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B uilding P Materials For Questions M 1 r Clear Zaire For Q uestions CITY OF » WHEAT RIDGE, eLe -. ae INTRODUCED = COUNCIL ,,.4 C OUNCIL SI NO 14 ORDINANCE N# 15 IT Series of 4 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 603 OF CHAPTER 26 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF . CONCERNING IO OF DISTANCE TRIANGLES a: ■ SWIMMING POOL FENCES NOW THEREFORE : , IT ORDAINED B Y THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE OF ttRIDGE, COLORADO. ^ W a je 1 Subsection of the Cod °, sight distance triangle requirements, .,: b amended z.follows: ial■ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 40M 0 am t am Driveway 15' 15' Property Line 55' TM 15' 15 L Flow Line 25 Edge of Pavement • Von- CUMMANWI—HIM—W "-I 1101!IPIT&A I F- flUlITI t-I 0 • ::i;: +r «r_ •I t s « 2 0d•.- d a W. Awrvy-ad Aigns. such as DA i nc bm • . «« - signs with a diameWc Qf Less lbaLU b omera Qn Ig 96" 36" or 42 _-- CLEAR.ZO E Property Lire MT , RVA . « ♦ . • - t « •• El INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of 7 to 0 on this 13th day of August, 2012, ordered it published with Public Hearing and consideration on passage ar Monday, . 1 7:00 « • in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, and that it takes effect 15 days after final publication. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUSLISHED on second and final reading by vote of i to 0 this 2 7 tbday of Augus t N SIGNED by the Mayor on this 28 t 1 ' day of August 2012. A M U= alfti lmmmm*a> : ■: p « « :11i 1 1 » i 1 1 pla NO 10 - 1 0MI&MUM 111 "Ify 1101110211 • 1 : 111150110iffiggpil C, Motion to award RFB-12-28- ■n-Call Traffic Signal Maintenance & Repair © to W.L. Contractors, Inc. © Arvada, Colorado, in an amount not to exceed $55,000 A!gfiW by Mrs, Jay to approve the Consent Agenda; seconded DeMo by Mr. Stites and 11 tt; carne d 8-0 Council Bill No, 14t= - An Ordinance amending Section 26-603 of Chapter 26 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, concerning regulation of sight distance triangle$ and swimming pool fences «&»- »o ZOA-11-06) m3mmmmm Clerk Shaver assigned Ordinance No. 1519, The Mayor closed the public hearing. 0 A. ITEM NO: DATE: August 27,2042 IN uluuj�# rM F ME 1XK1] I ZEN 0 N I 11M CODE OF LAWS, CONCERNING REGULATION OF SIGH DISTANCE TRIANGLES AND SWIMMING POOL FENCE (CASE NO. Z1 A-11-06) ■ Iraffol ,j a Wane W �� a al 01 ■ Community Development Director City Manager PRIOR ACTION: Staff presented the issue to City Council at a Study Session on June 18, 2012, and was directed to proceed with the code amendment. At a public hearing on July 19, 2012, Planning Commission voted to recommend approval of the proposed ordinance; meeting minutes are attached. The ordinance was introduced on first reading on August 13, 2012. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The proposed ordinance is not expected to have a financial impact on the City. Council Action Form August 27, 2012 Page 2 When the zoning code was repealed and reenacted in 2001, the lower limit of the clear zone was reduced from 42 inches to 36 inches for sight triangles along arterial and collector streets. The standards related to sight triangles and clear zones have not been amended since 2001. Additionally, the location of the sight triangle does not currently align with the location from which the vertical clear zone is measured —the latter is measured vertically from the curb and gutter flow line or from the edge of pavement if no curb is present. The proposed method for measuring the sight distance triangle is along the flow time or edge of pavement which can be easily located in the field and will result in a sight distance triangle that is positioned at the true corner of intersection. The length of the sight distance triangle depends on the type of intersection, and there is no change proposed for those measurements. m Property Line-, IJ 25' A. The sight triangle is currently measured along the property line which is difficult to field locate. Council Action Form August 27, 2012 Page 3 l 7 ertical Clear one The vertical clear zone is the area above the sight distance triangle. The clear zone needs to remain free from obstruction in order to provide drivers with a clear view of approaching motor vehicles, bicycles, and/or pedestrians. Currently, the vertical clear zone is measured from the flow line or edge of pavement, and there is no change proposed to this method of measurement. For intersections that include a collector or arterial street, the lower limit of the clear zone is currently regulated at 36 inches. The lower limit for all other clear zones is 42 inches above the flow line or edge of pavement. There is no change proposed for these lower limits. . .... .. . ... J A ll _7 96 7 --- --- 'CLEA-R P 36" rA2' Property Line t Flow Line/ Edge of Pavement This diagram is proposed to be incorporated into the code to illustrate the regulated clear zone. Sight Triangles in Other Communities The proposed code amendment is consistent with the sight triangle standards of other Front Range communities. Of the 16 communities surveyed, ten establish an upper limit for the vertical clear zone at 96 inches or higher. Twelve communities clearly state that the sight distance triangle is located along the curb line, flow line or edge of pavement. The proposed changes to section 26-603.G.2 of the code will remove from the zoning code the six-foot height requirement for swimming pools and will instead defer to the International Residential or Building Code, as