HomeMy WebLinkAboutMS-12-03WHEREAS, The Applicant is the owner • certain real property located in the City of Wheat Ridge, which is more Particularly described in Exhibit A and made a part hereof (the "Property"), commonly known as 4880 and 4900 Robb Street WHEREAS, on March 25, 2013 the City of Wheat Ridge, after holding all required public hearings, as prescribed • the Code of Laws, approved the Final Plat for the Property titled Hawn Subdivision. A copy of the Final Plat is attached hereto as Exhibit B, and is incorporated herein, WIT" 00 I. InLent of Develooment Covenant ement: This Agreement is intended LAgLq_ • control the development of the property. by the City of Wheat Ridge Director of Public Works and the Community Development Director jointly. Once a Future Agreement has been approved by the City and recorded with the Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder, this Development Covenant Agreement shall be released. 3. 1§§Ljgao gf Building Permits: The City of Wheat Ridge shall not issue any building permits for individual lot(s) until an approved Future Agreement has been executed. Building permits for individual lots may be issued by the City of Wheat Ridge at such time that a Developer has signed and complies vAth all terms listed in a Future Agreement. Development Covenant Agreement 2 ®�� a� � �� ; � � � - � . ■ . $ ,: #� ?2 2 *© ° < »#a : ;.■2 ±? # ;22$yf�< . #f«f$�< \ w NO . -f =�� »<e © » <: «» * »» « ! . ■2. :e . ��» ! f $: -$af .�®� »t�� ?e °�? ■��� ■ :� -. - t \ \�� ?■ /y<e ^ff </� ,�, MR 101 Development Covenant Agreement 3 STATE OF COLORADO ss COUNTY OF JEFFERSON The foregoing acknowledged before me this —z2t— day of by Development Covenant Agreement 4 s,. NOW OW AMP W W i MF APPOW 3 s AMMF -. 'MC P". lK over am 9MFt K ocom —A al pool 400" ow so HAWN SUSDrvISION * . ,. * R ,. �► * s a * sam 5. MR ®7UM 91w"'Mi. 7Mt vIcaftr 1* -500° ew m WW MG r/4 ODOM a *"' r11 % . Ik 71 Yo 1 r ar at w. *W i i�p/B!. 1/4 vow � 1AIp 7 1 "Ma aw r CAP � ry o O" !p 7! �r sam 5. MR ®7UM 91w"'Mi. 7Mt vIcaftr 1* -500° L-1 PAC , u xis " arr ar � RC N I ! "^ A art v City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29" Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303-235.2846 F 301235,285 mmm�� Thomas R. Hawn 32240 Robinson Hill Rd. Golden, CO 80403 I j ana 10 4900 Robb Street for the following reasons: I UWW forwarded its recommendation. 3. The Subdivision plat has been found in compliance with Article IV of Chapter 26 of the Code of Laws. If you have not done so already, please remove the posting signs associated with this case from the property. Please feel free to contact me at 303-235-2846 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Kim Waggoner Administrative Assistant Enclosure: Copy of Resolution Draft of Minutes cc: MS -13 -41 (case file) www.ci.whestridge.coms CITY • WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADJ Resolution No. 11 Series 2013 TITLE: A RESOLUTION APPROVING A TWO-LOT SUBDIVISION PLAT WITH A RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION FOR PROPERTY ZONED AGRICULTURAL-ONE (A-1) LOCATED AT 4900 ROSS STREET (CASE NO. MS-13-01/HAWN) WHEREAS, Chapter 26, Article I ofthe Wheat Ridge Code of Laws establishes the s )wv)v3T Plats, and, WHEREAS, an application for a subdivision plat was received from Tom Hawn to subdivide property located at 4900 Robb in an A-1 zone district-, and, WHEREAS, all referral agencies have reviewed the request and do not have concerns; and, WHEREAS, all required publishing, posting and notification requirements for a March 25, 2013 City Council public hearing have been met. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, as follows A TWO-LOT SUBDIVISION PLAT WITH A RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION FOR PROPERTY ZONED AGRICULTURAL-ONE tA-1) LOCATED AT 4900 ROBB STREET tCASE NO. MS-13-011HAWN) FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: im Senior Planner Meredith Reichert gave the staff Presentation. She entered in the record the case file and the contents of the digital presentation. She also reported that the property had been properly posted, i The Mayor asked that the record reflect the applicant was in the audience, MEE= Meredith Reckert made the staff presentation. She entered into the record the case file, subdivision regulations and the contents of the digital presentation. The applicant indicated that all the documents for historical designation for the house are complete and will be submitted subsequent to the subdivision. 2mma= I • it • ion t property zoned Agricultural-One (A-1) located at 4900 Robb Street, for the following reasons: I 4. Council Bill 07-2013 - An Ordinance extending a Temporary Moratorium on the submission, acceptance, processing, and approval • applications for a permit or license for any Marijuana Establishment • Marijuana Club This ordinance extends the moratorium originally imposed by Emergency Ordinance 1533, on March 11. That ordinance will expire 90 days after adoption. This new ordinance repeals the emergency ordinance and replaces it with a standard moratorium extending to November 1, 2013. This extension will provide the time necessary to develop appropriate policies, a 6Ap Case No. MS-12-03/Hawn A request for approval of a two lot subdivision plat tc r property zuncd A- t 4900 Robb Strce t city t'wt 1 Mach 25„ 20$ 3 6/24120 6/2402013 ki Y � U! m ;€ ki 6/24/2013 Agency Referrals All responding agencies can serve the projxrty. With new development on IA)t 2, would refer it back out for district input on improvements, Public Works requested a 30' r-o-w dedication and paving, Planning Commission recommended approval at a public hearing held on February 21, 201 1 Recommending approval for the following reasons: Consistent with Article IV (Subdivision Regulations) All agencies can serve the property Consistent with A-1 zone district regulations Property appraisal system Page I of I r n — MM l Property Address: 04900 MARSHALL ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 800 Mailing Address: 07500 W 29TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80► Neighborhood: 2337 - 1-70 CORRIDOR.1 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION jAssessor Parcel Maps Associated with Schedule Lp df graphic Parcei %Ra MAl2QUZLP.ocatiora TAX INfORMATION 1 20 1 1 3 - Pa I y I a - ble 1 20,14 !Deed Type INMUS MM CM U a v 112-730 -- ------ -- Deed WHEATRIDGE SAN. DIST, EXT== wFlum 'General Warrantv Deed--,, - -- ---- VITUNW1113tvitimm- TAX INfORMATION 1 20 1 1 3 - Pa I y I a - ble 1 20,14 INMUS MM CM U a v 112-730 WHEATRIDGE SAN. DIST, EXT== wFlum VITUNW1113tvitimm- ,2012 Payable 2013 [Allis FUROW0. WHEAT RIDGE INMUS MM CM U a v 112-730 WHEATRIDGE SAN. DIST, VITUNW1113tvitimm- http://jeffco.us/ats/displaygeneral.do?sch=1 88601 6/24/2013 QU JUDICIA YE E] N k� omt u ity De pmen e or City ]Manager ISSUE. The applicant is requesting approval of a two -lot subdivision plat with a right-of-way dedication for property .zoned Agricultural -One (A -1) located at 4900 Robb Street. The purpose of the subdivision is to separate the existing structures on the property from the vacant land. k ♦ t approval. The staff report and meeting minutes from the Planning Commission public hearing have be en attac FINANCIAL R Fees in the amount of S 1,000 were collected for the review and pLocessing of Case No. MS- 13- Case No. /Ha Council Action Form March 25, 2013 Page 2 Several accessory structures are located behind the home including a chicken coop and old horse stable. Two ditch laterals traverse the property, and mature trees and landscaping are located throughout the site. The elevation change across the property is significant with a 40 foot fall from the northwest comer to the southeast. of curb, gutter and sidewalk will not be required but the street will need to ne pavea suosuqTF, 9 plat approval. The application has been through the standard referral process with no concerns raised by any outside agencies or City departments. A separate referral process will be required as part of any future site development. RECOMMENDED MOTIOA: "I move to approve Resolution No. 11-2013, a resolution approving a two-lot subdivision plat with a right-of-way dedication for property zoned Agricultural-One (A-1) located at 4900 Robb Street, for the following reasons: r wmkwim March 25, 2013 Page 3 LIfIlf _ IDGE , COLORA R esolution Series 1 TITLE: A RES OLUTION APP Y TWO -LOT SUBDIVISIO ! Y WITH A N DEDICATI N! P RO P ERTY Z AGRICULTURAL-ONE (A-1) LOCATED AT 4900 ROSS STREET N WHEREAS, Chapter ! A o f th Wh Ridg Code o f P lats; establishes the procedures for the City's review and approval of Subdivision WHERE a pplication •f N plat was received from To Hawn t o subdivide property lt • at 4900 R A zone d istrict; • c oncerns; WHEREAS, all referral agencies have reviewed the request and do not have • WHERE # publishing t N f and notification req uirements f or N 13 City Council public ♦ have be N , THE B RESOLVED by the City Council of o Wheat Ridge, Colorado, as follows A N N : N • a Y '"" N a ! N Y N ! a N! N N � ! ! N � • N •< N N B y: ,ferry DiTullio, Mayor Janelle Shaver, City Clerk AttaPchrnent I City of � /` WIZ tR MUNITY DEVELOPMENT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission CASE MANAGER: Meredith Reckert DATE OF MEETING: February 21, 2013 CASE NO. & NAME: MS -12 -03 /Hawn ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a two lot subdivision plat on A -1 zoned property LOCATION OF REQUEST: 4900 Robb Street PROPERTY OWNER: Tom Hawn PRESENT ZONING: A -1, Agriculture -One CURRENT USE: Single family residence, agricultural ENTER INTO RECORD: SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS ZONING ORDINANCE DIGITAL PRESENTATION Planning Commission MS-12-03/Hawn Attachment 2 All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST The applicant is requesting approval of a two lot subdivision on A -1 zoned property located at 4900 Robb Street. The purpose of the request is to separate the existing house property from vacant land on the site. (Exhibit 1, applicant letter) A subdivision plat for 5 lots or less follows the minor subdivision process; because there is a right -of- way dedication for Robb Street, Planning Commission will be giving a recommendation to City Council who is the final authority for this land use process. II. EXISTING CONDITIONS /PROPERTY HISTORY Surrounding zoning and land use: The property is located at 4900 Robb Street, in the northwest quadrant of the City on the east side of Robb Street between the Interstate 70 and W. 50 Avenue. The site is zoned Agricultural -One (A -1) and is surrounded by a variety of land uses and zoning designations. Properties to the north and south are zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD) and include office /warehouse structures. To the west is a parcel zoned Commercial -One and includes a parking area adjacent to the subject site. Across Robb Street to the west are several large parcels zoned A -1 with single family homes. (Exhibit 2, zoning map) Subject property The subject site is deep and relatively narrow, about 200 feet by 650 feet. The lot has never been platted and is 130,680 square feet (3.09 acres) in size. A single family home is located on the front portion of the lot. Based on Assessor records, the home was originally constructed in 1912, although the applicant has provided an original construction date of 1893. The home is brick construction, and the exterior remains in good condition with original architectural features. (Exhibit 3, aerial photo) Several accessory structures are located behind the home including a chicken coop and old horse stable. Two ditch laterals traverse the property, and mature trees and landscaping are located throughout the site. The elevation change across the property is significant with a 40 foot fall from the northwest corner to the southeast. (Exhibit 4, site photos) III. PROPOSED SUBDIVISION PLAT The proposed plat will subdivide the property into two lots. (Exhibit S, subdivision plat) The A -1 zone district requires that conforming parcels have one acre of land area with 140' of lot width. Lot 1, which contains the old house, is just over an acre with 43,717 square feet of lot area and 140.71' of width. Lot 2 which is the vacant parcel will be 1.94 acres in size and have 202' of lot width measured at the 30' front setback line (determined from the rear property line of Lot 1). A 30' right -of -way dedication labeled as Tract A will be required for Robb Street. The installation of curb, gutter and sidewalk will not be required but the street will need to be paved subsequent to plat Planning Commission 2 MS-12-03/Hawn approval. The property owner has no plans for development of Lot 2 at this time and is also interested in getting local historic designation for the house. Staff concludes that the proposed consolidation plat is compliant with the A-I zone district regulations and Article IV of the zoning and development code. Valley Water District: Has an existing line along front of property that must be maintained. Wheat Ridge Sanitation District: Can serve. Wheat Ridge Police: No concerns. Wheat Ridge Public Works: The Public Works Department has reviewed and approved the proposed plat. They have required a 30' right-of-way dedication and street paving. Xcel Energy: Can serve. V. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Staff concludes that the proposed subdivision meets all of the requirements of Article IV of the zoning and development code and is consistent with the A- I zone district development regulations. For these reasons, Staff recommends approval of Case No. MS-12-03. W- Ifer44 *3 1311110 1. 2." Planning Commission 3 MS-12-03/Hawn Exh ib it I: AppI icant Letter 9ZME38= The improved lot size (with house) would be I acre. The propose4l division would comply with the minimum lot width and all required setbacks. ne current A-I zoning would stay as-is. The unimproved lot with access off of Robb Street would be approximately 1.94 acres and would retain its cun A- I zoning with 110 immediate plans for development. All paperwork to apply for the Wheat Ridge historic landmark designation on the house has been completed and will be submitted once th4 division of land has been completed. The property at 4900 Robb Street is currenfly bordered to the north, south and east by commercial property. Tom Hawn 32240 Robinson Hill Rd. Golden, CO 80403 Planning Commission 4 MS-12-03/Hawn Exhibit 2: Zoning Map Planning Commission MS- 12- 03/Hawn Exhibit 3: Aerial Photo ,r Ar Cs . r ` � f • ems -; i' fr • i to Planning Commission 6 MS-12-03/Hawn Exhibit 4: Site Photos A View from Robb of north portion of property View from Robb of existing house on property ie 44 1 Y' ) Planning Commission MS-12-03/Hawn View from Robb Street of southern portion of property — future drive area for Lot 2 Planning Commission 8 MS- 12- 03/Hawn View from Robb of driveway for Lot 1 View from property to the south looking at lower portion of Lot 2 }} t Planning Commission 9 MS- 12- 03/Hawn Looking east towards rear of Lot 1 'I L w � is � � .• � � ti� ► View from property to the south looking at lower portion of Lot 2 }} t Planning Commission 9 MS- 12- 03/Hawn Looking east towards rear of Lot 1 CALL THE 2. TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair TIMMS at 7:02 pm. * in the City Chambers of the Municipal Building, ■ ■West 29 AWheat Ridge, Colorado. A. Case No. MS-12-03: An application filed by Thomas R. Hawn for approval of a Not minor subdivision on property zoned Agricultural-One (A-1) and located at 4900 Robb Street. XecKerT repnoT Single IaMIIj of special uses such as public horse stables and fish hatcheries. Commissioner MATTHEWS asked what triggers street improvements. Ms. Reckert stated it depends on the nature of the request. With a plat, street width is reviewed and if new construction is proposed, the City may require installation of curb, gutter and sidewalk. CommissioFeT — I e i r i r III JVI • or the accessory structures non-conforming. Ms. Reckert stated no. Tom Hawn 4900 Robb St., Wheat Ridge, CO The applicant stated the reason for the application is to settle an estate and be would like to preserve the house and avoid it being torn down and developed as commercial Planning Commission Minutes -2— February 21, 2013 property. By putting it on one acre it will be less attractive to developers. A historical designation may help too. The applicant was unsure if the property would remain in th* family or be sold. There are no plans for development on the back property. It will remain a community garden, horse stable, or an agricultural use. 7ie applicant had considered creating a conservation Msement for the property. The applicant replied no. 4. -1 ZHU secona y lCommissfo WA14 to recommend approval of Case No. MS-12-03, a request for approval of a 2-lot minor subdivision on property zoned Agricultural-One (A-1) and located at 4900 Robb Street for the following reasons: 1. All requirements of Article IV of the zoning and development code have been met. 2. The Plat is consistent with the A-1 zone district development standards. Motion carried 7-0. Ms. Reckert stated that this case will go to City Council on March 25. 1 R. Case No. WS-12-01: An application filed by Kent Carlson for approval of a 53-lot major subdivision with dedications . , oned Planned Residenia1_k4WtqrrM_ (PRD) and located at 11885 W. 38 Avenue. Planning Commission Minutes -3— February 21, 2013 Commission MATTHEWS asked if the design criteria for detached sidewalks and street profiles will remain in effect. Ms. Reckert replied yes. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked about the storin drain design for the project. Mr. that goes from those inlets to the detention pond. The rational for the bore is that we •on't want to disturb the slope, which is another reason for not installing a trail to the greenbelt 11MUMBURIUMMIMRS Commissioner BRINKMAN asked what staff will look for in the HOA covenants. Ms. Reckert replied that staff is mostly concerned with adequate maintenance for the common elements. commissio ina 1 R 7" R ,� f l sudivisions on either side. Ms. Reckert replie d that the appr o ved ODP plan called for 6' high vinyl or plastic fence with brick columns interspersed. Barry Knott, 3911 Simms Ct. eenbelt and the lots on th* north end of the subdivision and in the detention pond. He expressed concern about safety and easy access to these areas by children. Planning Commission Minutes -4— February 21, 20 13 City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29 Ave, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303,235.2846 F: 303,235.2857 k 1 =11MIM Thomas R. Hawn 32240 Robinson Hill Rd. Golden, • 80403 11 1 MENNEN ZRONZ, www.d.wheatridge.co.us allowable uses are for A- I zoning. Ms. era] fanning, urban gardens and a variety of snecial uses suelk an • fish hatcheries, #Bit ent of an estate. Discussion continued regarding the typical Commissioner TIMMS asked if the proposed subdivision will make the existing house or the accessory structures non-conforming. Ms, Reckert stated no. Tom Hawn 4900 Robb St., Wheat Ridg & CO 4• i 11 # W-1101MMURNING4 February 21, 2013 M property. By putting it on one acre it will be less attractive to developers, A historical designation may help too. The applicant was unsure if the property would remain in the family or be sold. There are no plans for development on the back property. It will remain a community garden, horse stable, or an agricultural use. III 11 '11 111 i�ill I III L Ill iii Chair TIMMS closed the public hearing as no one wanted to speak • this case, kcellc "Y ommissioner est for approval of a 2-lot -1) and located at 4900 1. All requirements of of the zoning anti development code have been met. \U� 2. The plat is consistent with tle I zone district deveiltil' pMent standards. 114 . . . . . . . . . Motion carried 7-0. Ms. Reckert stated that this case Will gol Etity Counci n March 25. Y q wpv,� B. Case No W&., ,-01 An applical'i 11 file e t Carlstih for approval of a 53-lot O t major subdiv W unit ith d4%ons f ay eI zon ed Residential Development e ({PRIG) and loc 1188 , 38 Avg:` , s. Reckert entered all pertinent �%,VllljI motions • page, • of the staff report. The bullet be as for fees in lieu of parkland dedication based on Land after land entitlements have been approved. Said fees to V ding pen issuance." Planning Commission Minutes -3— February 21, 2013 � E ! f City Of �MUNa Wheat F� e y D v DEVELOPMENT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission CASE MANAGER: Meredith Reckert DATE OF MEETING: February 21, 2013 CASE NO. & NAME: MS -12 -03 /Hawn ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a two lot subdivision plat on A -1 zoned property LOCATION OF REQUEST: 4900 Robb Street PROPERTY OWNER: Tom Hawn PRESENT ZONING: A -1, Agriculture -One CURRENT USE: Single family residence, agricultural ENTER INTO RECORD: SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS ZONING ORDINANCE CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS DIGITAL PRESENTATION ti `h Planning Commission MS- 12- 03/Hawn All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST The applicant is requesting approval of a two lot subdivision on A -1 zoned property located at 4900 Robb Street. The purpose of the request is to separate the existing house property from vacant land on the site. I ' A subdivision plat for 5 lots or less follows the minor subdivision process; because there is a right -of- way dedication for Robb Street, Planning Commission will be giving a recommendation to City Council who is the final authority for this land use process. II. EXISTING CONDITIONS /PROPERTY HISTORY Surrounding zoning and land use: The property is located at 4900 Robb Street, in the northwest quadrant of the City on the east side of Robb Street between the Interstate 70 and W. 50` Avenue. The site is zoned Agricultural -One (A -1) and is surrounded by a variety of land uses and zoning designations. Properties to the north and south are zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD) and include office /warehouse structures. To the west is a parcel zoned Commercial -One and includes a parking area adjacent to the subject site. Across Robb Street to the west are several large parcels zoned A -1 with single family homes. Vgxkbit zoning map) Subject property The subject site is deep and relatively narrow, about 200 feet by 650 feet. The lot has never been platted and is 130,680 square feet (3.09 acres) in size. A single family home is located on the front portion of the lot. Based on Assessor records, the home was originally constructed in 1912, although the applicant has provided an original construction date of 1893. The home is brick construction, and the exterior remains in good condition with original architectural features. t ►z# ;.a t ud photo) Several accessory structures are located behind the home including a chicken coop and old horse stable. Two ditch laterals traverse the property, and mature trees and landscaping are located throughout the site. The elevation change across the roperty is significant with a 40 foot fall from the northwest corner to the southeast.' II1. PROPOSED SUBDIVISION PLAT The proposed plat will subdivide the property into two lots. The A -1 zone district requires that conforming parcels have one acre of land area with 140' of lot width. Lot 1, which contains the old house, is just over an acre with 43,717 square feet of lot area and 140.71' of width. Lot 2 which is the vacant parcel will be 1.94 acres in size and have 202' of lot width measured at the 30' front setback line (determined from the rear property line of Lot 1). A 30' right -of -way dedication labeled as Tract A will be required for Robb Street. The installation of curb, gutter and sidewalk will not be required but the street will need to be paved subsequent to plat Planning Commission 2 MS- 12- 03/Hawn approval. The property owner has no plans for development of Lot 2 at this time and is also interested in getting local historic designation for the house, RMWO-1 . 