic S P P Car wash, coin operated S P P Caterers P P P Lay care canter, large P P - P Day care center, small P P P Clinics and offices for the C -1, C -2 & I INCLUDE Residential P P P P P counseling and treatment of Facilities: psychological, social, marital, developmental or similar conditions NC & RC EXCLUDES Residential facilities ALL districts INCLUDE. and treatment for substance abuse and alcoholism Cold storage plant ` P P Commercial machine shops S P P Community buildings e.g.: YMCA's, CA's, churches, P P P P P libraries, parks, museums, aquariums and art galleries. Construction and heavy equipment See § 26-629 P P sales, service, rental and storage Contractor's. plant or storage yard S Dairy products stores See Footnote 1 S P P P P Clay care center and preschools, P P P large Day care center and preschools, P P P small; Department or variety stores P P P Drug ,stores P P P Eating establishments, drive S S S S S through Eating establishments, sit down S P P P P Electric transmission and public S S S S S utility substations t ..tit r • �Il Vlu �* I r egrinding shop r• e s • Exterminators NOTES Contract ♦ a yar Outside storage disp prohi P P P P P P S P P P P See § 26-628 See Footnote 'I_ Governmental and quasi- No outside storage'' S governmental buildings and offices, See Footnote _1 S P P P P fire stations or public utility See Footnote 1 S P P P P buildings INCLUDES. Private clubs, P P P P P Governmental and quasi- rp t ur nts and founaes. drivino S S S P P See § 26-628 See Footnote 'I_ Governmental and quasi- No outside storage'' S governmental buildings and offices, P P fire stations or public utility P P P P P S buildings P P P P P Governmental and quasi- Outside Storage S S S P P governmental buildings and offices, fire stations or public utility buildings Greenhouses and landscape See § 26 -624 S S P P P nurseries, retail Greenhouses and landscape See § 26-624 S P P nurseries, wholesale Grocery or w sto • j See Footno 1 . .» Grocery stares which may include See Footnote I no more than 'I gasoline service island with no more than dispensing pumps H st Hobby and cra stores S P P P P P P P S P P P P P P P P P P USES NOTES NC RC C-1 C-2 Home improvements supply stores P P P Hotels or motels for transient There shall be 1000 square feet of S S S occupancy, gross lot area for each unit. Ice plants P P Indoor amusement and recreational e.g.: Roller rinks, bowling alleys, P P P enterprises arcades and similar uses. Indoor flea markets PROHIBITED: Outdoor flea P P P markets Interior decorating shops S p P P P Itinerant sales See § 26-630 S S S Jewelry stores See Footnote I S P P P P Kennels S Laundry and dry cleaning shops S S P P P Laundry and dry cleaning pick up P P P P P stations Leather goods and luggage stores P P P Linen supply P P P Liquor stores P P P Locksmith shops P P P P P Lumber yards and building supply Unenclosed storage of any P P P stores materials shall be screened from view from adjacent properties and streets Manufacture of vaccines, serums PROVIDED: An antidote exists S and toxins and is readily available for such vaccine, serums or toxins; and approval of such manufacture is received from the state department of health and the county health department. Manufacturing, processing, See § 26-505; § 26-631 and P P assembly, or light industrial § 26-123, definitions operations Manufacturing, fabrication and/or S processing of concrete products Meat, poultry or seafood stores See Footnote 1 S P P P P Medical and dental offices, clinics Pharmacies and optical stores are P P p P P or laboratories accessory use Mini-warehouses for inside storage P P Mobile or modular homes or See § 26-628 S S building sales Mortuaries and crematories S I S I S USES : NOTES NC RCS C -1 G -2 Motor fueling stations S P P Motorcycle sales and service See § 26 -623 P P P Music stares See Footnote 1 S P P P P Newsstands For the sale of newspapers, P P P P P magazines, etc:- Office supply stares See Footnote 1 S P P P P Offices: General administrative P P P P P business and professional offices Optical stores See Footnote 1 S P P P P Outdoor Amusement Facilities ` S P P Paint and wallpaper stores See Footnote 1 S P P P P Parking of automobiles of clients, P P P patients and patrons of occupants of adjacent commercial districts Parking of not more than 3 See § 26-619; see § 2 -123, S S S commercial truck - tractors and/or definitions semi - trailers When in conformance with the parking design Standards set forth in § 26-501 . It is not intended that such parking limitations shall apply to pickup and delivery trucks normally associated with business operations. Pawn shops _ S Pet stares See Footnote 1 S P P P P Pharmacies S P P P P Picture framing shops See Footnote 1 S P P P P Plumbing and heating supply EXCLUDING Outdoor storage P P P stores and shops yards Printing, engraving and other S related production processes Private clubs, social clubs, bingo P P P parlors and similar uses F IResearch laboratories, offices and P P other facilities for research Residential group and nursing P P P P P homes and congregate care facilities for 6 to 3 elderly persons Residential group and nursing S S S homes and congregate care facilities for g or more elderly persons p the USES < NOTES NC RC C -I C -2 1 Residential group Home for chi ldren Stone cutting or polishing works S S s Residential uses in existence on Such residential uses may be P P P P P 3/11/97 extended, enlarged, and/or P teaching of fine arts, photography, reconstructed so long