HomeMy WebLinkAboutWF-13-013=1 Flood Plain Development �erxng Application Information Case No, Owner Addre;s Contractor Address_ Project Laos UBE= -- Single Family Residential — Multi-Family Residential — Manufactured (Mobile) Home — Non - residential -- Channel ization -- Fill ---. Bridge/Culvert — Levee Other/Explanations _& Class of Permit/Fee, Schedule General Permit A lications: ARR40��: — Utility Facilities $200 —Roadway $800 Bridge $1,000 Construction of a habitable structure not requiring Special Exception Permit $1,000 Class I Special Exceotion Permit Aurtlications: — Construction of a fence, less than or equal to 200 feet in length $100 — Construction of a fence, greater than 200 feet in length $200 — Construction of a fence with a break-away design $500 — Construction of a shed or deck $100 — Construction of a detached garage $200 — Construction of an addition to a habitable structure $800 — Earth fill, less than or equal to 500 cubic yards $800 Earth fill, greater than 500 cubic yards $2,000 All other structures – fee to be determined by estimating processing expenses Class 11 Snecial Exception Permit App—lications: Construction of a habitable structure $1,000 Notice Fee $180 have r ad and understand and will comply with the requirements of this Flood Plait) Permit, Applicant Signature bate (To be completed by Flood Plain Administrator) Flood Hazard Data Watercourse Name The project is proposed in the Floodway Floodway Fringe Base (100-year) flood elevation(s) at project site 15 Elevation required for Lowest Floor NGVD NGVD / Floodproofing Source Documents: Reports/Maps, V, �,:P 7 --- Proposal Review Checklist Permit Action -:��—Permit Approved: The information submitted for the proposed project was reviewed and is in compliance with approved flood plain management standards (site development plans are on file). Comments: Compliance Documentation I= 12 ev 2/3/ 1 l Site Plan (not to scale) Possible 11ure canopy Proposed shade canopies 4 posts with sail cloth top ANDERSON PARK POOLS/DE SHADE CANOPY City of W h6 at P--,dpd-- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Please review the permit application and then return the file to me with your comments. The applicant wilt be infon of any changes that will need to be made before the request can be approved and before a building permit is issued. KEY NOTES: 1.l) 24" Concrete Pier. 1.2) (6) 06 Vertical bars equally spaced. 13) #3 Ties at 12" O.C. 1.4) 3 ea of #3 Q 3" O.C. top. 2.1) 6.625 "0 OD (6" NPS) ASTM A500 Grade B Round Pipe (Minimum 58.000 psi Tensile. 2.2) 1/2" ASTM A -36 Steel Gusset. 1I) 5/8" ASTM A -36 Steel Plate. 4.1) 100 /o Polyethylene Architectural Mesh Membrane Canopy. 4.2) 1/4" 0 Galvanized Steel Cable. 4.3) 1 14" Galvanized Cable Clamp. 5.1) 5/8" x 6" Galvanized Tumbuckle. 5.2) 5/8" Galvanized Shackle. nnl col GDL ELEVATION SCAa: NONE D C( EMB PIER D ETAILS SCA:E: NONE General: Contractor Shan be r_pon W. , o. the ve••f+ubm aw oo«dnaion of dl-- ad for the proper fx-up of 'cb !ardat«n Ary d'x ponces and ncor'a,xe-- between actwl held conde•«n anal« d aw plan d.menaon, .o he ­4.tefy reported to the En y-- d Record Temporay co W e.. oh mean, and method' mo sa'ety, prow,-- are x sole re5p«CYb1Ay o' the ace« The design and prov_ d an temporary supports such as guys. braces. !alxwork. cooing. or ay other temooray dements req.reo 10 the eae du o' the contract 'ho oe the rmponsb of the concrxcor. Ternporay supports Shan not rex1: •+ the o V_ or Damage of the element, to be braced o• any elrmenta used a, brace ajppiars. 2006 loth -- al 50­1q Code , the oaae code die a—' used .n the prep,,A— of thex st kcwrral doarmerits. Addrtr 1 code, aw e!e•CnCe, are as noted. All Y.ructural "'rk slue be m — famUnoe w•th a11 local code, .n addt -oi W :45 b »e Code documae All plate' of the work lull — to the summa. 