HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/06/13No one wished to speak at this tillic. a A. Case No. WA-13-05: An application filed by Urban Green Development for setback variances for property zoned Residential Three (R-3), located at 5801 W. 38"' Ave./4000 Fenton Ct. B. Case No. PPG- 13 -01: An application filed by Urban Green Development for a planned building group for 26 new residences (singjggfamily, duplexes and rowhouses) for property zoned Residential Thre(" located at 5801 W. 38' Ave./4000 Fenton Ct. C. Case No. MS-13-02: An applic approval of a 2-lot subdivision with Ave./ 000 Fenton Ct. A Case No. WA -13 -05 and Case Ni concurrently. She entered into pi the Comprehensive Ilan,, n,, and the City of Wheat Ridge and all post Commission does have j0risdicti report and digital presentation. I TOMMMEM Commissioner part of the con building permi In response to required for cr concern about Comrnissiollej limited space ; couple of mail W Why U' I ,,,Green Development for way dedicafi located at 5801 W. 38"' -13-01 were presentedday -Meredith Reckert rccord,",i!b 'ease file, the zO jng ordinance, a e. ntation. The property is within the :qui " r6mpnts have been met, The Planning hear this ;case. She reviewed the staff upose of the request is to construct 26 new i the form of'sit1gle family homes, duplexes fence for the cast and south neighbors is stated that would be considered during the imissioner OHM" s question. Ms. Reckert stated I street tree is 35 feet of street frontage. Commissioner OHM expressed his e not being enough trees on the plan. I asked about the detention pond, Mr. Westberg stated due to lerground detention system was proposed. It will have a for access and maintenance. Commissioner TIMMS asked about the condition of the existing house on the property. Ms. Reckert deferred to the applicant. Commissioner TIMMS inquired about the site contamination referenced in the staff report. Ms. Reckert stated the site will need to be cleaned up due to the previous greenhouse use and pesticides previously utilized on the site. She deferred to the applicant. Planning Commission Minutes - 2 — May 1 6, 2013 Commissioner TIMMS confinned the flagpole portion of the lot is about 16 V2 feet wide. He asked about current city standards for a two way street width and for multifamily parking standards. Ms. Reckert stated if it were a dedicated public street the right-of-way would be 45 to 50 feet wide. For a private access or fire access the minimum requirement is 22 feet of width. Staff doesn't consider the flagpole width to be a viable option as an official access to the property. Parking for multifamily structures is based on the number of bedrooms in a dwelling unit. Ms. Mikulak stated for this case the multifamily parking requirement would apply to the townhomes. The parking requirements are 1.5 spaces for a I bedroom unit; 2 spaces for 2 or 3 A Broom units; 2.5 spaces for 4 or _3 ffil more bedroom units plus I additional space for visitors. Staff does 0 not know bow many bedrooms the townh 61" 1 ill have, Commissioner T S asked if there 6 een 6N meeting. Ms. ,w2W, , Reckert stated there was not a city mandated neigh " Ni , W1od meeting. The developer proposed to meet with the neighborhood. i" E-77 h" stated she received einails and phone calls which have been forwardtp th applicant. Commissioner TIMMS,asked staff to elaborate about i and park fees. Ms. Reckert stated ` a property is developed it is refe to the fire district. Wheat Rid will require line extensions, service lines and installation of hydrants. Wheat Ridge Fire District stated they could serve the property. As for park tces; - �Pw subdf -ision developments are referred to the fees; Cpiutuission for assessments o i f m p4c.,,ts. The developer proposed a pedestrian trail along the flag iW e,p&tion of the Jot and requested that it count toward their parkla�fid dedicatioiie a variety of reasons the Park- Commission recommended, a ca§4*e be paid in lieu of land dedication. IX 2 non iissiover l TTHE S asked i th ere would be a HOA and if the amenities won vate -Ms, R eckert ' es there would be a HOA and the amenitiestd be mate. � jrunissioner W,�,, ' AVER ek if the applicant considered applying for the PRD jp dManned Resid rlt al Development zoning. A PRD would allow for 46 homes on stated the rezoning was offered as an option but r e_ 0 process and the applicant was comfortable with the R_ deg eop'ttt' standards. Commissioner BUCKNAM asked if the property had ever been zoned agriculturally and asked for an explanation for the 4 phases shown on the site plan. Ms. Reckert stated the property has always been zoned R-3. Each quadrant represents a development phase. All the public improvements would have to be put in during the first phase. In response to Commissioner BUCKNAM's questions, Ms. Reckert stated the existing house is a single story house. Planning Commission Minutes -3— May 1 ti, 2013 Chair BRINKMAN asked if the water service will affect Fenton Ct. and 39"' P1. Mr. Westberg stated water and sewer lines traverse the site. Those are not city services. The applicant will have to work with Wheat Ridge Water District for the final plans. A stun - n sewer is planned on Fenton Ct. Keith Gallegos 621 17TH S t., Suite 1777, Denver, CO 80293 The applicant summarized the mission of Urban Green Development. The company specializes in building modern, urban, ftordable, and energy efficient residential units and mixed use projects. As oration, they are also concerned with having a positive impact munities in which their projects are located. Mark Young 621 17 St., Suite 1777, Den The applicant stated lie would 80293 any questions about ye proposed project. Commissioner OHM asked for cL the applicant stated they were not it was based on a misun&rst'andit In res much question PI tie Exhibit I narr , `live in which y variances. Mr. Young explained WN'4,,Mr. Young explained that in areas used for drainage and r DU AN asked if the applicant had hosted a neighborhood Young stated no, but indicated he had spoken to a number of the is open and willing to meet with the neighbors and accommodate as fencing. fie acknowledged the neighbor's concerns regarding ted UGIJ will continue to work with staff to find the best solution Commissioner TIMMS asked about the condition of the original house. Mr. Young stated it is in very good condition. The inside will be remodeled to upgrade the interior of the house and adjust the exterior to match the facade of the new houses. A second story will not be added to the house. asked about the results of the Phase .1 and Phase 11 environmental assessments. Mr. Young stated there was contamination and they would need to remove 6 to 8 inches of dirt across 38,000 feet of the property. They plan to use the pole portion of the lot to remove the soil from the site. Commissioner TIMMS asked about the pricing for the homes. Mr. Young explained that the energy efficient designs may result in higher home costs but long term savings for homeowners. Single family homes will range from the high Planning Commission Minutes -4— May 16, ?013 $300s to low S400s, the patio and duplexes will be priced around $350,000 and the townhomes will be in the $290,000 to $310,000 range. Commissioner TIMMS asked about if there will be any restrictions for parking boats and RVs. Mr. Young stated vehicles over a certain width and height will not be allowed unless such vehicles can fit inside a garage. Mr. Young commented about the addition of fire hydrants and water lines. The water systern will be looped which will improve the water flow and quality for everyone in the neighborhood. Commissioner BUCKNAM asked the applicant about the phasing schedule shown on Exhibit 5 in the staff report, Mr. You Istated they refer to the PIg construction of the homes. Public ii, roveirients will be installed before any residences are constructed. Chair BRINKMAN asked the 64l .ant if the removed contatninated soil will be replaced. Mr. Young stated it woii"P. - 4 'gq W V16 Chair BRIN OMAN 4* , e— , about ki p h t''i'Iftiulti-fami y homes and the number c in er of bedrooms. Mr. You g'started the town ill be 2 bedrooms. There is more parking on site thain'-what Jteqvire Mr. Young noted the fee inlieu of pOkland dedica , t is an investment in the community and pointed out that the , u , ndergro detention facility allows for additional open splice on the si Chair BRINKMAN, Asked,if"flic building will be LEED Certified. Mr. Young stated the f will c appI I LE6 certification but the project will be built to exceed LEED Aowgrds. Ms. Reckert stated the fitta her of trees has been reviewed by staff and the plan does meet the requirement. be park fees will be determined by City Council. Chair BRINKMAN opened the public hearing. Planning Commission Minutes -5— May 16, 2013 Norma Hazen 3993 Eaton St. Ms. Hazen stated her concerns about the evergreen trees on her property due to the roots being west of the property line of the development and the fence height for the protection of the trees on her property. Karen Case 3871 Eaton St. Ms. Case asked why Wheat Ridge Water District was not listed in the referral responses. Ms. Reckert stated there was no formal response but staff did have discussions with them. Ms. Case stated her concern about the setbacks and housing density and asked if any of the snits will be available for low income tenants. Dawn DeBello 4055 Eaton St. Ms. DeBello in project, Ms. R, but should be c the mm End the tiny, material is guild the y negotiable M RM EM M ed he was not in favor of opening Fenton Ct. for traffic. He as about pa"fg e ater restrictions considering the drought, the on the west side of the property and inquired about tax/ green developer , , and asked who would be paying the taxes for is under 'construction. 