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4' City of h6 NIV atRijge- I 1 [T. 0 WAIII01 g!ff WHEREAS, an application for a Conditional Use Permit was submitted for property located at 5995 W. 38` Avenue to allow for new construction of a convenience store with fueling station in the Mixed Use-Neighborhood (MU-N) zone district, referenced as Case No. CUP-12-01; and WHEREAS, City staff found basis for approval of the Conditional Use Permit, relying on criteria listed in Section 26-1118 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws and in information submitted in the case file; and WHEREAS, the application has been through the standard agency referral and all utilities can serve with improvements built by the developer; NOW THEREFORE, be it hereby resolved that a Conditional Use Permit to allow a fueling station on property zoned Mixed Use- Neighborhood (MU-N) pursuant to case No. CUP- 12-01 /WSP-12- 03, is granted based on the following findings of fact: With the following condition: 1. A final landscape plan that incorporates the revised landscaping and monument sign I location in the 38 right-of-way shall be required and approved through the building pen application process. Kenneth Johnstonl'AICP Community E pirient Director Date City of Wheat �dge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT TO: Community Development Director CASE MANAGER: Sarah Showalter DATE: December 27, 2012 CASE NO. & NAME: CUP -12 -01/7- Eleven ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Conditional Use Permit on MU -N zone property to allow a convenience store with fueling station. LOCATION OF REQUEST: 5995 W. 38 °i Avenue PROPERTY OWNER: 4.02006, LLC PRESENT ZONING: Mixed Use - Neighborhood (MU -N) PRESENT LAND USE: Vacant commercial structure ENTER INTO RECORD: CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS ZONING ORDINANCE LOCATION MAP Case CUP -12 -01/7- Eleven 1 All application requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to make a determination for this Conditional Use Permit request. I. REQUEST The applicant, 7- Eleven, is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to allow a gas station on property zoned MU -N at 5995 W 38 th Avenue (Exhibit 1, Written Request from Applicant). Motor fueling stations are a Conditional Use in the MU -N zone district. Conditional Uses require a Conditional Use Permit (CUP), which provide an additional level of administrative review in order to assess potential impacts on the surrounding area. Pursuant to Section 26 -1118 of the Code of Laws, the Community Development Director has the ability to decide on applications for CUP approval, without requirement for a public hearing, provided the following conditions are met: 1. A pre - application meeting is held with the applicant with Community Development and Public Works staff. 2. A completed application package has been submitted and the CUP fee paid. 3. The proposed use meets the standard for separation from adjacent fueling stations. 4. The proposed application has been through the City's standard agency referral process. 5. The Community Development director concludes that the criteria for review, set forth below, have been substantially met. II. EXISTING CONDITIONS The property is located at 5995 W. 38 Avenue at the northeast corner of Harlan and 38 Avenue. The property is zoned Mixed Use - Neighborhood (MU -N). Immediately to the north, south, east, and west are properties zoned MU -N. Most of the adjacent uses are commercial, with the Sandalwood Rehabilitation across Harlan to the west of the site, and a Sandalwood parking lot immediately north of the site. The parcel is rectangular in shape and is about 21,500 SF in size. The site contains a single -story commercial building that was previously used for auto repair but is currently vacant. The southern edge of the site borders the City's 38 Avenue streetscape, with a detached sidewalk and landscaping. The western border of the site, along Harlan, contains an attached walk with no landscaping. The site has one access point onto Harlan and one shared access point, via a cross access easement with the commercial property to the east, on W. 38 Avenue. III. CASE ANALYSIS The applicant is proposing to demolish the existing structure on the site and construct a new convenience store with fueling station. As part of the project, the applicant will construct a 6' sidewalk with 6' amenity zone with landscaping along Harlan Street. The applicant also agreed to dedicate right -of -way (ROW) to the City along both Harlan and 38 Avenue so that streetscape improvements along both streets are in ROW. City Council has already approved the dedication of ROW and vacation of the former streetscape easement along 38 Avenue. Case CUP -12 -01/7- Eleven The convenience store building will be oriented to the southwest comer of the site, with an entry at the comer and frontage along both Harlan and 38 Avenue. Harlan Street is the primary street and 55% of the property's frontage along Harlan will have building frontage within 0-7 feet of the Harlan Street , MY— . . . . . .. property line An administrative adjustment was previously approved by the Community allow a 55%, rather than 60%, build-to ON Ad 38 th Avenue is the secondary street and 30% of the building frontage is within 0-3 feet of the property line. The building's architecture conforms to all of the design standards in the MU-N zone district, includin material variety, ground floor transparency, and faVade articulation . . . . The open space for the site will be 22%. This includes the landscaped. area along 38" Avenue that was formally part of the site prior to the ROW dedication. There are 11 proposed parking spaces, which is two more than what is required by the zoning. The MU-N zoning requires a 1,000 foot separation between gas stations. The closest existing gas station to this site, measured from property line to property line, is the fueling station at the King Soopers at 3817 Sheridan Blvd, which is about 1,800 feet from the site, The Community Development Director shall find that the majority of the CUP criteria in Section 26- 1118 are met in order to approve a CUP application. Staff provides the following review and analysis of the CUP criteria. A. The compatibility of the proposed use with the Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan, Envision Wheat Ridge (2009), identifies 38' Avenue as the community's main street and also highlights this corridor as a priority redevelopment area. The proposed development meets the goals of the comprehensive plan by providing new investment on the corridor, as well as new streetscaping and a site design that complements a main street environment. Case CUP- 12- 01 }'7- Eleven The store and gas station are proposed to operate for 24 hours. This is appropriate since the site is not adjacent to a residential use and 38' Avenue is envisioned as an active, mixed-use corridor with uses that continue into the night. The placement of the building and gas canopy on the southern and eastern portion of the lot help to ensure that most of the noise/activity generated in the night will occur close to 38` Avenue and to the commercial property to the east. Stqf ,f concludes that this criterion has been met. C. The ability to mitigate adverse and undesirable impacts to the surrounding areas including but not limited to visual impacts, air emissions, vibrations, glare, heat, odors, water pollution, and other nuisance effects. Staff conchides that this criterion has been met. D. The amount of traffic generated and capacity and design of roadways to handle anticipated traffic. Case CUP-12-01/7-Eleven 4 Staff 'co nchides that this criterion has been met, E. The incorporation and integration of architectural and landscape features to mitigate impacts from the proposed use. As mentioned above, the site design includes a 5-foot landscape buffer between the parking/vehicular drive area and the northern property line. This area will be planted with shrubs and trees to provide visual screening. The set area, which is on the northern elevation, is oriented so that it does not face the street. It is fully screened by an architectural screen wall and landscaped area between the screen wall and Harlan St property line. St(?f ,f concludes that this criterion has been met. All affected service agencies were contacted regarding their ability to serve the property. All have indicated that they can serve the property. Specific referral responses follow. City of Wheat Ridge Public Works: The Public Works Department reviewed the plans, including a preliminary drainage report and trip generation study and analysis, and has approved the CUP. Wheat Ridge Sanitation District: Can serve. The applicant will be responsible for any upgrades that may be required, to be determined with the building pen Wheat Ridge Fire District: Can serve, It is the applicant's responsibility to verify that all Fire Department permits are acquired and to very that existing fire hydrants meet or exceed the fire flow requirements. Xcel Energy: Can serve. The applicant made changes to the landscape plan to comply with Xcel's guidelines for plantings near electric lines. Staff concludes that the evaluation criteria support approval of the CUP request for the following reasons: Case CUP- I 2-01/7-Eleven Case CUP - i 2-01/7-Eleven m EXHIBIT 1: WRITTEN REQUEST FROM APPLICANT 74;1even. Inc. October 4, 2012 Sarah Showalter, AtCP, LEED AP Planner II City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 RE: Conditional Use Permit - Written Narrative for 7- Eleven #Store 36492 Proposed at 38 and Harlan, Wheat Ridge, CO Dear Ms. Showalter, The purpose of this letter is to provide a narrative describing the proposed 7- Eleven development on the north -east corner of 38th Ave and Harlan Street in the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado. The address is 5995 W. 38" Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado, Wstintt Conditions The approximate 25,377 SF site is currently used as an auto repair shop and is located at the north -east corner of 38th Ave and Harlan Street. There is one existing, two -way driveway on 38th Ave. The majority of the site is covered in old asphalt pavement. The site and surrounding areas are completely developed with commercial on all sides, with neighborhood commercial to the north. The site drains to the west, Harlan Street. A city- funded project along W. 38th Avenue between Harlan and Sheridan resulted in the streetscape amenities that are located adjacent to the site. These include the landscaping, a low garden wall, patterned pavers, bollards, and pedestrian lighting along the W, 38th Avenue frontage and at the corner. Zoning Information The site is currently zoned Commercial -One IC -1) but is expected to be rezoned to Mixed Use - Neighborhood (MU-NJ by the end of October as part of a city- initiated rezoning of the 38th Avenue corridor. The application assumes that the property will be zoned MU -N and the project is designed accordingly. A Conditional Use Permit is required for fuel sales in the Mixed Use - Neighborhood (MU -N). Adjacent properties are zoned commercial one district (Cl) and neighborhood commercial (NC). The proposed improvements include the 7- Eleven'5 demolition of existing building, the site development and construction of a new 3010 square foot building along with a fuel facility consisting of fuel canopy, new underground storage tanks and 4 fueling dispenser stations (8 Conditional Use Permit Narrative -Store #136492 38th & Harlan Page 1 Case CUP -12 -01/7- Eleven pumps), The project will include site utilities, site access, paved parking, circulation, landscaping and freestanding signage. The plan meets safety and access requirements for vehicles and fuel trucks on the site. The intended use is for the 24 hour operation of a 7- Eleven convenience store including retaii sales of motor vehicle fuel, tobacco, lottery, ATM, convenience items, pre-packaged foods, hot foods, fresh foods, beverages and 3.2% beer for off -site consumption. Compliance with Zoning Standards - Mixed Use Neighborhood. I. Site Design — Building Locotion The proposed project is designed to meet the new Mixed Use Zone - Neighborhood Zone build - to requirements. The MU-N tone district establishes a build -to requirement rather than a minimum setback. The building is required to be located within 12 feet of the front property line. More specifically, it requires a 0 -12 foot build -to area for 60% of the primary street frontage and 30% along the secondary street. In this case, the building is pushed up to the 38th and Harlan frontages with Harlan Street the Primary Street and 38 "' Avenue the Secondary Street, which provides a more attractive, pedestrian- friendly facade along Harlan Street. Harlan Build -To (Primary Street Frontage in Feet): Overall North South property Dimension r 182.25 Subtract Sidewalk Easement along South = 17 Net Overall Length - 165.25 Primary Build To Street (60% of overall) Requirement - 99.15 North South Portion of Building = 90.63 Variance = 8.52/91.4% The build -to does not quite meet 6096, but is within 10% and we respectfully request an administrative adjustment. 38'" Avenue Build -To (secondary Street Frontage in Feet): Overall East West property Dimension = 140 Primary Build To Street (30% of overall) Requirement= 42 East West Portion of Budding = 42.41 Exceeds Standard by 0.41 Feet. The build -to area is affected by the location of existing streetscape amenities and easements which encroach on the property. In order to allow for the building to located closer to Harlan Street, City Staff stated that they are willing to vacate all or a portion of any of the easements and make them into ROW. The new ROW to be dedicated will be 1 foot behind the sidewalk along both streets. The City will manage the easement vacation and ROW dedication. For both the easement vacation and ROW dedication, the 7- Eleven team will provide the necessary legal descriptions and exhibits. In the MU -N zone district, a single use development requires 15% of the lot area be designated open space. The proposed plan meets the open space requirements Conditional Use Permit Narrative -Store 1136492 38th & Harlan Page 2 Case CUP -12 -01/7- Eleven 4 RoWding Intrances Buildings in the MU-N zone district are reQvired to have at feast one main public entry that face the prim" street frontage (Harlan Street, In this caw., twcause the site is a car rw, r lot, the publit entry has been oriented toward the SbWhwest corner, the ptlrnarV entry is located on the east elevation, CONOMM" W Pt CWTEM4 The Community Development Director shaft base his or her decision to aprwe approve With cOnftO"*, or d" a Conditional Use Permit 4pplitificin in conWtifkion a the f crittria: Condiflartal Use Permit Narrative -Store #36492 38th & - 11 - a last --- Page 3 Case CHIP -1?- 01/7 - Eleven 9 l� iiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiii� iiiii IN! ig'11�11111 III 11�� 1111111 1111111� 111111111111 111, W A city-funded pr*Ct alOng W 38th AvOnVe bOtw"O IffW14ok a"4 Sheridan rewired irs t)* - 1h aQ It 'I ho titp J�IuOe thhe landst I if you have any questions or need afttional information regarding this subnonal,don't hesitate to contact me at (303) 9154 282 Conditional Use Pe It Narrative -Store #36492 3M & Harlan Page 4 Case CUP- 1 2- 01,/7- Eleven 10 D. U 00 C . Y9 S n n i z 0 i - m O �u a� �N L� .g o� 7x 0 sa Rs 2' 7- ELEVEN STORE NO. 36492 - W. 38TH AVE. & HARLAN ST. SITE PLAN AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) LOT t, CARTER MINOR SUBDIVISION, BEING IN THE SE 114 OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPLE MERIDIAN COUNTY OF JEFFERSON STATE OF COLORADO NOD' 18' 8COM J 8 9DEWAl1K ON THE n 2S EAST - SIDE - —_ W f I $� I "� I 7 I qa ----- ---- m�m , VACATED I I BY A . SEPARATE /� 1 t O° I I DOCUMENT "// `/ I SIOEWAIX I x o @°O OD 0 I PROPERTY L1Iff I sx.1 r 6.50' as. I D 0 1 0Nl)18Vd ON I I TRASH 0 tTYP DAl i I I I ,B• 7.1' • ' • Y O R 5' 7.B 5 l 0 0 1 I I I 7.78• 592 i oQ o Q� I III 42.., I I '' AMN &A RMPS I I I I • I . PROPERTY � I Q O I � 8 LINE CIO ` IIII W w ,o �p o p0 I 0 Z I I S �� I I VACAlEO �.� " 1.2. SEPARATE O . I O O MA% _ DOCUMENT N88'48'32.7 I I II I TO r.� O 6.94' s.a5 I o O ❑ r/ lLL N., ONLY SIGN I 0 0 - -1 - 10 PDAAW 500' OD OO.OD'E 7' -2, III I T R 5]] i 2 INVERTED TO p� H -v 1X4E AT THIS LOCATION —�' 7• ' I � I 26.t3' LANDSCAPE AREA I E]OS1wG ADA LANDING AREA 121. —_ - BUFFER LANDSCAPE BUFFER „� I TO MATCH E]OSRNO, REFER TO LANDSCAPE PLAN. FISTING SIDEWALK — I RAW OF REFER TO LA PLAIN 38TH AVE. REFER TO AN. N SCALE ,0 0 10 20 1 Inch - 30 7 BUILD —TO REQUIREMENTS Harlan Build -To (Primary Street Fronts e): Required Build -To 60% within 0 -12 feet of ro line Length of property frontage on Harlan 165.25 feet Length of building (including dumpster enclosure) 90.63 feet Provided Build -To (administrative adjustment to be requested for 5% variance from required 60%) 55% within 0 - j of property lin 38' Build -To (Secondary Street Frontage): Required Build -To 30% within 0 -12 feet of y line Length of property frontage on 38 Avenue 140 feet Length of building 42 feet Provided Build -To 30% within 0 -3 feet of prop line ,iv- Wicuiu Liurt5 are Dasea on vacouon or streetscape easement /future property lines. LEGEND — — — PNOPERIY LIIJE - - - -- C URSING WOEWALA HHFi3W DVfYCONCREfE PAVNO HAlRiSoN FABNCH 809 &W, A Sm' Si. 201 BHamovBk, ,— 7V12 1 079173.780 079273.9036 t j r i t�t'Ett. F 1 WAO HGy $ n W I < U W � ISSUE BLOCK STORE NO.: 78092 DOCUMENT DATE 11/70/2012 CHECKED BY: SAW DRANK BY: NAJ SITE PLAN REV -2 SHLF C1.a EXIT /13 T z EXHIBIT 3: ADMIN. ADJUSTMENT APPROVAL Case CUP-1 2-01/7-Eleven en 11 7- ELEVEN STORE NO. 36492 - W. 38TH AVE. & HARLAN ST. SITE PLAN AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) LOT 1, CARTER MINOR SUBDIVISION, BEING IN THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPLE MERIDIAN COUNTY OF JEFFERSON STATE OF COLORADO DASHED LINE REPRESENTS MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT BEYOND. TYP WALL PACK (TYP) — REFERENCE ELECTRICAL EMERGENCY EGRESS .- LIGHT FIXTURE REFERENCE ELECTRICAL REAR EGRESS DOOR • PAINTED BROWN SUGAR a V A NORTH ELEVATION HIGH IMPACT EIFS CORNICE PAINTED SANDY WHITE TO HIGH PARAPE� 21' -0' / O PMAP 19' ACME BRICK RUSTIC FLASH I BRICK SOLDIER COURSE _T O_SCREEN 0 211•-8' PREFINISHED ALUMINUM S. STOREFRONT DARK SRO NZ� ` PREFINISHED ALUMINUM Jr CANOPY HEMLOCK GREEN ACME BRICK - SLATE �- � ��- STONE WATERTABLE — T CON CRETE SLAB. 0 TRANSPARENCY [PRIMARY STREET, HARLAN STA REQUIRED TRANSPARENCY 60% OF BUILDING FACADE (FOR AREA BETWEEN 3 FT AND B FT ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR) PROVIDED TRANSPARENCY 60.6% TOTAL AREA 3 FT - 8 FT ON FACADE • 70 -11' r 5'-(' • 487 92 SF TOTAL AREA TRANSPARENT . 295.83 SF (295 83 SF148792 SF • 60 6%) 'TRANSPARENCY CALCULATIONS INCLUDE DIMENSIONS FROM THE SOUTHWEST ELEVATION 195% OF THE REQUIRED AREA IS COMPOSED OF SPANDREL GLASS REQUIRED TRANSPARENCY 30% OF BUILDING FACADE IFOR AREA BETWEEN 3 FT AND 8 FT ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR) PROVIDED TRANSPARENCY 42.3% TOTAL AREA 3 FT - 8 FT ON FACADE • 130 SF TOTAL AREA TRANSPARENT • 55 SF (550 30 • 42 3 %) HIGH IMPACT EIFS CORNICE PAINTED T 0 HIGH PARAPET SAVOY NMLEE 0 — 1 BRICK - T PARA_PET_ RUSTIC FLASH 14.0 PREFINISHED ALUMINUM - -- STOREFRONTDARKBRONZE BRICK SOLDIER COURSE — T9. SCREEN _ 11• -B' FABRIC CANOPY OVER ALUMINUM FRAME - FOREST GREEN PREFINISHED ALUMINUM CAP DARK BRONZE ACID BRICK -SLATE — DASHED LINE RFDRFSFNTS MFf_HANIf.AI \ <- 0 / TO SCREEN ,,.6 7-,1 r r -3' EAST ELEVATION 1 3RG •,'-0 1S -B' W X y _ W � W D 38 i T, .E BLOCK STORE NO.: 36492 DOCUMENT DATE: 12/18/12 CHECKED BY. UL nanN+, a Kx EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS RB -E xi4 1Ai i q TO HIGH PARAPET jh 21• -Q TOP ARAPET 19.0 4_ 11 0' I,I z r'v )) ELEVATION - W. 38TH AVE. SIGNAGE IS FOR RE—E-1ATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND WILL BE SUBMITTED THROUGH A SEPARATE BULDING PERMIT DASHED LINE REPRESENTS MECHANICAL 20-2 EQUIPMENT BEYOND. TYP 111RRI %)N FRILN(.I I A S-1, Suirc 3N1 11-w -ilk, AA— 72ZH2 f J7v171W.V, I lk Y "�36r�a��' �$yy: pug Pi W V N N 0 00 WEST ELEVATION - HARLAN ST. COURSE 2 A PREFINISHED DASHED LINE b fi STOREFRONT DARK IT. 21F 6' _ _ HIGH IMPACT EIFS REPRESENTS MIECHAMCAL STONE WATERTABLE CORNICE PAINTED SANDY WHITE EQUIPMENT BEYOND. TYP , SIGNAGE IS FOR REPRESENATIONAL 3'- 0' T.O. NIGH P T _ PURPOSES ONLY AND WALL BE SUBMITTED - - 10 HIGH T 2I ACME BRICK-RUSTIC THROUGR7CSEPARATE BUTLDING PERMIT - _ _PARME Il' TO.PARAPEO CANOPY COLUMN SOUTHWEST ELEVATION `� 3/,6• • r4r _T.O.PARAPE 5 m ACME BRICK- b RUSTICFLASH slow 7-,1 r r -3' EAST ELEVATION 1 3RG •,'-0 1S -B' W X y _ W � W D 38 i T, .E BLOCK STORE NO.: 36492 DOCUMENT DATE: 12/18/12 CHECKED BY. UL nanN+, a Kx EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS RB -E xi4 1Ai i q TO HIGH PARAPET jh 21• -Q TOP ARAPET 19.0 4_ 11 0' I,I z r'v )) ELEVATION - W. 38TH AVE. SIGNAGE IS FOR RE—E-1ATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND WILL BE SUBMITTED THROUGH A SEPARATE BULDING PERMIT DASHED LINE REPRESENTS MECHANICAL 20-2 EQUIPMENT BEYOND. TYP 111RRI %)N FRILN(.I I A S-1, Suirc 3N1 11-w -ilk, AA— 72ZH2 f J7v171W.V, I lk Y "�36r�a��' �$yy: pug Pi W V N N 0 00 BRICK SOLDIER — COURSE ACME "RICK SLATE A PREFINISHED ALUMINUM b fi STOREFRONT DARK IT. BRONZE STONE WATERTABLE P OF KNEE WALL 3'- 0' ONCRETE Sml'_Q� ACME BRICK-RUSTIC FLASH- WRAPPED CANOPY COLUMN SOUTHWEST ELEVATION `� 3/,6• • r4r 7-,1 r r -3' EAST ELEVATION 1 3RG •,'-0 1S -B' W X y _ W � W D 38 i T, .E BLOCK STORE NO.: 36492 DOCUMENT DATE: 12/18/12 CHECKED BY. UL nanN+, a Kx EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS RB -E xi4 1Ai i q TO HIGH PARAPET jh 21• -Q TOP ARAPET 19.0 4_ 11 0' I,I z r'v )) ELEVATION - W. 38TH AVE. SIGNAGE IS FOR RE—E-1ATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND WILL BE SUBMITTED THROUGH A SEPARATE BULDING PERMIT DASHED LINE REPRESENTS MECHANICAL 20-2 EQUIPMENT BEYOND. TYP 111RRI %)N FRILN(.I I A S-1, Suirc 3N1 11-w -ilk, AA— 72ZH2 f J7v171W.V, I lk Y "�36r�a��' �$yy: pug Pi W V N N 0 00 W e L 2 �? ry n � � i3 I{ tl 1AI y y (L' V Cs v�¢ wa but n n v 4 J n z w -1000 t 0 M uCM- OOF°! N � R M rl LU { E t i uj Po dt 4 �,ry� a � b 2 Ji i W e L 2 �? ry n � � i3 I{ tl 1AI y y (L' V Cs v�¢ wa but n n v 4 J n z w -1000 t 0 M uCM- OOF°! oc L LU { E t i uj 2 Ji i i uj L 4 4"" E 1 10 :r: C] d �` # 1 i ! I w ( [ tJ I t i } t 0 � p 33I R C, t Y i k-• "�. �. � 4" G n� W e L 2 �? ry n � � i3 I{ tl 1AI y y (L' V Cs v�¢ wa but n n v 4 J n z w -1000 t 0 M uCM- OOF°! f 0 f CA � vl I f 3 ' f ' I t n�9 5995 W, 38TH AVE -0 n�9 5995 W, 38TH AVE -0 WTHEAT RIDGE. CO 802 ti P I III i PROJ NUMBER 14-111-009,91 rn ..C=' f,.! M 2 - 9: 222"' - User C'4kje"watt A r Y REV- _t , JC}., ° CO �s", "l lJ'k4 ik"'�„ t ��G. t 1 1 -- 2v ,- t I g F,j P vx QT `73 {S %} r; 10, .: 3 b rn > g n or g G t 5 i tb ! d K 4sl 4 1$3 k i (kill MUM? f.. Y. �.. 2u ., S .i; R A .Ti. C'3 -; M 0 6 f 4 f5 fD 0 f"} " z�'}} z _ - f^ L... �' > 3 • r'. SI'k .� '° qg $00 16'48,00`E l 4' t ., .�i 4` 9 xI . z J t ' I "1 y m %} r; 10, .: 3 b rn > or g G t 5 i V') b K 4sl 4 1$3 k i sue' f.. Y. �.. 2u ., S .i; R A .Ti. C'3 -; M 0 6 4 f5 fD 0 f"} " z�'}} z TZ f^ L... �' > 3 • r'. SI'k .� '° qg m 1 ` » . z J '' rztii $ "1 5'I W i^ n ' Cfi O .3,z. i + 4} Q ^L r. M Y > " 23 ' m Ff b v > Lag r i C Me Z G+� z 4f 2 m 7] cr rMT fu y m %} r; 10, .: 3 b rn > YS g G t 5 i V') b - Tf I 4sl 4 1$3 k i sue' f.. Y. �.. 2u ., S .i; R A .Ti. C'3 -; M 0 6 4 f5 fD 0 f"} " z�'}} z TZ f^ L... �' > 3 • r'. SI'k .� '° qg . z J '' rztii $ 1} l d {'S 5'I W i^ n ' Cfi + 4} Q ^L r. M Y > " 23 ' m Ff b v > Lag ,0.a" y m %} r; 10, .: 3 b rn > t'1 g G t 5 i V') b - Tf I 4sl 4 1$3 k i i to 5995 W, 38TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80212 D e. -2i = Gvl2...!£.L`f_14:.#'tt (E tFoOkf ✓rk .t Pros ,s\ll 00951 '025444 'Deriver, CO 44 *ha \Ck,, 1t i0 Gang; \C`�^.� I! REV— t 1 CUP" , 11 - - 09-0 J. z .. a� =:cam r� �! S ! n �y z3 f t m a� �! S U [ _ rt, h r'% x i ,t �vnt # -' x l.• y aa.al. _K! r I} z 2 ri <. 't. r �'. 1.: f } vtJ 4 kt k; 71 'r R - w 1 r 7i _ rvE t ri in z z r r u 01 [[ P S T : . 7 ,- t }: � M ay y/ N ,. 17 IT i t..a ,. N A t !- _ ..�. t_ '_:. :., > ;✓. [ x= ` -� I � ` Sf T- i'1 � .� 2 � r- a S' �.. �. M : r .n ,.; vim} t..l ,:. .. �. j; 4T: GO.. I? E =` , tY IM v }� ^: I _ a 'J L .. "ate- , v 1 aS: .�'. Vfi Zi t, r � h . toy _n .. t0 V3 IT t , E a wu i C.5 � Y ,ti: F (•� t v s �fi `. t , E x > z . Cf FTI ll I T z is [ € t U n lu rl r� ii 3 Al Al C„ k �E Q _ _ of Cv t 'a Ui a IJ Y t ti Y � rl A3 A l 3 Y x 75 m a� WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80212 �rce U Q z > I e> 5995 W, 338TH AVE Fn d5 0 E -L PROJ NUMBER 14-11-00951 �$ X m (( z h k � x p in c } 0 z iu r x: T, G v 011 ; In M { Le th t >) Cn: Cl) ya,a Jr m f?? if tt5 S 4, All tD t^t r S v r h3 P e: a «z u U Q z > I e> 5995 W, 338TH AVE Fn d5 0 E -L PROJ NUMBER 14-11-00951 �$ X m (( z f� � � x p in c } 0 z iu r S , e> 5995 W, 338TH AVE Fn d5 0 E -L PROJ NUMBER 14-11-00951 �$ X m (( z f� � � x p in c } 0 z iu r x: T, G v 011 ; In M { Le th t >) Cn: S , e> 5995 W, 338TH AVE Fn d5 0 E -L PROJ NUMBER 14-11-00951 �$ X m 9 f� � � x p in c } 0 z iu r x: T, G v 011 ; In M { Le th t >) Cn: Cl) ya,a Jr m f?? tt5 All r v r h3 P e: a «z u ww S , e> 5995 W, 338TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80212 hi s � n E -L PROJ NUMBER 14-11-00951 S , e> 5995 W, 338TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80212 hi s � n PROJ NUMBER 14-11-00951 S , e> i x� C A.t ! M1 y r t. 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RE ROD CriGN.:OF THIS DRAWING FOP RELIS�� ON KNONEM, 'PROJECT M NOT AUTHORIZED, AND MAY BE :, I TRAF'.'Y TO PHE. LAW, f rrtA�4�S $t" s.tf xGl ` AND IT IS NCT 557 LAKE FOR USE CM A WYERENT F4E1,h CT Sat ON AT A LAIWI TIME, USE OF THIS DRAWNG FOR REFERENCE MGR "AMPLE ON AN01 PROJE REW t ' rqE V — W OF 4 ..E"S ENGINEERS. RE ROD CriGN.:OF THIS DRAWING FOP RELIS�� ON KNONEM, 'PROJECT M NOT AUTHORIZED, AND MAY BE :, I TRAF'.'Y TO PHE. LAW, f (v GN 15: 7ir s C vE Ar° IHO : i s 4 a + z olm r -° 1 ) F ' S A, A F i I t � i i S l1 f 4 Q+: LL, ,£ f V. ;k 4 ;W44 ANN, AT 42 A es I .9 ,fi b �t ', l if 1 1 X1 + �E ampo No LIE y} `? c) .°;.,. ei so W CC LL '.. a ..y .. I? ice' t . M J „K,Feb.as.. � a P � i asp i cF t � � rj s^- u A fS. Vii,.} VS W x> LLi S .'l z olm r -° 1 ) F ' S A, A F i I t � i 5 � t r � � Q+: LL, ,£ f V. ;k .9 ,fi b 5 � t .v,. ... ,: �. •-< -. .(K '.r. ¢.`tit r � � Q+: LL, f V. ;k �t + �E LIE y} `? c) .°;.,. ei so W CC LL '.. to t°5 I? ice' t . M J uw t A fS. Vii,.} .v,. ... ,: �. •-< -. .(K '.r. ¢.`tit r � � Q+: LL, f V. ;k .v,. ... ,: �. •-< -. .(K '.r. ¢.`tit r � � 4 LIE y `? c) .°;.,. ei so W CC LL LIJ to t°5 I? ice' t . M J t A fS. Vii,.} VS W x> LLi S .'l .v,. ... ,: �. •-< -. .(K '.r. ¢.`tit TO: Case file for Case WP -12 -03/7- Eleven COPY TO: Case file for Case CLIP -1 - 0117 - Eleven FROM: Sarah Showalter, Planner 11 DATE: December 28, 2012 SUBJECT: Processing of Case WSP- 12-03 Case number WSP- 12-03, a site plan approval for the property at 5995 W. 3 8th Avenue, was processed concurrently with CLIP- 12 -01. All relevant files for case WSP-1 2-03 may be found in the case file for case number CUP-12-01. For additional information or questions please cart Marley Phillips, Project Manager, at 479 -273 -7780 extension 5 €1 Sincerely, Nick Jewett Civil Project Coordinator t 479.273.7780 ext.286 f 888.520,9685 WNVN .hfa- ae <COm Sarah Showalter From: Sarah Showalter Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2012 8.49 AM To: 'Meeter, Greg' Cc: Joseph Levey ooseph.levey( hfa-ae.com); Scott Weisbeck Subject. RE: 11-00951 Wheat Ridge, CO 36492 Elevations Al Tree Lilac. This has a shorter max height (20 feet) compared to the Ivory Silk Japanese Tree Lilac that was proposed, There is concern that the Ivory Silk will grow to be too tall under the wires so please change the species to the Summer Snow, Sarah Showalter, AICP, LEED An- Planner 11 Office Phone: 303-235-2849 Fax: 303-235-2857 1 Oly 'of From: Meeter, Greg [mailto: Gregory. Meeter@lendlease.com] Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2012 6:43 PM To: Sarah Showalter Cc: Joseph Levey ooseph.levey@hfa-ae.com); Scott Weis beck Subject: FW: 11-00951 Wheat Ridge, CO 36492 Elevations Emu - we o MIMM717,7777777- WOW fire code reasons) to the north elevation. We plan on adding these minor changes to the "Final" Site Plan. As soon as t photometric issues are resolved, we plan on submitting the final set. I 61MMINATUO" MM1411114TAM Vnvu��� 611 Gayior Street, Denver, CO 80206 M 303 919 4282 gregory.meeter@lendlease.com I www.lend_lease.com From: Joseph Levey [mailtw.Lose h.lev a-ae- &mm] Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2012 12:21 PM To: Meeter, Greg; Scott Weisbeck Cc: Nick Jewett; Nolte, Christopher Subject: FW: 11-00951 Wheat Ridge, CO 36492 Elevations EM Please see the attached revised elevations for Wheat Ridge. Note that at the champhored corner columns were added to support the cantilevered roof. lever # # #'. # the addition of support columns. 