HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/16/20121 * 4� W City of - 0 0 0 0 'or wfi at RLdi �gle PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA August 16, 201.2 Notice is hereby given of a Public Meeting to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission on August 16, 2012, at 7:00 p.m., in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Indii4duals ivith disabilities are encouraged to participate in all public meetings sponsored 4y the Cityl qfff'heat Ridge. Call heathe• Geyer, Public In 6rtnation Qf r at 303-235- 2826 at least one week in t fic e advance q1'a tneeting 4you are interested in participating and need inclusion assistance. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA (Items of new and old business may be recommended for placement on the agenda.) 6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda. Public comments may be limited to 3 minutes.) C. Case No. PBG-12-01,: An application filed by the City of Wheat Ridge for a Planned Building Group to allow construction of several principal buildings on the lot in order to implement the Master Plan for the City Maintenance Facility for property zoned Public Facilities (PF) and located at 1 121 0 W. 45th Avenue. 9. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was called to order by Chair TIMMS Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West KI 11 Commission Members Present: Commission Anne Brinkman Monica Duran in the City Council Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Meredith 'R ckert, Senior Planner Sarah Showalter, Planner 11 ,,4auren Mikulak, Planner I 4erald Dahl, City Attorney Steve Nguyen, Engineering Manager Mary McKenna, Community Services Supervisor Deborah Baker, Recording Secretary Ann Lazzeri, Former Recording Secretary APPROVE ORDfWbF THE AGENDA 0 69"s M I WIN 91 d PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda.) No one wished to speak at this time. A. Case No. ZOA-1 1-06: An ordinance amending the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws concerning sight distance triangles and swimming pool fences. This case was presented by Lauren Mikulak. She e1 11 pertinent documents into the record and advised the Commission there was ju. n to hear the case. She reviewed I BM the staff report and digital presentation. Sta riled approval for reasons outlined in the staff report. Ow" Staff proposes amending section olls t ces walls, and 63A"'i'4"'*"'U-ct o view) of the m city code which relates primarily to sil istance triangles. T100,0posed amendment will improve the ability to field locate a $,nangle, upr gio e vertical ical clear zone dimensions to align with national stand p fin dardize s the i"od of y 27 measurement for the sight distance triangle an g one. Sight distance triangles are the at or a street and alley. Staff began field Staff recommends that the The other component is the triangle. Currently it is eM raise the upper limit to 96 ii accommodates the sight lin rects, a street and a driveway, fly because currently the sight g�" f way line. This inethod instead be measured along the visible ement which can be easily located in clear zone which is the area above the sight distance at 84 inches or 7 feet. The proposed change would 8 feet. This will ensure that the clear zone of truck drivers. This proposed change would also align city code with the recommendations of American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AA TO) which establishes national standards for the design of streets and roadways, Steve Nguyen, Engineering Manager, presented a brief overview of the national standards and explained how these standards help community engineers across the country. Commissioner OHM stated that he agreed with changing the method of measuring the vertical clear zone; however, he is concerned that the lower limit of 42 inches on local streets is unsafe for areas in which schools are in neighborhoods on local streets. He stated that he would be in favor of a lower measurement for the lower limit. Planning Commission Minutes - 2 — July 19, 2012 In response to a question from Commissioner MATTHEWS, utility poles may be 12 inches wide in the triangle. In reply to another question from Commissioner MATTHEWS regarding driveway placement and sight distance triangles, driveways on local streets for single and two- family homes are exempt from sight triangles. Commissioner MATTHEWS added that this is a very well written enhancement to the code. Staff also recommends an amendment to code for pools. The current code requires a 6 foot (72 inchi 1 pools. This requirement conflicts with adapter',4114' Code (IRC) and International Building Code (I& height of 48 inches and which provide additional � It is proposed to remove the 6 foot height,requirer fences around swimming w'f= lock ing fence around swimming �f the In ternational Residential '11 tablish a minimum barrier Inc d ing barriers and access. q C 11 11111""'. r s g pool fences from the zoning code and defer to the IRC or IBC as applicable. In response to a question froirt.,Commissioner OHM, the City Attorn reviewed this i proposal and finds it accept 0 ollowing revew and discussion b ommission, I'VA Chair TIMMS closed the pubt h" f as 110 members of the public were present to speak. It was moved is i er b, G h in sl n 4, seconded by Commissioner cc amending Section 26-603 WEAVER that o of Chapter 26,",i cif the Whe I L aws, conc erning regulation of sight motion cAil", 5-1 " with Commiggioer BRINK IAN voting no. B. ase, No. ZO� 02 :"'U' amending the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws ition �family and occupancy limits for zoning purposes. " Op the ' This case w' "Utroduce#i,, y� Meredith Reckert. The case was initiated by the Community Services Unit j.&MW Police Department as a result of citizen complaints. Officer Mary McKenna 644WU was present. Planning Commission Minutes -3— July 19, 2012 In researching how another community deals with this issue, the CSU consulted with the Fort Collins police department to find out how they manage and enforce their program. The proposed amended code, drafted by the City Attorney, was influenced by Fort Collins' policy. Commissioner MATTHEWS asked how enforcement is carried out in a college town. He pointed out a few of the many variables of student living situations, and asked how it can be proven that someone is residing at a certain location. The City Attorney responded that it is always the actual number of persons living in a residence that is tile determining factor. The same would also apply to a child under joint custody of its parents, Commissioner BRINKMAN es, residence. There are four pait living in the house, and four of legality in the scenario, the City family is the permitt c d "' number 0 1' "Id w , situation, the ppo�` Pu� likely to a question'66, in Comm Ai? finer OHM, Fort Collins Police investigate a and contact the ow or property manager and get an occupancy disclosure [l provides the name"4ndividuals legally allowed to live at that residence. In response to a question from Chair TIMMS, Mr. Dahl replied that residential group homes for protected classes are exempt from the limitation of three unrelated residents. Staff recommends that the City adopt a single ordinance concerning occupancy limits for residential units. A single ordinance would facilitate the public's understanding of what is permitted and prohibited and facilitate the enforcement of occupancy limits. Chair TIMMS opened the public hearing up for audience comment. Randy Rawlings 3235 Flower St. Mr. Rawlings explained that he lives off 3 "a on Flower which is a dead end street. A foundation has purchased a ]ionic in the neighborhood in which multiple individuals Planning Commission Minutes - 4 --- July 1 9, 2012 Carol Harrison 3219 Flower St. Ms. Harrison stated that she has small grandchildren, constant influx of traffic and fast drivers in this neigh in the neighborhood has created a visibility problem. is concerned about the . Parking of extra vehicles Chair TIMMS closed the public hearing. In response to a question from Co� that police can accept inforn acceptable in court. Commissioner BRINKMAN Commission is taking this mail that will benefit all the citizens r BRINKMAN, Officer McKenna replied ffillk d q , O pceme citizens and that information is 1 1 1 1 6 , Mr. Ravi d Ms. Harrison that the i seriously a endeavor to write an ordinance Commissioner WEAVER added th to get at these issues. She believes Commissioner thatoce ancy limits are not the way �avv to deal with it. I that" lie ,recognizes the necessity for occupancy limits reed that I the city may be creating an enforcement , I I Planning Commission Minutes -5— July 19, 2012 8. STUDY SESSIONS =31= Proposed changes to the development • Reducing the landscape requirernt • Reduce minimum front yard setback from ! development flexibility aR w: better align s w Design Manual (ASDM dings storage behind. Reduce minimum side yard Clarify screempg,,requirernt 629 and 26-. an RM particularly the laftipsai». Staffe.w", J go to pu nussioner M Ott as i 11 as in favor of I`# resideft"',f4l buffer of 5 some Wi m for a proposed char s for lif i include: 20% to 15%. ;0 feet to 10 feet, which th the goals in the Arct ,close to the street with ws more ural and Site in and streets. tv exist in Section 26- it input on the proposed changes, ional setbacks for special uses be removed. ,session in the late summer. The proposed f lanmng Commission this fall. *491c is in favor of changing the setback from 50 to 10 feet *e r s k He is concerned however that the current ,,,� ,c , u, s. not ci ugh for certain industrial uses. There needs to be .r. particularly in residential areas. He has no issues with the dustrial. - n Commissioner BRINKMAN regarding Ms. Showalter a 6"'R" several questions froi the items on the per "'itt d use table. She explained that the changes suggested are for clarification and to eliminate redundancy. Commissioner MATTHEWS stated that he shares Commissioner (TM's concerns about setbacks where industrial uses are adjacent to residential areas. Planning Commission Minutes -6— July 19, 2012 The City's zoning code requires a Special Use Pen (SUP) for public and private schools in all residential zone districts, both agricultural zone districts and in the Neighborhood Commercial, Restricted Commercial, and Commercial-One zone districts. Recently, a publicly funded charter school located in residential and agricultural zone districts requested an expansion. The charter school challenged the SUP requirement, and after careful review of the legislation and case law, the City Attorney concluded that the City cannot require a public school or publicly-funded charter school to complete an SUP before being given permission to locate on a new ' a _J,,_p or expa at a current site. However, it is acceptable for the City to request a sitpWor traffic impact study. In order to bring zoning regulations in confa "'S"4%,�,state law and continue to al provide a method to review the impact of a scl unding neighborhood, staff 04, has proposed two code changes. The first is to clear fist pt schools and charter schools as a permitted use in all zone districts, In order t IS ch ange, staff proposes to separate public and public charter schools from riv S, 11001 . colleges, and universities in the pennitted use table and to define each type of sd iu l,tx t he code. The second proposed code cJ"" x t 0 c larify that public schools nitted use in any zone district and they are the Site Plan review process, Site Plans ai -e administratively approved. t1 s The Commission rues in agreement with the 0#o d ian I ges and had no additional c comments. The next step will be a sfo sign with pity Council in late summer, Staff hopes to present a final ordinance to P n at a public hearing this fall. am ,ninnissioner TIMMS asked if the zoning ordinance is currently available online and distribution of paper copies of code supplements be discontinued. Ms. Showalter sponded that it is and it is updated every six months, Commissioner OHM ggested a short summary and a link to the code amendments on the website. • In response to Commissioner BRINKMAN's question about the outcome of group homes discussed in the June meeting; City Council voted it down. The motion for approval did not receive enough votes. Commissioners OHM and BRINKMAN commented on the awkward left turn lane at the new Chase bank at 3 81h. • Commissioner MATTHEWS commented that the light timing on 38"' Avenue appears not to have been adjusted. Ms. Showalter added that the light timing at Pierce has been corrected. Signal timing will be adjusted elsewhere when school is back in session. Planning Commission Minutes - 7 — July 19, 2012 10. ADJOURNMENT 11 1 1 1 N 1 1 wTfffwffIIrIwMI is I I fig it MAI I I JWTIWAIIII�� rolfairlywUlTre 947MIN Planning Commission Minutes July 1 9, 2012 -8— Steve Timms, Chair City of Wheat �idge CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission CASE MANAGER: Lauren Mikulak DATE OF MEETING: August 16, 2012 CASE NO. & NAME: MS -12 -02 / Wheat Ridge Maintenance Facility (WRMF) ACTION REQUESTED: Request for approval of a 5 -lot consolidation plat on property zoned Public Facilities (PF) LOCATION OF REQUEST: 11210 W. 45` Avenue APPLICANT(S): City of Wheat Ridge, Public Works Department PROPERTY OWNER(S): City of Wheat Ridge APPROXIMATE AREA: 217,846 Square Feet (5 Acres) PRESENT ZONING: Public Facilities (PF) PRESENT LAND USE: Wheat Ridge Maintenance Facility ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) ZONING ORDINANCE (X) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION LOCATION MAP Site Planning Commission Case No. MS -12 -02 / WRMF All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. 1. REQUEST I The applicant is requesting approval of a five-lot consolidation plat on property zoned Public Facilities (P F) and located at 11210 W. 45' Avenue. The purpose of the request is to remove internal property lines in preparation for an expansion of the existing maintenance facility to accommodate both Public Works and Parks maintenance equipment and personnel. A consolidation for 5 lots is processed as a minor subdivision. In this case, because there is no fight- of-way dedication, Planning Commission is the final authority for approval. I The property is zoned Public Facilities (PF) and is located at 11210 W. 45"' Avenue -- north of W. 40' Avenue, between Parfet and Quail Streets The site is referred to as the Wheat Ridge Maintenance Facility (WRMF) and has served as an operations center for the Public Works Department for over 40 years. The WRMF has gradually expanded with the purchase of adjacent properties, and has several structures including an office building, auto repair shop, salt/sand bam, fueling stations, and several outbuildings. All five parcels that make up the property are city-owned, and the total area of the site is 5 acres. Only two of the parcels have been previously platted: Lot I of Hall Subdivision Third Filing to the west and Lot 2 of Pumpkin Patch Subdivision to the north. The middle three lots are unplatted. Planning Commission 2 CaseNo. AIS-12-02 / WRAIF All affected service agencies were contacted for comment on the consolidation plat regarding the ability to serve the property. Specific referral responses follow: Planning Cominission 3 Case No, MS- 12- 02 / IVRA4F All affected service agencies were contacted for comment on the consolidation plat regarding the ability to serve the property. Specific referral responses follow: Planning Commission 3 Case No. AIS-12-02 / WRAIF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, BEING THE OWNER OF REAL PROPERTY CONTAINING 5.0011 ACRES DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS THAT PART OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL A: LOT 2, PUMPKIN PATCH SUBDIVISION, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. PARCEL B: LOT 1, HALL SUBDIVISION, THIRD FILING, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. PARCEL C: THAT PORTION OF THE WEST 255 FEET OF THE EAST HALF, NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 21,TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST HALF, NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 21, SAID POINT BEING 1049.09 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTH LINE OF THE EAST HALF, NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 21; THENCE EASTERLY PARALLEL TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE EAST HALF, NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 21 A DISTANCE OF 255 FEET; THENCE NORTHERLY PARALLEL TO THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST HALF, NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAI D SECTION 21 A DISTANCE OF 310 FEET TO A POINT 710 FEET NORTH OF THE NORTH LINE OF THE COUNTY ROAD KNOWN AS THE NORTH GOLDEN AND DENVER ROAD OR WEST 44TH AVENUE; THENCE WESTERLY PARALLEL_ TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID COUNTY ROAD A DISTANCE OF 255 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST HALF, NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 21; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST HALF, NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 21 A DISTANCE OF 310 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. PARCEL D: THAT PORTION OF THE EAST 2 FEET OF THE EAST HALF, NORTHEAST QUARTER SOUTHWEST QUARTER NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH. RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF THE EAST