5825 Wl, Ay Mr. Goodiif" e ked about potential impacts that could be imposed on the cul-de- sac for the s , dwer easement. Ms. Reckert stated it is an existing sanitary easement and was unsure if there would be any impacts. Mr. Goodnight stated the concept plan is good but the architectural style is not consistent with the neighborhood. He is also concerned about the number of units proposed. Dave Newson 3985 Eaton St. Mr. Newson stated his concerns about the flagpole/alley as he uses it to access his property like many of the other neighbors. A fence will prevent rear property Planning Commission Minutes - 6 — May 16,2013 access for the homes on Eaton. Mr. Newson would prefer 4-5 houses instead of 26 residences. Mary Ann Whitehead 4040 Fenton Ct. Did not speak as her concerns had been addressed. Joanna Buchholz 4075 Fenton Ct. Ms. Buchholz stated her concerns about traffic, safety and crime. Chris Whitehead 4040 Fenton Ct. Did not speak as his concerns had bwp addressed. , Noah Lorenz gg 0"'I 4040 Fenton Ct. Did not speak as his concerns a $so"'"4 Dare) St. Aubin 5920 W. 39" Pl. Ms. Aubin stated her conicern with the entrap `8e 6,n 39"' place being naiTow due to parking on both sides of thlostreet. slu"""""is pp 'also cortc p- rned about safety for the Patricia Clark 5975 W. 39"' K Did not speak as h mental hazards, fencing, lighting and to his property. had been addressed. 5760 W. Ave., Did not speak as her concerns had been addressed. Lon Wheeler 5760 W. 41'` Ave. Did not speak as his concerns had been addressed. Albert Hohl 5947 W. 39"' Pl. Mr. Hohl voiced his concerns about the connection to 39"' Ave. and the interruption of the peacefulness in the neighborhood. Planning Commission Minutes May 16,2013 -7— Carol Rowland 5950 W. 39" Pl. Did not speak as her concerns had been expressed. Daniel Feinster 5925 W. 39" Pl. Mr. Feinster stated the plan does not consider the community. He suggested denial for the variance and right of way and re-do the plan. Hank Cordova 5785 W. 38"' A Mr. Cordova stated his concerns about toxic waste during property clean-up.,-,,,,,, Dale Hurley 4090 Fenton Ct. Mr. Hurley stated his concerns suggested access from 38 Avi Patricia Allen 3945 Eaton St. Ms. Allen statt waste, lack of Js on the flagpole/alley if a through the flagpole. t density, number of units and the safety of Fenton along with the vehicles parked - concerns about the proximity of building B to her home ncerns, the flagpole property used in the calculation for access thoroughfares and suggested a building story limit to mitigate Albert Hold 5947 W. 39"' Pl. Mr. Hohl expressed his concern with safety and crime. Brenda Hurley 4090 Fenton Ct. of dwellings proposed and Planning Commission Minutes May 16, 2013 Ms. Hurley stated her concerns about the lack of police presence in the neighborhood and the number of dwellings. Judy Vance 5760 W . 41 "" Pl. Ms. Vance expressed her concerns about the toxic material removal through the flagpole /alley and the impact on the neighborhood and Red Tango. Mark Young The applicant addressed questions/concems Mr. Young stated access through Fenton traffic will be dispersed. The City recdj,, flagpole. The development will consist in not required nor requested. The I were discovered. UGD was unav the variances were internal to the the variances with t, munt section of the plan. The timeline for the p roject 26 dwelling by the previous speakers. 9' Pl. are the best options as Teating a path way through the of two-story dweltgs. M " ng was delayed why; " of the need for the s .1opment. The plan can f dwellings by shifting ( A height variance is setback variances ices since tun without with each and selling of the agreed to by Urban Green. to replacement of the current two dead , titer quality. in the presentation is not the vision for the property. e lot is permitted by the R-3 zoning. A t ax. tax incent, Urban Green is not asking for consideration from the city or state pan9l,$' re subject to a state tax deduction, federal tax credit and a rebate fi""" ' X ergy. The homes will be very efficient with almost no electric "o bills, Urban Green will pay for the cleanup of the contaminated soil and will use all 3 access points to do so. Contact information for the contractor will be provided to the neighbors if problems arise during construction. The alley/flagpole for use by the neighbors can be accommodated. Commissioner DURAN stated the neighbors wanted to be heard and thanked the applicant for answering all the questions. Planning Commission Minutes -9— May 16, 2013 Commissioner TIMMS asked if the flagpole/alley had any record of an access easement in the title work. Mr. Young stated no. Commissioner TIMMS asked if the flagpole/alley were to be used as an access easement, would that need to be placed on the plat. Ms. Reckert stated yes. Chair BRINKMAN asked the applicant if low income individuals could occupy the homes. Mr. Young stated the single family dwellings would not qualify but the row houses can meet the standard for low income. Commissioner TIMMS stated that the maximUd height for the zoning is 35 feet; therefore potentially any property owner ... ... . ... on, 39"' Place or 39' Ave could potentially build up to 35 feet and or density on their property. Ms. Reckert concurred and added, with a peft x it, and as long as the density standards could be met. Commissioner MATTHEWS ii'A"t"itred about the procedt" change pedestrian right-of-way to a public alley. Mr�Westberg Public* s would not want to maintain the alley due to budget rrtnts est Discussion regarding the flagpole' alley g a Commissioner WEAVER asked if staff can recom : i I nend moving forward with the flagvole issue. Ms. Reckert stated staff is hesitant , d I ue to landscape coverage and Chair BRIM KMAN 'stated the flagpole/alley does not hinge on the variance request. Planning Commission could vote on the variance request separately. In response to a question from 'Commissioner BUCKRAM, Ms. Reckert stated the townhouse northwest of the parcel line has 22 units. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked staff to address concerns about the parking on both sides of street on 39' Pl. Mr. Westberg stated it is a 47 foot right-of-way, two way street. The City does not assign no parking on streets. It isn't wide enough to accommodate parking and traveling. Chair BRINKMAN closed the public hearing. In response to Commissioner OHM's suggestion of including a condition for parking on Fenton, Ms. Reckert stated staff is uncomfortable with applying conditions that are not on the site. Mr. Westberg stated typical parking permitted signs are issued only around schools and parks. Commissioner BUCKNAM stated the side setback for building A is by far the largest variance. It is extreme. Planning Commission Minutes - 10 — May 16, 2013 Commissioner MATTHEWS asked staff when is the proper time to address the fence and landscaping issues. During the Planned Building Group. Ms. Reckert stated yes, It was moved by Commissioner DURAN and seconded by Commissioner TIMMS to recommend approval of Case No. WA-13-05, a request for approval of setback variances in conjunction with Case No. PBG-13-01, for property located at 5801 W. 38 Ave./4000 Fenton Ct. for the following reasons.* AM 1. The variances would not alter the,essential character of the locality as they are internal to the site. 2. The request would not be detrimental to public safety or welfare. 3. The proposed design provides a better traffic arrangement. 4. Site enhancements s increased landscaping and open space amenities co pensate e variances. 5. The application is anistantia compliance with the applicable standards set forth in i ec r, and Site Design Manual. 6. A majori ty Of the eval support approval of the ' request. Chair I kl� on working with the staff ATTHENV97aud seconded by c Case 'No. PBG-1,3-01, a request for 1h (NC) located at 5801 W. 38 i reason: lWork with staff and the community to determine , a Vlmd the fencing cnditions. 1� o r TIMMS asked if a date should be designated for the ILLf "I am��� Chair BRINKMAN stated the second part of the case has been continued to June 20, 2013. Ms. Reckert stated the alley disposition will affect the plat so the plat needs to be continued until June 20. Planning Commission Minutes May 16, 2 013 I via f*3kJVMMt111u1 1%w j MMOMM Motion approved 7-0. 