HomeMy WebLinkAboutLLA-11-011 � A LOT LINE Auju OF LOTS 3 AND 4, ACE HARDWARE LOT 2 SUBDIVISION PLAT, 0 c Q m o_ 0 U Q M -- z s o d u o n N ,- Q0 N (J N N a z 7C:) o 0 Q 0 W J r- C) 9 C) F— 2 0 Q Lh J WE JEFFERSON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO BEING THE OWNERS OF REAL PROPERTY CONTAINING 1.457 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOTS 3 AND 4 OF ACE HARDWARE LOT 2 SUBDIVISION PLAT. A PARCEL OF LAND BEING FOR LOTS 3 AND 4, ACE HARDWARE LOT 2 SUBDIVISION RECORDED AT RECEPTION NUMBER F1845198 LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 23, SAID POINT BEING A FOUND 3 /" BRASS CAP IN A RANGE BOX STAMPED PLS #13212, ALSO BEING CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE POINT #14709; THENCE, ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER, N00 °10'09 "W A DISTANCE OF 350.32 FEET; THENCE, N89 °40'47 "E, A DISTANCE OF 64.60 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 4, SAID POINT BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 4, N00 °10'09 "W A DISTANCE OF 80.17 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 4; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY AND WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOTS 3 AND 4 ALSO BEING THE SOUTHERLY AND EASTERLY LINE OF LOT 1 OF THE ACE HARDWARE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT PLAT THE FOLLOWING 2 COURSES: 1) N89 °28'51 "E A DISTANCE OF 176.91 FEET; 2) THENCE N00 °09'57 "W, A DISTANCE OF 203.82 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 3 THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 3 ALSO BEING THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT —OF —WAY OF WEST 45TH AVENUE, N89 0 28'51 "E A DISTANCE OF 172.53 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 3. THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOTS 3 AND 4 ALSO BEING THE WESTERLY LINE OF APEL — BACHER PARK, S00 °15'46 "E, A DISTANCE OF 285.20 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 4; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 4, S89'40'47W A DISTANCE OF 349.91 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING SAID PARCEL CONTAINS 63,458 SF, OR 1.457 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. ALAN FEINSTEIN, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR FOR JEFFERSON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO STATE OF COLORADO ) 5 SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF A.D. 2011 BY WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC PLAT NOTES COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. 1. THE AREA SHOWN HEREIN AS TRACT B IS SUBJECT TO THE EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON THE PLAT OF ACE HARDWARE LOT 2 SUBDIVISION, A MINOR SUBDIVISION OF LOT 2, 'ACE HARDWARE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT PLAT RECORDED AUGUST 22, 2003 UNDER RECEPTION NO. F1845198 AND IS NOT A PART OF THIS LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT. 2. THE AREA SHOWN HEREIN AS TRACT C IS HEREBY RESERVED FOR THE FUTURE WIDENING OF WADSWORTH BOULEVARD. NO BUILDING OR PERMANENT STRUCTURE SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF TRACT C. THE OWNER OF LOT 4A SHALL RETAIN THE RIGHT TO USE SAID TRACT C, UNTIL AT SUCH TIME AS THE WADSWORTH BOULEVARD WIDENING COMMENCES. AT THE TIME OF THE COMMENCEMENT OF SAID WADSWORTH WIDENING, TRACT C SHALL BE DEDICATED AS RIGHT —OF —WAY TO THE COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION UPON REQUEST BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. 3, NO PORTION OF THIS SITE IS WITHIN THE 100 —YEAR FLOODPLAIN AS INDICATED BY THE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE_ MAP (FIRM), JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO AND UNINCORPORATED AREAS, MAP NO. 08059CO214 E, MAP DATED JUNE 17, 2003. 4. THIS SURVEY DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A TITLE SEARCH BY MARTIN /MARTIN, INC. TO DETERMINE OWNERSHIP EASEMENTS OF RECORD. MARTIN /MARTIN, INC. RELIED UPON THE FOLLOWING TITLE COMMITMENTS PREPARED BY LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY, ORDER NUMBER ABC70291942 EFFECTIVE DATE JANUARY 11, 2011. 5. NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT MAY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. 4. BENCHMARK: ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE VERTICAL CONTROL DATUM BM *THIS MAP IS PROVIDED BY GOGGLE EARTH PRO AND IS USED FOR PROJECT REFERENCE ONLY. IT IS TO BE USED ONLY FOR PURPOSES PERMITTED BY ANY APPLICABLE LAW AND THE TERMS OF THE LICENSE AGREEMENT BETWEEN MARTIN /MARTIN, INC. AND GOGGLE, THIS MAP MAY NOT BE COPIED OR MODIFIED. VICINITY MAP L.1 ° seal #PHAC -3. A CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 9/16" STAINLESS STEEL ROD 12 FEET LONG WITH SLEEVE AND DATUM ACCESS COVER ELEV.= 5388.09 FEET (NAVD1988) DATUM. 6. BASIS OF BEARINGS: THE W. LINE OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 23 WHICH BEARS N00 0 10'09 "W. 7. THE SURVEY OF THE BOUNDARY OF THIS PLAT WAS PERFORMED IN THE FIELD AS OF MAY 9, 2011. 8. PER COLORADO REVISED STATUTES SEC. 38-51-106 (L), ALL LINEAL UNITS DEPICTED ON THIS LAND SURVEY PLAT ARE U.S. SURVEY FEET. ONE METER EQUALS 39.37 DIVIDED BY 12 U.S. SURVEY FEET ACCORDING TO THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY. 9. THE OWNER, HIS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS GRANTS LIMITED RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES TO ACCESS AND TO FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH THOSE AREAS INDICATED AS 'CROSS ACCESS /INGRESS — EGRESS EASEMENTS', AS ILLUSTRATED UPON THIS PLAT. SUCH GRANT OF EASEMENT SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE OWNERS, TENANTS, CUSTOMERS, AND GUESTS OF THE OWNERS, AND SHALL FURTHERMORE GRANT ACCESS TO AND FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH SAID EASEMENTS TO THOSE ENTERING SAID EASEMENTS FROM SIMILARLY RECORDED EASEMENTS FROM ADJACENT PROPERTIES AND /OR FROM ABUTTING PUBLIC STREETS. 10. MINIMUM 10 —FOOT (10') WIDE DR" UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY DEDICATED ON PRIVATE PROPERTY ADJACENT TO ALL PUBLIC STREETS, AND AROUND THE ENTIRE PERIMETER OF EACH LOT IN THE SUBDIVISION OR PLATTED AREA INCLUDING LOTS, TRACTS, PARCELS AND /OR OPEN SPACE AREAS. THESE EASEMENTS ARE DEDICATED FOR THE INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, AND REPLACEMENT OF ELECTRIC, GAS, TELEVISION CABLE,' AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES (DRY UTILITIES). UTLIITY EASEMENTS SHALL ALSO BE GRANTED WITHIN ANY COMMON AREAS, ACCESS EASEMENTS AND PRIVATE STREETS IN THE SUBDIVISION. PERMANENT STRUCTURES AND WATER METERS SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED WITHIN SAID UTILITY EASEMENTS. STATEMENT OF ACCURACY THE GEODETIC POINT COORDINATE DATA SHOWN HEREIN HAS BEEN DERIVED FROM THE NAD 83 HARN STATE PLANE COLORADO CENTRAL FIPS 0502 COORDINATE SYSTEM, AND HAS A HORIZONTAL ACCURACY CLASSIFICATION OF 0.04 U.S. SURVEY FEET AT THE 95% CONFIDENCE LEVEL, AS DEFINED IN THE GEOSPATIAL POSITIONING ACCURACY STANDARDS OF THE FEDERAL GEODETIC CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE (FGDC— STD - 007.2 -1998) CURRENT CITY DATUM 1. THIS PLAT IS BASED ON THE CURFENT CITY DATUM WHICH USES A HORIZONTAL COORDINATE SYSTEM THAT IS GROUND— BASED, MODIFIED FORM OF THE NAD83/92 STATE PLACE COORDINATE SYSTEM, COLORADO CENTRAL ZONE 0502, AND THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 (NAVD88). 2. THE GROUND TO STATE PLANE GRID COMBINED SCALE FACTOR IS 0.99974780300, SCALED FROM BASE POINT PHAC 1 (PERMANENT HIGH ACCURACY CONTROL POINT #1) HAVING THE FOLLOWING NAD83/92 (NAD83 HARN) STATE PLANE COORDINATES: PHAC 1: NORTHING: 1701258.75, EASTING: 3118217.58, ELEVATION 5471.62 (NAVD 88) COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNT AT GOLDEN, COLORADO AT O'CLOCK M. ON THE DAY OF A.D. 2011 IN BOOK PAGE RECEPTION NO. JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER DEPUTY CITY CERTIFICATION APPROVED THIS DAY OF 2011 BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. ATTEST CITY CLERK MAYOR,_ DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION I, RICHARD A. NOBBE, BEING A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR IN AND FOR THE STATE OF COLORADO DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT, TO THE BEST OF MY BELIEF, THIS MAP IS A TRUE AND CORRECT REPRESENTATION OF SAID SURVEYS. RICHARD A. NOBBE PLS 23899 FOR AND ON BEHALF OF MARTIN /MARTIN, INC. 12499 W. COLFAX AVE. LAKEWOOD, CO 80215 303 - 431 -5100 MS- 03 -04, SUP- 04 -03, SUP- 05 -09, LLA -11 -01 AUGUST 19, 2011 'julvt i, zu I 1 2499 WEST GOLFAX AVE. P.O. a.. Is 1 500 LAKEWOMD, 00 8021 s 303.431 .61 00 FAX 303.431 .4028 lug °; ���' r�I ►ns��ra����ie 3 a Q a N V Q z r Q o W a Q s 0 Q 0 N � i i T a z � o C o � 0 L'i J o z -i El� a- o FOUND 2" ALUM CAP PLS #36058 IN RANGE BOX CITY PT #13709 N=711112.44 E =1 18427.57 39' 47' 01.97647 "N 105° 04' 53.09642 "W FND. #4 REBAR W/ CAP LS #11636 N= 708899.33 E =11' 8498.76 EX. TRA.C'T B (EX. ROW RESERVATION) PER REC. iF184.5198 LID W Lij rliv O M S o � I O 0 BASIS OF (BEARING WEST LINE OF THE NE 1/4, SEC 23, T3S, R69W POINT OF COMMENCEMENT SW CORNER NORTHEAST QUARTER SEC 23, T3S, R69W 0) O O O O z NW CORNER NORTHEAST QUARTER WEST 45TH AVENUE SEC 23, T3S, R69W 50' RIGHT -OF -WAY FND. #4 REBAR W/- CAP ILLEGIBLE N � N= 709104 E= 118675.02 N 0 I ®� I = LOT 1 ACE HARDWARE LOT LINE Ln i ADJUSTMENT PLAT O e ZONED C -1 ( �n 75.00' N89 0 4 0 '47 "E 51.96' 12.64' ili O Lo M J ,N 0 c I o �� I � I CENTERLINE OF 8.0'- UTILITY EASEMENT FND. #4 REBAR W/ RECORDED IN BOOK CAP ILLEGIBLE 2707 AT PAGE 426 N-708959.81 PER REC. #693948 E= 118675.45 10.40' ` I I LOT LINE HEREBY ESTABLISHED BY THIS PLAT pion *no "C 1 nl �10' UTILITY EASEMENT PER REC. #F1845198 10' UTILITY EASEMENT ` T PER REC. #F1845198 LOT 3A ( I 49,222 SQUARE FEET 1.130 ACRES MORE OR LESS ZONED C -1 (( 5' UTILITY EASEMENT PER REC. #F1845198 i HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT 5' UTILITY EASEMENT II PER REC. #F1845198 HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT I T N HEREBY REMOVED BYTH S PLAT 25' INGRESS- EGRESS 1 EASEMENT PER REC. JF1845198 (� _ 1 _ FND. #4 REBAR W/ ��, CAP ILLEGIBLE 00 110 UTILITY EASEMENT , `` N-1 869 - PER REC jF1845198 LOT 4A 13,406 SQUARE FEET ` LOT LINE HEREBY ESTABLISHED p 0.308 ACRES MORE OR LESS , , ` BY THIS PLAT S00 -1 0'09 "E ZONED C -1 S00 °09'57 "E 10' UTILITY EASEMENT 80.20' 1 \ 80.78' F PER REC. #FI845198 S89 °40 "W 349.91 -TRACT C (ROW RESERVATION) 0.40' POINT OF BEGINNING FND. #4 REBAR W/ CAP LS #11636 N= 708819.21 E= 118498.87 COULEHAN GRANGE ZONED C -1 FOUND 3 Y." BRASS CAP PLS# 13212 IN RANGE BOX CITY PT #14709 N= 708468.52 E =1 18435.38 39' 46' 35.85396 "N 105' 04' 53.15238 "W i FND. #4 REBAR (1.27' SOUTH AND 0.45' WEST) N= 708819.88 E= 118848.40 y ry N W C.1- m o Ld _ Z m N w CL AUGUST 19, 2011 JUNE 7. 201 1 FND. #5 REBAR W/ CAP IL LEGIBLE N= 709106.41 E= 118847.53 LEGEND LOT LINE HEREBY ESTABLISHED BY THIS PLAT LOT LINE HEREBY REMOVED BY THIS PLAT EXISTING EASEMENT TO REMAIN EASEMENT HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT PLAT BOUNDARY SECTION LINE R.O.W. AS DEDICATED TO REMAIN LOT LINE TO REMAIN SECTION CORNER PROPERTY PINS FOUND PROPERTY PINS TO BE SET EXIST. /PROPOSED DESCRIPTIONS CD FND. #5 REBAR W/ N CAP LS #22094 ro N= 708960.39 00 E= 118848.12 Co L l 0 CD cn DR /I/EIDRIVE 30 15 0 30 60 SCALE: 1 " =30' City of W heat Niclge PUBLIC WORKS Memorandum TO: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner FROM: Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer �� DATE: September 19, 2011 SUBJECT: LLA -11 -01 /Jefferson County Housing Authority I have completed the second review of the Final Plat received via e-mail on September 7, 2011 for the proposed LLA between the Jefferson County Housing Authority property located at 7490 W. 45` Avenue and the adjacent lot at 4470 Wadsworth Blvd., and I have the following comments: Final Plat: 1. All previous comments have been addressed; the Final Plat is hereby approved for Mylar® by Public Works. le17Co Housing Authority_LLA Plat - approval.hr.docx JCHA SUBDIVISION A LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT OF LOTS 3 AND 4, ACE HARDWARE LOT 2 SUBDIVISION PLAT, m � o 0: U 0 � a O N ° a' � N as 4 o a o i E r m� o to o F o o � a o OWNER'S CERTIFICATION A SUBDIVISION ON THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SHEET 1 OF 2 WE JEFFERSON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO BEING THE OWNERS OF REAL PROPERTY CONTAINING 1.457 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOTS 3 AND 4 OF ACE HARDWARE LOT 2 SUBDIVISION PLAT. A PARCEL OF LAND BEING FOR LOTS 3 AND 4, ACE HARDWARE LOT 2 SUBDIVISION RECORDED AT RECEPTION NUMBER F1845198 LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 23, SAID POINT BEING A FOUND 3 9" BRASS CAP IN A RANGE BOX STAMPED PLS #13212, ALSO BEING CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE POINT #14709; THENCE, ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER, N00'10'09 "W A DISTANCE OF 350.32 FEET; THENCE, N89'40'47 "E, A DISTANCE OF 64.60 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 4, SAID POINT BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 4, N00'10'09"W A DISTANCE OF 80.17 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 4; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY AND WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOTS 3 AND 4 ALSO BEING THE SOUTHERLY AND EASTERLY LINE OF LOT 1 OF THE ACE HARDWARE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT PLAT THE FOLLOWING 2 COURSES: 1) N89'28'51 "E A DISTANCE OF 176.91 FEET; 2) THENCE N00'09'57"W, A DISTANCE OF 203.82 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 3 THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 3 ALSO BEING THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT —OF —WAY OF WEST 45TH AVENUE, N89'28'51 "E A DISTANCE OF 172.53 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 3. THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOTS 3 AND 4 ALSO BEING THE WESTERLY LINE OF APEL — BACHER PARK, SOO'15'46 "E, A DISTANCE OF 285.20 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 4; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 4, S89'40'47W A DISTANCE OF 349.91 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING SAID PARCEL CONTAINS 63,458 SF, OR 1.457 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. ALAN FEINSTEIN. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR FOR JEFFERSON AUTHORITY, JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO STATE OF COLORADO ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS _R AY OF A.D. 2011 BY WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: PLAT NOTES COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. 1. THE AREA SHOWN HEREIN AS TRACT B IS SUBJECT TO THE EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON THE PLAT OF ACE HARDWARE LOT 2 SUBDIVISION, A MINOR SUBDIVISION OF LOT 2, ACE HARDWARE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT PLAT RECORDED AUGUST 22, 2003 UNDER RECEPTION NO. F1845198 AND IS NOT A PART OF THIS LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT. 2. THE AREA SHOWN HEREIN AS TRACT C IS HEREBY RESERVED FOR THE FUTURE WIDENING OF WADSWORTH BOULEVARD. NO BUILDING OR PERMANENT STRUCTURE SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF TRACT C. THE OWNER OF LOT 4A SHALL RETAIN THE RIGHT TO USE SAID TRACT C. UNTIL AT SUCH TIME AS THE WADSWORTH BOULEVARD WIDENING COMMENCES. AT THE TIME OF THE COMMENCEMENT OF SAID WADSWORTH WIDENING, TRACT C SHALL BE DEDICATED AS RIGHT —OF —WAY TO THE COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION UPON REQUEST BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. 3. NO PORTION OF THIS SITE IS WITHIN THE 100 —YEAR FLOODPLAIN AS INDICATED BY THE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM), JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO AND UNINCORPORATED AREAS, MAP NO. 08059CO214 E. MAP DATED JUNE 17, 2003. 4. THIS SURVEY DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A TITLE SEARCH BY MARTIN /MARTIN, INC. TO DETERMINE OWNERSHIP EASEMENTS OF RECORD. MARTIN /MARTIN, INC. RELIED UPON THE FOLLOWING TITLE COMMITMENTS PREPARED BY LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY, ORDER NUMBER ABC70291942 EFFECTIVE DATE JANUARY 11, 2011. 5. NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT MAY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. 6. BASIS OF BEARINGS: THE W. LINE OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 23 WHICH BEARS N00'10'09"W. 7. THE SURVEY OF THE BOUNDARY OF THIS PLAT WAS PERFORMED IN THE FIELD AS OF MAY 9, 2011. 8. PER COLORADO REVISED STATUTES SEC. 38 -51 -106 (L), ALL LINEAL UNITS DEPICTED ON THIS LAND SURVEY PLAT ARE U.S. SURVEY FEET. ONE METER EQUALS 39.37 DIVIDED BY 12 U.S. SURVEY FEET ACCORDING TO THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY. 9. THE OWNER, HIS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS GRANTS LIMITED RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES TO ACCESS AND TO FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH THOSE AREAS INDICATED AS 'CROSS— ACCESS /INGRESS — EGRESS EASEMENTS% AS ILLUSTRATED UPON THIS PLAT. SUCH GRANT OF EASEMENT SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE OWNERS, TENANTS, CUSTOMERS, AND GUESTS OF THE OWNERS, AND SHALL FURTHERMORE GRANT ACCESS TO AND FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH SAID EASEMENTS TO THOSE ENTERING SAID EASEMENTS FROM SIMILARLY RECORDED EASEMENTS FROM ADJACENT PROPERTIES AND /OR FROM ABUTTING PUBLIC STREETS. 10, MINIMUM 10 —FOOT (10') WIDE DRY UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY DEDICATED ON PRIVATE PROPERTY ADJACENT TO ALL PUBLIC STREETS, AND AROUND THE ENTIRE PERIMETER OF EACH LOT IN THE SUBDIVISION PLATTE OR AND/ S DEDICATEDFOR HE INSTALLATION, MANTENA CE, AND REPLA EMENT OF ELECTRIC, GAS, EASEME TE AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES (DRY UTILITIES). UTLITTY EASEMENTS SHALL ALSO BE GRANTED WITHIN ANY COMMON AREAS, ACCESS EASEMENTS AND PRIVATE STREETS IN THE SUBDIVISION. PERMANENT STRUCTURES AND WATER METERS SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED WITHIN SAID UTILITY EASEMENTS. BY 11 THE OWNERS. ANY SUBSEQUENT OWNLRSN HERE HEI SASUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS. E IN ASSIGNS. NTHEEVENT SUCH CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE IS NOT PERFORMED BY SAID OWNERS, THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO ENTER SUCH AREA AND PERFORM NECESSARY WORK, THE COST OF WHICH SAID OWNERS, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS AGREES TO PAY. NO BUILDING OR STRUCTURE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITHIN THE DRAINAGE EASEMENT, AND NO CHANGES OR ALTERATIONS AFFECTING THE HYDRAULIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DETENTION AREA SHALL BE MADE WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS. STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNT AT GOLDEN, COLORADO AT O'CLOCK J.A. ON THE DAY OF -- A .D. 2011 IN BOOK PAGE RECEPTION N0. JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER BY: DEPUTY CITY CERTIFICATION APPROVED THIS DAY OF 2011 BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. ATTEST CITY CLERK MAYOR DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE! PUBLIC WORKS, ENGINEERING APPROVED FOR: 0 DRAINAGE 0 SIDEWALK 0 00RB a GUTTER 0 STREET 0 MISCELLANEOUS $PLAT COMMENT 0911911 ML EN SUBJECT TO FIELD lIQP I, RICHARD A. NOBBE, BEING A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR IN AND FOR THE STATE OF COLORADO DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT, TO THE BEST OF MY BELIEF, THIS MAP IS A TRUE AND CORRECT REPRESENTATION OF SAID SURVEYS. 'TINS MAP IS PROVIDED BY G000tE EARm PRO AND IS USED FOR PROJECT REFERENCE ONLY. IT 15 TO BE USED ONLY FOR PURPOSES PERMITTED 9Y ANY WKWABIE LAM AND THE TERMS OF THE LWANSE AGREEMENT BETWEEN MARTIN /MARTIN, INC. AND GOGGLE. THIS MAP MAY NOT BE CORED OR MODIFIED. VICINITY MAP S : 1 " - =300' R ICHARD A. NOBBE P LS 111 23899 STATEMENT OF AQQUEAQY THE GEODETIC POINT COORDINATE DATA SHOWN HEREIN HAS BEEN DERIVED FROM THE NAD 83 HARN FOR AND ON BEHALF OF MARTIN /MARTIN, INC. STATE PLANE COLORADO CENTRAL FIPS 0502 COORDINATE SYSTEM, AND HAS A HORIZONTAL ACCURACY 12499 W. COLFAX AVE. CLASSIFICATION OF 0.04 U.S. SURVEY FEET AT THE 95% CONFIDENCE LEVEL, AS DEFINED IN THE ACCURACY STANDARDS OF THE FEDERAL GEODETIC CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE LAKEWOOD. CO 80215 303 - 431 -6100 GEOSPATIAL POSITIONING (FGDC STD - 007.2 - 1998) SEPTEM 9. 2011 AUGUST 19, 2011 JUNE 7 201 1 CU RENT CITY DATUM 1. THIS PLAT IS BASED ON THE QUKKENT CITY DATUM, WHICH USES A HORIZONTAL COORDINATE SYSTEM FORM OF THE NAD83/92 STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, MS- 03 -04, SUP- 04 -03, SUP- 05 -09, LLA -11 -01 MARTIN / MARTIN ° "� " " °� "., "« "� THAT IS GROUND — BASED, MODIFIED COLORADO CENTRAL ZONE 0502, AND THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 (NAVD88). CITY OF WHEAT RUM 2. THE GROUND TO STATE PLANE GRID COMBINED SCALE FACTOR IS 0.99974780300, SCALED FROM BASE PUBLIC WOm POINT PHAC 1 (PERMANENT HIGH ACCURACY CONTROL POINT #1) HAVING THE FOLLOWING NAD83/92 DATE 091071t (NAD83 HARN) STATE PLANE COORDINATES: PHAC 1: NORTHING: 1701258.75, EASTING: 3118217.58, RECEIVED OW071 ELEVATION 5471.62 (NAVD 88) 3rd Subminel 'TINS MAP IS PROVIDED BY G000tE EARm PRO AND IS USED FOR PROJECT REFERENCE ONLY. IT 15 TO BE USED ONLY FOR PURPOSES PERMITTED 9Y ANY WKWABIE LAM AND THE TERMS OF THE LWANSE AGREEMENT BETWEEN MARTIN /MARTIN, INC. AND GOGGLE. THIS MAP MAY NOT BE CORED OR MODIFIED. VICINITY MAP S : 1 " - =300' JCHA SUBDIVISION 0 0 a m 5 z o a r N a O N a a' a n 3 a � N - U O j u a u i � 3 o ti 0 v z 0 o z o � a o A LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT OF LOTS 3 AND 4, ACE HARDWARE LOT 2 SUBDIVISION PLAT, A SUBDIVISION ON THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SHEET 2 OF 2 FOUND 2" ALUM CAP PLS #36058 IN RANGE BOX CITY PT #13709 N= 711112.44 E =1 18427.57 39' 47' 01.97647 "N 105' 04' 53.09642"W NW CORNER NORTHEAST QUARTER SEC 23, T3S, R69W � I � I WEST 45TH AVENUE 50' RIGHT -OF -WAY FND. #4 REBAR W/ CAP ILLEGIBLE NF N= 2091 Q4 E= 118675.02 1 1 � �f � 0" UTILITY EASEMENT I PER REC. IF1845198 10' UTILITY EASEMENT 4 rPER REC. IF1845198 LOT 3A 49,222 SQUARE FEET I o 1.130 ACRES MORE OR LESS I N ZONED C -1 �I I I 5' UTILITY EASEMENTS I N �I PER REC. IF1845198 I 1n HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT Co - - N89'44'14" W -- - -- 47.00' LOT LINE HEREBY w I- n REMOVED BY THIS PLAT I Q w t o w � l o 0 �I w ' �{ I Ul n �N N89'44'1I4 !AJ 47.Od' �z 25'INGR£SS- EGRESS C 0 EASEMENT PER REC. If Q LOT 1 U 1 ACE HARDWARE LOT LINE Lv 1n ADJUSTMENT PLAT J w C a ZONED C -1 C Q FND. REBAR W/ M 4 CA CENTERLINE OF B.0' CAP ILLEGIBLE UTILITY EASEMENT N= 708959.81 _ RECORDED IN BOOK E= 118675.45 Ll 2707 AT PAGE 426 0I PER REC. #693948 0 FND. REBAR W/-, 10.40'07 LINE HEREBY ESTABLISHED `I CAP LS #11636 BY THIS PLAT 1� N 708899.33 N 8' 1" 176 1' 1 EX. TRACT B 118498.76 � 166.51' (EX. ROW RESERVATION) r FND. #4 REBAR W/ CAP ILLEGIBLE! 1 PER REC IF1845198 � 10' u /CITY EASEMENT 0 D I N= 708900.94 PER EC /F1845198 :' E= 118675.56 HEREBY VACATE BY THIS PLAT 1 C4 4A \i I Cio 13,402 SQUARE FEET o o I 0.308 ACRES MORE OR LESS 1 — 75.W- I ZONED C -1 p — — — — N89'40'47 "E Z 166.50' 51.96' TRACT C S89 "W (ROW RESERVATION) 12.64' 10.40' 3 1 PROPERTY PINS FOUND I DINT OF BEGINNING P M FND. #4 REBAR W/ or ko CAP LS #11636 3 0 0 Z r7 N= 708819.21 E= 118498.87 ,N O �(o I I VJ BASIS OF BEARING WEST LINE OF THE NE 1/4, SEC 23, T3S, R69W FOUND 3 Y4" BRASS CAP PLSH13212 IN RANGE BOX POINT OF COMMENCEMENT- PT #14709 SW CORNER NORTHEAST QUARTER N= 708468.52 SEC 23, T3S, R69W E= 118435.38 39' 46' 35.85396 "N 105' 04' 53.15238"W b1 0 G �o o LOT LINE HEREBY ESTABLISHED �BY THIS PLAT 10' UTILITY FASEMENT PER R £C_jF1845198 _ I 173.01' E9.91' COULEHAN GRANGE ZONED C -1 #5 REBAR W/ E= 118847.53 FND. #5 REBAR W/ CAP LS #22094 N= 708960.39 E= 118848.12 FND. #4 REBAR (1.27' SOUTH AND 0.45' WEST) N= 708819.88 E= 118848.40 Y Q a N u w = o Q w m z J 0 w Q LEGEND LOT LINE HEREBY - ESTABLISHED BY THIS PLAT LOT LINE HEREBY REMOVED BY THIS PLAT EXISTING EASEMENT TO REMAIN EASEMENT HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT PLAT BOUNDARY SECTION LINE - R.O.W. AS DEDICATED TO REMAIN LOT LINE TO REMAIN - SECTION CORNER PROPERTY PINS FOUND • PROPERTY PINS TO BE SET EXIST. /PROPOSED DESCRIPTIONS i N 30 15 0 30 6C SCALE: 1 " =30' SEPTEMBER 7, 2011 AUGUST 19, 2011 .IIINF 7. 