HomeMy WebLinkAbout3609 Eaton Street ^."~. - ~ A .... ~ 4 r CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ~'rn Building Inspection Division ~ (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Ollice * (303) 235-2857 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: ~/r/ BLa. f Job Address/Permit Number: 3Coo/l~5 EMhA/ $"1" . I OS-Og'/~ , ! A-/fal1,Hl/ t" ~ f jJb-rL,(l;'f(;; hV //'hif/5'_o# PE''7Tc.*-rz,k> /.-(/>U /ILD i u'/J.-!/~ ~ N.,;/<:,r ~/FD o No one available for inspection: lime h',' -10 AM/PM Re-Inspection required: -~ Yes &2-J- * When corrections have been made, call for re-inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: 0J. / :q '/ o? Inspector: 'Z:.. ~ ~ /" DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE _._-----~_.. "-"---~~~-~--'-----'-'-~~-~'~-'-"-----~----_.--._"..---~_._~._~-~.._. ,------~ __________________ J " ","' City of WbttatRidge Residential Remodel PERMIT - 08081$ ~80e15 3609i~'0~'st Remodel paint , place ISSUED: 07/22/200e , EXPIRES: _O,;I./18j200~ cc3.binets, new windo~s" Barry Schafer 08-0154 Barry schafer ~ .. ,&-3 VA usg: UA BLOCK/LOT#: 0/ y'.*-'-- ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATIO!f: FEES 90.10 58.57 .00 36.00 184.67 2 000.00 . l- ' .' Pee eview 'Fe!> v;alu<ltion ~* ~," ;1 ' CElr,tify cl}a~ the jietbat!k distances propo$ea' by this permit, applicatibn are a,?curate-, and -do' n,pt, viOlate appl!ca9l.ib, es~' -rule:s~ or- ,r,l!gUlat'tOttIJ:':ot" the City _ ot' Wheat Ridge ok- cov"nanta. eatHml8Jlt-s or ruerictiQl:lS_ of" ,~c:o:r;a:l ,:,~t' ~1,l- , J;I;t;.!r{~h?,wn/ ,_~.',a.llegati9P:8" made, are accUrate; that -;t- have, read -.n4 agree to:, a1:;lide by, an_ c~~iOn.' prill\ted." on tPi<<." iorr::ana, t~~ 'x, ,..S:~ ,f~iJ:1 .';rt!sponsibility for ,compliance with the Wbeat Rld~' Building Code' (1.B,C}-'and--a:11 other, . le -Wh~at ~~'"O,tdi~C..'~' f~or, work und.er this: -permit. Plans, subject to field__ inspection. . - e .'of "contrac~~+loWrter, date permi,t wa,: '1,...uil:4'->.tn',_.ee~-I:iiia~e- wi,th the prov5.t!lions, set forth in 'your applicae,f9n_ ,and is" fI~ect, to :'th.-,'l~";;Of:the of. ~loradtL"tjd:,-, to ,t~.- 'Z'omng' Regulations and Building <>>:1es o,f Wheat Ridge, 00lorado or "ny other -apPticaP,l:e-' , ,cii'.~ of, ',tbe:C!ii;Y:\'-'Y'", ^' .'--' '-, '- "' -' '\ ' ~~~:~,',,'J:i~ii:l:~-MPit:;~.:j.:JJQ~)t'l:AY8; fr~ th~, iS8~ date. R.equests for an ex~~nsion mu8~ be reefved:prior to,_~ira~ion,. An", ,J$t,engt-on: may :be.: granted at the dilScretion of the, Building officJ.al. ' -' ,,< ,- -" , " ,.'<,~~'t;:,~'rett;, a.fitlfW-~tm.it may be aoqUi~.a,'~for a tee_ pf on.e-~lf the a\'llO\,ll1t nQ~llY:1:'~red., p_~o4i~ 0() , ; ;ba~' beien ,or' ~11' be ~JW.d~ _i,n the Qt'liJiMl' pi~ and .-oeciftcations. 'and: ~t/}Juapens~on 'f?~ _~~t, ~.8 ',not r$";9Jie ,(~),,,,,te.r. It 'cilUU:19BS have bell!!n or if Quspension- or abandonl'llent exce~d" one (1) year>fUii tees: ,_l:Ul:ll (!I-",:fw_'_iJ:'~hew,^Pe'l1nit:; ,-_' '_ . _ ;' ~^:ot_:"anv,"~ -.J:L';p. -~ ,d5?n~_ - that will (::~nge tne :natural flow of water causing _a I;\ril,itlage p~blem. ti?t',shali:,:'~t~fV:_'t:ne',~il4ing, Insp.,ctor-twettty-four (24} hours in advance ,foi, lU1 inspe-~~~. and:8hap t;e!;:e"iv, , <~~~~1::~Qi\ :9i~ofibrt" card ,bef-or-e proceeding ~itJ:1. suc~es.ive phase. ,of the_.:j~b,. , ""',,,, 'e' -,' . '_ ,'l)f!:.},~m::~-t _~_,foM\.ppr()va1 of dn_winQ-s a.nd. .pe~ifica,tioml sJiall_not be eonstrued to,:be a l:'erlUt fore, tior i6vM- of.,_ ,i9lnY:V101.t::~Qn :'9f" t:M prov,isions of tbe, build~ng codes or any other' or4inancel law:, ~rule',or _regulation, , a:rLreview '#:".