13 OTHER ITEMS A. Commissioner OHM asked staff about the status on the Wadsworth PEL Mr. Westberg stated a consultant is to be hired then public meetings will occur. Commissioner OHM asked if there are plans for some type of pedestrian linkage to connect underneath 1-70 on Wadsworth. Mr. Westberg, stated that the need tbr pedestrian connectivity along the corridor is identified in the Bike,/Ped Master Plan, 9. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner MATTHEWS and seconded by Commissioner WEAVER to adjourn the meeting at 10:30 p.m. Motion carried 7-0. Anne Brinkman, Chair Kim Waggoner, Recording Secretar Planning Commission Minutes -12— May 16, 01 City of W heatkidge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission CASE MANAGER: M. Reckert CASE NO. & NAME: WS- 13- 01/Doud Overlook DATE OF MEETING: June 6, 2013 ACTION REQUESTED: A request for approval of a 48 lot resubdivision plat on property zoned Planned Residential Development (PRD) LOCATION OF REQUEST: 11885 W. 38' Avenue APPLICANT: Standard Pacific Homes APPROXIMATE AREA: 15.054 acres PRESENT ZONING: PRD, Planned Residential Development COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Neighborhood ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) ZONING ORDINANCE (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION Planning Commission WS- 13-0 1 /Doud Overlook All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST The applicant is requesting approval of a 48- lot major subdivision on property zoned Planned Residential Development located at 11885 W. 38` Avenue. Because this is a major subdivision, Planning Commission will be providing a recommendation to City Council who will be the final authority for approval. A neighborhood meeting is not required prior to the submission of an application for subdivision approval. II. EXISTING CONDITIONS /PROPERTY HISTORY Subject Property The property contains an existing single family residence with associated out - buildings and grazing land. The existing house was built in 1946 and will ultimately be removed as part of the site development. The property is bounded by W. 38` Avenue on the south, and the Clear Creek greenbelt open space on the north. The property slopes from southwest to northeast and is 15.054 acres in size. There is an existing sanitary sewer line with a 30' easement which traverses the northern portion of the property. The Lee - Stewart and Eskins ditches cross the property from the south side of 38` Avenue by a diversion gate and continue north across the property to the bluff. Property ownership stops at the bluff on the north end just behind the existing home. It does not extend down the slope towards Clear Creek. The slope property was conveyed to Coors in the late 1960's and in 2000 became part of the Clear Creek greenbelt. (Exhibit 1, Aerial Photo) Surrounding zoning and land use The subject property is surrounded to the south, east and west by single family residential neighborhoods. Adjacent zoning includes R- I A to the east and south, and R -1 and A -2 to the west. (Exhibit 2, Zoning Map) The property to the north is part of the Clear Creek greenbelt and open space area. The southern portion of the greenbelt adjacent to the subject property is designated as a conservation area in the City's Open Space Management Plan. North of the creek is a hard surfaced trail and south of the creek is a soft surfaced trail, both of which are heavily used. The Risdon Ditch is located in the open space area to the northeast of the subject site. Several reservoirs are located within the Clear Creek open space corridor, most of which were once gravel pits and are now used for water storage by Coors. Bass Lake (the closest to the property) is part of the conservation area and features a recently completed Watchable Wildlife Boardwalk on the southern side of the lake. An endangered plant species, the Ute Ladies' - Tresses Orchid, has been identified growing in this general area and cannot be negatively impacted by the proposed development activity. (Exhibit 3, Site Photos) Planning Commission 2 WS- 13-0 1 /Doud Overlook Approved Outline Development Plan The property was rezoned from A-2 and R -1 to PRD with an Outline Development Plan (ODP) pursuant to Case No. WZ-07-06. The ODP, which contains five sheets, sets the allowed uses and development standards for the property. It also contains a conceptual layout of the property, typical 011 architectural elevations and a landscape plan. On April 8, 2013, City Council approved a plat document which complied with the recorded ODP document in that it contained 53 lots, had a similar street configuration and had setbacks consistent with those established on the ODP. If Case No. WS -13 -01 is approved it will supersede the previously approved plat; however, new construction must comply with the requirements of the recorded ODP document with regard to development standards. t"4111"W111,111" The proposed plat document is comprised of four sheets. 00""Wift ) Sheet I is the declaration page and contains the legal description, required signature blocks for recording and notes. The notes, among other things, contain the city's standards language regarding easements and detention pond maintenance. There are also notes pertaining to Tracts A - E. All of these tracts contain common elements in the subdivision and will be maintained by the Homeowners' Association (HOA). Tracts A and E are for landscaping along 38' Avenue and at the subdivision entrance. Tract B accommodates the detention pond. Tract C accommodates the sanitary sewer line from the west and Tract D encompasses the emergency access from 38' Avenue. The location of these tracts can be viewed on Sheet 2 of the plat document. Sheet 2 contains the layout of the subdivision. The number of lots shown has been reduced from 53 to S. The development will continue to access W. 38' Avenue via a single looped roadway aligning with Tabor Court to the south. The prior design included three short cul-de-sac "eyebrows" extending from the looped road on the west side. This impacted several of the proposed lots along the western side with irregular driveway configurations. The proposed design eliminates these "eyebrows" and shifts the street to the west. Mile these lots have been somewhat reduced in size, elimination of the "eyebrows" provides more regular lot shapes and accesses. Sheet 3 of the plat document is intended to represent buildable envelopes for the proposed subdivision and also as an addressing plan. Addresses need to be added to this sheet prior to plat recordation. Due to the number of easements dedicated by the first recorded plat, a fourth sheet has been added to specifically vacate perimeter parcel easements and right-of-way. The new right-of-way and easements will be dedicated with the new plat design. Planning Commission 3 WS-13-Ol/Doud Overlook The entry into the subdivision will have 60' of right of way with tree lawn and separated sidewalks on both sides. A landscaped median island will be included in the center of the entrance. The interior streets in the subdivision will have 50' of r-o-w with mountable curb and a 4' wide sidewalk on one side (exterior side), This street section was approved through the previous ODP approval process. Tree lawns will be provided on both sides. The City has requested the developer upsize the pipe to accommodate future storrn sewer improvements along W. 35 Avenue, the cost of which will be financially subsidized by the City. Because the stone sewer system conveys regional drainage flows, the vertical pipe and improvements in the Clear Creek open space area will be maintained by the City. All affected service agencies were contacted regarding their ability to serve the property. The developer will be responsible for any needed upgrades to accommodate the proposed development. Specific referral responses follow. Consolidated Mutual Water* Can serve the property with needed improvements. A water main extension will be required. Planning Commission 4 WS- 13-0 1 /Doud Overlook U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: Has determined that construction work required in the greenbelt should not have a negative impact on the orchid or its habitat. Westridge Sanitation District: The sanitation district main line in 38"' Avenue does not currently have adequate capacity to serve the subdivision. An inclusion agreement for the property has been executed detailing responsibilities of the district and developer for sewer line construction. Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District: Is requiring a secondary access from 38' Avenue which is being provided by Tract D. All street widths and comer turn radii have been approved. Installation of fire hydrants will be required. Wheat Ridge Public Works: The Public Works Department has reviewed the plat and a stone drainage report. Corrections on the plat and drainage comments must occur before public bearing at City Council. Wheat Ridge Parks and Recreation Department: Will review at their June 12, 2013 meeting. Xcel Energy: Can serve. LOME "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WS-1 - 1, a request for approval of a forty-eight lot major subdivision plat for property located at 11885 W. 38 Avenue, for the following reasons: With the following conditions: P_ 2 a I _IIM Planning C onuixission WS-13-01/Doud Overlook EXHIBIT 1: AERIAL PHOTO Site Planning Commission WS- 13-0 1 /Doud Overlook EXHIBIT 2: ZONING MAP Site Planning Commission WS- 13-0 1 /Doud Overlook EXHIBIT 3: SITE PHOTOS View of subdivision to the west Planning Commission WS- 13-0 1 /Doud Overlook View north from 38` Avenue at entrance drive View of subdivision to the east Existing house Planning Commission 10 WS- 13- 01 /Doud Overlook View northeast towards future detention pond area View north into open space Planning Commission W 5 -13 -01 /Doud Overlook View northwest into open space /pond area Planning Commission WS -13 -01 /Dowd Overlook View south towards 38`' Avenue Planning Commission i WS- 13- 01/Doud Overlook View south on drive towards 38 Avenue View west on 38 Avenue r Planning Commission 14 WS- 13-0 1 /Doud Overlook View east on 38` Avenue * g:.. lim ► OVERLOOK P LANNED OurLow twYlLormw u DEVB.OMWT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT FADGE A LOCAL STMET 50' _ROW 11 A I'l :ABLE CUM Mw ROAD A i� am A s ¢f { F v y rule LAMP . ,. ..'., r q 1 l � r 4 � 4.5* m m A f c k5 cv s 4 ks y `P h �S4 3 SOUTH 114 CORNF+AI SECVON 20 T4S, R69 6TH P, 4f 44U,W,'NjM Pkpr W;/ 3-114 BRASS 5 € Y,3,?T, ;,N A RANCE PDX p POINT 15Y09 h+ro7C56 Sd2'8 E- 162562.8715 j r ER F 4 CORNER ^"� F SE`CT7tNJ 20 r / }} R 4 N.A r3S, R69W 6£H P,U, T R 10.903 S.F,:t = At UA1 uum APE 4 4 Wl CE-N , , 3- P/4 BRASS CAP QOT 51 350.423 9 STAMPED, t,S 19212` -F.l 11.1$6 AC =3 G « ? A RANGE BOX # C#NT 14109 i ' N- 708326.7486 c .* F.- 10,55L2586 58647'19 °� 'pe4 I N83"15 0,274 AC,±. 96 .. C Nc FiO83 9 8 ' 4 a� LOT 23 1 O.r90 AC.* v 5# LOT 22 8,4d{} g,6 .z 1 { ni tt F,s OI -..».. i LOT 20 ` i 0,228 AC.i 58926'49"'% 4F4.4f1" LOT 19 - 14.407 SY N54'S2`W ORANGE PLASrC CAP, STAMPED: g 3 r3s.2sTNR. c k5 cv s 4 ks y `P h �S4 3 SOUTH 114 CORNF+AI SECVON 20 T4S, R69 6TH P, 4f 44U,W,'NjM Pkpr W;/ 3-114 BRASS 5 € Y,3,?T, ;,N A RANCE PDX p POINT 15Y09 h+ro7C56 Sd2'8 E- 162562.8715 0 ism= j r �l 0P2$4 AC,t �Y.27 AC,,*, F '.. ANNAKY YCVr, r LOT 16 A h !. t rfE C R 10.903 S.F,:t = LOT 7 Yn 6 2325 PAG 309 \ 'S, -fca OF/DE FTC W1 Fk 446 T 16 { VE UNE VE Ak. .. _....._.. . 141 c .* .� 58647'19 °� 'pe4 L t1Lt7 s w A }, FN'Y tr T N'.: y;,4t x9$.8 3544 t1# 0,274 AC,±. /or 1 L 24 1 &,283 S,F:.t C Nc FiO83 9 8 ' 4 a� LOT 23 1 O.r90 AC.* v 5# LOT 22 8,4d{} g,6 .z 1 { ni tt F,s t a t 0.m4 S,F'' O,as3 AC.i' t - 2sae` AC.* 0 ism= 1 e 1 LO T 3 e e A t i t. Y 4 9 S.F P f .E A _ eE 1 36 B T . 18.Ot' 6 �w e E t}.2Ei#3 +AC.i. s� �� � f E,flT i't � +r kk + P 8.420 S.F.i v 0193 AC A, W2 a w 9 ss s 4a.a R E S8970 Z7 "sac l 21 4.375 S F.3 LOT 10 .. 9,330 AC.if G..981 AC.a f 0` uE r S271834`E�, l 1 1 32 J4' LOT 8 n y � LOT 9 12 *� ev 32.592 S.F.3r. 1 9, 710 S r:i ZONED, CLa72c.A53AL# R) �l 0P2$4 AC,t �Y.27 AC,,*, 24,88'DIR) 3 A '.. ANNAKY YCVr, r LOT 16 A h !. t rfE C R 10.903 S.F,:t = LOT 7 0.250 AC.i 3 €.AT 4f'LL,af" N' 'S, -fca OF/DE UE/?5E. Fk 446 T 16 { ix Pf OS Fc. 33,39'CNRi O 5 T 12,!47 S F.k I tt,2 S.F.3. 6 <. rh'""' TRACT £ L t1Lt7 s w A }, FN'Y tr T N'.: .. 0,274 AC,±. C Nc FiO83 9 8 ' I.OT 17 a 15,536 5 P ".t t 5 E/4e- OT .3a X..c. t..R2 „r_ ,1 tL 'A,0 A . { 0.379 AS t I c" -..».. [ s 49 i8"Cd' Bt t' f 6,73.. ..- 6 A i P ,i 10' UE/VE 58926'49"'% 4F4.4f1" 391H PLAC ORANGE PLASrC CAP, STAMPED: E '172 LOT 6 a P.3 LOT 15 Q 2074 i S R x3.84 i `... 40 "tz2 S.F.i dr^ 4.313 AC ,± ,+ tE.54' s 0.232 AC.,* OTHERWISE N 4 T� tl+ LOT 44 %. _ K7 J fitT3 =L3v )5 6 13 F,# ,. 0 3015 AC,t �� u r o^ ilE aE v„ _Y [ W. 39TH 1 e 1 LO T 3 e e A t i t. Y 4 9 S.F P f .E A _ eE 1 36 B T . 18.Ot' 6 �w e E t}.2Ei#3 +AC.i. s� �� � f E,flT i't � +r kk + P 8.420 S.F.i v 0193 AC A, W2 a w 9 ss s 4a.a R E S8970 Z7 "sac l 21 4.375 S F.3 LOT 10 .. 9,330 AC.if G..981 AC.a f 0` uE r S271834`E�, l 1 1 32 J4' LOT 8 n y � LOT 9 12 *� ev 32.592 S.F.3r. 1 9, 710 S r:i ZONED, CLa72c.A53AL# ONE \, �l 0P2$4 AC,t �Y.27 AC,,*, k 6.920 S..i 6159 AA F ? 59 AC,A m 2 .� ,Tz 36.22" LOT 7 i LOT 13 6,920 sli +ea 6159 AG.t. 1111 'S, -fca OF/DE UE/?5E. Fk 446 WEST Og7 56 LOT 14 t I 33,39'CNRi O 5 T N 2 6 S. tt,2 S.F.3. 6 <. rh'""' TRACT £ .......,...«...�...., .. tl 9.257 AC.i 6 54! &X. �..,,' 9£t 6., CAM AC± .293 AC "t .. U.YF0 A .i 5 E/4e- OT .3a e FOUND SURVEY MONUMENT AS NOTED [ s 49 i8"Cd' Bt t' f 6,73.. ..- 6 A 1F, I P,. d(. - { Y L311 N A rAwr� J gp,t7`(NR) ro `` "44' YE 1 LOT 4 (w i 50' uE,+S1fi' "" LOT 5 { ACA 391H PLAC ORANGE PLASrC CAP, STAMPED: E '172 LOT 6 a P.3 Q 2074 i S R x3.84 i `... 4.313 AC ,± PR DGL OTHERWISE N pp � � J fitT3 =L3v )5 6 s S. `.1 "[.47 90 � -,� Ga 8z5 s.e "s � VA57 AS 2' LE LOT 11 434S'k 94 AC.3 10' UL/D£ 7S4Ef I LOT 12 �,-1 56. ' LOT 5, k 6.920 S..i 6159 AA F ? 59 AC,A m 2 .� ,Tz 36.22" LOT 7 i LOT 13 6,920 sli +ea 6159 AG.t. "920 SF.i ?.153 AC,3 P 'S, -fca OF/DE UE/?5E. Fk 446 '--'" Og7 56 LOT 14 LOT 8 .229'1 S.F.i N 2 6 S. 01,59 AC,± m R UE/OE o 4 LOT 15 E "920 S.F.L. LOT 9 € ;I 0.154 AC.a` 920 S F i m d59 AC•3 �° L --^^ • •� $: 4t9CKS7'�``°6*'c. 1402 t8 t,OT rm. 6,920 S.F, LOT 4 0,159 AC.t Q , 159 ACi $`a _. JEJCSA >�Z jjAi$67T154 "F t46 145 45 f LOT 17 b0" t 6 S,F,i LOT 3 1 0 0 AC+ 920 S F ^g re U fi'kfl 159 AC 54'rw. Tt:# LOT 18 6,920 S "F.t LOT 2 0.159 AC.t 159 nc. �Esaa'�S " 0 FIN i Y¢ LC NS i M X. *'a�F' i 3 t t i'EJiltsfl f t SS33'47'51�'E 2 .� ,Tz 36.22" IRC° A'L7F1 . yey. yfi (1.21,5 AC.t i gg A ND THE WEST H O F Y T N41'HY4#'YQ LOI s 12.27' THE SIXTH PR INCI PA L ME { LOT 28 o 4 TRACT D LOT 25 �1c 19,099 S,F`. �..,,' 9£t 6., CAM AC± .293 AC "t .. 0,215 AC; =i 5 E/4e- OT .3a FOUND SURVEY MONUMENT AS NOTED E SCRENT REC, kr. 0 i I FIN i Y¢ LC NS i M LOT 27 T � 1`1 .. 9,2 S.F.3 SIAAORED� '45 P3212' 40Q_ IN A RANGE BOX QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 20 (1.21,5 AC.t i gg A ND THE WEST H O F Y T OF SECTION 29 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OFI THE SIXTH PR INCI PA L ME { LOT 28 4 929 S.F.i �..,,' 9£t 6., E 0,215 AC; =i i I FIN i Y¢ LC NS i M ' T T AO' 3 BRASS CAP LOC H OF THESOUTHEAST SIAAORED� '45 P3212' 40Q_ IN A RANGE BOX QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 20 CURCLE 019 1 111.9779 A ND THE WEST H O F QU THE NORTHEAST N QU OF SECTION 29 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OFI THE SIXTH PR INCI PA L ME CITY OF WHE RI COUNTY OF JEFFE A i 4 # COLORO LOT 31 53 LOTS, 15.054 ACRES SHEET 2 OF 3 LEGEN CURVE TABLE FOUND SURVEY MONUMENT AS NOTED RING CHO RD 391H PLAC ORANGE PLASrC CAP, STAMPED: OTHERWISE N 1 0 FOUND 1-1/2' ALUMINUM CAP STAMPED: 'LANE END 438' (NR) NON-RADIAL LINE C12 BLOCK NUM BER i I .. L07' 28 i ` Y¢ LC NS i M ' T T SEC00H Q QQ_,__4t4_ H_.W* CIS 4,295 S.fi.,3 t _ 4 U ._._ s uE,16E i _.. 2` L yy � �.._..__ ....�..._....,,,� A 5ry'5YE � LOT t9 �� 9 SF.t: _. 0 "'22 S.F.t i LOT t 73 0213 AC.i ! L�. :9 ,,.. 7.&59 s.T,i �` ,6w: AQ .t.- j ° ,tr uE'Sor, -.,,t ? POINT OF 1,. 4.ta4 Ae.s 172" BEGINNING LO I s ` wasr: Sr CO?, W I/ ;" Tµ Pl A t 2a.4 fu *EST E 5EC11 +> 20 wx ro £5tT .. ALUMINUM C'Al �' f"37 ?? { POINT OF ....,. d "• , ITS --' O �' 7 11 'Pe' S 16537 2tt?a" COMMENMMENT A - '...__._.. _..._. TiF'J8322'.1 # "W f}86.$5,:',,.,_.„, Sr t'"ORNrR Src7T N SO 0.:403 Ay ^ .+ et. <.a,`° SOUTH LINE Of SF 1/4 SECTION 2C k r3,S, R69W 6221 PM, LOT 1 �, 3 +y�� R (t 2R •: g I W` 'i C` ,/' 3 - / $ 3,44(1 S.C. *, ,_, ! .. , ' S89'22'3 BASiS OF f3EARiNC$) :. ",...., - ..`.... c AP STAMP EO.' 1 "`M 99.^5.. C ,. 7,92QTS,F.i Co 6.2t8 AC.i 4.. ,rr r'N 25 1 SOO 41 O2 E _....- LS 7J2 2' IN A d7ANGC BOX N 20 AC.t {{� N„s6'2s' �g x. p �4't}T E7a 42 � '�7 5 �....,.�.,._.,...- .-- --,.., POINT 15,2'(19 t3 , ...^'"' - 70570 - 5'458 77, MPOW ° S 0,11,Y AC± 3 =6£S E+' fAe t :'ev 8 J ":= N II a E- "�4",,at ,.,...- ,• ^"'. ,„ 0 543 S F.3:. ' AC,t S�nery+�"J`}�P 327 V 661,3�,,,,,.�. TRACT A 71'7LK� 7,936 w .............. i t3 ` � g i. k a. +FeEWiI^,G tq k S,kf, wSC, PEC k0 1 9. , E-S52 h 1 s 0 NAIL O f S Al 26537° EM Easement Line Tcbie LtA#£ RA � LEh'C+TH � DIRECTION _ 0 k $844 s9re214E ._.. L2 - �S t 2s 5r W 4r24 W ��L3 ! 2833' 370'2T'36'w 44 ` 43.32' E43'4CPW A.5 83.07' N9'52'14`W L# i 86,$5' S9`ffi$'SPJ`C L7 i 2 642' S85'QrI0 l L$ 4Q 7I 585 3780`W t9 $9 34 NAS214 W 436 97 23 b9'$:. s$'E •p•.„f.it "i IU 34' S53*,I'rWW Lt7 453 H #9NQtJ ° W �" 953 9$41 Nt'2f 24 "W Xr4 � 37.85' N4,'!'45 "SQ""E N ♦ 'N _ 4 - TYPE S SORY'EY MONUMENT TO BE SET 77, MPOW ° S 0,11,Y AC± 3 =6£S E+' fAe t :'ev 8 J ":= N II a E- "�4",,at ,.,...- ,• ^"'. ,„ 0 543 S F.3:. ' AC,t S�nery+�"J`}�P 327 V 661,3�,,,,,.�. TRACT A 71'7LK� 7,936 w .............. i t3 ` � g i. k a. +FeEWiI^,G tq k S,kf, wSC, PEC k0 1 9. , E-S52 h 1 s 0 NAIL O f S Al 26537° EM Easement Line Tcbie LtA#£ RA � LEh'C+TH � DIRECTION _ 0 k $844 s9re214E ._.. L2 - �S t 2s 5r W 4r24 W ��L3 ! 