HomeMy WebLinkAbout3701 Kipling Street1. TERMS and CONDITIONS OVER- CONTINUED ON BACK 15 NDL VI/12 ?a #«» * ,*j a » w a » ? ¥ * «« # » *zw« < »» y +« M=�__A-- t *wa.vw.av: 07-26-1a;10:42 ;Fromcrtn roofing To;1303 3 7 :9735931119 # 2/ 13 The following options have been made available for this project. Please Initial on the last page to accept that specific optloq. Any options not Initiated for acceptance wilt be considered as a rejection of that specific option. These options will adjust the Proposal AMount accordingly, .. s BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Construction Value 9 Approval : Zoning : MOM 4 - Y 179A t & Approval Occupancy: Walls: Ns am =I Company # . • R. - 1-00 * �; M Total - $U0, • Company: Chief Building Inspector For Mayor IBM! I li 11, �lI 1101lillil jflj�;�Jij 1:7- I� I :�i tlF xr. 1 &T-14to Vt. 2 a- mw Hag 14 Log SO 11*2 11 Big Ili , i iii, 11 11 1511i III .".." .', "''''''''''''FA~,~"",~.,mll~,~,~~"",~,~~~~~",,..-~,,.,,,,,",,,,,,'''1''''C''"'1'''!I!1.4!ll1J1i1~"^"",~!''~.J~II,~,~!ij~I!!!l,Ill~"",.~~1111 rDEP"RTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number: 3232 'BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date: 6/11/96 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property OWner: DAUENHAUER EDWIN M Property Address: 3701 KIPLING ST Contractor Llcen$e No. : Company: Phone: 456-0811 Phone: OWNERlCONTAACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value: Permit Fee : Plan Review Fee : Use Tax: (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SI Description: DAlE Total: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 I hereby c:ertIly th.the aetbock dlsta.- proposed by this penn~ application are accurate. and do nolvkitale,appllc:abla ordlnan_. ru.. or I'89lJlalions of the City of Wheat Ridge or ~. easemlonlll or reslriclllOns of reconI; th. all measurements shown. and allegations ""!de are. accw:ate; ~ I have ",lid '!I1d ag... to a all condillons printed on this application. and ~ I assume f\JII'respollSII) . the WIle. Ridge Building Ccide (U.B;C.)and all other applk;able . r this pe""~. RAND OPENING (STREAMERS) BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC: Sq. Fl : APPROVED FOR 30 DAYS Approval: Occupancy : Walls: Roof: Stories: Residential Units : Electrical Lieense No : Company: Plumbing License No : Company: Mechanical License No : Company: -Expiration Date : Approval: . Expiration Dale: Approval: . Expiration Dale: Approval: . (1) ThI8 J1O!mIl....ios"*" In s..o,dl"os with the provision. HI forth In yopur sppllc:ation and 10 ""_ to the laws of the Stata of Colorado and to the Zoning Realilsllonund I\lIIIIlIna CodOof_ _. Colorado or any other __ _oflhe City. (2) ThIi pl!l11liI_.expileW If,)the- _10 not _ wi1IIln 8bdy (60) asyallom Is8Ue <late or (B) lhe buikllng s_11 suopendecf or sbanCloned lor e period or 1= (3) W1hIs pl!l11liI txpI.... . _ , ". II!8\' be ec:qUiro<llor sres of one-hsW the amount normally required. prov_ no d1anges have been or will be mslle In the _1181....._ ~ andonv SU8ll8n&1on or s_ haa not oxoseded one (1) year. If c:hanges sre _ or W suopen&lon or """odor.ment _0118(1)_, luII__lbepaJdlors__ (4) No_ or IlIiy _"'1hsI1 be dOne "'"' will c:hange lhe naMlll_ of weter c:allling s dralnaae problem. (5) ConIra*r _ 00lIfy the BUIkJing _ twenty-tour (24) hoUls In lIdvanc:e lor aU rnopec:tion. and &hall .....Ive _n _I on Inopec:tion c:ard before (6) 'li..~:l'os" :;:':;::=::Mniwlngo end .psdlIcationllhall not be c:on_ to be I parmi! lor. nor In approval of. any violation of the provt8ion. Of or.. ,ruleorrwgUlation. e Building Inspector IS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION. 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Building Permit Number: Date: ,~ vVV ~.0v--C 5-tO \ N., ',(.~ p \', -N:--i''' 0'\ Property Owner: Property Address: Contractor License No. : Company: A~ ~ Phone : ~ Ck . Oc,;\ \ Phone: OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide y conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for . . eat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat R er this permit. /: Descriplion :~ (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGN .,7 ~' ~ .....'7)\2-A-"'-D '--\ C<\ ,"'-C. "\ < \ < '1 y BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY /\ '\) Zg!f!!!m,QI!I~n~-:] lo ()0-,~ I? -I/JA/) ~ Approval: \" ? I-=r, ~iji[dfQ~:;;~~ts~ r 3 0 ~ ~ Approval: 1'1lJ?I~YV91:~~rnTlits~ Approval: Occupancy: Walls: Roof: Slories: Residential Units: SIC: Sq. FI.: Eleclrical License No : Company: Plumbing License No : Company: Expiralion Dale: Approval: mt ~PllllS'!R-!m'--=dB J!EJ ,", "!L,, !,."Jr.!!,-." Expiration Dale: Approval: II 1lP'lall$'~iil'lll!t!,d_ Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date: Approval: III frelah~s~~etfiji...l[d_ (1) (2) (3) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur application and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of Wheat Ridge. Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. This permit shall expire If (A) the work authonzed is not commenced within sixty (60) days from issue date or (8) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 days. If this permit expires. a new 'permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specificallons and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or If suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. Contractor shall notify the Building Inspector twenty.four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceediing with successive phases of the Job., _ ,. . The issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings and specifications shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval of. any violatIon of the provISions of the building codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. (4) (5) (6) Chief Building Inspeclor For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION 96-2658 >i ;. " o " .. c 2l r- " m :Jl :Jl " 0 -< .. " :J: r- m m 0 :Jl "11 m ~ (J) 0 0 .. r- :Jl 0 5 ~ 0 :; :Jl 0 m Z (J) " ?f (J) " C :Jl W (3 '" (J) Cl m ~ oz CD 0 ::1 0 "'". 0" .. " -00 CD CD o .. -". ~~ o c " .. " o '< ~,.:"~. <- S'f..~ ::?-,~, ;1 ''''' ',,' ,,,~ :,; ~~J.-\ :/!;f. -\ '1.:>(',) -' ~~" ::.~1,"'1 'l' ~m'," '/'~r: ." .,\t) -. or; ::';: j.\\\'. 'I . - , ".' -:; ~' I 16 3 :;0 .. ro 0. CD 5' - M- ". --; CD ro c '" ro .. ~ M- CD 2- ro V> ;; iF :r> 0- C C M- 0 N 0 ::l ro " g " ~ 0 CD .. :> 0. .. " CD >i "11 Q 3: .. '< Q 0 - ". a !!: 3 III ;; =- CD 9: Q :> .:< 00 2- 5' .. :; " ". 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'1 1(!'~'rs;.Hl\",.,:~I/~~" *'''.ta<<l..f~w~fh~~..ullli';'>;'.. ~;';"~"L .$":':'H"ff'~~~'Ult1l1h--:'})f,if-,- ?;~, 't~~~L'- "'''i','')'~-~~' "i"'- ;.o~'otf/IIIo~j -iI1i/ ~ h..~ <. '~~I~_<-'. - ~~"'I ,~-. ,~~,. ,"t' ""'.~J.."" ,,,},-,\,,.5U ,\\\...._~;::;):~ .:..?..~.,. - 'j"~r ~tV "- .~~ '.'. I H.\tt~~_!'ii;~it~~Y'-- . :'!!j..{ijIJ:~> I .~. "-' ':'~- '''. ifiif tt! .,.._.~~I ^ ~. LJ ~ ~. ::l <0 V> M- --; ro ro M- ~ <0 <0 '" DATE: .;__ &-90 A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY HAS BEEN REQUESTED FOR: c3"J{) / ~~ SA- . ~j Je& (i~,,:t~ ~ ~ PURPOSE OF STRUCTURE: \ Remarks Building Dept.Approval: Femarks j)t'-_111~. _c2_._ --- f'VtA.-r h ~6 -q(p Zoning Approval: f ~P'l DATE: b ~b-L/ h TO: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FROM: Building Department RE: Clc) The property at .,;;] -; (} ) signed off by the Building inspection. has been ready for a CO Once the inspection has been completed, please inform the building department as to the status. PUBLIC WORKS APPROVAL Thank you. Remarks: INSPECTIONS WI. THIS CARD IS POS1.. 24 HOURS NOTICE R' BE MADE UNLESS THE BUILDING SITE - ~ED FOR INSPECTIONS WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 7500 WEST 29th AVENUE INSPECTION RECORD .~ j.~ ';.),;;1.$;"--: ',- JOB AOORESS 3701 Kip] i ngStreet BUILOING PERMIT NO. 96-2658 OWNER Auto Zone CONTRACTOR Tony Crawford Construction SETBACKS FROM PROPERTY LINES: NORTH OATE ISSUED ? /?Q/96 I TYPE I OCCUPANCY I SOUTH EAST West INSPECTOR MUST SIGN ALL SPACES PERTAINING TO THIS JOB INSPECTION DATE INSPECTOR 46.- POUR No CONCRETE UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED Concrete Slab Floor: Electrical Ground Work Plumbin Ground Work Healin Ground Work (H OT POUR FLOOR UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED 6.(;.. lvS - ,,:.'t....... OCCUPANCY NOT PERMITTED UNTIL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS ISSUED PROTECT THIS CARD FROM THE WEATHER DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number: BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date: 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 3052 5/9/96 Property Owner: DAUENHAUER EDWIN M Property Address: 3701 KIPLING ST Conlraclor License No. : 18071 Company: Senlry Fire & Safety Phone: Phone: 294 0708 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Conslruclion Value: Permil Fee: Plan Review Fee: Use Tax: I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record: that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable at Ridge ordinances, for work under this arm". C,Q DATE,"" I (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED ...--.~ Tolal: Descriplion : INSTALL FIRE ALARM SYSTEM BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC: Sq. FI. : Approval: Approval: Occupancy: Roof: Slories: Residenlial Unils : Walls: Eleclricai License No : Company: Plumbing License No : Company: Mechanical License No : Company: Expiralion Dale: Approval: . Expiralion Dale: Approval: . . This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur application and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixty (60) days from issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 days. If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. Contractor shall notify the Building Inspector twenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceediing with successiVe phases of the job. The issuan~ ~,,~ p;el lor the approval of drawings and spedfications shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions of the bUlld"l}bt,- any eX?' law, rule or regulation. Chief BJoI1lding Inspector THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-593324 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION Expiration Dale: Approval: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) $2.000.00 $45.00 $0.00 $24.00 $69.00 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number: BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date: s ('1 ('1 ( 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE Y WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner: Property Address: Contraclor License No. : Company: p.,v---r<:>~~ ; iJC '')70\ rJ,lto.,L,....j I~Cnl f\ 'C- ~~ r/'CJ,rc-"llq-,.. "':>'1<; Phone: Phone: '1'2)" Zs.\' ~ OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Conslruclion Value: 2<'""0'0 "=.- Permil Fee: Plan Review Fee: Use Tax: I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable eat Ridge ordinances, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED DATE .,;.- "t I "l (( Descriplion: \"-'>~ ~ F;~ ,i~-u~v' <;:'-1<;'I'~ Tolal: BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY z(m_i,ififk~pl!lm'$ll~-~ Approval: Zoning: B~irC!Ji1gLC!mJi!fe:@f;; Approval: P\lljlfc;lYl@'ksl[{::!lJfilTiiints1'l Approval: Occupancy: Walls: SIC: Sq. FI.: Roof: Stories: Residenlial Unils : Eleclrical License No : Company: Plumbing License No : Company: Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date: Approval: mI !!:pla~R~]I~_ Expiration Date: Approval: III lSPlanS:Be(fUlr~d_ Expiration Dale: Approval: IJI ireJl!jj~8~1~!l]:l_ (1) (2) (3) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur application and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of 'M1eat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. This permit shall expire if (A) the work authonzed is not commenced within sixty (60) days from issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 days. If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. Contractor shall notify the Building Inspector lv-Ienty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceediing with successive phases of the/.ob. The issuance of a permit or the approval 0 drawings and specifications shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval of. any violation of the provisions of the building codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. (4) (5) (6) Chief Building Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION AUTOZONE, INC. ALARM SERVICES DEPARTMENT FIRE ALARM SUBMIIT AL CONTENTS L D721ZB CONTROL COMM~ICAT.oa IL REA 1.' DETECTOR..~ IlL HORN STROBES ff.. STRQBES Yo. MAMJAL FIRE PULL STATIONS YL BATTERYBACKQl Y.IL BA ITERY CALCULA TIQNS YW. SMOKE DETECTO~ PROJECT: AUTOZONE # 0 'is'V',o 61\)\ N,\L.''''LI~(, 'l,V I-\~ (2.'\)("e Cu. J PROJ # b<(; Z~ AUTOZONE ALARM SERVICES DEPARTMENT (901)32~-4~06 P.O, BOX 2198, MEMPIUS, TN 38101-9842 R A D I o N I c s D7212 ControVCommunicator Operation and Installation Manual Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District Plans Review Date: s;:; B . ''.t.. Reviewed by David M. Roberts ~R.. Uniform Fire Code Certification #53275 Colorado State Fire Suppression System Inspector Certification #92-173 Comments: 0 t> IL ~ '-.i;:,.,., 5J,. ~s..Q.... ~ ~. '^ , ~ t,\\t..c.IL rl.-.~"'\~.& \""oc.a...-\-',,,,,,, ~~ \'\0("- ~ l,~"'I' C()f.(.. ~<<:t.:!.',Q.L t=; 'U.~, 0"\.1/'<-,^,0/' ~ ~sfl,f;, G2 "'ro()',&,t. ~~l".. VUl~LH~a-"'^,~< r"''b\,A..,,,\-~,Q[V''''':''6~'T~''\-s' ~ \-1ll \..:l C; h.\, 2A- "7:3 '2.:!> . CSJ ~,"':l.\ ~,~,~~.>\ 6~j,~':';~ \.0 ~IL~\-e. ~\e.\~ l.v:.\~ ::Ct...<-<;l"lVtL~1 ~ &~",.l.;l/IM. lM-....s~ \p(" 0"'\;....'" l.C/ \i\WVtL~O r,:,"1 ~~bM''t ;;>-t- +c':.-.!- /) [: ~~"'~\ \~S;\, 74~913-000-A BIlI3 C 1993 Radionica Notice The male rial Bnd Inslructlons covered In Ihis manual have been carefully checked for accuracy and ara presumed 10 be reliable. However, Radionics. Inc. assumes no responsibility for Inaccuracies and reserves the righl to modify and ravise this manual without notice. It is our goal al Radlonlcs to always supply accurate and reliable documentation. If a discrepancy Is found in Ihls documentalion, please mail a photocopy of the corrected malerial to: Radionics, Inc. c/o Technical Writing 1800 Abbott Streel P.O. Box 80012 Salinas, CA 93912-0012 Radlonics c/o Customer Service 1 Park Gate Close. Bradbury Stockport. Cheshire. SK6 2SZ. England C> 1993 Radlonics, Inc., Salinas, CA. U.S.A. All rights reserved. FCC Notices Part 15 This equipmenl generates and uses radio frequency energy. II nol installed and used in accordance with Ihe manufacturer's instructions. it may cause intBrference to radio and lelevision reception. It has been lasled and found to cOmply with the specifications in Part 15 of FCC rules for Class B Computing Devices. II this equipment causes InlerferanC8 10 radio or television reception. which can be detennlned by tuming the equipmenl on and off . the installer Is encouraged to correct the inlerference by one or mora of the following measures: 1) Reorient the antenna of the radioltelevlslon. 2) Connect the AC transformer to a differenl outIel so the control panel and radiollelevision are on difierenl branch circuits. 3) Relocate the control panel with respect to the radiollelevislon. If necessary. the installer should consult an experienced radioltelevlsion technician for additional suggestions, or send for the "Inlerferance Handbook" prepared by the Federal Communications Commission. This bookIells available from the U.S. Govemmenl Printing Office, Washington D.C. 20402. slock number 004-000-00450-7. Part 68 This equipment complies with Part 68 of FCC rules. A label contains, among other information. the FCC registration number and ringer equivBlenC8 number (REN). II requested, this information musl be provided 10 the telephone company. The Radionics D7212 ConlroVCommunlcator Is regislered for connection to the public telephone network using an RJ38X or RJ31X jack. The ringer equivalence number (REN) Is used to determine the number 01 devices that may be connected 10 the lelephone line. excessive RENs on the telephone line may result in the devices not ringing in response to an incoming call. In mosl. but nol all araas, the sum of the RENs should nol exceed five (5). To be certain of the number of devices thai may be connected to the line. as determined by the RENs. contact the telBphone company to detennine the maximum REN for the calling araa. 07212 Operation & InstaJIlJlion Manllll/ Page 2 74-06l113-Ollll-A 8IlI3 C 111113 RacIionlca Table of Contents Introduction ............................................................ 7 Power Outputs .....................................................22 Off-Board Polnta ....------..-...._..............34 Point (ZONEX) Buss ...........,...........................34 D8125 POPEX Module 08127 POPIT Modules ...................................34 Installing the D8125 POPEX Module ..............35 Wiring the 08125 to the D7212 ..................35 Wiring POPlTs to the Data Expansion Loop ..........................,......37 Wiring Data Expansion Loops to POPEX Modules .....,...................................38 POPIT Sensor Loops ..................................38 Poinl Assignments .........,............................ 39 D7212 Opera/iQn , '".,..,/iQn MvwaI PrIt1e 4 Areas and Accounts ..........................................8 Communicalor ...................................................8 D1255 Alpha III Command Center ....................8 Keyswitch ..........................................................8 Event Memory ...................................................9 Evenl Log ..........................................................9 EMllUghtning Transienl Prolection ................... 9 Programming ..........................................,..........9 Other Features ...............,......................,......... 1 0 07212 ControllCommunicalor Assembly ........ 11 Ordered Separately .................................... 11 Ustings and Approvals ....................................12 Fire .............................................................. 12 Burglary ......................................................12 Inatallatlon ............................................................13 Before You Begin ............................................13 Enclosure Options........................................... 13 Beginning the Installation ...........,.................... 13 Mounting the Enclosure .....................,........ 13 Premises Wiring .......................................... 14 Installing the D7212 Assembly ...................14 Connecting Earth Ground ............................... 14 Locking the Resel Pin ..................................... 15 finishing the Installation .................................. 16 Charge the Bettery es You Finish ............... 16 Install and Wira Detection Devices ............. 16 Install Modules and Relays ......................... 16 Make tha Telephone Connections ..............17 Connect the On-Board Points and Command Centers ,.................,....................................17 Power Up ...........................,........................17 Programming the Panel ...........................,......17 Install the Poinl Chart Label............,............... 17 Power Supply ..................................-............_...18 Primary Power ,.................................,..............18 Primary (AC) Power Circuit ......................... 18 Installing the Transformer ........................... 18 Secondary Power ............................................19 Secondary (DC) Power ...............................19 Installing the BBttery .........,.........................19 Bettery Supervision ..................................... 19 Battery Charging Circult..............................20 Bettery OischargeIRecharge Schedule (No AC Power) ............................................20 Charging Slatus and Low Battery LEOs..........21 Charging Slalus LED (Yellow) ....................21 Low Battery LED (Red) ...............................21 74-Oll813-000-A 8193 Circuit Protection .............................................22 Available Power ..............................................22 Continuous Power Outputs .............................23 Continuous Currant Draw ...........................23 Programmable Power Outputs ........................24 Programming ..............................................24 Optional Relays Required ....,......................24 Terminals 6 end 7 ...................,...................25 Tenninal 8...................................................25 Fire System Power FOITIlUIa .......................25 Telephone Connections -..-.........................26 Registration .....................................................26 Notification ......................................................26 Location ...........................................................26 Phone Cord Connection ..................................27 Phone LED (Red) ........................,...................27 Operation Monitor LED (Green) ......................27 Dialing Formal.................................................27 Phone Une Monitor .........................................27 Phone Une Tesl Points ...................................28 Communication Failure ....................,..............28 Ground Start ....,...............................................28 Relay Installation ........................................28 Ground Start Jumper ..................................29 0128 Dual Phone Una Switcher .....................29 Operation ....................................................29 Primary Phone Unes. Primary Phone Numbers .................,..........30 Watchdog Fealure ......................................30 Installing the D128 ......................................30 D128 Status LEOs ......................................31 On-Board Polnta .-.....-........-...-....................32 Description ...................................................... 32 Point Sensor Loops .........................................32 Point Parameters ............................,...............33 Point Response Time ......................................33 C> 18113 Fladionica Part 68 (Continued) If the D7212 ConlroVCommunicator causes harm 10 the lelephone networ\(, Ihe lelephone company will notify you In advance. " advance notice isn'l practical, the telephone company will notify the cuslomer as soon as possible. Also, you will be advised of your righllO file a complalnl with the FCC If you believe It is necessary. The telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipmenl, operations, or procedures thai could affect the operation of Ihe equipment. If Ihls happens, the lelephone company will provide advance notice in order for you to make the necessary modifications in order to maintain unlnterrupled service. If trouble Is experienced with the D7212 Control/Communicator, please contact Radlonics Cuslomer Service for rapair and/or warranty Information. " the trouble Is causing harm 10 the telephone networ\(, the lelephone company may requesl thai you ramove the equipment from Ihe networ\( unlil the problem is resolved. User repairs musl 001 be made, and doing so will void the user's warranty. This equlpmenl cannol be used on public coin service provided by the telephone company. Connection to Party Une service Is subject to stale tariffs. (Contact your stale public utilities commission for Information.) FCC Regislration Number: AJ9USA-18808-AL-E Ringer Equivalence: 0.1A 0.2B Service Cenler in U.S.A.: Radlonics, Inc. 1800 Abbott Streel P.O. Box 80012 Salinas, CA 93912-0012 (800) 538-5807 D7212 Operation & InsIBl/a1ion ManUIII Page 3 74-06913-OO().A 8/93 C 1993 Radionics Quick Reference Terminal Description Termine' Neme Deacrlptlon 1,2 ClASS 2 Connect 16.5 VAC, 40 VA Iranaformer for primary power supply. TRANSFORMER 3 + AUX POWER Supplies up to 1 .4A at 10.0 VDC to 13.9 VDC to powered devicea. U.. terminal 9 for common. 4 BATTERY Connect 12V, 7M rechar;eabIe lead acid type ballery's negative terminal (-) to NEGATIVE ONLY terminal 4. 5(+) BATTERY Connect 12V. 7M rechargeable iliad acid type battery's poaltive terminal (+). POSITIVE ONLY + STEADY OR Supplies up to 2 A at 10.0 VDC to 13.9 VDC for steady or pulled alarm output. 6(+) PULSED Use terminal 9 lor common. Programmed as Relay A. Shares circu" breaker with terminals 7 end 8. Supplies up to 2 A at 10.0 VDC to 13.9 VDC lor steady or pulsed alarm output. Use 7(+) + ALlERNATE terminal 9 for common. Programmed as Relay B. Shares citcu" breaker with terminals 6 end 8. D1311 PlutHn ReMY ffIfIUltwI: Install a Dl 311 In socket K3 for output at terminal 7 Supplies up to 1.4 Amps at 10.0 VDC to 13.9 VDC. Use terminal 9 for common. B(+) + SWITCHED Progremmed as Relay C AUX POWER Continuous output Interrupted by CMO 47 or alarm verification. Shares circun breaker with terminals II end 7. 01311 Plug-In ".,.y ffIfIUftt/: lnatalla D1361n socket Kl for output at terminal B 9 COMMON Terminal 9 is convnOh for AuxIliary Power, Alarm Power, All.mate Alarm Power, end Switched Iwx Power (letminala 3. 6. 7. end 6). 10 EARTH GROUNt Connect to eaJ1h ground. A cold _r pipe or grounding rod is preferred. Do not =nneet to telephone or electrical ground. 11,13,14, ON-BOARD Connect normally open and/or nonnaIIy cIoHc:l detactian devices to loop wiring. 16,17,19, POINTS 20,22 (InputS) 1 kQ resistor Nquired at end 01 loop. ON.BOARD 12,15,18,21 POINTS Loop returns for on-boan:I points. (Common) 27 ZONEX IN 1 Connect ZONEX module lor pointa 9 to 48 and Octorelay modules for relays 1 to 48 to 28 ZONEX OUT , thne terminals. 29(-) COMMON c:omn- terminal for SDI devicea 30 DATA BUS B Terminals 30 and 31 are a two wire bus that drives the command centers, printer 31 DATA BUS A Interlace, and other SOl devicea. 32 (+) POWER + Power for command centers, printer interface end other SOl devices. This separate protected power output lor SDI devices is not affected by shorts 011 any other terminal. 74-0691~A 8193 D7212 Opelllllon & InstrJllIIJion MaflUl/l ,.. 56 C 1993 FIadionica D7212 Faceplate zfil z 0-' '" -I[ - ~o Iii 1[.... CIl ~z w 00 I[ ~ I[ "'c:: ~o ~.... <0.... I[W" 8z I[~ Q,O I I~ ,. ti N I "I."i' . 