HomeMy WebLinkAbout4365-4375 Fenton Street Building Permit CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 West 29TH Avenue Wheatridge, CO 80033 303-235-2855 Permit Number ..~ ~ .~ ..... ",..--- .~...--.- Ci...:'Iill....Ridg< 19707 1/24/2006 Inspection Line 303-234-5833 Residential Demolition PROPERTY 4375 Fenton St Unit: (303) 422-8500 OWNER: Roger Loecher Description Complete Demolition llis= ~s IDemo, itionj:>erm i tFee !Total Fees== L [CONTRi\QORS [Name. lAiPine Demolition__ _=r----=---=-~--~-l _ID.J!EL. --- =:=Jpaid __~O.OO- - --1$50.00 =~~:=I$50.00 ~=~~~~_=:J$50.00 _~ -===-~==~==~===---~ l=-==--=-==-~ L__J _-=JLicen5e#----~-~L- -I 120761 .----=--==-~~~ =:]303 421-33~ :=:J -~ Units: Occupancy: Walls: Roof: Stories: Sq Feet: o I bueb}' 1'~11ify thai the ~I.th"ck dist;lIlCC.' proposed by this permit appUutlon In: accurate, and do not violJte .ppUc.b~ ordinances, ndes or rqulatlOIU orthe CUy of Wheat H;.!;.:e ur cove"""", "",cmelll' ur restrictions of record; thlt.n measurements shown, and alle&adons made are &tcurate: that I ban read Ind azree to abide by aU conti;, i"ns nled 011 this "1'1'1i.-"lion, llnd that llssume fuD resPORllbiUty for compUance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (LB.C.) and aU other applicable Wh".R'''.' ~ ';:';'"''''.], '''"',, hl'p"mit. _____ _' /.~ y: -:>-tR) y NEIt)(COJ\'Tlt\CHlH) SIGNED DATE I llis pcrmit "'H.' i,_,,,<"<1 in HCc...-<I'll1ce with the p"nrislons Ht forth In your appllcatloo and is subject to the laWI ofthe State of Colorado and to the ZoDinr; Rcgulalio", ,,,,,I IILlil.!i,,;: C"dc of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other appUeableordlnances of the City. 1 Every pcnnit is.",,-,l ,Iwl! ho-cIII"" invalid unleM the work on the site authorized hy such permit Is commenced within 180 days after Its bsuaoee, or Iftbe work authorized UIl lhc Sill' b)' _",d, permit i. suspended or abandoned far a period of 180 days aller the time of work ill commenced. !fthis I,enllit npircs. a llCW pennlt Illay be acquired for a fee o(one-balftbe amount normally required, provided DO changes have beeD orwil be made In the originall,lalls ",,,I 'pl'cil.o-"ti",," and any su.perullon or abandonment has not ucecded ODe (1) year. Ifchlnr;es are made orlflUllpension or abandonment exceeds OIlC (1) )T"r. r"n k"s shHlI be paid for I new permit. 4 :S;" wOI'k of allY Illalll"-" ,It;l\l be done that will chlnr;e the natural flow of water cau.lor; a dralnar;e problem_ S [luildi"" III t -four (14) hours in .dunce (or aU Inspections and shall receive: written approval on inspection card before .,,',,]>h: the Job. 6 n&5 and specifications shan not be construed to be I permit (or, oor an Ipproul of, Iny violation of the nlnce,law,ruleorregulatlon. p Cblcrllllildi"~ Impcct"'. SIGNED DATE Page 1 of 1 Tuesday, January 2cl. 2110(1 Building Permit CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 West 29TH Avenue Wheatridge, CO 80033 303-235-2855 Permit Number - ~..~....~..- . , . " - CilyoflM'leaRidge \ l 19707 1/24/2006 Inspection Line 3D3-234-5933 Residential Demolition PROPERTY 4375 OWNER: Roger Loccher Fenton St Unit: (303) 422-8500 Description Complete Demolition Authorized By Building Approval Authorized On Zoning Approved By KS See slate demo approval letter. Must contact water and sanitation districts for the area prior to demo. Tuesday, January 24, 2006 Page 1 of 1 ~~~ ~HE4r 1>/ ~ 0 - " u ~ COLORr-.OO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-235-2855) APPLICATION Building Permit Number: Date: Property Owner: /<OCj eo r J....:. <'( h t!;2- Property Address: L/~? 5 /:e n ""Ivn St'. Contractor License No.: .p .<':J -:... / Company: ,,4/~Ntt /J&~fJ-">,,/'.H;;>VJ Phone: 3' '/.22-,1'502) Phone:..? 'fd/. 