as no music, drama or stance additional dwelling units are "Tailor, dressmaking or clothing � � created P P P alteration shops Residential uses in commercial See § 2 -626 P P P P P zones P P Rooming and boardinghouses private cribs and bars S S P P P RV, boat, trailer and travel trailer See § 26 -628 Television, radio, small appliance See Footnote 1 P P storage P P repair and service shops Sales, repair, rental and servicing Temporary Christmas tree, produce P P of any commodity that the P P P P and bedding plant sales lots manufacture, fabrication, Theatres, indoor processing or sale of which is P P P permitted in the district see Foo 1 S P P P Schools for industrial or business Conducted entirely within an S S training, including vocational trade enclosed building or professional schools Schools. public, private colleges INC U E& Those uses S S S P P and universities. commonly accepted as necessary thereto when located on the same premises. Shoe repair shops P P P P Pi Shoe stores See Footnote 1, S P P P P Shops for custom work or for See § 26 -631, § 26 -632 P P making articles, materials or Sporting goads stares See Footnote 1 S P P P P Stone cutting or polishing works P P Studio for professional work or P P P P P teaching of fine arts, photography, music, drama or stance "Tailor, dressmaking or clothing � � P P P alteration shops Taverns, night clubs, lounges, P P P private cribs and bars Television, radio, small appliance See Footnote 1 S P P P P repair and service shops Temporary Christmas tree, produce See § 26 -627 P P P P and bedding plant sales lots Theatres, indoor P P P Tobacco stores see Foo 1 S P P P P C RC -1 C-2 S p p p p S S' P p P S p p See § 26-632 S Community Development INHE,q 75(I{9'4?W. 29 Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 303- 235 --2846 »c1.wheatr1d8e.co.us Sec. 26 -106 Review process chart. tOR Pre -Ai olication Outline Final Notes Aooroval Fie nest d Staff Neighborhood VRP-q PC CC Staff Y-R-P9 PC CC BOA Site Plan X A A § 26 -111 Major Subdivision X X URA URA H H § 26 -404.0 Minor Subdivision X X URA H H § 26 -404.1 (w/dedications) Minor Subdivision X X URA H Appeal to CG (w /o dedications) § 6 -404.5 Minor Plat Correction, x A § 26-409 Amendment, Revision Lot line Adjustment X A § 26-490 Consolidation Plat X URA H H 9 wldedication § 6 -404. D Consolidation Plat X A URA § 26 -997 w/o dedication Planned Development X x URA H H URA H H ART III Rezoning, Private X x URA H H 2 § 26 -112 Rezoning, City URA H H 2 §26 -113 Zoning Correction X H H § 26 -910 Special Use X X URA H H §2 -914 Variance—Administrative X A A Appeal to BOA § 6 -915,5 Variance—Regular X U H § 6 -995.0 Temporary Permit X A H § 26- 115.0 Interpretation X A Appeal to BOA § 26- 915.5 Hist Des X URA H ART IX Planned Bldg. Group X A A § 26 -116 loodplain Permit -- X A § 26 -806 Class I Floodplain Permit— X H §26 -806 Glass 11 C Requirements. The level and type of improvements required in the ADO District are dependent upon the level of site development proposed, The levels and types of site development are categorized as: 0 Major Commercial Development/Redevelopment (over 20,000 square feet); IIIIIIIIIIIIII I I III IpIIIIIIIII� I I IIIIII I'll I !1-1111111 111 2038W Signage .. .. 1. To protect the unique character of Wheat Ridge. 2. • foster and enhance civic pride in the attractiveness • streets, stree) frontages on private buildings, arid associated facilities, including sidewalks, lighting, street trees, and o:her improvements to the street and private areas leading up to an includ ng the facades of buildings fronting upon the streets within this overlay district. 3, To strengthen and enhance the economy of the city. 4. To protect and enhance the city's historical, cultural, architectural and related attractions for residents, visitors and tourists. R 11 111 lillIilillillillilillilililillI PREVENT 1 1111191! 111! 1 1 ME= 13 Description of District The Streetscape Overlay District includes four classifications, each with its own set of design standards, The four classifications are. EMM Both Neighborhood Commercial and Arterial Commercial are further subdivided into Rural Character and Urban Character. Finally, there are identified areas that possess the potential for mixed-use development. Due to this potential, a special set of design standards will apply. A map detailing these classifications is provided as an appendix to the Streetscape and Architectural Design Manual. See section 26-224. D Enhanced Design and Construction Requirements. Enhanced design and construction -requirements applicable to site development within the Streetscape Overlay District are detailed in the Streetscape and Architectural Design Manual (section 26-224). In general, these requirements address- Trees, shrubs & ground cover Paving systems Fences OIM= 2MWMMMI= ■ City gateway signs and identity elements Community information board • Newsstands • Pedestrian and vehicular lighting • Directional signage • City facility signage • Public art limitations and in furtherance of the purposes herein expressed. The "Wheat Ridge Streetscape Architectural Design Manual," described apply as one such regulation, and CASE NO. & NAME: MS-02-09/Boucher CASE MANAGER: Travis Crane ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a replat • three properties LOCATION OF REQUEST: 6745 W. 32" Avenue, 3225 Otis Street, 3240 Pierce Street NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT (S): Neil Boucher 16869 W 55 Drive Golden, Colorado 80403 NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER (S): same APPROXIMATE AREA: 52,472 Square Feet (approximately 1 .2 Ac.) PRESENT ZONING: Residential-Two (R-2) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: SF (6) — Single Family not to exceed six DUs per acre UMMMIERM DATE LEGAL NOTICES SENT: February 20, 2003 (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERJALS (X) ZONING ORDINANCE (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION (X) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS (X) EXHIBITS ( ) OTHER JURISDICTION: The nroDertv is within the Citv of Wheat Ridee--and-al -notifli" and Dostug Mguirette,*ts • I, REQUEST The applicant is requesting approval of a replat of three existing lots (Exhibit 1, Letter Request). This requested replat would not create any additional lots. 11. CASE ANALYSIS The properties in question are located north of 32 d Avenue between Otis Street and Pierce Street, and are approximately 52,472 square feet in area. The properties are all zoned Residential Two (Exhibit 2, Vicinity Map), Currently lot 2 is vacant land. Lot 1 and lot 3 have existing residential structures located on them. The previous owner of lot 2 sold portions of land to his neighbors via deed transfer. Pursuant to Chapter 26 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, an, y transfer of land is considered a subdivision; therefore a subdivision plat must be submitted and approved. The applicant is the owner • lot 2. The owners of lots I and 3 have given written consent for this application to be filed (Exhibit 4, Letters of Consent). This plat would transfer approximately 1,000 square feet from lot 2 to lot 1. This will make lot I approximately 15,844 square feet in size. Lot 2 would also transfer approximately 7,578 square feet to lot 3. This proposal would increase the size of lot 3 from 10,436 square feet to 18,014 square feet. Lot 2 would be reduced to a size of 18,064 square feet. 1`111111111 V I =0 ot 1,120 75 — asmg le — amily dwelling, and a minimum l width • 111 teet tor a duplex. I ot lot 2 will each be almost 110 feet in width. Lot 3 is a comer lot. A comer lot in the R-2 district must be at least 80 feet wide on each frontage, Both the Otis Street frontage and the West 32 Avenue frontage of lot 3 exceed this lot width standard. The R-2 district requires a minimum lot size • if square feet for a single-family structure and 12,500 square feet for a duplex. All three of these lots will • in excess of 12,500 square fe in size. I Planning Commission MS-02-09/Boucher The meeting for neighborhood input was held on December 3, 2002 in the Municipal Building located at 7500 West 29 Avenue. Two people attended the meeting, and were in favor of the proposal. A summary of the meeting and sign in sheet has been included as Exhibits 5 & 6. All outside service agencies that currently serve the property will continue • serve the property, and have indicated that the property owner will incur any associated costs of improvement. A Drainage report has been reviewed and approved by the Public Works Department. The Final Plat has been reviewed by the City Surveyor, and has been approved in accordance with the subdivision regulations, ) VII. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS - 7 1 7 - conc u es e in p e su ♦ vision requirements as cies e in ic e of Chapter 26 of the Code of Laws, Therefore, staff reconunends APPROVAL of Case No. MS- 02-09. Option B: "I move to recommend DENTAL of Case No. MS-02-09, a request for a replat of properties located at 6745 W. 32 Avenue, 3225 Otis Street and 3240 Pierce Street for the following reasons: Planning Commission MS-02-09/Boucher MMEMMEM Travis Crane City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29 Avenue Midae. aclorado 80215 Subject: The Sage at Otis Final Plat I - AINEERING JONES ASSOC. IN 2329 West Main Street, Suite 105 Littleton, Colorado 80120 303-738-0283 * fax" 303-738-0285 ----------- P,A3494005hP0MWmbffdM21hMnfDe. 19.DOC MMIM w-'11 9 r- OWNERS/SUBDIVIDERS CONTINUED S 4_7 R Otb_9_. S 1. A%� el`0'YEl°tl S THE PURPOSE OF THIS SUBDIVISION IS TO CREATE A PLAT OVER PREVIOUSLY PLATTED LOTS THAT HAVE BEEN RESUBDIVIDED BY DEED. THIS SUBDIVISION PLAT WILL BRING THE NEW OWNERSHIP BOUNDARIES INTO COMPLIANCE WITH COLORADO LAW, LEGAL DESCRIPTIO A RESUBDIVISiON OF LOT 1, THE LAST GREENHOUSE SUBDIVISION (RECEPTION NO. F1438759), LOT 2, PIERCE STREET MINOR SUBDIVISION (RECEPTION NO. F0764000) AND LOT 7, BLOCK 4 AND THE NORTH 35' OF LOT 6, BLOCK 4 PIERCE STREET SUBDIVISION (RECEPTION NO. 47409970), CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO, AS RECORDED IN SAID COUNTY, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST ONE- QUARTER OF SAID SECTION; THENCE N89 "58'25 "E ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST ONE- QUARTER SECTION, 139.84 FEET; THENCE NOO °01'35 "W, 30.00 FEET CO THE SOUTHWEST PROPERTY CORNER OF LOT 3, ALSO BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NOO'04'4 "W, 258.96 FEET; THENCE 589`58'25 "W, 115.16 FEET TO A POINT IN THE EAST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF PIERCE STREET; THENCE N00 °08'15 "W ALONG SAID RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE, 110,00 FEET; THENCE N89 °58'25 "E, 140.00 FEET; THENCE S00 °08'1 5 "E, 150.00 FEET; THENCE N89 °58'25 "E, 140.00 FEET TO A POINT IN THE WEST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF OTIS STREET; THENCE SOO'08'15 "E ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, 203.93 FEET TO A TANGENT, 15.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE, CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG LAST SAID RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90 °06'40 ", A DISTANCE CIF 23.59 FEET TO A POINT IN THE NORTH RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF WEST 32ND AVENUE; THENCE S89 °58'25 "W ALONG SAID RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE, 1517.07 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THIS PARCEL AS DESCRIBED, CONTAINS 52,472 SQUARE FEET, OR 1.205 ACRES, MORE OR LESS �I�TERS��II3E�5 - WE, GWENDOLYN SANTARROMANA, BETTE ERICSON, CORNELIUS B EUSER, TONNY EUSER, AND NJBJR, LLC, BEING THE OWNERS OF REAL PROPERTY CONTAINING 1.205 ACRES D4_ >CRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A RESUBD €VISION OF LOT 1, THE LAST GREENHOUSE SUBDIVSION (RECEPTION N0. F1438759), LOT 2, PIERCE STREET MINOR SUBDIVISION (RECEPTION NO. F0764000) AND LOT 7, BLOCK 4 AND THE NORTH 35' OF LOT 6, BLOCK 4 PIERCE STREET SUBDIVISION (RECEPTION NO. 47409970), CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO, AS RECORDED IN SAID COUNTY. HAVE LAID OUT, SUBDIVIDED AND PLATTED SAID LAND AS PER THE DRAWING HEREON CONTAINED UNDER THE NAME AND STYLE OF THE SAGE AT OTIS SUBDIVISION, A SUBD €VF ION OF A PAR OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO AND BY THESE PRESENTS DO DEDICATE TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AND THE PUBLIC THOSE PORTIONS OF REAL. PROPERTY SHOWN AS RIGHT -OF -WAY, AND DO FURTHER DEDICATE TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AND THOSE MUNICIPALLY FRANCHISED UTILITIES AND SERVICES THOSE PORTIONS OF THE REAL PROPERTY SHOWN AS EASEMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION, OPERATION, MAINTENrziCE, REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT OF ALL SERVICES. THIS INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC I -INES, GAS LINES, WATER AND SANITARY SEWER LINES, HYDRANTS, STORM_ WATER SYSTEMS AND PIPES, DETENTION PONDS, STREET LIGHTS AND ALL APPURTENANCES THERETO. i 38TH AVENUE DRAW &K KDIW . aiE CKED BY-,JTJ NO DATE° _ - ; -- -- - - -- - - - -! -- f -I - -- 2 1123103 CITY COMM ENTS FROM 2ND SUBMITTAL 3 4 3 H AV I �Ei — 5 - - - -- -- - - - -- -. -- - - - 1 - - -- - -- Un - -- I , - - - -- - At. \ ,_T IE j SIT 129TH i A E U i - Lj I � > Er Ly 2 FH AV - N° E v m T — - LJ -- : _ Q - -- I I �``J � I MAP SCA! E: 1 " =1000' SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, JAMES T. JONES, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY OF - THE BOUNDARY OF THE SAGE AT OTIS SUBDIVISION WAS MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND T Y INFORMATION N I 0 THE BEST OF M KNOWLEDGE, fNFORM AND BELIEF, N ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE COLORADO STATUTES, CURRENT REVISED EDITION AS AMENDED, THE ACCOMPANYING PLAT ACCURATELY REPRESENTS SAID SURVEY. ,? DAY OF t , trill - 20 >TRATION NUMBER 19606 AND ON BEHALF OF JONES ENGINEERING ASSOCIA PLANN COMMISSION CERTIFICATIO RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL THIS_ —DAY OF _2O_, BY THE WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION. CHAIRPERSON GWENDOLYN SANTARROMANA TONNY EUSER CITY CERTIFICATIO STATE OF COLORADO ) STATE OF COLORADO ) APPROVAL THIS —DAY OF , 20_, BY THE WHEAT RIDGE CITY COUNCIL. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) SS ) SS ATTES COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) r� v in m n U b. L. v v n 1 ri i v c. T m THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF 20_, BY GWENDOLYN SANTARROMANA, CO- OWNER. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. NOTARY PUBLIC MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: BETTS ERICSON STATE OF COLORADO } ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF 20_, BY BETTE ERICSON, CO- OWNER. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL, NOTARY PUBLIC '- MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: CORNELIUS B. EUSER STATE OF COLORADO ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE MI: THIS _ DAY OF 20_, BY CORNELIUS EUSER, CO— OWNER. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. NOTARY PUBLIC MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS _ DAY OF _ 20_, BY TONNY EUSER, CO— OWNER. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. NOTARY PUBLIC MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NJBJR, LLC, A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY BY: _ NEIL BOUCHER, PRESIDENT STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS — DAY OF , 20_, BY NEIL BOUCHER, PRESIDENT. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. NOTARY PUBLIC MY COMMISSION CITY CLERK DIRECTOR OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT MAYOR _.__ _ DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS CLERK AND RECORDER'S CMR�fl FICATE STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNT`( CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN, COLORADO, AT—O'CLOCK--.M. ON THE—DAY OF _, A.D., IN BOOK , PAGE RECEPTION N0. _ JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER BY: DEPUTY r, ffin ml, 1. BASED ON A REVIEW OF FLOODPLAIN INSURANCE RATE MAP NO. 085079 0005 C, DATED FEBRUARY 4, 1988, THIS PROPERTY IS NOT WITHIN THE 100 -YEAR FLOODPLAIN LIMITS. 2. ANY PERSON WHO KNOWINGLY REMOVES, ALTERS OR DEFACES ANY PUBLIC LAND SURVEY MONUMENT OR LAND BOUNDARY MONUMENT OR ACCESSORY, COMMITS A CLASS TWO (2) MISDEMEANOR PURSUANT TO STATE STATUTE 18 -4 -508, C.R.S. 3, NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT MAY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. 