1$ .... ~" G 0, i of' N II 1;; 1 t Iii ilh'j Ill! 0 ,.... I 0 -' Q fJ I~ II~ Hi Ilii!1 1'.11 -' W il !!!CIl :r 'eI) I :1:... CIlCll i CIl... ~8 () '. i I '1,1,1 f wO "E ~ II; € 'I i !If! ," ~f! I II~ J II 1'1 lH II ;! i Q,:I: 0 i Q,~ W ~ i WcIl 0 II ~fll!j Ifi ili!111 I III 0 ~ ~ ~ II ,Hlfli Ifill ldll t; IJ I I mm h d:. I I I h~ I l~l i i j I'm 11111:' ! f I GI I I ,,....., I Cl a> 0e)(~)0E)" E)E)E)<!>t: II Ill.. : - CiI 0 >1[ ~~ cIlO", CIlW., WZ oz 00 <0 N ... i i liRa> J'fll<l? <i} <i} (!) <!? <!? . I I I I I I . 1111 .\ I I I I I III II I f ,I II 111M .. co ~~ cIl~ ~w ~S ellll ~~ elO 1[-' ~ o b ww Z-'I[ ::llllw WI[Q, Zo~ 0....::1 :1:-" Q,Z ~ t Ocll wO 0< ow 0-' > 1[1[ OW 5S o III 74-06913-O()().A 8/93 D7212 apef8/ion & Installation ManU81 Page 55 [] o 8~ w.... zO OW :l:z Q,Z wO -,0 W .... C> 1993 Radlonics Installation G~ide for UL and Fire A~lications Listings and Approvals Fire UL Underwrilers Laboralories lists the D7212 ControVCommunicalor as a Signal Syslem Conlrol UnRfor: Cenlral Station, Local, Auxiliary, Remole Station, and Household Fire Wamlng. CSFM Approved by Ihe Calnomla Stale Fire Marshal. NYC-MEA Approved by New York City's Malerials and Equlpmenl Acceptance System. Factory Mutual (FM) Submitted lor evaluation by Factory Mutual. Burglary UL Underwriters Laboralories lists the D7212 ControVCommunlcalor for: Cenlral Station, Local, Police Connect. Mercantile Safe and Vault, and Grade A Household systems. Department of Delen.. (DaD) The D7212 has been granled approval for Departmenl of Defense (DOD) Installations In SBnsitive Compartmented Inlonnation Facilities (SCIF). 07212 Opef8/ion & Installation Manual Page 57 74.06913-000-A 8193 Cll993 Radionics Introduction The D7212 System Chart references componenls evalualed and Iisled by Underwrilers' Laboralories for compatibility with Ihe D7212 ConlroVComm.unicalor. These componenls meel the basic syslem requirements for the applicable standard. The System Wiring Diagram. Issue A shows the relationship between the D7212 panel and the accessory components referred to in the D7212 System Chart. Optional Compatible Equipment You can use UL listed components thai do not require evaluation for electrical compatibility in many applications when installed according to the manutacturar's instructions. Burglary Applications You can use UL listed burglary alarm sensors that do not raquire evaluation for electrical compatibility in burglary applications. In some cases you musl use a UL Ilsled Radionlcs Inlerface module in conjunction wilh the sensors. Consult the individual component specification and installation documents to determine suitability. . The 06103 enclosure is designed for smalllnstallalions Ihal don't require add-on modules. (See the D7212 System Chat1for acceptable applications.) . The DB103 enclosure is suitable for residential fire and/or burglary installalions and commercial burglary applications thai do not require attack resistance or approval by Factory Mutual or NYC-MEA. (See the 07212 System Chart for acceptable applications,) . The DB108A is attack resistant. II is intended primarily for UL commercial burglar alarm and mercantile safe and vault applications requiring a local bell. You can use the 081 DBA in any burglar or fira alarm application where the OB103 or 08109 enclosure is suitable. UL lists the 081 DBA for all commercial fira alarm applications, The 081 DBA Is approved by Factory Mutual, California State Fira Marshal. and Ihe New York City Materials and Equipment Acceptance System. Te.t -'dy: UL Standard 1023 requires a weekly test for residential burglary applications. Fire Applications You can use UL listed fira initiating devices not requiring electrical compatibility evaluation in any application. For example: 4-wire smoke detectors, heal delectors, water flow switches, and manual pull stations are suitable fira initiating devices. Consult Ihe individual component specification and installation documents to determine suitability. Two-wire smoke detectors only connect to the D7212 through the 0125B Powered Loop Inlerface so thai an earth ground will nol cause an alarm. Two-wire delectors must be evalualed for electrical compatibility, and must be UL listed for use with the D7212. See the Radionics Technogram Smoke Detectors Compatible with the D7212 (73-06143- 000), or you may contact the delector manufacturer. 74-46913-000-A 8193 D7212 OpeRltJon & Installalion MMuaI Pilge 58 C 1893 Radionics Fire Applications (Continued) Other initiating devices, including four-wire smoke detectors connect to the 07212 through the 0129 Dual Class A Initiation Circuit Module, the 01256 Powered Loop Interface. or 08127 POPITs. When using 4-wire smoke detectors, install a suitable power supervision unit according to the manufacturer's instructions. Use the 0130 Relay Module. 08129 OctoRelay, or terminal 8, Switched Aux Power to provide reset capability. See the Off-Board Relays section of this manual for details on installation of the 08129. For battery calculations. refer to pages 68-69 and the current rating chart on page 66. Test weeldy: Radionics recommends you perform a Fire Test (Command 58) weekly. The AC power is automatically tested as is the battery per UL 864. Enclosures Radionics offers three optional enclosures for the 07212M and provides the 06103 for use with the 07212LC. . The D8109 is normally used for commercial fire alarm applications. UL lists the 08109 for all commercial fire alarm applications. The 08109H is approved by the Califomia State Fire Marshal, and must be used for NYC-MEA and FM applications. Note: All references to NFPA and related requirements are based upon compliance with the 1993 edition of NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code. Since installation specifications are nearly always based upon a specific edition of a standard which has been legally adopted by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ), earlier editions of NFPA standards will generally apply. Consult with the appropriate AHJ for confirmation. D7212 Operation & Installation Manual Psge 59 7~13-000-A 8/93 C> 1993 Radionics System Chart --- of ........, DI'Il:I/DI'Il:IIlIlcl. DI'OIA __ DI," __ D'22 Duol___ - D'ZSBP_ '-- -- D111 C_" - D1ZS- D'27 .......... 1l.1OY __~Duol_ "".... Uno M...'" D'I' T....... ConI D1MAullIllory __0 D11ZC Bo._ _.'1'\""'" _1__ _1- l12li I DIll II' r r ..... -- Dra1, 0431. DUI. -'.1)44,2. ,*" Inll_ Dovtao 0411 PuU Station DllIU_ - 01.. TnI....onMr DeOOI TraallcM'~n._ -- DI'22_ CIwlnoIS.T.U, DI'. POPEl( _ DI'Z7l'AJ POPIT Modulo DI'ZS" 0ct0P0P1T DI'II Clclo....., DI,ao ..._ M....... DI,32 ___ -... DI,t1_ - . I iu- j E -II) ; f i jilt E I IIUhdlliUlddhln 24+ M+ _'mlno . ....... ....... a-_ D1Dl___.... -... 10. ~_~. 20.._. Z',;_ M. ... 20. ~~~_ . 5min05~ 5m~5m~5_5_5m..5... .......---.,--...-....... No No No No No No No No o-~ a-_ ... No Roq CoIculoIo ""',.",..... to __ . 1_-.--. I-D125orDI211_IO_"_~ _10_'101. D'25_IM>--,_ ...._._lIo.._Z___,DI2t prIJIIk* two non p~ _.d au. It ~ ckcuIII. 2+ 1+ ,. 1+ 1+ ,. ,. ,. . . No [R;Q: No No Roq~ No ~ curnnI drawto dill 11ft .--.....--. Opt. . . Opt. Opt. Opt. . . .. I. I. I. .. I. Opt. No Opt. 0\>1. Opt. Opt. No Opt. No No Opt. Opt. No No Opt. Opt. Opt. Opt. Opt. Opt. ~1O_ponoIlO P.l3IXToICo_ __...._on_pllOnO__ CPU tuncIJon. Two........., 10 _ D128 _IOIU3IXToICo_. ZRoq. Opt. Opt. Opt. Opt. Opt. Opt. ~....--..- Opt. Opt. ,- ,. Opt. Opt. Opt. Opt. Opt. Opt. Opt. OpIonoI, """ _.. _, 10" I. ,. ,. Opt. . ,. I. Opt. Opt. . ,. 1+,_ 1+ OIODIoI.ma-bo _-----, ,. 1. ,. 1+ ,. ,. 1. 1. ,. ,. ,. ,. _ AlquftdtDral .... ~ 'I. Opt. Opt, Opt. Opt. Opt. Opt. ........., OIODIoI._ToICo.......-.yol_ -_. ~.... DlI2T\'AJ POPlTo. Opt. Opt. Opt. Opt. Opt. Opt. Opt. Opt. Opt. Opt. Opt. Opt. Opt. Opt. No """ Ope. Opt. Opt. No Opt. No No I """ Opt. No No OpIIanoI,....___oI__. 0pIIan0I Soo CunwlIllotlng DloI\"'" -..rr -.. a.... . ."..... n D72,2 ClpoIaIlon - ...-.... Manual to .~..~_........... 08132 moduIIlDr kLO'lITT'" . 0pI0n0I. -- - ........-- - -log.....,. 74-461l13-000-A 8Ill3 07212 Ope/8/io1l & InstsJla/ioll Manual P8ge f/O C> 1893 RadIonicI ~ 0 .,!~ ~~o HZ s!= ' ~u ! , i"N .. 52 Nlll Is !~J I Zo '!t; 5 'd~jl ~ 8i!lij! isi ~J] hilJi~.s! &>->- l1..j .'0"; e:: ~~~~ ~J .e ~': ~i! l1s=i!j,,~ ~~'i !O:i udI~! ~.Is!~-g~ E~-'i=Gl ! ;;;j ~.!~~ ~.!!=- J~: ...< ;!l!!:!.l : II Ir- II N~ .w. ~i' ~ - ! Ii ; ile t j!4 ~Jh Iff) i ~I' j ~.e~ Ijilll! hJilt') Is..ljdi ii~IUI IU~tti o fils Is za:Ol!J!9!1 -.-cc<<5 · i~~ : ia:o. _ Standby Battery Requirements Household Burglary and Commercial Burglary Four hours 01 standby battery capacity required. Central Station or Local Fire Alarm 24 hours of standby plus 5 minutes 01 alarm operation requlrad. See Ce{ltral Station Dr Local Systems Ampere-Hour Calculation Formula In the Standby Battery Calculation for NFPA 72 Fire Alarm Applications section. Remote Station or Auxiliary Fire Alarm 60 hours 01 standby plus 5 minutes 01 alarm operation required. See Remote Station or Auxiliary System Ampere-Hour Calculation Formula in the Standby Battery Calculation for NFPA 72 Fire Alarm Applications section. Household Fire Warning Equipment 24 hours of standby plus 4 minutes of alarm operation raqulrad. See Household Fire Ampere- Hour Calculation Formula In the Standby Battery Calculation for NFPA 72 Fire Alarm Applications section. ..~. D7212 Operation & Installa/ion Manual Page 63 74-06913-000-A 8/93 C 1993 Radionics Standby Battery Calculation for NFPA 72 Fire Alarm Applications' Current Chart First See the Current Rating Chart tor Standby Calculations for totals B and C used in the formulas below. When connecting two batteries, use either the 0122 Dual Ballery Wiring Hamess or the 08132 Ballery Charger Module. Central Station or Local Systems Central Station or Local Systems raquire 24 hours of standby plus 5 minutes of alarm operation at the end 01 the 24 hour period. A single ballery is sometimes adequate for Cenlral Station Systems, but you must install two balleries to meelthe basic standby requirements for 8 Local System Installation. You musl use ballery ampere hour (Ah) calculations to verify compliance. The following formula includas the calculation for 5 minutes of alarm operation at the end of the 24 hour period, as well as a 10% contingency factor which allows for depletion of battery capacity with age. Central Stations or Local Systems Ampere-Hour Calculation Formula Total B Hours Total C Hours Contingency Total Ah x 24) + ( x.083 ) + lOOk = Total Ah requirements musl not exceed Ah capacity of ballerias: Two 0126 Balleries = 14 Ah 74-08813-OllO-A 8IlI3 07212 0pe18lilln & ~1IaIion AMn,.} ,.. IU C 1893 Rsdionics .' 0-1255-030-010 R A D I o N I c s 01255 Command Center Installation Instructions ALPHA NUMERIC DISPLAY , II AREA x IS OFF I c!J~~ ~m~. - ~~~ . " ~ I CO"UD t4 . , 1~::"'~.E!J~EI'f ~ . , . , ... + ... , DIGITAL KEYPAD SIREN/SPEAKER FUNCTION KEYS Description The D1 255 Command Center Is an SDI buss compatible device used wilh Radionics controV communlcalor panels. The D1255 features a keypad thai illuminates when you press Ihe keys. a 16-character English language display, and a built-in speaker that emils several dislinct waming lones. The panel supplies all power and dala requiremenlS for Ihe D1255 via a simple 4-wlre connection. For specific panel compatiblllly refer to Ihe Panel Compatiblllly Chart in Ihe Specifications Section of Ihis document. See Ihe Current Rating Chart for Standby Ballery Calculations provided in the operation and Inslallation manual for Ihe specific panel used wllh Ihe D1 25510 determine II you need an additional power supply. Configurations combining supervised and unsupervised command centers are possible. You can program the panel 10 generate messages 10 the D6500 idenlifying the supervised command centerthat is in trouble. "a command center loses communicalion with Ihe panel for more than 60 seconds, the command cenler buzzes and CALL FOR SERVICE displays. The panel transmits a serial device trouble report (501 FAILURE in Modem, TROUBLE ZN o in BFSK) 10 Ihe receiver. Depending on programming in Ihe panel, Ihe D1255 permits remote conlrol of relays and real time clock display; adding, deleting and changing passcodes, system tests, and more. See the Command Center and User Interface sections of Ihe program entry guide for complete programming delails on command cenler options. You can initiale a variety of system commands with Ihe touch of two or three keys at the 01255 keypad. To navigate through Ihe system use Ihe five keys near Ihe bottom of the keypad 74-06819-000.e 8193 D 1255 Instal/ation Instructions Page 1 eo 1993 Radionics 0-1255-030-050 Wiring the 01255 (continued) 7. Replace Ihe cover. Align and insen the lOp Iwo labs of the enclosure cover inlo Ihe lOp Iwo lab slols of the enclosure base, Hold Ihe lOp edges of Ihe enclosure cover and base in pos~ion. Push the tabs inward and press Ihe enclosure and cover logelher untillhe cover snaps Inlo place, 8. Press each key on the keypad toward Ihe top of the command cenler 10 ensure proper alignment and operation of each key through Ihe mating keypad faceplale openings. Specifications 4-W1re Flying Leads D1255 Flying Leads from D9112 and 07212 DATA BUS B (30) 10 Dala Cui (Green) DATA BUS A (31) 10 Dala In (Yellow) POWER + (32) t012 VDC (Red) COMMON - (29) 10 Common (Black) Figure 3: Wiring Connections '. Control Panel D7212 09112 