9011 a " RTIN / "ARTI 11 Pagel of 4 Meredith Reckert From: Dave Brossman Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 3:45 PM To: Mark Thornbrough; Meredith Reckert Subject: RE: JCHA 2nd Review Comments You are correct... have a great afternoon! David F. Brossman, PLS Development Review Engineer,City Surveyor Phone R Fax: 303.235.2864 -� City of W heat ic u t- I UBLAC WORKS From: Mark Thornbrough [ mailto :MTHORNBROUGH @martinmartin.com] Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 2:40 PM To: Meredith Reckert; Dave Brossman Subject: RE: JCHA 2nd Review Comments Dave and Meredith, Thanks for your help. As a matter of clarification, I interpret Meredith's response to mean Wheat Ridge doesn't want the 10 foot easements between lots 3A and 4A. Please let me know if I am mistaken. Mark Thornbrough, PE Associate PE (CO) From: Meredith Reckert jmailto :mreckert(cOci.wheatridge.co.us] Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 20119:55 AM To: Dave Brossman Cc: Mark Thornbrough Subject: RE: JCHA 2nd Review Comments Standard easements are not necessary for an LLA. Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner Office Phone: 303 - 235 -2848 i i i 1h, 551 ry heat j i( 1(7(,- 1 11 +.4.411 +11111.1 �t ((1$' \51ti1 �" 9/8/2011 Page 2 of 4 From: Dave Brossman Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 9:35 AM To: Meredith Reckert Cc: Mark Thornbrough ( mthornbroughCabmartinmartin.com ) Subject: FW: JCHA 2nd Review Comments Meredith — Take a look at the attached drawing for the JCHA project up on 45 & Wads. I included a question to you on my Memo and that Mark Thornbrough needs answered in order to resubmit, which is whether or not we want (or need) the standard easements along the newly created lot line. Could you please reply (to all) with the answer to this question? Thanks — I David F. Brossman, PLS Development Rc ieN% E:ngineer"City Surveyor Phone & Fax: 03.235 2864 lit}' ��) V Y hc'- 1.1 1C Oov' I't N. tc. \\ ()hK" From: Mark Thornbrough Imailto :MTHORNBROUGH(&martinmartin.coml Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 9:23 AM To: Dave Brossman Subject: RE: JCHA 2nd Review Comments Dave, Nice talking to you. Please resend the image of page 8, and an answer on the easements. Thanks. Mark Thornbrough, PE Associate PE (CO) From: Dave Brossman [ mai Ito: dbrossman (o)ci.wheatridge. co. us) Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 7:17 AM To: Mark Thornbrough; Meredith Reckert Cc: Steve Nguyen Subject: RE: JCHA 2nd Review Comments Mark — I can open it but I went ahead and included it with this e -mail anyway. Please let me know if you have a problem with this one as this shows the position of cross - section A -A to be included on the Drainage Plan. Thanks- 9/8/2011 Page 3 of 4 David F. Brossman, PLS Development Review Engineer'City Surveyor Plume & Fax: 303.235,2864 City of t'UBLIC W0RKS `— From: Mark Thornbrough fmailto :MTHORNBROUGHCa)martinmartin.comI Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 20114:05 PM To: Dave Brossman; Meredith Reckert Cc: Steve Nguyen; Chuck Braden Subject: RE: JCHA 2nd Review Comments Dave, Can you look at the eighth page of the complete set of comments (pdo? We can't open it. Mark Thornbrough, PE Associate PE (CO) Martin /Martin, Inc. 12499 W. Colfax Ave., Lakewood, CO 80215 P) 303 - 431 -6100 Ext. 349 D) 720- 544 -5449 www.martinmartin.com From: Dave Brossman fmailto :dbrossman @ci.wheatridge.co.us] Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2011 3:48 PM To: Meredith Reckert Cc: Steve Nguyen; Chuck Braden; Mark Thornbrough Subject: JCHA 2nd Review Comments Meredith — Here are the 2nd Public Works review comments for the Jefferson County Housing Authority project LLA- 11 -01. Q David F. Brossman, PLS Development Review Engineer't:: ity Surveyor 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge CO 80033 Phone & Fax: 303 235 2864 9/8/2011 City of IRKMMUNrry W heat id ge DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building September 6, 2011 Elizabeth Johnson EJ Architecture 7014 West 38` Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Ms. Johnson 7500 W. 29 Ave. Wheat Ridge. CO 80033 -8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 This letter is in regard to your request for approval of a lot line adjustment for property located at 4470 Wadsworth. I have reviewed the submittal and have the following comments: All requested planning comments have been met. With regard to a building permit for the accessory structure, please consider the following: 1. Setbacks for the shed must be 10' from the rear (east) and 5' on the side. 2. The shed cannot be made of metal. 3. The curb cut into the property must be defined. 4. A minimum of 20% landscaped coverage is required. Attached are referrals received from other city departments and outside agencies regarding the plat document. City of Wheat Ridge Public Works Department: See attached letter from Dave Brossman dated September 6, 2011. This concludes the summary of comments. Please address each of these comments by revising the drawings accordingly. Once all changes are made please submit two copies of the revised document. Upon final approval by Staff, a blackline mylar with a recording fee of $11 per page will be required. All signatures must be original and be executed with black, indelible ink. If you have any questions or need further clarification, do not hesitate to contact me at 303 - 235 -2848. Sincerely, Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner www.ci.wheatridge.co.us City of f: W heat Ridge PUBLIC WORKS Memorandum TO: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner FROM: Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer DATE: September 6, 2011 SUBJECT: LLA -11 -01 /Jefferson County Housing Authority I have completed the second review of the Final Drainage Report, Final Plat, Civil Construction Plans, and Site Plan received on August 23, 2011 for the proposed LLA between the Jefferson County Housing Authority property located at 7490 W. 45 Avenue and the adjacent lot at 4470 Wadsworth Blvd., and I have the following comments: PLANNING Site Plan: 1. All previous comments have been addressed; the Site Plan is approvable from a Public Works standpoint. Final Plat: Sheet 1: 1. They need to add a Note for the detention pond Drainage Easement: THE STORMWATER DETENTION AREA SHOWN HEREIN AS A "DRAINAGE EASEMENT" SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY THE OWNERS, ANY SUBSEQUENT OWNERS, THEIR HEIRS, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS. IN THE EVENT THAT SUCH CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE IS NOT PERFORMED BY SAID OWNERS, THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO ENTER SUCH AREA AND PERFORM NECESSARY WORK, THE COST OF WHICH SAID OWNERS, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS AGREES TO PAY. NO BUILDING OR STRUCTURE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITHIN THE DRAINAGE EASEMENT, AND NO CHANGES OR ALTERATIONS AFFECTING THE HYDRAULIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DETENTION AREA SHALL BE MADE WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS. 2. In the second line of the Current City Datum note #1, please change the word 1efiCo Housing Authority_LLA - reviewldocx Public Works Engineering September 6, 2011 Page 2 "PLACE" with the word "PLANE." Sheet 2: 1. PHAC -3 is referenced in Plat Note #5 on Sheet 1. Therefore, PHAC -3 needs to be shown on this sheet. 2. Please furnish a closure sheet for the boundary and also for the individual lots (we get slightly different amounts for both Lots 3A and 4A). 3. The exterior lot dimensions for the north line of Lot 4a and southerly line of both Lots 3A and 4A do not add up to the amounts shown for the individual lots. They need to double -check the distances for these lines. 4. Need to show a "Drainage Easement" for the detention facility (refer to comment 1 for Sheet 1 above). 5. They don't currently show the standard 5' side lot line utility easements for the newly created lot line between 3A and 4A. If they need to provide these we should have them do it at this point. CIVIL ENGINEERING Final Drainage Report (Discussion) 1. In the Conclusion please include the historic cfs values for both the minor storm (0.08cfs) and for the major storm event (0.46cfs) to be released from this site (see attached redlines). 2. All other comments have been addressed. 3. Please provide a P.E. seal and signature on the revised Drainage Report and Plan for approval. Final Drainage Report (Appendix) 1. All previous comments have been addressed. Final Drainage Plan 1. As previously requested - please include the to -scale cross - section for A -A (refer to redlined plan for location). Civil Construction Plans Sheet C 100 (Grading & Erosion Control Plant 1. Please see the attached Memo from our Bill LaRow, Stormwater Coordinator 303.235.2871. Sheet C250 (Drainage Plan 1. As previously requested - please include the to -scale cross - section for A -A. JeffCo Housing Authority_LLA - reviewldocx Public Works Engineering September 6, 2011 Page 3 NOTES: Stormwater Maintenance Agreement and O & M Plan Required All post - construction Best Management Practices (BMP's) for water quality must be maintained and inspected by the property owner(s) per Section 20 -34 of the City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Code of Laws. For above -ground detention facilities with outlet structures, underground detention facilities, porous landscape detention areas, porous pavement, and centrifuge type devices such as a Rinker Stormcepter®, a Stormwater Maintenance Agreement accompanied by an Operations and Maintenance (O & M) Plan will be required prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. The O & M Plan shall be kept current and will be inspected on a regular basis by City staff to ensure compliance with the State and local requirements. The O & M plan is typically compiled by the Engineer -of- Record for submission to the City for review and approval. Drainage Certification w /As -Built Plans required prior to C.O. Upon completion of the drainage improvements, the Engineer -of- Record Mr. Mark Thornbrough, P.E., shall provide to the City of Wheat Ridge a written, signed and sealed Drainage Certification Letter stating that the overall site grading was completed per the approved Grading and Drainage Plans, all drainage facilities were constructed per the approved construction plans and shall function as defined in the approved Final Drainage Report/Plan, and that the site has been accurately surveyed to confirm that the grading and construction of all drainage facilities was completed in accordance with these documents. The Drainage Certification Letter shall be submitted to the City for review and approval, and shall be accompanied with As -Built Plans on the Current City Datum for all constructed drainage facilities prior to issuance of any Certificates of Occupancy or Completion. Two (2) copies of the "As- Built" Plans are to be submitted as follows: a. 1 copy is to be signed & sealed on 24" X 36" bond paper, and b. 1 copy is to be on electronic media (CD -ROM) in AutoCAD 2007/2009 DWG format. 1efiCo Housing Authority_LLA - review2.docx City of Wheat jdge PUBLIC WORKS STORMWATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT PROGRAM City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29` Ave. To: Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 -8001 P: 303.235.2861 F: 303.235.2857 From: William C. LaRow III, Stormwater Quality Program Manager Date: September 6, 2011 Subject: Proposed Jefferson Housing Authority parking lot expansion, located at 7490 West 45` Ave., Wheat Ridge CO. I have reviewed the Grading and Erosion Control Plan and engineering drawings dated August 19, 2011 (2nd submittal) for the above project. All comments have been addressed satisfactorily with the exception of the vehicle traffic controls for the site. Need to know how the construction traffic will be directed to use the VTC BMP located along the western edge of the project? Wi ' KG., C.H.M.M. Stormgram Manager City of Wheat Ridge PW Engineering Department 7500 West 29th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 ph (303) 235 -2871 fx (303) 235 -2857 cc: Electronic file www.ci.wheatridge.co.us J:\PW DEPT PROGRAMS \STORMWATER PROGRAM\COWR SWMP PROGRAM\By Year\201 1\MCM#4 \Sma11 Projects (no permit)\JCHA\A proval Letter.doc ,c T74 a M ' "t)A s�AM -4-`W7> 0.08 c FsF Tsr� roc. A tr-b 4. CONCLUSIONS A. The propo development will provide for detention of the minor and major storm events Runoff that is released from the detention facility will be released at historic rateAand will travel to the existing detention pond on the north side of the JCHA building. Overall, the development will improve the existing drainage of the site by providing an additional level of water quality treatment and detention. B. The peak flow rates have been calculated using the Rational Method as approved by City criteria. The detention pond was sized using Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Modified FAA method. 5. APPENDICES A. Vicinity Map and Flood Insurance Rate Map (Firmette) B. Hydrologic and Hydraulic Computations C. Supporting Data, Graphs, Tables, etc. D. Copies of selected pages from Final Drainage Report for Lot 3, Ace Hardware Lot 2 Subdivision, prepared by MNA, Inc. for Jefferson County Housing Authority (2004) 4 4 4 4 4 4 JCHA SUBDIVISION A LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT OF LOTS 3 AND 4, ACE HARDWARE LOT 2 SUBDIVISION PLAT, A SUBDIVISION ON THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO n 0 � 4 a a m u : � o a v i 0 o ,n P o z o 0 u a L> n z O a o OWNER'S CERTIFICATION SHEET 1 OF 2 WE JEFFERSON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO BEING THE OWNERS OF REAL PROPERTY CONTAINING 1.457 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOTS 3 AND 4 OF ACE HARDWARE LOT 2 SUBDIVISION PLAT. A PARCEL OF LAND BEING FOR LOTS 3 AND 4, ACE HARDWARE LOT 2 SUBDIVISION RECORDED AT RECEPTION NUMBER F1845198 LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 23, SAID POINT BEING A FOUND 3 X" BRASS CAP IN A RANGE BOX STAMPED PLS x/13212, ALSO BEING CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE POINT /14709; THENCE, ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER, N00'10'09"W A DISTANCE OF 350.32 FEET; THENCE, N89'40'47 "E, A DISTANCE OF 64.60 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 4, SAID POINT BEING THE PIT OF BEGINNING THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 4, N00'10'09"W A DISTANCE OF 80.17 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 4; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY AND WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOTS 3 AND 4 ALSO BEING THE SOUTHERLY AND EASTERLY LINE OF LOT 1 OF THE ACE HARDWARE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT PLAT THE FOLLOWING 2 COURSES: 1) N89'28'51 "E A DISTANCE OF 176.91 FEET; 2) THENCE N00'09'57"W, A DISTANCE OF 203.82 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 3 THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 3 ALSO BEING THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT —OF —WAY OF WEST 45TH AVENUE, N89'28'51 "E A DISTANCE OF 172.53 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 3. THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOTS 3 AND 4 ALSO BEING THE WESTERLY LINE OF APEL — BACHER PARK, S00'15'46 "E, A DISTANCE OF 285.20 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 4; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 4, S89'40'47W A DISTANCE OF 349.91 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING SAID PARCEL CONTAINS 63,458 SF, OR 1.457 ACRES, MORE OR LESS ALA FEINSTEIN, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR FOR JEFFERSON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY, JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO STATE OF C NEED TO ADD THE FOLLOWING NOTE: THE STORMWATER DETENTION AREA SHOWN HEREIN AS A DRAINAGE EASEMENT' SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY THE OWNERS. COUNTY OF A NY SUBSEQUENT OWNERS, THEIR HEIRS, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS. IN THE EVENT THAT SUCH CONSTRUCTION AND THE FOREGC MAINTENANCE IS NOT PERFORMED BY SAID OWNERS, THE CITY S D AY OF OF WHEAT RIDGE SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO ENTER SUCH AREA A.D. 2011 E AND PERFORM NECESSARY WORK, THE COST OF WHICH SAID N, STATE OF COLORADO. OWNERS, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS AGREES TO PAY. WITNESS MY NO BUILDING OR STRUCTURE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITHIN THE DRAINAGE EASEMENT, AND NO CHANGES OR ALTERATIONS MY COMMIS FFECTING THE HYDRAULIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DETENTION AREA SHALL BE MADE WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS. N A Y U LI PLAT NOTES 1. THE AREA SHOWN HEREIN AS TRACT B IS SUBJECT TO THE EASEMENTS. CONDITIONS, COV ANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON THE PLAT OF ACE HARDWARE LOT 2 SUBDIVISI , A MINOR SUBDIVISION OF LOT 2, ACE HARDWARE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT PLAT RECORDED AUGUST 2, 2003 UNDER RECEPTION NO. F1845198 AND IS NOT A PART OF THIS LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT. 2. THE AREA SHOWN HEREIN AS TRACT C IS HEREBY RESERVED FOR THE FUTURE WIDENING OF WADSWORTH BOULEVARD. NO BUILDING OR PERMANENT STRUCTURE SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF TRACT C. THE OWNER OF LOT 4A SHALL RETAIN THE RIGHT TO USE SAID TRACT C, UNTIL AT SUCH TIME AS THE WADSWORTH BOULEVARD WIDENING COMMENCES. AT THE TIME OF THE COMMENCEMENT OF SAID WADSWORTH WIDENING, TRACT C SHALL BE DEDICATED AS RIGHT —OF —WAY TO THE COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION UPON REQUEST BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. 3. NO PORTION OF THIS SITE IS WITHIN THE 100 —YEAR FLOODPLAIN AS INDICATED BY THE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM), JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO AND UNINCORPORATED AREAS, MAP NO. 08059CO214 E. MAP DATED JUNE 17, 2003. 4. THIS SURVEY DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A TITLE SEARCH BY MARTIN /MARTIN, INC. TO DETERMINE OWNERSHIP EASEMENTS OF RECORD. MARTIN /MARTIN, INC. RELIED UPON THE FOLLOWING TITLE COMMITMENTS PREPARED BY LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY, ORDER NUMBER ABC70291942 EFFECTIVE DATE JANUARY 11, 2011. 5. NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT MAY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. 4. BENCHMARK: ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE VERTICAL CONTROL DATUM BM •T9S YAP IS PROVIDED BY COCC(C lARIN PRO AND IS USED FOR PROJECT REFERENCE ONLY. IT K TO BE USED ONLY FOR PURPOSES PERNRTED BY AHY APPLICABLE LAW AND THE TERMS OF n* LICENSE AGREEMENT BETWEEN 4AITIN /MMTIN, INC, AND GOOGL.E. THIS YAP WY NOT BE COPIED OR MODIFIED. VICINITY MAP SCALE 1"= 00' 5. #PHAC -3. A CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 9/16" STAINLESS STEEL ROD 12 FEET LONG WITH SLEEVE AND DATUM ACCESS COVER ELEV.= 5388.09 FEET (NAVD1988) DATUM. 6. BASIS OF BEARINGS: THE W. LINE OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 23 WHICH BEARS N00'10'09 "W. 7. THE SURVEY OF THE BOUNDARY OF THIS PLAT WAS PERFORMED IN THE FIELD AS OF MAY 9, 2011. 8. PER COLORADO REVISED STATUTES SEC. 38 -51 -106 (L), ALL LINEAL UNITS DEPICTED ON THIS LAND SURVEY PLAT ARE U.S. SURVEY FEET. ONE METER EQUALS 39.37 DIVIDED BY 12 U.S. SURVEY FEET ACCORDING TO THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY. 9. THE OWNER, HIS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS GRANTS LIMITED RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES TO ACCESS AND TO FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH THOSE AREAS INDICATED AS 'CROSS— ACCESS /INGRESS— EGRESS EASEMENTS', AS ILLUSTRATED UPON THIS PLAT. SUCH GRANT OF EASEMENT SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE OWNERS, TENANTS, CUSTOMERS, AND GUESTS OF THE OWNERS, AND SHALL FURTHERMORE GRANT ACCESS TO AND FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH SAID EASEMENTS TO THOSE ENTERING SAID EASEMENTS FROM SIMILARLY RECORDED EASEMENTS FROM ADJACENT PROPERTIES AND /OR FROM ABUTTING PUBLIC STREETS. 10. MINIMUM 10 —FOOT (10') WIDE DRY UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY DEDICATED ON PRIVATE PROPERTY ADJACENT TO ALL PUBLIC STREETS, AND AROUND THE ENTIRE PERIMETER OF EACH LOT IN THE SUBDIVISION OR PLATTED AREA INCLUDING LOTS, TRACTS, PARCELS AND /OR OPEN SPACE AREAS. THESE EASEMENTS ARE DEDICATED FOR THE INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, AND REPLACEMENT OF ELECTRIC, GAS, TELEVISION CABLE, AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES (DRY UTILITIES). UTLIITY EASEMENTS SHALL ALSO BE GRANTED WITHIN ANY COMMON AREAS, ACCESS EASEMENTS AND PRIVATE STREETS IN THE SUBDIVISION. PERMANENT STRUCTURES AND WATER METERS SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED WITHIN SAID UTILITY EASEMENTS. STATEMENT OF ACCURACY THE GEODETIC POINT COORDINATE DATA SHOWN HEREIN HAS BEEN DERIVED FROM THE NAD 83 HARN STATE PLANE COLORADO CENTRAL FIPS 0502 COORDINATE SYSTEM, AND HAS A HORIZONTAL ACCURACY CLASSIFICATION OF 0.04 U.S. SURVEY FEET AT THE 95% CONFIDENCE LEVEL, AS DEFINED IN THE GEOSPATIAL POSITIONING ACCURACY STANDARDS OF THE FEDERAL GEODETIC CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE (FGDC —STD- 007.2 -1998) PLANE CURRENT CITY DATUM 1. THIS PLAT IS BASED ON THE CURRENT CITY DATUM WHICH USES A H RIZONTAL COORDINATE SYSTEM THAT IS GROUND — BASED, MODIFIED FORM OF THE NAD83/92 STATE P CE COORDINATE SYSTEM, COLORADO CENTRAL ZONE 0502, AND THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 (NAVD88). 2. THE GROUND TO STATE PLANE GRID COMBINED SCALE FACTOR IS 0.99974780300, SCALED FROM BASE POINT PHAC 1 (PERMANENT HIGH ACCURACY CONTROL POINT N1) HAVING THE FOLLOWING NAD83 /92 (NAD83 HARN) STATE PLANE COORDINATES: PHAC 1: NORTHING: 1701258.75, EASTING: 3118217.58, ELEVATION 5471.62 (NAVD 88) COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNT AT GOLDEN, COLORADO AT O'CLOCK M. ON THE DAY OF A.D. 2011 IN BOOK PAGE RECEPTION NO. JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER BY: DEPUTY CITY CERTIFICATION APPROVED THIS DAY OF 2011 BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. ATTEST CITY CLERK MAYOR DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PUBLIC WORKS DATE 8 fZg/N RECEIVED RED VEYOR'S CE RTIFICA I, RICHARD A. NOBBE, BEING A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR IN AND FOR THE STATE OF COLORADO DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT, TO THE BEST OF MY BELIEF, THIS MAP IS A TRUE AND CORRECT REPRESENTATION OF SAID SURVEYS. R ICHARD L FOR AND ON BEHALF OF MARTIN /MARTIN, INC. 12499 W. COLFAX AVE. LAKEWOOD. CO 80215 303 - 431 -6100 CASE HISTORY AucuSt i9. 