2833' 370'2T'36'w 44 ` 43.32' E43'4CPW A.5 83.07' N9'52'14`W L# i 86,$5' S9`ffi$'SPJ`C L7 i 2 642' S85'QrI0 l L$ 4Q 7I 585 3780`W t9 $9 34 NAS214 W 436 97 23 b9'$:. s$'E •p•.„f.it "i IU 34' S53*,I'rWW Lt7 453 H #9NQtJ ° W �" 953 9$41 Nt'2f 24 "W Xr4 � 37.85' N4,'!'45 "SQ""E N ♦ 'N _ 4 - TYPE S SORY'EY MONUMENT TO BE SET 0 NAIL O f S Al 26537° EM Easement Line Tcbie LtA#£ RA � LEh'C+TH � DIRECTION _ 0 k $844 s9re214E ._.. L2 - �S t 2s 5r W 4r24 W ��L3 ! 2833' 370'2T'36'w 44 ` 43.32' E43'4CPW A.5 83.07' N9'52'14`W L# i 86,$5' S9`ffi$'SPJ`C L7 i 2 642' S85'QrI0 l L$ 4Q 7I 585 3780`W t9 $9 34 NAS214 W 436 97 23 b9'$:. s$'E •p•.„f.it "i IU 34' S53*,I'rWW Lt7 453 H #9NQtJ ° W �" 953 9$41 Nt'2f 24 "W Xr4 � 37.85' N4,'!'45 "SQ""E N ♦ 'N _ 4 - TYPE S SORY'EY MONUMENT TO BE SET N ♦ 'N _ 4 - TYPE S SORY'EY MONUMENT TO BE SET r I , -- — -- . _ .o. o.. %-e %.o%-ow i, vu vyL-%-) i ur Ir1r ZDIA111 F'KINUFAL M ERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO 48 LOTS, 5 TRACTS & PUBLIC R.O.W. - 14.872 ACRES SHEET 1 OF 4 WE, STANDARD PACIFIC OF COLORADO INC., BEING THE OWNERS OF REAL PROPERTY CONTAINING 14.872 ACRES DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOTS 1 THROUGH 34 INCLUSIVE, BLOCK 1; LOTS 1 THROUGH 19 INCLUSIVE, BLOCK 2; AND TRACTS B, C, D AND E; DOUD OVERLOOK SUBDIVISION, RECEPTION NO. ---------- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SAID PARCEL CONTAINS A CALCULATED AREA OF 647,818 ;SQUARE FEET, OR 14.872 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. HAVE LAID OUT, SUBDIVIDED AND PLATTED SAID LAND AS PER THE DRAWING HEREON CONTAINED UNDER THE NAME AND STYLE OF DOUD OVERLOOK SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 1, A SUBDIVISION OF A PART OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO AND BY THESE PRESENTS DO DEDICATE TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AND THE PUBLIC THOSE PORTIONS OF REAL PROPERTY SHOWN AS RIGHT -OF -WAY, AND DO FURTHER DEDICATE TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AND THOSE MUNICIPALLY OWNED AND /OR M;I+:IICIPALLY FRANCHISED UTILITIES AND SERVICES THOSE PORTIONS OF REAL PROPERTY SHOWN AS EASEMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION, OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT FOR ALL SERVICES. THIS INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC LINES, GAS LINES, WATER AND SANITARY SEWER LINES, HYDRANTS, STORM WATER SYSTEMS AND PIPES, DETENTION PONDS, STREET L �HTS AND ALL APPURTENANCES THERETO. StJR vr- I UK S CERTIF[CATE MOUNT OLI VET CEMETAR !Ln OWNER STANDARD PACIFIC OF COLORADO, INC. MANAGED BY: CRAIG CAMPBELL CRAIG CAMPBELL - PRESIDENT 7800 E. DORADO PL., SUITE 220 GREENWOOD VILLAGE, COLORADO 80111 PHONE: (303) 779 -4100 \5 l ter! ) SS. COUNTY OF ---------- ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF 2013, BY CRAIG CAMPBELL AS PRESIDENT OF STANDARD PACIFIC OF COLORADO AND _ - -_ - _-- - -_ - -, AS OWNER OF STANDARD PACIFIC OF COLORADO, INC., WITNESS MY HAA0 AND OFFICIAL SEAL, MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC LANG? DATA TABLE CATEGORY AREA SQUARE FEET AREA ACRES DWELLING UNITS TOTAL RESIDENTIAL LOTS _ 501,087 11.504 48 77.35% COMMON AREA/ PRIVATE OPEN SPACE 39,163 0.899 - 6.05% RIGHT —OF—WAY 107,568 2.469 16.60% TOTALS 647,818 14.872 . 48 100.007. MINIMUM LOT SIZE 9,133 0.210 MAXIMUM LO SIZE 16,075 0.385 AVERAGE LOT SIZE 10,505 0.241 I I I NORTH ✓� I it _ VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE NOTES: 1. NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT MAY ANY ACTIOPI BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. 2. ANY PERSON WHO KNOWINGLY REMOVES, ALTERS OR DEFACES ANY PUBLIC LAND SURVEY MONUMENT OR LAND BOUNDARY MONUMENT OR ACCESSORY, COMMITS A CLASS TWO (2) MISDEMEANOR PURSUANT TO STATE STATUTE 18 -4 -508, C.R.S. 3. THIS SURVEY DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A TITLE SEARCH BY CARROLL & LANGE - MANHARD CONSULTING LLC TO DETERMINE OWNERSHIP OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY'S COMMITMENT NO. '486294, EFFECTIVE DATE OCTOBER 25, 2011 AT 7 :30 A.M. WAS ENTIRELY RELIED UPON FOR RECORDED INFORMATION REGARDING RIGHTS -OF -WAY, EASEMENTS AND ENCUMBRANCES IN THE PREPARATION OF THIS PLAT. NO LIABILITY IS ACCEPTED BY CARROLL & LANGE - MANHARD CONSULTING LLC FOR THE ACCURACY OF INFORMATION CONTAINED IN SAID COMMITMENT. 4. PER COLORADO REVISED STATUTES SEC. 38 -51 -106 (L), ALL LINEAL UNITS DEPICTED ON THIS LAND SURVEY PLAT ARE U.S. SURVEY FEET. ONE METER EQUALS 39.37 DIVIDED BY 12 U.S. SURVEY FEET ACCORDING TO THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY. 5. BASIS OF BEARINGS: THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGIE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, ASSUMED TO BEAR NORTH 89 °22'34" EAST, AS STATED ON THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE "SECTION AND QUARTER SECTION MAP - GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM" REVISED DATE FEBRUARY, 2008 AND IS M014UMENTED AS SHOWN HEREON. 6. FLOWPLAIN: BASED ON A GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY (FEMA) FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) NO. 08059CO194 E WITH AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF JUNE 17, 2003, THE SUBJECT PROPERTY LIES WITHIN "OTHER AREAS" LONE X. "ZONE X" IS DEFINED AS "AREAS DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE THE 0.2% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOODPLAIN. 7. TEN -TOOT (10') WIDE EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY GRANTED ON PRIVATE PROPERTY ADJACENT TO ALL PUBLIC STREETS AND FRONT AND REAR PROPERTY LINES OI EACH LOT IN THE SUBDIVISION OR PLATTED AREA. FIVE= OOT (5') WIDE EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY GRANTED ON PRIVATE PROPERTY ADJACENT TO ALL SIDE LOT LINES OF EACH LOT IN THE SUBDIVISION OR PLATTED AREA. THESE EASEMENTS ARE DEDICATED FOR THE INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, AND REPLACEMENT OF ELECTRIC, GAS, TELEVISION CABLE, DRAINAGE AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES. UTILITIES SHALL ALSO BE PERMITTED WITHIN ANY ACCESS EASEMENTS AND PRIVATE STREETS IN THE SUBDIVISION. PERMANENT STRUCTURES AND WATER METERS SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED WITHIN SAID FIVE -FOOT (5') WIDE UTILITY EASEMENTS. 8, ALL COMMON ELEMENTS WITHIN THIS SUBDIVISION, INCLUDING BLT NOT LIMITED TO THE DETENTION AREA, EMERGENCY ACCESS EASEMENT, ISLAND MEDIANS, LANDSCAPING AND WALL IMPROVEMENTS ALONG W. 38TH AVENUE ARE TO BE MAINTAINED BY THE THE HOMEOWNER; ASSOCIATION AND THEIR SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. IN THE EVENT THAT SUCH MAINTENANCE IS NOT PERFORMED BY SAID HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO ENTER SUCH AREA AND PERFORM NECESSARY WORK, THE COST OF WHICH SAID HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION AND THEIR SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS AGREE TO PAY. NO BUILDING OR STRUCTURE WILL BE CONSTRUCTED IN THE DETENTION AREA AND NO CHANGES OR ALTERATIONS AFFECTING THE HYDRAULIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DETENTION AREA WILL BE MADE WITHOU THE APPROVAL OF THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS. 9. TRACT A AND E ARE RESERVED FOR LANDSCAPING AND IS TO BE OWNED & MAINTAINED BY THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION - OWNERSHIP TO BE CONVEYED BY WARRANTY DEED. TRACT B IS RESERVED FOR DETENTION AND UTILITIES IS TO BE OWNED & MAINTAINII-D BY THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION - OWNERSHIP TO BE CONVEYED BY WARRANTY DEED. TRACT C IS RESERVED FOR LANDSCAPING & UTILITIES AND IS TO BE OWNED & MAINTAINED BY THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION - OWNERSHIP TO BE CONVEYED BY WARRANTY DEED. TRACT D IS RESERVED FOR UTILITIES, DRAINAGE AND EMERGENCY ACCESS AND IS TO BE OWNED & MAINTAINED BY THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCATION - OWNERSHIP TO BE CONVEYED BY WARRANTY DEED. ID. THE IRRIGATION LATERALS SERVING THIS PROPERTY ARE TO BE RELINQUISHED BY THIS PLAT AND WILL NO LONGER BE IN USE, THE CURRENT OWNER STANDARD PACIFIC OF COLORADO, INC., IS TO RETAIN ANY WATER RIGHTS THAT MAY BE ASSOCIATED WITH SAID IRRIGATION LATERALS. 11, ALL DISTANCES FOR THIS PLAT ARE SHOWN USING (GROUND) MODIFIED STATE PLANE MEASUREMENTS (U.S. SURVEY FEET ROUNDED TO THE NEAREST 0.01') CONSISTENT WITH THE CURRENT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE DATUM. THE CURRENT CITY DATUM COORDINATE SYSTEM USED IS A GROUND -BASED MODIFIED FORM OF THE NAD83 /92 STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, COLORADO CENTRAL ZONE 0502. GROUND TO GRID COMBINED SCALE FACTOR IS 0.99974780300, SCALED FROM BASE POINT PHAC 1 (PERMANENT HIGH ACCURACY CONTROL POINT #1) HAVING THE FOLLOWING NAD83/92 STATE PLANE COORDINATES: PHAC 1: NORTHING: 1701258.75, EASTING: 3118217.58, ELEVATION: 5471.62. VERTICAL DATUM USED IS THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 (NAVD88). 12. STREET RIGHT -OF -WAY MONUMENTS SHALL BE SET PRIOR TO FINAL LIFT OF ASPHALT PAVEMENT. MONUMENT HARDWARE AND RANGE BOXES WILL BE PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE UPON REQUEST. 