HomeMy WebLinkAboutZOA-11-05-I TO: Case File No. ZOA-I 1-05 I SUBJECT: Case closure Staff has been directed not to move forward. Please close case file. In response to a question from Commission MATTHEWS, Ms. Reckert stated that approval of the application will not create property lines without proper setbacks. In response to a question from Commissioner BRfNKMAN, Ms. Reckert stated that even if the accessory structure on 6130 were to be removed, a permanent structure could not be built on this lot. With the following conditions: Commissioner MATHTHEWS requested a sixth condition be included, that the homeowners association covenants for common elements maintenance be required prior to recording. Commissioners BRINKMAN and OHM were agreeable to this additional condition. Motion carried 5-0. B. Case No. ZOA-11-05 to be continued indeftniteW An ordinance amending Chapter 26 concerning major activity notice requirements. It was moved by Commissioner MATTHEWS and seconded by Commissioner BRINKMAN to continue indefinitely Case No. ZOA-11-05, an ordinance amending Chapter 26 concerning major activity notice requirements. Motion carried 5-0. Commissioner MATTHEWS informed those present that Louise Turner passed away, Louise served as the first city clerk for the City of Wheat Ridge and was an active member of the community. Planning Commission Minutes -4- February 16, 2012 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE PLANNING COMMISSION O ► . - 1 41MTL The proposed ordinance is available in electronic form on the City's official website, www.ei.wheatridge.co.us, Legal Notices, Copies are also available in printed forrn in the Community Development Department. Published: Wheat Ridge Transcript, February 9, 2012 City of � V V h6a:L gc COMMUNrry DEVELOPMEN , r � I TO: Planning Con-tinission FROM: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner DATE: January 26, 2012 SUBJECT: Case No, ZOA-1 1-05/Major Activity Notice There are other Extraterritorial and Cooperative Powers that give one jurisdietion certain powers overland use activities in a different jurisdiction This category of powers include provisions for enforcing its major streets plan over land within three miles of its boundaries and protecting a municipalities' park lands outside of the city limits. An example of this are the Denver owned open spaces in unincorporated Jefferson County. WNIEW Attached is an ordinance prepared by the City Attorney which, if approved, would exclude us from this requirement. ? VA- (0 1 t 7�> _�-A , �kA LcL[cQ,, i!� t &-k CITY • WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER Council Bill No. Ordinance No. TITLE: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE I OF CHAPTER 26 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS TO EXEMPT THE CITY FROM THE MAJOR ACTIVITY NOTICE REQUIREMENTS 23-225 WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado (the "City"), is a Colorado home rule municipality, duly organized and existing pursuant to Section 6 of Article XX of the Colorado Constitution; and WHEREAS, pursuant to its home rule authority and Article 23 of Title 31 of the Colorado Revised Statutes, the City, acting through its City Council (the "Council"), previously adopted planning and zoning regulations, codified as Chapter 26 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws (the "Code"); and WHEREAS, C.R.S. § 31-23-225 requires municipalities to send notice of any subdivision or commercial or industrial activity of five or more acres proposed within the municipality to the state READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote . • -, this day of 2012. 1 SIGNED • the Mayor on this day • 2012. 0111mv Janelle Shaver, City Clerk m-Folmom. iitff4am= First Publication: Second Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript Effective Date'. K Mav 3. 20 Colorado State Board of Land Commissioners 1127 Sherman Street, Suite 300 Deriver. CO 80203-2206 Re MaJor Activity otic:c Dear Ladies and (Jentlernew This lcttcr is provided in accor(farice with CA.S, 31-23-225 to provide notice to your office that the c1tv ol'Wheat Ridge has received a request to subdivide property on approximately 2 1 acres of land located .tt4OOO(,'alielziDi field Street (Case No� WS-1 1-01)� The property at 4105 9 1 Yount field Street which is approximately 36 acres in size was recently annexed to the City and zoned and 11' as become part ot'a larger dcvelopirient. Please be advised that we are not requeslingan atialysis.; this is simply notificatioll to be Consistent with state statute, The City Council \vill consider thc subdivision request at as public flearing on flay 9. 