33(,,(., Bul/dino DeDt. Valuation Figure: $ OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record: that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that 1 assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge Ordinances, for work under his PTIit. Plans subject to field inspection. , I (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR): SIGNED .-1 DATE Value:$ SOeJo,.E:. - Permit Fee:$ Plan Review Fee:$ Use Tax:$ Total:$ (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR):PRINTED DATE Use of Space (description): Description of work: /) (~fr1~. /) F I'h 0 -PI" ~ tJV7 Sq. Ft. added BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC: Sq.Ft.: ONING COMMENTS: Approval: Zoning: UILDING COMMENTS: Approval: PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS: Approval: IRE DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: Approval: Occupancy: Walls: Roof: Stories: Residential Units: Electrical License No: Company: Plumbing License No: Company: Mechanical License No: Company: Expiration Date: Approval: Expiration Date: Approval: Expiration Date: Approval: (1) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in your application and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Codes of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixty (90) days from issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days. (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required. provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes have been or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. (5) Contractor shall notify the Building Inspector twenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceeding with successive phases of the job. (6) The issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings and specifications shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions ofthe building codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. All plan review is subject to field inspections. Chief Building Official Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Air Pollution Control Division - Stationary Sources Program - Indoor Air Unit 4300 Cherry Creek Drive South, APCD-SS-B1 Denver, Colorado 80246-1530 Phone: 303-692-3100 - Fax: 303-782-0278 E-mail: asbestos@state.co.us DEMOLIT!~~P~X~L NOTICE ::r".~< '."1 ',=. This approval notice is gr . . subjecJt~.c~QQ...~iJ; Quali .-. ntrol Commission Regulation No, 8, Part B,"-: ptedn:~r ,16; 2"~~-a. effec" , .March 2, 2005, the Colorado Air Pollution. '. vent~~rsl'POn;mi.~t.~E...;~,,?~-7-1 ..'1;illd 25-7-501 et seq), This notice signifies tl;I the s.~.._~a.s.1:nsp~c~, ... .. .... san ',FCs and the demolition contractor. . s PrQ~'l"l, 'Lil'O~._~~~ '. '. .. ent Public Health and Environment pursuaIltt Re.~.1!IilQi;,8]?;artB, . :.,' . ~ , (1- :'Lt ','1 , i' c" ~:' ,- ; ""'.~ ~ _ , ", ' ' " ~: ~'::=:;;Z;,:,t.~ b.. ' ~.~.';:::;';1~.~.~...~~. "t~~;~";,-:r~::.g;:, Colorado Departmen;6'&:bli(j,~.~.F.;I}Y~~, .A&t:JSollu ',' Control Division, strongly suggests ~~t yO~=: ~... k.., ~~.o..~..~ty...~mJ!?'_.~%. ... .es in order to determine any other local bUlldmg/p ttlll~ ~~si be r!1Jt. THE ORIGINAL PE'. .MUST':BE~roSTED~E AT ALL TIMES. .,,~,,:~"" ,,.,,'7 .~_~..." )..:"_'_ " , ., ,<;>'rr.a.~t'. Immediately notify the Unit of project moi~~_ber above) or e-mail (address above) and the appropriate county health department by fax. Project modifications include changes in the scope of work or the scheduled work dates, etc. This demolition notice is valid beginning 1/30/2006 through 11 :59 PM on 2/28/2006. The actual scheduled work dates are from 1/30/2006 through 2/28/2006. Approval issued on: 1/19/2006 Record number: 49739 Notice Number: 06JE1l89D For the location specified below: Amount Paid: $55.00 Check number: 9510 Asbestos Building Inspector: Harold W, Windle Cerification No.: 6328 Inspection Date: 12/17/2005 4375 Fenton Street Denver Jefferson County This notice has been issued to: Alpine Demolition 5790 W. 56th Ave. Arvada, CO 80002 Issued by: ~~~. Building Pern1it CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 West 29TH Avenue Wheatridgc, CO 80033 303-235-2855 Permit Number 19708 1/24/2006 Inspection Line 303-234-5933 Residential Demolition PROPERTY 4365 Fenton St Unit: (303) 422-8500 OWNER: Roger Locchcr Descrilltion Complete demolition. [ffiS--=--=-_ -=- ~e~--_ ~n10Iitio,-ip!irmit Fee ~tal Fees- --- ,.