201, JUNE 7, 2011 MS- 03 -04, SUP- 04 -03, SUP- 05 -09, LLA -11 -01 MARTIN / MARTIN ti x � S i � n o, 5 3 a < r ^ n a x 7 r d m H a' 3 ti o z o � 3 o JCHA SUBDIVISION A LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT OF LOTS 3 AND 4, ACE HARDWARE LOT 2 SUBDIVISION PLAT, A SUBDIVISION ON THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SHEET 2 OF 2 FOUND 2" ALUM CAP PLS#36058 IN RANGE BOX CITY PT //13709 N= 711112.44 E =1 18427.57 39' 47' 01.97647 "N 105' 04' 53.09642"W FND. #4 REBAR W/ CAP LS #11636 N= 708899.33 E= 118498.76 £X. 7RACT B (EX. ROW RESERVATION) PER REC IF1845198 Q LLJ In J w ::) X O� mQ 3 -r- 0 F O= V) 0 3 O N M 0 T N O z BASIS OF BEARING WEST LINE OF THE NE 1/4, SEC 23, T3S, R69W POINT OF COMMENCEMENT SW CORNER NORTHEAST QUARTER SEC 23, T3S, R69W I / NW CORNER NORTHEAST QUARTER SEC 23, T3S, R69W D I � 1 (� I 51.96 12 WEST 45TH AVENUE 50' RIGHT -OF -WAY FND. #4 REBAR W/ CAP ILLEGIBLE - - - N = 70914 4 75 NE E= 118675.02 LOT 1 ACE HARDWARE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT PLAT ZONED C -1 CENTERLINE OF 8.0' I , — - — — — — — - — --1 0' UTILITY EASEMENT E UTILITY EASEMENT FND. #4 REBAR W/ RECORDED IN BOOK CAP ILLEGIBLE 2707 AT PAGE 426 N= 708959.81 PER REC. #693948 E =118675.45 R.O.W. AS DEDICATED bt dlrrlens' 1.10.40' rido not add up ro LOT LINE HEREBY BY THIS PLAT #5 REBAR W/ I EGENII LOT LINE HEREBY ESTABLISHED BY THIS PLAT LOT LINE HEREBY REMOVED BY THIS PLAT EXISTING EASEMENT TO _ REMAIN EASEMENT HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT PLAT BOUNDARY an II LOT LINE HEREBY I nl CAP LS /22094 I N I REMOVED BY THIS PLAT E= 18848.12 25' INGRESS-EGRESS EASEMENT PER REC. / I Ld ARE THERE SUPPOSED TO BE NEED TO PROVIDE A'ORAINAGE EASEMENT' EASEMENTS ALONG EITHER I u 1 1 SIDE OF THIS LOT LINE? 10' UTILITY EASEMENT 13.412 SD. FT.T , , _ PER REC. IF1845198� 1 LOT 4A E= 118675.56 1n 13,406 SQUARE FEET 11 LOT LINE HEREBY ESTABLISHED 0.308 ACRES MORE OR LESS 1 0 BY THIS PLAT S00'10'09 "E - — ZONED C -1 — - 1 S00'09'57 'E 10' UTILITY EASEMENT 80.20' 80.78' P£R REC. 4 F1845198 J TRACT C S89'40'47" 349.91 (ROW RESERVATION) \'10.40' The bt dimansio do not add up to this datance POINT OF BEGINNING FND. N4 REBAR W/ CAP LS #11636 N= 708819.21 E= 118498.87 COULEHAN GRANGE ZONED C -1 FOUND 3 Y4" BRASS CAP PLSN13212 IN RANGE BOX CITY PT # 14709 N= 708468.52 E =1 18435.38 39' 46' 35.85396 "N 105' 04' 53.15238"W fND. H4 REBAR (1.27' SOUTH AND 0.45' WEST) N =708819.88 E= 118848.40 ■ DRIVE/DRIVE N 30 15 0 30 60 SCALE: 1"=30 AUGUST 19, 2011 JUNE 7 2011 go ig MARTIN / MARTIN WIN I , — - — — — — — - — --1 0' UTILITY EASEMENT E E= 118847.53 S SECTION LINE PER REC. JF1845198 I� R R.O.W. AS DEDICATED UTILITY EASEMENT 14 4-9 - 227-20 1 T TO REMAIN ..4 10' U PER REC. IF184 I L LOT LINE TO REMAIN — o I 3A I SINCE IT Is INFERRED ON SHEET 1 S SECTION CORNER 3 I I 1.130 ACRES MORE OR LESS I T THAT PHAC -3 WAS USED ON THIS f Z ZONED C -1 I S PROJECT, PHAC -3 NEEDS TO BE PROPERTY PINS FOUND PROPERTY PINS TO o I I 5' UTILITY EASEMENT I B BE SET O I I P£R REC. r O H r-4TED 1 EXIST. /PROPOSED DESCRIPTIONS Z I I 5' UTILITY EASEMENT PER REC. IF1845198 � a HEREBY VACATED BY THIS PLAT I N aQ N - - W W I Ir ND. #5 REBAR W/ o C , O N EASEMENTS ALONG EITHER I u 1 1 SIDE OF THIS LOT LINE? 10' UTILITY EASEMENT 13.412 SD. FT.T , , _ PER REC. IF1845198� 1 LOT 4A E= 118675.56 1n 13,406 SQUARE FEET 11 LOT LINE HEREBY ESTABLISHED 0.308 ACRES MORE OR LESS 1 0 BY THIS PLAT S00'10'09 "E - — ZONED C -1 — - 1 S00'09'57 'E 10' UTILITY EASEMENT 80.20' 80.78' P£R REC. 4 F1845198 J TRACT C S89'40'47" 349.91 (ROW RESERVATION) \'10.40' The bt dimansio do not add up to this datance POINT OF BEGINNING FND. N4 REBAR W/ CAP LS #11636 N= 708819.21 E= 118498.87 COULEHAN GRANGE ZONED C -1 FOUND 3 Y4" BRASS CAP PLSN13212 IN RANGE BOX CITY PT # 14709 N= 708468.52 E =1 18435.38 39' 46' 35.85396 "N 105' 04' 53.15238"W fND. H4 REBAR (1.27' SOUTH AND 0.45' WEST) N =708819.88 E= 118848.40 ■ DRIVE/DRIVE N 30 15 0 30 60 SCALE: 1"=30 AUGUST 19, 2011 JUNE 7 2011 go ig MARTIN / MARTIN WIN FOUND 3 Y4" BRASS CAP PLSN13212 IN RANGE BOX CITY PT # 14709 N= 708468.52 E =1 18435.38 39' 46' 35.85396 "N 105' 04' 53.15238"W fND. H4 REBAR (1.27' SOUTH AND 0.45' WEST) N =708819.88 E= 118848.40 ■ DRIVE/DRIVE N 30 15 0 30 60 SCALE: 1"=30 AUGUST 19, 2011 JUNE 7 2011 go ig MARTIN / MARTIN WIN MARTIN / MARTI N CONSULTING ENGINEERS p ECEIVE August 19, 2011 q City of Wheat Ridge Public Works 1 City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building r �� 7500 W. 29`" Ave. l" , Wheat Rid 80033 -8001 g e , Attention: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner; Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer RE: LLA -11 -01 /Jefferson County Housing Authority Dear Ms. Reckert and Mr. Brossman: This letter is in response to your review comments for the above noted project dated July 21, 2011 and July 25, 2011. Comments from Ms. Reckert are addressed first, and are numbered to \ � match the comment. Comments from Mr. Brossman were copied and pasted from a Microsoft f Word document, with responses in italics. , Responds to Page 1 Comments ^-r Responses to Dave Brossman's comments follow. L2/ eference to "Chairman of the Board ...." Has been removed. Tract B is now addressed under the "Notes" c - ross- access standard language has been added •f Reference to Wadsworth has been changed from "realigned" to "widened" P ame as 5. �Under Note #1, Lot number references Lot 4A instead of Lot 4. I-V XCEL standard utility easement language has been added to notes. lanning Commission title block has been removed. ��40Sity Certification has been amended as suggested U� y Clerk signature line edited as suggested e numbers have been added. Address and phone number for Surveyor have been added. R, pO s to Page 2 Comments t� ea of Lot 4A has been checked and amended. e believe all ingress /egress easements are correctly shown and identified. 12499 WEST COLFAX • LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80215 • 303 • WWW.MARTINMARTIN.COM PLANNING Site Plan: 1. If applicable, add the 2' trickle channel to the detention pond (please refer to final Drainage Report comment #8 below). Response: The detention pond has been resized and re graded with the inclusion of a 2' trickle channel. 2. Show the curb- cut(s), rundown(s), and any armor /rip -rap to be used for the pond. Response: A callout has been added for the curb -cut, rundown and riprap. Final Plat: Sheet 1: 1. The current title of this plat is far too cumbersome. Please modify the plat title to read, "JCHA Subdivision" (the subtitle information is fine). Response: Plat Title has been changed as suggested. 2. Need to provide a "more particularly described as..." metes and bounds portion in the Legal Description with the Point of Commencement being a Section or Quarter - section Corner, per 26 -407 of the Municipal Code of Laws. Response: A metes and bounds description has been added. 3. The Basis of Bearings on Sheet 1 shall be a Section line as required per Section 26- 407. The W. line of the NE % of Section 23 is N00'1 0'09"W (City datum). Response: The basis of bearing has been changed as suggested. 4. If there are no utilities present within the two 5' utility easements on either side of the current lot line between Lots 3 & 4 to be removed, the applicant should consider vacating these easements. Response: Thanks for this suggestion. The two easements are now called out to be removed by the plat. Sheet 2: 1. Need to show the City -based Basis of Bearings on Sheet 2. Response: The basis of bearing has been changed. 2. Show the abutting ROW lines for both 45` Avenue and Wadsworth Blvd. Response: The ROWS are now shown. 3. Need to show that the easterly line of the area of reservation is 75.00 feet east of the Section line. Response: The line has been adjusted and is now 75.00 feet. 4. There are several items in the Legend that doesn't apply to this plat — please remove these. Response: The legend has been edited. 5. If there are no utilities present within the two 5' utility easements on either side of the current lot line between Lots 3 & 4 to be removed, the applicant should consider vacating these easements. Response: Thanks for this suggestion. The two easements are now called out to be vacated by the plat. CIVIL ENGINEERING Final Drainage Report (Discussion) 1. My biggest concern is that the discharge from this pond is being directed to the existing pond. Although the proposed release rates are being held to what the original pond may have been designed, the volume reaching the pond will be much higher; therefore, the design of the pond will likely be compromised. The following options should be pursued. a. The discharge from the proposed pond should really bypass the existing pond. A portion of the proposed project could discharge to the existing pond based on the volume available in the existing pond. b. Hydrograph routing could be done to show the impact of the discharge from the proposed pond on the existing pond. C. The existing JCHA pond could be redesigned and modified as necessary to accept the runoff from both the existing site and the proposed project, thus eliminating the need for the 2 nd pond. Response: The proposed pond volumes have been recalculated using the UDFCD Modified FAA method and release rates based on soil type (0.17 cfs per acre for Syr, and 1.00 cfs per acre for 100 yr). Routing flows through the existing pond should not be an issue because the existing pond was sized to accommodate pass - through flows. The 100 yr orifice for the existing outlet structure was sized for 3.3 cfs. 2. One -foot of freeboard is required per UDFCD criteria. Please include a statement in the discussion that this requirement has been incorporated into the design. Response: See Section 3. C.4 for discussion of free board. 3. Under the Proposed Project Description, state the percent of imperviousness anticipated for the 0.46 acre site subsequent to completion of the project (79% is mentioned in the Appendix). Response: See Section 3.B.1. The calculated impervious percent is now 68 %. 4. While it is acknowledged that the basin sub -area information can be found in the Appendix, also include the sub -areas and the design point locations in the discussion portion of the report. Response: See Section 3.B.1 for added basin data. 5. Please include the WQCV, 5 -year, and 100 -year detention volumes and their respective water surface elevations in the discussion. Response: See Section 3. C. 2 and 3. C 3 for added basin data. 6. Include a brief description of the WQ outlet structure and orifice plate design. Response: See Section 3. C S for brief discussion of the outlet structure. 7. It should be mentioned that the proposed parking lot is to be utilized to achieve the 100 -year detention volume, and include the proposed depth of ponding in the parking lot (maximum depth cannot exceed 6 "). Response: See Section 3. C.2 for a brief discussion of parking lot detention. 8. Discuss whether a 2' -wide concrete v- channel will be employed, and that the sides of the pond will be graded at the minimum 2% grade towards that channel to ensure the pond fully drains. If the proposed design is not going to use a trickle channel, then provide at least one suggestion to mitigate any water that may stand in the bottom beyond the maximum 40 hours (which is disallowed under the City's Site Drainage Requirements). Response: See Section 3. C 1 for discussion of trickle channel and grading of pond bottom. 9. Please provide a P.E. seal and signature on the revised Drainage Report for approval. Response: Acknowledged. Final Drainage Report (Appendix) 1. The discharge from the pond should be based on Table SO -1 and not on the previous report's rates. The City uses the UDFCD rates because there is too much variation possible by using calculated pre - developed rates. In this case, the discharge would be 0.17 cfs /acre and 1.00 cfs /acre for the minor and major storms respectively, versus the 0.65 cfs /acre and the 1.96 cfs /acre that is being proposed. This is particularly true in this case for the following reasons: a. The rates from the previous report were not pre - developed, but included 17% impervious area. b. The area from the previous report was 0.34 acres, while this report has 0.46 acres. C. The time of concentration is based on the Urbanized Basins check, which should only be used for developed basins, not for pre - developed calculations. Response: The pond has been sized using release rates as suggested, 0.17 cfs /acre for 5-yr. and 1.00 cfs /acre for the 100 year. 2. The pond volume will need to be modified to accommodate the lowered release rates as stated in Appendix comment #1 above. Response: The pond volume has increased and the site has been re- graded to accommodate it. This has reduced the paved area, thus reducing the imperviousness. 3. Outlet structure design will need to be modified per the above comments. Response: The outlet structure has been modified. 4. Please be sure the one -foot of freeboard is provided for in the design. Response: The re- graded site now has .1-foot of freeboard to top of berm. Final Drainage Plan 1. The geometry pond will need to be modified to allow for the increase volume created by the lowered release rates. Response: The site layout has changed and the pond made larger. 2. All pond WSEL's and volumes will need to be modified. Response: The data has been updated. 3. Please include a to -scale cross- section for A -A (refer to redlined plan). Response: A scale has been added to section A -A. 4. The pond bottom needs to be graded at a minimum of 2% towards the outlet structure. Response: A trickle channel has been added. Slope arrows have been added at pond bottom showing slopes. 5. If a concrete v- channel is to be used, show the channel and that the pond bottom is graded towards it. Response: See response to comment 4. 6. The emergency overflow needs to be clearly identified (and include an elevation). Response: The pond overflow has been called out with elevations. 7. The City has a list of plantings to be used in and around detention facilities (please see attached sheets). Please show the plantings on the Plan and provide the list for the contractor to use. Response: The scale of sheet C1 00 has been enlarged to 1 =10, so there is no longer room for the plantings on this sheet. They have been added to sheet C601 "Erosion Control Details " 8. Include Sheet C602 (Drainage Details) with the Report. Response: C602 will be included in the map pocket of the report. Civil Construction Plans General Comments: 1. Provide the following on all plan views: a. Identify whether the type of curbing shown is spill or catch, and provide a 10' length of transition between the different types. b. Show all curb -cuts and rundowns into the detention facility, including any armor /rip -rap. Response: All curb and gutter will be catch -curb. A note has been added to each sheet. A call -out for the 2 ft curb cut and rundown has also been added. Sheet C000 (Cover Sheet): 1. No comments. Sheet C001 (Notes): 1. No comments. Sheet C100 (Gradiniz & Erosion Control Plan): 1. Please provide the City - standard seed mix on this sheet. (This can be obtained from the City's website under the PW /Construction Details /Erosion Control Details web page). Response: 2. Need to use plant materials from the City- approved detention pond plant list to be used in and around the proposed detention facility; please provide a list of selected plantings on this sheet. Response: 3. The following comments are from our Bill LaRow, Stormwater Coordinator 303.235.2871 (please refer to the redlined PDF plan for his "sticky note" comments): a. Need to account for all potential pollutants (sediment) leaving the site. If site is expected to be below grade relevant to the adjacent pavement to the west then no sediment control is required, but access control is still required. Response: The site is down - gradient of adjacent property to the west. b. Outlet structure needs to have sediment controls until the detention pond area has final stabilization. Response: A note to this effect has been added. c. Need to identify inflow points into the detention pond. Each point will require energy dissipaters and slope stabilization. Response: A call -out for the 2 ft curb cut and rundown with riprap blanket has been added. d. Need to submit a seeding mix if not part of the landscaping plans. Response: City of Wheat Ridge seed mix detail has been added to sheet C60I e. VTC needs to be orientated to allow vehicle traffic to travel the full length of the VTC otherwise it is not being used as design. Response: The VTC has been reoriented. Sheet C250 ( Drainage Plan): 1. See General Comments above. Sheet C500 (Horizontal Control, Paving, & Striping Plan): lan): 1. See General Comments above. Sheet C600 (Erosion Control Details): 1. See General Comments above. Sheet C601 (Erosion Control Details): 1. See General Comments above. Sheet C602 (Drainage Details): 1. This sheet needs to be included in the Final Drainage Report. Response: C602 will be inserted into the map pocket. 2. The Water Quality /Detention Pond Data table will need to be revised to reflect the lowered release rates per the Final Drainage Report Appendix comments above. Response: The table has been revised. 3. They can feel free to use the City - standard E- E01_Well Screen (see attached detail) for the outlet structure. It may save them some time by using these and just adding the appropriate elevation info and modify as needed using the AutoCAD DWG files from the City website at the following webpage: http://www.ci.wheatridize.co.us/index.asvx?NID=331 Response: The City well- screen detail has been added for use as the outlet structure. Sheet C603 (Site Details): 1. No comments. NOTES: Stormwater Maintenance Agreement and O & M Plan Required All post - construction Best Management Practices (BMP's) for water quality must be maintained and inspected by the property owner(s) per Section 20 -34 of the City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Code of Laws. For above - ground detention facilities with outlet structures, underground detention facilities, porous landscape detention areas, porous pavement, and centrifuge type devices such as a Rinker Stormcepter®, a Stormwater Maintenance Agreement accompanied by an Operations and Maintenance (O & M) Plan will be required prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. The 0 & M Plan shall be kept current and will be inspected on a regular basis by City staff to ensure compliance with the State and local requirements. The O & M plan is typically compiled by the Engineer -of- Record for submission to the City for review and approval. Response: A O c& M manual will be prepared for the owner's use. Drainage Certification w /As -Built Plans required prior to C.O. Upon completion of the drainage improvements, the Engineer -of- Record Mr. Mark Thornbrough, P.E., shall provide to the City of Wheat Ridge a written, signed and sealed Drainage Certification Letter stating that the overall site grading was completed per the approved Grading and Drainage Plans, all drainage facilities were constructed per the approved construction plans and shall function as defined in the approved Final Drainage Report/Plan, and that the site has been accurately surveyed to confirm that the grading and construction of all drainage facilities was completed in accordance with these documents. The Drainage Certification Letter shall be submitted to the City for review and approval, and shall be accompanied with As -Built Plans on the Current City Datum for all constructed drainage facilities prior to issuance of any Certificates of Occupancy or Completion. Two (2) copies of the "As- Built" Plans are to be submitted as follows: a. 1 copy is to be signed & sealed on 24" X 36" bond paper, and b. 1 copy is to be on electronic media (CD -ROM) in AutoCAD 2007/2009 DWG format. Response: Understood If you need clarification regarding any of these responses, please contact me or Mark Thornbrough, P.E. Sincerely, Joe E. Rausch, P.E. 1 d City of Wheat ge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Memorandum TO: Dave, Steve FROM: Meredith DATE: August 23, 2011 SUBJECT: First resubmittal — Case No. LLA -11 -01 Please find attached the resubmittal package for our first set of comments for the Jefferson County Housing Authority lot line adjustment plat with drainage documents. Please review and respond with comments at your convenience. City of Wheat P dge COMMUNi iY DEVELOPMENT f City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building July 21, 2011 Elizabeth Johnson EJ Architecture 7014 West 38 °i Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Ms. Johnson 7500 W. 29` Ave. Wheat Ridge. CO 80033 -8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 This letter is in regard to your request for approval of a lot line adjustment for property located at 4470 Wadsworth. I have reviewed the submittal and have the following comments: PAGE ONE 1. See Dave Brossman's comment regarding document title. 2. Under the owner's signature block notarization, remove the reference to "Chainnan of the Board of County Commissioners ". 3. Under "Notes ", please address Tract B. 4. Under "Notes ", add the City's standard language for cross - access. 5. Under "Notes ", #l, reference Wadsworth as being "widened ", not "realigned ". The use of 6. "realigned' is used three tunes and should be changed. 7. Under Notes, #1, lot number references should be shown as depicted on the graphic on Page 2. 8. Under "Notes ", add Xcel Energy's standard utility easement language. 9. Remove the title block for Planning Commission as this will be an administrative approval. 10. Modify the City Certification to read as follows: "Approved this day of , 2011 by the City of Wheat Ridge." 11. Modify the City Certification to eliminate the extra signature line for the City Clerk. 12. Add the following case numbers to the Case History Box: MS- 03 -04, SUP- 04 -03, SUP05- 09, LLA -11 -01 13. In the Surveyor's Certificate, add address and telephone number of the person who will be signing the document. PAGE TWO I . The area of lot 4A is incorrect based on lot line dimensions provided. 2. Are all ingress /egress easements encumbering the property correctly shown and identified? Attached are referrals received from other city departments and outside agencies regarding the plat document. City of Wheat Ridge Public Works Department: See attached letter from Dave Brossman dated July 25, 2011. www.d.wheatridge.co.us Ci13 of Wheat Ridge Economic Development. See attached email from Steve Art dated July 20, 2011. Xcel Energy: See attached letter from Donna George date July 29, 2011. Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District: See attached letter form Kelly Brooks dated July 7, 2011. This concludes the summary of comments. Please address each of these comments by revising the drawings accordingly. For clarification on any of these issues, please feel free to contact any of the Development Review committee members: Community Development Meredith Reckert 303- 235 -2848 Public Works Dave Brossman 303 - 235 -2864 Traffic Engineering Mark Westberg 303 - 235 -2863 Once the changes have been made, please submit four full - sized, folded copies with an electronic copy for our review. If you have any questions or need further clarification, do not hesitate to contact me at 303 - 235 -2848. Sincerely, Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner Page 1 of 1 Meredith Reckert From: Steve Art Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2011 10:15 AM To: Meredith Reckert Cc: Rick Adams (rcadams7777 @msn.com) Subject: Referrals Meredith, At our last night meeting the URA board found that both items (WSP -11 -01 and LLA -11 -01 /Jefferson County Housing Authority) did not conflict with the Urban Renewal Plan for that area Steve Art Economic Development d Urban Renexk al Manager Direct: 303-235-2806 Cell: 720- 454 -9040 Fax: 303- 235 -2806 7500 W. 291h A enuC Wheat Ride. Colorado S0)033 w t,tiv of W heat irIgc C.11IYh1,NAL,tr,ti()IIR1 �— CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This a -mail contains business- confidential inforniation. It is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, electronic storage or use of this communication is prohibited. If you received this communication in en please notify us immediately by e-mail, attaching the original message, and delete the original message from your computer, and any network to which your computer is connected. Thank you. 7/20/2011 XcelEnergysm PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY July 19, 2011 City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Attn: Meredith Reckert Re: Jefferson County Housing Authority (JCHA), Case # LLA -11 -01 Right of Way & Permits 1123 West 3 rd Avenue Denver, Colorado 80223 Telephone: 303.571.3306 Facsimile: 303.571.3524 Public Service Company of Colorado (PSCo) has reviewed the plans for Jefferson County Housing Authority. Please be aware PSCo owns and operates existing electric distribution facilities within the proposed project area. As always, thank you for the opportunity to take part in the review process. To ensure that adequate utility easements are available within this development, PSCo requests that the following language or plat note be placed on the preliminary and final plats for the subdivision: Minimum Ten -foot (10) wide dry utility easements are hereby dedicated on private property adjacent to all public streets, and around the entire perimeter of each lot in the subdivision or platted area including lots, tracts, parcels and /or open space areas. These easements are dedicated for the installation, maintenance, and replacement of electric, gas, television cable, and telecommunications facilities (Dry Utilities). Utility easements shall also be granted within any common areas, access easements and private streets in the subdivision. Permanent structures and water meters shall not be permitted within said utility easements. PSCo also requests that all utility easements be depicted graphically on the preliminary and final plats. While these easements should accommodate the majority of utilities to be installed in the subdivision, some additional easements may be required as planning and building progresses. The developer must contact the Builder's Call Line at 1- 800 - 628 -2121 and complete the application process for any new gas or electric service, or modification to existing facilities. It is then the responsibility of the developer to contact the Designer assigned to the project for approval of design details in order to provide gas and electric service to this project. Additional easements may need to be acquired by separate document for new facilities. As a safety precaution, PSCo would like to remind the developer to call the Utility Notification Center at 1 -800- 922 -1987 for utility locates prior to construction. If you have any questions about this referral response, please contact me at (303) 571 -3306. Thank You, Donna George Contract Right -of -Way Processor Public Service Company of Colorado WHEAT RIDGE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT r i t DOING 1HT RIGIIT TIIINGS AT Ili[ RIGHT TIMES TOR TNT RIGHT REASONS 3880 Upham Street Wheat Ridge. Colorado 80033 • ph.303.403.5900 • www,wrfire.org DIVISION OF FIRE PREVENTION July 7, 2011 Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 West 29 Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 RE: Community Development Referral CASE No.: LLA -11 -01 /Jefferson County Housing Authority (JCHA) The Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District has reviewed the Community Development Referral and has no requirements or concerns regarding our ability to serve this property. Please feel free to contact me if there are any questions or concerns with respect to this review. Reviewed by, I I -:f f)- T� r4% Kelly Brooks Fire Marshal Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District City of t j�idge P hea BLIC WORKS Memorandum TO: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner FROM: Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer DATE: July 25, 2011 SUBJECT: LLA -11 -01 /Jefferson County Housing Authority I have completed the first review of the Final Drainage Report, Final Plat, Civil Construction Plans, and Site Plan received on July 6, 2011 for the proposed LLA between the Jefferson County Housing Authority property located at 7490 W. 45` Avenue and the adjacent lot at 4470 Wadsworth Blvd., and I have the following comments: PLANNING Site Plan: 1. If applicable, add the 2' trickle channel to the detention pond (please refer to final Drainage Report comment #8 below). 