HomeMy WebLinkAboutWSP-12-030
The 7-Eleven Store No. 36492 — W 38"' Ave & Harlan St. Site Plan for the proposed development
of a convenience store and fueling station in the Mixed Use-Neighborhood (MU -N} zone district,
case number WSP- 1? -f}3 /CUP -1 -0 1, is hereby approved for the following reasons:
The site plan complies with zoning regulations in Chapter 26 of the Wheat Ridge Code of
This approval is conditioned by the following comments:
1. A final landscape plan that incorporates the revised landscaping and monument sign
location in the 38' Avenue right-of-way shall be required and approved through the
building pen application process.
'I A
enneth Jo nstone, Date
Community Development Director
City of
(=!* 1
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FROM: Sarah Showalter, Planner 11
DATE: December 28, 2012
Case number WSP- 12-03, a site plan approval for the property at 5995 W. 3 8 Avenue, was
processed concurrently with CUP- 1 2 -0 All relevant files for case WSP- 12-03 may be found in
the case file tior case number CUP- 1 2 -0
City of
Site Plan Review. Submittal Checklist I I I
Project Name: 49 :Y- Z,?A + Avk Project Location:
Applicant: cy M'C Date: I!Z CO//2-
Project Planner: r44 Fee Paid:
,%2!ariz� land use application
Ilk'nJUVI"111, 11 applit'duiv
- 1 0. Existing and proposed contours at 2-feet intervals
— 11. Adjoining property lot lines, buildings access, and parking
— 12. Location of all existing and proposed:
A. Fences. walls, or screen plantings and their type and height
B. Exterior lighting, location, height and type
— C. Signs, including type, height, and sign
D. t pen space and special buffers, including type and coverage
E. Parking and loading areas, including handicap parking areas
— F. Easements and rights-of-way
— G. Drainage ways, pond areas, ditches, irrigation canals, lakes and streams, if
Rev 06/29/2011
C ' of
H. Buildings to be developed or retained on the site, including use. height, size. floor
area, setback dimensions and type of construction
1. Existing and proposed streets, both adjacent and within the site, including names.
widths, location of centerlines, acceleration/deceleration lanes
_J. Curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and bike paths
_K. 1,ocation of trash containers and screening
_—L. Areas to be used for outdoor storage or display, if any, and screening
Additional Information to Supplement the Site Plan:
--I. Statement of proposed uses and compliance with zoning
— 2. Site data (numeric and percentage) in tabular form. including:
— t'
A. Total area oproperty. gross and net
_ 13. Building coverage
— C, Amount of open space required and provided (including break-outs of usable
open space, hardscaped open space, and landscaped open space)
D. Number of parking spaces required and provided
— E. Gross floor area by use
F. Number of residential units and density
_-3, Justification of provided parking ratio, especially where shared parking is proposed
Architectural Building Elevations (required for all proposed structures)
— 1. Detailed elevations for the fficade of each structure. including:
--A. 1,,abels of all materials and colors
_13. Labels and areas of all transparent areas at the ground floor level
_ . I.,abeled dimensions of building height., floor•to-floor heights, and building width
_—D. Elevations for any accessory structure, such as trash enclosures, with materials
clearly labeled
Landscape Plan (24" x 36")
1. Title of document (centered at top of page)
2. Scale and north arrow (scale not to exceed I "= 100*)
_-3, Location and dimensions of all open space areas
— 4. Proposed materials for all landscaped and hardscaped areas
_-5. Schedule of proposed plantings, to include:
A. Species name (common and botanical)
B. Exact quantity of each species
_—C. Size of plants/trees (size of container. caliper or height of tree)
Quantity of ground coverts) (measure in square feet and show as a percentage of
total landscaped area)
_E. Type of ground cover (sod, rock or bark)
_F. Remarks (size of plant container. balled & burlapped, depth of any non-living
landscaping (e.g.) rock or bark)
Rev 06/29/2011 2
Streetscape Plan (24" x 36") — if required
Additional information which may be required:
--j. rraffic study (2 copies)
— 2. Drainage report (2 copies)
— 3. Soils report (2 copies)
— 4. Erosion Control Plan (2 copies)
Rev 06/29/2011
(Sign and returij)
As alyVicant,fin this I)rqject, I hereby ensure that all of the above requirements have
been included With this submittal Ifidly understand that rf any one of the items listed on
this checklist has been aycluded, the documents will NOT be distributed for 0y •evielv.
