HomeMy WebLinkAboutWCP-13-01r � �I► � wr r 1t �, LEGAL DESCRIPTION' BEING A PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF A tract of vArd hes,ag tha.e iraG� of told rs:orc`ed at ReCaptfen Na. 213U8J369E6, PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN t CITY OF WHEAT Reception Nn. 200INT36968, Reception No, 2009D24759, Reception No, 20090,33768" and a portion of Lots 3 drat Lot 4, Tlme Sywore Subdic aiun in 'Era €.4 #y of Wftseat Ridge, dwifcrsoh Co ty terodo as racvr;lad ua er Reception No. 82081495 of the reroi of sa josonsan C o. ty. ioc.laai in Q port a of the West huff of t re Northeast quads, of ' r the , o t t rwASt x.att r of 1x t C the 5aui.rseo.,t uarten (WI/2 N 4 NW I/ R 2 e1 3 4 SEi 4 old the R { f j' f } a East hUi'f of the Northw ct f e, ut}etef of the tdoNhrrest oar .r h ct to a the Southeast ter q 4 ure (Ef /2 h4vi`4 Ni Sfa /4) of `"axxctscn 23, Township 3 Sr,wth, Range Gg West of the Eth .M., P Jeffensor, Cmody, Stoorada, being meta pahi,party descho d as fotoes: COMMENCING sit the Northeast..;:oraer of the Southeast q.Vatic, (SEI/4) of said S*etion 23; thence S 55 "44 2t1 E a distan of 1165.08 8 fact to the TRUE POINT U£ C7 CP t#eC`E Nh,NG at the : t , o h n arsett a of t ticauth &na f h North a t , ggap{ of the Northwest Yonci of the Southeast quarter Yoe /2 p i/A SFt /4) eAh the West light-01i ions of the fifty (50) feet tick, 'aphsrn Street: Notate `4 4 # y :",89 ' " o S V tban sand 5+.auth ;;axe, a di,tdocy of 032_,34 fast to t,.t wouthwast c.,he, of send Et /2 Ne i a in f+i SET /4. thssea N i7CT17'Q6 °w on the Wasp I ' a of said E1 /z ii Ni sr 4f4 ol tn.• Wei s,". of Vast Lot 3, a distance of 424 69 feet to the West grad of the od d Vat titre R descrivad at Reception Na 4 , f +'h P O 6f}'62 n the r Tear its of said Jroffw. swats Ca,unty, thence N89'41 34 E an said cirdosfed Lot line, a cf to rre of 291,05 feet to c Font ihidY- -sham and and -half (37 50) feet West of the East One at sold ',at 3 And Lot. 4 as n?easuract perpe. d c,00r thereto, annce NOO`1£ 59'"W parcttct to sold Beer fare" a esta es, of S83.82 feat to o sand fifty. -fete and one --half (52.50) feet Santis of the North ties of the Satstheact rtuartar (SD IM of said Seat'ian 23 tss vseo tired perTsendic.tor theretci thence SB9 "41'34 "W polsOm to said North Rii a adishorme of 290,99 feet to the West file of acid Lot 4; thence NOVI F OU "W on said West i-, a chstoncw of 1400 feet to The Saath right -of- oy 4- of 44th Arenas and of proof which is thirty- .a,aght old one °Hatt (35,50) feet South of said North 5rte as m €awned parpersomoor therein; th<enpe N8741 34 E pmafiei eAh said North rase and on serif Sawa 69ht- -of - -way Pne, a dietancm of 328,49 feet to the Northeast corner of sai (Tut A: thence 500'41'59 "E can the Feet dine of said Lot A a dhOcince of 6.50 feed to thee Soo. h'i rather of the react of land demc 4Cxed at Reception No. 87085220 of the ;pools. of said Jefferson Caorabo the fou—ing thnot (3) Causes are on the So'navly fin. of said tract of Sarii thence:. 1.) N89'45 "F a distance of 20,00 facet: 2.) +442'4+4`15 "E at ddstonce of 19.16 fact:. S,) NESE41',34 "E, a dlstionn, of 504.00 tenet to the Southeast carrier of said treat of hard; thence N170 "74'59 "W on In, East line of sails tract of fond, a dealer. of 3.00 feet to the Goats haaht -af- -way hone of 44th Anyhow ar,,a a paint vaAoh is iti (SOf do) feet 5ctath of Nth th tine of sadd SE1 /4 as tied ... ed perpevndVUtfaktr thereto; #henna NB9 "E paualoil with said North Piece end on said Soar right- -> "f-way tine. a d.xtahcca of 240.44 feet to ooId West right- -of --way one of Upham s #nett N Enact SO012 "O# E an said West rNbA of -..way ihw, a Ljohcancs of 631.05 lets' to foe TRUE PONT OF BEGINNING and c'le ;hlot ?,852 oars (342,034 sears, fee!) of Lane, roo, fbP +mss, SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO k _ t a t a BASIS OF BEARINGS- a313.92' N89 "41`34 "E 2627.84' tats.9x' tis6.e6' 6561 .ac 2s T'OTA, COT AREA "- 7352 ACRES (1+€2.034 4,P.) [. o r '+kS 14 � 1 2 Z .� '; � .9 *a � rwwv nv.. rawvs» S UE PAN p CONFORM! TO MU -C PRITERnA � c•s,a.yu €EtALDiNGS AFF, AsSIMFATIEtk TO FRONT VANCE ST, I ........., ... int "ae'2a "E% 2 a "451 439 t 165.08 928.5 NN @'40 13ia.6E Mal 3 Wi, ra SIT V , sc 1• i fii za ,'GS' P w,€t.Fi... ast¢,aa' S wb OF THE WHEAT RIDGE: CODE Ltd LAWs,. L#'v'.HTtli x I f F t 4 CtX` tC S x ae wr � swt ws,aa seep,, sraN. S t %12 =2" s4iq"£ M o M c ,F m w w T V xumaaxr r R a�s.ae i i sx pa o ^saw ax 131tre " _WES1� 38 #!1 _AVENt1E.._._. 263514" 5E; pgfY . 4tu. 2D^m"`" �aNKY.� ?wBUII k O .• S V ART E RR H.. phdraryd by: Joel L Shiley Pty 119586 June 2'F, 3051 FLOOD PLAIN CERTIFICATION, THIS PROPERTY DOES NOT tfE WITHIN A FLOOD PLAN AREA, SAID PROPERTY €S IN ZONE X, PER r "ield MAP Na, 08059CO214 F. DATED JUNE 17, 2003 BY THE FEDERAL OTEHRGtt4CY VAt AGEMENT AGENCY, EASEMENT AND RIGHT -OF -WAY DEDICATIONS. Rtu ry G,RE{7 M1SEMftvT AND R HF -. f`aWAY n s ^A `. E D tG. t3 M:fttCATSC}N$ REP "ESAe ".h'T£Ci f#Enf:;N rv`,.E Alt. t,l.R. TE➢ 7t} BE COfNNE"ED BY €?'Gl ". AREA OF DEVELOPMENT, T'OTA, COT AREA "- 7352 ACRES (1+€2.034 4,P.) [. o r '+kS 14 atTF MAN TO CGNV RM TO MU -C CRllER;A � .9 *a � rwwv nv.. rawvs» S UE PAN p CONFORM! TO MU -C PRITERnA � c•s,a.yu €EtALDiNGS AFF, AsSIMFATIEtk TO FRONT VANCE ST, I ........., ... AND BE fN CONFORNARCE TO THE l -6 DESIGN CRUERtA, nj WHCH EaaCURAGE`}" RfAtD {NGS T6 BE FAALED CLOSE TO 2 M � " c iF a.:SYACxa In =a VIT PLAN PROCESS., 5f �pp aC S` NA.GEt ast¢,aa' S t %12 =2" s4iq"£ M o M c ,F m w w T V xumaaxr r R a�s.ae i i sx pa o ^saw ax 131tre " _WES1� 38 #!1 _AVENt1E.._._. 263514" 5E; pgfY . 4tu. 2D^m"`" �aNKY.� ?wBUII k O .• S V ART E RR H.. phdraryd by: Joel L Shiley Pty 119586 June 2'F, 3051 FLOOD PLAIN CERTIFICATION, THIS PROPERTY DOES NOT tfE WITHIN A FLOOD PLAN AREA, SAID PROPERTY €S IN ZONE X, PER r "ield MAP Na, 08059CO214 F. DATED JUNE 17, 2003 BY THE FEDERAL OTEHRGtt4CY VAt AGEMENT AGENCY, EASEMENT AND RIGHT -OF -WAY DEDICATIONS. Rtu ry G,RE{7 M1SEMftvT AND R HF -. f`aWAY n s ^A `. E D tG. t3 M:fttCATSC}N$ REP "ESAe ".h'T£Ci f#Enf:;N rv`,.E Alt. t,l.R. TE➢ 7t} BE COfNNE"ED BY €?'Gl ". AREA OF DEVELOPMENT, T'OTA, COT AREA "- 7352 ACRES (1+€2.034 4,P.) BRANUM BUt GfNO AND HARpSCo1i'$' COVERAGE: atTF MAN TO CGNV RM TO MU -C CRllER;A A#RYU4t At Blot biro: HEIGHT S UE PAN p CONFORM! TO MU -C PRITERnA BUR OPOL, ORIEFiTATION, €EtALDiNGS AFF, AsSIMFATIEtk TO FRONT VANCE ST, I ........., ... AND BE fN CONFORNARCE TO THE l -6 DESIGN CRUERtA, 60% 90% WHCH EaaCURAGE`}" RfAtD {NGS T6 BE FAALED CLOSE TO 2 THE STREET, Ill PAR1C;NG BEHIND ..... _....... ,_..._.. 80R ,^ 9L'K FINAL WILDING CONFOUe2ATION TO BE fDETl7itrE'6 NUR1N1a 3 VIT PLAN PROCESS., FENCINIC Al Ft'Ml",tt3G SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WIN SECTIN 26 - 603 OF IOE WHEAT Ri(SE". CODE OF LAWS, S` NA.GEt ALL SiCiNAGS SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE Will ARTICLE S wb OF THE WHEAT RIDGE: CODE Ltd LAWs,. L#'v'.HTtli ALL EXPERETA LIGHTING SiVii BE tN CGNs"u"RIAINSE WITH SECTION 26 -503 Or iFiE WHEAT RIDGE GOP[ OF LAWO LANDSCAPING: LANOSCAPINr SOVit.. SE PgOODlt7 IN ,ACCORDANCE W#tN fill - TONE CRITERIA IN ROTATION 10 THE OPEN SPACE REQUIREMENTS BETOOK S7E:.. THE MAXIMUM PERfMETE'.R OF THE FIFTY BLACK COLHANING LOi5 SYM I AND 2 SHALL NOT EXCEED 4700 FFE ;T LOT Q USE ANT',folVEiD R NODS: 3 /ti _..,. 2 TYRE,'- <U$AtRT'TA€. I ........., ... RETAIL 60% 90% INCLUDES CE f6N ON 14ATER t?ffAf.ISY FAC tT 2 FAMILY'.... r{ RE.xtt,:.fVT ..... _....... ,_..._.. 80R ,^ 9L'K _...__._.....,_.. -.... ....._,.._,. N/A N r 3 M;tiED USE GO AtERCfAIC' OFFICE 8CYL — 95% Nf.A Q - 11 UNCC ICaS+tiA 'x CALL t -6DO rF0`2 -398 ?. 2- 814ONESS DAYS el ADVANCE BEFORE YOU DID, CRAM£ OR EXCAVATE FOR MARK INS OF UNDERGROUND LIENDER EMITTED WESTON SOLU . AC ASSUFAFS NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR 00Y LOCATIONS. THE SfrOFES SHCAN ON THIS DRAVANG 'AVE: BEEN PLOTTED FROM THE BEST AVAILABLE INFORMATON, FT t5, HOWEVER, THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIOUTY TO FIELD FERRY THE IOCATON OE ALL UfUYES ARM TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF AN{ CONSIRUCHON: h f hi n t i >.n 7. n e t . e s ins for e aeus f w# a ca rcpt ion app tai a star p "ovisa a ge e a. de,vntnD+nar t os t o e rbdevekopanent of ex 5trn) ate if ti ass car.'rznttp armed by Renewal Wil Sidi The n es :rest# aska, Le to be a pr.dt,,Pinn r, y Raw caster- ptorio sq via and cacalockil sti,hsbs to the local cumouraity. P. .,so so$ nacre #fy rezoned to Arai use - C,offorroocd (Mil -G}. The diralllishent Is plaeoed to n we forward in a eronrav t hat is consr4 e ,t with that vaId fished vInsta.. Devel mint w11 oro r ,n ¢ ce the indeidnet late nrcoted in co jaK6uh wPh this wro t and a uex. a e e'W sob , .nt sl,bd'vow +an see said old dercfia ed mdm ndent sn ciao {a ena+x:e n drib the City s ,its P N 'r3 P P y Y pry ss. Adjacent IsAcr_ shekf5 (V#. 44th Avenue to the raRR vrrd Lpaaaitt St. to the Past) one PL—fal to be h apvro ed to cuhent standards with ..Wily zones and detached sdewaips. Uasiong aues^liatg of the ovartrhod affil fines so throw putatic sieved fsaatagoo is ca'aroly Planned to form by Wheat €lift;, Pasha Words, Dina s, regarlLing the lost can€"gu atop of the Identfoof Tats ao, LoGeno.gtty anneod from Los Commit Psax in the interest at providing fiexbiry in future use and design. Reg0to of the f,ex. de as rekhod to aC &QSY doors e, open space and .amsng are adah'ssmd in gsnemt hi, DRAINAGE CONSIDERATIONS: A Final Doe"aga Psi x019 be prodded in contdectihe with tea petered Sass +Sean App#cat[an. Ratio ne, and Watts Do icy repuirem,nts for Lot 1, Lot 2, not most of Curt 3 et be accoarnoatit I, o Regirm+at F,op y that wW be aonVinuaEed on the mantas option of tot 1. The faca.ty spitted an Lot 1 may be a, onderground facRity ;s aides to msaslenlze deonaprbka area. A fade #tan of Lot 3, opPraximatiely 0.54 - an the eexte €e edge, ai1H not be raga =red to drain to the Rag.anal F=OW and Witt be dewed to TA. sarfh to 441h Arenas Per the helo€k Lethal- Pno Cmat design tar storm tmet detanoon, arai watssx oli fur lot 3 wit nerd to comity .;In the F of Noodles R"I And a s bRest to approvns by tide tlepmene,l of Futp W.0s. Air dhloge hopot — ,enff wits be deViesped in oanjanetlae watt Urban Chaan els g.rdohsce. OPEN SPACE CONCEPTS. Go- spate tent As Consented from an 099regafa pefspeet+va for the taps de'+nionrand usexi open sex. .fit rsont of a rVohrum fMr ragrslinnelb, Loops n the tGO-C ¢one dDhict. To Nip moot these reqeoreenots, it is ont,abpated open some ant be provided be fokena • Cart t -- fost tried Room spare osdoaaated with the Atha tee area of the started datevrtian „erall fording. • tot 2 °$fit pia " de For an oppaouanate 0,11 Acre parkjacholunity garden area • tot, 3 - AI C pmwi e for a park ;niece or p€ai of app a ;maRRY U T5 otn* whHCh mil! be ,hie,, robot apprraN Choy bosrd ads the rot ofeeNfied use of the ins at the t ", of AS domirphri This Often sf.'aCe ,nit be not -Colegolus and of high -qua ty assign and solve As icy fln th and focal point for the antoe dnofopsnent area - ietese ,pan done Area, are pro sided in add ii to *pan npvto toast is denripped irowenfo , xAh the use of traders desrga prisOpies in mxaW ass it"Vir mmoss, TRAFFIC CIRCULATION. FAne, cshotopenod Mrsad aanotot the stood onslok Tanionsy in a And f As.n 11 pedest an --fr 1mi ,tqn, :nchrcfioq Lidata #k& ands. am s1 #y' eor¢a*s on off suuw tttrftts. irvisone teal 6n,Notiar rIli Lionel occur is the Vance St exta»ss"e, atuff, W its existin orgroneet at W, 44% Are. A 9'aFfic signal may be co',a usted as part of the lino can €o iv, ioa at thv subdivaish at the Vence SCUe. 441h Are. intassesh". On time south edge of the development, W. Card Ave. wdif pt constructed to gvovhte dtrc:A 'Ve'sx befwean vance St, and upham St. East west access bet."If the let East, #sat sail Varga St, wed to, encoaraged with the final configuration of tot 3 nrihou.gh nomad Wog. opteans of tPrslt x130 oth. fer f hnnbilidr I h4u nt, situ polls far #hot hit, 'rho uistiag abithlsauth access en the wentor edge of tit 3 veil Incen nostril unit it is integrated ep nc rk1ey with ft* that sAa face of tot rE A tropedry .camas pravdinq oef i+i ounertmnt ¢test lima# arms. Lot 3 tipf be provded to Ake o —ancLe teof'rc from the thook,paent is the costh access to Upham. St, The Phrase St, Right- f-we his been eohmsp d to the souatrn txaundcxp of the 4a,eiropr, i tar n l P x# n.t lh .. i n th pate .tat utu e e. e sun to #Pre scliut.. A so.at. Ana e tw ;sslan of Va cad at. ,ndfor ccxnsacf a to ... e existing a`ti~:mmasciat metes is hot pi rtrncd ii thus dasettan wi but 7s "a--aged far Ano€ future developosi to the south. POTENTIAL PHASING AND USES: D —ople, A on the site end toe imoVed based an the deshopmnnt at aceiduat lets" Site Plans Wsoffying the deveeopneat details of each tot w4h be pray 3rd by inshViduat users in rarnfaenneso, a ', In the City's estosro ed Valli Criteria, this Concept Flan, shot the Ili Site Plan prot:ess. Archipshrof etersoo, nod devmtopment of natw29aad lots are h ot intended to be re sewed as part of this Concept Pion. The 'harri at plaost sscAcued G,.oa ,a provided to stxaFe The o tn,epoted twtfx fareord mm futon, fwd z'te doloopment, EAt.. +` Ay`}9FC! %bR'"+tely Pt}.ii(}fI S5 of netPRl Not tbCne'ct5 fealty Yt t'40 F"fUXdiktt'y to txi)a$USq PJLtt leaf#iC oreler vabaty from W. 44th Aso, faaidles sterhooter quail pi ho the esvdWsan • look tiff be ttokoe- #parted. LA Zz Visth'•fpaaiy Nations Comm,x. Finding it be toefacm- psxr&e9. lairsd:s Even, s„rose es Ossified abo e. 12"; 3+ Mu`kr- fom.Yy plan pro} C¢sn:fatex. Appoll natety 6,600 sq, ft. ohnii. Paredag xill be our 'face. parked, I k'optie5 greets space as +stratified droop, m SITE- ?w e .1 t X • t THE SE LOW STN OWN, R Y LO G ED E S} Gft LEGALLY DESIGNATED A h: °: ( GC ( fHCRE tyF, DO HEREBY AGREE StiUd THE PROPERTY LEGALLY OCL"YaEti£D HEREON 'AA'lL BE DEVELOPED IN dtiCt:.OADAANC£ Wi THE FEST?kCTIONS AND COND OHS CONTAR40 Eft THIS PWd, AND AS MAY OT4EReoSE BE RECORED BY LAW, t (WE) F iFfall REEOrNHrE THAT THE APPROVAL OF THIS CONCEPT BEAN WE NOT CREATE A VESTED PROPERTY RSHT, 4ESR'D PROPERTY RIGHTS MAY ONLY ARSE AND ACCRUE PURSUANT 10 INE r OF SECTION 26 -121 OF THE WHEAT RiDi CODE or "LAWS. RICK C.. ADAMS _ — CHA3RMA.N OF AHEAT RIDGE CREAN RU,"E , 1. AVOLORDY STAi OF COLORADO COUNTY of 4FTERSON THE FOREGORO 14STRUALENT WAS AC:K14OWLEDGED BEFORE ME ot4S ---DAY OF ____ - „ AD. 2ON HY i4"ti4?ES$ My HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL, MY COMIaJS i t'.XMREis NO'tA,h'Y i'G�?d.VG _ CITY CERTIFICATION; APPROVED TYLS DAY Of _-„ , 2041 RY THE COY Of Vii R3. ATTEST; .._�...._._- s_.,.,_ -.... a, ..