2. Show the curb - cut(s), rundown(s), and any armor /rip -rap to be used for the pond.. Final Plat: Sheet 1: 1. The current title of this plat is far too cumbersome. Please modify the plat title to read, "JCHA Subdivision" (the subtitle information is fine). 2. Need to provide a "more particularly described as..." metes and bounds portion in the Legal Description with the Point of Commencement being a Section or Quarter - section Corner, per 26 -407 of the Municipal Code of Laws. 3. The Basis of Bearings on Sheet 1 shall be a Section line as required per Section 26- 407. The W. line of the NE' /4 of Section 23 is N00 °l0'09 "W (City datum). 4. If there are no utilities present within the two 5' utility easements on either side of the current lot line between Lots 3 & 4 to be removed, the applicant should consider vacating these easements. Sheet 2: 1. Need to show the City -based Basis of Bearings on Sheet 2. 2. Show the abutting ROW lines for both 45` Avenue and Wadsworth Blvd. lcflCo Housing AutFwrity_LLA • rcvicwl.docx Public Works Engineering July 25, 2011 Page 2 3. Need to show that the easterly line of the area of reservation is 75.00 feet east of the Section line. 4. There are several items in the Legend that doesn't apply to this plat — please remove these. 5. If there are no utilities present within the two 5' utility easements on either side of the current lot line between Lots 3 & 4 to be removed, the applicant should consider vacating these easements. CIVIL ENGINEERING Final Drainage Report (Discussion) 1. My biggest concern is that the discharge from this pond is being directed to the existing pond. Although the proposed release rates are being held to what the original pond may have been designed, the volume reaching the pond will be much higher; therefore, the design of the pond will likely be compromised. The following options should be pursued. a. The discharge from the proposed pond should really bypass the existing pond. A portion of the proposed project could discharge to the existing pond based on the volume available in the existing pond. b. Hydrograph routing could be done to show the impact of the discharge from the proposed pond on the existing pond. C. The existing JCHA pond could be redesigned and modified as necessary to accept the runoff from both the existing site and the proposed project, thus eliminating the need for the 2 nd pond. 2. One -foot of freeboard is required per UDFCD criteria. Please include a statement in the discussion that this requirement has been incorporated into the design. 3. Under the Proposed Project Description, state the percent of imperviousness anticipated for the 0.46 acre site subsequent to completion of the project (79% is mentioned in the Appendix). 4. While it is acknowledged that the basin sub -area information can be found in the Appendix, also include the sub -areas and the design point locations in the discussion portion of the report. 5. Please include the WQCV, 5 -year, and 100 -year detention volumes and their respective water surface elevations in the discussion. 6. Include a brief description of the WQ outlet structure and orifice plate design. 7. It should be mentioned that the proposed parking lot is to be utilized to achieve the 100 -year detention volume, and include the proposed depth of ponding in the parking lot (maximum depth cannot exceed 6 "). 8. Discuss whether a 2' -wide concrete v- channel will be employed, and that the sides of the pond will be graded at the minimum 2% grade towards that channel to ensure the pond fully drains. If the proposed design is not going to use a trickle channel, then provide at least one suggestion to mitigate any water that may stand in the bottom beyond the maximum 40 hours (which is disallowed under the City's Site Drainage Requirements). 9. Please provide a P.E. seal and signature on the revised Drainage Report for JeNCo Housing Authority_LLA - review1.docx Public Works Engineering July 25, 2011 Page 3 approval. Final Drainage Report (Appendix) The discharge from the pond should be based on Table SO -1 and not on the previous report's rates. The City uses the UDFCD rates because there is too much variation possible by using calculated pre- developed rates. In this case, the discharge would be 0.17 cfs /acre and 1.00 cfs /acre for the minor and major storms respectively, versus the 0.65 cfs /acre and the 1.96 cfs /acre that is being proposed. This is particularly true in this case for the following reasons: a. The rates from the previous report were not pre- developed, but included 17% impervious area. b. The area from the previous report was 0.34 acres, while this report has 0.46 acres. C. The time of concentration is based on the Urbanized Basins check, which should only be used for developed basins, not for pre- developed calculations. 2. The pond volume will need to be modified to accommodate the lowered release rates as stated in Appendix comment #1 above. 3. Outlet structure design will need to be modified per the above comments. 4. Please be sure the one -foot of freeboard is provided for in the design. Final Drainage Plan 1. The geometry pond will need to be modified to allow for the increase volume created by the lowered release rates. 2. All pond WSEL's and volumes will need to be modified. 3. Please include a to -scale cross - section for A -A (refer to redlined plan). 4. The pond bottom needs to be graded at a minimum of 2% towards the outlet structure. 5. If a concrete v- channel is to be used, show the channel and that the pond bottom is graded towards it. 6. The emergency overflow needs to be clearly identified (and include an elevation). 7. The City has a list of plantings to be used in and around detention facilities (please see attached sheets). Please show the plantings on the Plan and provide the list for the contractor to use. 8. Include Sheet C602 (Drainage Details) with the Report. Civil Construction Plans General Comments: 1. Provide the following on all plan views: a. Identify whether the type of curbing shown is spill or catch, and provide a 10' length of transition between the different types. b. Show all curb -cuts and rundowns into the detention facility, including any armor /rip -rap. JeflCo Housing Authority_LLA - review Ldocx Public Works Engineering July 25, 2011 Page 4 Sheet C000 (Cover Sheet): 1. No comments. Sheet C001 (Notes): 1. No comments. Sheet C100 (Grading & Erosion Control Plan): 1. Please provide the City - standard seed mix on this sheet. (This can be obtained from the City's website under the PW /Construction Details/Erosion Control Details web page). 2. Need to use plant materials from the City- approved detention pond plant list to be used in and around the proposed detention facility; please provide a list of selected plantings on this sheet. 3. The following comments are from our Bill LaRow, Stormwater Coordinator 303.235.2871 (please refer to the redlined PDF plan for his "sticky note" comments): a. Need to account for all potential pollutants (sediment) leaving the site. If site is expected to be below grade relevant to the adjacent pavement to the west then no sediment control is required, but access control is still required. b. Outlet structure needs to have sediment controls until the detention pond area has final stabilization. c. Need to identify inflow points into the detention pond. Each point will require energy dissipaters and slope stabilization. d. Need to submit a seeding mix if not part of the landscaping plans. e. VTC needs to be orientated to allow vehicle traffic to travel the full length of the VTC otherwise it is not being used as design. Sheet C250 (Drainage Plan): 1. See General Comments above. Sheet C500 (Horizontal Control Paving & Striping Plan): 1. See General Comments above. Sheet C600 (Erosion Control Details): 1. See General Comments above. Sheet C601 (Erosion Control Details): 1. See General Comments above. Sheet C602 (Drainage Details): 1. This sheet needs to be included in the Final Drainage Report. 2. The Water Quality/Detention Pond Data table will need to be revised to reflect the lowered release rates per the Final Drainage Report Appendix comments above. 3. They can feel free to use the City- standard E- E01_Well Screen (see attached detail) for the outlet structure. It may save them some time by using these and just adding the appropriate elevation info and modify as needed using the AutoCAD DWG JeBCo Housing Authority_LLA - revicwl.docx Public Works Engineering July 25, 2011 Page 5 files from the City website at the following webpage: htU2://www.ci.wheatridge.co.us/index.aspx?NID=331 Sheet C603 (Site Details 1. No comments. NOTES: Stormwater Maintenance Agreement and O & M Plan Required All post - construction Best Management Practices (BMP's) for water quality must be maintained and inspected by the property owner(s) per Section 20 -34 of the City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Code of Laws. For above -ground detention facilities with outlet structures, underground detention facilities, porous landscape detention areas, porous pavement, and centrifuge type devices such as a Rinker Stormcepter®, a Stormwater Maintenance Agreement accompanied by an Operations and Maintenance (O & M) Plan will be required prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. The O & M Plan shall be kept current and will be inspected on a regular basis by City staff to ensure compliance with the State and local requirements. The O & M plan is typically compiled by the Engineer -of- Record for submission to the City for review and approval. Drainage Certification w /As -Built Plans required prior to C.O. Upon completion of the drainage improvements, the Engineer -of- Record Mr. Mark Thornbrough, P.E., shall provide to the City of Wheat Ridge a written, signed and sealed Drainage Certification Letter stating that the overall site grading was completed per the approved Grading and Drainage Plans, all drainage facilities were constructed per the approved construction plans and shall function as defined in the approved Final Drainage Report/Plan, and that the site has been accurately surveyed to confirm that the grading and construction of all drainage facilities was completed in accordance with these documents. The Drainage Certification Letter shall be submitted to the City for review and approval, and shall be accompanied with As -Built Plans on the Current City Datum for all constructed drainage facilities prior to issuance of any Certificates of Occupancy or Completion. Two (2) copies of the "As- Built" Plans are to be submitted as follows: a. 1 copy is to be signed & sealed on 24" X 36" bond paper, and b. I copy is to be on electronic media (CD -ROM) in AutoCAD 2007/2009 DWG format. JcflCo Housing Authority_LLA - revicwl.docx e� City of W heat�dge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Community Development 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 Community Development Referral Form Date: July 6, 2011 Response Due: July 21, 2011 The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for an administrative two -lot consolidation plat on property zoned C -1, Commercial -One, located at 7490 W. 45 Avenue /4470 Wadsworth Blvd. The purpose of the plat is to eliminate an existing, interior lot line. The applicant is proposing the consolidation so that the existing parking lot for the Jefferson County Housing Authority property at 7490 W. 45 Avenue /4470 Wadsworth can be expanded. No response from you will constitute having no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. Case No.: LLA -11 -01 /Jefferson County Housing Authority (JCHA) Request: Approval of an administrative two lot consolidation plat for property 1.457 acres in size. Please respond to this request in writing regarding your ability to serve the property. Please specify any new infrastructure needed or improvements to existing infrastructure that will be required. Include any easements that will be essential to serve the property as a result of this development. Please detail the requirements for development in respect to your rules and regulations. If you need further clarification, contact the case manager. Case Manager: Meredith Reckert Voice: 303.235.2848 Fax: 303.235.2857 Email: mreckert@ci.wheatridge.co.us DISTRIBUTION: AT &T Broadband Xcel Energy Qwest Communications Wheat Ridge Water District Wheat Ridge Sanitation District Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District Renewal Wheat Ridge Wheat Ridge Public Works "The Carnation City" Vicinity map "The Carnation City" i 9 City of W heat Peige Ptj1,1.1c_ WORKS Geodetic Surveying Requirements for Final Plats TITLE OF PLAT: A C U t{ A l< d to s e 6 t, ut S 3 At-&j L- S u,6 0t v O t o t- Notice to Surveyor I Initial each item as completed. This form shall accompany the Final Plat submittal. i , , 2. 3. P N fl/V All distances for the above referenced Plat are shown using (ground) modified State Plane measurements (U.S. survey feet rounded to the nearest 0.01') consistent with the Current City Datum, AND the following datum information is shown on the Final Plat: a. The Current City Datum Coordinate System used is a ground -based modified form of the NAD83/92 State Plane Coordinate System, Colorado Central Zone 0502. b. Vertical Datum used is the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88). c. Ground to Grid Combined Scale Factor is 0.99974780300, scaled from base point PHAC 1 (Permanent High Accuracy Control Point #1) having the following NAD83/92 State Plane coordinates: PHAC 1: Northing: 1701258.75, Easting: 3118217.58, Elevation: 5471.62. Modified State Plane coordinates consistent with the Current City Datum are shown on the Final Plat to the nearest one - hundredth of a foot (0.01') for all property boundary corners, angle point(s), and for all point(s) of curvature /tangency. The following curve data for the site boundary, and for all lot lines and easement boundaries, shall be shown on the Final Plat. All angular measurements shall be to the nearest second and all distances to the nearest 0.01': a. Arc length. b. Chord length. c. Chord bearing. d. Central angle (delta). e. Radius. 4. The Section Tie control points shall be on the Current City Datum and shown using (ground) modified State Plane distances and bearings with the Latitude/Longitude and modified State Plane coordinates shown per City of Wheat Ridge published values. All associated property boundary comers shall be in modified State Plane values consistent with the Current City Datum; a minimum of two (2) property boundary corners of the site shall be tied to any of the three (3) following control point types within the City of Wheat Ridge network: a. Section comers. b. Quarter- section comers. c. City of Wheat Ridge Permanent High Accuracy Control (PHAC) points. 5. A Basis of Bearing Statement shall be shown specifying the two (2) City of Wheat Ridge monuments selected to establish the modified State Plane (Current City Datum) bearings used for the Plat. Specify the City monument identification number, the Current City Datum coordinates and the Latitude/Longitude for each of the two monuments used for the Basis of Bearing, and show the modified State Plane distances and bearings between them. Rev 11 /10 t , r 6. The following information is included on the Plat for all monuments used: a. The City -based monument identification number. b. Modified State Plane coordinates on the Current City Datum (as supplied by the City). t� r 7. Provide two (2) 24 "X 36" paper copies positioned correctly on the Current City Datum as listed on this Plat, with all bearings relative to the Current City Datum Basis of Bearing, and all ` coordinates relative to said Current City Datum. 8. A digital file of the Final Plat on the Current City Datum, in AutoCAD 2004 -2007 DWG Q' format, has been provided with the Plat submittal on CD -ROM or DVD -ROM. A Closure Report showing the error of closure for the platted area was provided with the plat submittal. The error of closure shall not exceed 1:50,000 for all linear and angular (bearing) measurements per Section 26 -407 -D of the City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Code of Laws. �r 10. The following statement is included on the plat: "Per Colorado Revised Statutes Sec. 38 -51 -106 (L), all lineal units depicted on this Land Survey Plat are U.S. Survey Feet. One Meter equals 39.37 divided by 12 U.S. Survey Feet according to the National Institute of Standards and Technology. " 11. Per C.R.S. 38 -52 -106, the Final Plat shall contain a Statement of Accuracy, as defined by the National Ocean Survey/National Geodetic Survey, used to derive the coordinates shown on the Final Plat. The form of the Statement of Accuracy shall be: The geodetic point coordinate data shown herein has been derived from the NAD 83 HARN State Plane Colorado Central FIPS 0502 Coordinate System, and has a horizontal Accuracy Classification of 0.04 U.S. Survey Feet at the 95% Confidence level, as defined in the Geospatial Positioning Accuracy Standards of the Federal Geodetic Control Subcommittee (FGDC- STD - 007.2- 1998). I hereby acknowledge all the above requirements have been addressed in a full and complete manner. ,�q RE off'` . Survctor tiame (Please Print) 1 m Firm +I For information pertaining to Section and Quarter Corner information, PHAC points, benchmarks, or for general City surveying monumentation information, please visit the City of Wheat Ridge website at: www.ci.wheatrid2e.co.us Or contact the Department of Public Works, Engineering Division at 303.235.2861. Rev 11 /10 (null) Ace Hardware Lots 3 and Subdivision Plat4 No Bearing Chord Radius 001 N00- 10 -09W 80.17 002 N89- 28 -51E 176.91 003 N00- 09 -57W 203.82 004 N89- 28 -51E 172.53 005 S00- 15 -46E 285.20 006 S89- 40 -47W 349.91 M Arc CLOSURE = 0.00 S49- 39 -52W PERIMETER = 1268.54 PRECISION = 1: 384438 AREA = 63458.29 SQ. FEET OR 1.456802 ACRES C Arc Delta (null) Lot 3A No Bearing Chord Radius M Arc C Arc Delta 001 N00- 09 -57W 80.78 002 N00 -09 -57W 203.82 003 N89- 28 -51E 172.53 004 500- 15 -46E 285.20 005 589- 40 -47W 173.01 CLOSURE = 0.00 NO2- 31 -56E PERIMETER = 915.34 PRECISION = 1: 458242 AREA = 49221.92 SQ. FEET OR 1.129980 ACRES (null) Lot 4A No Bearing Chord Radius M Arc 001 N00- 10 -09W 80.20 002 N89- 28 -51E 166.56 003 S00- 09 -57E 80.78 004 S89- 40 -47W 166.55 CLOSURE = 0.00 N57- 05 -43W PERIMETER = 494.09 PRECISION = 1: 149316 AREA = 13406.12 SQ. FEET OR 0.307762 ACRES C Arc Delta (null) Tract C No Bearing Chord Radius M Arc 001 N00- 10 -09W 80.17 002 N89- 28 -51E 10.35 003 500- 10 -09E 80.20 004 589- 40 -47W 10.35 CLOSURE = 0.01 501- 41 -15E PERIMETER = 181.07 PRECISION = 1: 30533 AREA = 829.87 SQ. FEET OR 0.019051 ACRES C Arc Delta 1 0 15:24 � 19 7 PG: 001 -003 PG FEE: 16.00 STATE DOC.FEE: 46.20 RECORDED IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO WARRANTY DEED THIS DEED, dated this 27th day of October, 2004, between TODD C. YOUNGBLOOD AND CYNTHIA L. YOUNGBLOOD of the County of Jefferson and State of Colorado, grantor, and S &O DEVELOPMENT, L.L.C., A MISSOURI LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, whose legal address is 2421 West Edgewood Drive, Jefferson City, MO 65109, of the County of C o I e- and State of Missouri, grantees: WITNESS, that the grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of FOUR HUNDRED SIXTY TWO THOUSAND AND 00 /100 DOLLARS ($462,000.00), the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto the grantee, his heirs and assigns forever, all the real property, together, with improvements, if any, situate, lying and being in the County of Jefferson and State of Colorado, I uC described as follows: LOT 4, ACE HARDWARE LOT 2 SUBDIVISION, A MINOR SUBDIVISION OF LOT 2, ACE HARDWARE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT PLAT, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. also known by street and number as: 4470 Wadsworth Blvd., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 assessor's schedule or parcel number: 444705 V TOGETHER with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits iL thereof, and all the estate, right, title, interest, claim and demand whatsoever of the grantor, either in law or equity, of, in and to the above bargained premises, with the hereditaments and appurtenances; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises above bargained and described, with the appurtenances, V unto the grantee, his heirs and assigns forever. The grantor, for himself, his heirs and personal 6 representatives, does covenant, grant, bargain, and agree to and with the grantee, his heirs and assigns, that at the time of the ensealing and delivery of these presents, it is well seized of the premises above conveyed, has good, sure, perfect, absolute and indefeasible estate of inheritance, in law, in fee simple, and has good right, full power and lawful authority to grant, bargain, sell and convey the same in manner and form as aforesaid, and that the same are free and clear from all former and other grants, bargains, sales, liens, taxes, assessments, encumbrances and restrictions of whatever kind or nature whatsoever, except general taxes for the current year and subsequent years and subject to those items shown on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. The grantor shall and will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND the above bargained premises in the quiet and peaceable possession of the grantee, his heirs and assigns, against all and every person or persons lawfully claiming the whole or any part thereof. The singular number shall include the plural, the plural the singular, and the use of any gender shall be applicable to all genders. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the grantor has executed this deed on the date set forth taboo Todd C. Y ngblo d Cyn L. Youngbloo v� WARRANTY DEED (Continued) STATE OF Colorado COUNTY OF Denver I, Elizabeth M. Greco, a Notary Public of the County and State first above written, do hereby certify that the foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 28th day of October, 2004, by Todd C. Youngblood and Cynthia L. Youngblood. Witness my hand and official seal, E M. GRECO NOTARY PUBLIC Elizabeth M, eco, Notary P blic STATE OF COLORADO My Commission Expires: 02!23/08 My Commission Expires 02/23/2008 Name and Address of person Creating Newiy Created Legal Description (§ 38- 35- 106.5, C.R.S.) v After Recording Return to: EXHIBIT "A" Restrictions imposed by the Order of Consolidation, recorded October 7, 1971 in Book 2305 at Page 895 pertaining to the organization of the Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District and the Prospect Valley Fire Protection District. Covenants, conditions and restrictions, (but omitting therefrom any covenant or restriction based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, if any) which do not include a forfeiture or reverter clause, and any and all supplements, amendments, and annexations thereto, set forth in the instrument(s) recorded March 30, 1972 in Book 2358 at Page 384 and March 31, 1972 in Book 2358 at Page 735 and the First Amendment recorded April 16, 1973 in Book 2494 at Page 829. Terms, conditions, provisions, agreements and obligations specified under the Agreement, which was recorded March 31, 1972 in Book 2358 at Page 720.. Terms, conditions, provisions, agreements and obligations specified under the Easement, which was recorded April 28, 1972 in Book 2369 at Page 401.. An easement for utilities and incidental purposes granted to Public Service Company of Colorado by the instrument recorded March 3, 1975 in Book 2707 at Page 426. An easement for utilities and incidental purposes granted to the Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company by the instrument recorded July 21, 1975 in Book 2750 at Page 704 Terms, conditions, provisions, agreements and obligations specified under the Easement, which was recorded July 1, 1985 at Reception No. 61066. An easement for utilities and incidental purposes granted to Public Service Company of Colorado by the instrument recorded March 28, 1989 at Reception No. 26158. Easements, notes, terms, agreements, provisions, covenants, conditions, restrictions and obligations as set forth on the Land Survey Plat recorded October 19, 1989 at Reception No. 90731. Restrictions imposed by the Resolution No. 11 -2001, recorded July 19, 2001 at Reception No. 1279302 pertaining to a resolution finding the existence of blight in the vicinity of the Wadsworth corridor from 35th Avenue to 44th Avenue . Terms, conditions, provisions, agreements and obligations specified under the Development Covenant, which was recorded January 24, 2003 at Reception No. 1659614. Easements, notes, terms, agreements, provisions, covenants, conditions, restrictions and obligations as set forth on the Ace Hardware Lot Line Adjustment Plat recorded April 4, 2003 at Reception No. 1716657. Easements, notes, terms, agreements, provisions, covenants, conditions, restrictions and obligations as set forth on the Plat of Ace Hardware Lot 2 Subdivision, a Minor Subdivision of Lot 2, Ace Hardware Lot Line Adjustment Plat, recorded August 22, 2003 at Reception No. 1845198. Terms, conditions, provisions, agreements and obligations specified under the Easement Agreement and Right of Way, which was recorded October 15, 2003 at Reception No. 1886408. Terms, conditions, provisions, agreements and obligations specified under the Grant of Right of First Refusal, which was recorded October 15, 2003 at Reception No. 1886409. Land Title Guarantee Company CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION L and Titl GUARANTEE COMPANY W- LTGC -COM Date: 01 -26 -2011 Our Order Number: ABC70291942 -4 Property Address: 4470 WADSWORTH BLVD. If you have any inquiries or require further assistance, please contact one of the numbers below: For Closine Assistance: Amy Edgar 3033 E 1ST AVE #600 PO BOX 5440 DENVER, CO 80206 Phone: 303 - 331 -6234 Fax: 303 - 393 -3806 EMail: aedgar@Itgc.com Closer's Assistant: Valerie Petrone Phone: 303-331-6213 Fax: 303 - 331 -6325 EMail: vpetrone@Itgc.com For Title Assistance: Commercial Title "ABC" Unit Scott Bennetts 5975 GREENWOOD PLAZA BLVD GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO 80111 Phone: 303 - 850 -4175 Fax: 303 - 850 -4184 EMail: sbennetts@ltgc.com CB RICHARD ELLIS 8390 EAST CRESCENT PKWY SUITE 300 GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO 80111 Attn: MATTHEW WRITT Phone: 720 -528 -6372 Copies: I EMail: MATTHEW.WRITT@CBRE.COM Linked Commitment Delivery JEFFERSON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY Attn: ALAN M. FEINSTEIN Phone: 303 - 422 -8600 EMail: jeffcohsg @aol.com LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY 3033 E 1ST AVE #600 PO BOX 5440 DENVER, CO 80206 Attn: CHARLIE CARTWRIGHT Phone: 303 - 321 -1880 Fax: 303 - 322 -7603 Copies: 1 EMail: ccartwright @Itgc.com Linked Commitment Delivery SIGNATURE BROKERS 5031 S ULSTER ST #455 DENVER, CO 80237 Attn: JEFF FOGLER Phone: 303 - 577 -9700 Copies: 1 EMail: THEFOGLERTEAM @5280LIVING.COM Linked Commitment Delivery LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY 3033 E 1ST AVE #600 DENVER, CO 80206 Attn: Amy Edgar Phone: 303 - 331 -6234 Fax: 303 - 393 -3806 Copies: 1 EMail: aedgar @ltgc.com CB RICHARD ELLIS 8390 EAST CRESCENT PKWY SUITE 300 GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO 80111 Attn: MATTHEW WRITT Phone: 720 - 528 -6372 Fax: 720 - 528 -6333 Copies: 1 EMail: matthew.writt @cbre.com Sent Via EMail 12.09.10 Land We GUARANTEE COMPANY WWW.ItCC. CUM Date: 01 -26 -2011 Property Address: 4470 WADSWORTH BLVD. SIGNATURE BROKERS 5031 S ULSTER ST #455 DENVER, CO 80237 Attn: JEFF FOGLER Phone: 303 -577 -9700 Copies: I EMail: thefoglerteam @5280living.com Sent Via Mail Land Title Guarantee Company CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION Our Order Number: ABC70291942 -4 OELIVERY.O (6/2003) l and Titl GUARANTEE COMPANY W W W. I f GC. C OM Property Address: 4470 WADSWORTH BLVD. Land Title Guarantee Company Date: 01 -26 -2011 Our Order Number: ABC70291942 -4 Buyer /Borrower: JEFFERSON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY Seller /Owner: S & 0 DEVELOPMENT, L.L.C., A MISSOURI LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Wire Information: Bank: FIRSTBANK OF COLORADO 10403 W COLFAX AVENUE LAKEWOOD, CO 80215 Phone: 303 - 237 -5000 Credit. LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY ABA No.: 107005047 Account: 2160521825 Attention: Amy Edgar Note: Once an original commitment has been issued, any subsequent modifications will be emphasized by underlining. Need a map or directions for your upcoming closing? Check out Land Title's web site at www.ltgc.com r lul Ullux, U113 lu Ql1y Vl vul It V11lLu luI.QUVIIJ. ESTIMATE OF TITLE FEES ALTA Owners Policy 06 -17 -06 $1,472.00 Deletion of Standard Exception(s) (Owner) $100.00 Tax Certificate $25.00 If Land Title Guarantee Company will be closing this transaction, above fees will be collected at that time. TOTAL $1,597.00 Form CONTACT 06/04 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER! Old Republic National Title Insurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Our Order No. ABC70291942 -4 Schedule A Cust. Ref.: Property Address: 4470 WADSWORTH BLVD. 1. Effective Date: November 24, 2010 at 5:00 P.M. 2. Policy to be Issued, and Proposed Insured: "ALTA" Owner's Policy 06 -17 -06 $335,000.00 Proposed Insured: JEFFERSON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this Commitment and covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at the effective date hereof vested in: S & 0 DEVELOPMENT, L.L.C., A MISSOURI LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 5. The Land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: LOT 4, ACE HARDWARE LOT 2 SUBDIVISION, A MINOR SUBDIVISION OF LOT 2, ACE HARDWARE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT PLAT, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B -1 (Requirements) Our Order No. ABC70291942 -4 The following are the requirements to be complied with: Payment to or for the account of dhe grantors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record, to -wit: 1. RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED OCTOBER 27, 2004 FROM S & 0 DEVELOPMENT, L.L.C., A MISSOURI LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF JEFFERSON COUNTY FOR THE USE OF EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK OF JEFFERSON CITY TO SECURE THE SUM OF $464,000.00 RECORDED OCTOBER 03, 2008, UNDER RECEPTION NO. 2008092673. 2. (ITEM INTENTIONALLY DELETED) 3. (ITEM INTENTIONALLY DELETED) 4. WARRANTY DEED FROM S & 0 DEVELOPMENT, L.L.C., A MISSOURI LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY TO JEFFERSON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY CONVEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY. NOTE: OPERATING AGREEMENT FOR S & 0 DEVELOPMENT, L.L.C., A MISSOURI LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY DISCLOSES RICHARD J. OTKE, TRUSTEE OF THE RICHARD J. OTKE REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST U /A /D NOVEMBER 20, 1991, GARY L. OBERKROM, CO- TRUSTEE OF THE GARY L. OBERKROM REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST U /A /D OCTOBER 5, 2000, GRAND POINT HOLDINGS, LLC AND CREEKSIDE HOLDINGS, LLC AS MEMBERS, ANY OF WHOM MAY EXECUTE DOCUMENTS ON BEHALF OF SAID ENTITY. 5. EXECUTION BY S & 0 DEVELOPMENT, L.L.C., A MISSOURI LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY OF THIS COMPANY'S SURVEY AFFIDAVIT. NOTE: ITEMS 1 -3 OF THE STANDARD EXCEPTIONS WILL BE DELETED UPON RECEIPT OF A NOTARIZED SURVEY AFFIDAVIT. NOTE: UPON THE APPROVAL OF THE COMPANY AND THE RECEIPT OF A NOTARIZED FINAL LIEN AFFIDAVIT, ITEM NO. 4 OF THE STANDARD EXCEPTIONS WILL BE AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: ITEM NO. 4 OF THE STANDARD EXCEPTIONS IS DELETED AS TO ANY LIENS OR FUTURE LIENS RESULTING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL FURNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF S & 0 ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B -1 (Requirements) Our Order No. ABC70291942 -4 Continued: DEVELOPMENT, L.L.C., A MISSOURI LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR ANY LIENS ARISING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL FURNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF JEFFERSON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY. NOTE: ITEM 5 OF THE STANDARD EXCEPTIONS WILL BE DELETED IF LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY CONDUCTS THE CLOSING OF THE CONTEMPLATED TRANSACTION(S) AND RECORDS THE DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. NOTE: UPON PROOF OF PAYMENT OF 2009 TAXES, ITEM 6 WILL BE AMENDED TO READ: TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS FOR THE YEAR 2010 AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS. ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B -2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. ABC70291942 -4 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: 1. Any facts, rights, interests, or claims thereof, not shown by the Public Records but that could be ascertained by an inspection of the Land or that may be asserted by persons in possession of the Land. 2. Easements, liens or encumbrances, or claims thereof, not shown by the Public Records. 3. Any encroachment, encumbrance, violation, variation, or adverse circumstance affecting the Title that would be disclosed by an accurate and complete land survey of the Land and not shown by the Public Records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the Public Records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. 6. (a) Taxes or assessments that are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the Public Records; (b) proceedings by a public agency that may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the Public Records. 7. (a) Unpatented mining claims; (b) reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (c) water rights, claims or title to water, whether or not the matters excepted under (a), (b), or (c) are shown by the Public Records. 8. EXISTING LEASES AND TENANCIES, IF ANY. ANY TAX, LIEN, FEE, OR ASSESSMENT BY REASON OF INCLUSION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY IN THE WHEAT RIDGE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AS EVIDENCED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 07, 1971, IN BOOK 2305 AT PAGE 895. 10. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF AGREEMENT RECORDED MARCH 31, 1972 IN BOOK 2358 AT PAGE 720. 11. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF EASEMENT AGREEMENT RECORDED APRIL 28, 1972 IN BOOK 2369 AT PAGE 401. 12. UTILITY EASEMENT AS GRANTED TO PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED MARCH 03, 1975, IN BOOK 2707 AT PAGE 426. ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B -2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. ABC70291942 -4 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: 13. UTILITY EASEMENT AS GRANTED TO PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED MARCH 28, 1989, UNDER RECEPTION NO. 89026158, 14. TERMS, CONDITIONS, PROVISIONS, BURDENS AND OBLIGATIONS AS SET FORTH IN RESOLUTION OF CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE RECORDED JULY 19, 2001 UNDER RECEPTION NO. F1279302. 15. TERMS, CONDITIONS, PROVISIONS, BURDENS AND OBLIGATIONS AS SET FORTH IN DEVELOPMENT COVENANT RECORDED JANUARY 24, 2003 UNDER RECEPTION NO. F1659614. 16. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF EASEMENT AGREEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY RECORDED OCTOBER 15, 2003 AT RECEPTION NO. F1886408. 17. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF GRANT OF RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL TO JEFFERSON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY RECORDED OCTOBER 15, 2003 AT RECEPTION NO. F1886409. 18. AN EASEMENT FOR UTILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES GRANTED TO THE MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED JULY 21, 1975 IN BOOK 2750 AT PAGE 704. 19. TERMS, CONDITIONS, PROVISIONS, BURDENS, OBLIGATIONS AND EASEMENTS AS SET FORTH AND GRANTED IN EASEMENT RECORDED JULY 01, 1985 UNDER RECEPTION NO. 85061066. 20. EASEMENTS, NOTES, TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF LAND SURVEY PLAT RECORDED OCTOBER 19, 1989 UNDER RECEPTION NO. 89090731. 21. TERMS, CONDITIONS, PROVISIONS, BURDENS, OBLIGATIONS AND EASEMENTS AS SET FORTH AND GRANTED IN DRAINAGE EASEMENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 14, 2005 UNDER RECEPTION NO. 2005113952. 22. EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON THE PLAT OF ACE HARDWARE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT PLAT RECORDED APRIL 4, 2003 UNDER RECEPTION NO. F1716657. ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B -2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. ABC70291942 -4 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: 23. EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON THE PLAT OF ACE HARDWARE LOT 2 SUBDIVISION, A MINOR SUBDIVISION OF LOT 2, ACE HARDWARE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT PLAT RECORDED AUGUST 22, 2003 UNDER RECEPTION NO. F1845198. 24. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF AGREEMENT OF EASEMENTS, COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS RECORDED MARCH 30, 1972 IN BOOK 2358 AT PAGE 384 AND AMENDMENT THERETO RECORDED APRIL 16, 1973 IN BOOK 2494 AT PAGE 829. NOTE: ORDER FOR ENTRY OF PERMANENT INJUNCTION IN CONNECTION WITH SAID EASEMENT AGREEMENT RECORDED MAY 10, 2006 UNDER RECEPTION NO. 2006055799. 25. ANY FACTS, RIGHTS, INTERESTS OR CLAIMS WHICH MAY EXIST OR ARISE BY REASON OF THE FOLLOWING FACTS SHOWN ON ALTA /ACSM LAND TITLE SURVEY DATED SEPTEMBER 28, 2004 PREPARED BY ENGINEEERING SERVICE COMPANY, JOB # 04149 -C: A) FENCE LINES ARE NOT COINCIDENT WITH PROPERTY LINES. B) PARKING AREAS SITUATED ON SUBJECT PROPERTY IN USE BY ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS. LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY and LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY - GRAND JUNCTION DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS Note: Pursuant to CRS 10 -11 -122, notice is hereby given that: A) The subject real property may be located in a special taxing district. B) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained from the County Treasurer's authorized agent. C) The information regarding special districts and the boundaries of such districts may be obtained from the Board of County Commissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. Note: Effective September 1, 1997, CRS 30 -10 -406 requires that all documents received for recording or filing in the clerk and recorder's office shall contain a top margin of at least one inch and a left, right and bottom margin of at least one half of an inch. The clerk and recorder may refuse to record or file any document that does not conform, except that, the requirement for the top margin shall not apply to documents using forms on which space is provided for recording or filing information at the top margin of the document. Note: Colorado Division of Insurance Regulations 3 -5 -1, Paragraph C of Article VII requires that "Every title entity shall be responsible for all matters which appear of record prior to the time of recording whenever the title entity conducts the closing and is responsible for recording or filing of legal documents resulting from die transaction which was closed ". Provided that Land Title Guarantee Company conducts the closing of the insured transaction and is responsible for recording the legal documents from the transaction, exception number 5 will not appear on the Owner's Title Policy and the Lenders Policy when issued. Note: Affirmative mechanic's lien protection for the Owner may be available (typically by deletion of Exception no. 4 of Schedule B, Section 2 of the Commitment from the Owner's Policy to be issued) upon compliance with the following conditions: A) The land described in Schedule A of this commitment must be a single family residence which includes a condominium or townhouse unit. B) No labor or materials have been furnished by mechanics or material -men for purposes of construction on the land described in Schedule A of this Commitment within the past 6 months. C) The Company must receive an appropriate affidavit indemnifying the Company against un -filed mechanic's and material -men's liens. D) The Company must receive payment of the appropriate premium. E) If there has been construction, improvements or major repairs undertaken on the property to be purchased within six months prior to the Date of the Commitment, the requirements to obtain coverage for unrecorded liens will include: disclosure of certain construction information; financial information as to the seller, the builder and or the contractor; payment of the appropriate premium fully executed Indemnity Agreements satisfactory to the company, and, any additional requirements as may be necessary after an examination of the aforesaid information by the Company. No coverage will be given under any circumstances for labor or material for which the insured has contracted for or agreed to pay. Note: Pursuant to CRS 10 -11 -123, notice is hereby given: This notice applies to owner's policy commitments containing a mineral severance instrument exception, or exceptions, in Schedule B, Section 2. A) That there is recorded evidence that a mineral estate has been severed, leased, or otherwise conveyed from the surface estate and that there is a substantial likelihood that a third party holds some or all interest in oil, gas, other minerals, or geothermal energy in die property; and B) That such mineral estate may include the right to enter and use the property without the surface owner's permission. Nothing herein contained will be deemed to obligate the company to provide any of the coverages referred to herein unless the above conditions are fully satisfied. Form DISCLOSURE 09/01/02 JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY OF LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY, LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY - GRAND JUNCTION, LAND TITLE INSURANCE CORPORATION AND OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY This Statement is provided to you as a customer of Land Title Guarantee Company and Meridian Land Title, LLC, as agents for Land Title Insurance Corporation and Old Republic National Title Insurance Company. We want you to know that we recognize and respect your privacy expectations and the requirements of federal and state privacy laws. Information security is one of our highest priorities. We recognize that maintaining your trust and confidence is the bedrock of our business. We maintain and regularly review internal and external safeguards against unauthorized access to non - public personal information ( "Personal Information "). In the course of our business, we may collect Personal Information about you from: • applications or other forms we receive from you, including communications sent through TMX, our web -based transaction management system; • your transactions with, or from the services being performed by, us, our affiliates, or others; • a consumer reporting agency, if such information is provided to us in connection with your transaction; and • the public records maintained by governmental entities that we either obtain directly from those entities, or from our affiliates and non - affiliates. Our policies regarding the protection of the confidentiality and security of your Personal Information are as follows: • We restrict access to all Personal Information about you to those employees who need to know that information in order to provide products and services to you. • We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that comply with federal standards to protect your Personal Information from unauthorized access or intrusion. • Employees who violate our strict policies and procedures regarding privacy are subject to disciplinary action. • We regularly access security standards and procedures to protect against unauthorized access to Personal Information. WE DO NOT DISCLOSE ANY PERSONAL INFORMATION ABOUT YOU WITH ANYONE FOR ANY PURPOSE THAT IS NOT PERMITTED BY LAW. Consistent with applicable privacy laws, there are some situations in which Personal Information may be disclosed. We may disclose your Personal Information when you direct or give us permission; when we are required by law to do so, for example, if we are served a subpoena; or when we suspect fraudulent or criminal activities. We also may disclose your Personal Information when otherwise permitted by applicable privacy laws such as, for example, when disclosure is needed to enforce our rights arising out of any agreement, transaction or relationship with you. Our policy regarding dispute resolution is as follows. Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to our privacy policy, or the breach thereof, shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association, and judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. Form PRIV.POL.ORT Commitment to Insure ALTA Commitment - 2006 Rev. OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a Minnesota corporation, (Company) for a valuable consideration, commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the Proposed Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest in the land described or referred to in Schedule A, upon payment of the premiums and charges and compliance with the requirements; all subject to the provisions of Schedule A and B and to the Conditions of this Commitment. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the Proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A by the Company. All liability and obligation under this commitment shall cease and terminate six months after the Effective Date or when die policy or policies committed for shall issue, whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS 1. The term "mortgage ", when used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument. 2. If the proposed Insured has or acquires actual knowledge of any defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter affecting the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment other than those shown in Schedule B hereof, and shall fail to disclose such knowledge to Company in writing, the Company shall be relieved from liability for any loss or damage resulting from any act of reliance hereon to the extent the Company is prejudiced by failure to so disclose such knowledge. If the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company, or if the Company otherwise acquires actual knowledge of any such defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter, the Company at its option may amend Schedule B of this Commitment accordingly, but such amendment shall not relieve the Company from liability previously incurred pursuant to paragraph 3 of these Conditions and Stipulations. 3. Liability of the Company under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and such parties included under the definition of Insured in the form of policy or policies committed for and only for actual loss incurred in reliance hereon in undertaking in good faith (a) to comply with the requirements hereof or (b) to eliminate exceptions shown in Schedule B, or (c) to acquire or create the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. In no event shall such liability exceed the amount stated in Schedule A for the policy or policies committed for and such liability is subject to the insuring provisions and the Conditions and Stipulations and the Exclusions from Coverage of the form of policy or policies committed for in favor of the proposed Insured which are hereby incorporated by reference and are made a part of this Commitment except as expressly modified herein. 4. This commitment is a contract to issue one or more title insurance policies and is not an abstract of title or a report of the condition of title. Any action or actions or rights of action that the proposed Insured may have or may bring against the Company arising out of the status of the title to the estate or interest or the status of the mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment must be based on and are subject to the provisions of this Commitment. 5. The policy to be issued contains an arbitration clause. All arbitrable matters when the Amount of Insurance is $2,000,000 or less shall be arbitrated at the option of either the Company or the Insured as the exclusive remedy of the parties. You may review a copy of the arbitration rules at www.alta.org. STANDARD EXCEPTIONS In addition to the matters contained in the Conditions and Stipulations and Exclusions from Coverage above referred to, this Commitment is also subject to the following: 1. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the Public Records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the Public Records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey or inspection of the Land would disclose and which are not shown by the Public Records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the Public Records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the Public Records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Old Republic National Title Insurance Company has caused its corporate name and seal to be affixed by its duly authorized officers on the date shown in Schedule A to be valid when countersigned by a validating officer or other authorized signatory. OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A Stock Company J 400 Second Avenue South W Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 ." TITLF�'•, (612) 371 -1111 AMERICAN A horized Sign Lure m * m ; LAND TITLE 7 * ry ASSOCIATION i CC.ORT.06 O�� 1 �Nd n l, 1, 1 AW I �, i . / i• — A Ira I ACE MARD' WARE LOS' LM ADJUSTMENT PLAT A SUBDIVISION OF A PART OF BLOCKS b AND 6, COULEHAN GRANGE, A SUBDMSION IN THE NORTHEAST 114 OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6th P.M., CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO WEST 45th AVENUE D' RGCM Of WAY NIBP76"A/'E 370A6' I I I PWWOUSLY DfIORMED PROPERTY U S TO RE VACAtED BY 110 PlA7 LOT 1 Ia11IBA7 RIVE IFEi 1 ffD.AD.IAII DOTS 41 I C?RHEIE d 100 lIIB11Y EAOBAL7, CQf}p1 Ma NOI ►1M 1 PLU MOTES IEWGMBA d 1WO6AORNBOIIEVARD. NO ILaD1IDORPE41MAIiMfN10R`RRRE BE ALLOWED VMM K BC1lMM Of Ell A OR 1MLY l KON M S t.Of1l1ML RHAN H 1618 To 10 SAID MAO A AND H ONfEI Of LOW 3SHALL MAIN H NOW PO _!Q!O AND /,age RBAD IRACfl UR AT LOIN NHMNOf1AORM bUi4AfDiMpMpq NYSIR MIND P-40C CAIB.iCO W NI 11Ef10NfMCBOf NLAOIIypalliAWNIld. CAPorm NOf tfia" PRACT AAIDIRACIl B 1/YL E 0m1CA>pN 101ROP.WAY 101141' OOIIDW.CO OEPARal OF 1W4POWAIPON U0N RECPe1 IV K CRY OF~ RIDGE. H wurDARefd iAD1NOTAANDEADAACT •ENIALLEKAb01YCORRiPCYDUK ECAI DNC11/ROIA11 N ilON1/ d1ITIE�RIAAIO • H ALY 1MRDWWE oElaoPeDrt OOrBAME DOfABiM N FiC RfrCEP10N N1l/i9 FifBNN N NNE df1GK ROCgDB of K oOUar d A9FMRi NAE ai o0EO1.m 2 CRMMCCENEASBAM rlEOW*ILH1i10CilC MMCA 10/ GRWM Lhl 4110111 ABC MANGER 70 AOMAND 10 PRO IID,RAW IODURNI IRON AIIFAi NfAG1R5) N'CRCrACC�PAp�alpMfAiA1i1R. NLLL.8IAAIEOIF`OMNMAT. 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CAP 74 RAHN 10KNM7W CRY Of V"AT w" U1 will b ACE MARD' WARE LOS' LM ADJUSTMENT PLAT A SUBDIVISION OF A PART OF BLOCKS b AND 6, COULEHAN GRANGE, A SUBDMSION IN THE NORTHEAST 114 OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6th P.M., CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO WEST 45th AVENUE D' RGCM Of WAY NIBP76"A/'E 370A6' I I I PWWOUSLY DfIORMED PROPERTY U S TO RE VACAtED BY 110 PlA7 LOT 1 Ia11IBA7 RIVE IFEi 1 ffD.AD.IAII DOTS 41 I C?RHEIE d 100 lIIB11Y EAOBAL7, CQf}p1 Ma NOI ►1M 1 PLU MOTES IEWGMBA d 1WO6AORNBOIIEVARD. NO ILaD1IDORPE41MAIiMfN10R`RRRE BE ALLOWED VMM K BC1lMM Of Ell A OR 1MLY l KON M S t.Of1l1ML RHAN H 1618 To 10 SAID MAO A AND H ONfEI Of LOW 3SHALL MAIN H NOW PO _!Q!O AND /,age RBAD IRACfl UR AT LOIN NHMNOf1AORM bUi4AfDiMpMpq NYSIR MIND P-40C CAIB.iCO W NI 11Ef10NfMCBOf NLAOIIypalliAWNIld. CAPorm NOf tfia" PRACT AAIDIRACIl B 1/YL E 0m1CA>pN 101ROP.WAY 101141' OOIIDW.CO OEPARal OF 1W4POWAIPON U0N RECPe1 IV K CRY OF~ RIDGE. H wurDARefd iAD1NOTAANDEADAACT •ENIALLEKAb01YCORRiPCYDUK ECAI DNC11/ROIA11 N ilON1/ d1ITIE�RIAAIO • H ALY 1MRDWWE oElaoPeDrt OOrBAME DOfABiM N FiC RfrCEP10N N1l/i9 FifBNN N NNE df1GK ROCgDB of K oOUar d A9FMRi NAE ai o0EO1.m 2 CRMMCCENEASBAM rlEOW*ILH1i10CilC MMCA 10/ GRWM Lhl 4110111 ABC MANGER 70 AOMAND 10 PRO IID,RAW IODURNI IRON AIIFAi NfAG1R5) N'CRCrACC�PAp�alpMfAiA1i1R. NLLL.8IAAIEOIF`OMNMAT. BUWpWIOPfA1B�R1EyL RE III ro 114 01MD6 8MN411 CtllOfp, AFC araE Of H 01VBE, APp 11WL A141B1UBAOIE piANIT AOCR q A/O PRi M0161RM1MOIIGN4D FASMCNI A 1!101 BIIEEMIC MD WfA71Q31R0M NILARLY fEDORO W FAfBiNq W0M AWACIM I10PFR418tAfCY041I10/1 Afll1110 N+IIC N8A Ill AND ACC*PW W ll PIN AND MA RC CAP IAAW81 Pil lA 04r. Pull Isle 1 UPON KT"d MOORON6 Of TIM'] AN 002HPOF-NIAY W K J1Ill COUMN CENI(AN7 RECOfDFRSOMIOI, lE AREAdCR01 F/11FAff LOB; NMIH 1pIl11111g d 4D 84G7 A N 1K71U1 N9BI BW1! VAGONa IL K Il llri 1101x1 HEREON ARE RAND CN K CLVMM d1PND11NCfM 80UEVARDAll SHOAM ON THE pR1M1MN O YMV A MN6 M W04D O1Af 01 FOR ONE KNOV IMU OF WCOON DD. i8,. SNOW OF H 4H PAL ORPMWa dPU RC 1004178 CRY OF NNW MOM OOLOINDO. TIM 16 OF II. 1 No PpIIYW RINMNKIR1pYW n,000ww NP4CAIRD 8,r K 8,000 B6MNC,'E TINT MN PTM. CRY d Nf W RODE. CdORIADO. 1EMAREDNI co11aY, ooN�lswY Pwa w. REDPO ao61c. fN►DA1D want A. FOR H PUINPOIES OF DE AGNI q EEIIACK FOR OP-ELCPIl OF tOf 1 H 5E1NCK IRE ON NIADBWODH BOULEVARD 14ALL IS IM Wf 119 O F ull L arses Y,E. 1CW C. YOUN7ROOD APD CYMML YWACBLO%Bt' K coo l6 OF 41FA11'4117181fY o0KP11K' L3BIE A[Ri DOCK N Il'YIOII! E -7-- a 31B1011. iA1 CF COLOMDOt Itll[ MfII1g4MY OYCI! ®N NxtUMt ii OOM.OK7NGWK801181BdfCOBrledH NDINiAA GUAM d KCION U. IOMOI i IOLNDI RNNf MWW d H 611 PM: 1YACE N or BY 17 W ALONG K Nt FM 4D NOR11Afi CUAW@.8W.i3IENl 111+cY N W At At L $1.46 W 110 A PNf ON H EAMMY U1* OF WADIANOW BOULEVARD 410 POPE 191811 POW OF MIW OMpM KNEE N W 4' MW ALONG SAID WORRY USE 171.04 All DIIIK.`E S K Sr AP W MOM WO 6VT8iYLRE.'DO PEN; DO" N V W 3V W MOLD 41C ENTRY Ul, 113110 ND D A P0f40NMIOU40\YI1Ed4IMAVIRE 1410FCENE/7 ArsA10F1DEADFON1fAE.Y UE.IMAO IF$: 18ACE IEAVM 4D IOUM4YUf f B1' W N• L 3N.30 Nil: *04:6 S , NAVY LAID BUD1rCe0 AID PLAi1RDfAD lND NI @KOLNYlIB NB10N OCIRNiDMDR H NMi A10 BIKE d AC4 NA1pNN1 LOf W AN111ii1 P1M.A*J@DW F1 A PARTOF OPY WNW BRRLCOLORADOANC BY •i Mi1FN 500 DMICAN 101E COY OF WIEAT IWO MO NMACPALLY OOM ANDADRflIBC1NLLY Rw+OW UlAND ONVICE IDAL POW 04d pggggmp�- N WiyA 111 CONpUC110Fl IrY.WALCN, 1�ISANAND RDIACENBl M1B ELNr.11c9, sC � TO1oNgEE AMD 6DC11C llNii. CAF Uf\. MNllil la NIYORl14 EIdEE 1VAIRTYRAI AND PEE( T IIRNA AIO ML NI11110MMCff KRR] -Z El `" WA1OPCOU 00 N COUAYd A"WWN ) ■ T .�w ,..,►1..� e " j - b • CRYCOISMANON �M by [ 1r oA V Of -AM: MK CRY OF yI y� GRAPHIC SCALE 1-30' ` _ L! "S�/�r•� 0 30 60 90 �r�l,,� ✓ ,3Rd 011 Voom i 914 -- CL LOT 2 REr�t.rw I7aPr 4164 47 IDLAD MR IAw ACVILAA U Wi GI O I I 4 AND �WINKE�sm VK; wro.ulu BRA laid • BGIABlAR9Ar , I Ill AND ACC*PW W ll PIN AND MA RC CAP IAAW81 Pil lA 04r. Pull Isle 1 UPON KT"d MOORON6 Of TIM'] AN 002HPOF-NIAY W K J1Ill COUMN CENI(AN7 RECOfDFRSOMIOI, lE AREAdCR01 F/11FAff LOB; NMIH 1pIl11111g d 4D 84G7 A N 1K71U1 N9BI BW1! VAGONa IL K Il llri 1101x1 HEREON ARE RAND CN K CLVMM d1PND11NCfM 80UEVARDAll SHOAM ON THE pR1M1MN O YMV A MN6 M W04D O1Af 01 FOR ONE KNOV IMU OF WCOON DD. i8,. SNOW OF H 4H PAL ORPMWa dPU RC 1004178 CRY OF NNW MOM OOLOINDO. TIM 16 OF II. 1 No PpIIYW RINMNKIR1pYW n,000ww NP4CAIRD 8,r K 8,000 B6MNC,'E TINT MN PTM. CRY d Nf W RODE. CdORIADO. 1EMAREDNI co11aY, ooN�lswY Pwa w. REDPO ao61c. fN►DA1D want A. FOR H PUINPOIES OF DE AGNI q EEIIACK FOR OP-ELCPIl OF tOf 1 H 5E1NCK IRE ON NIADBWODH BOULEVARD 14ALL IS IM Wf 119 O F ull L arses Y,E. 1CW C. YOUN7ROOD APD CYMML YWACBLO%Bt' K coo l6 OF 41FA11'4117181fY o0KP11K' L3BIE A[Ri DOCK N Il'YIOII! E -7-- a 31B1011. iA1 CF COLOMDOt Itll[ MfII1g4MY OYCI! ®N NxtUMt ii OOM.OK7NGWK801181BdfCOBrledH NDINiAA GUAM d KCION U. IOMOI i IOLNDI RNNf MWW d H 611 PM: 1YACE N or BY 17 W ALONG K Nt FM 4D NOR11Afi CUAW@.8W.i3IENl 111+cY N W At At L $1.46 W 110 A PNf ON H EAMMY U1* OF WADIANOW BOULEVARD 410 POPE 191811 POW OF MIW OMpM KNEE N W 4' MW ALONG SAID WORRY USE 171.04 All DIIIK.`E S K Sr AP W MOM WO 6VT8iYLRE.'DO PEN; DO" N V W 3V W MOLD 41C ENTRY Ul, 113110 ND D A P0f40NMIOU40\YI1Ed4IMAVIRE 1410FCENE/7 ArsA10F1DEADFON1fAE.Y UE.IMAO IF$: 18ACE IEAVM 4D IOUM4YUf f B1' W N• L 3N.30 Nil: *04:6 S , NAVY LAID BUD1rCe0 AID PLAi1RDfAD lND NI @KOLNYlIB NB10N OCIRNiDMDR H NMi A10 BIKE d AC4 NA1pNN1 LOf W AN111ii1 P1M.A*J@DW F1 A PARTOF OPY WNW BRRLCOLORADOANC BY •i Mi1FN 500 DMICAN 101E COY OF WIEAT IWO MO NMACPALLY OOM ANDADRflIBC1NLLY Rw+OW UlAND ONVICE IDAL POW 04d pggggmp�- N WiyA 111 CONpUC110Fl IrY.WALCN, 1�ISANAND RDIACENBl M1B ELNr.11c9, sC � TO1oNgEE AMD 6DC11C llNii. CAF Uf\. MNllil la NIYORl14 EIdEE 1VAIRTYRAI AND PEE( T IIRNA AIO ML NI11110MMCff KRR] -Z El `" WA1OPCOU 00 N COUAYd A"WWN ) ■ T .�w ,..,►1..� e " j - b • CRYCOISMANON �M by [ 1r oA V Of -AM: MK CRY OF yI y� GRAPHIC SCALE 1-30' ` _ L! "S�/�r•� 0 30 60 90 �r�l,,� ✓ ,3Rd 011 Voom i 914 -- 6 �� REr�t.rw I7aPr O I I 4 AND �WINKE�sm VK; wro.ulu I / � PIa 14Ba G1fK'Ay E3T �g Q m 3 b 1 CRIPERK W 1RBRY 61 6.1@Q I I I RRCOIID ®N BOOK E7W AT PARE a I �LV 41114 zaa L I 3 ? ? 11011 M'W Dfem 1 POM OP <M1i I ra41DANOAOCwRO a , 4w'EL. RI IWIq �� I El41EAiC1. �xt 1 I y R COUIEHUW GRANGE Will C-1 l i I _. ,.. IDCX/01 UAE NElN4. SRC. 9E. TDB, fldPW - OF CO&SAwca1w NWAYSM 2627.91' E000"howl GUAR" J 110 Comm NORIEA1E OUPRfEf RC. 36.1136. R6f W POLIO 111W NEVI CAP N AV" am of CRY d % ld1T All U wi NEC. = TDB. al POUND S Vr BRA! CAP 74 RAHN 10KNM7W CRY Of V"AT w" U1 will Ill AND ACC*PW W ll PIN AND MA RC CAP IAAW81 Pil lA 04r. Pull Isle 1 UPON KT"d MOORON6 Of TIM'] AN 002HPOF-NIAY W K J1Ill COUMN CENI(AN7 RECOfDFRSOMIOI, lE AREAdCR01 F/11FAff LOB; NMIH 1pIl11111g d 4D 84G7 A N 1K71U1 N9BI BW1! VAGONa IL K Il llri 1101x1 HEREON ARE RAND CN K CLVMM d1PND11NCfM 80UEVARDAll SHOAM ON THE pR1M1MN O YMV A MN6 M W04D O1Af 01 FOR ONE KNOV IMU OF WCOON DD. i8,. SNOW OF H 4H PAL ORPMWa dPU RC 1004178 CRY OF NNW MOM OOLOINDO. TIM 16 OF II. 1 No PpIIYW RINMNKIR1pYW n,000ww NP4CAIRD 8,r K 8,000 B6MNC,'E TINT MN PTM. CRY d Nf W RODE. CdORIADO. 1EMAREDNI co11aY, ooN�lswY Pwa w. REDPO ao61c. fN►DA1D want A. FOR H PUINPOIES OF DE AGNI q EEIIACK FOR OP-ELCPIl OF tOf 1 H 5E1NCK IRE ON NIADBWODH BOULEVARD 14ALL IS IM Wf 119 O F ull L arses Y,E. 1CW C. YOUN7ROOD APD CYMML YWACBLO%Bt' K coo l6 OF 41FA11'4117181fY o0KP11K' L3BIE A[Ri DOCK N Il'YIOII! E -7-- a 31B1011. iA1 CF COLOMDOt Itll[ MfII1g4MY OYCI! ®N NxtUMt ii OOM.OK7NGWK801181BdfCOBrledH NDINiAA GUAM d KCION U. IOMOI i IOLNDI RNNf MWW d H 611 PM: 1YACE N or BY 17 W ALONG K Nt FM 4D NOR11Afi CUAW@.8W.i3IENl 111+cY N W At At L $1.46 W 110 A PNf ON H EAMMY U1* OF WADIANOW BOULEVARD 410 POPE 191811 POW OF MIW OMpM KNEE N W 4' MW ALONG SAID WORRY USE 171.04 All DIIIK.`E S K Sr AP W MOM WO 6VT8iYLRE.'DO PEN; DO" N V W 3V W MOLD 41C ENTRY Ul, 113110 ND D A P0f40NMIOU40\YI1Ed4IMAVIRE 1410FCENE/7 ArsA10F1DEADFON1fAE.Y UE.IMAO IF$: 18ACE IEAVM 4D IOUM4YUf f B1' W N• L 3N.30 Nil: *04:6 S , NAVY LAID BUD1rCe0 AID PLAi1RDfAD lND NI @KOLNYlIB NB10N OCIRNiDMDR H NMi A10 BIKE d AC4 NA1pNN1 LOf W AN111ii1 P1M.A*J@DW F1 A PARTOF OPY WNW BRRLCOLORADOANC BY •i Mi1FN 500 DMICAN 101E COY OF WIEAT IWO MO NMACPALLY OOM ANDADRflIBC1NLLY Rw+OW UlAND ONVICE IDAL POW 04d pggggmp�- N WiyA 111 CONpUC110Fl IrY.WALCN, 1�ISANAND RDIACENBl M1B ELNr.11c9, sC � TO1oNgEE AMD 6DC11C llNii. CAF Uf\. MNllil la NIYORl14 EIdEE 1VAIRTYRAI AND PEE( T IIRNA AIO ML NI11110MMCff KRR] -Z El `" WA1OPCOU 00 N COUAYd A"WWN ) ■ T .�w ,..,►1..� e " j - b • CRYCOISMANON �M by [ 1r oA V Of -AM: MK CRY OF yI y� GRAPHIC SCALE 1-30' ` _ L! "S�/�r•� 0 30 60 90 �r�l,,� ✓ ,3Rd 011 Voom i 914 -- NOE1Cf: ACCOROM 10001p4Dp LAW YOU MUST COMl ANY IBCµ ACTON BASED GOON ANY DMO N"Ill NlW 1Nff YEARS Al YOU FIRST DOC,OVER SUCH 06E4Cf. M NO MW MAY ANY ACTON BASED WON ANY DEFECT N"SURVEY BE COLA ll MORE MAN 1RN YEARS FROM TIE DAM OF 1'E CFRffr-A110N 04OWN H8[4Ck ANY PERSON WNO INOYNIR:lY Ri.ICV6i. µ7d100 DEFACED ANY PUBIFC LAND Sl MONU.DM OR LAND bafi ERY MONU.EN1 OR ACCESOORY OCMM01 A CLA-3 TWO C2) NA5DIEPA OR PUIUMR TO NAIE REARM 164408. COLORADO REVISED STAIUTEL $ AX TF COLORADO ) IN rnllsr OF iaelsONR 1 HERBY Cam" 11A710 Pw NW IlID IN 1k Al �1t\ OH RRr N�EVfoN"ti� O ' C LO CK � caPRV ooECB41 �: PRfJPAR® ai o z n* LEPM AND A380CLAlfI. PC. pilloolowl P O BE(4 to 1A1 �� DENVER. COLORADO S MI ' 303-42"736 FAX 303- t7►4007 PREfNiD: All 14. 2032 Al11Y VK; wro.ulu NOE1Cf: ACCOROM 10001p4Dp LAW YOU MUST COMl ANY IBCµ ACTON BASED GOON ANY DMO N"Ill NlW 1Nff YEARS Al YOU FIRST DOC,OVER SUCH 06E4Cf. M NO MW MAY ANY ACTON BASED WON ANY DEFECT N"SURVEY BE COLA ll MORE MAN 1RN YEARS FROM TIE DAM OF 1'E CFRffr-A110N 04OWN H8[4Ck ANY PERSON WNO INOYNIR:lY Ri.ICV6i. µ7d100 DEFACED ANY PUBIFC LAND Sl MONU.DM OR LAND bafi ERY MONU.EN1 OR ACCESOORY OCMM01 A CLA-3 TWO C2) NA5DIEPA OR PUIUMR TO NAIE REARM 164408. COLORADO REVISED STAIUTEL $ AX TF COLORADO ) IN rnllsr OF iaelsONR 1 HERBY Cam" 11A710 Pw NW IlID IN 1k Al �1t\ OH RRr N�EVfoN"ti� O ' C LO CK � caPRV ooECB41 �: PRfJPAR® ai o z n* LEPM AND A380CLAlfI. PC. pilloolowl P O BE(4 to 1A1 �� DENVER. COLORADO S MI ' 303-42"736 FAX 303- t7►4007 PREfNiD: All 14. 2032 K Q g 3 O Q N a- I I I NB9'28'481 q uEII TABIIR 176.91' $ Il k k jig R m� I i 1 /f71f Of 1pNKi I 4R 0./1E/IIAN 10 sxrmx I I I y _b I g I Z I I I 1 I POPE OF OG.F.6ECO.BV1 - _ _ _ .• /NCCIl NORIIEM O7NROI POK S S ETAS CAP NAAM:f /OK AAAA ®c1Y OF wNEAI IooE u wYu VA WEST C ACE HARDWARE LOT 2 SUBDIVISION A MINOR SUBDIVGON OF LOT 2, ACE HARDWARE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT PLAT, A SUBDIVISION IN THE NORTHEAST 1 OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6th P.M., CiTY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO 45th AVENUE SO (7GP4 OF WAY NWW4n 1"' MT NC4M AAFM 1. OFOF A oKrN IRACF gtlteV�Aao. I�io OULDW Pw M iwl AN ■MLOWW1f N " MIiEOi1*aA OR MA L M 0"" OF L6.1 OWL O IA/I TN RGM q VE 140 TRACT A AND ii OW40 Or 101 Y 0WL WEAN WE WQtgf 10 a DAD Rtl1C - T l WRl ATSKU IM K VHF YMDEYCIRN1d ID lPVA 06"MAM ' M ACE NAFA)WARE LOT 1 LRO ADAMMEW PLAT MKr.wFi � q 1AAlI0MMK CEE61Ui OF �� 1 1 I K /E7IMIONW�IiA� OF iIE/Q IW�NE VFYEIP►4M /ClN.1N ND. NONLM LOT I - I - 2&1OD&SQ PT. ROU L"MA ;1M AND PMNU= ID AO: AND 10 PW kl"*W" GH 0376't ACAS MOUE OR lE9E t zow c-1 SA7/.1//I 101DE Y/O/ER YD FASFP.E►q TRW aA/KY RlCOAOiO SkMO /E PROW AEAVO[M NOPB11E1 ND/OR NOM A/AM4 P IiX. J1R M I I 1 am AM RECaR0ER7OROE.IE AAFA OF CROa�AA('.aS EAE16J1 LVM2 WMN DE 101D1AM OF SAID WACT A K IIONM HSON SHALL E VACAMM _ LOT 2 1 10 wuevJUOasDWN OM 1t Ep11T.O( -WAVMN NDI/QERrEDIM1MIC K r Ei/v IAEI�r LOT 1 MT NC4M AAFM 1. OFOF A oKrN IRACF gtlteV�Aao. I�io OULDW Pw M iwl AN ■MLOWW1f N " MIiEOi1*aA OR MA L M 0"" OF L6.1 OWL O IA/I TN RGM q VE 140 TRACT A AND ii OW40 Or 101 Y 0WL WEAN WE WQtgf 10 a DAD Rtl1C - T l WRl ATSKU IM K VHF YMDEYCIRN1d ID lPVA 06"MAM ' M ACE NAFA)WARE LOT 1 LRO ADAMMEW PLAT MKr.wFi � CAP PUP N" LEG" OEWISA!/Ol NPE �QI/ Ai p►II /p1 1EGl a1 1Mt1 E OTY O ai CEE61Ui OF �� q0' URN, I:As�. , K /E7IMIONW�IiA� OF iIE/Q IW�NE VFYEIP►4M /ClN.1N ND. NONLM OF NF OOINFY6 YNRE dFiOM - I - 1 L C Y, ATNA/Ea - _r�iva�� " ADJU/1MEM mm NGAr•l�EA1EABt { LOT 4 EL P" 36 .367.1$SQU,AJd FW air 0M% AC60 MOPE OR LEW 3YP4'w JOMDGI I I I W URIr vriE 389A4C44'W 38266• COULEHAN GRANGE ZONED G 1 90M IJM W 1/4. EC. 11. Sy[ R69W N89"41'17'E 2827.81• - - - - I O 4VO AM� [R OR PN NO FL/ CN MNI® NREdA @IEJ. A/. 134D GRAPHIC SCALE 1 0 30 60 90 U COW" NORIIEAr GU NM l S. a. 13L RCPW POUND 7 11r v N MNGE LS 1 AAMA®C1v OF MAFN RDOE LS 172u MT NC4M AAFM 1. OFOF A oKrN IRACF gtlteV�Aao. I�io OULDW Pw M iwl AN ■MLOWW1f N " MIiEOi1*aA OR MA L M 0"" OF L6.1 OWL O IA/I TN RGM q VE 140 TRACT A AND ii OW40 Or 101 Y 0WL WEAN WE WQtgf 10 a DAD Rtl1C - T l WRl ATSKU IM K VHF YMDEYCIRN1d ID lPVA 06"MAM ' M MVOiCT/iCQJEON AJD To iE ERR OF HV q/OVILEX.F. NFORNAION 1 ILIUM AM IgC4YlED AT/E Zia** 00N404CO M OF SAID MIADVAlom EQJDI& �F KSLF . MAFB FN MO PlA7RC Ii�CTAM ODM a ftftK OWICAI� AS WNT4FWAr1) ME COLCOODO MKr.wFi � CAP PUP N" LEG" OEWISA!/Ol NPE �QI/ Ai p►II /p1 1EGl a1 1Mt1 E OTY O ai aErAE. Ana s ) �� ErsAaR.IE K /E7IMIONW�IiA� OF iIE/Q IW�NE VFYEIP►4M OF NF OOINFY6 YNRE dFiOM .......... Y Cam AOCME FA49AW H OWNEt. HIS AICCEWN NO ADO!/ GRoWD Y Cf ff M ROU L"MA ;1M AND PMNU= ID AO: AND 10 PW kl"*W" GH 11101E NEAR NCICNED Al CCROW AGCEKAP4Q MfGQW LMDANT. AS EUXMED UPO11 /!RAL SUCH GRAM OF 6420" /LAIL E L"ED 10 1NE OMN//. CJ/OAEILL AM W= OF M O'MEJR AM *0AX3H SAID "%I 1U64[OK GEAMACLE! 10 AM NEE MON / D SA7/.1//I 101DE Y/O/ER YD FASFP.E►q TRW aA/KY RlCOAOiO SkMO /E PROW AEAVO[M NOPB11E1 ND/OR NOM A/AM4 P IiX. J1R M 1 1 /O1 fE 7i a RBCCRON6 OP iRAR.7 A AS N3M<7FMM' Al 1K JEHO 50" M.11 am AM RECaR0ER7OROE.IE AAFA OF CROa�AA('.aS EAE16J1 LVM2 WMN DE 101D1AM OF SAID WACT A K IIONM HSON SHALL E VACAMM _ 'L IK IFNNp /LOIaI I®EOM A/ ►A7ED CN 11/ C19A/U/ OF WADOYORII 10 wuevJUOasDWN OM 1t Ep11T.O( -WAVMN NDI/QERrEDIM1MIC K M IO11111 OI/ NNE OF EC10N YL 176. RFPW P 1i MI /JW.t1RA/EM4 as NJ/1C Mf)tL3. C1V OF MIMT FD6E. 0010RAD0. NEE E Oi b. RECIPRON tO. F/ $ y S / 9. /EV_ o J R. NO PCYIICN OF 1/a r1E i YII/M K tOD YG/.R RO00 NNIKPpC.Ai® �JEE CpMM �PNQ�1J0�� AW DA���Ni►YOL ?OL • 1 y � %orLwA� iw T EAV Ota1 � DT41EE1wa A ° 7 10"M (W) V" EAMOM AK HMV ORAMED 04 PMAX A0MY7i10ALL PLSW302 tAMRgNEA DQWPi0bEY1/BOFEAC" LDFN1f 111E7R1M71'IPMT ®NSA IIKIl7CF p�MDE EAIB AN ILA //11AI�ONPWAE PRONf1Y ADJLG/i HiMELOT 1111170E wcH IdNlf EJM►IEON OR gA11®AIEA LElE EA1B4R/R AR OEICAILD P01 N 1wruASOE4 ALaP4aaNLCE AM IEi1,ACE6Q a ePC1EC, iA[ lEPrdOI1 OAL<LNOIw/OOM�L14CA1D►/FAC7JEt URIIM SMNJ. ALPOE►RFIIRD 11wMA1N ADCMI En4/A/a NO PIFYAE 11iE'E M N11110►AiDIL FNWdi>EUC#ABMD IYAIBt EAEIFRi /M11 NOT EP®M11ED WOI! MDUE/Y EAB.ML R I O 4VO AM� [R OR PN NO FL/ CN MNI® NREdA @IEJ. A/. 134D GRAPHIC SCALE 1 0 30 60 90 U COW" NORIIEAr GU NM l S. a. 13L RCPW POUND 7 11r v N MNGE LS 1 AAMA®C1v OF MAFN RDOE LS 172u N0710E ACCORONC+ 102 0RA0O PAW YOU AE131 'Na Ct7MM ANY LEGAL ACTKJN SMW W40 AN Y DEFECT N TN/ SlElV YM1 hfEF YEARS AF. Y W Nis N0SURVEY IEKE C:ORE.E#!C® MORE TkM TEN YEARS FROM "DAVE OF AE i COMMAT10H SHOVM HSEOK ATFY F6UlOP1 WHO IVp1N401V . AL16K OR DEFAG'E3 AAN NEE1C LAND yIRVEV A1CMA/.EAJ1 OR LAND SOU►0AA4 MCM/43D OR KX'EZSBORY Cp.1/a A CLA1E 1Mp m 1+/7DEMFAAgR PVR9UAN ►TO fTA7E 6fAME IE�yOL COWMDO RFNKD SFATUTM - I // ME. IOOD C. YOU►K.E.00D ND CYN1fA L IONCAL000 � INE OF 1AOP.1Y LON1ANPq Y 11N ALTE7 MCAOW AS 10LLOM IJx 1 ACE HARDWARE tON UE ADA&WO NAT. OOUN/YOF MMWCPL SM O/ OOLORNXX AND EM MON PAASKMAILY OGICFAM N KUOW4 C0100ANC9'I0 N NE SOVIPMW CORN& OF ME NORMFAAI OL4AREA OF EC10M b. WW R O 3 $0VrK RAMI 6e AM OF T 6TH OffrAE AOVA90L31=PW: **PCFNR KEy1.W1 AU FPr Col 1ti "MY l!E OF WADE=% gUEVA1D SAD PPE ENG iM Pi11'r 01 KQX ' 11/KEMW26 WNCIIC L1DEM6LY uE0r2 �: 1ENCE 1EAYNt7%AD EASMY E p t/i NMM 4m t/7.91 MEL "Na /DIY p WW. 2" FEB 00 A PC" ON 1E SOLIMLY � Ear1tE KN YK7 /@1. EBIQ w Y 362 -SKSYp IIE MEOFF N� 7wE•1�+c. IMYE tAO QJ1. SI77[YyDm AM PI/Ni®iAD LAM N /fi lE DRAMINO NEEON COMAPlD U4M3+TIE FNtE AM OYIF U ACEINIIONIIYE LOTY 0./ONOOtI A YNOR /11D►/11t>ri OF IQ 2 ALE 11AICAYM/ UrT tlt AOAJ/AB/PIAT. A 71ADNE>LYI OPA ON OF RE fia OF M1 A Ni h404CI A LOLADO DA N11t JACP A6CO API lO Of dN' OF W /GAT aI�pp( NO MIM]0'MlY CMMFD AfQ'OiMM�Nly WNNO+KD lAfA6AA0 RMCYL 1110E 1'ORICMOF rtAl►iOP WYIIOM� K (/118.910 K% INS CONIEUC7101L P/tAI1A1011 orEiA11or1.1L�P+Er.LFO. AI►Ai AM RFPIACSV.Ef4 POR ALL ERYICd O1I NCUDPE EI/1 /NOF U.EEVpBB110NEAM LK+RK lNO. LMi1RH. YVAER AI'O fAMNN EWEP ldE3. HrORAN0. SFOE.1 YMBi M1WS AJD FFB. ON PON06 1X'.1113 NiD NL APP nES.TO. POOP G VouglaIIOCm STAR OF COLGYNDO I a CCOUWVV OOFFJJgffiRFON ) OAr OP IQ� =20- 9� rY1IES WNMD�7MPN (}7� u � •s PCTA F 4.a.4.11C OT YCO 0. Z COL. wr -- ....' -" KAN NG OOAr.169ON CERIEY'/110N APPRO%W " _A= 011V OF 1ays� 2RmDY 1E YMEA1 RDGE PLAMNQ OOLOANICK M CERM CALRON APPROVED NE OF AIAS� . �j H 1E CAr OF WNW RDGE NWFT i OF rU11Dc wolm APNEYOR'S CBNWCAJE: L RNA A LOW4 00 NOMY CGEIFY *W 1E MNEY OF Dd 10LAOAW OF ACE HAIgVAAE U0F IPE W WsEMF NA1 M1AS IMDE W W OR U/Do HLt �.AANK MVOiCT/iCQJEON AJD To iE ERR OF HV q/OVILEX.F. NFORNAION NOISE. NACOdDN10E%W ALL APPLK- ECOLORADO KRIM CUPS" lY79® 1I AS NBDED. ME ACOO1iANMD NAI ACGLWLA.Y mFIK1 MKr.wFi � RYLEBI4 sw }1RYEY. aErAE. Ana s ) f ErsAaR.IE � P" A. 41 N0. 1 .......... Y Cf ff M tND N0710E ACCORONC+ 102 0RA0O PAW YOU AE131 'Na Ct7MM ANY LEGAL ACTKJN SMW W40 AN Y DEFECT N TN/ SlElV YM1 hfEF YEARS AF. Y W Nis N0SURVEY IEKE C:ORE.E#!C® MORE TkM TEN YEARS FROM "DAVE OF AE i COMMAT10H SHOVM HSEOK ATFY F6UlOP1 WHO IVp1N401V . AL16K OR DEFAG'E3 AAN NEE1C LAND yIRVEV A1CMA/.EAJ1 OR LAND SOU►0AA4 MCM/43D OR KX'EZSBORY Cp.1/a A CLA1E 1Mp m 1+/7DEMFAAgR PVR9UAN ►TO fTA7E 6fAME IE�yOL COWMDO RFNKD SFATUTM - I // ME. IOOD C. YOU►K.E.00D ND CYN1fA L IONCAL000 � INE OF 1AOP.1Y LON1ANPq Y 11N ALTE7 MCAOW AS 10LLOM IJx 1 ACE HARDWARE tON UE ADA&WO NAT. OOUN/YOF MMWCPL SM O/ OOLORNXX AND EM MON PAASKMAILY OGICFAM N KUOW4 C0100ANC9'I0 N NE SOVIPMW CORN& OF ME NORMFAAI OL4AREA OF EC10M b. WW R O 3 $0VrK RAMI 6e AM OF T 6TH OffrAE AOVA90L31=PW: **PCFNR KEy1.W1 AU FPr Col 1ti "MY l!E OF WADE=% gUEVA1D SAD PPE ENG iM Pi11'r 01 KQX ' 11/KEMW26 WNCIIC L1DEM6LY uE0r2 �: 1ENCE 1EAYNt7%AD EASMY E p t/i NMM 4m t/7.91 MEL "Na /DIY p WW. 2" FEB 00 A PC" ON 1E SOLIMLY � Ear1tE KN YK7 /@1. EBIQ w Y 362 -SKSYp IIE MEOFF N� 7wE•1�+c. IMYE tAO QJ1. SI77[YyDm AM PI/Ni®iAD LAM N /fi lE DRAMINO NEEON COMAPlD U4M3+TIE FNtE AM OYIF U ACEINIIONIIYE LOTY 0./ONOOtI A YNOR /11D►/11t>ri OF IQ 2 ALE 11AICAYM/ UrT tlt AOAJ/AB/PIAT. A 71ADNE>LYI OPA ON OF RE fia OF M1 A Ni h404CI A LOLADO DA N11t JACP A6CO API lO Of dN' OF W /GAT aI�pp( NO MIM]0'MlY CMMFD AfQ'OiMM�Nly WNNO+KD lAfA6AA0 RMCYL 1110E 1'ORICMOF rtAl►iOP WYIIOM� K (/118.910 K% INS CONIEUC7101L P/tAI1A1011 orEiA11or1.1L�P+Er.LFO. AI►Ai AM RFPIACSV.Ef4 POR ALL ERYICd O1I NCUDPE EI/1 /NOF U.EEVpBB110NEAM LK+RK lNO. LMi1RH. YVAER AI'O fAMNN EWEP ldE3. HrORAN0. SFOE.1 YMBi M1WS AJD FFB. ON PON06 1X'.1113 NiD NL APP nES.TO. POOP G VouglaIIOCm STAR OF COLGYNDO I a CCOUWVV OOFFJJgffiRFON ) OAr OP IQ� =20- 9� rY1IES WNMD�7MPN (}7� u � •s PCTA F 4.a.4.11C OT YCO 0. Z COL. wr -- ....' -" KAN NG OOAr.169ON CERIEY'/110N APPRO%W " _A= 011V OF 1ays� 2RmDY 1E YMEA1 RDGE PLAMNQ OOLOANICK M CERM CALRON APPROVED NE OF AIAS� . �j H 1E CAr OF WNW RDGE NWFT i OF rU11Dc wolm APNEYOR'S CBNWCAJE: L RNA A LOW4 00 NOMY CGEIFY *W 1E MNEY OF Dd 10LAOAW OF ACE HAIgVAAE U0F IPE W WsEMF NA1 M1AS IMDE W W OR U/Do MVOiCT/iCQJEON AJD To iE ERR OF HV q/OVILEX.F. NFORNAION NOISE. NACOdDN10E%W ALL APPLK- ECOLORADO KRIM CUPS" lY79® 1I AS NBDED. ME ACOO1iANMD NAI ACGLWLA.Y mFIK1 RYLEBI4 sw }1RYEY. f � P" A. 41 N0. 1 tND COUNFY CLEW AND AECOMM EAE OF COLORADO I to COUNTY OF J0*9" ) 1 How CERTV 1N1 1M NAT WAS ROD N 1E OFFICE OF tIE COLN" CIHE�N� O CF JEFFEABON=1 AT GCLDEI1. 00 OWDO. _ I� -+-� -- a • L . J1T O'tlOC1 ,• . 1l ON T's '�AYOLQt�.�ss� -� 3 i�Jw °• RECIPRON tO. F/ $ y S / 9. /EV_ C •, F M*V.CN 0OL10V CUM AM NL7J PREPARED BY: LENM AND AS90CIAM& P4C. RO a MRn1y 13709 1JA'IYd1 P. SOU 30*42 L COLO FAX S 16&21 307�26d736 FN(C642L� PRFPARM APRL 1, 2003 IEVSSD: JULY 2y. 2001 P0110 AAO All� IA. zm PIN NO G•PI Of FLOW SAWAa mti� Sep 26 2[705 8:38nM Mountain Valley Design 303- 814 -8207 p.2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION INGRESS - EGRESS EASEMENT AN INGRESS - EGRESS EASEMENT BEING A PART OF LOT 1, ACE HARDWARE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT PLAT, AS RECORDED IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO RECORDS, SITUATED IN THE NE 114 OF SECTION 23, T.3S., R.69W., OF THE a P.M., CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 1, ACE HARDWARE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT PLAT; THENCE N89 - 48 - E ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1 A DISTANCE OF 30.00 FEET; THENCE N00 A DISTANCE OF 25.