2011 at 7:00 p,ni, in the ("its Council Chambers oftlic Wheat Ridge Nlunicipal Building at 7500 W V'ANcnuc, Wheat Ridgc CO 80031 ['lease contact me at '303-235-2848 il'you haveany questiorm NIeredith Reckerl, AICP Senior Plarmer cc: County Commissioners Kate Newman Colorado Land Use Conitirission State (".1colot"ist EuCIOSUR.': ViCirlit� Mal) ea w� A.ii heatridgexww� At , GOVMIIIIY "•0 •' IMMI ---------- designated. Ajz jalim-ma Counties (30-28-103) and municipalities (31-23-202) are authorized to appoint a planning commission (except where the county population is less than 15,000, in which case the board of county commissioners may constitute the planning commission, • appoint a separate body). WIMMEMOR Land use regulation through zoning is available for counties (30-28-111) awd municipalities (31-23-301). Counties and municipalities are authorized to use planned unit developments (PUDs) (24-67-101), Please note that county and municipal building codes do not apply to school construction. Schools are instead subject to building standards set forth by the Division of Oil and Public Safety within the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (22-32-124). In 2001, broad impact fee authority was granted to counties and statutory municipalities, enabling them to better plan for growth and permitting that, to the extent practicable, certain costs of growth will be paid for by new development (29- 20-104.5). Home rule municipalities have always had the authority to collect impact fees by virtue of their constitutional home rule powers. The Local Government Land Use Control Enabling Act (29-20-101, from HB 74-1034) grants counties and municipalities broad authority to plan for and regulate the use of land, with no restrictions, conditions, or procedures prescribed for local governments. According to this statute, each local government within its respective jurisdiction has the authority to plan for and regulate the use of land by. d Use Planning in Colorado page 3 The so-called "1041 powers" (the name is derived from HB 74-1041) found in 2 65.1-101 allow local governments to identify, designate, and regulate (through a permitting process) 21 statutorily defined "areas and activities of state interest The 21 areas and activities are as follows. I ZVI! 31*11 • SHEXIMMMEGUR"Mill use activities in a different jurisdiction I Ili I I I • Ill I Ili I ir 1 11111 • 31-15-401 through 601 allows a municipality to prohibit or regulate nuisances such as bawdy, obscene • disorderly houses within three miles of city limits, and storage of explosives within one mile. 25-7-138(4) allows municipalities to consent to the location of a new land waste application site or new waste impoundment within one mile of their boundaries, 31-157-707 (1) (b) allows a municipality to construct waterworks outside its boundaries and to protect the waterworks and water supply from pollution (up to five miles above the point from which the water is taken). X 31-25-216, 217, 301, and 302 allow a municipality to establish, manage, a protect its park lands, recreation facilities and conservation easements (including the water in those parks) located beyond city limits. I 31-23-225 requires a municipality to notify the county and State Geologist of a proposed major activity (covering five • more acres of land), prior to approving any zoning change, subdivision • building permit application associated with that activity. 10 30-28-136 requires counties to submit a copy • any preliminary plan for a subdivision to affected governments, including: school districts, special and other districts, counties and municipalities located within two miles of the proposal, and other agencies. The statute also requires the county to allow a twenty-one day review period before taking action, JAMMU each other; 29-20-105 through 107 authorizes and encourages local governments to cooperate or contract with other units of government for purposes of ___Ca _Use Planning in Colorado page �� 29-1-203 allows local governments to cooperate or contract with one another to provide any function, service, or facility lawfully authorized to each of the cooperating or contracting units. The contract may establish a separate legal entity to do so. 32-7-101 authorizes at least two counties (upon approval of the electors) to form a regional service authority to perform any of the nearly twenty service functions (e.g., urban drainage and flood control, land and soil preservation, public surface transportation, • I . U— IN gwo City e LAND USE APPLICATION FORM g Case No, t0A110a Date Received 7/11/2011` Related Cases Case Planner Reckert Case Description Amend code pertaining to the Major Activity Notice requirements of CRS 31- 23.225 � 4 Name ;City of Wheat Ridge blame Phone } Address city State Zip Marne Name Phone Address City State Zip Name Name Phone Address City State Zip PA ctt` ,�9'�'i�` rl' Address Street : City ' State CO zip Location Description ,Citywide Protect Name Parcel No. Qtr Section: District No.:« Pre App Date Neighborhood Meeting late App No: Review Type Review Body Review Date Disposition Comments Report i _ ] l�i�,rrcr,� Record: F(1 T T ] F 3921 j f ►t b j of 3921