5taru d, of the 2006 Ihterrlat«ral B�ald,rk, Code ad all other regulatn j oleo, oac•, nq wthorty ova any Fort of fhe work. The contract structural O M, and a — f. - .o reprnent the f ih hW stnKWre Cas «IMVx •M•cated. They do not i the r•-t1— o! corotnfdvn. An ASTM 5p-A cadfons noted r w' draw•fg sh,a x Of the latest In the event Cert , feat, e, the cerotruction are rot joy sfgwh on the drawj, «called for m the —t- « spec f'_tio". their Censt—t.on'h)fl be d t he amc character " fo, I~ corid'tien, that are It— or carM f and Shad be re.-ewed try the frgmeer Of Pee «d. Structural Deslgn Cntena: Structural des,gr: , bsaed as per me 2006 lntemataNl D.ld.rg Code wth Gty M Wheat Pdge An..d ores Lade bad (Including 5row) 1607.3 30 PSr. Roof, dead lose. 0.5 pgr. Wnd speed (3. --hd gu't): 100 MPII. Up—. I Go9.4.2 C O_pancy Category: 1604.5 11 Importance °act« W: I .O Note Membrane(5) must be removed if 5now load is expected to exceed 5 p5f andlor Wnd Speed is expected to exceed Mft Foundatio Sal Profile Type / Sal prof4e type (Sector 16. , . 1 . IDC2005) D' whenever the sal encountered appears to vary from the ae5umed type or Ppanswe sal « local fill 5 fowl at the site tie eikq a of record reeds to be contacted before proceedhg fwther ..th the Con,tr.t•on. 5da .227 5d1 .058 Concrete: Corwete aegn and re•rfo atoll be m ace «dance wth'Buading Code redlir nts for It•ucwral concrete'. ACI 318-05 one mth Veta and dot"" of Concrete P Mori a t'. AC' 31592. All Corerr -e work 5hal be ,r acc«daree w2t the 4[dt eel., on of the 5urdud Spec•f¢atan !« Strvctur/ Concete'. AC1301. Ca,t -lr - place ,ha11 be ­W wegtt _,ete with desgn strength of 3.000 f51 at 28 days. a sM*p between 5 ad 7 oche'. .,imam Waterrement Ratio of 0.45. and a mm•mvm Ce,rent Contort. of 520 IWCy and a mall— Aggregate Sue of I arch. Contractor al.11 be re'p ble for the adequacy of ttc forms Id rac 'len'g and vfc yb" •n Gtr ire aw removal. Concrete that na, rot peen placed poor to 1 .5 hour, after the •mall r r watt/ wall added shall r.« be placed ragardles OF temperature or dump. Plac•.ng d corerete •n pers xull M t•xtxrgh - Elephant Trunk' tUhAu chute Located ­h that LM free av drop of the Concrete doe rot ereeed 8 fed Atenute placement methods of cohic etft ]`WI n« oe vsed one» approved by the Er'3 e Concrete Rclnforcmg Reur4«ong steel shall ve de!nrmed new 04W ,teei ban . acC «dance wsth A.S.T.M Mp f AG 15 Grade W. "hooka and bend, n _f_., bars shall conform to Act detaamg steward, ode, axh•.n other— T" +±lets, OF ra4orc•n3 steel who rot be Pam,tted. Re•n!OKnig 'feel Clear P'er ,h cie be " for. —; A. Drilled pen: 3 Bottom. 3 5des. Drilled P1er5: P er Dewn ., based _ " assumed avowable L o f 1.500 PSp .n erd bear" ad an Ili—M. lateral be nq prel —it of . 00 p5�. itemf «erg cage shall be held xcwely away frorh earth A sde aw oxtom by ,eta of 3 preea,t oo erete ,pacer blocks at a ­m"" sPaerq of aft, ling V a lag[h o the rage aw 1 • 0- Jr., bottom uae,s attain othe— Per ranforang ,w concrete shed be plcded .mmedwtey after dna operatora we co.vlete: •n ro rase shall a pa be dr4.ed that ca'uwt be owned dry the ed Of the workday. precaut_, should be taken awing the pl__M o f re ad concrete to pre M the box .,renal nom fWimg +rxe the —.t-. Poor W the pWCement of concrete. water shoved be •emoveo !nom the Per eauvatnh. The Contractor 5ha1' vent' depths of pen before S ,5 cut. Per steel my be dal e d to the )ob,.te 'n st frdaro lenq:hs aw cut a, r"vred. Pro, de 64 bar du.eter laps . all vrA Jl per renforchq. Structural Steel: Rolled steel plates. slope,. aw ban shall x strucWral gwbty cari m 5ted cary-rg y wth ASTM A -36. except whero other type 'tedi C aM n. $trucNnl ,red tabular produc. „hall _ cold forced tr W4 gad: ty rurboh steel. welded « ea seande», nplyng w"th ASTM A500, Grade B. F_ C k_ dull conform to the