HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/17/14A • City of W at Rj d � T T h6 _ge AGENDA July 17,2014 Notice is hereby given of a Public Meeting to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission on July 17, 2014 at 7:00 p.m., in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Individuals u4th disabilities are encouraged to participate in all public meetings sponsored by the City of Wheat Ridge, Call Ileather Giyer, Public Information Officer at 303-235-2826 at least one week in advance oJ'a meeting if you are interested in participating and need inclusion assistance. 4. APPROVE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA (Items of new and old business may be recommended for placement on the agenda.) S�11111 a 6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda. Public comments may be limited to 3 minutes.) A. Case No. WS-14-02: A request filed by William Lyons, Jr. for approval of a 14-lot major subdivision with right-of-way dedication for property zoned Residential-One (R-1) located at 3301 Quail Street and 3345 Quail Street. *Agenda packets and minutes are available online at http:Hwww,ei,wheatridge.co-us/95/Planning-Comiiiission MINIM" Em, Commission Members Present: Em Commission Staff Memb ""sill 3. DGE OF 4. APPltq',,, X ORDER it was TIMM 5. APPROVAL 31 7:01 p.m. in the City Council iue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, 0 MEEM= Reckert, Senior Planner :)me, Recording Secretary 1-onnnissioner of the agenda. Motion carried 6-0. - May 15, 2014 No one wished to speak at this time. Planning Commission Minutes June 19, 2014 A. Case No. WZ-1,4-06:. A request filed by Caller Capital, LLC for approval of a zone change from Residential-Two (R-2) to Planned Residential Development (PRD) with all Outline Development Plan for property located at 7671 W. 32 Avenue and 3299 Wadsworth Boulevard. Ms. Reckert, presented the case. She entered into the record the contents of the case file and packet materials, the zoning ordinance, the compre 4 s ,,; iisive plan and the digital 'A 1 1 presentation. She stated the public noticing and posti "K ire ents have been met. She provided an explanation about the Planned Re, lopment and Outline Development Plan processes. Planing nli nning olls IJ a recommendation to City Council which is the final authority. She reyc t le st`ep and digital presentation. Commissioner BUCKNAM asked for the lot on the north of the pole oil the I property. Ms. Reckert stated the front oil the rear and the lot is vacant. Commissioner DORSEY inquired a developer will develop the whole at know what the street name will be ) and it will be decided at the time of developer. Ms. Reckert stated that is that on the south portion parking will only ng on the cul-de-sac is pen on both -r TIMMS asked if staff calculated the potential on-street parking Ms. Reckert stated she has not done the calculation. The development meets the minimum parking requirements. of the setbkk�# inquired about and what "t `,`,,i status of that 5 -feet on the es and 15-feet at the name offlie street and asked if the at the same time N R eckert stated she didn't but it would follo enver Metro grid system it. She deferred the development question to the Planning Commission Minutes -2-- June 19, 2014 assessment has been submitted by the applicant and we will engage the parks Naturalist for suggestions. Commissioner TIM MS asked if staff has received any additional eniails or phone calls from the public since the public notice. Ms. Reckert replied no. Commissioner OHM asked about condition number four. He stated cottonwood trees are typically weak wood and typically are forbidden in most municipalities. He suggested rewording to condition to have the developer perform a tree assessment with the City's Naturalist. He asked if there was any consideration for access to connect to Wadsworth. Ms. Reckert stated the southern 30 feet e paved which will act as a pedestrian connection to Wadsworth and to satisf 4 "i quirements of Denver Water and Consolidated Mutual Water Districts. g " AMAMI Commissioner BUCKNAM asked if tf, applicant about making the west slight sidewalks on both sides of the street, � minimum of 3519 square feet, so there Commissioner WEAVER in""' ou b t first stated the masonry was to upgooqolt#�� chitei cen staff and the in depth toAVISOvide more space for stated that te f I ts are at the ably be a r 'I ts on that side. lition for the I s. Reckert Commissioner DORSEY inquired ,1 out pole" portion of the lot. Ms. Reckert replied that it is he sW4p ' be used for the waterline looping into The W' ire a 0 �Kp lanq f oot paved easement or p ames� 3 an unpaved 5 1# CN4 t,,� going to be a public street would the city ,%, MANI 04 mg, tai 2 P Q ere N a t . arty plowing policy and this would be a low gg, kerts h J ty It wo plower to the Nfiif 1? p 4 0""'M ChW#,',', INKMAN that there is no flood plain related to the Rock , -,untain Ditch" 1 1"M Rec �A t stated there is not. tt s. Discussion cc pttnued re #1,� d ing the proposed drainage system and whether the off-site M Nw easement would t e owner or the property, Commissioner DOR'S"EY asked if the number of houses on the south side could be reduced to 5 to accommodate a sidewalk on the east side. Ms. Reckert stated that could be discussed