13. SUBJECT PROPERTY (PLAT) IS ZONED: P.R.D. (PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT) - RECORDED 02/23/09 UNDER RECEPTION NO. 2009015154. 14. EXCEPT FOR TRACT A OF DOUD OVERLOOK SUBDIVISION FILED ------------- UNDER RECEPTION NO. ---- WHICH DEDICATED TWELVE FEET OF RIGHT -OF -WAY ALONG W. 38TH AVENUE, ALL LOTS LINES, EASEMENTS AND PUBLIC RIGHT -OF -WAY PREVIOUSLY GRANTED AND ESTABLISHED AS PART OF SAID PLAT ARE HEREBY RELEASED AND REPLACED BY THE IMPROVEMENTS SHOWN HEREON AND INCORPORATED AS PART OF THIS REPLAT AND FILING. PLEASE SEE SHEET 4 OF 4 OF THIS PLAT FOR CLARIFICATION ON THE LOCATION OF SAID EASEMENTS AND RIGHT -OF -WAY TO BE VACATED WITH THIS FILING. I, JAMES M. ROAKE, A PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF COLORADO, DO HEREBY CER!`IFY THAT THE SURVEY OF THE BOUNDARY OF DOUR OVERLOOK SUBDIVISIONt FILING NO, 1 WAS MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE COLORADO STATUTES, CURRENT REVISED EDITION AS AMENDED, THE ACCOMPANYING PLAT ACCURATELY REPRESENTS SAID SURVEY. JAMES M. ROAKE, COLORADC PLS N0. 37898 DATE FOR AND ON BEHALF OF CARROLL & LANGE- MANHARD CONSULTING, LLC PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION RECOMMENDED FOR APPRCIA THIS DAY OF_ , 2013 BY THE WHEAT RIDGE PLANP9:4G COMMISSION. CHAIRPERSON CITY CERTIFICATION APPROVED THIS DAY OF 2013. BY THE WHEAT RIDGE CITY COUNCIL. ATTEST CITY CLERK MAYOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS STATE OF COLORADO ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDETR OF JEFFERSON COUNTY, AT GOLDEN, COLORADO AT O'CLOCK .M. ON THE -- DAY OF , 2013 A.D. IN BOOK PAGE , RECEPTION N0. JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER BY: DEPUTY CLERK STATEMENT OF ACCURACY: THE GEODETIC POINT COORDINATE DATA SHOWN HEREIN HAS BEEN DERIVED FROM THE NAD 83 HARN STATE PLANE COLORADO CENTRAL HIPS 0502 COORDINATE SYSTEM, AND HAS A HORIZONTAL ACCURACY CLASSIFICATION OF 0.04 U.S. SURVEY FEET AT THE 9'5% CONFIDENCE LEVEL, AS DEFINED IN THE GEOSPATIAL POSITIONING ACCURACY STANDARDS OF THE FEDERAL GEODETIC CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE (FGDC -- TD- 007.2- 1998). CA HISTO is6 WS -12 -01 WZ -07 -06 (ZONE CHANGE TO PRD) WS -13 -01 WWI 7800 E. DORADO PL, SUITE 220 GREENWOOD VIUAGE, COLORADO 80111 PHONE: (303) 779 -4100 NO. CAR-ROLL LANGE -MAT` HARD A MANHARD CONSULTING COMPANY 'W 1442 South TuQson bLice 19'' eMardmom Civil Engineers * Surveyors P � ingineere Construction Managers E Jry Manners 4 C. 1/4 CORNER SEC. 20 - T3S, R69W 6TH P.M. ALUM. PIPE W/ 3 -1/4" BRASS CAP STAMPED: IS 13212" IN RANGE BOX POINT 14109 N= 708326.7486 E= 102551.2586 TEMP. CONSTPhIC ESIdT -- � REC NO - __ _.----- - -._ -- BOOK 2325 PAGE 309 \ REC. NO.460463 ZONED: AGRICULTURAL -ONE \ tA j N d N w N 0 in I o j� I 0 C5 O j w 0 I w z J I� N8219'26 "E 4.1.41' 5 $6'47'19 "E z -H 81.84 2 -1 1 REC. NO. F0633461 -� (NOT A PART) FOUND 112 IRON ROD� 1 -K 1 J 'DE (.m / 0 LOT 34 1 -F 46.9 P 23.95' 5 7.89' 149.9 40 ao^ f __ - - ._..._...... -------- - - +� 83`1513r " � 6.11' 14.00' TRACT 8 r 2 -E N 47.92x- z ±25,542 S.F. 3_0.93, 71 -- _11 UE /DE z w^ m ON Lo: Q N (10.586 Ac.) j 'Uh 1 -D �..;�< 0 tL ^ vi ,� 01 Q ` o cv i� i LOT 33 I JF1 N P ^H N ti V N ~d M �0 O N O fn Q c0 m j out /�```y m ^ µ 1 o o O " w r` �n N r` �n : 0 c N rH ° ( '( 1'. cn '�'0 CA - 00 1 " o�� W ONN N \ O c�' N 3 O �_� N ,n +I� f / ° LOT 16 �' m N �� - �� oV w +{ oV = o / -- 0' SAN. SEWER ESMT. m o ±12,815 S.F.ro ➢NJ �_ :'� o N !n � - Q1 TO BE GRANTED - -- - - - - -_ .__ f j -n Z z o J �L� BY SEPARATE DOCUMENT ( ±0.234 Ac.) ' ro n ' o o I %0 o h �� 589'2848 W 103.05' 70' UE /DE C2 L10' i'27 C26 / '� „!� C31 C30 2 - 3.60' 6 5.69' C29 (127 C25 �°^ ,10� cj, LOT 30 o ra f J 3� CS 89.29 C4 C'2R /tiD 6 'b ��o�` LOT 23 o b J ±10,469 S.F. w o / % f f REC. No. F0310303 \y3 G G ro - 9334 WEST 3 9TH PLA CE N N89 28'40 " 244.00 �, 9333 0 `� ±0.240 Ac. o m I (NOT A PART) - x 5Sg• a (50' ROW) ( ) ° �� OY (HEREBY DEDICTED BY THIS PLAT) \� °� fi 0 F /De 244.00' _. c S89'28'48 "W 130_81_(NR) �,; 56.00' 66.00' 66.00' 56.00' C) LOT 15 -- -- (�10' uE /DoE 9332 S.F. ;o j 10 UE /DE o '- 10.795 j U 9335 5' u N E /DE j 0.248 Ac.) o LOT 29 LOT 24 N �" o '.�./ 0 0 o w A PROPOSED 30 FOOT _ _ SANITARY SERVER ESMT. 5' Ue /DE i0 1 i- ti ti d ti ti w 110,801 S.F. p I� IS TO BE GRANTED OVER w W vi Q w vi ¢ O vi ¢ w vj ¢ ( ±0.248 AC.) ALL OF TRACT C N89'28�y1''E 130.48' NR o o .- ° ° o w %t BY SEPARATE DOCUMENT U o D O �' N N o 0�° N f- d- oy !'� o N 00 U U o 'm W. 40TH CIRCLE W. 39TH PLACE o TRACT C co- m r C� 0� N O o , o , LOT 7 j oo ±3,948 S.F. (±0.091 AC.) U ° ° J c - r%1 "' J . -° ,r J 0 0 � ° 0 589'28'48 "W 137.38' (NR) ,. f -H ._ .__..,....._ ��....._.� -'''. PROSPECT RIDGE I L.E. & U.E. 11 AMENDMENT N0. 1 'aP'W 132.24' (NR)� 25 25' SUBDIVISION S89 28 ( GO °� o .N .REC. NO F'1083108 0 5 /DE w° U L10 UE /DE N8 E] 284. -1 �10' UE /D� 25' 25' U L0 25 LOT 14 w M 76.00' 66.00' 66.00' 1 76.00' r ; ±11,131 S.F. °o .w LO? 28 / " LOT 27 1.9,390 S.F. o 1= .z i (±0.256 Ac.) �i0 ¢ .0.216 AC. _o m 142.00' 14, r m ZONED: AGRICULTURAL TWO ) ° 5' vE /DE� 5 tl[ /DE a j '589 8'48 "W 132.25' ° o LOT 7 0 0 0 LO`( 12 ^ �_ 589'28'48 "W 137.3 j co ±9,372 S.F. o o ±10224 S.F. N (±0.215 AC.) `° 0 (±0 2,i5 AC.) r` p REC No ro31o303 N89'28_48 "E 142.00' m \ (NOT A PART 1 0 L OT 13 I_ N89`28 48 "I- 142.00' o: o _ MCLAUG LINS ° 9.390 S.F. ° o 0 o p LOT 26 I APPLE WOOD SUBDIVISION AMENDED �e0.216 AC.) ( �' CL2 o ° ±12,486 S.F. °o REC. NO. 86129309 i �j' i O 1 a �°\� ±9 3 6 F -°o w' p m (±0.287 AC_) rn j ZONED: RESIDEN LIAL -ONE A L 5 848 "W 132.25' coo ( ±0.215 AC.) "' coo L0 1 13 \ o > L. M co 0 o m O ±10.3F_j S.F. O w U) LOT 25 o ri (x0.238 AC.) o N8 "E 142.00'_ _ __ 589'28'48 ° W 137.09') o >� LOT 12 N89'28 48 "t- 142.00' "S,390 S.F. ° ��.. 1 - `° t`j 5 UE /DE p in 5' UE /DE N r 0.216 AC.) n L4T 5 n Y rO ci ° o ° 5' UE /pE ° . 0 LOT 27 o _ N r 19,372 S.F. ;n o o \ 5891 "48 "W 13 2.25 `n m (±0.215 AC.) ° LO (' 14 ° o w 111,096 S.F. ° o 0 . w o n ±10 3(. b' S.F. ° o l' o (10.255 AC.) 00 0 LOT 2a LOT 8 O r N L N89 '28_48 "E 142.00' ( ±0.2 8 AC.) 0 ° o oo j 5' RE DE PROSPECT RIDGE j 589'28'48 "W 136.88' i a \ LOT 11 w - - ! � '�' N$9'2848 °E 742.00' , 1 SUBDIVISION °. 0 39,390 S.F. !' i AMENDMENT N0. 1 F o 0. 16 AC.) a 0 0 1 LOT 4 a o REC. No. F1083108 0 d ±Q372 S.F. �f - 5' UE DE - - X n ( ±0.215 AC.) r m 11 T �.._ L S 89'8'48"W 132.25' w LO 8 _ ... - _ °o� ° LOT 15 0 0 2 0 1- I m o I \ o ±11,079 S.F. o _3 L N89'28'48 "E 142.00'_ o w 110,3 6 S.F. w o UE /DE ® p m M (10.238 AC.) o ^ (f0.254 Ac.) o ( m 1 LOT 10 - -- o - a 5' UE`DE I \ LOT 20 ° . -9,390 S.F. o �'b v o LU 3 N89 °28 48 "F 142.00' � S89 28'48 "W 136.68 ! I r (:(0. . 216 Ac o ° - -- � _- _ - - - -/ � ) 0 ;. � " } o ±9,372 S.F. � � (±0.215 AC.) IND =a z 7 J 88'48 "W 132_25 m I '! 16 0 f i' REC. Na F0310303 w N89'28>?_48 "E 142.00' o O ¢ .. _.._ NOT A PART) I o ±10,22 S.F. o LOT 29 1 Qo - LOT 9 w r N (±0.2:55 AC.) al ±12,427 S.F. o �N °�- - LOT 9 1 LOT 2 ^ j (±0.285 Ac.) Z'° PROSPECT RIDGE q 19,390 S.F. ` o L N89'28'48 "E 142.00' �m ° ±9,372 S.F. ° o N SUBDIVi SION \ I y y0.216 Ac.) w ° REC. Na m cO 25' 25' cw0 (10.215 coo LOT 20 Ac.) o ( o F0359158 � v o_ 5' RE/ t- L. 589'28'48 ° W 136.45` 3 N S89'2 48 "W 132.16' (NR) \'m 25' 25' _ J - -- N89' "E 142.00' LOT 17 'a w( ° ±12,475 S.F. 0 L 0 5 UE /DE a ---- - - - - -- -- -- _....m _. hn\ _ - - 5' UE /DE 5' UE /DE (±0.212 AC.) ° 0 LOT 30 0 I LOT 8 rn v rn- o\ ° r LOT 1 m f 9331 0 ±10,929 S.F. w °° - ,.. W U r w O -9133 SF o ±1Q042 S.F. o (±0.251 Ac.) o ±0.210 Ac.) o NO F DE_� ,1 , m LOT 19 11 `r o of�'� (±0.253 Ac.) t0', 1- vwi S892G48 " 9330 W 124.26' (NR) v ( % J 1D DES_ L tc z � 126. L_1474'� S89'28'48_'W 130.22?! 