HALF NORTHEAST QUARTER SOUTHWEST QUARTER NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 21, SAID POINT BEING 1049.09 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTH LINE OF SOUTHWEST QUARTER NORTHWEST QUARTER SAID SECTION 21, THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE EAST HALF NORTHEAST QUARTER SOUTHWEST QUARTER NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 21 A DISTANCE OF 274.26 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE EAST HALF NORTHEAST QUARTER SOUTHWEST QUARTER NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 21; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE EAST HALF NORTHEAST QUARTER SOUTHWEST QUARTER NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 21 A DISTANCE OF TWO FEET; THENCE SOUTHERLY PARALLEL TO THE EAST LINE OF THE EAST HALF NORTHEAST QUARTER SOUTHWEST QUARTER NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 21 A DISTANCE OF 274.26 FEET TO A POINT 1049.09 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTH LINE OF SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 21; THENCE EASTERLY A DISTANCE OF TWO FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. PARCEL E: THE NORTH 250 FEET OF THE EAST '' OF THE EAST 2/3 OF THE E /z OF THE NE Y4 SW' /4 NW'% OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, EXCEPT THE EAST 2 FEET THEREOF PREVIOUSLY CONVEYED BY DEED RECORDED IN BOOK 2183 AT PAGE 771, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. HAVE LAID OUT, SUBDIVIDED AND PLATTED SAID LAND AS PER THE DRAWING HEREON CONTAINED UNDER THE NAME AND STYLE OF WHEAT RIDGE MUNICIPAL CONSOLIDATION, A SUBDIVISION OF A PART OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO AND BY THESE PRESENTS DO DEDICATE TO THOSE MUNICIPALLY OWNED AND /OR MUNICIPALLY FRANCHISED UTILITIES AND SERVICES THOSE PORTIONS OF REAL PROPERTY SHOWN AS EASEMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION, OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT FOR ALL SERVICES. THIS INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC LINES, GAS LINES, WATER AND SANITARY SEWER LINES, HYDRANTS, STORM WATER SYSTEMS AND PIPES, DETENTION PONDS, STREET LIGHTS AND ALL APPURTENANCES THERETO. ALL OF THE ABOVE COMBINED PARCELS ARE MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS A TRACT OF LAND BEING ALL OF LOT 2 OF PUMPKIN PATCH SUBDIVISION, ALL OF LOT 1 OF HALL SUBDIVISION AND PORTIONS OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, DESCRIBED AS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTH QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 21, WHENCE THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 21 BEARS S89 °26'26 "W ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 21, 2654.55 FEET; THENCE S45 °3926 "W, 1488.38 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 2 OF PUMPKIN PATCH SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED AT RECEPTION NUMBER 2009034271 IN THE JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER'S OFFICE AND TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S00 0 25'30 "E ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 2 AND THE FAST LINE OF THE WEST 255 FEET OF THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 21, 564.00 FEET; THENCE S89 °34'30 "W, 257.00 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST 2.00 FEET OF THE EAST 112 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 114 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 21; THENCE N00 °25'39 "W ALONG SAID WEST LINE, 22.09 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH 250 FEET OF THE EAST 1/2 OF THE EAST 213 OF THE EAST 112 OF THE NORTHEAST 114 OF THE SOUTHWEST 114 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 21; THENCE S89 °30'50 "W ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE AND THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 1 OF HALL SUBDIVISION, THIRD FILING, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED AT RECEPTION NUMBER 2006018840 IN SAID OFFICE, 219.04 FEET, THENCE ALONG THE WEST, SOUTH, WEST AND NORTH LINES OF SAID LOT 1 THE FOLLOWING FIVE COURSES: 1, N00 °26'12 "W, 79.25 FEET; 2. S89 0 39'16 "W, 95.28 FEET, 3. S89°351 3"W, 15.00 FEET; 4. N00 0 24'47 "W, 170.08 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 21; 5. N89 0 27'49 "E ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, 331.29 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 21; THENCE N00 °25'30 "W ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE NORTHEAST 114 OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 21 AND THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 2 OF PUMPKIN PATCH SUBDIVISION, 292.04 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 2 OF PUMPKIN PATCH SUBDIVISION; o THENCE N89 °34'30 "E ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, 255.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. r; CONTAINING 5.0011 ACRES (217,846 SQUARE FEET) OF LAND, MORE OR LESS. TIM PARANTO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS � STATE OF COLORADO ) )Ss g COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS_DAY OF A.D. 2012 BY WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN, COLORADO, AT O'CLOCK M. ON THE DAY OF A.D., IN BOOK PAGE , RECEPTION NO. JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER n BY: o DEPUTY PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION i APPROVED THIS DAY OF BY THE WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION, r CHAIRPERSON At c� w� 35 Y NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF HE NORTHWEST QUARTER SECTION 21, T3S, R69W 67H P.M. NORHEAST QUARTER OF THE OF SEC77ON 21, T3S, R69W, 67H P.M. WHEAT RIDGE MONUMENT 13209 NORTHWEST QUARTER OF Z WHEAT RIDGE MONUMENT 13309 LOCAL N:711004.84 SECTION 21, T3S, R69W, 6TH P.M. IN� LOCAL N:771030.76 LOCAL E• 105186.73 LOCAL N: 71101777 NORTH UNE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 21 LOCAL E.• 107841.07 FOUND 3 -114" BRASS DISK IN CONCRETE FOUND 3 -1114" BRASS DISK 2" PIPE IN LOCAL F.• 106514.01 BASIS OF BEARING " RANGE BOX, STAMPED LS #13212 FOUND /l3 REBAR W/ NO CAP IN RANGE BOX S89'2 ° W 26 54.55' FLUSH WITH SURFACE, STAMPED LS (/13212 N895 ''E 11 - - - - - - - - - POINT OF COMMENCEMENT 1327. 42' I 1327.13 8' UTILITY LOT & EASEMENT o 0 UNPLATTED vy ZONED: R -2 REC. 73541300 I o I 1 d N ONIVeR. KARJN JJEJNE POINT 4� w OF BEGINNING 10' EASEMENT FOR N ° o o LOCAL N.•709988.55 REC. NO. F132O2d6 LOCAL N:709990.44 p5 k 0� ZONED> A -I g IRRIGATION DITCH REC. 73541300 n J - LOCAL E 106521.65 o y '� s LOCAL N89 3Q 3 E 255,0 E. 106776.64 O N L 1� Z N N LEGEND ALIQUOT LAND CORNER SET #5 REBAR, 18" LONG WITH ® YELLOW PLASTIC CAP MARKED "FARNSWORTH PLS 38098" FOUND #5 REBAR, 18" LONG WITH 0 YELLOW PLASTIC CAP MARKED "FARNSWORTH PLS 38098" Qo FOUND'I 1/2" ALUMINUM CAP ILLEGIBLE ® SET P.K. NAIL AND DISK MARKED "FARNSWORTH PLS 38098" FOUND #5 REBAR WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP MARKED "LS 24949" O FOUND #4 ROD (R) RECORDED DISTANCE I ( O 0D NOTE.- WOOD FENCE o OCCUPIES PROPERTY LINE Z<rv� 0 LOT 2z� ZONED: R -2 . -cN C4 (7) e°4 � o In r C%4 �I 1 W 46 rf1 A VF. I N90'00'00 "W (M) AS- MEASURED DISTANCE 1' STRIP 5734 (50' WIDE) TRACT A y S U8DIVI 5joN REC. 73541300 - - - - - T - JDN Of pRUfr K 40, FAGE 6 I of A p0�T736 -4pgo R 2 I I IV ?ION N ZONED 12' DRAINAGE RpSUBD R,5 p AND UTILITY ZONED: EASEMENT I R-2 REC. 73541300' LOT 26 1 ZONED.' R -2 LOT 24 #4 SMOOTH BAR PTED) #4 REBAR SOUTH x 0.56' EAST ACCEPTED) 0.6' GAP -LOCAL N.• 709693.42 LOCAL E.• 106192.53 ZONED.. R -2 LOT 25 N 89 °27'49 "E 339.29' 220.61' (R &M) 1.1' GAP NORTH LINE OF THE -J SOUTHWEST 114 OF THE NORTHWEST 114 OF SEC77ON 21 SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SEC77ON 21, T3S, R69W 67H P.M. LOCAL N: 709696.54 LOCAL E.•106523.81 FOUND 1.5" ALUM. CAP ON- 15 REBAR IS 438" 108.68' (M) 2' (R)- PARCEL LINE HEREBY REMOVED BY THIS PLAT , 15' LOT 9 '9DIV R �� 2009 08-42 E gpT ZONED: Pf• WATER LINE EASEMENT HEREBY CREATED BY HIS PLAT I_ I 1 ^ h I SOUTH LINE OF LOT 2 PUMPKIN PATCH 4.00' ° ( SUBDIVISION LOCAL Ak 709736.45 LOCAL E.• 106778.52 PARCEL LINE HEREBY 9 I REMOVED BY THIS PLAT p, I (EASEMENT DIMENSION) a'- - N8934 30'E 254.69' _ -} §893430 "W 24774' N89 °34'30 'E 255.00' - ol 7.:T ((EASEMENT DIMENSION) ml LOCAL N.709734.56 LOCAL E.-10652353 7.0' WIDE 1RRIGA770N EASEMENT HEREBY CREATED BY HIS PLAT 4) N� I WEST LINE OF THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTHWEST / 11 OF SECTION 21 NATHAN A. VANRAEMDONCK, PLS 38098 RIDGE ROAD J J J 1 I m O � � 44TH AVE. _ E TABOR ( L LAKE LAKE LAKE WES� CLEAR CREEK LAKE Y W 38TH A�VE. �L- IENP� r W 32ND AVE. r) _ VICINITYMAP C HI STORY NOT TO SCALE MS -12 -02 WZ -06 -04 SUP -96 -06 PBG -12 -01 MS -05 -07 WA -87 -23 WZ -12 -01 MS -04 -11 WZ -84 -33 LOT 9 ZONED, • R -2 `-LOCAL N: 709426.46 LOCAL E 106780.82 I LOT lO ZONED: R -2 I Drawn NAV Date 311 5/12 Designed: NAV Checked.: 3/19/12 NOTE WOOD FENCE OCCUPIES PROPERTY LINE ro N LOT i BD1V N pUM pKlhi PA p ZOOg08 7i REC EpT1 0 N N M o � 0 N LOT I ZONED: A -I L7Ca vCrcAl- evv a C 1. NOTICE ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. 