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NW ::GI< SEO 2' I I I I I WILDBIRD SANCTUARY 11480 W. 44TH AVE. PART OF THE NW 114, SEC 21, T3S, R69W CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO exist. curb cut W. 44TH AVENUE (66 y R.O.W.) - :Ni 2I tit k.OW exist. curb S ) , 2 5c d y ,. gutter Future Amenity Zone Future sidewalk (By others) 3' Drainage Pan 589 °59 50 E .. 116.42 a LS - ' T -- Proposed sign. Infiltration Basin LS )N Refer to drainage plan for location of 4 "ht. edging at clay layer 1 -X X- -X X X Ls ,�b, 11 Existing 6' ht. chainlink fence I Ls ��- 26' 1 with slats to remain. P - o liJra Proposed fence with gate Proposed building F.F. EL= Pnrkinn 0 05.70 T,O.S &4'f 1 I Ls �v o� I I I I I I 1 I I I I IV 1 r r E 2 M E� 5404�19 ' )St 1 NOTE 4) I CN w N 0 Recycled Asphalt Fire Hammerhead 1 30 60 9 FT. S CA LE : 1 "= 30 ' Gravel or recycled Asphalt Service road Best Friends Pet Care Zone A -1 Legen LL -U [} PROPOSED ASPHALT OR 44th Ave., Trash w/ noncombustible - I F 'enclosure PROPOSED RECYCLED ASPHALT OR GRAVEL F TS PROPOSED LANDSCAPING __X — X__ _X _ PROPOSED CHAINLINK FENCE �—n EXISTING CHAINLINK FENCE — PROPERTY LINE Proposed fence with gates \ LS \ \ \70 LS �'. I Z I1 \cP t < 6 E \ tyol Existing natural j Zone Amt \'�, open space + l Existing 6' ht. (` � chainlink fence Existing natural i I � L with slats to remain open space J y I I r I p�I 588'53'08 "W 116.42' 463.W ' - - - - - - -- - S. LINE NW 114 SEC 21 2644.53' - -- CN w N 0 Recycled Asphalt Fire Hammerhead 1 30 60 9 FT. S CA LE : 1 "= 30 ' Gravel or recycled Asphalt Service road Best Friends Pet Care Zone A -1 Legen PROPOSED CONCRETE PAVING [} PROPOSED ASPHALT OR 44th Ave., CONCRETE PAVING PROPOSED RECYCLED ASPHALT PROPOSED RECYCLED ASPHALT OR GRAVEL F TS PROPOSED LANDSCAPING __X — X__ _X _ PROPOSED CHAINLINK FENCE �—n EXISTING CHAINLINK FENCE — PROPERTY LINE THAT PART OF THE SOUTHWEST 114 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO, PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST 1 OF THE SOUTHWEST 114 OF SAID SECTION 21, 226.6 FEET EAST FROM THF_ SOUTHWEST CORNER THEREOF, THENCE EAST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID TRACT 236.4 FEET, THENCE NORTH AT RIGHT ANGLES 1936 FEET MORE OR LESS TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE COUNTY ROAD RUNNING WEST FROM BOYD'S BRIDGE; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTH SIDE OF SAID COUNTY ROAD TO A POINT 226.6 FEET EAST OF THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 21; THENCE SOUTH PARALLEL WITH THE WEST LINE OF SECTION 1928 FEET, MORE OR LESS TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT THOSE PARCELS DESCRIBED IN BOOK 723 AT PAGE 472, BOOK 1879 AT PAGE 640, BOOK 2328 AT PAGE 695, BOOK 2332 AT PAGE 502, BOOK 3032 AT PAGE 480 AND BOOK 2584 AT PAGE 922, RE- RECORDED DECEMBER 15, 1989 AT RECEPTION NO. 89109119 AND FEBRUARY 6, 1990 AT RECEPTION NO. 90010842, OCTOBER 21, 1985 AT RECEPTION NO. 85101334, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. i �.t WN BITE LOCATION C j N 5 �1Ci�4 VICINITY MAP North N.T.S. TOTA BU COVERA EXISTING BUILDING PRO i BUILDIIJG TOTAL PAVED SURFACE PARKING AND DRIVE SIDEWALK TO BUILDING DRAINAGE PAN FIRE ACCESS / HAMMERHE PARKING R EQUI R ED PROVIDED TOTALS 44,677 S.F. 3,266 S.F. 806 S.F. 2,460 S.F. 10,097 S.F 6,210 S.F. 221 S.F. 660 S.F. 3,006 S.F. 0 1 ... [} r 44th Ave., �1Ci�4 VICINITY MAP North N.T.S. TOTA BU COVERA EXISTING BUILDING PRO i BUILDIIJG TOTAL PAVED SURFACE PARKING AND DRIVE SIDEWALK TO BUILDING DRAINAGE PAN FIRE ACCESS / HAMMERHE PARKING R EQUI R ED PROVIDED TOTALS 44,677 S.F. 3,266 S.F. 806 S.F. 2,460 S.F. 10,097 S.F 6,210 S.F. 221 S.F. 660 S.F. 3,006 S.F. 0 44th Ave., 38 th Ave 7.3 % 23 % 12 SPACES 15 STANDARD SPACES 1 VAN ACCESSIBLE OWNER'S CERTIFICATE The below signed owner or legally designated agent(s) thereof, do hereby agree that the property legally described hereon will be developed in accordance with the restrictions and conditions contained in this plan, and as may otherwise be required by law. I (we) further recognize that the approval of this Site Plan does not create a vested property right. Vested property rights may only arise and accrue pursuant to the provisions of Section 26 -121 of the Wheat Ridge Code�of Laws Signature of O'wner(s) or Agent(s) State of Colorado ) ) SS County of Jefferson The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 1. L Day of J- A.D. 20 13 Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: I SUQHESHt(UMARSABAT Notary Public NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF COLORADO MYOOMMISSION EXPIAES APRIL 4, 2017 CITY CERTIFICATION' Approved this day of by the City of Wheat Ridge.m l t g ESI� � ' ctor of Co mmutj Development CASE HISTORY: SUP -13 -01 WSP -13 -02 Vert. Drawn Sy: ST -1 Cadfile: 11480. siteplan.dwy Designed By: 18300 H IfY 7,,,' — � . Suzanne Z'eaCe, Joseph F. ASm LI Arvada, CO 80007 Drawing No. Lavdsca e - rchitect Tel (303) 422 -7049 � )I 4079 fie CdDrive, Wheat Ridge, CO 3 0033 ( — 1 DOTES: 1. The property is zoned Agricultural -One (A -1). 2. The proposed use is a bird rescue and rehabilitation facility for Wild B.I.R.D.. 3. Fencing is proposed to be chain link with slats. All fencing shall comply with Section 26 -603 of the Wheat Ridge Municipal Code. 4. All off - street parking shall comply with Section 26 -501 of the Wheat Ridge Municipal Code. 5. Exterior lighting is not shown on this plan. AI! exterior lighting shall comply with Section 26 -503 of the Wheat Ridge Municipal Code. 6. All signage shall comply with Article VII of Chapter 26 of the Wheat Ridge Municipal Code. 7. Bulding design is exempt from the Architectural and Site Design Manual, but shall comply with A -1 development standards in Section 26 -213 of the Wheat Ridge Municipal Code. 8. At the time of issuance of the building permit, fee in lieu of construction will be paid for the cost of streetscape improvements along West 441h Avenue, in compiance with the Streetscape Design Manual. SHEET 1 OF 2 SMALL DECIDUOUS TREES: 2" min. Cal., 6 -10' ht., B &B, MULTI- STEM, FULL BALANCED CROWN SYMBOLS QTY. BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME NOTES GO 4 QUERCUS GAMBELLI GAMEL OAK BRANCHED FROM 4 -5' HT. SHRUBS: - NO. 5 CONTAINER, DECIDUOUS SHRUBS: 12' -18" HT., EVERGREEN SHRUBS: 18 -24" SPREAD SYMBOLS QTY. BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME f BIAS 12 -- BLUE MIST SPIREA 5 canes min. COG 3 SMALL DECIDUOUS TREES: 2" min. Cal., 6 -10' ht., B &B, MULTI- STEM, FULL BALANCED CROWN SYMBOLS QTY. BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME NOTES GO 4 QUERCUS GAMBELLI GAMEL OAK BRANCHED FROM 4 -5' HT. SHRUBS: - NO. 5 CONTAINER, DECIDUOUS SHRUBS: 12' -18" HT., EVERGREEN SHRUBS: 18 -24" SPREAD SYMBOLS QTY. BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME NOTES BIAS 12 CARYOPTERIS X CLANDONENSIS BLUE MIST SPIREA 5 canes min. COG 3 MAHONIA AQUIFOLIUM COMPACTA COMPACT OREGON GRAPE HOLLY 5 canes min. DRB 19 CHRYSOTHAMNUS, VAR. DWARF RABBITBRUSH 5 canes min. GC 10 RIBES AUREUM GOLD CURRANT 5 canes min. GLS 6 RHUS AROMATICA'GROW LOW' GROW LOW SUMAC 5 canes min. ID 8 CORNUS SERICEA'ISANTI' ISANTI DOGWOOD 4 canes min. LL 3 SYRINGA X'PURPLE PENDA' BLOOMERANG LILAC 4 canes min. MM 1 CERCOCARPUS MONTANUS MOUNTAIN MAHOGANY( 4 canes min. RS 5 PEROVSKIA ARTIPLICIFOLIA RUSSIAN SAGE 5 canes min. SB 1 AMELANCHIER ALNIFOLIA SERVICEBERRY 4 canes min. SC 5 PRUNUS BESSEYI PAWNEE BUTTES' PAWNEE BUTTES SAND 4}1ERRY 4 canes min. SR 9 ROSA'MEIMODAC' RED MEIDILAND SHRUB ROSE 5 canes min. TLS 5 RHUS TRILOBATA THREE LEAF SUMAC 4 canes min. WS 3 SYMPHORICARPOS OCCIDENTALIS WESTERN SNOWBERRY 5 canes min. PERENNIALS / GROUND COVER/ ORNAMENTAL GRASSES: NO. 1 CONTAINER SYMBOLS QTY. BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME NOTES BAG 9 HELICTOTRICHON SEMPEVIRENS BLUE AVENA GRASS As shown on plans CM 10 MAHONIA REPENS CREEPING MAHONIA 36" o.c- spacing LBS 9 SCHIZACHYRIUM SCOPARIUM LITTLE BLUESTEM GRASS 24' o.c. spacing SG 6 PANICUM VIRGATUM 'SHENANDOAH' RED SWITCH GRASS 24" o.c. spacing Perennial selection by owner O 0 EXISTING NATURAL OPEN SPACE REMOVE EXIST. MULT -STEM TREES (4) ALONG FENCE, INCLUDE:SIBERIAN ELM, BOXELDER Asphalt or concrete paving — parking lot Steel edging, typ. - " between shrub bed J' I and grasses dea th °mulch, 3" -3' Drainage pan /depih,typ. in shrub beds 5 -TLS j p/ha lt J,y Gravel ofi recycle Recycled asphalt Service Raad Fire Hammerhead - EXISTING NATURAL EXIST. OPEN SPACE BARN �y J• 3 -GC I -J C J Jv J•y° t 1 ROCK MULCH, 1 -2" DIA. RIVER ROCK OVER WEED BARRIER FABRIC, 3" MIN. DEPTH, • a e SMALL ORNAMENTAL TREE O DECIDUOUS SHRUBS 0 0 ORNAMENTAL GRASSES GROUND COVER PERENNIALS - ROCK MULCH OVER WEED BARRIER FABRIC J•," may" LOW NATIVE GRASS SEEDING MIX J• " EXISTING PLANT TO REMAIN EXISTING PLANT TO BE REMOVED ="."u'n SHRUBS REQUIRED 90 PROVIDED 90 Zi 1. THIS LANDSCAPE PLAN PROVIDES LAYOUT FOR TREE, SHRUB, PERENNIAL, GROUND COVER AND ORNAMENTAL GRASS PLANTING AND LOW GROWING, NATIVE GRASS SEEDING. PLANT MATERIALS SHOWN ARE PRIMARILY NATIVE AND DROUGHT TOLERATE SPECIES. 2. THE LANDSCAPE WILL BE HAND WATERED WEEKLY AND AS NEEDED DURING THE FIRST GROWING SEASON UNTIL ESTABLISHED AND THEN MONTHLY OR AS NEEDED TO MAINTAIN PLANT HEALTH. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE ALL UTILITIES LOCATED PRIOR TO START UP OF WORK. 4. ALL PERENNIAL, GROUND COVER, AND ORNAMENTAL GRASS AREAS SHALL RECEIVE A 3" DEPTH OF WOOD MULCH. SEE PLAN FOR ROCK MULCH AREAS. 5. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL LANDSCAPING SHALL COMPLY WITH SECTION 26 -502 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE MUNICIPAL CODE. EXIST. LILAC TO REMAIN f--1 -SB O 5 -BMS 6 -BAG Perennials, 2 -GO- 9 -SR tvn- 7\ 5 -RS - y �Ab C�3 0 ( Q O� ��O Ot 1 WW O b 00 o — concrete 5 -GLS walk, typ. 3 -WS 3 -COG PROPOSED BUILDING 2 -DRB y , 1 -MM X 2' WIDE ROCK 5 -1D PATH j1 o -Cm 5- ,MS REMOVE EXIST. MULTI -STEM TREE J, \ 0 ma 3-ID " a , i �J {� Q v 3 - SC * y — 2 -GO J 2-SC -I / 3 -LBS -/ Proposed — sign location R 8 -DRB - LOW, Ni GRASS I G EXIST. EM TREE Future amenity zone Future walk (by Others) existing curb & gutter Q 10 2�0 40 6,0 FT. SCALE: 1 " =20' EXIST. COTTONWOOD TREES (3),18-30" CAL., 25 -35' HT. O � y v LAN DE3 1 CAP E PLA 11 480 Ridg Wheat Colorado Hor. GS Sho wn SCALE: Date: 6 - - Vert. Drawn By: ST Cadfile: 1 1480_landplan.dwg Designed By: ST Suzanne 2"eate, Drawing No. Landscape Architect 4079 .)decd Drive, Wheat :Rid ,, CO Soo33 —1 SHEET 2 OF 2 TOTALS PERCENTAGE TOTAL AREA OF PROPERTY 44,677 S.F. LANDSCAPE AREA REQUIRED 8935 S.F. 20% NON - LIVING ALLOWABLE 3127 S.F. LANDSCAPE AREA PROVIDED 13,048 S.F. 29% LIVING 12,348 S.F. NON - LIVING 700 S.F. NATURAL OPEN SPACE 18,266 S.F. 41 % TREES REQUIRED 9 + 4 street trees PROVIDE=D 4 EXISTING TO REMAIN 3 (counts as 9 based on caliper > 10" ) SHRUBS REQUIRED 90 PROVIDED 90 Zi 1. THIS LANDSCAPE PLAN PROVIDES LAYOUT FOR TREE, SHRUB, PERENNIAL, GROUND COVER AND ORNAMENTAL GRASS PLANTING AND LOW GROWING, NATIVE GRASS SEEDING. PLANT MATERIALS SHOWN ARE PRIMARILY NATIVE AND DROUGHT TOLERATE SPECIES. 2. THE LANDSCAPE WILL BE HAND WATERED WEEKLY AND AS NEEDED DURING THE FIRST GROWING SEASON UNTIL ESTABLISHED AND THEN MONTHLY OR AS NEEDED TO MAINTAIN PLANT HEALTH. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE ALL UTILITIES LOCATED PRIOR TO START UP OF WORK. 4. ALL PERENNIAL, GROUND COVER, AND ORNAMENTAL GRASS AREAS SHALL RECEIVE A 3" DEPTH OF WOOD MULCH. SEE PLAN FOR ROCK MULCH AREAS. 5. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL LANDSCAPING SHALL COMPLY WITH SECTION 26 -502 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE MUNICIPAL CODE. EXIST. LILAC TO REMAIN f--1 -SB O 5 -BMS 6 -BAG Perennials, 2 -GO- 9 -SR tvn- 7\ 5 -RS - y �Ab C�3 0 ( Q O� ��O Ot 1 WW O b 00 o — concrete 5 -GLS walk, typ. 3 -WS 3 -COG PROPOSED BUILDING 2 -DRB y , 1 -MM X 2' WIDE ROCK 5 -1D PATH j1 o -Cm 5- ,MS REMOVE EXIST. MULTI -STEM TREE J, \ 0 ma 3-ID " a , i �J {� Q v 3 - SC * y — 2 -GO J 2-SC -I / 3 -LBS -/ Proposed — sign location R 8 -DRB - LOW, Ni GRASS I G EXIST. EM TREE Future amenity zone Future walk (by Others) existing curb & gutter Q 10 2�0 40 6,0 FT. SCALE: 1 " =20' EXIST. COTTONWOOD TREES (3),18-30" CAL., 25 -35' HT. O � y v LAN DE3 1 CAP E PLA 11 480 Ridg Wheat Colorado Hor. GS Sho wn SCALE: Date: 6 - - Vert. Drawn By: ST Cadfile: 1 1480_landplan.dwg Designed By: ST Suzanne 2"eate, Drawing No. Landscape Architect 4079 .)decd Drive, Wheat :Rid ,, CO Soo33 —1 SHEET 2 OF 2 I I TO: Case file for WSP-13-02 COPY TO: Case file for SUP-13-01 FROM: Lauren Mikulak, Planner 11 DATE: July 11, 2013 Case Number WSP-13-02 was a site plan approval for the property at 11480 W. 44"' Avenue and was processed concurrently with Case Number SLIP- 13 -01. All relevant files for the site plan may be found in the SUP case file. City of 7500 West 29th Avenue \Alh6at Ps V IF �id 303 1 Kenneth Jbf Community ?ate 9 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 City of �Wh6atP.,Ldgc Approval of Special Use Permit WHEREAS, an application for a Special Use Permit was submitted to allow a bird rescue and rehabilitation facility on property zoned Agricultural -One (A -1) and located at 11480 W. 44 Avenue, referenced as Case No. SUP- 13 -01; and WHEREAS, City staff found basis for approval of the special use permit, relying on criteria listed in Section 26 -114 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws and on information submitted in the case file; and WHEREAS, the Community Development Department has properly notified pursuant to Section 26 -109 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws; and WHEREAS, there were no registered objections regarding the application; NOW THEREFORE, be it hereby resolved that a Special Use Permit is granted for the property located 11480 W. 44 Avenue for the purpose of allowing a bird rescue and rehabilitation facility on property zoned Agricultural -One (A -1), based on the following findings of fact: 1. This request for an administrative Special Use Permit meets all applicable conditions as required by Section 26 -114 of the City of Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. 2. There will be no detrimental effect on health, safety, welfare, or convenience to the public in the area. 3. The special use will not create adverse impacts greater than allowed under existing zoning for the property. 4. There will be no impact on the light, air, or water quality of adjacent property owners. 5. The special use will not create or contribute to blight in the neighborhood and will not over burden the capacities of the existing streets, parks, schools, and other public facilities and services. 6. There were no objections received during the neighborhood meeting or during the required 10 -day posting period. With the following conditions: 1. The special use for this establishment shall be issued to the applicant and may not be inherited, transferred, or assigned. 2. The Special Use shall comply with all material representations, commitments, and operational restrictions as depicted in the application materials and documents maintained in the case file in the Community Development Department. 3. The business shall operate in compliance with all State and Federal regulations regarding the keeping and rehabilitation of wildlife. 4. Multiple documented complaints for the business shall be grounds for initiating enforcement procedures of City Code Section 26- 114(F). Oq -o Date City of Wh6 at P,,,,,Ldge CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Director of Community Development DATE: June 18, 2013 CASE MANAGER: Lauren Mikulak CASE NO. & NAME: SUP -13 -01 / Wild B.I.R.D. ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a Special Use Permit to allow a bird rescue and rehabilitation facility LOCATION OF REQUEST: 11480 W. 44` Avenue APPLICANT(S): PROPERTY OWNER(S): APPROXIMATE AREA: PRESENT ZONING: PRESENT LAND USE: Agricultural -One (A -1) Vacant land COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Neighborhood Commercial Corridor ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) ZONING ORDINANCE Location Map Site Wild B.I.R.D. Consolidrone, LLC (applicant is under contract) 44,213 Square Feet (1.01 Acres) JURISDICTION: All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to make an administrative decision. I. REQUEST Case No. SUP -13 -01 is an application by Wild B.I.R.D. requesting the approval of an administrative Special Use Permit (SUP) to allow a bird rescue and rehabilitation facility on property zoned Agricultural -One (A -1) and located at 11480 W. 44` Avenue. All veterinary clinics or similar uses require a Special Use Permit in agricultural zone districts. Pursuant to Section 26 -114 (special uses) of the Municipal Code, the Community Development Director has the ability to decide upon applications for administrative special use approval, without a public hearing, provided the following conditions have been met: 1. A completed application package has been submitted and fee paid. 2. The Community Development Department has notified adjacent property owners by letter and the site has been posted for at least ten (10) days. 3. No written objections have been received in such ten -day period. 4. The Community Development Director concludes that the criteria for approval, as set forth below, are substantially complied with and support the request. The Community Development Director can impose conditions or stipulations upon the approval, which may address physical design, business operations, and /or maintenance considerations to ensure compliance with the criteria for review. The Community Development Director shall also decide the following: 1. Whether the SUP runs with the land in perpetuity; 2. Whether the SUP is personal to the applicant and may or may not be inherited; and /or, 3. Whether the SUP is granted only for a defined period, after which time the special use shall expire unless renewed subject to all of the requirements of this section. II. CASE ANALYSIS Existing & Proposed Land Use The applicant, Wild B.I.R.D., is requesting a Special Use Permit to develop the property at 11480 W. 44` Avenue for the purpose of establishing a wild bird rescue and rehabilitation facility (Exhibit 1, Letter of Request). The applicant is proposing to move from a location in Denver to Wheat Ridge. The subject property is zoned Agricultural -One (A -1), and surrounding parcels include a variety of land uses and zoning designations (Exhibit 2, Zoning Map). To the east is a parcel with split zoning (C -1 and A -2) where the Best Friends Pet Care is located on the back half of the parcel. To the northwest is a small parcel zoned Neighborhood Commercial (NC) with a single -story retail building. To the west and south are undeveloped parcels zoned A -1 and located in the City's Clear Creek open space; these include Prospect Lake and the Clear Creek Trail. Directly across the street on the north Case No. SUP -13 -01 / Wild B.LR.D. side of W. 44"' Avenue are two parcels zoned Restricted Commercial (RC) including an equipment rental business and a Comeast office building. The applicant, Wild B.I.R.D., is proposing to develop the property for the purpose of establishing a wild bird rescue and rehabilitation facility. Wild B.I.R.D. is a nonprofit organization that is licensed through federal and state agencies to rehabilitate wild birds. They typically treat about 3000 birds each year including song birds and migratory birds which are brought to the facility by the Denver Zoo, local animal control divisions, Denver Water, and local citizens. Raptors such as hawks or owls are transported to a different organization, Birds of Prey, which is based in Broomfield. Wild B.I.R.D. depends largely on volunteer staff but also works with a licensed rehabilitator who can treat injured birds. The birds are kept at the facility until they are stabilized and gain enough strength to be released. Most birds are released close to where they were found. The existing barn is proposed to be repaired and utilized for storage in the upper level and for the keeping of ducks and geese on the lower level. The northern portion of the site adjacent to W. 44" Avenue will include a parking lot to accommodate staff and volunteers. The remainder of the site will include landscaping or be undevelopedwWAINUM. The land use category "dog kennels, catteries, veterinary hospitals" is classified as a special use. Because the applicant's proposal is most similar to this use, an SUP is required. An analysis of the SUP evaluation criteria is provided in the next section. Code Analysis—Chapter 4 Section 4-14 (exotic or wild animals) of the City Code prohibits owning, possessing, harboring, selling or trafficking any exotic or wild animals. Pursuant to Section 4-14(b) the Animal Welfare & Control Commission has the authority to grant exceptions to this prohibition. Case Xa SUP -13 -011 IfildBIRD, 3 Wild animals are defined as any animal other than those expressly defined as domestic animals. Per Section 4-14(d), those animals considered by the code to be domestic include the following: Specific animals enumerated (1) The following are domestic animals: Aquarium fishes. Psitocine birds, aviary finches, etc., farm birds (ducks, geese, swans, poultry). Domestic rabbit (Ot:yctolagus cuniculus). Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguicularus). Guinea pig (Cavia porceilus). Hamster (Musorcriectus auralus). Domestic laboratory mouse (Mus domesticus). Domestic laboratory rat (Ratters ravus Albino strain). Domestic cat (,delis caters). Domestic dog Canis Armiliaris). Domestic livestock, including, but not limited to: Horses, cattle, sheep, goats, mules, donkeys, burros, llamas, honeybees, and swine (except potbellied pigs, Sus scroM vittatus, which is an imported variety of swine and which shall be considered exotic animals). Because there is the possibility that the applicant will be treating some birds that are classified as wild birds at the proposed facility the applicant is seeking an exemption from the prohibition. Beyond local law, state and federal laws strictly regulate the keeping of wild animals. The applicant possesses the applicable state and federal licenses issued by the Colorado Department of Natural Resources and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. On June 3, 2013 the Animal Welfare and Control Commission held a public hearing and approved an exception to allow the applicant to keep wild birds. Unlike the Special Use Pen which can be granted with no need for renewal, Section 4-14(b) restricts the approval of an AWCC exemption to 12 months with unlimited one-year renewals. The AWCC established a condition of approval that allows staff to renew the exception assuming certain criteria are met Staff uses the following criteria fi Section 26-114,13 of the City Code to evaluate special use permit requests. The Community Development Director shall base its decision in consideration of the extent to which the following criteria have been met. Staff provides the following analysis of the review criteria. The special use will not have a detrimental effect upon the general health, welfare, safeo� and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood. The proposed special use will not affect the health, welfare, safety, or convenience of any person working or residing in the area. The proposed use and potential impacts are relatively compatible with surrounding land uses. Immediately to the cast is Best Friends Pet Care which offers day care, grooming, and obedience training for dogs and includes outdoor runs. Prospect Park and the Clear Creek Greenbelt are located to the south and are part of the City's parks, trails, and open Case Alo. AT- 13-01 / Wild B. LR, D. 4 space facilities. The area provides habitat for wildlife and is an appropriate neighbor for the proposed Wild B.I.R.D. facility. Currently the property to the west is undeveloped, but is also zoned A-1. There is one small multitenant commercial building to northwest, but this is buffered by the parking lot of proposed facility and will not be immediately impacted by the birds which are proposed to be kept on site. Staff finds this criterion has been met. 2. The special use will not create or contribute to blight in the neighborhood by virtue physical or operational characteristics. The property has been underutilized since the former farmhouse was damaged by a storm several years ago. The applicant is proposing to invest in the property, develop the site, and connect it to public utilities. The site is currently vacant which is more likely to contribute to blight than will the presence of a new structure, and business which should be a benefit to the area. The facility's operations are strictly regulated by state and federal agencies, both of which require licensing State licenses are reviewed and reissued on a yearly basis, and annual reporting requires detailed reports on the birds that are treated and the volunteers and staff who work at the facility. Staff finds this criterion has been met. 3. The special use will not create adverse impacts greater than allowed under existi zoning for the property. i The keeping of wild birds is not expected to result in impacts any greater than the keeping of domestic or fanri birds. Staff finds this criterion has been met. 4. The special use will not result in undue traffic congestion or traffic hazards, or unsafe parking, loading, service or internal traffic conflicts to the detriment of persons whether on or off the site. The proposed use will not create undue traffic congestion or hazards. Sufficient parking and loading areas will be provided on the property. Staff finds this criterion has been met. Case,Vo. SUP-13-01 / Wild X KD 5. The property is appropriately designed, including setbacks, heights, parking, Eulk, buffering, screening and landscaping, so as to be in harmony and compatible with the character of the surrounding areas and neighborhood, especially with adjacent properties. The adjacent properties will be minimally impacted by the proposed special use. The site design complies with the Agricultural-One (A-1) development standards in terms of setbacks, height, and building coverage. Appropriate parking lot screening and ample landscape coverage is provided. The Architectural and Site Design Mc (A DM) does not apply to development in the A-1 zone district. Staff finds this criterion not applicable. 6. The special use will not over burden the capacities of the existing streets, utilities, parks, schools, and other public facilities and services. Staff finds this criterion has been met. 7. There is a history of compliance by the applicant and/or property owner with Co requirements and prior conditions, if any, regarding the subject property. I There is no evidence of recent code violations on the property. Staff finds this criterion has been met. • The application is in substantial compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the Architectural and Site Design Manual The Architectural and Site Design Afanual (ASDA) does not apply to development in agricultural zone districts. Staff finds this criterion is not applicable. GAMEMM Prior to submittal of an application for a Special Use Permit, the applicant was required to hold a neighborhood meeting in accordance with the requirements set in City Code, Section 26-109. A meeting for neighborhood input was held on February 6, 2013. In addition to staff and the applicant, three members of the public attended the neighborhood meeting Case No SCIP-13-01 / Ifild BIRD No comments or objections were filed during the 1 (1 -day public noticing period. All affected service agencies were contacted for comment on the proposed use and regarding the ability to serve the proposed site development. Specific referral responses follow: Wheat Ridge Community Services Unit: No objections, requested hearing before the Animal Welfare & Control Commission. Wheat Ridge Building Division: New development will require a connection to public water and sewer. Wheat Ridge Parks & Recreation Department, Forestry Division: No objections, support was expressed for the selection and variety of drought-resistant plant material. Wheat Ridge Public Works: No objections, site plan and drainage report has been approved. Arvada Fire District: Approved a hammerhead turnaround to provide fire protection to the south end of the property. Accepted a substandard (22-foot) fire access lane. Valley Water District: Can serve the property. Utility upgrades will be the responsibility of the applicant. Xcel Energy: No objections contingent upon maintaining all existing lights and ability for future expansion. Fruitdale Sanitation: No comments received. Qwest Communications: No comments received. AT&T: No comments received. ky�lmyws Having found the application for Case No. SUP-13-01 / Wild B.I.R.D.—a Special Use Permit (SUP) to allow a bird rescue and rehabilitation facility on property zoned Agricultural-One (A-]) and located at 11 480 W. 44` Avenue --to be complete and in compliance with the majority of the applicable review criteria, staff recommends APPROVAL of the special use request with the following findings of fact: 1. This request for an administrative Special Use Permit meets all applicable conditions as required by Section 26-114 of the City of Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. 2. There will be no detrimental effect on health, safety, welfare, or convenience to the public in the area. Case No. SUP-13-01 / Wild BIRD. With the following conditions: Case No. SUP- 13-01 / 11 BIRD. EXHIBIT I.- LETTER OF REQUEST it B.I.R.D. Rehabilitation Center Special Use Permit Application Narrative We have not provided detailed building elevations since we have not designed the building yet, but we have indicated our compliance with maxinium elevation requirements per zoning code on the site plan. This also applies for the sign at the entrance to the property, We have not submitted a streetscape plan because we plan to pay a fee ($5,510,19) to the city in lieu of constructing the streetscape improvements ourselves, Case AV SUP-13-01 / 1 BIRD, 9 [The following narrative was provided specifically for the AC'C' public hearing but provides additional infortnation regarding treatment of birds.] Animal Welfare and Control Commission Meeting Narrative Wildlife, the Denver Zoo, many veterinary clinics, Denver Health Department, many metro parks and recreation and ammal control /police departments, We do not receive any government funding and rely primarily on donations and fundraising, We can and do use volunteers and paid staff (Le. unlicensed individuals) to help care for the birds, but all unlicensed individuals must go through a training class and sign a CDPW form, All unlicensed individuals must be under the supervision of a licensed rehabilitator at all times. Therefore, we always Dave a licensed rehabilitator on site, reissued annually. Case No� SUP- 1.3 -01,/ I'Vild B. 1, R, D, 1 0 We are applying for a special use permit for the property at 11480 W. 44 Avenue, Wheat Ridge CO 80033, which we are in the process of purchasing. We would then develop this property to house the rehabilitation center. We would build a 2500sf building for offices and indoor treatment areas and use the existing historic barn for storage (upper level) and as a barn for housing domestic birds (chickens, ducks, geese) and for waterfowl rehabilitation (lower level). There will also be 15 -20 outdoor enclosures (flights) of various sizes where we house larger birds and birds that are gaining strength and flight time in preparation for release. Case No. SUP -13 -01 / [Vild BIR.D. EXHIBIT 2: ZONING MAP N Case No. SUP -13 -01 / Wild B.I.R.D. The following image is an excerpt from the City's Official Zoning Map. The subject property is outlined in blue and is zoned Agricultural -One (A -1) which is indicated by the green shading. EXHIBIT 3: SITE PHOTOS Case No. SUP -13 -01 / Wild B.I.R.D. 13 i ,i-- — u. r Aa - v1 LAIV OL4UJ V\.L }71 VPV;l Iy WUM11r' 6VUL11 1C{JIIl W. " Avenue. 1 nis view iooxmg south snows that the site is largely vacant with the exception of an existing barn. NW COR SEC 21 SITE PLAN VILDBIRD SAIXTUARY 11480 W 44TH AVE, PART OF THE NW 114, SEC 21, T3S, R69W CITY OF WHEAT RTDGE, COMJTY OF JEFFERSW STATE OF COLORADO exist, curb cut W. 44'rH AVENUE (66 R.O.W.) gutter Future Amenity Zorto P sign, FND j6 Rr'W. IN RANCE 8-1 4 edgtng at�iv'y low — ExIsting 6'ht, 0sinlink Nnoe wfth slats to rsmah — Proposed f"ce wIth gate ■ m Legend: 70TALS PERCENTAGE TOTAL AREA OF PROPERTY PROPOSED CONCRETE PAVING TOTAL BUILDING COVERAGE PROPOSED ASPHALT OR 7.3 % EXISTING BUILDING CONCRETE PAVING PROPOSED BUILDING PROPOSED RECYCLED ASPRALT TOTAL PAVED SURFACE PROPOSED RECYCLED ASPHALT 23% PARKING AND DRIVE ORGRAVEL SIDEWALK TO BUILDING PROPOSED LANDSCAPING PROPOSED CHAINLINK FENCE 660 Sf, EXISTING CHAINLINK FENCE C ;14 COR SEC 211 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: THAT PART OF THE SOUTHWEST 114 OF THE NORTHWEST 114 OF SEC77ON 2 I, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P,M,, JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO, PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: 18300 HWY 72 Joseph F Asmus Arvads, co ww7 A-1 (M) 4ZZ-704$? CodITIc 11 f4$Q-vif*p1cn,dwg 00tv 05-31- Drown By: ST Doslonod or. Drawlno No. sp �TI VICINITY MAP North N71 S, 70TALS PERCENTAGE TOTAL AREA OF PROPERTY 44,677 &F, TOTAL BUILDING COVERAGE 3,266 BY, 7.3 % EXISTING BUILDING 806 S,F, PROPOSED BUILDING 2, 460 S.F. TOTAL PAVED SURFACE 10,097 ST, 23% PARKING AND DRIVE 6,210 SY, SIDEWALK TO BUILDING 221 S.F. DRAINAGE PAN 660 Sf, FIRE ACCESS I HANIMERHEAD 3,006 S.F. PARKING REOUIRED 12 SPACES PROVIDED 15 STANDARD SPACES 1VAN ACCESSIBLE 18300 HWY 72 Joseph F Asmus Arvads, co ww7 A-1 (M) 4ZZ-704$? CodITIc 11 f4$Q-vif*p1cn,dwg 00tv 05-31- Drown By: ST Doslonod or. Drawlno No. sp �TI VICINITY MAP North N71 S, b. of this $00 Plan does r4t CMWM a v"ted pworty flabC Vested Wopmty rWft May mfy mise " socnA posu#" to the pmvWons of Sedion 2&-121 of ft Yftat RkiV 00* Of LRWS slaft4two of Ownet(s) or A#w*s) Stme Of Cofo� I )ss COW* of jeflimmm) The foregoina kwuument was acknowledged befom me #4s fty A,D 2q by �nmfny hww �nnd ofttw sew, my 0wowssim evkft'* — puwic RWWY CITY " III Appoved this _ day of by the City of whom Rwqo AMST dldb Dkoctor Of Com"Amlly bw� CASE HISTORY, SUP-13-01 WSP-13-02 18300 HWY 72 Joseph F Asmus Arvads, co ww7 A-1 (M) 4ZZ-704$? CodITIc 11 f4$Q-vif*p1cn,dwg 00tv 05-31- Drown By: ST Doslonod or. Drawlno No. sp �TI VICINITY MAP North N71 S, EXHIBIT 5.- AWCC APPROVAL [Meeting minutes are not yet available. The Commission made a motion for approval as recommended by staff (below) with an additional condition that the applicant provide an informational update to the Commission on an annual basis.] Option A: "I move to APPROVE the request for approval of an exemption from the wild animal prohibition for the applicant Wild B.I.R.D. on property located at 11480 W. 44' Avenue, for the following reasons: 1. As reflected the applicant's request, the applicant's need to keep wild animals prohibited by Section 4-14 of the Code is appropriately balanced with the need of the community to maintain itself in a healthful manner, free from unnecessary noise or other disturbance, due to the following: Through its rehabilitation and educational efforts, the applicant provides a unique public service to Wheat Ridge and the Front Range community at large. The applicant's request considers the needs of the community and appropriately attempts to mitigate potential adverse impacts. 2. The applicant's proposal serves the welfare of wild animals and does not present a significant risk of endangering the welfare of people, due to the following: Case AV SUP- 13 -01 / lVild B. L K D. 14 With the followina conditions'. The approval granted shall be for an initial terra of twelve (12) months from the date of this decision. This approval may be renewed by City Staff for any number of additional one-year terms upon a finding by City Staff that: In the event City Staff finds that any of the above 3 renewal criteria are not met, the renewal shall be forwarded to the AWCC for its consideration and decision, after conducting a public hearing on the same." Ccise No, SUP -13 -111,' J-Vild BIRA 1 5 EXHIBIT 6: - NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING NOTES1 to Meeting Date: May 7, 2013 Attending Staff- Lauren Mikulak, Planner 11 Location of Meeting: City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29' Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Property Address: 11480 W. 44"' Avenue Property Owner & Applicant: Candace Tomlinson and Kim Johnson Property Owner(s) Present? No, applicants are under contract Existing Zoning: Agricultural-one (A-1) Existing Comp. Plan: Neighborhood Commercial Corridor Case No. SUP-13-01 / Wild B. LRD, 16 Raptors such as hawks or owls are transported to a different organization, Birds of Prey, which is based in Broomfield. Wild B.I.R.D. depends largely on volunteer staff but also works with a licensed rehabilitator who can treat injured birds. They are kept at the facility until they are stabilized and gain enough strength to be released. Most birds are released close to where they were found. meeting: o Jennifer Johansson of Best Friends Pet Care (1 1440 W. 44' • Jon Wiedricb (1 1401 W. 44' Avenue} • John F representing the St. Martin Society Branch 134 of the Polish National Association owners of 11 460 W. 44"' Avenue Staff discussed the site, its zoning and future land use. The applicant and members of the public were infortned of the process for the Special Use Pen The members of the public were informed of their opportunity to make comments during the process and at the public hearing, if required. The applicant described the proposed use and history of the Wild B.I.R.D. organization. The following issues were discussed regarding the SUP request and proposed development: • What uses are permitted in the A- I zone district? The A-IZone district alloivs single- 7 . /amili homes and general (.kgricultural orJurming uses. There are several t ' ipcs of uses and businesses which are permitted ii"ith a special use permit. These include day cares, schools, kennels, and vet clinics. 14 use is being class led as most similar to a vet clinic i-Mich is ith,y they need a special use permit. • What is the minimum lot size in the A- I zone district? Minimum lot sizefor new A-1parcels is one acre, The subject property and the neighboring parcel (i+ is also zoned A-1) could not be subdividedfurther under the A-1 zoning to create additional lots single- uni�y homes. propertY is about I acre alreadj, % � fi Ea • How is Wild B.I.R.D. funded`? fVild B. L R. D. is largely funded by donations. • How many people does Wild BIRD. employ? There are 3 people on stqt and sometimes more during the bus season, They depend large y on volunteers during the bu f season as well • What are flight cages'? 1 cages are outdoor cages which are entire4yfinced infior, birds to live in, They are anchored do ivn but usual4v are on unimproved (dirt) suduces. Thev range in size to Case No, SUP-13-01 / Wild R. LR,D, 17 accommodate dil .A ofbir&s. Theflight cages avil/ be interior to the sitC , and meet all applicable setbacks, How will the existing barn be used? The barn ivill be kept and repaired. The uppct-floor 141 likely be usedf6r storage and the loi,ve• level may be used the keeping qf'ducks or geese which arc? being rehtibbed. Case No. SUP- 13-01 / ff7/d BIRD, 18 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE ANIMAL WELFARE & CONTROL COMMISSION The full text of this notice is available in electronic forrn on the City's official website, www.ci.wheatridae.co.us, Legal Notices. Copies are also available in printed forill in the Community Development Department. Published: The Denver Post, May 24, 2013 City of '� Wheat f j COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29 Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 -8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 CERTIFIED LETTER NOTICE May 24, 2013 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you of Case No. SUP 13 -01, a request for approval of a Special Use Permit to allow a bird rescue and rehabilitation center on property located at 11480 W. 44` Avenue. Pursuant to Section 26 -114 of the City Code, an administrative special use review can be granted by the Community Development Director without need for a public hearing. Prior to the rendering of a decision, all adjacent property owners are required to be notified of the request by certified mail. If you have any questions, please contact the Planning Division at 303 - 235 -2846 or if you would like to submit comments concerning this request, please do so in writing by 5:00 p.m. on June 3, 2013. Thank you. SUP 1301.doc www.ci.w h eatrid ge.com s Site VICINITY MAP 5 of --13- 0 1 WEI■RICH JONATHAN 4690 U PHAM ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 ?■o9 2820 0002 554? ?459 ST. MARTIN SOCIETY BRANCH 134 OF PNA 11460 W. 44 Tll AVE 4 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 "- 7009 2820 0002 5547 7442 CONSOLIDRONE LLC 11180 W 44 AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80003 7009 2820 0002 5547 7435 WINDSOR PET CARE INC <$ FINANCE DEPT 520 MAIN AVE NORWALK CT 06851 7009 2820 0■■2 5547 7428 �� .