Command Cenler D1255 Supervised 8 8 D1255 Unsupervised 32 32 Figure 4: Panel Compatibility ChBn Power Nominal 12 VDC supplied by the panel Currenl Required Idle: 104 mA, armed or disarmed. Maximum: 20S mA, with command center Iighled and warning lone ON. Wiring 4-wire.expansion cable supplies Data In, Data Oul, +12VDC, and Common. Maximum resistance on the conductors connected to SDI BUS A and SDI BUS B is 250. Dimensions Height: 4.5S", Width: 8.15", Depth: 0.816" Color Warm Gray Display 1S-character vacuum fluorescent display. Each character is a 14-segmenl unit. Soft blue color. Operating Temperature 320 10 1220 F (00 to 50oC) Relative Humidity 5 to 85% @ 8S"F (30'C) 74-068' 9-000-8 8/93 D1255 Installation InSlructions Page 5 e. , 993 Radionics 4 '-" u 08132 Battery Charger Module Operation and Installation Instructions Description The D8132 Ballery Charger Module, combined wfth extemal baneries, increases Ihe slandby lime and provides addftional power 10 Ihe auxiliary output of 06112 and 08112 ControVCommunicalors. In addftlon 10 Ihe two 12V 6 Amp-hour batteries that can be installed wfth the ControVCommunicalor, two addftional 12V 6 Amp- hour baneries (Radlonics model #D126, Yuasa model #NP6-12) or two 12V 15 Amp-hour bameries (Yuasa model #NP15-12) can be installed wfth the D8132. The D8132 is ideal for syslems requiring extended ballery Slandby lime, such as U.L Bank Safe and Vauft applications, and syslems requiring addftlonal auxiliary current output, such as fire alarm applicalions. The 08132 is U.L listed for use in Central Slallon, Household, and Local Fire and Burglary Alarm applications, Police Connection, and Electrically Actualed Transmitter applicalions. The D8132 can also be installed as a 12V 1 ~ sland-alone power supply. (For U.L. certnicaled applications, lhe D8132 must be installed wfth a 08112 or 06112 lhal is programmed for battery supervision.) A 16.5V 40 VA Iransformer (Radionics model D1640, supplied wfth Ihe D8132) is required 10 power Ihe module. A green LED on Ihe D8132 lights 10 indicale Ihe presence of AC power. (The yellow LED Is tor manufacturing lesl purposes only.) Provided wfth Ihe 08132 are two cables, and two sets of Iockwashers, nuls, screws, and lermlnal lugs. The cables connect Ihe 08132 10 Ihe 01640 Iransformer, two batteries, and the ConlroVCommunicalor. The hardware is provided tor connecting Ihe banery cable 10 12V 15 Amp-hour balleries (Ihis hardware is nol used when connecting 12V 6 Amp-hour balleries). In addftion 10 providing increased standby lime and auxiliary power, Ihe banerles also flter the AC power supply. The amounl of ripple which appears on Ihe ConlroVCommunicator outpulS is dependenl on Ihe condftion otlhe balleries. Radionics does not recommend using the 0813210 power devices lhat are sensftive 10 excessive ripple. Determining Battery Requirements for 08112 Systems "Ihe D8132 Module is 10 be connected 10 a D8112 ControVCommunlcalor, refer 10 the 'Inslallatlon Guide for U.L. Certnicaled Syslems and Fire Alann Applicalions'sectlon in the 08112 Operation and InstaHation Manual to calculate the lotal banery Amp-hours required for your system. Use the lable in Figure 1 to detennlne the auxiliary currenl available, based on Ihe tolal banery Amp.hours and banery standby hours required. (72 hours slandby time Is required 10 meel U.L Bank Safe and Vauh specificallons.) Figure 1 also shows corresponding battery recharge limes. (The recharge time cannot exceed 48 hours for U.L certificaled applicallons.) The Amp-hours shown in Figure 1 reprasent Ihe combinallons of 6 Amp-hour and 15 Amp-hour batteries Ihal can be inslalled in a D81321D8112 system, Once salisfactory recharge lime, slandby time, Amp-hour, and auxiliary current values are identnled, delermine Ihe combinallon of batteries required for your applicallon. (The 08112 can support a maximum of two 6 Amp-hour balleries, and Ihe D8132 can support a maximum of two 15 Amp-hour baneries.) For example, a syslem which raquires 21 ~hours can sustain a maximum auxiliary current load of 150 mA at 12 VDC for 60 hours, and requires 10 hours 10 fully recharge the batteries. One 15 Amp-hour banery and one 6 Amp- hour battery can be installed 10 meellhe 21 Amp-hour requirement. NOTE: The figures which appear in the table are approximalions. These figures will vary depending upon Ihe condftlon of lhe baneries inslalled. 081'2 MAX. CONTNJOUSAUlCllMYCURAENTLlWl& BAmRY AEOlAAGE TIMES TOTAl. 24 STANDBY HOURS 10 STANDBY HCll.N 72 STANDBY HOURS BATTERV AlJ)( ClAlENT - _ CLIlAENT - _ ClAlENT IIECHAAGE _-HOl.flS LOAD TIME LOAD TIME LOAD TIME 12..... 3CIl... 7... "'A "'A .... "'A ,...... ....... .... ..... 7'" ,.... 7'" "..... ... ... "'" 100m" .... 50 ... .... 21..... ... ... ,.... 150 ... 10'" .. ... 10... ....... SIlO'" "... ""'... 12... 130 ... 12'" 27A-hr ....... .,... 250 mA ,.... 110m" 13'" 30 A... 1.05 A ..... 30l)mA "... 220 mA I.... ....... 1.1' A 3.... 350 ... I.... 2llOmA "... 30 A... 1.30 A 40... 400mA 20... 3CIlmA ..... ....... 1.30 A .7... 5CIOmA ..... 3tOmA ..... Figure 1:, BATTERY REQUIREMENT, D8112 SYSTEM 74-ll4n7-000-A 9187 e 1987 Radionica, Inc. F-8132-030-020 Determining Battery Requirements for 06112 Systems To determine Ihe battery requirements for a D6112 syslem, oomplete lhe lable in Figure 2. The tolal Amp-hour requirement for NFPA 74 systems can be calculated using Ihe formula below. (The D6112 is 001 lisled for oommercialfire applications.) NOTE: The formula below can be modffled for olher apprlCalions. ( x Column A Tolal 24) + Hrs ( Column B Tolal x 1/15 ) (4 min.) + 10% Contin- gency Factor & Tolal A.H. AC powar Oil 1ft Alarm Minimum Currenl U.ximum Curr.nl Acca..ory auanlily Escft Tol.1 Escft Total Modal Uaad UftU Sy.lam UnU By.lam 06112 -1-- 17$.a..n....lZL- 250.0u8n.. ~ OS10 4OJ'~. U.a&.n.. D620 50 lo..n. . 10. o..n. . D630 eo J 0uIn. . 10 I o..n. . 0610 10 . 0uIn. . 75. o..n.. D121 5.au.n.. SS.o..a.. lei 725l 2.o..n. . e. o..n.. ESL425CcwCT _ .0l510uM.. _ 40.0.... M801.2.3 O.OuIn...-1-. 6O.0uar.._ M806 0 . 0uIn...-1-. 100 .l Quan. . Rlting. of other device. in thl IV'llem which .r. nol .hown above: _Iauan.. _IQuart_ _10uan._ _ _IQua".. Collmn A Column 8 Totl. . _ Tolll .- Figure 2: D6112 CURRENT RATING CHART Use the lable in Figure 3 to delermine the auxiliary current available for your application, based on Ihe lolal battery Amp-hours and battery slandby hours required, (72 hours of slandby time are required 10 meel U.L. Bank Safe and Vault specHicatlons.) Figure 2 also shows oorresponding battery recharge times. (The recharge time canool exceed 48 hours for U.L. certificaled applications.) The Amp-hours shown in Figure 3 represent lhe oomblnatlons of 6 Amp-hour and 15 Amp-hour batteries Ihal can be inslalled In a D81321D6112 syslem. Once satisfactory recharge lime. slandby time, Amp-hour, and auxinary currenl values are identHied, delermlne the oombinallon of batteries requirad for your application. (The D6112 can support a maximum of two 6. Amp-hour batteries, and Ihe 08132 can support a maximum of two 15 Amp-hour baIIeries.) For example, a system which requires 21 ~ hours can suslain a maximum auxiliary current load of 280 mA al12 VDC for 60 hours , and requires 16 hours 10 fully recharge Ihe batteries. One 15 Amp-hour battery and one 6 Amp-hour battery can be inslalled to meet Ihe 21 Amp-hour requirement. NOTE: The figures which appear in the table are approximalions. These figures will vary depending upon Ihe ooncfrtion of the batteries inslaled. 01112 MAltCONTtlUOUSAUXLIARY CURRENT LOo\D& IIAneRY IlECHAAGE TIMES TOTAL 14 STANDBY HCUIS II) STANDBY ttOl.N 12 STANDBY HC:J.N BATTERY AIJX CLflRENT RECHAAQE AIJX CU'lAENT - AIJll CLflRENT - .....-HOLIIS LOAD l18lE LOAD l18lE LOAD 1M '2M1t ........ .0... ,...... .... so.... .... '"MIt ....... ,.... ,so.... "... 130mA '0'" ,.MIt ....... ..... ....... ..... 110mA ..... 21M1t soo.... ..... ....... 1.... 220 mA ..... ..MIt 830.... ..... ....... ..... 280 mA ,.... 27M1t 1.05 A ..... 010.... ..... ........ 21... ..MIt 1.11A "NOTE ........ ..... 340mA ..... ..MIt 1.30 A "NOTE .SO.... ..... OIOmA 27... ...... 1.43 A "NOTE ....... ..... ........ ..... 42M1t 1.. A "NOTE ....... ..... "DmA ..... "NOTE: The battery recharlO1e time exceed. the 48 hour maximum opecKied by U.L. Figure 3: BATTERY REQUIREMENT, D6112 SYSTEM 08132 OperlJlionllnstalalion InaIrIJctIr>M Page 2 74-04777-00D-A 9/87 C 1987 Radionica, Inc. R A D I o N I c s .-., 0928 Dual Phone Line Switcher Operation and Installation Instructions Before You Begin The D928 module is used wtth D9112 and D7212 ControllCommunicalors. The ControV Communicalor must be equipped wtth firmware revision 2.95 or higher. Use Command 59 10 delermlne the revision currently In use. Before you inslalllhe 0928 you should be familiar wtth lhe operalion and installalion manual and fhe program enlry guide for the panel you are inslalling. Description The Radionics D9112 and D7212 ControVCommunicalor panels use the D928 Dual Phone Line Swttcher 10 transmtt over a second phone line when Ihe primary phone line Is faulled. The panel monftors the primary line and the 0928 monitors Ihe secondary line, " a signal Is generaled and Ihe panel senses thallhe primary phone line is bad, Ihen it will allempllo use Ihe secondary phone line 10 send Ihe message. For further explanalion, see Ihe Communication Failure section of Ihe approprlale Operation and Inslallalion manual. " lrouble Is delected, Ihe panel keep~ the faully phone line in memory. "Ihe primary line is found to be electrically faully, Ihe 0928 switches 10 Ihe secondary line and reports Ihe faull. Wtth Ihe Modem II formal, the panel sends a PHONE LINE FAIL message lolhe D6500. The second line olthe report indicales which phone line Is In trouble. When using BFSK, the panel sends a TROUBLE ZN B for lrouble on Ihe primary phone line and a TROUBLE ZN C for trouble on the secondary phone line. The 0928 uses Ihe primary or secondary phone line to dial a primary, backup, or duplicale phone number. Ground start systems: You cannol use Ihe 0928 on ground slart systems lor commercial fire applicalions. CPU Failure Annunciation The D928 module has a circuli Ihat monilors Ihe panel's CPU (Cenlral Processing Unit) for proper operation. " Ihe CPU fails. a buzzer on Ihe 0928 sounds as does a sounder in Ihe panel. You cannol resel this "Watchdog" sounder while Ihe CPU Is failed, The D928 only Slops sounding when Ihe panel's CPU relums 10 normal operation. Status LEOs Four LEDs mounled on Ihe front edge oflhe D928 module Indicate primary phone line failure, secondary phone line failure, failure to communicale, and AC power stalus (see Figure 1). When programmed and operaling normally, only the green AC power slatus LED should be lit. 74-o704D-OOD-B , /94 D928 Installation Manual Pagfil 1 e 1994 Radionics Specifications Currant Required Idle ( average): Maximum (average): Operating Voltage: 18 mA@ 13.8 VDC 100 mA@ 13.8 VDC 10.2 - 13.9 VDC Status Indicators A sounder annunciates CPU failure. LEDs indicate: . AC power . Primary phone line failure . Secondary phone line failure . Failure 10 communlcale WIring Connections 3 Dual modular connector phone cords 1 Ribbon cable 2 Flying leads (green, black) ~ e 1994 Radionlcs, Inc., Salinas, CA, U.S.A. AU rights rasarved. TN The Radionlcs logo is a ragistared trademark of Radionlcs, Inc., Salinas, CA, U.S.A. ~ Radionics'. Radionlcs, Inc., 1800 Abbott Street Salinas, CA, 93901, U.S.A. Customer Sarvlca: (800) 538-5807 Radionics, 1 Park Gala Close, Bradbury Stockport, Cheshire, SK6 2SZ, England Technical Support; (061) 494-0851 F-0125-032-010 R A D I o N I c s 01258 Powered Loop Interface Module Operation and Installation Instructions Features . Two separate powered protective loops Su~able for 12 or 24 VDC. 2 or 4-wire smoke delectors UP. to 50 2-wlre, 12 VDC glassbreak detectors per loop Loop troubles and alarms transm~led individually 10 Ihe conlrollcommunlcalor panel Command cenler or central slatlon resel capabil~y w~h Ihe Remole Account Manager (RAM) UL Iisled CSFM and NYC-MEA pending . . . . . ~ "'" ...... "'''' ...... ~ilii:~" - " B.' ~. 2u.0 ... u.3im ..n =---= '~ llitl!i! ~~~~~ ~ =---=:: ... ~~~fM ~ ... Figure 1: D125B Powered Loop Interface Module "'u" ~~",..~ ~~ r.~ ~~ ~~ ,,~~,..~ ~ ~"'~~Io.~~:':..~~!;~~""",~ D'2lIIl o o Description The 01256 Powered Loop Interface is used 10 connect up to two 2-wlre powered loops 10 separale on-board poinls on a D7112 or D9112 or separale prolectlve zones on a D8112. These loops are powered w~h nominal 12 or 24 VDC for compalible smoke delectors or glassbreak devices. You can also use any dry conlact device w~h Ihe D125B Powered Loop Inlerface. Operation D81121D9112: 12 VDC Mode: In this mode, the 08112 and 09112 Sw~ched Auxiliary Power oulpUI (Ierminal 8) supplies power 10 the D125B Powered Loop Interface. The sw~ched power oulpul allows all detectors connected 10 Ihe D125B module 10 be resel by interrupting power. D1258 Operation & Installation Instructions Page 1 74-ll6616-00o-B 5193 e , 993 Radionics F-0125-032-020 Operation (continued) D7112: 12 VDC Mode: WIth a D7112, swttched delector power Is achieved by using an auxiliary D130 Relay Module. The relay coil connects to one side of the panel fire loop (Point 1) and a panel common (see Figure 3). Power Is Interrupted for a programmed time of up to 75 seconds by entering Command 47 at the command center. See the D7112 Operation ancllnstallation Manualfor delailed operalion Inslructions. 