applicable. Next Steps: Implementation and Eqt6rcentent Staff has met with the Forestry Division and with Community Service Officers to discuss the implementation and enforcement of the proposed sight triangle standards. Both divisions Council Action Form August 27, 2012 Page 4 support the proposed code amendments and agree that the sight distance triangle will be easier to locate in the field and easier to communicate to citizens. Staff reco&niizes that for some tree species or for immature trees, trimming to 96 inches will be inappropriate, so discretion will be used to reasonably enforce the new standard. Code enforcement officers have confirmed enforcement will continue primarily on a complaint basis. In the case of public safety hazards, enforcement will be proactive. If the proposed code amendment is approved, public outreach and education will help to reduce violations—an interdepartmental strategy is proposed to include new informational handouts, an article in the Connections newsletter, and/or a Top oft e Hour segment on Channel S. RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends approval of the ordinance. Ultimately, this code amendment will improve clarity and consistency in the City code. The amendment will align the vertical clear zone with national safety standards and will improve the ability to explain and field locate a sight distance triangle. RECOMMENDED MOTION: "I move to approve Council Bill No. 14-2012, an ordinance amending section 26-603 of chapter 26 of the Wheat Ridge code of laws, concerning regulation of the sight distance triangles and swimming pool fences on second reading and that it take effect 15 days after final publication. Or. "I move to postpone indefi nitely Council Bill No. 14-2012, an ordinance amending section 26-603 of chapter 26 of the Wheat Ridge code of laws, concerning regulation of the sight distance triangles and swimming pool fences, for the following reasons) REPORT PREPARED BY: Lauren Mikulak, Planner I Meredith Reeked, Senior Planner Kenneth Johnstone, Community Development Director ATTACHMENTS: 1. Council Bill No. 14-2012 2. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, July 19, 2012 N O D N 0 m C7 r: r r N rD a. N 7 CFQ N QCl f'* b r 3 T 0 N n n CIO w O N �A N O A n v L (DD LM n�i v ` i -. m v n CU r* .-. o f 1 rD c O N m CL Q Q1 Q rD a NG O O Q 6 d fl rD rD 0 Ln N rD Q rD < (D n rD � n 0- cu rD 0 3 ro r ' nil T 0 N n n CIO w O N �A N O A T O N n C) N O N -P N O N W 0 j m r F p n _ m p p Eu - C. - — ? m p °a a m :E p p a D < Qj d v "K Zr v O m N m a m ' m p w 0, p N (D o 0 3 m m = p m 3 m p m 3 m K n ' rD N N 01 O (3 A O A A w w w w w fD N N 131 Q1 O1 O O N a r m _ fu :. = 00 A 00 A �D Ol ci to Qi �o Qi N O � n m 0 N ^ n ^ ''l 11 V , U) 0 N N O N Ln rD n 0 fD c 0- < v (D fD LA 0 c Q p 0 O ID 0 0� M (A o CL rD 1 • O :3 70 Q a( m v 3 LU v, -0 rn 3 � rD cu O < rD LA r, cu rD O "K Zr v O - 0 O — N ° (D o G N fD n ' rD (DD r n O fD N a r _ :. = a� r � n f D 0 N ^ n ^ ''l 11 V , U) 0 N N O N City of W h& at P, L4�ge ITEM NO: 51 DATE August 13, 2012 REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL ACTION . . .. . . . . j PRIOR ACTION: Staff presented the issue to City Council at a Study Session on June 18, 2012, and was directed to proceed with the code amendment. At a public hearing on July 19, 2012, Planning Commission voted to recommend approval of the proposed ordinance. Meeting minutes from the public heating will be included with the ordinance for second reading. FINANQAL,IMPACT: I - RVISP14 t 4top Council Action Form August 13, 2012 Page 2 When the zoning code was repealed and reenacted in 200 1, the lower limit of the clear zone was reduced from 42 inches to 36 inches for sight triangles along arterial and collector streets. The standards related to sight triangles and clear zones have not been amended since 2001. Additionally, the location of the sight triangle does not currently align with the location from which the vertical clear zone is measured --the latter is measured vertically from the curb and gutter flow line or from the edge of pavement if no curb is present. The proposed method for measuring the sight distance triangle is along the flow line or edge of pavement which can be easily located in the field and will result in a sight distance triangle that is positioned at the true comer of intersection. The length of the sight distance triangle depends on the type of intersection, and there is no change proposed for those measurements. gip.ty line which is difficult to field locate. ---------------- 4 r Property Line -�S5' -14 25 gip.ty line which is difficult to field locate. Council Action Form August 13, 2012 Page 3 Vertical Clear Zone The vertical clear zone is the area above the sight distance triangle. The clear zone needs to remain fr*% #4 mwofroli d% d vehicles, bicycles, and/or pedestrians. Currently, the vertical clear zone is measured from the flow line or edge of pavement, and there is no change proposed to this method of measurement. For intersections that include a collector or arterial street, the lower limit of the clear zone is currently regulated at 36 inches. The lower limit for all other clear zones is 42 inches above the flow line or edge of pavement. There is no change proposed for these lower limits. Property Line t Flow Line/ Edge of Pavement This diagram is proposed to be incorporated into the code to illustrate the requlated clear zone. " i Ranges to section To-olf, . 