~J:' d 'ins~ct~_ons. ' date .. , - "" ~olil, '~, (303l23.~5933 '1'8 M'll's',t' 'M!: WIPE 'aT 3PM AN't'. BUSINESS BUILDING, OFFICE: (:303) 235,-2'8515' DAY FOR INSPECTION TflE FOLLOWING -BUSINESS DAY. -:'.' " ""'" ity of Wheat Ridge r..-..,-..... ..-..' . . . ,~si~ntial Remodel PERMIT -080815 ';"J]]) ,. place ISSUED: 07/22/2008 EXPIRES: 01/18/2,009 cabinets, new ~indows' Barry Schafer 08-0154 Barry Schafer USE: UA BLOCK/LOTi: 0/ ESTIMATSD PROJECT VALUATION: FEES 90.10 58.57 .00 36.00 184.67 2,000.00 ~he$etpackdi8tances proposed by this permit application are accurate. and do not violate applic~~ eg1.\l&~iOnS"ofthe City of Wheat Ridge or covenants-, easements orrestrictions()f rto._cor4.'th;at_.alc-l ' .:~_Hegationsmade: are accurate; that 1 have read and agree to $bide by allcond,itions print!i!Clonth-i,s al!ll;!UIne: tull rE!s]?onsibil1ty for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Build'ingCode (I.B.C) and aU other . i:tlaii.c; ,,;' for :r;kunder this permit. Plans subject to field :inspection. e:J.2 date forth in your applicatiotl and is subject to tile!aW':Of CodeS of Wheat Ridge, Colorado -or attY othl!Jrapp:ii,~t~ " the din Ac;ordance with the provisions set ~. to the' zoning Regulations and Bu1lding Pity ~ ~xp~1B:O~~Y.fX"om the i,s~ue date.. Requests for an extension ttllUlt be received. prior to e~iratiqn , _~Y,be9_tantedatthe discretion of the 9ullding Official., ". : : re'8"j a new-'permit maybe"acqulr~dJor, a,tee oLon~-haJ.ftne amov.nt,'nQ~:Lly;r~quil:e4., prov~df!d:'-;no ' 'pr'_,Willbttmade in the original plans and 8pecit'icatlAA" and ahY8u.pensio~1:o;r abandonment Manot ea:r~"If-;epanges: have :been or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year. full -fees sl:'i.all" 'permit. - r ,S:ha];l',~e,'dpn~:;;t~t will change the natur~l flow. of water causing a drainage probletn_ ti'~y ,th_.'.uilding Inspector twenty",four (24) noursin advaqce for all inspection-s ~artdsha,ll receive 1.n~ecti~',C~rd.,'before proceeding with successive phases _of::tlle job_, ...' ....... . it O~ theappr-clval of drawings, and specif:l.cationa shall !lOt be construe_dtol;>e,ape_rm~t ;for. nor violation of t~provisions of the building codes or any other ordinance. law, rule or~egulation. BulSject.;, f inspeCtions. date (3,03) 234"5933 BUILDING OFFICE: (303) 235-2855 3PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE' FOLLOWING BVSINESSOAY. ~''l<H~~<l''/) Q ". '" C'O(OR~QO City of Wheat Ridge Building Division 7500 W. 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303-235-2855 * Fax: 303-235-2857 Inspection Line: 303-234-5933 Date: b 1- (0. 0 Plan#: 03 ~@-kP Permit#: OgD2? /0 Building Permit Application Property Address: -34,0 9 ~ A../-on Sf- Property Owner (please print): 1sr~~ak( Phone: 303-9/(;, -6 9/ Q .r :IJ7t1esfmenfs L.LC-j Mailing Address: (if different than property a dress) Address ~:f X'D / U rk /7 .9 City,Slale.Zip Irjh~cd-I(/O:1P ('0 Contractor: AOfT'I ,--)cha;;; f g DO~_"'3 Contractor License #: Phone: 303-Cj/0-D9/D Sub Contractors: Electrical City License #: Company: Plumbing City License #: Company Mechanical City License #: Company: Exp. Date: Approva I: Exp, Date: Approval: Construction Valu : $ (as calculated per the uildinq Val Use of space (description): IJp(] riM I"":n+ Description of work: , ;('C:jnoo'e./~ pa./nr- jJ/t7t'e (la/JII'kJs 17'00 1<)/ dOlUS Sq, Ft./L.FI added: (,91,':;/ Squares BTU's Gallons Amps OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge Ordinances, for work under this permit. Plans subject to field inspection. CfRLCE ONE" (OWNER) )CONTRACTOR) or PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE of (OWNER) (CONTRATOR) SIGNATURE: '/ Date -;~ /tJ -tJ(? PRINT NAME: DEPARTMENT USE ONLY ZONING COMMENTS: Zoning: Reviewer: PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS: Reviewer: 4ffl2n, {l. tv /7Il ~l>i> ~",~~=..,r;r:< . ~ ~;N~' ~ I . Wcl!