00 not connect any devices to Point 1 when using the D130 Relay Module. D7112, D8112 and D9112: 24 VDC Mode: A separale UL listed 24 VDC power supply must be used when using 24 VDC delectors, Use a D130 Relay Module to resel 24 VDC smoke delectors with CMD 47 (see Figures 4 and 6). Installation The D125B module mounts in lhe D7103, 08103, D8108A, or D8109 enclosures. Use Ihe mounting screws provided. Only Ihe D8108A and D8109 enclosures are suitable lor commercial fire applicalions. You can also use a D137 Mounting Brackello Inslalllhe D125B. Wiring Loops The D125B Powerad Loop Inlerface has Iwo loop inputs. These are labeled: Loop A A+ LOOP (Terminal 9) A- LOOP (Terminal 7) loop B B+ LOOP (Terminal 8) B- LOOP (Terminal 6) To supervise the loops, Install an end-of-tine resistor beyond Ihe last delector 01 each prolective loop. II you are replacing a D125 or D125A module with Ihe D125B, you can use the 1.5kO resistor (RPN 15-03130-000) Inslalled with lhe original system. If you are Inslalling a 0125B In a new system or In an exisling syslem and adding additional devices, use Ihe 1.8kO reslslor (RPN 15-03130-006) supplied with Ihe module. The D125B shorts the prolective loop on Ihe panel when Ihe high (+) and low (-) side of either module loop is shorted logether or when a smoke delector activales. The D125B opens the prolective loop on the panel during the tollowing condilions: . Either of the module prolective loops are opened. . The D125B Interface module is nol powered. . Either the high (+) side 01 the loop or the low (-) side 01 Ihe loop is shorted 10 ground. When programming for fire applicalions, reler to Ihe appropriale conlroVcommunlcalor Operation and Installation Manual. ApplIcation Do NOT mix 12 VDC and 24 VDC detectors on Ihe same D125B module. Do NOT use terminal 8 lor sllenl alarm outpul when using D8112 Swilched Aux Power. D1258 ap.,.tion & Installarion Instructions Paga 2 74-06616-000-8 5193 e 1993 Radionics F-0125-032-060 .-- ~ Radionics' THE QUALITY LEADER Radionics, Inc., 1800 Abbott Street Salinas, CA, 93901, U.S.A. Customar Service: (800) 538-5807 Radionics, 1 Park Gate Close, Bredbury Stockport, Cheshire, SK6 2SZ, England Technical Support: (061) 494-0851 1>1 The Radionics logo is a regislered Irademark of Radionics, Inc., Salinas, CA, U.S.A. C> 1992 Radlonics. Inc., Salinas, CA, U.S.A. All rights reserved. F-0125-032-050 Specifications Operating Voltage: 12 VDC: (Nominal) Supplied by Ihe controVcommunicalor 24 VDC: UL Lisled 24V Power Supply such as Alarm-Saf. Model AS/PSS-BFS-24-UL Number of Radlonlcs 2.Wlre Delectors: 12 VDC: 25 24 VDC: 80 Number of Detection Systems 2.Wlre Delectors: 12 VDC: 20 24 VDC: 60 Number of System Sensor 2.Wlre Detectors: 12 VDC: 10 24 VDC: 40 Refer 10 Ihe appropriate controllcommunicalor Technogram delailing compalible smoke deleClors. Max. Operating Current: 12 VDC 24 VDC , .. Non-alarm (idla) 22mA 42mA Alarm (Loop A) 85mA 168mA (Loop B) 85mA 168mA (Loops A+B) 147mA 292mA Open (Loop A) 12mA 23mA (Loop B) 12mA 23mA (Loops A+B) 1.7mA 2.5mA Short+ (Loop A) 80mA. 55mA (Loop B) 80mA. 55mA (Loops A+B) 150mA. 85mA . After 2 mins. Short- (Loop A) 23mA 45mA (Loop B) 23mA 45mA (Loops A+B) 24mA 46mA D1258 Operation & Installation Instructions Page 5 74-o6616-00o-B 5/93 e 1993 Radionics R D A F-8129-030-010 I o N I c s 08129 Octo-Relay Module Operation and Installation Instructions 1. Description The 08129 Octo-Relay Module is a relay swhchlng accessory forthe 08112 ControVCommunicalor, This module has eight dry contact relay OUlputs. Each relay provides Fonn C swhching (raled alone Amp) 10 control various user- selected functions. The Octo-Relay Module uses informalion laken from Ihe 08112 serial data-out 10 selectively activale the relay outputs. The .Operalion Mode. delermines how the Octo-Relay Module reponds to serial data. The Operalion Mode selects the data needed to swhch a specnic relay, or sel of relays, ON or OFF. Progranvning within the controVoommunicalor will affect Octo-Relay responses 10 cenain systemoondhions. Keep in mind thai anytime more than one 08129 Module is installed in a system, each module will respond in the same manner to Serial Data-Cui unless each module is programmed for a different Operation Mode (See Section 2, Configuring Ihe Operalion Mode). The 08129 may operate errallcally when Ihe conlrovoomrnmlcalor Is oonnected to AC power only. Therefore, Radionics reconvnends lhal the battery remain connected to the 08112 at all times. In addhion 10 providing backup power, Ihe battery also Mers Ihe AC power supply. The amount of .ripple.lhal appears on the conlroVoommunicalor oulputs is dependent on Ihe oondhion of the battery. () 2. Configuring the Operation Mode A slide swhch whh multiple swhch settings on the Octo-Relay circuit board allows you 10 configure the 08129 Octo- Relay Module for a specnic mode of operafion. The different modes of operalion and assoclaled swhch settings are shown in the lable, below. CAUTION: Disconnect all external devices from Ihe Octo-Relay Module beffJre setting Ihe Operalion Mode Swhches and beffJre programming lhe oonlroVoommunicalor. The external devices may be uninfenlionally activaled n Ihey remain oonnected during oonfiguralion of swhch settings and/or programming. Also remove power when changing switch settings. NOTE: When the CPU in the oonlroVoomrnunlcalor is busy processing otherlasks, relay responses may be delayed. " a pulsed relay output is In progress when Ihe CPU begins processing dala, Ihe relay may .Iock. momenlarily causing an irregular pulsed output. The characterislics of each Operation Mode listed In Ihe lable are described in Ihe sections that follow the table. Many oflhe relay response characteristics of an Operalion Mode are subjectfo conlroV oommunlcalorprogrammlng. See Ihe applicable conlroVcomrnunicalor program enlry guide for programming options. All swhches except Switch #5 are used In oonfiguring Ihe Operalion Mode. The position of Swhch #5 (ON or OFF) has NO effect on Ihe oonfiguralion of Ihe Operation Mode. Operation Modes: Switch Settings: 1 2 3 4 5 Zone Slalus ON ON ON OFF - Alarm Memory ON OFF ON ON - BuzzerlBell Output OFF OFF ON ON - System Slalus-12 ON ON OFF ON - System Status-9 OFF OFF OFF ON - Shunt Stalus OFF ON ON ON - Remole Control OFF ON OFF ON - 08129 OpefBtionllnsralfafion Inswc:tion Pagel Cl987-1989 Radioni... In.. 74-04S62.ooo.B 3189 F-8129-030-020 Zone Status Mode Switch Settings: 1 = ON, 2 = ON, 3 = ON, 4 = OFF) The Zone Status Mode provides a relay output each lime a protective zone is faulted, In alBrm, Shunted, or force- armed. Each relay output has the same identifying number as its corresponding zone. ZDnA Condition . Faulted: . Alann: Relav R_DOn_ Relay activaled by a lauited zone provides a "steady" output until fault is cleared. Relay activaled by an alarm COndition proVides a rapid "pulsing" output and remains active until COMMAND 4 is enlered or until the amvdisarm passcode is re-entered. . Shunted or Force Anned: A ralay activated by a zone that has been shunted provides a slow"pulslng" output. NOTE: 08112:MAIN, Program Item 103 SHOW, must be programmed "YES. in order for Ihe Zone Slalus Mode 10 operale properly. Also notice that the .ResponselCondition" for each ralay Outpul is Ihe same in Ihe Zone Slatus Mode, as shown below Relav. 1 -8: RAAnftnRA/Cnndltlon: Steady output for Zone fault, or Rapid pulsing output for Zone Alarm, or Slow pulsing output while Zone Is shunled or force-atrned. Alarm Memo Mode (SwltcbSettln s: 1 : ON, 2 = OFF, 3 = ON, 4 = ON The Alarm Memory Mode provides a steady relay output when an alarm is lriggered from a prolective zone. The relay remains energized until COMMAND 4 is entered or untillhe ArmIDisarm passcode is re-entered. Each relay outpul has Ihe same Identifying number as Its corresponding prolective zone. Buzzer/Bell Out ut Mode (Switch Settings: 1 = OFF, 2 = OFF, 3 = ON, 4 = ON) The BuzzerlBell Output Mode actlvales relays which correspond to specifIC system buzzer and bell reponses. This mode also provides relay outputs in reponse to certain command center condilions. Specific relay responses enabled by this mode are shown in the lable below. NOTE: In this mode the ralay outputs do no, correspond to prolective zones. RelltIV. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 R8mOn9&/Cnndhlon: Steady output while any syslem keypad Is lit. Steady output while PUlsed (Fire) bellls active. Momentary closure each lime a keystroke is acknowledged at a Command Center. Steady output during buzzer activation from a command center or controVcommunicalor. SteacJy or momentary output depending on bell output from Terminal 6 of 08112. Momentary closure when a perimeler zone is fauited during Walch Mode. Steady output during silentalarmoutpul (8112:MAIN, Program Ilem 94 Ctnd47, musl be programmed "NO") or when COMMAND 47 is actlvaled. Do not connect any device to this output S stem Status-12 Mode (Switch Settln s: 1= ON,2 = ON, 3 = OFF, 4 = ON System StatuS-12 Mode offers a set of ralay rasponses which are activaled by specific syslem events (SeeSyslem Status-9 Mode for more syslem event reponses). NOTE: In this mode the relay outputs do no, correspond 10 prolective zones. Relav. 1 2 3 R8$DOnAA/Cnndltlon: Do nol connect any device 10 this output SteacJy output begins when system is armed and ramains energized until closing report is successfully received. SteacJy output after an alarm has occurred. . If system is armed relay remains energized until system is disarmed . If system is disarmed relay remains energized until COMMAND 4 or AmvDisarm passcode is entered 08129 Open,tionllns_dotr 1n.11UCIion. P.2 7~.(JO().B 3/8ll e 1987-1989 Redionics, Inc. A.lav. 4 5 6 7 8 F-8129-030-Q30 Aomonu/Condltlon: Steady OUtput upon failura to communicale a report to a receiver after ten dialing atte~s. . Relay remains energized until COMMAND 4 or AnnIDlsarm passcode Is enterad, or until a subsequent report Is successfully received Steady output when any zone has been force-armed. . When programmed for 'ocal,' relay remains energized until system Is disarmed . When programmed as a reporting system, ralay remains energized until a report is success- ful/y received Steady output during A.C. power failure. Steady output while low battery condiflon Is displayed. Steady output while IllIIen.ln Is In progress. Relay remains energized until the programmed Ilslen-in time expires. S stem StatlJs-9 Mode \ Switch Settln s: 1 s: OFF 2.. OFF 3 .. OFF 4 .. ON Syslem Slalus-g Mode offers a set of relay responses which are activaled by specific system events. (See Syslem Slalus-12 Mode for more system event reponses). NOTE: In this mode the relay outputs do NOT corraspond to protective zones. Relav. 1 2 3 4 5 o 6 7 8 AeSbonse/Cllndltlon: Steady output while syslem Is perimeler-artTled with CMD 2 only (Perimeler Instant). Steady output when COMMAND Key Is preSSed. Relay remains energized until user exils COMMAND Mode, or until CMMAND Mode times out. Steady output while battery Is discharging faster than it can be recharged. Relay ramains energized until battery charging ratums 10 normal. Steady output while IIl11en-ln is In progress. Relay remains energized until listen-in expires. PulsIng output during Exif Delay; Steady when armed. NOTE: Relay conlinues 10 pulse until Closing Report Is acknowledged by Ihe central stetlon racelver, then becomes a steady output and remains energized untillhe syslem Is disarmed. If a COMFAIL occurs, the relay will pulse untU the system arming stale Is changed (from armed 10 disarmed or vice versa) with the annfdisarm pasSCOl!e or, when disarmed, use COMMAND 4. Steady output while syslem Is perimeler armed with CMOs 2, 3, or 8. Steady output while A.C. power Is supplied 10 the syslem; Pulsed output during AC fail. Do nol connect any device 10 this output. Each ralay output has the same identifying nuntler as ils corresponding prolectlve zone. Some of the relay responses for systems using ZONEX are differant from rasponses of non-ZONEX systems (See noles below). NOTES: (1) (2) (3) When a zone programmed for No Swinger Shunt is force armed, lhe relay is energized until the sylllem Is disarmed. When a zone programmed for Swinger Shunfls force armed, Ihe relay isnot energized. When Swinger Shunt zones are manually shunted from the keypad orwhen lhe zone is shunted due to a swinger shunt condillon, the relay Is energized. Systems Using Zonex (Radlonics Zone Expansion Syslem): (1) Force arming a zone programmed for NO Swinger Shunt causes the relay output to be energized during Exif Delay only. (2) When a zone programmed ror Swinger Shunt Is force armed, the relay is not energized. (3) When zones programmed ror Swinger Shunt are manually shunted from the keypad, the relay Is energized. When a Swinger Shunt zone is shunled by the system, Ihe relay is not energized. 74~-ooo.B 7/87 Cl1l87 Radionica, Inc:. 