0 • ve from the zoning code the six-foot height requirement for swimming pools and will instead defer to the International Residential or Building Code, as applicable. Next Steps: Implementation and E nforcement Staff has met with the Forestri Division and with Comi unjjj jervjje_**f1' io g-W I I Ey I I am I I I gn #) w WQN MU 1 11 a I I V 111,3 LM1,72 N I MI! I IMSM 61#1 U IN I IM M Staff recognizes that for some tree species or for immature trees, trimming to 96 inches will be inappropriate, so discretion will be used to reasonably enforce the new standard. Code enforcement officers have confirmed enforcement will continue primarily on a complaint basis. In the case of public safety hazards, enforcement will be proactive. If the proposed code amendment is approved, public outreach and education will help to reduce violations—an interdepartmental strategy is proposed to include new informational handouts, an article in the Connections newsletter, and/or a Top of the Hour segment on Channel 8. RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends approval of the ordinance. Ultimately, this code amendment will improve clarity and consistency in the City code. The amendment will align the vertical clear zone wit naiianal safax sty-nAards and will imnrove the abilitv to explain and field locate a sight distan] 110'ruli 13 "I move to postpone indefinitely Council Bill No. 1-4--210-12, an ordinance amending section 26-603 of chapter 26 of the Wheat Ridge code of laws, concerning regulation of the sight distance triangles and swimming pool fences, for the following reason(s) REPORT PREPARED BY: Lauren Mikulak, Planner I Meredith Reekert, Senior Planner Kenneth Johnstone, Community Development Director ATTACHMENTS: I. Council Bill No. 14-2012 CITY OF WHE R IDGE, COL INTRODUCED 1 COUNCIL MEM COUNCIL BILL NO. 14 O {�{ Series i w A N O RDINA NCE A MENDING CH t O F THE WHE RIDGE C D E O F LAWS, C R EGULATION DIST T AND SWIMMING PO FENCES Section 1. Su bs e c tion i • M o C ode , i * s ight d ist ance � .r i'� i • i� i � • \ + n • ► « a« •�,. 11 NO Attachment 1 • } } r a a ! I S i W OWN a • } a i ! w a i ! } } ! a # i MM i MELD i ! a ! r i i M a. . r .. r } # i.! a i •. r, w } +ate a } ♦ -a r ! a r a } a }} i i} •} } a !♦ a a! i a a ♦ M �.. }w •. iaa A w as !} r •ar i! � a r i a.. MAF ♦ r r }: a i a } �a a a} r• i i � a: , a a } } i . }. ar r. a ♦. a 1. Z } a }..i. r +w N i a i • � w r !, a. } y a w a • w a NNW !.. ♦ ♦ !} �. a! v i i� a r a • _ r Em 11 a. Verkal clear b. Streets, local or r vat% 25 fge G. 15 f .._ d. r'v y% I go ♦ y a - 5igbi b lan 2. Verkal clear e ♦ y a - 5igbi b lan trian in Wbjib •N gOS sball s- DIbMged 12 1 2[2yidg ji 01 D L3 K3 beig 0 ' c olle= gr @ftdal Wmd the dear 9902 40nma be Our zQn—ej-$ W- If 36 and 96 ingbea, EQC all Met iniqMptionfa, and 9 N i 4 4 Obstructions Drohibited. The clear zone be free of obstructions i nc l ud i ng • ! to fences. wa I gndscaging . sig ns. structures. tree QanQ • r. '! 0 Section 2. Subsection 26-603.G.2 of the Code, concerning swimming pool fences, is hereby amended as follows: • IT MIFF1 M I ' • 11, 1 - - - 1111 K*11012111runoi i0inwillomm-ag R INTRODUCED, READ AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of to on this day of _, 2012, ordered it published with Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for Monday, August 27, 2012, at 7:00 o"clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, and that it takes effect 15 days after final publication. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of — to this _ day of SIGNED by the Mayor on this day of 2012. 0 61 i M I Fog IT, • ♦ Janette Shaver, City Clerk Law rqm asffiuffg #��� I St publication: 2 nd publication: V Effective Date: 0 6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda.) No one wished to speak at this time. 7. PUBLIC HEARING A. ' Case No. ZOA-1 1-06: An ordinance amending the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws concerning sight distance triangles and swimming pool fences. This case was presented • Lauren Mikulak. She entered all pertinent documents into the record and advised the Commission there was jurisdiction to hear the case. She reviewed the staff report and digital presentation. Staff recommended approval for reasons outlined in the staff report. Staff proposes amending section 26-603 (Fences, walls, and obstructions to view) of the city code which relates primarily to sight distance triangles. The proposed amendment will improve the ability to field locate a sight distance triangle, update the vertical clear zone dimensions to align with national standards, and standardize the method of measurement for the sight distance triangle and clear zone. Sight distance triangles are the area of intersection of two streets, a street and a driveway, or a street and alle . Staff be an looki g i t�ii ieceti I i lit 1 0 1101111 I Lima 1-4 nwo laft I OL Triat Me si is nce triangle instead be measured along the visible curb and gutter flow line or along the edge of pavement which can be easily located in the field. TY qTTT verticai clear zone wffi area above the sight distance triangle. Currently it is established at 84 inches or 7 feet. The proposed change would raise the upper limit to •6 inches or 8 feet, This will ensure that the clear zone accommodates the sight line of truck drivers. This rop-osed change would also Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) which establishes national standards for the design of streets and roadways. Steve Nguyen, Engineering Manager, presented a brief overview of the national standards and explained how these standards help community engineers across the country. vc*6-c-71 t e- streets is unsafe for areas in which schools are in