~~y~ o disapproved 0 no review required Bldg Valuation: $ ~~~ ~ O<:l.::"~ ~,~~~"--. ~ ~~'<::>~~ '-...... VI \::) '0--Q \:) ~ ~~ ~ ~ 1 f'..\ ----- 1 I - '"::::: ',C- --., ..s:, 1"" \ <J1 o U w DI~~ ~ ~f' oF 'PL~ ~ VnJt2~<1 f'ml\j'*f [)-F IAJlrJDv-W 'fWl?N/oJG; S-fl~ 1"18"1 e)Ca..&--t::, 1-/4 INeHeS ~ -- _~1'14 ~ ~;t~~ V 5~/ tn {t;, Q", J3 C;@ o 3 I~ -:. 3r ( 3' '/ <- 10 '-lr "'~\ ~' yJ ;;";2 ~\1t,^t-~ ~ )1ov~ , II//ry RoDfk" f ~ ~ 1 ~} ~ \7 ~!. I' ~ ~ :t,:-- "-C ..... ~ 3.~~ t/Lf 1/ {J ftf1Cfv tv tJft ~II~~U , , . , . ,. ' City of '~Wheat~dge ~OMMUNllY DEVELOPMENT NOTICE AND ORDER TO PROPERTY OWNER AND ALL CURRENT OCCUPANTS Pursuant to the 1997 Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings and the 2003 International Building Code, the property owner of record: Luann Zehnder, Stephen Zehnder, Teresa Zehnder & Brian Zehnder 9709 Alkire St. Arvada, CO 80005 and all current occupants of the property legally described as: Key 4, Section 25, Township 3, Range 69, commonly known as 3601 Eaton Street, Unit # 3609, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 are hereby ,otified that the above described property has, this 8th day of July, 2008, been declare,J tr be a Dangerous Building by the undersigned Building Official of the City of Wheat Rio je, in accordance with Section 115 of the 2003 International Building Code, and you are hureby ordered to vacate the accessory structures and make the required repairs. The specifi; violations of code are, but not limited to: Section 302 - Dangerous Building 13. Whenever any building or structure has been constructed, exists or is maintained in violation of any specific requirement or prohibition applicable to such building or structure provided by the building regulations of this jurisdiction, as specified in the Building Code or Housing Code, or of any law or ordinance of this state or jurisdiction relating to the condition, location or structure of buildings. The ordered actions and repairs are: - 1. A building permit is required for work to add an additional apartment unit. ~ Fees shall be determined in the building department office. 2. Approval to add an additional apartment required from the Building, Planning Public Works and Fire departments of the City of Wheat Ridge. - 3, Bedroom windows shall meet egress. -::IY 4. Thermostat must be installed for the unit. .,.-- 1 5. Screens required on all windows. - 6. Unit number is required to be posted. ~ 7. Windows shall be installed correctly to prevent water leakage/damage. -- 8, Wall paneling needs to be repaired near window in kitchen due to water------ damage from window. _ 9. Smoke detectors are required, and shall be hardwired with battery backup *" throughout building. 