regvve.ent5 d ASTM A -500 Grade 8 (Unles, roved «hw,x w er the Pedro). All structural ateel l.H be fair Jted aw erected .n ace «d, wth the drawmq, aw a, recommended by A(% Manual of 5tee1 C«ntractoh. Steel telescoped sieve, do not have more than I/ 16 tolerance. wth ro less tlwr IT overlap at atl al— AH _ernal f ttM, ” Pi" des wel en ded two o. 5teef taariq and plates are fvhalred wth a m.vnvm of 2.5 to 3.5 MIL twck UV- .hated wean, re'taht powder coat. Wnero sue d Structure « de,e rfIa bads reouve largo atvctrw steel en —b or ate, greater than 7 gauge tmcxne'a, union steel may be ,—titut d. Cl," ad coating of ea bo steel —I— to the fetowm,: A de.grus agent o appled to remove wrface al ad greax. An a d phawlafte wash oe appi d to etch and prepare the aw'ace for Powdercoa - w„ where wall thctess requve, we- head"' Steil member are to be Pfc-heate4 poor to powder coat apphr ton to "sure Adtesdn. Welds, shall lots accordance w,.h the drawing, ,w a, rewmxded by app4"W AW5 Weoficahons. Welding Rod, to be low hydrogen type E70 or pq+ tea wit u 1 ER 7053 wre. Wild, have year d"'gneol wth axgte pa» fillet weld,. AM steel be weld ,hut at ,h at fern atioro to prevent water 'Id.— ,nude Structural hemen b. Weber shall be certil m accordance with the ate't Caton of the Amerean Weldmq 5ocitty 5peo4eabaA ad gual•I *Ole`. All weldng -11 be slop welded. held cohrectaa writ be looted. Belted rgnnecbon, have beep degred W be t.ghtered acc«dmg W the tum-of =,he -M method. Delta, MRa, waahen, lags ad 5crew5 shall be med'um orb- steel: sae ad type to s.[ aW—t—. she putted f« e""`r"` bcatoris. Strewed cube ­t. — —b",. ci "s A. tank ,tier,. it"t 7000 L55. M4 _0 4_1f. 1 4 ON th � M a ° 0 V O Ur . ii. ch I f ) Q Ak 5CAt2: NON[ I t.r Membrane Top (Canopy): !abrea[ea r f in 100% nigh Dan.ty Poyetl lent. Ilame- re,otant ( J CO .• O �y . Memo — cover shall be — 1v Archtectvral Mesh. Meets ASTM ! -84 (0I A fire R." what regveed. Mdhbrane Unoq Should b r re " edve • Q' 2 ; •retched ad [ere•ored yy appiymg are t­ to the --" Penne"ir Cade " Vred j o 'tr tlfral . ",lty of tte .anise aria reduce Ruttenng and .bl M undo• w ad load. Sag on tefNiened 38673 j penmeter c,Om should be between 3 ad 3.5% of cable chord. � % * QZ � ,,. F..,,, \� Confidential Proprietary Information: S/O ^' ^ t The :nfomutm cantamea haan •, ProP y eta to Modem 5hade LLC ad A l 1 Y - ,hall not be •eprodxed « a•xbxd .whole or n past. or —,a for any atiNgn or manufactwe except wren user ob:ans 111"t written autfonaaton from Modern Shade LLC. M4 _0 4_1f. 1 4 ON th � M a ° 0 V O Ur . ii. ch I f ) Q Ak 5CAt2: NON[ I t.r Ibl iii � uyli �'i (l�j I `` I l i� ��,!r.i� ��� ;; III ' ' � � �\`\ \�„ i it � ��� �\`��� 'III �� `�\ �., A� �: c ����. Case Na. g WF1301 Date Received J� Related Cases case Planner Makulak - --- --- ---- ------- I , . ....... Case Descript ior Floodplain special exception I �Request to construct poolside shade canopies in the ftoodplain APPAL-aw Name ICit of Wheat Ftr a Name Phone Address 7SOOW 29th Ave City �1r*IatRldge ... . .. ........... .. State COQ zip Name iC y of Irocat Ruige Name Phone Address i7500W 29th Ave Ci ty UJheatRtdge State jCD Zip i Zrofdd et //A y z A*0 Name Name Phony Address i City I state Pf0*VI lirfia lam Address 435 .... . ...... . Street S Ridge tate ICO Z ip x80033 Location Description 4nderson Park Project Nam P arcel i Parcel No, 4 3924 0 0 IS�22.----I-.'-'--- ' Qt section, District Na '�["4J r . .. . ..... . - --------------- .qo Vk W Pte-App Date NeioorhoodMeetitv Date ' - AppNo, Re Type Review Body Review Date Disposition 6- Comments --- - --------- -- ---- .... .. Report T"kl ' Review ...... . ... . ot Case Disposition f . .... Disposition Date ....... . Condigiom of Approy at ... ..... . .. Notes i . . .... ....... . .... ........ ............. ......... .. Status Res# E Old# storage: