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F4 FROM: Lauren Mikulak \111 DATE: July 2, 2012 Case No. PBG- I 1 -0 1 is being closed due to inactivity. After review of the first submittal, the applicant met with staff on October 6, 2011 to discuss alternate site designs. A second submittal was never received. The applicant was notified via letter that the case would be closed due to inactivity, and no communication was received. This memo shall serve as closure to Case No. PBG-1 1-01. City cat Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29 Ave. Wheat Ridge. CO 80033-8001 P. 303.235,2846 F: 303.235.2857 June 8, 2012 Mr. Alex Brewer 13620 W. 30"' Place Golden, CO 80401 It To date, the land use application Case No. PSG- 1.1 -01 has been inactive for a period of eight months. Typically, after a stagnant period of 90 days a land use application is withdrawn, and the process is abandoned. Please note that if no communication is received by June 29, 2012 1 will assume that you are no longer pursuing your application and it will be considered withdrawn. Please feel free to be in touch with any questions or concerns. I can be reached by phone at (303) 235-2845 or by email at lmikulak@ci.wbeatridge.co.us. www.d.wheatridge.co.us Mike Rudd (Rudd & Associates Architects) Specific Site Location: 12275 W. 1-70 Frontage Road North Existing Zoning: Light Industrial (1) Existing Comp. Plan: Mixed Use Employment / T.O.D. Site Applicant/Owner Preliminary Proposal: The applicant, Alex Brewer, is proposing an amended site plan that includes an expansion of the existing building. A proposal was first discussed at a pre-application meeting on June 2. At that time, the proposed site plan included two primary structures an expanded office/warehouse building, and Will a neighborhood meeting need to be held prior to application submittal? No, a neighborhood meeting will not be required as part of the proposed development. Planning comments: The discussion focused primarily on the new site plan with a single primary structure and the problem solving related to utilities and drainage. Most requirements—those related to zoning, landscape, setbacks, fences, and access -- remain the same as were discussed at the first pre-application meeting. The following items supplement the June 2" discussion and relate to the amended site plan. Parking Most of the property is currently covered in loose gravel. As discussed in the June pre-application meeting, all areas that will be subject to wheeled traffic (for access or parking) must be surfaced with concrete, asphalt or pavers and striped to designate parking stalls. The amount of required off-street parking is based on land use. For an office/warehouse use, the off- street parking requirement is I space per 600 square feet of warehouse plus I space per 300 square feet of office. The site is large enough to meet the parking requirements. Most parking may be accommodated along the eastern property line. The parking stalls along the southern property line may be moved to allow a larger landscape/detention area. Building Division comments: The building code requires public utility connections for any addition increasing the floor area by 50% or more. The proposed addition increases the building by over 200%. This means that even though a single building is now proposed for the site, the applicant is still required to connect to public infrastructure for water and sewer. This requirement may be appealed to the Building Code Advisory Board. The Chief Building Official, will provide a written determination regarding the utility requirements. An applicant then provides a written narrative and appeal request. A meeting with the Building Code Advisory Board is scheduled on an as-needed basis. Please contact Chief Building Official John Schumacher with any further questions. The applicant may use a combination of facility types including porous landscaping, porous pavers. or other innovative designs. For questions related to site drainage requirements, please contact Dave Bros man, Development Review Engineer, Access As was the stated in the previous pre-application meeting, City Code requires that curb cuts be no closer than 25 feet from a property line. If the existing curb cut is moved or improved, a right-of-way construction pert may be required and a contractor must have a Municipal Contractor License. The permit and license are both available through the City's Public Works Department. Process—Building Permit The applicant's amended request requires only a building permit. In addition to construction documents, the building permit application will need to include a site plan, landscape plan, building elevations, and the necessary civil documents required by Public Works. A photometric plan is also required if outdoor lighting is proposed. The fire district will also review the building permit and site plan. They should be consulted during the design phase, especially in regard to emergency access. Phone Numbers 9 September 21, 2010 CIVIL ENGINEERING M= 1. All developments shall adhere to the City of Wheat Ridge Site Drainage Requirements (SDRs). While the argument you make regarding the detention requirements for this site is understood, www.ci.wheatridge.co.us Wei September 21, 11 F1 Page 2 Final Drainage Report (Appendix) 1.. Provide all necessary T., runoff, and volume calculations to address the 5-year and 100-year detention requirements for this site. 2. Include the pond WSEL's for the WQCV, 5-year, and 100-year. 3. The 2-year calculations aren't necessary since the WQ swale will no longer be employed. 4. Please include the imperviousness calculations for the site. Final Drainage Plan 1. Please revise to show the detention facility in its full-detention condition, including the outlet structure any proposed items such as a concrete trickle channel, retaining walls, etc. 2. Need to revise the water quality swale and associated underdrain. A drainage swale may still need to be employed to carry site flows to the enlarged pond, but Public Works recommends the E www.cLwheatrid9e.co.us BrewerDevelopment_12275 W 170 FRN - review 1.11r,doex September 21, 2011 •�age 3 Gradint! & Erosion Control Plan: Stormwater Program Managgr Review This submittal was forwarded to Bill LaRow, Stormwater Program Manager, at 303.235.2871 for review. Please find his review comments attached to this letter. Please submit I signed & sealed hardcopy of the Final Drainage Report/Plan Grading & Erosion Control Plan and I electronic file of both documents in PDF format. The electronic rites may be delivered on CD-ROM with the hardcopy submittal or by e-mail to me at: dbrossmankei.wheatridge.co.us . 1. Drainage Certification Letter Required Prior to Final Approval Upon completion of the drainage improvements, the Engineer-of-Record Mr. Henry Hollender, P.E., shall provide to the City of Wheat Ridge a written, signed and sealed Drainage Certification Letter stating that the www.d.wheatridge.co.us Brewer DevelopiTtent_12275 W 170 FERN - review 1. ltr,df>cx September 21, 2011 Page 4 David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Development Review Engineer/City Surveyor CC: Steve Nguyen, Engineering Manager Lauren Mikulak, Planner I Bill LaRow, Store water Quality Program Manager File www.ci.wheatridqe.co.us Brewer Development, 2275 W 170 FRN - review I .1e,docx To: Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer From: William C. LaRow 111, Stormwater Quality Program Manager Date: September 21, 2011 Subject: Proposed Brewer Development, 12.275 W. 48 Ave., Wheat Ridge CO. I have reviewed the Stormwater Management Plan and engineering drawings dated September 2" d , 2011 (1" submittal) for the above project and I have the following comments: William C. LaRow, P.C., C.H.M.M, Stormwater Quality Program Manager www.d.wheatridge.coms U:\MyFilcs\DEVEI,PM7'RELATED\DEVELOPMEN'r REVIEW\2011 DevelopmentsTetters (Review)\II'DFs\Indiv Files\Brower DevelopmemMill Lt EC Reviewl Comments Mcmo.doc CPMNC EROSION CONTROL (GEC) PLAN GENERAL NOTES m x x x MCI M.AMk9S RAI FARtfdULbT . t wMaD Mi" IOWA pKyp{ApMft 'Mom ft IM"NMV 0*0Y M% ULMV" MM W .. __ ACTHQ &A#NWk,L Y� AP tEA�£ta'iH'S4.f PkkYA RraST SECTMNA SECTION a m x x x MCI M.AMk9S RAI FARtfdULbT . t wMaD Mi" IOWA pKyp{ApMft 'Mom ft IM"NMV 0*0Y BREWER DEVELOPMENT 12275 W. 48TH AVE. WHEAT RIDGE, lr-',OLORADO SHEET 1 OF 2 Ifflaga= m am VE14CAA TRACKING CONTROL M% ULMV" MM W PUSLIC K. AREA Mwl- .orlos6ia REC SECTMNA SECTION a CONCRETE WASH NTomm PRYOR GC SVOLOOMI -rA 6 of MM sp"" wa-PTv W" 2 0 s2 KIM IXA� WIMITA v A~ vmm lk $MMAIM YA llfcKv� mANA Mok w ,W� �AVA�K so%w ~Arclw rm& MA BREWER DEVELOPMENT 12275 W. 48TH AVE. WHEAT RIDGE, lr-',OLORADO SHEET 1 OF 2 Ifflaga= m am VE14CAA TRACKING CONTROL INLET' ECTION CITY OF V44EAT ROW PUSLIC K. AREA Mwl- .orlos6ia REC SECTMNA SECTION a CONCRETE WASH INLET' ECTION z -s coo z m z COVER Desion HA Drawn HJf, CITY OF V44EAT ROW PUSLIC K. AREA Mwl- .orlos6ia REC z -s coo z m z COVER Desion HA Drawn HJf, -i" cr kzo FF ELEVAliGN 547D UMIT IF 0,68 ACRFS GRASS SIVALE f'oKe"REFF J 11611, c to ae� OT I STtM'I'y V tq " T 'o PF UJMiON, W&6 STORM IA 7a (4' _1 4 *454- RIM EllEv - 5 163 T�' �a IC s ass 5 , ur Need to ccount fol m SIVORM VANAPOIJ, any pwe:uat for t lum met A4kl'$ a efcls(00 of the t NV IN lv, Itt, 5 _Tl detenuon pond NV OUT F �8' -,ArTz sI te R'.._ sl'v - x - SAY S4NITARY MAA'Htlf,� Rkbit ELEV j 06 4 0 MAVj;z,'U,' sroRm ivu,r FLAV AT CURIf 4146"' if VANMMA' Ix N",7 5164 J 5458 4' 111-111 , t ST"Mm "i IA'V IN sou'rif 18" !4 ;" 11 fly for 18 ylvX 6 ut"T 0I �456 2' 1 "S4 1% - RIP TINE" t Inc I NV k1v S W ffll' Ar di FR INV OUT NURIH NV OUT 48" 2, W 5I)vRY2UKml ?) Topognoizh;e su,yey jEYavitSer# by Rwd)^ t arYVifl, P1 7) DMA of _'"Y - A'Ay 8, 201 3,' 1.1da. g xuni 0419yl n eve tolatlxi by obo,'.. 4) The size of e st— ae,er, n peo, a ,, Eased - r e» tA m,,,nvsmo.ty f-on gmu,d tVT .,d rn.y very 1',o%ed an di""et SENCHMARK NFORMATIOW the V4,ticAl tkeera k earn f., this sur-Y n, It he top m1ter of . f 3,25' 8,0- c'ao e, R-9. Be. *,Attakk k, tt,t nt artrarzncd kmaA 0 Wald R.0, and A At 48t W" e {E -70 F,yntcg. PcI't} , tb z en'e't i, k..." 03 the City 0 00-A P,'Oge P.kit # 13109 ._' It .!,,ottom of 5466,69 (t (NAvD"'l r-ty'q sma.'Y So- Man HI4, E.iafing to Ne.0, 1 400 HA4. tG E,6s frg Ft'o H�At E,n.ak'q Woke, Men H'A� Uo ry; vtlikv Pont Ew M-he E.:, I M9 See M'ty" 131,1 ryeyho,e Meer E Asti'q WOW, lto�" F.h j Guard Parat feish, FYa Ut�_ A'SAX' E 1 "Htwtu'y e Uve x Eo%U,q St.. S.- ny Efi'q t11'.nil UtWty f i8fbq GAS U" ExMinq c4ptou' 5466 Plovesed Ct-f S-1 U'S PA. Dir-tI ca-fel. W-h-t SF S'U Fence 111 1 Tw1h, Cmq'vf Nt) SEF CRXNAGE PI AN t ON DE Teo LS ON WATER QUALM LOOD CALL UTIUTY NOTI)FICATI COLO CENTER OF COLORADO I 1 800 9, -800-922-1987 1987 0 OR R 00 �. '�534 R 6700 m umo DvNvu A.'ANC. CAM 2 BUTUNESS DAY9 IN ADVANCE We 2 SAMY 0AM Z W 12 Mel v - st OTTER Pwr WURC or GA- WVTA CMT MASS r FalrR MATEKAL ALL ARMAO Uy PLW M TED AWE a-UT VITH AA&4TU 067 NA- M"IT CNI'MO VITkM IZOVEXTT" AST* 114751 -ADS US �TI, 3tCV Ise 1 D 0 12 mu f ANRM A3z., N13 Kul TRAKMIM lEAR ITTWK� Si 10C X 60 Lb,%. MINIMA MX SPECKMO WN AKA Of 42 We Z Z -Z 14 ZO 2 V Design N.N. Drawn H, H, sccie 1 30' C:) "T j Z 1"LJ L Lf) Q Ct� LL N � Lai cic) xe I U,yh - 20 D, CONCRU'ITAI SIDLINALK ( Loft CUT 7, ut" yrf; comr Am M' . W, 48TH AM (1-70 FRONTAGE) ,,ve"u Ty VI�AII WITH r0A'z,,R,6"7'F PAN SAAlf"ARY MAXIVOLE INY IN WEST 454,4' M'V Ot'? VF 5454 4 Z Z -Z 14 ZO 2 V Design N.N. Drawn H, H, sccie 1 30' C:) "T j Z 1"LJ L Lf) Q Ct� LL N � Lai cic) GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL (GEC) PLAN GENERAL NOTES 1, THE APPROVAL GRANTED IN 'WRITING FOR THIS DOCUMENT INDICATES THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE DUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, ENGINEERING DIVISION, HAS REVIEWED THE DOCUMENT AND FOUND IT IN GENERAL COMPLIANCE WITH THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS AND /OR THE URBAN DRAINAGE AND FLOOD CONTRO DISTRICT CRITERIA MANUAL. THE CITY OF 'WHEAT RIDGE ENGINEER, THROUGH ACCEPTANCE OF THIS DOCUMENT, ASSJMES NO RESPONSIBILITY (OTHER THAN AS STATED ABOVE) FOR THE COMPLETENESS AND /OR ACCURACY OF THESE DOCUMENTS, 2. THE ADEQUACY OF THIS GEC PLAN LIES WITH THE ENGINEER OF RECORD, 3. ALL MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP SHALL BE SLBJECT TO INSPECTION BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ENGINEERING DIVISION- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR REJECT ANY SUCH MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP THAT DOES NOT CONFORM TO THE GEC PLAN - C THE PLACEMENT OF EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPS) SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE W'ITI THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE - ACCEPTED GEC PLAN AND THE URBAN DRAINAGE AND FLOOD CONTROL MANUAL. S. ANY VARIATION IN MATERIAL, TYPE OR LOCATION OF EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS FROM THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE - ACCEPTED GEC PLAN WILL :REQUIRE APPROVAL FROM AN ACCOUNTABLE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ENGINEERING DIVISION. 6. AFT =R THE GEC PLAN HAS BEEN ACCEPTED, THE CONTRACTOR MAY INSTALL THE INITIAL -STAGE EROSION CONTROL AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS INDICATED ON THE ACCEPTED GEC PLAN. 7. THE FIRST BMP TO BE INSTALLED ON THE SITE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTION FENCE, MARKERS, OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS OF DEFINING THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION LIMITS ADJACENT TO STREAM CORRIDORS AND OTHER AREAS TO BE PRESERVED, 8. THE GEC OPERATOR SHALL STRICTLY ADHERE TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE- APPROVED LIMITS Or CONSTRUCTION AT ALL TIMES. THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ENGINEERING DIVISION MUST APPROVE ANY CHANGES TO THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION AND, AT THE DISCRETION OF THE ENGINEERING DIMS ON, ADDITIONAL EROSION /SEDIMENT CONTROLS MAY BE REQUIRED IN ANY ADDITIONAL AREAS OF CONSTRUCTION. 9. PRIOR TO ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION, THE PERMITTEE SHALL VERIFY -HE LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES. FOR INFORMATION, CONTACT THE DENVER INTER- UTILITY GROUP Al 1- 500- 922 -1987 OR FAX AT (303)534 -5700. 10, NATURAL VEGETATION SHALL BE RETAINEC AND PROTECTED WHEREVER POSSIBLE. EXPOSURE OF SOIL TO EROSION BY REMOVAL OR DISTURBANCE OF VEGETATION SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE AREA REQUIRED FOR IMMEDIATE CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS. 11. A COPY OF THE ACCEPTED GEC PLANS SHALL BE ON SITE AT AL_ TIMES, 12, ALL CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC MUST ENTER /EXIT THE SITE THROUGH THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE - APPROVED ACCESS POINT. A VEHICLE TRACKING CONTROL PAD IS REQUIRED AT ALL ACCESS POINTS ON THE SITE, ADDITIONAL S °ABIUZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES MAY BE ADDED WITH AUTHCRIZA-1ON MOM THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ENGINEERING DIVISION, 13. THE GEC OPERATOR IS RESPONSBLE FOR CLEANUP OF SEDIMENT OR CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS TRACKED ONTO ADJACENT PAVED AREAS. PAVED AREAS INCLUDING STREETS ARE TO BE KEPT CLEAN THROUGHOUT BUILD -OUT AND SHALL BE CLEANED, WITH A STREET SWEEPER OR SIMILAR DEVICE, AT FIRST NOTICE OF ACCIDENTAL TRACKING OR AT -HE DISCRETION OF THE CITY OF 'WHEAT RIDGE GEC INSPECTOR, STREET' WASHING IS NOT ALLOWED, CITY OF WHEAT R'.DGE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REQUIRE ADDITIONAL MEASURES TO ENSURE AREA STREETS ARE KEPT FREE O AND /CR CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS. 14. APPROVED EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BWPS SHALL BE MAINTAINED AND KEPT IN GOOD REPAIR FOR THE DURATION OF THIS PROJECT, AT A MINIMUM, THE GEC OPERATOR SF -:.ALL INSPECT ALL BMPS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACCEPTED GEC PLAN. ALL NECESSARY MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR ACTIVITIES SHALL BE COMPLETED WITHIN 48 HOURS FOR LEVEL ill VIOLATIONS, AND IMMEDIATELY FOR LEVEL 11 VIOLATIONS, OR AS DIRECTED BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE . ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT AND CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS SHALL BE REMOVED AND PROPERLY DISPCSED OF ON A DAY TO DAY BASIS, 15- TOPSOIL SHALL BE STRIPPED AND STOCKPILED IN THE LOCATION SHOWN ON THE ACCEPTED GEC PLAN. 1E. THE ACCEPTED GEC PLAN MAY REQUIRE CHANGES OR ALTERATIONS AFTER APPROVAL TO MEET CHANGING SITE OR PROJECT CONDITIONS OR TO ADDRESS INEFFICIENCIES IN DESIGN OR INSTALHATIQIN. THE GEC OPERATOR SHALL OBTAIN DRIOR APPROVAL FROM THE DESIGN ENGINEER AND CITY OF 'WHEAT RIDGE ENGINEERING FOR ANY PROPOSED CHANGES. 17. NO PERMANENT EARTH SLOPES GREATER THAN 3:1 SHALL BE ALLOWED. 18. LINING OF TEMPORARY SWALES AND DITCHES SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE Willi THE URBAN DRAINAGE AND FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT MANUAL. 19. ANY SETTLEMENT OR SOIL ACCUMULATIONS BEYOND THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTON DUE TO GRADING OR EROSION SHALL BE REPAIRED IMMEDIATELY BY THE GEC OPERATOR- THE GEC MANAGER SHALL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ACCESS RIGHTS TO ADJACENT PROPERTY, IF NEEDED, AND REMEDIATING ANY ADVERSE IMPACTS TO ADJACENT WATERWAYS, WETLANDS, PROPERTIES, ETC. RESULTING FROM WORK DONE AS PART OF THIS PROJECT. 20. A WATER SOURCE STALL BE AVAIABLE ON SITE DURING EARTHWORK OPERATIONS AND UTILIZED kq REQUIRED TO MINIMIZE DUST FROM EARTHWORK EQUIPMENT AND WIND, 21. SOILS THAT WILL BE STOCKPILED FOR MORE THAN THIRTY (30) DAYS SHALL BE SEEDED AND MULCHED WITHIN FOURTEEN (14) DAYS OF STOCKPILE CONSTRUCTION- NO STOCKPILES SHALL BE PLACED ".WITHIN ONE HUNDRED (100) FEET OF A DRAINAGE WAY UNLESS APPROVED BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ENGINEERING DIVISION - 22. ALL CHEMICAL OR HAZARDOUS MATERIAL SPILLS WHICH MAY ENTER WATERS OF THE STATE OF COLORADO, WHICH INCLUDE BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO, SURFACE WATER, GROUND WATER AND CRY GULLIES OR STORM SEWER LEADING TO SURFACE WATER, SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY REPORTED TO THE CDPHE PER CRS 25 -8 -601, AND CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE- RELEASES OF PETROLEUM PRODUCTS AND CERTAIN HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES LISTED UNDER THE FEDERAL CLEAN WATER ACT (40 CFR PART 116) MUST BE REPORTED TO THE NATIONAL RESPONSE CENTER AS WELL AS THE CDPHE, CON -ACT INFORMATION FOR CDHPE, CITY OF 'WHEAT RIDGE AND THE NATIONAL RESPONSE CENTER CAN BE FOUND IN APPENDIX A. SPILLS THAT POSE AN IMMEDIATE RISK TO HUMAN LIFE SHALL BE REPORTED TO 911. FAILURE TO REPORT AND CLEAN UP ANY SPILL SHALL RESULT IN ISSUANCE OF A STOP WORK ORDER. 23. ALL WORK ON SITE SHALL STAY A MINIMUM OF ONE HUNDRED (100) FEET AWAY FROM ANY DRAINAGE WAY, INETLAND, ETC. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON AN ACCEPTED CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE DEC PLAN, 24. THE USE OF REBAR, STEEL STAKES OR STEEL FENCE POSTS FOR STAKING OR SUPPORT OF ANY EROSION OR SEDIMENT CONTROL BMP IS PROHIBITED (EXCEPT STEEL TEE -POSTS FOR USE IN SUPPORTING CONSTRUCTION FENCE). 25, THE CLEANING OF CONCRETE DELIVERY TRLCK CHUTES IS RESTRICTED TO APPROVED CONCRETE WASH OUT LOCATIONS ON THE JOB SITE. THE DISCHARGE OF WATER CONTAINING WASTE CONCRETE TO THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM IS PROHIEiTED..ALL CONCRETE WASTE SHALL BE PROPERLY CLEANED UP AND DISPOSED AT AN APPROPRIATE LOCATION. 26. ALL DEWATERING ON SITE SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH A CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE GEC INSPECTOR, AND BE FF.EE OF SEDIMENT IN ACCORDANCE '*WITH THE GEC MANUAL. 27. ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL. BE DRILL SEEDED AND CRIMP MULCHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH T -,E GEC PLAN WITHIN THIRTY DAYS OF INI -IAL EXPOSURE OR WITHIN SEVEN DAYS OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION (AS DEFINED BY CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE) OF AN AREA, WHICHEVER IS LESS. THIS MAY REQUIRE MULTIPLE MOBILIZATIONS FOR SEEDING AND MULCHING. 28- HYDRAULIC SEEDING AND HYDRAULIC MULCHING ARE NOT AN ACCEPTABLE METHOD OF SEEDING DR MULCHING IN CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. 29. REQUIRED DEWATERING EXCAVATIONS SHALL BE CONDUCTED IN A MANNER THAT AVOIDS POLLU -ION AND EROSION. WATER FROM DEWATERING OPERATHONS SHALL NOT BE DISCHARGED INTO ANY STATE WATERS INCLUDING WETLANDS, IRRIGATION DITCHES, CHANNELS, OR STORM SL UNLESS WRITTEN PERMISSION IS OBTAINED FROM THE OWNER OR CONTROLLING AU -HORTY AND A COPY OF THIS APPROVAL SUBMITTED TO THE ENGINEER. 30. THE STORNIWATER PROGRAM MANAGER MUST BE NOTIFIED AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTTIVITY TO ASSURE ALL MECESSARY BMPS ARE ADEQUATELY INSTALLED PER THE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN (SWMP). 31. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE =OR DUST CONTROL ON THE SITE. DISTURBED AREAS NOT YET READY TO BE SEEDED, LANDSCAPED, PAVED OR OTHERWISE STABILIZED SHALL BE WATERED, SPRAYED WITHE A TACKIFIER, MULCHED (WFHOU- SEED) OR RIPPED AS NECESSARY TO EXCLUDE VISIBLE DUST EMISSIONS. 32. AREAS TO BE RE- VEGETATED SHOULD HAVE SOIL CONDITIONS CAPABLE OF SUPPORTING VEGETATION. UNDER. CERTAIN CONDITIONS, SOIL AMENDMENTS AND TREATMENTS MAY BE NECESSARY TO PROVIDE AN ADEQUATE GROWTH MEDIUN TO SUSTAIN VEGETATION. TEMPORARY DRILL SEEDING MIX SPECIES VARIETY NOTES %IN MIX POUNVt� OF T'L5 FOR GRADATION MAY BE CUT DOWN TO A HEIGHT OF ?'OR CAPACITY FOR WASTED CONCRETa E, HIGHER FOR EASIER ACCESS AND REPLACED PER ACRE : SMOOTH BROMEGRASS : LINCOLN PIGS :3U 3.9 INTERMEDIATE OAHE _. PIGS 10 4.5 ._ WHEATORASS _.. _.. ..... :.. PUBESCENT...... BLACKWELL PNWS 10 0.4 : WHEATGRASS LUNA. PIGS 10 4-2 ANNUALRYEGRASS N/A - AIOB tO 0,8 WHEATGRASS NA A CRiTAN - TOTAL 13A SEEDING AND MULCHING INSTALLATION NOTES 1, SEE PLAN VIEW FOR • AREA OF SEEDING AND MULCHING. • TYPE OF SEED MIX (PERMANENT, TEMPORARY, OR LOW - GROWTH). 2. ALL BRANDS FURNISHED SHALL BE FREE FROM ALL NOXIOUS SEEDS INCLUDING RUSSIAN OR CANADIA'! THISTLE, COARSE FESCUE, EUROPEAN BINDWEED, JOHNSON GRASS, KNAP WEED AND LEAFY SPURGE. 3, THE SEEDER SHALL FURNISH TO THE CONTRACTOR A SIGNED STATEMENT CERTIFYING THAT THE SEED FURNISHED IS FROM A LOT THAT HAS BEEN TESTED BY ARECOGNIZI =D LABORATORY. SEED WHICH 14AS BECOME WET', MOLDY, OR OTHERWISE DAMAGED IN TRANSIT OR IN STORAGE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTABLE. SEED TICKETS SHALL Bt- PROVIDED TO THE CITY UPON REQUEST. 4. DRILL SEEDING MIX SHALL CONFORM TO THE TABLE BELOW: NOT MEET 7 5. IF THE SEED AVAILABLE ON THE MARKET DOGS O EE HE MINIMUM PURITY AND GERMINATION PERCENTAGES SPECIFIED, THE SUBCONTRACTOR MUST COMPENSATE FOR A LESSER PERCENTAGE OF PURITY OR GERMINATION BY FURNISHING SUFFICIENT ADDITIONAL SEED TO EQUAL THE SPECIFIED PRODUCT. THE TAGS FROM THE SEED MIXES MUST BE SUPPLIED TO CONTRACTOR AND FORWARDED TO THE CITY GFSC INSPECTOR. 6, THE FORMULA USED FOR DETERMINING THE QUANTITY OF PURE LIVE SEED (PLS) SHALL BE (POUNDS OF SEED) X (PURITY) X (GERMINATION) = POUNDS OF PURE LIVE SEED (PITS), 7, PERMANENT SEED MIX SHALL BE USED UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED T.TYTHE CITY. 6. ALL AREAS TO BE SEEDED AND MULCHED SHALL HAVE NATIVE TOPSOIL OR APPROVED SOIL AMENDMENTS SPREAD TO A DEPTH OF AT LEAST 6 INCHES (LOOSE DEPTH). HAUL ROADS AND OTHER. COMPACTED AREAS SHALL BE LOOSENED TO A DEPTH OF S INCHES PRIOR TO SPREADING TOPSOIL. 9. SOIL IS TO BE THOROUGHLY LOOSENED (TILLED) TO A DEPTH OF AT LEAST 6 INCHES PRIOR TO SEEDING. THE TOP 6 INCHES OF THE SEED BED SHALL BE FREE OF ROCKS GREATER THAN 4 INCHES AND SOIL CLODS GREATER THAN 2 INCHES, SEEDING OVER ANY COMPACTED AREAS THAT HAVENT SEEN THOROUGHLY LOOSENED SHALL BE REJECTED. 10, SEED IS TO BE APPLIED USING A MECHANICAL DRILL TO A DEPTH OF 114 INCH:. ROW SPACING SHALL BE NO MORE THAN 6 INCHES. MATERIAL USED FOR MULCH SHALL CONSIST OF LONG - STEMMED STRAW. AT LEAST 50 PERCENT OF THE MULCH, BY WEIGHT, SHALL BE 10 INCHES OR MORE IN LENGTH. MULCH SHALL BE APPLIED AND MECHANICALLY ANCHORED TO A DEPTH OF AT LEAST 2 INCHES. MULCH SHALL BE APPLIED AT A RATE OF 4DW L.B. OF STRAW PER ACRE. 11. IF THE PERMITTEE DEMONSTRATES TO THE CITY THAT IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO DRILL SEED, SEED IS TO BE UNIFORMLY BROADCAST AT TWO TIMES THE DRILLED RATE, THEN LIGHTLY HARROWED TO PROVIDE A SEED DEPTH OF APPROXIMATELY 114 INCH, THEN ROLLED TO COMPACT, THEN MULCHED AS SPECIFIED ABOVE. 12. SEEDING AND MULCHING SHALL BE COMPLETED WITHIN 30 DAYS OF INITIAL EXPOSURE OR 7 DAYS AFTER GRADING IS SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLETE IN A GIVEN AREA (AS DEFINED BY THE CITY). THIS MAY REQUIRE MULTIPLE MOBILIZATIONS FOR SEEDING AND MULCHING. 13. MULCH SHALL BE APPLIED WITHIN 24 -HOURS OF SEEDING, 14, TACKIFIER SHOULD BE LIT ILVED TO HELP WITH STRAW DISPLACEMENT. SEEDING AND MULCHING MAINTENANCE NOTES H. SEEDED AND MULCHED AREAS SHALL BE INSPECTED FOR REQUIRED COVERAGE MONTHLY FOR A PERIOD OF TWO YEARS FOLLOWING INITIAL SEEDING. REPAIRS AND RE- SEEDING AND MULCHING SHALL BE UNDERTAKEN AFTER THE FIRST GROWING SEASON FOR ANY AREAS FAILING TO MEET THE REQUIRED COVERAGE. 2. REQUIRED COVERAGE FOR STANDARD, OPEN SPACE AND LOW GROWTH SEED MIXES SHALL BE DEFINED AS FOLLOWS; 1. THREE (3) PLANTS PER SQUARE FOOT WITH A MINIMUM HEIGHT OF 3INCHESS. THE 3 PLANTS PER SQUARE FOOT SHALL BE OF THE VARIETY AND SPECIES FOUND IN THE CITY - APPROVED MIX 2, NO BARE AREAS LARGER THAN 4 SQUARE FEET (TWO-FEET BY TWO-FEET OR EQUIVALENT). 3. FREE OF ERODED AREAS. 4, FREE FROM INFESTATION OF NOXIOUS WEEDS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 6.4 GF THE GESC CRITERIA MANUAL. 3. REQUIRED COVERAGE FOR TURF GRASS AREAS SHALL BE DEFINED AS FOLLOWS: 1. AT LEAST 80% VEGETATIVE COVER OF GRASS SPECIES PLANTED. 2. NO BARE AREAS LARGER THAN 4 SQUARE FEET (TWO -FEET BY TWO -FEET OR EQUIVALENT). 3, FREE OF ERODED AREAS. 4, FREE FROM INFESTATION OF NOXIOUS WEEDS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 6.4 OF THE GF_SC CRITERIA MANUAL. 4. RILL AND GULLY EROSION SHALL BE FILLED WITH TOPSOIL PRIOR TO RESEEDING. THE RESEEDING METHOD SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE CITY. 1 -11Z' CRUSHED ROCK ENCLOSED, IN WIRE MESH MIN. FILTERED L2" IN SOIL RUNOFF 0 "ON PAYMENT COMPACTED En MATERIAL, TYP. _.._... z�. -.. AREA INLET SECTION A INLET PROTECTION INSTALLATION NOTES NOT 1 SCALE I . INTERIM CONFIGURATION OF INLET PROTECTION IN STREETS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHIN 48 -HOURS OF POURING INLET. INLET PROTECTION (AFTER PAVEMENT) SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHIN 48 HOURS AFTER PAVING IS PLACED. 2. INLET PROTECTION AI AREA INLETS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHIN 48 1HOURS OF POURING INLET. 3. CRUSHED ROCK SHALL BE FRACTURED FACE (ALI, SIDES) AND SHALL COMPLY WITH GRADATION SHOWN ON DETAIL. E -A02 (1 -112" MINUS), 4. WIRE MESH SHALL BE FABRICATED OF 1O GAUGE WERE TWISTED INTO A MESH WITH A MAXIMUM OPENING OF 1.0 INCH (COMMONLY TERMEO'CHICKEN WIRE'). ROLL WIDTH SHALL BE 48- INCHES. 5. WIRE MESH SHALL BE SECURED USING''HOG RINGS" OR WIRE TIES AT 64NCH CENTERS ALONG ALL JOINTS AND AT 2 -INCH CENTERS ON ENOS OF BERM. 6. REINFORCED ROCK BERM SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ONE PIECE OR SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED USING JOINT DETAIL. 7. TUBULAR MARKERS SHALL MEET REQUIREMENTS OF MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC_ CONTROL DEVICES (MUTOD), AS AMENDED. ii. THE TOP OF REINFORCED ROCK BERM SHALL BE 112" -t' BELOW TOP OF CURB - INLET PROTECTION MAINTENANCE NOTES I. THE GEC OPERATOR SHALL INSPECT INLET PROTECTION WEEKLY, DURING AND AFTER ANY STORM EVENT AND MAKE REPAIRS OR CLEAN OU'i' AS NECESSARY. MORE FREQUENT INSPECTIONS AND REPAIRS SHALL BE REQUIRED DURING WINTER CONDITIONS DUE TO FREEZEtHHAW PROBLEMS.. 2, SEOIMENTACCUMULATED UPSTREAM OF INLET PROTECTION SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN THE SEDIMENT DEPTH UPSTREAM OF ROCK BERM IS WITHIN V3 OF CAPACITY, 3, INLET PROTECTION IS TO REMAIN IN PLACE. UNTIL THE UPSTREAM DISTURBED AREA IS STABILIZED AND GRASS COVER. IS APPROVED, UNLESS THE CITY APPROVES EARLIER REMOVAL OF INLET PROTECTION IN STREETS 4, WHEN ALEI PROTECTION AT AREA INLETS ARE REMOVED, THE DISTURBED AREA SHALL BE DRILL SEEDED AND CRIMP MULCHED OR OTHERWISE STABILIZED IN A MANNER APPROVED BY THE CITY. INLET PROTECTION 0 I� � I��I I IIII.�II�s III ^ II IIIIII .,. SIGN' ENTRANCE' CONSTRUCTION FENCE, TYP.. TO DISCOURAGE PLAN NOT TO SCALE 2 "MIN. 4 T MIN, 12' MIN. NO T OD RIAL INCLUDING WO, PIPES, GRAVEL, 3 -6" RWRAP OR AS HALT, SHALL BE PLACED IN GUTTER TO SEE SAO?, FACIATE MOUN.m WG c URBHOWEVER CURB FOR GRADATION MAY BE CUT DOWN TO A HEIGHT OF ?'OR CAPACITY FOR WASTED CONCRETa E, HIGHER FOR EASIER ACCESS AND REPLACED POUNDS OF PLS '.. SPECIES : VARIETY NOTES : % IN MIX PER ACRE BIG BLUESTEM KAW PNWS : 10 11 YELLOW INDIANGRASS CHEYENNE PNWS 10 1 SWITCHGRASS BLACKWELL PNWS 10 0.4 : SIREOATB GRAMA VAUGHN PhWB 10 0.9 WESTERN VAUGHHN ENDS 16 1.6 WHEATGRASS NA A CRiTAN PNCS.._. _ -9 i..._. .. BLUE GRAMA HACHTTA PNWB 10 0.3 'MICKSPIKE : PNCS TO 1.2 WHFATGRASS ORITANA PNCS 'IfS 3 PRAIRIE SANDREED GOSHEN PNWS 10 0.7 GREEN NEEDLEGRASS LODORM PNCS 10 1 SLENDER - PRYOR PNCB 5 06 WHEATGRASS 2 STREAMBANK SOOAR ENDS b 46 WHEATGRASS - TOTAL 9.2 1 -11Z' CRUSHED ROCK ENCLOSED, IN WIRE MESH MIN. FILTERED L2" IN SOIL RUNOFF 0 "ON PAYMENT COMPACTED En MATERIAL, TYP. _.._... z�. -.. AREA INLET SECTION A INLET PROTECTION INSTALLATION NOTES NOT 1 SCALE I . INTERIM CONFIGURATION OF INLET PROTECTION IN STREETS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHIN 48 -HOURS OF POURING INLET. INLET PROTECTION (AFTER PAVEMENT) SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHIN 48 HOURS AFTER PAVING IS PLACED. 2. INLET PROTECTION AI AREA INLETS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHIN 48 1HOURS OF POURING INLET. 3. CRUSHED ROCK SHALL BE FRACTURED FACE (ALI, SIDES) AND SHALL COMPLY WITH GRADATION SHOWN ON DETAIL. E -A02 (1 -112" MINUS), 4. WIRE MESH SHALL BE FABRICATED OF 1O GAUGE WERE TWISTED INTO A MESH WITH A MAXIMUM OPENING OF 1.0 INCH (COMMONLY TERMEO'CHICKEN WIRE'). ROLL WIDTH SHALL BE 48- INCHES. 5. WIRE MESH SHALL BE SECURED USING''HOG RINGS" OR WIRE TIES AT 64NCH CENTERS ALONG ALL JOINTS AND AT 2 -INCH CENTERS ON ENOS OF BERM. 6. REINFORCED ROCK BERM SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ONE PIECE OR SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED USING JOINT DETAIL. 7. TUBULAR MARKERS SHALL MEET REQUIREMENTS OF MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC_ CONTROL DEVICES (MUTOD), AS AMENDED. ii. THE TOP OF REINFORCED ROCK BERM SHALL BE 112" -t' BELOW TOP OF CURB - INLET PROTECTION MAINTENANCE NOTES I. THE GEC OPERATOR SHALL INSPECT INLET PROTECTION WEEKLY, DURING AND AFTER ANY STORM EVENT AND MAKE REPAIRS OR CLEAN OU'i' AS NECESSARY. MORE FREQUENT INSPECTIONS AND REPAIRS SHALL BE REQUIRED DURING WINTER CONDITIONS DUE TO FREEZEtHHAW PROBLEMS.. 2, SEOIMENTACCUMULATED UPSTREAM OF INLET PROTECTION SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN THE SEDIMENT DEPTH UPSTREAM OF ROCK BERM IS WITHIN V3 OF CAPACITY, 3, INLET PROTECTION IS TO REMAIN IN PLACE. UNTIL THE UPSTREAM DISTURBED AREA IS STABILIZED AND GRASS COVER. IS APPROVED, UNLESS THE CITY APPROVES EARLIER REMOVAL OF INLET PROTECTION IN STREETS 4, WHEN ALEI PROTECTION AT AREA INLETS ARE REMOVED, THE DISTURBED AREA SHALL BE DRILL SEEDED AND CRIMP MULCHED OR OTHERWISE STABILIZED IN A MANNER APPROVED BY THE CITY. INLET PROTECTION 0 I� � I��I I IIII.�II�s III ^ II IIIIII .,. SIGN' ENTRANCE' CONSTRUCTION FENCE, TYP.. TO DISCOURAGE PLAN NOT TO SCALE 2 "MIN. 4 T MIN, 12' MIN. NO T OD RIAL INCLUDING WO, PIPES, GRAVEL, 3 -6" RWRAP OR AS HALT, SHALL BE PLACED IN GUTTER TO SEE SAO?, FACIATE MOUN.m WG c URBHOWEVER CURB FOR GRADATION MAY BE CUT DOWN TO A HEIGHT OF ?'OR CAPACITY FOR WASTED CONCRETa E, HIGHER FOR EASIER ACCESS AND REPLACED POUNDS CIE PIw3 SPECIES _.._. VARIETY __.. NOTES % IN MIX PER ACRE R BUFFALOGRASS TEXOKA PNWS : 20 : 3.2 BLUE GRAMA HACHITA PNWB 20 0.6 WESTERN _._ _...... ARRIBA _. PNCS _.. 20 3.2 WHEATGRASS d 6\2 to J SIDEOATS GRAMA : VAUGHHN :. PNWS 20 : 1.8 THICKSPIKE NA A CRiTAN PNCS.._. _ -9 i..._. .. WHEATGRASS Z : STREAMBAN:K SODAR : PNCS TO 1.2 WHEATGRASS : TOTAL 11.0 1 -11Z' CRUSHED ROCK ENCLOSED, IN WIRE MESH MIN. FILTERED L2" IN SOIL RUNOFF 0 "ON PAYMENT COMPACTED En MATERIAL, TYP. _.._... z�. -.. AREA INLET SECTION A INLET PROTECTION INSTALLATION NOTES NOT 1 SCALE I . INTERIM CONFIGURATION OF INLET PROTECTION IN STREETS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHIN 48 -HOURS OF POURING INLET. INLET PROTECTION (AFTER PAVEMENT) SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHIN 48 HOURS AFTER PAVING IS PLACED. 