1�1 - vuaits flease let me know. Sincerely, ME MM • .#* Accelerating Growth through Alignmeot, Efficiency and Innovation, �M �- cell: 479.644,4722 fax: 888,520M85 iq-s@P—h,!@yvqY-& Lffg--a2eso-m �8Lww,hfa-ae,CORI 1 FRENCIA 809 &W, A Street, Suito 201 Bentonvifl e, Arkansas 72712 I he infurnation ;s "ntended or y fo� the person o enlity to which "s acafessed and may colltall -cnhd1,11 and I co Use, disvosure, delnbL6091, OJ jreprod- 01 this b) u, tenced recipe 4s nol au,, orized and may be unta � H y ,v re eve 'N's' 4,1 11 -28 -12 City of Wheat Ridge Sarah Showalter, AICP Planner II RE: Review Comments HFA Project # 12 -11 -00951 Store # 1025444 7- Eleven: 36492 U U9 E9dLE� iz 3 1 L� In response to your comments, please find the following responses: Cover Sheet C0.0 1. Pease remove the General Notes, which refer to construction. These notes can go on the building permit Application but they are not relevant for the Site Plan/CUP. Response: Acknowledged, notes have been removed for• the CUP submittal. e ase turn off the layer that is in grey font and appears to have labels from the survey in large grey font. These layers overlap with the drawing and are not needed. In some locations, the grey font overlaps with the main font on the drawing and you cannot read the main labels (see attached redlines). Response: Acknorn•ledged, text removed. 3 eet list — please give sheet numbers to all pages. Response: Acknotirledged, will comply. Site Plan — Sheet C1.0 Lykl change the page title in the bottom right corner to "Site Plan" (delete "Conditional Use "). esponsc: I—, . witional Use " re moved. 2. ase delete the legal description of the lot, which appears in grey in the middle of the site plan drawing. esponse: Acknowledged, text removed. 3. a clarify what the 7.83' dimension to the south of the entry at the corner is supposed to dimension. It is not ear what it is pointing to on the southern end. Response: The dimension hits been redrawn to the edge of eristing sideivalk. Landscape Plan — Sheet C5.0 O"Please note that the minimum size for shrubs is 5 gallons and some are shown as 3 gallons. Response: Acknois shrubs have been increased to this sire. 2. For the northern landscape strip under the electric wires, it appears that the proposed Golden Rain Trees could be too tall for this area since they can grow as tall as 30 feet. Do you have the clearance between the ground and the C 809 Southwest A Street, Suite 201 Bentonville, Arkansas 72712 Phone 479.273.7780 Fax 888.520.9685 overhead wires? If so, please let us know and our horticultural staff can make a suggestion for a tree species from Xcel's list. Response: Please see updated species callout for this change in species under the poker lines. 3 ou may want to consider fewer barberry shrubs since they have barbs. esponse: Acknowledged, hill comply. Open Space Exhibit — Sheet C5.1 1 his drawing does not appear to be complete. It is not clear where the areas are that are counted as landscaped Z open space and useable open space. The legend has one hatch pattern that is unlabeled and the useable open space hatch is not clearly represented on the drawing. Response: Please see updated hatch patterns on this exhibit. 2. is recommended that you grey -out the base landscape drawing since it has so many hatch patterns already and en overlay the two hatch patterns from the legend to clearly show which areas were counted. Response: Acknowledged, it-ill comply% lease keep in mind that only landscaping on your property may be counted in the open space requirements. Response: Landscaping has been calculated based on the existing property line per prior city approval. 4. ease refer to Section 26 -1110 "Open Space Requirements" and Section 26 -1119 "Definitions" to confirm how o calculate the open space and the definitions for useable open space. Response: Acknowledged. Photometric Plan — Sheet 1 Xis page requires a sheet title and sheet number in the bottom right comer to match the other pages. esponse: :Icknowledged, see updated photometric plan %r thc\, t hang 2,,PT�ase add the property line to the drawing and clearly label both streets. Response: Acknowledged, will comply. 3 ach light type in the luminaire schedule needs to have an image above that clearly labels it to match what is in the schedule. Right now only two fixtures are illustrated and they are not clearly labeled to match the names in the luminaire schedule. Response: Please see updated luminaire schedule and labels. Elevatio s —Sheet RB -E 1. ease label this drawing "Exterior Elevations" in the bottom right corner (remove "Review Board "). esponse: Acknowledged, hill comply. 2. ransparency calculations: please add SF after dimensions that are areas so that the calculations are easier to nderstand. Response: Acknon•ledged, hill comply. 3. ease consult Section 26- 1106.13 "Ground Floor Transparency" to ensure that you calculated the transparency orrectly and revise the transparency table to read as follows: TRANSPARENCY (PRIMARY STREET, HARLAN ST) REQUIRED TRANSPARENCY: 60% OF BUILDING FAQADE (FOR AREA BETWEEN 3 FT AND 8 FT ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR) PROVIDED TRANSPARENCY: 60.6% 809 Southwest A Street, Suite 201 Bentonville, Arkansas 72712 Phone 479.273.7780 Fax 479.273.9436 TOTAL AREA 3 FT — 8 FT ON FACADE = _X_ SF TOTAL AREA TRANSPARENT = Y_ SF Y/X = 60.6% *TRANSPARENCY CALCULATIONS INCLUDE DIMENSIONS FROM THE SOUTHWEST ELEVATION AND 19.5% OF THE REQUIRED AREA IS COMPOSED OF SPANDREL GLASS. REQUIRED TRANSPARENCY: 60% OF BUILDING FAQADE (FOR AREA BETWEEN 3 FT AND 8 FT ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR) TRANSPARENCY (SECONDARY STREET, W. 38TH AVE) REQUIRED TRANSPARENCY: 30% OF BUILDING FAQADE (FOR AREA BETWEEN 3 FT AND 8 FT ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR) PROVIDED TRANSPARENCY: 42.3% TOTAL AREA 3 FT — 8 FT ON FAQADE = _X SF TOTAL AREA TRANSPARENT = Y SF Y/X = 42.3% Response: Acknowledged, will coniph•. Elevations for Gas Canopy — Sheet RB -E lease label this drawing "Canopy Elevations" in the bottom right corner (remove "Review Board "). Response: Acknowledge(i, hill conrpli•. Survey L 1. is Z Z page requires a sheet title and sheet number in the bottom right corner to match the other pages. c is Acknowledged, will comply. End of Responses Sincerely, Scott Weisbeck P.E. Regional Civil Engineer 111 Licensed in CO t 479.273.7780 c 720.315.5063 f 888.520.9685 Scott. we isbeck;a hfa- ae.com www.hfa- ae.com _H_ F & A ti ti t) < I A 1 1 s. 1 T l) 809 S.W. A Street, Suite 201 Bentonville, Arkansas 72712 Enclosures: 809 Southwest A Street, Suite 201 Bentonville, Arkansas 72712 Phone 479.273.7780 Fax 479.273.9436 A 4 V, City of i��rWh6at CommuNiTy DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29'�'Ave, November 21, 2012 Greg Meeter Lend Lease 611 Gaylord Street Denver, Colorado 80206 Dear Mr. Meeter, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 301235 2846 F: 301235.2857 This letter is in regard to your request for approval of a Site Plan and Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for a motor fueling station at 5995 W. 38"' Avenue. I have the 1`611mving comments on the second application. Please also refer to the enclosed redlines on the PDF drawings. wwwxi.wheatridgexoms TRANSPARENCY (PRIMARY STREET, HARLAN ST m= 9 Attached are referral comments received from the Public Works Department. Please refer to the attached comments from Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer. This concludes the summary of comments. Please address each of these comments by revising the Site Plan/CUP application and submitting a written letter that responds to each of the comments above. For clarification on any of these issues, please feel free to contact: Community Development Sarah Showalter 303-235-2849 Public Works Dave Bross an 303-235-2864 This Site Plan/CUP request is being processed administratively. Once the changes are made, please submit one copy of the revised plan set at full size, one size at I IxI 7, and one PDF set of the revised application. Please also include a written response to each of the comments above. You may contact me at 303-235-2849 with any questions. am= Sarah Showalter, AICP Planner 11 C: CUP-12-01 and TV.5P-12-03 " City of at COM MUNITY OOPM Mixed Use Zone Districts Address: Zoning: Proposed Use. r; ,' .,,` z °.M,... �....M..y Approved Concept Plan (if applicable): i T. ♦ For MU -N district,only. there must be at least one public ent ry facing a public street or op n pa e �: ` . , Compliant? Yes No N/A f r Notes: Notes: Rear Setbacks: I Minimum Required 2S Provided Notes: Build-To Requirements 0 P �mm � �iN iiN i I� ''' ZI 19 Secondary Street Frontage: Secondary Street: 35 - ' 44 "- /I Note: typically the secondary street is the street perpendicular to the primary street. 10 6 B uild ing Design Each fagade shall contain at least one change in color or texture, 11 Compliant? Yes 0?"' No Ej Notes: Compliant? Yes 2" ' No I Notes: 3 z z— / t , 3 A - 7 - H —6a 1 ""'7 4-C - '3PI - Fagade variation for all other streets: any fagade not facing a street or public space shall have at least one variation in plane depth of at least 1 foot for every 100 linear feet of the length of the fagade. Compliant? Yes No N/A Notes: the following architectural elements: I'llo� ' T nangesin Differentiation in material and/or color Higher level of detail E] Enhanced lighting t. ---OR Compliant? Yes No E] NIA 1j, Notes: V=� - Each fagade may only contain primary building materials and may not use any materials that are not allowed (see Section 26-1106.C). Compliant? Yes E!r No E] Notes: 6,71 F 5 0 �1� M i MHOMM Review Notes: The allowable amount of EIFS may be consolidated on a fagade(s) that does not face a street or public space, provided that the total amount of EIFS, calculated cumulatively for the entire building, does not exceed 25 percent, ITF7 "M ;I1,11 I Compliant? Yes Notes: M �' � i 'r City of i RrWh6atNd ,,ge CommuNiTy Dtwu)PmENT Non-Residential Uses (Excluding Retail) Minimum required for fagade facing primary street Transparency provided for primary street fagade: Minimum required for all other facades facing a street or public space: Transparency provided: Compliant? Yes F] No N/A Notes: Drive-Throughs and Drive-Ups - Drive-through windows shall be placed at the rear or side of a building and shall not be located at street corners. Compliant? Yes [] No N/A [p Notes: 0 City cif COMMUNny DrwuapmENT _,ge - Screening of drive-up lanes: any drive-through lane visible from a street or public space shall incorporate the following elements: M that taces the street or a PUDIIC space. For sit cri jaualFs, Me AfIrIf e -e 0, e 75 feet in height must stepback at least 10 feet from the outer edge • the first story. Compliant? YesE] NoE] N/A Notes: Residential Transitions zoned lot that contains a single- or two-family home, 0 City of COM Provided: Provided: Provided: I 1 • I !IIIIII pil Surface Parkinq • Parking areas shall be located to the rear or side of the building. For development sites with more than one building, parking is not allowed in front of the building(s) closest to the street. 1� Compliant? Yes No N/AE] Notes: - Where a parking lot's frontage along the street or public space is greater than 20 linear feet, no more than 30 percent of the screening requirement may be fulfilled by a landscape buffer, Compliant? Yes Er No N/A Notes \7 ------- 0 I � I W City of h6atP e CommuNiTT DEVELOPMENT Notes: WIN INMI* 1 Compliant? Yes Er No E] N/AE] Notes: - Parking areas over 20,000 SF shall contain a well-defined pedestrian walk, whether by change in paving material or landscaping, that connects the parking area to the adjacent street and the building(s) on site. Compliant? Yes [:] No [:] N/A En Notes: IWM it 0 rim Notes: EM • Any parking garage fagade visible from public view shall be orthogonal in composition so that ramping systems are not visible, Compliant? Yes No E] N/A Notes: VVI roll I "I J_ roll , - eTe aqaTe garage that is visve trom the street and does njnM provide retail, commercial, or other active ground floor uses shall include at least two o the following design features: Notes: Notes: M City of _Ldge KWh6atP COMMUNI'Ty DrWLOPMENT - Vehicular entrances: vehicular entrances to buildings and parking garages that contain a ramp shall be screened from view of the street or adjacent public space. Where a vehicular ramp into a garage directly abuts a pedestrian walk, appropriate cautionary that pedestrians have the priority, Compliant? Yes [] No El N/A IB Notes:-----, - ------ 6MMAR FZWOM Reguired Number of Parking Spaces Notes: - III 11TH1 11 2' 1 11 1 13 ! 