�� � »�` \ \� ^ / �� \ \ \\ City of Wheatll, dge CASE NO. SUP -13 -01 POSTING CERTIFICATION DEADLINE I, WRITTEN COMMENTS: June 3, 2013 residing at �(0 6) v (name) - (add`ress) as the applicant for Case No. SUP- 13 -01, hereby certify that I have posted the sign for Public Notice at 11480 W. 44` Avenue (location) on this 24` day of May, 2013, and do hereby certify that said sign has been posted and remained in place for ten (10) days prior to and including the deadline for written comments regarding this case. The sign was posted in the position shown on the map below. Signature: NOTE: This form must be submitted to the Community Development Department for this case and will be placed in the applicant's case file. MAP City of Wheat id g e POSTING CERTIFICATION ANIMAL WELFARE & CONTROL COMMISSION HEARING DATE: June 3, 2013 I, ( C, (,C residing at /(name) (address) 0 O as the applicant for the request related to wild animals/birds, I hereby certify that I have posted the Notice of Public Hearing at 11480 W. 44` Avenue (location) on this 24` day of May, 2013 and do hereby certify that said sign has been posted and remained in place for ten (10) days prior to and including the scheduled day of public hearing of this case. The sign was posted in the position shown on the map below. Signature: NOTE: This form must be submitted at the public hearing on this c se and will be placed in the applicant's case file at the Community Development Department. MAP • Animal Welfare and Control Commission Special Meeting Minutes — June 3, 2013 Meetings are recorded. Minutes, not a transcription, will be documented for the meetings, Copies of the tape are available upon request ROLL CALL: Bob Hance, Barbara Hance, Joelle Hedden, Rhonda Champion, Kathy Deitsch, Ginny Petty, Erna McIntyre. Candace Tomlinson, Applicant Representative ABSENT: Christina Rae a 1 fig M Mr.. I A N i ITRI Rwol MILO ........... encouraged the Commission to see how the Commission sees the request meeting those two standards. In addition, to the applicant's request, Staff is asking the Commission to consider ho the approval might be renewed. Community Development does not require a renew on the special use permit from a zoning perspective. In Chapter 4 is states that if t Commission was to approve an exemption it would need to be renewed annually. T Code doesn't detail how the renewal needs to take place. I Receive birds from DOW, Denver Zoo, Denver Water, Animal Control, law enforcement, etc. 0 Don't receive any government funding. Get donations and conduct fundraising * Will the current veterinarian be used or will look for one in Wheat Ridge? Dr. Labondi who is primarily used is very knowledgeable when it comes to birds. Could be open to finding one closer. III: I : I ; "I iiiiiii I III iiiiiijiI�ilillill 111 111111111111111 111111111111111111 I I I III III . . a . ^ I # . I * Through its rehabilitation and educational efforts, the applicant provides a unique public service to Wheat Ridge and the Front Range community at large. The applicant's request considers the needs of the community and appropriately attempts to mitigate potential adverse impacts. 2. The applicant's proposal serves the welfare of wild animals and does not present a significant risk of endangering the welfare of people, due to the following: ---------- -- All volunteers and staff who work with birds must complete training and comply with Colorado Department of Parks and Wildlife regulations. a W The approval granted shall be for an initial term • twelve (12) months from the date • this decision. This approval may be renewed by City Staff for any number • additional *ne-year terms upon a finding by City Staff that: In the event City Staff finds that any • the above 3 renewal criteria are not met, the renewal shall • forwarded to the AWCC for its consideration and decision, after conducting a public hearing on the same." OLD BUSINESS Three facilitator bios weft—Vistr4titp Motion by Joelle Hedden, seconded by Erna McIntyre, to work together and not use a facilitatM r at this time. Motion passed, M Ft k NO WOM P rtT P I I ffa W. Bob Hance, Co-chair �Ftchelle Sto R I ecording Secreta Erna McIntyre, Co-chair Pago 5 ANIMAL WELFARE AND CONTROL COMMISSION AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, June 3, 2013, 5:30 hours Wheat Ridge City Hall — 2 ND Floor Conference Room 30U*# f- � Public Hearing o Request for approval of an exemption from the wild animal prohibition for the applicant Wild B. I. R.D on property located at 11480 W. 44 th Avenue * Facilitators I* , A � City of Wh6atRLdge CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Animal Welfare & Control Commission DATE: June 3, 2013 CASE MANAGER: Lauren Mikulak CASE NAME: Wild B.I.R.D. ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of an exemption from the general prohibition against keeping wild animals and to allow a bird rescue and rehabilitation center LOCATION OF REQUEST: 11480 W. 44` Avenue APPLICANT(S): Wild B.I.R.D. J , o PROPERTY OWNER(S): Consolidrone, LLC (applicant is under contract) APPROXIMATE AREA: 44,213 Square Feet (1.01 Acres) PRESENT ZONING: Agricultural -One (A -] ) PRESENT LAND USE: Vacant land COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Neighborhood Commercial Corridor ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) CODE OF LAWS Location Map Site JURISDICTION: All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST This application is filed by Wild B.I.R.D. requesting approval of an exception to the general prohibition against the keeping of wild animals (under Code Section 4 -14) to allow a bird rescue and rehabilitation center. Sections 2 -56 (Animal welfare and control commission) and 4 -14 (Exotic or wild animals) of the Wheat Ridge City Code empower the Animal Welfare & Control Commission to decide upon this application at a public hearing. II. CASE ANALYSIS Existing & Proposed Land Use The applicant, Wild B.I.R.D., is requesting a Special Use Permit from the Wheat Ridge Community Development Department to develop the property at 11480 W. 44` Avenue iai. rpose of establishing a wild bird rescue and rehabilitation facility The applicant is proposing to move from a location in Denver to Wheat Ridge. The subject property is zoned Agricultural -One (A -1), and surrounding parcels include a variety of land uses and zoning designations . To the east is a parcel with split zoning (C -1 and A -2) where the Best Friends Pet Care is located on the back half of the parcel. To the northwest is a small parcel zoned Neighborhood Commercial (NC) with a single -story retail building. To the west and south are undeveloped parcels zoned A -1, including Prospect Lake and the Clear Creek Trail. Directly across the street on the north side of W. 44` Avenue are two parcels zoned Restricted Commercial (RC) including an equipment rental business and a Comcast office building. Based on Jefferson County Assessor records, the subject parcel is just over an acre in size at 44,213 square feet. The property was originally a part of the landholding of James Baugh, an early settler in the Clear Creek Valley. A farmhouse was located on the property until 2010 when a mature tree fell through the home and it had to be removed. The on inal bam is located in the southeast corner of the property. The remainder of the lot is vacant The applicant, Wild B.I.R.D., is proposing to develop the property for the purpose of establishing a wild bird rescue and rehabilitation facility. Wild B.I.R.D. is a nonprofit organization that is licensed through federal and state agencies to rehabilitate birds of many species. They typically treat about 3,000 birds each year including song birds and migratory birds which are brought to the facility by the Denver Zoo, local animal control divisions, Denver Water, and local citizens. Raptors such as hawks or owls are transported to a different organization, Birds of Prey, which is based in Broomfield. Wild B.I.R.D. depends largely on volunteer staff but also works with a licensed rehabilitator who can treat injured birds. Birds are typically kept at the facility until they are stabilized and gain enough strength to be released. Most birds are released close to where they were found. Case No. SUP -13 -01 / Wild B. 1. R. D. The existing barn is proposed to be repaired and utilized for storage in the upper level and for the keeping of ducks and geese on the lower level. The northern portion of the site. will include a parking lot to accommodate staff and volunteers. The remainder of the site will include landscaping or be undeveloped MMMMMMM. Wild animals are defined as any animal other than those expressly classified as domestic animals, Per See. 4-14(d), those animals considered to be domestic include the following Case AV SUP- 13-01 / HIM B, I ff L) 3 Specific animals enumerated: (1) The following are domestic animals: Aquarium fishes. Psitocine birds, aviary finches, etc., farm birds (ducks, geese, swans, poultry). Domestic rabbit (Or)�clolagus cuniculus). Mongolian gerbil (Aleriones unguicularus). Guinea pig (Cdviaporceilus). Hamster (Ifusorcrieclus auratus). Domestic laboratory mouse (Mus domesticus). Domestic laboratory rat (Raitus rallus Albino strain). Domestic cat (Felix catus). Domestic dog (Lanis �yniliqris). L Domestic livestock, including, but not limited to: Horses, cattle, sheep, goats, mules, donkeys, burros, llamas, honeybees. and swine (except potbellied pigs,'Shls scrqftl vitotus, which is an imported variety of swine and which shall be considered exotic animals). Because there is the possibility that the applicant will be treating some birds that are classified as wild birds at the proposed facility, the applicant is seeking an exemption from the prohibition. Beyond local law, state and federal laws strictly regulate the keeping of wild animals. The applicant possesses the applicable state and federal licenses issued by the Colorado Department of Natural Resources and the 0 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service NWHOOM. Case , SI/P43-tit /'JI'iIdR,[R,D. III The Animal Welfare & Control Commission shall grant exceptions to the wild animal restriction based on the two standards outlined in Section 2-56(h) of the City Code, Staff provides the following analysis of the review standards. Case,N'a SUP-13-01/ P1,71dBIRD, As mentioned above, because the applicant will also be the developer of the property, the proposed site plan is being reviewed by the Community Development Department in consideration of potential impacts and the welfare of people and surrounding neighbors. Staff finds this criterion has been met. IV. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING & PUBLIC COMMENT Prior to submittal of an application for a Special Use Permit, the applicant was required to hold a neighborhood meeting in accordance with the requirements set in City Code, Section 26- 10q. .A meeting for neighborhood input was held on February 6, 2013. In addition to staff and the I'cant three members of the public attended the neighborhood meeting MW The I0 -clay public notification period for the Animal Welfare & Control Commission public hearing for the Special Use Permit is currently in progress. At the time of publication of this staff report, no comments have been received. Case No. SUP -13 -01 11"ild & f R, A Qwest Communications: No comments received. NMI' Staff finds the request for an exemption from Section 4-14 of the City Code to be supported by the review standards. Staff finds that the facility balances the needs of the community and of animals by providing a public service and complying with applicable state and federal regulations. Staff also finds that the site is being designed in consideration of potential impacts on the welfare of people and surrounding neighbors. VI. SUGGESTED MOTIONS: 2. The applicant's proposal serves the welfare of wild animals and does not present a significant risk of endangering the welfare of people, due to the following: • The applicant's potential need to keep wild birds is necessary to its mission of providing medical and rehabilitation services for all birds requiring these services. Its services may enhance the welfare of countless wild animals. • The applicant works with a rehabilitator who is licensed through state and federal agencies. • The facility is not generally open to the public. Case No. SUP -J3 -01 / Wild R L R, A 7 • All volunteers and staff who work with birds must complete training and comply with Colorado Department of Parks and Wildlife regulations. With the following conditions: The approval granted shall be for an initial term of twelve (12) months from the date of this decision. This approval may be renewed by City Staff for any number of additional one-year terms upon a finding by City Staff that: In the event City Staff finds that any of the above 3 renewal criteria are not met, the renewal shall be forwarded to the AWCC for its consideration and decision, after conducting a public hearing on the same." Option B*: 1 move to DENY the request for approval of an exemption from the wild animal prohibition for the applicant Wild B. I R.D. on property located at 11480 W. 44"' Avenue, for the following reasons: 1. 2. And I further direct City Staff to prepare a Findings and Decision document reflecting our decision. to be returned to the Commission for final review and approval on , 2013. " * [Should the Commission move to deny the application, the maker of tile motion should specify the factual reasons for denial and how those facts relate to these criteria: 1. The need of the applicant to keep an animal prohibited by section 4-14 of the Code shall be balanced against the need of the community to maintain itself in a healthful manner, free from unnecessary noise or other disturbance. 2. The welfare of the animal shall be considered, but the welfare of any animal shall be inferior to the welfare of any person. City Staff will then prepare detailed findings and decision, like that included under Option A.] caveAla SUP-13-01!111WBIRJ) AWCC — Public Heafing June 3, 2013 - Concludes my surnmary, I can answer any questions LETTER OF REQUEST - ------ - - ---------- -- ---- ATM all unlicensed individuals must go through a training class and si n a CDPW form, All unlicensed individuals must be under the supervision • a licensed rehabilitator at all timn�4M ne-W, - • have a licensed rehabilitator on site. Case,Alo. SUP-13-01/1471dR[R.11. 9 A I [Please refer to the trifold brochure on the following pages which was provided by the applicant for additional information about Wild B.I.R.D.] Case No, S1,T- 13-01 j� Wild B. [ R, I), to CD 0 0 C) 0 _AJ -;+ •..ter � i �: c Case No. SUP -13 -01 / Wild BJR.D. V �3NLn ca CO M CJ h in f. • 7 V N D CO a CCU 40 m � E h G V D � u � G ee R o > o o a A U. 0 0 0 0 L L N G •-• to N m C1 r - •L- N O u di C cA cu tn O a v 'C �+ > 4- u iri O i- C i C ate. d p W L CL O N cu r_ cu ` O o co cn u u O M to N O C D 4J C O C D o C CL to _ w E E °.' a, Nom. °...' v 3 `•' 'c E o 06 .0 o r o "v v u x a c � > c b 0 c Go 3 4? cu Case No. SUP -13 -01 / Wild BJR.D. V �3NLn ca CO M CJ h in f. • 7 V N D CO a CCU 40 m � E h G V D � u � G ee R o > o o a A U. 0 0 0 0 e�- d O C •r Y OD .0 3 cc. ctc+°°L�iv — a' u C M L L C d-. •M C .D w a >, „y C E C y O -- _ N = i > C �' 0 CN 3 ru o 3- En0aO�N•= M ba 7 7 'C i T'C " c a L_ 6 — '> fj '�- C a1 % ar O m 0 ,,,,, .3 C R S N E 0 a c° O 7� o yL_ O O C u> u 0 O M _— au,0ctz wr%Aa» C is d y .0 �n .0 rCU +.N.ENL u m o o cu V� •a a: a , W- 2 'p •LS « T be r Or c O 3 0 C o.s mm 0 — T •— aJ oa 'a � -s 3 c a v O eon y 7_ C y N N— O E M C y y C — L •O C a N O .= mto_wsu 3 > T ` y � u ry L- 0 C C-0 CO ai flL 7 L L • � 'a E 1] u �coc0m a+ u N po r 3 0 ) aJ 7 L m " � N u .. .r,cua y� o -•Evs S T•— C a+ 'o a - 0 0 N C O N O a pp oo N �?. ° c y m 7 d 0 ti N> d t'%O+ �N OU — a1 1: N M C '� T aJ t �. Z-0._ -L.. '� aca 0 3ia a� E6ia�� ro p t 'C 'O > C O O 0 G o C C LA u C a� O v is O' �3�s' x E m O ar > w O L L tE O O >+_- u ea v-, aL•v T a a w L al E j L O— s aJ 'Q L > al 'p L N V 'U E-s >sE- m o aE >, 4i OD CD O Rf GO O +� s=+ = L a1 -- = C 0 a w — c `°any .c v W co c y� v o ='� a, Q 3 �ri� — �� •°• a c o a 't L E Yzca 7, a0 aJ t 'N Y C ai ,O o O a E 41 C aJ L aJ �, . ca lC ,C 6J u L . O c� a; v y my � u - � o a.E� � �^a cu y�o3 0 �o L c,Y .c �cc� Qa�o °o o.a �� L3 OD CO td L w H > u b = M _ .0 u y �"� L 0 L .0 m eC 41 L = C_ a0fl T .O (u V) M O y v m >, cu O m 0 O a a, L d m � h H e>o a ` `° = y a c a.a o aCO >, a, o-� - E z H c� L cu a, L V O , � u O c = C L a C 3 a, o t , a a, a C L " f�C = a 3 u � � ° >, > p.. � � ai O ° o c ,.0 � � N • a 'U ovo a,N as a v3" oo� ham,._ o L to m3� cu an L' T C to -C O v ao - O C VI 0. t_ to L m = V1 y R u v C .�+ u aJ 3 E ea - N .° > C N .o o v .n C .a = u - o as E o L a, 0 E a L v G T C t .>O .O t t .� C . '� O tti aJ L y 0 f9 •C O Lao y> a y �'' c m O1 - o .E . In . 3 0 V cn m> �. u M ca a= 3 c o C o cu L �a 3 Y Y Y O O >� � 't7 ❑ o � � s H � m C O C � 3�3 r c a ra M V. � 00 3 N � d M E d CL O O t C M y L > y O d M O `N' C IA d a, L r � a m a w t W w N 3 a, C N C C C p C c — O a O N ai 'L7 m Z tU C 1 ' Y. Y. 3 a � o , L 4u 00 u 7 O y o � t ar 3 E c QJ aJ u Gj d C � 00 M t c v T T C y O ti t% fi t C 12 a, a, C C Qr 0 o E O C �, 3 0 C M T a.. 3 � � � o r u cu " o 4r ao o a cu _ u L, r O y � t u C ti S LU N Case No. SUP -13 -01 / Wild B.1. R. l ). r c a ra M V. � 00 3 N � d M E d CL O O t C M y L > y O d M O `N' C IA d a, L r � a m a w t W w N 3 a, C N C C C p C c — O a O N ai 'L7 m Z tU C 1 ' Y. Y. 3 a � o , L 4u 00 u 7 O y o � t ar 3 E c QJ aJ u Gj d C � 00 M t c v T T C y O ti t% fi t C 12 EXHIBIT 2: ZONING MAP A Case No. SUP -13 -01 / Wild B.I R. D. 13 The following image is an excerpt from the City's Official Zoning Map. The subject property is outlined in blue and is zoned Agricultural -One (A -1) which is indicated by the green shading. EXHIBIT 3: SITE PHOTOS Case No. SUP -13 -01 / Wild B. L R. D. 14 This is a view or the subject property iooKing soum rrom w. t Amiuc. This view looking south shows that the site is largely vacant with the exception of an existing barn. EXHI a P L A N " The site plan to the right W b � ° ` V'V W. +4+4T H AVE, �s an excerpt from the applicant's Special Use WA" k, g � 6 5 � 4 i a A C ase ,Nlo. SUP -13 -III s' Wild 13, I R, 1?. 15 Permit application which is currently under AV- review. This process includes review of site, '. landscape, and drainage , plans. pry OWR C AT WA" k, g � 6 5 � 4 i a A C ase ,Nlo. SUP -13 -III s' Wild 13, I R, 1?. 15 M EXHIBIT 5: LICENSES The following pages are copies of state and federal licenses which were provided by the applicant. to of Issue: V16aO13 License a Ste 232A.2013 E xp i ra ti on: WIA2014 2013 I�M- PSM4,131LITATOR Federal T. 0576M Lebonde, Jerry Homestead Animal Hospital 6900 S. Holly Girl, Centennial CO $01 12 Feldm* Steve Vet Care al hospital 6611 Leetsdale Dr, Denver CO $0224 Lkall RS96sfiglim, Kim 1110ft; of migratory birds, it is valid ONLY for those species authorized pet a concurrent 4nd valid Weral rehabilite�*n pennit. . . . ....... (Additional information may be included on back.) �=77�,MMM77MTMWIITM- M W1 Case No, S(JP- / 3-01 1" Wittl R LR. A 16 R mm .. .. . . \ . : ]�« --- .� Y,$ , : ? V y d :% � \» «�m�! ,y RE yD1FTA tok m Case . f3GZ�IG#zXp :.. .. 17 Ducks jSei): Slatir Stater, Cornmon Eider. KrQ ExW. Lor"IW, Staf Sooter , Vft"npd S Grebes: Eared, Homed, P*d-bftd, Red-nooked, Western Mervamers: Common, Hooded, Red4mtasted Mtrr*W Arcisft Maii"i "I'll, -1 Duos (Ses� S" sooter, Common Ekler, KIM EkW. Lonpoliod, Stxf Sco%r, W*e-,Wged Sc*ter Gmbos Eared, Hained, Pw"W, Red-tracked, Westem memanws. Comma Hooded, Red4x*asted MurTelets: Ancient Case N't), Sti"P-13-01 /Wild B. I R, A is Case No, SUP -13 OI ,' Wild 13.1,11 D, 19 office and Endangered Species System (TESS) at permit 4. You must receive prior authorization from the migratory bird permit issuing additional rehabilitation of more Om 180 days 5. you must take every precaution to avoid imprinting migratory birds in your care to humans. If a bird becomes imprinted to humans while under your care, you will be required to transfer the bird as directed by the migratory bird office, after 6. You are required to euthanize any migratory bird that will not be able, even rehabilitation, M: inflicting additional #. A itself d:,, must eutham7t any bird that has sustained injuries requiring amputation of a wing at the elbow (humero-u1narjoint) or above, a leg or a foot, an&Or is blind, unless the conditions of 50 CFR 21.3 1 (e)(4Xiii) am mot. You must follow the American (httVi/www.avrna.otglissues/animaLwtlf*Weuthanasi'Lpdf) a a prevent 7. This permit does not authorize the use of injured/recovering migratory birds for educational purposes. You may not display to the public the migratory birds Wd under this permit unless you use video equipment or barriers that will birds #: exposure to noise and other #: above the level that the birds #ul normally encounter in their natural habitats. If at any time a device that allows the public to view birds causes stress or ham, or impedes , # # of any bird, be discontinued immediately. (page 9. Tbis permit dots not Authorize any nOCTOPSY to be performed onany eagles or threatened or endangered species without prior approval from the migratory bird permit issuing offr-t. of Case No. St P -13 -01 ` 1 , 171c113.J.,R,A 0 't..i R i e:. .. R t,.: •. :, RR. � #... ;.. R_` ! :.!