HomeMy WebLinkAbout3228 Swadley Street~Building Permit CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 Woct 29TH Avenue Wheatridge, CO 50033 303-235-2855 ,t GbNVMmelbdge ~ . Permit Number 19015 7/22/2005 Inspection Line 303-234-5933 Residential Plumbing PROPERTY 3328 Swadley St Unit: owivEx: pauline Lubin (303) 232-2688 Description Q~ ~ Replace water heater. Home owner had own water heater. Use tax I.D. 8002 Unita: Occup¢ncy: Walls: Roof: Stories: Sq Feet: 0 .1 be'abr aNfr Ihat the aeWU4 dYlmu prvpaeed by tM14 permk applk.tbe art muntq md do eot vbbh appYubk oNAmen, rake w eaeohtlovs o(Ihe Clry M WEeat ILdge or rnvuuo4 eKm+ob or ncWNbne of rtcoed; tWt v9 mraiurtmmb Wo~ and alkg~tbm mWe ue monlr, t0~t I Nve rtW and apee b W Ws Gy A matlltlou PMtN en thb apptlmtloM+od Wmt 1 wome fetl eapowWWty hrmmPHaaa w[N the Whnt Rid`e BuOdWL Cade (U.B.C.) u6 .B elher aPPUrabla Wheat Ridqe wdhmnm, fw w'oAc aeder thb pemtlt. 5[Cd1M DAT6 I TWa pmsll wu iqusd lo mortlonee with Ne prov4iom eH (orth in yow applkmtlon and Y eubfen ro Me h. of Ihe StHe of Cobndo and ro Ue ZouBq Reeula tloee uW BuiWN, Cede of W6mt Rldea, Colondo or ~vy oMer vpplkable oNlvevicea of the CYty. . 3 1L4 peneic.ha6 espNe V(A) We work ~vNOrized 6 oot mmmeneW wtlWO LLny (0) dryalrom iewe dice or (B) the bu0divg avthoAad bmpmded er . abudoeed for v per{od ef 110 d.". l VIWi.perm4exWree,. neMpwmft mqEeuqulredfor. ftto(onahmNNe~moupteoempyrcqutretl,provldednosh~nsnYrvehanorw9UemaLemlYe orle" phm and ryalqntboe ond my mepmmn or aMndoomrot hu vot ezended one (1) year.lf eh,oeee art mWe or if ~uepembe m Wudmvml exxeEa me (1) ynr, fuff kn iYall be PaW foe a new permit. 4 N. work ofaey mama Adl be dooe Nat we elunQe Ne n.turol ibw of watn nntlvt . aN^Re pmblw. 5 CwlnelorshallnotifYtheHVOtlioLWPeROrtwmN-fom(31)6oanloadvnrce(ora1lWPMloo'mdshallrcnlvewNttmaPVmvalenhopectlmwrdbefore protteCiog wk6 eeettadve phuea ofthe )ob. - 6 Thalwmnota permltertheapprnvdofEnwioponAapeel8catlomsIWluotbecooeWMroOeapernltfor,voravApprvvala4+oYvkdameefthe pIOYIdONOIW, hjddij(fOMOry_".--°- p, hW, NILOrlOgYINIOR Monday, ]uly 25, 2005 Page 1 of t DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number: BULLDING INSPPCTION LINE - 303-234-5933 Date CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2855) ~PLICATION Proper[y Owner: p,av /1:T.~. L ~ L.h Properry Address: j f Z$'' ~ 5,1- Phone : Contractor License No.: /'7 / 3- Z Company: Pe, c i sc Pl, `,i s• -T^ c Phone: 0WM1F,R/CONTRACTOR SICNATURE OF i1NDER5fANDINC AND ACR&&MENT I heazby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application nra accurate, md do not violate applicable ordinances, mles or regulatlons of the City of Wheat RiAge or covenazrts, aesemerts or rnrtrictions of record; that all meuuremerts shown, md af(egalions made are accurete; that I have mad md agree to abide by xll conditiona pnnted on this applioations md that I aseume full responsi6ility for campliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C) md all o[her xpplicabfe Wheat Ridge Ordinancu, for work undet ihis pemut. xconnRncroa).sIIataaD ~ .~•n^Ta--- Construction Value: 2'/S- Permit Fee: Plan Review Fee: TTCP TAY' J-vRe3 ~-(lC:t TOt3l: 'jo• 5'5- Descriphan: ~Q ~ C~ 9 p-l j' 40s4C-n..ed- "Lozung commettts: Approval: Zoning: BUILDING DEPARTMENT U5E ONLY SIC' Sq.Ft: BuiidF~g G'umxne~ts: Approval: Approval: J U t 2~ 2005 Occupancy: Walls: Roof: Stories: Residential Units: Electrical License No: Company Plumbing License No: Company: Mechanical License No: Company Expiration Date Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Approval: Approval: Approval: This pe[mit was iesuod in aecotNnce wiN fhe provisiom set forth in yaur applicatian md ie eubject lo the laws of Ne State of Colorado anA [o Ne Zoning Regulatiooe anA Huilding Code of Whul Ridgy Colorado or my eNer eppliceble wd'vuncm of the Ciry. This permit shnll expse if (A) Ne work euthonzed is mt commenceA utitEin eury (60) Aays @om issue dete or (B) 1he building authorized is auspendeA or abandoned for a period of 120 deys. !ij IS Utis pmmit wepuu, e new pemill may be acqui[ed for a fee of ono-Mlf Ne emowt nomully roquimA, prwideA no chenges have been or will be made m :hc onginal plem md spaifia4o`u md eny wpension or ebsndonmenl hss m[ exceeded one (1) year . [f changes heve beert or if auspwuion or abanAonment excceAs one (1) yea[, fiill fees shill bo peid foc e new pemtit. 'a`No work oC arry munes shall be done Net will chunge Ne naNnl (low of water ausing a drninage problem. ;3) Contraccot ehaf] notify the Building Wpeclor twmty-fou[ (24) houa in advence Co[ alI'vmpw4ona md sheli receive wdtten apprwal on inspeceion cazd be(cre yroceeding with succrosive phuu of Uwjob. !E, The issuanco ot a pemtit o( ihe apprwel of dvwings md epacifiutiws xhall mt be coiutued to be a pevnit for, nor an approval oC, eny violation of Nc provisianu of the bwlding codm ar any othv ordinisnce, Lw, Nle ar mgulation. Cluef Building Inspector