__...,...,. ._... ...._...__,...._......._.�..... CHPY Ct.k,RK h6AF "CSR STATE OF (LOLLIPOPS ) 5S COUNTY Of JEFFERSON ) t HCRE3Y CERTfY THAT IthS PLAN WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN. COLORADO, AT GAY Or ._„,,..� 2C7 *i A.D_ in 800K. F'A... T GC __. EtEC.EF ION ids.. . JEFFEFSCN S ;OLINtY CLERK AND RECORDER ARC, HiTECTt SM I SkS MTTAL. _ 3 /ti _..,. 2 TYRE,'- <U$AtRT'TA€. ,P ' €t. _ 3 RG"`S UIRAU RL /1t __ 4..,. RE .U8WTPL ,1, 4 j7/22/l ..._. S AENDMENT - �z 6 AM 1 - I l 12 SYM REVISI{' N TE DESIGNER PR0.... NM CEP 7/22 /19 PROJECT FfCE...�. wewarra. TOWN CENTER NORTH CONCEPT FLAN AMENDMENT 1 Vice- 11--01 ONTO FILE speade r4wnsee TOWN CENTER NORTH CONCEPT PLAN AMENDMENT 1 AS NOTED DISGIPUNE Sept. NO C...4 I j 2 uh a t Y' ZONE -PwwrD DEcnmlc" c__l LAK furun TRAFM 90m a C. I. ------------- .... . . V) =7_ &A, AM ZONE 1ST BANK A 4 STORY 2 II 11111 r F R , I F � . K '80 4350 ✓ 3 3 ADSWORTH BLVY CLP V) =7_ &A, EkSUNG ZONE 1ST BANK A 4 STORY 2 II 11111 r F R , I F � . K '80 4350 ✓ 3 3 ADSWORTH BLVY CLP ZONE hfu-C o I 9 4-Al p1m OF 'or VWT PUN 03 sxNrwr, 45x£55 BE r Kmw AWEMNIED C , u or EXfSTING AMICIS 51 0 RESTAURANT I__ _ I , '­ R70" Wkl (Tr) ZONE R--c W WDE CWWN ACCESS x+ Pr TO IV WK TRAW AND C­ I At StNkt Ilk _ I CASDAENT no & CL EXISTING COMMERCIAL 0 No "wA, DEVELOPMENT SCALE: V. -- --- -------- NW41'U'E SOW E, A LOT I PRml SON 60,615 &F, OR "=p YK wwo( € 1.39E At 2E "E l MOOD SF .1 ICIAL 11 APM �CANIAQW ZONE t' N J /*AMR L !r' van, J w ACCESS M"041 MEMEW S*" orRhmCw rAwao.— IT t - ---- ---- --- -- Am WAMACE WSWAALK EAWKNr 7� 4 SmvAlt LOW04 OF PROP WXTI- MAW hualn C%VkEx K WAA17 Asa az ACE P%XN -M CUM), 4 ' lz LOT 2 F 9 sx. OR 2_249 ACRES tt MUL ri- i AM LY HOUSiNG ZONE EAU - -C L _J Aw"X IM111M !f L ZONE A R.0 2 RE-SUfJWTAL S r 6p4pt 3 3 1 RE­SUSMTAL I- R E CLP 4 _ML�L %r VME17 VAWAW& 4 RE R--C 7/22/11 2, 5 AMENWENT 6 AMENDMENT I 2/1 Tz I C U REMMN - W/D ATF /S DEVANER PROJ, MCR. I R- -2 m z Z = 1 > c) 70NE zFaNE rz ZONE R-2 MY'WD tar twe rump'(Awwws 6 SMALK L zl' r 2 E , j oft 2 ("W 45V 6ji 6' W'"ALK OF Coro w worm CIIAN . .w motR/AmEum, POINT OF 0 SORE 11515, PAM 5W EXISTING RFSIDFNnAl mrrimmimt W" 14C6, PAGE M �11 ZONE R­2 FIRMS 62 Em Ir _96JEU TOWN CENTER NORTH CONCEPT PLAN AMENDMENT I . _W44 • W. 44TH AVE. i 11 ) 11 S J, Ab v L 2 RE-SUfJWTAL S r 6p4pt 3 3 1 RE­SUSMTAL I- R E CLP 4 _ML�L 4 RE L 7/22/11 2, 5 AMENWENT 6 AMENDMENT I 2/1 Tz sym REMMN - W/D ATF /S DEVANER PROJ, MCR. I Ir _96JEU TOWN CENTER NORTH CONCEPT PLAN AMENDMENT I . _W44 • W. 44TH AVE. i 11 ) 11 S J, Ab v Lauren Mikulak From: Lauren Mikulak Sent: Monday, May 20, 2013 1:48 PM To: nicholas,moore@westonsolutions.com Subject: Town Center North / WCP-13-01 20 The Town Center North Concept Plan Amendment I has been approved. Please submit a full-size copy on mylar for signatures and recording. city of J99"'Wh6at. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail contains business-confidential information, It is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, electronic storage or use of this communication is prohibited. If you received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail, attaching the original message, and delete the original message from your computer, and any network to which your computer is connected. Thank you, I TO: Lauren Mikulak, Planner 11 FROM: Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer DATE: May 16, 2013 SUBJECT: WCP- 13-01 /Town Center North Concept Plan Amendment I have completed my 2 " d review of the amended Concept Plan for 'fown Center North located at 7340 W. 44"' Avenue received on May 13, 2013 and I have the following comments: 1. All of the previous comments from Public Works have been addressed; the amended Concept Plan set is found to be approvable by Public Works. To Lauren- NVCP-B-01 Plan Submittal 2 _approval ltr.docx Lauren Mikulak Wip From: Moore, Nicholas <Nicholas.Moore@WestonSolutions,com> Sent: Monday, May 06, 2013 10:22 AM To: Tyler Downs Cc: Lauren Mikulak; Pierce, Cathy Subject: RE: Town Center North Concept Plan I= From: Tyler Downs [mailto:tdowns@wazeepartners.com] Sent: Monday, May 06, 2013 10:12 AM To: Moore, Nicholas Cc: Lauren Mikulak; Pierce, Cathy Subject: FW: Town Center North Concept Plan See below. Per the attached title commitment. tk((((( --4 .......... . U= From: Keely Downs [mailto:�K�Qgwns mow�hitex m] Sent: Monday, May 06, 2013 10:10 AM To: Tyler Downs; Chris Downs Subject: RE: Town Center North Concept Plan sm The 100 foot wide casement for common access and boundary crossing in the south west comer of the property was Exception 7 on the title commitment (Book 2213, Page 722). Per the attached commitment, it has been deleted, 11" you like, I can send you the information on how/why it was deleted. Let me know. mviff- TI I .77ins, i : was To ee a ners.co - Sent: Monday, May 06, 2013 9:40 AM To: Chris Downs Cc: Keely Downs Subject: FW: Town Center North Concept Plan See below. Do vou know if this wa�., t,*vpi fr*&-uIpA Utbia. m 2 Ltbjakjl Sent: Monday, May 06, 21 13 9:38 AM To: Tyler Downs; Lauren Mikulak Cc: Pierce, Cathy Subject: RE: Town Center North Concept Plan I think this is regarding the boundary crossing easement. I haven't ever heard if that was scrubbed out of the title search. The north/south easement that is still relevant is only 30' wide. Tyler, do you know if that boundary crossing easement was deemed expired or otherwise by the title compan I M From: Tyler Downs [mailtoftclownsOwazee artners-cOml Sent: Monday, May 06, 2013 9:33 AM To: Lauren Mikulak; Moore, Nicholas Cc: Pierce, Cathy Subject: RE: Town Center North Concept Plan Thanks Lauren. It looks like the 100' wide easement is referring to the wrong easement, The 100' easement is the north/south running easement on the western border of the property, not the general utility easement running east/west along the southern border, Sent: Monday, May 0• , 2013 8:55 AM To: Moore, Nicholas Cc: Tyler H. Downs; Pierce, Cathy Subject: RE: Town Center North Concept Plan Nick, Thanks for sending this over. The only item I have a question on is the same that Sarah asked in her letter dated January 29 regarding the 100' wide common access boundary at the southwest corner of Lot 3. She had asked if this agreement was still in place, and I noticed that the language remains on the concept plan you sent last week. The Wazee site plan shows garages being constructed in this area, and I want to ensure this does not create a conflict. Attached is a PDF copy of the revised concept plan. The referral comment letter requested three hard copies, one reduced 11x17 set and a CD that included PDF copies, I will plan to deliver those documents to you on Monday, please let me know your submittal requirements are any different. Sarah always liked to took at the PDF document prior to Ust cleck, if you happen to catch anything on the attachment you would like to see changed just let us Lauren Mikulak From: D Dave Brossman Sent: M Monday, May 06, 2013 11:29 AM To: L Lauren Mikulak Cc: S Steve Nguyen Subject: R RE: Question i t 111 * . . V W . 0 1 to # 0 0 Oh, and by the way I will be out of the office this week so if you need anything just e-mail me. Thanks! From: Lauren Mikulak Sent: Monday, May 06, 2013 10:54 AM To: Dave Brossman Subject: RE: Question I= I have since heard that the 100'wide agreement was deleted per the title commitment (item #7 on p. 8 attached), Lauren E. Mikulak Planner 11 Office Phone: 303-235-28.1 From; Lauren Mikulak Sent: Monda* To: Dave Brossman Subject: Question I , MW. Concept Plan, Sarah started the review of this case, so I'm trying to get caught up to speed, After the first review, she had noted that there is language regarding a "100' wide common access boundary crossing and right to use roadways agreement," and she had asked if this agreement is still in place, FWUM =## JLL- i 11; 11 ! i i R I � i 1 ; 11 1!: 1111110MM Lauren E. Mikulak NMI mszz• - From: Lauren Mikulak Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 11:28 AM To: Moore, Nicholas Subject: Town Center North Concept Plan 20 1111�g �1 KK City of atl W,h ]R e 0 � CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail contains business-confidential information, It is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above, If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, electronic storage or use of this communication is prohibited, If you received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail, attaching the original message, and delete the original message from your computer, and any network to which your computer is connected, Thank you, CONFIDENTIALITY: This email and attachments may contain information which is confidential and proprietary. Disclosure or use of any such confidential or proprietary information without the written permission of Weston Solutions, Inc. is strictly prohibited. If you received this email in error, please notify the sender by return e-mail and delete this email from your system, Thank you. •. TALI Attorney 3032927915 Moye White LLP Attorneys at Law 0 A L 0 to] 2 a IN FW musiol 0 to] = a wil ko 0 >I. J ■ BEING A PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A t f la be ing those tracts f la recorde at Reception No 2008436965, PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT troa a an is ng des ran s a an reco a P Reception No. 2008036968. Reception No. 2009024759, Reception No. 2009083768, and portion of Lots 3 and Lot 4, Time Square Subdivision in the City of Wheat Ridge, Jefferson County, Colorado as recorded under Reception No. 82081495 of the records of said Jefferson County, located in a portion of the West half of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter (W1/2 NEI/4 NW1/4 SE1/4) and the East half of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter (Et /2 NWI/4 NWI/4 SEA/4) of Section 23, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M., Jefferson County. Colorado, being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING et the Northwest corner of the Southeast quarter (SEA /4) of said Section 23; theme S55*44'20"E a distance of 1165,08 fact to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING at the intersection of the South line of the North half of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast rt quaer (NI/2 NW1/4 SEA /4) with the West right—f-way line of the fifty (50) fact wide Upham Street; thence 589'40'45 on said South line, a distance of 632.34 feet to the Southwest come, of s aid EI/2 NWI/4 NWI/4 SEI/4; thence NOO'11'00'W on the West line of s aid Et /2 NW 1 /4 NWI/4 SEl/4 and the West line of said Lot 3, a distance of 424.89 feet to the West end of the adjusted let line described at Reception No. F0460102 of the records of said Jefferson County; thence N89*41'34"E on said adjusted lot line, a distance of 291.05 feet to a point thirty -seven and one-half (37.50) feet West of the East line of said Lot 3 and Lot 4 os measured perpendicular thereto; theme NWII*59'W parallel to said East line, a distance of 183.82 feet to a point fifty-two and one-half (52.50) feet South of the North line of the Southeast quarter (SEI/4) of said Section 23 as measured perpendicular thereto; thence 588'41'34 "W parallel to said North line, a distance of 290,99 feet to the West line of s aid Lot 4; thence NGO'l 1'00'W an said West line, a distance of 14.00 feet to the South right-of—oy line of 44th Avenue and a point which is thirty-eight and one -half (38,50) feet South of said North line as measured perpendicular thereto; thence N89*41'34"E parallel with said North line and or sold South right-of-way line, 0 distance of 328.49 feet to the Northeast carrier of said Lot 4: thence SOOl 1'59 - E on the East line of said Let 4, . distance of 8.50 fast to the Southwest comer of the tract of land described at Reception No. 87085220 of the records of said Jefferson County, the following three (3) courses ore on the Southerly line of said tract of land; theme: 1.) N89*41'34"E . distance of 20.00 feet; 2.) N4Z44'15'E . distance of 19.16 feet; 3.) 