7 zone stnct regulations and Article IV of the zoning and development code. I. 2. 11 Planning Commission 3 MS-12-03/Hawn Exhibit I '. Written request The property at 4900 Robb Street is currently bordered to the north, south and east by commercial property. BREMEM Tom Hawn 3. Robinson Hill Rd Golden, CO 80403 Planning Conunission MS-12-03/Hawn b City of `R Wheat e MUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29" Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 -8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 CERTIFIED LETTER NOTICE (as required pursuant to Code Section 26- 109.13) February 6, 2013 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you of Case No. MS -12 -03 which is a request for approval of a 2 -lot minor subdivision on property zoned Agricultural -One (A -1) and located at 4900 Robb Street. This request will be heard by the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 29th Avenue. The schedule is as follows: Planning Commission February 21, 2013 (a) 7.00 p.m. City Council March 25, 2013 (a) 7.00 p.m. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to participate in all public meetings sponsored by the City of Wheat Ridge. Call Heather Geyer, Public Information Officer at 303 -235 -2826 at least one week in advance of a meeting if you are interested in participating and need inclusion assistance. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 303 - 235 -2846. Thank you. Planning Division. MS1203.doc www.ci.wheatridge.co.0 s Vicinity Map Site BEAR LAND HOLDINGS LLC CAPRA FAMILY LIVING TRUST 1100 11-70 FRONTAGE •r N 4975 •+r:: ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE O ;ri lil 0001 FIVE K INVESTMENTS COMPANY , r LARRY RIDGE 11457 W 1-70 FRONTAGE RD N IMPERIAL III PARTNERSHIP WHEAT y gyO 0 r6 r r 1010 • ANKENY A HAWN TRUST NAHALA LLC 32240 ROBINSON HILL RD 22291 CHIPPEWA LN GOLDEN CO 80403 GOLDEN CO 80401 7012 1010 0001 7277 4356 7112 101+0 0001 7277 PUBLIC SERVICE i COMPANY a II OF , r, PROPERTY TAX r:• M• BOX :x0 CO DENVER 80201 7012 1010 0001 7277 4387 TJMK LLC 1777 S HARRISON ST # 1500 DENVER CO 80210 7012 1010 0001 7277 4417 RCD LLC 9555 RALSTON RD 100 ARVADA CO 80002 7012 1010. ouui r r r 4 -114 4 , INVESTMENTS LLC 4890 WHEAT RIDGE y •:ri 7012 1010 ■ 7277 4424 It ROBB STREET LLC iri 'i:: ST BLDG WHEAT RIDGE CO 0 7012 1010 0001 7277 01 p 1' . ROBB ST �p 4 O (T to g 0 r T.• i r r PA R F ET ST m IP C m i rn O 00 RXI r, r r r 7 �t i The following case shall be heard: Case No. MS-12-03. An application filed by Thomas R. Hawn for a Not minor subdivision for property zoned Agricultural -One (A-1), located at 4900 Robb Street, and legally described as follows: .... ....� Kim Wags(mor. Admmstrafivc Assistant Published: Wheat Ridge Transcript, February 7, 2013 February 6, 2013 CC: Steve Nguyen, Engineering Manager Meredith Rtvken, Senior Planner File www.d.wheatridge .co ms HAWA SUBDIVISION E AAMW- CITY • WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SHEET I OF 2 KILA I. THOMAS R. MAWR AND VOK06A it HAWN. OF REAL PPAPERTY CWANNNO 13#,443.5 SOFT OR 100 ACRES MMM AS FORd,OWS« COMMENDING AT THIL WUR4 WAR" CORNER Or MCGON 16, TOMMOR 3 SOUTH, FORCE 0 WEST OF THE 610 1`11- "RENG' IIIE I, W;%� . Tom. 'HE BASS OF SCAMO FOR M %west OUARTER OF OF SW SECUOR ls, s 8010'46" IN A DISTANCE OF 1327,24' TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF IM GGUYwwM WARIER of THE SOUINNEST QUARTER Of SAO SECTION 16, TIONCE ALONG THE EMT LINE Of DIX SOUTINMEST QUARTER OF IRE SOUTHWESt OVARIES OF SAM SECTOR TO N 001610' IN A INSTARGE OF SIEFSS EMT TO THE POINT OF SEQN009' , THENCE S M71FO4" W, ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF ROSS STRUT PARK SURCOASION AS RECORDED M THE OFFIOES Of THE JEFFER0004 COUNTY OLM AND RECONDORS IN 'A AT PACE X A DISTANCE Of IMECOO PUT; THENCE N O"IF40' W A MTA14M OF 202,42 FEM' N as L ALONG THE SOU Y LMIE Of PLAZA 5000 CENTER PLANNED COMMERCIAL T A0EMDk#NT Z AS RE IN THE OFFICES OF Tw JOITERSON, COUNTY CLERK AND S Da"' % RECOIROM GR TANCE OF 8 GM RUEPIftON MAWR MAIM A DIS" OR EMT THENCE or FWO CORDERS LAVER SUBDIVISION AS RECORDED 04 THE lllt RECEPTION NUMM IMIDGMT. A OWANCE OF 202,95 FEET 10 INS POW Or 801ANNIN0, RiOMAS P. "AWN 49W ROSS STRUT WHEAT ROM OMIORADO STATE Or COLORADO SS COUNTY or A"Imsok THE YCAUSAND OtEMANS9 WAS ACKKOWUGGEG SEEM WE rAS ---DAY Or — A.O. =3 OF WfWig MY �HAWAW OFFICIAL SEAL MY OOMMMSKIN EXPIRM' NOTARY PUBLIC IW FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOAVILEDOOD OEM ME WRS ---DAY Of &M 4013 By_ WTMESS MY HAND AND OFFKIAL SEAL MY CO RSSM EXPIRM =. 2 AREA OF PROPERTIES SJRWYM, t34.4415 SGff OR 1% ACRES $ $ . OF THE PURPOSE OF THIS SUMIt" PLAT 15 TO CREATE A 2 LOT 5118"JON, VTUTY AND ARGATION EASEMENTS, 7. THE MANIECT PROPERTY IS LOCAIM REGAIN AN AREA MAVINO A ZONE AT04 X By FIVE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY 00"). ON FLOW MAME MAP NO FS� F MTNCAIM OF JUNE 17, 2003„ 08079 E, IN M , 0 A DATE M Y� FOR COOM"'N'TY Al' ly My S Alt COLORAM *%N IS THE CURRENT FLOOD MARANM RATE MAP FOR WHEN I f PROPERTY E SITUATED 5, LOTS I AND 2 ARE ZONED A-L PER THE CITY OF WHEAT ROM ZONING W DATED UINWARy 2% 2010, IL KURT UNN AND ASSOCIATES HAS 08" UMN THE ETHICAL TITLE ON CIS 121105001 , WITH AN EFFECTNE DATE OF l% PM AT 5"j"AUcoolm", MorosEs or aiv� "'CONG EASOPENTS X 1 1 NOT OONTUTUTS A 'RTE SCARCH BY KURT OWN & ASSOCIATES. VMX== TK 'AWYC' GOES AND EASEMENTS or RIGHTS- OF-WAY 1 0 THE 3W VAX STRIP MERCIN 94M AS "ACT A 4 HERESY DIGAGAIM TO THE aty OF *"I AGOE AS PUBLIC NIGHT OF WAY, It ARM 1 0 ANY OWSTRUCTION ON LOT Z HAWN SUMV" M ACCESS PLAN W111, NEED To K PROVIDED, AN ADDITION& FIRE HYDRANT WAY RE REQGWEG TO PROVIDE PIRE PROTECTION! TO LOT Z UL IT Is o T PROCESS OR ANY NEW GAS OR TNE OWNM =M= Y Pl E=7AZ19AUGAIXA` F racm: ScRom OR $TAIDAMW COF AOM~Y TOTE OON'R. 'or THE 'AD THE "X CONFIDER ONIAMC=ZZMA9 O .FEET A T T OF LEVEL AS DEFINED M THE GOOSPATIAL POSITIONNO ACCURACY STANONROS OF THE FUNDRAIL mmm CONTROL MOMMMITIVE EASSAW NOnM t FIVE-W ANO TEN WE EASON" A RE QR KNOW NNYEG ON Ff TY I PROPER AOACSN ALL T R THE SUDWSM OR PLAM AREA, AND IS MICATED FOR THE TO LMS OF =Lgt DRAINAGE #40 3F.7m:. AM WATER PETERS SHALL EASINIENTS, t zr MOT I IRRIGATION DITTM T'S ARE jvw=19 TO THE OWNERS OF THE AGLEY AND W 0104M AMR PURPOSES, ACTUAL MT04 CHANNELS MAY VARY IN WDT14 EASEINEXT AREAS SHO ON IM PLAT, WN I EASEMENTS By RFS AND AS CREATED 8Y ARE AM NOTED "MOAL Removca Ao*-A" e second LOMON& PAGE MDOHMMYCUnWY THAT IKVJW*'YOFW �o X =&r ft WAS AND M to OF Y ME 'CT =TC 7A GM M WAGE by OR GPOEN My oft wlxr, In ACCORDANCE MIN ALL A IUIM URGENT REYM EDITION A$ AMENDED, THE ACCOWANYINO PLAT AOCURAIMY ROPRESENTS SAO SL~. PREPARED BY: KURT UNN AND ASSOCIATES NK&W. Wyl AX AVENUE, UNIT 20 303-233: 1 (fax) JOB 0 1209-15 CTR, 1/4 CORNER W. 1/4 CORNER SM 19, T32, R69W SEC. 16 T32. R69W END 3 1/4' BRASS CAP FNO 3 1/4 BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX IN RANGE BOX CITY OF 04EATROGE CITY OF WHEATRIOGE PLS 13212 PLS 13212 W '713667,4454 N: 713646.4783 E: 107830,9718 E: 105172,0083 ID# 12309 ID# 12209 4 All " tJA z z PAS, PC 1327. 2654Ar SIN CORNER CORNER SO. 1/4 CORNER SEC, 16 T32. R69W SEC, M T3Z R69W FND 1/� BRASS CAP FN0 3 1/4 BRASS GAP IN RANGE BOX IN Got4CRETE CITY OF WHEATRIDICE RLS '3"' CITY OF *4EATMOGE N; 711004A358 E: 10518C7255 PLS 13212 N: 711030J638 ID# 13209 Ei 107841,0729 IS# 13309 2 AREA OF PROPERTIES SJRWYM, t34.4415 SGff OR 1% ACRES $ $ . OF THE PURPOSE OF THIS SUMIt" PLAT 15 TO CREATE A 2 LOT 5118"JON, VTUTY AND ARGATION EASEMENTS, 7. THE MANIECT PROPERTY IS LOCAIM REGAIN AN AREA MAVINO A ZONE AT04 X By FIVE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY 00"). ON FLOW MAME MAP NO FS� F MTNCAIM OF JUNE 17, 2003„ 08079 E, IN M , 0 A DATE M Y� FOR COOM"'N'TY Al' ly My S Alt COLORAM *%N IS THE CURRENT FLOOD MARANM RATE MAP FOR WHEN I f PROPERTY E SITUATED 5, LOTS I AND 2 ARE ZONED A-L PER THE CITY OF WHEAT ROM ZONING W DATED UINWARy 2% 2010, IL KURT UNN AND ASSOCIATES HAS 08" UMN THE ETHICAL TITLE ON CIS 121105001 , WITH AN EFFECTNE DATE OF l% PM AT 5"j"AUcoolm", MorosEs or aiv� "'CONG EASOPENTS X 1 1 NOT OONTUTUTS A 'RTE SCARCH BY KURT OWN & ASSOCIATES. VMX== TK 'AWYC' GOES AND EASEMENTS or RIGHTS- OF-WAY 1 0 THE 3W VAX STRIP MERCIN 94M AS "ACT A 4 HERESY DIGAGAIM TO THE aty OF *"I AGOE AS PUBLIC NIGHT OF WAY, It ARM 1 0 ANY OWSTRUCTION ON LOT Z HAWN SUMV" M ACCESS PLAN W111, NEED To K PROVIDED, AN ADDITION& FIRE HYDRANT WAY RE REQGWEG TO PROVIDE PIRE PROTECTION! TO LOT Z UL IT Is o T PROCESS OR ANY NEW GAS OR TNE OWNM =M= Y Pl E=7AZ19AUGAIXA` F racm: ScRom OR $TAIDAMW COF AOM~Y TOTE OON'R. 'or THE 'AD THE "X CONFIDER ONIAMC=ZZMA9 O .FEET A T T OF LEVEL AS DEFINED M THE GOOSPATIAL POSITIONNO ACCURACY STANONROS OF THE FUNDRAIL mmm CONTROL MOMMMITIVE EASSAW NOnM t FIVE-W ANO TEN WE EASON" A RE QR KNOW NNYEG ON Ff TY I PROPER AOACSN ALL T R THE SUDWSM OR PLAM AREA, AND IS MICATED FOR THE TO LMS OF =Lgt DRAINAGE #40 3F.7m:. AM WATER PETERS SHALL EASINIENTS, t zr MOT I IRRIGATION DITTM T'S ARE jvw=19 TO THE OWNERS OF THE AGLEY AND W 0104M AMR PURPOSES, ACTUAL MT04 CHANNELS MAY VARY IN WDT14 EASEINEXT AREAS SHO ON IM PLAT, WN I EASEMENTS By RFS AND AS CREATED 8Y ARE AM NOTED "MOAL Removca Ao*-A" e second LOMON& PAGE MDOHMMYCUnWY THAT IKVJW*'YOFW �o X =&r ft WAS AND M to OF Y ME 'CT =TC 7A GM M WAGE by OR GPOEN My oft wlxr, In ACCORDANCE MIN ALL A IUIM URGENT REYM EDITION A$ AMENDED, THE ACCOWANYINO PLAT AOCURAIMY ROPRESENTS SAO SL~. PREPARED BY: KURT UNN AND ASSOCIATES NK&W. Wyl AX AVENUE, UNIT 20 303-233: 1 (fax) JOB 0 1209-15 HAWN SUBDIVISION ••- • • s OF • N 16 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, *' WEST O CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF­C*C0A*J SHEET 2 O F t W LOT ( S t PLAZA 5000 CEN1'EP PLANNED COMAf"'SfAL. DEVEZOPMENT AMENDEMENf 2 REC. ND f12Cf188 ZONED, PCD LOT 2 $ •PLW & STEEL YANK � w �d -- — ..,.. -. ....—.......,�. o.....�.,..... -ND 1 1 f9° d PLAM, CAP C£N Rd' "T"tt� fAW,E N TH 1^,__°__"" F E�6, a., .... :�...�a a53 ...E.....w t G 4 i I S t 1 13t 0 0 i I g I z 1327,24' P,O,G. 3 89"28'25' W. SO. 07R. SEC. 16, T3S, R69W END, 3 4; BRASS L ".AR CITY OF WHEAT ROGE N CONCRETE. PREPARED BY: KURggpTC LINN A�NpDp, ASS00ATE.$ [B.AxKE T CO. P80Yt5YENUE, UN17 20 303 — :233 -11x1 237 -1893 (tnx) Joe x 1111 -07 CTR, OTR. SEC. to. T3S. R69W 1329.52' FND, 3 1/2° BRASS CAP N 89'3254" E OTY OF W14EAT RSCGE ;N RANGE 90X PLS 13212 LOT 2 s CA 64,64Zs Sa 1,794 ACRES ti 44 ALUM CAP P 25528 E �..„,.�...�..,... « GHEp " y A O F t S A. "67tAME ? s..ar x+ & RR .. # + R .N p C R C£N Rd' "T"tt� fAW,E N TH 1^,__°__"" F E�6, a., .... :�...�a a53 ...E.....w t G 4 i I S t 1 13t 0 0 i I g I z 1327,24' P,O,G. 3 89"28'25' W. SO. 07R. SEC. 16, T3S, R69W END, 3 4; BRASS L ".AR CITY OF WHEAT ROGE N CONCRETE. PREPARED BY: KURggpTC LINN A�NpDp, ASS00ATE.$ [B.AxKE T CO. P80Yt5YENUE, UN17 20 303 — :233 -11x1 237 -1893 (tnx) Joe x 1111 -07 CTR, OTR. SEC. to. T3S. R69W 1329.52' FND, 3 1/2° BRASS CAP N 89'3254" E OTY OF W14EAT RSCGE ;N RANGE 90X PLS 13212 LOT 2 s CA 64,64Zs Sa 1,794 ACRES ti 44 t G 4 i I S t 1 13t 0 0 i I g I z 1327,24' P,O,G. 3 89"28'25' W. SO. 07R. SEC. 16, T3S, R69W END, 3 4; BRASS L ".AR CITY OF WHEAT ROGE N CONCRETE. PREPARED BY: KURggpTC LINN A�NpDp, ASS00ATE.