4. BASIS OF BEARINGS: THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST ONE - QUARTER OF SECTION 25 MONUMENTED AS SHOWN HEREON. SAID LINE BEARS N89 °58'25 "E. 5. THE EASEMENTS ON THIS PLAT ARE DEDICATED FOR THE INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, AND REPLACEMENT OF ELECTRIC, GAS, TELEVISION CABLE, DRAINAGE AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES. UTILITIES SHALL ALSO BE PERMITTED WITH ANY ACCESS EASEMENTS AND PRIVATE STREETS IN THE SUBDIVISION. PERMANENT STRUCTURES AND WATER METERS SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED WITHIN SAID UTILITY EASEMENTS. JOB NO. 3494A05 BA'T'E. DECEMBER 6, 2002 SHEET _! OF 2 . 2329 West Main Street, Suite 105 Littleton, Colorado 80120 Phone:303- 738 -0283 r.LK:303- 738 -028.5 CAW _MS -02 -09 DRAW &K KDIW . aiE CKED BY-,JTJ NO DATE° _ 1 1114103 CITY COMMENTS FROM 1ST SU BMITTAL 2 1123103 CITY COMM ENTS FROM 2ND SUBMITTAL 3 4 -- — 5 . 2329 West Main Street, Suite 105 Littleton, Colorado 80120 Phone:303- 738 -0283 r.LK:303- 738 -028.5 NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE NW 1/4, SECTION 25, T3S, R69W FOUND 3.25" BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX MARKED "T3S R69W 1/4 S23 S24, S26 S25, 1994 LS 13212" B2 _zoiWNC SU811 IV -1 MA C1 (-1 Y .'ICf7Cf S7f?-rf 7 SURDJWS/ai1J &.00X 4., LJ7' 9 ItCC'i' P7 /fihll� /rJ. r' OR�:%7t77 EXISTING LOT LINE TO BE REMOVED BY THIS PLAT. (TYPICAL) R? ICONN,O - 10Y- -IL JNl SON /lC rt 1/ �/ TAL LA15l JI�L_: /:I /UU✓`L JU J.Jy I.J �'�lY 1'fEclrP77JP' P;<O Y7y�t7L%i OVERED ALUM PIN AND CAP 41RR I P;EC:OVERED ALUM PIN AND CAP LS #16837 20 10 0 20 40 SCALE: i = 20 f2 %OI / /ly✓ R,YCf"PY101'I Jt'✓ r';!r�S'1 "�:J l L r - Er � k l e 4�. RECOVERED ALUM PIN ANDICAP LS #16837 LEGEND RECOVERED MONUMENT SET ALUM PIN AND CAP, LS #31545 SITE BOUNDARY EXISTING LOT LINE EXISTING EASEMENT EXISTING RIGHT —OF —WAY SECTION LINE PROPOSED EASEMENT PROPOSED LOT LINE RECOVERED ALUM PIN AND n 0 0 N :11 CJ n a: (P 3 a. o, K 0 i it n n w A=901 ;aide` 0" R ®l 5.00' L- 23.59' SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE NW 1/4, SECTION 25, T3S, R69W FOUND 3.25" BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX MARKED "T3S R69W 1/4 S26 S25 200 LS 32429" �OI T OF COMME - - - 139.84' OF BEGINNING WEST 32ND AVENUE BASIS OF BEARINGS ° SOUTH LINE OF THE N W 114 OF SE CTION 25 N8 9 58 251 26 44.59 ' CENTER OF SECTION 25, T3S, R69W FOUND 3.25" BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX MARKED "CITY OF WHEATRIDGE LS 28279 T3S R69W C1/4 SEC 25 1997" NO. D,W 7E - — DRA BY fCOM t E W -9t7PJ 1 1114103 CITY COMTIFIVTS FROM 1ST S UBMI7TAL 2 11 29103 CI TY COMMFNTS FROM 21JP _SUBMITTAL 4 6 � JOB NOS 3494.005 DATE; DECEMBER 9, 2002 SHEET 2 OF 2 a 2329 'Nest Mim Street, Suite 105 Littleton, C.owrado 80120 Phone: 303-738-0283 ftv.303- 738 -0285 November 24,2002 ---------- Thank you, Comelius B. Euser Cz,v ^'A- 41,;& zool I-Em I Bette Ann Ericson hereby grant Neil Boucher the right to adjust the lot lines of ft Ericson --LioAtAjv-4 6L�e ,^� - f4N,4 Z J m zoo3 ""NY A vAr C4� UU9 a& Telephone (303)235-2846 Fax (303)235-2857 am City Staff Present: T. Crane It of Wheat Ridge �ORP Issues discussed: Only two neighbors attended the meeting. The only items discussed were the color of the proposed structure for 3225 Otis and if the property was proposed to be a rental. 0 K > CL CL Mrs I M. E M Wgi m zx M:c low* Dam 0 CA 3 X 0 Z rr '0 0()) Z • Q M m i vowak z 0 NAT E & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT (S): National Retail Partners 113135 SE Sunnyside Rd. suite 250 Clackamas OR 97015 NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER (S): same APPROXINIATE AREA: 1,436,304 Square Feet (approximately 32.7 Ac.) PRESENT ZONING: Planned Commercial Development (PCD) PRESENT LAND USE: Shopping Center DATE POSTED; February 20, 2003 DATE LEGAL NOTICES SENT: February 20, 2003 ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS N ZONING ORDINANCE (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS (X) EXHIBITS OTHER JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of, Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. Planning Conumission The applicant is requesting approval of an amendment to the Applewood Vi age Shopping Center Planned Commercial Development Final Development Plan (Exhibit 1, Letter of Request). This amendment would allow an expansion of the overall allowable building square footage of the shopping center, and would increase parking spaces and landscaping. 11. CASE ANALYSIS The property in question is located between 32 d Avenue and 38 Avenue east of Youngfield Street, and is approximately 32.7 acres in area. The property is zoned Planned Commer Development (Exhibit 2, Vicinity Map). The property is more commonly known as the Applewood Shopping Center, Planning Conwaission 2 WZ-03-02/National Retail Partners 8. Increase in the gross floor area of structures beyond the authorized maximum allowed with the approved planned development. This proposed amendment will increase the gross floor area; therefore, public hearings before Planning Commission and City Council are required, The proposed amendment will increase the total number of parking spaces. The shopping center currently has 1,607 parking spaces. The amendment would add 24 parking spaces by reconfiguring the parking lot. The reconfigured spaces will only occur in front of the proposed King Soopers