08129 0peta_.1I"1ion InsInH:lion P.,3 F-8129-030-040 I Remote Control Mode (1.. OFF. 2.. ON.:'.. OFF. 4 .. ON) The Remote Control Mode allows Ihe relay outpuls 10 be manipulaled by any one of the following means: . Commands entered by the cenlral slalion operalor using a Radionics Remole Account Manager (RAM.) . COMMAND 54 entered by lhe user from an Alpha II COlTmand Center . Systems wfth the Access Conlrol fealure . Systems wfth the Skeds feature --- I . Installation The Octo-Relay Module is designed for mounting as follows: . As a IocIII installation, inside the conlroV convnunlcator enclosura. or . As a ",mot. installation, in a separale security enclosura /J..'oc.".... . . . - n-....-.." e , Mounting: Inside Enclosure fOr 08112 When mounting Ihe 08129 inside any 08112 enclosura, align the module wfth any of the four mounting Iocallons and secura the module in place wfth Ihree mounting screws, or use a 0137 Mounting Bracket. . - ~- I .SI_OUHTING Dltn OCTo.RELAY MODULI selll.. Wiring Connections to the Control/Communicator The Octo-Relay is linked 10 the controV communicator by three wire connections: +12 VDC. Common, and Serial Dala-Out (See diagram). These wires are connected to a three-wlre terminal block on the 08129 module. D8112 Termini' @... 0... 0. D8129 Termlnll DATA AUX GND Relay Outputs Each relay outpul provides a normally open and a normally closed output. Three lermlnals are available in each ralay output poshlon: (1) Normally Open, (2) Common (pole). and (3) Normally Closed. The silkscreen on the edge of the D8129 c1rcuft board clearly idenlifies the function of each lerminal and the relay output number. The middle terminal of each output posftion is Ihe pole of the relay and Is labeled 'COMM.. When Ihe relay is in an inactive state, Ihe normally closed lerminal (labeled "N.C. i has contlnufty with the "COMM" lerminal. When Ihe relay Is an active (energized) stale. the normally open lermlnal (labeled "N.O.") has continuity wfth the "COMM" terminal. D8129 Specifications Power: Nominal 12 VDC supplied by the conlroVcommunicalor CUrrent Required: Idle - 20 milliamps Maximum - 320 milliamps (all relays energized) 16to 22 AWG from controVconvnunicalor to 08129 (up 10200 ft.) Form "C" dry contact (1.0 Amp al12 VDC). During pulsed output, relay maintains closure for minimum of 1 second Wire Requlrament: ReilY Output: ~ RadionicsN 1800 ABBOTT ST.. P.O. BOX B0012, SALINAS. C;A 93912-0012 CUSTOMER SERVICE: (BOOI 538-5807. IN CA (BOOI 682-9865 v , J J '~."",.........-,,-,,:: .. t t , } -. . . ;,,:",.': .,' (:"'---:. .",\. .'~' .>~~~~.~"" ".;i;i~;~!Jl::. . "....i.t. .. .... -<..~'1...5-_ ..~ .... ...;...:...~..l .;;.~':;.:_.pl~~~:... ~:....'..~<, Electrical Aallngs 6-125 Volts AC" 3.0 Amp. 6-28 Volts D.C., 1.0 Amp. 125 Volts D.C., 0.3 Amp. 250 Volts D.C., 0.1 Amp. Designed in aCCordance with NFPA Stendard 72E Chemetnsiiics'f) HEAT DETECTOR SERrES 600 SPECIFICATIONS 1-N0 Idonlltloolbn on Clrcu~ Hoal Colloclor M_ o Gray Fling (QJ Gray Spot 8 Gray Spot & Ring @) 110. 2-NO Clrcu~ M_ ~ 1121 ~i80_ .".... F_T_.. - l350F l51'C). - - ll22 ~i80_ .".... F_T_. - 2000F 1lW'C). - ..- ll23 Foxea Tomp. .".... Q,~" l30GF - (51'C) - - 1124 Fiqd Tomp. ...... Only. 2000F - 1lW'C). - - Mulmum 8-..; AIowonc:e' ~ UL FM NamoI............. 5OlC5O ft 30x30 ft. .....-.. II1d 0SiIlng --..... not -.g l000F l38'C). NamoI ........""" SOxSO ft 30x30 ft IIuc:ol-.. II1d OBiJing Iomoora..... _ing 1000 i38'C) be.< not l!5OOF lll8'C). ~ wioIont. 25x25 ft 2Ox20 ft .......... Iuc:tUllions -0SiIlng~ not _ing l000F i38'C) ~ - ISx15 ft 15X15 ft IImI>o<atunr IuQuafions - OIIibng 10m_1ft _ing 1000 C38'C) be.< not 1!5OOF lll8'C). . Reter to NFPA Standard 72E for app'iclltion requirementa lI02 lI03 604 Ustings and ApproYaJs . U.l. Listed . Apprc>4d Board cI Standards . CaIifor,q Slate . FM Ap~ end Ap08als. NYC F.. MItSheI Listed 1,,:,,'.~..._.. -".-;,--.~~,::-:,.:1 .,' .. ....... , ~'-""i"'l.~..... . ;... -~. . ",' :. . ..: 1S__. ~ ~ . ,. :~ J ., .. . .' .' ., INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE 5340/5330 SERIES OF ELECTRONIC SIGNALS 1.) Installation is to be only done by qualified personnel who have throughly read and understood this instruction sheet. 2.) Audible warning devices such as this electronic horn may not alert people if these devices are located on the other side of closed or partly open doors Dr are located on another floor of a building, 3,) Installer must be familiar with NFPA guide 72G and local fire codes. 4.) Field repair of these signals is not to be attempted. Malfunctioning units should be returned to the factory for repair or replacement. As with all fire alarm equipment periodic testing is re- quired (Ref. NFPA #72H, G), Signals should be tested at least two times a year and more often if required by local andlor state codes. The 5340 series is a single tone electronic signal. The 5330 series is a 3 tone (selectable) electronic signal. Both series of electronic signals operate on unfiltered or filtered regulated DC powerfrDm a contrDI panel signal circuit. These electronic signals are designed for indoor use only. Model 5340 and 5330 Electronic Signals are for use with a 5005 flush grille, 5006 surface grille or 5008 ceiling grille. Included with the basic signal are four mounting screws. Two screws are#10-14 x 1/2 inch phillips head for mounting the grille to the frame, and two slotted #8-32 x 1 inch machine screws for mounting the assembled unit to a standard 4 inch square backbox. Order grille, signal and backbox separately. ~ ~ ~ Model 5343/5333 Flush Electronic Signal, 534615336 Flush Elec- tronic Signal W/Strobe, 5344/5334 Surface Electronic Signal, 53471 5337 Surface Electronic Signal W/Strobe, 5345/5335 Ceiling Elec- tronic Signal, 5348/5338 Ceiling Electronic Signal W/Strobe mount directly to a standard 4 inch square backbox with two slotted #8-32 (11'" x 1 inch machine screws. v' ~ Order signal and backbox separately. ACCESSORIES 3019 Concealed Conduil Plate 3017 Surface Box 5330 Series Tone Selection Jumper Factory Installed across pins 3 and 4, Jumper across pins 1 and 2 siren sound. Jumper across pins 2 and 3 warble sound. Jumper across pins 3 and 4 hom sound, No jumper installed. hom sound. NOTE: UNITS TO BE ONLY INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE AND LOCAL ELECTRICAL CODES. DO NOT LOOP WIRE, CUT WIRE RUN TO PROVIDE ELECTRICAL SUPERVISION Terminals are designed 10 accept no larger then 14 ga. wire. Polarity marlting is for system in alarm. When strobe and electronic signal ara connected to Ihe same signal circuit. When strobe and electronic signal are connected 10 separale signal circuits. From c-... Pone/or Previous Devic:e I IS 8' + ~ =+ From ConIroi From ConIroi To Next P_or or '" Panel or Devic:e or Previous 'j5 Ill, Previous 0 E.O.L. Devic:e +~ =+ Devic:e To Next To Next Device or Devic:e or E.O.L. E.O.L. fo'AXIMI,IMSTROBEVOL TAGE 30VDC NOTE: WHEN SIGNAL AND STROBE ARE CONNECTED TO SAME SIGNAL CIRCUIT, CURRENT RATING IS COMBINATION OF SIGNAL AND STROBE CURRENT. SPECIFICA TlONS MOOEL VOLTAGE HORN WARBLE SIREN SlROBE SlROBE NO. CURRENT CURRENT CURRENT INTENSITY CURRENT 5340 wl5OO5, 6, 8 53<13 5344 5345 12VDC lOma :r.7'.8 12VDC lOma lId.lllnI 75ma 1 10me .. . 5340 wl5OO5, 6, 8 53<13 5344 5345 21.32VDC 20me 5346 7 8 21.32VDC 20me lid lllnI 38me 5346 7 8 21.32VDC 20me h. h uft.. 75me 5330 wl5OO5. 6, 8 5333 5334 5345 12VDC lOma lOma 1<4ma 5336 7 8 12VDC lOma lOma 1<4ma lid xl.. 75ma 5336 7, 8 12VDC 10me 10me 14me I1ilI.h, uh l5Om1 5330 w:."""". 6. 8 21.32VDC 25me 5333 5334 5345 20ma 20me 5336 7 8 21.32VDC 20me 20me 25me SId xl.. 38me 5336,7,8 21.32VDC 20me 20me 25me high, uh 75me dB RATING VOLTAGE 10' READING UL RATING 1 C 85<lBA 75clBA 21 VDC 92dBA 82dBA 30VDC 95dBA 85clBA Strobe Flash Rete: .7/1.7 per secona. t!!QJI: Ught output measurement. were taken at viewing angles A 1, A2. AJ. M. AS. and AS. Viewing angle. A 1 through AS are located in the .ome plane. 45 degrees from each other. Viewing anole A6 i. perpendicular to all other angl... M VIEWING ANGLE PERCENT CHANGE FOil Al STD HIGH UL STROBE STROBE KJ~ Al A3 M> M-D-os KJ/ 1 ~ Al - 9 -9 AS 543987 REV. A 11193 FARADAY, INC. STROBE , 5522-0 General Installation Instructions for Strobes with the Suffix -N. oW. -0 and -S A WARNING- Inslallation is 10 be done by qualified personnel who have thoroughly read and under- stand this instruction sheel and Ihe accompanying General Product Wamlno and Limitations Docu- menl5<l<4111. IMPORTANT- All signaling appliances must be Installed In accordance wilh all applicable national and local fire alarm codes and any olher required regulatory agency. The strobe lights must be connected 10 a compatible signal circuit with a steady current output and appropriale voltage. These strobe'lighlS are deSigned for regulaled fillered power supplies or full wave rectified unfiltefed power supplies. Field repair of these signals is not to be attempted, Malfunctioning units should be returned 10 Ihe factory for repair or replacement. As wilh all fire equipmenl periodic lestlng is required (Ref. NFPA '72H, 6), Signals should be lested alleast two times a year and more often if required by local and/or state codes. Defective devices must be replaced Immedlalely. CoI8lClg___ ... AND .w -D -s ...... Ul '17' LognI o.oru '$ '" 75'" HOell ~ \IoIIogo 12." VOC ~'.32 \/OC 12." vex: 21.32 VDC 12." VOC 21.32 VOC . SEE NOTE I' A_ 000"''''0 eun... ,,.. 1SO AMPS 015- oe AMPS _330 AMOS 'SIC). 1)5 "MPS -- AMOS _ 175 AMPS - SEE NOTE '2 InlllII lrwuIh c:...n.r. ... AMOS ..,. AMPS '" ....OS , "'2' AMPS 7.' AMP t ~2' AMPS . c 15 MtCRO see c7 MICRO see <( 15 MICRO SEe c 15 MCRO SEe c 15 MICRO SEe c 1:; MICRO SEe 25 AMPS 2.1~ AMPS , AIlPS "22 AMPS 7 AMPS "22 AMPS - eun.u co1O MICRO see <40 MICRO see <70 MICRO SEe c 50 MCRO <1'0 MICRO <50 MICRO see SEC SEe F...... LognI~ ....'5C1l11 AIWJ -W?Socl -D 75 c:cI .S "Ooll F_ R.. t .1. ~...- . NOTE' 1: The current measurement represents regulated filtered power supplies or full wave rectifiecl unfiltered power supplies. .. NOTE' 2: Use average currents to determine maximum number of strobes per circuit. ADA Minimum Frontal Light Ou1put requirement is 75 cd, U.L. 1971 Standard covers emergency signaling devices for the hearing impaired. R U.L.1971 Installation ell uirements Area to be Signaled ' Mounting Height 'Minimum Required Inlensity Sleeping More than 2<4. to 11 Oed the ceiling Non-Sleeping No Restrictions 15ed , Distance to ceiling is measured from the lOp of the signal light lens to Ihe ceiling. , The values noled for required intensity are expressed In minimum candela - effective Inlensity. The -D, -Wand Ihe -S strobes are for wall mount use only. The .N can be either wall mounled or ceiling mounled. ~77 REV.B PAGE 1 OF 4 . 08103/94 FARADAY, INC. HORN/STROBE '5337 , 'JeTE: UNITS TO BE ONLY INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE AND LOCAL ELECTRICAL CODES. PO NOT LOOP WIRE, ClJT WIRE RUN TO PROVIOrnJ;CTRICAL SUPERVISION Terminals are designed to accept no larger then 14 ga. wire, Polarlty mar1ting is for system in alarm. When strobe end electronic signel ere connected to the same signe' circuit. When strobe end electronic sigrnll ere connected 10 5eperale signe' cin:uils. r I I " F""" c:-... P-... P- DeYice To_ llevios or E.O,L. F..... c:..'IlI .... or Pr-. llevios F..... eor.ra Panol or P...... llevios M ToNal llevios or E.O.L. To_ llevios or E.O.L. NOTE: WHEN SIGNAL AND STROBE ARE CONNECTED TO SAME SIGNAL CIRCUIT, CURRENT RATING IS COMBINATION OF SIGNAL AND STROBE CURRENT. MOllEI. VOLTAGE NO, 53olO wI5OO5, I, 1 S343 53401 ~ 5348,7.1 SPECFICATIONI HORN WARBLE URRENT URR NT SIREN RR NT .. ItA 11NO lid lira 3SmI .... 7Srno sid Illra 7Srno . .... lsema It IN 1llgtI. uIra 7Srno VO TAG I 21VOC 30VDC I RAING A 82dBA IISdBA UL RATIN 75d A 121lBA 15dBA 21 -32VDC :zoo. 21.32VDC :zoo. 12VDC Ian. 12VDC lOrN 12VDC Ian. 7 5338, 7. e :zoo. :zoo. 25ma _ FiII/l R...: .7/1,7 per ........ tQIE: Ught output mea.",.menta w.,. taken at vi..'", angl.. A', A2. A3, M. AS. Dnd AI. VI..ing ongl.. A I throUfh All ons locotod In tho 00.... plono. 45 dogr... from .och other. V...,;ng angl. All Ie perpendicular 10 all o\her ongl... M VIEWING ANCl[ PERCENT CHANGE .. Al $TO HIGH UL STllOBE STROBE Al All M-D-All AS AJ/ I ~ Al I A2 +4 + AI 543987 REV. A 11193 Note: The switch rating is 3 amps @ 30 VRMS BG-10 Series * Denotes solder connection Denotes mechanical key used 10 manually resel slalion Manual Pull Station Product Installation Drawing Ooc:umenl15ol86 Rev: E 4101/93 ECN ~-169 ** BG-10, 80-101.., BG-10SP, BG-1OWP, HR-10, AR.10F BG-1OA --I..- ToccnlrOl peneI ~ _loop outpUt N.O. contac:llor AUX. Iunc:tions . To control peneI _loop outpUt .......