with the applicant. Applicant, Bill Fritz 10827 Bobcat Terrace, Littleton, CO 80124 Mr. Fritz spoke briefly about the history of the project. Mr. Fritz introduced his partners to speak and answer questions. Planning Commission Minutes -3- June 19, 2014 Commissioner WEAVER inquired about the home price points and square footage, Mr. Fritz stated that home prices would start in the lower 300's and that average finished square footage will be 1500 to 2000 square feet. Discussion continued regarding sidewalk on the cast side of the street. Commissioner TIMMS inquired about the masonry condition. The applicant indicated they envision a "cottage style" with doesn't accommodate for a lot of masonry accents. Commissioner DORSEY ask there is a wire fence. Ms. Rec sidewalk and fence and there the property. property. She also Mark Thornbrough Civil Engineer 6037 Cole Ct, Arvada, CO � the"'p"tio'e installation under the ditch and impact on the where the snow from the street would be directed. Mr. Thornbrough stated that regarding drainage through their property they worked with the owners of Oakhill Apartments to the north and there is a memo of understanding. The storm water eventually ends up in a storm sewer line at Wadsworth. He stated the snow will be plowed to the retention pond located on the east side. Chair BRINKMAN asked if they can push any snow to the Rocky Mountain Ditch. Mr. Thornbrough stated no. Chair BRINKMAN asked if there would be an official path that connects with the Rocky Mountain Ditch. Mr. Thorribrough stated he wasn't sure if it was a public path. Chair BRINKMAN stated it is not. Planning Commission Minutes - 4 -- June 1 9, 2014 Commissioner BUCKNAM asked if there was anything lie could add to the conversation about the lack of sidewalk on the east side. Mr. Thornbrough stated if the sidewalk ended at Lot 20, a crosswalk could be installed to the other side. Chair BRINKMAN opened the hearing to members of the audience. Pat Hott 3330 Yarrow St. Ms. Hott spoke in favor of the development but voiced casement behind the homes on Yarrow Street and poss about the empty lot to the north on Wadsworth and way developed there. Ms. Reckert stated that is under sppai was encouraged to incorporate it into the sit% Ms. Reckert stated there is a strip of title. Mr. Johnstone clarified it is a r Frank Stites 3354 Zephyr Ct. Mr. Stites had questions Carol Greene 3300 Yarrow 1 . not a zoning issue. icems with an existing privacy issues. She inquired to know what could be ownership and the applicant with unclear in regards to the easement. fence between the but wants to be cautious about putting too )e is seeking feedback regarding the Mark Thornbrough Mr. Thornbrougli stated the easement at the rear of the property did not show up in the title commitment. He stated the developer is intending to provide a six foot privacy fence and the setback from the rear of the homes will be from the property lines defined in the legal description. Planning Commission Minutes June 1 9, 2014 Commissioner OHM asked staff if a landscape buffer is required for the paved connection to Wadsworth and if a condition would be required for the crosswalk. Ms. Reckert stated no for the landscape buffer and yes for the condition for the crosswalk. Commissioner BUCKNAM asked if there is a requirement for on-street parking in a PRD. Ms. Reckert stated this is referred to in Section 26-501. Single or two - family has a require for 4 off street parking space if there is no on street parking or 2 if there is on street parking but it doesn't specify how many on street parking spaces are needed. Chair BRINKMAN closed the public hearing. by Commissioner , a request for approval of mmercial Development am om II I I I 1WHY101 Mr-MUNIMEDIMM N 3. T , he developer is friendiv,nian, with red and reviewed at the time of SDP. be revised to more accurately represent work with the City Forester to create a tree old and new plantings. Friendly amendment made by Commissioner OHM to have the developer work with staff to add a`e�'r accepted by Commissioners Weaver and Dorsey to add t" #4. Commissioner TIMMS stated the 50% masonry requirement is too high for this development but lie is sensitive to the reality of the market and to staff He suggested 25% masonry. There was a discussion about the masonry requirement. Mr. Johnstone stated this will be in front the Plarnfing Commission again as a SDP and architectural criteria will be addressed at that time. Planning Commission Minutes -6— June 19, 2014 Chair BRINKMAN spoke of the request of the sidewalk to the east. She stated if she had to put in a sidewalk she would rather put it next to the house versus the other side. Commissioner BUCKNAM stated his concern for public safety. Motion carried 5-1 with Commissioner BUCKNAM voting no. An 8 minute break was taken until 9:00pm B. Case No. ZOA-14-03: An ordinance amending the g seat Ridge Code of Laws concerning the keeping of dwarf goats. Mr. Johnstone presented the case. He reviewe uVMY1V V1 1 Y 1 %ftng Commission Legislative Item Staff Report, He explained that dwarf gyoN6 no in the existing code pertaining to domestic animals,,o• other smal" als. Because of the silence in the code, staff recently had occasion to view the co"' licability and ' determine that under existing regulations, dwarf goats would be 'i fied under our large animal regulations, and as such, generally only allowed on fairly I si ential lots, a minority of the residential Iots_Jn the City. The policy question is whet e should be more permissive on smaller ecific f report. He ops are included in the stated the Planning Commis s A, ­ Wred to hold, a public hearing and make a 1 4" "" * recommendation to City Coun unients to Chapter 26. 