1 a distance of 60.00 feet to the Southeast corner of said tract of land; thence N00*11'59°W on the East line of said tract of land, a distance of 3.00 feet to the South right-of-way line of 44th Avenue and a point which is thirty (30.00) feet South of North line of said SE1/4 as measured perpendicular thereto; thence N89'41*34"E parallel with said North line and on s aid South right -of -way line, is distance of 210.44 feet to said West right-of-way line of Upham Street; thence SOO'12'58E on said West right -of -way line. a distance of 63195 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 7.852 acres (342,034 square feet) of land, more or less. SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO LOCATION MAP SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 23 SCALE: 1"-400' Prepared by: John L Bailey PLS #19586 June 27, 2011 FLOOD PLAIN CERTIFICATION: THIS PROPERTY DOES NOT UE WITHIN A FLOOD PLAN AREA SAID PROPERTY IS IN ZONE X, PER FIRM MAP No. 0805 E, DATED JUNE 17, 2003 BY THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY. AREA OF DEVELOPMENT: BASIS OF BEARINGS MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT: N89*41'34"E BUILDING ORIENTATION: 2627.84' I 1313.92' 60% - 90% 1313.92' ------- 656.96' 656.95' 328.45' 328.48 326,48' 328.48' WEST 44th AVE Roic� CTRL 1 s7 "�4 CDR. 23 z A' FENCING: ­ nW4u I j_1144 1�4 COR. SEC, 23 ; 0. AMENDMENT 1 J 1 Z . i in I 9 0v 1 W—M, e-less's CERTIFICATE: VII OF WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS. LIGHTING: ALL EXTERIOR LIGHTING SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH 3 SECTION 26-503 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS. LANDSCAPING: LANDSCAPING SHALL BE PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MU-C S55'44' N89'40'45 131465 BLOCK SIZE: THE MAXIMUM PERIMETER OF THE NEW BLOCK CONTAINING LOTS 1165, 328.97 328-67' A-E PROD. MGF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT SIT on/v 1/, 2 P.O.8 set /4, -_ DAY OF _� 2011 A.D_ in BOOK PAGE ------- - RECEPTION No.- DRAFTER CLP xal JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER L 328.86' 328.86' 1 328,56' 328.86' 1315A3' 1315,39 COR, SEC. 23� 2630,83' NJ Z :D 0 P; DD is w 0 It N 1316,87' 13165 987 329.24' WEST 3 8th AVENUE 1464 C: & 23 26 89'3e'23W 2633.74' , . ' A C 23- CDR. SEC, 5 23 3 yuwwww 1 r as ­r LOCATION MAP SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 23 SCALE: 1"-400' Prepared by: John L Bailey PLS #19586 June 27, 2011 FLOOD PLAIN CERTIFICATION: THIS PROPERTY DOES NOT UE WITHIN A FLOOD PLAN AREA SAID PROPERTY IS IN ZONE X, PER FIRM MAP No. 0805 E, DATED JUNE 17, 2003 BY THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY. AREA OF DEVELOPMENT: TOTAL LOT AREA - 7.852 ACRES (342,034 S.F.) MAXIMUM BUILDING AND HARDSCAPE COVERAGE: SITE PLAN TO CONFORM TO MU-C CRITERIA MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT: SITE PLAN TO CONFORM TO MU-C CRITERIA BUILDING ORIENTATION: BUILDINGS ARE ANTICIPATED TO FRONT VANCE ST. I AND BE IN CONFORMANCE TO THE MU-C DESIGN CRITERIA, 60% - 90% WHICH ENCOURAGES BUILDINGS TO BE PLACED CLOSE TO ------- THE STREET, WITH PARKING BEHIND. 4 FINAL BUILDING CONFIGURATION TO BE IDENTIFIED DURING 2 SITE PLAN PROCESS. FENCING: ALL FENCING SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION AMENDMENT 1 26-603 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS, SIGNAVE: ALL NAGE SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH ARTICLE SiG THE CERTIFICATE: VII OF WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS. LIGHTING: ALL EXTERIOR LIGHTING SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH 3 SECTION 26-503 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS. LANDSCAPING: LANDSCAPING SHALL BE PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MU-C COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) ZONE CRITERIA IN ADDITION TO THE OPEN SPACE REQUIREMENTS BLOCK SIZE: THE MAXIMUM PERIMETER OF THE NEW BLOCK CONTAINING LOTS NM I AND 2 SHALL NOT EXCEED 1700 FEET EASEMENT AND RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATIONS: REQUIRED EASEMENT AND RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATIONS REPRESENTED HEREIN ARE ANTICIPATED TO BE CONVEYED BY PLAT. SITE DATA TABLE: LOT # USE ANTICIPATED X NOTES: RIDGE. ATTEST: 2 IMPERVIOUS CUP I RETAIL 60% - 90% INCLUDES DETENMN/WATER QUALITY ------- 7/14/11 4 FACILITY 2 MULTI FAMILY 80% - 90% N/A AMENDMENT 1 RESIDENTIAL COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS 5 /21/12 CERTIFICATE: MULTI FAMILY 85% - 95% N/A 3 RESIDENTIAL REVISION I BY/DATE MIR CALL 1-8DO-922-1987. 2-BUSINESS DAYS IN ADVANCE BEFORE YOU DIG, GRADE OR EXCAVATE FOR MARKING OF UNDERGROUND MEMBER UTILMES WESTON SOLUTIONS, INC ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR UTIUffY LOCATIONS. THE UTILMES SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING HAVE BEEN PLOTTED FROM THE REST AVAILABLE INFORMATION. IT IS, HOWEVER, THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO FIELD VERIFY THE LOCATION OF ALL LMLMES PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION. SITE PLAN CHARACTER AND ZONE COMPLIANCE: The focus of this concept plan application is to provide . general development 0,itfiris far the ,Me of existing tote that she currently invIed by Renewal Wheat Ridge. The sites overall vision is to be a pedestrian - friendly urban cents,, providing civic and ­-6.1 Services to the local community. The area was recently rezoned to Mixed Use - Commercial (MU-C). The development is planned to move forward in a manner that is consistent With that established criteria. Development will occur in phases, as the individual lots created in conlimct! n with this concept end ' 'a subsequent subdivision are sold and developed independently, in conformance with the City'. Site Plan process. Adjacent public streets (W. 44th Avenue to the north and Upham St. to the east) are planned to be improved to current standards with amenity zones and detached sidewalks. Undergrounding of the memsed utility Jim an these public *set frontages is currently planned to occur by Wheat Ridge Public Works, Details regarding the firiol configuration of the Identified lots are intentionally omitted from this Concept Plan in the interest of providing flexibility in future use and design. Requirements of the future development as related to access, drainage, open spa" and zoning are oddr-Mol in general herein. DRAINAGE CONSIDERATIONS: A Final Drainage Report will be provided in conjunction with the planned Subdivision Application. Detention and Water Quality requirements for Lot 1, Lot 2. and most of Lot 3 will be accommodated in a Reigning , Facility that will be constructed on the eastern portion of Let 1. The facility utilized on Let I ,a, be an underground facility in order to maximize developable area. A portion of Lot 3, approximately J, ", on. on the ..stem edge, will not be required to brain to the Regional Facility and will be allowed to flow north to 44th Avenue per the historic pattern. The final design for storm water detention and water quality far Lot 3 Will need to comply with the Final Drainage Report and is subject to approval by the Department of Public Works An drainage improvements will be developed in conjunction with Urban Drainage guidelines, OPEN SPACE CONCEPTS: Open space will be considered from an aggregate perspective for the total development area. Open space will meet at a minimum the requirements found in the MU-C zone district. To help meet these requirements, it is imbeipmM open space vifil be Provided as fall.-; • Lot I - Will "Hul green space associated with the perimeter area of the planned detention /water quality facility. • Lot 2 Will provide fair on approximate OJI acre park /community garden area. • Lot 3 Wig provide far a park space or plaza of opprox;mctely 0,15 acres which will be integrated appropriately based an the final identified use of the [at at the time of its development. This open space will be non - contiguous and of high-quality design and serve as on amenity and focal point for the entire development area. Then open space items are provided in addition to open space that is developed incidentally with the use of modem design principles in mixed use environments. TRAFFIC CIRCULATION: Future development should connect the street network generally in a grid fashion with pedestrian- friendly design , including sidewalks and amenity zones an all new stress. Internet traffic circulation will primarily occur via the Vance St. extension south of its existing alignment of W. 44th Ave. A traffic signal may be constructed as part of the final configuration of the subdivision at the Vance St/W, 44th Ave. Intersection. On the South edge of the development, W. 43,4 Ave. will be constructed to provide direct access between Vane St. and Upham St, East-West access between the 1st Bank lot and Vence St. will be encouraged with the final configuration of Let 3, although nfil de sign options exist that will It.. far flexibility in future site piano far that lot. The existing _77squth on the western edge of Lot 3 will remain operational unfit it is integrated oppropriataly with the final site plan of Lot 3. The Vance St. Right-of-Way has been extended to the "t'.m bound at the development far potential future extension to the south. A —them extension of Vima. St. and/or atinnsubon to the existing comme'dol center is net plowed with this development but is encouraged for other future development to the south POTENTIAL PHASING AND USES: Development on the site will be phased based on the development of individool lots. Site Plans identifying the development details of each lot will be provided by iadividuGl users In conformance with the City's established zoning criteria, this Concept Plan, and the existing Site Plan process. Architecturol elements and development of individual lots ore not intended to be reviewed as part of this Concept Plan. The summary of phasing included below is provided to shore the anticipated path forward with future pod site development. • Approximately 10,000 SF of retail that benefits from either proximity to existing fact traffic and/or "bility from W. 44th A". • Includes st—water dsairtiorUrivate, quality facility far the subdivision. • Parking will be surface-parked. Lot 2: • M.Iti-firelly Housing complex. • Pahang will be Mifece-perk • Include. green space as identified above. Muffi-fishilly Housing Complex. • Approximately 6,093 sq. ft. retail. • Parking will be Mfa.s-p.,kM_ • Includes green so.ce as identified above. 9M VICINITY MAP N.T.S. DESIGN FIRMS 1 04 S. Cascade Ave., #204 C olora do (71 9 n 60080903 Ph: 0 W I2N-4 OWNERS CERTIFICATE: THE BELOW SIGNED OWNER(S), OR LEGALLY DESIGNATED AGENT(S) THEREOF, DO HEREBY AGREE THAT THE PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREON WILL BE DEVELOPED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THIS PLAN, AND AS MAY OTHERWISE BE REQUIRED IN LAW. I (WE) FURTHER RECOGNIZE THAT THE APPROVAL ARCHITECT/ENGINEER S7 OF THIS CONCEPT PLAN DOES NOT CREATE A VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT. VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS MAY ONLY ARISE AND ACCRUE PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 26-121 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS. RICK C. ib4grs ------------------ — CHAIRMAN OF WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF __ A.D. 2011 BY WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC CITY CERTIFICATION: APPROVED THIS DAY OF --------------- 2011 BY THE CRY OF WHEAT I SUBMITTAL CLP LS/23/1 RIDGE. ATTEST: 2 RE-SUBMITTAL CUP 6/14/11 3 FE-SUBMITTAL CLP ------- 7/14/11 4 RE- SUBMITTAL CLP DIRECTOR OF COMMUNtM DEVELOPMENT - 7/22/11 5 AMENDMENT 1 CLP COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS 5 /21/12 CERTIFICATE: 6 AMENDMENT 1 1 CLP r05/02/13 STATE OF COLORADO ) SS SYM REVISION I BY/DATE COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) DESIGNER PROD. MGR. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF NM CHECKED BY A-E PROD. MGF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN, COLORADO, AT ,_O'CLOCK M. ON THE -_ DAY OF _� 2011 A.D_ in BOOK PAGE ------- - RECEPTION No.- DRAFTER CLP DATE 7/22/11 JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER TOWN CENTER NORTH T 0 BY-. DE_PM___ CONCEPT PLAN AMENDMENT 1 APPLICANT: " W 0 0 W.O./D.O. NUMBER WESTON SOLUTIONS, INC, ON BEHALF OF RENEWAL WHEAT RIDGE NICHOLAS MOORE, P.E. SENIOR PROJECT ENGINEER WESTON SOLUTIONS, INC. (WESTON) N CASE NUMBER C WCP- 11 -01 FILE CADID FILE 104 S. CASCADE AVE., SUITE 204 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80903 conceen nu�Ywe W W R A DRAWING TITLE DRAWING CASE HISTORY: TOWN CENTER NORTH WCP-13-01 CONCEPT PLAN IgSP-13-01 WSP-11-01 E AMENDMENT 1 W CP_11_01 MS -u -02 WZ-10-07 ID D RA WIN G SCALE AS NOTED I DISCIPLINE DWG NO. C-1 MS-82-09 MS-81-09 WZ-81-19 WZ-77-22. SHEET DF ZONE R -:G WMt SWE OF URIA`d Sr. 10 19 ST ZONE R -C ZONE..... R -2 M m ZONE X R -2 rn � A r ZONE R-2 ZONE.... R -2 R-2 WEST SIDE 1FSZ. TO BE IMPRM TO CWF04T ST 'N4u4DS. ZONE R -2 do FIRMS 104 S. Cascade Ave., #204 Colorado Springs, CO 80903 /ENGINEER SEAL 1 SUBMITTAL _ 5J23 /1' 2 RE- SUBMITTAL CLP 6/14/11 3 RE- SUBMITTAL CLp- 7/14/11 4 RE- SUBMITTAL CLP 7/22/11 5 AMENDMENT CUP 8/21/12 6 AMENDMENT 1 CYP 05/02/1 SYM REVISION BY /DATE DESIGNER PROD, MGR. NM CHECKED BY A -E PROD. MGf DRAFTER DATE CLP 7/22/11 PRCUECT TITLE TOWN CENTER NORTH CONCEPT PLAN AMENDMENT 1 W.O. /D.O. NUMBER CASE NUMBER wcP - 1 1 - 01 CADD FILE DRAWING TITLE TOWN CENTER NORTH CONCEPT PLAN AMENDMENT 1 DRAWING SCALE 1" = 40' DISCIPLINE DWG NO. C - 2 SHEET OF 2 2 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303.235.2846 Fax: 303,235,2857 Community Development Referral Form Date: January 10, 2013 Response Due: January 25, 2013 Case No.: WCP-13-01 Weston Solutions/Renewal Wheat Ridge Request: The applicant is requesting an amendment to the Town Center North Concept Plan • allow a 92-unit residential apartment building with approximately 6,000 SF • ground floor retail. The building would be located on Lot 3. Case Manager: Sarah Showalter Voice: 303-235-2849 Fax: 303-235-2857 Email: sshowalter@ci.wheatridge.co.us Dear Mr. Moore, This letter is in regard to your submittal of the Town Center North Concept Plan, Amendment 1. After reviewing the plan, I have the following comments. Please also refer to the attached PDF with redlines. Sheet 2 1, At the southern end of Lot 3, there is language about a 100' common access boundary and right use roadways agreement that points to the row of garages at the southern edge of the lot. Is this agreement still in place? If now, how can the garages be located in the same area? v 2. Add "Zone Mli under label for Lot 3 to match Lots I and 2. 1 City of Wheat Ridge Public Works Department: See enclosed comments from Dave Brossman. Pleae also see comments on the TIS in the mailftom Mark Westberg to Craig MacPhee, dated .1anuary 2�, 2013, Ili! jl 1 P OP ]! IIII Jill 11111111111�1�1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII liIilillIilli 11 11 1 1 1111 I I 11 I 1 1111 111 IIIJ II 11 III Xcel. See enclosed lettei Donna George. This concludes the summary of cornments. Please address each of these comments by revising the Concept Plan. For clarification on any of these issues, please feel free to contact any of the wwwA.wheatridge.co.us Development Review committee members: Community Development Sarah Showalter 303-235-2849 Public Works Dave Brossman 303-235-2864 Sarah Showalter, AICP, LEED AP Planner 11 C RACP-13-01 19 City of hc' p�tatI oR K t "g DATE. January 28, 2013 SUBJECT: SP- 13- 01fWaee Partners I have completed my review of the Concept Plan and Site Plan approval request for the property located at Lot 3 of the Town Center North Subdivision received on January 11 2013 and I have the following comments. Drainage Letter & Plan: Drainage Letter: 1. It is acknowledged that the runoff from this project will be less than was TO Saab - WSP -1 3-01 Wam Pau um, Raw 11 Site Plan Iv iew l.ltr.dm January 28, 201d Page 2 TO SAmh- WSP -0-01-,Wa7= PaMws Pluse It S4t 4 • = Craig I have reviewed the TIS for the next phase of TCN It states that a traffic signal is needed at 44 th & Vance with this development, but it appears that the need is based on the median being in place and Lot 1 also being developed, Plea provide an analysis to determine if the development of only Lot 3 triggers the need for a traffic signal, since the development of Lot I is not imminent and the median will not be required until the traffic signal is also required. Mark A Westberg, PE, CFM Projects Supervisor • P 43-23 t1C WORKS', From: Craig MacPhee [ Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2012 2:21 PM To: Mark Westberg Cc: Tyler H. Downs; 'Moore, Nicholas'; Sarah Showalter; Steve Nguyen Subject: Wheat Ridge Town Center North - Traffic Impact Study Update M Per your request for an update to the Traffic Impact Study for the Wheat Ridge Town Center project and in association with thexroxosed develoliment of Lot 3 within the site bp Wazee Partmy- for your review. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments or require additional information for this document. Craig MacPhee, P.E. Owner I CivTrans Engineering Inc. 720-295-00011509-991-2803 (cell) www.civtrans,com 1 As a safety precaution, PSCo would like to remind the developer to call the Utility Notification Center at 1-800-922-1987 to have all utilities located prior to any construction. - Me at (3413T�5'17 3306. am= Donna George Contract Right of Way Referral Processor Public Service Company of Colorado Wheat Ridge Sanitation District 7100 West 44th Avenue, Suite 104 P.O. Box 288 Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034-0288 Phone: 303-424-7252 Fax: 303-424-2280 City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 West 20 Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Sincerely, �Ag Bill Willis, P.E. District Engineer Cc: Sue Matthews — Wheat Ridge Sanitation District Dave Sebern — Sebern & Company, PC Sarah Showalter From: Steve Art Sent: Wednesday, January 1C, 2013 9:08 AM To: Sarah Showalter Subject: WCP and WSP for Town Center RWR met last night and determined that bmth-#WVr. ;j''FAY --- '4 P O -. and have no comments on the filings lZily Of CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e -mail contains business-confidential information, It is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. Ifyou are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, clectrome storage or use of this communication is pn)hihftc& If you mx-cived this communication in error, please notify us imunediately by e -mail, attaching the original nte,, and delete the original message from your computer, and any network to which, your computer is connected. Thank you. �* Cit of ] 9 �W h6atl), , :Aie LAND USE CASE, PROCESSING APPLICATION Community Development Department 7500 West 29"' Avenue • Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 • Phone (303) 235 -2846 (Phase print or type all information) Applicant Weston Solutions, Inc Address 104 South Cascade Ave, Suite 204 Phone 725 - 260 -4460 City Colorado Springs State CQ Zip 80 Fax 719 -473 -6608 owner-- Rene;t Wheat Ridge, Attn: Steve Art Address 7500 West 29th Ave Phone 303 -235 -2805 City W heat Ridge Mate co y /jp 80055 Fax 303 - 235 -2806 Contact Nick Moore Address 204 South Cascade Ave, Suite 244 Phone 7 25- 260 -4487 City Colorado Springs State c O Zip ­ !0903 Fax 725 - 473 -6608 (The person listed as contact will be contacted to answer questions regarding this application, provide additional information when necessary, post public hearing signs, will receive a copy of the stall" report prior to Public Clearing, and shall be responsible for forwarding all verbal and written communication to applicant and owner.) Location of request (addreS ): To Ce nter Nort Subdivision, Vance St. J 44th Ave. Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request): Application subndttal requirements on reverse side • Change of zone or zone conditions 0 Special Use Permit D Subdivision: Minor (5 lots or less) • Consolidation Plat 0 Conditional Use Permit O Subdivision: Major (More than S lots) D Flood Plain Special Exception 0 Site Plan approval O Temporary Use, Building, Sign Cl Lot Line Adjustment 0 Concept Plan approval 0 Variance /Waiver (from Section � Q Planned Building Group 0 Right of Way Vacation 0 tither: Detailed de s cript i on of r equest: Amendment to the Town Center North Subdivision Concept Plan, WCP - 11 -01 To be filled out by staff": Date received Fee 1 cceipt No. Case No. Comp Plan Desig.- zoning Quarter Section Map Related Case No. Pre-App Mtg. Date °' "_ Case Manager `� . --V # t 1f 13 Limited Power of Attorney (if opplicant is not owner) C1 Certified Survey of the property r Cl Mineral Rights Certification (Change qfZone, Special Use, Conditional Use, Subdivision and Plan Development,) O/S'ite Plan: (Ifpoge size is 24 " "x 36", must provide I I " " x 17" reduction) (Special Use, Conditional Use, Variance, Planned Building Group, Planned Development, Site Plan, Concept Plan) Cl Neighborhood meeting (excepifor Flood Plain exception, "site Plan, Concept Plan, Conditional Uses, TUPs and Variances) Cl Names and address of attendees 0 Date, time, location of meeting 0 Legal description (except Concept Plans, Conditional Uses, A5pecial Uses, TUPs and Variances) 0 Building Elevations (optional) CTCopy of Pre-application meeting notes (if applicable) Additional Submittal Requirements: 0'6pics of�-i'fare - folded plans 24" x 36" and I reduction at I V x 17" (# of copies determined by application type) jr � I t "r '5A 4 C3 Traffic Impact Report (Mky be required for Change of Zone, Special Use, Conditional Use, Concept Plan, Site Plan, Subdivision, and PD) 0 Drainage, Grading and Erosion Control Plan (Concept Plan, Site Plan, Subdivision and PD) 0 Mylars plus recording fees (See Fee Schedule) (Will be required after approval for Subdivisions, Rezonings, and Annexations) Please note: Incomplete application submittals will not be accepted. There may be other items required that are not listed depending on type and complexity of application. Revised 5119111 Applicant: e Nicholas Moore, PE Site Plan and Character: It.';: dI V: Fledt The site's overall vision is to be a pedestrian-friendly urban center, providing civic and commercial services to the local community. The area is zoned Mixed Use - Commercial (MU-C), the development is planned to mo forward in a manner that is consistent with that established criteria, 1 1 . I . #Tt l qr?w 77' ITFA7L777 developed independently, in conformance with the City's Site Plan process. BONN -,,,,.Oveo conces I Drainage Considerations: A Final Drainage Report has been provided in conjunction with the a,,FjBroved Subdivision A�iydication. DA&4"ft47jr' imd Water Qualitv reguirements for the M. Open Space Concepts: Open space will be considered from an aggreiate perspective for the total develo ittw-a7,rt WW"i" VJF%k "WE" rere nTOM anticipated open space will be provided as follows: Y=e fr�PVTWA,d— WC - M , _ 7p7FJ71,'T# n To open SFace Mat is developed incicientally with the use of modern design principles in mixed use environments. • Future development should connect the street network generally in a grid fashion with pedestrian-friendly design, including sidewalks and amenity zones on all new streets, Internal traffic circulation will primarily occur via the Vance St. extension south o part of the final configuration of the subdivision at the Vance St/W. 44th Ave. intersection. On the south edge of the development, W. 43rd Ave. will be constructed to provide direct access between Vance St. and Upham St. 11Ve3%_6 1 MeSr4 1 eM_FrF77T Y - Wrt"T . "I le-e-riviltrageD although several design options exist that will allow for flexibility in future site plans for that lot. The existing north south access on the west rn ed f The Vance St. Right-of-Way has been extended to the southern boundary of the development for potential future extension to the south. A s uthern Potential Phasing and Uses: Development on the site will be phased based on the development of individual lots. Site Plans identifying the development details of each lot will be provided by individual users in conformance with the City's established 'ter a nd the existim—SA''P zomn cri er i t is Conce t Pan a [Tom • Approximately 10,000 SF of retail that benefits from either proximity to existing foot traffic and/or visibility from W. 44th Ave. • Includes stormwater detention/water quality facility for the subdivision. • Parking will be surface-parked. lid • Multi-family Housing Complex. • Parking will be •. '• • Includes green space as identified above. Lot 3: • Multi-family Housing Compl- A•• • ,600 sq. ft. retail. • Parking will be #. '• • Includes green space as identified above. City of Wheat Concept Plan and Concept Plan Amendment: Submittal Checklist Project Name: Town Center North Amendment 1 : v J Project Location Vance St 1 44th Ae . Applicant: Weston o n behalf of Renew W heat R idge Date: 17 December 2 Protect Planner: S arah Showalter Fee Paid: N/A - Renew Wheat. Ridge Project City of' U XIMWOTY DEMOPMENT Additional Information to Supplement the Concept Plan: Statement of compliance with zoning Written description of overall development intent (for amendments, include description of why amendment is being requested) 3. Explanation of phasing, if applicable Addd,W information which may be required: 1. Traffic study (2 copies) 2. Drainage report (2 copies) 3. Soils report (2 copies) 4. Erosion Control Plan (2 copies) (Sign and return) As applicant . for this pr(ject, I hereby ensure that all of the above requirements have been included with this submittal, 1fidly understand that ifanj, one of the items listed on this checklist has been excluded City review, ,, the documents will NOT be distributedfi or In addition, I understand that in the event any revisions need to be made alter the second (2`� fid/ review, I will be subject to the applicable resubmittalfiee. k Si ,- Date: - Name (please print):-L2-lflk/�l-k ,- ��t- Phone: - 'J ( -'? - 26 ' '1 Wheat Ridge Community Development Department PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SUMMARY Meeting Date: August 23, 2012 Applicant: Weston Solutions, Inc. Attending Staff. Meredith Reckert — Senior Planner Sarah Showalter — Planner 11 Lauren Mikulak — Planner I Mark Westberg — Projects Supervisor Steve Art — Economic Development Manager Specific Site Location: 7340 W. 44" Avenue 7540 W. 44 Avenue 4331 Vance Street 4340 Vance Street 4350 Wadsworth Existing Zoning: Mixed Use-Commercial (MU-C) Existing Comp. Plan: Mixed Use Town Center/Community Commercial Center Existing Site Conditions: The property is located at the southeast comer of W. 44 and Wadsworth and is zoned Mixed Use- Commercial (MU-C). Most of the adjacent properties are zoned commercially, including Commercial-One (C-1) and Restricted Commercial (RC) districts. To the cast and southeast is a residential neighborhood that is zoned Residential-Two Planning comments: The following items were discussed: Draft Concept Plan Please make the following revisions before submitting the Concept Plan application: N Oj en Sj�ace In 201 the Parks Commission granted a considerable waiver from the standard requirements for a public park dedication or fees. This waiver came with the understanding that 0.15 acres would be designed as a public park/plaza on the property. The Concept Plan and Site Plan will both need to demonstrate a commitment to fulfilling this requirement. Staff expressed concern related to the small size of the 0.067 acre neighborhood park in the northwest comer of Lot 3. The design of this park will be critical to ensure the space is activated. Please indicate the enhanced amenity zone along the northern property line on the Concept Plan. If appropriately designed, this area may serve as a linear extension of the park and count towards the 0. acre requirement. Because the gardens are primarily intended for use by residents of the apartments, it does not appear to be a public amenity that is open to the public. This space needs to include additional non-garden amenities if it is going to count towards the 0. acre open space requirement. For example, perhaps a third of the area could include a shaded seating area that is more park-like and public. The Concept Plan may generically show the total open space areas. The Site Plan application will need to show more specific designs and amenities. Public Works comments: The following items were discussed: Mdewalks The sidewalk on the southeast comer of the property needs to be shown and constructed as a detached walk and remove the note regarding final configuration. This may result in a narrow width between the building and sidewalk, but this is acceptable from a zoning perspective. Please also show on the Concept Plan all perimeter pedestrian paths and sidewalk surrounding Lot 3. �56utheast Curb Cut Garage buildings are proposed to be located along the southern and western property lines of Lot 3. Considerations for garage locations will need to include existing overhead power lines and an existing 5-foot utility easement. The curb cut at the southeast corner of the property may need to be narrowed or shifted to the north to accommodate the width of the garage. If needed, staff can provide comment on a design prior to submitting the Concept Plan application. Traf ,fic Stuqv The traffic engineer will need to determine new projected traffic counts based on the proposed residential use. Those counts may be provided in the form of a letter with the Concept Plan application. used on those numbers, staff will determine if a new or amended traffic study is required; this determination will be included in the first round of comments. 