2. INLET PROTECTION AI AREA INLETS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHIN 48 1HOURS OF POURING INLET. 3. CRUSHED ROCK SHALL BE FRACTURED FACE (ALI, SIDES) AND SHALL COMPLY WITH GRADATION SHOWN ON DETAIL. E -A02 (1 -112" MINUS), 4. WIRE MESH SHALL BE FABRICATED OF 1O GAUGE WERE TWISTED INTO A MESH WITH A MAXIMUM OPENING OF 1.0 INCH (COMMONLY TERMEO'CHICKEN WIRE'). ROLL WIDTH SHALL BE 48- INCHES. 5. WIRE MESH SHALL BE SECURED USING''HOG RINGS" OR WIRE TIES AT 64NCH CENTERS ALONG ALL JOINTS AND AT 2 -INCH CENTERS ON ENOS OF BERM. 6. REINFORCED ROCK BERM SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ONE PIECE OR SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED USING JOINT DETAIL. 7. TUBULAR MARKERS SHALL MEET REQUIREMENTS OF MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC_ CONTROL DEVICES (MUTOD), AS AMENDED. ii. THE TOP OF REINFORCED ROCK BERM SHALL BE 112" -t' BELOW TOP OF CURB - INLET PROTECTION MAINTENANCE NOTES I. THE GEC OPERATOR SHALL INSPECT INLET PROTECTION WEEKLY, DURING AND AFTER ANY STORM EVENT AND MAKE REPAIRS OR CLEAN OU'i' AS NECESSARY. MORE FREQUENT INSPECTIONS AND REPAIRS SHALL BE REQUIRED DURING WINTER CONDITIONS DUE TO FREEZEtHHAW PROBLEMS.. 2, SEOIMENTACCUMULATED UPSTREAM OF INLET PROTECTION SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN THE SEDIMENT DEPTH UPSTREAM OF ROCK BERM IS WITHIN V3 OF CAPACITY, 3, INLET PROTECTION IS TO REMAIN IN PLACE. UNTIL THE UPSTREAM DISTURBED AREA IS STABILIZED AND GRASS COVER. IS APPROVED, UNLESS THE CITY APPROVES EARLIER REMOVAL OF INLET PROTECTION IN STREETS 4, WHEN ALEI PROTECTION AT AREA INLETS ARE REMOVED, THE DISTURBED AREA SHALL BE DRILL SEEDED AND CRIMP MULCHED OR OTHERWISE STABILIZED IN A MANNER APPROVED BY THE CITY. INLET PROTECTION 0 I� � I��I I IIII.�II�s III ^ II IIIIII .,. SIGN' ENTRANCE' CONSTRUCTION FENCE, TYP.. TO DISCOURAGE PLAN NOT TO SCALE 2 "MIN. 4 T MIN, 12' MIN. NO T OD RIAL INCLUDING WO, PIPES, GRAVEL, 3 -6" RWRAP OR AS HALT, SHALL BE PLACED IN GUTTER TO SEE SAO?, FACIATE MOUN.m WG c URBHOWEVER CURB FOR GRADATION MAY BE CUT DOWN TO A HEIGHT OF ?'OR CAPACITY FOR WASTED CONCRETa E, HIGHER FOR EASIER ACCESS AND REPLACED 2. AT THE END OF CONSTRUCTION, ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE AT PROJECT COMPLETION. A CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE MIRAFF N- SERIES I8INV RIGHT -OF -WAY USE AND CONSTRUCTION PERMIT IS OR APPROVED COUAL. REQUIRED FOR THIS WORK, SECTION A NOTTOSCALE VEHICLE TRACKING CONTROL INSTALLATION NOTES t. VEHICLE TRACKING CONTROL PADS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT EVERY ACCESS POINT TO SITE. 2, VEHICLE TRACKING CONTROL PADS SHALL CONSIST OF HARD, DENSE, DURABLE STONE, ANGULAR IN SHAPE AND RESISTANT TO WEATHERING. ROUNDED STONE OR BOL/LDERS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTABLE. THE STONES SHALL BE 8' WITH A MAXIMUM SIZE OF 6'. THE STONE SHALL HAVE SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF AT LEAST 2.8, CONTROL OF GRADA WILL BE BY VISUAL INSPECTIONS. 3. ANY GPACKED OR DAMAGED CURB AND GUTTER AND SIDEWALK SHALL BE REPLACED BY PERMICTII 4. A STOP SIGN INSTALL .EDIN ACCORDANCE WI THE MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES.WUTC ©I AS AMENDED, SHALL BE INSTALLED FOR EXBING TRAFFIC AT THE V O, I. GEC OPERATOR SHALL INSPECT VEHICLE TRACKING CONTROL DAILY. GRAVEL SURFACE SHALI, BE CLEAN AND LOOSE ENOUGH TO RUT SLIGHTLY UNDER. WHEEL LOADS AND CAUSE LOOSE GRAVEL TO DISLODGE MUD FROM TIRES. WHEN GRAVEL BECOMES COMPACTED OR FILLED WITH SEDIMENT $O THATTHE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE PAD IS DIMINISHED, CONTRACTOR SHALL RIP, TURN OVER, OR OTHERWISE LOOSEN GRAVEL, PLACE ADDITIONAL NEW GRAVEL„ OR REPLACE WITH NEVII GRAVEL AS NECESSARY TO RESTORE EFFECTIVENESS, 2. VEHICLETRACKING CONTROL SHALL BE REMOVED ATTI-F END OF CONSTRUCTION, THE GRAVEL MATERIAL RE'1:OVED OR, IF APPROVED BY THE COUNTY, USED ON SITE, AND THE AREA TOPSOILED, DRILL SEEDED AND CRIMP MULCHED OR OTHERWISE STABILIZED, VEHICLE TRACKING CONTROL 1 U2'xi U2`WOODEN SILT FENCE FENCE POSTS GEOTEXTILE - 8'-4" MAX- SPACING r _ UNDISTURBED VEGETATION ON DOWN GRADIENT SIDE (FOR SILT FENCE SHOWN I IN IN I LAL GEC PLAN) FLOIAI T �y 61 _ ! S,III COMPACTED SACKFILL 6' MIN. AT LEAST 11' OF SILT FENCE GEOTEXTILE SHALL BE BURIED m O $ ROTATE S. SECOND JOIN �A, PIRST POST SHALL BE JOINED AS SHOWN, THEN ROTATED 180` IN DIRECTION SHOWN AND DRIVEN INTO THE GROUND SILT FENCE INSTALLATION NOTES 1. SEE PLAN VIEW FOR - LOCATION AND LENGTH OF FENCE, 2. ANCHHOR TRENCH SHALL BE EXCAVATED WITH TRENCHER, OR WITH SILT FENCE INSTALLATION MACi -IINI NO ROAD GRADERS, SACKHOES, ETC. SHALL BE USED. :TRENCH SHALL BE COMPACTED BY HAND, WI TH'JUMPING JACK", OR BY WHEEL ROLLING. COMPACTION SHALL BE SUCH THAT SILT FENCE RESISTS BEING PULLED OUT OF ANCHOR TRENCH BY HAND. 3. SILT FENCE GEOTEXTILE SHALL MEET THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS: - 6 -TO 12- GAL -LONS PER MINUTE PER SQUARE FOOT ROW CAPACITY- - 90 LB. TENSILE STRENGTH PER ASTM D4622. - UV DESIGN AT WO HRS MIN. ?0%STRENGTH RETAINED PER ASTM D 4155. 4. SLT FENCE INDICATED ON INITIAL GEC PLAN SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO ANY LAND-DISTURBING ACTIVI'T'IES. i. THE GEC OPERATOR SHALL INSPECT SILT FENCE DAILY, DURING AND AFTER ANY STORM EVENT AND MAKE ,REPAIRS OR CLEAN OUT UPSTREAM SEDIMENT AS NECESSARY. 2. SEDIMENTACCUMULATED UPSTREAM OF SILT FENCE SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN THE UPSTREAM SEDIMENT REACHES A DEPTH OF &INCHES. 3, SILT FENCE SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN THE UPSTREAM DISTURBED AREA IS STABILIZED AND GRASS COVER IS APPROVED BY THE CITY, IF ANY DISTURBED AREA EXISTS AFTER REMOVAL, IT SHALL BE SEEDED AND MULCHED OR OTHERWISE STABILIZED IN A MANNER APPROVED BY THE CITY. x x _)( , SECTION A PERIMETER 2'-4" MIN. B'xS' MEN. OR AS REQUIRED TO CONTAIN WASTE- CONCRETE SECTION 8 SCALE: 1' = 10'-0' ARE (TYPE C CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA INSTALLATION NOTES 1. SEE PLAN VIEW FOR: LOCATIONS OF CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA. (TO BE PLACED A MINIMUM OF WIT FROM ORINAGEWAYS, BODIES OF WATER, AND INLETS -) 2. THE CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO ANY CONCRETE PLACEMENT ON SITE - 3. VEHICLETRACKING CONTROL (DETAIL E -603) IS REQUIRED AT THE ACCESS POINT. 4, SIGNS SHALL BE PLACED AT THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE, AT THE WASHOUT AREA, AND ELSEWHERE AS NECESSARY TO CLEARLY INDICATE THE LOCATION OF THE CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA TO OPERATORS OF CONCRETE TRUCKS AND PUMP RIGS. 5. EXCAVATED MATERIAL SHALL BE UTILIZED IN PERIMETER BERM CONSTRUCTION, AREA INLET - @LAP°* NOT TO SCALE TAIL, E -1407 ROCK BERM SEE E-HG7 O En LLI Ql__ CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA MAINTENANCE NOTES 1. THE CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA SHALL BE REPAIRED AND ENLARGED OR CLEANED OUT AS NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN GROUND SURFACE CAPACITY FOR WASTED CONCRETa E, 2. AT THE END OF CONSTRUCTION, ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE - f- t2'MIN REMOVED FROM THE SITE AND DISPOSED OF AT AN 1 - APPROVED WASTE SITE, " S_ WHEN THECONCRETE WASHOUT AREA IS REMOVED, THE DISTURBED AREA SHALL BE DRILL SEEDED AND CRIMP ... _.. 3:1 OR FLATTER MULCHED OR OTHERWISE STABILIZED IN A MANNER SIDE SLOPES APPROVED BY THE CITY - 4, INSPECT WEEKLY, DURING AND AFTER ANY STORM EVENT. • CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA AREA INLET - @LAP°* NOT TO SCALE TAIL, E -1407 ROCK BERM SEE E-HG7 O En LLI Ql__ COVED Design H. H. Drawn H. H. I Date: 9 -2--11 9 SHEET 1 OF 2 " d3 d 6\2 to J Z we y 1 COD af3 P4 p Z W Z C7 2 4 P. COVED Design H. H. Drawn H. H. I Date: 9 -2--11 9 SHEET 1 OF 2 GRADING & EROSION CONTROL BREWER DEVELOPMENT acv` I OO - 7F, Ul A QTI-A AVE COLORADO OF 2 PLS, CBM Surveys, Inc. y others. sed on remote measurements from ground level and may very based the top center of a found 3,25" Brass Cap in Range Box located in south of 48th Avenue (1 -70 Frontage Road). This point is known as an elevation of 5468.69 feet (NAVD88). JD c Cap, PLS 16828 Sewer Man Hole ewer Man Hole rant an Hole ale Meter er e Riser ilve ost Motion xisting Sanitary Sewer Line xisting Storm Sewer Line xisting Overhead Utility xisting Gas Line xisting Contour roposed Contour roposed Storm Sewer Line ow Direction TRIANGUL4R SWALE SECTION NTS Design H. H. I sncrete Washout t Fence NOTE: SEE DRAINAGE PLAN FOR DETAILS ON WATER QUALITY POND 2" (D 4' SLOTTED PIPE MEETING TABLE GS -3 WITH CDOT CLASS C FILTER MATERIAL ALL AROUND OR PERFORATED HDPE PIPE WITH AASHTO #67 ALL AROUND CONTAINED WITHIN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC. ASTM D4751 - ADS US STD, SIEVE 450 TO #70, ASTM D4533 MIN, TRAPEZOIDAL TEAR STRENGTH 100 X 60 LBS, MINIMUM COE SPECIFIED OPEN AREA OF 4%, « Drawn Scale chicle Tracking Control ITAGE) -- V I I - �— �-UJ U I TX X SANITARY iVANHOLE RIM ELEV. � 5464.4 LVV, IN WEST = 5454.=1 LNV. 06 iVE. 5454.4' 1l H. H. 1 "=30' V w CIO v �N CS ^ ti J LLJ Ca I Date: 09 -01 -11 1 SHEET 2 OF 2 r w Design H. H. I sncrete Washout t Fence NOTE: SEE DRAINAGE PLAN FOR DETAILS ON WATER QUALITY POND 2" (D 4' SLOTTED PIPE MEETING TABLE GS -3 WITH CDOT CLASS C FILTER MATERIAL ALL AROUND OR PERFORATED HDPE PIPE WITH AASHTO #67 ALL AROUND CONTAINED WITHIN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC. ASTM D4751 - ADS US STD, SIEVE 450 TO #70, ASTM D4533 MIN, TRAPEZOIDAL TEAR STRENGTH 100 X 60 LBS, MINIMUM COE SPECIFIED OPEN AREA OF 4%, « Drawn Scale chicle Tracking Control ITAGE) -- V I I - �— �-UJ U I TX X SANITARY iVANHOLE RIM ELEV. � 5464.4 LVV, IN WEST = 5454.=1 LNV. 06 iVE. 5454.4' 1l H. H. 1 "=30' V w CIO v �N CS ^ ti J LLJ Ca I Date: 09 -01 -11 1 SHEET 2 OF 2 FINAL DRAINAGE REPORT BREWER DEVELOPMENT 12275 W. 48 1h AVENUE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE JEFFE.V,SO,k22JffgjY. CQLOIVl Prepared for: Alex Brewer 13620 W 30' PI Golden, CO 80401 Prepared by: Henry Hollender, P.E. HVS Engineering, Inc. 9201 W. 58 Ave. Lakewood, CO, 80226 September 2, 2011 ' t1 " If" A. Site Location The Brewer Development is located on the north side of West 48 Avenue, which is also known as the 1-70 frontage road, approximately 500 feet east of Ward Road at 12275 West 48 Avenue in Wheat Ridge, Jefferson County, Colorado, (See Vicinity Map in the Appendix.) The property is bordered on the north by industrial development and to the east and west by commercial property. Open space is located across West 48th Avenue south of the property. B. Site Description The lot is 0.92 acre in size. Currently, there is one existing 3,000 SF commercial building on the lot. Much of the southern portion of the site is paved with approximately 6,100 SF of asphalt and most of the rest of the site is gravel surfaced. There are existing concrete pads totaling about 675 SF on the north and south side of the existing building. The lot generally drains from north to south on a 2% grade, sheet flowing over existing sidewalk into the gutter on the north side of West 48 Avenue. This gutter drains into a curb inlet, located in a sump near the southwest comer of the building. This inlet drains into an existing 18" pipe that drains to a manhole into a 48" pipe that is part of an existing storm drainage/irrigation system under the control of Juchem Ditch. Very little stormwater drains off or onto the site from adjacent properties to the north, east or west. C. Proposed Project Description A 3,800 SF addition to the front and east side existing building and a new 6,000 SF building behind the existing building are proposed. The existing lot around the buildings will be graded and just under 20,000 SF of new asphalt pavement and approximately 8,100 of landscaped area will be placed. D. Flood Hazard and Drainage Studies Relevant to Site The site is not located in any local or federally designated flood hazard area. H. HYDROLOGY A. Major Basin The site is located in the Clear Creek Basin, although drainage to Clear Creek is cut off by several irrigation ditches and ponds. The major basin is urban development with mixed uses and topography. B. Sub-Basin and Site Drainage There are two basins on the site considered on this project. Basin A consists of the northwestern 0.53 acres of the site that drains to a grass swale that will be constructed to drain that portion of the site. Basin B consists of 0.38 acres that drains to a water quality pond that will be constructed in the front of the site. 0.1 acres in the fringes of the site sheet flow off -site. A third basin, consisting of the area that drains to the 18" pipe drained by the inlet near the southwest comer of the site identified as Design Point I (DP -1), is also considered in this report. This basin is analyzed to make sure that the downstream drainage system will not be adversely impacted by the proposed construction. The rational method is used to detemline flows from the minor (5-year) and major (I00 -year) storms in Basins A and B, the entire site (both the historical and proposed) and to DP-1. The 2-year flow is also calculated for Basin A to use in the design of the grass swale. Urban Drainage spreadsheets are used to compute these flows. These spreadsheets require the area, percent imperviousness, MRCS Hydrologic Soil Group, storm return period, one-hour precipitation for that period, and flow path information necessary to compute time of concentration for each Basin. The drainage areas for Basins A and B and the entire site are delineated on the Drainage Plan, which is Sheet I of 3 in the rear pocket of this report. The drainage area for DP -1 is delineated on Sheet 3 of 3 in the rear pocket of this report. The property located immediately to the west of the site is not included in the drainage area for DP -1, because a detention pond was constructed on that site. Instead, 5-year and 100-year flows from that site were obtained from the Final Drainage Report for E.O.C. prepared on May 15, 1998 by Jehn and Associates, Inc. for Ojala & Company and added to the flows calculated for the rest of the basin draining to DP -1. For Basins A and B and entire site calculations, the percent imperviousness used in the spreadsheets is based on actual values of the proposed development (or, for the historical flows, existing condition) using Urban Drainage and Flood Control District (UDFCD) recommended values of 100% imperviousness for pavement 90% imperviousness for roofs, and 40% imperviousness for gravel. For DP -1, the UDFCD recommended value of 80% imperviousness for light industrial development is used. This percent imperviousness is more than either the existing or proposed condition on the Brewer site and is assumed to be a conservative value for the entire basin. Soils on the site are identified in the Web Soil Survey for the Golden Area as Dacono variant gravelly clay loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes, which is in Hydrologic Soil Group C. One-hour precipitation values of V for the 2-year storm, 1.4" for the 5-year storm, and 2.7" for the 100-year storm were used. Flowpath information was obtained using topographic information on Sheet I of 3 for Basins A, B, and the overall site and on Sheet 3 of 3 for DP -1. Information for Reach 3 included in the flowpath calculations for the proposed condition of the entire site was estimated to approximate the drain time of the water quality pond calculated in Section III below. The calculated flows are as follows: BASIN 2-YEAR 5-YEAR 100-YEAR A 0.61 cfs 1.02 cfs 2.94 cfs B - 1.01 cfs 2.39 cfs Overall Site (Historical) - 1.68 cfs 4.82 cfs Overall Site (Proposed) - 1.03 cfs 2.63 cfs DP-I (Calculated) - 9.37 cfs 21.47 cfs From E.O.C. Pond - 0.1 cfs 0.6 cfs Total DP- I - 9.47 cfs 22.07 cfs The UDFCD "Calculation of Peak Runoff Using Rational Method" spreadsheets are included in the Appendix. A. Criteria Basin A is designed drain into a 300' long, 1% sloped Grass Swale that will be constructed in the northern and western portion of the site. Basin B is designed drain into a water quality pond that will be constructed in the southern portion of the site. Since the proposed flows from the site are less than the historical flows, detention of the site should not be required if it can be shown that the downstream system can handle the anticipated flows. B. Capacity of Downstream System The downstream system is controlled by an existing 18" pipe that drains from the inlet near the southwest comer of the site to the manhole junction with the 48" pipe that carries the flow from Juchem Ditch. The capacity of the existing 18" pipe that is the outlet of DP -1 was checked using the UDFCD Spreadsheet " Culvert Stage- Discharge Sizing" included in the Appendix. This spreadsheet indicates that the design storm (5-year) will result in a water surface elevation of 5460.32 at the inlet. Since the top of the inlet is at elevation 5463.2, the pipe should handle the anticipated design flow. The 100-year flow (22.07 cfs) exceeds the flow that will result in the water surface elevation of the top of inlet (16.63 cfs). The spreadsheet indicates that, at a flow volumes exceeding 17.42 cfs, the water surface elevation will overtop the curb elevation of 5463.7 and flow into the open space to the south. This is an existing situation that actually will be improved slightly by the reduced 100 -year flow from the site in the developed condition. C. Grass Swale Design A Grass Swale is proposed in the north and west portion of the site to provide the required water quality controls for Basin A. The Grass Swale is designed using the UDFCD spreadsheet "Design Procedure Form: Grass Swale (GS)" included in the 10� Appendix. The spreadsheet indicates that a Grass Swale with a I% longitudinal slope and 4: side slopes will flow at a velocity of 0.79 ft/sec and a depth of 0.44 ft. The spreadsheet further indicates that a grade control structure is not required, but recommends that an underdrain be used. A detail of the proposed Grass Swale is included on Sheet I of 3 of the Drainage Plans. D. Water Quality Pond As stated previously, it is proposed that detention not be provided for the site since the proposed flows are less than historical flows. The lower proposed flows are dependent on the increased time of concentration resulting from the limited detention provided in a water quality pond that is proposed to be constructed in the southern portion of the site. This pond is also required to provide water controls for Basin B. The Water Quality Pond is designed using the UDFCD Spreadsheet "Design Procedure Form: Extended Basin Design (EBD) included in the Appendix. The spreadsheet indicates that a design volume (1. WQCV) of 0.011 acre-feet, or 479 cubic feet, is required. The Water Quality Pond shown on the drainage plan has a bottom elevation of 5463 and a top elevation of 5465. The Pond Volume calculation also provided in the Appendix indicates that a pond volume to elevation 5464 is 481 cubic feet. This provides the required volume plus 1 -foot of freeboard. Overflow from the pond is provided through the paved entrance above elevation 5464.48. The spreadsheet indicates that a forebay is not necessary in the pond. The spreadsheet does recommend that a micropool be constructed in the pond with a minimum depth of 2.5 feet. The micropool, however, is not provided due to concerns regarding the standing water that would result from construction of such micropool. The spreadsheet also provides design information for the outlet structure that is reflected in the outlet structure details provided on Sheet 2 of 3 of the Drainage Plans. The spreadsheet does indicate that use of the recommended minimum orifice diameter of 3/8" will result in a drain time of 21.9 hours, which is less than the recommended 40-hour drain time. The lower drain time should be acceptable due to the low flow volumes anticipated. IV. CONCLUSIONS The proposed Brewer Development will reduce the 5-year and 100-year flows leaving the site. Detention of the site is not required because these flows will be reduced and the downstream system will handle the design (5-year) flow. Furthermore, the downstream 100-year flow will not cause damage to any existing or proposed development. Water Quality controls for the site will be provided by a Grass Swale and a Water Quality Pond. M -1 ANNO . w ca a z CALCULATION OF A PEAK RUNOFF USING RATIONAL METHOD 11. Rainfall Information I (inch/hr) = C1 • P1 /(C2 + Td)AC3 Design Storm Return Period, Tr = 2 years (input return period for design storm) C1 = 2850 (input the value of CI) C2= (input the value of C2) C3= (input the value of C3) P1 inches (input one-hr precipitation-see Sheet "Design Info") Ill. Analysis of Flow Time (Time of Concentration) for a Catchment Runoff Coefficient, C "0'41 Overide Runoff Coefficient, C -'(enter an overide C value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C.) 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C-5 Overide 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C (enter an overide C-5 value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C-5.) #1_Ustration Reach 3 I MRCS Land I Heavy I Tillage/ 11 N ear l y Type Meadow Field Pasture/ I Bare Calculations: IV Swalest 11 Shallow Paved Swales Peak Runoff Prediction using Computed To iction using Regional To Rainfall Intensity at Te I = inch/hr Rainfall Intensity at To, I = MAnch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp = cis Peak Flowrate, p = 7cfs X2.xls, To and PeakQ 8/31/2011, 10:44 PIVI P CALCULATION OF A PEAK RUNOFF USING RATIONAL METHOD 11. Rainfall Information I (inch/hr) = C1 * 1 /(C2 + Td) C3 Design Storm Return Period, Tr = ",5 years (input return period for design storm) C1 =5f) (input the value of Cl) C2= '� � �, -, - WX 3 (input the value of C2) C3= `0186 (input the value of C3) P1= inches (input one-hr precipitation—see Sheet "Design Info") 111. Analysis of Flow Time (Time of Concentration) for a Catchment Runoff Coefficient, C = Overide Runoff Coefficient, C = '(enter an overide C value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C.) 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C-5 = Civeride 5-yr, Runoff Coefficient, C = (enter an overide C-5 value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C-5.) Illustration A-5.)ds, Tc and PeakQ 11nill NRCS Land I Heavy I Tillage/ 11 Short � Nearly Type Meadow Field Short Bare Calculations: Peak Runoff Prediction using Computed Tc adiction using Regional Tc Rainfall Intensity at Tc, I = inch/hr Rainfall Intensity at Tc, 1 w '44" inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp = cfs Peak Flowrate, Qp =777Wcfs IV 8/31/2011, 10:50 PM CALCULATION OF A PEAK RUNOFF USING RATIONAL METHOD Project Title: Brewer-Devel2gm6nt Catchment ID: A 1. Catchment Hydrologic Data Catchment ID = A Area 0.5$ Acres Percent Imperviousness = 60.00 % MRCS Soil Type = - ' C A, B, C, or D If. Rainfall Information Design Storm Return Period, Tr = C1 = C2= C3= Pl= 111. Analysis of Flow Tin Runoff Coefficient, C Overide Runoff Coefficient, C 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C-5 Overide 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C IV I (inch/hr) = C1 * P1 I(C2 + Td)AC3 160 years (input return period for design storm) ,-28.50 (input the value of CI) 10 . (input the value of C2) 0.786 (input the value of C3) 2.70. inches (input one-hr precipitation—see Sheet "Design Info!') ie (Time of Concentration) for a Catchment (enter an overide C value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C,) (enter an overide C-5 value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C-5,) Illustration NRCS Land Heavy T116ge/ Short Nearly Grassed Paved Aron & Type Meadow I Field � Pasture/ � Bare I Swalw I Shallow Paved Swales I I Lawns Ground Waterwa)M (Sheet Flow) if u2ffe yance H zo n w 0 1 H lu H 10 H zi Calculations: I Reach I Stow I Lenath I 5-yr I NRGS I Flow I Flow Peak Runoff Prediction using Computed Tc adfiction using Regional Tc Rainfall Intensity at Tc, I = k /h r �6: Int ensity at I "-8;7 inch/hr Rainfall Intens Tc, Peak Flowrate, Op = 777779T cis Peak Flowrate, Qp Z cis A-100.)ds, Tc and PeakQ 813112011, 10:57 PM I CALCULATION OF A PEAK RUNOFF USING RATIONAL METHOD Project Title: Brewer Development Catchment ID: B 1. Catchment Hydrologic Data Catchment ID = B , I Area = 0.38 Acres Percent Imperviousness = 75.00 % NRCS Soil Type = , CAB,C,orD 11. Rainfall Information Design Storm Return Period, Tr = C1 = C2= C3= P1= I (Inch/hr) = C 5- years 28.50 (L786 inches • P1 /(C2 + Td)AC3 (input return period for design storm) (input the value of CI) (input the value of C2) (input the value of C3) (input one-hr precipitation–see Sheet "Design Info") Ill. Analysis of Flow Time (Time of Concentration) for a Catchment Runoff Coefficient, C = 58 Overlde Runoff Coefficient, C = (enter an overide C value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C.) 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C-5 = Civeride 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C = (enter an overlde C-5 value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C-5.) Illustration NRCS Land Heavy rite/ Short Need, Grassed Paved A"" 8, Type Meadow I EN Field I Pasture/ Bare swalesif Shallow Paved Swales I Lawns Ground Wat arways fSheet Flowl Convey— R 5 1 7 150 15; 20 Calculations: IV Peak Runoff Prediction using Computed Tc adiction using Regional Tc Rainfall Intensity at To, #4 inch/hr Rainfall Intensity at Tc, I inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp efs Peak Flowrate, Qp of$ 1-5.)ds, To and PeakQ 8/31/2011, 11:00 PM CALCULATION OF A PEAK RUNOFF USING RATIONAL METHOD Project Title: Brewer Development Catchment ID: 1. Catchment Hydrologic Data Catchment ID = B Area = 0.38 Acres Percent Imperviousness = 75,00 % NRCS Soil Type = G A B, C, or D 11. Rainfall Information I (Inch/hr) = C1 * PI I(C2 + Td)AC3 Design Storm Return Period, Tr C1 C2=1` C3= P1= 111. Analysis of Flow TI, fMyears 4:786 2:70 inches , no (Time of Can (input return period for design storm) (input the value of Cl) (input the value of C2) (input the value of C3) (input one-hr precipitation—see Sheet "Design Info") centrafion) for a Catchment Runoff Coefficient, C Overide Runoff Coefficient, C (enter an overide C value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C,) 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C-5 = , 77, 7 ,7;�6.6i Overide 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C = (enter an overide C-5 value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C-5.) Illustration Calculations: IV Peak Runoff Prediction using Computed Tc Iction using Regional Tc Rainfall Intensity at Tc, I inch/hr Rainfall Intensity at Tc, I inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp cfs Peak FI owrate, Op cis B-100.)ds, Tc and PeakQ 8131/2011, 11:01 PM $tack �"'•• -+" I CALCULATION OF A PEAK RUNOFF USING RATIONAL METHOD Project Title: Brewer Development Catchment 10: Overall Historical 1. Catchment Hydrologic Data Catchment ID =0H Area = Acres Percent Imperviousness = % MRCS Soil Type = tt r A, 6, C, or D It. Rainfall Information I (Inch/hr) = C1 * PI /(C2 + Td)AC3 Design Storm Return Period, Tr 5:years C1 S Nearly Grassed C3= Type 1 P1= inches (input return period for design storm) (input the value of CI) (input the value of C2) (input the value of C3) (input one-hr precipitation-see Sheet "Design Info") Ill. Analysis of Flow Time (Time of Concentration) for a Catchment Runoff Coefficient, C Overide Runoff Coefficient, C (enter an overide C value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C.) 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C-5 'W Overide 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C = (enter an overide C-5 value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C-5.) Illustration cafthment FAwh 3 IV, NRCS Land I Heew T '=d S Nearly Grassed Paved Areas & Type 1 M � Meadow F Pas Bare swalest Shallow Paved Swales IN Lawns Ground Waterways _LSheet F!Lw 1 I 22Lve ante L 2.6 5 10 20 Calculations: Peak Runoff Prediction using Computed Tc ictlon using Regional Tc Rainfall Intensity at To, I = inch/hr Rainfall Intensity at Tc I= Peak Flowrate, Qp = 6p inch/hr cfs Peak Flowrate, oft site historical 5-yr,)ds, Tc and PeakQ 8!31/2011, 11:07 PM I CALCULATION OF A PEAK RUNOFF USING RATIONAL METHOD I 11. Rainfall Information I (inch/hr) = C1 * PI /(C2 + Td)AC3 Design Storm Return Period, Tr = ,1.f30 years (input return period for design storm) C1 = 28 ' R (input the value of CI) G2 = (input the value of C2) C3=, Swalest (input the value of C3) P1= inches (input one-hr precipitation—see Sheet "Design Info") Ill. Analysis of Flow Time (Time of Concentration) for a Catchment Runoff Coefficient, C Waterways (Sheet Flow) Overide Runoff Coefficient, C (enter an overide C value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C,) 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C-5 41 Overide 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C = (enter an overide C-5 value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C-5.) Illustration NRCS Land Heavy # Tillagat Nearly Grassed Paved Areas & Type Meadow I I Field I P = at Swalest Shallow Paved Swa Swab Lawns Ground Waterways (Sheet Flow) Conveyanoe R 2.5 11 5 Hr 16 15 20 1 Calculations: Peak Runoff Prediction using Computed Tc adiction using Regional Tc Rainfall Intensity at Tc, I = inch/hr Rainfall Intensity at Tc, I = inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp =7t�koZ cfs Peak Flowrate, Qp = cis site historical 100-yr.)ds, Tc and PeakQ 8/31/2011, 11:09 PM CALCULATION • A PEAK RUNOFF USING RATIONAL METHOD 11. Rainfall Information I (inch/hr) = C1 * P1 /(C2 + Td)AC3 Design Storm Return Period, Tr = years (input return period for design storm) C1 = (input the value of Cl) C2= 10"00 ( input the value of C2) C3 (input the value of C3) P1 1.40, inches (input one-hr precipitation—see Sheet "Design Info") Ill. Analysis of Flow Time (Time of Concentration) for a Catchment Runoff Coefficient, C Overlde Runoff Coefficient, C (enter an overide C value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C.) 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C-5 Overide 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C (enter an overide C-5 value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C-5.) Illustration Calculations: IV Peak Runoff Prediction using Computed Tc ediction using Regional Tc Rainfall Intensity at Tc I ch/h = r Rainfall Intensity at Tc 1 44 inch/hr P= Peak Flowrate, Qp = cfs Peak Flowrate, cfs site proposed 5-yr.)ds, Tc and PeakQ 91512011, 8:38 PM CALCULATION OF A PEAK RUNOFF USING RAPONAL METHOD Project Title: Catchment ID: 1. Catchment Hydrologic Data Catchment ID = OP Area = 0.91 Acres Percent Imperviousness = 66.00, % MRCS Soil Type = CAB,C,orD 11. Rainfall Information I (inchthr) = C1 * P1 I(C2 + Td)AC3 Design Storm Return Period, Tr = : 100 years C1 = ,A50 C2= �,�-10.00 Meadow Field Pasture/ I P1= 27-0,inches (input return period for design storm) (input the value of CI) (input the value of 62) (input the value of C3) (input one-hr precipitation—see Sheet "Design Info") Ill. Analysis of Flow Time (Time of Concentration) for a Catchment M; Runoff Coefficient, C Overide Runoff Coefficient, C (enter an overide C value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C,) 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C-5 0 40: Overide 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C = (enter an overide C-5 value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C-5,) Illustration MrOW"OOOF I at _Ago 11 , am 3 M NRCS Land Heavy Tillaget Short Nearly Grassed Paved Areas & Type Meadow Field Pasture/ I Bare Swalest LGround Shallow Paved Swales Lawns Waterways (Sheet Flow) I Conve 15 5 1 7 1 10 15 If 20 Calculations: IV Peak Runoff Prediction using Computed To adiction using Regional To Rainfall Intensity at To, I inch/hr Rainfall Intensity at To I inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp - .LWA60; cfs Peak Flowrate, 6p cis site proposed 100-yr.)ds, To and PeakQ 91512011, 8:39 PM CALCULATION OF A PEAK RUNOFF USING RATIONAL METHOD Project Title: Catchment ID: 1. Catchment Hydrologic Data Catchment ID = TO IV!% , Area = 4.43 Acres Percent Imperviousness=, MRCS Soil Type = tA,B,C,orD 11. Rainfall Information I (inch/hr) = CI PI I(C2 + Td) C3 Design Storm Return Period, Tr = 5? years (input return period for design storm) C1 = �28 (input the value of CI) C2= ( Q. (input the value of C2) C3 (1786 (input the value of C3) Pl=, 7 7 inches (input one-hr precipitation-see Sheet "Design Info") Ill. Analysis of Flow Time (Time of Concentration) for a Catchment Runoff Coefficient, C W2tmwavA i -qhp-1 Flaw I Overide Runoff Coefficient, C = (enter an overide C value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C.) 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C - A '6 ? Overide 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C = (enter an ovende C-5 value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C-5.) Illustration MRCS Land Heavy rllkKW Short Nearly Grassed Paved Areas & Type I Meadow Field I Pasture/ Bare Sw W Shallow Paved Swales Lawns Ground W2tmwavA i -qhp-1 Flaw I 22Mn2nce 1 2.5 5 7 10 15 H 20 Calculations: In Peak Runoff Prediction using Computed Tc adiction using Regional Tc Rainfall Intensity at To I 3w inch/hr Rainfall Intensity at Tc, I inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp = cfs Peak Flowrate, Qp cis S-yr to pipe.)ds, Tc and PeakQ 8/3112011, 10:25 PM CALCULATION OF A PEAK RUNOFF USING RATIONAL METHOD 11. Rainfall Information I (Inch/hr) = C1 * P1 I(C2 + Td)AC3 Design Storm Return Period, Tr = C1 = C2= C3 Ill. Analysis of Flow Tli 5 100 years 28.50 t - 0786 2. 74 ' inches Tke (Time of Con Runoff Coefficient, C -`;,4.74, Overide Runoff Coefficient, C = (enter an overide C value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C,) 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C-5 1 83 Overide 5-yr, Runoff Coefficient, C = (enter an overide C-5 value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated G-5.) Illustration NRCS Land Heavy Tillaget Nearly Grassed ed Paved Areas & Type Meadow I Field I rel Pasture/ Bare 11 Swa Shallow p, $.I. Pa ved Lawns Ground Waterways (Sheat Flowl Conveyancei 9 2.5 0 5 7 10 is H 20 Calculations: r — R..Ch 0 10 Peak Runoff Prediction using Computed Tc adiction using Regional Tc Rainfall Intensity at To, I9 inchlhr Rainfall Intensity at To, I inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Op ofs Peak Flowrate, Qp =722t�'cfs (input return period for design storm) (input the value of CI) (input the value of C2) (input the value of C3) (input one-hr precipitation—see Sheet "Design Info") centration) for a Catchment 11017 M=71 IMyr to pipe.xis, Tc and PeakQ 813112011, 10:28 PM 40 CULVERT STAGE-DISCHARGE SIZING (INLET vs. OUTLET CONTROL WITH TAILWATER EFFECTS) Project- Brewer Development ----- ------------ 9.4al Deem IMIRLM-artion ImPILYJ: Circular Culvert: Swat Demeter in Inch" Inlet Edge Type (choose from pull•dawn W) OR. Box Culvert: Barrel Height (Rise) In Feet Barrel Width (Span) In Feet Inlet Edge Type (choose from pull-down list) Number of Barrels Inlet Elevation at Culvert Invert Outlet Elevation at Culvert Invert OR Skhm of Culvert (it Oft h.) Culvert Length in Feet MannkVs Roughness Bend Loss Coefficient Exit Loss Coefficient QgAign laf_ormation (calculated): Entrance Loss Coefficient Friction Loss Coefficient Sum of All Loss Coefficients Orifice Inlet Condition Coefficient Minimum Energy Condition Coefficient UD<A'M K. . 0.50 Kr 1 23 K.- 213 1 Cd 0.86 KE -0.6383 rm�# 11MMUZ7, Processing Time: 0.33 seconds CULVERT STAGE-DISCHARGE SIZING (INLET vs. OUTLET CONTROL NTH TAILWATER EFFECTS) Project: Brower Development Basin ID: Overall to 18" Culvert STAGE-DISCHARGE CURVE FOR THE CULVERT M. 1..11 5463.32 5462.82 5462.32 5461.82 5460.32 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10-00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 Discharge (cfs) 0 Inlet Control A Outlet Control - •- Stage-Discharge UD-CuNWt_V2.00a.)ft, Cutvwt 8131/2011, 11:11 PM 0 I- it i _ _� _ _� 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10-00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 Discharge (cfs) 0 Inlet Control A Outlet Control - •- Stage-Discharge UD-CuNWt_V2.00a.)ft, Cutvwt 8131/2011, 11:11 PM ------------------------------ "'S", L 9 11,11 Design Procedure Form: Grass Swale (GS) Designer: Henry Hollender Company: HVS Engineering, Inc. Date: August 31, 2011 Project: Brewer Development Location: 12275 W 49th Ave., Wheat Ridge 1, Design Discharge for 2-Year Return Period 2. Hydraulic Residence Time A) : Length of Grass Swale B) Calculated Residence Time (based on design velocity below) 3. Longitudinal Slope (vertical distance per unit horizontal) A) Available Slope (based on site constraints) B) Design Slope 4. Swale Geometry A) Channel Side Slopes (Z = 4 min., horiz. distance per unit vertical) B) Bottom Width of Swale (enter 0 for triangular section) 5. Vegetation A) Type of Planting (seed vs, sod, affects vegetal retardance factor) 6. Design Velocity (1 it I s maximum) Q2 0.61 cis Ls = 300.0 ft THR 6.3 minutes S-a = 0.010 ft /ft SD 0.010 ft/ft Z = 4.00 — ft/ft WB ODO it Choose One Grass From Seed 0 Grass From Sod V2 079 Us 7. Design Flow Depth (1 foot maximum} I D2 = 0,44 it 111111�111 A) Flow Area A2 = U sq it y 8) Top Width of Swale WT = 3.5 it C) Froude Number (0.50 maximum) F = 030 D) Hydraulic Radius R = 0.21 E) Velocity-Hydraulic Radius Product for Vegetal Retardance VR = 0.17 F) Manning's n (based on SCS vegetal retardanoe curve E for seeded grass) n = 0.067 G) Cumulative Height of Grade Control Structures Required H 0.00 it Choose One AN UN R AIN IS 8. Underdrain REQUIRED IF THE (Is an underdrain necessary?) * YES 0 NO DESIGN SLOPE < 2.0% 9. Soil Preparation (Describe soil amendment) ffs! � JID GS Sheet I of 1 8131/2011, 10:44 PM Design Procedure Form: Extended Detention Basin (EDB) EDB 9/312DI 1, 8:37 PM Design Proced 38 ) Sheet 2 of j Designer: Henry "hinder Company. i�Engtneering, Inc. Date: August 31, 2011 Project: Brewer Development Location: 12275 West 48th Avenue, Wheat Ridge H = 1.00 OR IV Concept Chosen Under I.E. 5, Forebay. ac-ft A) Witimum Forebay Volume VFie,, 0.000 ac-ft A FORESAY MAY NOT BE hours (VFmw of the WOM NECESSARY FOR THIS SIZE SITE B) &-tual Forebay Volume VF = 0.000 ac-ft square Inches C) Forebay Depth D,- in CALCULATED DIAMETER IS 0.2772 INCH. THE (Dc - 12 inch maidnium) inches RECOMMENDED MINIMUM DIAMETER OF 318 INCH D) Forebay Discharge LT IN A DRAIN TIME Of 21.9 HOURS; M��D;;A 0 Undetainod 100-year Peak Discharge Qioo cle DIFFERENT SWIP. III Forebay Discharge Design Flow CIF' cis number (OF ' 0.02 * Qjw) square inches E) Forebsy 0-harge Design Choose One number Q Total Outlet Area (AQ 0 Berm With fte (flow too small for berm w/ pipe) square inches 0 wag with Rect Notch 0 Wall with V-Notch Weir F) Discharge Pipe Size (minimum 94nehes) Calculated Dp in G) Rectangular Notch Width Calculated Ww in Choose One — PROVIDE A CONSISTENT LONGITUDINAL 6. Trickle CtwjmW SLOPE FROM FOREISAY TO MtCROPOOL 0 conctete WITH NO MEANDERING. RIPRAP AND A) Type of Tricide Channel 0 soft Bottom SOIL RIPRAP LINED CHANNELS ARE - - - NOT RECOMMENDED. IANUM DEPTH OF 1.5 FEET F) Slope of Tricide Channel S. 0.0001 ft/ft 7. W"opooll and Outlet Structure A) Depth of Mlompool (2.54eet minimum) Duu 0.0 It MIN. DEPTH OF 2.5 FEET S) Surface Area o(liilicr0000ll (10 IIminimum) A.- 0 sqft MIN. SURFACE AREA OF 10 SQ, FT C) Outlet TYPO [ Choose Otte 40 offte Kate 0 Other (Desalbe): D) Depth of Design Volume (EURV or 1.2 WQCV) Based on the Design H = 1.00 feet Concept Chosen Under I.E. E) Volume to Drain Over Prescribed Time ac-ft F) Dial" Time To. 40 hours (I'An T for WOCV= 40 hours; Max T for ELIRV- 72 hours) 0) Reeornmertcled Maximum Cutlet Area per Row, (A.) A.= square Inches H) OrWm Dirriensions: CALCULATED DIAMETER IS 0.2772 INCH. THE 0 Circular Orifice Diameter or inches RECOMMENDED MINIMUM DIAMETER OF 318 INCH ""',dRh LT IN A DRAIN TIME Of 21.9 HOURS; M��D;;A DIFFERENT SWIP. 0 Number of Columns ri, number J) Actual Design Outlet Area per Row (A.) square inches K) Number of Rom (m) nr= number Q Total Outlet Area (AQ A = 01 square inches '-Y3 - 01 .Ids, EDS 91312011, 8:37 PM Design Procedure Form: Extended Detention Basin (EDB) 3 ,., i 9/312011, 8 :37 PM Sheet 3 of 4 Designer Henry tiollerWer Company: tfYS Frrgireeering, Inc. pate: August 31, 2011 Project: Brewer Development Location: 12276 West 48th Avenue, Wheat Ridge 8. Initial Surcharge Volume A) Depth of Initial Surcharge Volume p s 4.0 in (unimum recommended depth is 4 inches) C) In" Surcharge Provided Move Kwopod V., 0,0 " ' ` cu it Choose One 9. Trash Rack M Circular (up to 2" diameter) A) Type of Water Quality Orifice Used Q Rectm9uMr (2' high) B) Water Quality Screen Open Area: A, - 38.6•(e' 0°ro )'A, r A ° `t 12 ''. ' , square Inches C) For 2, or Smaller, Circular Opening (See Fad Sheet T - 12): 9 Width of Water Quality Screen and Concrete Opening (W 0 W, s "12A ` .° inches 0) Height of Water Quality Screen (HTO HT., 100 .' inches Choose One ill) Type of Screen, Describe if -(Xhw' 0 S.S. Well Screen with 60% Ogren Area- ' O Other (Describe): _. t ;4 n _.._.�'d �.. J .,<x s ..ring _.- Choose One 0 Aluminum ArtbcwKiemp SR Series (or equal) O Other (Describe): .'z bar �n ii �Ivzl Beanng Fa, {aches 3 ,., i 9/312011, 8 :37 PM -Y3 - 01.)ft, ED8 gr"I 1, 8:37 PM Ngswatimilmm Design Procedure Form: Extended Detention Basin (EDB) sh"ll 4 a111 ry Not -d Desig— Hen-der ri y."VS Engineering, Inc. Company: F7 Doe: August 31, 2011 I Project. Brewer Development tiM 4 276 West Avenue, Wheat Ridge Location: W 10. Overflow Emmet A) Describe embankment proted— for IOG-year and greater overtopping: Overflow through paved entrance 8) Slope of Overflow Embankment 2 s = 4.00 ft /ft (Horizontal distance per unit vertical, 4:1 or flatter preferred) 11. Vegelaficni - Choose one 0 intaw 0 Not lffkatM 12. Access A) Describe SWIment Removal Procedures Access from paved whence. Notes: 1 . No micropool provided due to City concerns regarding standing water. Z LAss than 40 drain time provided in order to provide minimum recommended orifice diameter in outlet structure. -Y3 - 01.)ft, ED8 gr"I 1, 8:37 PM POND VOLUME Elev Area ft ac 5464 0.0200 5463 0.0021 Cumml Avg ft3 481 0 DRAINAGE PL BREWER DEVELOPMENT SU RVEY NOTES: 1) Topographic survey provided by Randy Fortuin, PLS, CBM Surveys, Inc. 2) Date of survey — July 8, 2011. 3) Below ground utilities lines were located by others. 4) The size of the storm sewer pipes are based on remote measurements from ground level and may very based on direct measurements. BENCHMARK INFORMATION: U7 O LEI The Vertical Benchmark for this survey is at the top center of a found 3.25" Brass Cap in Range Box located in —� C GRASS SWALE v the northbound lanes of Ward Road and just south of 48th Avenue (1 -70 Frontage Road). This point is known as W. 44TH AVE. the City of Wheat Ridge Point # 13109 with an elevation of 5468.69 feet (NAVD88). / a V LEGEND i ' 9 Found Red Plastic Cap, PLS 16828 q� i ( Existing Sanitary Sewer Man Hole Existing Storm Sewer Man Hole a Co Existing Fire Hydrant Y Existing Po , i T Y M AP - Existing Water Man Hole � sting Utility o e 9 - -' rok6 r, W qr,.J U Existing Electric Meter NOT TO SCALD P4 I 0 Existing Gas Meter �y � C co I T] Existing Telephone Riser co co �5g6 /f X Existing Water Valve d Y� W W c Existing Guard Post �..., z � / = ilvil j Existing Spot Elevation Z PQ ® t , h � �� -_ Existing Sanitary Sewer Line C7 - -,l CzZ X ST Existing Storm Sewer Line � rn Z C 0 N(R 1; "PE �> �„ k Existing Overhead Utility i X (,A Existing Gas Line m "" .t � rLOOk ���T v �� L � CD 546.9 Existing Contour 5468 Proposed Contour Proposed Storm Sewer Line Flow Direction Drainage Basin Boundary w ti N �c WATER QUALITY POND TOP ELEV = 5465 BOTTOM ELEV 5463 I FREEBOARD = 1' ti VOLUME REQUIRED = 479 CF OUTLET STRUCTURE INV OUT = 5462.67 — 22 LF — 16" RCP 0 19.41% ( IN FEET ) I inch = 20 ft. • 2' TRIANGULAR SWALE SECTION NTS 9 C'OAVCRETE SIDEWALA v .� r W. 4&TH AVE. (I -70 FRONTAGE,) t ,SAljf -- -- C CE 'R13 t IAL ib'l7'H COA %C'RETA' I' 1A `1 v 12275 WEST 48TH AVENUE ' 3 \ \\ WHEA T MIDGE, COLORADO C0AC1 P:'TL' Ct Basin Designation t Impervious Area in Acres Design Point X 0 4' SLOTTED PIPE MEETING TABLE GS -3 WITH CDOT CLASS C FILTER MATERIAL ALL AROUND OR PERFORATED HDPE PIPE WITH AASHTO #67 ALL AROUND CONTAINED WITHIN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC, ASTM D4751 -AOS US STD, SIEVE #50 TO 470, ASTM D4533 MIN. TRAPEZOIDAL TEAR STRENGTH 100 X 60 LBS, MINIMUM COE SPECIFIED OPEN AREA OF 4%. 1, 11► 111''. � � . a 10 SANITARY 1 RIM 1;'16'7. -- 5464.4' — INV. IN T9'ES7 = 5454.4' A 0.53ACRES INV. OUT :V. k'. � 5454.4' 8 0.38ACRES -- - - -- — / TOTAL 0.91 ACRES HISTORIC 0.91 ACRES C- COEFFICIENT FLO W (CFS) 5 -YR 100 -YR 5 -YR 900 -YR 046 0.63 9.02 2.94 0.58 0.79 1.01 239 0.50 0.66 9.03 2.63 0.41 0.61 1.68 4.82 Design H.H. Drawn M.M. Scale 1 " =20' O 0 O 0 Ld a Date: 09 -01 -11 9 SHEET 1 OF 3 DRAINAG/ DETA LS t� 0 V) LLJ 1Y Structural Steel Channel Formed into � Concrete. To Span — Width of Structure - WQCV Elev 4 4' t '01 �_ a R 55LnQNa AWA N TS IN 6 g f� 3/8` die_ - , U Ell. 54&3 — n _ 7__H_ A �J Bx A7g P�F�,an�B ® t�Ti•t PERRFCxaATlaw �ATa€Rw NTS 160 -year overflow trash ranks sized with the aid of urban Drainage and FI,Qad Contral District. Dra aw Qijftrj9_NgBuD_I , Files V3 —Trash Rack Sizing Graph.dwg, Figure 7. Trash Rack; Tubular Trash Minimum Trash Rack Open Area — Rack On 6 "Centers Extended Range 100 —Year Orifice Diameter 1= 5.7" Ratio of Trash Rack Open Area to Total Outlet Area =37 C8x5B.75 American Standard Bolt Down or Structural Steel Chancel. Lock Down Trash Rack Attached By Welding''" --__ WQCV Elev = 5464 U.S. Filter* Stainless Steel C C Steel Perforated Weil— Screen ire Screen -low Orifice Plate — X93 VEE Wire n 3 Rows, 3/8" _ w/ 0.139 Slot opening (See Orifice Plate Type #156 VEE Support Rod Detail) II Support Rod Spacing — 3/4" OC I f — - Total Screen Thickness — 0.31" 3/8 "xt" Flat Bar Carbon Steel Frame — C8x18.75 American Y - Standard Structural — - Steel Channel Formed Into Goncrete Bottom - And Sides Of 6" Width. - -- Trash Rack Attached 80TfOM OF POND By Intermittent Welds. ELEV 5463 \��i��iA� V% /i�����Y;� ✓\ ��� _ I 54-62.67 — - — — — — _ — _— _ --�_ —_ ,„ (,L,_A MTt.ET STRUCT11Rt° NTS^ Well— Screer Attached To By Intermitten Channel Steel A"� Channel Formed into Concrete— n B Stainless Steel Bolts or Intermittent Welds Finished Grade V Freeboard Elev = 5465 Rack Swivel Hinge S E 1 inch = 100 fi, 9 I Design H. H. i Drawn _ sP Stainless Steel No. 93 Stainless Support Bars Steel (U.S. Filter or Equal) Wires Flow Fn Steel Perforated _ Flow Control - - - - - Plats - - -_ -- Trash Rack Attached 6" By intermittent Min. Welding All Around S?tQi_B=B P d.N_M NTS Flow J Lo w s { "A-J H. H. Q) : Z C) L � J ^ C:) � J CN ` V ' ` Ir" I Date: 09-01--11 I SHEET 2 OF 3 T3A-539, RAQ KVA'TBOht A Nis PLAN MEW ��-�! NTS qq k.lw. -Au 1 0 co i _. r 6 *' C Z V4 • R Ln w I Design H. H. i Drawn _ sP Stainless Steel No. 93 Stainless Support Bars Steel (U.S. Filter or Equal) Wires Flow Fn Steel Perforated _ Flow Control - - - - - Plats - - -_ -- Trash Rack Attached 6" By intermittent Min. Welding All Around S?tQi_B=B P d.N_M NTS Flow J Lo w s { "A-J H. H. Q) : Z C) L � J ^ C:) � J CN ` V ' ` Ir" I Date: 09-01--11 I SHEET 2 OF 3 T3A-539, RAQ KVA'TBOht A Nis PLAN MEW ��-�! NTS qq k.lw. -Au � I inch = 100 ft »» - — - -± Design d H Drown 9.R. - D - ate: -- 09-01-11 SHEET 3 OF 3 § � � \ / \\ � c r \ ° �$ � \��§ m w r � \ \ 7 Design d H Drown 9.R. - D - ate: -- 09-01-11 SHEET 3 OF 3 • City of'Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29"' Ave. Wheat Ridge., ( 80033-8001 P: 303-235.2846 F: 303235.2857 September 9, 2011 Mr. Alex Brewer 13620 W. 30 Place Golden, CO 80401 Dear Mr. Brewer: This letter is in regard to your request for approval of a Planned Building Group (PBG) to allow two main structures oil property zoned Industrial (1) and located at 12275 W.1 -70 Frontage Road North. I have reviewed the plan set and have the following comments: www.ci.wheatridge.co.us 11. Please designate the recording number for the PSC easement as noted on the survey plat. 12. Please label the landscaped areas on the site plan. OTHER ISSUES I . The plan set will be recorded with the Jefferson County Clerk. In preparation for a recordable document, the face of the plan should include a legal description and the declaration block per section 26-116.E of the City code (enclosed). 2. Please consider the height and size ofwindows on the main building elevation with consideration for future occupants. Most windows appear to be located just above eye level and much higher than the eye level of a seated individual. Attached are the comments received from other City departments and outside agencies regarding your PBG request: Wheat Ridge Building Division: No comments received. ff'heut Ridge Economic Development: See attached emailftoin ' teve Art dated A 11gust 30, 201 1 Wheat Ridge Police Department: No concerns. Arvada Fire District. & , e attached comments 1rom Steve Stciglc 2, 2011. Fraitdale Sanitation District: Applicant contacted directly; no comments submitted to the Ci v. Qwest Communications: JN comments received, Valley Water .District: See attached commentsfirom Kathleen Kadnuck dated A ugu,5130, 2011 Xcel Energv: See attached comments firoin Donna George dated September 1, 2011, Lauren E. Mikulak Planner I cc: PBG-11-01 Emsm, 1!!1111111 Ili I I! F I I! I 1! 11 !1 1 1 1 "1 1 ! 1 1111 Cate: August 25 2011 Response Due September 8, 2011 " Hie Carnation nation C'it,v " - The C"arnation Cio " om AW AN Sw'Nob, mmiEnergysm PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY FT 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Right of Way & Permits 1123 West 3"' AvenUe Denver, Colorado 80223 Telephone: 303.571.3306 Facsimile: 303. 571.3524 As a safety precaution, PSCo would like to remind the developer to call the Utility Notification Center, at 1-800-922-1987 to have all utilities located prior to any construction. If you have any questions about this referral response, please contact me at (303) 571- 3306, U�• Donna George Contract Right of Way Referral Process Public Service Company of Colorado I IWITM M-7111TI" From: Steve Art Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2011 2:49 PM To: Lauren Mikulak Subject: PGB-1 1 -01 /Brewer Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Red The Economic Development Division approves of the re-adaptation of the building at 12275 W. 1-70 Frontage but feels the building fa�ade requires an review. I feel the stone work should continue alo the east and west sides of the building to the natural cut off. The front stonework needs to have so improvements, but not being an architect, I'm not sure what those require. I Steve Art Economic Development & Urban Renewal N"Manaver Direct: 30"1-235- Cefl� 720-454-9040 Fav 303-235-2806 500 \k". 29th Avemw Wheat Ridgc, Colorado 80031 Z�- WWW Ci, WIWWHd2C,CO. LIS as Cil cif - W h( at J,< Iscyc Crty MANA(.`ifR'S 01:1 K4 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE his e-mail contains int'6nnation. It is intended only fior the use of the individual or entity. nained above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, electronic; storage or use of this communication is prohibited. If you received this communication in cnor, please notify tcs immediately by e -mail, attaching the original message, and delete the original message front your computer, and any net work to which your computer is connected, 'rhink you, 09/02/2011 - 1* 4 �1 City of h6at edge ".. 13 0 L I CE DEPARTMENI I I TO: Lauren Mikulak, Community Development Case Manager FROM: James Cohen, Crime Prevention Sergeant DATE: August 30, 201 SUBJECT: Community Development Referral: RBG-1 I-01/Brewer prevention impact to the Wheat Ridge Police Department. w Life Safety Division September 2, 2011 Lauren Mikulak, Case Manager 7500 W. 29 Ave. ZEMH= 1. Fire protection is provided to this site by Station 2, 12155 W. 52" Ave. and Station 6, 6503 Simms Street. 2. All-weather fire department access roadways minimum of 24,feet of unobstructed width, consisting of the first lift of asphalt, capable of supporting the imposed loads of 85,000 lb fire apparatus will need to be provided for the north building prior to above grade construction. IFC 06 503.2.1, 503.2.3. Amended. • 4. Fire department access lanes will need to • posted on each side where possible, "No Parking Fire Lane" with signs that meet City of Wheat Ridge Standards. IFC 06 503.3. 5. A water line and fire hydrant will need to be installed and operational prior to the construction of the north building to meet distribution requirements for minimum required fire flows prior to above grade construction. lFC 0• 7903 Allison Way Arvada, Colorado 80005-5033 303-424-3012 6. Need information of the storage to be located within the existing building addition and any proposed storage for the north building. Depending on the proposed storage and height of storage fire suppression systems may be required by the fire code, T We may have additional comments resulting from additional site plans submitted and at the time of construction plans submittals. If you have any questions or would need any additional information, please feel free to give me a call at 303-424-3012. Sincerely, Arvada Fire Protection District s '- Deputy Fire Marshal 08/30/11 TUE 09:21 FAX 303 424 0828 VALLEY WATER LIB 0001 VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 12101 WEST s . WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 FAX 303-4! MlArlz�� III plipillillip lill pipigill, pillill 11111 1111 1 1 1 , , lill �� I ppil IMP 1 1 1 111, 1��� I op , (Jty of Wheat CCNIMUNrry DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W� 29"' Ave, Wheat Ridge, (70 80013-8001 P: 303,2352846 1°: 303,235,2857 August 24, 201 Mr. Alex Brewer 13620 W. 30"' Place Golden, CO 80401 Dear Mr. Brewer: This correspondence is intended to update you and the file regarding the progression of Case No. PBG - -01 /Brewer. This is a request for approval of a planned building group to allow two primary structures on property at 12275 W. 1-70 Frontage Road North. The application was submitted on August 22, 201 At the time of application, it was acknowledged that a few submittal documents (namely, the preliminary drainage report and plan) were missing. While it is not typical protocol for staff to accept an incomplete application, we allowed you to file the application. After receiving a complete submittal, an application is sent on referral for a period of 15 days for review by outside agencies. Since the missing information is not expected to impact review by outside agencies, the referral period begins this week with a response deadline of September 8. After the review period ends, I will compile the responses and forward all comments to you. Please note that the Public Works Department cannot begin their 15 day review period until the drainage documents are received. In addition, if the drainage report results in significant changes to the site plan, a second referral period to outside agencies may be required. When the missing drainage documents are submitted, I will provide you with an updated timeline. After the referral periods are complete and all comments are addressed, the PBG can be approved. Once approved, the next steps will be to prepare a recordable document with the PBG plan and to submit the building permit application--these steps may occur simultaneously. A building permit may be issued once the approved PBG is recorded in the office of theJeft"erson County Clerk and Recorder. We are glad to be working with you on this project as it continues to move forward, If you would like to discuss this further, please feel free to contact me at 303-235-2845. Respectfully, Lauren Mikulak Planner I cc. Case file PBG-1 1-01 w1m.O.Wheatridge.coms LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION Community Development Department f M 7500 West 29 16 A (Please print or type all inforioation) Applicant Address CitY--, State Zip Owner, City_ Address State El Phone Fax Contact 4-2e 0 ?L Phonc City State Zip - Fax (The persoca fisted as contact will be contacted to answer questions re this application, provide additional information when necessary, post public hearing signs, wilt receive a copy of the staff report prior to Pubtic ltcaring, and shall be responsible for forwarding a H verbal and written communication to applicant and owner) Location of request (address): Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which Pertain to your request): Application submittal requirements on reverse side To be filled out by staff. . e Date received " Fee S Receipt No. .,�Q � _!�W _jO Case No, Comp Plan Deslg,___ Zoning Quarter Section Map Related Case No.-.----,,— Pre-App Mtg. Dine Case Manager _ �'� III <.e is ' 4* 0 ABA L TM Pmt 1 b� S $ 1! \\ T t , VAN ADMISW %X to WAI a% or kQ Tom. so ox §, S D a A Sam TO m0low a opucAm • 444 a SET S-4 . Mgt w PROJE TEAM me ofm .itPA MCI VMS, Ru %f t r � _ �'� III <.e is ' 4* 0 ABA L TM Pmt 1 b� S $ 1! \\ T i __.. BREWER DEVELOPMENT UJ. 48 A VE . DATE 0 -I8 -#« IRUD D u AAA . .. t , %X to WAI S PROJE TEAM x". t r � t k Sim OL tf EAST HAAr ' SATE ., „.. COOK CA wo O"W(okow w2st KO L ORM UK an KIT ASak;.T-\ W* MASK PAM ATE O AT.+k', f TOP'A.. Sr lK ,44 AM 2m5% W P& TOTAL P Me" Y[a P% S. I TOTAL i2 0 '.. .E8 AORI V17% Emmc pm WA, Um sp, f _ 5 TO m 9=4 zw 7: 00 Vow WrL UWL TOTAL, ow V. vm A404 AAOk %W IK 7 . Y7, Um 4"f t s' PARM SPACM, . Y. C WWALT A.a PAFMK 12 %A%ek. row s PA m 4 w 0) 1 TOTAL V90 At 8 . FOTAL 15 STAftffi k2' &tAt&S MWOM S i __.. BREWER DEVELOPMENT UJ. 48 A VE . DATE 0 -I8 -#« IRUD D u AAA . .. w RM CUT XIAM ---- vwe V&W ATTKKW34T - aw SMOG GkOMAD WE PAM 3 guy "Im MAIIY SPKW AMM M AS VM G PACE 31V OW OVE PK 3r 00k, ON AM MVM Wes ww ow SWAM or mm m $mw SO M04 " "We m wo NAMM SMM At TCP AW WnX AM AT Z-" XMW" RM TU "n MR VAK "m my go" 00 0MAZ RwmkL WL K WACO f"KW At CWT OM AL NOT K M EX= fM DAMAOM K'QMAU T MY, Aw.r,7RFTTl.,wdrffuw :41N PST -\ AV"k, N LMMSCAK MA7MAL SOWU *AM URUD► & ASSOMAM *-hitovt� 4.4 pi"alsw Ai I qom om OF 3 sm M ww OAAK "Ch mKo sr, mm M" oxx ADCX LM SF s"s An ORAM "m my go" 00 0MAZ RwmkL WL K WACO f"KW At CWT OM AL NOT K M EX= fM DAMAOM K'QMAU T MY, Aw.r,7RFTTl.,wdrffuw :41N PST -\ AV"k, N LMMSCAK MA7MAL SOWU *AM URUD► & ASSOMAM *-hitovt� 4.4 pi"alsw qom om OF 3 sm M ww OAAK "Ch mKo sr, mm M" oxx ADCX LM SF s"s An ORAM w *M" 0 26k *44wom omam "M AS ORASS 2 CAL w FK 0 MANAMOft AWMMA lanx WAS 2 Gk s % "Mom *CAW WRT44 AS PAW MNTAM mas On I OL S wo ophMm SUA" w" AXM w S Gt& 24 W o AMPM va" WFAW OVAMY wroKmo cc 5 CA to (D COTMAM oxwm me$ pw4vwA Aw FP 4 ww w t p NNUS PVRM* PA. M AW PA 2 VT w 3 PA At~ MWtVWA VAN OW Neowt w 7 0 wk 3 PMM WV$MA WD *%L K IOAK" ME om sm "a 00 OF WALINY "a BREWER DEVELOPMENT *AM URUD► & ASSOMAM *-hitovt� 4.4 pi"alsw *ft wsm-4m OF 3 U 46th AVE. UL V.. *ILAN DSr, ,. Rj2S�I - A �FLA�N PLANNE BREWER DEVEL0PNE*-;T BULD RO • A .s w . m i ll f•tr f f—f t• r A-r I.e%t.i urafmr w�ra as fe r • # D Sn WL Wry 3 ma 3 Nm Grp eJ9' .. e'.aT +were s. BREWER DEVELOPMENT CAM 6-44-1 W WWRO RUD ur& m.. AM CIA TM PWwli�o 3 " e rf�s f ,,r k S`-4 WSff 5#4 hb . at 1� r. The west 135 feet of the east 275 feet, plot 7, Nicholas Gardens. The Plat which is recorded in Plat Book 2 at page 60B, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado I - - . - I •# w • Narrative Paolo 303 - 904 -4837 ext 4816 General Steel Corporation 34 owl . 1* From. Chuck Brewer <BrewcpOaoI.corh> Subject: deed DaW June 29, 20118:21:17 AM MDT To, Alex Brewer <aiexibrewer0comcast, net> 2 Attachments, 229 KB I IWA M 1 lova assiming that my stuff will follow within a week • so. magm�M � ROM job Site Located At: 12275 West 48 Avenue Wheat Ridge Jefferson County, 00 "Detached Steel Building" A AGREEMENT OF PURPOSE AND DISCLAIMER: LOCATION AND SITE CONDITIONS.- This report represents the results of the data obtained during the subsoil investigati for the proposed steel building at 12275 West 48thAvenue, Jefferson County, CO. I The proposed building site is presently a vacant area • the North end • the property. The site is reasonably level with approximate slopes of 2.0% to the South/Southeast. The lot appears to be well drained with no erosion evident. I SUBSOIL CONDITIONS-. I Job#] 1-2399 Detached Steel Building Page 2 of 9 TABLE I SLAB PERFORMANCE REPRESENTATIVE RISK CATEGORY PERCENT SWELL -' (500 PSI SURCI LOW 01"0 <3 HIGH _ T6 <8 VERY HIGH >8 Source: Colorado Association of Geotechnical Engineers, Guideline for Stab Performance Risk Evaluation and Residential Basement Floor System Recommendations (Denver Metropolitan Area), 1996 GROUNDWATER: Job#1 1-2399 Detached Steel Building Page 3 of 9 I The Clay with Medium Plasticity (CL) material has a bearing strength • 1500 pounds per square foot (psf) and an equivalent liquid pressure • 50 pcf. We recommend the use of • continuous spread footing, due to the low expansion-consolidation potential of the analyzed soils. The foundation must be constructed at the location in which soils investigation was performed. Soil settlement resulting from the assumed structural loads is estimated to be one inch or less. Soil expansion at this site may be up to one inch in some areas. No foundation wall is to exceed twenty-five feet in length without utilizing buttresses or counterforts unless otherwise designed by the foundation engineer. Engineered steel reinforcements shall be required in the footings and foundation walls. This will give walls ♦ footing beams the strength to span • bridge over any loose • soft pockets • soil that may develop during construction. Owners shall be made aware of all contents of this report, and the fact that water accumulation around foundation elements is the primary cause • distressed foundations. Jobftl 1-2399 Detached Steel Building Page 4 of 9 To help prevent secondary damage that could be caused by slab movement, the following construction techniques are additional recommendations for the foundation construction. I SLAB ON GRADE CONSTRUCTION: I I When and where slabs-on-grade are chosen and the owners are willing to accept the risks associated with slab movement, the following recommendations are to be followed: • Slabs should be constructed as "free floating". Positive separations and/or isolation joints should be provided between slabs and all foundation walls, bearing members (columns), plumbing and utility lines. Isolation may be achieved with 1 /2 inch expansion material or by sleeving. Vertical movement • the slabs should not • restricted. b. Eliminate plumbing under slabs where feasible. Where such plumbing is unavoidable, it should be thoroughly pressure tested during construction. Job#] 1-2399 Detached Steel Building Page 5 of 9 5. If • forced air heating system is used and the furnace is located on the slab, we recommend provision of • collapsible connection between the furnace and the ductwork. In the event a hot water heating system is used, the piping should not be placed beneath the concrete slab. I BACK ILL AND SURFACE DRAINAGE: I The foundation and retaining walls must be well cured and well braced prior to backfilling. Jobffl 1-2399 Detached Steel Building Page 6 of 9 COMPACTION: In general, to compact cohesion-less free-draining materials, the above guidelines also apply. Job# 11-2399 Detached Steel Building Page 7 of 9 RADON; The U.S. EPA fwww.epa.gov/iaq/radonj is a good source for additional radon information. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS - GENERAL COMMENTS: **If soils conditions are encountered which appear different from the test borings • presented in this report, it is required that this office be called to make an observation of The cost of this observation is not part of this report.** Jobtf 11-2399 Detached Steel Building Page of "'fSCLAI M R; ». TH AT HIGH PAR S P E CI FIC A L LY .., . T H E . � .. PLAINS ENGINEER , DESI .C. HAS ; BEEN ■ NOR WILL THEY RENDER OP CON ENVIRONMENTAL E HAZARDOUS WASTE OR ANY OTHER KNOWN O . . OW C ONDITIONS THAT MAY BE PRESENT O DUE TO CHANGING TECHNOLOGY BUILDING e D , ■ CITY/COL REQUIRE TH SOIL REPORT MUST BE USED WITHIN ONE YEAR OF . E DAT > > THE - $ : $ F THE REPOR OR B E R EVISED. b#]12399 Detached S l Building Page 9 #£9 514Y GRAVEL (GM) CLAY WITH MEDIUM PLA5TICITY (CI.) CLAYWITH HIGH PLA5TICITY(CH) blowcount5'71 CLAY WITH MEDIUM PLA5TICITY(CD 51LTY GKAVEL (GM) 501L PROf ILE z 0 0 (J) z 0 UJ z ILJ uj (L 12' 1 OIX 5% G% 4% 2% 0% -2% -4% 100 500 1000 2600 3000 16000 Im 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% -2% -10% 11.2399 DUACHED 51 EEL BOLDING JOD LOCAI 10 -_ 2A1t 7 2RAIVN SOIL TYPE HOLE ## DEPM L.L. F. FA, EXPAIN510N CON50HDAM)N 2 3' 3&9tl 21,59 t 73? 0,8 1 . 1 3 CLAY MJH MEDRXI PLAFMCLTY (Cl.) Im 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% -2% -10% 105 NO 11.2399 DUACHED 51 EEL BOLDING JOD LOCAI 10 -_ 2A1t 12275 W 5 4 T1 AVEWX 2RAIVN 50R, TYPE MCM # DErr" L.L. P 1- — 5 — MAN510N COW'500DATION ' 5 5 1 1 2 w 627 0,8 CLAY WITH M01 PIA511CITY(Cti) 105 NO 11.2399 DUACHED 51 EEL BOLDING JOD LOCAI 10 -_ 2A1t 12275 W 5 4 T1 AVEWX 2RAIVN Jason W11 AT RIDGE C"HCCKEDC EFFFR50N COUNTY, CO 721 4th 5TREff, 5UITE D, FORT LUPTON, CO 6OG21 PHONE - (303) 657-9250 FAX (303) 857-9238 ���mlmm;W f OUNDATION G R A DING W1 112" 5PACE AT 130TTOM TO ALLOW FOR THE RED EASE Of WATER, �r P 51- Of 12" IN THE f " fROM fOUNDATION 0•. 2. DOWN5POUT5 AND EXTEN51ON5 5HOULD EXTEND BEYOND THE GRAVEL OR 5TONE AREA :3. HARD C APING NEXT TO FOUNDATION 5HOULD 5LOPE AWAY AT 2% 5LOP EY15TING NflGhBORNG DUILDING ---------- I ------------ 21 m FX15TNG 5EPTIC FIfLOl EX151"ING OOL)5f, 0 M5TING WELL? WE5T 45TH AVENUE 2.1 T GRAVEL 5' PSG EASEMENT EAST 275' OF PLOT 7 LEGEND: VICINITY MAP REG. #716046 0 FOUND MONUMENT AS DESCRIBED I I A AS MEASURED DISTANCE I WEST 135' h z rn , I # x I WATER MANHOLE 0 1 STORM DRAIN MANHOLE ;O SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE i z � (� I / W ELECTRIC METER I zz ELECTRIC OUTLET CONCRETE BLi7Cr. HT. W 23.0' CEMETERY BOLLARD �o I 5 0.2' � � I OVERHEAD WIRES ° 6 O Ed GAS METER ° 1 ONE STORY BRICK AND STEEL �- SIGN 12275 W. 48TH AVENUE us MAILBOX I An 6 BUILDING FOOTPRINT ,. s ^ CONCRETE i 3022 SQUARE F7. ASPHALT 5 k i O 0 0 2.1' BOLLARD D M 22.5' 50.2' m 1 VERHAN _ -� er attz TE rn I r 1 GRAVEL i I �i I i f I 93.3' ASPHALT 92. � � I I I � INLET I - _ - - - m � »5.0®' CONCRETE' V BURP CUl ;;." - - - - INLET - - - -- - - - O o WEST 48W A VENUE PuBuc RIGHT of wA r (WIDTH VARIES) COUNTY SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE EAST 275' OF PLOT 7 ALK CURB, CV - ff - s - FOUND 3 1/4" CAP IN RANGE BOX STAMPED "WHEATRIDGE" ON 10' WC. FOUND 3 1/4" I CAP IN RANGE BOX STAMPED "WHEATRIDGE" I I �1 I 15' I I I LEGEND: VICINITY MAP 0 t 0 FOUND MONUMENT AS DESCRIBED a A AS MEASURED DISTANCE (R = 300.00') h , wv # O WATER MANHOLE 0 STORM DRAIN MANHOLE ALK CURB, CV - ff - s - FOUND 3 1/4" CAP IN RANGE BOX STAMPED "WHEATRIDGE" ON 10' WC. FOUND 3 1/4" I CAP IN RANGE BOX STAMPED "WHEATRIDGE" I I �1 I 15' I I I GENERAL NOTES: 1. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY LIES WITHIN THE FLOOD HAZARD AREA DESIGNATED PARCEL DESCRIPTION AS "ZONE X" IN ACCORDANCE WITH F.E.M.A. PANEL 192 OF 675, COMMUNITY PANEL NO. 08059CO192 E, DATED JUNE 17, 2003. THE WEST FEET THE EAST FEET PLOT 7, NICHOLAS GARDENS THE PLAT OF WHICH I5 RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 2. AT PAGE 608, COUNTY OF ZONE X - AREAS DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE THE 0.2% ANNUAL CHANCE JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. FLOODPLAIN. CONTAINING 40,457 SQUARE FEET OR 0.92 ACRES MORE OR LESS. 2. VISIBLE SURFACE UTILITY APPURTENANCES HAVE BEEN LOCATED USING THE STANDARD OF CARE PREVAILING AMONG PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS CERTIFICATION PRACTICING IN THE METROPOLITAN AREA. NO OTHER REPRESENTATIONS OF UTILITY LOCATIONS ARE MADE OR IMPLIED. BEFORE COMMENCING ANY TO: 12275 WEST 48TH LEG LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AND FIRST AMERICAN EXCAVATION THE UTILITIES SHOULD BE FIELD LOCATED BY CALLING UTILITY TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. LOCATES AT 1- 800 - 922 -1987. THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP OR PLAT AND THE SURVEY ON WHICH IT IS 3. SUBJECT PARCEL ZONED I (LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT). BASED WERE MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH "MINIMUM STANDARD DETAIL REQUIREMENTS FOR ALTA /AGSM LAND TITLE SURVEYS" JOINTLY ESTABLISHED AND ZONING DESIGNATION AND SETBACK REQUIREMENTS NOTED HEREON TO THE ADOPTED BY ALTA, ACSM AND NSPS IN 2005. AND INCLUDES ITEMS 1 -4, 6* EXTENT THAT NO ASSUMPTION OR INTERPRETATION OF CODE IS REQUIRED BY 7(a,b1), 8- 11(a). 13 AND 14 OF TABLE A THEREOF, PURSUANT TO THE THE SURVEYOR. THIS SURVEY DOES NOT CERTIFY THAT THE PROPERTY IS IN ACCURACY STANDARDS AS ADOPTED BY ALTA AND NSPS AND IN EFFECT ON THE COMPLIANCE WITH CURRENT REQUIREMENTS. DATE OF THIS CERTIFICATION, UNDERSIGNED FURTHER CERTIFIES THAT IN MY PROFESSIONAL OPINION, AS A LAND SURVEYOR LICENSED IN THE STATE OF SETBACK REQUIREMENTS COLORADO, THE RELATIVE POSITIONAL ACCURACY OF THIS SURVEY DOES NOT EXCEED THAT WHICH IS SPECIFIED THEREIN. BUILDING HEIGHT: FIFTY (50) FEET. NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW, YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER FRONT YARD SETBACK: YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT, MAY ANY ACTION BASED FIFTY (50) FEET MINIMUM. UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. (C.R.S. 13 -80 -105) SIDE YARD SETBACK: FIVE (5) FEET PER STORY MINIMUM. (EXCEPTIONS MAY APPLY) NOTICE: THIS SURVEY DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A TITLE SEARCH BY BELL SURVEYING COMPANY TO DETERMINE THE COMPATIBILITY OF THIS DESCRIPTION REAR YARD SETBACK: WITH THAT OF ADJACENT TRACTS, OWNERSHIP, OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD. FOR 10 (10) FEET FOR A ONE -STORY BUILDING AND AN ADDITIONAL ALL INFORMATION REGARDING EASEMENTS, RIGHTS OF WAY, OR TITLE OF RECORD, FIVE (5) FEET PER ADDITIONAL STORY. (EXCEPTIONS MAY APPLY) BELL SURVEYING COMPANY RELIED UPON TITLE COMMITMENT NO. 5503 - 1680676, DATED JANUARY 25, 2011, ISSUED BY FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. CERTIFICATION DEFINED TITLE NOTES: THE USE OF THE WORD "CERTIFY" OR "CERTIFICATION" BY A REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR IN THE PRACTICE OF LAND SURVEYING, CONSTITUTES THE SUBJECT PROPERTY UES WITHIN OR PARTIALLY WITHIN THE LEGAL AN EXPRESSION OF PROFESSIONAL OPINION REGARDING THOSE FACTS OF DESCRIPTION OR EXHIBITS FOUND IN THE FOLLOWING RECORDED INSTRUMENTS FINDINGS WHICH ARE THE SUBJECT OF THE CERTIFICATION AND DOES NOT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TITLE COMMITMENT MAY THEREFORE BE SUBJECT CONSTITUTE A WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. TO THE TERMS, PROVISIONS, COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, OBLIGATIONS AND RESERVATIONS CONTAINED THEREIN. COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT MAY BE MADE AND DISTRIBUTED TO OTHER PARTIES (FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT NO. 5503 - 1680676) FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES AND REVIEW, HOWEVER, ONLY PRINTS OF THIS SURVEY BEARING ORIGINAL SIGNATURE AND WET SEAL BY THE SURVEYOR NAMED HEREON SHALL BE CONSIDERED VAUD CERTIFIED DOCUMENTS. * PLOTTED HEREON TO THE EXTENT THAT SUCH MATTERS MAY BE PLOTTED O'zrfrz fq 0 Ems. 7. NOTES AND EASEMENTS AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF NICHOLAS GARDENS D DANIELSON, ,1 SG)%*i� �b6 RECORDED APRIL 25, 1907 IN PLAT BOOK 2 AT PAGE 60B. REGISTERED PROFS t91x1kL LAND SU. OR 8. TERMS, AGREEMENTS, PROVISIONS, CONDITIONS AND OBLIGATIONS AS CONTAINED IN LICENSE AGREEMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 17, 1984 AT RECEPTION NO. 84088372. (DOES NOT EFFECT SUBJECT PROPERTY) 9. TERMS, AGREEMENTS, PROVISIONS, CONDITIONS AND OBLIGATIONS AS L 1 19 30 W TAA CS LAN M I L al S CONTAINED IN RIGHT OF WAY AGREEMENT RECORDED JANUARY 26, 1984 AT REMSION: RECEPTION NO. 84008433. (DOES NOT EFFECT SUBJECT PROPERTY) ORDERED BY-' MICHELE CASTLE 10. THE EFFECT OF ORDER NO. 99- CV2154 FOR PROSPECT RECREATION & C AL INVESTMENTS 9. 44TH AVE. SUITE 200 PARK DISTRICT RECORDED DECEMBER 20, 2004 AT RECEPTION NO. WHEATRiDGE, COLORADO 80033 F2146556. (DOES NOT EFFECT SUBJECT PROPERTY) STATE. 1 BELL SURVEYING COMPANY * 11. UTILITY EASEMENT GRANTED TO PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO 500 I A f,$�',g TH STREET DAs' 2/421 RECORDED JUNE 23, 1975 AT RECEPTION NO, 716046. nzparvrD rnrnI7Ann Rn _qnA f COUNTY SURVEYOR BY DEPUTY COUNTY SURVEYOR { IN ) 1 inch = 20 & LEGEND: VICINITY MAP 0 SET PIN AND CAP P.L.S. #16828 0 FOUND MONUMENT AS DESCRIBED W. 52ND AVE. 299.70' AS MEASURED DISTANCE (R = 300.00') RECORD DISTANCE wv WATER VALVE O WATER MANHOLE 0 STORM DRAIN MANHOLE SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE i SIT (� UTILITY POLE / m ELECTRIC METER ® ELECTRIC OUTLET MOUNT OLIVET W CEMETERY LIGHT POLE y OVERHEAD WIRES ° 6 O Ed GAS METER ° NOT TO SCALE �- SIGN us MAILBOX ❑ ❑ 6' WOOD FENCE ,. s ^ CONCRETE ASPHALT GENERAL NOTES: 1. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY LIES WITHIN THE FLOOD HAZARD AREA DESIGNATED PARCEL DESCRIPTION AS "ZONE X" IN ACCORDANCE WITH F.E.M.A. PANEL 192 OF 675, COMMUNITY PANEL NO. 08059CO192 E, DATED JUNE 17, 2003. THE WEST FEET THE EAST FEET PLOT 7, NICHOLAS GARDENS THE PLAT OF WHICH I5 RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 2. AT PAGE 608, COUNTY OF ZONE X - AREAS DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE THE 0.2% ANNUAL CHANCE JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. FLOODPLAIN. CONTAINING 40,457 SQUARE FEET OR 0.92 ACRES MORE OR LESS. 2. VISIBLE SURFACE UTILITY APPURTENANCES HAVE BEEN LOCATED USING THE STANDARD OF CARE PREVAILING AMONG PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS CERTIFICATION PRACTICING IN THE METROPOLITAN AREA. NO OTHER REPRESENTATIONS OF UTILITY LOCATIONS ARE MADE OR IMPLIED. BEFORE COMMENCING ANY TO: 12275 WEST 48TH LEG LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AND FIRST AMERICAN EXCAVATION THE UTILITIES SHOULD BE FIELD LOCATED BY CALLING UTILITY TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. LOCATES AT 1- 800 - 922 -1987. THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP OR PLAT AND THE SURVEY ON WHICH IT IS 3. SUBJECT PARCEL ZONED I (LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT). BASED WERE MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH "MINIMUM STANDARD DETAIL REQUIREMENTS FOR ALTA /AGSM LAND TITLE SURVEYS" JOINTLY ESTABLISHED AND ZONING DESIGNATION AND SETBACK REQUIREMENTS NOTED HEREON TO THE ADOPTED BY ALTA, ACSM AND NSPS IN 2005. AND INCLUDES ITEMS 1 -4, 6* EXTENT THAT NO ASSUMPTION OR INTERPRETATION OF CODE IS REQUIRED BY 7(a,b1), 8- 11(a). 13 AND 14 OF TABLE A THEREOF, PURSUANT TO THE THE SURVEYOR. THIS SURVEY DOES NOT CERTIFY THAT THE PROPERTY IS IN ACCURACY STANDARDS AS ADOPTED BY ALTA AND NSPS AND IN EFFECT ON THE COMPLIANCE WITH CURRENT REQUIREMENTS. DATE OF THIS CERTIFICATION, UNDERSIGNED FURTHER CERTIFIES THAT IN MY PROFESSIONAL OPINION, AS A LAND SURVEYOR LICENSED IN THE STATE OF SETBACK REQUIREMENTS COLORADO, THE RELATIVE POSITIONAL ACCURACY OF THIS SURVEY DOES NOT EXCEED THAT WHICH IS SPECIFIED THEREIN. BUILDING HEIGHT: FIFTY (50) FEET. NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW, YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER FRONT YARD SETBACK: YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT, MAY ANY ACTION BASED FIFTY (50) FEET MINIMUM. UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. (C.R.S. 13 -80 -105) SIDE YARD SETBACK: FIVE (5) FEET PER STORY MINIMUM. (EXCEPTIONS MAY APPLY) NOTICE: THIS SURVEY DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A TITLE SEARCH BY BELL SURVEYING COMPANY TO DETERMINE THE COMPATIBILITY OF THIS DESCRIPTION REAR YARD SETBACK: WITH THAT OF ADJACENT TRACTS, OWNERSHIP, OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD. FOR 10 (10) FEET FOR A ONE -STORY BUILDING AND AN ADDITIONAL ALL INFORMATION REGARDING EASEMENTS, RIGHTS OF WAY, OR TITLE OF RECORD, FIVE (5) FEET PER ADDITIONAL STORY. (EXCEPTIONS MAY APPLY) BELL SURVEYING COMPANY RELIED UPON TITLE COMMITMENT NO. 5503 - 1680676, DATED JANUARY 25, 2011, ISSUED BY FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. CERTIFICATION DEFINED TITLE NOTES: THE USE OF THE WORD "CERTIFY" OR "CERTIFICATION" BY A REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR IN THE PRACTICE OF LAND SURVEYING, CONSTITUTES THE SUBJECT PROPERTY UES WITHIN OR PARTIALLY WITHIN THE LEGAL AN EXPRESSION OF PROFESSIONAL OPINION REGARDING THOSE FACTS OF DESCRIPTION OR EXHIBITS FOUND IN THE FOLLOWING RECORDED INSTRUMENTS FINDINGS WHICH ARE THE SUBJECT OF THE CERTIFICATION AND DOES NOT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TITLE COMMITMENT MAY THEREFORE BE SUBJECT CONSTITUTE A WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. TO THE TERMS, PROVISIONS, COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, OBLIGATIONS AND RESERVATIONS CONTAINED THEREIN. COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT MAY BE MADE AND DISTRIBUTED TO OTHER PARTIES (FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT NO. 5503 - 1680676) FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES AND REVIEW, HOWEVER, ONLY PRINTS OF THIS SURVEY BEARING ORIGINAL SIGNATURE AND WET SEAL BY THE SURVEYOR NAMED HEREON SHALL BE CONSIDERED VAUD CERTIFIED DOCUMENTS. * PLOTTED HEREON TO THE EXTENT THAT SUCH MATTERS MAY BE PLOTTED O'zrfrz fq 0 Ems. 7. NOTES AND EASEMENTS AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF NICHOLAS GARDENS D DANIELSON, ,1 SG)%*i� �b6 RECORDED APRIL 25, 1907 IN PLAT BOOK 2 AT PAGE 60B. REGISTERED PROFS t91x1kL LAND SU. OR 8. TERMS, AGREEMENTS, PROVISIONS, CONDITIONS AND OBLIGATIONS AS CONTAINED IN LICENSE AGREEMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 17, 1984 AT RECEPTION NO. 84088372. (DOES NOT EFFECT SUBJECT PROPERTY) 9. TERMS, AGREEMENTS, PROVISIONS, CONDITIONS AND OBLIGATIONS AS L 1 19 30 W TAA CS LAN M I L al S CONTAINED IN RIGHT OF WAY AGREEMENT RECORDED JANUARY 26, 1984 AT REMSION: RECEPTION NO. 84008433. (DOES NOT EFFECT SUBJECT PROPERTY) ORDERED BY-' MICHELE CASTLE 10. THE EFFECT OF ORDER NO. 99- CV2154 FOR PROSPECT RECREATION & C AL INVESTMENTS 9. 44TH AVE. SUITE 200 PARK DISTRICT RECORDED DECEMBER 20, 2004 AT RECEPTION NO. WHEATRiDGE, COLORADO 80033 F2146556. (DOES NOT EFFECT SUBJECT PROPERTY) STATE. 1 BELL SURVEYING COMPANY * 11. UTILITY EASEMENT GRANTED TO PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO 500 I A f,$�',g TH STREET DAs' 2/421 RECORDED JUNE 23, 1975 AT RECEPTION NO, 716046. nzparvrD rnrnI7Ann Rn _qnA f COUNTY SURVEYOR BY DEPUTY COUNTY SURVEYOR { IN ) 1 inch = 20 & TO SCALE 12" lti GALVANIZED STEEL POST, SET 3' -0" MIN. BELOW GRADE AND INTO MIN. 12" DIA, CONC, PIER, FULL DEPTH. FACE OF CURB II ANDICAPS 314 " =1' -D LAKEWOOD STANDARD nMIr DAnD Ufl ADA RAMP 11' -4 8" 10' -0 A 8' e CONC. SLAB WITH W.W.F. SLOPE TO DRAIN MASONRY WALL, PAINT TO MATCH BUILDING PAINT 64 TUBE STEEL POST - PRIME AND PAINT STEEL GATES - PRIME AND PAINT 4 » r �. I " Pill Y „ i 1, F 4 £ "y x EXIST. - ASPHALT OWNER: BREWER DEVELOPMENT 13620 W. 30TH PL. GOLDEN, CO. 80401 ALEX L. BREWER 303- 297 -1712 ARCHITECT: RUDD AND ASSOCIATES 8811 EAST HAMPDEN AVENUE SUITE 206 DENVER, COLORADO 80231 MIKE RUDD 303- 632 -6802 303 - 632 -6508 FAX SITE DATA. ` VAN ACIBLE VAN ACCESSIBLE SIGN 12 "x18' M.U.T.C.D. PARKING p ZONE: 1 C -1 REGULATORY SIGN F4 -06 07AL EA OF PROPERTY: 40,457 SF, (MODIFIED) GREEN & BLUE 0 - 8,092 SF. ON WHITE, REFLECTORIZED. ® TOTAL PARKING AND DRIVE: 19,565 SF, SECURE TO BUILDING AS z TOTAL BUILDING COVERAGE: 12,800 SF. {31> APPLICABLE lti GALVANIZED STEEL POST, SET 3' -0" MIN. BELOW GRADE AND INTO MIN. 12" DIA, CONC, PIER, FULL DEPTH. FACE OF CURB II ANDICAPS 314 " =1' -D LAKEWOOD STANDARD nMIr DAnD Ufl ADA RAMP 11' -4 8" 10' -0 A 8' e CONC. SLAB WITH W.W.F. SLOPE TO DRAIN MASONRY WALL, PAINT TO MATCH BUILDING PAINT 64 TUBE STEEL POST - PRIME AND PAINT STEEL GATES - PRIME AND PAINT 4 » r �. I " Pill Y „ i 1, F 4 £ "y x EXIST. - ASPHALT OWNER: BREWER DEVELOPMENT 13620 W. 30TH PL. GOLDEN, CO. 80401 ALEX L. BREWER 303- 297 -1712 ARCHITECT: RUDD AND ASSOCIATES 8811 EAST HAMPDEN AVENUE SUITE 206 DENVER, COLORADO 80231 MIKE RUDD 303- 632 -6802 303 - 632 -6508 FAX SITE DATA. ZONE: 1 C -1 07AL EA OF PROPERTY: 40,457 SF, .92 ACRES 100.07 TOTAL LANDSCAPE AREA: 8,092 SF. .18 ACRES 20.0% TOTAL PARKING AND DRIVE: 19,565 SF, .46 ACRES 48.3% TOTAL BUILDING COVERAGE: 12,800 SF. .28 ACRES 31.7% EXISTING FLOOR AREA: 3,000 SF. PROPOSED FLOOR AREA: STORAGE ADDITION TO EXG. BLDG.: 2,100 SF. OFFICE ADDITION TO EXG. BLDG.: 1,700 SF. NEW RV, OTHER STORAGE BLDG.: 6.000 SF TOTAL• 9,800 SF. MAL 12,800 SF. PARKING SPACES: 1/600 SF 3,000 SF. = 5 STALLS 1/600 SF 9,800 SF. = 17 TOTAL 15 STALLS REQUIRED, 17 STALLS PROVIDED CM-c C C 9 I RMUM P PROPORTIONAL INCREASE IN PARKING = 12 ADDITIONAL SPACES FROM EXISTING s 75% = 9 (9) 9 TOTAL SPACES REQUIRED E LMAING (:AU. WALK J " GRAPHICS WEST AMENDMENT NO. 2 Y� BR EWE R D EVELOPMENT z iJ DD eS die Architecture and Planning aL 8811 East Hampden Avenue, Suite 206 Denver, Co. 80231 303 -632 -6802 OF 3 �— INLET T4 CITYVS7AN DO NOT CUT LEADER SPECIFIED TRUNK ATTACHMENT DOUBLE STRAND GALVANIZED WIRE PROVIDE 3 GUY SYSTEMS EQUALLY SPACED AROUND TREE, AS PER DIAGRAM PLACE 3/4" DIA, WRITE PVC, 36" LENGTH, ON AL GUYING WIRES PLANT TREE WITH TOP OF ROOTBALL 3' ABOVE FINAL GRADE 4" DEPTH MULCH RING TYPICAL IN TURF AREAS 4" HEIGHT WATER SAUCER IN NON -TURF AREAS SPECIFIED STAKES DRIVEN AT AN ANGLE, FLUSH — WITH GRADE BACKFIL MIXTURE AS PER SPECIFICATIONS AFTER TREE IS SET IN PLANTING PIT, REMOVE ALL TWINE AND WIRE PULL BURLAP BACK i/3" (MIN.) FROM TOP AND SIDES OF ROOTBALL UNDISTURBED SUB GRADE SET ROOTBALL ON EXISTING UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE— DO NOT OVER EXCAVATE __ 0 19 NO SCALE EA U PLA NTIN G i Li5 PFG PRUNE ALL DEAD OR DAMAGED WOOD IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO PLANTING. SET SHRUB Y' HIGHER THAN THE GRADE AT WHICH IT GREW DIG PLANT PIT TWICE AS WADE AS THE CONTAINER OR MORE APPLY SPECIFIED MULCH 3" DEEP ROUGHEN SIDES OF PLANT PIT SCORE SIDES OF ROOTBALL OF ROOTBOUND PLANTS ONLY REMOVE CONTAINER FILL PLANT PIT WITH SPECIFIED SOIL MIX NOM HOLD GRADE i" BELOW EDGE OR WALK OR CURB NO SCALE d E; T 25 8J �T5 CC 3: 5 SG SOD INLET PA NEW R OTHER 5tVt�r+GE BUILDING 6,000 SQUARE FT. I i NEW ASPHALT PAVING 7 NEW STORAGE ADDITION 2,100 SQUARE FT. NEW OFFICE ADDITION 1,700 SQUARE FT. SIGHT DISTANCE TRIANGLE 1 CURB CUT a s, EXIST. ASPHALT ROCK ROCK EXIST. ASPHALT MULCH CC MATERIAL ABREV. SIZE QUANTITY SYMBOL GROUND COVER SOD SOD 3,000 S.F. WOOD BARK MULCH MULCH 2,263 S.F. ROUND RIVER ROCK ROCK 1" - 2" 2,829 S.F. SHRUBS AND GRASSES BIG BLUESTEM BB 2 GAL 5 BB ANDROPOGON GERARDII FEATHER REED GRASS FRG 2 GAL 10 FRG CALAMAGROSIIS ACUTIFLORA SWITCH GRASS SG 2 GAL 5 SG E) PANICUM VIRGATUM SWITCH GRASS PURPLE FOUNTAIN GRASS PFG 2 GAL 5 PFG 0 , PENNISETUM SETACEUM 'RUBRUM" BUFFALO JUNIPER BJ 5 GAL 25 BJ j;�'j ` / JUNIPERUS SABINA "BUFFALO" J/ CRANBERRY COTONEASTER CC 5 GAL 10 CC COTONEASTER APICULATUS TREES PP PONDEROSA PINE PP 6' HIGH MIN 1 ,__2i PINUS PONDEROSA PA PATMORE ASH PA 2 1/2" MIN 3 V FRAXINUS PENNSYLVANICA 'PATMORE' NP NEWPORT PLUM NP 2 1/2" MIN. 3 PRUNUS CERASIFERA ET BLUE SPRUCE ET GREATER THAN 10" CAL 3 ( 1 TREE ¢OUN AS 3 SLUE SPRUCE ET LESS THAN 5" CAL 1 LAN DSCAPE DATA TOTAL LANDSCAPE AREA: 8,092 SF. (20.0% OF TOTAL SITE) LANDSCAPE AREA t6FI4ANiC),: 5.260 SF. (65.0% OF LANDSCAPE AREA) LANDSCAPE AREA (NON - LIVING): 2,832 SF. (35.0% OF LANDSCAPE AREA) LANDSCAPE REQUIRED T �+ STREET TREES REQUIRED: _2,PS -SF^ AT FRONTAGE - 1 TREE PER 30' LINEAL = 5 TREES e � TREES REQUIRED FOR REMAINING AREA: -- 5,97+SF. - 1 TREE, 10 SHRUBS PER 1000 S.F. =.6 -TREES 8, gOstGf TOTAL REQUIRED AND PROVIDED: 11 TREES, 60 SHRUBS LAN DSCAPE NUTS AL LANDSCAPING, INCLUDING THAT SHOWN IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY, SHALL BE CONTINUOUSLY MAINTAINED INCLUDING NECESSARY WATERING, WEEDING, PRUNING, PEST CONTROL. AND REPLACEMENT OF DEAD OR DISEASED PLANT MATERIALS. A MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE WILL BE IMPLEMENTED TO INSURE PROPER CARE OF THE LANDSCAPE MATERIALS. THE INDIVIDUAL SITE DEVELOPER AND OWNER SHALL LANDSCAPE AND MAINTAIN THE AREAS BETWEEN PROPERTY LINES AND ROADWAY CURBS AND CUTTERS. ALL TREES, DECIDUOUS OR CONIFEROUS SHALL BE BALLED, BURLAPPED AND COLORADO NURSERY GROWN. TREE AND SHRUB PITS SHALL BE BACK FILLED WITH 1/3 ON -SITE SOIL, 1/3 TOPSOIL AND 1/3 ORGANIC MATTER. PROVIDE A ONE YEAR REPLACEMENT WARRANTY ON ALL PLANTS, ALL LANDSCAPE WITHIN THE SIGHT TRIANGLE OF THE STREET AND DRIVE INTERSECTIONS WALL BE UNDER 36" HEIGHT. ALL TREES SHALL BE STAKED WITH NEW 6 -FT GREEN STEEL "T' POSTS AND GUYED WITH #12 GALVANIZED WIRE THROUGH CANVAS TREE STRAPS FOR A MINIMUM OF 1 YEAR. THE CONTRACTOR MAY SUBSTITUTE "T" POSTS WITH "DUCK BILL" GUYING SYSTEM. AL GUY WIRES SHALL BE FLAGGED WITH FLORESCENT TAPE 12 -18 INCHES LONG FOR SAFETY. ALL TREE SAUCERS SHALL RECEIVE A 3" LAYER OF WOOD MULCH. AL SHRUB AREAS SHALL RECEIVE A 3" LAYER OF WOOD MULCH OVER FABRIC LINER. ALL SHRUB AREAS SHALL RAVE A cn 4" HIGH, 14 GAUGE NON - GALVANIZED STEEL EDGING, BASICALLY SMOOTH TEXTURE, NO SAFETY EDGE. AL EDGING SHALL OVERLAP AT JOINTS A MINIMUM OF 6- INCHES. ALL EDGING SHALL BE FASTENED WBTH A MINIMUM OF 4 PINS /10 FT SECTION. AL LANDSCAPE AREAS NOTED WITH ROCK OR WOOD MULCH SHALL SHAL BE PLACED OVER FABRIC LINER. FABRIC LINER SHALL BE MYRAn FILTER FABRG 140N OR EQUAL. FINISHED GRADES IN LANDSCAPE ISLANDS SHALL BE 1" LOWER THAN THE TOP OF THE SURROUNDING CURB OR WALKS. NO TREES SHALL BE PLANTED WITHIN 5 FEET OF ANY UNDERGROUND UTILITY MAIN OR SERVICE LINE. ALL UTILITY EASEMENTS SNAIL REMAIN UNOBSTRUCTED AND FULLY ACCESSIBLE ALONG THEIR ENTIRE LENGTH FOR MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT. AL LANDSCAPING AREAS SHALL BE IRRIGATED. THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL BE UNDERGROUND WITH AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER. ALL SHRUB BED AREAS SHAL BE IRRIGATED WITH DRIP IRRIGATION ZONE. THE WATER SOURCE SHALL BE METERED AND FROM DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE. AL SIDEWALKS AND DRIVEWAYS SHALL HAVE ADEQUATE SLEEVES FOR THE PLACEMENT OF IRRIGATION LINES FOR THE LANDSCAPE SPRINKLER SYSTEM INSTALLATION. AL LANDSCAPE AREAS SHALL RECEIVE TOPSOIL (4" FROM ON SITE STOCKPILE) AND SOIL PREPARATION AS SPECIFIED. AMENDMENTS FOR ALL SOD AREAS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF THREE CUBIC YARDS PURE ORGANIC MATTER PER 1,000 SQUARE FEET, AND 10 POUNDS OF TRIPLE SUPER PHOSPHATE PER 1,000 SQUARE FEET OF LAWN AREA. THESE MATERIALS ARE TO BE TILLED TO A DEPTH OF 6 TO 8 INCHES INTO THE SOIL. ACCEPTABLE ORGANIC MATTERS INCLUDE AGED COMPOST, WOOD HUMUS FROM SOFT'/ NON -TOXIC TREES, SPHAGNUM MOSS (EXCLUDING THAT FROM COLORADO ORIGIN), OR AGED /TREATED MANURES, TOPSOIL IS NOT CONSIDERED AN ACCEPTABLE ORGANIC MATTER. SOD SHALL B P'KENTUCK BLUE GRASS, 1tEED FREE AND OF HEALTHY VIGOR. BREWER DEVELOPMENT 'LI a 1 DATE: 8 -18 -11 REVISION: AS SOCIA TE3 Architecture and Planning 2 8811 East Hampden Avenue, Suite 20B Denver, Co. 80231 303 -632 -6802 OF en 'rnA S � COLORAD LOCATED AT THE SE 1/4 SECTION 17 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH RANGE 69 WEST 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF LOC A VE 118'_0" FINISHED METAL WALL EL SYSTEM AND BASE I CULTURED S TONE 100 -0" FIN. FLR. PRE PAN TRIR T T 1 BUILDING ADDITION ISHED GALV. METAL SYSTEM LT: MOUNTED GUTTER OWNSPOUT (SHED METAL WALL SYSTEM AND BASE � T E � 1/8 � LE BUIL DING MOUNTED GUTTER NSPOUT, TYP. 11 B' 0" — EAVE `Y , 11 � 2'_ -6' EAR' VE 10+ Ft FIN. R. EXISIff ROOF P � EXISTING NEW BLDG. ADDITIO EIAL k'ALL BASE 18 E V0 � AL WALL PANEL TEM AS NOTED HED METAL WALL YSTEM AND BASE 100' -O" FIN. FLR. EXISTIN WALL P T TI 1/8' = 1' -0" BUILDING ADDITION Em u, -' ELE 2P � —,/ STORAGE BUILDING 12 1/2 L T T I 1 /8" = 1' -0 NEW STORAGE BUILDING STING METAL ALL PANELS DATE: 8 -18 -11 REVISION; i T'T i i'q PANELS,.,., 1 1/8` = 1 BUILDING ADDITION l Md Y i KA AND FRAME. TYP. fg" = t' —� NEW STORAGE BUILDING PANEL SYSTEM AND BASE gr / TRIM ELE V A T IO N 12 1/2 L via'- n" t 1W W V, City of I -A X)Vh6at' 0 V V COMNAMPUNiTy DEVELOPM. NT Attending Staff. Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Lauren Mikulak, Planner I Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer Specific Site Location: 12275 W. f-70 Frontage Road North (W. 48"' Avenue) Existing Zoning: Light Industrial (1) Existing Conip. Plan: Mixed Use Employment / T.O.D. Site Planning comments: The subject property does not currently conform to many of the City's development standards. In general, staff is pleased with the applicant's proposed upgrades and improvements that bring the site into conformity. The following iterns were discussed based on the applicant's proposed use and site design: Zoning The site is zoned Light Industrial (1) which provides for a variety of commercial and light industrial uses. The applicant's proposed office, warehouse, and storage uses are all allowed under the property's current zoning. No zone change is required. Parking Most of the property is currently covered in loose gravel. As part of development, all areas that will be subject to wheeled traffic (for access or parking) must be surfaced with concrete, asphalt or pavers and striped to designate parking stalls. N The amount of required off-street parking is based on land use. For an office/warehouse use, the off - street parking requirement is I space per 600 square feet of warehouse and I space per 300 square feet of office. Storage uses are not specifically listed in the schedule of required off-street parking, in which case the Director of Community Development will approve a parking plan based on similar uses. 1- A six (6) foot fence is permitted along the perimeter of the site, except within the front 50 feet of the property. A gate that restricts access the rear storage structure is permitted. In addition, the applicant may install barbed wire on top of a six-foot fence. Barbed wire is not counted toward the height of a fence. It may be up to two (2) feet in height and should point inwards towards the property. Process—Planned Building Group The applicant's request requires approval of a Planned Building Group (PBG) before any additional structures are constructed on the site. The first step in the process began with the pre-application meeting on June 2, 2011. The primary purpose of a PBG is to allow flexibility and diversification in the location of structures and the design of a lot by permitting more than one (1) primary structure on a parcel. The design of the site should promote better overall utilization of the site by promoting improved circulation and access, more efficient layout of parking, and a better overall landscape and architectural design for the site, After a complete application is submitted, a staff planner will be assigned to handle the case. This person is the project manager for the case and will be the contact at the City throughout the entire No= Building Division comments: The building division was not present at the meeting, but has expressed that the project will need to comply with the 2006 International Building Code. It does not appear that restrooms or sprinklers will be required in the rear storage building. Please contact Chief Building Official John Schumacher for questions related to the phasing of construction, building codes, perrnitting, or certificates of occupancy. Public Works comments: Drainage Site drainage requirements are based on the increase of impervious area on site—this includes the proposed additions, new structure, and bard surfaced parking areas. Because this area will exceed El 10,000 square feet, the applicant will need to meet all flood attenuation and water quality requirements for the entire site. Storm water detention is required for the whole site, but the applicant may use a combination of facility types including porous landscaping, , porous pavers, or other innovative designs. The site naturally drains to the southeast, but the slope is minimal and with minor grading the detention facilities could be moved to the southwest comer. An inlet is located in the right-of-way near the southwest comer of the site. An engineer will be able to determine the capacity of the inlet and prepare the required drainage report. Soils information and percolation test data for any proposed infiltration areas shall be included in the drainage report. For questions related to site drainage requirements, please refer to the information distributed at the meeting or contact Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer. Access City Code requires that curb cuts be no closer than 25 feet from a property line. If the existing curb cut is moved or improved, a right-of-way construction permit may be required and a contractor must have a Municipal Contractor License. The permit and license are both available through the City's Public Works Department. Attachments: Pre-application transmittal sheet; Public Works comments; Section 26-116 Planned Building Group; Section 26-111 Site Plan Phone Numbers I Property location: 12275 W. 48 Avenue Now that the required pre-application meeting has been held, the next steps in the process will be: 0 Submit land use application for Planned Building Group (PBG) The following documents are required upon submittal of the PBG Application: City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Department 7500 W 2e Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Building Division - 303.235.2855 Planning Division - 303.235.2846 Inspection line - 303.234.5933 wwwciwheaLLdge,co.us Pre-application transmittal sheet 0 Property deed Land use application ED Letter of request Ej Building permit application 0 Property owner consent n Full set of civil drawings Drainage report (preliminary) Ej Outline Development Plan ❑ Traffic impact letter Q Final Development Plan El Traffic study El Final Plat Soils report 0 Site Plan Q Grading/erosion control plan Survey/1,L.C. Electronic copy of Plat (In AutoCAD format) Other: Building elevations City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Department 7500 W 2e Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Building Division - 303.235.2855 Planning Division - 303.235.2846 Inspection line - 303.234.5933 wwwciwheaLLdge,co.us E I'm . tt"- &L- I � �,� � /�,�: � � � \�� _�� _�� \ �<? < OL- w -t (/ � V-co,,� m k 31 ,..., ` ....... mr.., mill ... . . . ...... SW s M ���, �� `w �mw�.W � xv � �. � . �r. r..�.��� � ���.� mn�� µ...� � � n.m.. �_.. n�rr.w� ..r�. mm� ��..�ww .�. � .,, . � w�.a.� � � � �. .� .wu. ���� ��a ��� t w� . ,�. f t 45, p m .�.. .� NNNPN� 12275 w 4 P' - ' - AVe '(Ybw+, reAl7dr Iof2 t _ � r 4.t ,s a 3:17 PM d: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Copies: Date: - t • Sent Via: El Mail E] Messenger 0 Pick Up Description: 01 Printer • W,4wdani 0 &IeVAI�4* For Approval 1,1 For Your Use 0 As Requested )(For Review and Comment From.- i City • Wh6atN:Og R e LIC WOKS Public Works Reauirements: 2 hardcopies of the following will need to be submitted for review and approval with the Building Permit Application: 1. Application for Minor Grading/Fill Permit: Prior to the commencement of any onsite grading or construction activities, an application for a Grading/Fill Permit along with the fees due shall be submitted for review and approval, www.d.wheatridge.coms M . June 2, 2011 Page 2 3. Information: Information pertaining to the Public Works development requirements, land surveying, platting, and ROW information, as well as the City's Standard Street Construction, and Stomiwater/Erosion Control Details are available on the City of Wheat Ridge website at: www.ci.wheatrida.co.us Please be advised that submittals will not be considered as being under review until such time as all required items have been received by the City. www.d.wheatridge.coms (06-02- 11) 12275 48th Ave (Brewer),doc a> c Q co LO N N r t CO h � I W l a 00 ao N Q) N N r.. r U C C p y C ro Q) C C )a °o C E 4 OE o E a) m ° o L O N N .N 8 O N d N O C d Y N 4 m l] O C O a a) C Q J Y O C C Ot O CO '� V O C @ O o o N E 7 U 0) E° lJJ o EUmE oaooEm m N _ N NC I-- O U� O O ], C � N A C " O N p 0 N L 4 a) € p N N O N N Z d . o - m ❑m�oomrn,on oN -0aci ui° L uv o U� o v °y E °� o Q a 0 N U p N C O C C L 0 L fA v E.�Q ° p E p mm�'n�Oa 55 ' N NL 2, ❑. a o O o `° a o M o N U :3 o o LL c O a) co 111 c Q O Q o = U ❑ N O (D .-. Q) CY) N ao > N N u U > y OQ O (4N M m Z TO t ch C � 0 ? U � > O o U N o o c ❑ t0 O U I a- c) N a) N > N M ❑ JJ Q Z o L s � "/ Z � 3 CULTURED STONE GRAPHICS WEST AMENDMENT NO, 2 E 0 i N PSC EASEMENT i AREA NEW RV, OTHER STORAGE BUILDING 6,000 SQUARE FT. 1 NEW ASPHALT PAVING NEW TRASH ENCLOSURE EXISTING BUILDING 3,000 SQUARE FT. 85' -0" 10 NEW STORAGE ADDITION 2,100 SQUARE FT. NEW OFFICE ADDITION 1,700 SQUARE FT, El 2 NEW ASPHALT - PAVING ET- BLUE SPRUCE AREA ID 1 ET ° D < EXISTING GONG, WALK r 13 5.00 W . 48th AVE, ROb. VARIES 4 k_ I� 0 27' -O ° t 9p, 9+ CURB CUT AREA ;t EXIST. ASPHALT EXIST. ASPHALT {f s J v f ll �f OWNER: BREWER DEVELOPMENT 13620 W. 30TH PL. GOLDEN, CO. 80401 ALEX L. BREWER 303 -297 -1712 SITE DATA. ARCHITECT: RUDD AND ASSOCIATES 8811 EAST HAMPDEN AVENUE SUITE 206 DENVER, COLORADO 80231 MIKE RUDD 303- 632 -6802 303 - 632 -6508 FAX ZONE: C -1 PROPOSED FLOOR AREA: STORAGE ADDITION TO EXG, BLDG.: 2,100 SF. TOTAL AREA OF PROPERTY: 40,457 SF. .92 ACRES 100.0% TOTAL LANDSCAPE AREA: 9,000 SF. .21 ACRES 22.2% TOTAL PARKING AND DRIVE: 18,657 SF. .43 ACRES 46.1% TOTAL BUILDING COVERAGE: 12,800 Sr. .28 ACRES 31.7% EXISTING FLOOR AREA: 3,000 SF. PROPOSED FLOOR AREA: STORAGE ADDITION TO EXG, BLDG.: 2,100 SF. OFFICE ADDITION TO EXG. BLDG.: 1,700 SF. NEW RV, OTHER STORAGE BLDG.: 6.000 $L TOTAL: 9,800 SF. TOTAL 12,800 SF. PARKING SPACES. EXISTING BUILDING 1/600 SF 3,000 SF. = 5 STALLS REQUIRED AND PROVIDED PROPOSED BUILDING 1600 SF 9,800 SF. = 17 STALLS REQUIRED AND PROVIDED TOTAL 22 STALLS REQUIRED AND PROVIDED LAN DSCAPE SCHEDULE MATERIAL SIZE QUANTITY SYMBOL SHRUBS PROPOSED SHRUBS 5 GAL - 0 TREES T EMBOSSED �° PANEL #2 r` rte= t >{ 1 - 16 �t Case No. PBG1101 Date Received 8/23/2011 i Related Cases Case Planner PAikulak Case Description '. �tearrtlrr}�raiafx`�rn Name 12275'W 48th LLC Name Phone ,(303) 279.1712 Address `22441 Golden Gate Canyon Rd, City Golden State u', , Zip 80403 17�,ac3r lrr }rar.�atrt�n Name 12275 W. 48th LLC Name Phone (303) 279-1712 Address 22441 Golden Gate Canyon Rd City Golden State CO Zip 80403 - G'vntact Inlc?MO&W Name Alex Brewer Name Phone (303) 279-1712 Address 13520 W. 30th PI, City Golden State Co Zip !80401. ,Frra%ast 1rvFC�xsati�vr Address 12275 Street :West 1.70 Frontage Road North City Wheat Ridge State CO Zip 80033 Location Description Project Name Parcel No. 39. 174. 07.015 Qtr Section: SE17 District No.: IV €rr 7 WEPT RID F SD NINI W HAT100, HAT t 380. PAYMENT RECEIVED H=er C_ 579 388.00 TOTAL 300.60 darned Building Group, expand existing building and construct a second structure -