• "R ! ! • t i perta i ssu i n g o ffice. Criteria used for evaluating and inspecting all facilities used for Migratory bird rehabilitation will be based on guidelines established by the National Wildlife Rehabilitators Association and InternadmW Wit" 13. Migratory birds must be separetto from pers. Migratory birds must also be separated fTom human living or *01 s pace or m b R under ot pom a exc R rec appropr reha R. . :.. •. R ! is R • * i .. *.. '.s ♦ # ii .iF : ! 1•. . R „ s • R4 R ":i r ;..f! t i t M. �:... .. .. R' !. • ." # �..! • : ..* M :t i , i w R. R . -* # # R t R R :.w• {. R. i i .~ R ... R • R. ' . • ♦ ' b R i R ,: i . 1 1. M 4t 4 -« ! " ! R R ' • R ! ` . ;;: ' necessary to ensure that they art not exposed to animals in the wild. ( page R. Case No. SUP -13 -01 / Will &I R D. 21 4: .. ♦ # ;# R# R w. s . a '.. t ..: + } } ' # EXHIBIT 6: NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING NOTES Property Address: 11480 W. 44 Avenue Property Owner & Applicant: Candace Tomlinson and Kim Johnson Property Owner(s) Present? No, applicants are under contract Existing Zoning: Agricultural-One (A-]) Existing Comp. Plan: Neighborhood Commercial Corridor Based on Jefferson County Assessor records, the subject parcel is just over an acre in size at 44,213 square feet. The property was originally a part of the landholding of James Baugh, an early settler in the Clear Creek Valley. A farmhouse was located on the property until 2010 when a mature tree fell through the home and it had to be removed. The original barn is located in the southeast comer of the property. The remainder of the lot is vacant. Case,,Vo. SUP-13-01 / 011d13IR,I), 23 Raptors such as hawks or owls are transported to a dificrent organization, Birds of Prey, which is based in Broomfield. Wild B.I.R.D. depends largely on volunteer staff but also works with a licensed rehabilitator who can treat irxjurcd birds. They are kept at the facility until they are stabilized and gain enough strength to be released. Most birds are released close to where they were found. • Staff discussed the site, its zoning and future land use. • The applicant and members of the public were informed of the process for the Special Use Permit. • The members of the public were informed of their opportunity to make comments during the process and at the public hearing, if required. • The applicant described the proposed use and history of the Wild B.I.R.D. organization. The following issues were discussed regarding the SUP request and proposed development: • What uses are permitted in the A- I zone district? The A - Izone district allows .sing ,je- fimtily he and general agricullural or,larming uses. There (ire several �jpes of uses and businesses which tire permitted with aspecial use permit. These include day cares, schools, kennels, anti vet clinics. ff"ild BIR.D. 's proposed use is being classified as most similar to a vet clinic which is w4y they need aspecial use permit. • What is the minimum lot size in the A- I zone district? Alinimum lot sire for new A -1 parcels is one acre. The subjeciproperty and the neighboring parcel 647hich is also zoned A -1) could not be subdividedjurther under the A-] coning to create additional lots,16r single-finniky homes. Each property is about I acre alreaqly, • flow is Wild B.I.R.D. funded? JVild R I R. D. is largelyjunded by donations. • How many people does Wild B.I.R.D. employ? There tire 3 people on slqf ,f anti sometimes more during the busy season. Thej depend large on volunteers during the bu,s y season as well. • What are flight cages? Flight cages are outdoor cages which tire entirelyftnced in,ft)r birds to live in. They = are anchored down but usually are on unimproved (dirt) surl,�ces. They range in size to Case jV'o, AIP- 13-01 / Wild R L R, A 24 accommodate different The cages will be interior to the site and meet ell/ applicable setbacks. 0 How will the existing barn be used? The barn will be kept and repaired The upper, oor'"411 likely be used .for storage and the lower level may be used,for the keeping of ducks or geese which are being rehabbed Case No Sl-)'I-- 13-01 / JEW & L R, D, 25 I m utt N U.T.1 I MAY& I MINI a I The AWCC must therefore review the application and approve it as an exception to the general prohibition against, keeping wild/exotic animals under Code Sec. 4-14, There is no reason why this process cannot run concurrently with the SUP process. Whatever has been scheduled in that regard can continue, Positive news for the applicant is that this can move fairly quickly, as the AWCC has the •ecision-making authority; this does not proceed to the Chief for a final decision. A qublic heaning, on this 4-14 issue must be conducted b�4 published at least 10 days' prior, Code Sec. 2-56(i), The AWCC must consider the criteria set forth in Co 6 e ec. Let's touch base after you have an idea when this might be scheduled for the Commission's consideration. I am happy to help you with the meeting, preparation of materials (Notice, Staff Memo), etc,, as you wish. This electronic mail transmission and any accompanying documents contain information belonging to the sender which may be confidential and legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you are. hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this e-mail, and any attachments thereto, is strictly prohibited.' If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify me immediately by telephone or e-mail and destroy the original message Nkithout making a copy. Thank you. Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2013 3:53 PM To: Carmen Beery Cc: Lauren Mikulak; Mary McKenna Subject: FW: Message from KMBT_C652DS NM= Lauren Mikulak From: Daniel Brennan Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2013 5:22 PM To: Carmen Beery, Jim Lorentz; Lauren Mikulak; Mary McKenna Subject: RE wild/exotic animal permitting Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged CONFIDENTIA1,11Y N0110EThis e.-mail contains business-confidential information, It is intended only for the rise of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, electtonic storage or use of this communication is prohibited. If you received this communication in error, please notifi us immediately by c-mail, attaching tire oriinnal message, and delete the original message from your computer, and any network to -,r - hick your computer is connected. 'I'liank )'On, Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2013 2:10 PM To: Daniel Brennan; Jim Lorentz Cc: Mary McKenna Subject: wilid/exotic animal permitting Carmen Beery Murray Dahl Kuec hen meister & Renaud 1 53 0 16th Street, Suite 200 Denver, Colorado 80202 Phone: (3 493 Fax: (3 477 www.m w krla.coni This electronic mail transmission and any accompanying documents contain information belonging to the sender which may be confidential and legally privileged, If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this e-mail, and any attachments thereto, is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify- me immediately by telephone or e-mail and destroy the original message without From: Mary McKenna [maijlq:mmckenna@ci.wheatridge.co.usI Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2013 2:05 PM To: Carmen Beery Subject: Re: Message from KMBT�_C652DS Thank you, Mary Sent from my iPhone MENEM Im There may be other appropriate conditions to auto-renewal that you can think of. These were the ones that immediately sprung to mind for us. This electronic mail transmission and any accompanying documents contain information belonging to the sender which maybe confidential and legally privileged. If ou are not the intended recipient of this e- mail, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this e-mail, and any attachments thereto, is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify me immediately by telephone or e-mail and destroy the original message without making a copy. Thank you. From. Lauren Mikulak rmailto:lmikulake_ciwheatridoe.co.u5j Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2013 8:37 AM To: Carmen Beery; Mary McKenna Cc: Gerald Dahl Subject: RE: Message from KMBT—C652DS Section 4-14.b notes that an exception may be granted for "successive periods of time not to exceed 12 months." Will this require that the business have an annual AWCC hearing to continue operating? The special use permit we approve in CommDev will likely be issued to the applicant, in which case it couldn't be inherited, but it wouldn't require renewal. Given that the applicant is going to make a significant investment in developing the property, an annual entitlement process may be perceived as too onerous or risky for them, Are there any options? 111111!!1111 111111 iii�1111111111111 11111111111111111111p l il lllijjiiiili�iiig Lauren E. Mikulak Planner 11 Office Phone: 303-235-2845 From, Carmen Beery mailto:CBeerv2&mmdgKkrqlagwW,&coMI Sent: Monday, May 06, 2013 2:03 PM To: Mary McKenna Cc: Lauren Mikulak; Gerald Dahl Subject: RE: Message from KMBT_C652DS am PaR V seek to treat all manner of wild birds (excepting raptors only). Even if the majority of their population # ened to consist of domestic birds�ViMW that required help. The AWCC must therefore review the application and approve it as an exception to the general prohibition against keeping wild/exotic animals under Code Sec. 4-14. There is no reason why this process cannot run concurrently with the SUP process. Whatever has been scheduled in that regard can continue. Positive news for the applicant is that this can move fairly quickly, as the AWCC has the decision-making authority; this does not proceed to the Chief for a final decision. J i -I& 1 _ `0771RIIIII CC t 1 the property and published at least 10 days' prior. Code Sec. 2-56(i). The AWCC must consider the criteria set forth in Code Sec. 2-56(h). I Let's touch base after you have an idea when this might be scheduled for the Commission's consideration. I am happy to help you with the meeting, preparation of materials (Notice, Staff Memo), etc., as you wish. This electronic mail transmission and any accompanying documents contain information belonging to the sender which may be confidential and legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient of this e- mail, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this e-mail, and any attachments thereto, is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please rII me immediately by telephone or e-mail and destroy the original message without making a copy, 17hank you. "I V T 601 �_KAMM- Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2013 3:53 PM To: Carmen Beery Cc: Lauren Mikulak; Mary McKenna Subject: FW: Message from KMBT—C652DS From: MEQ@_ci.w_he_atr_id_g_ecous mal : OM r Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2013 3:45 • To: Mary McKenna Subject: Message from KMBT_C652DS 0 (b) Exceptions. The animal welfare and control commission may grant exceptions to this section (12) months. (1) Any exceptions granted • the animal control commission for a potbellied pig, Sus scrofa vittatus, pursuant to subsec- tion (b), shall be limited as follows: a. No more than two (2) potbellied i may be kept at one residence location, provided, however, that additional pig may be kept for ea. one acre of property in excess of t minimum lot size; I ki Supp. No, 39 282 ANDULS mules, donkeys, burros, llamas, hon- livo eybees, and swine (except potbellied or pigs, Sus scrofa vittatus, which is an wil imported variety of swine and which (CIf shall be considered exotic animals). 90) (2) Exotic and wild animals shall consist of every other creature within the animal kingdom. (Code 1977, § 4-9; Ord. No. 1996-1050, §§ 1, 2, 10-14-96; Ord. No. 1998-1135, § 2, 11-9-98) Sec. 4-15. ous animals; destructimpr6f cious animals, dangerous dogs, ag. gressive dogs if cannot / JJ� safely impounded. # # M ick at large if any of such horses, er farm or ranch anim runs als the city. 1990_ 1977, § 4-10; Ord. No. _ a4 HM v reference—Authority to regulate mul prohibit at large of animals, C.R.S. § 31-15-40i(iXm)(I). Pec. 4-17� Unlawful possession of danger. 3011�� IMMM ouggg-u- tolm 0 See. 4-16. Livestock running at large. Any person who is an owner or custodian of any horses, livestock or other animals generally re . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I dangerou do - i I i person, t e , 0 1-0-1 Supp. No, 39 283 TO: Members of the Animal Welfare and Control Commission CC: Division Chief Lorentz Mary McKenna FROM: Carmen Beery DATE: May 15, 2013 RE: Quasi-Judicial Hearings 1. Notice, to both the public and the Applicant, must be provided as required by the Code. Typically, notice is published in a newspaper and posted on the property at issue. 3. The hearing must be electronically recorded so a transcript of the hearing may be troduced in the event of an appeal. 4. The Commission's decision on the application must be guided by: (1) the evidence and testimony provided at the hearing; (2) as applied to the approval criteria set forth in the Code. A decision that is based on facts that are not presented at the hearing or motivated by factors and reasons not authorized by the Code is not legally defensible; such a decision would be overturned on appeal. When a board or commission renders a decision on a quasi-judicial matter, we typically ask the board to direct City staff to prepare a written Findings and Decision document and to return such document to the decision-making body (quickly, within a few days or a week) for its final review and approval, The Findings and Decision document provides a more condensed and organized snapshot of the decision than a hearing transcript. Questions from the Commission The Applicant may address any issue raised by City Staff and/or cross-examine Staff Questions from the Commission City Staff may address issues raised by public testimony The Applicant may address issues raised by public testimony and/or cross-examine witnesses 5. The hearing is closed; the Commission may not receive any further evidence or testimony. 6. The Commission deliberates and renders its decision • motion (approving, conditionally approving or denying the application), further directing Staff to prepare a Findings and Decision document and to return the same to the Commission by [a specified date]. I hope you find the above information helpful as a general discussion • quasi-judicial proceedings. Our office can be present and provide further guidance, as directed, when such hearings are scheduled and conducted. I will attend your May 21 Commission meeting and am happy to further discuss any • the above issues at that time. N BIRD RESCUE & REHABILITATION FACILITY 11480 W. 44TH AVE. WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO PI ANT LIST - LARGE DECIDUOUS TREES: B &B, SINGLE STEM, FULL BALANCED CROWN SYMBOLS QTY. I BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME NOTES KCT 1 GYMNOCLADUS DIOICUS KENTUCKY COFFEETREE BRANCHED FROM 6 HT. SMALL DECIDUOUS TREES: 6-10' ht., B &B, MULTI- STEM, FULL BALANCED CROWN SYMBOLS QTY. BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME NOTES GM 1 ACER GINNALA GINNALA MAPLE BRANCHED FROM 4 -5' HT. GO 4 QUERCUS GAMBELLI GAMEL OAK BRANCHED FROM 4-5' HT. PFC 3 MALUS PRAIREIFIRE' PRAIRIEFIRE CRABAPPLE BRANCHED FROM 4.6' HT. TCH 1 CRATAEGUS CRUS -GALLI INERMIS THORNLESS COCKSPUR HAWTHORN BRANCHED FROM 4-5' HT. EVERGREEN TREES: 8' HT., B &B, FULL, BALANCED FORM SYMBOLS QTY. I BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME NOTES RMJ 3 1 JUNIPERUS SCOPULORUM ROCKY MOUNTAIN JUNIPER BRANCHED TO GROUND SHRUBS: - NO. 5 CONTAINER, DECIDUOUS SHRUBS: 12' -18' HT., EVERGREEN SHRUBS: 18-24' SPREAD SYMBOLS QTY. BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME NOTES SMS 12 CARYOPTERIS X CLANDONENSIS BLUE MIST SPIREA 5 canes min. COG 3 MAHONIA AQUIFOLIUM COMPACTA COMPACT OREGON GRAPE HOLLY 5 canes min. ORB 15 CHRYSOTHAMNUS, VAR. DWARF RABBITBRUSH 5 canes min. GC 10 RISES AUREUM GOLD CURRANT 5 canes min. GLS 5 RHUS AROMATICA'GROW LOW GROW LOW SUMAC 5 canes min. ID 9 CORNUS SERICEA'ISANTI' ISANTI DOGWOOD 4 canes min. LL 3 SYRINGA X'PURPLE PENDA' SLOOMERANG LILAC 4 canes min. MM 1 CERCOCARPUS MONTANUS MOUNTAIN MAHOGANY 4 canes min. RS 5 PEROVSKIA ARTIPLICIFOLIN RUSSIAN SAGE 5 canes min. SB 1 AMELANCHIER ALNIFOLIA SERVICESERRY 4 canes min. sC 6 PRUNUS BESSEYI PAWNEE BUfrEv PAWNEE BUTTES SAND CHERRY 4 canes min. SR 9 ROSA'MEIMODAC RED MEIDILAND SHRUB ROSE 5 canes min. TLS 6 RHUS TRILOBATA THREE LEAF SUMAC 14 canes min. WS 8 SYMPHORICARPOS OCCIDENTALIS WESTERN SNOWBERRY 5 canes min. PERENNIALS I GROUND COVER/ ORNAMENTAL GRASSES: NO. 1 CONTAINER SYMBOLS QTY. BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME NOTES BAG HELICTOTRICHON SEMPEVIRENS BLUE AVENA GRASS As shown on plans CM MAHONIA REPENS CREEPING MAHONIA 36' o.c. spedlq LBS SCHIZACHYRIUM SCOPARIUM LITTLE SLUESTEM GRASS 24' o.c. spacing SG PANICUM VIRGATUM'SHENANDOAH' RED SWITCH GRASS 24' o.c. spacing Perennial selection Dy owner PLANT LEGEND LARGE DECIDUOUS TREE SMALL ORNAMENTAL TREE EVERGREEN TREE n DECIDUOUS SHRUBS o ORNAMENTAL GRASSESORNAMENTAL GRASSES GROUND COVER PERENNIALS EZ LOW NATIVE GRASS SEEDING MIX WITH WILDFLOWERS N I � O Z7 EXIST. COTTONWOOD REMOVE EXIST. MULT -STEM z S I I r TREES (3),18-30 CAL., TREES (4) ALONG FENCE, 1 2535' HT. INCLUDE:SIBERIAN ELM, I OD 80XELDER EXIST. LILAC TO r'1 \, I REMAIN ( EXISTING NATURAL Ul OPEN SPACE L4 44,677.41 S.F. ring , LANDSCAPE AREA REQUIRED OJ .20 NON - LIVING ALLOWABLE - 3 -RMJ D f � STAI .35 of landscape area — tD2s.0 7,791 S.F. C �F rp w z OI z _0 9,058 S.F. .203 NATURAL OPEN SPACE 20,924 S.F. Landscape Data: TOTALS PERCENTAGE TOTAL AREA OF PROPERTY 44,677.41 S.F. ring , LANDSCAPE AREA REQUIRED 8935.48 S.F. .20 NON - LIVING ALLOWABLE 3,150.06 S.F. .35 of landscape area LIVING PROVIDED 7,791 S.F. m NON - LIVING PROVIDED 1,267 S.F. LANDSCAPED OPEN SPACE PROVIDED 9,058 S.F. .203 NATURAL OPEN SPACE 20,924 S.F. .47 EXISTING NATURAL OPEN SPACE r1I omC, <o 382.65' - - - _ - - -- SOO *3 1 '28 "E 1 -KCT--4 `• _0 4-GC O OVERHEAD L I I I I i o 13_ — — — 34 PAVED PARKING AREA 343AG Perennials, 2 -GO t AI ii -- _ PROPOSED 3-WS BUILDING 3-CO( 1 -MM C (SE -AIOTE + 7) `• ` • (3 LBS T WIDE GRAVEL PATH T O n ROCK MULCH, 1 -2' DIA. RIVER - ROCK OVER WEED BARRIER FABRIC, W MIN. DEPTH, NOTES 1. THIS LANDSCAPE PLAN PROVIDES LAYOUT FOR TREE, SHRUB, PERENNIAL, GROUND COVER AND ORNAMENTAL GRASS PLANTING AND LOW GROWING, NATIVE GRASS SEEDING. PLANT MATERIALS SHOWN ARE PRIMARILY NATIVE AND DROUGHT TOLERATE SPECIES. 2. THE LANDSCAPE WILL BE HAND WATERED WEEKLY THE FIRST GROWING SEASON UNTIL ESTABLISHED AND THEN MONTHLY OR AS NEEDED TO MAINTAIN PLANT HEALTH. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE ALL UTILITIES LOCATED PRIOR TO START UP OF WORK. 4. ALL PERENNIAL, GROUND COVER, AND ORNAMENTAL GRASS AREAS SHALL RECEIVE A 3' DEPTH OF WOOD MULCH. SEE PLAN FOR ROCK MULCH AREAS. OR 4 tp ZD 4,0 6P n; SCALE. 1 " =20' 2 -SC 3-DRB EXIST. MULT -STEM COTTONWOODS (2) TO BE REMOVED 3 -PFC — 3 -GC � ENCE 1.0' W OF LINE l ring , = II = 4. r� • 4 i m T PROPOSEE�ASPHALT DRIVE 1�I1DOd much, 3• deplp typ. In f �\ GRASS SEEDING 6_T LS 7. - atwb EXISTING NATURAL OPEN SPACE r1I omC, <o 382.65' - - - _ - - -- SOO *3 1 '28 "E 1 -KCT--4 `• _0 4-GC O OVERHEAD L I I I I i o 13_ — — — 34 PAVED PARKING AREA 343AG Perennials, 2 -GO t AI ii -- _ PROPOSED 3-WS BUILDING 3-CO( 1 -MM C (SE -AIOTE + 7) `• ` • (3 LBS T WIDE GRAVEL PATH T O n ROCK MULCH, 1 -2' DIA. RIVER - ROCK OVER WEED BARRIER FABRIC, W MIN. DEPTH, NOTES 1. THIS LANDSCAPE PLAN PROVIDES LAYOUT FOR TREE, SHRUB, PERENNIAL, GROUND COVER AND ORNAMENTAL GRASS PLANTING AND LOW GROWING, NATIVE GRASS SEEDING. PLANT MATERIALS SHOWN ARE PRIMARILY NATIVE AND DROUGHT TOLERATE SPECIES. 2. THE LANDSCAPE WILL BE HAND WATERED WEEKLY THE FIRST GROWING SEASON UNTIL ESTABLISHED AND THEN MONTHLY OR AS NEEDED TO MAINTAIN PLANT HEALTH. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE ALL UTILITIES LOCATED PRIOR TO START UP OF WORK. 4. ALL PERENNIAL, GROUND COVER, AND ORNAMENTAL GRASS AREAS SHALL RECEIVE A 3' DEPTH OF WOOD MULCH. SEE PLAN FOR ROCK MULCH AREAS. OR 4 tp ZD 4,0 6P n; SCALE. 1 " =20' 2 -SC 3-DRB EXIST. MULT -STEM COTTONWOODS (2) TO BE REMOVED LANDSCAPE PLAN 11480 W. 44TH Ave. Wheat Ridge, Colorado SCALE: Hor. as show Date: 4 -25 -13 Vert. Drawn By: ST Cadflle: 1 1480— fondpion.dwg Designed By: Suzanne ?cafe, Drawing No. Landscaye -qrcftitect 4o" yk"Vrtva'wf w At4c co Sao„ L -1 c 12-CM i 1 t = II = r� • 4 i m T 3 -ID �• LOW, NATIVE, 'j; GRASS SEEDING MIX WITH WILDFLOWERS 3 -ID 4 -SC 3 -ID ' Proposed Existing sign location 8' conc. O walk Z Existing n conc. curb '"Ik 66. k 33.0 / —33.0 LANDSCAPE PLAN 11480 W. 44TH Ave. Wheat Ridge, Colorado SCALE: Hor. as show Date: 4 -25 -13 Vert. Drawn By: ST Cadflle: 1 1480— fondpion.dwg Designed By: Suzanne ?cafe, Drawing No. Landscaye -qrcftitect 4o" yk"Vrtva'wf w At4c co Sao„ L -1 LANDSCAPE PLAN WILDBIRD SANCTUARY 11480 T 44TH AVIE, PART OF THE ATW 114, SEC 21, T3S, R69W CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFFRSON, STATE OF COLORADO 2 A� SMALL DECIDUOUS TREES: 2* mim Coh, 61V hL, S&S. MULTI- STEM, FULL BALANCED CROWN TOTALS PERCENTAGE SMALL ORNAMENTAL TREE 44,677 ST DECIDUOUS SHRUBS Loll ORNAMENTAL GRASSES 20% GROUND COVER 3127 S.F. SHRUSS� - NO 5 CONTAINER, DECIDUOUS SHRUBS! IZ-1fr HT., EVERGREEN SHRUBS: 18-24* SPREAD 29% BARRIER FABRIC 12,346 SX, COMMON LOW NATIVE GRASS SEEDING MIX 214" EXISTING PLANT TO REMAIN NATURAL OPEN SPACE 18,21% S.F. 41% EXISTING PLANT TO BE REMOVED REQUIRED 'MAHONK AQUIFOL RAO COMPACTA PROVIDED 4 EXISTING TO REMAIN 3 (counts as 9 based on catkw > Mix REQUIRED 90 PROVIDED 90 OWN A RHUS TRILOGATA JIM& I I I I I I I GROUND COVERI ORNAMENTAL GRASSES: NO, I CONTAINER TOTALS PERCENTAGE SMALL ORNAMENTAL TREE 44,677 ST DECIDUOUS SHRUBS Loll ORNAMENTAL GRASSES 20% GROUND COVER 3127 S.F. PERENNIALS LANDSCAPE AREA PROVIDED ROCK MULCH OVER WEED 29% BARRIER FABRIC 12,346 SX, LOW NATIVE GRASS SEEDING MIX 700 S.F. EXISTING PLANT TO REMAIN NATURAL OPEN SPACE 18,21% S.F. 41% EXISTING PLANT TO BE REMOVED Mmzm=�. WON= ILandscape Data: TOTALS PERCENTAGE SMALL ORNAMENTAL TREE 44,677 ST DECIDUOUS SHRUBS LANDSCAPE AREA REQUIRED ORNAMENTAL GRASSES 20% GROUND COVER 3127 S.F. PERENNIALS LANDSCAPE AREA PROVIDED ROCK MULCH OVER WEED 29% BARRIER FABRIC 12,346 SX, LOW NATIVE GRASS SEEDING MIX 700 S.F. EXISTING PLANT TO REMAIN NATURAL OPEN SPACE 18,21% S.F. 41% EXISTING PLANT TO BE REMOVED ILandscape Data: FT SCALE, 1'-20' 8-DR6 LOW, N GRASS basin - gutter IVE, EXIST. 'EM TREE nenity alk (by wrb & m= MATERIALS SHOWN ARE PRIMARILY NATIVE AND DROUGHT TOLERATE SPECIES. SHIFET 2 OR 2 TOTALS PERCENTAGE TOTAL AREA OF PROPERTY 44,677 ST LANDSCAPE AREA REQUIRED $936 Sf, 20% NON-LIViNG ALLOWABLE 3127 S.F. LANDSCAPE AREA PROVIDED 13,046 S,F. 29% LIVING 12,346 SX, NON-LIVING 700 S.F. NATURAL OPEN SPACE 18,21% S.F. 41% TREES REQUIRED 9 + 4 street Uses PROVIDED 4 EXISTING TO REMAIN 3 (counts as 9 based on catkw > SHRUBS REQUIRED 90 PROVIDED 90 FT SCALE, 1'-20' 8-DR6 LOW, N GRASS basin - gutter IVE, EXIST. 'EM TREE nenity alk (by wrb & m= MATERIALS SHOWN ARE PRIMARILY NATIVE AND DROUGHT TOLERATE SPECIES. SHIFET 2 OR 2 pppppp— STEP 7: 74q q--Iq Administrative Decision STEP 3. AWCC Public Hearing/Decision • City ol'Wheal Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W, 20 Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 301235.2846 F. 303.235.2857 June 12, 2013 Wild B.I.R.D. Attn: Ms. Candace Tomlinson P.O. Box, 101133 Denver, CO 80250 Re: Wild B.I.R.D. SUP and Site Plan / 2 "d Review Dear Ms. Tomlinson: This letter is in regard to your application for approval of a Special Use Permit with Site Plan for property zoned Agricultural-One (A-1) and located at 11480 W. 44"' Avenue. I have reviewed the site plan and have the following comments. Site Plan—Sheet SP- I 1. Please consider adding more space for signatures on the cover page (owner, notary, and Director of Community Development). Perhaps the case history box can be moved to make room_. Landscane Plan--Sheet L I 1. Please correct the spelling of "Sheet 2 of 2 in the bottom right corner, 2. Please remove the symbol shown for I -TCH tree on the north side of the driveway; I believe this one of the small trees that was originally proposed but is not going to be included given that the existing trees fulfill landscaping requirements. Enclosed is a copy of Dave's approvals and conditions regarding requirements in future phases of your prqject. These include the need for a Grading & Erosion Control Plan which needs to be submitted with your building permit application, and the granting of an easement for the drainage facility. Dave can provide you with our standard easement language, but your surveyor/engineer will need to create the accompanying exhibit; this occurs prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. Please resubmit one digital copy in pdf format for a brief review, after which I will request one full size set for signatures. A staff report is being submitted to the Community Development Director for review. I expect him to provide a formal notice approval of the SUP within a week. Sincerely, Lauren E. MikUlak Planner 11 cc: SIJP-13-01 & If ccxsefiles www.ci,wheatridge.coms City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W 29"' Ave. Wheat Ridge. CO 80033-8001 P: 3012351861 F: 303.235,2857 June 11, 2013 Please be aware of the following items regarding the construction of the project: " , 8v -vv, c Liv heat ridgeco. us Public Works Engineeri June 11, 2013 Page 2 1 -1. Public Improvement Restoration/Debris Tracking It will be the responsibility of the of the contractor for the project to repair any damage to the existing public improvements along W. 44"' Avenue as a result of related construction traffic in the area. Also, the contractor will be responsible for maintaining W. 44 ` ' ' Avenue on a regular basis such that it remains free of construction debris and tracking from construction traffic accessing the site. 2-Year Warranty Period for Public Improvements it will be the responsibility of the contractor performing the public improvement construction work within the city Right-of-Way, including any work by sub-contractor(s), to repair any damage to existing improvements along or directly adjacent to the property frontages of W. 44"' Avenue as a result of construction activities related to the completion of this prejject. Drainage Certification w/As-Built Plans required prior to C.O. Upon completion of the draina, r B. Jennings, age improvements, the Engineer-of-Record Mr. Edg a P.E., P.L.S., shall provide to the City of Wheat Ridge a written, signed and sealed Drainage Certification Letter stating that the overall site grading was completed per the approved Grading and Drainage Plans, all drainage facilities were constructed per tile approved construction plans and shall function as defined in the approved Final Drainage Report/Plan, and that the site has been accurately surveyed to confirm that the grading and construction of all drainage facilities was completed in accordance with these documents. The Drainage Certification Letter shall tie submitted to the City foi review and approval, and shall be accompanied with As-Built Plans on the (urrent ii�y Dairum for all constructed drainage facilities prior to issuance of the Certificate of Completion. Three (3) copies of the "As- built'' Plans are to be submitted as follows: a, One (1) hardeopy is to be signed & sealed on 24 X 36" bond paper, and b. TvN (2) electronic files are to be delivered on DVD/CD-R0M as follows: (;)arc (1) file in AutoCAI) 2009 DWG format and one (1) file in Pff format. HOOW441hAve WildWRI) FDR-Piiii_SitePlan-appn)%al,itt,docx Public Works Engineering Junell,2013 Page 3 0 & M Plan shall be kept current and will be inspected on a regular basis by City staff to ensure compliance with the State and local requirements. The 0 & M Schedule/Log is typically assembled by the Engineer-of-Record, must be kept current by the property owner, and will be inspected on a regular basis by City staff to ensure compliance with City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Code requirements. Contact Bill LaRow, Stormwater Program Manager at 303.1235.2871 for additional information, 8. Materials Testing for any Construction within the Public Right-of-Way It will be the responsibility of the developer/owner, to provide the necessary testing, as applicable for the scope of this project, for sub-grade compaction and other related material tests for any improvements to be constructed within the public Right-of-Way. (SEE ATTACHED MATERIAL SAMPLING & TESTING REQUIREMENTS) The above comments are as of the date reviewed and may not reflect all comments from other departments or reviewing agencies. If you have any questions, please contact tne at 303.235.2864. David F. Brossman, P.L.S. City Surveyor; Development Review Engineer Cc� Steve Nguyen. Engineering Manager Lauren Mikulak. Planner It File 11480 W44th Acv Wild BIRD - apprOvaJ.Jt1,dtwx 17P June 11, 2013 Page 4 1 MATERIALS AND TESTING REQUIREMENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS DESCRIPTION Materials sampling and testing for public improvements shall be performed by an independent materials testing company at the expense of the developer, and/or utility district. Unless other designated, all referenced specifications, standards or policies shall be the latest edition as revised or updated by approved supplements published and issued prior to the date of tile building permit. REQUIREMENTS All materials sampling and testing shall be perfortned by certified, experienced and qualified materials testing technicians who work under the supervision of a registered professional engineer in the State of Colorado. All materials sampling and testing equipment shall be serviceable and have current calibrated certifications. Soil classifications and moisture-density curves shall be provided to the Department of Public Works inspector prior to in-place density testing. Materials testing technicians shall furnish copies of failed test results to the inspector as promptly as the results become available. On a weekly basis when testing is being performed. the developer shall ftirnish the inspector with copies of all test results taken during the prior week and a cover letter, signed by the supervising registered professional engineer, which summarizes the results and discusses any failed tests or inconsistencies. The City materials testing requirements are provided in Table 720-1 � All testing procedures of verification and central lab requirements shall be as specified in the Frequency Guide Schedule of the Colorado Department of Transportation Field Materials Manual, One test is required for any fraction of the specified frequency. The reference to Section 203.07 in the table is from the Colorado Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. .". wwx i.-A flea t ridge.co. us 11480 W44th AN e, Wild l3lRt),,FDR-Plaii,,,SitePizin=appioval-Iti.docx a Mll 4 S «„mac s+, w `�i s a at € es 5 s, a,` Est a dv s snr, . ..._....._....,.._,. �»..a. Mr"id 30'dh'R"HtS iq R ruh KX§ v A } } ?re s , W. 44TH AVENU4 (66' R,Q.W.) 4 . ._ _... `Y M% to } } tt i i } i ZU »x �: _ 1 t fi o 1 } 1 } } } + } } } A w } {� t "� 586'91 �ha+ ? t S,BT' Lauren Mikulak From: Steve Steigleder <steve.steigieder@arvadafire.com> Sent: Monday, June 10, 2013 2:42 PM To: Lauren Mikulak Subject: RE: 11480 W 44th Ave • 17PF-Vk - �_T*M Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2013 1:50 • To: Steve Steigleder steve.steialeder(&arvadaLtrecoM) Subject: 11480 W. 44th Ave G. Uz= � twiTy Dt'vifropwNT CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE- This e-mail contains business-confidential information, It is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, electronic storage or use of this communication is prohibited. If you received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail, attaching the original message, and delete the original message from your computer, and any network to which your computer is connected, Thank you, City of Wh6at I idge=- P COMMUNiT DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29' Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 Wild B.I.R.D. Attn: Ms. Candace Tomlinson P.O. Box 101133 Denver, CO 80250 This letter is in regard to your application for approval of a Special Use Permit with Site Plan for property zoned Agricultural-One (A- 1) and located at H 480 W. ♦4 ffi Avenue. I have reviewed the site plan and have the following comments. Please also refer to the enclosed redlined copy of the submittal sheets. www.d.wheatridge.co.us SUP-13-01 &WSP-13-02/ Wild B.I.R.D. 2 V / d. The site breakdown does not appear to add up to 100%, please explain and/or modify. WB Response: Done V/ e. For clarity, please modify the Site Data Table as shown below incorporating subcategories. WB Response: Done SF % y . Building 3,266 7.3 Paving + 7,602 17.0 7.3% Landscape + 9,058 20.3 Natural +20,924 46.8 7,791 S.F. Total = 40,850 91.4 17% Lot Area 44,677 100 V/ e. For clarity, please modify the Site Data Table as shown below incorporating subcategories. WB Response: Done For clarity, please modify the Landscape Data as shown below incorporating subcategories. This table does not need to • included on the site plan page if additional room is needed for other cover page items. WB Response: Done Landscape Data: Totals Percea alle Total Area of Property N sm. Kv ME ' # 111 44,677 S.F. Total Building Coverage 3,266 S.F. 7.3% Existing Building 3127 S.F. 806 S.F. Proposed Building Living 2, 460 S.F. 7,791 S.F. Total Paved Surface 7,602 S.F. 17% Parking and Drive 7,402 S.F. Sidewalk to Building Required 200 S.F. 9 -��street trees Parking i i 13 Existing to remain Required 3 (coun 9 based 12 spaces Provided 15 standard spaces I van accessible For clarity, please modify the Landscape Data as shown below incorporating subcategories. This table does not need to • included on the site plan page if additional room is needed for other cover page items. WB Response: Done Landscape Data: N sm. Kv ME ' # 111 Landscape Area Required S.F. Non-living allowable 3127 S.F. Landscape Area Provided 9,058 S.F. Living 7,791 S.F. Non-living 1,267 S.F. Natural Open Space Trees Required 9 -��street trees Provided i i 13 Existing to remain 3 (coun 9 based SUP -13 -01 & WSP- 13-02 / Wild B.I.R.D. 3 F-ALVI'm us IMANIM14 a .9mm 1H on caliper Shrubs Required 90 Provided W - 0 F-ALVI'm us IMANIM14 a .9mm 1H �>eeAdd "Unless otherwise noted, all landscaping shall comply with section 26-502 of the Wheat Ridge Municipal Code." The application was also sent • referral to other City departments and outside agencies. The refe period ended on May 14, 2013 and attached are the comments that were received. 1 NEON= 1"-",, Ridge Public Works. See attached comments from Dave Brossman dated Mayl 4, 2013. WB Response: Done Talley Response. Noted. 11 1 1 H lummill " Fruitdale Sanitation: No comments received. Please contact the district directly. WB Response: We V" have spoken to the district and understand that we will have to hook up to the public sewer. III I III 1 11111111 saffloffloomff arm-mnq This concludes the summary • comments. For questions or clarification on any comments, please feel free to directly contact any of the Development Review committee members: Lauren Mikulak, WR Community Development — 303-235-2845 Dave Brossman, WR Public Works — 303-235-2864 Margaret Paget, WR Parks and Recreation — 303-235-7554 John Schumacher, WR Building Division — 303-235-2853 plans, and one digital copy in pdf format. We will wait to schedule the I O-posting until this round of comments have been addressed. SEEP -13 -01 & WSP-13 -021 Wild B.I.R.D. 6 SUP -13 -01 & WSP- 13-02 / Wild BIRD, City of `1`I heat -j�idge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Community Development 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Ph: 303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 Community Development Referral Form Date Mailed: April 30, 2013 Response Due: May 14, 2013 The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for approval of a Special Use Permit to allow a wild bird rescue and rehabilitation facility on property zoned Agricultural -One (A -1) and located at 11480 W. 44` Avenue. All veterinary or similar uses require a Special Use Permit in agricultural zone districts. No response from you will constitute having no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. Case No.: SUP -13 -01 /Wild B.I.R.D. Request: The applicant is requesting a Special Use Permit (SUP) to construct and operate a wild bird rescue and rehabilitation center on property at 11480 W. 44` Avenue. The site is just over one acre in size (44,213 square feet). The site is largely vacant. Up until 2010, a farmhouse had been located on the property, but it was removed after a mature tree fell through the structure; the original barn remains in the southeast corner of the property. The applicant, Wild B.I.R.D., is a nonprofit organization that is licensed through federal and state agencies to rehabilitate wild song birds and migratory birds. They typically treat about 3,000 birds each year including song birds and migratory birds which are brought to the facility by the a variety of agencies including vet clinics, animal control divisions, Denver Water, Denver Zoo, and local citizens. They do not treat raptors, such as hawks or owls. Development of the property will include a 2,500- square foot structure on the northern portion of the site for offices and indoor treatment areas. A paved parking lot will be adjacent to the new building and an access drive will extend to the existing barn at the south end of the site. The remainder of the site will be open space. Not shown on the site plan are the several flight cages which will house birds outside. Flight cages are generally located on unimproved surfaces and range in size from about 50 to 600 square feet. They will be located in the interior portion of the site. Please respond to this request in writing regarding your ability to serve the property. Please specify any new infrastructure needed or improvements to existing infrastructure that will be required. Include any easements that will be essential to serve the property as a result of this development. Please detail the requirements for development in respect to your rules and regulations. If you need further clarification, contact the case manager: Case Manager: Lauren Mikulak Phone: 303.235.2845 Email:lmikulak @ci.wheatridge.co.us Fax: 303.235.2845 Wheat Ridge Police Department ,.. Wheat Ridge Community Services Team Wheat Ridge Public Works Wheat Ridge Parks & Recreation Department Wheat Ridge Building Division Wheat Ridge Economic Development .-;_1�;Jr,l�' DISTRIBUTION: ;2. Water District ;J' �u Sanitation District �_ r Jw Fire District L t _ e Xcel Energy - Qwest Communications AT &T Broadband Comcast Cable Wheat Ridge Police Department ,.. Wheat Ridge Community Services Team Wheat Ridge Public Works Wheat Ridge Parks & Recreation Department Wheat Ridge Building Division Wheat Ridge Economic Development .-;_1�;Jr,l�' Vicinity Map u The subject property -11480 W. 44 Avenue —is outlined in bright blue below. r r r 0 Vvw w 4 i i Y .L a5 f ♦ r r A k mul 11 N, City of w. Fi 'ILI IL City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W, 2 9" Ave.. Wheat Ridge. CO 80033-8001 P: 303,235.2846 F: ' )03.2352857 May 16, 2013 Wild B.I.R.D. Attn: Ms. Candace Tomlinson P.O. Box 101133 Denver, CO 80250 Dear Ms. Tomlinson: This letter is in regard to your application for approval of a Special Use Permit with Site Plan for property zoned Agricultural-One (A -1) and located at 11480 W.44 Avenue. I have reviewed the site plan and have the following comments. Please also refer to the enclosed redlined copy of the submittal sheets. wim.d.wheatridge.coms I I SUP-13-01 &WSP -13-02/ Wild BJKD SF % Building 3,266 7.3 Paving + 7,602 17.0 Landscape + 9,058 20.3 Natural +20,924 46.8 Total = 40,850 91.4 Lot Area 44,677 100 SUP-13-01 &WSP -13-02/ Wild BJKD e. For clarity, please modify the Site Data Table as shown below incorporating subcategories. Site Data: Totals PercLnta � Total Area of Pro ert Total Are 44,677 SY. - 44,677 S.F. S Total Building Coverage Landscape Area Required 3,266 S.F. - 7.3% Existing Building Non - living allowable� 806 S.F. 3127 S.F. Pro used Buldsn x Landscape Area Provided 2, 460 S. F. 9,058 S.F. Total Paved Surface Living 7,602 S.F. - 17% Parking and Drive Non 7,402 S.F. 1,267 S.F. Sidewalk to Build n Natural 07 en S ace 200 S.F. 20,924 S.F. Parking Trees Required Required 12 spaces 9 + 2 street trees Provided Provided 15 standard spaces 13 Existing to remain I van accessible 3 (counts as 9 based f For clarity, please modify the Landscape Data as shown below incorporating subcategories. This table does not need to be included on the site plan page if additional room is needed for other cover page items. Landsc e Data: Totals Total Are - 44,677 S.F. S Landscape Area Required 8935 S.F. - 20% Non - living allowable� 3127 S.F. Landscape Area Provided 9,058 S.F. 20.3% Living 7,791 S.F. Non 1,267 S.F. Natural 07 en S ace 20,924 S.F. 4 6. 