2. THIS SURVEY DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A TITLE SEARCH BY FARNSWORTH GROUP, INC., CANYON TITLE COMPANY FILE NO. CT121318, EFFECTIVE DATE MARCH 5, 2012 WAS RELIED UPON TO DETERMINE OWNERSHIP AND TITLE INFORMATION OF RECORD AS WELL AS EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS WHICH MAY EFFECT THIS PROPERTY BUT ARE NOT GRAPHICALLY DEPICTED, THE ENCUMBERANCES NOTES IN SAID FILE MAKE REFERENCE TO THE RECORDED SUBDIVISIONS THAT AFFECT THE PREVIOUSLY PLATTED LOTS WITHIN THE THE DESCRIBED PROPERTY. NO OTHER RECORDED EASEMENTS OR RESTRICTIONS ARE NOTED IN SAID FILE. 3. THIS SURVEY WAS PERFORMED IN THE FIELD IN JANUARY 2012. 4. BEARINGS ARE BASED UPON THE NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, SAID LINE BEING CONTROLLED ON THE WEST END BY CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE MONUMENT #13209 AND ON THE EAST END BY CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE MONUMENT #13309, BOTH MONUMENTS ARE GRAPHICALLY LABELED AND DESCRIBED HERON. COORDINATES FOR SAID POINTS ARE AS FOLLOWS: WR# WR NORTHING WR EASTING LATITUDE LONGITUDE 13209 N 711004.84 E 105186.73 39 °4T05.715" N 105 °07'32.61 V W 13309 N 711030.76 E 107841.07 39 0 47'05.861" N 105 5. PER COLORADO REVISED STATUTES SEC. 38 -51 -106 (L), ALL LINEAL UNITS DEPICTED ON THIS LAND SURVEY PLAT ARE U.S. SURVEY FEET. ONE METER EQUALS 39.37 INCHES DIVIDED BY 12 U.S. SURVEY FEET ACCORDING TO THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY. 6. THE COORDINATE SYSTEM IS A GROUND -BASED MODIFIED FORM OF THE NAD83192 STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, COLORADO CENTRAL ZONE 0502, 7. VERTICAL DATUM IS THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 (NAVD88). B. GROUND TO GRID COMBINED SCALE FACTOR IS 0.99974780300, SCALED FROM BASE POINT PHAC 1 WHICH HAS THE FOLLOWING COORDINATE VALUES: PHAC 1: NORTHING: 1701258.75 EASTING 3118217.58 ELEVATION: 5471.62 9. STATEMENT OF ACCURACY: THE GEODETIC POINT COORDINATE DATA SHOWN HEREIN HAS BEEN DERIVED FROM THE COLORADO COORDINATE SYSTEM OF 1983, CENTRAL ZONE 0502, AND HAS A HORIZONTAL ACCURACY CLASSIFICATION OF 0.07 U.S. SURVEY FEET AT THE 95% CONFIDENCE LEVEL, AS DEFINED IN THE GEOSPATIAL POSITIONING ACCURACY STANDARDS OF THE FEDERAL GEODETIC CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE (FGDC- STD - 007.2- 1998). 10. ACCORDING TO FIRM MAP 08059CO215 E, WITH AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF JUNE 17, 2003, SUBJECT PROPERTY FALLS WITHIN ZONE X, OR AREAS DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE THE 0.2% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOODPLAIN. 11. SUBJECT PROPERTY IS ZONED PUBLIC FACILITIES (PF). REFER TO CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CODE CHAPTER 26. SECTION 204 AND SECTION 215 FOR A LIST OF ALLOWED USES AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. 12. A SEVEN -FOOT (7') WIDE IRRIGATION EASEMENT IS HEREBY CREATED BY THIS PLAT AS SHOWN HEREON. 13. ALL PREVIOUSLY PLATTED UTILITY EASEMENTS WITHIN THE PLATTED BOUNDARY ARE HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT. UTILITY COMPANIES HAVING EXISTING FACILITIES WITHIN SAID BOUNDARY ARE HEREBY GRANTED THE RIGHT TO ENTER AND MAINTAIN THOSE FACILITIES. SU RVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, NATHAN A. VANRAEMDONCK DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY OF THE BOUNDARY OF WHEAT RIDGE MUNICIPAL CONSOLIDATION WAS MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE COLORADO STATUTES, CURRENT REVISED EDITION AS AMENDED, THE ACCOMPANYING PLAT ACCURATELY REPRESENTS SAID SURVEY. t� 1 -4 - c �--} 3.00 4t} W BLpGD ON SU O 46 D i627 -4N2 R gC >oKiDNSN pA6> BO LOT 7 ZONED= R -2 ifl of N 0 W 45 r AVL (50' WIDE) LOT B ZONED: R -2 Book No. S No.: 1 O 1 Project No.: 0120179.00 d 1114 OF THE SOUTHWEST NOTE. WOOD FENCE DOES NOT OCCUPY DESCRIBED - - Or I / Z IN� LOCAL Ak 70944664 2 217,846 SQUARE I e 6.0011 ACRESt FEET± I " DT i I9 L TN 1 8 8 40 LOCAL E• N895 ''E 11 N I 5UBDIVIBp0' 200 v o 0 B I° tIAR�GEpTiDN 219.04' UNPLA77ED -- - 0 2' (R &M) 7.00" ( � °� - Z - - - - - - - - - - LOCAL N. 709444.78 ZdVED, �i 255' (R &M) I R -1 I LOCAL E.• 106304.64 I A -1 N ZO NE D ,- .T) � L - - - m m N r - ¢ L N9 00'00' "W 198,41' CIA cCq S89$34'30 "W 257.00' I 9LJ I N rTION NQ , e� j rt ro 709424. o ZONED= n O o in LOCAL E.• 106523.84 R;C� N� o ff b- ° � Z - - - PARCEL LINES HEREBY -- - - - - UNPLA77ED I '- II ( EAST LINE OF LOT 1 w LO WATER LINE EASEMENT (� N ZONED: v HALL SUBDII4SION, N ,.) HEREBY CREATED BY THIS REMOVED BY THIS PLAT I o ( LOCAL N: 709523.3 4 I THIRD FILING N o PLAT 2 o o ZONED: E. LOCAL • 106193.76 SEC77ON 27 z a Z o pr LOCAL N.• 709524.03 UU)) WEST LINE OF THE EAST o ( o 11 1 1 LOCAL E. 106304.04 213 OF THE EAST HALF M WATER LINE EASEMENT OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 2 N w o W o HEREBY CREATED BY THIS OF THE SOUTHWEST 114 I N PLAT ° 8' 89* ' 1 as OF HE NORTHWEST 1114 OF SECTION 21 L 2 I ° o Ly (� '89',35'1 Tai WEST LINE OF THE EAST ( 7.0' WIDE IRRIGA7ON 1 5,00' 2 FEET OF THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTHEAST �I 2' EA CREATED BY PLAT NATHAN A. VANRAEMDONCK, PLS 38098 RIDGE ROAD J J J 1 I m O � � 44TH AVE. _ E TABOR ( L LAKE LAKE LAKE WES� CLEAR CREEK LAKE Y W 38TH A�VE. �L- IENP� r W 32ND AVE. r) _ VICINITYMAP C HI STORY NOT TO SCALE MS -12 -02 WZ -06 -04 SUP -96 -06 PBG -12 -01 MS -05 -07 WA -87 -23 WZ -12 -01 MS -04 -11 WZ -84 -33 LOT 9 ZONED, • R -2 `-LOCAL N: 709426.46 LOCAL E 106780.82 I LOT lO ZONED: R -2 I Drawn NAV Date 311 5/12 Designed: NAV Checked.: 3/19/12 NOTE WOOD FENCE OCCUPIES PROPERTY LINE ro N LOT i BD1V N pUM pKlhi PA p ZOOg08 7i REC EpT1 0 N N M o � 0 N LOT I ZONED: A -I L7Ca vCrcAl- evv a C 1. NOTICE ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. 2. THIS SURVEY DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A TITLE SEARCH BY FARNSWORTH GROUP, INC., CANYON TITLE COMPANY FILE NO. CT121318, EFFECTIVE DATE MARCH 5, 2012 WAS RELIED UPON TO DETERMINE OWNERSHIP AND TITLE INFORMATION OF RECORD AS WELL AS EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS WHICH MAY EFFECT THIS PROPERTY BUT ARE NOT GRAPHICALLY DEPICTED, THE ENCUMBERANCES NOTES IN SAID FILE MAKE REFERENCE TO THE RECORDED SUBDIVISIONS THAT AFFECT THE PREVIOUSLY PLATTED LOTS WITHIN THE THE DESCRIBED PROPERTY. NO OTHER RECORDED EASEMENTS OR RESTRICTIONS ARE NOTED IN SAID FILE. 3. THIS SURVEY WAS PERFORMED IN THE FIELD IN JANUARY 2012. 4. BEARINGS ARE BASED UPON THE NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, SAID LINE BEING CONTROLLED ON THE WEST END BY CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE MONUMENT #13209 AND ON THE EAST END BY CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE MONUMENT #13309, BOTH MONUMENTS ARE GRAPHICALLY LABELED AND DESCRIBED HERON. COORDINATES FOR SAID POINTS ARE AS FOLLOWS: WR# WR NORTHING WR EASTING LATITUDE LONGITUDE 13209 N 711004.84 E 105186.73 39 °4T05.715" N 105 °07'32.61 V W 13309 N 711030.76 E 107841.07 39 0 47'05.861" N 105 5. PER COLORADO REVISED STATUTES SEC. 38 -51 -106 (L), ALL LINEAL UNITS DEPICTED ON THIS LAND SURVEY PLAT ARE U.S. SURVEY FEET. ONE METER EQUALS 39.37 INCHES DIVIDED BY 12 U.S. SURVEY FEET ACCORDING TO THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY. 6. THE COORDINATE SYSTEM IS A GROUND -BASED MODIFIED FORM OF THE NAD83192 STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, COLORADO CENTRAL ZONE 0502, 7. VERTICAL DATUM IS THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 (NAVD88). B. GROUND TO GRID COMBINED SCALE FACTOR IS 0.99974780300, SCALED FROM BASE POINT PHAC 1 WHICH HAS THE FOLLOWING COORDINATE VALUES: PHAC 1: NORTHING: 1701258.75 EASTING 3118217.58 ELEVATION: 5471.62 9. STATEMENT OF ACCURACY: THE GEODETIC POINT COORDINATE DATA SHOWN HEREIN HAS BEEN DERIVED FROM THE COLORADO COORDINATE SYSTEM OF 1983, CENTRAL ZONE 0502, AND HAS A HORIZONTAL ACCURACY CLASSIFICATION OF 0.07 U.S. SURVEY FEET AT THE 95% CONFIDENCE LEVEL, AS DEFINED IN THE GEOSPATIAL POSITIONING ACCURACY STANDARDS OF THE FEDERAL GEODETIC CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE (FGDC- STD - 007.2- 1998). 10. ACCORDING TO FIRM MAP 08059CO215 E, WITH AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF JUNE 17, 2003, SUBJECT PROPERTY FALLS WITHIN ZONE X, OR AREAS DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE THE 0.2% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOODPLAIN. 