addition and adjacent to the Subway building. Buflding Coytta ge This amendment will add approximately 8,210 square feet of building area. Given a site o e 1,436,304 square feet, the addition will increase building coverage from 380,688 square f (26.5% of the total site) to 395,443 square feet (27.5% of the site). Planning Commission WZ-03-02/National Retail Partners Architecture Page four of the FDP details the proposed building addition elevations. A vertical wood beam with a stone veneer base delineates each retail space. The storefronts are separated in a way to create visual interest along the fagade. A neighborhood meeting is not required for an amendment to a Final Development Plan. Two letters from neighboring citizens have been included as exhibits 5 & 6. Both letters state overall s lort for this Dr geosal, hoWRov. pick-up and general cleanliness behind the shopping center. All outside service ajen . e I Tw-l") iiiiii� P-n ii Wi� Staff concludes that this amendment meets the requirements as described in Chapter 26 of the Code of Laws. This amendment exceeds required parking counts as detailed in Amendment 6, and has increased the overall landscaped area. Therefore, staff recommends APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-03-02. VIII. RECON11MENDED MOTIONS Option A. "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-03-02, a request for an amendment to the Applewood Village Shopping Center Final Development Plan for property located at 3400 Youngfield Street, for the following reasons: 1. It meets the requirements for a Final Development Plan. 2. This amendment will improve on-site parking and circulation. 3. This amendment will increase landscape coverage in the shopping center." am= ' move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. WZ-03-02, a request for an amendment to d m Applewood Village Shopping Center Final Development Plan for property located at 3400 • Yungfield • Street, for the fllowing reasons: I 1. ... " Planning Commission WZ-03-02/National Retail Partners El 'T x BUCHANAN YONUSHEWSKi GROUP, LLC Integrated Building So t tions Mr. Alan C. White, AICP Director of Planning and Development City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29 Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 RE: Ap•lewoo• Village Shopping Center FDP — Amendment #7 Written Request Thank you for your cooperation and assistance with the development of this project. I am now submitting to you for review an Amended Final Plan, Official Development Pla Amendment #7 for the above referenced project, I have read and completed the Final Development Plan Submittal Checklist and related support documents. I FACurrent Project Admin\21048 - Applewood Shopping CenterkCorrespondence0rig DepAa1an_whfte-FDP,doc1 4 7 m - :1 � 'k mm NW 29 --- WATER FEATURE e 10O.YEAR FLOOD PLAIN f eet (APPROXIMATE LOCATION) PEPA ENT OF PLANNING AND D LOP P ADOPTED* Iune 1 , 1994 Cast Revislon. September 10, 2001 Till- I rl PARM 2 LM It AM 2% SLOW 1 - = mk cr ox" AQVM vow co �m 2 w » rw W-1 TO Rc Na 7s-m 4;-t to Po va 77-it IST AW0 w -a-*, ;to MOOKNW lz 30 Awooff - AWD-OW ,, 04-4, AMM00W *z 05-3 pho SOU CORNER OF WEST 38TH AVENUE AND y"GFIELD STRE � A F132 L lA. OF THREE PARCELS OF LAND LOCATED IN THE EAST 1/2 OF THE N.W. 1/4 OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 'NEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, AMENDMENT IN 82 -6: THE CITY OF WHEAT 3RD AMENDMENT WZ - RIDGE, 4TH COUNTY WZ - 94 -4: OF AMENDMENT JEFFERSON, 98 -3: 6TH AMENDMENT WZ - 03 -02: 7TH STATE OF COLORADO, THE BELOW- SIGNED OWNER(S), OR LEGALLY DESIGNATED AGENT(S) THEREOF, DO HEREBY AGREE THAT THE PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREON WILL BE DEVELOPED AS A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE USES, RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THIS PLAN, AND AS MAY OTHERWISE BE REQUIRED BY LAW. I (WE) FURTHER RECOGNIZE THAT THE APPROVAL OF FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN (AND PLAT) DOES NOT CREATE A VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT. VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS MAY ONLY ARISE AND ACCRUE PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 26 -121 OF THE CODE OF LAWS OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. SIGNATURE OF OWNER NOTARY PUBLIC SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF 2003 WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES NOTARY SEAL THE BELOW - SIGNED OWNER(S), OR LEGALLY DESIGNATED AGENT(S) THEREOF, DO HEREBY AGREE THAT THE PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREON WILL BE DEVELOPED AS A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE USES, RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THIS PLAN, AND AS MAY OTHERWISE BE REQUIRED BY LAW. I (WE) FURTHER RECOGNIZz THAT THE APPROVAL OF FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN (AND PLAT) DOES NOT CREATE A VESTED PROJIERTY RIGHT. VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS MAY ONLY ARISE AND ACCRUE PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 26 -121 OF THE CODE OF LAWS OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. SIGNATURE OF OWNER. NOTARY PUBLIC SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES NOTARY SEAL PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL THIS _ DAY OF PLANNING COMMISSION. DAY OF 2003 2003, BY THE WHEAT RIDGE CHAIRPERSON 1 # APPROVED THIS CITY COUNCIL. DAY OF CITY CLERK DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 2003, BY THE WHEAT RIDGE MAYOR DIRECTOR OF PUBLC WORKS VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE CASE HISTORY WZ - 73 -14: RC -1 TO RC WZ - 75 -15: C -1 TO PCD WZ - 77 -19: 1ST AMENDMENT WZ - 82 -6: 2ND AMENDMENT WZ - 84 -18: 3RD AMENDMENT WZ - 86 -15: 4TH AMENDMENT WZ - 94 -4: 5TH AMENDMENT WZ - 98 -3: 6TH AMENDMENT WZ - 03 -02: 7TH AMENDMENT SITE DEVELOPMENT STATISTICS EXISTING - OVERALL A. SITE AREA - 1,436,304 SF = 32.70 ACRES B. GROSS BUILDING AREA - 380,688 SF = 26.5% C. LANDSCAPE AREA - 135 SF = 9.4% SHRUBS: 808± TREES: 148± D. PARKING AREA - 920,472 SF = 641% (INCLUDES SERVICE DRIVES) E. PARKING SPACE SUMMARY SPACES REQUIRED 1522 (4.0 / 1000 SF BLDG) SPACES PROVIDED 1607 (4.3 / 1000 SF BLDG) F. USES PERMITED - ALL - C -1 SHEETINDEX 1 COVER SHEET 2A OVERALL SITE PLAN 2B SITE PLAN 3 LANDSCAPE PLAN 4 BUILDING ELEVATIONS 5 SITE LIGHTING / PHOTOMETRICS PROPOSED OVERALL WITH AMENDMENT 7 A. SITE AREA - 1,4.36,304 SF = 32.70 ACRES B. GROSS BUILDING AREA - 395,443 SF = 27.5% * PER JEFFERSON COUNTY ASSESSOR'S OFFICE C. LANDSCAPE AREA - 154,744 SF = 10.8% SHRUBS: 808± EX. + 381 PROPOSED = 1,189 TREES: 146x_ EX. + 57 PROPOSED = 203 D. PARKING AREA - 886,117 SF = 61.7% (INCLUDES SERVICE DRIVES) E. PARKING SPACE SUMMARY SPACES REQUIRED 1582 (CO / 1000 SF BLDG) SPACES PROVIDED 1698 (4.3 / 1000 SF BLDG) (1656 + 42 HC) F. USES PERMITED - ALL - C -1 GENERAL NOTES COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS CERTIFICATE THIS DOCUMENT ACCEPTED FOR FILING IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN, COLORADO, ON THE A.D., 2003, IN BOOK PAGE JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER BY: DEPUTY RECEPTION NO. DAY OF 1. ENTIRE Si TE WHERE NOT COVERED BY BUILDINGS, CONCRETE FLATWORK OR LANDSCAPING, IS PAVED WTH ASPHALT. 2. SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM PROVIDER: NORTHWEST LAKEWOOD SANITATION DISTRICT. WEST RIDGE SAN. DISTRICT. 3. WATER SYSTEM PROVIDER: CONSOLIDATED MUTUAL WATER DISTRICT. 4. CROSS ACCESS EASEMENT LA N911AGE THE OWNER, HIS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS GRANTS LIMITED RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES TO ACCESS AND TO FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH THOSE AREAS INDICATED AS CROSS ACCESS /INGRESS- EGRESS EASEMENTS AS ILLUSTRATED UPON THIS PLAN. SUCH GRANT OF EASEMENT SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE OWNERS, TENANTS, CUSTOMERS, AND GUESTS OF THE OWNERS, AND SHALL FURTHERMORE GRANT ACCESS TO AND FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH SAID EASEMENTS TO THOSE ENTERING SAID EASEMENTS FROM SIMILARLY RECORDED EASEMENTS FROM ADJACENT PROPERTIES AND /OR FROM ABU171NG PUBLIC STREETS. 5. EXISTING DETENTION AND WATER QUALITY FACILITIES WILL NOT BE DISTURBED BY THIS PROJECT. THE ADDITION OF PROPOSED LANDSCAPED AREAS AND REDUCTION OF PARKING SURFACE WILL ENHANCE STORMWATER RELEASED FROM THE AMENDED SITE. LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL 1 A PORTION OF THE EAST ONE -HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE- QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT 654.32 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST ONE- QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, AND 60.00 FEET EAST OF THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST ONE -HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE - QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29; THENCE N 00 °51.8' W PARALLEL TO THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST ONE -HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE- QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 667.82 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST ONE- QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST ONE- QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29; THENCE N 89'28.1 E ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST ONE - QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST ONE- QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 150.00 FEET; THENCE N 00'51.8 W PARALLEL TO THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST ONE -HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE- QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 200.00 FEET; THENCE S 89'28.1' W PARALLEL TO THE SOUTH, LINE OF THE NORTHEAST ONE- QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST ONE- QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 150.00 FEET; THENCE N 00'51.8 W PARALLEL TO THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST ONE -HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE - QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 135.19 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT WHOSE RADIUS IS 182.00 FEET AND WHOSE CHORD BEARS N 37'51.1' E, A DISTANCE OF 227.66 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE N 76 °34.0' E ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF WEST 38TH AVENUE, A DISTANCE OF 701.69 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF RIDGEVIEW ACRES THIRD FILING, A PLATTED SUBDIVISION IN THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO; THENCE S 00'43.5' E ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID RIDGEVIEW ACRES THIRD FILING, A DISTANCE OF 670.33 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST ONE- QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST ONE- QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29; THENCE S 89 °28.1' W ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST ONE- QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST ONE- QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 0.67 FEET TO A POINT WHICH IS 885.00 FEET EAST OF THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST ONE -HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE- QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29; THENCE S 00'51.8' E PARALLEL TO THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST ONE -HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE- QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 1162.99 FEET TO A POINT 160.00 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST ONE- QUARTER OF SAID SECTION! 