8 Trees Required 9 + 2 street trees Provided 13 Existing to remain 3 (counts as 9 based on calipe �� Shrubs Required 90 Provided 93 SUP - -01 & WSP- 13-02 /Wild B.I.R.D. 3 I'll, — Landscaj)c Plan—Sheet LI 13. Formatting and text: a. Please remove the text which has been copied from the survey, as shown in the attached redlined copy. Much of this is unnecessary on the landscape plan. K Please update the Landscape Data table as shown on the previous page of this letter. c. Please add to the legend the symbols for "Existing plant to remain" and "Existing plant to be removed." d. Please add "Sheet 2 of 2" to this page. 14, Signs: The location of the proposed sign does not correspond with the location shown on the site plan. Please modify so the two sheets agree. 15. Driveway: The material for the service drive to the barn is labeled as recycled asphalt on the site plan and asphalt on the landscape plan. Please modify so they agree. 16. Plant list: a. For small and large deciduous trees, please add "minimum caliper 2 inches." See redlined. b. Please add the quantities for the perennial/ground cover/grasses: 9, 18, 9, and 6 respectively. 17. Landscape notes: a. Drought resistant landscaping and a waiver of the requirement for automatic irrigation appears acceptable, however, watering may be required more frequently during the establishment period. Please modify note #2, to read "The landscape will be handwatered weekly and as needed during the first growing season..." b. Add "Unless otherwise noted, all landscaping shall comply with section 26-502 of the Wheat Ridge Municipal Code." The application was also sent on referral to other City departments and outside agencies. The referral period ended on May 14 2013 and attached are the comments that were received. SUP -13 -01 & WSP-1 3-02 /Wild BIRD. 4 SUP -13 -01 & WSP- 13-02 / Wild B.I.R.D. 11heat Ridge Police Department. No security concerns. Wheat Ridge Economic Develol)ment. No concerns. Qj4 Communications: No comments received. AT&T. No coin gents received, This concludes the summary of comments. For questions or clarification on any comments, please feel free to directly contact any of the Development Review committee members: Lauren Mikulak, WR Community Development — 303-235-2845 Dave Brossman, WR Public Works — 303-235-2864 Margaret Paget, WR Parks and Recreation — 303-235-7554 John Schumacher, WR Building Division — 303-235-2853 Please resubmit a response to this letter, two (2) full size hard copies of the revised site and landscape plans, and one digital copy in pdf forniat. We will wait to schedule the I O-posting until this round of coniments have been addressed. ml� n fa Lauren E. Mikulak Planner 11 cc: SUI- & ffSP-13-02 casefiles SUP-13-01 & WSP-13-02 / Wild BIRD. j Floor Trash w/ fenced landscaped enclosure / area Property line / ga e - chainlink fence landscaped landscaped g - area area - roposed fence.. Will c l -with fit. od N N Section 26.603 i M hammerhead for 0 turn around 119417; E iden to min 22' Propos / � o �p CO asphalt drive WELL N Max distance 150' M O O Exis g natural Zone A -1 open ace �. THERE IS A GAF 6 TREE �I ENCE 0.8'± E 0 Existing 6' ht. —= �I ° CO Existing arn 9 chainlink fence B JILD1 o G with slats to remain _� 3.8 Existing trees, typ Existing natural I open space 1J. 2.584, P. 922 0 Best Fr RI'C 1189109119 RFC 1190010842 I W. 44TH P✓✓R POLE U) z L u at 4 N O U to V) a m v ^I3 11 ! Z to 3 ; Co N M 0 0 2I v xtsting landscape this sheet BIRD RESCUE & REHABILITATION FACILITY 11480 W. 44TH AVE. C;'. 1 WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO AVENUE (66 ' R. O. W. Existing 1 Proposed sign. p comply with City Gede '/ I N N BOX Section 26. All tide Yom. p N RANGE BOX In this area please show a V tree lawn and 8 y r 'we PO K detached sidewalk -lahel as "future amenity - - zone' and - future sidewalk " In my comment �Be42 tNO PIN /CAP 1.6' N & G.2' s OF CA,C Cc, letter I have proposed a note indicating these will not be constructed at this time s Existing 4' f lk fence PNate remove this sedan of d ••••� removed. knce from the plan drawing area /,1— / tS 0 Existing 6' ht. chainlink fence �icv SW ga�e� with slats to remain. I Proposed fence. code '$eCtIOrT46:66$- This mfomtahon should be ,n a separate notes section -- ° Sad building, modular Or stick -built refer to the comment letter .. truction, Zone ✓ I Rarkktg 9 7eight- se IRD Rehabilitation Center NC H will ly with City Code Section 26 -213 (- aximum height of 35' n0n0O she I • Floor area- maximum of 250 Trash wlfene" enclosure Property line I existing 6' ht. e chainlink fence with slats � landscaped landscaped gate Proposed area � area 3 com tdty code co N ction 26.603 Deli neate this fence See comment letter, thisM a line symbol / says RAP but the landscape _ plan says asphalt Z M / W Y�Y` p.lYY1Y Proposed recycled / o y l 0 N_ asphalt drive 11FUI N M 00 M Q Existing natural Zone A -1 opal± space TREE i Remove trees from � sne plan Exlsdng 9 hL N Y CONC Existing Barn chainlink fence BUILDING with slats to 4_.. _ —3.8 Existing natural I Y open space m Best Friends Pet Care 1, 84, /? 922 RFC 09119 REE Zone A t RF.0 #900 C 116 2' -IrNCr t2', t Or car,,- S88'S 8 "W % Z O O N F7: 3 I SCALE: 1 " =30' m N z \1 463.0' S. LINE NW 114 SEC 21 N89'35'24 "E, 2644.53' �¢ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: THAT PART OF TFF SC,. .'r -ST 114 OF THE NORTHWEST 114 CF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF r? IL 67H P.M., JET I ERA, COUNIY, COLORADO. PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS IOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT A POINT ON TFIF SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHWFST 114 OF THE SOUTHWEST 114 OF SAID SECTION 21, 226.6 FEET EAST FROM THE SOUTHWEST CORNER THEREOF. THENCE FAST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID TRACT 236.4 FEET; THENCE NORTH AT RIGHT ANGLES 1936 FEET MORE OR LESS TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE COUNTY ROAD RUNNING WEST FROM BOYD'S BRIDGE; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTH SIDE OF SAID COUNTY ROAD 70 A POINT 226.6 FEET EAST OF THE WEST LINE Of SAID SECTION 21; 7HENCL SOUTH PARALLEL WITH THE WEST LINE OF SECTION 1928 FEET, MORE OR LESS TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT THOSE PARCELS DESCRIBED IN BOOK 723 AT PAGE 472, BOOK 1879 AT PAGE 640, BOOK 2328 AT PAGE 695. BOOK 2332 AT PAGE 5G2, BOOK 3032 AT PAGE 480 AND BOOK 2584 AT PACE 922, RE- RECORDLD DECEMBER 15, 1989 AT RECEPTION NO. 89109119 AND FEBRUARY 6, 1990 AT RECEPTION NO. 90010842, OCTOBER 27, 1985 AT RFCEPTION NO. 85101334, COUNTY OF JETFERSON, STAY OF COLORADO. _ 7r1 w y ,Mr F tef�Tal S�ve•Rd TOTALS PERCENTAGE TOTAL AREA OF PROPERTY sN� €A 4F.d 44th Ave. .20 PROPOSED BUILDING ,� •'{ TOTAL BUILDING COVERAGE 3,266 S.F. .073 PARKING 8 DRIVE SURFACE 7,402 S.F. SIDEWALK TO BUILDING 200 S.F. ° ' a TOTAL IMPERVIOUS SURFACE SITE G\ea Creek PARKING REQUIRED 12 SPACES LOCATION PARKING PROVIDED 15 SPACES g a 4 N7R,tN 30M Avey N" th Ave. A n � VICINITY MAP North N.T.S. Site Data: TOTALS PERCENTAGE TOTAL AREA OF PROPERTY 44,677.41 S.F. EXISTING BUILDING 806 S.F. .20 PROPOSED BUILDING 2,460 S.F. .35 of landscape area TOTAL BUILDING COVERAGE 3,266 S.F. .073 PARKING 8 DRIVE SURFACE 7,402 S.F. SIDEWALK TO BUILDING 200 S.F. .203 TOTAL IMPERVIOUS SURFACE 10,868 S.F. .24 PARKING REQUIRED 12 SPACES PARKING PROVIDED 15 SPACES Add the vanous dashed Ines to / LEGEN the legend property lines, utility lines, section Imes... © INDICATES END 3.25 A.C. IN R.B. LSD/ 13212 O INDICATES ENO //5 REBAR & 1.5" ILLEGIBLE ALLOY CAP Please change O INDICATES FNO DISK IN CONC 4307 this symbol � O INDICATES SET #4 RE & 1 " PI ASTIC CAP # 1 1619 1NCICATLS CFIAINLINY, FCNCC �/ !`� /L 6EfifcTldFr Landscape Data: PERCENTAGE TOTAL AREA OF PROPERTY S.F. LANDSCAPE AREA REQUIRED .F. r7,791 .20 NON - LIVING ALLOWABLE .F. .35 of landscape area LIVING PROVIDED NON - LIVING PROVIDED 1,267 S.F. LANDSCAPED OPEN SPACE PROVIDED 9,058 S.F. .203 NATURAL OPEN SPACE 20,924 S.F. .47 18300 ReY 72 Joseph F. Asrn US Arvada. CO 80007 Tel (303) 422 7049 WM PLAN 11480 W. 44TH Ave. Wiliest Ridge, Colorado SCALE: Hor. CS sho wn Date: 04 - 05 - 13 Vert. Drawn By: ST Cadfile: 11480_aiteplon.dlrg Designed By: Suzanne Teak, Drawing No. Landscape Architect pp 1079 Y"d D f- W S AW Mill", 00 80°37 —' TO: Lauren Mikulak, Planner I FROM: Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer DATE: May 14,2013 SU13JECT: SUP-13-Ol/Wild B.I.R.D. I have completed the review for the Special Use Permit request received on April 30, 2013 to allow a new veterinarian-related business for the property located at 11480 W. 44 Avenue, and I have the following comments: General Comments: To Lauren -SUP! 13 1480 W44di Aw,_\Vifd BIRD,(I<vx Public Works Engineering May 14, 2013 Page 2 Drainaae Comments: I The infiltration basin shall not be constructed within three (3) feet of any property boundary; revise design as necessary. 2. The sides of the infiltration basin shall not exceed 4:1 (as shown) and must be well landscaped to the bottom of the clay laver only. 3. Landscaping materials must not be - floatable - so they don't end up in the bottom of the pond and clog up its infiltration capabilities. No landscaping material shall be placed within the highly permeable sand & gravel layer of the basin. 4. 'File bottom of the infiltration basin must be kept completely free of debris during and subsequent to construction activities. If necessary use oil' blankets may be needed to protect it. 5. A boundary edging 4" in height must be placed around tile perimeter of the clay layer at approximately the 02 contour near the pond bottom. The type of material may be selected by the owner, and the exact placement may need to be field determined as the clay lens may vary slightly, The idea here is to prevent any rnulch, erosional debris, or other non-porous material (such as the clay layer above it) and landscaping materials from entering into the pond bottom which may over tirne prevent full infiltration functionality. 6. Under the Ill. Proj,)ose(l Drainai�e, Runqffsection. please include a description of ]low the site runoff is directed into the infiltration basin, For example, describe the swales on the south and east sides of the building. the concrete pan(s) used in the design. etc.). T. Please provide the grade percent across the proposed parking lot, the concrete drainage pan, and for all drainage swales. 8. Please redesign the concrete flow pan to the west end of the infiltration basin so the curve is less severe (see redlined Plan). To , Lauren - SUP-1,1-01 11480 W44th Ave Wild BIRD.docx City of at F ZLdge ��Wh 6 PUBLIC WORKS Gly of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29"' Ave, Wheat Ridge. ("0 80033-8001 P 303.235.2861 1 301235.2857 Dear r. Jennings. I have completed the second review of the above referenced documents received on April 30., 2013, for development of the property located at H 480 W. 44"' Avenue, and I have the following comments: I . The infiltration basin shall not be constructed within three (3) feet of any property boundary; revise design as necessary. 2. The sides of the infiltration basin shall not exceed 4:1 (as shown) and must be well landscaped to the bottom of the clay layer only. 3. Landscaping materials must not be "floatable" so they don*t end up in the bottom of the pond and clog up its infiltration capabilities. No landscaping material shall be placed within the highly permeable sand & gravel layer of the basin. 4. The bottom of the infiltration basin must be kept completely free of debris during and subsequent to construction activities. If necessary use of blankets may be needed to protect it. 5. A boundary edging 4" in height must be placed around the perimeter of the clay layer at approximately the 02 contour near the pond bottom. The type of material may be selected by the owner, and the exact placement may need to be field determined as the clay lens may vary slightly. The idea here is to prevent any mulch, erosional debris. or other non- porous material (such as the clay layer above it) and landscaping materials from entering into the pond bottom which may over time prevent full infiltration functionality, 6. Under the 11 Proj)osed Drainqgye, Runql ,f section, please include a description of how the site runoff is directed into the infiltration basin. For example, describe the swales on the south and east sides of the building, the concrete pan(s) used in the design. etc.). 7. Please provide the grade percent across the proposed parking lot, the concrete drainage pan, and for all drainage swales. 8. Please redesign the concrete flow pan to the west end of the infiltration basin so the curve is less severe (see redlined Plan). . .. ......... .. .. Please include I hardeopy accompanied by electronic files in PDF format for all civil documents with the next submittal. The electronic files may be delivered either on CD-ROM with the hardcopy submittal or sent by e-mail to me at: dbrosama#�rr =ci.w =heatrid e.co.u. w",w.ci.whcatHdge.co.us May 14, 2013 Page 2 1 The above comments are as of the date rep icived and may not reflect all comments from other departments or reviewing agencies. If you have any questions. please contact me at 303.2 35. 864. Sincerely. David F. Brossman, P.L.S. City Surveyor/Development Review Engineer Steve Nguyen. Engineering Nklanager Lauren Mikulak. Planner 11 File wwAa d.wheatridge.vous SEC 2' W. 44TH CLNTERLINL N. 44hi AVL. R.U., 589'59'501, 2648.94' U i `I m t ` N O N U (n V) d 7 ^I3 rn Z W e Z 3 ; m N 0 0 ZI I THERE IS A GAP OF 1.5'1 BETWEEN DEED LINES Existing Barn —3.6 Best Friends Pet Care F Ix x 9 IP 4 q0 eP FT. SCALE: 1 "=30' 463.0 — — S. I WE NW 114 SEC 21 N89 35'24 ° E, 2644.53' BIRD RESCUE & REHABILITATION Site Plan must show the 6' detached 11480 W. 44TH AVE. sdewatk with 6'treelawn (amenity zones WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO fExisting NUE 66' R. 0. W. 10' ht. P roposed sign.' mit sign _ comply with City Code 114 Section 26, Article VII. 0 %(; F << n �_ — acv • aa'. PV✓R POI E' PLAN . A& �. _ -_' --, -- - Sde Plan needs r to show the proposed sign in the same `--- Existing 4' ht. chainlink fence locatan as the Landscape Plan to be removed. PROPOSED BUILDING landscaped v 'sting 6' ht. chainlink fence 3,266 S.F. IS to remain. PARKING & DRIVE SURFACE comply with city Show the RIp�Rap areas 200 S.F. ,see Drainage Plan) TOTAL IMPERVIOUS SURFACE Proposed building, modular or stick -built construction, Show the outline • use- Wild BIRD Rehabilitation Center • height- will comply with City Code Section 26 -213 (A -1) maximum height of 35' I � 4 fl. 2317 P.502 • Floor area- maximum of 2500 s.f. PLEASE INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING —Pro erty line / existing 6' hit, ON THE SITE PLAN: chain it fence with slats a) The 6 detached sidewalk and 6' —Ian d amenity zone (AKA treelawn) Drainage Plan) b) The outline of the drainage /infiltration Show the proposed drainage swill on r pond area c) The 4" high penmeter banner at the the Site Plan bottom of the clay layer (refer to comment letter) d) The proposed business sign in the same location as shown on the ✓ i Trash w / fenced Landscape Plan (His located a little JeEC #94171645 further out of the drainage pond areal area e) 1 -foal contour lines for the proposed , final grade ae f) The finished floor elevation for the , landscaped proposed building g) All proposed drainage swales area 3 h) Show the concrete drainage pan in the Proposed fence. Will parking lot THERE IS A GAP OF 1.5'1 BETWEEN DEED LINES Existing Barn —3.6 Best Friends Pet Care F Ix x 9 IP 4 q0 eP FT. SCALE: 1 "=30' 463.0 — — S. I WE NW 114 SEC 21 N89 35'24 ° E, 2644.53' BIRD RESCUE & REHABILITATION Site Plan must show the 6' detached 11480 W. 44TH AVE. sdewatk with 6'treelawn (amenity zones WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO fExisting NUE 66' R. 0. W. 10' ht. P roposed sign.' mit sign _ comply with City Code 114 Section 26, Article VII. 0 %(; F << n �_ — acv • aa'. PV✓R POI E' PLAN 'C6" Sidewalk _ -_' TOTAL AREA OF PROPERTY 44,677.41 S.F. r, D+SK 3_` CAL COR 806 S.F. .20 PROPOSED BUILDING landscaped v t�IrL 3,266 S.F. area PARKING & DRIVE SURFACE 7,402 S.F. I 8.3032, P 4A0 200 S.F. S gates " TOTAL IMPERVIOUS SURFACE 10,868 S.F. .24 Show the outline 12 SPACES 11.2328, 11.6'95 PARKING PROVIDED o I end dentity the infiltrabon C,t I � 4 fl. 2317 P.502 Show the concrete I now pan Ifrom the Parking Drainage Plan) -- i Trash w / fenced lands 74 iped enclosure area ae landscaped gate area 3 Proposed fence. Will comply with city code N N of Section 26.603 I M00 O M W I z Proposed recycled Lr L N asphalt drive _ N M I tD O M _ I Existing natural Zone A -1 open space OT i z_. I o 3,s Existing 6' ht. CONC chainlink fence IUILD I 0 with slats to remain , I L Existing trees, I t Existing natural I open space Y I m 8.2.584, P. 922 RF,C #89109119 RF. C 1190010842 p�REE d 1 1 6 2' \ S88'S 8 "W I I I oI N N , B. 1879, P. 640 ° 2� L FACILITY LEGAL DESCRIPTION: �� v A rA.t; 'r ,,- o - n c.S; 114 OF THE NORTHWEST 114 OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6711 PM., JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO. PARIICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMCNCING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE CF THE NORTHWEST 114 OF THE SOUTHWEST 114 OF SAID SECTION 21, 226.6 FEET EAST FROM THE SOUTHWEST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE FAST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE_ OF SAID TRACT 236.4 FEET; THENCE NORTH Al RIGHT ANGLES 1936 FEET MORE OR LESS TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE COUNTY ROAD RUNNING WEST FROM BOYD'S BRIDGE; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTH SIDE OF SAID COUNTY ROAD TO A POINT 226.6 FEET LAST OF THE WEST LINL OF SAID SECTION 21; THENCE SOUTH PARALLEL WITH THE WEST LINL OF SECTION 1928 FEET, MORE OR LESS IC THE PLACE GF BEGINNING; EXCEPT THOSE PARCELS DESCRIBED IN ROOK 723 AT PAGE 472, BOOK 1879 AT PAGE 640, ROCK 2328 AT PAGE 695, ROOK 2332 AT PAGE 502, ROOK 3032 AT PAGE 48G AND BOOK 2584 AT PAGE 922, RL- RECORDED DECEMBER 15, 1989 AT RECEPTION NO. 891G9119 AND FEBRUARY 6, 1990 AT RECEPTION NG. 90010842, OCTOBER 21, 1985 Al RfCEPTION NO. 85101334, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STAY OE COLORADO. � Je, ++ n a j �� a FrreW61•� 751 41thAvi, ` 44th Ave. awn' SITE ° a LOCATION Gee` Creek � n � 3 "our, r,F I� ,Ave xx. th AVe. x W 11 i e Z fi g VICINITY MAP North N.T.S. Site Data: PLAN TOTALS PERCENTAGE TOTAL AREA OF PROPERTY 44,677.41 S.F. EXISTING BUILDING 806 S.F. .20 PROPOSED BUILDING 2,460 S.F. .35 of landscape area TOTAL BUILDING COVERAGE 3,266 S.F. .073 PARKING & DRIVE SURFACE 7,402 S.F. SIDEWALK TO BUILDING 200 S.F. .203 TOTAL IMPERVIOUS SURFACE 10,868 S.F. .24 PARKING REQUIRED 12 SPACES PARKING PROVIDED 15 SPACES LEGEND: • iDICATES END 3.25" A.C. IN R.R. IS# 13212 • \+DICATES END #5 REPAIR & 1.5" II. L EGIBL E ALLOY CAP • DICATES FND DISK IN CONC #24307 • , NDICATES SET #4 REBAR & I" PLASTIC CAP #11619 !ND!CATrc I LNCL EXISTING VEGETATION Landscape Data: PLAN TOTALS PERCENTAGE TOTAL AREA OF PROPERTY 44,677.41 S.F. LANDSCAPE AREA REQUIRED 8935.48 S.F. .20 NON - LIVING ALLOWABLE 3,150.06 S.F. .35 of landscape area LIVING PROVIDED 7,791 S.F. NON - LIVING PROVIDED 1,267 S.F. LANDSCAPED OPEN SPACE PROVIDED 9,058 S.F. .203 NATURAL OPEN SPACE 20,924 S.F. .47 SITE PLAN 11480 W. 44TH Ave. Wheal Ridge, Colorado Hor. cis sho wn Dat 04 - 05 - 13 SCALE: Vert. Drawn By: ST Cadflle: 11480_siteplarfAwg Designed By: 1A HNC' 72 Suzaftne Tea&, Joseph F. Asm us Arvada, CO A0007 Drawing No. Tel (306) 422 7049 Lattdreaye Architect �1p 4•M P`r"d Dmf, WhIar RISee, CO 60033 SF" —1 00 4 81911 � Sll"1� D c zo �c1m - 30N33 I 99'Z 09'6 _ 6£CO 310d 83MOd Odd 0 0 . S .1Y'0 10 NOIIVA313 lOdS 03SOdO8d 9'Y+ NAm l o N011VA313 lOdS ONIISIX3 - 99'£ 0Y'L 9090 "'1 09'Y - 09Z'0 VOINOO 03SOdO8d —to won mz 4 21l101N00 ONIISIX3 ON C1 :SNISVB D1601SIH kWONnOe NISVB 3OVN"Cl - - - - -- p o HIVd 30VNro8O m 0 I 3 (3V) V39V NISVS 30VNro80 Z9'0 tl 80 NlSV8 w-o" 7.., ON NOIIVNOIS30 NISV8 30VNro80 Z° f 318tl1 1d"ygns 330Na8 Wdols 2 {/1 N 1,6 :0N3031 �Z 0 n 0 t13M lY0 p > Z I ' I: m{ > G7 C m OC. O rr� '9'1 O D D Z SI 3N11 A183dO8d ISV3 3H1 ONOW V4838 30 NOUVA313 d01 WaWINIW 'S O 1 A 13AVd0 ONV ONUS ONUlN3aNa 3H1 3SOdX3 01 a3211 038 Z 38 AVW NISV8 NOUV811i1NI 3H1 30 NOIIVAV0X3 - 83AO 'Y > 'SNOISN3WIa ONISSIW 803 m 031tl3S AlW31NO2110313 38 01 03NOIS3a S1 NVId SIHI '£ - S,tN3W3AO6dWI 03SOd021d 30 (dAL) 33N33 I I� SNOISN3W10 OM/ SNOI1V001 2103 NVId MIS 01 83338 'Z - - o o '30018 l ^? n n A J w 9, 1tl3HM 30 A113 3H1 30 SNOILtl313103dS aNV SadVONV1S 3H1 HIM AldW00 01 N01130211SN00 ONV S1VI831VY1 llV ' l 00 4 81911 � Sll"1� D c zo �c1m U 0 09'Y 94Z'O i �,l dV" AMOK I 99'Z 09'6 _ 6£CO 91 06 "9 . Y09'0 0 0 . S .1Y'0 10 (dAl) NAm l o 11339 HV310 99'£ 0Y'L 9090 "'1 09'Y - 09Z'0 'w HIM 'M ow I won mz 4 AI1pdOtld 17 mn, ON C1 :SNISVB D1601SIH sJo �y u� z � o NV NIH 'M 3 $ A HA ou 3WINON3 'N� 0[ - 1 'w 30VVINOl 'S LC z Ob'L 919'0 U 0 09'Y 94Z'O D 0 091 Z9 CO Ol Z90 Z° 99'Z 09'6 _ 6£CO 91 06 "9 . Y09'0 f l t 00 "S _ 6YS'O S .1Y'0 10 (dAl) ;III I `0 ..9I :SNIStl8 a3dol3A3O 99'£ 0Y'L 9090 "'1 09'Y - 09Z'0 f9'0 091 Z91'0 Ol Cut IH I :SNISVB D1601SIH sJo �y u� sy� �y /ui s1° �y w .w o0 1NIOd NOIS30 u 1 0 3 0 I 3 0 1 3 tl 80 NlSV8 w-o" 7.., ON w �oaA Ol wools ..A S 318tl1 1d"ygns 330Na8 Wdols 31V:5 ON NVd 30VN"a ,£ o -,£ ,9 -, t ,9 -.1 I 1 Ol nd3e 3u auA ,S9'Z8£' 3, 8Z,If.00S — — — - - — — — — — — — — — — — — --- - - - —__ -- -_- - - -_ d - - _ - 1 .Y r — I I 3 II g I t6 (dAl) ;III I `0 ..9I o hl hI� j z W al � to z w l !n al I, I I ON11slX3 o �m I x� w0 ~I 14 k I I a w I I I 31V:5 ON NVd 30VN"a ,£ o -,£ ,9 -, t ,9 -.1 I 1 Ol nd3e 3u auA ,S9'Z8£' 3, 8Z,If.00S — — — - - — — — — — — — — — — — — --- - - - —__ -- -_- - - -_ d - - _ - 1 .Y r — .