11. SUBJECT PROPERTY IS ZONED PUBLIC FACILITIES (PF). REFER TO CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CODE CHAPTER 26. SECTION 204 AND SECTION 215 FOR A LIST OF ALLOWED USES AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. 12. A SEVEN -FOOT (7') WIDE IRRIGATION EASEMENT IS HEREBY CREATED BY THIS PLAT AS SHOWN HEREON. 13. ALL PREVIOUSLY PLATTED UTILITY EASEMENTS WITHIN THE PLATTED BOUNDARY ARE HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT. UTILITY COMPANIES HAVING EXISTING FACILITIES WITHIN SAID BOUNDARY ARE HEREBY GRANTED THE RIGHT TO ENTER AND MAINTAIN THOSE FACILITIES. SU RVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, NATHAN A. VANRAEMDONCK DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY OF THE BOUNDARY OF WHEAT RIDGE MUNICIPAL CONSOLIDATION WAS MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE COLORADO STATUTES, CURRENT REVISED EDITION AS AMENDED, THE ACCOMPANYING PLAT ACCURATELY REPRESENTS SAID SURVEY. t� 1 -4 - c �--} 3.00 4t} W BLpGD ON SU O 46 D i627 -4N2 R gC >oKiDNSN pA6> BO LOT 7 ZONED= R -2 ifl of N 0 W 45 r AVL (50' WIDE) LOT B ZONED: R -2 Book No. S No.: 1 O 1 Project No.: 0120179.00 d 1114 OF THE SOUTHWEST NOTE. WOOD FENCE DOES NOT OCCUPY DESCRIBED - Z 114 OF THE NORTHWEST LOCAL Ak 70944664 T77LE LINE I I 1/4 OF SEC77ON 21 A LOCAL E• 1052368 110.36' (R &M) 108.68' (M) B 'S89`30'50 "W 219.04' UNPLA77ED -- - 0 2' (R &M) 7.00" ( LOCAL N. 709444.78 ZdVED, �i 255' (R &M) I R -1 I LOCAL E.• 106304.64 I A -1 N .T) DIVISI 3 6a UNPLATTED SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH CIA S89$34'30 "W 257.00' I 9LJ I N rTION NQ , e� j I ZAND. OF THE EAST I 709424. o HALF OF THE EAST 2/3 OF LOCAL E.• 106523.84 R;C� THE EAST HALF OF THE I Z UNPLA77ED I '- II ( I NORTHEAST 114 OF THE ZONED: v SOUHWEST 714 OF THE C -r I o ( I NORTHWEST 114 OF ( SEC77ON 27 II 11 1 1 NATHAN A. VANRAEMDONCK, PLS 38098 RIDGE ROAD J J J 1 I m O � � 44TH AVE. _ E TABOR ( L LAKE LAKE LAKE WES� CLEAR CREEK LAKE Y W 38TH A�VE. �L- IENP� r W 32ND AVE. r) _ VICINITYMAP C HI STORY NOT TO SCALE MS -12 -02 WZ -06 -04 SUP -96 -06 PBG -12 -01 MS -05 -07 WA -87 -23 WZ -12 -01 MS -04 -11 WZ -84 -33 LOT 9 ZONED, • R -2 `-LOCAL N: 709426.46 LOCAL E 106780.82 I LOT lO ZONED: R -2 I Drawn NAV Date 311 5/12 Designed: NAV Checked.: 3/19/12 NOTE WOOD FENCE OCCUPIES PROPERTY LINE ro N LOT i BD1V N pUM pKlhi PA p ZOOg08 7i REC EpT1 0 N N M o � 0 N LOT I ZONED: A -I L7Ca vCrcAl- evv a C 1. NOTICE ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. 2. THIS SURVEY DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A TITLE SEARCH BY FARNSWORTH GROUP, INC., CANYON TITLE COMPANY FILE NO. CT121318, EFFECTIVE DATE MARCH 5, 2012 WAS RELIED UPON TO DETERMINE OWNERSHIP AND TITLE INFORMATION OF RECORD AS WELL AS EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS WHICH MAY EFFECT THIS PROPERTY BUT ARE NOT GRAPHICALLY DEPICTED, THE ENCUMBERANCES NOTES IN SAID FILE MAKE REFERENCE TO THE RECORDED SUBDIVISIONS THAT AFFECT THE PREVIOUSLY PLATTED LOTS WITHIN THE THE DESCRIBED PROPERTY. NO OTHER RECORDED EASEMENTS OR RESTRICTIONS ARE NOTED IN SAID FILE. 3. THIS SURVEY WAS PERFORMED IN THE FIELD IN JANUARY 2012. 4. BEARINGS ARE BASED UPON THE NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, SAID LINE BEING CONTROLLED ON THE WEST END BY CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE MONUMENT #13209 AND ON THE EAST END BY CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE MONUMENT #13309, BOTH MONUMENTS ARE GRAPHICALLY LABELED AND DESCRIBED HERON. COORDINATES FOR SAID POINTS ARE AS FOLLOWS: WR# WR NORTHING WR EASTING LATITUDE LONGITUDE 13209 N 711004.84 E 105186.73 39 °4T05.715" N 105 °07'32.61 V W 13309 N 711030.76 E 107841.07 39 0 47'05.861" N 105 5. PER COLORADO REVISED STATUTES SEC. 38 -51 -106 (L), ALL LINEAL UNITS DEPICTED ON THIS LAND SURVEY PLAT ARE U.S. SURVEY FEET. ONE METER EQUALS 39.37 INCHES DIVIDED BY 12 U.S. SURVEY FEET ACCORDING TO THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY. 6. THE COORDINATE SYSTEM IS A GROUND -BASED MODIFIED FORM OF THE NAD83192 STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, COLORADO CENTRAL ZONE 0502, 7. VERTICAL DATUM IS THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 (NAVD88). B. GROUND TO GRID COMBINED SCALE FACTOR IS 0.99974780300, SCALED FROM BASE POINT PHAC 1 WHICH HAS THE FOLLOWING COORDINATE VALUES: PHAC 1: NORTHING: 1701258.75 EASTING 3118217.58 ELEVATION: 5471.62 9. STATEMENT OF ACCURACY: THE GEODETIC POINT COORDINATE DATA SHOWN HEREIN HAS BEEN DERIVED FROM THE COLORADO COORDINATE SYSTEM OF 1983, CENTRAL ZONE 0502, AND HAS A HORIZONTAL ACCURACY CLASSIFICATION OF 0.07 U.S. SURVEY FEET AT THE 95% CONFIDENCE LEVEL, AS DEFINED IN THE GEOSPATIAL POSITIONING ACCURACY STANDARDS OF THE FEDERAL GEODETIC CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE (FGDC- STD - 007.2- 1998). 10. ACCORDING TO FIRM MAP 08059CO215 E, WITH AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF JUNE 17, 2003, SUBJECT PROPERTY FALLS WITHIN ZONE X, OR AREAS DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE THE 0.2% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOODPLAIN. 11. SUBJECT PROPERTY IS ZONED PUBLIC FACILITIES (PF). REFER TO CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CODE CHAPTER 26. SECTION 204 AND SECTION 215 FOR A LIST OF ALLOWED USES AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. 12. A SEVEN -FOOT (7') WIDE IRRIGATION EASEMENT IS HEREBY CREATED BY THIS PLAT AS SHOWN HEREON. 13. ALL PREVIOUSLY PLATTED UTILITY EASEMENTS WITHIN THE PLATTED BOUNDARY ARE HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT. UTILITY COMPANIES HAVING EXISTING FACILITIES WITHIN SAID BOUNDARY ARE HEREBY GRANTED THE RIGHT TO ENTER AND MAINTAIN THOSE FACILITIES. SU RVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, NATHAN A. VANRAEMDONCK DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY OF THE BOUNDARY OF WHEAT RIDGE MUNICIPAL CONSOLIDATION WAS MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE COLORADO STATUTES, CURRENT REVISED EDITION AS AMENDED, THE ACCOMPANYING PLAT ACCURATELY REPRESENTS SAID SURVEY. t� 1 -4 - c �--} 3.00 4t} W BLpGD ON SU O 46 D i627 -4N2 R gC >oKiDNSN pA6> BO LOT 7 ZONED= R -2 ifl of N 0 W 45 r AVL (50' WIDE) LOT B ZONED: R -2 Book No. S No.: 1 O 1 Project No.: 0120179.00 d City of W t�idge TO: Planning Commission DATE OF MEETING: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT August 16, 2012 CASE MANAGER: Lauren Mikulak CASE NO. & NAME: ACTION REQUESTED: WA -12 -11 & PBG -12 -01 / Wheat Ridge Maintenance Facility (WRMF) Request for approval of a planned building group with a variance from the landscape requirement for shrubs LOCATION OF REQUEST: 11210 W. 45` Avenue APPLICANT(S): City of Wheat Ridge, Public Works Department PROPERTY OWNER(S): APPROXIMATE AREA: City of Wheat Ridge 217,846 Square Feet (5 Acres) PRESENT ZONING: Public Facilities (PF) PRESENT LAND USE: Wheat Ridge Maintenance Facility ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) ZONING ORDINANCE (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION LOCATION MAP Site Case No. WA -12 -11 & PBG -12 -01 / WRMF All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. The property is zoned Public Facilities (PF) and is located at 11210 W. 45' Avenue—between Parfet . . . . ..... . ... . .... ... .. and Quail Streets, north of W. 44' Avenue The site is referred to as the Wheat Ridge Maintenance Facility (WRMF) mid has served as an operations center for the Public Works Department for over 40 years. Case No. TVA-12- 11 & PRG- 12-01 / RRUF 2 Buildings In 2004, a Public ff Maintenance Master Plan was completed for the WRMF Existing structures on the property include an office building, auto repair shop, salt/sand barn, fueling stations, and several outbuildings. The master plan assessed the needs of the Public Works, Parks, and Police operations on the property. Architecture The existing structures on the property range in age, with the oldest being over 60 years old. The exterior treatment of the proposed buildings will be similar to the existing structures—horizontal clapboard siding, natural and earth tones, and gable or shed roofs While this architectural style is not typical of a heavy commercial or light industrial operation, the treatment is more consistent with the surrounding semi-rural and residential area. Parking The site plan provides 83 standard size vehicle spaces for employees' private vehicles, as well as for police or fleet vehicles that may be on site for fueling or maintenance. Large city vehicles, such as snow plows, trucks, and mowers will primarily be stored within the proposed open or covered buildings. Currently, the southern portion of the property is paved and the northern portion is undeveloped. An all-weather surface of recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) will be installed on the northern portion of the site. When the administration building (E) is complete, permanent bard surfacing will be installed and the parking lot will be striped. Section 26-502.D.3 b requires 10 shrubs per every 1,000 square feet of required landscape area. Based on a 5 acre lot size, the site needs I acre of landscaping and would need 436 shrubs to satisfy code Case No. IVA-12-1 / & PBG-12-01 / 11RAIT' requirements. Part of this application is a request for a variance from this requirement. The following table is a comparison of the required and provided landscape materials. The variance criteria are analyzed in section VI below. LandsLaei!!g Required .: 1'r°cr ( ?d Landsca pe Area 43,560 square feet 44,425 square feet Total Trees 44 trees 72 trees Total Shrubs 436 shrubs 104 shrubs As with the construction of new buildings, landscaping is proposed to be installed in phases. All perimeter landscaping on the northern portion of the site will be installed when the first building (A) is constructed. This includes landscaping in the detention pond area. On the southern portion of the site, landscaping will be installed with the construction of adjacent buildings. All affected service agencies were contacted for comment on the PBG site plan, and the property can be served. Specific referral responses follow: Valley Water District: A water casement is provided on the consolidation plat to provide a future water line connection between W. 45"' and W. 46"' Avenues. This water line extension and a new water tap will be installed when the administration building (E) is constructed. Arvada Fire: When the water line is extended and the administration building (E) is constructed an additional fire hydrant will be provided on site by building (N). Xcel Energy: Can serve. Wheat Ridge Police Department: No concerns. No comment was received from the sanitation district, phone/cable provider, Parks & Recreation Department, or Building Division. Referral recipients are advised that no comment received indicates having no objections or concerns regarding the proposal. In order to approve a planned building group application, the Planning Commission shall consider the criteria listed in Section 26-116.D.3 of the city code. The applicant has provided an analysis of the . . . .. . .... application's Staff provides the following review and analysis of the criteria. Case No TIA-12-11 & PBG-12-01 / IVRAIF 4 [=I . I i I t t # 114111P Ri M#1 =## The proposed plan does comply with the zoning and development code and is not contrary to the general welfare of the neighborhood or economic prosperity of the city. The site plan meets the PF development standards for height, setback, and building coverage. As outlined above, the plan meets landscaping standards with the exception of the requirement for shrubs, for which a variance is requested and a separate criteria analysis is provided below. While the WRNIF is the highest intensity use in the area, the maintenance facility has been a long standing presence and is not expected to disrupt the character of the semi -rural neighborhood. Attention to landscape buffering will minimize potential adverse impacts. In particular, columnar trees with xeric characteristics are proposed for perimeter screening. Staff finds this criterion has been met. 2. The application is in substantial compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the Architectural and Site Design Manual (ASDM). The property is in the suburban overlay of the Architectural and Site Design Manual (ASDM), and the application complies with the ASDNI where practical. The maintenance facility use would be classified under the heavy commercial/industrial building design standards (section 4.2), but again many standards do not apply because of the unique location of the site. Facade design, material, and transparency standards apply when a facade faces a public street or is visible to adjacent residential properties. The combined effect Case,M), IPA- 12- 1 & PBG- 12-01 / IfWAIF 5 of no street frontage, a six-foot privacy fence, and perimeter landscaping results in minimal visibility of the WRMF facilities. Most existing structures have horizontal lap siding and shed or gable roof's & Future buildings are proposed to have similar architectural treatment. *& While not typical for commercial or light industrial buildings, the lap siding and gable roof features are more consistent with the surrounding semi -rural and residential area. Staff finds this criteria has been met. Part of this application is a request for a 76% variance from the requirement of 10 shrubs per every 1,000 square feet of required landscape area, resulting in 104 shrubs on the property. The Planning Commission shall base its decision in consideration of the extent to which the applicant demonstrates that a majority of the "criteria for review" listed in Section 26-115.0.4 of the City Code have been net The applicant has provided an analysis of the application's compliance with the variance criteria Staff provides the following review and analysis. 1. The property in question would not yield a reasonable return in use, service or income if permitted to be used only under the conditions allowed by regulation for the district in which it is located. If the request were denied, the property would continue to yield a reasonable return in use. The property would continue to function as an operations and maintenance facility, regardless of the outcome of the variance request. Staff finds this criterion has not been met. It is the taller landscaping material—such as trees—that will contribute to the character of the area, and additional trees are proposed to compensate for a reduced number of shrubs. Shrubs Case No, ITT -1 -I1 & PPG -1 _07 / IVRAIF have been included at locations that are visible from within the property in order to enhance the aesthetics of the site for employees and visitors. Staff finds this criterion has been met. 3. The applicant is proposing a substantial investment in the property with this application, which would not be possible without the variance. I Staff finds this criterion has been met. 4. The particular physical surrounding, shape or topographical condition of the specific property involved results in a particular and unique hardship (upon the owner) as distinguished from a mere inconvenience if the strict letter of the regulations were carried out. The unique physical shape and surroundings of the property result in a hardship that supports the variance request. The property is nearly landlocked with no extensive street frontage and no traditional front yard. Without a public realm there is no logical place to plant the required 436 shrubs. Staff finds this criterion has been inet. The hardship described above relates to the location of the property in relation to the surrounding land uses. The configuration of the site within a semi - rural /residential setting and without a proper front yard was not created by any person currently having an interest in the property. Case N6. RA-12-11 & PBG-12-01 / I-VRNIF Me banger ot nre or enuange impairing property values within the neighborhood. Staff finds this criterion has been met. 7. The unusual circumstances or conditions necessitating the variance request are present in the neighborhood and are not unique to the property. There are no unusual circumstances in the neighborhood that necessitate the variance. Staff finds that this criterion has not been met. 8. Granting of the variance would result in a reasonable accommodation of a person with disabilities. The planting of shrubs has no impact on persons with disabilities. Staff finds this criterion is not Uplicable. 9. The application is in substantial compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the Architectural and Site Design Manuat The Architectural and Site Design Manual includes guidelines for screening and buffering. Because a perimeter privacy fence fully encloses the site and shrubs are typically low to the ground, additional shrubs would not effectively contribute to landscape screening. To compensate for the reduced number of shrubs, however, 28 additional trees are provided and do serve to meet the applicable screening guidelines of the ASDM. Staff finds that this criterion has been met. Case Alo, ITA-12-11 & PBG-12-01 / 117RAIT" Option B. "I move to DENY Case No. PBG- 12-0 1, a request for approval of a planned building group on property zoned Public Facilities and located at 11210 W. 45"' Avenue, for the following reasons: I. 2. Case,Vo. W.4 -12_11 & PBG-12-01 / 1IRVIF 9 EXHIBIT 1: AERIAL i A- r -45TH Jim Case No. WA -12 -11 & PBG -12 -01 / WRMF 10 EXHIBIT 2: PBG Case Vii. IIA -12 -11 c PBG -1 ? -01 / IERA T" l I EXHIBIT 3: SITE PHOTOS Case No. WA -12 -11 & PBG -12 -01 / WRMF 12 A view of the existing shops and office building on the property. A view of an existing vehicle storage building (T) which will remain on the site. Case No. WA -12 -11 & PBG -12 -01 / WRMF 13 Several existing and proposed structures will be open on all sides, similar to a carport. The salt barn (X) is located on the right side of the image and will remain. A panoramic view of the undeveloped northern portion of the WRMF site. This area will be developed as part of phase I. This is a conceptual view of building A to be located on the northern portion of the site; the architectural treatment is similar to existing structures with horizontal lap siding and earth tones. C'1tv cif W h6at PsLdge, Memorandum SUBJECT: Wheat Ridge Maintenance Facility The barks facilities l teal north of the fueling nopy will be constructed first since Case No. 14"A-12-11 & PPG -12 -01 !