29; THENCE S 89'31.7' W PARALLEL TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST ONE- QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 192.34 FEET; THENCE S 00'51.8' E PARALLEL TO THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST ONE -HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE- QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 130.00 FEET; THENCE S 89'31.7' 'N PARALLEL TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST ONE - QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 342.66 FEET TO A POINT 350.00 FEET EAST OF THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST ONE -HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE- QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29; THENCE N 0051.8 W PARALLEL TO THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST ONE -HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE- QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 600.00 FEET; THENCE S 89'31.7 W PARALLEL TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST ONE- QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 150.00 FEET; THENCE N 00'51.8' W PARALLEL TO THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST ONE -HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE- QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 24 -32 FEET; THENCE S 8931.7' W PARALLEL TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST ONE -- QUARTER OF SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 140,00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING AN AREA 29.969 ACRES MORE OR LESS. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON STATE OF COLORADO THAT PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERCIAN, IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, DESCRIBED ASr COMMENCING AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE EAST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF YOUNCRELD STREET AND THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, THENCE THE WEST QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 29 BEARS SOUTH 89 DEGREES 31 MINUTES 12 SECONDS WEST 1382.42 FEET AND THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER BEARS SOUTH 89 DEGREES 31 MINUTES 12 SECONDS WEST 60.00 FEET; RUNNING THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 51 MINUTES 48 SECONDS WEST, PARALLEL WITH THE WEST LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF YOUNGFIELD STREET, 180.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE, NORTH 00 DEGREES 51 MINUTES 48 SECONDS WEST 274.32 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID EAST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE, NORTH 89 DEGREES 31 MINUTES 12 SECONDS EAST, PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER 140.00 FEET, THENCE NORTH OC DEGREES 51 MINUTES 48 SECONDS WEST, PARALLEL WITH SAID EAST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE 175.68 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 31 MINUTES 12 SECONDS EAST 150.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES 51 MINUTES 48 SECONDS EAST, PARALLEL WITH SAID EAST OF RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE 450.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 31 MINUTES 12 SECONDS WEST, PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER 290.00 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING AN AREA OF 2.431 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. LOTS 19 AND 20, BLOCK 1, APPLEWOOD VILLAGE. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON STATE OF COLORADO CONTAINING AN AREA OF 0.573 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. r rrs r THIS AMENDMENT IS FOR: 1. ADDITION OF A 15,000 S.F. RETAIL BUILDING SPACE IN FRONT OF KING SOOPERS, AND ASSOCIATED REVISIONS TO PARKING LOT, LANDSCAPE AREAS AND DRIVE ISLES. 2. DEMOLITION OF 6,800 S.F. OF RETAIL BUILDING SPACE AS SHOWN ON SITE PLAN, AND ASSOCIATED REVISIONS TO PARKING LOT, LANDSCAPE AREAS AND DRIVE ISLES. 3. RECONFIGURATION OF THE SHOPPING CENTER ENTRY /EXIT AT YOUNGFIELD & W. 35th AVE., AND ASSOCIATED REVISIONS TO PARKING LOT, LANDSCAPE AREAS AND DRIVE ISLES. Stet in. des %n Associates, 11c CIVIL ENGINEERING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 5430 WEST GEDDES AVENUE LITTLETON. COLORADO 80128 PH6NE303= 7944727 FAX 303 - 932 -8768 PH P SANTANGELO 3801 WRIGHT C WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 Reference: WZ-03-02 Changer to Applewood, Shopping Center Exterior mairitenance Of the embMis Minimal to say the least, Landscaping is on the edge of distinction and asphalt paving has deteriorated because of m drainage. I would hope that all of problems be included in their In ture eVansion. .:y D M- February 25, 2003 Dear Planning Division: Sincerely, •