10. Verification that the bathroom vents to the exterior of the property. ~ 11. Any additional items found to be in violation of the adopted codes. You are hereby ordered to initiate the above actions and repairs immediately. You are further notified that if the required permits are not obtained within ten (10) days of the date of this notice, the Building Official may proceed with legal action to remove the structures and charge the property owner with violations of the 2003 International Building Code and City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Code. Any person having any record title or legal interest in the building may appeal from the notice and order or any action of the Building Official to the Board of Appeals, provided the appeal is made in writing as provided in the 1997 Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings and filed with the Building Official within 30 days from the date of service of such notice and order. Failure to appeal will constitute a waiver of all right to an administrative hearing and determination of the matter. ~~ Kristy S h utto Property Inspector City of Wheat Ridge Building Department 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office (303) 235-2847 Fax (303) 235-2857 2 Property appraisal system Page 1 of2 Property Information I OF I GENERAL INFORMATION Schedule: 023770 Status: Active ParcelIO: 39-251-00-026 Property Type: Commercial Print Help Property Address: 03601 EATON ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80212 Mailing Address: 03801 URBAN ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 Neighborhood: 531 - Owner Name{s) SCHAFER INVESTMENTS LLC PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Subdivision Name: ~ Block ILot IKey ISection ITownship IRange QuarterSection Land Sqft I 1004 12s 13 169 NE 25700 Total 25700 Assessor Parcel Maps Associated with Schedule map_39_~_25_LpdJ Graphic Parcel Map MapQuestLocation COMMERCIAL INVENTORY SALE HISTORY Sale Date Sale Amount Deed Type Reception 05-13~1975 123,000 CONVEROI 06-13-1979 256,000 Warranty Deed - Joint Tenancy 87033053 01-04-1995 390,000 Warranty Deed FOOQ2636 11-30-2007 720,000 Warranty Deed 2007135843 http://www.co.jefferson.co.us/ats/displaygeneral.do ? sch=02 3 77 0&0 ffset=O 7/17/2008 Property appraisal system TAX INFORMATION 2008 Payable 2009 Actual Value Land 150,200 Imp 600,700 Total 750,900 Assessed Value Land 11,960 Imp 47,820 Total 59,780 2007 Payable 2008 Actual Value Land 150,200 Imp 600,700 Total 750.900 Assessed Value Land 11,960 Imp 47,820 Total 59,780 Ir.e.as!,[[s;oLlofQrmatigH Page 2 of2 View Mill Levy Detail For Year I 1 20081 1200711 2008 Mill Levy Information Tax District 3139 County TBA School TBA WHEAT RIDGE TBA REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION DIST. TBA URBAN DRAINAGE&FLOOD CO NT DIST TBA URBAN DRAINAGE&FLOOD C SO, PLAT TBA WHEATRIDGE FIRE DIST. TBA WHEATRIDGE SAN. DIST. TBA WHEATRIDGE W. DI$T. TBA Total TBA TR @ - ..- J'iFFCO 7SS-S $~ JC @ @ '-A CD (ilF @) .. '" C@) 'l' ~ '" ~ @ 2 7-A E 7- @ .'l CO~8) @ 4 W. .,.:; @ en 10 @ 5 c: o ... liS u... ~ , , w City of '~WheatB49 e ~~OMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT g Memorandum TO: John Schumacher FROM: Meredith Reckert DATE: July 21,2008 SUBJECT: Building permit #08-0246 This memorandum is in regard to a building permit application for property located at 3609 Eaton. On the property there is an existing multi-family building with 12 apartments. The property owner has applied for a permit to legitimize a 13th unit. The property in question is zoned R-3. The current density standard requires 3630 square feet ofland area for each unit. The property has 25,700 square feet of area. To meet today's density standard for 13 units, a total of47,190 square feet ofland would be required. As there is insufficient land area, the planning division cannot approve the permit for the 13th unit.