-- — r9'Y- - - - - -- - -OS (dAl) + L . Y Nz S NByB I i lV 3du r I ON11slX3 o I I a3so oad I ^ O NOW N 1,6 z's 1(l a5 SSI 0 t13M lY0 I ' I: NItlW321 Ol 30N33 °E `- ONIISIX3 tY'0 ^^��� // (dAL) 33N33 I I� I 03SOdO8d AVMHIVd LIVHdStl 1 ( a 031OA038 NO 13Atl210 I, 31VO NVd 3 ,f 1 � +YY Sumo g II o °m e s ° c 380SO13N3 Hs a m a w tltll 1 S I 33b1 O 3381 O 33d10 B . Y I - - ' - - �T-- -- - ^-- -- ---------------- - ------ - - ---- - -�_. - __= _ - -- - - - - -- -------------------- ----------- 00V/JM00 `3001a iV3HM M69a `SCi ' LZ 03S ' - V/ LMN 3H1 30 DJVd 3A`d Hitt 'M 08t l l Advni0N`dS GaI8 MIM NV d 110VN IV 10 STEP 8: City Council Public Hearing/Decision (if necessary) STEP 3: ACC Public Hearing/Decision Lauren Mikulak From: Margaret Paget Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 7:04 AM To: Lauren Mikulak Subject: RE: Wild B.I.R.D. 211111amm In general Xeric plantings is a good plan (which is mostly what they've specified) moving forward... however all plants need some supplemental water during their establishment period. Hand watering will work if there is monitoring of the plant material in a sufficient interval to sustain the plants, This sufficient interval depends on a lot of components: Type of plants, their placement, their size, the typ,,e of soil theki are $lanted into,, exiviosure,.,-iLittLu�kmqwttftAuu*yw-I t)u mulch is maintained, the time of year of the installation and the weather conditions not only immediately after the al planting but stretching out for a few years during their establishment period. So I would suggest more frequent than weekly monitoring_ plants can go down quickly without sufficient observation/action. This might include addressing disease and insect or pest problems including (geese, rabbits and voles) attacking the plant material. Possibly stating watering as needed instead of weekly. Knowing the proposed location of the flight cage it is less of a concern but we will still try and be good neighbors and alert them to our activities if possible. INiargaret Paget Forestry and Open Space Supervisor Of Phone: 303-205-7554 CAY of 'heat Rj, d e g PARK$ AND RECKEATION From: Lauren Mikulak Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2013 430 PM To: Margaret Paget Subject: RE: Wild Bird Did you have any comment on their watering schedule? Because they have proposed drought tolerant species, they have proposed no automatic irrigation system—note 2 on the landscape plan indicates hand watering weekly then monthly as needed, Any thoughts? UMMM Lauren E. Mikulak Manner H Office Phom 303-235-2845 From: Margaret Paget Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2013 1:12 PM To: Lauren Mikulak Subject: Wild Bird Margaret Paget Forestry and Open Space Supervisor 9110 W, 44th Aventre Wheal Ridge. Colorado 80033 Office Phone: 303-205-7554 I`ax: 303-467-5901 w of of �� ,, KS AND PUCKI'ATION slge ('ONFIDENTIAL,ITYNO"1'1('E:Tliise-iiiailcoiitainst>u�iness-conti(lentizili It is intended only for the use (if the individual (it entity named above, If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure. copying, distribution, electronic sun or use ofthis communication is prohibile& It' you received thi conantr t age front Your COMputer and any , 11 in error, please notify us inun Aiately by e-tuail. attaching the original message, and delete the original tness� network to Which Your eomputer is connected Thank you. I M TO: Lauren Mikulak, Planner 11 FROM: John Schumacher, Chief Building Official DATE: May 15, 2013 SUBJECT: Utility requirements for 11480 W 44 Avenue As a result of a review of th( and the requirements estabK Ridge, it has been determine for approval by the Building se and proposed construction at 11480 W. 44' Avenue, the applicable codes adopted by the City of Wheat ,ction to public water and sewer would be a requirement r the structures included in the proposed pro -rnational Plumbing Code, specifically Section 602.3 onnection to public water when available, and Section nection of the drainage system to the public sanitary is do not prohibit the use of the existing well for any new or changed structures require compliance Feet free to forward any additional questions or requests for information generated by this determination. 05/03/13 FRI 14:03 FAX 303 424 0828 VALIXY WATER DDS Q001. VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 12101 WEST 52ND AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 TELEPHONE 303-424-9661 FAX 303-424-0828 Lauren Mikulak City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29 Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Laurel: 5 If additional water main lines, fire hydrants or fire sprinkler lines are needed, t owner - would need to provide any necessary easements, I 6, Each separate building structure will require a separate water tap, service line and meter. The owner will be responsible for the cost of the taps, service lines and meter installation. T The owner of the property will need to contact Valley Water District at 3(}3-424 - 96 1 prior to development of the project to discuss water system design needs. 05/03/13 FRI 1.4:03 FAX 303 424 0828 VALLFY WATER DIS If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact my self or Kathy KadnUck office Manager at 303-424-9661 . District urtice wanag S" erely, Ka nuck ntl m W-' F7--- W4L AW AIV Mr Adw XcelEnergysm PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY Zmamm City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Right of Way & Permits 1123 West 3' Avenue Denver, Colorado 80223 Telephone: 303.571.3306 Facsimile: 303, 571,3524 As a safety precaution, PSCo would like to remind the developer to call the Utili Notification Center at 1-800-922-1987 to have all utilities located prior to a construction. I If you have any questions about this referral response, please contact me at (303) 571- 3306. Donna George Contract Right of Way Referral Process Public Service Company of Colorado I � � � \� ^� � � y .� Fire Proteation ofttftt Lif e-UWWn(I'§*Qq OUR= Ms. Lauren Mikulak Case Manager 7500 W. 29" Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 � . }\ 11480 W. 4'Ave. - rTTFZ 9 7De ana nave the following comments. 4. The existing access roadway to the existing barn is noted as 8 feet in width. The access lane from the proposed building will need to be extended 40 feet to the south. The minimum width will need to be 22 feet. This will allow fire apparatus access to within 150 feet of all portions of the building. IFC 06 03.1. 1. 5. The access lane will be a dead end in excess of 150,feet and w ill nee t b p w ith approved provisions for the turning around of fire apparatus. IFC 06 503.2.5. 7901 Allison Way Arvada, Colorado 800053033 303-424-3012 A 4 0 N)V City of h6atj POLI DEPARTMEN T" TO: Lauren Mikulak, Community Development FROM: Kevin Armstrong, Sergeant, Crime Prevention Team DATE: May 7,2013 SUBJECT: Case No.: SUP-13-01 / Wild B.I.R.D. SUP-13-01 The police department sees no concerns with this request. ,Pa( 2 Z� N � 4 �( City of , �Wh6at� �ie LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION Community Development Department 7500 West 29 Avenue * Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 * Phone (303) 235-2846 (Please print or type all information) o Location of request (address): f Required information: 12 7 ' AssessorPar cel No er: ( VuZ 1 Size of Lot (acres or square footage): Current ing:_ Proposed Zoning: Current Use: Proposed Use: MY G; owl Z / Q . . . . . .. IMP \ . wild Bad dr ±C / , > \ . . . .. . NO RW mcm> .. \ . . Ms m f RECEIVED a / � : ,. w . . . . . . . . y . TOTAL City of 4 *0 Site Plan Review: Submittal Checklist Project Name: KV r r rvject Location: Applicant: Date: 9 i T3 Project P , lanner: f V) / _ '/ - LUJLJL4 Fee Paid: Required information to be included with all Site Plan Submittals: V/1. Completed, notarized land use application Fee — 0. Open space and special butters, including type and coverage E. Parking and loading areas, including handicap parking areas F. Easements and rights-of-way — G. Drainage ways, pond areas, ditches, irrigation canals, takes and streams, if applicable HVIUMMM City of �Whc jItyc C('>NVkAV%VY DUMOPMENT d Z=k V/Landscape Plan (24" x 36") Rev 06/29/2011 2 City of Xote: exterior lighting must cotnply with &ction 26-503 of the zoning code. Additional information which may be required: 1. Traffic study (2 copies) __iZ . Drainage report (2 copies) :2 Soils report (2 copies) j n c(u(;4 4. Erosion Control Plan (2 copies) Rev 06/29/2011 ON of (Sign and return) As applicantJ6r this project, I herelxy ensure that all of the above requirements have been included with this submittal I fully understand that if any one oJ'the items listed on this checklist has been excluded, the documents will NOT be distribitted City review. In addition, I understand that in the event atvv revisions need to be made after the second (2" I will be su ect to t"hplicable resubmittalfte. Signature: Z" A Date: —: 5 Name (please print): ' TO r1fi ' 36) 3 - 5 7 0 Ir rL j o Phone: Rev 06129/2011 Special Use Permit Application Narrative Tin yet, out we This also applies for the sign at the entrance to the property. k I I I - 1"TWO" =L'#' constructing the streetscape improvements ourselves. JOHN M. Dump= EsQ. ATTOMEY AT LAW TrAlzr= I 1180 WEST 44TH AVENVU TELEPHONE: (303)233.$033 WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO $0033 (303)233-7180 jnittudgeonq�prodlgy.net April 23, 2013 To.- City of Wheat Ridge, or whomtwcr it may conceni Re: 11480 W 44' Avenue special use pertnit Very truly yours, John M Dudgeon, member and manager Consolidrone, LLC 71A John M Dudgeon, member and manager Consolidrone, LLC BIRD RESCUE & REHABILITATION FACILITY 11 f 141'11 AVE' WHEAT RIDU,, COLOIRA,DO LARGE DECIDUOUS TREES: B&B, SINGLE STEM, FULL BALANCED CROWN • TOTAL XkEA Pk0PEik7FY Re A EVERGREEN TREES: 8'HT., B&B, FULL, BALANCED FORM 18-C C ^ LOW, NAIVE C6MWMON NAME SMALL DECIDUOUS TREES: 6-10hL, B&B, MULTI- STEM, FULL BALANCED CROWN LIVING PROVIDED WILDFLOWERS h NON-LIVING PROVIDED 4-SC LANDSCAPED OPEN SPACE PROVIDED ACER G 2 G QUERCU$GMSELLI 4,— Proposed Existing GC— 8' cone. 5-WS walk IT11 = - I 2=1� LARGE DECIDUOUS TREE SMALL ORNAMENTAL TREE EVERGREEN TREE DECIDUOUS SHRUBS 000 ORNAMENTAL GRASSES C�= GROUND COVER Q�D PERENNIALS Ez LOW NATIVE GRASS SEEDING MIX WITH WILDFLOWERS I 61 REMOVE EXIST, MULT-STEM cz� EXIST. COTTONWOOD TREES (4) ALONG FENCE, TREES {3).94 30 CAL., INCLUDE:SIBERIAN ELM, \25 -36 HT. BOXELDER 25 EXIST LILAC TO REMAIN 0 4 3-PFC 3•GC i 4e 3-LL- ��E Landscape Data: • TOTAL XkEA Pk0PEik7FY Re A EVERGREEN TREES: 8'HT., B&B, FULL, BALANCED FORM 18-C C ^ LOW, NAIVE C6MWMON NAME MIX WITH LIVING PROVIDED WILDFLOWERS h NON-LIVING PROVIDED 4-SC LANDSCAPED OPEN SPACE PROVIDED 34D 2 G CARYOFITFRIS X CLANDONENStS 4,— Proposed Existing GC— 8' cone. 5-WS walk 2-SC' Existing 3-DRS --- cone, cuib EXIST, MUL STEM ' COTTONWOODS (2) TO BE T. ) WAR REMOVED 66,01 — 33.0 310__� L IT11 = - I 2=1� LARGE DECIDUOUS TREE SMALL ORNAMENTAL TREE EVERGREEN TREE DECIDUOUS SHRUBS 000 ORNAMENTAL GRASSES C�= GROUND COVER Q�D PERENNIALS Ez LOW NATIVE GRASS SEEDING MIX WITH WILDFLOWERS I 61 REMOVE EXIST, MULT-STEM cz� EXIST. COTTONWOOD TREES (4) ALONG FENCE, TREES {3).94 30 CAL., INCLUDE:SIBERIAN ELM, \25 -36 HT. BOXELDER 25 EXIST LILAC TO REMAIN 0 4 3-PFC 3•GC i 4e 3-LL- ��E Landscape Data: • TOTAL XkEA Pk0PEik7FY Re 34D 18-C C ^ LOW, NAIVE _ « ALLOWABLE MIX WITH LIVING PROVIDED WILDFLOWERS h NON-LIVING PROVIDED 4-SC LANDSCAPED OPEN SPACE PROVIDED 34D 2 G 4,— Proposed Existing GC— 8' cone. 5-WS IT11 = - I 2=1� LARGE DECIDUOUS TREE SMALL ORNAMENTAL TREE EVERGREEN TREE DECIDUOUS SHRUBS 000 ORNAMENTAL GRASSES C�= GROUND COVER Q�D PERENNIALS Ez LOW NATIVE GRASS SEEDING MIX WITH WILDFLOWERS I 61 REMOVE EXIST, MULT-STEM cz� EXIST. COTTONWOOD TREES (4) ALONG FENCE, TREES {3).94 30 CAL., INCLUDE:SIBERIAN ELM, \25 -36 HT. BOXELDER 25 EXIST LILAC TO REMAIN 0 4 3-PFC 3•GC i 4e 3-LL- ��E Landscape Data: ,. a . 4»GC r. L • , k __ M - I-GM PROPOSED BUILDING 3-CO 1-MM 7" 7 WIDE G t t PATH ROCK MULCH, 9.2" DIA, RIVER ROCK OVER WEED BARRIER FABRIC, 3 MIN. DEPTH, �ao 1 40 FT, SCALE, 1'=20' • TOTAL XkEA Pk0PEik7FY Re 34D 18-C C ^ LOW, NAIVE _ « ALLOWABLE MIX WITH LIVING PROVIDED WILDFLOWERS NON-LIVING PROVIDED 4-SC LANDSCAPED OPEN SPACE PROVIDED 34D 2 G ,. a . 4»GC r. L • , k __ M - I-GM PROPOSED BUILDING 3-CO 1-MM 7" 7 WIDE G t t PATH ROCK MULCH, 9.2" DIA, RIVER ROCK OVER WEED BARRIER FABRIC, 3 MIN. DEPTH, �ao 1 40 FT, SCALE, 1'=20' LANDSCAPE PLAN 11480 W. 44TH Ave. Wheat Ridge, Cotorado -- - -----_- - . ... ..... Hor. jas jb2Wn Dotc 4-25-13 SCALE: Vert. Drown By- ST Codfile: I 1480_tandplamdq Designed By SF Suzanne Teafe, Drowing No. Lan &ca ,pe. Archfrect 4-,'J Y-fdf" 1,Wf--t X4K 00 814 L-1 U Re 34D 18-C C ^ LOW, NAIVE GRASS SEEDING MIX WITH WILDFLOWERS 34D 1, 4-SC 34D 2 G 4,— Proposed Existing GC— 8' cone. 5-WS walk 2-SC' Existing 3-DRS --- cone, cuib EXIST, MUL STEM ' COTTONWOODS (2) TO BE T. ) WAR REMOVED 66,01 — 33.0 310__� LANDSCAPE PLAN 11480 W. 44TH Ave. Wheat Ridge, Cotorado -- - -----_- - . ... ..... Hor. jas jb2Wn Dotc 4-25-13 SCALE: Vert. Drown By- ST Codfile: I 1480_tandplamdq Designed By SF Suzanne Teafe, Drowing No. Lan &ca ,pe. Archfrect 4-,'J Y-fdf" 1,Wf--t X4K 00 814 L-1 raw COR SEC 21 BIRD RESCUE & REHABILITATION FACILITY 11480 W. 44TH AVE C0NC_. WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO ,9URLj . 4 4 TH A VEN LIE (6 6' R - 0 CENTERLINE W W, 44TH AVE. ROM EAwnq 1o' ht Proposd 9 speed ft# Sir comply van Cky Code S89'59'50"E, 2648.94' SEWER MH\ - \,RTC #85/0/ C 114 COR SEC 2 (P VICINITY MAP Noft N.T.S. Fsite - Data.- ---- I COVC, NAL SCAM PWR Vert. PW� ft C Designed Byt FND OfSK 3.5' & 0. 7'W OF CALL COR fi;�r &B S UF SP-1 ped area 8.383P P.4811 8,233Z P.5492 P&4ft Trwhlfenced — landscaped t WKIOSM am w landscaped �7- Proposed fe"C4 L Win aareas t comply vAth cky code Secdon 26.603 PWR POLE Proposed recycled - ap osphaft d*4o r WELL E*ft neutral Zone A-1 open $Pam 0 ! 2 iao PIRCE iq to dng V hL ohak** fence c l. ONC WILDING M won stots to remoln r Usdng neural z # ( open specie 8.Z584, 1? $22 I REC 189109 /19 4,—,TREf 1.42' 1 6 -53 a 11 S S0�15�42",W FENCZ COR TV* W & 0,3',* S OF LANE FENCE ON OWE FENCE %0' 2 S OF ONE ci N 8, 1879, P 840 w a r ia MR SEC 2r 463,0' - - 2t — S, jiNC WW 1,;�4 S - Nii ; 3�24 ;; C i C 114 COR SEC 2 (P VICINITY MAP Noft N.T.S. Fsite - Data.- ---- I Joseph F C oddle : -L, 1 480-00P§o0.d*q '8" '"'Y 7'� S — A us Arvada, CO 80007 Tel, (303) 422-7049 �5. p wY",v* wwt u* 01 A�" Landscape Data: [REM N 10) SM PLA 11480 W. 44TH Ave. I wneat FW90, cowedo I Hor. 2S shown Date: 04-05-13 SCAM — Vert. 8 y; ST ft C Designed Byt uzaniw TeaW MIT MTV Joseph F C oddle : -L, 1 480-00P§o0.d*q '8" '"'Y 7'� S — A us Arvada, CO 80007 Tel, (303) 422-7049 �5. p wY",v* wwt u* 01 A�" Landscape Data: [REM N 10) SM PLA 11480 W. 44TH Ave. I wneat FW90, cowedo I Hor. 2S shown Date: 04-05-13 SCAM — Vert. 8 y; ST C Designed Byt uzaniw TeaW MIT MTV Joseph F C oddle : -L, 1 480-00P§o0.d*q '8" '"'Y 7'� S — A us Arvada, CO 80007 Tel, (303) 422-7049 �5. p wY",v* wwt u* 01 A�" Landscape Data: [REM N 10) SM PLA 11480 W. 44TH Ave. I wneat FW90, cowedo I Hor. 2S shown Date: 04-05-13 SCAM — Vert. 8 y; ST Designed Byt uzaniw TeaW Drawing No. SP-1 [REM N 10) SM PLA 11480 W. 44TH Ave. I wneat FW90, cowedo I Hor. 2S shown Date: 04-05-13 SCAM — Vert. 8 y; ST Designed Byt uzaniw TeaW Drawing No. SP-1 NW COR SEC 21 A O INDICATES FND #5 REBAR & 1.5" ILLEGIBLE ALLOY CAP I -- INDICATES FND DISK IN CONC #24307 io — -- -- -- -- - - -- -- O INDICATES SET #4 REBAR & 1 " PLASTIC CAP #11619 i B, 1879,. P. 640 o O INDICATES CONC CURB °`r 31 10 #3 REBAR & 1.5" ALLOY CAP MARKER WC 2' E #17619 I W. a 44Tl ° AVENUE' (66 R. O. W. ) --- - " -- --O — — — CE AV E R . O.W. .--.-- — — — S89'59'S0 "E, 2648.94' — — -- — -- — — — — �-- -- --- -- -- -- ---- 6 • FND #6 REBAR SEWER MH REC #85101334 IN RANGE BOX " CURB CUT CONC_C _ 31 .0 ' BRICX ���— GONG WALX 8 , PWR POLE °�9 50"E CONC WgLK RICK r - -- -- - - — PWR — PULE D \" — — — — _ - - - -- FND PIN /CAP L6' W & 0.2' S OF CALC CDR 1 6.42 TRAFFIC SIGN I FND I DISK 3.5' N & 0.7'W OF CALC CDR S AO S ' FENCE CDR 1.5t E OF LINE FENCL< 0.8'f S OF LINE I i B. 3032, P. 480 / ' / o 1 B.2328, P.695 1 B. 2332, P. 502 � DD PWR POLE I 2 1 0 80 120 FT. � - 4 1 0 —_ 1 SCALE. 1 of I j PWR POLE — - — — i U O i O 10 _ _ W REC #94171645 s � iN i os WELO I W N / i0 Ia O a THERE IS A CAP OF 1.5't BETWEEN DEED LINES 6t 1 w �TREE 1 M I La ¢ FENCE 0.8't E OF LINE to Z y o 31.0 CONC X13 BUILDING � 0 1 3.8 � I I I M i ' I I 5.8� p i I 2 i .8.2584, P.9,8,? REC #89109119 TREE REC 1190010842 I i 1 16.42' FENCE 1.2 't E OF LINE IIII — g$" 3'08 "W I I FENCE CDR 1.0't W & 0.3t S Of LINE i FENCE ON LINE t ' L_________ I I FENCE i ! 1.0' 1 S OF LINE I o LEGEND: I 1 I I p IMPROVEM SURVEY PLA IN THE NW 1/4 OF SEC 21, T3S, R69W OF THE 8TH P.M. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: THAT PART OF THE SOUTHWEST 114 OF THE NORTHWEST 114 OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO, PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST 114 OF THE SOUTHWEST 114 OF SAID SECTION 21, 226.6 FEET EAST FROM THE SOUTHWEST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE EAST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID TRACT 236.4 FEET; THENCE NORTH AT RIGHT ANGLES 1936 FEET MORE OR LESS TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE COUNTY ROAD RUNNING WEST FROM BOYD'S BRIDGE, THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTH SIDE OF SAID COUNTY ROAD TO A POINT 226.6 FEET EAST OF THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 21; THENCE SOUTH PARALLEL WITH THE WEST LINE OF SECTION 1928 FEET, MORE OR LESS TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT THOSE PARCELS DESCRIBED IN BOOK 723 AT PAGE 472, BOOK 7879 AT PAGE 640, BOOK 2328 AT PAGE 695, BOOK 2332 AT PAGE 502, BOOK 3032 AT PAGE 480 AND BOOK 2584 AT PAGE 922, RE- RECORDED DECEMBER 15, 1989 AT RECEPTION NO. 89109119 AND FEBRUARY 6, 1990 AT RECEPTION NO. 90010842, OCTOBER 21, 1985 AT RECEPTION NO. 85101334, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. ADDRESS: 11480 W. 44TH AVE., WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 -2560 NOTES: 1. AREA SURVEYED: 44,677 SQUARE FEET OR 1.03 ACRES MORE OR LESS. 2. THIS SURVEY DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A TITLE SEARCH BY ME IN REGARDS TO OWNERSHIP OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD. I RELIED UPON FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE COMPANY COMMITMENT NO. 597- FO4392 1 7- 122 -LF, AMENDMENT NO. 2 FOR THOSE ITEMS. 3. BASIS OF BEARINGS: BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE WEST LINE OF THE NW 114 OF SECTION 21 AS BEARING N00'31'28 "W, ASSUMED AND MONUMENTED AS SHOWN. 4, NOTICE` ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU DISCOVER ANY SUCH DEFECT, IN NO EVENT MAY ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF CERTIFICATION. PROPERTY THAT WERE NOT LOCATED OR SHOWN HEREON. 5. THE ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON THIS I.S.P. ARE TIED TO CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE DATUM. 6. DISTANCES ON THIS LAND SURVEY PLAT ARE EXPRESSED IN U.S. SURVEY FEET AND DECIMALS THEREOF, A U.S. SURVEY FOOT IS DEFINED AS EXACTLY 120013937 METERS. 