$ [B.AxKE T CO. P80Yt5YENUE, UN17 20 303 — :233 -11x1 237 -1893 (tnx) Joe x 1111 -07 CTR, OTR. SEC. to. T3S. R69W 1329.52' FND, 3 1/2° BRASS CAP N 89'3254" E OTY OF W14EAT RSCGE ;N RANGE 90X PLS 13212 LOT 2 s CA 64,64Zs Sa 1,794 ACRES ti 44 PREPARED BY: KURggpTC LINN A�NpDp, ASS00ATE.$ [B.AxKE T CO. P80Yt5YENUE, UN17 20 303 — :233 -11x1 237 -1893 (tnx) Joe x 1111 -07 CTR, OTR. SEC. to. T3S. R69W 1329.52' FND, 3 1/2° BRASS CAP N 89'3254" E OTY OF W14EAT RSCGE ;N RANGE 90X PLS 13212 LOT 2 s CA 64,64Zs Sa 1,794 ACRES ti 44 V City of ]��rWh6a-W,Ldgc Putt LIC WORKS City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W, 29"' Ave January 30, 2013 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303,235.2861 F: 303235.2857 Mr. Gordon S. Page, 111, P.L.S. Kurt Linn and Associates 8790 W. Coltax Avenue, Unit 20 Lakewood, CO 80215 301233-1171 Re: Second Review Comments of the Final Plat for the Hawn Subdivision, Case #Cif S-1 2-03. Dear Mr. Page, I have completed the second review of the above referenced plat received on January 18, 2013 for the proposed subdivision involving the property located at 4900 Robb Street, and I have the following comments: Sheet 1: Sheet 2: 1, Please show the limits of the Valley Water Easement (Rec # F0365036), or at a minimum provide sufficient information on the plat so the easement can be located in the field. 2. 'Include the units (feet) for the Swadley Ditch easement. Please submit for review and approval one hardcopy and two electronic riles of the revised plat. The electronic riles must include one Ply F and one AutoCAD 2007 DWG file, and may be included with the hardcopy submittal on CD/DVD-ROM or delivered via e-mail to me at: dbrogsman L &ci.wheatrid e.co.us ---------- g_ wwwA.wheatridge.co.us I1-0 Subdivision- rwv atw?.Itr.r ocx HAWN SUBDIVISION A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SHEET 1 OF 2 2 AREA OF PROPERTIES SURVEYED: 134.4415 SOFT OR 3.09 ACRES I, AS R HA BONG THE OWNER(S) OF REAL PROPERTY CONTAINING 134,443.5 SO.FT OR 3.09 AS FOLLOWS: COMMEN(7NC T THE SOUTH QUARTER CORNER OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF ME 6TH P.Y.. THE CENTER QUARTER O SAD SECTION 16 BEARS N 001}'10' W FORMING THE BASSO C FOR THIS DESCRIPTION, THENCE ALONG THE SOUTH LIE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF OF SAID SE 16, S 8976'23' W A DISTANCE OF 1327.24 TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNEA OF ME SQUMWES7 QUAR O TIE SOUTHWEST QUARTER O SAID SECTION 16: THENCE ALONG TOE EAST LINE O THE SOUTHINE QUARTER THE E SOUTHWEST WEST QUARTER OF SEND SECTION 16 N 0016YG W A LOF 867.6 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE S 897a'OY W. ALONG THE THER E NORLY OBB 5 PARK SIBDMSON AS RECORDED N TIE OFFICES O ER THE JEFFSON COUNTY D RE IN BOO( 71 AT PAGE 36, A DISTANCE O THENCE 664.00 FEET: ENCE N O01T40' W O 202-6 FEET: THENCE N M79'40' E ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF PLAZA 5000 ANNED AL DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT 2, AS RECORDED N THE T T OFFICES OF E COWn AND RECORDERS UNDER RECEPTION NUMBER F1TI4184 A DISTANCE O 684.09 FEET: T ENCE 5 6 f ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE O CRAIG CHEVROLET MINOR SUBDIVISION AS RE N THE OFFICES OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY QOM AND REOOROERS UNDER RECEPTION NUMBER 66095 7. A .STANCE O 202.31 FEET TO THE PONT O BECINNG. HAVE LAID WT. SUBDIVIDED WIND PUTTED SAID LAND AS PER THE DRAWING HEREON CONTAINED MINDER THE NAME AND STYLE O t1A1 A SUBDIVISION O A PART O E THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE COLORADO AND BY TESL PRE TS 00 DE61CATE TO THE an O WHEAT RIDGE AND THOSE MUNICIPALLY OWNED AND /OR Y'JNICPALLY FRANCHIO D UTILITIES S AND SERVICES THOSE PORTIONS O REAL PROPERTY SHOWN AS EASTjfN15 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION. INSTALLATION, OPERATION. YANTE AI CE . REPAIR AND REPL. LL T FOR A SERVICE$. THIS INCLUDES BUT Is NOT UNITED TO TELEPHONE MD ELECTRIC LINES, 4AS LINES, WATER AND SANITARY SEWER LNES, HYDRANTS STORY WATER SYSTEMS AND POPES, DEIEAT011 PONDS STREET LIGHTS AND ALL APPURTENANCES HERETO. T According to the Je11C0 parcel records, OlN iAS R. HAWN the owners are VHg-a M Hawn and ROBB Thomas R Hawn. and the address Is ORADO 4900 Robb Street STATE O COLORADO ) 55 COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRU WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS ---D O A.O. 2013 BY WITNESS NY HAND AND OPTICAL SEAL MY COMMISSION EXPIRES NOTARY PUBLIC CITY C1E'R7*7CA TOY APPROVED THIS _ DAY O _ 2013 BY THE CITY O WHEAT IDLE ATTEST pTY CLERK MAYOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR DIRECTOR OF PUBUC WORKS CIOIMTY CLEW AW REOORMS COPTIFIC+ITE STATE O COLORADO ) ) ss COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PUT WAS FILED N THE OFFICE O THE COUNTY C ERK AMD RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN. COLORADO. AT O'CLOCK _Y. ON ME _ DAY O A D. N BOO(_ AT PAGE RECEPTION No. JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER BY: DEPUTY CASE HISTORY MS -12 -03 DATE OF PREPARATION: SEPTEMBER 26, 2012 pTY COMMENTS: JANUARY 09, 2013 THE ACCOMPANYING PUT ACCURATELY REPRESENTS SAID SURVEY, Nobs 1. DATE OF SURVEY: SEPTEMBER 24-25. 2012 ANY 3. NOTICE ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW. YOU MUST COYYENCE MY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON r DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. N NO EVENT MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT N THIS SURREY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM ME DATE OF THE CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. 4. BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE FOUND 3 1/4' BRASS CAP AT THE SOUTH QUARTER OF SECTION Ia. TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH. RANGE 69 'VEST O THE 6TH P.Y. AND A FOUND 3 1/2' BRASS CAR AT THE CENTER ER O SECTION 15. TOWNERSW 3 SOUTH. RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. FORMING THE EAST LINE OF THE ION EAST LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECT 15. TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PM. ASSUMED TO BE N0013'10'W PER THE OTY OF WHEAT RIDGE CONMOL MONUMENT NETWORK. NAD a3, MODIFIED STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM. COMBINED SCALE FACTOR OF 1.00025226062 S. NOTCL ANY PERSON WHO KNOWINGLY REMOVE$ ALTERS OR DEFACES ANY PUBLIC LAND SURVEY ON MUMENT, OR LAND BOUNDARY MONUMENT OR ACCESSORY, COMMITS A CLASS 2 MISDEMEANOR PURSUMT TO STATE STATUTE 18- 4-506. 6. THE PURPOSE O THIS SUBDIVISION PLAT 15 TO CREATE A 2 LOT SUBDIVISION, UTILITY AND IRRIGATION DITCH EASEMENTS. 7. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS LOCATED MT AN AREA HAVING A ZONE DESIGNATION X BY THE FEDERAL DERRGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY (FFMA), ON FLOW PLANE MAP N0. 03059CO211 E WTH A DATE O IDENTIFICATION O JUNE 17, 2DO3., FOR COMMUNITY NO. 080579 F. IN JEFFERSON COUNTY. STATE O COLORADO WHICH IS THE CURRENT FLOOD INSURANCE RATE YAP FOR THE COMMUNITY IN WHICH THE PERTY PRO tS SITUATED 8 LOTS 1 AND 2 ARE ZONED A -1, PER THE CITY O WHEAT RIDGE ZONING MAP DATED FEBRUARY 20. 2010. 9. HURT LNN AND ASSOCIATES HAS REUED UPON THE ETHICAL TITLE SERVICES, LLC. COMMITMENT NUMBER, ETS 121105001. WITH AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF OCTOBER 24. 2012 AT 7:45 AM. FOR OWNERSIP AND FOR THE PURPOSES O SHOWING RECORD EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS -OF -WAY ACROSS S PREMISES THE SURVEY DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A TITLE SEARCH BY KURT LAN k ASSOCIATES. TO DETERMINE OWNERSHIP , RIGHTS -OF -WAY AND EASEMENTS O RECORD. WE THE 30' E STRIP HERON SHOWN AS TRACT A IS HEREBY DEDICATED TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AS PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. GORDON S PAGE HI PIS 29046 KURT UHIN • ASSOCIATES 8790 W COUFM AVE, /20 LAKEWOOD 00. 80215 3D3 233 -1171 CRY OF NRIEAT RK*E PUBLIC Wow ow DATE 01 I1 8 f 2 013 RECEIVED 0 111 81201 3 2nd Submittal PREPARED BY: KURT LINN AND ASSOCIATES B879? EWOOD CO AO21AVENUEJ UNIT 20 LAK 303 - 233 -1171 237 -1893 (to.) JOB 1 1209 -15 CTR. 1/4 CORNER W. 1/4 CORNER 0 No SEC. 16, T32. R69W SEC. 16. T32, R69W FND 3 1/4' BRASS CAP FND 3 1/4' BRASS CAP N IN RANGE BOX IN RANGE BOX pTY OF WHEATRIDGE CITY OF VMEATRIDGE 'o PLS 13212 PLS 13212 z N: 713667.4454 N: 713646.4783 P.O.B. E: 107830.9718 E: 105172.0083 0 ICl/ 12309 ID/ 12209 e w N 89 E 2659.05' 1327.24' 1329.52' b W a O 0 h e+ r g g s z Ho r e b e S89'2625'W 2654.47 SVV CORNER CORNER SO. 1/4 CORNER SEC. 16, T32, R69W SEC. 16, T32, R69W FND 3 1/4' BRASS CAP FND 3 1/4' BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX IN CONCRETE CITY OF WHEATREDGE CITY OF YMEATRIDGE PLS 13212 PLS 13212 N: 711004.8358 N: 711030.7638 E: 105186.7285 E: 107841.0729 IDp 13209 ID/ 13309 Nobs 1. DATE OF SURVEY: SEPTEMBER 24-25. 2012 ANY 3. NOTICE ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW. YOU MUST COYYENCE MY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON r DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. N NO EVENT MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT N THIS SURREY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM ME DATE OF THE CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. 4. BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE FOUND 3 1/4' BRASS CAP AT THE SOUTH QUARTER OF SECTION Ia. TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH. RANGE 69 'VEST O THE 6TH P.Y. AND A FOUND 3 1/2' BRASS CAR AT THE CENTER ER O SECTION 15. TOWNERSW 3 SOUTH. RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. FORMING THE EAST LINE OF THE ION EAST LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECT 15. TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PM. ASSUMED TO BE N0013'10'W PER THE OTY OF WHEAT RIDGE CONMOL MONUMENT NETWORK. NAD a3, MODIFIED STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM. COMBINED SCALE FACTOR OF 1.00025226062 S. NOTCL ANY PERSON WHO KNOWINGLY REMOVE$ ALTERS OR DEFACES ANY PUBLIC LAND SURVEY ON MUMENT, OR LAND BOUNDARY MONUMENT OR ACCESSORY, COMMITS A CLASS 2 MISDEMEANOR PURSUMT TO STATE STATUTE 18- 4-506. 6. THE PURPOSE O THIS SUBDIVISION PLAT 15 TO CREATE A 2 LOT SUBDIVISION, UTILITY AND IRRIGATION DITCH EASEMENTS. 7. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS LOCATED MT AN AREA HAVING A ZONE DESIGNATION X BY THE FEDERAL DERRGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY (FFMA), ON FLOW PLANE MAP N0. 03059CO211 E WTH A DATE O IDENTIFICATION O JUNE 17, 2DO3., FOR COMMUNITY NO. 080579 F. IN JEFFERSON COUNTY. STATE O COLORADO WHICH IS THE CURRENT FLOOD INSURANCE RATE YAP FOR THE COMMUNITY IN WHICH THE PERTY PRO tS SITUATED 8 LOTS 1 AND 2 ARE ZONED A -1, PER THE CITY O WHEAT RIDGE ZONING MAP DATED FEBRUARY 20. 2010. 9. HURT LNN AND ASSOCIATES HAS REUED UPON THE ETHICAL TITLE SERVICES, LLC. COMMITMENT NUMBER, ETS 121105001. WITH AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF OCTOBER 24. 2012 AT 7:45 AM. FOR OWNERSIP AND FOR THE PURPOSES O SHOWING RECORD EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS -OF -WAY ACROSS S PREMISES THE SURVEY DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A TITLE SEARCH BY KURT LAN k ASSOCIATES. TO DETERMINE OWNERSHIP , RIGHTS -OF -WAY AND EASEMENTS O RECORD. WE THE 30' E STRIP HERON SHOWN AS TRACT A IS HEREBY DEDICATED TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AS PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. GORDON S PAGE HI PIS 29046 KURT UHIN • ASSOCIATES 8790 W COUFM AVE, /20 LAKEWOOD 00. 