9 The next step is to submit a complete Concept Plan application. An appointment with a planner is required to submit a land use application; incomplete applications will not be accepted or reviewed. Modifications to the application may be required as a result of these comments. The applicant must address all comments and resubmit relevant documents and drawings. Once all comments and requirements have been met, the case manager will refer the Concept Plan application to the Community Development Director for final approval. A copy of the approved Concept Plan will be kept on file at the Community Development Department. Phone Numbers 11 Moore, Nicholas From: Steve Art <sart@ci,wheatridge.co.us> Sent: Friday, December 14, 2012 11:56 AM To: Sarah Showalter Cc: Moore, Nicholas Subject: FW: Land use application M Please use this email as documentation nrovidin i auth= XV Imiff4mgmanyll Mo I lill Steve Art Economic Development & Urban Renewal Manager Direct: 303-235-2806 Cell: 720-454-9040 Fax: 303-235-2806 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 vvww.ci.Aj��qtri _ d () e, co. tLs City of at CITY MANAC.Itt's Orricu. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail contains business-confidential information. It is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. Ifyou arc not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, electronic storage or use of this communication is prohibited. If you received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail, attaching the original message, and delete the original message from your computer, and any network to which your computer is connected. Thank you, From: Moore, Nicholas [mailto: Nicholas. Moore@WestonSolutions.com) Sent: Friday, December 14, 2012 11:52 AM To: Steve Art Subject: FW: Land use application am Trlt IMrall. nave a copy ot tne cleecls available tor the property? On the last application we used a copy of the closing documents, which I still have. Not sure if anything updated is available. 11 1 1 1 100111 11 1TV11 P HIM From: Moore, Nicholas " 6 4 To: Sarah Showalter Cc: Steve Art Subject: FW: Land use application As I understand we are meeting with you on Monday morning to submit the concept plan amendment for the Town # send me the most recent aWlication format that should be submitted with the amendment? Below is some of the information from our original submittal regarding permission to submit and waiver of fees. Let me knR w if we need to take any different action this time through. am EM mon- Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2011 AM To: Moore, Nicholas; Kenneth Johnstone Cc: Corey Hoffmann; Sarah Showalter Subject: RE: Land use application Please use this email as documentation providing authority for Weston Solutions to make application on behalf of the Urban Renewal Authority for the City of Wheat Ridge. RE: Subdivision for the 44 1h Avenue and Wadsworth Blvd. project. Steve Art Economic Development & Urban Renewal Manager Office Phone: 303-235-2806 Cell: 720454-9040 Fax: 303-235-2824 'I'AVS A ��Wh46 CITY MANAG SOVI"IC, From Moore, Nicholas [m Ititw.Nicholas.Moore@WestonSolutions-comI Sent: Thursday, May 19, 201111:46 AM To: Steve Art Cc: Corey Hoffmann; Sarah Showalter Subject: FW: Land use application —have a lettern-rovided wim yR ur signature stating that we will be making the application on behalf of the URA? In this case can we remove then owner's signature block from the concept plan cover sheet? I NMI Sent: Thursday, May 19, 201111:34 AM To- Moore, Nicholas Su«iect: RE: Land use application I � i i I � I 1 1!! 1! 1 � 1 7!gq111;y g�pelizillpil 1111!!p I IM011 All 1 2 11 1171111" 1 1 , 71 copy of your development agreement. %1J11J1!11!JJJ1 J! 1 Thanks, Planner it Office Phone: 303-235-2849 4 s " Cily of ��rWG att de, CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE This e-mail contains business-confidential information. It is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above, If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, electronic storage or use of this communication is prohibited. If you received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail, attaching the original message, and delete the original message from your computer, and any network to which your computer is connected, 'Thank you. From: Moore, Nicholas m a itto*Nicholas.Moore WestonSolutions.com] Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2011 11:16 AM To: Sarah Showalter Subject: RE: Land use application time our our pre-application meeting, Has this direction changed? I can plan to meet with you on Tuesday at 3:00. If anything changes please let me know, otherwise I will plan to meet at your office. This morning when I was looking for the ownership info I was provided with the closing documents from when the land was acquired, is this sufficient? I'm not sure how to address the power of attorney, if Steve Art has authority to sign as tfw-bv�wn stattes tf does have that authority? U= 4 =76 11 x1 7 reductions, I A few other items: - Could you send me the total acreage for the concept plan area so that I can calculate the fee? I think it's around 8 acres but I'm not sure of the exact amount. - I meant to ask you on the phone if you want to and meet on Tuesday at 3prn with me, Tim, and Cory to talk about the Vance St alignment issue. Since Ken, Patrick, Steve, and John will all be at ICSC we won't have the 3pm meeting but it is free on Tim's calendar so we could meet on that issue if you think it would be helpful. - I checked and we do technically need a copy of the deed showing proof of ownership, in addition to the power of attorney. If you think it will be a problem to get this in time for the concept plan submittal let me know. Thanks, Sarah Showalter, AICP, LEER AP Planner 11 7500 M 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Office Phone: 303-235-2849 Fax: 303-235-2857 www.d.wheatridee.co.us 0ty cvf ��( N d C. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail contains business-confidential information. It is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, electronic storage or use of this communication is prohibited. If you received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail, attaching the original message, and delete the original message from your computer, and any network to which your computer is connected, Thank you. CONFIDENTIALITY: This email and attachments may contain information which is confidential and proprietary. Disclosure or use of any such confidential or proprietary information without the written permission of Weston Solutions, Inc. is strictly prohibited. If you received this email in error, please notify the sender by return e-mail and delete this email from your system. Thank you. Case No. Date Received 11512013r Related Cases Case Planner Showaker 4 Case Description .. , Amendment to the Town Center North Subdivision Concept'Plan, WCP -1 1.01 i . Name U estop Solutrans Inc Name Phones (?19j 2sa 4d60 Address 1x4 South Case Ave Ste 204 City Cotor a I d I o Springs State Ca dip 80903 Name Renewal Wheat Ridge Ar Name 11 111 Phone r(3a3) 235 2Sa6 m __ Address $�a0£tWesfAve City �V�°heatRuge State N CO Zip 80913 . m . . _... �. �.. � �., , ... Name Nick t toore .w_ N Phone ;(7191260-4487 . Address 1114 South Cascade Ave, Ste 204' City Colorado Springs �.... State NCO 8 m Address Street i City Wheat Ridge State c Ca P 8 033 _ Location Center North Sutrdivis ion w , Vance St. 44th Ave. - ,_ . _ N ; Project Name ITown Center North r Parce394Cida28;EN2 tr Section rat No +w Parcel No. r � � Qtr Section {SE 23 . District No,: ,il z fllist 3341I01,SE23 ,ll Pre -App Gate Neighborhood Meeting Date i ` App No � Review Type Review Body Review Cate -- Disposition Comments Report Review e r.. 11 4ts {f y Case Disposition 1 2 Dimposition Date Conditions of Approval ;Notes No Fee Required 1 Status Res # ', bird # Storage, TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY Wheat Ridge Town Center North 7400 Block of West 44th Avenue Mixed -Use Development City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Updated December 5, 2012 20120002 Prepared by: C :VTRAy 5 Engineering Inc. PO Box 150335 Lakewood, CO 80215 (720) 295 -0001 This report has been prepared by the staff of CivTrans Engineering Inc. on behalf of Wazee Partners LLC under the direction of the undersigned professional engineer whose seal and signature appears hereon. DRAFT Craig A. MacPhee, P.E [ � rr'� TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVESUMMARY .................................................................. ............................... 1 INTRODUCTI ON.............................................................................. ............................... 4 ProjectOverview ................................................................... ............................... Purposeof the Report 4 ........................................................... ............................... 5 ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY .......................................................... 8 ............................... CapacityAnalysis .................................................................. ............................... Queuing Analysis 8 ....................... SignalWarrant Analysis ...................................................... ............................... Auxiliary Lane Anal ysis 10 ........................................................ ............................... AnalysisHorizons 10 ................................................................ ............................... 11 EXISTINGCONDITI ONS ............................................................... 13 ............................... Existing Conditions Within Study Area ................................ ............................... LandUse 13 .................................................................. ............................... Existing Roadways 13 .............. N Wadsworth Boulevard (SH 121) ................. ............................... 13 W44th Avenue ............................................... ............................... 13 UphamStreet ................................................. ............................... 13 VanceStreet .................................................. ............................... 13 3 Acres Lane .................................................. ............................... 14 Study Area Intersections ........................................... 14 ............................... Traffic Control and Descriptions ................................ ............................... 14 Traffic Volumes and Peak Hours of Operation .......... ............................... 15 EXISTING LEVEL OF SERVICE AND TRAFFIC ANALYSIS ......... ............................... 17 TRIP GENERATION AND DISTRI BUTION .................................... ............................... 21 TripGeneration .................................................................... 21 ............................... TripReductions ................................................................... ............................... TripDistribution 21 ................................................................... ............................... 23 FUTURE YEAR TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS ............................. ............................... 27 Short -Term Conditions (Year 2013) without the Project ...... ............................... 27 Short-Term Conditions (Year 2013) with the Project ........... ............................... 30 Long Range Conditions (Year 2030) without the Project ..... ............................... 33 Long Range Conditions (Year 2030) with the Project .......... ............................... 38 MITIGATION.................................................................................. ............................... 42 CONCLUSIONS & RECCOMMENDATI ONS ................................. ............................... 45 LIST OF EXHIBITS Exhibit1 - Vicinity Map ..................................................................... ............................... 6 7 .................. ............................... Exhibit 2 - Conceptual Site Map ..• ........•..•..•.•..•...••...... 16 Exhibit 3 - Existing Intersection Geometry ................ 