-.._~------_.- ,------ L__.".___ [CON TBACTO RS [Name -- IAlpine Demolition = J ]Due J$50.00 --=--=-. 1$50.00 ----== -J ]License # . 120761 1 IPaid 1$50.00 1$50.00 I I IPhone 1303 421-3366 Units: Occupancy: Walls: Roof: Stories: Sq Feet: o I hen!.,' certily fhM the setback di,1;1I1Cl" proposed hI' this permit .ppHatlon Ire a<<urate, and do not violate applicable onllDanca, ruIa or recuJado.. orthe City of Whe"! 11..;'1::" 0'. CO\'CII""(', eaSClIlcnts ur n'slrklioll.' of record; tbat.n meuurementlmowlI, Uld alIeIatlonl made are .camIIle; lbat I lulve read aad acne 10 ablclc by .U CII"dit;"" , 1l1nl ,>II this "I' '."Iiu", "ml that 1 """me full responsibWty for wmpHance wltb the Wbeat RIdle BuBdlna Code (L.B.C.) ..d.. otber.pplkable Whent It" ~~ :';_'~~'S' li,r" 'r~ permil, It ;J V:/cJ2/ Y (OWNn)(CON"','CTOR, ~ . SIGNED.ATE rhis In' rill it "a.' isSll('d in acconLlllce \\lth the provisloDJ Nt forth In )'Qur .ppllutloa .ad Ur .abJect to tbe laWI orthe Stlte ofColonulo and 10 the 7.oa.1 lh'gulalious ""e! nuBdi"g Code "rWhe:lllti,ll:e, Colorado or any olher appllubleordbllnee5 oftbeCity. J::\'cry per",il i"",'<I ,b"n he~"'m invalid ""leu the worttoa the dte autborized by lJUtb permk Is tommeaced within 180 days Ifter I.........."' or Iflbework HuthuriZ<',1 nn th" .,ite loy slIch I'n,,,il b '''.'I'ended or abaDdoaed far a perlod ofl80lbysaftertbetlmeofworkbeommeneecl. 3 II"lhi, p,'rlltil npires,,. IIC'" l'<'rtllillll".I' be ,,~qulredfor.feeofone-halfthe_ountnormIDyrequlred,p...v:ldednocballpsblnb_orwIDbemldelatbe "dginal pLalls :l"'\ sP"l'jlleali","' ""d all}' so"pension or abladonmeat bll noteneeded one (1) year. Ifetalala Ire made or Irlllllpelllloll or abladoament excccds unc (I))'"ar, 1',,11 f"t'ssh"llbe p"iol r"r a new permll. 4 N" \\urk "ra".I' ",,,,UIl'"shall !>" ,Iu"e lhal "ill d'angc thelllturaltlowofwltercaUsJnlI dralnaleprublem. 5 C""tn,..I(lr s\1,,1\ t"'lil) lhe I\uil<l;,,;: I"_'llel".... twcnt.l-four(Z4) bounln IdvallCe for In InspectIODlladahln recelnwritten Ipp"'val on bupedioa card before I'I"()eeedin;:"ith ",,'ns.,in plr".S<'""ftht'j(ll,. 6 rI'e '''tt,,,,,'e urn perlllil or lhe :tl'pro':ll ofllrawlnr;.IDd spec:lRc:atklnsJhan Dot beeonstnaed to be I pennltfor, nor III appruvalof, any vIolatloll oUbe Udi"g,'ud" ".1'0 Inlnee, iaw, rule or recuiatlon. SIGNED DATE Page I of 1 TuesdOlY, ]allu:lry 24, 2006 Building Permit CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 West 29TH Avenue Wheatridge, CO 80033 303-235-2855 Permit Number 19708 1/24/2006 Inspection Line 3D3-234-5833 Residential Demolition PROPERTY 4365 OWNER: Roger Loecher Fenton St Unit: (303) 422-8500 Description Complete demolition. Authorized By l3uilding Approval Aut:lOrized On Zoning 1/24/2006 Approved By KS See state demolition letter. Must (OIlLlct walL"r and sanitation districts f(H the area. Tuesday, January 24, 20(J(l Page 1 of 1 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-235-2855) APPliCATION Building Permit Number: Date: Property Owner: f1 P1" T Loech.. r Property Address: '1.5"(.5 ;-e''7-fvr7 Si. Contractor License No.: d1 C'" (../ CompanY:PI/J,.ru-/')" fr'{) 1/-1,,,,,,, I>v c..., Phone: 3. '12..2-. 850D Phone:-.:? 1/..) I 33 (., t.. Bui/dino DeDt. Valuation Figure: $ OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that 1 have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge Ordinances, for work under's per it. Plans subject to field inspection. , I . /J4 ? k DATE Value:$5000. I':- , Permit Fee:$ Plan Review Fee:$ Use Tax:$ Total:$ (QWNER){CONTRACTOR): SIGNED (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR):PRINTED DATE Use of Space (description): Description of work: {'-Orr>~eX..