80215 3D3 233 -1171 CRY OF NRIEAT RK*E PUBLIC Wow ow DATE 01 I1 8 f 2 013 RECEIVED 0 111 81201 3 2nd Submittal PREPARED BY: KURT LINN AND ASSOCIATES B879? EWOOD CO AO21AVENUEJ UNIT 20 LAK 303 - 233 -1171 237 -1893 (to.) JOB 1 1209 -15 STATOMIE1lT t1F AOCIAPACY THE GEODETIC CONTROL DATA 9101M1 IHEIREN HAS BEEN DERIVED FROM THE COLORADO COORDINATE SYSTEM O 1963, CENTRAL IONS MO2. AND HAS A HO6ZONTAL ACCURACY GLAmFluna+ O 0.06, Vs SURVEY FEET AT THE 951E CONFIDENCE IEVEl AS OflTNEO N TIE CEOSPATIAL POSITIONING ACCURACY STANDARDS OF THE ED FERAL GEODETIC CONTRA SUBCOMMI17FI (F00C -STD- 007.2 -1998) cACI'MWFWN NOTES: HEREBY GRANTED TO 1 TI RE -FOOT (S•) A 7M-FOOT (T0� WIDE EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY GRANT ON PRIVATE PROPERTY ADJACENT TO ALL SqE LO7 DIES O EACH LOT N THE SUBDIVISION DR PUTTED AREA R IE DEDICATED FOR T NSTALLAMIN, YANT]JANCE AIO REPIACEIENT O ElEC1IC, DRS, TE1FA OIN C •P*F DRAINAGE AND 70EOONEMCU1710N5 FAWTES ALONG WTI PRIVATE DRIVES. PERMANENT 7RUCT1RE5 AND WATER METERS SHALL 1qT DE PEILMITTED WT1M SM RRIGAION .TON AND UTILITY EAgJ,ENTS Z.lw (2) FiTEEN FOOT (15) gRIGAnON .TOO EASEMENTS ARE THE OWNERS O THE iEjgygNG I suggest numbering the Notes, and re - writing Note 2 'FaIR� sWAOIEr AND wAD5W1RTH DITCHES iW*a4'+ArRrN�IBWH FOR ACCESS AND pNNTENAC,. TWO (2) FIFTEEN FOOT (15) IRRIGATION DITCH EASEMENTS ARE 3. EA SEMENTS AS CREATED BY THIS PLAT ARE SHOWN AND NOTED HEREON. HEREBY GRANTED TO THE OWNERS OF THE EJ(tSITNG SWADLEV AND WADSWORTH DITCHES FOR ACCESS AND MAINTENANCE SIAPIETTAR$ Ct7t187G11E PURPOSES ACTUAL DITCH CHANNELS MAY VARY IN WIDTH WITHIN I. GORDON S PALE W WHEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY O ONE BOUNDARY O HAWN 9!BDINSON. WAS THE EASEMENT AREAS SHOWN ON THIS PLAT. MADE BY YE OR UNDER MY DIRECT SNIPERY190N ANO TO THE REST O MY KNOWt EDGE . INFCRMATON AND BELIEF, IN ACCORDANCE WIN All APPLICABLE COLORADO STANIES, CURRENT REVISED EDITI ON AS AMENDED. VICINITY MAP 1"=500' 0 No of n N u Pnu v vMS :TSm ' 'o r g z P.O.B. 0 e w r 1327.24' ON AS AMENDED. VICINITY MAP 1"=500' HAWN SUBDIVISION A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SHEET 2 OF 2 N LOT 1 Easement for Provide ml info So ifs held 1oa e e 3 h j a r - - - - -- -- --- - -- - -- _310.86_ — — — — — — — I SHED I I a 4900 ROBB STREET C S 2 STORY BROK k FRAME .......... -•'• .•' PVC PIPE TO .OUSE ........ -.... r —yam N a I PLAZA 5000 CENTER PLANNED COMMERCIAL DE4£LOPYENT AMENDEMENT 2 REC. NO. F1214188 ZONED: PCD LOT 2 FND. 1 1/2' ALUM. CAP DN_NO S RE9AR N 1 40 Q. 0 m� z d ie iV Ai FND. 1 1/ PLASTIC. CAP ON No. 5 RESAR PL S 9010 THIS E-1: 10' UTILITY HEREBY CREATED E -2: S' UTILITY EASEMENT HEREBY CREATED BY THIS PLAT ROBB S7RE£T PARK SUBDIVJ90N 8K. 71 PC 36 ZONED: PCO LOT 1 4J.717.5 SO.FT\ 1.00 ACRES ZONED: A -1 LOT 3 I _ - - -- " o I I S I I r I I � ac wT I I W Fa ate . / I I ty . I LOT 2 I 64,647.6 SO.M 1.94 ACRES I W ZONED. A a PUMP k STEEL IANK � �� -/ ---- - - - - -- --- _ _- __ - _____ INDICATES EASEMENT LINE INDICATES AUOUOT SECTION LINE INDICATES BOUNDARY UNE INDICATES PROPOSED LOT LINE - - - - -- INDICATES ORIGINAL DEED LINES I SCALE: 1' -30' _]0' _ SD• 0' IS 3G 90' US SURVEY FEET 15. D0' - t p+l t i 4D T i dp! �'-- "� 7.50' 3 O m r 8 z Cm. om. SEC. 16, T3S, R69W FND. 3 1/2" BRASS CAP CITY OF YMEAT RIDGE IN RANGE BOX PLS 13212 FND. 1 1/2' CENTEAUIE DITCH 181E TA9lE ALUM. CAP uNE 1EN0T11 ON No. 5 REEL PLS 23529 E -3 1.59 E -4 3909 a E -5 0.77 E -9 3.53 e 3 O m r 8 z Cm. om. SEC. 16, T3S, R69W FND. 3 1/2" BRASS CAP CITY OF YMEAT RIDGE IN RANGE BOX PLS 13212 FND. 1 1/2' I ALUM. CAP I ON No. 5 REEL PLS 23529 5' OFFSET 3 a It 0 e S Z W 0 3 � h s h 2 0 n j W p b' 2 W I N N W W N A W Im U a U I h 2 a P.O.B. FND. 1 1/4' PLASn . CAP ON No 5 REBAR PLS 9010 3 I I o I I� I 1327.24' P.O.C. W SO. Om. S 892.'2S' SEC. 16, T3S. R69W FND. 3 1/4' BRASS CAP CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE IN CONCRETE PREPARED BY: KURT yU�ENSN AND EFA/�SS IO�CIATES BAKEW000? CO. 80215 UE, UNIT 20 303 - 233 -1171 237 -1893 (fox) JOB / 1111 -07 V, City of Opt O:Wh6at1:Qd,AZ I ElUll City of wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29" Ave. wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303,235.2857 January 11, 2013 Gordon Page III Kurt Linn & Associates 8790 W. Colfax Avenue, #20 Lakewood, CO 80215 Dear Mr. Page This letter is in regard to an application filed for approval of a two -lot subdivision plat for property located at 4900 Robb Street. The application has been reviewed and the following are comments regarding the first submittal. IZMIDM 1. On the graphic, please remove the vacation note for the Valley Water line easement. r s I . A Mineral Rights Certification is required prior to the Planning Commission public hearing. 2. A Title Insurance Policy that is current within 30 days shall be provided prior to subdivision recording. Attached are referrals received from other city departments and outside agencies regarding the plat document. Arvada Fire Protection District: See attached letter from Steve Steigleder dated January 4, 2013. Xcel Energy% See attached letter from Donna George dated January 8, 2013. wwwxi.wheatridgexoms Valley Water District. See attached letter from Kathleen Kadnuck dated December 31, 2012. Wheat Ridge Police Department.- See memo from Kevin Armstrong dated January 3, 2013, Wheat Ridge Public Wark.s. See attached letter from Dave Brossman dated January 8, 2013. Additional referral comments may be forthcoming and will be forwarded. This concludes the summary of comments. Please address each of these comments by revising the drawings accordingly. For clarification on any of these issues, please feel free to contact any of the Development Review team members: Community Development Meredith Reckert 303235-2848 Public Works Dave Brossman 303-235-2864 Once the changes have been made, please submit five copies of the plat document with an AutoCAD drwg file by January 28, 2013 for the second review. This case is scheduled for Planning Commission public bearing on February 21, 2013. For the Planning Commission public hearing, I will need 15 copies of the modified ODP document by February 14, For publication purposes, I will need an electronic Word version of the legal description approved by Public Works by January 28, 2013. This can be ernailed separately to If you have any questions or need further clarification, do not hesitate to contact me at 303-235-2848. Ems= Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner Ms. Meredith Reckert, Case Manager 7500 W. 29 Ave. WMEEi�� 4900 Robb Street We have reviewed the proposal for the minor sub-division at 4900 Robb Street and have the following comments based upon the 2006 International Fire Code. I - Fire protection is provided to this site by Station 2, 5280 Oak Street and Station 1, 7900 W. 57" Ave. 2. Prior to any construction upon the new lot an access plan will need to be provided. The access lane will need to be a minimum of 20 feet of unobstructed width, with an all- weather surface of asphalt or concrete. 3. An additional fire hydrant may need to be provided for fire protection to the new A W ons o need any additional intormation, please call me at 303-424- 3012. Z= S t e e S t e ig - 1 e d e 7903 Allison Way Arvada, Colorado 80005-5033 303-424-3012 AW An C ,'e 1�� Energyrsm PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 M1 Right of Way & Permits 1123 West 3"' Avenue Denver, Colorado 80223 Telephone: 303.571,3306 Facsimile: 303, 571 3524 As a safety precaution, PSCo would like to remind the developer to call the Utility Notification Center at 1-800-922-1987 to have all utilities located prior to any construction. If you have any questions about this referral response, please contact me at (303) 571- 3306. Donna George I VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 12101, WEST 52ND AVENUE Wt-iEA:r RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 TELFTHONe 303-424-9661 FAx 303-424-0828 December 31, 2012 Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29 Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 4-19MBIMM In reference to your inquiry regarding Case No. MS-12-03114awn, the Valley Water District offers the following comments, The District currently has a water main in an easement located within the property. The easement for the water main line must remain in place. As long as the District's casement is retained in its entirety, the District has no other concerns with the proposed lot subdivision. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact nie, Sincerely, .4 een M. Kadnuck District Office Manger City of 0 h6atj Z POLI CE DEPARTMENT TO: Meredith Reckert, Community Development FROM: Kevin Armstrong, Sergeant, Crime Prevention Team DATE: January 3, 2013 SUBJECT: Case No.: MS-1.2-03/Hawn I have reviewed the Community Development Referral Form for Case Number: MS-12-03/Hawn. The police department sees no concerns with this request. 1"zige 2 Z- V, City of h6atR,Ldge PUB WORKS City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29' Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2861 F: 301235.2857 923�� Re: First Review Comments ofthe Final Plat for the Hawn Subdivision, Case #M -12 -03 MESUMM I have completed the first review of the above referenced plat received on December 27, 2012, for the proposed subdivision involving the property located at 4900 Robb Street, and I have the following comments: www.cl.wheatridge.coms P Works E t January ' 2013 P ag e ease submit for review and approval one hardcopy and two electronic files of the revised pla ie electronic files must include one PDF and one r utoC'a .. 20 DW file, and may be eluded with the hardcopv submittal on C'I /DVD -ROM or delivered via e-mail to me at dbrosman ci�ci.wheat °id e.co.us www.d.wheatridge.co.us Hawn Subdivision - TV iCtt Htr.do x HAWN SUBDIVISION A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SHEET 1 OF 2 NOrm 1. DATE OF SURVEY: SEPTEMBER 2x25. 2012 2. AREA OF PROPERTIES SURVEYED: 134,4435 SOR OR 3.09 ACRES I, THOMAS R. HAWK BEING THE OWNERS) OF REAL PROPERTY CONTAINING 134,4415 SOFT OR 109 1329.52' ACRES DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS. CORNER EN COWENOlG AT THE SMITH QUARTFR^O SECTION 1a, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH. RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH Ho match the Legal P.M.. WHENCE THE CENTER QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 16 BEARS N 009710' W FORMING THE BASIS OF °i Desenption n BEARING FOR T DESCRIPTION. THENCE ALONG THE SOUTH LIME OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF O Bearing should be NW SAD SECTION Ia, S NW'25' W A DISTANCE OF 1327.24' TO TIME SOUTHEAST CORNER O THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER O THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER O SAID SECTOR 16: 71RDHCE ALONG THE EAST LNE according to the Note 4. O THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER O TIME SOUTHWEST QUARTER O' SA 8 N 0016'1 the graphical portion on DISTANCE O all FEET TO THE POINT O KGMdNQ IN 7729' . ALONG THE NORTHERLY UNE OF ROBS STREET PARK SUBDIV19oN P TN OF THE sheet 2. and the AutoCAD JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AID RECORDERS N 8001(» AT PAGE 36. A DISTANCE O 664.00 drawin provided THENCE N 00'1740' W A DISTANCE O 202.62 FEET. THENCE N M79'10' E ALONG TIE SOUTIIEIILY MANTENACE PURPOSES. LINE OF PLAZA 5000 CENTER PLANED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT 2. AS RECORDED N THE OFFICES OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY ppN AID RECORDERS UN CEITION 111 "214166. A DISTANCE O 664.09 FEET; THENCE 5 001aY0 E ALONG O CRAG CHEVROLET MNOR SUBDI VISION AS RECORDED N THE OFiICES O 7HE HTY -IJIR C6RDER5 .,,,,,,� UNDER RECEPTION NUMBER 196095227, A DISTANCE O 202.31 FEET TO NNE PONT O BE - This Dearing does not match the WIC ROW beanng IS 89'28'02 "W) shown on HAVE LAD OUT, SUBDIVIDED AND PLATTED SAD LAND AS PER T DRAWNG HEREON CONTAINED UNDER WESTERLY graphical portion closure sheets THE NAME AND STYLE O HAWN d GN , A SUBDIVISION O A PMT O THE CITY O YMEAT AID I, COLORADO AND BY T HESE PRESENTS Do DEDICATE TO TE CITY O WEAT RIDGE AND THOSE and AutoCAD drawing file MUNICIPALLY OWNED AND/OR MUNGPA I FRANCHISED UTILITIES AND SERVICES THOSE PORTIONS O provided . please double-check REAL PROPERTY SHOWN AS EASEMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION. OPERATION. MAINTENANCE REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT FOR ALL SEANCES THIS NCLUDES BUT IS NOT WITED TO TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC LINES. GAS LPAII WATER AND SANITARY SEWER LNES HYDRANTS, STORM WATER SYSTEMS AND PIPES DETENTION PONDS STREET LIGHTS AND ALL APPURTENANCES THERETO. THOMAS R MANN 4800 ROBB STREET BEAT RIDGE COLORADO STATE O COLORADO ) SS COUNTY O ) 2413 T H E FORECONG INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THOUS _DAY O AA. W WITNESS MY HAND AND OTIOAL SEAL MY CONWIMON EXPIRES NOTARY PUBLIC: Or cerwrA 2013 Block is duplicated mw APPROVED THIS _ DAY O __ ® BY THE CITY O WHEAT RACE. t0 then hi ATTEST CITY ODN MAYOR COMMLNTY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR DIRECTOR O PUBLIC WORK C � AMO I DERS - C STATE OF COLORADO ) >ss COUNTY OF JEFFSSON ) 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT MS PUT WAS FILED N THE OFFICE O THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER O JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN, COLORADO, AT O'CLOCK -M. ON THE _ DAY O A - 0. N BOON AT P ACE RECEPTION No. JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER BY DEPUTY CASE HISTORY MS -12 -03 Case # DATE OF PREPARATION: SEPTEMBER 26, 2012 InUude a Date of Revision VICINITY MAP I" =500 11111 1329.52' EASOADIF NODE EN Ho match the Legal � °i Desenption n i /� P�PO�Y ru.M. w R5 rvr� rts S>•or � TY PROPER IS SITUATED 8 Z S. LOTS 1 AND2 ARE ZONED A -1, PER THE CITY O (NEAT Fill= ZONING MAP DATED FEBRUARY 20. 