0 9336 `L/ L UE 286.03 �C12 cn U9 LOT 10 - - 1 520.35 247.28 �LA� - LOT 21 W 38TH�E- CURVE TABLE CURVE DELTA RADIUS LENGTH CHORD BEARING CHORD C1 009'20'58° 170.00' 27.74' S05'11'41 "E 27.71' C2 011'48'32" 300.00' 61.83' 305'23'04 "W 61.72' C3 113'37'03" 78.00' 154.66' N45 "W 13055' C4 011'48'32" 300.00' 61.83' N83'34'32 "E 61.72' C5 011'48'32" 300.00' 61.83' S84'35'56 "E 61.72' C6 113'37'03" 78.00' 154.68' 544'28'48 "W 130.55' C7 011'48'32" 300.00' 61.83' N06'25'28 "W 61.72' C8 011'48'32" 300.00' 61.83' N05'23'04 "E 61.72' C9 122'58'01" 78.00' 167.40' 550'11'41 "E 137.07' C10 011'48'32" 300.00' 61.83' S74'13'34 "W 61.72' C11 090'00'00" 20.00' 31.42' N54'52'10 "W 28.28' C12 009'20'58" 200.00' 32.64' S05'11'41 "E 32.60' C13 090'00'00" 45.00' 70.69' N45 "W 63.64' C14 090'00'00" 45.00' 70.69' S44'28'48 "W 63.64' C15 099'20'58" 45.00' 78.03' S50'11'41 "E 68.61' C16 099'20'58" 20.00' 34.68' S50'11'41 "E 30.50' C17 080'39'02" 20.00' 28.15' N39'48'19 "E 25.89' C18 090'00'00" 20.00' 31.42' N4531'12"W 28.28' C19 090'00'00" 20.00' 31.42' 544'28'48 "01 28.28' C20 001'46'31" 300.00' 9.30' S00'22'04 "W 9.30' C21 010'02'00° 300.00' 52.53' S06'16'20 "W 52.47' C22 021'21'24" 78.00' 29.07' N00'36'38 "E 28.91' C23 027'06'27" 78.00' 36.90' N23'37'18 "W 36.56' C24 022'10'33" 78.00' 30.19' N48'15'48 "W 30.00' C25 028'59'47" 78.00' 39.47' N73'50'58 "W 39.05' C26 013'58'52" 78.00' 19.03' 584'39'43 "W 18.99' C27 010'47'39" 300.00' 56.52' N83'04'06 "E 56.43' C28 001'00'53" 300.00' 5.31' N88'58'22 "E 5.31' C29 009'05'27" 300.00' 47.60' 585'58'28 "E 47.55' C30 002'43'05" 300.00' 14.23' S80'04'12 "E 14.23' C31 039'42'05" 78.00' 54.05' S81'26'17"W 52.97' C32 028'30'32" 78.00' 38.81' S47'19'59 "W 38.41' C33 02210'35" 78.00' 30.19' 521'59'25 "W 30.00' C34 023'13'51" 78.00' 31.63' 500'42'48 "E 31.41' 035 005'34'34" 300.00' 29.20' N09'32'27 "W 29.18' C36 005'44'31" 300.00' 30.06' NO3'52'54 "W 30.05' C37 000'29'27" 300.00' 2.57' N00 "W 2.57' C38 001'24'31" 300.00' 7.38' N00'11'04 "E 7.38' C39 010'24'00" 300.00' 54.45' N06'05'20 "E 54.38' C40 012'33'26" 78.00' 17.09' S05 "W 17.06' C41 026'28'15' 78.00' 36.04' 514'30'13 "E 35.72' C42 022'10'50" 78.00' 30.20' 538'49'46 "E 30.01' C43 019'30'40" 78.00' 26.56' 559'40'31 "E 26.43' C44 014'46'55" 78.00' 20.12' 576'49'18 "E 20.07' C45 027'27'56" 78.00' 37.39' N82'03'16 "E 37.03' C46 003'32'39" 300.00' 18.56' S70'05'38 "W 18.55' C47 00815'53" 300.00' 43.27' S75'59'54 "W 43?4 Elf I 5' UE /DE 1 n C' N + p1CC J 'r ,1(J�r , L = 17 ' g0 5 UE /DE POINT OF BEGINNING o Q Y�VG PLA ) of z w ( r 'h'S 02 6 9337 50 "`N ( BY Tr C2 SE COR. W 1/2 SE. 1/4 SE. 1/4 SEC. 20' j < SOT 7 S 0 T TED 7 ' FOUND 2 -1 2" ALUMINUM CAP 0 o z \ SSO { D 932 / x'.0.427 S.F. A� �--� w (HEREB EDI 51.136 59.00 9 30 0 -"P - - FOUND 16837 2007 ° z ;, o' o CT p DE LOT 31 239 Ac.) K x ' TR 71 00 p UE/ 30' � 9 t, 672 S.F. C10 88' ' o X 114,984 S.F. 2 �t (10.061 Ac. 6 C4? 27. o �1 10.344 Ac.) A L • T E:589 o S. 1/4 CORNER P SEC�. T3S, R69W 6TH .M. ALUM. PIPE W/ 3 -1/4" BRASS CAP STAMPED: ° LS 13212" IN RANGE BOX LOT 11 POINT 15109 Oi N= 705672.5128 E= 102562.8715 REC. NO. F0310103 1 m Q v ¢ � ) _ 0 3 C °-; o 5' !- M N (NOT P PART � ( La E_ W 4 m C1M r'0 W W J O N r2 o w `r 'O 04 so - LOT t2 m " ° o N � N PROSPECT RIDGE < I J cn SUBDIVISION I.J 3 REC. N0. 1C UEI� -- 7 "� N 80 j FO359158 I ``'5.24 R.o.w 1 _C _ -- _ w ' __ - - o ' C45� ` a OF a 1 ten '' µ o 10' DE 0 ° ; � µ to f c o u W t" N W rn r rr, 0 0 . o 5' UE D �- H . l o o co r0 0 o hw O m' f ➢ Q a E CD o z a co r - a ---A r" ➢ U1 N o . c . 'n W S89' "W�09.61' n N b COO m' L 10.36' .E. . _ P Lil 5 ° w 79.0 71 00 10 00 _ I _ - -N TRACT 1 0 , UE SA F. o. ° 0 pE� 7 p ' 0 12, EASEMEN - " _ °- 10.047 Ac.) 6.31' 10' LAND SCAP � 6,61.'Z.$ - " -:� u 55,3 *47 5 „E i S. LINE OF SE. 1/4 SEC. 20 - S89': (BASIS OF BEARINGS) LOT 18 - SOO'41'02 "E 64.39' LOT 17 POINT OF COMMENCEMENT _ SE. CORNER SEC. 20 N 2667.46' T3S, R69W 6TH P.M. ALUM. PIPE W/ 3 -1/4" BRASS CAP STAMPED: IS 13212" IN RANGE BOX POINT 15209 j N= 705701.5458 E= 105230.1675 LINE TABLE LINE W � Lt (NR) N 17'53'19" E 34.28' L2 (NR) N 17'53'19" E 32.69' C STAMPED: LANE ENG 438" 103912.6648 THE NUMBER = IDENTIFIES WHAT TYPE OF MONUMENT 1 c0 WAS FOUND. SEE ABOVE DESCRIPTIONS. E THE LETTER = CORRESPONDS TO THE VALUES FOUND IN H. 0-A THE "BOUNDARY MONUMENTS COORDINATE 706538.9632 TABLE" FOUND BELOW UE /DE UTILITY & DRAINAGE EASEMENT UE /DE /AE UTILITY, DRAINAGE & ACCESS EASEMENT (NR) NON- RADIAL LINE (D BLOCK NUMBER 1042 SECTION CORNER 706645.8895 TYPE 1 SURVEY MONUMENT AS A z ° DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. -- CONSTRUCTION. SEE NOTE 12. Q R.O.W. (�-CE INTERSECTION POINTS S LOT (NOT SET) AC. ACRES z SQUARE FEET A.E. ACCESS EASEMENT L.E. LANDSCAPE EASEMENT I RIGHT -OF -WAY ' C45� ` a OF a 1 ten '' µ o 10' DE 0 ° ; � µ to f c o u W t" N W rn r rr, 0 0 . o 5' UE D �- H . l o o co r0 0 o hw O m' f ➢ Q a E CD o z a co r - a ---A r" ➢ U1 N o . c . 'n W S89' "W�09.61' n N b COO m' L 10.36' .E. . _ P Lil 5 ° w 79.0 71 00 10 00 _ I _ - -N TRACT 1 0 , UE SA F. o. ° 0 pE� 7 p ' 0 12, EASEMEN - " _ °- 10.047 Ac.) 6.31' 10' LAND SCAP � 6,61.'Z.$ - " -:� u 55,3 *47 5 „E i S. LINE OF SE. 1/4 SEC. 20 - S89': (BASIS OF BEARINGS) LOT 18 - SOO'41'02 "E 64.39' LOT 17 POINT OF COMMENCEMENT _ SE. CORNER SEC. 20 N 2667.46' T3S, R69W 6TH P.M. ALUM. PIPE W/ 3 -1/4" BRASS CAP STAMPED: IS 13212" IN RANGE BOX POINT 15209 j N= 705701.5458 E= 105230.1675 LINE TABLE LINE B LENGTH Lt (NR) N 17'53'19" E 34.28' L2 (NR) N 17'53'19" E 32.69' IwQrx ® FOUND SURVEY MONUMENT AS NOTED 1� FOUND 18" NO. 5 REBAR WITH 1 -1/4" A ORANGE PLASTIC CAP, STAMPED: H-0-A "C &L MANHARD PLS 25369 ". 2� FOUND 1 -1/2" ALUMINUM CAP C STAMPED: LANE ENG 438" 103912.6648 THE NUMBER = IDENTIFIES WHAT TYPE OF MONUMENT 1 c0 WAS FOUND. SEE ABOVE DESCRIPTIONS. E THE LETTER = CORRESPONDS TO THE VALUES FOUND IN H. 0-A THE "BOUNDARY MONUMENTS COORDINATE 706538.9632 TABLE" FOUND BELOW UE /DE UTILITY & DRAINAGE EASEMENT UE /DE /AE UTILITY, DRAINAGE & ACCESS EASEMENT (NR) NON- RADIAL LINE (D BLOCK NUMBER 1042 SECTION CORNER 706645.8895 TYPE 1 SURVEY MONUMENT AS A SPECIFIED BY WHEAT RIDGE 104557.3664 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. TO BE SET DURING ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION. SEE NOTE 12. Q R.O.W. (�-CE INTERSECTION POINTS (NOT SET) AC. ACRES S.F. SQUARE FEET A.E. ACCESS EASEMENT L.E. LANDSCAPE EASEMENT R.O.W. RIGHT -OF -WAY BOUNDARY LINE - - EASEMENT LOT LINE -- -- - - -- EXISTING PLATS SECTION LINE ROAD CENTER LINE - TRACT USE TABLE TRACT USE OWNER A I LANDSCAPING H-0-A B DETENTION POND & UTILITIES 1045 64.1580 C LANDSCAPING & UTILITIES 103912.6648 D UTILITIES, DRAINAGE & EMERGENCY ACCESS H.O.A. E L ANDSCAPING H. 0-A H.O.A. =HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION FOUND NAIL & BRASS DISK 'PLS 168 -� 3 Q 07 $Q- _ - _ I E 493 _ 5 � PER REC. No_ _� _ 338 ° ( 2 DEDICATED L _ N TRAC S F. WEST 38 w 14 g40 Ao.) _ �- (EXISTING 82 (10.113 - s Lot 3 I s sog DlvlsoN oPOSPEC7 GA`r(DEF2jg4671 REC N�. I , z - �2 __ - LoT R �DG_sLao hvlsloN I� Lor 2 APPLER DN01 69325 j z 0' w z i n Iw I a BOUNDARY MONUMENT COORDINATES NO. NORTHING EASTING A 705694.2425 104563.3893 B 705629.8523 1045 64.1580 C 7 05516.5069 103912.6648 D 7064 103903 7421 E 706521.3467 103946.5156 F 706538.9632 104095.4373 G 706547.6212 104141.5414 H 706553.1525 1 04182.5 803 1 706548.5678 1042 J 706645.8895 10453 K 706615.7895 104557.3664 LOT 35 I I 0 0 N 3 M I N I o 0 z I O N Ci w w I\ I w w I� w W. 391H C IRCLE LOT 22 ROW � -� INTERSECTION COORDINATES NO. NORTHING EAS71NG 9329* 705751.4070 104404.4603 9330 70576 04402.1 9331* 705783.8728 104401.5088 9332* 706337.8226 104396.4819 9333* 706382 04351.07 9334* 706380.1983 104107.0854 9335* 706334.7919 104062.4956 9336* 705764.0501 10 9337* 705720.1243 104120.3862 9338* 705565.077 104436.878 * =TYPE 1 SURVEY MONUMENT TO BE SET I 7800 E. DORADO PL, SUITE 220 GREENWOOD VILLAGE. COLORADO 80111 PHONE: (303) 779 -4100 Of "MAJ • Y r A MANHARD CONSULTING COMPANY 74A2 South T„eP Way...a¢e 190A,,utero,81 M 801' 12 Ph.503700.0500 N303.706.0400 ,n3nh1 Pm Civil Engineers • Surveyors • Water Resource Engineers • Water & Wastewater Engineers Construction Managers • Environmental Scientists • Landscape Architects • Planners SPWRC PREPARED: 03.19.13 REVISED: 05.30.13 SHFPT 9 or 7 C. 1/4 CORNER SEC. 20 T3S, R69W 6TH P.M. ALUM. PIPE W/ 3 -1/4" BRASS CAP STAMPED: "LS 13212" IN RANGE BOX POINT 14109 N= 708326.7486 E= 102551.2586 �' 1 I At PIPE W/ 3" BRASS CAP TEMP. LoNSTI?ucTloN EsMI LOT 3s STAMPED: "LS 13212" IN RANGE BOX REC Nn _ _ _ �\ REC. NO F ) 1 �- POINT 14209:: N= 708365.9779 E= 105210.8860 \ \\ � (NOT A PART) � I �� ? �`� � \ FOUND 1/2 IRON Roo � „� � 1g6B, -- B D O U D OOK 2325 PAGE 309 REC. NO.460463 �- ZONED AGRICULTURAL -ONE =GAP -6.29' 1 28 �E I W. 40TH NB2°19'26 "E ��0� LOT 34 CIRCLE 41.41' 88 6 ° 47'19 "E i I t179' „E 81.84' / � I g1 I 149.96' _ _.._..__- ....__,__.... -_ A t48 LOT 22 1 TRACT B LOT 33 O w I f N 1 Iw I [ I C14 0 I I I � LOT 18 o t o wl ��� �•1 ' 1 1 I Iw O O LOT 17 1 11 I h I I� .� 09- I I I y �30' SAN. SEWER TO BE GRANTED BY SEPARATE DOCUMENT LOT 16 _GAP =6.42' /DE I�o LOT 30 : O /�2 REC. NO. F0310303- \�� \ 111 v� em u'• 9334 WEST 3 9TH PLA N X9333 / o LOT 23 ��. (NOT A PART) ('�., A �J (50' R.O.W.) - 53 0� . (HEREBY DEDICTED BY THIS PLAT) N \ 0' UE /DE - I - 'o I r N N w (V 0 (o i� I 0 w N Iw N ' z J I§ I I I 1 z 0 z S. 1/4 CORNER SEC. 20 T3S, R69W 6TH P.M. ALUM. PIPE W/ 3 -1/4" BRASS CAP STAMPED: "LS 13212" IN RANGE BOX '.. POINT 15109 N= 705672.5128 E= 102562.8715 10 VE /DE I � i = I CI 9335 � � _ _ 9332 5' UE /DE ' I N of LOT 15 w - - - --- I - - - - - -- Ir 1! r - - - -� __ _ ° 1 i i o + 2 ��� �� LoT 29 A PROPOSED 30 F0 LOT 24 0T 1 SANITARY SERVER ESMT. 5' .�- DE IS TO BE GRANTED OVER < , �11 I � II 1 � � I y" (� ' \I I� L_ / _ - of DO I. p O� I I z ( o Ip ALL. of TRACT C- A- �I 1 1 w g g I \ I _ I _ w BY SEPARATE DOCUMENT - �I ~O i I I z r r I 1 r - LOT T I TRACT C 01 __j A _J o".o ° I� ----- - - - - -- ?