1 • • Compliant? Yes No N/A Notes: e �Icz IN City of ]�qrWh6atl kj . !Age COMMUNITY DEVELOPMrNT' - Off-street loading shall 11 be provided in accordance with Section 26-501.E.8 Compliant? Yes B/1" No [:] N/A [:] Notes: I 2 rl"M 1 -3 W I a W a • Compliant? Yes [] No F] N/AE1 Notes* Section 26-1110 Open Space Requirements • Minimum landscaping* at least 35 percent of the required open space area shall be composed of landscaped materials, including trees. Compliant? Yes No N/A E] Notes: r te/ O L -(L � ° im City of h6a ]��rWtP e com4 _4091 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMFNT - Usable open space: at least 75% of the required open space must be usable open space. V , Minimum usable open space required: Usable open space provided: Compliant? Yes [:] No E:] N/A ■ Notes: 9'/ Section 26-1111 Permitted Uses S Proposed Use(s}: Compliant? Yes Notes: ---- --------- - M M�= Mil - I , City of i�KwheatRdg'e _y CmmuNiTy DrwLormrNT Notes 1 6 , W existing uses, regardless of zone district. Compliant? Yes No [] N/A Wj Kleview Notes: None of the separation requirements apply in the MU-C Interstate sub-district Separation requirements apply only to new drive-through and gas station uses # lipmll g the ground floor level shall contain non-residential uses. Total ground floor square footage: Percent that is non-residential: Compliant? Yes No N/A Notes: lim use zone districts outlined in Section 26-1113.13 Section 26-1114 Exterior Lighting - Exterior lighting shall comply with Section 26-503. Pedestrian walks internal to the site shall be lit with full cutoff lighting fixtures no more than 12 feet high. Compliant? Yes �� No F] N/A [] Notes: 0 Compliant? Yes E] No [] N/A t", � I TO: Sarah Showalter, Planner 11 FROM: Dave Bross man, Development Review Engineer DATE: December 4, 2012 I have completed my 0 review of the Conditional Use Permit Site Plan and ROW Dedication sheets for proposed new construction of a 7-Eleven convenience store located at 5995 W. 38"' Avenue received via e-mail on December 3, 2012 and I have the following comments: 111111111111,11 11111111ir 11111111111 111�11111�iiii�iipiii ffis I 1 11111 To Sarah - CUP-12-01 W38th 0 0 — I I I TO: Sarah Showalter, Planner 11 FROM: Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer DATE: December 3, 2012 SUBJECT: CUP-12- 0117 -1 leven I have completed my 3 review of the Conditional Use Permit request from for new construction of a 7-6even convenience store located at 5995 W. 38` Avenue received via e-mail on November 30, 2012 and I have the following comments: To Sarili - CUP-12-01_ 5995 W381h Ave_74-.1even Re view3 (12-03-2012),docx From: Sarah Showalter Sent: Monday, December 03, 2012 12:58 PIA To: Meeter, Greg (G regory.Meeter@ lend lease.com); Scott Weisbeck (Scott,Weisbeck@hfa- ae.com) Cc: Dave Brossman Subject: FW: 11-00951 CUP & Construction Plan Submittals - 12-11-00951 - 12-11-009517-11 Denver, CO #1025444 38th Attachments: 11-00951 CUP Set 11-30-123rd ReviewRedlines,pdf, To Sarah - CUP-12-015995 W38th Ave (12-03-2012).pclf Thanks, Sarah Showalter, AICIP, LEED AP Planner 11 Office Phone: 303-2352849 Fax: 303-235-2857 City of ire From: Dave Brossman Sent: Monday, December 03, 2.012 11:15 AM To: Sarah Showalter Cc: 'Meeter, Greg; 'Scott Weisbeck'; Steve Nguyen Subject: RE: 11-00951 CUP & Construction Plan Submittals - 12-11-00951 - 12-11-009517-11 Denver, CO #1025444 38th The CUP plans that were sent still contain the bad bearing information as shown on the previous two submittals. The folks doing the CUP plans need to coordinate with Alan Bailey, P.L.S, who did the ROW deed and easement vacation ! Y im Wr __ 1 -1.111, 1 s 4 1- _ 4 1 _ LIW LVTV pal (5, UIC 11[5t PdI t *IeM);-FWrtTU Olocument (CUP) and the second part being for all of the civil documents (Final Drainage Report and civil construction plans). Please find attached a copy of my 3 review comments and redlines for the CUP plans. I will e-mail the civil review comments under separate cover at a later date directly to Mr. Weisbeck (and CC you and Mr. Meeter). 0 9 David F. Brossman, P1,S Development Review Engineer/City Surveyor Phone & Fax: 303.235,2864 From: Sarah Showalter Sent* Friday, November 30, 2012 4:28 PM To: Meeter, Greg; Scott Weisbeck; Dave Brossman Subject: RE: 11-00951 CUP & Construction Plan Submittals - 12-11-00951 - 12-11-009517-11 Denver, CO #1025444 38th Yes, we will need to do a meeting to take in the application (should only take 15 minutes). I could do Monday at liam or any time from 2:30-4:30pm. Thanks, Sarah Showalter, AlCP, LEER AP Planner III Office Phone: 303•235-2849 Fax: 303-235-2857 City of 0 From: Meeter, Greg [mailto o M titer . lendlease.com] Sent: Friday, November 30, 2012 3:29 PM To: Scott Weisbeck; Sarah Showalter; Dave Brossman Subject: RE: 11-00951 CUP & Construction Plan Submittals - 12-11-00951 - 12-11-009517-11 Denver, CO #1025444 38th IN il 1 111 � I I 111 1 Mslzmc# #•. Greg Meeter, AlCP I Zoning Manager, Multi-Site Group I Project Management & Construction I Lend Lease 611 Gaylord Street, Denver, CO 80206 M 303 919 4282 gregorv,meeterp_lendlease.com I www.lendlease.com From: Scott Weisbeck [-m-Afltg�.*Sott.W �ibec�khfa�-aexoml Sent: Friday, November 30, 2012 3:21 PM To: sihowalter@ci.whea L rid qe co.us; Dave Brossman -_- Cc: Meeter, Greg C-ubject: 11-00951 CUP & Construction Plan Submittals - 12-11-00951 - 12-11-009517-11 Denver, CO #1025444 38th They are too large to email, A PDF CD ROM is also included in the package on Monday Scott Welsbeck P.E. Regional Civil Engineer 1/1 Licensed m: CO www.hfa-ae.com HAARISON 7 13721 W 87th Drive, Arvada, Colorado 80005 & 809 SW A Street, Suite 201 Bentonville, Arkansas 72712 From: Corey Granderson Sent: Friday, November 30, 2012 3:17 PM To: Scott Weisbeck Subject: File Transfer: 11-00951 CUP & Construction Plan Submittals - 12-11-00951 - 12-11-009517-11 Denver, CO #1025444 38th I . NIEU• 3 I ype 11-00951 CUP Set 11-30-12.pdf Adobe Acrobat ocument 3 12 «« Do cument 11 0 .. Ridge, CO ♦ • Plans 11 . i ra "war- Acrobat Document i ` Notification generated by Ne forma Info Exchange City of ],�r Wh6atP4dge ITEM NO: `} DATE: November 26, 2012 REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL ACTION TITLE: COUNCIL BILL NO. 28 -2012 - AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE VACATION OF SIDEWALK AND STREETSCAPE EASEMENTS ADJACENT TO 5995 WEST 38 AVENUE ❑ PUBLIC HEARING ® ORDINANCES FOR 1 ST READING (11/26/2012) ❑ BIDS /MOTIONS ❑ ORDINANCES FOR 2 READING (12/10/2012) ❑ RESOLUTIONS QUASI- JUDICIAL ❑ YES ® NO Director of Public Works City Manager ISSUE: In conjunction with the redevelopment of property at 5995 West 38` Avenue, current right -of- way easement areas are being dedicated to the City. Existing sidewalk and streetscape easements are now redundant. PRIOR ACTION: Acceptance of street rights -of -way on November 26, 2012. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None BACKGROUND: The proposed redevelopment of 5995 West 38` Avenue to a new 7- Eleven store will require that the streetscape along 38` Avenue and Harlan Street be modified to the current streetscape standards. The property owner, 4.02006, LLC, is willing to dedicate the current areas utilized for streetscape at this time. It is recommended that the existing sidewalk and streetscape easements be vacated to minimize the legal encumbrances on the new right -of -way. Council Action Form November 26, 2012 Page 2 RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends that the sidewalk and streetscape easements be vacated by the City. RECOMMENDED MOTION: "I move to approve Council Bill No. 28 -2012 an ordinance approving the vacation of sidewalk and streetscape easements adjacent to 5995 West 38` Avenue, on first reading, order it published, public hearing set for Monday, December 10, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, and that it take effect upon adoption." Or, "I move to postpone indefinitely Council Bill No. 28 -2012, an ordinance approving the vacation of sidewalk and streetscape easements adjacent to 5995 West 38` Avenue, for the following reason(s) REPORT PREPARED BY; Tim Paranto, Director of Public Works ATTACHMENTS: 1. Council Bill No. 28 -2012 2. Exhibits A -C WHEREAS, the existing sidewalk and streetscape easements are now redundant; and WHEREAS, the City wishes to vacate the sidewalk and streetscap• easements 2t 5995 West 38 Avenue; and WHEREAS, vacation of the easements will further the public health, safety and welfare of the City; and WHEREAS, Section 16.5 of the Home Rule Charter authorizes disposal of City- owned real property by ordinance when approved • three-fourths of the entire City Council; and WHEREAS, Section 16.5 of the Charter does not require monetary consideration in connection with such easement vacations. Attachment I I Secti pAk. This Ordinance •• adoption, permitted by ! of READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading hM vote of ! day of Mayor SIGNED by the on day of Jerry ! Mayor m" :R111 First Publication: Second Publication Wheat • !# Transcript: Effective Date: Attachment 2 rum BASIS OF BEARINGS. BEARINGS ARE BASED ON OF +r OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE e PRINCIPAL MERIDIA BEARING SOUTH 89*5W67* EAST. THE SOUTH 1/4 CORNER D THE SOUTHEAST CO HEREON. SAID SECTION 24 ARE MONUMENTED BY A 3-1/4' BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX, STAMPED: - LS 13212', WITH ALL BEARINGS RELATIVE ALAN H. BAILEY, PLS COLORADO PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR No. 38035 FOR r ON • BAILEY PROFESSIONAL • s 2 O ;L- II q1 MV I IMV t I� I�I II IgIIMI Illllp lu � V4N Yalu I I �IIV W CA� NS u • + � M LOT 1 CARTER MINOR SUBDIVISION RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF TH E CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COU LOT 2 ON MAY 4, IM AT REC. NO. FOSM 1 { N�o °s 2%6.42' f { ui TO CE ' OF SEC 24 Z PROPOSED Rt 4t1tAY <„ 4 D 4c I X 30.W SfIrWSrE AREA 13.88" 2680 q. 4W E 0.061 act h� NW16*46WI lg. 26.Ot)" E PERMA NENT EA SE MENT" 7 . 0 5! / No. F1332966) ;L- MC. Lol II q1 MV I IMV t I� I�I II IgIIMI Illllp lu � V4N Yalu I I �IIV W CA� NS * �;II�� • + � M MC. Lol • s [K i ! lowmw DESCRIBED ! OF SAID CLERK AND RECORDER'S OFFI( ' SITR-�WDW)l TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, COUNTY OF JEFFE O CO LORA DO . THENCE ALONG ! TlESTER ! i' C THREE (3) # ! l * Via. • • � t1 !'" • • ii . i ! ! • !{ �l ! ! AMIUM., Z92EQU PERMANENT EASEMENT (REC� No.91056581) iu� 125.W W. 38th Ave. si5 SW695-rE (W IWW) lbaw - LOT I CARTER MINOR SUBOWISION RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY ON MAY 4,1999 AT REC. NO. F0859511 a411f f2f ?w© m y »res w rz�< « = w �M .�.. » ,< «4..t�w© : « ■,» <�,� : .. -: ■��. #< . � :. �1,,, ©�t : # » « # «» �� -: w a - °ate■ « », »� 2 £<< , >#�< PARTICULARLY DES T. »E# AS FOLLOWS .! #��a <■ : <4 � °�'���««#f .4aa� <� <` <,�,����� -.�. «� „ ®� ■ ., � « : ■t :� #.,��.# © � . °4w: � a . �. � ��� �,« ® E SOUTH =¥ ! «: :+ DISTANCE # <.a FEET , O»H » «< #:O<1 AND SAID EASTERLY ::yOFy E FROM WHENCE THE CENTER O SAID SECTION a SEARS NORTH 00*5 0* WEST, 2 » « 4T; °K °2 4< «ar tD OF 140.22 FEET < ■ SAID MOST »#f« WEST CORNER OF L OT I AN T HE PINT OF BEG .�mra az ? <�+ * : 24 +4 y ® - ��<: BASIS OF BEARINGS: BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST % OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6 PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN AS BEARING SOUTH WSW5r EAST, THE SOUTH 1/4 CORNER AND THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 24 ARE MONUMENTED BY BOX, STAMPED: - LS 13212% WITH ALL BEARINGS RELATIVE HEREON, ALAN H. BAILEY, PLS 3801 E FOR AND ON s BAILEY PROFESSIONAL • • LOT I CARTER MINOR SUBDIVISION RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE • MAY 4,1999 AT REC, NO. F085%1 1 --- -, - PERMANENTZIDEl;AL& ffASETT-'E4T F1577ODl) N, \ ---------------------- � ' � OJE OV 2, 2012 • AILEY PROFESSIONAL SOLUTIONS mmmammmm�M � M,�� w MAN NEW roVel City of Wheat �C__ ITEM NO: 14 d DATE: November 26, 2012 REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL ACTION TITLE: MOTION TO ACCEPT 38TH AVENUE AND HARLAN STREET RIGHTS -OF -WAY FROM 4.02006, LLC ❑ PUBLIC HEARING ❑ ORDINANCES FOR I IT READING (mm/dd/yyyy) ® BIDS /MOTIONS ❑ ORDINANCES FOR 2" READING (mm/dd/yyyy) ❑ RESOLUTIONS QUASI- JUDICIAL: ❑ YES l � f J PA42e Director o Public Works ►1 • I A A City Manager ISSUE: In conjunction with the redevelopment of property at 5995 West 38` Avenue, current right -of- way easement areas are being dedicated to the City. PRIOR ACTION: None FINANCIAL IMPACT: None BACKGROUND: The proposed redevelopment of 5995 West 38' Avenue to a new 7- Eleven store will require that the streetscape along 38` Avenue and Harlan Street be modified to the current streetscape standards. The property owner, 4.02006, LLC, is willing to dedicate the current areas utilized for streetscape at this time. It is recommended that the existing sidewalk and streetscape easements be vacated to minimize the legal encumbrances on the new right -of -way. RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends that the warranty deed be accepted by the City. Council Action Form November 26, 2012 Page 2 RECOMMENDED MOTION: "I move to accept the 38" Avenue and Harlan Street rights -of -way from 4.02006, LLC." AM "I move not to accept the 38` Avenue and Harlan Street rights -of -way from 4.02006, LLC, for the following reason(s) REPORT PREPARED BY; Tim Paranto, Director of Public Works ATTACHMENTS: 1. Warranty Deed with Exhibit A Location: 5"S Wift Ave, What Ridge, CV 00031 WITNESSETH THAT 4.02006, LLC, whose address is 2700 South Broadway, Suite 300, Englewood. County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, 80113, for the consideration of TEN and NO/I 00 ($1 0.00 }, i hand paid, acceptance, sufficiency, and receipt of which is ereby acknowledge do here , - gain, sell, and convey unto the City of Wheat Ridge, a municipal corporation in the State of Colorado, whose address is 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State Of Colorado, 80033, the following real properly situate, lying and being in the City ci Whea on, State of Colorado. to wit: f t Ridge, 9 , I Countv o f Jefferson, A tract of land lying in the SETA of Section 24, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th Prin. cipal Meridian, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, as described at Re- reption Number F0959511, in the official records of the County Of Jefferson, State of Colorado, more particularly described as: - Set the attached two•page Exhibit A hereunto incorporated with this deed - NOTE: All bearings are relative to one another and are based on the bearing of the South line of the SE 1 /4 of said Section 24 being S. 89 E Said tract contains 3359 square feet (0.077 acres) more or less. Said tract to be used as: Right-of-Way Also known by street and number as: 5995 W38th Ave, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, 80033, With all its appurtenances, and warrant the title to the same subject to casements, rights of way and restrictions of record, if any. Signed this _ E day of evra m 2012, 4.0200(; LLC, Gra STATE OF COLORADO Cvry k - )SS. COUNTY OF f&4 Q CZ— The foregoing instrument was acknowledged befo me thi J!t day of��, 2012, b 4 LL.g My commission expires: 10-7-1 2.� . Witness my hand and official seat, JEANNE M, ROONEY NOTARY PUS1.10 STATE Of COLORA ♦ ty 10 IF 1906 40JY"L ry Public MY )04 expiftes �TQUR it, Colorado, 801:e� The drafter of this description is Alan 11, Bailey, P,L,S,, Prepared on lx-haIfot`? 3995 14'. 30 Avenue. Wheat Ridge, Colorado, 80033 and is not to he coast as ftlitase"ting a monumented land survey, nuacnmeat i vr��T LOT 1214 HN SUBDIVISION LOT 1 CARTER MINOR SUBDIVFISION I RECORDEO IN THE OFFICE OF THE MAY 4,1999 AT REC. NO, F0859511 3*12"E AREA 16 '48'E 33 59 sq�ft-t i.ir 0.077 acA r4o 12AW mi Rm vw Ui to MGM • Mw MA W,7T.1j*_1r,UMga, * ; I I M114W*RWVF An administrative adjustment for a 5% reduction in the primary street build-to requirement for the proposed development at 5995 W. 38th Avenue (Case number CUM 2-01 and WSP -] 2-03) is hereby approved for the following reasons: ate Community Development Director 11. Analysis The main intent of the build-to requirements in Section 26-1105.E is to bring building facades close to the street, creating an attractive edge along the sidewalk. This encourages an urban, walkable environment where pedestrians do not have to walk next to inactive, unattractive spaces such as parking lots. Because of the lot's relatively small size (25,377 SF, or 0.55 acres), the proposed design is all effective means for accommodating the 3,000 SF building, the gas canopy, and the needed gas tanker circulation while also orienting; the building close to the street. It provides an urban street edge without utilizing the gas canopy toward the build-to requirement. 2 Ut Lt PC CJ ca PO � V, El S I FA S! Z5 > r4 ISSUE KOCK .......... . . .. .... .... .... ... . . ........ STOW xo,: DOCA"T OATS 11/2/2012 OiC(XW DY, SAW ORAW OY, NAJ / AS USE SITE PLAN REV-1 7- ELEVEN STORE NO. 36492 - W. 38TH AVE. & HARLAN ST. SITE PLAN AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) LOT 1, CARTER MINOR SUBDIVISION, BEING IN THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPLE MERIDIAN COUNTY OF JEFFERSON STATE OF COLORADO DASHED LINE REPRESENTS MECHANICAL EOUI PMENT BEYOND. TYP r - r L l i 1 HIGH IMPACT EIFS CORNICE - PAINTED SANDY WMTE T.0 PARAPET t9 0 / ACME BRICK - RUSTIC FLASH BRICK SOLDIER - /- COURSE T O SCREEN EN IREFINISHEDALUMINUM - \ STOREFRONT DARK BRONZE `- PREFINISHED ' ALUMINUM CANOPY HEMLOCK GREEN ACME BRICK - SLATE -- �� STONE WATERTABLE - SIGNAGE IS FOR REPRESENATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND WILL BE SUBMITTED THROUGH A SEPARATE BUILDING PERMIT DASHED LINE REPRESENTS MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT BEYOND. TYP. f T O - PvvT i9'• O T O SCREEN g SLAB 0 TO PARAPE' 19 C SLAE f 0 11 %RRIS0 I"RI:NCfi I I1- -ilk, AL 7n12 � irLn3.7rm r,r�.znww s iq�a :SEEbG� xE K Ed `1 � O z =o 5 _ w < c� �1 =W c % A BLOCK STORE NO.: 36492 CUMENI DATE: 10101112 .KEO BY: JL } J Z Z O O w 0 U U Z w � F w in LL Z w O U w w 5; O w F O Z O u- REVIEW BOARD EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS SHEET: RB -E 25'.0' NORTH ELEVATION (3 ' } SOUTH ELEVATION - W. 38TH AVE. 4 DASHEDUNE HIGH IMPACT EIFS - CORNICE PAINTED REPRESENTS MECHANICAL IS EQUIPMENT BEYOND, TYP PURPOSES FO R R ANG WILL ATiO _ BE S UBMITTED SANDY WHITE THROUGH A SEPARATE BUILDING PERMIT TRANSPARENCY (PRIMARY STREET. HARLAN ST.1 TO.PAPAMT ACME BRICK — RUSTIC FLASH REQUIRED TRANSPARENCY. 0' 60%OF BUILDING FACADE FRONTING STREET (75'- 2'.22- 5 - ')X06.59.T PREFINISHED ALUMINUM - 1 PROVIDED TRANSPARENCY 60.6% STOREFRONT DARK BRONZE I ) 17-0'.11' r. 9.0. 1VS r IS' -10" -59.2 ALLOWABLE SPANDREL GLASS BRICK SOLDIER COURSE 20% OF REQUIRED TRANSPARENCY 5B' -T X0.2. IV9' S T.O CREEN - "- I. _. TOTAL SPANDREL GLASS. 195% FABRIC CANOPY OVER — - 3' -5. 9-0' - „' -4' ALUMINUM FRAME - FOREST GRF' '. 'TRANSPARENCY CALCULATIONS INCLUDE DIMENSIONS FROM THE ,..,.. .. SOUTHWEST ELEVATION - TRANSPARENCY (SECONDARY STREET. W. 38TH AVE.1 PREFIMSHED ALUMINUM REQUIRED TRANSPARENCY CAP DARK BRONZE 30% OF BUILDING FACADE FRONTING STREET 26'-0' X 0 30 - 7 ACME BRICK - SLATE PRO" EOTRANSPARENCY 423% 1,'-0' L_ T 0. CON E SLAB v 19 -8' 3'•5' 9 -T 9.0' 71' -B' 1' -1' 9 -P SPANDREL •, SPANDREL WEST ELEVATION - HARLAN ST. 2 3176 • 1'-0 -_- -- REPRESENTS MECHANICAL REPRESENT HIGH IMPACT EIFS EQUIPMENT BEYOND. TYR SIGNAGE IS FOR R CORNICE P PUR D SANDY WHITE OH A SEPARATE BUILDING PERMIT _ TO PARAP 9 i9.0' - 3 a ` ACME BRICK • RUSTIC FLASH - 8 BRICK SOLDIER - COURSE - - .- ACME BRICK SLATE E; f PREFINISHED ALUMINUM STOREFRONT DARK - BRONZE _ - STONEWATERTABLE TOP Of IOiFE WALL _ 3• - 0 Y T.O. CONCRETE Sl _ \ 15' - A D. 15 e < I 32- 0(353 %TRANSPARE T0-S 15'8' - _ /. BD' r 22'.g - .a b SOUTHWEST ELEV E DASHED LINE REPRESENTS MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT BEYOND. TYP. f T O - PvvT i9'• O T O SCREEN g SLAB 0 TO PARAPE' 19 C SLAE f 0 11 %RRIS0 I"RI:NCfi I I1- -ilk, AL 7n12 � irLn3.7rm r,r�.znww s iq�a :SEEbG� xE K Ed `1 � O z =o 5 _ w < c� �1 =W c % A BLOCK STORE NO.: 36492 CUMENI DATE: 10101112 .KEO BY: JL } J Z Z O O w 0 U U Z w � F w in LL Z w O U w w 5; O w F O Z O u- REVIEW BOARD EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS SHEET: RB -E City of W h i &at COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEN'T # The mixed use zone districts allow applicants to apply for minor adjustments from certain W*Ai-ti the rtrixe(4 user-ittle. # Building setback requirements (section 26-1105.C) Build-to requirements (section 26-1105. E) II�II VIII Transparency requireiiie ISM ts��— (section 26-1106.D) Block size requiremei�t ' (section 26-1108.B) One additional drive-up lane �' II ` UI� �� III Iq �I' VNI IIMI IN�II UI �I " II�II�IIINII III VINI II 1 25 fewer parking spaces than requiil Please note: For adjustments within mixed use zone districts that either exceed the maximum allowable administrative adjustment or seek relief from standards not in the table above, an use application. N= City of W h6 4 at COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Q Amount of Adjustment UW,Me- requested. Please include any relevant calculations. ffi Aaflonale for Adjustment Please attach a written explanation of why you are requesting the adjustment. Please document that impact your request. my knowledge. I�VWII My or wriften approval ot Me current owner to make this request. 7-Eleven, Inc. Sarah Showalter, AlCP, LEED AP Planner It 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 RE: Site Plan -Written Narrative/ Administrative Adjustment Narrative for 7-Eleven #Store 36492 Proposed at 38"' and Harlan, Wheat Ridge, • E•�� The purpose of this letter is to provide a narrative describing the proposed 7-Eleven aml Ah" I Site Plan Permit Narrative -Store #36492 38th & Harlan Page I The intended use is for the 24 hour operation of a 7-Eleven convenience store including retail sales of motor vehicle fuel, tobacco, lottery, ATM, convenience items, pre-packaged foods, hot foods, fresh foods, beverages and 3.2% beer for off-site consumption. 2. Building Entrances the primary street frontage (Harlan Street). In this case, because the site is a corner lot, the public entry has been oriented toward the southwest corner. The primary entry is located • the east elevation. WGSGM��� (3) Documenting Drawings Site Plan Permit Narrative -Store #36492 38th & Harlan Page AI along 38 th Avenue. The building and trash enclosure have been extended as far as is practicable for the operation of the store. Extending the building further would create unneeded building space and make the project economically infeasible. Hence, we respectfully request an administrative adjustment, to contact me at (303) 919-4282. Sincerely, Gregory A. Meeter, AICP Zoning Manger Lend Lease / Authorized LgInt for 7-Elevet, Irtic. Site Plan Permit Narrative -Store #36492 38th & Harlan Page 3 mwgs • 1.� M Commitment Page I First American Title Insurance Company - NCS 2701 W. Plano Parkway, Suite 100 Plano, Texas 75075 Phone: (972)578-8611 Fax: DATE- September 11, 2012 FILE ;UMBER: 1002-25616-RTT PROPERTY ADDRESS. 5995 W. 38th Ave. w [IIIIIAW I 4i;IIIII 4JK110Q#1#T-f r,Ij;WT TO: Republic Title of Texas, Inc. TITLE OFFICER: 2701 W. Plano Parkway, Suite 10() PHONE: (972)578-8611 Plano, Texas 75075 E-MAIL: DELIVERY: E-MAIL ESCROW Sarah 3ane Worrell OFFICER-- PHONE: FAX: E-MAtL: S)WOrrellorePublictitle.com DELIVERY: E-MAIL rk's Anwican 7 itle Insurance Comwy To: 7- Eleven, Inc. ATTN. PHONE. MOBILE. FAX. E -MAIL: DELIVERY: E-MAIL To: 4 02006 LLC A $995 W. 38th Ave. PHONE: Wheat Riga, CO MOBILE. FAX. E-MAIL: DELIVERY: E- IL To. ATTN. PHONE. MOBILE. FAX.. E-MAIL* DELIVERY: E -MAIL r n Inswance Company ALTA Commitment (6-17-06) Commitment Page 3 Commitment Number: 1002-25616-RTT M M= pre ano Mcnarg�es Macomp Miancewt the Requirements; all sublect to tt'� p-r'0-v'isi0-n's ... O A and 8 and to the Conditions of this Commitment. I it #1 IN WnNESS WHEREOF, first American Title Insurance Company has caused its corporate name and seal to be affixed by its duty authorized officers on the date shown in Schedule A. First American Title InsAxance Compativ Dennis J. Gilmore President VM Y M � Timothy Kemp Secretary ZH3! ♦ i• b, ALTA Loan Policy (06-17-06) Proposed Insured: None first Ammican TWe Insuram Company M * I " I I,! KURT III I I Will III I first American The T nce Company UNUEMMESEMEEM Commitment Page 6 Commitment Number: 1002-25616-RTT �� ° M 1. Pay the agreed amounts for the interest in the land and/or the mortgage to be insured 2. Pay us the premiums, fees and charges for the policy. 3, Payment of all taxes and assessments now due and payable. 4. Receipt by the Company of the following documentation for 4,02006, LL.C., a Colorado limited liability company: Operating Agreement, and all amendments thereto, if any, 5. Receipt • the Company • the fbIlowing documentation fbr 7-ELEVEN, INC, Texas a corporation: Certificate of Good Standing issued by the Texas Secretary of State. Certificate of Incorporation issued by the Texas Secretary of State. 6. Recordation of a Release of the City of Wheat Ridge lien in the amount of $350,00, recordi- February 1, 2012 at Reception No. 2012012066. # FUMME & Recordation of a Release of the City of Wheat Ridge lien in the amount of $630.00, reoD January 11, 2012 at Reception No. 2012003640. A 9. Recordation • a Release of the City • Wheat Ridge lien In the amount of $350.00, recordi December 28, 2011 at Reception No. 2011117418. lint iliumi UiTivilrow4ijiletiza ill Recordation of a Release of the City of Wheat Ridge lien In the amount of $230.00, recorded June 13, 2011 at Reception No. 2011055923, 12. Recordation of a Release of the Deed of Trust from 4.02006, LLC� to the Public Trus�ee of Jefferson County for the use of Bank of Choice to secure an Indebtedness In the principal sum " American Trde Insurance Company ALTA Commitment (6-17-06) Commitment Page 7 Commitment Number: 1002-25616-RTT Wst American TIN- Insurance Company ALTA Commitment (6-17-06) Commitment Page 8 Commitment Number: 1002-25616-RTT 3=�MZSIIZI �*i*11 �A:tml IF 14MIl 4 , i,. I iiiiiiiiii III!! plI111111111 illilill 11111II11111 gn-'Z�Wgllt It 1. Any facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the Public Records, but which could be ascertained by an inspection of the Land or by making inquiry of persons In possession thereof. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, x facts which a correct survey and inspection of the Land would disclose, and which are not shown by the public records. �ll�illillillillillillilliillillilillillillilI 1111lilill iliiqiii�ijl I > . # 6. Unpatented mining claims, reservations or exceptions In Patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof. Hmt Amerimn Tkie Inswame Comp" Sarah Showalter From: Margaret Paget Sent: Friday, November 16, 2012 10:40 AM To: Sarah Showalter Subject: 7-11 landscape plan review Hi Sarah: Here are my thoughts regarding the 7-11 landscape plan... I'd be happy to meet with you in person if it would help you in understand what I'm thinking and if it would help me understand anything I could be misinterpreting, Margai•et Paget Forestry and Open Space Supervisor Office Plione: 303-205-7554 Wh PARKS AND REC"ATWN From: Sarah Showalter Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 9:45 AM To: Margaret Paget Subject: RE: Micro Dev Agenda If 10-24-12 Sarah Showalter City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 West 2%, Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 RE: Review Comments -'7 -I 1 Store 4 36492 ( i r 5995 W. 38" Wheat Ridge, CO HFA Project # 1 2 -1 1 -0095 1 In re%s1_7onse to your comments, pleasefind thefidloii, resl,)onses: OV rail Comm ents �t��n application for the administrative adjustment for the primary build-to ,vill be required (the request is for a variance of 5% frorn the required 60%). The administrative adjustment application form is attached. The administrative adjustment will be processed as part of the CUP so please return the application with the next submittal of the CUP. ease create a cover sheet with a title for the project that has a vicinity map, sheet index, the table of zoning/site into from sheet C 1 .0, a Case History box, and the Owner's Certificate and City Certification (text attached in Word document called "Site Plan Cover Items"). An example of a cover page is also attached. a, The Case History Box should read as follows: CASE HISTORY CUP -1 2 -01 MS-99-01 3 ease create a title block for each page that has the name of the project and location info centered at the top as follows: PROJECT NAME fsuch as SITE PLAN AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) LOTI OF CARTER MINOR SUBDIVISION LOCATED IN TIIF SOUTHEAST QI-ARTER OF SE(TION 24, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RAN( 69 WEST OFT11F6111 RM. ary OF WFIFATRIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STAFF OF COLORADO t jAh ' te (",ommunity Development Director gave his approval to combine the CUP and Site Plan review so the title of the document should include both Site Plan and CUP, 5. Please note that the building permit application will require a Photometric plan that shows the location of all exterior lighting fixtures and a numerical grid of lighting levels. lamp type and wattage, mounting height of all fixtures, and a cut sheet showing the design and finishes of all fixtures and designation as cutoff fixtures. 809 Southwest A Street, Suite 201 Bentonville, Arkansas 72712 Phone 479,273.7780 Fax 888.520,9685 Site Plan — Sheet C1.0 as - add a legend that shows the main hatch pattems/line types used in the drawing. Perhaps the north arrow scale could be relocated to the bottom to make room for the legend. in type used for the streetscape easement is also used in several other locations (such as parallel to the east 2 , ot line and the north lot line) but it is not labeled in these cases. Please clearly label every use of this line and consider creating a separate line type for the existing streetscape easement, ,i'�Iase add a line that clearly depicts the location of the new property line, r4. P s e remove the hatch pattern for the paving in the parking lot, remove the contour lines from the drawing. 