0 1 , Commissioner OHM. inquired W I" VilkAb- Mr. Johnstone replied that I'll , , 0 would be a nuisance issue that t Commissioner TIMMS inquired about thOurpose of the City's Welfare and Control Commission, Mr. Johnstone stated, it is add Ivisory board with a limited regulatory role in making recommendations on th&,barborin tisfwild animals. They can issue licenses for exotic animals for a certain period 6ftitne. They have a role in reviewing kennel licenses. They are appointed fry Council, Commissioner TIMMS asked if there was any discussion that the zoning code is the best place for animal regulations versus other chapters in the code. Mr, Johnstone stated no. Commissioner TIMMS stated the staff proposal is to allow three dwarf goats per residential lot. If someone wanted to have four dwarf goats would they go to the Board of Adjustment for a variance? Mr. Johnstone stated that would be a use variance which the Board of Adjustment does not have jurisdiction to approve. More than three dwarf goats would be reviewed under the large animal regulations with requires a larger parcel. Commissioner TIMMS asked about HOA's. He stated the City would still allow the use but the HOA could still supersede with a prohibition. Mr. Johnstone concurred. Commissioner TIMMS asked what cons were found in the research associate with dwarf goats. Mr. Johnstone stated there were none found. There is a little bit of a noise impact. Planning Commission Minutes -7— June 19, 2014 Open lot area is needed for space to utilize and for grazing. They are not dissimilar than a dog of the same size. Commissioner DORSEY asked if licensing and immunizations will be required. Mr. Johnstone replied no. Commissioner WEAVER asked if the Animal Welfare Commission meetings are closed to the public, Mr. Johnstone stated not to his knowledge. She stated there are no regulations for how animals are sheltered. That is up to the owner. She stated the only reason that dogs are licensed is because of rabies. Goat, carry some diseases but they are among goats only. She stated she is a large goa Nubian goats are typically bigger goats and are very loud. Dwarf goats ten ieter than dogs. ............... Commissioner BRINKMAN asked if Code Epf r ement �. be notified if this passes. Mr. Johnstone stated yes, staff has been wo,""' rkng with Cod forcement on this case. g , go If Commissioner DORSEY asked if thc old be enough yard ulti-family property. Mr. Johnstone stated some largofi"i ro I property owner who is inclined to make a goat area 0id"flable" e by the tenants would be permitted if the requirements were 64 " "1"',"1, multi- family erties cannot meet the requirements for setbacks, open lot area Commissioner DORSEY asked if code enforcement w6W d la handling any issues. Mr. Johnstone stated ves. Commissioner OHM asked if the fencing standards in Section 605 would apply to goats. Mr. Johnstone stated yes. Commissioner OHM asked if there are fencing standards in 606. Mr. Johnstone stated to the extent of height and construction. bearing. There was some discussion on the different types of goats. Chair BRINKMAN closed the public hearing. Planning Commission Minutes June 19, 2014 It was moved by Commissioner BUCKNAM and seconded by Commissioner 011 to recommend approval of the proposed ordinance amending various sections of Chapter 26 of the Wheat Ridpae code of laws. co 0 of Commissioner WEAVER stated there many people are coming to Wheat Ridge who are excited about the openness to urban agriculture and food production. Code enforcement does a good job in enforcing applicable restrictions. ki n, wimmmmmirumm, C. Case No. ZOA-14-04: An ordinance amending c and chapter I I of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws by the addition of new se concerning marijuana and amending paragraph 11-321(b)(8) concerning fica i RF primary care-giver licenses. . . . . . . . . . . Mr. Johnstone presented the case. He stated the purpose o the o nce is to place certain limits on the manner in which marijuana is cultivated on re Jal properties. He reviewed the Planning Commission Legislative Item Staff Repor ,stated the ordinance is scheduled for ncil public Bearing on June 20 14 ' ' } i d Planning n Commission's recommendatic rwarde'd to City Council for consideration. Commissioner BUCK, MAN aske 'it is'& , 11JI safety issue as to why cultivation is not allowed in an ructure. John s t d that is part of the reason. .. ... . . R"I Commission sysu' 'evidence. Mr. Johnstone stated AVER' d what 4 that language is red ,pfii the hom upation ordinance. The intent is to maintain the residential char of f t f borb OUi r B R I IN KM, asked if , th ,,e City i J ,, AdWs the basement when reviewing square . . .. ... . t for Toss " h area r Johnstone stated yes, if it is habitable and if in, eets E% ap e building eq. 11 Chair ,,,'- AN reqll; ed an