� L.E. & U .E. 17. I 1 I i m 11 117.5' (N PROSPECT RIDGE I i I I' I '7 SUBDIVISION - 25' 25' 7.5 L - - - - -J -- - - - -J I - - - -- C - - -- AMENDMENT NO. 1 (�- - -- F -- 1 10' UE /DE J 25' 25' r ------ - - - - - o REC. N0. F1083108 oI 5 1aE /DE al 10' UE /DE N N D i � - - - -- I LOT 25 Z LOT zs LOT 14 - - - - - -- _ a _ J � I 1 ,BICULTURAL - IVVO r �I 5' UE //� �I S' UE /DE a 0 w L. __ .. __- ___ - ___ I � L =l - LOT 7 i LOT 12 1 5 I 0I 1 m REC. NO. F0310303� I l c�BUILDING ENVELOPE LL - ___ J ( ^ I _ C5 n r ----- - -- � L__- (TYPICAL) - � -- IL' to BUILDING ENVELOPE o LOT 19 (N0; APART) 20 LOT 13 1 20' -7 1 I�� I __ - _ -- F_ - - -� � 0 O 0 0 n <C 1 N 1` (TYPICAL) 1 L07 26 20' APPLEWOOD SUBDIVISION AMENDED REC- NO. 86129309 1 ZONED: RESOENTA A _ H.O.A. 0� I LANDSCAPING & UTILITIES i Io LL , o r o zo' i E -oNE � -- - - J� �I LOT 6 w } LO 13 0 _ I L - I LOT 12 I � 5' UE /DE N I 1 I I rN 5' UE /Dt - i �_ _ --- - - - - - � I LOT 5 i �� BUILDING ENVELOPE --� I I (TYPICAL) I 20 LOT 14 1 20 LOT 8 CJ r I,�, - - -- L----- - - - - -- J� 1 m Z I Q lr 5' UE /DE PROSPECT RIDGE wl Ica' �("- - I _I - SUBDIVISION =I LOT 11 Iw I ¢ ` BUILDING ENVELOPE ^� AMENDME _1 (TYPICAL) 20 20' 1 ' .JII - - - -_- - 1 REC. N0. F1083108 to °- �I LOT 4 1 I of o �\ I 8 3i >- LL - ----------- � LOT 15 DO - -- - - -- `11 I 5' UE /DE d C5 - b I I° -° F 1 I I rl.� Iwj- 5 UE /DE I �L - - _._.__. LOT 10 I SL C ? P !� I I LOT 3 I r - - -- - - - - -- �,+'�REC. NQ F0310303 Ii m ILL! OT 9 A PART) ( - _ -L i - - -- �- LC7T 16 I - - LOT 9 I I ,,� BUILDING ENVELOPE 20 (TYPICAL) 1 -J� PROSPECT RIDGE i LOT 9 2i0 I o L -- - - - -_ SUBDIVISION I I LOT 2 I _ REC. N0. r 5' Uli DE F0359158 J L_L_ I o 25' 25' LA ILL L--- - - - - -- -J N r r \i LOT 17 0 5' UE /DE 1� 5' UE /DE wl 9331 N �I LOT 8 h = LOT 1 O DE L ---- -J +^ i'� 9330 w � -- UE l o oT 10 I R__ s' uEjE __- N ST 3IR3TH PG N S 9337 WE t50 O W ) THIS PLATS ALI \ _ DEDICTED B (HEREBY g3 _Jff 932,9 J - 3 I LOT 7 C N� l ri 17 -- - 10-,! 1 _ L L . - -��/ �F,� / /i -•1 �0 - UE�DE it ; 1111^ ` ' O 11 0 �/ 2p. LOT 11 �1- - i NI� 1 r �1� R a �i� I I a �I r cl 11 I t' I r. ,- N 11 I II I in i o 1 O� 011'11 W 1 'll ° o� Lo LOT 25 I --- -- - - - - -- 5' UE /DE w w o a C14 1 \ N N =1 LOT 27 E N 01 0 O LC T 24 cn . GAP =6.70' }- 5 UE /DE -- I LOT 28 I LOT 23 - n z I J � BUILDING ENVECOPE 0I 4 z ._..._.. (TYPICAL) < o 2D' I LOT 29 20' w s z m OI >° - 41� - - - - -- w o LOU zo o a O 5' UE /DE - ---- ------ - -I - n q LOT 30 o 1 N 5' UE /DE V LOT 31 i 1 1 1 1 5' UE /DE ° � -- L.E. TRACT A W_ 39TH PLACE LOT 27 W. 39TH C IRCLE LOT 22 LOT 21 ;v_�E - I 0 u1 0 N 3 i7 I N t o 0 z I 0 N U N I I w w I z m. - - TRACT USE TACKLE TRACT USE OWNER A LANDSCAPING H.O.A. B DETENTION POND & UTILITIES _ H.O.A. C LANDSCAPING & UTILITIES H.O. D UTILITIES, DRAINAGE & EMERGEN ACCESS H.O.A. E LANDSCAPING H.O.A. H.O.A. =HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION POINT OF BEGINNING I SE. COR. W 1/2 SE. 1/4 SE. 1/4 SEC. 20' Y ��FOUND 2-1/2" ALUMINUM CAP -'PLS 16837 2007" LOU 17 POINT OF COMMENCEMENT �- T IE: SB 9' 22 '34'W 666.65' _ - - SE CORNER SEC. 20 S. LINE OF SE. 1/4 SEC. 20 - S89 "W 2667.46' / T3S, R69W 6TH P.M. (BASIS OF BEARINGS) ALUM. PIPE W/ 3 -1/4" BRASS CAP LOT 18 STAMPED: "LS 13212" IN RANGE BOX POINT 15209 --- 500'41 " E N= 705701.5458 E= 105230.1675 64.39' REC. NT F0310303 - c0 I I w - I -S ' -P rn'1 1 ' 1 1 0' i-.-- �pE� 1 I '- -- - DISK I pi 1 10 5 o I i 11 1 - - -J 10 UE 17 p NAI 0)N. _ FOUND L &, BRA (NOT A PART) -- w' O I I? J o 11 1 _� o- �,. 168 - - -- L LOT 12 1 o j i� L_- io' NE� EASEMENT'" TRgCC� {_._- _ LANDSC q �_- -_J g80 66�_B PROSPECT RIDGE I J N_ 07 5 �' SUBDIVISION PROSPECT I L _ °- - - RFC ho- 335 C. NO. ,0' UE /�- = PER �UE Fo N O ( / CT E tiz oRVIOA Ep pV _ �- - i o N�I � RE TRA WEST 0' 3 � - TING 82 _ o. 4 �PROSFE�EC� N0 EF2 94 gDIVISION 1 i LAT 1 - - LOT 7 _� AoPLEYl00D Lo 1 _ w LOT 34 \ w z ;Gg olvls`ioN I 2755 w z N I � z 3 0 0 w U z A J 0 I BOUNDARY MONUMENT COORDINATES NO. NORTHING EASTING A 705694.2425 1 04563.3893 B 705629.8523 104564.1580 C 705516.5069 103912.6648 D 706499.7_673 103903.7421 E 706521.3467 103946.5156 F 706538.9632 104095.4373 G 706547.6212 104141.5414 H 7 1041825803 1 706548.5678 104264.2918 J 706645.8895 104537.2177 K 7066 104557.3664 ROW ( -q INTERSECTION COORDINATES NO. NORTHING EASTI 9329* 705751.4070 104404.4603 9330 705769.1511 104402.1853 9331* 705783.8728 104401.5088 9332* 706 337.8226 104396.4819 9333* 7 10 4351.07 54 9334' 706380.1983 104107.0854 9335* 706334.7919 104062.4956 9336* 705764.0501 104067.6749 9337* 705720.1243 104120.3862 9338* 705565.077 104436.878 * =TYPE 1 SURVEY MONUMENT TO BE SET 7800 E. DORADO PL., SUITE 220 GREENWOOD MLLAGE, COLORADO 80111 PHONE: (303) 779 -4100 NO. 2 ENGINEE CAR ROLL' , LANGE- MANHARD A MANHARD CONSULTING COMPANY 7442 souon Tucson Wey.3u2e 156A, censennlzt M 80112 ph'.303708.0500 n3007080400 mannarLLco- Civil Engineers • Surveyors • Water Resource Engineers • Water & Wastewater Engineers Construction Managers • Environmental Scientists • Landscape Architects • Planners SPWRC PREPARED: 03.19.13 REVISED 05.80.13 SHFFT s nF A �oJ a FOUND SURVEY MONUMENT AS NOTED 19 FOUND 18" NO. 5 REBAR WITH 1 -1/4" ORANGE PLASTIC CAP, STAMPED: "C &L MANHARD PLS 25369 ". 20 FOUND 1 -1/2" ALUMINUM CAP STAMPED: "LANE ENG 438" -0 0 THE NUMBER = IDENTIFIES WHAT TYPE OF MONUMENT WAS FOUND. SEE ABOVE DESCRIPTIONS. THE LETTER CORRESPONDS TO THE VALUES FOUND IN THE "BOUNDARY MONUMENTS COORDINATE TABLE" FOUND BELOW UE /DE UTILITY & DRAINAGE EASEMENT UE /DE /AE UTILITY, DRAINAGE & ACCESS EASEMENT (NR) NON - RADIAL LINE BLOCK NUMBER SECTION CORNER TYPE 1 SURVEY MONUMENT AS 0 SPECIFIED BY WHEAT RIDGE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. TO BE SET DURING ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION. SEE NOTE 12. 0 R.O.W. � -CL INTERSEC710N POINTS (NOT SET) AC. ACRES S.F. SQUARE FEET A.E. ACCESS EASEMENT L.E. LANDSCAPE EASEMENT R.O.W. RIGHT -OF -WAY BOUNDARY LINE - EASEMENT LOT LINE - - - - - -- EXISTING PLATS SECTION LINE ROAD CENTER LINE SCALE: 1" = 60' ORIGINAL GRAPHIC SCALE CENTER 114 CORNER SECTION 20 T3S, R69W 6TH P.M. ALUMINUM PIPE W/ 3 -114" BRASS CAP STAMPED: "'LS 13212" IN A RANGE BOX POINT 14109 N= 708325.7486 E= 102557.2586 REC. NO. -- F0633461 (NOT A PART) ZONED: AGRICULTURAL -ONE - BOOK 2.525 PAGE 309 -- REC. NO 460463 r is 1 2pOF pOK g FINAL PLAT �s b U V U D A 0 U D 0 V E L0 UrK O N 1H AVENUE�� v N O ( ON U o � N W o L " Lo O Z O � W LOT 7 PROSPECT RIDGE SUBDIVISION AMENDMENT NO. REC. NO. F1.08:5108 AGRICULTURAL- TWO REC. N0 F0310303 (NOT A PART) LOT 8 PROSPEC'• RIDGE SUBDIVISION AMENDMENT NO. 'I REC. LOT N0. `1083108 g z 0 ti U PROSPECT RIDGE SUBDIVISION W REC. NO. � F0359158 W ZONED: ESIDENTIAL —ONF z O � v LOT 10 ti z O SOUTH 714 CORNS SECTION 20 T3S, R69W 6TH P.M ALUMIN PIPE W/ 3 -1/4" BRASS AP STAMPED: ' "LS 7321 "" IN A RANGE BOX POINT 15709 N= 705672.5128 E=702562.8775 LOT 1 � REC. N0: F0310303 (NOT A. PART) LOT 12 PROSPECT RIDGE SUBDIVISION REC. NO. `0359158 1 C i i LOT 34 LOT 35 LOT 36 i i (a6Bi EAST 1/4 CORNER SECTION 20 T3S, R69W 6TH P.M. 3 ALUA41NUM PIPE W/ 3'" BRASS CAP STAMPED: "LS 13212_" W. 40TH �IN A RANGE BOX CIRCLE POINT 74209 N=708,365.9779 E= 105210.8860 LGT 19 POINT OF W. 38TH F�AGE — -� BEGINNING �SE CDR. W 112 SE 714 SE 714 SECTION 20 I FOUND 2- -1/2 "' ALUMINUM CAP LOT 17 A "PLS '" 76837 2007 / TTI E: S 89 ° 22'3 4 "W 666.85 SOUTH LINE OF SE 1/4 SECTION 2( I LOT 18 589'22'34 "W 2667.46' (BASIS OF BEARINGS) SOO "1'02 "E 76.55' B � -FOUND NAIL &- 1RACS C 1 ` _BRASS DISK —� - PLS 16837" I.OT 34 3 _ TRACT 4 WE �0, R.O.W N (EX(S LOT 1 O z 2 Z - o LoT 2 Q o \� I N Ld N � W N Z O O � Z � W LOT 1 - I LOT 2 OT 3 PROSPECT GARDENS 4 SUBDIVISION REC. NO. F2194671 I w APPLEWOOD RIDGE 2 SUBDIVISION REC K0. 69327552 ALL U1ILITY EASEMENTS, DRAINAGE EASEMENTS, LANDSCAPE EASEMENTS AND EMERGENCY ACCESS EASEMENTS DEDICATED AS PART OF DOUD OVERLOOK SUBDIVISION, RECORDED _ _ _____ UNDER RECEPTION NO. WITHIN THIS AREA ARE HEREBY VACATED. (AFFECTS LOTS 1 -34, BLOCK 1; LOTS 1 -19, BLOCK 2; & TRACTS B —E) BUILDING SETBACK LINES AND LOT LINES THAT WERE ESTABLISHED AS PART OF DOUD OVERLOOK SUBDIVISION, RECORDED UNDER RECEPTION N0. __ ------ WITHIN THIS AREA ARE HEREBY E:1 VACATED, ABROGATED AND RELEASED. (AFFECTS LOTS 1 -34, BLOCK 1; LOTS 1 -19, BLOCK 2; do TRACTS B —E) PUBLIC RIGHT —OF —WAY DEDICATED AS PART OF DOUD OVERLOOK SUBDIVISION, RECORDED ____---- UNDER RECEPTION NO. _ WITHIN THIS AREA ARE HEREBY VACATED. (AFFECTS ROADWAYS SHOWN HEREON, EXCEPT TRACT A ALONG W. 38TH AVE.) Wrilpf A.E. ACCESS EASEMENT L.E. LANDSCAPE EASEMENT R.Q.W. RIGHT -OF -WAY UE /DE UTILITY & DRAINAGE EA rEMENT UE /DE /AE UTILITY, DRAINAGE & ACcESS EASEMENT (NR) NON- RADIAL LINE 1 BLOCK NUMBER�� POINT OF COMMENCEMENT SE CORNER SECTION 20 T3S, R69W 67H P.M. ALUMINUM PIPE W/ 3 -1/4'" _— BRASS CAP STAMPED: "LS 13212` IN A RANGE BOX POINT 75209 N=705701.5458 E= 105230.7675 -60 0 30 60 120 SCALE: 1" = 60' ORIGINAL GRAPHIC SCALE DEVELOPER ENGINEER \SURV'EYOR -" _- -� CARROLL _. LATE -MAN HARD A MANHARD CONSULTING COMPANY `W 7800 E. DORADO PL, SUITE 220 N GREENWOOD VILLAGE, COLORADO 80111 PHONE: (303) 179 -4100 7442 South Tmeon Way. S.i se 190A. Cv tunn!9I, M SO112 11,3037080500 f%30370a eo -0400 �[en m lci Civil Engineers • Surveyors • Water Resource Engineers Water 6 Wastewater Engineers Construction Managers • Environmental Scientists • landscape Architects . Planners DOUD OVERLOOK SUBDIVISION _, fiNAL PLAT CAWRC PREPARED: 03.19.12 REVISED: 1.17.13 SHEET 3 OF 3