(7 ;J", /J/I~~/>I-?LJ' } Sq. Ft. added BillLDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC: Sq.Fl.: ONING COMMENTS: Approval: Zoning: BUILDING COMMENTS: Approval: PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS: Approval: IRE DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: Approval: Occupancy: Walls: Roof: Stories: Residential Units: Electrical License No: Company: Plumbing License No: Company: Mechanical License No: Company: Expiration Date: Approval: Expiration Date: Approval: Expiration Date: Approval: (1) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in your application and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Codes of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of lheCity. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixty (90) days from issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days. (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes have been or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. (5) Contractor shall notify the Building Inspector twenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceeding with successive phases of the job. (6) The issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings and specifications shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions of the building codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. All plan review Is subject to field Inspections. Chief Building Official Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Air Pollution Control Division - Stationary Sources Program - Indoor Air Unit 4300 Cherry Creek Drive South, APCD-SS-B1 Denver, Colorado 80246-1530 Phone: 303-692-3100 - Fax: 303-782-0278 E-mail: asbestos@state.co.us DEMOLIT!g~;~APP1t~L NOTICE -'i"'" ~l"'" . IJ~_"'_~", This approval notice is gr . " subjectto.."Colqr.ad.Q..triJ; Quali . .Qntrol Commission Regulation No.8, Part B,.. pted'p:~em1!l'or16\ ~'1i4ll.effec .. .March 2, 2005, the Co~orad~ Ai~ P~l1ution.: vent~}f~14l' ~o~L~t~~~~-7 -1 '.~d 25-7-501 et seq). ThIS notIce sIgmfies t:l;i e s,~.!'a.sj:nsp~c1lf:~~ .. ." ..~s an ',FCs and the demolition contractor; s prQ~'. ..... . .._ '. .~ent Public Health and Environment pursu~' Re~"_~l€li;;"~; part B: - ',.., .; " ,~ . T I"'. ",,~ .' "..- .'J\. ',." ,J ' '. 1 t-! "." ". -. I: ,;', ,... "..{ ! . ~ " '.1 Ii: As a contractor, you ~.: be ~tM.~9t ~ eflliel' ~em01ifi",~ice~,'aJ1d .~ its, depending on the requirements ofth. QINJ.tl~._ ~l(ipality in "'. ~orlJ~ ing performed. The Colorado Department ~ ubli6~]j~h..&l.J~;nV:~Ql:;l/~,"Pollu . Control Division, strongly suggests ~h~t yo't\~: _l:1~~ ~:c.<;.~.*~tQ.~?-~:il.1.. . es in order to determine any other local bmldmg/p. , ttmg ~~~~st be THE ORIGINAL PE. ~UST.JtE PtfSTEIT' . E AT ALL TIMES. '. - Immediately notify the Unit of project m~7iJit/il;;;J~liiff:b;r above) or e-mail (address above) and the appropriate county health department by fax. Project modifications include changes in the scope of work or the scheduled work dates, etc. This demolition notice is valid beginning 1/30/2006 through II :59 PM on 2/28/2006. The actual scheduled work dates are from 1/30/2006 through 2/28/2006. Approval issued on: 1/19/2006 Record number: 49738 Amount Paid: $55.00 Check number: 9510 Notice Number: 06JE1188D For the location specified below: Asbestos Building Inspector: Harold W. Windle Cerification No.: 6328 Inspection Date: 12/17/2005 4365 Fenton Street Denver . Jefferson County This notice has been issued to: Alpine Demolition 5790 W. 56th Ave. Arvada, CO 80002 Issued by: .~~~ 'it" j,":,," """-t(, 1", Of P(.AN~NG AND DEVELOPMENT DMSION - 235-2865 . . .OPWHlATRIOGE =r$T 2'flH AVENUE r' .,., . :fi~ c;o89215 ~~,; '."d~"',:Jr:i>:<',~<' ,.';.t;(.'.:Y'-,. ,_,:;:~ .'.:~3', :.:I P'r""~,L_j,, '~'~""~ .'.""-"':~ ',.,' --1- :"'_'L':"'1'Ji~~ :'r,>,"~i'!_;'; .....; .'.. 'J,' ...... .' '1 \,;',., ;::!'W,:., .,.,~",;,"",'. "t.,.,Jt .....:1. .