20 Exhibit 4 - Existing Traffic Volumes ( 2010) ..................................... ............................... 24 Exhibit 5 — Regional Distribution for Project Trips .......................... ............................... Exhibit 6 — Project Generated (New) Trips ..................................... ............................... 25 Exhibit 7 — Project Generated Pass -By Trips ................................. ............................... 26 Exhibit 8 — Short Term Without Project (2013) Traffic Volumes ..... ............................... 29 Exhibit 9 — Short Term With Project (2013) Traffic Volumes .......... ............................... 32 Exhibit 10 — Long Range Intersection Geometry ............................ ............................... 36 Exhibit 11 — Long Range Without Project (2030) Traffic Volumes .. ............................... 37 Exhibit 12 — Long Range With Project (2030) Traffic Volumes ....... ............................... 41 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 — Intersection Analysis Criteria ............................................ ............................... 9 Table 2 - 2010 Existing Intersections Levels of Service ................. ............................... 17 Table 3 - Project Trip Generation ................................................... ............................... 21 Table 4 - Trip Generation Reductions ............................................ ............................... 22 Table 5 - Year 2013 Levels of Service Without the Project ............ ............................... 27 Table 6 - Year 2013 Levels of Service With the Project ................. ............................... 30 Table 7 - Year 2030 Levels of Service Without the Project ............ ............................... 33 Table 8 - Year 2030 Levels of Service With the Project ................. ............................... 38 TECHNICAL APPENDIX Raw Traffic Counts Level of Service Calculations Existing; Short -Term No Project; Short -Tenn with Project; Long Range No Project; Long Range with Project Queuing Analysis Calculations Existing; Short -Term No Project; Short -Term with Project; Long Range No Project; Long Range with Project Signal Warrant Analysis Calculations Existing; Short -Term No Project; Short -Term with Project; Long Range No Project; Long Range with Project G 14,7 V `r.111IJ11�' cJ 3'd `aagdoeW V 6iej:D ijvb 'uoajaq sieadde ainjeubis pue leas asogm Jaaui6ua leuoissajoid pau6isiapun aq} jo uO1109jip aqj japun 311 saau]aed aazeM jo jlegaq uo - out 6uuaaui6u3 suealniO 10 }gels aqj Aq pajedaid uaaq seq liodai sigl L000 (OZ/-) 51, Z08 00 `POOM@� ej 9CE09 L XO8 Od Sul 6upaaulou3 5 Aq paiedaad MOOZLOZ ZLOZ `5 aagwaoaa Pajepdn opeJ0103 'a6pid 1e9gM }o 43 juawdolanap asn -paxiw anuand 441 JsaM 10 ) fool9 OOtiL 41JON JGIuaO unnol of pia jeagM Jams 1OVdWI OIJAVU1 Ob ................................ ............................... 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M aql of sagoeoidde punogglnos pue punogq:pou laaJIS aouen eql jol suoileaado j SO apnloui paloadxa sapueplap sisAleue Alpedeo 6uglnsai agl - (£LOZ jeaA) wjal -:pogs aql ui eaae Apnls aql U! suoiloasialui aql of loedwi 9111!1 pamogs loafoid pasodoid aql 10 uoilippe agl'OL - suoiloesialui eaje Apnis aql to cool le paledioilue sananb luaiogap Mils aje ajagl 'uoilippe ul 'pJeniuol sanow loafoid pasodoid aql Jaglagnn to sselpiebai £ LOZ jean( aql Aq j SOl of llel of paledioilue si anuany gltit7 '8 laaalS aouen to uoiloasaalui aql anuany glt7t7 '8 paenalno8 glJOnnspeM to uoiloasialui aql le 3 JO 3 SOl le 6uilejado sluawanow lenpinipui leJanas nnogs of anuiluoo a6uea 6uol pue wal -pogs gloq 'loefoid agl lnoglinn suoilipuoo ainln j - 6 - suoiloesialui eaje Apnls aql to inol le sananb luapilap pue anuany glt '8 paen91no8 glOmspeM le 3 Sol PUe 3 SO le builejado sluawanow lenpinipui We aaagl 'aanannOH . ja:49q jo a SO '(SO aoinaas 10 slanal algeldaooe le 6uilejado Alluaimo aie suogoasialul eaje Apnls aql to lie aleolpui sllnsai sisAleue aql - g - palaldwoo uaaq aneq sluawanojdwi auel papuawwooai aql to lie aouis papnloui lou seen 'Sli snoinajd aql ui paaanoo seen legl 'uoilenlena auel AJellixny - uoilenlena lueJJeM leu6is pue `sisAleue 6uinanb 'sisAleue Alpedeo uoiloesialui papnloui suoziaoq sisAleue asagl to goe3 (0£OZ aea ,k) suoilipuoO lOafoad gl!m 96ue�l 6uol • (0£OZ Jea,k) suoilipuo0 loafOJd ON 96ued 6uol • (£ LOZ JeaA) suoilipuo0 loafoid pm wjal -:Jogs • (£ LOZ Jea),) suOilipuoO loafoJd ON wJal -IJOgS • suoilipuoO 6uilsix3 apnloui podaJ sigl ui palenlena pue p9J9pisuo0 suoziJOq sisAleue eql *L Jnoq dead INd pUe Wy aql Jol pazAleue seen suoiloasJalui asagl 10 gOe3 laaJ }S wegdn - Q anuany pJ£t? laaJlS wegdn '8 anuany glt7t, • 199JIS 90uen'8 anuany glt7t7 Aennanua sAo8 dad / Nue8 lsJIJ aqj V anuany gltptp • auel SWOy £ '8 pJen91no8 q:ponnspeM • AeManIJQ ei s,ioiw aql V paen91no8 q:ponnspeM Aennanua �ue8 lsJi3 aqj V pJen91no8 q:ponnspeM • anuany glyl?'8 pJen9lno8 q:ponnspeM • gPON Ja}uaO umo1 a6pld teayM £ 'oul bulJ9aui6u3 sueJlnlO - liodaJ slyt ui pal3ltuapl saJnseaw uoile6ilp pue s}uaWanoJdwi AempeoJ ayj pm tuawdolanap JOI panoJdde aq toafoJd JatuaO u a6pld jeayM Jol pesodoJd sasn puel pue ueld a}ls tail Si }4els a6p H teayM jo Atl0 ayt of uo ayj `laodaJ siyj ui passnosip suoisnlouoo pue s6ulpul� `sls�tleue ayj uo pase8 'uO'IeulpJOOO Pub's 6uluielulew al!gm '6ulnanb pue Atloedeo ayt aoueleq pue sawq uaaJ6 ayt atnquts �(luana aJOw o} eaJe �(pnts ay} ulyllnn suoljoasaa}ul pezlleu6ls ayj Jot stuauJtsnfpe 6 ulwlt leu6!S • 'stuawanow wnj 4a1 AennanlJ4 � Ue8 tsJIJ ayj bugouisaJ `anuany gt" uo uelpaw ay1 jo uolsua�xa ayt ytlM AItuaJJnouoo pa}aldwoo aq o} paJaplsuoo aq pinoys uoltellelsul leubls DgeJ# ail - tno- ty6lJ/ul -ty6u of uolsJanuoo anuany 4tbt of AennaniJa �ue8 }sJlJ ayj 10 uolsJanuoo aJntnj ayt Aq peouangu! 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Z lo - sasn snouen agl of luaoefpe al!s aql inogbnojgl pasodoad aae siol bui�jed aoe}jnS - sasn Ie!luap!sai pue l!elaa to x!w e alepoww000e II!M pue al!s aql to ap!s isann aql uo paleool aq Minn £ lo- Alilioel 5u!snoq ao!uas e to waoj agl ui asn le!luap!saa e salepoww000e pue anuany pjCv }o ap!s glaou aql pue laajiS wegdn 5uole ails agi io ea-le 'sea ginos aql u paleool s! 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(SI1) ApnlS joedwi ol}�eil aqj jegj paleolpul seq _4e }s abpl� �eagM jo Allo agl `�(pnjs snolnajd NI woli E }off jol asn puel ul a6uego pasodo�d e of on(] L �OZ AInE ul ulljeW / ulljeW Aq pajaldwoo seen joafoid sigl aol Apnis oWeil snolnaad y 'sassaooe Aennaniap 10 uolaeool pasodoid pue £ }o jo }noAel pasodoid aql smogs golgnn `Z I!giyx3 se papnloul sl ueld a}ls lenldaouoo aql 'a6plH l:eagM 10 43 aql ul loafoid aqj jo Ajluloln leJaua6 aqj smogs }igiyx3 , alglssod pue Ajessaoau ajagnn sloedwl asagj azlwluiw of uolle6lllw puawwooai pue � jonnlau uol}eliodsuej} aqj uo aneq �(eu,w joefoid pasodojd ag} jegj sloedwi palelai 0l4eal leilualod A4lluap pue ssasse me,AGJ of sl Apn }s slgl jo asodand aql poday jo asodand 1000 • 92 00 • QOOM]>iVl 9£E091 X08 O d �Id�d✓E -J1 - N011`v'1>E= 10dSNdN.L - �I/�I� 5 VHJLA :) • *ul 6uiieeul6u3 I d` V4 A-LINIOIA I 1I9IHX3 31VOS Ol lON e 4JeA SOOUO3 d WiNAA afipu {eayN. - ,• -• ezeld = aJ�y � Suue9 OAV Last M OQt Pb o:) a�y4Wt M 7. 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O CD CL PON JaluaO unnoi abpi�] leagM g 'out buuaauibuA sueJinio - suogipuoo buileJado paloafoJd Jo luaJJno aql uieluiew of polenlena aq Minn suOlj!puOo loafoid glim aJnlnl aql 'JanaI algeldaooe wnwiuiw aql uegl JaJood salels le aleJado of paloafoJd aJe suoilipuoo punojB� oeq aJn lnl Jo le aleJado AlluaJJno suoilipuoo builsixa aJagnn saseo aqi ul saJnseaw uoileb Jol paJapisuOO aJann lanai algeldeooe wnwiuiw n aql uegl asJo/ suoileJado buileoipui sllnsaJ SISA,euy uollipuoo buileJado uoiloasJalui aIgeldaooe wnwiuiw agl Se a aOinJas lO banal pagsilgelsa seq abpij leagM to 43 aqi abed lxau aqi uO 6 angel ui aouaJalaJ JOl papnjoui aJe suoiloasJalui pazileubisun pue pazlleubis gloq Jol 'uoilipuoo 6uileJado aqi to uoilduosap lauq e se Mann se 'a101gan Jad spuooas ui Aelap to lunowe paleioosse aqi pue pJeoB goJeasa�j uoilelJodsueJi aql Aq pauilap Se sapeJb Jallal aoinJaS lO IanaI aqi uoiloaSJalui jjeJanO aqi IOU 'goeoJdde lsJom aql Jol a1oigan Jad �(ejap abeJane aqi Se aoinJaS to Jana aqi saupp lenueW Apoedeo �lemg4lH aqi (palloiluoo dols/gbnoJgl se umou�) sagoeoJdde palloJluooun pue P9110Jlu00 -dots gloq apnloui legl suoiloasJalui pezileubisun Joj - uoiloasJaluJ IleJanO aqi JOl (uoiloasJalui aqi le puads lsnw aIOigan e awil to lunowe) a101gan Jad Aepp a6eJane aqi se uoiloaSJalui pazileubiS e JOl OOinJas lO banal aql sau}aP lenueW Apedeo I(emg4lH aqi lenuew Apoedej I(emg4lH NO,- s,PJeOB goJeasa�l uoilelJOdsueJi aqi ui pauiwexa aJe suoiloasJalui pazileubisun pue pazijeubis gloq le aoinJas to Janaj to uoilelnoleo aqi - Alioedeo paaoxa Jel Aew legl sawnJOn of anp umopeaJq walsAs of peal Aew legl uoilsabuoo ogeJl pue Aelap a1oigan lueo�liub1S saleoipui gOigm J,, Ol '�(elap a101gan 'Aue l! `ajllij Saleoipui goigM „y„ woJl abueJ e olui aoinJaS to banal paqiluenb seq luawnoop sigi - lenueW Apiedej Aemg4lH NO,- agl ui pJeoB goJeasa� uoilelJOdsueJi aqi Aq pauilap uaaq seq SOS - �Jonnlau uoijapodsueJl aqi azipIn ognn sJanup of PapJ011e Sa101gan JaglO Aq pasneo sluawipadwi pue Aelap paddols to lunowe jelol 'sdols to Jagwnu '@Wll 1aneJl se Sluawa19 Bons Jol uoildeoJad Janup Allluenb of uoissaloJd uoilelJodsueJl aqi Aq padolanap asiwaJd leoiJidwe ue si (Spy) aoinJas to Jana� - Aluo uoileJado to sJnoq dead aqi IuasaJdaJ go 'luawnoop sigl uigl!m pagiJosap asogl uegl Jallaq suoilipuoo OL4eJI aouauadxa llim spua�aam aqi pue Aep eam goea to lsow `aJOlaJagi - Aepaann leoidAl e buunp Jn000 legl suOilipuoo aseO ISJOnn aqi uodn paseq aJe palonpuoo saJnpaooJd pue SISAleue aqi rv\olaq paquosap se pue MOH) lenueW Apiedej Aemg51H aql ui saJnpaooJd aqi gllm aOuepJ000e ui pawJopad aJam lJodaJ sigl ui paquosap sasAjeue aqi sIsAfeud A ipede j , SisA,eue IueJJem jeubis pue sisAleue buinanb uopasJalui 'sisAleue Alioedeo uoiloasJalui apnloui luawnoop sigl ui palJodaJ pue palonpuoo sass leue snoiJen aqi AJOiOQOHi3W SISAIVNV ylaoN as }u90 umol a6p!a leayM 6 - oul 6uu9aul6u3 suealniZ) - sauel uan; of ssaooe �polq jeyj sananb jo suogoasialul luaoefpe y6nojyl �oeq puava jeyl sananb 'syl6ual abejols algellene ay} paaoxe leyl sauel uanl joj syl6ual ananb paleoipui leyj sllnsai sis�(leue ayl ao4 pa�apisuoo aaam sainseaw uoijebijiW - suoil o asaajul ease �(pnjs ayj le l,uawanow yoea jol ylbual abejo }s lenjoe elgellene ayl o} paiedwoo uayj aaam syl6ual palelnoleo ayl - @JeAA4os uoijelnwis oigeilwis algiledwoo aye o� o�you,(S ui padolanap lapow ayl 6uuaajsueal �(q pajonpuoo seen sisAleue ayl - Iaaj u yl6ual palelnoleo alpaoiad y ,96 ayl se palaodai aaam �(pnjs ogeil, siyI ui sas�(leue 6uinanb ayl sisAjeuV 6uinent) (000, 'PJeoB uareasaa uo;epodsueJl) /enuepV /( ;ioedej Aemg4iH :aaanos weals of . 4eil Jo ew e u nojyl 7 15jes ssojo of puewap Hied hails jouiw mole of azis alqe ;ins ;o sde6 luaioi4nsul OS < sde6 luaioi;;nsui of anp 6uinenb laajls aouiw anisualx3 Oc, pue SE < 3 sde6 algepene ui uogonpai e of anp 6wnanb seouauadxa yoeoidde laails aouln 5E ;pue SZ < a sdeb algeliene Jo; sAelap 6uiouauadxa sui6aq yoeoidde hails jouin SE 5. pue 5l < sde6 algeliene ;o aouasqe aoilou of suibeq yoeoidde hails jouin S l ; pue 0 � < 8 yoeojdde hails jouiw jol oi; ;ejl 6uwloli ;uoo ou jo alllll 0L y ol}}ejl leajlS jouiW o; �telea pa ;oadx3 (813140n /spuooas) a6ue8 Aela4 aoln�aS }o lanai c"04 O a3lAjeS 3 Iana uolloos-jam pazlleu6isun 6umanb anisualx3 MOl; paOjo: uolemlesJanp Og < ainpe; aloAo luanbai; pue sAelap u uoissaj6oid good 02 ; pue SS < 3 paddols saIoiyan ;o uoiliod a6jel uolsa6uoo algeaOilON SS -> pue gC < a saIoiyan paddols ;o jagwnu paseajoul uoissaj6ojd iie j 90 ; pue OZ < sAelap ly6ilS saIOlgan ;o uoissaj6ojd pooh AllejauaE) OZ 5 pue N < 9 dots lou op sa10iyan lsoW Aelap mod Aaan OL ; y uol;oasialul le Aelao pa ;oadx3 (alol4an /spuooas) a6uea Aelap aol/UOS 10 lanai Mi -mv j oDiAj S 10 lanai uolllaasaa;ui pazlleu6!S eualuo sisAleuy uogoasialul•� algel gVoN J91u90 unnol a6plU IeNAA 01, - oul 6ula9aul6u3 suealnlO - uoijenlena sigj lonpuoo of peau a a96uol ou s ajagI paulwalap seen 1l 'ajolajagl Iaaais aouen le anuany gjV'V punoglsea uo palle -Isui uaaq seq auel uwnj jg6ia a Apnis }eqj 10 uoijaldwoo aqj aouis }nq 'sigj pajenlena SIl snolnajd aqi - Apnis slgj aol pa}onpuoo jou seen uol }enlena auel tielllxne uy uoi;enjen3 oue tieilixnd , sluejaenn aq} jo s}lnsai aqi uo Alalos paseq aq }ou pinogs leu6is a llelsui 01 aagjagnn 10 uolIewwjajap a 'ajojajagj `suoisilloo jo sad Al ule:pao 01 peal ueo leubs o!,}eJl a 10 uollellelsul let-11 unnogs seq goaeasa� - uol j oas,ajul aqj }e palle1sui aq pinogs leu6is owed a aaglagnn 6ululwalap I ssaooid aqj w dais a se papualul sl wnpuejowaw SM ul papinoad uoijeuiwexa lueaaenn leu6 aql „ loaluoo o�}ejj a 10 uollelle}sul 9 Winbai jlasil ul lou llegs slueaJenn Jo }uejjenn leu6ls olgej, a 10 uoljoejsl }es aqi,, :(k0-op, aaidego) po1nW aqi u, palms sy - awnlon wnj -}g6u punoggjnos agj }nogjlnn pue ql!m gloq pazAleue aJann slue,jem Ieu6 aqj 'ajojaaagl . Iolguoo lewlulw, ui 6uwllnsai anuany u ,t7t , M Ohio auel uolje punoglsann a pue auel ujnl -lgbia a seq IaajIS aouen uo goeoidde punogglnos aqj 'Alluaiano - aouaaa}aid Ieuoip!psunf uo paseq sauen juawjsnfpe sigj jo asn aqj pue paainbaj IOU si uoi}onpaj sigl 'JanannoH '1011luoo lewiuiw ql!m 1aaals aofew aqj sialua og}ejl 6ululn} -lg61j aqj pue juasaid si auel wnl -}g6ij a Jl uoijelnoleo aqj wojj sawnlon ol}}ell 6uiuml -lg6u goeoidde aouiw 6UTAOwaJ spuawwooaa Oo1.nW , , aw q sl le anssi ue se palsll 6uiaq jou iJonnlau �(ennpeoi aqj pue 'welgoad 6ugsixe ue se pagl;<uapl 6ulaq IOU salolgan 10 6uluooleld 'eaae aq, u papuepl 6uiaq 6uissojo loogos ou 'sanssi bulssoao ue'Asapad juaaino ou 'elep awnlon leuoilippe algelleneun of anp awil s le pajenlena IOU aaann slueJaenn asagl - (g }ueneM) NJonn}au Aennpeoi aqI uo o�ea} 6ullloJIuoo ao (L }ue-UeAA) AJOISN gseio aqj '(g IueJJeM) w91sAs leubis pajeulpa000 a ult4l!m uolssai6oad o!