2010. TH PRIVAE DIRKS PERMANENT STRUCTURES AID WATER METERS SHALL Nor BE U7417Y EASEMENTS 9. KURT UNN AND ASSOCIATES HAS RE11ED UPON THE ETHICAL TITLE SERVICES. LI COMMITMENT NINem ogees. ,n �HIti Hnw P D R ETS 121103001. WTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE O OCTOBER 24, 2012 AT 7:45 AM. FOR OWNERSHIP AND FOR THE PURPOSES O SNOWING RECORD EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY ACROSS SAO PRO ISE& THE SURVEY DOES �� MANTENACE PURPOSES. ' �•I �. �. .,,,,,,� ,Il W. 1/4 CORNER SEC. 16, T32, R69W FND 3 1/4' BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX CITY OF WHEATRIDGE PLS 13212 N: 713646.4783 E: 105172.0083 10 12209 N 89'32'54' E 2659.05' CTR. 1/4 CORNER SEC. 16, T32J R69W FIND 3 1/4' BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX N: 713667.4454 E: 107830.9718 ID/ 12309 'V' $8926'25 -W Zoo.." SW CORNER CORNER SEC. 16, T32. R69W FND 3 1/4' BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX CITY OF WHEATRIDGE PLS 13212 N: 711004.8358 E: 105186.7285 ID/ 13209 SO. 1/4 CORNER SEC. 16, T32, R69W FND 3 1/4' BRASS CAP IN CONCRETE CITY OF WHEATRIDGE PLS 13212 N: 711030.7638 E: 107841.0729 DO 13309 3. NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW, YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WTMN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. N NO EVENT MAY ANY ACTION BUSED UPON ANY DEFECT N THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN WARS MOM THE DATE OF THE 'SRTIFICAMON SHOWN HEREON 4. BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE FOUND 3 1/ SS BRA CAP AT THE SOUTH QUARTER OF SECTION 16. TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF TIME ITN P.Y. AND A FOUND 3 1 BRASS CAP AT THE CENTER QUARTER OF SECTION 16. TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH. IE RANGE 69 WEST OF T 6 P.M. FO WNG TIE EAST LINE OF THE EAST UNE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 15. TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. ASSUMED To BE N0013'10 - W PER THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CONTROL "UMENT NETWORK. HAD e3, MODIFIED STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM. COMBINED SCALE FACTOR OF 1.00025226062 5. NOTKX ANY PERSON WHO KNONGLY MOVES, ALTERS OR DEFACES ANY PUB LAND SURVEY MONUMENT, OR LAND BONDARY MONUMENT OR ACCESSORY, COMMITS A CLASS 2 MISDEMEANOR PURSUANT TO STATE STATUTE 16- 4-506. 1329.52' EASOADIF NODE C , Thls does not Ho match the Legal e a °i Desenption n i /� P�PO�Y ru.M. w R5 rvr� rts S>•or � TY PROPER IS SITUATED 8 Z S. LOTS 1 AND2 ARE ZONED A -1, PER THE CITY O (NEAT Fill= ZONING MAP DATED FEBRUARY 20. 2010. TH PRIVAE DIRKS PERMANENT STRUCTURES AID WATER METERS SHALL Nor BE U7417Y EASEMENTS 9. KURT UNN AND ASSOCIATES HAS RE11ED UPON THE ETHICAL TITLE SERVICES. LI COMMITMENT NINem ogees. ,n �HIti Hnw P D R ETS 121103001. WTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE O OCTOBER 24, 2012 AT 7:45 AM. FOR OWNERSHIP AND FOR THE PURPOSES O SNOWING RECORD EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY ACROSS SAO PRO ISE& THE SURVEY DOES O m 6 M MANTENACE PURPOSES. b t; dicating TRACT A 1327.24' 'V' $8926'25 -W Zoo.." SW CORNER CORNER SEC. 16, T32. R69W FND 3 1/4' BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX CITY OF WHEATRIDGE PLS 13212 N: 711004.8358 E: 105186.7285 ID/ 13209 SO. 1/4 CORNER SEC. 16, T32, R69W FND 3 1/4' BRASS CAP IN CONCRETE CITY OF WHEATRIDGE PLS 13212 N: 711030.7638 E: 107841.0729 DO 13309 3. NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW, YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WTMN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. N NO EVENT MAY ANY ACTION BUSED UPON ANY DEFECT N THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN WARS MOM THE DATE OF THE 'SRTIFICAMON SHOWN HEREON 4. BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE FOUND 3 1/ SS BRA CAP AT THE SOUTH QUARTER OF SECTION 16. TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF TIME ITN P.Y. AND A FOUND 3 1 BRASS CAP AT THE CENTER QUARTER OF SECTION 16. TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH. IE RANGE 69 WEST OF T 6 P.M. FO WNG TIE EAST LINE OF THE EAST UNE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 15. TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. ASSUMED To BE N0013'10 - W PER THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CONTROL "UMENT NETWORK. HAD e3, MODIFIED STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM. COMBINED SCALE FACTOR OF 1.00025226062 5. NOTKX ANY PERSON WHO KNONGLY MOVES, ALTERS OR DEFACES ANY PUB LAND SURVEY MONUMENT, OR LAND BONDARY MONUMENT OR ACCESSORY, COMMITS A CLASS 2 MISDEMEANOR PURSUANT TO STATE STATUTE 16- 4-506. THE GECOETIC CONTROL DATA SHOWN HEREIN HAS BEEN DEANS FROM THE COLORADO COORDINATE SYSTEM O 1M3, CENTRAL ZONE 0502. AND HAS A HORIZONTAL AOCURACY CLASSIFICATION O 006, US SURVEY FEET AT THE 95% CONFIDENCE LEVEL AS DEFINED N THE GE06PATAL POSITIONING ACCURACY STANDARDS O THE FEDERAL GEODETIC CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE (FGDC- STD - 007.2 -1996) a. TIME PURPOSE OF THIS SUBDIVISION PLAT IS M CREATE A 2 LOT SUBDIVISION. I AHD DRANAGE\ EASOADIF NODE DITCH EASEMENTS AND TO VACATE A VALLEY WATER DISTRICT ES MT. REG / F0365036 AS SHOWN HEREON. 7. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS LOCATED WTHN AN AREA HAVING A ZONE DESIGNATION X BY 164E FEDERAL pprO Ve 01 the drain Component a 9 P EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY (TWA ON FL PLANE MAP NO. 060590021/ E, WITH A DATE O ALL SIDE l OF EACH LOT IN ME SUBDIVISION OR PLATTED AREA AND IS DEDICATED FOR THE A LI 4' ES DTF'ICATION O 03., FOR UNITY NO. 0 JANE 17, 2080579 E IN JEFFERSON CONEY, STATE OF DM COLORADO, Wed IS THE CURRENT ROOD INSURANCE RATE MAP FOR THE COMMUNITY N WHICH THE TY PROPER IS SITUATED easements and remove the word S. LOTS 1 AND2 ARE ZONED A -1, PER THE CITY O (NEAT Fill= ZONING MAP DATED FEBRUARY 20. 2010. TH PRIVAE DIRKS PERMANENT STRUCTURES AID WATER METERS SHALL Nor BE U7417Y EASEMENTS 9. KURT UNN AND ASSOCIATES HAS RE11ED UPON THE ETHICAL TITLE SERVICES. LI COMMITMENT NINem ETS 121103001. WTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE O OCTOBER 24, 2012 AT 7:45 AM. FOR OWNERSHIP AND FOR THE PURPOSES O SNOWING RECORD EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY ACROSS SAO PRO ISE& THE SURVEY DOES P InUude a Note MANTENACE PURPOSES. NOT CONSTITUTE A TITLE SEARCH BY KURT LIN k ASSOCIATES TO DETERMINE OWNERSHIP. ROUTS- OF-WAY AND EASEMENTS OF RECORD. dicating TRACT A 10 THE 30' WIDE STRIP HEREIN SHOWN AS TRACT A IS HEREBY DEDICATED TO THE CITY OF WIC ROW WHEAT RIDGE AS PUBLIC RIGHT -OF -WAY OF AOCUII THE GECOETIC CONTROL DATA SHOWN HEREIN HAS BEEN DEANS FROM THE COLORADO COORDINATE SYSTEM O 1M3, CENTRAL ZONE 0502. AND HAS A HORIZONTAL AOCURACY CLASSIFICATION O 006, US SURVEY FEET AT THE 95% CONFIDENCE LEVEL AS DEFINED N THE GE06PATAL POSITIONING ACCURACY STANDARDS O THE FEDERAL GEODETIC CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE (FGDC- STD - 007.2 -1996) SUPI£YOR'S CERM CAIE I. CORDON S PAGE W DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY O THE BO "MARY OF tiAtrl..9 WAS MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUER PVISION AND TO THE BEST O MY KNOWIEDW ATM AND BELIEF. N ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPU E COLORADO STATUTES, CURRENT REVISED EDITION AS AMENDED, TIME ACCOMPANYING PAT ACCURATELY REPRESENTS SAID SURVEY. GORDON S PAGE IN PLS 2904E KURT LNN 6 ASSOCIATES 5790 W COLFAX AV[ #20 LAKEWOOD CO. 80215 303 233 -1171 CITY CERflF)C'A RON 2013 APPROVED THIS ._ DAY OF ,�BY THE CITY OF WHEAT MDGE- ATTEST CITY CLARK MAYOR COMMUNED DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WOWS CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PUBLIC WORKS DATE 12/27/12 RECEIVED 1 2 1 27112 1st Submittal PREPARED BY: KURT UNN AND ASSOCIATES 8790 1YE5T CIXFAX AVENUE, UNIT 20 LAK 303 - 22 '1171237 -1893 (to.) JOB / 1209 -15 EASOADIF NODE I don't believe the ditch companies will FIVE -FOOT AND TEN -FOOT (10') WCE EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY GRANTED a PRIVATE PROPERTY ADJACENT TO pprO Ve 01 the drain Component a 9 P ALL SIDE l OF EACH LOT IN ME SUBDIVISION OR PLATTED AREA AND IS DEDICATED FOR THE A LI 4' ES Suggest Creating just imga(IOn _NSTA .AT10N, MAINTENANCE. AND REPLACEMENT O ELECTRIC. GAS TELEVISION CABLE, DRAINAGE AND easements and remove the word TH PRIVAE DIRKS PERMANENT STRUCTURES AID WATER METERS SHALL Nor BE U7417Y EASEMENTS -DRAINAGE' TWO (2) FlFRDN FOO AID DITCH EASEMENTS ME CREATED FOR THE OWNERS O THE D09TNO DITCIH OWNERS TE SWADLEY WADSWORTH DITOIES ('WHICH VARES IN WDN) FOR ACCESS AND MANTENACE PURPOSES. EASEMENTS AS CREATED BY THIS PLAT ARE 940M AND NOTED HEREON. SUPI£YOR'S CERM CAIE I. CORDON S PAGE W DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY O THE BO "MARY OF tiAtrl..9 WAS MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUER PVISION AND TO THE BEST O MY KNOWIEDW ATM AND BELIEF. N ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPU E COLORADO STATUTES, CURRENT REVISED EDITION AS AMENDED, TIME ACCOMPANYING PAT ACCURATELY REPRESENTS SAID SURVEY. GORDON S PAGE IN PLS 2904E KURT LNN 6 ASSOCIATES 5790 W COLFAX AV[ #20 LAKEWOOD CO. 80215 303 233 -1171 CITY CERflF)C'A RON 2013 APPROVED THIS ._ DAY OF ,�BY THE CITY OF WHEAT MDGE- ATTEST CITY CLARK MAYOR COMMUNED DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WOWS CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PUBLIC WORKS DATE 12/27/12 RECEIVED 1 2 1 27112 1st Submittal PREPARED BY: KURT UNN AND ASSOCIATES 8790 1YE5T CIXFAX AVENUE, UNIT 20 LAK 303 - 22 '1171237 -1893 (to.) JOB / 1209 -15 HAWN SUBDIVISION A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SHEET 2 OF 2 LOT 1 FND. 1 1/2' ALUM. CAP ON No. 5 RESAR PLS 23528 PLAZA 5000 CENTER PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT AMENDEMENT Z REC. NO. F1 214186 ZONED: PCD LOT 2 r s Valley Water provided I Men approval for this ( 91 bl :a0on7 Please mclude a copy I ® D 7 the revised plat submittal A P ; — Wr V) z Sc O D; CV N 4 ld 3 h N I I \_ I 2 2 SHED I S w Low I I 43,717.5 so. 1.00 ACRES ZONED: A -1 Tr . 