\:,.",~,]:i..-,., .,J: PrOperty Owner: DUCEY JAMES L Property ~dress: 4365 FENTON ST Contnli::tDr LiCen$e No. : 18146 Company: McBride EIectriG Building Permit Nttmber" : 4110 Date 10/25196 .,' ""~ ".' :~ \: ;") '-",. ."' .;.ti f.1 ,~ F . ~" ,~l':, -.;'.'~i'::...i!1(<':"."l~ :.:i:'(ilf"<l,' ,.....'"..'.-.,,-,"'. '~.""ff,' ,""''<;''i'" P,;\' Phone:' 422..8500 Phone : ~.., ..fi~U~SIANmNGANIllA~tlT, ')'~*~ot~~~:'~~~.=:;' ' :.~;e:C~=:::;;: . . . for ;,UlIdlIrIblil!linriil!l'i ..~ ' ' , . . ' . (~CTOR) SIGNEtl DATE Description : 100 SERVtp~ \~vi!ilue'~I.-t'\$1t' 00 .) '. ,'t,'. ~ l..i"::l- ',~';~ it: "..LS"OO . ; ""mu,,"ee :... ... . Plan Review Fee : $0.00 .Userr~:., : 1.:.$12.00 ~ ". .: ..,j;,<,:~f'\"w'''.,:~'-'''f+ T oil.r: '''':.'' $57.00 Sq.Ft. : '~r: Occupancy : waus: Roof: Stories : rr;:l Resldentllll UII1t8 :. E~ Ucrenlle No: GOmpany : ExpinHlon Date : Appfovill: ',. ..'" . PlumbingUcense No : Company: Mechanical License No : Company: expiration Date : ApprQllal : :.. " . expiration Date : Approval: . t8ullcIiRlJ lilSpeetor 1'HISi"eiIMn' VAUD ONLY WHEN SfGNED BY THE CHIEF BUlLDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR . . CALL: 284.33 24 HOURS PRIOR TO IN$PECTION DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number: BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date: 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner: Property Address: Contractor License No. : Company: F!.oG,GI? Lo~c/1'E~ /L -Ii. COI/V +3b5 rENTON 5r. /"'614 Co 1'-1 c./J"i';OE EfC6c77<:/C ) /.vc Phone: --9 z.z -8500 Phone: ;7(; /-0/7b OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value: I 0 po. ~ Permit Fee'/J~' ~ UseTax: __ i Z C<' I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate. and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants. easements or restrictions of record: that all measurements shown. and allegations made are accurate: that I have read and a~ree to abide by all conditions printed on this application. and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with he Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other apPlica~at Ridge or~E.a under this permit. . (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED ~. DATE ((.0?~ ( Descnption: )0 c, A C. 0, S Total: J. '? '?9- BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Approval : Zoning: Approval: i1~Elll . ht-~.411 tl, .\, Approval: Occupancy: Walls: Roof: Stories: Residential Units: Electncai license No : Company: Plumbing License No : Company: Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date: Approvai : .3 PfI!!s.Rlqul~'::. Expiration Date: Approvai : ..3 PlI"ns Required I Expiration Date: Approval: :.I jPJ!l~Pq.lJ~i3 14) (5) 161 This permit was ISSUed in accordance with the prOVisions set forth in yopur application and IS subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and BUilding Gode of \iVheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City This permit shall expire If (A) the worK authonzed IS not commenced within SIXty (60) days from Issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 days If this permit expires. a new 'permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made In the original plans and specifications and any suspensIon or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year, If changes are made or If suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem Contractor shall notify the Bllilding Inspector twenty-four (24) hours In advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceedilng with successive phases of the Job. The Issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings and specifications shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval of. any vlolabon of the provISions of the bUilding codes or any other ordinance, law. rule or regulation. (11 (21 (31 Chief Building Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION