HomeMy WebLinkAboutWF-12-03DESIGN LOAD CRITERIA lif"I WE taw MOT• 1 I 1 9 M1 awl g I m I I • IN LIVE LOAD DEADLOAD TOTAL DESIGN L womm LUMBER: - ALL FRAMING LUMBER TO BE #2 S,Y.P. (SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE) OR BETTER, TREATED FOR EXTERIOR USE, PER LOCAL CODE U.N.O. ."'ONCRETE: - MINIMUM 28 DAY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH = 2500 PSL 6M#4w1ffwz 0wa ST LIVE LOAD (LIVING) PL-# (SLEEPING) 0 DEAD LOAD L FD -# -FOUNDATION/FOOTINGS FF-# -FLOOR FRAMING WITH STORAGE (U240) -FLOOR PLAN CF-# -CEILING FRAMING WITHOUT STORAGE (U240) -ROOF FRAMING WI H STORAGE (L/360) -SECTION/DETAIL SP- -SPECIFICATION SHEET womm LUMBER: - ALL FRAMING LUMBER TO BE #2 S,Y.P. (SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE) OR BETTER, TREATED FOR EXTERIOR USE, PER LOCAL CODE U.N.O. ."'ONCRETE: - MINIMUM 28 DAY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH = 2500 PSL 6M#4w1ffwz 0wa ST -SITE PL-# -PLAN EV-# -ELEVATION FD -# -FOUNDATION/FOOTINGS FF-# -FLOOR FRAMING FP-# -FLOOR PLAN CF-# -CEILING FRAMING RF-# -ROOF FRAMING SD-# -SECTION/DETAIL SP- -SPECIFICATION SHEET Aft Ak Ak Ak LEO &R 40 143-072369 30 9815 W. 41 st AVENUE 10 WHEAT RIDGE, CO. 80033 P.S.R 20 ABBREVIATIONS: 10 20 A-E - ARTISTIC ENCLOSURES HDk -HEADER #8 - BEAM INT. - INTERIOR 10 #BB - BAND BOARD IN. - INCH 10 #C - RAIL CAP LENGTH JST. - JOIST — #DS - DOUBLE BAND KB. - KING BEAM #DJ - DOUBLE JOIST LB& -POUNDS #DR - DOUBLE RAFTER L.L. - LIVE LOAD #F #HB - FENCE CAP LENGTH - HOUSEBAND L.V.L. - LAMINATED VENEER LUMBER #HBE -HOUSE BAND EXTENSION MANUF. -MANUFACTURER #RB - RIDGE BEAM MAX. - MAXIMUM #RP - ROOF PLATE MIN. - MINIMUM #TB - TRIPLE BAND N.T.S, - NOT TO SCALE #TJ - TRIPLE JOIST O.C. - ON CENTER ALT, -ALTERNATE OPT, - OPTIONAL ALUMN, ALUMINUM O.S.B. - ORIENTED STRAND BOARD APX. APPROXIMATE P.L. - POINT LOAD BD. BOARD P.L.F. - POUNDS PER LINEAR FOOT C/L CENTER LINE P.S.F. - POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT CJ CEILING JOIST P'S.1, - POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH CLG. CEILING P.S.L. - PARALLEL STRAND LUMBER C.M.U. - CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT P.T. - PRESSURE TREATED CONC. - CONCRETE P.T.T. - POUR TO TOP CONT. - CONTINUOUS P.V.C. - POLY VINYL CHLORIDE DBL. - DOUBLE RB. - RIDGE BEAM Dik - DIAMETER RBD. - RIDGE BOARD DIM. - DIMENSION REQD. - REQUIRED D.L. - DEAD LOAD R.O. - ROUGH OPENING DN. - DOWN RSW - RIDGE SUPPORT WALL DTL, - DETAIL STRUCT. -STRUCTURAL EL C. - ELECTRICAL S.F. - SQUARE FOOT/FEET ELEV, - ELEVATION (SEE T.O.D.) so. -SQUARE EQ. -EQUAL T&G - TONGUE & GROOVE EXT. EXTERIOR T.L. - TOTAL LOAD FIN. FINISH T.O.D. - TOP OF DECK FLR. FLOOR TYP. - TYPICAL FND. FOUNDATION UNFIN. - UNFINISHED FT. FOOTIFEET U.N.0, - UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE F.V. FOUNDATION VENT W/ - WITH GLU. -GLUELAM W/o - WITHOUT F A P DRAWINGS PREPARED BY: U. S. STRUCTURES, IN CONSTRUCTION AND DRAFTING DEPARTMENT 2924 EMERYWOOD PARKWAY, SUITE 101 RICHMOND, VA 23294 0 2012 US. STRUCTURES INC. Wit '411, Q, F1 a- IMF. 11TRO IECC, & 2005 NEC. ■ RAIL POST FENCE POST ROOF POST/ PERGOLA POST STUD LOCATION - PARTING BOARD LOCATION AND CENTER LINE - EXTENTS _: NC 8 1 LA OFF CI XT, DATA 4dity of permit: The wwce id a it oraMoval of plans, specificatkn- Date ard Computatlons sha I not be a pemut for, or an approval of, any violation to Of the provi s of the building code or of any City ordinances, Sign, "SpresumTingto give authority to violate orcanW the provisions of the M ilftensions are approximate. In the eveft of a difference betwoorn the drawn and written dimermons, the wiftlen dimension sW preves. Oue to local differanoes in WItling codes and re"tions, and specific she conditions, these draw4Vs may need to be modified by ft bulder to comply with such kx* codes and regulations, or site torkifflons. FINE " MOM 91 APPROVED Subject to Field if pecflons Wheat Ridge BuiU'ng Dept. Date: S i 9 n e d. Ptan checker t r 17B: ti t r t? , ,---EXISTING 13'-5" x CONCRETE PATIO MMKM��- � �415 y"MMIZal IN i 0 1 If. fil 1 151 IN • I I I I rr is t r r f fr k ii 178 t r r i • • • FOR EXTERIOR USE) GENERAL NOTES PIZ all 111=14M« '« • Mlf I Prepared by US Stmotures, Inc, 2924 Emerywood Parkway State 101 Richmond, VA 23294 • 0 • JIM AMR I I All dimensions am approximate. In the event of a difference between the dr"n and wriften dimensions, the wiften dimension shall prevalf. Due to West differences in buftni; codes and regulations, and Vedfir, site conditions, tileso drawings may need to be modified by the Wilder to comply vvith such local codes and relptitations, or site conditions, APPROVED Subject to Field inspections 2 x 8 x 11'- 11 " +I- RIDGE BOARD � ►; rd tt rt rt tt tr rt fin I i .1 Iwo IMMIKK - . W I 2924 Emerywood Padiway Sulle 101 Richmond, VA 23294 =12 US Structures Inc. AX tights reserved. 5;�o&d duplication is a violation of • • 40 md"Wo"s are a PP"' A mete , 10 the event Of 0 diftref'00 between the dra" and wriften dimensions, the wrften dimension sham prevoll. Due to kx;W diffOmncft to bultding codes and regulations, and specffic site condidom, the J 11111 1 1 11 11IN es **W#Vs may used to be modified by the builder to own0y wft such local codes and m9ulatons, or site oonditiom SHINGLES w/ 15# FELT (19 in, WIDE) @ k SAVE w/ ADDITIONAL LAYER 15# FELT APPROVED (36 in. WIDE) OVERLAPPING SUCCESSIVE Subject to Field I in, spf:'- c"I" SHEETS 19 in. OVER ENTIRE ROOF 112" PLYWOOD SHEATHING w/5/8"TI-11 CEDAR CEILING FINISH Whe2,�Ridqe Ej'uOdff-, g Dept , ICE & WATER SHIELD 12 PER LOCAL CODE 41 2x8 RAFTERS @ 16' O.C. (TYP,) Date- G; DRIP EDGE l Sign Pan checker ej! Provide truss manuf acturer's profile WC 1x8 PINE FASCIA WRAPPED drawings at time of frame IN ALUMINUM ins pection. Uplift connections and AWN! beating shall comply with drawings. OPEN SOFFIT W/—J 18" OVERHANG Rafters shall bear fully at heel cut (1) 3 112" x 11 1/4" PL (PARALLAM) (TREATED and shall have one 12.5 clip per #LCE4 SIMPSON CONNECTOR FOR EXTERIOR USE) ROOF BEAM W/ SIMPSON rafter at bearing point. OR EQUIVALENT POST CAP CONNECTOR #LCE4 OR EQUIVALENT SHEET DESCRIPTION @ CORNER POSTS & USE CONNECTOR #LPCZ 2 x 6 BRACING @ @ INTERMEDIATE ROOF POSTS (TYP); BEAM All shingles shall be nailed with a SECTION/DETAILS FRONT (GABLE END) MAY BE (2) 2X12 PRESSURE minimum of 6 nails per shingleand TREATED mid roof inspection required on tile, SCALE = VARIES CEDAR WRAP POST" BEAMS concrete, or metal roof§. CONNECTIONS VERIFY CONNECTIONS L C� PER LOCAL CODE 6x6 ROOF POST (TYP.) P"ared by U.S. Structtires, I nc. 2924 Emerywood Pa*�"y Suite 101 Pkinnond, VA 23,294 Cans & Drafting Dapsrtroent 02012 US Structures, ino, AD rights resw-red, Unauthwized duplication Is a violation of an appitcame left. SIMPSON STRONG TIE POST BASE #ABE66 OR FINISH GRADE EQUIVALENT r-- EXISTING CONCRETE SLAB 1( v City of , ��,Wh6atR�ijgc P111 PUBLIC WORKS I I TO: Sarah Showalter, Planner 11 FROM: Tim Paranto, Director of Public Works Case No_�/ 7 /` - Address k� ' Contractor &:C'IC's"' t�eltf'L_ Address 2 1 -L PrqjectLocation/Directions Project Description —Single Family Residential —Multi-Family Residential —Manufactured (Mobile) Horne —Non-residential 0 Date 77 Telephone- Telephone ,, �40 -, 7) �4W - —New Construction —Substantial Improvement (>50%) —Improvement (<50%) — Rehabilitation Class of Per Schedule —Channelization —Fill —Bridge/Culvert —Levee General Permit A Tplications: — Utility Facilities — Roadway — Bridge ' —construction of a habitable structure not requiting Special Exception Permit Avolication Fee: $200 $800 $1,000 $1,000 Construction of a fence, less than or equal to 200 feet in length —Construction of a fence, greater than 20() feet in length onstruction of a fence with a break-away design Z nstruction of a shed or deck —Construction of a detached garage —Construction of an addition to a habitable structure —Earth fill, less than or equal to 500 cubic yards —Earth fill, greater than 500 cubic yards —All other structures - fee to be determined by estimating processing expenses Class �11 S �ecial E�xcetion �Pcn �Iicatious: —Construction of a habitable structure —Publication/Public Notice Fee $1,000 $180 I have read and understand and will comply with the requirements of this Flood Plain Permit, Applicant Signature rM (To be completed by Flood Plain Administrator) Flood Hazard Data Watercourse Name__424_XZ&_ The project is proposed in the Floodway Floodway Base (100-year) flood elevation(s) at project site 4 9 Elevation required for Lowest Floor ­7, _NGVD/Floodproofin—g Source Documents: Reports/Maps - E do Proposal Review Checklist Permit Action M_ Compliance Documentation — Map Revision Data. Certified documentation by a registered professional engineer of as-built conditions for flood plain alterations were received and submitted to FE for a flood insurance map revision. — Fill Certificate. A community official certified the elevation, compaction, slope and slope protection for all fill placed in the flood plain consistent with NFIP regulations Part 65.5 for map revisions. —Elevation and Floodproofing Certificates. The as-built elevation of` the building's lowest floor was certified as NGVD- or the building's floodproofing level was certified as NGVD; by a registered professional engineer or licensed surveyor and is on file. Certificate of Occupancy or Compliance Issued on IM Rev. 2/3/11 TO: Tim Paranto, Director of Public Works/Flood Plan Administrator FROM: Sarah Showalter, Planner 11 DATE: August 10, 2012 SUBJECT: Case WF-12-03 (9185 W 41" Ave) Enclosed please find the application for a Class I Flood Plain Exception Permit for 9185 W. 41` Avenue. The contractor confirmed that the "treated wood" referred to in the drawings is pressure-treated lumber as described in his enclosed letter. • LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION Community Development Department 7500 West 29 Avenue w Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 * Phone (303) 235-2846 (Please print or type all information) TYPe of action reauested (check 0 nq+�A' k--1-- 0 Change of zone or zone conditions 0 Special Use Permit 0 Subdivision: Minor (5 lots or less) 0 Consolidation Plat 0 Conditional Use Permit 0 Subdivision: Major (More than 5 lots) ;%Tlood Plain Special Exception 0 Site Plan approval C3 Temporary Use, Building, Sign 0 Lot Line Adjustment 0 Concept Plan approval 0 Variance-/Waiver (from Section 0 Planned Building Group 0 Right of Way Vacation 0 Other: M= certify that the information and exhibits herewitk sub-w-Lrmi; W, Subscribed and swom to me this day of 20 To be filled out by staff: 6 Date received, 1.e Si ectipt No.��C'N No o , on Cmp Plan D o csi& Znin Quarter Section Related Case NO. Pre-App Mtg- Date Cast Manager!7/1; 1(4-� 4". archadeck I out living ouk,"Ic,xv Lmng s Gk)orns & In addition, special care is taken to ensure that fasteners and connectors in contact with chemical -treated lumber are made of stainless steel or hot-dipped zi coated galvanized steel to reduce or eliminate corrosion due to the chemical preservatives in the lumber. I - WYIY7 f TTMT77777TT conrIc!" Ben Wood - Manager Archadeck Outdoor Living The Foothift # 9055 Cole Drive, Arvada CO 80004 Phone 720-398-9179 * Fax 720,583,0789 * foothills@archadeck,net - wwwar chadeck,com ccvatact 11*yWafimrt -� a �.t 4