1900 RQBB 57 E 2 ST eRC9r a p... .... I ...............- .. _ nMC PIPE TO MOUSE — -- -- — — -- — -- — — -- - i -- 5892802'W— vwr a STm ?Arai - -- 310.86_ — /' — — � '- WI /� 1 ' L - - -- ----- - ---- e -- __— = -- - - - - -- FND. 1 1/4 PLASTIC CAP ON N4. 5 REBAR PLS 9010 companies will approve of the drainage wmponenl I suggest creating Just imgation easements and remove the b "DRAINAGE' E -1: 10' UTILITY EASEMENT HEREBY CREATED BY THIS PLAT E -2: S' UTIUTY EASEMENT HEREBY CREATED BY THIS PLAT ROBB STREET PARK SUBDIVISION BK. 71 PC J6 ZONED: PC'D LEGM. __ _ _ __ __ INDICATES EASEMENT UNE INDICATES ALIOUOT SECTION LINE INDICATES BOUNDARY UNE INDICATES PROPOSED LOT LINE - - - - -- INDICATES ORIGINAL DEED LINES SCALE: 1' -30' _30• _30• 0' t5' 30' 60 US SURVEY FEET LOT 3 _>L -- 323.2 ------------ - - - - -- - S V'0� I LOT Z 66647.6 SOFT\ 1.94 ACRES ZONED: A -1 15.00' 1 a CEN70 INE OTCH LINE TABLE LWE TIENOiN BE ARNO N 3 0 io g 2 MD. 1 1/2' ALUM. CAP M No. 5 REBAR PLS 23528 5' OFFSET 3 10 W Lj r H In i n N V W P.O.B r D. 1 1/4' ON . CAP N.. ON No. S RFBAR PLS 9010 P.O.C. SO. QTR. SEC. 16. T3S, R69W FND. 3 1/4' BRASS CAP CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE IN CONCRETE PREPARED BY: KURT UNN AND ASSOCIATES B WEST E8U`,A 21 AVENUE. UNIT 20 303_ 233-'1171'237-1893 237 -1 (fox) JOB / 1111 -07 IOU J I I 3 7.50' I I CTR. 07M SEC. 16, T3S, R69W FND. 3 1/2 BRASS CAP CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE IN RANGE BOX PLS 13212 CIDITODIU E 01701 CURVE TABLE DELTA RADMS CHORD 2619'44' 27.50 M34M Z54 - E � N � 13.46 29'34'15' 293.46 Will 1, TC5 O 179'27' 2754.67 Nm'2T27'E z U u c A 1 m E U 1 I 79.m h 284'04' 3940.74 Mill 0 m , 'l tOZ3Y7' 721. 33 Nm7T23 E 130.74 C6 4A74 0'3719' 2610.11 ws - ses7'E 41.74 C7 23.61 1OT79 133.17 M72 23.57 N 3 0 io g 2 MD. 1 1/2' ALUM. CAP M No. 5 REBAR PLS 23528 5' OFFSET 3 10 W Lj r H In i n N V W P.O.B r D. 1 1/4' ON . CAP N.. ON No. S RFBAR PLS 9010 P.O.C. SO. QTR. SEC. 16. T3S, R69W FND. 3 1/4' BRASS CAP CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE IN CONCRETE PREPARED BY: KURT UNN AND ASSOCIATES B WEST E8U`,A 21 AVENUE. UNIT 20 303_ 233-'1171'237-1893 237 -1 (fox) JOB / 1111 -07 IOU J I I 3 7.50' I I CTR. 07M SEC. 16, T3S, R69W FND. 3 1/2 BRASS CAP CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE IN RANGE BOX PLS 13212 0 � I �I ? O ty m � N � g = W N O z U u c A 1 m E U 1 I h 0 m City of Wheat ,dge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Community Development 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 Community Development Referral Form Date: December 26, 2012 Response Due: January 10, 2013 The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for approval of a two lot minor subdivision plat on property zoned Agriculture -One, A -1, located at 4900 Robb Street. No response from you will constitute having no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. Case No.: MS -12 -03 /Hawn Request: Approval of a two lot subdivision plat on property zoned A -1. The total lot size is 3.09 acres in size. The proposed plat will separate the existing home from vacant property to the rear. Both lots will exceed the minimum one acre lot size in the A -1 zone district. The plat includes a right -of -way dedication for Robb Street and an easement vacation for Valley Water District. The existing single family residence on the site will remain. Please inform the case manager of any concerns about the site's ability for future development based on the proposed zoning. At the time of site plan review, when a specific development proposal is available, an additional referral regarding utility needs for the proposed development will be issued. Case Manager: Meredith Reckert Voice: 303.235.2848 Fax: 303.235.2857 Email: mreckert @ci.wheatridge.co.us i DISTRIBUTION: Water District (Valley) Sanitation District (Fruitdale) Fire District (Arvada) AT&T Broadband Xcel Energy Qwest Communications Wheat Ridge Public Works Wheat Ridge Police Department Wheat Ridge Building Division "The. Carnation City " Vicinity map F fr � p� r fr Ok ( (lillillool ( /[I Community Development Department City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29 Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Date determined "elble" Ordinance Date Recorde 1 - 1 1 � I 1 111iiiii 1 21 au Property Name (Historic and/or Address: MEMM Signature of Owner 0 consent to designation. Date Ce t a on: OwnerSkg: Present Use: uil B uilding ❑ Public 'g Occupied 11 Commercial 0 Entertainment 0 Structure Private 0 Unoccupied 11 Educational 0 Government 0 site Cl Religious 0 Other: 0 Object 'Residential IMINNIVAMMMM MIMM Name/Title: Historical: 0 Identified with historic persons 0 Identified with important events in national, state or local history Q 0 her: E xemplifies xemplifies or reflects cultural, economic or social history of the nation 0 Recommend as historic landmark by Wheat Ridge Historical Society Further Comments: (Add a separate sheet of paper if needed.) NERIMMUNWAROM Please attach a narrative of the historical significance of thR important for its association with a significant person. Further Comments: !"S, 1� tL, -ra mci— �s Construction Building Materials: Architectural Style: li�� 1 6 Special Features/Surroundings: (Add a separate sheet of paper if needed. Please include photos of each elevation of the structure.) Describe any additions to the property: m . 0 J, (Add a separate sheet of paper if needed.) Attach photographs and other documentation which supports historic landmark designation. Rev. 11/03/05 c - 1 � I I CEO CIL 1---t I e- Le, W 1 5 � ol ejl A EVE 3 W i co oil) 5 CK-L k cd I C-1- rt 0 V C3 f c c ri ct - L - I-N j2 en Tr a co r, S 0 P t W. 1113 to. -- k a 11"9cx'("('Ut" VNIE'"'A t-ci ck" t � 4- �j-r mcl. NWN a±c-r CIL- t I C , r A- em to et '+07 P) CA-15 ill 0 IV tdhe-rl Able- VON Ion US- c cl. CLI WIN& 3 c c1ba bt i In 11 Cmcl- cli'vNev, - L -P, A. LJ" L� Y'l %w^ 12 r e -y- \ C-L C d t) C! CLOCL 31 A t CA tf 4 " 11!5 Lo Q5 CLA f7c; i P mxmve- %- Tt 0) 0 , Qcj > tV , 0 C; 0 0 f� A CK &a _-x 0 f, t r Cam' 00 .0 cal m y, tti 0 44 C> 00 to C> In 0 . ++,+ g = " S O rrrttt 1 00 65 0 Q Q'a 0 4, cx o 78 IM cv w vo (> 01) co f4. 0 c:> 0 U > >1 U c� Iq .4 cR L n 0 40 CY =+ "Itt v v �a 4-� m 0 t3� j > C4 -0 45 w r- C> C to �n 200 tp 4.4 =41 cd Q Om C� C4 � -0 s u e 8 4 > 1 = 'A 0 9 E 4- 0 0 E 15 - g o w 4) > to 0 0 11 4> - a t 0 Cd r- tj) • ;i .4 bo 0 E 0 Q = 0 0 .- 0 0 -4 > 'd 0 04 U S 42 Q 04 2! , 15 >� - 0 , • tko C* .7t • • 0 Ci b cn Z 7E. 0 4) 7E. P--� W • • • cli oet 00 Y) > U 0 • S 0 cd 0 0 L u 14 cr • - tl 0 75 — to Q u > m 0 Q 0 00 f'4 4) 12 >. 0 0 ti 00 S 0 0 4 96-0 LJ to Q il • w 41 • • • cli oet 00 0 cz S 0 0 L u iw vr AW_ City of _Wh6at .-I! ITY DEwLop T 1:�� III III 1111 III plilipill 111111111 kljilil IIIIII I # If of ;1:; 1 "1 1, 1 1 - I Meeting Date: August 23, 2012 Applicant: Tom Hawn Phone: 303-279-4657 Email: aonnLthehillc-zlwis ertel.nc�t Attending Staff. Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Lauren Mikulak, Planner I Mark Westburg, Design Supervisor Specific Site Location: Existing Zoning: Existing Comp. Plan: 4900 Robb Street Agricultural-One (A-]) Mixed Use Employment Several accessory structures are located behind the home including a chicken coop and old horse stable. Two ditch laterals traverse the property, and mature trees and landscaping are located throughout the site. The elevation change across the property is significant with a 40 foot fall from the northwest corner to the southeast. Applicant/Owner Preliminary Proposal: The applicant, Tom Hawn, is proposing to subdivide the property such that the home sits on its own I acre lot, and the remaining portion of the lot may be sold or leased for a different use. The proposal also includes a request for local historic designation of the residence. Will a neighborhood meeting need to be held prior to application submittal? No, a neighborhood meeting will not be required for a subdivision plat or historical designation. Planning comments: The following items were discussed based on the proposal: Sub&vishni The property currently consists of a single parcel which is zoned Agricultural-One (A-1). To divide the lot will require preparation of a subdivision plat by a registered surveyor or engineer. The A- I W zone district requires a rninimurn lot size of I acre and a minimum lot width of 100 feet for a residential property. The second lot may be platted in a flag lot. The review procedure for a subdivision depends on the number of lots created and/or if any public right-of-way is dedicated. In this case there will be a requirement to dedicate right-of-way for Robb Street. For this reason, the subdivision will need to be reviewed by Planning Commission and City Council at public hearings. The review process can take about 3 months, and the entire process is outlined below, Valley Water:: 303-424-9661 Fruitdale Sanitation :: 303-424-5476 0 Arvada Fire :: 303-424-3012 IQ • Updated historical designation form (see attached) • Any additional supporting documentation, such as photos of the home/property City Council decides upon designates historic landmarks by resolution at a public hearing. This can be the same date at which the subdivision plat is reviewed. The Council may grant designation based on a finding that a structure meets one or more of the following criteria: As was discussed at the pre-application meeting, local historic designation can be revoked by future owners and does not ensure protection of the house in perpetuity. Conversely, a state or national designation may be more enduring but can significantly limit improvements and use of the property. Public Works comments: The following items were discussed based on the proposal: Topography & Ditches The presence of two ditch laterals on the property and a 40-foot change in elevation may present a challenge for future development of a second lot. If the rear lot is rezoned and developed for commercial use in the future, drainage improvements, retaining walls, and/or substantial grading work 3 could be required. With the permission of the ditch company, it may be possible to pipe the ditches on the property. Stormwater cannot be discharged into a ditch; specific designs could be discussed and reviewed when future development scenarios are proposed. Public Inij,)rovemenis The Robb Street right-of-way is currently substandard adjacent to the subject property. At this location the right-of-way is only 26 feet wide, whereas to the north and south the right-of-way widths are 56 and 46 feet. respectively. Thirty (30) feet of right-of-way will need to be dedicated to enhance the existing road section. The subdivision of this property does not require that curb, gutter and sidewalk be constructed adjacent to Robb Street. However, the applicant will be required to pave the street subsequent to plat approval. It is unlikely that the entire 30-foot width will need to be paved; the exact paving width will be determined as the project moves forward. A subdivision improvement agreement (SIA) will be recorded with the subdivision plat, and a bond will be required to ensure that the paving is installed. Subdivision Requiremients Please contact Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer, for technical requirements related to plat preparation and current city datum. Dave can be contacted by phone at 303-235-2864 or by email at Building Division comments: The building division was not present and has no comments at this time. M provide the applicant with the posting signs. The notifications and postings must occur at least 15 days prior to the public hearing. The case manager will prepare a staff report with findings and a recornmendation which will