` IVRAIF 14 Ms. Lauren E Mikulak Planner I City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29"' Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Re. Wheat Ridge Maintenance Facility — Landscape Variance Request Dear Ms. Mikulak: We are fortnally requesting that a variance be granted from Section 26-502.3,b. concerning the number of shrubs that are required. The other requirements of Section 26-502 have been m , et or exceeded. The following is offered to address the Variance Criteria t(.)r Review Case N6. 14 & PBG-1 2-01 / IfRVF [IN Ms. Lauren Mikulak July 23. 2012 Pag 2 If you have any conceiiis, questions, or comments, please contact me at 303-235-2863. Z� Mark Westberg, PE, CFM Projects Supervisor Case No. IJA - 12-11 & PBG-12 01 / ff'RJAIF 16 AM il = i %A M g t - NO' I + ` Mrs AMMOU in General Notes: 1. All buildings are proposed unless otherwise labeled as existing. 2. Existing easements are not shown on this plan, please refer to the Wheat Ridge Municipal Consolidation Plat. 3. Signage shall be consistent with Article VII of the Wheat Ridge zoning and development code. 4. Fencing shall be consistent with section 26 -603 of the Wheat Ridge zoning and development code. 5. Parking shall be consistent with section 26 -501 of the Wheat Ridge zoning and development code. 6. Exterior lighting is not shown on this plan. Site and building lighting shall be consistent with section 26 -503 of the Wheat Ridge zoning and development code. 7. Outside storage shall be consistent with section 26 -631 of the Wheat Ridge zoning and development code. Landscape Standards: 8. Unless otherwise noted, landscaping shall be consistent with section 26 -502 of the Wheat Ridge zoning and development code. 9. All landscape areas to be xeric with a supplemental irrigation system. 10. Individual tree and shrubs species will be established by a landscape plan and approved by staff during the building permit review process. 11. Included in this planned building group application is a request for approval of reduced landscape requirements, per Case ## WA- 12 -11. Architectural Standards: 12. The building design standards of the Architectural and Site Design Manual (ASDM) shall apply to the proposed administration building only. 13. With the exception of the administration building, all proposed buildings shall bc; exempt from the building design standards of the ASDM. The exterior treatment of building surfaces shall meet the following minimmn design standards: 13.1. Primary building materials will include horizontal clapboard siding. Prohibited materials include vinyl or metal siding, plywood paneling, and metal panels. 13.2. Colors and textures will be natural and earth tones. 13.3. Roofs style will be gable or shed designs. Metal roofs are permitted. Final design for all improvements will be submitted for review with the building permit application. General Phasing Schedule: This planned building group establishes a site plan for the implementation of the City of Wheat Ridge Public Works / Parks Maintenance Master Plan which the City Council adopted in 2004. The proposed buildings are expected to be constructed in the following phases based on need and City budget over the next 20 years. pk, I Buildings A, B, C. and D. Building A is proposed to be constructed in 2012. All perimeter and detention pond landscaping will be installed with the construction of Building A. Access aisles will be temporarily surfaced with an all- weather surface, such as recycled asphalt pavement. phaca 7• Building E and adjacent sidewalk and perimeter landscaping. Permanent hard surfacing and parking lot striping will be installed after Building E is completed. Phase 3: Buildings F, G and adjacent hardscaped patio. and WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge has approved said plan on ~n c 47TH AVE Zoning PF - Public Facilities 47TH AV Address M WA -12 -11 (Accompanying Case) Use U) WZ -12 -01 0 WZ -84 -33 w rn o- a 46TH w 0 0 46TH AVE 45 T H AVE 44TH PL N PL 44TH AVE F o z m w SITE INFORMATION TA LL`: PBG -12 -01 (Subject Case) Zoning PF - Public Facilities MS -12 -02 (Accompanying Case) Address 12210 West 45th Avenue WA -12 -11 (Accompanying Case) Use Maintenance Facility COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS CERTIFICATE State of Colorado ) ) SS County of Jefferson ) I hereby certify that this plan was filed in the office of The County Clerk and Recorder of Jefferson County at Golden, Colorado, at O'clock _.M. on the day of A.D., in Book Page Reception No. JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER By: PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATE Approved this day of by the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission. Chairperson Property Case History PBG -12 -01 (Subject Case) MS -09 -01 WZ -96 -14 MS -12 -02 (Accompanying Case) WZ -06 -04 SUP -96 -06 WA -12 -11 (Accompanying Case) MS -05 -07 WA -87 -23 WZ -12 -01 MS -04 -11 WZ -84 -33 CITY CERTIFICATION Approved this day of by the City of Wheat Ridge. ATTEST City Clerk Community Development Director WHEREAS, Tim Paranto, Public Works Director, on behalf of the City of Wheat Ridge have submitted a planned building group Plan for the City of Wheat Ridge's approval pursuant to Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, for the land area legally described as: THAT PART OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A TRACT OF LAND BEING ALL OF LOT 2 OF PUMPKIN PATCH SUBDIVISION, ALL OF LOT 1 OF HALL SUBDIVISION AND PORTIONS OF THE NORTH WEST QUARTER OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, DESCRIBED AS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTH QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 21, WHENCE THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 21 BEARS S89 0 26'26 "W ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 21, 2654.55 FEET; THENCE S45 1 39'26 "W, 1488.38 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 2 OF PUMPKIN PATCH SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED AT RECEPTION NUMBER 2009034271 IN THE JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER'S OFFICE AND TO TIIE POINT OI' BEGINNING; THENCE S00 0 25'30 "E ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 2 AND THE EAST LINE OF THE WEST 255 FEET OF TIIE EAST HALF OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 21, 564.00 FEET; THENCE S89 0 34'30 "W, 257.00 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF T14E EAST 2.00 FEET OF THE EAST 1/2 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF T14E SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHWEST '1/4 OF SAID SECTION 21; THENCE N00 0 25'39 "W ALONG SAID WEST LINE, 22.09 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH 250 FEET OF THE EAST 1/2 OF THE EAST 2/3 OF THE EAST 1/2 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 21; THENCE S89 10'50"W ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE AND THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT I OF HALL SUBDIVISION, THIRD FILING, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED AT RECEPTION NUMBER 2006019940 IN SAID OFFICE, 219.04 FEET; THENCE ALONG THE WEST, SOUTH, WEST AND NORTH LINES OF SAID LOT I THE FOL.I:,OWING FIVE COURSES: 1. N00 °26'12 "W, 79.25 FEET; 2. S89 °39'16 "W, 95.28 FEET; 3. S89 °35'13 "W, 15.00 FEET; 4. N00 °24'47 "W, 170.08 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 21; 5. N89 0 27'49 "E ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, 331.29 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 21; THENCE N00 0 25'30 "W ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 21 AND THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 2 OF PUMPKIN PATCH SUBDIVISION, 292.04 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 2 OF PUMPKIN PATCH SUBDIVISION; THENCE N89 0 34'30 "E ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, 255.