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING N00'10'12 A DISTANCE OF-14.11 FEET; THENCE N89 "E A DISTANCE OF 134.41 FEET; THENCE S00 "E A DISTANCE OF 14.11 FEET; THENCE SM8'48"W A DISTANCE OF 134.41 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL CONTAINS (1,897 SQUARE FEET) 0.0435 ACRES. DATE PREPARED: OCTOBER 4, 2004 DATE OF LAST REVISION: PREPARED BY: CHARLES N. BECKSTROM, PLS NO. 33202 FOR AND ON BEHALF OF ENGINEERING SERVICE =MPANY 1300 SOUTH POTOMAC STREET, SUITE 125 AURORA, COLORADO 80012 PHOiWE: 303337 -1393 Sep 26 2005 8:38RM Mountain Valley Desi6n 303 - 814 -8?07 P.3 ED(MIBIT 4 -- t _ ___ .._-- _._- - - --,— _- - - = __ __- ' -- -- - - -�- ! 10' urru L:vr l.d 1 •� ! � � I % 1 t I�Q,:S e' unurr E,�stNENr I I i ! , t ! Z { I I ! aao;r ,icr�s . I �, 1� 11 I � r ,u�ra•rl'1 � ' K AHA4 1 c4va7,V410TA0N 5" .SnwY aZWr .5mrEr, 5u7£ ?154 I ? G27u4YJ,V .TC�ESS £4SENE7 >—1 � 092x% w hEux aac094X W lrr I (xEC. wo. 164ul9q ) FAO /A? OF � D I 00A cAVEZ T I I ENOlNEEA CO1S/P�iNY I sw c�1%v? a- for 1, ALlr ljw sw 4' SL9TF >AS� I t` LOT LGV� 1A�(S ! WADS"'OA77V0041cEVARO CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE INGRESS - EGRESS EASEMENT WM Mi M:W 0O® NOT MM=ff A MomUchIID WNW. R e HTD= LOT 1, ACE HARDWARE LOT LINE AndUSTUENT PLAT ONLY TO DLP1C1 THE KTACNp DEStltl7WK SfTUATED IN THE HE 1/4 OF SECYM 23, 7.3S., RUIN, Of THE OTH P.N. CITY OF WK-AT MGF, COUNTY OF JMMON, SATE OF OXDRAW o ' bt "" m inp � o « s Sep 26 2005 8:38nM Mountain Valley Design 303 -814 -8207 p.5 E IBIT I t I I I I I I I I � I I I I I I I I I z z4fo / a asi ,roes I I .L4HN G�O _4V�E ?.TAYld7FOSN _ L . __ - - ,RN/7N 0,Mr 571!£7,' SPATE' 7 43 0%2716orw =aew a19t /7 ESICJJN Gb ,� !UAT /P CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE NOTE: THIS MlafT 00e3 wr Itv --13 M A wuVm AwWr. a o Pnrrcm DN_Y 'D DEFCT w )mD Descw"OH. ORIA% Sf: 90+11- I 1 N89'28'48"E 28.00' --- - - - - -- - - - - -- I NZ C4 l I I i I � � I I � o N ®�1 r, o z I I I I I i 1 L ----- - --- - - - - -- -- 10 urnnr (Ara NO. AD /NT 0FBFC7INNING sw Lx ew? C>< LOT .4 Aar //4wNIK3r LOT P 37 A A#?A -W SY WKICIDOV 0 L07.2 2W INGRESS - EGRESS EASEMENT LOT 4. ACE HARDWARE LOT 2 SUBDMSYON A WINCR SU601V ON OF LOT 2, WE HARDWARE LOT UW- ADAJSTKW PLAT SITUATED IN THE NE 1/4 OF SEcr NJ 23, 7.35. R.69W., OF THE 6TH P.N. CITY OF WHEAT R1DOE COUNTY OF JEFFVtSQK STATE OF COLOPADO cap� tangy a Sep 26 2005 8:38RM Mountain Valley Design 303- 814 -8207 p.4 LEGAL DESCRIPTION A 28 FOOT INGRESS - EGRESS EASEMENT BEING A PART OF LOT 4, ACE HARDWARE LOT 2 SUBDIVISION A MINOR SUBDIVISION OF LOT 2, ACE HARDWARE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT PLAT, AS RECORDED IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO RECORDS SITUATED IN THE NE 114 OF SECTION 23, T.3S., R.69W., OF THE 6 P.M., CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SW CORNER OF SAID LOT 4; THENCE N00 ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 4 A DISTANCE OF 80.17 FEET TO THE NW CORNER OF SAID LOT 4; THENCE NB9 ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 4 A DISTANCE OF 28.00 FEET; THENCE S00°10'1 2'E A DISTANCE OF 80.27 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 4; THENCE S89 ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE A DISTANCE OF 28.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL CONTAINS (2,246 SQUARE FEET) 0.0516 ACRES. RATE PREPARED: DECEMBER 20.2044 DATE OF LAST REVISION: PREPARED BY: CHARLES N. BECKSTROM. PLS NO. 33202 FOR AND ON BEHALF OF ENGINEERING SERVICE COMPANY 1300 SOUTH POTOMAC STREET, SUITE 126 AURORA, COLORADO 84012 PHONE: 303 - 337 -1353 i 13 ... �� r - i ::IT CW �1!h :!T ^ l :i.;l :•'!C :1i W1'P)) la:tt) yr:; Till (:T ;•• i•._ i'� :f : :7:)r :1i) , ,M •. 2 72 betti - - - -- _ _T1I - IS Rr,P.F- h����'F r�._de - thin -23rd .day. o „arch - -- . _ c. SAFE:9AY . a Mar7land - cor - porati - on, h rein called "Safeway and 'Ali:J.T' P.ZDGE NhTIONAL BlCM, a national banning assoc.-a- tion, hezein called "Bank ". R E C I T A L S 1. Safeway is the owner of Parcel I as shown on the plan•attached hereto as Exhibit "A" hereof, and which is pore particularly described as parcel I on Exhibit "B" hereof, 2. Bank .is the owner of Parcel ZI as shown on the plan attached hereto as Exhibit "A" hsreof, and which is more fully described as parcel II on Exhibit "E" hereof. 3. Safeway is the owner of Parcel III as shown on the plan attached hereto as Exhibit "A" hereof, and which is rare particularly descr_b as Parcel III on Exhibit "B" hereof, and Bank contar..plates the aurc.ass of said Parcel III from Safeway. 4. Safeway and Bank desire that said Parcel I, Parcel II, and Pa_cal III be de•velooed in conjunction with each other to form a co :=ercial ,shopping - center (sometimes hereinafter referred to as the "sho_pinq center ") and desire sail Parcel I. Parcel ii, and bB7 scal,et the ea sements and the co - -k-, conditions and restrictions . ^.ere =E set forth, pursuant to a general plan of iaprovenent of said ?arc-11 L, coal II and Parcel III. A G R E E M E LI T 2n consideration that the following encarbrarces shall be binding Upor th ^t rues -e_eto and s. -11 attach to and rue wit Parcel - ,1arc 21 and Parcel 111, and shall be .or the benefit of and shall be li_e -at upon all future owners of said Parcel Z, Parcel ZI and Parcel II_ and that all easements herein set forth shall be appurtenant to tha d = -nen estates, and in consideration of the prorises, covenants, conc'__ics,. restrictions, aasem_nts and encurbrances contained herei:, Safeway and Bank do hereby agree as follows: T E R M S 1. 'Building Areas' as used herein shall zean that portion of Parcel devoted from time to tirae to building imgroverEnts, that portion of Parcel II shown on Exhibit A as "Future Restaurant" and "Future Shcps', and that portion of Parcel III shown on Ex.iibit A as "Fut;r2 Sank% 'Commor. Areas" shall be all of Parcels I, II, and III exce ?t slid Building .%reas. 2. No building shall be constructed on Parcels I, I2 or ill, exc_ ?t wi the buildinge areas or shall exceed one story in heicht (35 :yet) ( ?_ =s inezzanines) any such buildi_^.cs shall be for ce: ercia2 _ r?oses of -a type usual!y _found in a retail s . , 1 0= n 4n = cant__ and that the tenants occupying same shall be prinarily retail and service _._ra..ts of _ type nor=m lv associated wsth a retail sro ?pin c center = and bui :dinr_ s : shall be desi ed and built _n ccnfo=-_ty with sound • a=_ itact_ral a-.=` engineering standards. It bsing further acreeaa that thebuildines _11 be of first cuality construction and architectcrai'_v de sig ned so t.:az the exter_cr elevation of each will be architact..ral?1' and aes_het_call compatible with the ether buildings, and so constructs = that the f=ont %.-all of each of said buildings en Parcels Z and II will be cont'_auc_s a said -property lie =, all as shown on Zxhibit and _urthe=o=a, _ parties shall coo?_rate - to provide cc -non footings It-.4 - ncraa =h -en= r•ermits er easenents for sane to ?era_` the construction of any a...icini walls, or reach agrccasnt on construction an- use or a ?arty 1,311 c:_th tasenents for sane and the tootings o' such uall if the use o: a Patty_ Wall is tiec .e6 acc ::table b: both parties. It is fur - .!­2: norCeld and jinderstood that Safeway wilt constrilct a sprin lered builc:inc, on Parcel :and Deyatlo:: will prwi(1_ :hat any b %!ileinc, constrecte:1 i=ediat_ly adjacent to the Safeway building will also v: "solinll ^red. /_ n r =Z/ q 2.'358 •384 - -- - - -- - - -- - - - - -- - ..... _...._.. _ _ 238 :•38� .. .. - - -- - V : 3, sub3ect .to . cr- i�tinj ea: :en :•nts of r- -(—O _ porkirg f�not-)rl be uacd for road. :,yam, tilal /.'rl:,y :r, ingr.c: s ! vehicles, load:..ntf and unloadirng Of conrt•.zcial and other vchic? -. , For driveway pi :r�oscs, and for the cr..r .-jr-ni_nco and cohort o: cc �tc-trs, it vitccs and cr.Dloy -aid !iu).ldinq'?reasc . occupants Each,ar o a %grantor, -. - -- -- -- -- -___ const�Cucted within said. laic: ot'icr cart- its Ea^loy ID - rants to _tI1C_ t h Y puYtg - ees� Fuaor�crs aiid invzCces a nanciclu plc caJen^nt for - ro.cwags- trays, ingress and egress, the purring Of r. -ot?r vehicles, use of `ac litie installed for 1shc: comfort and convenience 0, C-T. loy.es, Gusto-ors and in stal l e o the eon-,on areas of the grantor' Parcel- Gusto -Grs aac invitees shall not b,! he common areas ex cept chile pe rmitted nark in t shopping or transacting business on Parcel I, Parcel II cr Parcel III. FaaplVYees shale not be permitted to park in the common area, excs_t in ar� me designated as csr+p3oyee parking areas which onslusingrco-toaear�as1in =1tua_ approved betweon the parties hereto. accordance wit2:.tYis agrE -rent shall not be charted any ` for sue:. use. _ee All of the use:, gerr. -itted within the ccr:.on areas shall be used with rs:.st and Sudgnent so as not to interfere with the urinary pur -ose of the car= areas which is to provide f parking for the customers, invites an employees of those businesses conducted within the building areas and fpr the servicing and supplying of such businesses. The- fotegP ng shall not be construed as. forbidding the granting of ._appro rate, arc: proaEZ ease -ents-tor-4, s,tallat_on, repa _and rE ?lacs- P .. anent of storm cranks; utilities -r` Sewers and- other o -ode . services necessary, _he. orcezly c?evelop,szt had operation o" ' �� cc -:.an rrexs for end the buildings <to be erected u?cn the building area. �3oth parties w311 use their best effor» to._e? use -the. installation of 'such u`ilat i .. The oarti =s S a_1 ccc ? -- +Z the granting of ease prior to the paving_ of the cor.- -con area. �o- s c' ments serving suchnbuildirgs andethetco-. -ion utilities and services serving g , any building is constructed within the building area ca parcels 1, II or III, the comLnor . areas on Parcels on which the :buildings are constructed shall be developed in accordance with 'Exhibit "A" at the expense of the owner of said Parcel. Sank aCr°_ =s that Safeway may fill, grade and install paving and other cos...�os area improvenerts On such -oortions of the Parcel iI common arras as Safewa? 1may desire at 'the tine Safeway constructs and itproves t =e corw.cn areas -in the north 120 feet of parcel I and,Bank shall reimburse Safa••:av for the cost of such fill, grading and paving and other improvements. Botr parties agree .hat at all tines there shall be Maintained on all ?arcels I, II and III riot less than three (3) siauara feet of developed cc=ion area for ea-h cne (1) square foot of total building floor area on said 'Parcels, inclufing all basements and mezzaiines. _ Following 'co ^_•letion of the improvement of the corson area, as aforesaid, -parties heretc, shall maintain. said co-: area in cgcod condition a :c repair, said na_ntenance to include, without limiting t`:e.Senerality - :.of the_ for _era ng, the. following: (A) Maintainine the surfaces in a level, smooth and evenly covered co:.diticn with the type o? surfacing material oric pally _. installed c,r such su!stitute as s :a12 is all respects be ecual in quality, use and curability. -w (B) Res:ov.f.ng all papers, debris, filth and refuse and thoroughly sweeping the area to the extent reasonably necessary to keep th_ area in a -lean and orderly condition. (c) Placing, kee?ina in repair and replacinc any nocessar_v appropriate directional signs, markers and lines. (D) Operating, keeping in repair and rcplacinc, where ne cessary, such artificial lighting ?acilitics as shall be rcasonably rt- gui=ld. (E) %jaiata;ning all pc:rineter valls in a good condition and state of repairs and (F) Maintaining all landscaped areas and rinkincg such reolacenents of shrubs and other landscaping as is necossnry. � - •• , i. -.rc� ..ter - - -- - - 2358 386 All portions of the com^ion areas shall ba naintaintd as out" .%0 z;bove at the expense of the respective owner:; yt h•reof. The l ° -nt the coru+on areas shall not be chanq ^d -? ! ths-o%+ne_r-s - -of 75% of_ the- land_ - area_ of Parcel I and Parcel II and II2, to ^, ^- there with Safeway's - ar:tt ;4 consent so_ lono- - as- it _.'as Parcel ParceleIII Ogct e ithe r as- tenant OL.owner of percal I and the consent :f Bank so long as it has an int :-.r either as o :�nnt or tenant v Parcel II or III. Subject to the :mutual a,r =en�nt of the above :time parties, a third warty nay be appointed as an agent of said ?anti =s to maintain the corunon area in a manner as above outlined.. Said third li d party may receive for such agency a fee that is mutually accs?taa' - to- all parties t.o cover sup rvision, nanagensnt, accounting and sisi_ar fees which SLC'S are to be incluc:ed in the general maintenance exc_nsa paid by the respective o.mers of the co -mor. area. ~' h of the �)arties hereto agree to pay or cause to be paid, prior Eac to h fn =y, directly to the appropriate taring authorities all real property taxes and assessments which are levied against that part of the aozar..on area owned by it. signs shall be located on the co; areas on Parcels I, 2I or IZI' except signs advertising_Sussr.�ss9s conducted thereon, with np - mores. than.. : two (2)_ s ans on the cc --eon areas on parcel I and *:o (?) signs on the cornon areas on pazceT ?I and'rsr►e I (13 sign on par- eel IIZ. No signs shall obstruct th& ingress and egress.shown.oa �.._. •.:. ..Exhibit. - A ~' -- : -- - - - .. .. _ 6. Each.party hereby indereaifies and saves the other party ha ^le•ss from any and all liability, damage, expense, gauss of action, setts, • claims, or ';udgrents arising from injury- to person or property and occurring CA its own parcel except if caused by the act or neglect of the Other party. Each party shall provide public liability iasur- anCe with l serfs of not less than $100,000 /$100,00 covering its _obligations under this paragraph. ' 7. Bank covenants not to permit any portion of the building area of Parcel II or Parcel III to be devoted to the sale of fresh or s!nc Ed meat, fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, fresh or s:aoked fish or poul=rv, dairy products, frozen_ food or general grocsries, - or - any combination of .these ite=ms. - 6. Nothin�4 herein shall be construed to a_ive either party any inter- est in any award or Payment made to the otter carty in coanectic= wit.' any exercise o: e•, ine -it domain or trans it ?ieu thereof affecting s{sid other party's parcel oz give the public or any government an--r rights in Parcels Is 11 or ITT, it be_nc that in the event of any such a excise o_' e :t dor..ai n or _- ansa -r in lieu thereof a - any part o:- the co- -cn areas located on Parcels Is II or III, t­ha.t L.':e a.►ard attr:.butabie to the land and i. ^provements of such portion a the cciam areas *hall be payable cnly to the teepee in fee thereof and no claim therr_on shall be mace bg t:se oasF o�f way other portion c. the 3aon areas; provided further, hoc ever, t. at all such other owne_s o_ common areas ^ay file collateral claims with the toad -mning aut :c_i== over and above the value of the land area and improve =nts so t? .^. e, a provided twat nothing in this caragranh shall Prevent a tenant making a cla_ ^: against an owner Pursuant to the provisions of any leas between tenant and o --.ner for all or a .orticn of any such aware or pet went. It is further screed that the owner of the fee of each = c=t_cn of the cam on area so conderzed shall zrc=ptl%- re -zair and reste;e the • 6laining pc rtion of th co n:-on area so O% -�•eG as n e3r as praCtiCa~l° to condition of same iMlediately prior to scch corccr- ration or trans- to the extent that the proce;es of such award are sufficient to peer th costs of : :uc- restoration and repai r and without contribution fraw any othcY owner. V. The ea setionts, restrictions, benefits, and obligations hereunder shall cre.ac mutual 5= petits and'. servitors -s upon Piicels I, II a^. III running wit) the land. This a5rc. -m2nt shall hind and inure the her zit of th,! parties hereto, their resacctiva heirs, representat iv_s , t tenants, .n1ccessors, and /or assigns. - ..3_ 2358 386 J 2358 38 in event of breach or thr�-atened breach of this agreement, only os�ncts -_of P}__ -,rc -? I - -n -a__qrou a� rrcor3 aWZtir of ]_ of---- - -___. -- - he -land area o£- . arceZ�TY. - as -a groan, or �t erMcoiccT owris == o'�azcal - -- - -- _ IIIi or Safeway so lonq as it has an interest as an owner in any - portions of Parcel I, or Bank so long as it has an interest as Owner or tenant in Parcel II or III, shall be entitled to instit. ate orcc_ed- ings for full and adequate relief from the consequences of said br each. 11. This agreement may be modified or cancelled only by the written consent of all record owners of Parcels I and III and 75% of the la..d area of Parcel II, together with Safs ay's written consent as lono as it has an interest as either tenant or owner in Parcel I, and the _ =re- sent of Sank so long as it has an interest in Parcel II or III eit�.er as owner or tenant, which consents shall not be unreasonably with' ald. ` 12. Each and every charge or burden imposed or that may be iraposed upon said Parcels I, 11^ or III or any _hart thereof, pursuant to a,.v proyision of this,acreeaEnt, is, and shall at all tinas be, sub;=ct and subordinate to the liven -.or charge -of any..nortcage or deed of tr raaae irj good and f rh valus, affectinc said Parcels I, II cr III or- any part thereof r or any inarove` =:nos no s" or hereafts. — `hoed . t,hezeon, and a breach of any of the covenants or conditions hers -f, shall not defeat or render invalid the lien or charge of any sac mortgage or c'.eed of trust; provided however, that title -to env se- prgperty accuired throuch sale under foreclosure of any s::ch ^o__ =age or deed of trust whether foreclosure is effected by Do e:7 Of sale, judicial proceedings, or otherwise, shall be subject to all sue= charges and burdens affecting said Parcels I, II or III and further _.provided, that except to the extent hereinabove set forth, nothi -- contained in this paragraph shall i pair the priority cf this ac-es- taent over the lien or charge of any such mortgage or deed of tr::st. 13. If during the existence of this agreement Safeway shall sell or transfer or otherwise terminate its interest as owner or tenant in Parcel I or III, or in the event Bank shall sell or t:ansfar or wise terminate terminate its interest in Parcel II or III, then from a:id after the effective date of such sale, transfer or termination of interest, Safeway or Bank shall be released and discharced from any and all cbli- gations, responsibilities a-ad lizbilitiss under this agreement, _xc_pt those which '-lave alreadv accrued as of such date. 14. Unless otherwise cancelled and terminated, this acreement and all the easements, rights and obligations hereof shall automatically termi- nate and be of no further force or effect after December 31, 2023. IN wiT;VESS ;T4rREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement. a . - orporate Seal) ifrJFtE: SAFEWAY STORES, 1.3 CORP ORATIr'D (a Maryland corporation) By ! 't eg tee' f rte Its Assistant Vice Preslc =nt By it77ssistant Secretary tdHEAT RIDGE NATIONAL BANK By -4- 3 Z_­38 387 sac qs�m fQ I 1 Pzz - 3 c.o3. 4' 2.58 388 /� ; 3 stn �2o�os�v 2 358 390 2358 389 ti Ij � r - j t, > r I 2 �ss 39& 389.. ........ -� - -i ce a i I ' c � El— — w: _ 4 7 14 2358 391 2.3.8 392 • [A fsA ,E /c iiyc s 9 0 ar c? c 47C.- _jr - c3U� R 7 3 Z J°r� 4c7 As _ — _ 2.'351 �fi .t N I y _ Z : : ti F�.t'G: 1L • t t i L T! .Sr rf Oiv .s i c 9'O'- O <• t 2.158 393 2358 353 �. tea' .c' • t'L7 sts�� 1 � x'�S ; !ivice• Et EV.4T /OBIS I PARCEL 1 The Sout:1 _ feet of Blocks 5 are 6 . -•; rq EXC ZpT V ti: ° E^ 3': 145. 1 f ti_e Sou t'- 1 =:5 f e ExCzpT the L 2- f eat of the _ CI'th 130 f e? c feet of sa! 6 51oc 3, Fr.CE_T the East 35 feet of z,--id yl:c: 5. EXCrpT the :psi 10 feat of t:-- Sc-.;t :. 150 - fee EXC the 1 - c 22 fee. C_` t .t=t.. ?!7 f ee', . eat . of sari slock 6, _ nd . t {C5_ i rae . ;es = ^ 175 f :?t o_ the co;i l: 150 E;(Ci?% .:-_. - Soi?'_ °j_. 10 fee;: of said �: �. :a 3 ._..�' Cot-rty of ;tez_ "_ State Of colc:—do. PARCEL II '.) i.... SoUt:. 3 ::.'_d �1C.^'_ The Sout 285 feet of the No=:t • 310 feet of 'IC..:= P-nd 6, C Gran -e, exceept. t e ZaEt 2 -3 feet Of :a =G $lOOn j and e T_C =7 :@ neS� G? reel- Cr South 1 ' 7 3 fee` of the North 310 rep V ? _^ o' said Bloc v . and except -s ae5t :15 feet of the soIth, _ :eet o c :e. _. to 137 f2et of said :aloe: 6, Coun of 3e=:'crsc ., State of Colorado. PARCEL I I I The N=orth 14C feet of the South 150 feet of the East 165 feet Of the Vest 173 feet of Block o', EXCEPT ^ _hE - part of said Bloc:: 6, descr;_b -_d as follo- s: Beginning at t ^e So_t :^.'•.est cor:_er of said Bloc' 6: tbence :aorta along the est Ii: e of Block. 6 _ d:s of 30.00 thence East and parallel to tae South line of Block 6 a distance c- 10.00 feet to the trje poi_;. of be_in-i'g —, thence along a curvte Lo the le=t: a diSt =-ce of 31.45 feet, cectral angle of said cure is SOoCS' and the radius of 20.00 _feet; thence lest and para11e1 to t'--e South line of Bloc:: 6 a distance a° 20.00 feet; thence '_:orth and p ^- rallel to the West line of Bloc': 6 a distance of 20.00 feet to the true point of beginning, ■.m 2358 a% 2358 396 W cat Zb0 O r- n� -,c � moo On �i. The Sout:1 _ feet of Blocks 5 are 6 . -•; rq EXC ZpT V ti: ° E^ 3': 145. 1 f ti_e Sou t'- 1 =:5 f e ExCzpT the L 2- f eat of the _ CI'th 130 f e? c feet of sa! 6 51oc 3, Fr.CE_T the East 35 feet of z,--id yl:c: 5. EXCrpT the :psi 10 feat of t:-- Sc-.;t :. 150 - fee EXC the 1 - c 22 fee. C_` t .t=t.. ?!7 f ee', . eat . of sari slock 6, _ nd . t {C5_ i rae . ;es = ^ 175 f :?t o_ the co;i l: 150 E;(Ci?% .:-_. - Soi?'_ °j_. 10 fee;: of said �: �. :a 3 ._..�' Cot-rty of ;tez_ "_ State Of colc:—do. PARCEL II '.) i.... SoUt:. 3 ::.'_d �1C.^'_ The Sout 285 feet of the No=:t • 310 feet of 'IC..:= P-nd 6, C Gran -e, exceept. t e ZaEt 2 -3 feet Of :a =G $lOOn j and e T_C =7 :@ neS� G? reel- Cr South 1 ' 7 3 fee` of the North 310 rep V ? _^ o' said Bloc v . and except -s ae5t :15 feet of the soIth, _ :eet o c :e. _. to 137 f2et of said :aloe: 6, Coun of 3e=:'crsc ., State of Colorado. PARCEL I I I The N=orth 14C feet of the South 150 feet of the East 165 feet Of the Vest 173 feet of Block o', EXCEPT ^ _hE - part of said Bloc:: 6, descr;_b -_d as follo- s: Beginning at t ^e So_t :^.'•.est cor:_er of said Bloc' 6: tbence :aorta along the est Ii: e of Block. 6 _ d:s of 30.00 thence East and parallel to tae South line of Block 6 a distance c- 10.00 feet to the trje poi_;. of be_in-i'g —, thence along a curvte Lo the le=t: a diSt =-ce of 31.45 feet, cectral angle of said cure is SOoCS' and the radius of 20.00 _feet; thence lest and para11e1 to t'--e South line of Bloc:: 6 a distance a° 20.00 feet; thence '_:orth and p ^- rallel to the West line of Bloc': 6 a distance of 20.00 feet to the true point of beginning, ■.m 2358 a% 2358 7 - I. ---- --- -- 77 - 7 — 7 STATE OF COLOR-ADO 5S. OF DENVER The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 27th day as o Secretary , f March, 1972, of by R. Kent Landmark, as Vice President, and willjqA WHEAT RIDGE NATIONA L BANK, a national banking association. My connission expires: 1JITNE5S my hand and official seal. Notary P STATE OF CALIF4)RNIA� COUNTY OF The f�yregolTyg '-nstrument before me this 24th day of IarClft " 19 72 , by PATPICR S. TO as Assistant V e President, and nos- ro ,!:Z- as Assistant Secretary, Of SAFEWAY S a corporal on duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of HaryltLnd. My notarial cormission expires: October 5, 1973 WITNESS my hand and official zea-1, (Notarial Seal) Pt" LUS G. LAt4 ! 10-1 WTA" PUMJC CAUFOMA ALAJAECA COUNT" Z my ce—hzw Dpoe I oil I ""i M". — Colorado Acknowledgment. A tAAL'o ( A,A if B TS i G. NOTARY PUHC n an the State of California, with principal office in the County of Alameda. 