be presented at the Planning Commission public hearing. At the hearing, after the staff report is given, the applicant and members of the audience will be given a chance to give testimony regarding the application, Within 60 days of approval, a blackline mylar of the plat with original signatures and fees must be provided to the City for recording with the Jefferson County Clerk & Recorder's office. A subdivision improvement agreement with financial security will be required for the street paving. ]'his agreement is typically executed and recorded at the time of subdivision mylar recording. Attachments: Land use application form; historical designation form Phone Numbers From: Tom Hawn [mailto:onthehill@wispertel.net] Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2012 5:21 PM 119 2 IMBRINU - 9 T MQF ff - 1 T E�I 10 INZIMMIJ The improved lot size (with house) would be I acre. The proposed division would comply with the minimum lot width of 140', and all required setbacks. The current A- I zoning would stay as-i s. All paperwork to apply for the Wheat Ridge historic landmark designation on the house has been completed and will • submitted once the division of land has been completed. This too is an attempt to ensure that the house remains standing for years to come. The property at 4900 Robb street is currently bordered to the North, South and East by commercial property (please see attached pics). Also, please see picture of proposed lot division. A t-vs of this date, 8/6/2012, no survey / plat has been done on this property. I'm waiting until after my pre-application meeting, as I don't know exactly what is required at this point. Thank you very much, I look forward to meeting with you. W= 32240 Robinson Hill Rd. Golden, CO 04 03 303 279-4657 r ! r w �J 20 v} 4 l: v..� C U rtrt�r iK' 'nG. - 1 �" ,##{ui Wi �saVvzm�w2 . r ! r w � t m .d '1 o � C a SHE , y ' O -h � cn Oro$ cn s m 8 � Q A Y . + 4 At �ROBB'ST VT --14264M w Y ■ a 1 l i t 7. �r 1 4 - _ 'r. �� /� /I/ �'� 1 , .. rte n.►._ �1!�- L.�..�..�..�..�o_..� V O L f YAHH; If j n SHE , y ' O -h cn m Q �? D z fD nNUMMM Specific Distributions and Disposon of Tangible Personal Property Section 6.01 Specific Distribution to Thomas Ruskin Hawn Section 6.02 Distribution ♦ Tangible Personal Property • Memorandum I may dispose of items of tangible personal property by a signed written memorandum executed after I sign this agreement. The memoranduin must refer to my trust and must reasonably identify items of tangible personal property and the beneficiary designated to 4+ Pt e-d f '� UJ Can. Ut - w kC4,e- QcC - o P&4'- t-- 6 f FF � l) G) LJ Vu P,�� Z CU � 'S ' - LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION Community Development Department 7500 West 29"' Avenue * Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 * Phone (303) 235-2846 (Please print or type all information) Applicant Addre! I Phone 3 7� - t Citv State--C� ► Zip--& �014 Fax Address 14, SIC? Phonc3d3 Z7 3 city -4 State zip Fax Contact-7U44iMAS—k, Address 5- "tAS<3t1 � �1), city qA State--Aa—,— -Phone;h�e??-JZ_5�7 zi Fax---, (The pe -- rson listed as contact will be contacted to answer questions regarding this application, provide additional infortnation when necessary, post public hearing signs, will receive a cot-�y of the staff repor(prior to Public llearing,and shall be responsible for forwarding all verbal and written communication to applicant and owner.) Location of request (address):, IN Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request): Application submittal requirements on reverse side 0 Change of zone or zone conditions 0 Special Use Permit M / Subdivision: Minor (5 lots or less) 0 Consolidation Plat 0 Conditional Use Permit 0 Subdivision: Major (More than 5 lots) 0 Flood Plain Special Exception 0 Site Plan approval 0 Temporary Use, Building, Sign 0 Lot Line AdJustmcnt 0 Concept Plan approval 0 Variance/Waiver (fi - orn Section 0 Planned Building Group 0 Right of Way Vacation 0 Other: Detailed description of request: /k,)" L14 To be filled out by staff: Date received I've S Receipt No. Comp Plan C se No,­­­ . ........ ..... Quarter Section Related Case No Pre-App Mtg. I>atc Case Case No, 1211'3 3 Date Received Case Descriptiorlfwo' l of "WDior 'Su68r vision ' 121 20!201 Related Cases �Recked ..... ... ... .. .... Afiw&-amt Name Thomas R. Hawn Name Phone 3_ 279 4657 zip Address igf4d" Robins - o ' City Golden J L?Wnff //NWWJ&W Name awn Thomas Name --- .. . ........... .. Phorie �'­­­ - " - I Address � 3224p Robin Hi Rd b City Zolden ............. ...... � State C0 I dip 6fl4Ci3 . ..... . --J . ... .. .......... .... ... Name Thomas R 'Hawn ............ . .... . ..... . . Name Phone (303) 2n.4657 Address 32240 Robinson Hill Rd i City Golden state Ito Zip 180403- Address r 4 Street RobbSt. COY lWheat'Aidge' I state ; CO CO ip 180033 r Location Description Project Name Parcel No Olt ewd* Istrict 0 .. . ... . ..... ... ..... , Parcel No, 39 1 63 0001 7 Qtr Secti on District No ""IV 3916300017SWI6 I V .... ........ . Pre App Date Neighborhood Meeting Date r App No IAOPi Review Type Review Body Review Date Disposition Comments Report Pudadic Hearing -P ... .. ... .... , Public Heating CC w. i .. . ....... . . .. . ......... ...... . ... .. . .............. C Disporit'ton Disposition Date Conditions of Approval' Notes Res # Ord# MY OF Whr""W RMSE lb20111"I"12 1-59 PI'i CDR Hawn TTUSt FmKi 1 Ar1PL1".f"JH ZONE PAM ' ENT RECEIVED C "QURNT I � 0& 01"i AM, DU R T A 01 The improved lot size (with house) would be I acre. The proposed division would comply with the minimum lot width and all required setbacks. The current A- I zoning would stay as-is. The unimproved lot with access off of Robb Street would be approximately 1.94 acres and would retain its current A- I zoning with no immediate plans for development. All paperwork to apply for the Wheat Ridge historic landmark designation on the house has been completed and will be submitted once the division of land has been completed. The property at 4900 Robb Street is currently bordered to the north, south and east by commercial property. Us= Tom Hawn 32240 Robinson Hill Rd. Golden, CO 0 403 11 iiiiiijillilillillillilillillilI i . MITI Meeting Date: August 23, 2012 Applicant: Tom Hawn Phone: 303-279-4657 Email: 2nLhehil1(&wis ertel.net ,---_ Attending Staff: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner t,auren Mikulak, Planner I Mark Westburg, Design Supervisor Specific Site Location: Existing Zoning: Existing Comp. Plan: 4900 Robb Street Agricultural -fine (A -1 } Mixed Use Employment Several accessory structures are located behind the home including a chicken coop and old horse stable. Two ditch laterals traverse the property, and mature trees and landscaping are located throughout the site. The elevation change across the property is significant with a 40 foot fall from the northwest comer to the southeast. Applicant/Owner Preliminary Proposal: The applicant, Torn Hawn, is proposing to subdivide the property such that the home sits on its own I acre lot, and the remaining portion of the lot may be sold or leased for a different use. The proposal also includes a request for local historic designation of the residence. Will a neighborhood meeting need to be held prior to application submittal? No. a neighborhood meeting will not be required for a subdivision plat or historical designation. Planning comments: The following items were discussed based on the proposal: Sub(,Iivision The property currently consists of a single parcel which is zoned Agricultural-One (A-]). To divide the lot will require preparation of a subdivision plat by a registered surveyor or engineer. The A -1 zone district requires a minimum lot size of I acre and a minimum lot width of 100 feet for a residential property. The second lot may be platted in a flag lot. The review procedure for a subdivision depends on the number of lots created and/or if any public right-of-way is dedicated. In this case there will be a requirement to dedicate right-of-way for Robb Street. For this reason, the subdivision will need to be reviewed by Planning Commission and City Council at public hearings. The review process can take about 3 months, and the entire process is outlined below. • Valley Water:: 303-424-9661 • Fruitdale Sanitation :: 303-424-5476 • Arvada Fire :: 303-424-3012 M • Updated historical designation form (see attached) • Any additional supporting documentation, such as photos of the home/property City Council decides upon designates historic landmarks by resolution at a public hearing. This can be the same date at which the subdivision plat is reviewed. The Council may grant designation based on a finding that a structure meets one or more of the following criteria: As was discussed at the pre-application meeting, local historic designation can be revoked by future owners and does not ensure protection of the house in perpetuity. Conversely, a state or national designation may be more enduring but can significantly limit improvements and use of the property. Public Works comments: The following items were discussed based on the proposal: Tqj�ogrqpky & Ditches The presence of two ditch laterals on the property and a 40-foot change in elevation may present a challenge for future development of a second lot. If the rear lot is rezoned and developed for commercial use in the future, drainage improvements, retaining walls, and/or Substantial grading work could be required. With the permission of the ditch company, it may be possible to pipe the ditches on the property. Storrnwater cannot be discharged into a ditch; specific designs could be discussed and reviewed when future development scenarios are proposed. Public Improvements The Robb Street right-of-way is currently substandard adjacent to the subject property. At this location the right-of-way is only 26 feet wide, whereas to the north and south the right-of-way widths are 56 and 46 feet, respectively. Thirty (30) feet of right-of-way will need to be dedicated to enhance the existing road section. The subdivision of this property does not require that curb, gutter and sidewalk be constructed adjacent to Robb Street, However, the applicant will be required to pave the street subsequent to plat approval, It is unlikely that the entire 30-foot width will need to be paved; the exact paving width will be determined as the project moves forward. A subdivision improvement agreement (Sly,} will be recorded with the subdivision plat, and a bond will be required to ensure that the paving is installed. Sub(livision Requirements Please contact Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer, for technical requirements related to plat preparation and current city datum. Dave can be contacted by phone at 303-235-2864 or by email at dbrossi i)ci,sN e.COUS. Building Division comments: The building division was not present and has no comments at this time. M provide the applicant with the posting signs. The notifications and postings must occur at least 15 days prior to the public hearing. The case manager will prepare a staff report with findings and a recommendation which will be presented at the Planning Commission public hearing. At the hearing, after the staff report is given, the applicant and members of the audience will be given a chance to give testimony regarding the application. Within 60 days of approval, a blackline inylar of the plat with original signatures and fees must be provided to the City for recording with the Jefferson County Clerk & Recorder's office, A subdivision improvement agreement with financial security will be required for the street paving. This agreement is typically executed and recorded at the tine of subdivision rnylar recording. Attachments: Land use application form; historical designation form [VNffITIffMn=