explanation for 25% of gross floor area for 6 Mr. Johnsto , dated e h logic is the same figure as the home occupation ordinance. I _ Chair BRINK M AN " the reference for the use of compressed flammable gas for " processing manju for making hash. Mr. Johnstone stated it is used for making products and extractions including hash, IJONIIMAIZI��, W7 amount. Mr. Johnstone replied yes. Chair BRINKMAN stated someone may figure out another way of processing marijuana that doesn't require compressed flammable gas. She asked if the ordinance should be broadened to say use of compressed flammable gas or any other tool or mechanism for Planning Commission Minutes -9— June 19, 2014 Chair BRINKMAN closed the public hearing as speak. it was MUTF6 UAW" UMBI al one in the audience to Commissioner nance amending Chapters ►n of _ a new section 26-639 concerning marijuana and amending paragraph 11-321(h applications for primary caregivers licenses. Motion carried 6•0. 11 -305, 11-416 and 26-204 nedical marijuana-infused cturers in the C- I zone ,acturers and certain ients for retail and medical try moratorium on all city action manufacturer and retail marijuana Commissioner BUCKNAM clarified this ordinance would only regulate distances between MIP's and not restrict the location of any testing facilities. Mr. Johnstone concurred. Commissioner WEAVER asked if there was any consideration for odor. Mr. Johnstone stated there is and that is one of the motivations behind the proposal to classify these businesses as a hazardous occupancy under the building code as it will require different air handling and mechanical systems. Planning Commission Minutes -10— J une 19, 2014 Commissioner TIMMS asked if the C- I zone district is the City's most permissive commercial zone district. Mr. Johnstone replied yes, commercial in the sense of retail/office and light industrial. C-2 is more permissive but there is very little C-2 zoning. The I-E district allows more traditional industrial uses. .3 a Commissioner TIMMS asked if the map in the packet with the three circled areas are zoned C -1. Mr, Johnstone stated at least one of them is zoned I-E. The two MIP's that are in the C-1 district would become legal non-conforming uses, Commissioner TIMMS asked what triggered the emergency moratorium. Mr. Johnstone stated there was additional interest in these types of uses. Commissioner OHM asked why the map slag, s the pending manufacturer case no. WZ- 14-04 located at 3924-4096 Youngfield Johnstone stated that is a testing facility which is a separate use class at both tl t and local level. They would not be doing any manufacturing, it is strictly testin In response to Chair BRINKMAN's que tic ' tone stated the 1000- foot Z separation from schools, dayOares,,etc. is E the most direct pedestrian route. Chair Brinkman asked if schools in other cities ar ....................... idered. Mr. Johnstone stated yes. Chair Brinkman closed the UEE= MUlt all l was ff"ge in the audience to speak. ded by Commissioner 1P. I A= I I V I A III ILI 2.14 W il W.T. I FrIl # # # marijuana products manufacturers' Mr. Johnstone stated there was no quorum for the July 3 'd meeting but there will be a meeting on July 17. It was moved by Commissioner DORSEY and seconded by Commissioner BUCKNAM to adjourn the meeting at 10:40 p.m. Motion carried 6-0. Planning Commission Minutes June 19, 2014 Anne Brinkman, Chair Bruce Roome, Recording Secretary Planning Commission Minutes - 12 — June 19 2014 City of "� Wheat idge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission CASE MANAGER: M. Reckert CASE NO. & NAME: WS -14 -02 /Quail Hollow DATE OF MEETING: July 17, 2014 ACTION REQUESTED: A request for approval of a 14 -lot subdivision plat on property zoned Residential -One (R -1) LOCATION OF REQUEST: Approx. 3301 Quail Street and 3345 Quail Street APPLICANT: William Lyons APPROXIMATE AREA: 9.15 acres PRESENT ZONING: Residential -One (R -1) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Neighborhood ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) ZONING ORDINANCE (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION Planning Commission W S -14 -02 /Quail Hollow All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. 1. REQUEST The applicant is requesting approval of a 14 -lot major subdivision on property zoned Residential -One to accommodate 13 new single family residential dwelling sites. The property is located at approximately 3301 Quail Street and 3345 Quail Street. Because this is a major subdivision, Planning Commission will be providing a recommendation to City Council who will be the final authority for approval. A neighborhood meeting is not required prior to the submission of an application for subdivision approval. II. EXISTING CONDITIONS /PROPERTY HISTORY Subject Property The subject property is comprised of two parcels of land. The larger property is an unaddressed parcel located on the north side of W. 32 Avenue, north of the Applewood Baptist Church parking lot, between Quail and Routt Streets. The site is zoned Residential -One (R -1) and was originally platted as Lot 2 of the Applewood Baptist Church (ABC) subdivision plat which was approved by Planning Commission on October 19, 2006. The subdivision divided the 14 acres of the church's property into two lots. Lot 