2 aSS X&7 City of "� �V heat F' ici�c L t:SF CASE. PROCESSING APPLICATION Community Development Department 75UU West 29 "' Avenue • Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 • Phone (303) 235-2846 (Please print or type all information) Appliean /S o/1 n �� Address 7 �z? d lam/ y s fti, y ke_ Phon X23 1 1V ity ` e , roe Mate zip 3 Fax Oicner Address Phone City State � -- Zip T / Fax A Contact N 1 [1� l i/ i ! I 1 "µ Atltlrc; 113 Phan r Cit}' State Zip _ Fax (The pergm lisred as cnniarr Vk" nt,asred to answer gtiestions regarding this application, provide additional infomtaron when necessary, post public hearing signs, will receivo a copy of the staff report prior to Public bearing. and strati be responsible for forwardllsg all verbal and writicn core rnun =cation to applicxuu and owner.l Location of request (address):_ VV 7 O Type of action requetited (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request): :application sabmiUal requirements on re+vrrse side Change ofxottc or zone conditions 0 Special t iSC Permit rR Subdivision: Minor (4 lots or less) O Consolidation Plat O Conditional Use Permit 13 Subdivision: Major (More than S lots) O Flood Plain Special Exception O Site Plan approval O Temporary Use, Building, Sign 0 Lest Line Adjusttnzrit O Concept Plan approval D Variance/Waiver (from Section i7 Planned Building Group r'l Rielit eat' Way Vacation n Other: Detailed description of request: Required information: .Assessors Parcel Nwnber: Size of Lot (acres or square footage): Current Zoning: Proposed Zoning: l_ - C'u rant Use: Proposed Use: I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true, and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, i am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot lawfully be atcornpl[stied. Applicants other than owners must Submit po«ver -of- attorney from the owt ;which pproved of this action on his behalf. Signature of Applicant Cub ribed and sworn to me this, 7O day of ? No Public My commission cxpiMy COMMiS & To be tilled out by staff': D ate rcceivrd &Lq� �� }'ee Racespt \a. Q(XD/�(o C: 34C CIO. Lam Coup Plan Desig 7.nning C' �[ (quarter 1ection Map RtIutrd Cure No. Pre-App Mti Date Case M.vtager -2012 Case No LI-A1101 Date Received 6/29/2011, Related Cases Case Planner Reckert Case Description Consolidation plat v Name Jefferson County Housing, Name Phone (303) 403 -5420 Address 7490 W. 45th Ave. City Wheat Ridge State CO Zip 80033 - 6 /n/ovxeJ&" Name Jefferson County Housing. Name Phone ,(303) 403 -5420 Address 7490 W. 45th Ave. City Wheat Ridge State CO Zip 80033 - c /n✓u»ae alma Name Alan Feinstein Name Eli2abethJohnson Phone (303) 403 -5420 Address City State Zip f3n/i cf /nJunwafiu� Address 4470 Street Wadsworth Boulevard City Wheat Ridge State CO Zip 80033 v Location Description Project Name Parcel No. 39.231.12 -013 Qtr Section: NE23 District No.: II v )7&r, -Nw Pre -App Date 4/7/2011 Neighborhood Meeting Date App No: APP1112 v Review Type Review Body Review Date Disposition Comments Report ^ Review v Admin v v v v v ❑ Oisp�stifmrr Case Disposition Disposition Date Conditions of Approval Res # Ord # CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 06/29/11 1:38 PM CDBA JCHA RECEIPT NO:CDA886869 MOUNT FMSD ZONING APPLICATION F 388.88 zone PAYMENT RECEIVED AMOUNT CK 117661 388.88 TOTAL 388.88 Notes Status Open Storage: v Cily of W h6at�idge OMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Wheat Ridge Community Development Department PRE- APPLICATION MEETING SUMMARY Meeting Date: April 7, 2011 Applicant: Jefferson County Housing Authority Attending Representatives: Charles Romero, Odell Artchitects Mark Thornbrough, Martin Martin Consulting Engineers Attending Staff: Sarah Showalter, Planner I1 Lauren Mikulak, Planner I Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer Specific Site Location: 7490 W. 45` Avenue &. 4470 Wadsworth Boulevard Existing Zoning: Commercial -One (C -1) Existing Comp. Plan: Primary Commercial Corridor Existing Site Conditions: The offices of the Jefferson County Housing Authority (JCHA) are currently located at 7490 W. 45`' Avenue, and JCHA has recently acquired the property to the south at 4470 Wadsworth Boulevard. Both properties are zoned Commercial -One (C -1). To the south and west, adjacent properties are zoned C -1 and include the Pep Boys, Discount Tires, and Checker /O'Reilly Auto Parts stores. To the north and east are residential neighborhoods zoned Residential -Two (R -2). Apel - Bacher Park is immediately east of the subject parcels and is also zoned R -2. The property at 7490 W. 45` Avenue has an area of 25,100 square feet (0.58 acres) and includes a two -story 8,604 square foot office building that was constructed in 2004. A 28 -foot landscape buffer (including detention pond) separates the building from W. 45` Avenue along the northern property line. To the east and south are paved parking areas that accommodate up to 26 vehicles. The property at 4470 Wadsworth Boulevard is an L- shaped parcel with an area of 38,357 square feet (0.88 acres). The western half is a paved parking area with about 80 feet of frontage along Wadsworth. This portion of the lot is the middle of a larger parking area that includes parcels to the north and south. The eastern half of the property at 4470 Wadsworth is 139 feet wide and is currently vacant undeveloped land. Combined, the two subject parcels total 63,457 square feet (1.46 acres). Applicant/Owner Preliminary Proposal: The applicant, Jefferson County Housing Authority, is proposing to use the vacant land at 4470 Wadsworth Boulevard for additional parking and storage. The site plan submitted for the pre - application meeting shows improvements at 4470 Wadsworth Boulevard, including: 12 new parking spaces, a detention pond in the northeast corner, a 20' x 25' accessory structure in the southeast corner of the lot. The proposal includes new asphalt on most of the vacant land, but leaves a 20' strip unpaved to the south and a 10' landscape buffer to the east. Finally, the proposal includes consolidation of the two properties. Will a neighborhood meeting need to be held prior to application submittal? No, a neighborhood meeting will not be required. Planning comments: Consolidation v. Lot Line Adjustment The applicant has proposed a consolidation of the two parcels, however the City recommends a lot line adjustment. Consolidation of the two lots is an administrative process, but will result in an unusual lot configuration (a large L- shape) and will require a larger area to meet the City's 20% landscaping requirement. If JCHA decides to sell part of the property in the future, a non - administrative subdivision process would be required, including public hearings. Alternatively, a lot line adjustment (LLA) requires the same administrative process, but may result is a more favorable parcel configuration. An LLA would require a smaller landscaped area to meet the City's 20% requirement and would yield two buildable parcels. The parcel to the west could be sold in the future and would be desirable because of its Wadsworth frontage. The lot line adjustment shown in Figure C is preferred also because it corresponds with the multiple existing easements (utility and ingress - egress) upon which no structures may be built. Figure A. Figure B. Existing Configuration Proposed Consolidation Figure C. (preferred) Lot Line Adjustment Accessory Structure Detached accessory structures are permitted on commercially -zoned property. An accessory structure may not be located on a vacant lot devoid of a primary structure, therefore the lot line adjustment or consolidation must be recorded before the proposed accessory structure is built. 2 Section 26 -625 of the Wheat Ridge Zoning Code establishes the following building standards for accessory structures in commercial zone districts: • A maximum of one (1) accessory building shall be allowed. • The total floor area of all accessory structures on a single property may not exceed fifty (50) percent of the floor area of the primary structure; in no case may a single accessory structure exceed five hundred (500) square feet in floor area. • The required side yard setback shall be a minimum of five (5) feet. • The required rear yard setback shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet. • The maximum height of any accessory structure shall be twelve (12) feet. • An accessory structure over 120 square feet shall have exterior materials that are architecturally compatible with the primary structure. Landscaping Requirement Section 26 -502 of the City's Code establishes landscaping requirements for all zoning districts. For nonresidential uses, at least 20% of the gross lot area must be landscaped. This requirement will apply to the gross area that results from the lot line adjustment or consolidation process. Site Design As the site design is further developed, the applicant is asked to consider the vehicular and pedestrian connections between 7490 W. 45 Avenue and the vacant land at 4470 Wadsworth Boulevard. At a minimum, a designated and safe pedestrian route is required between the existing office building and the new parking area and storage structure. If no additional development is planned for the vacant land, the applicant is also asked to reconsider the location of the accessory structure. The size of the storage shed and new parking area may not warrant the amount of new impervious asphalt that is proposed, and a greater area of undeveloped surface may be preserved. Process This request will require either a consolidation plat or lot line adjustment plat. A consolidation plat is a document used to remove all interior lot lines and combine adjacent parcels of land. A lot line adjustment plat is a document used to vary the boundary line between two adjacent, platted parcels. Because this proposal involves only two parcels without right -of -way dedication, both processes are administrative and follow the same steps. The first step in the process began with the pre - application meeting on April 7, 2011. The next step is to submit a complete land use application. After a complete application is submitted, a staff planner will be assigned to handle the case. This person is the project manager for the case and will be the contact at the City throughout the entire process. Upon the submittal, the application will be reviewed by the case manager and sent to affected agencies for review. Service agencies (Xcel Energy, water district, fire district, etc) and other City departments (Public Works, Economic Development, etc) will be given 15 -days to review the application and respond with corrections or comments. After all comments have been received, the case manager will forward them to the applicant. Modifications to the plat document may be required as a result of these comments. This review and comment process may occur more than once. 3 Once all comments have been addressed to the case manager's satisfaction, a blackline mylar will be submitted to the Community Development Department with appropriate recording fees. Findings will be prepared by the case manager for the Community Development Director who will sign the plat document mylar for recordation. When the plat is recorded with the Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder the lot line adjustment or lot consolidation becomes official. Architectural and Site Design Manual (ASDM) The Architectural and Site Design Manual (ASDM) does not apply in this case. The proposal does not meet the development thresholds that trigger ASDM requirements. Building Division comments: The building division was not present at the meeting and has no comments. Public Works comments: Wadsworth Boulevard is State Highway 21 and is slated to be upgraded to a 6 -lane facility within a 150 -foot right -of -way. This will require a 10.35 -foot reservation along the western property line of 4470 Wadsworth. The City supports the applicant's decision to size the detention area based on a full future build -out scenario, regardless of the how much area is paved in the current proposal. The City can provide a list of suggested plants for dry pond detention areas. The City is also open to alternative water detention and water quality designs, such as porous pavers or underground detention. Please see the Public Works Requirements summary that was distributed at the meeting and is attached to these minutes. Contact Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer, with any additional questions related to Public Works requirements. Attachments: Pre - application transmittal sheet; Public Works Requirements Phone Numbers Meredith Reckert — Senior Planner 303- 235 -2848 Sarah Showalter — Planner II 303 - 235 -2849 Lauren Mikulak — Planner I 303- 235 -2845 John Schumacher — Chief Building Inspector 303 - 235 -2853 Dave Brossman — Development Review Engineer 303 - 235 -2864 4 i t f City of P "� W heat�idge BLIC WORKS City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29 Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 -8001 P: 303.235.2861 F: 303.235.2857 April 7, 2011 Pre - Application Meeting Jefferson County Housing Authority (7490 W. 45 Ave.) Public Works Requirements 2 Copies of the following shall be submitted for review and approval rip or to submittal of the Building Permit Application: Final Plat: A Final (Consolidation) Plat shall be required and adhere to the following per Section 26 -407 -D of the Municipal Code of Laws: a. Must use City -based bearings /coordinates. The City is on a ground -based modified form of the NAD83/92 State Plane coordinate system (please see attached Land Surveying Info). b. All section ties are to be to Section or' /4 Section corners or City of Wheat Ridge PHAC points only. c. To be approvable the Plat will need to contain all items found in the City's Final Plat Review checklist. d. PW submittals shall be submitted in the form of- i. 2 - 24 "X36" hardcopies AND ii. 2 electronic copies, one in PDF format and one in AutoCAD 2007 dwg format. The electronic copies may be delivered on CD /DVD -ROM with the hardcopy submittals or sent by e-mail to David F. Brossman, P.L.S. at: dbrossman a,ci.wheatrid eg co.us 2. ROW Reservation: A 10.35' wide strip of Right -of -Way will need to be reserved for the future widening of Wadsworth Blvd., and the reservation tract must be shown on the Final Plat. (Please note: The Colorado Department of Transportation will acquire the tract at fair market value upon commencement of the future road - widening project). 3. Items to Accompany the Final Plat: a. Geodetic Surveying Requirements: A completed Geodetic Surveying Requirements sheet must accompany all Final Plat submittals. All items required by the Geodetic Surveying Requirements checklist shall be included on the Final Plat prior to its approval. b. Closure Sheet: A closure sheet for the platted boundary as well as for all internal lots shall accompany the Final Plat submittal; all must close within the 1:50,000 as required per Section 26- 407 -D. www.ci.wheatridge.co.us Public Works Engineering April 7, 2011 Page 2 2 Copies of the following shall be submitted for review and approval with the Building Permit Application: 4. Final Drainage Report: A complete Final Drainage Report shall be required incorporating water quality measures, adhering to the outline found in the Site Drainage Requirements, and signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Colorado. (Please see attached Site Drainage Requirements). 5. Grading & Erosion Control Plan: A Grading & Erosion Control Plan signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer, including specific details for all BMP's to be utilized both during and subsequent to construction. 6. Civil Construction Plans: Construction Plans signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Colorado, shall be required for all improvements to be constructed, including, but not limited to, all drainage- related items such as detention ponds, outlet structures, drainageways or pans, curb and gutter, grass swales or other water quality BMPs, etc. Include all applicable City standard details in the plans (please see Note 1 below). 7. Site Plan: A Site Plan to include the following: a. 24" X 36" sheet format. b. A Vicinity Map. c. A scale, north arrow, horizontal coordinate system used (must be on Current City Datum — see Note 1 below), date of map preparation, and the name and address of the firm who prepared the map. d. Existing and proposed contours at 2 -ft intervals (on NAVD88 vertical datum). e. Adjacent street name(s), distance(s) from the property boundary to the existing Right -of- Way(s), and existing ROW width(s). f. Location of all existing & proposed easements and rights -of -way, fences, walls, drainageways, ditches, buildings to be developed or retained on site i. Location of all existing & proposed easements and rights -of -way, fences, walls, drainageways, ditches, buildings to be developed or retained on site. www.ci.wheatridge.eoms (04 -07 -11) 7490 W 45th Ave (JetTCo Housing Auth).doc Public Works Engineering April 7, 2011 Page 3 NOTES: Information pertaining to the Public Works development requirements, the City's Street Construction Standards & Details in AutoCAD® DWG format, ROW maps, and City - base coordinate and land surveying information (i.e., Current City Datum) is available on the City of Wheat Ridge website at: www.ci.wheatridge.co.us 2. Application for Minor Grading/Fill Permit: Prior to the commencement of any onsite grading or construction activities, an application for a Grading/Fill Permit along with the fees due shall be submitted for review and approval. 3. Please note the following items required prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy for the proposed building: i. Drainage Certification: A Drainage Certification Letter from the Engineer -of- Record stating that all drainage related items were constructed per the approved civil engineering documents. The Certification Letter shall be accompanied by As -Built plans in support of the statements made in the Letter. ii. Stormwater Maintenance Agreement and O & M Plan: All post- construction Best Management Practices (BMP's) for water quality must be maintained and inspected by the property owner(s) per Section 20 -34 of the City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Code of Laws. For stormwater quality facilities including, but not limited to, above - ground or underground detention facilities, porous landscape detention areas, porous pavement, centrifuge type devices such as a Rinker Stormcepter®, hydrodynamic separation systems such as a Contech Vortechs®, or for any other approved post - construction BMP, a Stormwater Maintenance Agreement accompanied by an Operations and Maintenance (O & M) Schedule /Log shall be required prior to issuance of the Certificate of Completion. The O & M Schedule /Log must be kept current and will be inspected on a regular basis by City staff to ensure compliance with City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Code requirements. 4. NOTE: Submittals will not be considered as being under review until all of the above stated submittal requirements have been received. Incomplete submittals will be returned to the applicant without being reviewed. www.ci.wheatridge.coms (04 -07 -11) 7490 W 45th Ave (1effCo Housing Auth).doc L C O. V'. r W Z O C ■ C $i wi •i, ,r I ' A ir 3 ' �N rn a T? 04490 > N+ o ►. CL F Lo OW y �1 j i La __ N t. 10.35' PHAC -3 :.'o_ r� 7 1 --�' r .s' `"4 10.35' wide area of additional y 75.00' +r ROW Reservation w W iii _ � ill /► W s 07525 o J 45TH AVE 7490 W. 45th Ave. JeffCo Housing Authority Legend ConEnuous, 2a0, 21 Qs.rn.n. J' Co Parc els Road Centerline CLASS Pnmery roaq interstate Mphway and limited access road Secondary road, U.S. h�phway — Conn -tnp read, ... my road. — N.:1*,hood roads, sty steels and unimproved roads Speed Road Feature NAVD88 Contours Type Ind.. Inte.m.drat. N W E S 40 20 0 40 Feet Horizontal Coordinate System: NAD83/92 State Plane, Colorado Central Zone 0502 Vertical Datum: NAVD88 DISCLAIMER NOTICE This is a pictorial representation of geographic and demographic information, Reliance upon the accuracy, reliability and authority of this information is solely the requestor's responsibility. The City of Wheat Ridge, in Jefferson County, Colorado - a political subdivision of the State of Colorado, has compiled for its use certain computerized information. This information is available to assist in identifying general areas of concern only. The computerized information provided herein should only be relied upon with corroboration of the methods, assumptions, and results by a qualified independent source. The user of this information shall indemnify and hold free the City of Wheat Ridge from any and all liabilities, damages, lawsuits, and causes of action that result as a consequence of his reliance on information provided herein. WheatR-idge 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 -8001 303.234.5900 DATE: 04/07/2011 MI PreappNo: APP 11 12 PreappDate: 4171201 ApplicantName: jOdell Architects for 3CHA ProjectStreetNo: F7490 W. 45th Ave. [ PreappFee: NbhdrneetingDate: :---. NbhdmeetingFeePd NbhdmeetingFee: Notes: fees not paid Case #: $0 Permit #: Record: = - I of 406 rl�lj ► - H)C�j F CKJ ri* Odell Architects P.C. 1024 Cherokee Street Denver, CO 80204 March 28, 2011 City of Wheat Ridge Development & Zoning Services 7500 W. 29 Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Subject: Pre - Application Narrative Dear Ms. Meredith Reckert, AICP. Odell Architects P.C. & Martin /Martin Consulting Engineers on behalf of the Jefferson County Housing Authority would like to graciously request review of the following narrative and ATTACHMENTS: 1) Site Plan & 2) Landscape Plan, prior to the pre - application schedule for April 7'" 2011 at 3:00 pm. Project Title & Location: Jefferson County Storage Building & Parking 7490 West 45'" Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 -3461 (303) 422 -8600 Design Principles: The intent of this pre - application is to secure approval of (12) additional parking spaces, and the addition of a framed storage unit (approximately 20'x 25'). The addition will serve the existing commercial offices owned by Jefferson County Housing Authority (JCHA) off of 45`" Avenue and one block eastward of Wadsworth Boulevard. Westward of JCHA's existing offices is a drive aisle that services Checker - O'Reilly Auto Parts as well as a portion of JCHA's parking. JCHA's existing offices, and parking are located on what is currently referenced as Lot 2, and the proposed parking and storage is anticipated for location on what is currently referenced as Lot 4. JCHA currently owns both Lots 2 & 4. Lot 4 is currently undeveloped area, and every attempt will be made to reduce impact of undeveloped area where the addition of parking, a drive aisle, detention or storage will be included in an effort to support the City of Wheat Ridge's guidelines as established by the Architectural and Site Design Manual (ASDM). We look forward to working with the City of Wheat Ridge to create a development plan that is consistent with ASDM guidelines, while supporting the growing needs of Jefferson County Housing Authority. Sincerely, C . Charles M. Romero, RA, NCAR Odell Architects P.C. ' DEFLECT PROPOSED WATER LINE UNDER Ir STORY n� HYDRANT PROPOSED SEEa8 L I CONTRACTOR TO PROVtOE A Y'.N OF 18" COVER k - 5 � 8. PVC MTH MVE AND KB. CONNECT TO EX 6' CP FOLLOW RED. FOR UTILITY CROSSINGS PER DWD CONNECT TO EXIST. 6' CP PROVIDE 10' OF 8' 6' TAPPING SADDLE BY CONTRACTOk VALVE DONE R I$' RCP INVINV.-526" TOP EL 5280.82 PVC SEWER P -PE k PU/G _ — :• iT CE . 6' REDUR t OUESIIC IH 86 Lf - PVC _ —.._. ___— SEE YEW: PM-- s' arAnn.IT EXIST. 4' DIA YH 157.6 Lf-er 2 1r-8' T' 2032 Lr+ 6' PvC FOR SERVICE LINE ? 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SETYR PPr k M.JO ONNECT TO EgST 6' CIP 157.6 Lr-6' PVC 32.6 I _ ._ _ I>ds' f9n c +-s_ UP M 45TH AVENU �*'' ^�f , 0411 EX. E SAN 6o IF - F PVC r JQ' ROW K _ I ` F. }S? 4 DA NN l ! CONNCC _0 ArI w fX MH EX. )6 Foam CX. 16• STORM 10113 Will TIRR ASS+ -3A LF SCE DCTyLS UlErT C -T aTtFT stwe SCALE: t' - 2T SJPPL.ED it '•vf,L,` RfOfY %.fTA fn`.IH r.` - Nf l , ° f I A.FEI_ SACHER A.SPItAI_ T PARK PARKING L L01 - -- EXISTWG dEEF A - � ,55wB:r I 1 A C I I I •.` t i L SEE VECN C - AN i i - • + - CL ( + J ✓` i `.r ,'TIRO[ LOCAL" L L.. C CONNECTION - - 1 F' EXIST. S/6 TAR l� \✓ I �. AP (!.'18+•47 I I � MEND >; STX: %C4VICE W. j j ACE HARDWARE c TO MATPI W Df WATrRLIRIL . .... J 1 �T T I i DEFLECT intp:+05;{,J WA ER Uri. MNL•ER 16' SICIRU CONTRACTOR 10 PRO-AVE A MIR 0T IF" COAR & FC0.1.CA' REO FOR I:TX,+TY (,R054 PFR V*n 18 RCP INY- 5182.3i TOP EL .52 + " OLAY E�IN; i 1 N PRO)PCSED FIRE 8 . 6" Rf_DLCEN N7DRANT ASSEMULT ! WTH YAVE A4D K O. PROVgE 10• IN 6' y LF.. PVC REMOVE 03ST 6' PILL pvc. SETYR PPr k M.JO ONNECT TO EgST 6' CIP 157.6 Lr-6' PVC 32.6 I _ ._ _ I>ds' f9n c +-s_ UP M 45TH AVENU �*'' ^�f , 0411 EX. E SAN 6o IF - F PVC r JQ' ROW K _ I ` F. }S? 4 DA NN l ! CONNCC _0 ArI w fX MH EX. )6 Foam CX. 16• STORM 10113 Will TIRR ASS+ -3A LF SCE DCTyLS UlErT C -T aTtFT stwe SCALE: t' - 2T SJPPL.ED it '•vf,L,` RfOfY %.fTA fn`.IH r.` - Nf l , ° f I A.FEI_ SACHER A.SPItAI_ T PARK PARKING L L01 - EXISTWG dEEF A - A C rsAwa4a •.` t L SEE VECN C - AN i i - • + UQCK r r- FOR SERYICE L04f ` `L FLyt SERYtCE i i `.r ,'TIRO[ LOCAL" L L.. C CONNECTION - - 1 F' EXIST. S/6 TAR �. AP (!.'18+•47 I I � MEND >; STX: %C4VICE W. j j ACE HARDWARE c TO MATPI W Df WATrRLIRIL . .... 4570 WAMWORTH W WNEA ae:F,E 'TAT ±,P ClilrUrT LOT 2 N N LOT 1 - - \ \ DETENTION \ I D 12 PARKING S SPACES POND ASPHA'_T ' A I PARKING LOT HEFT C11R8 ASPHALT PARKING L07 6 NEW ASPHALT QE A400T GAZIL00 4 TENN S COURT NOTES: 1. COMBINE LOTS 2 AND 4 BY REPLAT LEG= N- O i M P-?W WATER it/rH PROP WATR SER`ACL PROP SAN. 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