In addition, I understand that in the event any revisions need to be made after the second
(2 ... '),fidl review, I will he subject to the alyVicable resubmittaIjee.
Signature: Date:
Name (please print):__,_ Phone: __
Rev 06/29/2011 4
City of'
Community Development Department
7500 West 29 Avenue 0 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 * Phone (303) 235-2846
(Please print or type all information)
Applicant 7-Eleven Address 5600 S Quebec Suite 200C Phone 303,740,9333
City_aree wood Village State C61orado zi III
Owner 4.02006, LLC Address 1724 S. Broadway Phone
City_R State C Zip_.0210 Fax
Contact Greg Meeter, Lend Lease Address 611 Gaylord Street
Phone 303.919.4282
City De -
olorado nver State C Zilp 80206
(The person listed as contact will be contacted to answer questions regarding this application, provide additional information when post
public hearing signs, will receive a copy of the staff report prior to Public Hearing, and shall be responsible for forwarding all verbal and written
communication to applicant and owner.)
Location of request (address): 5995 W, 38th Avenue, Wheat RLdge, Colorado
Application subminut requirements on rewrse side
0 Change of zone or zone conditions 0 Special Use Permit 0 Subdivision: Minor (5 lots or less)
0 Consolidation Plat 0 Conditional Use Permit 0 Subdivision: Major (More than 5 lots)
0 Flood Plain Special Exception 0 Site Plan approval, 0 Temporary Use, Building, Sign
0 Lot Line Adjustment 0 Concept Plan approval 0 Variance/Waiver (from Section
0 Planned Building Group 0 Right of Way Vacation 0 Other:
Detailed description of request: Proposed 7-Eleven C-Store with Fuel requires Site Plan Approval
day of 20_A
iry Public
commission expires
To be filled out by staff-
Date received Fee S - Receipt No._ Case No.
Comp Plan Desig._ Z o n ing- Quarter Section Map_
Related Case No. Pre-App Mtg, Date Cast Manager
Case No. ��t++'SP`l203 ;Date
...... . ..
ffieceived 10124/2012
Related Cayes C! 1P1201 Case Planner
Case Descri iorl, . alts plan approval
_ w..._ .,, w.
Name T Eleven
Phone ;(303) 7`411.93:33
Address X5600 south Quebec auk's 260" 0 I City ;Greenwood Village State CO rP .x}0111-
17 ls�ar:r�
Name 4.b20C1S Lt
Name }
Phone ;
Address '1724 Broadway
CXty IDenver
State `CO zip ;130201 1
ccWt tlrarrrxm
Name Gre g Meter
Phone ; (393
Address 611 Gaylord
. City Cleaver n
._ m . _
State ,CG
2IP 80206
,....... _.
Address 5995 tree'
lest 38th Avenue
CAy Wheat Ridge � State . Zip 80033
Location Descry P lion
a,.._. _.._,.._
�. . ,, , _ , 7._. ...
Project Name 7 Eleven Store
Parcel No Qtr Section
District No
...._ . _ ., ._.�
Parcel No,
39-244-17-007 1 Ott Section: 249E District No.: Ill
3924417007 245E
y , w s
Pre App Date
Neighborhood Meeting Date
App No
Pleview Type Review Body Review Date Disposition
Preview lAdmrn
Case Disposition
Dispos ion Date K
Conditions of Approval
status Open
#3es #
Storage ,
(" 01
11/07 1 4 :22
RECEIPT HiaO10:3175 Nt '3111
LN 0021 6401 t w6
, yv5
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