1 was developed into a large parking lot for the church and Lot 2 was purchased by a private party. The larger site is currently undeveloped and is 7.882 acres in size. Lena Gulch crosses the northwest corner of the property, and its tributary traverses the property entering the site at the southeast corner. The northwest portion of the property is encumbered by 100 -year flood plain. Currently, the 7.88 acre parcel has no direct street frontage; however, another piece of property has been incorporated into the subdivision to provide right -of -way from Quail Street to the east aligning with West 33' Avenue. (Exhibit 1, Aerial photo) This parcel is 54,970 square feet in size or 1.26 acres. In order to meet City and State subdivision law, this property, which is under separate ownership, has been included in the plat document. This ownership parcel has direct access onto Quail Street and has a single family residence on it addressed as 3345 Quail Street. The southern portion of the site is vacant and will become a new development parcel with the remainder conveyed to the developer for right -of -way to be dedicated to the City with tracts for entry improvements. The combined area of the two lots is 398,355 square feet (9.15 acres). Surrounding zoning and land use The development parcel is entirely surrounded by properties that are also zoned R -1. Single family homes are immediately adjacent to the east; vacant properties are located to the west and north with single family residential beyond. The Applewood Baptist Church parking lot and education building abuts the property to the south. Across Quail Street to the east is Prospect Valley Elementary School and smaller single family lots zoned Residential -One A (R -1 A). (Exhibit 2, zoning map) Prior Subdivision approval In 2007, Lot 2 of the original ABC plat was subject to an application for subdivision into 11 lots. Included with the subdivision approval were a variance for cul -de -sac length and a flood plain pennit Planning Commission WS -14 -02 /Quail Hollow for construction in the 100 year floodplain. While approved by both Planning Commission and City Council, this plat was never recorded and is therefore void. (Exhibit 3, 2007 plat) Subsequent to the 2007 plat approval, the rear portion of the ABC property was developed into a parking lot and the new FEMA FHAD maps were adopted which removed a portion of the property from the 100 -year floodplain. (Exhibit 4, Aerial photo with 2003 and 2014 floodplain layers) In addition, the subdivision regulations were revised which extended the maximum cul -de -sac length from 500' to 700', negating the need for variance with the new application. (Exhibit 5, Site photos) III. SUBDIVISION PLAT Plat design The proposed plat document is comprised of three sheets. (Exhibit 6, Subdivision Plat) Sheet 1 is the declaration page and contains the legal description, required signature blocks for property owners, recording and notes. The notes, among other things, contain the city's standards language regarding easements and detention pond maintenance. It also includes a note regarding maintenance of the common elements in the development. Sheets 2 and 3 contain the layout of the subdivision. The plat will subdivide the property into 13 new lots to be developed with single family structures. All lots meet or exceed the R -1 minimum lot size of 12,500 s.f. and lot width of 100'. The subdivision includes an existing parcel on Quail Street; a portion of which will be purchased and used as public street access to Quail. The lot from which the land will be removed (3345 Quail) has an existing single family residence on it. The property acquisition for right -of -way will not reduce the lot below the R -1 development standards for lot size and width and will create another conforming development lot on Quail (Lot 13). A new street called W. 33` Drive will be extended west from Quail Street for access into and through the subdivision. West 33` Avenue extends west to the terminus of the property which could facilitate street extension if the vacant land to the west were subdivided. Lots 11 and 12 will gain access from the cud -e -sac bulb on the north side of 33` Quail Court extends as a cul -de -sac bulb north and provides access for Lots 1 — 10. Both Quail Court and 33` Avenue will be full -width dedicated local streets with 53' and 51' of width, respectively. Curb, gutter and attached sidewalk will be installed on both sides of the street. There are several tracts shown on the plat. Tract A encompasses the Lena Gulch drainage way and the portion of land encumbered by 100 -year floodplain. Tract B located in the northwestern portion of the property will serve as a stormwater quality detention area. Tracts C and D serve as cul -de -sac "eyebrows" which could be vacated back to the owners of Lots 11 and 12 if W. 33` Avenue is extended to the west. Tracts D and E are dedicated as tracts to serve as entrance features which could be used for landscaping and signage. Tracts A, B, D and E will be maintained by the Homeowners' Association (HOA). The HOA will be responsible for maintenance of all detention areas and the Lena Gulch 100 -year floodplain. Staff will require review and approval of the HOA covenants to ensure that adequate provisions for maintenance have been made. An existing detention easement which was platted with the original ABC subdivision is not required for detention anymore and is being vacated by separate document. Planning Commission WS -14 -02 /Quail Hollow On -site drainage When raw land is developed, historic drainage coming into and being released from the site must be maintained. Because the minor tributary to Lena Gulch has historically crossed the property, the developer must continue to accommodate its flows. The design proposed in 2007 showed the Lena Gulch tributary following its natural course diagonally across the property from southeast to northwest, with flows being conveyed by a very large open channel. This led to development challenges including street portions located in the 100 -year flood plain and irregular lot configurations. The minor tributary to Lena Gulch carries a substantial amount of off -site drainage flows generated by properties to the south and southwest, which must continue to be accommodated on the property. The proposed drainage system enters the property at the southeast corner but is contained with two large pipes that carry flows north along the eastern perimeter of the property to Lena Gulch. Although Lots 1 — 5 will be encumbered with a drainage easement over the pipes, the proposed drainage design allows a more logical street system and property layout. Tract B at the far northwest corner of the site serves as a water quality pond. Parkland dedication: Parkland dedication is required for all residential subdivisions. When land is not dedicated for a public park, a fee is required in lieu. The Parks and Recreation Department has indicated that fees in lieu of land dedication will be required in the amount of $32,464.77. This fee is required to be paid prior to plat recording. IV. AGENCY REFERRALS All affected service agencies were contacted regarding their ability to serve the property. The developer will be responsible for any needed upgrades to accommodate the proposed development. Specific referral responses follow. Consolidated Mutual Water District: Can serve the property with improvements installed at the developer's expense. Northwest Lakewood Sanitation District: Can serve the property subject to rules and regulations of the district. Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District: Has reviewed the plat. The internal streets must be maintained as fire lanes. Additional hydrants will be required. Wheat Ridge Parks and Recreation Department: Will require fees in lieu of land dedication. Wheat Ridge Police: No concerns. Wheat Ridge Public Works: Has reviewed the plat and a drainage plan and report. Both the plat and drainage report have been approved. Xcel Energy: Can serve. V. STAFF CONCLUSION Staff concludes that the proposed subdivision plat provides a logical street system and lot layouts. Staff further concludes that the plat is consistent with the City's R -1 zone district minimums and that Planning Commission 4 WS -14 -02 /Quail Hollow all requirements of the subdivision regulations have been met. Because agencies can provide service to the property with improvements installed at the developer's expense, a recommendation of Approval is given for Case No. WS -14 -02 with conditions itemized in Option A of the recommended motions. VI. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS OPTION A: "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WS- 14 -02, a request for approval of a fourteen -lot major subdivision plat for property located at 3301 and 3345 Quail Street, for the following reasons: 1. The proposed lots meet or exceed the R -1 zone district regulations. 2. All requirements of the subdivision regulations have been met. 3. The proposed street system and drainage design provide a logical development pattern for the new parcels. 4. Utility districts can serve the property with improvements installed at the developer's expense. With the following conditions: 1. A Subdivision Improvement Agreement be executed whereby all public improvements are in place prior to issuance of building permits for individual lots. 2. The developer pay parks fees at the time of plat recording in the amount of $32,464.77. 3. The Homeowners' Association covenants be reviewed and approved by Staff." OPTION B: "I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. WS -14 -2, a request for approval of a fourteen -lot major subdivision plat for property located at 3301 Quail Street, for the following reasons: 2. 3." Planning Commission WS -14 -02 /Quail Hollow EXHIBIT 1: AERIAL PHOTO Planning Commission WS -14 -02 /Quail Hollow EXHIBIT 2: ZONING MAP Site . I . no F- cn H C? Planning Commission WS -14 -02 /Quail Hollow EXHIBIT 3: 2007 PLAT QUAIL A FMSURIMPLIN 01 PCMnCWS CIF L I DCATM IN THE NO uiy co vcAT ell ip- , I , I " J Wye fA 40 fee Z V. 33M I OUPW Planning Commission WS-14-02/Quail Hollow WATF A LAIII I Lip I ell ip- , I , I " J Wye fA 40 fee Z V. 33M I OUPW Planning Commission WS-14-02/Quail Hollow EXHIBIT 4: FLOODPLAIN LIMITS Planning Commission WS -14 -02 /Quail Hollow EXHIBIT 5 - SITE PHOTOS View of property frontage on Quail compliments of Google earth Planning Commission 10 WS -14 -02 /Quail Hollow View of property frontage on Quail compliments of Google earth View from property looking east from Routt Street View of property frontage on Quail Street Planning Commission WS -14 -02 /Quail Hollow f` View looking east into property from Quail Planning Commission 12 WS -14 -02 /Quail Hollow Planning Commission -14 -02 /Quail Hollow 1 CASE HISTORY IS-06- -0 7 WS-07-01 WS- 14 --02 QMR'S CERTIFICATE: WE DO& HOLLOW PATIO HOMES, LLC, BEING THE OWNERS OF Wk PROPERTY COAHALNINC 9,145 ACRES MORE OR LESS, WK DESCRIBED AS FOUOWS; LOT 2, APP BAPTIST CHURCH SUBDAASIOK COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADTL AND SEND FURTHER DESCRIBES AS FOLLOWS; LOTS, THE SOUTH 10 FEET OF LOT 4, AND THE NORTH 200 FEET OF LOT 6, APP KNOLLS - 12TH FILM, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON. STATE OF COLORADO, E p1 ti �WLANNING CQMW.$ �JW-, IL PLANNING ED COMM�SSON CERTWOTION RECOMMEND FOR APPRWAL THIS — DAY OF By THE WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COAIM!SSION CITY CERTIFICATION: APPROVED THIS -DAY Of — 2014 BY THE "EAT INDGE CITY COUNCIL ATTEST HAVE LAID OUT, SUBDIVIDED AND PLATTED SAID LAND AS PER THE DRAWING HEREON CONTAINED UNDER THE KMAE AND STYLE OF A SUMOSION OF A PART OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COEORADO, AND BY THESE PRESENTS DO DEDICATE TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AND THE PUSUC THOSE PORTIONS OP REAL, PROPERTY SHOWN AS RIGHT-OF-WAY, AND 00 TURNER DEDICATE TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AND THOSE MUNICIPALLY OWED AND/OR MUNICMALLY FRATICHGED UTILITIES AND SEROCES THOSE PORTIONS OF REAL PROPERTY SHOWN AS EASEMENTS FOR THE CONSTRIXTON, INSTALLATTON OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, WAR AND REPLACEMENT FOR ALL SERVICES, THIS INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LTMRED TO TELEPHONE AND ELECTRSC LINES, OAS LINES, WATER AND SANITARY SEWER LINES, HYDRANTS, STORM WATER SYSTEMS AND PIPES, DETENTION PONDS, STREET LIGHTS AND ALL ANPURTERANCES THERM BY'-Wt UAM S. LYONS JR., AS MANAGER QUAIL HOLLOW PADO HOMES, LIC 6143 S WTLLOW DRIVE, SUITE 300 GREENWOOD VILLAGE, ED 80111 THE FOREGOING NSMMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS -- DAY OF &D, 20 BY---- WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL MY COMMISSION EXPMER BY LEILA & HILL AND MCARTHUR O. HILL AS OWNERS LOTS 13 AND 14 STATE OF COLORADO ) ) Ts COUNTY OF 4EFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGES BEFORE ME THIS —DAY OF A,D. 20-- YMNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: 14) PROPERTY U5 ZONED RESLOENDAL-ONE CR-I), PARCEL NAME 01!f LbT 1 16043 LOT 2 14937 LOT 3 15625 LOT 4 14465 66 5 I 20393 LOT 6 16711 LOT 7 14869 17712 LOT 9 15000 LOT 10 14966 LOT 11 17075 �07` 12 20487 .OT 13 16224 -OT 14 2328 ? Ed RZ DIROW RECTOR CF FUWJC — WDRXS' "'" -- SURVEYOR'S CERDSCAY- I ROBERT J. HENNESSY, A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF COLORADO, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY Of' QUAIL HOLLOW SUBDIVISION WAS MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION AND THE ACCOMPAN'FNG PLAT ACCURATELY AND PROPERLY SHOWS SAO SUISDIASION, ROBERT J. HENNESSY, P.L.S, 34580 FOR AND ON BEHALF OF JEHN ENGINEERNG, INC. CLEgg,ANp _gEQDRDO'5 CERIIEIQAIEL RLLLFdICN NUMBER ACCEPTING FOR FILING IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. AT GOLDEN COLORADO ON THIS DAY OF 2014 AT O'CLOCK, — CLERK AZ RE GtPRDED QUAil,\$',dRVEY',P'-Ar\2 PLAT am 6WINSUDO(STREET ARVACAXONG(M PH =)4n"fAXI3WT*P4lM VICINITY MAP SCALE 1-757 FINAL PLAT . .. t $ f C b "� i "„ fie- -,� �t' J '� r ` N 7 t ` . N RANGE BOX V : t t ' 7 t " .C. x POINT O . t,ST 1 864 = SOUTHWEST 1/4 O CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO PAGE 2 OF ,A P A A:. hax , ,, t...,at {;.` k. Ft ' J !N n r p y r { s £ N^� k P<E,.. 4.n.: .c 22261 3 F"C: - -^t ^"`«,,. SO4 3G 5? E 432 _ __ _ .__ __ ' .f7 __ ___ _ ___ r LO 30'57'W ?" 1 C.8} a rn NAC ,r t t F `.. T3 A EN` { ` 31", 0' $ i Sit tg 1 A P0, 34.94 :.; Y 64 A 3 h z e 1 !107' ;i p 1,07' rd �� E �E Lt37" ii' 4 -.',i LOT t °m t $. � ` x 1 20393 S9. kT. L 14465 SQ. FC. 15825 SQ. Fx. 54937 SQ F. 18843 SQ" FP. �>~ l k 6YXd V' t 5 SQ, ' f t1,`rftf (i3 tl} �, N 's P 1 1 �rsn0. t it 4i; kt il g ! y ''' y t •^�. > af , OR N :NA t, tl S S f t 44 R MNA x. >'A;;: & 4 ! i h: `NC rv� t EASE, A 7 ( a t NO'- r.; rA § 4 0?08269 U R @_ .31``41 DEED ,a _,3 ri, 9,e P #.AT. t a F{ h fi kW `, t V Ft A C 'r 5E f t1TR. �'. +Y 9 1` . p , l tt # {( 1, ^ �. ' Rti }A"Y \5 '.:�,._ .. � - -_h., ,.. +,^^. .y ."•+. S 3 3 �ty `� pj E m�, � M `i. y S Ste,..,.. ._._.. .«. .,.., ... ............1 ,,, `Y , V^:i.�grA' 4...... ...,..,. ."..__. 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"_..._. _...,.. - -."..- 2ro 43 +` '^ 340 &,eF7 _ r. , , L kCL "34'34 "1M I z {N NG N?0'34 34 W 696 > F t'n�t & SC� cTt2KA t l 1'3g 221 °." , O , z,. , "! C 2,�.. ^;e "t Aral,, ='P3 .f ' t t A 6 Sf { 1 r. M 5' :4� W w A ;rxR � }� ;; ,t,. "�, {a .411 .Eta..a4 T M w✓ y 5 ec{ C`A`ICNk at 4a: 3. Pun c. ''C'+CA xi:.. „cs32;c CURVE TABLE CURVE # LENGTH RA US — DELTA G OHM LENGTH Cl 30.00' 54,50' 031'32'20 N20`M48 "W 7't6T" CZ 3D.t#1` 54,50" 0J4'31'10 N52'94 "C79'W 29.62' G3 70.95' S4. S0` 0TVV40" 574'44'51 "W 6COS C4 ! T94' CAW : 055 "32'54" 54046'54 "W 49.itp' C9 65.65' 54.50' 084`01'04" 550 '35'23 "E 6 #.75 C6 4.00' 54.50' 004 11'32' N2'46'22 "W 4.04' CP 251.`"4' 54.,5¢` 264'26'48" 547'06'34'W 80:72' co 11.05 7.56' {584'26'48' N42'53'30'W 1D.08' C9 T9.6S' ?250' 04p'0t7 "00 5=45`40'06'E X7.69' 9 ' 7.68' C14 19.83 22L 03000 40" N44 9 S4 E Cot 10.85 7.56' 061'37`00' S49'D9327 994 C12 .85,22' 54.50' 094`25'411 N54'48'S8 "W 80.00" CX3 WLTS' 54,50' 076'37'09" 538'3629CW 69.G5 C14 464.61' S4.S0 173'03'46 565`51 "28W 168.60' 015 29.79' 99.97' 017'74'23' N7916'01 'W 2346' C16 58.19 €Sa.OfiF 42041'Stk N8Q'06 "St7"`W 53.69 C17 M AE S4:,W 021'30'14 " N68'0 TON 20.33" C18 39.32' ? DX9'01S'3K : 580'X3'28'E 39.11 CIO 4159' 126,5u 019'44'33 . 35'25'E 43,37` C20 2.119' i4.4G' 011%01" N36 '21'x,0 °E 2.69' C40'46" 836'21'16 "E. 3.93' '44'35' S64'35'27'E 59.6,5" "59'54' S64'43'06`E 15.22' SET #5X24 REE*AR FENCES 0 AND I' YELLOW PLASTIC C AP o' - -- -� LOT UNE PLS 34580 FASEF.1Eidf LONE q, - -;, MONUMENTAOON TO BE °- ..... ia4 SET PER CITY STANDARDS ROAD CENTER t.NE AND C,R,S. 38 -51 -105 ... °,......_... ,..,,. _ 3_3.33. .., ..... SUBSECTION 4 S ECTION LI FOUND SECTION VIO CORNER AS RIGHT -4F WAY UNG DESCIPBED HEREON . "...."...,.,..... , "___ ( ",�� ADDRESS AS'SRNEO BY CM f' Y J 3 Ca, 8 Avl to MAND 25 fi MUN MEN aC .Crt, "C M1 N E aC,..,, -.,zi A ;,tr.,, ",aC r .a Axu r 4 _AT n. OW PACIF2OF5 � ! <:aaarnEAZfa��a4se i 4� u7 �e5 " � ceF x .e In cn °�, q'� 41 SET #5X24 REE*AR FENCES 0 AND I' YELLOW PLASTIC C AP o' - -- -� LOT UNE PLS 34580 FASEF.1Eidf LONE q, - -;, MONUMENTAOON TO BE °- ..... ia4 SET PER CITY STANDARDS ROAD CENTER t.NE AND C,R,S. 38 -51 -105 ... °,......_... ,..,,. _ 3_3.33. .., ..... SUBSECTION 4 S ECTION LI FOUND SECTION VIO CORNER AS RIGHT -4F WAY UNG DESCIPBED HEREON . "...."...,.,..... , "___ ( ",�� ADDRESS AS'SRNEO BY CM f' Y J 3 Ca, 8 Avl to MAND 25 fi MUN MEN aC .Crt, "C M1 N E aC,..,, -.,zi A ;,tr.,, ",aC r .a Axu r 4 _AT n. OW PACIF2OF5 � ! <:aaarnEAZfa��a4se i 4� u7 �e5 " � ceF x .e In cn °�, q'� 41 f' Y J 3 Ca, 8 Avl to MAND 25 fi MUN MEN aC .Crt, "C M1 N E aC,..,, -.,zi A ;,tr.,, ",aC r .a Axu r 4 _AT n. OW PACIF2OF5 � ! <:aaarnEAZfa��a4se i 4� u7 �e5 " � ceF x .e In cn °�, q'� 41 FINAL PLAT z ll() I 1 0 7�ijl S I T T vi ) () N AND I ' YELLOW I J A SUBDIVISION LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO PAGE 3 OF 3 (�ORD SEARNG ,,_,1,11 -------- ------- - ------------ ....._._A, .. .... ......... .EFFERSQN COUNIy SCHOOL ,XST nH 5 ONO PTT S� 1 A MOSBARGUR Sq 313 0 Av� 8ROOKS'DE IV FD`,C C2 V OW 'Ec' QIZAII STRETT ---- -- — -------- aOW NON ' DRANNAi ASEVV A N #& SOU27 45"E 309�98' SI 131 '59' 4 �T 7t_, r a 1/4 CORNiER 0" Lor 13 I y g t � I SIECIP0% 28 16224 S% IT k OUND 5 25 BRADS C rt N T R 0, PO�NT 16309 0 �N RANGE 6R t VONUMW REICORDS 0 N X f LE POINT OF COMMENCEMENT '00' UT Al i tOr 14 EAS, Alt N A[C #201201�3810 C f 2.1 1 WAl' y,y (Y IV CR #20 E "RIONA T i . . . . . . . . . 4 . 020 01"All V5,0RVl, ­4 020 P A7 "N 1TWG, z 1 1 0 ED VACATI,,' Cy SEPAWE CURVE TAME AND I ' YELLOW 7Z-uWv—E# z RAMS ;jLTA, (�ORD SEARNG W,EN T DOC, 00 410 111110 MMS 7 7r C2 V OW 'Ec' st T ()N 21" R � I A7UM D I l) I 0,N "'.5" BRASS CA- C i qx5o 16 2, 0 9 R 2D ON 574 01 R w 'v 3 �2 54 A c, A Cs 65,65' SAW 059'01'01' 550 61,75 1 00 Do= s_M OE tir4622 400" — C7 5 -- 5 T1 6478'4e IT, H,(lllDAAl 80.72' 23 mW 7150' 084'7.646' - - - - - - - - - - - I - - - - - - - - - - - _, - A, `W c - RIC, #Bow.378,1 - - - - - - - - --- 71 _C�OW �O - 7 4VITUIVE 176W CIO 19.6 S 12,5V �30 92 OTILITY N44W5CE 17,68' cil _19 10,85' 45 08217'00' S4908'32'E 9. 94' C12 1 27.6113 0 9 4 °2-'40" N5449`58 KW C13 708' zor 2 48588 SQ, rr, 14937 SQ. FT� 078'009' zor I tolso sq• m�� r 9 C14 16461 173'0306 syF l jq , 10&80 C15 29.79' 99.97 017'"23* N 79'%DI"W "RIONA T i . . . . . . . . . 4 . 020 01"All V5,0RVl, ­4 020 P A7 "N 1TWG, RAMW SET #5X24 REBAR FENCES CURVE TAME AND I ' YELLOW 7Z-uWv—E# LENGTH RAMS ;jLTA, (�ORD SEARNG CHORD DXTH L _4 — 00 410 111110 1120 M WA 7 7r C2 V OW 1 -- 0 AN st T ()N 21" R � I A7UM D I l) I 0,N "'.5" BRASS CA- C3 �N AN t: . 8OX VAN'll"S 16 2, 0 9 R 2D ON 574 01 - AS, C 12 w T , /A RAMW SET #5X24 REBAR FENCES CURVE TAME AND I ' YELLOW 7Z-uWv—E# LENGTH RAMS ;jLTA, (�ORD SEARNG CHORD DXTH L _4 — 00 410 111110 1120 M WA 7 7r C2 V OW 54,50' 031'32'20' -, ; - 5rlvww 29.62 C3 70.95' - 7 _�4 0 - - ;7735 40 574 01 C4 - 70 94 _T4 50 3 �2 54 - 70 40 34 W 49.]0` Cs 65,65' SAW 059'01'01' 550 61,75 C6 Do= 54 tir4622 400" — C7 5 -- 5 T1 6478'4e 47)W30"W 80.72' cs mW 7150' 084'7.646' N42*5SWW 1008 CA 19,6s _C�OW �O - 7 4VITUIVE 176W CIO 19.6 S 12,5V 09OWW N44W5CE 17,68' cil _19 10,85' 7,56' 08217'00' S4908'32'E 9. 94' C12 89,82' W _;Z_ 0 9 4 °2-'40" N5449`58 KW C13 708' 54,50' 078'009' S3838'29'W 69,05' C14 16461 173'0306 10&80 C15 29.79' 99.97 017'"23* N 79'%DI"W 29.68' C16 SITS' 150 41 "50" O'0W WW 53. C17 -45' cis 39.32 118.50" 019'00`38' 38013'28 1 3914' 4 3. SW 4 II9'44'13' - 80'35'25 "E 10 _L19 C20 2189' 14 011 WW' N36'21'10'E 2,89 C21 3.34' 14.00' 133' C22 60,13' E13 174,501019 SfXr3s 1 27 . E 1 59159.93' C 23 5 14.00' 2 75,50' 019'59'54' "80'43 °05'E - 2012' RAMW PAGE, 31 OF II SET #5X24 REBAR FENCES AND I ' YELLOW PLAST�C W LOT LINE PLS 34580 EASEMENT LINE q-S, MONUMENINDON TO BE rtA SET PER 0TY STANDARDS AND CRS. 38-51--105 ROAD CENTER UNE SUBSECTION 4 SECIION LINE FOUND SECTION BOUNDARY LIND CORNER AS Ri T-OF WAY UNE DESCRIBED HEREON DVX= ADDRESS ASSIGNED By CITY PAGE, 31 OF II