neighborhoods on local streets, He stated that he would be in favor of a lower measurement for the lower limit. Planning Commission Minutes -2— July 19, 20112 In response to a question from Commissioner MATTHEW, utility poles may be 12 inches wide in the triangle. In reply to another question from Commissioner MATTHEWS regarding driveway placement and sight distance triangles, driveways on local streets for single and two- family homes are exempt from sight triangles. • code. ssioner I a very well written enhancement to t In response to a question from Commissioner OHM, the City Attorney has reviewed this proposal and finds it acceptable. Following review and discussion by the Commission, Chair TIMMS closed the public hearing as no members of the public were present to speMk. # This case was introduced by Meredith Reckert. The case was initiated by the Community Services Unit (CSU) in the Police Department as a result of citizen complaints. Officer Mary McKenna of the CSU was present. Planning Commission Minutes - 3 -- July 19, 2012 • ;w 10 PLANNING COMMISSION 1112MIlla C,LEGISLATIVE ITEM STAFF REPORT MEETING DATE: July 1 201 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 26-603 OF CHAPTER 26 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS, CONCERNING REGULATION OF SIGHT DISTANCE TRIANGLES AND SWIMMING POOL FENCES '.l PUBLIC HEARING 0 CODE CHANGE ORDINANCE Prior Code Amendnients Sight triangle standards have existed in the Code of Laws since the City's first zoning code was adopted in 1972. In the mid- I 990s, proposed code amendments sought to address conflicting 4- - height standards established in four se arate code sections Case Nos. ZOA-93-01 a fflff� F4 ZOA-1 1-06 / Sight Triangle clear zone. The contents of the case file do not indicate why the upper limit of 84 inches was ultimately selected in 1996. When the zoning code was repealed and reenacted in 2001, the lower clear zone limit was reduced from 42 inches to 36 inches for sight triangles along arterial and collector streets. New language was added to clarify that the clear zone is measured from the flow line or edge of pavement; previously, the code did not establish a location for this measurement. The standards related to sight triangles and clear zones have not been amended since 2001. Additionally, the location of the sight triangle does not currently align with the location from which the vertical clear zone is measured—the latter is measured vertically from the curb and gutter flow line or from the edge of pavement if no curb is present. The proposed method for measuring the sight distance triangle is along the flow line or edge of pavement which can be easily located in the field. This method of measuring will also result in a sight distance triangle that is positioned at the true comer of intersections, providing a more logical clear area for drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians. The length of the sight distance triangle depends on the type of intersection, and there is no change proposed for those measurements. A. Current: The sight triangle is currently ZOA- 11-06 / Sight Triangle B. Proposed: The sight triangle is proposed to be measured along the visible curb and gutter flow line or along the edge of pavement. Vertical Clear Zone The vertical clear zone is the area above the sight distance triangle. The clear zone needs to remain flee from obstruction in order to provide drivers with a clear view of approaching motor vehicles, bicycles, and/or pedestrians. Currently, the vertical clear zone is measured from the flow line or edge of pavement, and there is no change proposed to this method of measurement. For intersections that include a collector or arterial street, the lower limit of the clear zone is currently regulated at 36 inches. The lower limit for all other clear zones is 42 inches above the flow line or edge of pavement. There is no change proposed for these lower limits. • Sight Triangles in Other Communities Tke-IT-6 is-,--qwsistent-with tXe-sigI-&tri?rigl",an4ards of c6tr-Front Range communities. Of the 16 communities surveyed, ten establish an upper limit for the vertical clear zone at 96 inches or higher. Twelve communities clearly state that the sight 1 5stance triangle is located along the curb line, flow line or edge of pavement. ZOA-I 1-06 / Sight Triangle The proposed changes to section 26-603.G.2 of the code will remove the six-foot height requirement for swimming pools and will defer to the International Residential or Building Code, as applicable. Next Steps: Implementation and Eqf6rcement Staff has met with the Forestry Division and with Community Service Officers to discuss the implementation and enforcement of the proposed sight triangle standards. Both divisions support the proposed code amendments and agree that the sight distance triangle will be easier to locate in the field and easier to communicate to citizens. UHXCMKLIJA!ml-ollv "I move to recommend approval of the proposed ordinance amending section 26-603 of chapter 26 of the Wheat Ridge code of laws, concerning regulation of the sight distance triangles and swimming pool fences." Exhibits: I. Proposed Ordinance ZOA- 11-06 / Sight Triangle CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE COLORADI '.'NTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE ■ Sedes of < ■1 AN ORDINANCE AME:■ 26-603 OF CHAPTER E- i OF WHEAT EA RIDGE e a.. OF , : CONCERNING REGULATION OF SIGHT DISTANCE TRIANGLES AND SWIMMING -$e. FENCES .... # # # I T, I # # r r 4 • _ 4 # # # # r w # # # # # # # # # # ♦ # M r ## # # +M ow r # r � # # I T, I # log _i 1. s5i t $ tri g a gle . T s • I r i an - g i g b orizont a l r • s §r #' • a. StMgts, c ollegWr # ! 