7. THERE IS NO EASEMENT FOR THE OVERHEAD UTILITIES AND POWER POLES ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IN THE ABOVE MENTIONED TITLE POLICY. CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY: TO: WILD BIRD INFORMATION AND REHABILITATION OF DENVER 1, EDGAR B. JENNINGS, A REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER AND LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF COLORADO, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT AN IMPROVEMENT SURVEY OF THE HEREON DESCRIBED PARCEL OF LAND WAS PREPARED UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION, AND THAT THE BOUNDARY IS MONUMENTED AS INDICATED AND THE IMPROVEMENTS LOCATED AS SHOWN HEREON. i FURTHER CERTIFY THAT THE DRAWING HEREIN ACCURATELY REPRESENTS THE RESULTS OF SAID IMPROVEMENT SURVEY, TO THE BEST",Q MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. CA UO INDICATES FND 3.25" A.C. IN R.B. LS# 13212 ' ---- --- - -- - -,— - - - -- -- - -" -- - A O INDICATES FND #5 REBAR & 1.5" ILLEGIBLE ALLOY CAP I O INDICATES FND DISK IN CONC #24307 io O INDICATES SET #4 REBAR & 1 " PLASTIC CAP #11619 i B, 1879,. P. 640 o O INDICATES SET WITNESS CORNER ON 2.0' OFr - sET Z #3 REBAR & 1.5" ALLOY CAP MARKER WC 2' E #17619 i INDICATES CHAINLINK FENCE 1 \ 1 — 4 63.0' -- _ _ 264 _ 4. _ 5 _ 3'_ _ - --fl - - — - — C 114 CDR SEC 21 W 114 CDR SEC 2 - 1 J S. LINE NW 114 SEC 21 B.M. EL= 5404.09' (SEE NOTE 5) PE & y �� ¢ gELL ig ��� 1,5 B19 W 1 ut Wto- ,/ I I . 1 U , Ali 1'armace Tombimm, R'LEIP7 ND:CDB@08504 t � HeiPh-bOT- Mte ZONE ' DAYMENT RECEIVED A 5252 0-0. ci TOTAL IYO'N • • • I V� zi Is m 0 0 w cyi 4 6 (6 rl: AT BROADBAND OF # RAD BANKOVICH BARBAR C OMCAST CENTER 4505 ROB 32ND FLOOR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 PHILADELPHIA PA 19103 O # # ' # 111 80 44 i + " MA # # CUMMINGS JOHN 11 400 # } P i ! '# # a ## i � # FIGHTMASTER HERBERT H 2313 S YANK ST L AKEWOOD C +# i # ► A LLEN 44 H RA YMOND 11 440 # 4 5TH PL HO RTON i 11 / P l. + ' # # «## 11 600 44 i WHE AT # CO '## M i " + 639 # RA # # RA # i 11 401 W 45TH ! FIGHTMASTER HERBERT H FIGHTMASTER GLENDENE H FIGHTMASTER MICHAEL L PERSONAL REPRESENT 2313 S YANK ST LAKEWOOD CO 80228 H M 11301 W I A VE H SH 11421 W 1 ! I �`# + # « "4 I S OGD ST DENVER CO 80120 W R I D GE ; i # 800 NELS WILLI NELS N i 11 I P l. + " # # s # # i i • # ffRA } # ! a 11 460 W 44TH AVE I WHEAT RIDGE # :## CITY OF i RID 75 00 W 29TH A i # # :# FE SAMARCHAK x 14 690 IRVING ST x REPRESENTA FIGHTMASTER N ANC Y WHE 3915 GARRISON ST ! '1# lI i. # JU K 11 470 / ! JEF FERSO N # # # # ," # # " NIE ' # # " 11 430 W 4 5TH PL, SE SUS " 1141 4 5TH PL + # # «# # SHIRLEY B MINSHALLTRUSTT SHOEMAKER GARY A TURGEON .TAMES R MINSHALL JOHN A 6435 W 82ND DR 4520 SI MS CT MINSHALL RICHARD G ARVADA CO 80003 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 2517 TAFT CT LAKEWOOD CO 80215 WALKER STEPHEN D WIEDRICH JONATHAN WILLIAMS DOUGLAS G PECK IRENE E 4690 UPHAM ST WILLIAMS REBECCA. L 2865 WEST HOLLOW DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 13394 BRAUN RD HOUSTON TX 77082 GOLDEN CO 80401 + !• yy + •• to GOLDEN i '� BRA 804 R C O F 'K CARE • FIANCE D EPT M AVE NORW 68 51 RESI CURRENT A 11641 W 44TH AVE VACANTbkND VA T WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT'kIDGE CO 80033 0", CURRENT R ENT /TENANT CURRENT XRES f ANT CURRENT RESIDEi ENANT 4455 SI S ST AVE 11470 ,-4. 5TH "PL WH T RIDGE C O 80033 V RIDGE CO 80033 id fEA7 RIDGE CO 80033 , CURRENT RESIDFNT/fENANT CURRENT RESID Nl /fENANT CURRENT RESIDENT /TENANT 11440 W 4 TI' PL 12422 W 4STH'PL 11450 W 45TH PL WHEAT-it IDGE Co 80033 WHEAT" IDGE Co 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT /TENANT CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT CURRENT DENT /TENANT 12441 W „ PL 11420 W 45TH PL VACA LAND WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 0 CU • A M r RESIDENT/TENANT D A CURR R ESI D ENT/TEN A NT 11680 W 44TH AVE 11690 W 44TH AVE 11661 W 44TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT CURRENT RENT/TENANT CURRENT RESI ' T/TENANT 11460 W 45TH PL 22462 STH PL 22430 W H PL WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WH T RIDGE CO 80033 WHE RIDGE C O 80033 CURRENT RESI T /TENANT CURRENT RESI T/TENANT CURRENT RESID T /TENANT 11402 W H PL 11460 W , H AVE 12410 W 4 PL A� WH T'`RIDGE CO 80033 WHE RIDGE CO 801033 WHEA ,, RIDGE CO 80033 z UR ENT R CSIDEN T / T EN AN T R ESIDENT/TEN AN T CU R ESIDENT/TEN A NT WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CURRENT RESIDENT/TENANT CURRENT RESIDENTITENANT CURRENT RESIDENT/TENAl ' i s' ST 11 W 44 TH k 11 571 k A VE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 # # R * ` i 114 44T A VE WHEAT RIDGE CO 3S I nforntatio rt tt Kekakilita'lion Colorado 501, (c)(3) Non-Profit Corporation of Denver P.O. Box 101133 Denver, CO 80250 Wild B.I.R,D. is requesting aspecial use ermit for property ated at 480 W 44' Ave ------- p r ( rt loc W. ' & nue , A neighborhood meeting will be held on at the City of Wheat Ridge Munici al I3uildin 7t }0 W. 29` { ' Avenue Wheat Rid e CC? in the second floor conference room. The reason for the special use permit is to allow The City of Wheat Ridge has adopted a requirement that prior to any application for a special use permit an applicant must notify all residents and property owners within 600 feet and invite them to a Neighborhood Input Meeting, The purpose of this meeting is to allow the applicant to present his proposal to the neighborhood and to give the neighborhood a forum to express their concerns, issues and desires, A Staff Planner will attend the meeting to discuss City policies and regulations and the process involved, however, the Planner will remain impartial regarding viability of the project. Keep in mind that this is not a public hearing. Although a synopsis of the meeting will be entered as testimony, it is the public hearing in front of the Community Development Director andYor City Council where decisions are rendered. If you want input in the decision-making process, it is imperative that you submit written comment or attend a public hearing. The kinds of concerns residents normally have include the following: • Is the proposal compatible with surrounding land uses and zoning? • Are there, adequate utilities and services in place or proposed to serve the project? • What is the impact on our streets? • How will this proposal affect my property? • Where will the storm drainage go? • How will the project be designed to enhance rather than detract from the neighborhood? • What specific changes can be made in the proposal to make it more acceptable to me? If you have any questions, please call the Planning Division at: (303) 235-2846. If you are unable to attend the meeting, you may mail comments or concerns to: City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Department 7500 West 29"' Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Wild Bird 11480 W. 44th Ave Wheat Ridge CO 80033 New Building Flights 388.41' TN 44th Street T 30' Fence 62' 1 8' T 30' 20' 133' 25' T 5' 20' 55' 1 116.42' Zoning Map sYn t �T 1 4 WIWI— Agricultural -One (A -1) zoning requires a Special Use Permit (SUP) for a veterinary related uses. Aerial 11480 W. 44th Avenue • Wild B.I.R.D. City of W hea j� e COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Standard Schedule What is a Special Use? Step 1: Pre - application Meeting Special uses are discretionary uses which, if properly designed, developed, operated, and maintained may be approved in a zone district where the special use is Step 2: permitted. The primary issues to be addressed are those Neighborhood Meeting related to the justification of need and special design, as well as operational considerations which mitigate the potential detrimental impacts on surrounding land uses, Step 3: the street system, and public services or facilities. A Submit Complete Application special use permit can be granted administratively by the Community Development Director or by City Council. Step 4: Special use approvals can be vested with the land in Staff Review, Referral perpetuity, can be granted only to the applicant, or can be (Typically 15 days) for a specific period of time. Obtaining a special use approval can take as little as two months or as long as Step 5: four months depending on the nature of the request and Comments to Applicant whether an administrative approval occurs. Special Use Permit Criteria Changes Necessary? Before a special use permit is approved, the applicant will demonstrate that the following criteria have been met: — Yes F N. • Will not have a detrimental effect upon the general health, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood. • Will not create or contribute to blight in the neighborhood by virtue of physical or operational characteristics. • Will not create adverse impacts greater than allowed under existing zoning for the property. • Will not result in undue traffic congestion or traffic hazards, or unsafe parking, loading, service or internal traffic conflicts to the detriment of persons whether on or off the site. • Is appropriately designed, including setbacks, heights, parking, bulk, buffering, screening and landscaping, so as to be in harmony and compatible with the character of the surrounding areas and neighborhood, especially with adjacent properties. • Will not overburden the capacities of the existing streets, utilities, parks, schools and other public facilities and services. • There is a history of compliance by the applicant and/ or property owner with Code requirements and prior conditions, if any, regarding the subject property. • Will be in compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the Architectural and Site Design Manual. Step 6: 10 day noticing Approved I I Denied Community Development Department • 303 - 235 -2846 - www.ci.wheatridge.co.us i 0 M -is OsOb L b -10-swwls- CD r � :+ Q �r Q r r t r r _O � a P r r C r r IS-No adt CITY y qqT .4 01/1 d dl q cQ C qy m= Gay S yi .... dy - } ® It y « dim W 4K A, F� Meeting Date: January 24, 2013 Applicant: Wild B.I.R.D. Attendees: Kim Johnson Specific Site Location: 11480 W. 44 ` x ' Avenue Existing Zoning: Agricultural-One (A- I ) Existing Comp. Plan: Neighborhood Commercial Corridor used on Jefferson County Assessor records, the subject parcel is just over an acre in size at 44,213 square feet. The property was originally a part of the landholding of James Baugh, an early settler in the Clear Creek Valley. A farmhouse was located on the property until 201 when a mature tree fell through the home and it had to be removed, The original ba► is located in the southeast comer of the property. The remainder of the lot is vacant. N The applicant inquired regarding an access drive to from the parking lot to the barn. If this drive is not publicly accessible, it may be permissible to pave it with recycled asphalt (commonly referred to as RAP). Please see section 26-502 (attached) for the minimum size of plants and other materials. Setback-s and Develoj,)ment Slandw Section 26-213 establishes minimum development standards for the A- I zone district. The following is a summary of those requirements: Agricultural -one ura Maximum Height j(A-I�) DeveiiopinenitiStandiardsiij Maximum Building Coverage Setbacks orth 30 feet minimum South 15 feet minimum East 15 feet minimum Please note that maximum height is measured from the average elevation of the finished grade of the building to either: a) the highest point of the roof surface for a flat roof, or b) to the deck line of a mansard roof, or c) to the mean height level between eaves and ridge for a gable, hip, gambrel or other roof. Total building coverage would include the footprints of the new enclosed building and the existing barn. This calculation would not include the flight cages for which the floor is bare ground with no foundation. Architectural and Site Desi M i Manual The Architectural and Site Design Manual (ASDM) does not apply to new development in agricultural zone districts. There are no architectural standards for the proposed buildings. The applicant expressed interest in locating the primary entrance on the west side of the building. This is permitted; because the ASDM does not apply. the primary entrance on the building is not required the face north. Historic Barn The barn on the south side of the property was granted local historical designation in 1998 (per Case No. WHL-98-01). The barn is referred to as the Joy Williams Barn, and it is located on property that was once owned by James Baugh, an early settler in the Clear Creek Valley. Article IX of the zoning code addresses preservation of historic landmarks. Routine maintenance of historic landmark is permitted so long as the proposed work does not adversely affect the character or special historical and architectural nature of the building. Extensive alteration of the barn or removal of the historic designation would require an application process. Ulditv Providers The pity of Wheat Ridge is not a full-service city. include: The utility and service providers for this property * Valley Water, phone: 303-424-9661 S • Fruitdale Sanitation, phone: 303-424-5476 • Arvada Fire, District, phone: 303-424-3012 All land use applications will be sent on referral to these agencies for comment; however staff encourages potential applicants to contact service districts ahead of time. This may help to understand any design or infrastructure requirements and potential costs associated with the proposed project. Building Division comments: The building division was not present at the meeting. There is a well on the subject property. If the applicant can provide evidence that the water is potable and has sufficient flow for the number of fixtures on the property, then the well may be used as the primary water source and a water tap will not be required. The City has adopted and currently enforces the 2006 Edition of the International Codes and the 2005 Edition of the National Electrical Code. The City uses the 2003-A 117.1 ANSI Standard in determining requirements related to building accessibility. The proposed structure will need be handicapped accessible, including the entrance and hallways. Please contact Chief Building Official John Schumacher for any additional questions related to building codes or required submittals for building permits. He can be reached at 303-235-2853 or ischumacher," ci.wheatridee.co.us. Public Works comments: Public Works was present and the following items were discussed based on the applicant's proposal: ,SIreetscalle Landscaping along the W, 44' Avenue frontage is dictated by the City's &ree1scqpe Des•gn Manual. In order to promote high-quality, multi-modal streets throughout Wheat Ridge this manual establishes design standards for the City's commercial corridors. New development along collector and arterial streets requires installation of public improvements. The standard street section for the W. 44' Avenue is a 6-foot detached sidewalk and 6-foot amenity zone or tree lawn. Because the frontage along the street is so narrow, the applicant is given the option to pay a fee instead of construct the improvements. 'Phis fee is estimated by the Public Works Department based on an estimated lot width. The fee is $5,510.19 and would be due at the time the building permit is issued. A breakdown of cost is attached, it may be modified if the site survey indicates a different frontage width. Alternatively, tile applicant could install the new sidewalk and tree lawn based on the standards outlined in the, 'treetscapv De•igm XkmuaL The entire Sireetscal)e Design Minual is available for download from the City's website, and standards for W. 44 Avenue are , discussed on pages 15-16: htt. 1 /ssF F.ci,w= catrids,,)e.co.us/DocutticutCenter,/floine/View`/2742 m City Council will approve, approve with conditions, oi den y the project based on the testimonies given by staff. applicant, and the public. Attachments: Public improvement cost estimate; landscape code section 26-502 Phone Numbers N Lauren Mikulak From: Tomlinson, Candace <Candace.Tomlinson@flightsafety,com> Sent: Friday, January 04, 2013 4:16 PM To: Lauren Mikulak Subject: RE: Request for pre-application meeting on 11480 W. 44th Avenue Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged From: Lauren Mikulak mailto:ImikuIakftci.wheatrLd �eco.us] Sent: Friday, January 04, 2013 2:43 PM To: Tomlinson, Candace Subject: RE: Request for pre-application meeting on 11480 W. 44th Avenue The earliest available pre-application date is Thursday, January 24 at either 200 or 3:00pm, I do still have the narrative that you had sent in November. The only outstanding item would be the $200 fee which I don't believe was paid last time, You can either mail a check • pay with a credit card in our offices, If you have any information on the types of buildings you would be interested in constructing—size, locations, building style—a written description or a conceptual site plan would be helpful, If not, we can discuss general requirements at the pre-app. A site plan will eventually be required as part of the special use permit application. VUH 1,11MILIMIM i I I M111WHIMM I EM Lauren E. Mikulak — Planner I OffiGe Phone: 303-235-2845 Sent: Friday, January 04, 2013 2 33 PM To* Lauren Mikulak Su�iiect: Request for pre-application meeting • 11480 W. 44th Avenui I-01111-Ul' '0#71,17, 1 - ar concerning a special use permit tor the property (mostly vacant at this time) at 11480 W. 44 Ave. Our special use was a wild bird rehabilitation center (classified under dog kennels, veterinary clinics, etc.) under A-1 property, I had to cancel the scheduled pre-application meeting due to financial issues concerning our possible purchase of the property. We are now ready to start up the special use application process again. When can a pre-application meeting be schedule? I had previously sent you the information/narrative for the Wild BIRD pre-application meeting, but I can resend it again if needed. Candace Tomlinson Lauren Mikulak From: Margaret Paget Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2012 1244 PM To: Lauren Mikulak Subject: Bird answers of sorts Follow • Flag: Follow up Mag Status: Flagged Interesting, no major problems however some more specific will be needed as far a operational procedures... Concerns would be that they are not released on to the Greenbelt repeatedly possibly stipulating that they be re- released back from where they came. And the birds with diseases are properly quarantined and are also not released locally I'm sure there should be a some written guidelines for operating facilities of this nature and possibly they are regulated by the State? I'd need to do some research. TIMM- m would need to be addressed. smmg#*� Mat- area Paget Forestry and Open Space Supervisor Office Phone: 303-205-7554 City of �� 0I WhmatR*gg PAUWKS AND KtcRcmaoN From: Lauren Mikulak Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 11:46 AM To: Margaret Paget Subject: Bird question LTZ= Good morning! Quick question for you. I have been in touch with a woman from the Wild Bird Rehab httD://wildbirdrehab.com) who is looking for a new property for the business. They are interested in the site at 11480 W W Avenue (the property where the tree had fallen through the house), It is zoned Agricultural-One (A-1) so this use would require a special use permit (SUP) which I think our staff would support especially given that there is a dog kennel next door, Given the proximity to the park, Prospect Lake, and possible wild bird populations, I wanted to see if you had any comments. It's my understanding that the organization takes in and cares for a whole range of birds (pelicans, hummingbirds, ducks, geese, songbirds, etc) but not and hawks or #wls Lauren Mikulak From: Tomlinson, Candace <Candace,Tomlinson@flightsafety,com> Sent: Friday, October 19, 2012 1:42 PM To: Lauren Mikulak Subject: Narrative for Wild Bird Pre-application meeting Per our rewest, here ii t ir 1, 7,, L Al I RP ME: ''Iffl! I 1 1 1 1 Mpg I 111� III I � I I I AMM, MEMPA Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2012 3:00 PM To: Tomlinson, Candace Subject: 11480 W. 44th Ave y tines. I am attaciiing a parcel map from the Assessor which includes approximate property line dimensions (highlighted). Presumably these dimensions are obtained from recorded deeds. I also have two aerial images for you that are scaled. If printed on 11x17 paper at 100% (actual size), the scale is I"= 40' orl"=30'respectively. You'll notice that the aerials are old it still shows the former home with the tree that fell on it. I'm going to send these two aerials in subsequent emails because I think I recall you saying your email has a size limit on attachments. R Original Narrative (Nov 2012) We are applying for a special use permit for the property at 11480 W. 44 1h Ave. Wheat Ridge CO 80033. Additional Information (Jan 2013) As far as buildings are concerned, we are looking at using mobile office/construction trailers at this point. We just don't have enough time to design and build a permanent structure, get utilities installe move, and be ready to start operations in April. I will be checking with zoning on what needs to be do in this regard. But we can certainly come up with a site plan that shows where we would place the mobile office trailers and our outdoor flight cages. Note: The applicant has been made aware that temporary buildings are only permitted through a TUP and onlyfor a period up to one year, This will need to be discussed at the pre-app in addition to the SUP requiredfor the use.