}eal buluieluiew `(5 jueajeW 6ulssao loogos a jol Ajajes 6uipinoid '(l7 jueiieM) sawnlon ueuIsapad '(l, JuejaeAA) uollewjojul awnlon 10 sinoq -lg6la uo paseq aie sluejjenn xis aaqIo aql jnoH dead —E IueJJeM awnlon jelnolgan jnoH -moj —z juejjeM :6uwnnollol aqj papnloul uoljoasialul 9g110 suolIlpuoo pue algel!eAe e}ep awnlon 10 sinoq inol aqj uo paseq algeolldde aq of punol aaann 1egI s}ueJJenn aql - uo l jezlleu6 l s jo, pajaplsuoo aq pinogs uolloasialul ue Jaglagnn 6ululwJaW ul uoljenlena ao} slueajem jg61a sapinoid (aoinm seornao joquo:D oij}eal wojlun uo lenuepV s,uoljejjslulwpy AemLIBIH leJapaJ aql - suolllpuoo 6uijslx9 age ul pazileu6lsun si golgm 'uoljoasia}ul 199JIS aouen pue anuany ui tIt , M 9g1 J01 palonpuoo seen slsAleue uy sisAieud;ueaaem JeuBis yljoN jaluaO unnol a6pid le ayM 6 6 oul 6uu9au16u]] suejlnio ayl yIIM 'suoilipuoo a6uej 6uol pue wjGl -ljoys ay} jol sassaooe ;no ly - ly6u olui s�tennanup sAo8 dad pue Nue8 JSJIJ ayl ljanuoo p1nonn uoisualxa ueipaw ay; llnsaj e sy 'pjenalno8 yljonnspeM N le anuany u," M punoglsann jol sauel ujnl -:4al lenp ayl ui abejols all aseajoui of ajn;nj ayl ui papualxa 6uiaq se ueipaw siyl papuepi sey a6pid leayM 4o Alio ayl - sAennanup sAoq dad pue �ue8 lsjid ay; jo ;joys sdols Alluajjno ueipaw ayl lnq ';sea ayl o; pjenalno8 gponnspeM N wojl spua;xa ;eyl anuany yl17t7 M ui ueipaw joluao 6uilsix0 ue si ajayl Suoi;ipuoo abuej 6uol ayl jol pauaplm aq p1nonn aue� ajoy C pue anuany y,tt M of sayoeojdde ayl pue 'ssaooe lno ly6u/ui - 146u e olui paljanuoo aq pinonn �(eManup euazzid s,ioiwy ay} ` ssaooe ;no- ;y6u�ui -ly6u e se uogounj of anuiluoo pinonn Aennanup � ue8 lsji j ayl 'llnsaj e sy - suoiloasjalu i pazi le auel ujnl -ly6u a pue sauel ujnl -491 alqnop pm 'u-!paw jaluao e �(q papinip uoiloajip yoea ui sauel y6nojyl aejyl jo pasudwoo uogoas e of pauapinn aq of pauueld si pjenalno8 yljonnspeM N 'Me ;s a6p a leayM jo A;13 ay} Aq pai }iluapi se `eaje Apn ;s ayl uiy }inn anuany y,t;,t7 M pue paenalno8 yljonnspeM N yloq 6uole s;uawanojdwi Aempeoj pauueld papnloui sisAleue siyl - (plinq) loafojd ay} y }inn uoilipuoo ay; jol uosuedwoo e se pawjo�jad seen 'suoilippe du; paleioosse pue asn puel pasodojd ayl lnoylinn `sisAleue uoll!puoo loa(ojd ou abuej Luol y Ocoz jea,, ayl of eaje Apn ;s ay; jol ajn;nl ay; olui sje@A OZ Alalewixojdde uoilenlis ayl 6uiloa[ojd jol uoilewjolui algeliene lseq ayl papnloui Suoilipuoo abuej 6u01 ayl suoi;ipuo:D loa(ojd ON 96ueH 6uo _17 'sawnlOA ogejl;oa(ojd ou wjal -ljoyS ayl ol;uawdolanaQ Jaluao unnol a6pid leayM pasodojd ay; ylinn paleioosse sdul aq; 6uippe Aldwis Aq pa ;elnoleo ajann sawnlon lseoajoj ayl 'suoilipuoo loafojd ou wjal -;joys ay; jol se Aj ;awoa6 Aennpeoj awes ayl papnloui sisAleue jeeA ajn ;n} wja; -;joys ayl suo4ipuo3 ;oa(ojd WAA wjal - ljoyS 'C - loafojd ay; ylinn uoilipuoo wjal -ljoys ay; jol uosuedwoo auilaseq a s ;as pue sjeaA aajyl ayl jano 0!4ejl ui ylnnoj6 luaigwe ue sapnloui uoilipuoo siyl - lno- ;y6u/ui -;y6u of Aennanua s,ioiwy 'R yljonnspeM pue AennanuQ �Ue8 JSJIJ R anuany ylt7t ayl 10 uoiloulsaj ay; ylinn ajnlnj wjal -;joys ay; ui sujalled oy4ejl ui sabueyo jo} leilualod ay; si ajayl pue OLOZ wojl aje s;unoo ayl aouis C LOZ jean( ayl jo} palenlena Senn uoilipuoo wja; -;joys y suo4ipuo3 ;oafojd ON wjal -ljoyS - Z . pl@U ay; ui panjasgo se lojluoo ogejl pue Ajlawoa6 uoiloasjalu ayl pue l4els (E)pO�{p) sluawwano� 10 pounoo leuoi6 januap Aq papinojd 6ulwil leubis `0602 to jagoloo ui paloa11oo sawnlon luawanow 6uiwnl ayl uo paseq ejann suoi;oasjalui eaje Apnls ay; le suollipuoo 6uilsixe ay ; 10 SISA,euy suoi;ipuoO 6uilsix3 I :Paw oipui se suoilejnbiluoo �Jonnlau pue awnlon 6uipuodsajjoo ayl y ;inn 'sjnoy � ead Wd pue NV ayl yloq 6uunp Apnls siyl to lied se pazAleue ajann suoi;lpuoo anq 6uinn01101 ayl SUOZIJO14 S!SAIeu ul ON Ja}u93 unnol abpi8 leayM Z - oul 6uuaawbug sueJlniO luawdolanaQ jalua3 unnol a6p a leauM pasodoid aul of palelai sdul palej9ua6 -alis aul ul!^^ sawnlon loafoid ou a6uea buol aul buiuigwoo Aq palelnoleo ajann sawnlon lseoaJOI aul - suoillpuoo loafojd ou a6uea buol aul jol se Ailawoab Aennpeoa awes aul papnloui sisAleue je@A ajnlnl abuej buol aUl suogipuo3 loafoad WAA abued buo-1 5 ease Apn aul uiglinn suolloasialul of sayoeojdde ssaooe pue Aennanup buiulewai ay} jol pasn seen yl OJ5 ON -lno lllnq aae seaje asagl se 'aue aaoy C pue laaalS wegdn 'laaalS aouen buipnloui 'sAempeoj Aiepuooas aul col pazililn seen %g O jo alea gWoa6 lenuue a6eaane ssel AlIgbils y -anuany 4,t M pue paenalnog glJonnspeM N apnloui pinonn goigm 'eaje Apnls aul uiglinn speoi Aiewud aul jol pazililn seen %o- � 10 alea gWoj6 lenuue a6ea9ne ue 'llnsaa e sy - paloadxa aq pnom gWojb to lunowe jaleajb Allgblls e `Aennpeoj aul jo Alioedeo aul buiseajoul aanlnl aul ui papuedxa aq of pasodoid paenalnog glaonnspeM N ul!M ' %6'0 of %99 Alalewixoadde to sale] gWojb lenuue abeJane of 6uilenbe se palelnoleo aJann 6 � l pue V L t uaannleq to saoloel paliodai ayl - eaae Apnls loafoid aul to Aliuloin aul ui paenalnog glaonnspeM N 6uole suoiloafoid gwoa6 jean( -OZ 10ao aul 6uisn Aq palelnoleo ajann sawnlon uoilipuoo loafoid ou abuej buol aul - uolloasjalul laaJlS aouen ayl of pal}iys aaam (lsaM aul to � ueg 'sAog dad 'sso�l 'slot big '� ueg lsai j) anuany y ; t7li M }o glnos pue gpOu gloq sasn 6uilsixa se Mann se luawdolanap pasodoid aul jol anuany y,Vtl M of ssaooe luawanow Ilnl ayl `lno- ly6u/ui -ly6u of paliwil anuany u,t M 01 Aennanup �ueg ISJIJ glaoN JaluaO Umoi a6pla leagM U 'oul 6uua9ui6u3 suealnl:D ' liwil paads palsod ou seq pue anuany ql�� Jo glaou 6ui�jed laaJls -uo selepoww000e �(ennpeoJ auel - onnl aql pJ£t` �R aouen uo 6uiplinq luawlaede aquas 6uilsixa agl aol ssaooe sapinoid pue anuany pa£17 01 alas aql olui pualxa laaals aouen `qlt t7 to glnos ssaooe leiluap 6uipinoid anuany Ui 1 7 t7 M wojj gJou spualxa legl Aempeoi leool glnos -gliou e si Waa }S aouen 'qdw gZ to liwil paads pa }sod e seq pue 6ul�jed laajls -uo awos selepoww000e Aempeoi auel -om, aql 'loa(oid aql jo apis lsea agl 6uole anuany Uit7t, M pue anuany JC M ueamlaq spualxa legl Aempeoi leool glnos -gljou e si 100aIS WeN Il "eaae Apnls loa(oid aql uigl!m qdw 5£ le pau6is si Aennpeoi aql - suoiloasialui �ofew le ldaoxa sauel g6nojgl aql to lno @pew �(Iuewud suing glint uoiloai goea ui sauel onnl sapinoid Aempeoi auel -inol aql 'JanuaQ to Alin agl glinn 96piH leagM jo A1!:D agl sloauuoo legl Aempeoa leualje aouiw ls@m - lsea ue si anuany 4 ,1 1 1 7 M - eaje Apnls aql uiglinn qdw Ot7 le paubis si Aempeoi Ni 'suoiloasjalui le sauel uanl -lg6u pue ujnl -4GI ql!m `puelsi ueipaw jaluao e Aq seaje loalas ui paleaedas uoiloajip goea w sauel ON sapinoid Aennpeoi auel -inol agl anuany xelloo of Aliniloauuoo se Ilam se `glnos aql of Aennaaa3 anuany y ,g aql of pue alas aql to gljou aql of aliw Zl, lnoge OZ -1 of ssaooe abuegoaalui Blinn Aliniloauuoo leuoi6aa sapinoid legl Aempeoi leualie lediouud glnos -glaou e si U6 HS pJenalno8 ypo^nspeM N - Ailawoa6 leJaua6 pue `uoileo4isselo leuoilounl jiagl `slaaals 6uipunoajns aql to lsil e si 6uinnollol aql 'pJenalno8 glaonnspeM pue laajlS wegdfl 'anuany gll woal passaooe Alloajip aq 11inn alls aql `dew AI!UIoin aql uo unnogs sy sAempeoa Bupsjx3 'sluawliede joivas aql pue s,ioiwy uaannlaq alas aql to Aiepunoq ujaglnos aql uo paleool si £ logy pue alas agl10 aauaoo lseagljou aql uo paleool si � logy 'alas agl uo slol padolanapun `lueoen onnl aie aaagl 'sluawlaedy aoluaS glJoN aalua:D unnol pue laaJlS aouen pue anuany u," M le 6uipling luejnelsa�j 6ui){ epued agl .alas aql to aawoo lsannglnos aql ui 6uiplinq lueinelsad euazzid s,ioiwy aql `alas aql to aaujoo lsannglaou aql ui 6uiplinq �ue8 lsii3 agl :ulewai of paloadxa aae s6uiplinq aql to JIy - pasodoid si luawdolanaa Jalua0 unnol 06pi�J leNAA aql aiagnn Apadoid eql uo paleool sbuiplinq inol Alluaaano aie ajaq I asn pue loafoid jaluao unnol a6pid leagM pasodoid eql jog ease Apnls agl uiglinn suoilipuoo 6uiIslxa aql luawnoop of si uoiloas sigl to asodind aq I eaa y ApnjS ay; ulyj!m suo!jipuoO 6uijsjx3 SNOI11aNOO ONIISIX3 141JON aaluaO unnol 96Pi�] leayM - out 6uuaaui6uq sueJlniO sawoo yoiynn `yoeoidde punoglsann ayl - auel wnl ly6ia e pue sauel y6noay1 onnl `auel wnl 14 aj6u e aney yoea sayoeoidde punogy }nos pue ylaou ayl :uoilern6iluoo auel 6uinnollol ayl ylinn uoiloasjalui pazileu6is a si oue saJod £ Ig plena nog y:ponnspeM . uoiloajip yoea ui auel auo y }inn ssaooe Aenn -onnl e si Aennanup s,ioiwy ayl - AeMPeoa ayl to aaluao ayl ui auel ujnl llal Aenn -onnl e pue gano au} 6uole auel uanl Ajeilixne ue ylinn uoiloaaip yoea ui sauel onnl si pjenalnoq ylaonnspeM - lny aalloo e sanaas yoiynn `gljomspeAA to @pis alisoddo ayl uo Aennanup Jayloue ylinn do s@u AEM@nup s,ioiwy ayl - AennanuP ayl uo joiluoo dots y }inn uoiloasia pazileu6isun ue si AennaniJa eiJazzid s,iaiwd 0 41 18 pJen8jno8 t4lJonnspeM uoiloajip yoea ui auel auo ylinn Aennan Henn - on�l e si �(ennanuP ayl - gano ayl 5uole auel uanl � jeilixne ue ylinn uogoaj yoea ui sauel onnl Sl ylaonnspeM �(ennanuP ayl to l no pue o swnl llal luanaid of yljonnspeM ui ueip@w pasiea e si aaayl - Aennanu4 �ueq lsJI J ayl uo joiluoo dots ayl ylinn uoiloasjalui pazileu6isun ue si Aennanlaa )Jue8 IsJi 041'8 pJenalno9 y:ponnspeM - AIuo luawanow paloaloid e aney sayoeoidde lie uo suing :4a1 ayl - auel uanl ly6u e pue `sauel y6noayl onnl 'auel uanl llal 916uis e aney yoea sayoeoidde punogylnos pue ylaou ayl - yoeoidde punoglsann ayl jol algeliene osle si auel uanl ly6u alejedes y - sauel g5nojyl onnl pue sauel uanl llal lenp aney s6a1 Punoglsann pue lsea ayl :uoilein54uoo auel 6uinnoIIol ayl ylinn uoiloasjalui pazileu6is a si anuand yjyti pue pJenalno8 y:PonnspeM suol;draasaQ pue 10a ;uoD o! ,Yeal - luawnoop siyl to siseq ayl swaol pue sinoy � ead Wd 'g wy AeP @GM ayl aol (Sod) aoinaas to Iana1 col pazAleue ua@q aney suoiloasJalui asayl laaalS weydn 'S anuany PJ£t7 • laajlS weydn '8 anuany y1t7l? • laaAS aouen'g anuany ylt7t • AennanuQ sAoq dad / �ueg lsiid ayl V anuany ylt • aueq savoy £ V PJenajnog ylaonnspeM • Aennanup euazzid s,ioiwy'2 pJenaInog ylJonnspeM • Aenn@nua �ueq lsJId ayl'8 pJenaIno9 yljonnspeM anuany glVtl'8 PJenaInoq q:ponnspeM • :suogoasjalui 6uinnollol ayl sapnjoui eaae Apnls ayl llels @5Pij leayM to Al!o ayl yl!M suoilesJanuoo y6nojyl pad lluapi @Jam suoiloasaalui eaae Apnls loafoid ayl suoijoas.ja;ul eaay ApnjS - liwii peads palsod ou sey pue 6ui�aed laajls -uo salepoww000e Aennpeol auel -onnl ayl ssaooe leioiawwoo pue leiluepisai 6uiPinoid pjenaInoq gljonnspeM N wojl lsann � oojq auo spualxa leyl Aennpeoi leool lsann-lsea ue si aue-1 aaay £ UPON aaluaO uMOl a6p!H leayM 5 L - oul 6uua9ui6u3 SUealn13 - xipueddy leoiuyoal ay} ui papinoid si elep lunoo Mea ayl .b Iigi4x3 ui uMoys aje slunoo asayl woaj sawnlon inoy dead pue Apep ayl - uoiloasialui laajlS weydn pue anuany y," M luaoefpe ayl woaj pauielaaose aaaM uOiloasJaluw sI jol sawnlon `llnsai e sy - uoiloasjalui anuany Pj Ob pue laailS weydn ayl jo uoildaoxa ayl pm `suogoasialui eaje Apnls ayl 10 yoea le 0 L0Z 'L jagoloo uo paloalloo aJaM sawnlon oWeJl pouad � ead (Wd 00.9 — 00 uoouJE)4e pue (AV 00'6 — OO'.L) 6UIUJOw AeMpeod - uil-JeNuilien jo uolloaaip ayl aapun - oul s@ow @S eleQ oy}eil IIy Aq paloalloo osle aJaM sawnlon 0!4eJl '(0L6'90 OLOZ woj} l awlS weydn jo l sea anuany �g£ M 6uole pue (05 CE L ) 0 L N wOJJ laaJlS aouen to lsaM anuany y,t7t, M 6uole '(0a' l, 60OZ woj; anuany y ,6£ M JO ylJou laajlS weydn 6uole sawnlon Aliep papinoid a6pgj leayM jo Al!3 ayl `um ppe ul '(006'017) 6002 w 04 anuany ,tit M pue anuany JC M uaaMlaq pJenalno8 yIJOMspeM N 6uole alisgaM 1pao ayl wojj peuielgo seM lunoo Apep y uo!;erado jo sinoH 4ead pue sawnlon a!j}eil 'SMOI y olyM £ Iigi4x3 ui paloidap si suoiloasialui eaae �tpnls ayl jo yoea le �(ilawoa6 6ullsixa ayl 'uoiloaJlp yoea ul auel auo pm AeM -oMl si pue uoiloesialui ay} jo 691 ylnos ayl swjoj laaalS weydn - sauel uanl aleaedas ou yliM sauel y6noayl oMl aney yoea sayoeoidde punoglsaM pue lsea ayl - laaalS weydn uo loiluoo dots yliM uoiloasialui pazileu6isun ue si wai ;S weydn '8 anuany 1411717 anuany ylJ uo uoileaalaooe ue olui ujnl ueo uanl ly6lj punogglnos ayl - auel ly6u- y6nojyl paaeys e pue prod ujnl }}al e sey yoeoadde punogylnos ayl - auel ly6ia- y6noayl paaeys e pue auel wnl dal e sey yoeoadde punogylaou ayl �auel ly6u- y6noayl paaeys a pue `auel y6nojyl e 'lay ood wnl 4a1 e sey yoeoadde punoglsaM ayl - auel uinl ly6u e pue ` sauel y6nojyl oMl 'pa ood uinl 4a1 e sey anuany ylt UO yoeoadde punoglsea ayl - hails aouen uO loiluoo dots pm uoiloesialui pezileubisun ue Si 1 aouen +g anuany y;Vy . 