5 tEgg l a , Iggl QE # c. a d. QriyeRays; 15 fegj OWN ^�rr�- �wwr °°vm ^� t ° -•�� �a- � ^r•wtwwwrh t^�wrr��r�n� *� �� �n ".�w�r�' �r�-- v»wrrv^ a i ? 1' W IAII�.» G�� il�r= 1, �., �Illi «�F�.YYIIIIW:,.Y.. ^' R -- 1 " �C1rly way � t 1 1 Property Line 15 1 1 `- Flow Line 1 ` Edge of Pavement Local Street El 11 ; IM I 0=1 *li Etams-11 m 9 INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of — to — on this — day of 2012, ordered it published with Public Hearing and con� on final passage set for Monday, . 2012, at 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, and that it takes effect 15 days after final publication. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote • to this _ day of SIGNED by the Mayor on this day of 2012. Jerry DiTullio Mayor Janelle Shaver, City Clerk NMM��i Gerald Dahl, City Attorney 1 " publication: 2 nd publication: mo CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE PLANNING COMMISSION ON PROPOSED ZONING CODE AMENDMENI The proposed ordinance is available in electronic form on the City's official website, www.ci.wheatridge.co.us, Legal Notices, Copies are also available in printed form in the Community Development Department. of .,, rr` - TO: THROUGH: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: For your review, please find attached a copy of the draft ordinance. This memo summarizes the amendment and is structured as follows: I Sight Distance Triangle . Vertical Clear Zone . Swimming Pool Fences 4. Study Session & Next Steps CURRENT' Driveway 0 Property Line 15' 55' 15 15, L 25' Flow Line Edge of Pavement Local Street The proposed method for measuring the sight distance triangle is along the flow line or edge of pavement which can be easily located in the field. This method of measuring will also result in a sight distance triangle that is positioned at the true comer of intersections, providing a more logical clear area for drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians. The length of the sight distance triangle depends on the type of intersection, and there is no change proposed for those measurements. 2 June 11, 2012 Page 4 1 IWAIM4,19 WIIIM-MW i I i � �M requirelnunt vvi switinning prois unu as applicable. I # An anticipated timeline for this code amendment project is as follows: • Study session with City Council — June 18, 2012 • Public hearing before Planning Commission — July 19, 2012 • Public hearing before City Council — August 27, 2012 "IMIMIM 11MIT- 0 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. Series of 2■12 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 26-603 OF CHAPTER 2,a THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS, CONCERNING REGULATION OF SIGHT DISTANCE TRIANGLES AND SWIMMING POOL FENCES WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wheat Ridge is authorized by th- , :- Rule Charter and the Colorado Constitution and statutes to enact and enforce ordinances for the preservation of the public health, safety and welfare; and WHEREAS, in the exercise of that authority, the City Council of the City of Wheat Ridge has previously enacted Chapter 26 of the he Ridge Code of Laws (the "Code") pertaining to zoning, land use, and development; and WHEREAS, the City has further identified a need to standardize the method of -measurement for sight distance triangles and the clear zone; and TIMIT411. X ......... X UTM. IN WIN _. a .« «. ! • «. « « mind « « s w • « -wl « « « « « a. 5IMPIA. 2 21 1 9 0 01 ! • l Qca l, g i c. M • ) an 15 fQW Ihe • raide Q the Wangle is a fine • the 92MOU • r r t -• d' s • •` comers Igo 'T •` •- • N m C. J +� 4a indu . i i i •# # � # si. #* arg •, a #_ "" • # a ` h omes way sigbI # a v .� 4 � ry n _W 96 ", CL Z C)N_ r, 0 «1 Line / E dge o Property Line i eqO si gnaliz ed intersections both streets a c ollectors and/or 'i ' i sight distances shall be govern I ^a metrit a i. # a i ' a a ai i #'! 0 J +� 4a v .� 4 � ry n _W 96 ", CL Z C)N_ r, 0 «1 Line / E dge o Property Line i eqO si gnaliz ed intersections both streets a c ollectors and/or 'i ' i sight distances shall be govern I ^a metrit a i. # a i ' a a ai i #'! 0 INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of to on this day of 2012, ordered it published with Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for Monday, 2012, at 7:00 o'clock pm., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, and that it takes effect 15 days after final publication. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading h-M a vote of _ to this _ day of SIGNED by the Mayor on this day of 2012. Irm-11"911M= I =115-5121"13=1 - On 1101 i St publication: 2nd publication: Effective Date: W MINIMUM 1111 • I • c! •�� 0..= Existing regulations require that a property owner/homeowner locate their property line(s) to determine the location of the sight triangle area — this has caused difficulties at inir 1 1111i r ii i i ilil i r ii I rr . • 307���- HIUMV11111 1111 " I IRM I I �! F III I ME I F I MMMMMMMEMOMM, MMHM�•« • � r F M MEMO I' IV% III I I Ii UN------ - • ISSUE? at corners I R I! I I w Ill I I I I I III I I • AM ! 1 1 r L I I • I The other two most significant changes are 1) increases the clear height from 84 to 96 inches, which aligns with AASHTO standards; 2) takes swimming pool fence height regulations out • the zoning code and cross references the international building codes . 0 A . In the Wheat Ridge Municipal Code, regulations pertaining to the sight distance triangle are located in subsection B of section 26-603 (Fences, walls, and obstructions to view). 'File dimensional standards are currently embedded in long paragraphs of text, and the subsections do not have headings. A code amendment is proposed that modifies only subsection B, related to sight distance triangle requirements. The proposed modifications provide a definition, dimensional standard, method of measurement, and diagram for the horizontal sight triangle area and vertical clear zone, respectively. The revision will address these central goals: • Improve the ability to field locate a sight distance triangle; • Update the vertical clear zone dimensions to align with national standards; • Standardize the method of measurement for the sight distance triangle and clear zone; and • Improve clarity and organization within the zoning code. For your review, please find attached a copy of the current code (section 26-603) and a footnoted draft of the proposed revisions for section 26-603.13. Discussion of the proposed code amendment will take place on Wednesday, May 16 at the 2:00pm Micro Development meeting. Alternatively, please feel free to contact me directly to provide comment. The proposed amendment is scheduled to be presented to City Council at a study session on Monday, June 18. Changes to the Sight Distance Triangle The code establishes a sight distance triangle as the horizontal area at the intersection of two streets; a street and an alley; or a street and a driveway, Currently, the sight distance triangle is measured along the property line or right of-way line as shown in the image on the following page. This method makes it nearly impossible to field locate the sight distance triangle and, in some cases, the triangle area can encroach severely onto private property. Additionally, the location of the sight triangle does not currently align with the location from which the vertical clear zone is measured--the latter is measured vertically from the flow line or edge of pavement. N i .`� , Lea _. _ .. Property Lire Flaw Line l Edge of Pavement A.ASHT0 - American Association of State Highway hway anti Transportation Officials If a driveway is located within 15 feet of a property line, however, it is possible for a sight triangle to be located on neighboring property, For example, in the diagram below the sight triangle for lot A is partially located on lot B. Obstructions oil lot B may affect the resident of lot A, but the exemption prevents any enforcement of the sight triangle regulations. Please be prepared to briefly discuss this exemption and whether or not it should remain. Attachments 1. Original code, section 26-603 2. Proposed code, section 26-603.B -4/1/7" / i , /vt , rim kv ATTACHMENT I Current Code, Sectio • PM Divisional fences and divisional walls are permitted in any zone district with the issuance of a fence permit approved by the community development department in accordance with the requirements of this section. Measuring the of the driveway or curb cut at the right-of-way line, and for street corners or all clear zone from the flowline, or if no curb exists, from edge of pavement. The following chart drawing illustrate the minimum unobstructed sight triangles. See Figure 26-603. 1, Exception for SF/2F driveways on local street RA Lau • a F� # 11 . Maximum Height of Obstruction Re uiredSi I ht nang es Drivewav i "TIM 111IR # # ii " all uses --- 115= Exception for SF/2F driveways on local street RA Lau • a F� # 11 . ZEMEZ= hff�� a. Barbed wire shall be permitted only in the Agricultural One (A-1) zone district, or within any zone district if located within floodplain areas, or in residential zones for the keeping of large animals where allowed, provided any barbed wire is located at least three (3) feet inside of another permitted fence and that the other fence is at least forty-two (42) inches high; or Z Any fence which does not comply with the provisions hereof, unless a variance has been approved. F. Planned developments, Fences and divisional walls within a planned development may vary from these standards; provided that the fences are in conformance with the provisions set forth for fencing and walls as approved in the official development plan. � W M «. -,� I 1111111111111111111111111111111111 1 111111111 1 11:11111� Recreational uses* a. Tennis courts. b. Volleyball courts. c, Swimming pools. d. Golf driving ranges. e. Goals and backstops, f. Other similar uses. M��� All (49 1 /, A4 6 W ATTACHMENT 2 6k , Proposed Code, Section 26-603,B B, Sight distance triangle requirement. Where prop6 abuts the intersection of two streets; the intersection of an alley and a street; or the intersection of a driveway and a street, unobstructed view shall be provided and maintained at all times within the sight distance triangle and clear zone as described in this subsection. 1. Sight distance triangle. The sight distance triangle is the horizontal area at the intersection of two streets; a street and an alley; or a street and a drivewa 'des of the triangle are measured from the corner intersection along the line, or if no cu 'o exi 7 om the edge of pavement, for a distance specified belo T GWVt4p a, Streets, collector or arterial: 55 feet wffc�) b. Streets, local or private: 25 feet c. Alleys: 15 feet d. Driveways: 15 feet The third side of the triangle is a line across the corner joining the other two sides. Where an intersection has rounded corners, the sides will be extended in a straight line to a point of intersection, as shown in Figure 26-603. 