6, P se clearly dimension the maximum distance between the building and the future property line along Harlan reet. S 7. Id-To Calculations: please add a title to this box that reads "Build-To Requirements" and reformat this V 111forniation so that it matches the following table: Harlan Build-To (Pr mare Sn*et Fr ontage): Required Build-To Wo within 0- 12' feet Inle Length of property frontage on Marlon _2L22LVrrV l6i_ feet Length of building tincludin g diunp5ter _en_closilre — 90 61 feet Provided Build-To (administrative adjustriient zo be requested for ;1s variance from required 60* o) — 0 Within 0 - fl ? feet of propefty Irae $8"' Build-To f5econdiry Sin eet Frontage): Required Build-To 30" �, within 0-1 _, feet of pro rty line 140 feet _LengTh of buildmz_ 42 — feet Provided Build-To 30'o within 0-3 feet of vroDenv line NOTE calculations are bat.,ed on vacation of streetscape easenient fixture 0 rcperty lines L8 clearly dimension the maximum distance between the building and the future property line along Harlan t reet. reet. LI 0"Please remove survey text (such as N89 58'50"W) from the drawing. 8019 Southwest A Street, Suite 201 Bentonville, Arkansas 72712 Phone 479,273,7780 1"ax479273.9436 Z ,he awnings appear to be an item at the ground level. Please either remove from this drawing or use a faint gray Inc, Landscape Plan — Sheet C5.0 1. ease make the north arrow and scale smaller and move to the bottom of the page. The current location of these I ease should be used for the legend'plant list. 2. Please add a legend/plant list that shows what all of the batch patterns mean and also designates plant types/species to match the plant symbols shown in the drawing, 3. Please provide a separate exhibit that depicts graphically which areas were counted as open space and as useable , -Open space. 4. Please update the open space table to add percentages as shown below: Re uired P y ided S. Entry at SW comer: it is important that the SW entry has connectivity to the sidewalk on 38th Ave as well as on Harlan Street. City staff would prefer that the two existing trees (close to the existing transformer} are removed since they have low-hanging branches and block the entry. Parks staff indicated that it would probably be better to just remove the trees, rather than trying to transplant them. Please also plan to remove the posts/iron fencing that is part of the existing streetscaping along the SE-NE diagonal in front of the door so that there can be continuous hardscape from the doorway to the existing hardscape on the comer. Consider a design similar to this diagram of hardscape/landscape areas: 809 Southwest A Street, Suite 201 Bentonville, Arkansas 72712 Phone 479.273.7780 Fax 479.273,9436 R J e �Cent 0 en �Sact Percent of Optn Space that is landscaped 3P. ±2. 422 SF So- 'F1 SF� Perct-At of Opeu Space that i5useable (2,85; �f 5 0 SF '01 S. Entry at SW comer: it is important that the SW entry has connectivity to the sidewalk on 38th Ave as well as on Harlan Street. City staff would prefer that the two existing trees (close to the existing transformer} are removed since they have low-hanging branches and block the entry. Parks staff indicated that it would probably be better to just remove the trees, rather than trying to transplant them. Please also plan to remove the posts/iron fencing that is part of the existing streetscaping along the SE-NE diagonal in front of the door so that there can be continuous hardscape from the doorway to the existing hardscape on the comer. Consider a design similar to this diagram of hardscape/landscape areas: 809 Southwest A Street, Suite 201 Bentonville, Arkansas 72712 Phone 479.273.7780 Fax 479.273,9436 Landscape Hardscape Consider moving one or two bike racks to east side near main entry. Pro CeePost 6, V aving in front of SW corner entry: please consider a scoring pattern in the concrete or special paving to highlight the SW entry from the public streets and tie the new hardscape into the existing hardscape on the comer. 7., e landscape plan must show the required plantings for the public ROW, including the tree lawn oil Harlan k,Y�Street, L-8, Per the comments from Xcel (referenced below and attached), please utilize tree species for the landscaped area on the north border of the property that are on Xcel's list of approved species for planning near overhead lines, 9. Pei the corturients from Xcel (referenced below and attached), please replace the two trees on the west side of "tlhe property with tall shrubs that have roots approximately 18 inches in depth to prevent conflict with the underground electric line. ' 10 'Please remove survey text (such as N89 58'50 "W) from the drawing. 1 1. Please label trash cans on the plan (or include in legend) 1214 ther than using; a hatch for the ROW dedication area, just include a line (to match the site plan) that shows the /Proposed property line. E levations — Sheet RB -E I . P se label all of the materials on the draw 2. Please ittclude elevations of the gas canopy. 809 Southwest A Street, Suite 201 Bentonville, Arkansas 72712 Phone 479.273.7780 Fax 479,273.9436 a Remove i ,rt sostsffence a, A h II. A"I" �" $ k Pro CeePost 6, V aving in front of SW corner entry: please consider a scoring pattern in the concrete or special paving to highlight the SW entry from the public streets and tie the new hardscape into the existing hardscape on the comer. 7., e landscape plan must show the required plantings for the public ROW, including the tree lawn oil Harlan k,Y�Street, L-8, Per the comments from Xcel (referenced below and attached), please utilize tree species for the landscaped area on the north border of the property that are on Xcel's list of approved species for planning near overhead lines, 9. Pei the corturients from Xcel (referenced below and attached), please replace the two trees on the west side of "tlhe property with tall shrubs that have roots approximately 18 inches in depth to prevent conflict with the underground electric line. ' 10 'Please remove survey text (such as N89 58'50 "W) from the drawing. 1 1. Please label trash cans on the plan (or include in legend) 1214 ther than using; a hatch for the ROW dedication area, just include a line (to match the site plan) that shows the /Proposed property line. E levations — Sheet RB -E I . P se label all of the materials on the draw 2. Please ittclude elevations of the gas canopy. 809 Southwest A Street, Suite 201 Bentonville, Arkansas 72712 Phone 479.273.7780 Fax 479,273.9436 3�5 f the east facade, please make the screen wall for the dumpster taller so that it aligns with the soldier course �iattern on the building. This ties in with the building better and will make the wall feel more like it is part of the building, which is important since it is counting toward the build-to requirement. 4 Piease note that it is helpful to include the signs on the drawings for context (so they do not need to be removed) t signage is not part of the CUP/Site Plan approval. Signage will be approved through a separate building permit. 5. Transparency: please provide a table that shows the percent of required transparency and the percent provided for each elevation. Refer to Section 26-1106.13 Ground Floor Transparency of the code for details, but generally the west facade (primary facade) must have 60% transparency and the south facade, facing 38th Ave, must have 30% transparency. 6. Please clarify/label the vertical element that shows up in the south elevation as something along the cast side of the building (next to trash can in south elevation). T ease confirm that the soldier course pattern in the masonry around 12 feet along the building is at least I foot in eight. This is required to meet the material variation requirement is Section 26-1106.0.4 8 „Pka " ;e clarify if the mechanical equipment is on the roof and, if so, confirm that it is fully screened from view by the parapet. **fflelow) Referral comments received from other rit): departments and outside agencies regarding the aill!fication” Q(E oL Wheat Rid orks Paartment. Dave Biwssman, DmIlogment Review fn ge Public 14' _gineer. I . Bearings Shown on this project must be on the Currew Ch , Datum. (a.) While it is acknowledged that the property boundary infortnation currently shown is based upon the ALTA/ACSM Survey included with this submittal, there is going to be an easement vacation and Right-of- Way dedication with this project and all documents containing a Legal Description such as ROW dedications shall be on the Current Cih Datum. The property boundary bearings need to rotated counterclockwise one minute and seven seconds to be on the Current City Datum (see the redlined Conditional Use Site plan, sheet C2.0), (b.) They need to include a (revised) Basis of Bearings Statement saying the bearings are shown using the Current City Datuin, and include the following statement defining what the Current City Datum is: "THE BEARINGS AND DISTANCES SHOWN ON THIS PLAT ARE CONSISTENT WITH THE CURRENT CITY DA TUM, WHICH IS DEFINED AS FOLLOWS: 'THE CURRENT CITY DATUM COORDINATE SYSTEM USED IS A GROUND-BASED MODIFIED FORM OF THE NAD83/92 STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, COLORADO CENTRAL ZONE 0502, • VERTICAL DATUM USED IS THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 (NAVD88). 809 Southwest A Street, Suite 201 Bentonville, Arkansas 72712 Phone 479,273.7780 Fax 479.273.9436 • GROUND TO GRID COMBINED SCALE FACTOR IS 0.99974780300, SCALED FROM BASE POfNTPHAC I (PERMANENT HIGH ACCURACY CONTROL POINT #1) HAVING THE FOLLOWING NAD83/92 STATE PLANE COORDINATES: PHAC 1: NORTHING: 1701258.75. FASTING: 3118217.58, ELEVATION: 5471.62." 2. It does not appear that the current CUP request entails any site changes which could trigger traffic or drainage requirements. Therefore, Public Works has no further comments at this time, Engineering documents will be required at the time of a more detailed Site Plan submittal. 3. Please ask the applicant to include one hardeopy and one PDF file with the next submittal. Qt oL Wheat Ridge Parks Department. Please provide a legendl�,)Iant listfin- the landscape plan. It is acceptable if.) reinove the two trees close to the 5W The tree shoivit as relocated to the Harlan tree lawn should just be reinoved, rather than relocated (4 neiv trees planted in the Harlan Street tree lau7n). 111teat Ridge Fire Protection District.- Kell' Brooks, Fire,marshall. 1. A Commercial .5ite Planning Guide has been attached to this response for review by the applicant. All requirements established in the Commercial Site Planning Guide, as well as the 2006 International Fire Code and JEC amendments adopted by the City of Wheat Ridge shall be met unless otherwise approved by the Division of Fire Prevention. 1 A Fire Department Permit Guide has been attached to this response for review by the applicant, 3. The applicant shall verify that existing fire hydrants meet or exceed the fire flow requirements for both location and distribution based on the 2006 IFC Appendix C for the proposed building(s) type, size and location, 4. The applicant should be aware that the proposed project may require one or more of the following Fire Department permits: * Fire District building permit * Underground Storage Tank installation permit It is the responsibility of the property owner/tenant to verify that all required Fire Department permits are acquired. Wheat Rid , District. Bill 9 jilliy, District En ineer. , 1_ Comment: The SUbJect lot at the address referenced a boNe is cnfirck xN it hin the boundary and sere ice area o 1' 1 lie \Vheat Ridge Sanitation Distrio, 1'reatnient ofs'ewa�� , 'e, generated within the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District Is provided by the Metro Nk'astewater Reclamation District (Metro), Wheat Ridge Sanitation District has tat possible mainlines in the area that could ser\ ice said parcel (fa•ihty map attached) : 1 I 2-inch sanitary sewer main conning south to north within fladan Street �Nest of the stit1ject propertv. and an S-illch sallitary se\ker main ninninu X\est to east within 38"' Avenue somh ofthe property, 809 Southwest A Street. Suite 201 Bentonville, Arkansas 72712 Phone 479.273.7780 Fax 479.273.9436 Comment: The dc�,cI oper is respotisible for determining depths Oft tie exist ill e s III itary sc kcr main to verifv if t- ravity lloiN saiiitary sewer service is capable of' servicing the proposed dexe I opmew or ifiiidividria I sewage ejector(s) (lift station) is required, Comment. The developer «ill be responsible for all there Current tap tees. re iew and perinit t`ees, licensure etc, As to part of the site plaii submittal. the Developer shaapl also provide as liStIJILI 0HIMUres, arId fiXtUrC Will C01,1111 aS1,'0CiZlted with the develop mem certified by as niectianical oi plumbing eriuineer. Comment: 'Hic District's Rules and Rcutilations are mailable to the owtier upoti recluest. According I(,) the referral, it appears as future fueling station v, ill be as part of the site and \x ill be detailed more (i.e, plumbine plans, oil saild separator. sanitary ser\ ice cminection point) it) as future site plari submittal. Xcel En My: Comment: Public Service Company of Colorado (PSCo) has determined there is a conflict with the above captioned project. Public Service Company has existing overhead and underground electric lines in the vicinity of the proposed trees along Harlan Street (underground) and along the northerly lot line (overhead). Public Service Company's "Guidelines for Planting in or near Rights-of-Way and Utility Facilities" has been attached for review, Commelit: The property owner/developer/contractor must contact the Builder's Call Line at 1-800- 628-2121 and complete the application process for any new gas or electric service, or modification to existing facilities including relocation and/or removal and associated costs, It is then the responsibility of the developer to contact the Designer assigned to the prqject for approval of design details. Additional easements may need to be acquired by separate document for new facilities. Comment: As a safety precaution, PSCo would like to remind the developer to call the Utility Notification Center at 1-800-922-1987 to have all utilities located prior to any construction. Submittal Contment, Varalt Showalter. This concludes the summary of comments. Please address each of these comments by revising the Site Plan/CUP application and submitting a written letter that responds to each of the comments above. For clarification on any of these issues, please feel free to contact: Community Development Sarah Showalter 303-235-2849 Public Works Dave Brossman 303-235-2864 This CUP request is being processed administratively. Once the changes are made, please submit three copies of the revised plan sets at full size, one size at 1 1x17, and one PDF set of the revised application. End of Responses Sincerely, 849 Southwest A Street., Suite 241 Bentonville, Arkansas 72712 Phone 479.273,7780 Fax 479,273.9436 MWAV f 888.520.9685 809 Southwest A Street, Suite 201 Bentonville, Arkansas 72712 Phone 479.273.7780 Fax 79. 73,9436 City of wh6 -'�t ,. WORKS To Sarili - Ct JP-1 2-01 5995 W18th Ave 7-Elevcn,,Revicw2 (11-06-2012)Aocx F U U I i =i ik- I � r co 1.1 � M to Of � r o1` If this hne Is supposed to parallel M section line the bearing v 11 need to �e bearing of the W line the SE 114 S24 must be own as N00'16'4B "W to on the Current City ,turn as required . modified to N00'16 43 W TesDond to It L ■ .� 1 9✓.Wry Es D -90 °16'34" L= 23.64' .o Z� 1 rrAOW f. *j& T j& 1111 1(111 ■ PERMANENT EASEMENT THIS Is BE MEASURED FROM. 7- ELEVEN STORE NO. 36492 - W. 38TH AVE. & HARLAN ST. SITE PLAN AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) LOT 1. CARTER MINOR SUBDIVISION, BEING IN THE SE 114 OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPLE MERIDIAN COUNTY OF JEFFERSON STATE OF COLORADO _ CONCRETE 16' INGRESS r EGRESS EASEMENT REC. NO. 81064740 N89 E I -- - - - -- i -- -- - - -- - - - - -- W 40.00' i w U I Z O U i I I Z 1 9 W I o � Epy �77.� - U W Al TI o1` If this hne Is supposed to parallel M section line the bearing v 11 need to �e bearing of the W line the SE 114 S24 must be own as N00'16'4B "W to on the Current City ,turn as required . modified to N00'16 43 W TesDond to It L ■ .� 1 9✓.Wry Es D -90 °16'34" L= 23.64' .o Z� 1 rrAOW f. *j& T j& 1111 1(111 ■ PERMANENT EASEMENT THIS Is BE MEASURED FROM. 7- ELEVEN STORE NO. 36492 - W. 38TH AVE. & HARLAN ST. SITE PLAN AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) LOT 1. CARTER MINOR SUBDIVISION, BEING IN THE SE 114 OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPLE MERIDIAN COUNTY OF JEFFERSON STATE OF COLORADO _ CONCRETE 16' INGRESS r EGRESS EASEMENT REC. NO. 81064740 N89 E I -- - - - -- i -- -- - - -- - - - - -- W 40.00' i w U I Z O U i I I �I � PERMANENT EASE NT NATCIIED AREA To BE DEDIGi . AS ROW BY A SEPARATE DOCUMENT. THIS IS WHERE THE NEW BUILD TO UME WILL BE MEASURED FROM. LECTRIC TRANSFORMER d BUS STOP o / j,v - TTTZiTTT1"T /Z LOT 1 CARTER MINOR SUBDIVISION RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY ON MAY 4, 1999 AT REC. NO. F0859511 Slide 125 00' distance none way or the other so underlying text Is readable I, C O I O ASPHALT O I� m T O O �0 V/ Z W 2 W U) W c U LO U Q O LL QO cr Z N w A 15' IRON FENCE W/ BRICK COLUMNS WEST 38TH AVE PERMANENT EASEMENT, Beanng must be modified to S89'59'57"E to be on the Current Cev Datum t i CURB CUT I LANDSCAPING N SCALE 10 10 20 1 loon - ED n - -+ Bearing either needs to Ix N89'59'57 - W or S89'59'57'E (1). BASS OF BEARINGS: BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST 9 OF SECTION 24. TJS, 9W OF THE 3TH PM. LINE IS MOMMENTED A' EACH END 0 4' BRASS CAP IN A RANGE BOX 'LS 17212'. LINE BE 9859'SY (2). THE BEARINGS AND DISTANCES 940" ON THIS PLAT ARE CONSISTENT WITH THE CURRENT CITY DATUM. WlC is DEFINED AS FOLLOWS: - THE CURRENT CITY DATUM COORDINATE SYSTEM USED HERON is A GROUND -BABA MODIFIED FORM OF THE MAD 93/92 STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM. COLORADO CENTRAL ZONE 05OZ - VERTICAL IS THE CAL DATUM USE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 19M (NAVDI9). - GROUND TO GRID COMBINED SCALE FACTOR IS 0.99974730300, SCALED FROM BASE PONT PHAC 1 (PERMANENT HIGH ACCURACY CONTROL POINT/I) HAG THE FOLLOWING HAD 93/92 STATE PL E COORDINATES: RUC t; NORTHING: 170125975, EASTING: 3113217.58, ELE"DON: 5471.62.' CITY OF V44EAT RIDGE PUBLIC VYORKE DATE 11 /OSli2 RECENED 11 105112 2nd Submittal HARRISON FRENCH 9D9 S.W. A Sven, Sme 201 Beale 9k. AA,, 72712 t 4]9277.7790 1`479.7119436 Ww.Nfaxsom IN Er l EL w W 1 � > < U w kl Y X 9 W R G S ISSUE BLOC( STORE NO, 36492 DOCUMENT DATE: 11/2/2012 CHECKED BY: SAW DRAW BY: NAJ /JAS MIS DRAWING IS FOR CONCEPTUAL PURPOSES ONLY AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION. I W - CONDITIONAL USE SITE R/W DEDICATION REV -1 SHEF" C2.0 VICINITY MAP & AERIAL NO SCALE W O o cyD �I � PERMANENT EASE NT NATCIIED AREA To BE DEDIGi . AS ROW BY A SEPARATE DOCUMENT. THIS IS WHERE THE NEW BUILD TO UME WILL BE MEASURED FROM. LECTRIC TRANSFORMER d BUS STOP o / j,v - TTTZiTTT1"T /Z LOT 1 CARTER MINOR SUBDIVISION RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY ON MAY 4, 1999 AT REC. NO. F0859511 Slide 125 00' distance none way or the other so underlying text Is readable I, C O I O ASPHALT O I� m T O O �0 V/ Z W 2 W U) W c U LO U Q O LL QO cr Z N w A 15' IRON FENCE W/ BRICK COLUMNS WEST 38TH AVE PERMANENT EASEMENT, Beanng must be modified to S89'59'57"E to be on the Current Cev Datum t i CURB CUT I LANDSCAPING N SCALE 10 10 20 1 loon - ED n - -+ Bearing either needs to Ix N89'59'57 - W or S89'59'57'E (1). BASS OF BEARINGS: BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST 9 OF SECTION 24. TJS, 9W OF THE 3TH PM. LINE IS MOMMENTED A' EACH END 0 4' BRASS CAP IN A RANGE BOX 'LS 17212'. LINE BE 9859'SY (2). THE BEARINGS AND DISTANCES 940" ON THIS PLAT ARE CONSISTENT WITH THE CURRENT CITY DATUM. WlC is DEFINED AS FOLLOWS: - THE CURRENT CITY DATUM COORDINATE SYSTEM USED HERON is A GROUND -BABA MODIFIED FORM OF THE MAD 93/92 STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM. COLORADO CENTRAL ZONE 05OZ - VERTICAL IS THE CAL DATUM USE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 19M (NAVDI9). - GROUND TO GRID COMBINED SCALE FACTOR IS 0.99974730300, SCALED FROM BASE PONT PHAC 1 (PERMANENT HIGH ACCURACY CONTROL POINT/I) HAG THE FOLLOWING HAD 93/92 STATE PL E COORDINATES: RUC t; NORTHING: 170125975, EASTING: 3113217.58, ELE"DON: 5471.62.' CITY OF V44EAT RIDGE PUBLIC VYORKE DATE 11 /OSli2 RECENED 11 105112 2nd Submittal HARRISON FRENCH 9D9 S.W. A Sven, Sme 201 Beale 9k. AA,, 72712 t 4]9277.7790 1`479.7119436 Ww.Nfaxsom IN Er l EL w W 1 � > < U w kl Y X 9 W R G S ISSUE BLOC( STORE NO, 36492 DOCUMENT DATE: 11/2/2012 CHECKED BY: SAW DRAW BY: NAJ /JAS MIS DRAWING IS FOR CONCEPTUAL PURPOSES ONLY AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION. I W - CONDITIONAL USE SITE R/W DEDICATION REV -1 SHEF" C2.0 VICINITY MAP & AERIAL NO SCALE n City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W, 29' Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303,235.2846 F: 303235.2857 wwwxi.wheatridgexoms this in formation so that it matches the following table: NO'TE: calculations are used on vacation of streetscape casement/future property lines 8. Please clearly dimension the maximum distance between the building and the future property line along Harlan Street. 9. Please remove survey text (such as N89 58'50"W) from the drawing. 10. The awnings appear to be an item at the ground level. Please either remove from this drawing or use a taint gray line. 4. Please update the open space table to a(IcI percentages as snown netow: = • .- 5WIMFUD or two bracks to east side near main m Elevations — Sheet RB-E 1. Please label all of the materials on the drawing. 2. Please include elevations of the gas canopy. 3. For the cast faqade, please make the screen wall for the dumpster taller so that it aligns with the soldier course pattern on the building.. This ties in with the building better and will make the wall feet more like it is part of the building, which is important since it is counting toward the build-to requirement. 4. Please note that it is helpful to include the signs on the drawings for context (so they do not need to be removed) but signage is not part of the CUP/Site Plan approval. Signage will be approved through a separate building permit. 5. Transparency: please provide a table that shows the percent of required transparency and the percent provided for each elevation. Refer to Section 26-1106.D Ground Floor Transparency of the code for details, but generally the west facade (primary facade) must have 60% transparency and the south facade, facing 38 Ave, must have 30% transparency. 6. Please clarify /label the vertical element that shows up in the south elevation as something along the east side of the building (next to trash can in south elevation)• 7. Please confirm that the soldier course pattern in the masonry around 12 feet along the building is at least I foot in height. This is required to meet the material variation requirement is Section 26- 11 06.0.4 8. Please clarify if the mechanical equipment is on the roof and, if so, confirrn that it is fully screened from view by the parapet. Attached are referral comments received from other city departments and outside agencies regarding the application: QV of Wheat Ridge Public Works Department: See attached connnentsftoln Dave Brossinan, Development Review Engineer. Qy of Wheat Ridge Parks Department: Please provide a legen&j)lant list fear the landscape plan. It is acceptable to remove the two trees close to the SJV ' The tree shown os relocated to the Harlon tree lawn should be retnoveel, rather than relocated (a i new trees planted in the Harlon Street tree lawn). ff'heat Ridge Fire Protection District: See attached connnentsftom Kelli Brooks, Fire Alarshall. Wheat Ridge Sanitation District: See attached commentsftoin Bill ff"illis, District Engineer. Xcel Energy: See attached comments and guidelines fin- plonting�' This concludes the summary of comments. Please address each of these comments by revising the Site Plan/CUP application and submitting a written letter that responds to each of the comments above. For clarification on any of these issues, please feel free to contact: Community Development Sarah Showalter 303-235-2849 Public Works Dave Brossman 303-235-2864 ']'his CUP request is being processed administratively. Once the changes are made, please submit three copies of the revised plan sets at full size, one size at I 1x1 and one PDF set of the revised application El You may contact me at 303-235-2849 with any questions. MMM Sarah Showalter, AICI' Planner 11 C , CUP-12-01 - a I I - I I TO: Sarah Showalter, Planner 11 FROM: Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer;�: DATE: October 16, 2012 SUBJECT: CUP -1 -01 / 7-Eleven I have completed my review of the Conditional Use Permit request from for new construction of a 7-Eleven convenience store located at 5995 W. 38 Avenue received on October 8, 2012 and I have the following comments: ToSarjh -CUP-] 2-015995 W38tb ANe_7-E)cven(10-j&2012).d0cx E t ld hi GAS It to r � ' ' I I V _ r . IS r�ifFE tI�ASE NT r'OR: OO LEMpWigMe MfD pl ill FpygNtle 1471. 1 O OMM T N M lY I o ; ! EL z Hoof Oatd AGO. cairn W rD. ,, 0013001104 u ,a,. ewFirw pine w K MEASURE mots. i I ow° n ALe�.nawT[ °rmrunra r,E arArow orr�l�aorl lase use tiro Cument City Datum ' 1 U U , aring = NOD- 16'48'W T N Q' ! i Please include the following on this sheet ( -- - d - - - ' y ! ,. ... refer to Comment Letter as needed) Marts } I i ,� As Hoe e tr I Ifeet) LM AS ._ 15' w Ba of B I \ r A SEPARA>F OOGARNT. .. .. t. A 1I5 earings S tatement (using the Oaa+aR Ibnh $ouEh o +oPenY OeeenslDe - 19225 Current City Datum) hb&.t Sd-A f Es..WM abry S-th . 17 . Include the toi statement describing ' I ! i ' / _ *._., ,! _;•„ _ e} - , _ _-� , ;< i I I the Current C Datum coordinates stem Net Ovvas Length - 16515 BEARINGS AND DISTANCES SHOWN erv"+rt Ma+i To Street (W% of o.erM w l ae�ennt e . 99. is . TT THIS PLAT ARE CONSISTENT WITH 7T7T _ ._ .. d .i.� [...f_ __7 - .T.. .. , - j N" P r at Buildi 1nc6+r Duavvi,n . so 65 }J , I } - THE CURRENT CITY DATUM. WHICH IS , 7 f L7���/ / � YL.; /,K,(�,f,/(9.y�,LC DEFINED AS FOLLOWS. ( I I - _-.- - ` - j , \ /l� - 7�••��r - L $ /-a[..l..L.iL.Z -.L_L c� .<• / -- _ L.. /'[ -L-<- / L.� /- �L. /-/ L-I .�.I /. . �•L il. _ .. _ .. ._ i L .. a. THE CURRENT CITY DATUM I ; I ����•V� / / / /�'�Il / > / / / / / / / / / /� /�/ / /// /�/////////-/7 / / /!/ _. -..__� COORDINATE SYSTEM USED HEREIN IS A I •Ask For 10 %AdMM Van— GROUND-BASED MODIFIED FORM OF THE NAD8"2 STATE PLANE COORDINATE /.� /. -! 1 Ru ��\ // T1 4 ., _ _ , ! = I f ' -• -- (; 90° 6'34 W � / / / / / / / J / / -/ / /. / / / / d /I/ CURB ri>r� °„ilia ; 1 0502 EM. COLORADO CENTRAL ZONE !Rh to (SemMYry Sheet Fronge) (Feett - .. .___ _ I --?_ D VERTICAL DATUM USED IS THE fNORTHI I !� - E �- !� 1 1 E t E F _ .__ _...._ VERTICAL AT 1988 -- AMERICAN VE CAL D 11M OF ry I � (NAW88) SecordrT 8rr11F T. Street (!0%of ae•1re+herA - 4� ` PERMANENT EASEMENT _ — LANDSCAPING c Eau west Pont" of One Building 42.41 G9fF ..ir .:SO�I = .. t ::.- : C01� ..: _..' GTJi � = ,j SA (PERM NT SCALE E `_ -. E .. ..... ...__ _-_. MI _.._ ._:, .. :.. : -_ c .,_ FACTI 0 Ci SC FROM - �! NTT 1E HAVING E I 9'8T1N (GuFnnt C .. - ) Meets om Requeremenc w w w w _ - _. I THE FOLLOWING NAD83192 STATE PLANE - -- — — — - ►1 - -- _._ - .. w _.._ w - ' w -- w -- w - -- w _ __- .. _.. _ �_ - !CC/ORDINATES. PHAC 1 NORTHING :T.. 1 701258.75, EASTIG 311621758 WEST 38TH AVENUE . ELEVATION: *SPEE LIMIT 0 3• (1 ! i 1 1 ! I ` � ! I I I I I n_ I ! r I (I I 0 Z is li ��1' T Qtr I I j I LJ ;\ I i cn !I 2.25' CONCRETE _____ 41 16' INGRESS I` EGRESS EASEMENT �. � i REC. NO. 81064740 S89 0 58 50 ; ' E 1i___________ ' PRDPOITV ` ._ SERVICE , •— ' — PERMANENT EASEMENT EASEMENT AREA \, aE - - lip - _...... A$ Rd. a* IDra� i na is -CRE THE It • TO UK tM{L uEE .E FR04 ZONING REQUIREMENTS REWIRED PROVIDED um U. / 47.1 + �/ FFE= 5416.6 EA ApEI REal11Fl _ taM.w lor•DTM ,< iROMf rAr1D rY�IlrOw�.+o-w,ews.. well A. it b J I 11 yy�� 2V. / I O W: O i LOT <1 O 0 0 00 T _ W T_ I T D ,, V/ F- z W 2 w U) Q W co — V) U to U 00 Q p �L.L N O I r I U I N SCALE 10 0 10 20 1 E h - 10 R IdtS�IAWP'.1ruS r a M owilly F011COMI .FPfIIN FtMVBE1 OnLV AMO•W1MOrZ ,aa:o ran eP.atrao M DortrrRUCT1oM. SUMMARY IDra� i l0® UK rB01.OAg0o mrf[ P" uEE j ZONING REQUIREMENTS REWIRED PROVIDED um A l l 47.1 + �/ FFE= 5416.6 EA ApEI REal11Fl _ taM.w lor•DTM ,< iROMf rAr1D rY�IlrOw�.+o-w,ews.. well A. I+ FFE= 5416.6 RFN1 u • 1tw �MOtnIrE •aaa,s / r...w. -Aer IF In FFE= 5416.6 ; ! AMr•aEw..m• PAreuell VALL 80 wa1 .,1 1e.w INro _... SERVICE aW 01 ll C . EASEMENT AREA _L " MMAMO 011415 , III FrrovaaD vAtu a Mats wFecr•ra,o ro IsoUw+alrc .1 IET i LOT <1 O 0 0 00 T _ W T_ I T D ,, V/ F- z W 2 w U) Q W co — V) U to U 00 Q p �L.L N O I r I U I N SCALE 10 0 10 20 1 E h - 10 R IdtS�IAWP'.1ruS r a M owilly F011COMI .FPfIIN FtMVBE1 OnLV AMO•W1MOrZ ,aa:o ran eP.atrao M DortrrRUCT1oM. SUMMARY IDra� i l0® UK rB01.OAg0o mrf[ P" uEE caENslilei E ETM a rwao ZONING REQUIREMENTS REWIRED PROVIDED um EMA AIIFA EA ApEI REal11Fl _ taM.w lor•DTM ,< iROMf rAr1D rY�IlrOw�.+o-w,ews.. well A. RFN1 u • 1tw �MOtnIrE •aaa,s Won r...w. -Aer IF F1.0011 —M M AMr•aEw..m• PAreuell VALL 80 wa1 .,1 1e.w INro 11 -1-11F aW 01 ll C . ,r rWardraACF. " MMAMO 011415 , III FrrovaaD vAtu a Mats wFecr•ra,o ro IsoUw+alrc 1 H x If the drawing is rotated counterclockwise one (1) minute and seven (7) it will be on the Current City Datum as regmred THIS DRAG IS FOR C MCEPTVAL P E5 da. Vftpo Y wo SHM MDT 9E USm FOR CONSTRUCl10M. • HAUwO PaeNCH 60FSp ASew$v 3h trii Aa.v.r 72712 mZfS7780 f IA1r1.1N16 F lid � -i� °119 15 �E 4ea6��° y P A la a ! 5 da • z 1 w s > U ✓ W Y w ISSUE BLOC( K WYOF!ti "RIDUE pUaFy Ytaw MM_ Itoilght CONDITIONAL USE SITE R/W DEDICATION REV -0 SHEET C2.Q VICINITY MAP k AERIAL NO SCALE Wheat Ridge Sanitation District 7100 West 44 Avenue, Suite 104 P.O. Box 288 Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034-0288 Phone: 303-424-7252 Fax: 303-424-2280 Cc. Sue Matthews — Wheat Ridge Sanitation District WHEAT RIDGE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT DOING THE RIGHT THINGS AT THE RIG14T TIMES FOR THE RIGHT REASONS 3880 Upham Street Wheat Ridge, Colorado 90033 # ph.303-403-S900 www.wrfire.org Sarah Showalter City of Wheat Ridge RE Community Development Referral CASE NO CUP-12-01 / 7-Eleven MIMI 1i 2. A Fire Department Permit Guide has been attached to this response for review by the applicant, 3. The applicant shall verify that existing fire hydrants meet or exceed the fire flow requirements for both location and distribution based on the 2006 IFC Appendix C for the proposed building(s) type, size and location. 4. The applicant should be aware that the proposed project may require one or more of the following Fire Department permits. o- Fire District building permit o Underground Storage Tank installation permit FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT PERMIT GUIDE A Fire Protection District permit is required for the following project types. All permits are applied for and issued through the respective Fire District independently. It is your responsibility to contact the appropriate Fire District to determine submittal requirements and to obtain the appropriate permits. Refer to the Fire District map on the back of this guide in order to determine which Fire Protection District your project is located ■ Site plan review, ■ Development plan review, -Site access and fire access roads -Signage Tire flow requirements -Address numbers Fire hydrants, locations -Exterior obstructions -Occupancy specific requirements -Trash enclosures ICT BUILDING PERMIT i - 11raflutruffiggavvit mmmm -Building/Fire code study -Site plan -Emergency planning requirements -Exterior fire service features -Egress and exiting provisions -Fire extinguishers -Fire protection system requirements -Building service systems -Use and process specific criteria -Hazardous materials/processes If a fire alarm permit is not required, provide to the Fire District: A Scope of Work letter. A signed NFPA 72 Certificate of Completion. A basic as-built plan showing the location of any new or relocated devices and what circuit(s) were augmented. wgiugll & Ty 0 Installation of a new Fire Sprinkler system, I STANDPIPE SYSTEM PERMIT I 0 installation of anew system, C] Relocation of an existing system, WISM-1 ZZIUMMMMMMUMMUM-EMN ,* installation of a new system. ji Any addition to an existing system. 0 Installation of a new pump, [3 Any addition to an existing system. EKIT:C��C�N_HOOD�SYST�EMPE�RMIT C3 Installation of a new system, C3 Addition of one or more nozzles or at the discretion of the AHJ, 0 Relocation of an existing system, RUM W 9" * :6 Note: This Permit Guide addresses Construction Permits only. Contact your respective Fire District for all Operational Permit requirements, Rev, $11/2011 FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT PERMIT GUIDE Im, Pre -App Data Form o O E3 PreappNo: JAPP12126 PreappDabe: 8/15/2012 ApplicantName: Greg Meeter for 7 -Eleven ProjectStreetf4o: 5995',1 ,, 33th Ave, —� PreappFeePd PreappFee: 9J NbadmeebngDate: Nbadmeetirg eePcl NbadmeebngFee: Notes; ;not paid Case #: Record; II 455 of 455 �i ► Permit #: �,, ..'':: i ,t-:, 7 1 Search Ol 7 -Eleven, Inc. August 6, 2012 Sarah Showalter, AICP, LEED AP Planner I1 City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 RE: Pre -Application -Written Narrative 7 -Eleven #1025444 38'x' and Harlan, Wheat Ridge, CO Dear Ms. Showalter, The purpose of this letter is to provide a narrative describing the project / land use for the proposed 7 -Eleven development on the north-east corner of 38th Ave and Harlan Street in the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Existing Conditions: The approximate 25,377 SF site is currently used as an auto repair shop and is located at the north-east corner of 38th Ave and Harlan Street. There is one existing, two-way driveway on 38th Ave. The majority of the site is covered in old asphalt pavement. The site and surrounding areas are completely developed with commercial on all sides, with neighborhood commercial to the north. The site drains to the west, Harlan Street. It has updated sidewalk and landscaping along 38th street frontage. The frontage along Harlan Street has broken up sidewalk and no landscaping. Zoning Information: The property is located in the jurisdiction of City of Wheat Ridge and is zoned commercial 1 district (C 1). Convenience stores, 24-hour operation, beer sales, lottery, ATM and tobacco are allowed by right. Fuel sales are allowed by special use permit. Adjacent properties are zoned commercial one district (C 1) and neighborhood commercial (NC). Proposed Improvements (Applies to All Concepts): The proposed improvements include the 7 -Eleven's demolition of existing building, the site development and construction of a new 3010 square foot building along with a fuel facility consisting of fuel canopy, new underground storage tanks and 4 fueling dispenser stations (8 pumps). The project will include site utilities, site access, paved parking, circulation, landscaping and freestanding signage. Pre -Application Narrative —Site #1025444_ 38th & Harlan, Wheat Ridge, CO Pagel The intended use is for the 24 hour operation of a 7 -Eleven convenience store including retail sales of motor vehicle fuel, tobacco, lottery, ATM, convenience items, pre-packaged foods, hot foods, fresh foods, beverages and 3.2% beer for off-site consumption. 7 -Eleven is a best in class operator of convenience stores with innovative programs, industry leading training and crime prevention programs, and an environmentally friendly design that includes state of the art lighting. Most importantly, each 7 -Eleven store is designed to serve the community as an integral part of the neighborhood. The proposed use and project design will be harmonious with the neighboring community and existing commercial development. Three Concept Plans: Attached to this submittal please find three (3) concept drawings for your review and comment. Concept Plan #2 - This is the preferred Concept Plan for 7 -Eleven This is the only plan that meets safety and access requirements for vehicles and fuel trucks on the site. The building and canopy do not meet the build -to -area within 12 feet of the property line per the Architectural Site Design Manual - Traditional Overlay. We are open to your creative suggestions to help us adhere to the build -to -area with this concept plan. For instance, in lieu of the convenience store, could landscaping be used to create the desired urban edge along 38`h Avenue? Concept Plan #3 Canopy on Street. Concept #3 was designed to meet the new Mixed Use Zone - Neighborhood Zone, which allows gas canopies to fulfill the build -to -area requirements. Unfortunately, this concept has circulation issues that cannot be remedied. There is no room for traffic circulation on the south and west sides of the canopy. The concept pushes the new curb all the way to the edge of the sidewalk, leaving only 11 'for the front drive. We've looked at it from just about every angle and can't make the canopy in the build -to -area work. Concept Plan #4 Building on Street- Concept #4 was designed to meet the Current Architectural Site Design Manual - Traditional Overlay, which requires a 0-12 foot build -to area for 60% of the primary street frontage. Due to site constraints, we weren't able to design a site plan which placed 60% building of frontage along 38`h. This concept places 60% of the building frontage in the build -to area along Harlan Street. We really like this concept, but are concerned that the design would encourage/require traffic and fuels tankers exiting the fueling locations to pull right into a drive on the adjoining property. If you have any questions or need additional information regarding the pre -application submittal, don't hesitate to contact me at (303) 919-4282. We look forward to meeting with you soon. Sincerely, Gregory A. Meeter, AICP Zoning Manger Lend Lease / Authorized Agent for 7 -Eleven, Inc. Pre -Application Narrative -Site #1025444 - 38th & Harlan, Wheat Ridge, CO Page 2 -N6�0'00"E 100.0 0, 8VV I -2 ement A 103.3' overhead elec. - 46 0' 01 .0 N90000'00"E N96000'00"E 1k 82.75' r-- — — — 7 C)0 Awesm ham LE CURB I 0 0 1 C3 --ID Z I C) 0.0 0 I 4C) 0 verhaN('7%,. 0 0 18'24.15 136.2',o. 1 4.1.- ENCLOSURE co e t subdivision 1plat ❑cl I -ELEVEIV aase ent per rec. #F15770 3010 S.F. A 0 0 easeme Re i carter minor subdivisib", 48.91' asement per rec. #F 32 66 ,T L KURD TO - SE M . . . .ACK L -easement-per-fee.-#91-05658-1— — — — — — 2- - - - - - - - ---r - -- - - - i----- -easement per rec. #91056-581— N90000'00"W 125.07' ACCESS 2. SCAM 10 0 20 NOR 4- t- F f If Is fE--. ® -A- VICINITY MAP NO SCALE SITE SUMMARY ZONIING. TBD BURRING HEIGHT.- 791) LOT AREA, 0.58 ACRES 25,377 Sr STANDARD PARKING: TOTAL PROVIDED 12 SPACES UIUDING 3,010 SF : Ano PROVIDED 198 / IODD SF TOTAL REQUIRED TBD SPACES RATIO REOUIRED TBD / 1000 SF ACCESSIBLE PARKING TOTAL PROVIDED 1 SPACES VAN SPACES TOTAL REQUIRED 1 SPACES NOTE THE SITE WYES71CATION REPORT WAS NOT AVAILABLE AT THE TWE THS STE PLAN WAS CREATED. LANDSCAPING. SETBACKS, AND PARKING REGULATIONS WILL NEED TO BE VERIM By THE SIR AND UPDATED ON THE STE PLAN. CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED ACCEPTED UNTIL THE FOLLOWING APPROVALS. FROM 7 -ELEVEN, HAW BEEN COMMUNICATED: as a. Qua. aaCa THIS DRAWING IS FOR CONCEPTUAL PURPOSES —1 AND SHOULD 0, .USED FOR CONSTRUCTION. E HARRISON FRENCH — AT 809 S, W. A Secs, &a. 201 B—Q-AA-72712 ,179111,18D f 479273.9436 _.hf..— ISSUE BLOCK STORE NO, I025444 DOCUMENT DAM 8/3/2012 CHECKED ". JWK DRAM BY: JV SITE PLAN CONCEPT -4 C1.0 N90000'00"E 100.00' S00016'51 "E - - - 2.25' easement per rec. #81 N90000'00"E N90000'00"E - 40.00' - - - 82.75' ENCL0671RE ,740 9 0 103.3' veo e� elec. -7 ELEVEN 1 46.9' 70X43 f easeme er r 966 asement per rec. #91056581 _ - easement per rec. #91056581 - N90000'00"W 125.07' SW COR. SE 1/4 SEC 24 w. 38th ave. N SCAN'. 10 0 10 20 I L..h - 10 M VICINITY MAP NO SCALE SITE SUMMARY ZONING TBD BINDING HEIGHT: TBD O 25.3n SF STANDARD PARKING: NOT AVAILABLE AT THE TIME THIS STE PLAN LE CURB 12 SPACES BUILDING I RATIO PROVIDED 3,516 / 1000 SF TOTAL REQUIRED I 35.93• = • 6. ACCESSIBLE PARKING TOTAL PROVIDED ` Z I0 VAN ' L------------ 2 1 SPACES 0 ® q OV . I ocn 36.2' `v ------------------- M N v o� 0. IL ,G easement per hahn subdivisio plat e-- — -- -- �' I ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ e ❑ ❑ W <0 W - -- - ---- - L �— mend per c®rter minorivis on pit ❑-� " I --------- ------ f easeme er r 966 asement per rec. #91056581 _ - easement per rec. #91056581 - N90000'00"W 125.07' SW COR. SE 1/4 SEC 24 w. 38th ave. N SCAN'. 10 0 10 20 I L..h - 10 M VICINITY MAP NO SCALE SITE SUMMARY ZONING TBD BINDING HEIGHT: TBD LOT AREA 0.36 ACRES 25.3n SF STANDARD PARKING: NOT AVAILABLE AT THE TIME THIS STE PLAN TOTAL PROVIDED 12 SPACES BUILDING 3.010 SF RATIO PROVIDED 3,516 / 1000 SF TOTAL REQUIRED TBD SPACES RATIO REQUIRED TBD / 1000 SF ACCESSIBLE PARKING TOTAL PROVIDED 1 SPACES VAN 1SPACES TOTAL REQUIRED 1 SPACES DRIVE TMS DRAWING IS FCi CONCEPNAL PURPOSES ONLY AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION. k iARRlsoN, FRENCH EW S.W.ASe S. 2DI 0cnl Ioi Ak-72712 r 479.277.7780 (3,.9277.9436 —hr.- 413111 hr. ,131 It FS ELEF m S z �W i w Ir D 0. ISSUE BLOCK STORE NO.: 10254" DOCUMENT DATE 10/12/2011 CHECKED BY: UWK DRAWN BY: N SITE PLAN CONCEPT -2 SHEET' C1.0 NOTE: THE STE INVESTIGATION REPORT WAS NOT AVAILABLE AT THE TIME THIS STE PLAN WAS CREATED. LANDSCAPING. SETBACKS. AND PARKING REG" 710NS WILL NEED TO BE VERFIED BY THE SR AND UPDATED ON W STE PLAN. /� I � DRIVE TMS DRAWING IS FCi CONCEPNAL PURPOSES ONLY AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION. k iARRlsoN, FRENCH EW S.W.ASe S. 2DI 0cnl Ioi Ak-72712 r 479.277.7780 (3,.9277.9436 —hr.- 413111 hr. ,131 It FS ELEF m S z �W i w Ir D 0. ISSUE BLOCK STORE NO.: 10254" DOCUMENT DATE 10/12/2011 CHECKED BY: UWK DRAWN BY: N SITE PLAN CONCEPT -2 SHEET' C1.0 y N c N190000'00"E 100.00' S00016'51,E -I------ -- --------------------- - 2.25' I easementp er rec. #81 I I I i N90°00'00"E N90000'00"E - 40:00,— - 82.75' — — — ENCLOSURE - 740 I I I 103.3' ! I ;e elec. `�-ELEVEN 46.9' 70X43 I I I O I LE CURB -'- n' •8' 6' I ZI I L--------�--- O I120.0' CD O ISI I � I A. I� ov G cl j I I r -- I B B B0 I I 36.2' cy)I/ O _� J L N o coJc I - ►tie ' - oI MI I was ` er hahns subdivisio m plat co epsd men o o o °O OD o II I – I I I --esm pE ire n pla +� ❑ e ❑ e ❑ O ❑ e ❑ W 0 ® u ® ® u ® ® a 4 I. I� II i Ie�se4nent per reem #F133296� ❑ ❑ I L----------------------- zvBULo-ro \ sement per rec. #91056581 ---eas-ernentperrec.#9'10565-81— N90O00'00"W 125.07' oN SW COR. SE 1/4 SEC 24 w. 38th ave. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I / I II \ I F ACCESS DRIVE WB -5 AASHTO 20C VICINITY MAP NO SCALE SITE SUMMARY ZONING: TRO BOLDING HEIGHT: TBD LOT AREA 0.5B ACRES 25.377 SF STANDARD PARKING: TOTAL PROVIDED 12 SPACES BUILDING 3.010 SF RATIO PROVIDED 3.98 / 1000 SF TOTAL REQUIRED TBD SPACES RATIO REQUIRED TBD / 1000 SF ACCESSOUE PARKING TOTAL PROVIDED f SPANS VAN , SPACER TOTAL REQUIRED 1 SPACES NOTE: THE SITE INVESTIGATION REPORT WAS NOT AVAILABLE AT THE TIME THIS SITE PLAN WAS CREATED. LANDSCAPING. SETBACKS. AND PARKINGREG LATIONS WLL NEED TO BE VERWIM BY THE SIR AND UPDATED ON THE SITE PLAN. THIS DRAW NI IS FOR CONCEPTUAL PURPOSES ONLY AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION. HARRISONPRENEH I 7 809 S.W. A Sv Sage 201 B.—ilk. Ad— 72712 179.273.7780 (179173.9136 _wlh-Ae.mm n u7 a w U A L ISSUE BLOCK STORE NO.: 1023-1 DOCUMENT DATE: 8/2/2D12_ CHECKED BY: JWK DRAWN BY: JV SITE PLAN CONCEPT -3 SHEET: C1.0