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 5.0011 ACRES (217,846 SQUARE FEET) OF LAND, MORE OR LESS. Phasing of the remaining buildings and installation of landscaping and hard surfacing will be determined after Phase 3. i 'EcT ADm 12210 WEST 45th AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CMORADO 80033 j NOW, THEREFORE, upon final approval of the planned building group by the City of Wheat Ridge, this declaration is notice to prospective purchasers of the land area and to all others that it is the subject of a planned building group and that said plan and the ordinances relating thereto are binding on subsequent purchasers, successors and assigns unless the plan is abandoned, amended or withdrawn in writing and duly recorded and shall limit the construction, use and operation of all land and structures included within such plans to all conditions and limitations set forth in such plans and ordinances. Declaration of Planned Building Group TIM PARANTO, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS , A.D. 2012 BY WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: / NOTARY PUBLIC DAY OF MW 71 i Emus: �. LOT 8 ZONED R -2 ZONED: A -1 r 1469®34'30 °E 255.00' f I W 13 W W LOT 9 ZONED: R -2 W _ W 46tH AUC. EMERGENCY ONLY (50' WIDE) - - - RESUBDII/l5lON OF A PORT /ON OF FRUITDAL£ VALLEY SVBOIV /S /ON - - - RECEPTION NO 73541300, 8001e 40 PAGE 6 ZONED: R -2 I ZONED: ZONED: ZONED• IRRIGATION I R -2 R -2 LOT 24 R -2 EASEMENT - LOT 25 LOT 26 N end 1 1' s .v I STORM WATER .ETENTION POND' 'AMT 35' DRIVE LANE „ . 35' ����lr °� DRIVE W LANE W w 1 25' DRIVE LANE DRIVE M l y `1 C 4^ i W' V. 1 I M59 ° E 331,29' w k y w v �y!'.. A� W N /ei y` �. wady I y w y-y ~' j / A AREA: 25' ACREAGE: l - DRIVE 217,801 sf Total Site Area = LONE 5.0 „ . 35' ����lr °� DRIVE W LANE W w 1 25' DRIVE LANE DRIVE M l y `1 C 4^ i W' V. 1 I M59 ° E 331,29' w k y w v �y!'.. A� W N /ei y` �. wady I y w y-y ~' j / A H W w UNPLATTED ZONED A -1 - -I _ -- Pi LANE SIDEWALK -, M / _ n W W W W r Tor 0 ` - - W W as O __.___- I,T 1C [ FU CN` IRRIGATION -� -= SIDEWAI EASEMENT - - UTILITY OUTDOOR EASEMENT EMPLOYEE AREA 35' DRIVE LANE I al S8W30'50" 4 219.04' UNPLATTED ZONED. A -1 A 45' DRIVE LANE 44' DRIVE LANE lw. El LOT 1 PUMPKIN PATCH SUBDIVISION RECEP770AI NO. 2009034271 LOT 1 ZONED: A -1 a° UNLEADED FUEL 7Ah n r,00 »AL. UNDEFISFOUND �.vn / x ,.15 DIESEL A- I fA K 6 00 GAI... I nJS -tdr I b iN 1.jDER("R0 ;':ND ) a /{u;ia f „_ -, ; "�'`' LOT 7 ; ZONED: R -2 CQ BLAGDON SUBDIVSION RECEPTION NO 627412, BOOK 1.5 PAGE 45 @Ids -- - - - --� Q EXISTING GATED & RESTRICTED MAIN ACCESS W 457 AVE, (30' WIDTH) (50' WIDE) W 19 I W� I w LOT 8 ZONED: R -2 w "! I w �) - - - - - AREA: S DARE FOOTAGE: ACREAGE: l PROVIDED 217,801 sf Total Site Area 217,801 5.0 100% Landscape Area 44,425 1.02 Fn Proposed Building Footprints 53,300 1.22 £ ZONED. R -2 17,390 0.40 8.0% 70,690 1.62 s W. y 5 44 72 Parking Spaces 10' x 20' (Typ.) 89'34 30�hY 257.00 Proposed Trees (Van Accessible) 67 Total Shrubs 436 104* Existing Shrubs Future 10 Proposed Shrubs Bldg 94 * Included in this PBG application is a request for approval of reduced landscape requirements, per Case No. WA -12 -1 1. Vehicle Storage UNPLATTED Covered 3 Future Vehicle Storage ZONED.- Bldg ti w Future Material Laydown /Racks 25' Covered Q 2 i Future Flammable /Dry Storage DRIVE I N Future Materials Bins LANE I I I I ( ZONED: R -2 28 Greenhouse 375 Bldg O Future Storage / Trash Enclosure 1,000 Covered P Future \ \'I� w ay. ��' �\ ly�� �� \i� ✓i�' Future Vehicle Storage 500 Covered R Future Equipment Storage 1,200 Bldg S SS935'13 ° W ) 95.25' S69°39'1 6 "W Covered W Existing Vehicle Storage 2,800 Bldg U Existing Liquid De -icer Storage 2,400 qBld 15.00' Existing Evidence Building 2,000 W Existing Fenced Storage 6,000 Open X Existing EMERGENCY ACCESS 2,840 Bldg Y Existing Fuel Canopy 1,350 Canopy ONLY W < o n a- (� s U r 0 Lli CU L3 N Uj -A t I I N n 4 q_ W W .. I N Wp w W TRACT B ( I Z ONE D - (fl - - -- I � � wo R ae i =W CD I � w wp O mwQ, 1 I HALL SUBDIVISION _j W 0c) 05w U I w Rf - of - NO. 897683 [ I wn 00 f m Ip d dl W W W � � I I II I I I I I I z 3 I I I I I H W w UNPLATTED ZONED A -1 - -I _ -- Pi LANE SIDEWALK -, M / _ n W W W W r Tor 0 ` - - W W as O __.___- I,T 1C [ FU CN` IRRIGATION -� -= SIDEWAI EASEMENT - - UTILITY OUTDOOR EASEMENT EMPLOYEE AREA 35' DRIVE LANE I al S8W30'50" 4 219.04' UNPLATTED ZONED. A -1 A 45' DRIVE LANE 44' DRIVE LANE lw. El LOT 1 PUMPKIN PATCH SUBDIVISION RECEP770AI NO. 2009034271 LOT 1 ZONED: A -1 a° UNLEADED FUEL 7Ah n r,00 »AL. UNDEFISFOUND �.vn / x ,.15 DIESEL A- I fA K 6 00 GAI... I nJS -tdr I b iN 1.jDER("R0 ;':ND ) a /{u;ia f „_ -, ; "�'`' LOT 7 ; ZONED: R -2 CQ BLAGDON SUBDIVSION RECEPTION NO 627412, BOOK 1.5 PAGE 45 @Ids -- - - - --� Q EXISTING GATED & RESTRICTED MAIN ACCESS W 457 AVE, (30' WIDTH) (50' WIDE) W 19 I W� I w LOT 8 ZONED: R -2 w "! I w �) - - - - - SITE TABLE: AREA: S DARE FOOTAGE: ACREAGE: % OF ,SITE: PROVIDED 217,801 sf Total Site Area 217,801 5.0 100% Landscape Area 44,425 1.02 LOT 9 Proposed Building Footprints 53,300 1.22 24.4% ZONED. R -2 17,390 0.40 8.0% 70,690 1.62 ..,.; W. y 5 44 72 Parking Spaces 10' x 20' (Typ.) 89'34 30�hY 257.00 Proposed Trees (Van Accessible) 67 Total Shrubs 436 104* Existing Shrubs Future 10 Proposed Shrubs Bldg 94 * Included in this PBG application is a request for approval of reduced landscape requirements, per Case No. WA -12 -1 1. Vehicle Storage UNPLATTED Covered 3 Future Vehicle Storage ZONED.- Bldg K Future Material Laydown /Racks C -1 Covered L Future Flammable /Dry Storage 800 I LOT 10 Future Materials Bins 1,500 I I I I ( ZONED: R -2 SITE TABLE: AREA: S DARE FOOTAGE: ACREAGE: % OF ,SITE: PROVIDED 217,801 sf Total Site Area 217,801 5.0 100% Landscape Area 44,425 1.02 20.0% Proposed Building Footprints 53,300 1.22 24.4% Existing Building Footprints 17,390 0.40 8.0% Total of site Building Footprints 70,690 1.62 32.4 % PARSING TABLE: _P URPOSE: SIZE: SPACES Site Area PROVIDED 217,801 sf Landscape Area, min. 20% 43,560 sf Regular Parking Spaces 10'x T 18' (yp) 83 35% Oversize Parking 13% 5,863 sf Living Landscape, (min.) Spaces 10' x 25' 2 38,562 sf Oversize Parking Spaces 10' x 30' (Typ.) 14 0% Handicapped Total 'frees 44 72 Parking Spaces 10' x 20' (Typ.) 2 Proposed Trees (Van Accessible) 67 Total Shrubs 436 LANDSCAPE TABLE. BLDG ID REQUIRED PROVIDED Site Area TYPE 217,801 sf Landscape Area, min. 20% 43,560 sf 20 °/a 44,425 sf Non - Living Landscape, (max.) 35% 15,246 sf 13% 5,863 sf Living Landscape, (min.) 65% 28,314 sf 87% 38,562 sf Turf, (max.) 30% 13,068 sf 0% 0 sf Total 'frees 44 72 Existing Trees Administration (2 Story) (9,600 sQ FT) 5 Proposed Trees F 67 Total Shrubs 436 104* Existing Shrubs Future 10 Proposed Shrubs Bldg 94 * Included in this PBG application is a request for approval of reduced landscape requirements, per Case No. WA -12 -1 1. STRUCTURES TABLE: BLDG ID STATUS BUILDING USE A RPRO<Y. FOOTPRINT* TYPE with barbed wire S . Ft. A Future Vehicle Storage 5,200 Bldg B Future Vehicle Storage 1,500 Covered C Future Vehicle Storage 1,750 Covered D Future Equipment Storage 9,600 Covered E Future Administration (2 Story) (9,600 sQ FT) 4,800 Bldg F Future Garage /Shops 9,000 Bldg G Future Shops 3,000 Bldg H Future Vehicle Storage 5,100 Covered 3 Future Vehicle Storage 3,825 Bldg K Future Material Laydown /Racks 2,850 Covered L Future Flammable /Dry Storage 800 Bldg M Future Materials Bins 1,500 Covered N Future Greenhouse 375 Bldg O Future Storage / Trash Enclosure 1,000 Covered P Future Site Storage 500 Covered Q Future Vehicle Storage 500 Covered R Future Equipment Storage 1,200 Bldg S Future Site Storage 800 Covered T Existing Vehicle Storage 2,800 Bldg U Existing Liquid De -icer Storage 2,400 qBld V Existing Evidence Building 2,000 W Existing Fenced Storage 6,000 Open X Existing Salt Barn 2,840 Bldg Y Existing Fuel Canopy 1,350 Canopy *Buildings are shown to represent general footprint size. Actual design and dimensions will be submitted for review with the building permit application, and may vary from what is shown in the graphic LEGEND: - �- �---- Property Lot Line Wood Privacy Fence with barbed wire Chain Link Fence - - Adjacent Lot Line - -- - Easement Line nr Landscaping (Non- Living) W W W •Y W Landscaping (Living) W W 4 W c 7 i Existing Trees W �y. �- Proposed Trees LP m Existing Shrubs Proposed Shrubs Q F � N U o � a N W ra i � Z ly � d m u9 E a I9 m nr c n N Go m M N ' d N w Z E o X v CL LLJ co ow tJ CID O > M Lai. O CD W III LU Ld DJ > < o a- (� s U r 0 Lli CU L3 N Uj -A t ~ a In z 3 n Z v ... .. a _... a ow W Z ❑ I ¢ w CU W cu v, R (fl � � wo E W ae i =W CD Z > w wp O mwQ, 1 _j W 0c) 05w U I w ti �XZ wn U d dl � r w � w z 3 Z > R ° <r Y n. d W W f-7 Q U U < I9