1 Figure 26-603.1 - Sight Distance Triangle This reoresents a chan i 6JJ"LJLL'�Jcb is Lu=' ly, 0 ii. Approved landscaping, such as street trees; iii. Approved signs, such as pole signs with a diameter of less than 12 inches; MMGEM��� v. Obstructions in the driveway sight triangle for single and two family homes on 4 local streets, 11i ........... . . .. - KIN M�� • 2 Currently, exceptions are mentioned in 26-603,B, I and 26-603.B,2, Assuming these exceptions apply to all types of sight triangles they are proposed ♦ be listed together. Do we need to specifically identify who can grant exemptions or are these universal? 4 Currently, this exemption is codified only in a table in the code, If we keep this exemption, I'd like to include it in the text. 0 3, Signalized intersections. At signalized intersections, where both streets are eithe collectors and/or arterials, the required sight distances shall be governed by the standards set forth in the most current edition of the policy • geometric design of highways and streets, published • the American Association of State Highway a Transportation Officials (AASHTO). I For corner lots bounded by public streets or private drives with vertical curves and wher the application of the standard sight triangle regulations does not provide adequate sight clearance to protect the public safety, the director of public works (or his/her designee) shall determine the necessary vertical height clearance and the sight triangle dimensions in order to ensure a safe sight distance, ovti � i �^ a M 01 This language is the same as in the current code, but I've added a heading. IIII F IIIIIIIIIIII�1111111 lI11111111 �! 111111 � 1!111�!I IlIIIJJII�111 ti 11 IIIIIIIIIIIII11111p I Where does it apply? What is restricted within the clear zone? Not permitted in clear zone: Lermitted _inclear zone: Divisional fence Approved decorative open type fences, at least 80% open keg Wall wrought iron) up to 6' Hedge Landscaping Sign Structure Parked vehicle Other visual obstruction Permitted landscaping (eg street trees) Permitted signs leg pole signs, <12" diameter) Public utility poles MOST COMMUNITIES Top of curb -� Flow line N c 0 N f0 A Sight triangle Ut]no.. L ower . Standardized 24" (42" open) Grade 24" * 26 "(42" open) Edge 26" * 24" (42" open) Top of curb (+ 6 ") 30" * 24" Top of curb (+ 6 ") 30" 30" Street 30" 30" Top of curb (+ 6 ") 36" 30" Top of curb (+ 6 ") 36" 36" Flow line 36" 36" Flow line 36" 36" (42" open) Street 36" 36" Centerline (+ 6 ") 42" 42" Edge 42" 42" Flow line /edge 42" WHEAT RIDGE Lot line / ROW Flow line co unn— '. 4 IN- J J Edge of pavement Edge of pavement N c v E v a > ao r c a @ �- o ?� v +J O -a w i tA c 0 an w a to c «� 3 t c tuD > r Q c � N L M 3 u 3 c 06 A v Q E Q Q 086W I r- 7 AaIIH 0 a� 0 U _ CD 3 c w Q t N rI1 r L_ � r a '114 ,a (Ieoo is saws/ Sight Triangle Sight Triangle Sight Triangle Clear Zone (CZ) Clear Zone Standardized Visual Obstructions Clear Zane Measured from... Size based n... Applies to.. lower limit (LL) Measured from.... lower limit : Permitted Upper Notes Reference Limit From: Lauren Mikulak Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2011 4:07 PM To: Mark Westberg Subject: Sight Triangle Attachments: Sum maryTable doc Mark, Attached is a summary table (draft) of the sight triangle requirements for other jurisdictions. Most references should be hyperfinked to the original source (code or manual), As we've discussed, updates could address: - location of sight triangle (at flow line/edge of pavement instead or ROW/lot line) - standardize the lower limit for all types of streets (currently at 36" for some and 42" for others) - change the upper limit to reflect AASHTO standards - provide a better diagram to reflect updated codes - clarify applicability at signalized intersections T 74 fd I fg I UY CT I 7M standards, but I'm sure you guys can speak to those issues. Let me know what I can do next or if we ilecide to move this forward. UZEM Lauren E. Mikulak FIanner 1 7500 W, 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorcido 80033 Office Phone� 303-235-2845 Fax; 303-234-2845 �"vw.cimheatrid e.co,us ("ity 0f W h6at 1�dlgy �01" C(, ry DiivELOPMENT CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE 'l c-maif contains business-confidential int'orniation, It is ouctided only fiwthc Use of the individual err entity natned above. If you ate not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, electronic "storage or use offlus communication is prohibited. If you received this communication in cri-or, please notify us immediately by e-mail, attaching tile original messagc, and delete the original message torn your computer, and any network it) which your COUTIPLuCr is connected. Thank you, 07/19/2011 C'JtY Of. t� BLIC WORKS TO: Tim Paranto, Director of Public Works Dave Brossman, Development review Engineer Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner COPY: Mark Westberg, Projects Supervisor FROM: Steve Nguyen, Engineering Manager SUBJECT: Sight triangle Requirement I be handled I hope that this memo has adequately addressed this matter and also serve as a starting point for further discussion. Please let me know if you have questions or would like to have further discussion. Below is surveyed conducted by others for sight visibility clearances as a reference: IN I I I 1 Pill 11!1111 1 1 111 11111 1 11111 Fig ��111111111 1111liql1i III 111111111� �iiii �gig 1111 The determination of whether an object constitutes a sight obstruction should consider both the horizontal and vertical alignment of both intersecting roadways, as well as the height and position of the object. In making this determination, it