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L le sawnlon 0 LOZ agj anoge aseajoui punoi6req e eouaiaadxa tr 1igigxA uo unnogs se sawnlon ol}}eaj 6uiIsixe aqj 1egj pawnsse suoil puoo (0£OZ ae@A) a6ued 6uol pue (£ LOZ aea,k) wjal �JoqS aqj JOI suoilepoleo aoinaas Jo lana SISAIVNV 1OVdWI 01:1=IVNI NV3Jl 3Nnln:j WON J umol 96pia leayM gZ 'oul 6uu99ui6u3 suejlni:D - xipuaddy leoiugoal eqj ui papnjoui aie suoilipuoo joafoad ou wial -ljogs ay} jol sllnsai sisAleue }uejjem leu6is aqi 'uoilezileu6is jo uoi}ejapisuoo jol sluawaimbai aqj pagsiles Jayliau `uoijenjena ayj uo p9se8 - suoilipuoo 109fOJd ON weal - lPouS ayl COI palenlena aJann £ pue z sjueJJeM Jeu6iS stsAfeud iueaaeM JeuBiS - xipuaddy leoiuyoal aqj ui papinoid aie suoilipuoo 6uilsixe aqj jol sllnsai buinanb ayl - sinoq Mead VU pue wy a qj gjoq 6uunp sawi} le auel wnl -ly6ii ayj of ssaooe Moolq of �oeq spuaVa ananb auel g6nojgl punogglnos aqj - - inoy Mead Wd ayl 6uunp sawn le sauel ujnl -lgbia pue :4a1 ay} of ssaooe Moolq of Noeq spuave ananb auel g6noayl punogyljou ayl - uogoasialul aue aJoy £ '8 pJen91no8 y:PonnspeM N - inoq lead INd ay} 6uunp sawn le uoiloasialui lueoefpe aqj y6noit4l Noeq spuaixe ananb auel g6no t4j punogy:Pou ayl - uogoesialul AennanuQ jueanejsa�j s,ioiwy'8 pJen91no8 41JOmspeM N - moq Need Wd aqj 6uunp sawn le ssaooe Aennanup }uejnejsa�j s,ioiwy eqj Ised Noeq spuaVa ananb auel g6nojgl punoggljou ayl - uoiloosialul AennaniJd Nue8 JsJIJ'8 paen91no8 yljonnspeM N - inoq Need Wd ayl 6uunp sawn le auel wnl :4a1 aql sMoolq ananb y6nojgl punoq }sea ayj `Alleuoi}!ppy - inoq Need Wd aqj 6uunp sawil }e abeaols apepene aqj Ised spuaVa ananb ujnl }}a1 punoglsee ayl - - inoq Need Wd aqj 6uunp sawn le auel uanl -:491 ayj of ssaooe �oojq of Noeq spuaVa ananb auel g6noayl punoglsam ayl - - sinoq Need Wd pue Wy ay} 6uunp sawn le sauel ujnl -ly6u pue :491 eqj of ssaooe 6uiNoolq uoiloasialui anuany 41 9V M aqj y6nojgl Noeq spueVe ananb auel y6noayl punogylnos ayl - - auel uml -lg6ia ayl of ssaooe 6uiNoolq sinoq Need Wd pue Wy aqj gloq 6uunp sawn }e Aennanua Nue8 Isii j ay} Ised Noeq spueVe ananb auel g6noiyl punogq:pou aqi - uoi}oesia}ul anuany yifl M'8 paen91no8 glJOmspeM N - suoiloasialui eaae Apnis aqj jo inol }e sananb 6ugsixe luaioijap aje aa941 legl paleoipui uoilipuoo joefoad ou wal -boys ayj jol sisAleue buinanb ayj jo sllnsai aul sisAjeud Buinanb - xipuaddy leoiugoal ay} ui papinoad aie suoilipuoo joefoid ou wjal - boys ay} jol spodaj aoinUas 10 19n91 ayl - suoiIipuoo 6uilsixe Jo} paU!Iuepi seen leyrn puoAaq saiouaiogap leuoilippe ou j4pm luaioqap aq of anuiluoo o} paledioilue aie uogoas aoinaaS 10 19na 6uiIsix3 ayj uiylinn p 4papi saiouaioi}ap Juawanow ogioadS 1000 - OZZ 91208 00 '000AA] I • 9EEOS 1 X08 O d �I��dl =l.L - NOILd1lJOdSNb'l�..L - �I/�I� 5 :) •oul 6uIJaaui6u3 Z LOZ 'S �138VN33K ]�VOS Ol lON N W Cr n A anUOAV pa£t c� fJ � V (o 09l J/ ll �l (Z£)9l (LL9)l£4 —> � �6S)9S4 anuand yltt. 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LUG It, d -junjjju 31VOS Ol lON N O wo (0)o (0)o 4� CA o CO o A anuand past, o (l L)9l U 4 k. (SF)OZ (ZO9)0l5 <.':= 40L) L4S C W 3 Vi anuand ulbb M 00 0 N /nv vv V <3:— � :S )Z 9)q9t (L9)OZ 9F)Z t J .J U N O s3"mOn 01 -1-IV -L (OEOZ) .L33roNd - LnOH11M 3E]NVH JNO1 11 IIBIHX3 (.InOH � Dad Ad) anOH � DGd Wd — (XX)XX CA N N C, A A V CJ� N 7 ^r� � V C/ ( (s3o —> a €930 (Z6)0z� LZ)L � CA J m 0 (LZ)Z t 4 N w co N /(MQ Pe8 ls.ii p W_? ik O T < p o7 -o I � O CD C o A v (9)Ol C+� �LFS)l94 . A aue ajad E 0 0 N o 14 � A N N O N in w r( o (5)0 euazzid s�aN (LZ)Z t 4 N w co N /(MQ Pe8 ls.ii p W_? ik O T < p o7 -o I � O CD C o A v (9)Ol C+� �LFS)l94 . 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laaJIS aouen pue anuany u,t7t7 M ayl `AIleuoij!pp`d 'inoy dead Wd ayi ul 3 SOS O sllel yOlyM `uO!loasjalu! anuany y1t7tj '8 pJen91no8 gpoMspeM ayi to uo!ldaoxe ayi yl!M sayoeojdde aseo lsioM U0113asialu! paz!leu6!sun pue SUO!lOasjaluj paz!leU61S lleJanO ayi JOl uO!3!puoO loafoad ou a6uej 6uol ayi jol se awes ayi u!ewai of paloadxa s! 90IAJGS to lanai ayi 8 1 6'66 I `d I V6 4 (9'v5) y 9'8 fl any Pa£ 'V '8 IS weydn V 8'8 vi L fl an yl�t'8 I S weydfl a 5'9Z 8 L't76 6'L£ S fl paz!leu !s any yltiti'8 lS aouen y � t�'6 9' 6£9 8 3 8 £'Z6 8 9'06 n any yl1�t �(ennanuQ �lue8 lsa!J V t y 6'Z S U7 saJOy £'8 Pn18 41JOMSpeM `d 5'6 n AeManua s,!O!wy'8 PAJO L4poMspeM 8 Z' 6 6 8 1 6'66 I `d I V6 4 (9'v5) (0) (9'6Z) 3 T 69 0 8'Z£ (oas) (Des) SOl Aelaa So AelaQ dead Wd Mead WV n AeManua NUe8 lSa!J '8 P ^I8 q:POMSpeM S sluawlsn.pe ulw!3 yl!M S any ylt"V R PAJO ylaoMSpeM pezileu Isu n) pezileuBI(S) N01133SH31NI a4; 4 ;!M aouuaS Jo slana7 0£OZ JeOA - g algel 'sM011ol yolgm `q elg UI UMOys aje sllnsw ayi to kewwns y 'Z6 l lglyx3 UO UMOyS aje uoll!puoo s!yl japun paled!o!lue sawnlon O!AeJl le1 ayi 'L pUe 9 sl!q!yx3 uo uMOys se `luawdolanap ayi wOJJ OWejl leuOl3!ppe ayi pue ` 6 6 3!q!yx3 uo uMoys se sawnlon O!Ueal (0£OZ jeaA) a6ue�l 6uo7 ayi apnloui oueueos slyl ul papnlou! sawnlon 0!484 ayi ;39foJd OW qj!m (0£OZ aeaA) suo!J!puoo a6ueb 6uo7 yIJON JaluaO Umo1 abpid leayM 6£ 'Out buiJa9ui6u3 sueJlnlo 'suoilipuoo plinq 96ueJ 6uol ayl ui uoileziIeu6is JOl uoileJ9pisuoo 1sa66ns slInsaJ asayl 'sisAleue a14l ui papnpui awnJon luawanow uJnl -ly6u punogylnos ayl lnogj!m pue 14linn 14loq pailsiles aJann sluewuaJmbei 8£ pue y£ lueJJeM ayl gloq 'sawnlon loafoJd yl!m abueJ buoy ayl uo pase8 'anuany y ; t7b M punoglsem buole olu uJnl of auel �(Jeilixne ue pue yoeoJdde ayl 6uoje auej anisnloxe ue sey gDlgm 'OuleJl 6uiuJnl -ly6u punogylnos a14l lnoyl!m pue yI yloq awnJon laaJl JOUJ 9 ql paJapisuoo uoilenlena ayl '(C lueJJeM) JnoH � ead ayl pue (Z slueJJeM) awnjon Jelnoiyan JnoH -Jnod aql alenjena of sawnJOn 0! pouad � ead loafoJd ylinn a6ueJ 6u01 ayl buizililn palonpuoo seen sisAleue lueJJem jeu6is 9141 sIsAjeud;ueijeM JeUBIS , xipuaddy leoiuyoal ayl ui papinoJd aJe suoilipuoo loafoJd ql!m a6ueJ 6uol ayl Jol slInsaJ 6uinanb ayl 'Jnoy Need Wd a141 buiJnp saw le uoiloasJalui lueoefpe ayl of �oeq pualxa of paloadxa si ananb auel gbnoJ14l punoglsann 9141 - uoiloasJalul laaJls aOUen'2 anuany y," M *Jnoy � ead VNd buiJnp sawil le yoeoJdde punoglsam ayl Jol lsisJad of peloadxa aJe suoilipuoO loafoJd ou a6ueJ 6uol ayl of sanssi 6umanb JeliwiS - uoilOasJaluI AennanuQ sAo8 dadMue8 lsJi� anuany Uibb M Jnoy dead Wd 6uiJnp sawil le segoeoJdde punogylnos pue punogylJou ayl Jol lsisJad of palOadxa aJe suoilipuoo loafoJd ou 96ueJ 6u01 ayl of sanssi buinanb JeliwiS - uoiloasJalul aue aJoy C �R pjenaIno8 ylJOmspeM N • Jnoy dead Wd 9 141 6uunp sawn le yoeoJdde punogylJOU 9141 Jol lsisJad of paloadxa aJe suoilipuoo loafoJd ou a6ueJ buol ayl of sanssi 6uinanb JeliwiS - uogOasJaluI AennaniJa � Ue8 lsJIJ R pJenaIno8 ylJOmspeM N ■ - sayoeoJdde punoglsem pue punoglsea 'punogq:pou ayl Jol lsisJad of paloadxa aJe suoilipuoo loafoJd ou abueJ buo, ayl of sanssi 6umanb Jeliwis - uoiloasJalul anuany 4i1717 M pie naIno8 glJOMspeM N ■ .suoilipuoo loafoJd ou a6ueJ buoy aql of paJedwoo uegm sananb luaiogap ayl aJe butmollol ayl 'suoiloasJalui eaJe Apnls a14l to anil le sananb luaioqap aq of paloadxa aJe aJayl le14l paleOlpui slInsaJ 9 141 suoileJado OilleJl ayl loedwi of 6uinuiluoo bui�oels ajOiyan Jol leilualod 91 41 paleOipui suoilipuoo loafoJd 14l!m abueJ 6uol 9141 Jol sisAleue 6umanb 9141 stsAleu y 6uinanb WON JaIu90 unnol a6pi�j }eagm 017 'oul 6uu99ui6u3 sueJJAIO - xipuaddy leoiuyoal 941 ui papnioui aae suoilipuoo loafoid ql!m 96uej 6uol ayj aol sllnsai SISAleue lueiiem leu6is ayl 1000 - 962 - OZZ o 91208 OU 'QOOM3wl • 9E£091 X00 O d NOI1d1J=lOdSNb U-L - g maul 5ul.-fiaaul6u3 0 A a l G LUG 1 1 �1 -�HVUJ IO 3�VOS 01 lON N (zv �WI 4 r� I anUOAV Pa£b co 0 v v N5 (Z06lIP ( l l8)f lS —> (f lL)L4S 1 :l anU3AV 41tt M rn/ O NJ nv vu v � Y (6f 008 J, 89)tz (409)504 S49)f84 (l9)OZ� Sf)Zt a4� V� U 0 O �vv S3wn �Id3tY2�1 (OEOZ) 133road H11M 3EJNVH JNO Lt ILICIIHAII ()nOH � DGd Wd) anOH � D@d Wb - (XX)XX J J N � V V N r/n vv 7 ^ r y C/ (L (S)0 b G� 9 0 (Z6)OZ WL N W O v^ � N N N aUe'j allot/ £ v 0 0 N � t,� N �i N A n PWA IK t N C I �� ellazzid s,13iu.lt (LOLL 4 N , w N �Q �Ue� 15.113 rn vo p I Co (D 'r S011)lL (S6L(9)L04�� �(LLS)ZL4 A rn N O w a m (0)8 (g)0 O N V o $o s= N < N < w O v rn w ^ io n O N � r / nv vv v � Y (89 l) lZ l J� (LS 09Z l (S *fJ 6l� �(6Sf )O W 99Z f4l ? (O*Z)64l � N V " ,: R Cd G v Co IT 4PON a91u90 unnol 96Pi l leagM Zt+ 'oul BuiJ99ui6u3 sueJlniO - pagiluapi ajann sainseaw uoile6iliw ou `suoilipuoo 109foid ou wial -7pogs aql 01 jeliwis We suoileaado uoiioasjalui agl aou'S :uoile6iliw - sananb juaiogap aneq of paloadxa aie sluawanow aqj jo aldnoo y :Aouaioijan uoijoasjajuj auel eJoy £ V paen91no8 q}ionnspeM N ■ uoileool sigl le p9puepi seen uoile6il! w ou `sngj `pue uoiloasJalui anuany u; "' M aql wojl Aouai099p aql 10 uoisuaVa ue si anssi ananb sigl :uoile6i }iW - anoq Need M aqj 6uijnp uoi}oasjalui juaoefpe aqj o} Noeq puave of paloadxa si ananb }uawanow g6nojgj punoggliou aql :Aouaioijad uopasiam Aennanua }uemejsa�j s,ioiwV V pJen91no8 gPonnspeM N ■ - uoileool sigl le pagiluapi seen uoilebilp ou `sngl `pue uoiloasjalui anuany 41 t 7 t, M aqj woal Aouaiogap ag1 10 uoisua}xa ue si anssi ananb sigl :uoile6iliw - moy Need Wd eql 6uijnp Aennanup Juaoefpe aqj of Noeq pueVe of paloadxa si ananb luawanow g6noaq} punogq:pou aql :Aou910 uoiloasialul Aennanua NUe8 IsJi-� V pRn91no8 q:PonnspeM N ■ - sanssi ananb aqj o} Juawanoidwi Aue ui linsai jou pip uoile6iliw aql sluawanow lenpinipui aqj 10 awns ui Juawanojdwi pue uoijejado Q SO IleJano 914110 6uiuielwew a Senn 6uiwi} pasinaI agj jo llnsai aql 'uogoasjalui aq} punoae sIuawanow aql 01 awiI u99J6 aql aingijlsip AJuana avow of paziwildo aq p1nogs 6uiwi} jeu6is aql :uO'le6iliw - sananb juaio4ap aneg of paloadxa aie sIuawanow 1eJ9n9s `uoiIippe ul - sinoq Need M pue Wy aqj gloq 6uunp J JO 3 SO }e 6uilejado aq of pa}oadxa ai sjuawanow JeJanaS Aou910119a uoiloasialul anuany y ,bti M'8 paen91no8 q:PonnspeM N ■ suoiIipuoO loa glinn Weal-POgS - nnolaq passaippe aje u01109sJ91ui goes le uoile6iliw leilua}od o} sagoeoidde pue suoilejapisuoo 6uinno1101 aql joefoid glinn 96uej 6 U0 aqj jol suoiJoasaaIui ani} }e pue suoilipuoo joefoid glinn wjal -:Poqs ay} ao} suogoasialuw eaje Apnis aqj 10 and} le p puapi ajann saiouaiogap 6uinanb pue Alpedeo NOIldJIIIW yPoN aalu@O unnol a6pd leayM £t7 'Oul 6uu9aul6u3 SueJlniC) - paUiluapi ajann sainseaw uoileblliw ou `suogipuoo }oafoid ou a6uej 6uol ayl of ieliwls aae suoile� ado uogoas�alui ayl aouls :u011e5ij!A sananb luaiO�ap aney of paloadxe aie sluawanow ayl to aldnoo e `UO ul 'Uoilipuoo loafoid ou ayl joj yons se aleaado of paloadxa osle aie inoy dead AV ayl 6uunp 3 SOl le aleaado of paloadxe sluawanow ayl pue `sinoy dead Ad PUe AV ayl yloq 6uunp Slanal algeldaooe le aleaado of paloadxa si uoiloasialui pazileu6is IleJano ay1:AOUaioilaQ uoiloasJalul aue1 aJOy £ - �R paenalno8 ylaOnnspeM N ■ uoileool siyl le pailuapi seen uoile6iliw ou `snyl `pue uoilo anuany yj t7v M ay} wojl Aouaio4ap ayl 10 Uoisualxa up si anssi ananb siy1 :uoile6ilin inoy Mead Ad ayl 6uunp Aennanup luaoefpe ayl of Moeq pualxa of paloadxa si ananb luau.►anow gbnojyl punogylaou ayl :AoueioilaQ uogoasialul Aennanua Mue8 lsJi3 '8 paenalno8 ylJonnspeM N - sluawanow lenpinipui ayl to awns Ul luawanoidw pue uoilejado lieJano ayl Ul luawanoidwi up seM 6ulwq pasinaJ ayl jo l;lnsaJ ayl - uoilOasaalui ayl punoje sluawanow ayl of at.u uaaa6 ayl ainqu }sip �(Iuana aaow of paziwildo aq pinoys 6uiwil leu61s ay1 :uoileblj!A - sananb luaioqap aney of paloadxa aje sluawanow leaanas `uOilippe ul - sinoy dead Ad pue AV ayl yloq 6uunp d J 3 SOS le a leaado of paloadxa aie sluawanow leaanas pue inoy dead Ad ayl 6uunp 3 SOS le aleaado of paloadxe si uoilOasJalui pazileu6is lleJanO ayl :AOUGIOilaa uoiloasialul anuany y ,t7t? M �R paenalno8 ylJOnnspeM N • suoi1, UOO loa W N a u- uo-1 - sananb luaioilap Aue 10 uoileuiwila pue uoileaado pooh e si llnsaj ay1 'welsAs leu61s paleuipi000 a Glean of pazilp seen uOi anaan paenalno8 ylJonnspeM N luaoef e a puo M p yl �o (Mead l/Vd ayl ul spuooas pg pue Mead AV a yl ul spuooas 05) y36ua1 aloAo jl y pa4siles lueJaenn a 10 sluawaiinbai ayl 6uipuil `pabueyo aq pinoys loiluoo O!}eal ayl J! auiwaalap of palonpuoo Senn sisAleue luejjenn leu61s y :uoilebjj!A - inoy dead Ad ayl 6uunp 3 SOS le alejado of paloadxa aae sayoeoidde punogylnos pue punogyljou aq j - Aouaioilaa uoiloasaalul laaalS aOuen �2 anuany,," M y1JON JGIU@O unnoi abMJ leayM t7b - oul 6uuaaui6u3 sueJiniO . sananb }uaioijap Aue 10 uoi}euiwlle pue uoijeJado pooh e si jjnsaJ ayi 'walsAs leu6is paleuipJ000 e aleaJo of pazililn seen uoiloasJ@Iui anuany 4,t M '8 pJenaIno8 y�JonnspeM N juaoe(pe ayj jo (� ead wd ay1 ui spuooas 09 pue dead Wy ayj ui spuooas 05) y}6ual aloAo jjey y pa4siles lueJJenn e jo sluawaimbei ayj 6uipui} pabuego aq pinoys joJluoo o}}eJl ayj }i auiwJalap of palonpuoo seen sisAleue lueJJeM 1eubis y :uoile6ll" - ananb juaplap e aney of pajoadxa si yoeoJdde punoglsann ayj 'uogippe ul Jnoy dead wd ay} 6uunp j Sp le aleJado of pa}oadxa aJe sayoeoJdde punogylnos pue punoggljou ayi :AOuaioi}aa uogoasJalul 1aaJIS aouen'8 anuany ,,," M ■ .uoileool siyl le pailiwapi seen uoile6iliw ou `snyl 'pue uoiloasJaIui pJenaIno8 q:ponnspeM N ayl waJ; Aouaioi}ap ay} 10 uoisualxa ue si anssi ananb siyi :uoile6iIiw - Jnoy � ead wd a y} buiJnp uoiloasJalui luaoe(pe ayl 01 �oeq puaVa o} paloadxa si ananb Iuawanow y6noJyi punoglsann ayi :AouaioiIaa uoiloasJGIUI SAeManuQ sAo8 dadMue8 IsJIJ R anuany Uit7t M ■ yuoN J@IUGO umol abp!H leayM 517 - oul 6uu9aui6u8 sueJJAIO , ijodaa siyl ui paitiluepi sainseaw uoile6i}iw pue s}uawanojdwi Aempeoi a14l gllm Juawdolanap J01 panoidde aq joefoid aaluao unnol a6pi�l IeNAA J pasodoid sasn puel pue ueld a }is legl si }tels a6pd }eayM to Alto ay, o} uoilepuawwooaj ay} ` @JOIaJ@q 'uoi�euipa000 leubls 6uiuielu eli14M `buinanb pue � poedeo aql aoueleq pue sawn uaa�6 ay} a�nqulsip �(luana aaow o� ease Apnts ay} uiylinn suoiloas�91ui pazileubls ayl col sluawlsnfpe butwil leu&S 'sIuawanow um} 491 AennaniaQ �ue8 lsai j ayl loulsaj IIIM y oigm 'anuany y1t uo ueip9w a14i 10 uoisua�xa 9 141 yJinn Alluaainouoo palaldwoo aq o} paaapisuoo aq pinoys uoil leubls o�ea, a141 - Ino- ly6u/ui -ly6u 01 uoisaanuoo anuany ytbt, 01 AennaniaQ �ue8 lsjij ayl 40 uoisaanuoo ajnlnl ayl Aq paouanitui �(lineay si osle leu6is s aol paau 9141 -}oefoid yIJoN aalua3 umol abp!'H Iea yM aye 40 uo ayl of joud paaapisuoo aq pinoys leu6is NI 10 uoilellelsui ayl snyl 'joefoid eql 14lIM wjaI-boys ay} ui lueAeM leu6 anoH dead a14l I9aw of paledioilue si uoitoasialui siyl - waIsAs paleulpi000 e aIeaao of uoiJo9sj@Jui anuane y ,t7t7 M'R PJenalno8 y1JonnspeM N Iuaoefpe ayl le buiwil leu6is egl10 aloAo tley e 14l!M 'uoiloesJa1ui IaaJ}S aouen'S anuany 14, M ay} jo uoizezileu6iS - saiouaioiiap buinanb pue A}ioedeo ssaippe of P@4!Iuapi @jam sainseaw uoge6i1iw 6uinn01101 9141 - Apnis siy1 ulWm pa}uesaid se sloedwi algelebiliw seq loafoid sigl 'juawnoop si14� �o �(poq aye ui pap in aye 14oiynn slInsaa pue sai6olopoylaw 'suogdwnsse 'suoile/uesgo play 'sis�(leue aye uodn pase8 SN0IIV(IN3WW003N T SNoisniONOO