should be assumed that the driver's eye is 1 080 mm [3.5 ft] above the roadway surface and that the object to be seen is 1 080 above the surface of the intersecting road. Where the sight-distance value used in design is based on a single-unit or combination truck as the design vehicle, it is also appropriate to use the eye height of a truck driver in checking sight obstructions, The recommended value of a truck driver's eye height is 2330 mm [7.6 ft) above the roadway surface WM M .. The vertical clearance distance for driveways shall be measured from the edge of the driveway or curb cut at the right-of-way line, and for street corners or alleys from e flowline, or if no curb flo, exists, from edge of av ment. The following chart and drawing illustrate the minimum og unobstructed sigh �triang esSee Figure 26-603, 1 I Maximuni Height of Obstruction In Required Sight Triangles Corner Drivew av Alley Lot Arterial 36" 36" all uses 36" L or Collector local 4 42", unless SF or duplex, then no 4 requirement 4 FIGURE264CO,i Lauren Mikulak From: John Schumacher Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2012 10 AM To: Lauren Mikulak Subject: RE: pool fences Follow Up Flag: Follow up Mag Status: Flagged 3= ?TV ' ' YYY I T-0,116-6KIIATf " I regulations. There are substantial variations in barrier requirements established in the adopted versions of thle International Residential Code and the International Building Code and those of 26-603.G.2. Let me know if you would like to discuss this further or if you would like me to provide more specific code-related information, Hm= Chief Building Official Office Phone: 303-235-2853 — ty , of 'Wh atR oge coximl,"NITY From: Lauren Mikulak Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2012 8:45 AM To: John Schumacher Subject: pool fences Em I am updating a portion of code that relates to sight triangles. Pool fences are discussed in the same section, and if there is any inconsistency with the building code I want to clean it up. Swimming pools shall be enclosed by a six-foot fence, with all gates being self-locking and closed and kept locked when the pool is not in use. In situations where the six-foot fence requirement exceeds other fence heigi requirements, except for sight distance requirements, the higher requirement shall control. "This provision shall apply to all In- and above-grouno pools, spas, anu flut tOut"1111) 4 QUAVI stt�dter ti lilt 1 4ay if R, accordance with the uniform building code," Uz= City of qg CoxIMUNIl'y DrvttoPkttN1' CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail contains business-confidential information. it is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above, Ifyou are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, electronic storage or use of this communication is prohibited. Ifyou received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail, attaching the original message, and delete the original message from your computer, and any network to which your computer is connected. Thank you, th S�`�^ �- ��ate d Section 26-603 Ord. No. 2001-1215, § 1, 2-26-01; ZOA-00-1 1 — Repeal and reenact chapter 26 Ord, No. 1248, § 1, 5-13-02; ZOA-02-02 — Amend concerning sight triangle Ord. No. 1288, §§ 1, 2, 5-12-03; ZOA-03-04 — Amend references to Planning and Dev to CommDev Ord. No. 1376, § 1, 10-23-06 ZOA-06-04 — Amend concerning fencing standards ZOA-06-04 Permitted barbed wire fencing in the PF zone district. ZOA-03-04 %/ a it rf&401 ZOA-02-02 Amended site distance triangles because it addressed residential streets and alleys but did not function well for the intersection • collector and arterial streets with one another. Came to the attention of staff in connection with the streetscape project and monument sign at 38 Ave and Sheridan, Added 1 - requirement that sight distances for intersections involving collector and arterial be governed by th] XA4iY-T# V Hghwwy"i Streets, as published by AASHTO) 2. requirement for other signalized intersections involving local streets, director of PW can permit modifications x a� No � ZOA-99-03 Withdrawn Wanted to clarify reps because old code talked about sight triangle in three different places. Didn't appear to move forward after a study session with planning commission, ZOA-96-08 Allowed 80% ooen, Uin height in case file! Retained exemption for SF12F Got rid of allowance for nonconformities Added the "finish grade, five (5) inside of the property" (but I think this was not the intent based on bldg code definition) See ordinance: 26-30(l) (fences, wall, obstructions) said 36" and 96" -- 96" was changed to 84" 26-31 (off-street parking) said 42 and 84 — 42 was changed to 36" 1 8-11 (June 19, 96) 12-17(Aug 27, 96) 62-63-70 oct 15, 1996 (this is where 5' ht measure came from) 53-60 nov 25, 1996 F rJ67-trWfT - T I eFIrW I FT er cars Isea To IT (e• minis, coopers, sports cars, sedans) therefore would make sense to have a consistent lower limit at 36" It doesn't appear that this happened Tried to eliminated SF/2F exemption I'l ME= 4 ��"W hc,at P, .«. 1 * . 0 Case No. 111M % Date Received Case Description Amend coda concerning sight distance 7/1 2/2011 Related uses Case Planner Name City of Wheat Ridge Name Rhone Address City State Zip Name Name Phone Address City Stake Zi{i Name Name Phone Address City State Zip ac!> Address Street ;.. City State CQ Zip Location Description :Citywide Project Name Parcel No. Qtr Section: District No.: Pte-App Date Neighborhood Meeting gate App No: Review hype Review Body Review Date Disposition Comments Report 7/1 2/2011 Related uses Case Planner