__ To next clevlc:e '" ELR To next clevlc:e or ELR BO-10PIT --~ BG-1ON To lIlrminal block for tests - '" 10 pnJ2.:ijjilalcircult (key operated). . To control psnet _loop output To control peneI -loop outpUt To next clevlc:e or ELR Tonext_orELR Description The 80.10 Serl.. Pull S18tlonaara non-coded, dual-action, normally-open manual pull stations w~h the following oplions: BG.10A (with AUX. switch); 8O.10L (wllh key for resel); BG.10PIT (wllh key for preslgnal or test); 8O.10N (w~hout terminal block); 8O.10WP (BG-l0 enclosed in a weatherproof backbox); HR10 (Halon Release, wllh wiring the same as the 80-10); AR.10F (Agent Release, w~h wiring the same as the BG-l0). BG.10 Series Operation When the dual-action door is pushed in and the handle pulled down, the N.O. push-type switches will close. The handle cannot be restored to lis normal pos~ion until the slation Is manually reset by unscrewing the hex screw and pivoting the case downward, away from the backplate. When the handle Is restored, retum the case to lis normal pos~lon and secure wllh the hex screw. Note: The BG-l0L utilizes a mechanical key Instaad of a hex screw. The microswltch of BG-l0Pfr Is activated by rotaling a key clockwise. The key cannol be removed while in Ihis poslllon. @) Flre.Llle~ ALarmS INCORPORATED 12 CUntonvi11e RoacI. Nonhforcl. CT 064n PhanIl: 203-484-7161 FAX: 203-4&1-7118 10/11194 18:05 'a'1 801 317 ooes A D I IIEIIPHIS Iill002 yu....Exld., Inc. M.lnten.ne....... Rech......bl. Battery NP7.12/NP7.12FR 12V, 7.0Ah wi y YUASA 2.-_ 2IIhr._ar 3501Il...,Cl.511V7.o A.H. 10........fII ~~tD1D.1OV'" A.H. Shr. _of 1190a......,l1211V&.IIlSA.H. Ihr._af4200_... UOV4.Z A,H, . SPECIFICATIONS ,. .............. . DIMENSIONS 1ltV +11 €1 ",:: CS."=CUMI 3. _ht --., 8.17"'- .. ....... d_ Ql) ..., "" '''' WHt_;...... (i, .......__CIOhr._1 13.8W1i1pound L 1_-..",...... 30..........<-.1 - DDIENSlOlfS. !oO/ (IlICIIES) 7. Maximum clilCtwge ~ 40 ........ ---- .., I. ..... -"- ..dl. Ihert......... ----- s. ~ _ ........-.~..... a..,. -... 10. CIWIO-....~...1ifoI or... l2lI'C;1 ,- a- 1- 11. LIfe _ ,., -- Cydo- IDa"'....... .. .n..... __lIfd-.,o ~_lIfd_. 12. ..... CIiOIlIIII'...IDft 13. _......_ wi 14.__ -, 8TVlMlNAl 21D ____ --.-- .."..p - 5"1''' ,22'F (-1I'C.IO'CI -4"F.,4O"F 1-2ll"c .IO'Cl .15 81... - DIJIENSION5, INaIES Stili 5"... 2ICl_1_-.I 110_1_"1 1200..- (......-.1 ea. be __......... or _.... .. MY IIDIItioft whhGul _., Quigkal .:.. a.~.1.7 $ G .... 'hl &J.JI=G.D&, '~- i- o! ~~ ~I. '- ~ i:[; .: a ,. ......... II j I , I . I ! IHOI . W ;; ..,. f ~~ 41r:.... ,110 .115 .12. .0.. ..60 .031 .010 .004 .... '.70 3.U 2.49 1.52 0.'7. 0.5. O.JO __OR OS 'LAMa Ul'NlllAHl' (ULl4-YO) l!'l RECOGNIZED BY UL, FIle No. 11ft tMM I .- i : I : i : 10/11/94 18:03 ttl 901 377 0093 DISCHARGE CHAaAC'l"EIUSIlC CVkVES ., ._~ -".. ............. ~. i s . 5 --- SElJ'DISCH.\ll.GE CHARAC'rElUSncs .., .. E " ! q . . CYCLE SEIlVlCE un IN ltELAnON TO DEPTH OF DISCRA.R.GE ..........,.".---~~..."...1l.JWJIIfaU ~..~UIe... ~.......---~C'ANan ~-.....r..ft."..~ :.& -~ - - - - - - ................. NOW MAD! IN AMERICA Ea&tam Office (800) 962-128'1 Fq (201) 641-8720 WeatemOfflce (SOD) 423-4867 Fa: (310) 849-507 A J) I IIElIPRIS 1ZI003 nMPEKATVREmEcT$ IN ItELAnON TO 8ATTER.Y CAPAQ'IY ..... I: ~ I: i : 4ft.1ft ft .-, ..... !Ih a~ I .. , wh: '* _ "." .. .-, '-'1_ ....... * "c "r ..." l:yt ...... OPEN ClRCUlTVOU"AGE VS R.D4AJMNG CAPACI'IT ,., - ..,..c-..... I a. ; ... :.,:.,,\\,,:.,.:.,;.,:,,::~.<,,,..~.::,.;,,,. .....'" ...'oc.......,.",. t II. - . .. .. -........- . ,. FLOAT SiRVlCE IDE ; i-' I .. . I . '-......III-.........aa_u.w.au. --.,.......lIR'.ft..1a~ ..:...... ..~~:::""::.. ....:.;::;.::.. 'u - -... ................. -~........... in _ of3C:. _ _..~Ilor..._. CHARGING METHODS (At 20"C) CyW - 'Muimurn d10rging ...... 0.25C: ChorFoa ......... 14,"" 15.(1\( --..., -: ....... ~ \labgo 13.IIll... 13.aaY CAUTION "_d__. .Do _ .......10. __. --= p.o. Bax 141" RNdIna. P'" 18112-41" ('10) 20..,111 (100) 538 SI27' ~az(810)208-1115 Dlstdbutecl by "rnlIdin..us.o. LSc......NP7o'zl _N3K Current Rating Chart for Standby Battery Calculations AC Power On AC Power Off In Alarm Normal Current Minimum Current Maximum Current Model Number Each Each Each Number Used Unit Total Unit Total Unit Total D7212 I 250 x I; 250 250 x I; 250 500 x I; 500 Dl25B I 20 x Quan.; 20 19 x Quan.; 19 123 x Quan.; 123 D928 I 14 x Quan.; 14 14 x Quan.; 14 45 x Quan.; 45 DI29 25 x Quan.; 25 x Quan.; 26 x Quan.; DI92C 15 x Quan.; 15 26 x Quan.; 26 50 x Quan.; 50 DI255 104 x Quan.; 104 106 x Quan.; 104 206 x Quan.; 206 D8125 48 x Quan.; 48 x Quan.; 48 x Quan.; D8127 3 x Quan.; 3 x Quan.; 4 x Quan.; D8128A 50 x Quan.; 50 50 x Quan.; 50 50 x Quan.; 50 D8129 20 x Quan.; 20 20 x Quan.; 20 20 x QUaIl. + 25 x relays (20xl) + (25x2) 70 D8130 5 x Quan.; 5 x Quan.; 54 x Quan.; Subtotal of Standard Devices 473 483 1044 Ratings of other devices in the system which are not shown above: Smokes DS250HD .08 x Quan.; .08 x Quan.; .2 x Quan.; HomlStrobes 5337URI2 4 o x Quan.; 0 o x Quan.; 0 85 x Quan.; 340 ADA Strobes 5522WRI2 2 o x Quan.= 0 o x Quan.; 0 250 x Quan.; 500 Motion Det. DT-435 25 x Quan.; 25 x Quan.; 25 x Quan.; Motion Det. DS9181 25 x Quan.; 25 x Quan.; 25 x Quan.; Glass Breaks FG-730 25 x Quan.; 25 x Quan.; 25 x Quan.; Vibration Sensor IEI-834 6 x Quan.; 6 6 x Quan.; 6 13 x Quan.; 13 Burg, Siren/Strobe MPI-38/SL401 o x Quan.= 0 o x Quan.; 0 1000 x Quan.; Total A; 479 Total B; 489 Total C; 1897 Currents shown in milliamperes ( 1 ampere=l000 milliamperes) Note: !fthe column C total exceeds 1900 mA, a D8132 is required to provide an additiona11400 mA. You may also use a UL listed external power supply for this purpose. Remote Station or Auxiliary Systems Remote Station or Auxiliary Systems require 24 hours of standby plus 5 minutes of alarm operation at the end of the 24 hour period. A D8132 Battery Charger Module with additional batteries installed in a separate D8109 or 8101A enclosure may be required in the D7212 system to meet the basic standby requirements for a Remote Station or Auxiliary System installation. You must use battery ampere hour CAb) calculations to verify compliance. The following formula includes the calculation for 5 minutes of alarm operation at the end of the 24 hour period, as well as a 10% contingency factor which allows for depletion of battery capacity with age. Remote Station or Auxiliary Systems Ampere-Hour Calculation Formula Total B (489 x Hours 24) + TotalC (157.45 x Hours .083) + Contingency 10% TotalAh 13.0 Installation Instructions DS250 and DS250TH Photoelectric Smoke Detectors ". " r ." "'. 1.0 General Information The DS250s are U.l. listed, open-area photoelectric smoke detectors designed lor use with commercial fire protective signalling systems and household fire warning systems (see NFPA 72, "The Nationel Fire Alarm Code'. The detectors are available In 2" and 4-wire models with an optional 1350F (57"C) fixed-temperature heat sensor. For commercial and Industrial Installations, 30 foot spacing between detectors is recommended (in accordance with NFPA 72), The DS250 detectors employ the light scalier technique using a pulsed Infrered source operating with a gated high-speed photodlode Infrared sensor. The symmetry 01 the optical chamber allows uniform 3600 smoke entry while ~ also increases immunity to extemallight, By utilizing low current electronic circuitry, the detectors can be connected to a wide range of power source circuits, A highly visible lED Indicator flashes every seven seconds to verily that the detector has power and that the smoke sampling circuitry is functioning. The LED will latch ON in the event of an alarm, allowing the user easy verification of individual detector alarms. The detector can be reset. alter the alarm condnion has been cleared, by power interruption. FCC ComplIance Notice This equipmenl has been tested end found to comply with lhe limits for 8 class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonabte protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates. uses, and can radiate radto frequency energy and. if not installed and used in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and recommendat60ns. may cause harmful interference to radto communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does couse hannful inte~are... 10 redia or television reception, whic:h c:en be detennined by tuming the equipmenl on end off, the ueer is "- " " ." . . " . - . The DS250s feature a unique magnet operation/sensltivlty test function. Sensitivity is tested by placing a magnet next to the detector which will activate an Intemal reed switch. lithe detector is within Its calibrated Obscuration range, n will immediately signal an alarm. lilt is outside of Its calibrated obscuration range, the alarm lED will flash at dlfferant rates to Indicate whether the un~ is above or below proper sensitivity, A voltage output is also available which allows direct reading of the sensitivity level. lithe detector Is not operational, n will not signal an alarm or flash the LED. In addition to advanced RFI and transient protection circuitry, the DS250s use pulsed infrared technology to reduce current required In the normal sensing (standby) condition to BO micro-amps I/Ia) @ 12VDC. This low current operation minimizes standby battery drain during primary power outages. When properly installed using the MB2WIMB4W series bases, tamper protection is provided by INIOUT wiring of the positive power line. This causes the control to initiate a trouble signal when a detector is removed from Its base. Supervision of 2-wire systems Is provided by the master control, and 4-wire system supervision is provided by an End-of-Une Power Supervision device such as an E0L200 or an MB4WE and an EOl resistor as specified by the control manufacturer. encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: 1) Re-orient or relocate the receiving antenna. 2) Increase the separation between the equipment and the Receiver. 3) Connect the equipment into an outtet on a circuit different from the Recetver. 4) Consun the installing company or an experienced rodiolTV lec:hnic:ian for help. The booklet, "How 10 identity end Resolve Redic-TV Int""..e... Problems.. pnapered by the FCC may _ helpful. It is evellable from lhe U. S. Government Printing Office, Weshinglon, DC 20402. Speclty Sloc:k No.~5-4. Detection Systems. Inc. Fairport, New York 14450 Technical Service: (800) DSI.7454 Sales: (800) 2B9-D096 and (716) 223-4060 Fax: (716) 223-9180 DS250 Installallon Instructions PIN 25257C Copyright Cll993 Detection Systems. Inc. 2.0 Product Description .MQllAI Descrhrtlon DS250 Detector only (requires base) DS250TH Detector wllhermistor (requires base) MB2W Base only, 2-wire MB2WL Base only: wide diameter, 2-wire MB4W Base only, 4-wire MB4WA Base only, 4-wlre, form C Aux. ralay MB4WE Base only, 4-wire, EOL relay, form A Aux. relay. E0L200 End-of-Line Supervision Module for use with 4-wire systems The U.L. Compatibility Identifier for the DS250 and DS250TH detectors Is the letter A. To determine the U.L. Compatibility Identifier for use with the MB2W base, see the Technical Service Note PIN 26979. 3.0 Detector Power Reauirements . Standby Voltage: 2-wlre = 8.5 to 33.0VDC. 4-wlre = 10.0 to 30.0VDC. . Maximum RMS Ripple: 25 percent of DC Input. . Start-up Current: 90 mlcro-amps maximum. . Standby Current: 80 micro-amps @12VDC. 90 micro-amps @24VDC. Note: The MB4WE = 24mA @12 & 24VDC . Alarm Current: 2-wlre = Dependenl on conlrol panel. Panel must limit the Alarm currenllo 100mA maximum. 4-wlre = MB4W: 48mA@ 12VDC 51mA @24VDC (70mA max, @ 3OVDC) MB4WA: S6mA @ 12 & 24VDC (7SmA max. @ 3OVDC) MB4WE: 80mA @ 12 and 24VDC (100mA max. @ 3OVDC) . Power-up Time: 40 seconds maximum. 4.0 ComDatible Control Panels . 2-wlre: See Technical Service Nole PIN 26979. Notice: Delectlon Syslems, Inc. makes no claim written, oral, or implied Ihallhe DS250 series smoke delectors will work with any 2-wire conlrol panels excepl those specified In the Base Compatibility chart In Ihe Tech Note PIN 26979. 5.0 Mounting . Before mounting, ramove Ihe dusl cover from the delector. The dusl cover may be replaced during conslruction periods, but must be removed once the alarm syslem Is enabled. Note: The Tamper screw is taped to Ihe dust cover. . Mount the base In accordance with its Installation Instructions. . Mounl the detector to the base by tuming it clockwise until it clicks into place. When Ills secure, the alignment line will be lined-up with the tamper screw hole (see figure A). Note: The detectors ara "keyed" and should 001 be forced onto the bases. Bese contac:ts (3 ....) A1igrvnenl line Stert detector oonlac:ts here e"" rotate - Figure A - Mounting to the base 6.0 Testlnlil the Installation . Check the wiring from the control panel to Ihe lasl head on each run for proper polarity and continuity. - Make sure each run terminales with an End-of-Line resistor as specified by the control panel manutacturer, - Make sure 4-wire runs termlnale with EOL Modules. . Apply power 10 Ihe system. Check for alarms. - Nole which delectors are in alarm (If any) and Ihen shullhe system down. Remove Ihese delectors from their bases and re-check Ihe bases for proper wiring. If Ihe problems persist, replace the affected . 4-wlre: Compatible with all U.L. Listed 4-wire control delectors or swap Ihem with known good units. This panels. Refer 10 Ihe manufacturar's Installation will delermine if the problem Is caused by the Inslructlons for proper End-of-Une rasistor selection. detector or the base. DS2501OS250TH Installation Instructions Copyright C> 1993 Page 2 J MOLINII"I? at<re~1? ~5fO~ 8O"/'ff ON 1'>fQ( W,'U. " ON 4X41'>KK I'>OX. @ ,- : Z4 RTU #4 : Z5 I L_ SPRINKlER PIT VM..VE ~ IFACpl ~ ~ .0 @ ~ o ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I " I "~ -.I Z8 [ RTU #2 :Z5 I L_____ a=E33 ~ ~ ~ ~ SYMBOL LEGEND FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL HORN/STROBE ADA STROBE DUCT DETECTOR ZONE: L.AYOUf: " " " " " " " " " Z8 ~NIJ..~~ WA-reRfL.OW ZI - ~ fAMl'e~ Vl'l-ve ~ ~NIU:~ IN~v" z~ - ~N ~ ~NIJ..~~fIfVl'l-ve fAMl'e ~ - I?lt:;n"'1Uf0R5(~1lRN) ~; ~l?lt:;f=f0R5(5lJ'I'1,y) Z6 -5I'A'1fO Z7-5I'A'1fO ~ON /~ 5lff~ ZB - HOI1N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o u x ;:;: . a 00 '" z: r- U> ~- WI Ug. - w >'" 0:: ., wtn U>!z I:~ 0::,,": <(en ..,j", <(;::! ~ a ~ ~ f- II) :J' 8 0 .oClCll >- ~zo <( ii2u -l wi2ui L tiig 0:: ~ - ii1 <( I- ~ I- ..J ::;) II) <( <( <( W I J: W ~ 0:: LL REVISION ii 1. REV_l r... ~ 2. II) 3. S 4. ~ ARCH~ RAfTSIIAN, 11.T ECKED BY, TPF .05/03/96 72NR / 112'-0" OUTSIOE 12" BLOCK TO OUTSIOE 12" BLOCK (84 BLOCK RUN) fLl1R our B" fOR el-eCrRIOl- I"ANel-S RefeR 1'0 ReSfROOM I'l-AN I fOR eNl-~1? view Of I ReSfROOMS I ANI? SH::ef I e? fOR N-N<MI ~ I 'T a.~f, I ~ I I I \ z- =0 '" Q 'b c> I ~ 0 ~ e z c> in z ~ ;:;; is ~ c> in ~ =0 c> '" ~ u 1;0 I o c-- 112" X4' XB' I'l- YWOOfJ fROM fl-OOR 1'04'-0" A.f,f, ,Al'I'l-Y I?IReC-n.. y oveR SH::efROCK U51NCi CONSfRlXl1ON ~5Ive WlrH 5CReW5, ---- 44'-4" 1?00005f'OUf ( 1'Y1'ICN-) x i::': 1-:' zS' W~ ~:z: 0->- 00 ..JI Wg. >~ W . Ow :;c W:z: C(~ O~ 1-'" cng b I I II ~T[7\]~ eXl"AN5IO A9 fl-OOR HAfCH -~ A 16 JOINf :x:e I?E:fAll- II 9 '_" '" ~ u c> ~ ro 19'-5" -1 q - ;:;; n 109'-2 1/4" INSIDE FINISH WALL TO INSIDE FINISH WALL 4 ~ NOrE:: veRllOl- ReINfORCINCi ( f'lPIOl-) ONe #? veRr, @ ?l2"0,C. ONe #? veRr, Af N-l- ~ ONe #? veRr, @24" O,C, (fRONfWN-l- 0Nl-Y) SIX #?'S veRr, @1"1l-A5feR(fRONfWN-l-) N-l- al-l-S WI ReINfORCINCi 1'0 l~ UROI..Jff:I? 5Ot.11? . HORIZONfN- ReINfORCINCi f'lPlOl- I?IR-A-WN-l- Ii. feRNAfe IX.OCK COlRSE'S WNI? ~AMS - 1'N0 #?' S CON'nNLIOU5 (:x:e WN-l- :x:Cl1ONS ANI? I?E:fAll-S fOR l-OCAl1ONS) 3 A8 1'-5 3/8" W FROM END OF STOREFRONT TO INSIDE FINISH WALL 90'-10 5/8" .v, CONt\I:C1lON Nort::: UI'll-O(](l-INlaS, CiOUf'1WO COlBS 5O\..ID 'MrH 2 ;;!> f&1:l MID 8" flei\lelNU IW:H ~w I<!:F~R 1'0 5Irer 51 FOR DOORl-OCA~ - Sl'RlIllUR R1S1:R . I:lPCK Fl-OW mV!:N1J:R 'b I m 45'-4" - ,;IM. 3 SIM, Al0 ~- Nort::: I. RefeR 1'0 51fe I'l-AN fOR li.l- flNISi'f1? CiR.AJ/l':S, 2, RefeR 1'0 SfRlX1lJ<W, SH~,er 51 fOR fOUNI?Al1ON - 5l-fIB I?IME:NSIONS ANI? fOR 510i:WN-K - i701-l-ARI? I?IME:NSIONS. 92' -4" 12" BLOCKS (69.25 BLOCK RUNt N 0Cl '- '" Z =0 '" ~ u c> ~ ro '" N '" 43'-10" 50'-10 1/8" ?" X?" COI-UMN N 1?0VvN 1'0 5I'RINKl-eR feSfVN-ve '" I 1;0 I It) It) 0 0 co 0 U Cl Z . _W Z ..JCl 0..0 <I: .oi2o: .-J t\I 'l- lL ~Z'd: 'oW 0:: o,..~ 0 Zit) '" 0 u .-J a ~ LL ~ 0Cl '- REVISION . 1. OS/26/95 '1 ~ 2. 06/09/95 ~' : 3. 11/01/95 ~ J, ~ :i 4.4(15/96 1\ o ~ ;; ARCHITECT: < , ~ DRAfTSIAAN: . g CHECKED BY: ~ ~ OA i 1/28/94 ~ > i 72N RIGHT u i AI '" I c- -" '- 18'-4 1/2" I I "l 1 " t 'I 8 s LEGEND NO'I'e : MOUNf (4) '1lt:RM05fAf5 Af W/i.l- ,ABQVI': 11MI' Ct..OCK ANt::> CONfPef0R5 Af 1::L.I::CrRlOl- PANI::L.5 ~fl::R 1'0 51-1::1::f 1::1 9'-0" A.f.f. MN:A, I::PCH '1lt:RM05fAf1'O HAVE: 11'5 11'5 OWN 1/ 2" I::Mf laIN 1'0 RlU "" I X I INI::>ICAn:5 ROO' Cf'eNINC.i ".Ii -' CONl?l:N5An: IIRAIN + VN31t-Uf <D 1lWv\05fAf db WP \M:All-fI<l'ROOf OLJrU:f ( N.I.c,) [ill-, al::C111IOI.. DISCONt-fCf ( N,I.c,) SAT 5An:U.m: 511>> our m CL.AM" RTU #3 NO'I'e : COORl7INAre W11H L.OC/i. U1lL.I1Y COIoN'!NY fOR (;J6 Ml'reR L.OCAl1ON ANt::> (;J6 PIPINCi 51Z!':5, ...... (;J6 PIPE: - 51::1:: PL.AN fOR 51Z!':5, 1'0 ~ PRlMl't::> ANt::> PAlNret::> Cl<AY. RTU #4 2" X 4" mAret::> WOOl::> i:ll-OCKINCi ON 6' -0" aNreR5 ( fl::L. l' WRAl"PE:t::> i:ll-OCKJNCi 15 NOT' N:aPf~I::) 2 PIPE SUPPORT ~ ~~M I NO'I'e : 51::1:: 5tlt': Pl-AN 1'0 VE:R1fY L.ANt::>~ H05I::"I" ~QUI~MI'Nf5 ANt::> L.0CA11ON5, III l5 ~ z irl C) '" l5 \J C) ~ !ll \:> RTU #2 ~~~M NO'I'e : H,V AC, CON1l<ACfOR 1'0 PE:RMIINI::N1l.. Y 5reNCIL. ROOf fOP UNlf NU~R5 NHJVI:: I::PCH t::>15CONNt::Cf ON UNIf HOU51NCi5. NO'I'e : ~fl::R 1'0 HYPe l/I::fAlL.5 ON 51-1::1::1' M2, NO'I'e : NON f~I::Z!':~ H05I:: "I" 2'-0" fROM ClUIL.I?INCi CORNI::R aNreR IN fOP -+- 12" i:ll-OCK MARK BRAND MODEL HEAT INPUT COOLING CM'. UNIT M.C.A. ELECTRICAL REQUREMENT RTU - 1 G TRANE YCD060C3LOA 90,000 BTU 62,600 BTU 32 208/230/3 ~ RTU-2G .. .. 90,000 BTU 62,600 BTU 32 RTU-3G .. .. 90,000 BTU 62,600 BTU 32 .. RTU - 4G .. .. 90,000 BTU 62,600 BTU 32 " ROOF TOP HEATING AND COOLING SCHEDULE - GAS HEAT NO'I'e : / NONf~l::Z!': H05I:: "I" 2'-0" fROM ~WINCi CORNI::R aNreR IN fOP 12" i:ll-OCK '~~f<f -Q4I (f- {)".O L.OCAre 5AreL.L.lre 51ID 0Uf Af RlU ** I fLl1NI~DMI.NI1'. ~ . M2 Non::: RTU #1 L.IMlffL.I::X1i:ll-1:: SAT CONNt::Cl1ON5 ~ ~ Af /i.L. UNlf5 I{i) 1'02'-0", M \wre, 5lfl'0Rf PIPINCi ON mAret::> WOOl::> 2 X 4'5 51::1' t::>1~Crl-YfO ClUIL.f Lf' ROOf ANt::> CLAM" PIPE: 1'0 I::PCH 5lfl'0Rf. PROVIl/I:: 5lfl'0Rf Af I::PCH ~Nt::> ANt::> "1'" CONNt::C110N, ~fl::R 1'0 l/I::fAlL. 21H15 51-1::1::1' UT ILlTY GAS GAS GAS GAS SCH-GAS4 ~"'"-""' ,/'". C M D <~o, k ,,\c" '(p'". \---.> ! <) .... -., <y'v /~~/ 'STi~?>^." ..;4/\' !" j .~ ". v . ifn~ \ t '.,' ,* * . - ~ if'\ 1J./"fli ~ j!! a) /\ff!/sif71 ^""- .I <'.:) ~', J;,'/O"'L V"-"/ ~ -Y/,,,,", Jlj~ --"",,r~ (' OFC\j\''0 Cl ~w ...lCl D..C .oi2o:: 8~~ ,O~ 0" Zit) ti a ~ ~ x ;:;: 1-:' Z~ W~ Lz a...~ Oui .J:;: wg. >~ w . CluJ ~ WZ Il:~ O~ 1-'" (/)55 It) It) o o co c:i U z <( ..J 0... ..J <( U Z <( I U w :L (f) <( 19 REVISION . 1. 10/6/95 ':! E 3 2. 4/15/96 " . ~ 3. , ;; 4. ~ o ~ ARCHITECT: , ~ DRAfTSMAN: . g CHECKED BY: ~ ~ DA i 1/28/94 ~ 72N RIGHT g g ~ / x I g . 1\I It) .,.,. ~ ~ MI G ffCfORY MOlIN1'eD INWlIa::D NON-fU5tD Di5CONNeCf 5W1fCH ffCfORY MCJI..N1];:D LNWlIa::D C~NleNa oun..ef ffCfORY MOLNfW INWlIa::D DI5CONNeCf 5WIfCH AND ffCfORY MOlIN1'eD LNWIIa::D C~NleNa oun..ef CONt/Ulf 1'0 KNOCK our IN ClRI' MectlMlIC,AL. ROOf ClRI' fl-,ASHINC; & fl~R CANf 5fR1P !:lUll-HI" ROOfINlA ON Mef,AL. \?eCK AND IN5lLAllON " - .,., 0 " '" ro ro 1 1 .,., .,., '" '" ..,. ..,. CAP6 INI-ef ON fRONf Of LNlf 5ee 5f'eef MI. I-!:l fOR POM:R MOlNf fl1a::5fAf IN51\?e 1a::11I<N fX,OM:R 5eCllON f6 PeR M'lNLFfC'IlJ<eR'5 Sl'eClfICAll0N5. 1/2" eMfllCHrfO\?eCK fROM R11.J fO 1l-eRM05fAf (ONe PeR eKH R11.J) W11H "1'" CONDlI-enl" fO 1-0vV VCI\.,f,Aa:: JlNCllON POINf, 00 ee x c:: f-:' z;::' W~ Ez 0-.- Ocn .J:c wg. >~ w . Ow "< WZ lr~ OSi' f-'" (/)~ CON\?eN5A1J:; DRAIN ___ ON !:lfCK Of LNlf TRANE ROOF TOP UNIT MOlNf'C; fRAME: ROOfINC; MA1J:;RIfj,.5 DUCf 5Lf'PORr ~ 2211 t/eCK OI'E'NINCi ~"~ ~,,~ II 4" ANa-e5 r CONDUlf( 5) 1'0 el-ec, PANeI-, RlN lltiHf 1'0 \?eCK veNf N/JU51J:;DIN 1l-e flew Af'70* POlN1lNlA IN DOMoNVPW DIReCllON Mef,AL. 5'fRA1" I ISMKlK LQEIJ I ~EEI" ROOf \?eCK MOl.Nf 5M~ \?e1UfOR 6" ~1-0vV t?eCK ON fRONf Of 1a::11I<N AIR. 5ee M'lNLFfC'IlJ<eR'55PeClfICAll0N5, MOl.Nf DUCf 5eN5OR ON fRONf Of 1a::1lRN AIR DUCf 12" fROM R!:11RN AIR CiRll-l-e. 5ee M'lNLF fC'IlJ<eR' 5 5PeClflCAll0N5, , / ,/ /, / , SUPPLY reel-,JOI5f RUN CONDUlf llatr fO \?eCK, "f CONDll-e1'" fOR 1-0vV VO\... f,Aa:: JUNCllON POINf I-!:l fOR POM:R RETURN ~,,~~" ~1/4" ANa-e5 NW: CCJN'l'RfCfOR 1'0 51J:;NCII- R11.J NUMi:leR ON MectlMllC,AL. LNlf, ( veRifY WI1H fRCHI1J:;CO 46" 1-QNc; AIR DOCf 18" X 16" 5Lf'pt, Y CiRll-l-e WI1H DlffU5tR 4'-0" DET-M02 1/2"=1'-0" 1/2" = 1'-0" III III (/) 0 0 -.J c:o <( d f- 0 W Cl 0 ~w .JCl -.J !!::Q <( .oli::O:: U 8~~ z .O~ <( Or- I ZIll t5 U a w ~ L ~ REVISION Q 1. 03/01/95 w b ~ 2. 10/06/95 Z " !fl ~ 3.4/15/96 , . w ., . is c; 4. ~ ~ ARCHITECT: , g DRAfTSMAN: " . g CHECKED BY; ~ 9 0 u 11/28/94 'i > ,;; 72N RIGHT ~ 0 f M2 / x " 0 u ROOF CURB/TRANE UNIT CfM ~ 2000 THE EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS FOR THIS PROJECT HAVE BEEN SPECIFICALLY SELECTED FOR THIS APPLICATION. MANY ITEMS FOUND IN THE TRANE HVAC PACKAGE ARE UNIQUE TO AUTOZONE. AUTOZONE FURNISHES TO THE CONTRACTOR THE TRANE HVAC PACKAGE FOR INSTALlATION, START -UP AND SYSTEM VERIFICATION. THE INSTALLING CONTRACTOR is RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING A COMPLETE SYSTEM THAT CONFORMS TO THE PlANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, A COMPLETE SET OF WORKiNG DRAWINGS, SUBMITALS, MAINTENANCE, MANUALS. ETC. MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE OWNER/OPERATOR PRIOR TO PROCEDING WITH ANY CHANGES OR MODIFICATIONS. ALL ClAIMS SUBJECT TO INSPECTION AND APPROVAL BY FACTORY CUSTOMER ASSURANCE DEPARTMENT AND WILL BE DEBITED BACK TO DEALER IF REJECTED. THE TRANE HVAC PACKAGE WILL BE BILLED DIRECTLY TO AUTOZONE. THIS DOES NOT RELIEVE THE HVAC CONTRACTOR OF HIS RESPONSIBILlTES DESCRIBED ABOVE AND IN THE SPECIFICATIONS. FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION ON TRANE FURNISHED EQUIPMENT PACKAGE, CONTACT BILL McWATTERS AT (901) 345-6000, MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. eXHlWf fAN 2" NII'PI-e WI llCHrRAl/IU5 "el-" MCJI..N1];:D IN \?eDICA1J:;D ROOf ~ fOR 5A1J:;I-I-I1J:; COAX. (U5t ~ I -'I" Nlme ~N ROOf MCJI..N1];:D fRAN5fORME:R5 m U5tD 5ee ~iHf, el.D ~r5A1J:;I-I-I1J:; COAX Ol:lL.e ~ 1la-tr 1'0 \?eCK AND 1'0 PII-f61J:;R, 1l-eN fO 1J:;RMINA1J:; Af ~R'5 \?e5K, (~Y 011-f:R5) CONro'CfOR 1'0 IN5f,AL.1- 2" I'VC feM,AL,e N/N"l'eR W11H 5HORf Nlme 1'0 1J:;RMINA1J:; I" ~1-0vV \?eCK, II ZX6 ClRI' WI ~/-'I" eX1J:;RIOR PI- YWOOD ROOf PROVI\?e ~"~"XII -'I" I- fl<Wlle @ \?eCK OI'eNINC; SECTION fRLl55e5 B" ROUNI/ eXHAlJ5f I/UCf WCA1J:; 2" DIAMe1J:;R CONDUlf IN ROOf ClRI', (condensate side) 1. _ Off5ef COAX INfO \?eCK ~!:l. MECHANICAL NOTES: CONTRACTOR IS TO VERIFY BRAND, MANUFACTURER'S MODEL NUMBER, AND ALL UTILITY REQUREMENTS PRIOR TO ANY ORDERING OR INSTALlATION RElATED TO THE MECHANICAL UNITS. 2, CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY ALL START -UP TECHNICAL DATA TO OWNER AT TIME OF PUNCHLlST ~ 3. BLOWER MOTORS TO BE WIRED FOR HIG S~fo::~'~~~',y ;"', 4. FIRESTATS, SMOKE DETECTORS, DUCT E~qR~linDT!,~?E~bT{/',m.j'fuRMosTATS TO BE INSTALLED ACCORDING TO MANUFACT ER'~ SPErlqC€lTioNS AND -1\iSTRUCTIONS. , MtJ,..~cR '1'* i * I ' ~ "<' .~ 511/;;'/<::) /' <.~, ! <:, NTS-M01 -~., '<;- ,P"k6 12'\"XI.:;'1/ 24 {AA, c;,I, HOOD M I?Af1J:;RY R.ACK5 NOre: 2" DIAMe1J:;R CONDUlf I-OCA1J:;l/ ON\., Y Af ONe ROOf fOl" LNlf. (la::feR 1'0 M AND MI fOR 5A1J:;l-l-i1J:; CONDUlf WCA1l0N, VIEW (gas inlet side) DET -M09 WAU. fWOR 1" = 1'-0" N.T.S. 3 HV AC NOTES SATELLITE STUB OUT AT RTU CURB 5 EXHAUST FAN DETAIL WCAre '!H:RM05fAfS PWIf. 111Jt a.OQ:. ~X C1RQJ1fS FGR ~AfreRY Cl-W'iaRS. ,IW CON1'KfORS AH~t:C1'RJOi, PMa I1eQUlI1eS ~X ~MI'I-ex OUl\,efS, (:?)Af+60"AFf. MOlNfall.lNU FfNSfO Ie:?) Af +!70" An, wr1'OM OF JOISfCHOl<ll. A-28 A-24 A-20 ~SWIfQiAfWfU. +!74" AFf, A- 0 A-26 A- 2 A-36 ~ J A-32,37 b- " I::- " , BRAKE . I ~ ". ct:. ,; I::-LA THE B ~ c "~ /' v .rY (' 1) 4' ~:Cf4'- JE4'-Q: h j~, 9" '<W ]~8? 7 '>ff.2 f ,..~..: ,1- '", 1 =. ~, ~', !l5--.::1l1 Il"A- 5~ . ^ ''';~,~ :....\' ~ W ~ "-1 D~) :: fA OlfWIY ':::'~, ~.:c ~.r :: NOre: ON SfOlifS wtrH eu:crRIC ffAf ~ Vv111e SIze fO tmH 11i(IJ RfU-4 1'O:? -#6 -:?/ 4"C PMaS "A". "~" & "C". 5f:e ~e-1FGRN<lWJaIJtNf , PROVIIIe eMP1Y OCffaiN J-lJOJ( \ IN CJ:NreR OF IW:H four CJ:Il.INU 1/ 2" eMf IF fO 1IeCK-11RNOllf (1\1'1Ol. WlH I1eSmJOMS) PRO\IIIIe 4" X 4" J-flO;( BO" AU. IN w.u FC!1ADA S~, sa; IUVA11ONS. 1/ 2" eMf IF fO 1IeCK-11RNOllf \ A 42' ZKW WAreR ffAreR 30 A #1 0 : I PWIf. fOUfROOM ' CON/IfCfeXIWJSfFfNS 1'0 I1eSmJOM ~ms swtrOi wtrH ~ms I1eFeR fO 5ff1:r e!7 FC!1 PIRIM / I'HOt-f a..oser PROVIIIe 2" COIII:1lI1' FC!1 ~1'HOt-f 5f:RVJa ~ I1eQIJRI:D, / l1eFeR 1Ie1'M. FC!1 DOOR f3\ / PIRIM Iro.II1eIJtNfS \8J ~f~R fO SI-E~f ~I.I fOR N~ON f'~R f'l..AN OIJ1lI:fFGR FU11.Ia: OI~ CiW CI<l.ISffR ~ ~ ''t;3') I1eaSSl:D 1M' uf.!. 0IJ1lI:f ~ CJ:NreI1eDIN FIRSf 8" C,M,U, PWIf. CJW.IfeR m:~ flWCK. SYM DESCRIPTION I'D EXHAUST FAN ROOF MOUNTED \. . 9 EXHAUST FAN RECESSED Q) JUNCTION BOX Boo [J JUNCTION BOX WITH 6'-0" FLEX CONDUIT - 51' ,.. " CONt:lUIfL.~aNt:I @ ot-f I" CONt7l.I/f FROM Mf.M P.AJIf~. S'I1D IF 2" Af MAWaR'S 1Ie~. 01" CONt7lI1'FGR a.el'N ~ PQW;R FROM PMa "~" 1'0 WW PMS COlN11:R, S1W IF 2", PROVIIIe 4" x 4" J-lJOJ( 11aIf 1'OSl..nl, '13' I" CONt7lI1'FGR DiRtY ~ POM:R FROM PMa "A" 1'0 WW PMS COlN11:R, S1W IF 2", PROVIIIe 4" x 4" J-lJOJ( 11aIf fO~. CV ot-f 2" CONt7lI1' FROM I'HOt-f WfW, S1W IF 2" AfMAWaR'SIIe~, '-A" II \ll!, ' ,~~, J ~~ JJ t, A-40 " ~ ij \' B-4 ~ ", r.Jl~ 3~ ':.................... A,_\.-~~ 3 0,~, : ~..~ -- .......::::-................ \. B 8 ____..____ _ "::;'" PI3~,.,j9 JD - . =--=---~ ~:: -- '~'~:.'Iy ,I (-1,3,5 J) . -~..-c-__ " . "-#8, 1 #12(N)1\ ~ C 8,10,12 ---------- 1-----....:_..-- __ -1.3,5,17' ::,~~, ~ ~4 "/4"C, 1\ ~~TU~~~4M~/~c.1- 12(N)----------.R't~l-~iT!B-..----------nMP".-~ ;:.,-..-,:--::'J; ~:~P ~2 c-C-24,6 RWrtt #1 3-# ~'H,J ~-_ ~ (N) rv1 fVjlm,l : 3/4'C, "~ r::, ~/h.1-#1 l"J l0J1W1w:r ~/ . ~/ "'" 7' \~~ <:- _ ""1-/ II ~,--- <- !~ ~-"~,--" A. "!,, - "'~ I t::;~""~ ~:i' vu,....fSF~I5ffD' PMVl RfU(I1I,) -1 ":::::'q::::::---~~: ;1 '" ',::,-::::::::: ~~ " ::::~ ~ 'I" tJINvItffl1 P.V.c. CONt7l.IIf wtrH 90 IIeUl1ee 5V\m' AHNl-tet.V, S1W IF 2" PWIf.~, 11eF!:R fO COlN11:R Vv1R1NU pt,fN, ( 1Y1'IOl.) f-38 ":.. !:s.. I- Y1lV f) \ FURNISHED BY G.C. FURNISHED BY G.c. ) / 55'-1' 6'-4" '--( f3\ l1eFeR 1Ie1'M. FC!1 DOOR \,i:v PIRIM Iro.II1eIJtNfS POWER SCHEDULE MANUFACTURER v FURNISHED BY G. c. -^-' BROAN #676 FU RNISHED BY OWNER I' ~ 38 ~ ~ ~.~ '(C \' 38C ----------. ---- } FeR1'O ~M.?j ,~n- ~~DI5l'~Y, ~IF" Fu:X 11 "" (1\1' f-I") v----- J J J ICilY ~ "~, , .. ~N p't"t'k REFER TO PLAN FOR LOCATIONS \'" I:>? -, I? .r,/"I" <i',' ~1t''''' ., '" j, ~<1j>Sltl". ~iZ., ~ "/" ON .Ii!. 7> '''-_ f' FECa \. <;) L/ f3\ I1eFeR 1Ie1'M. FC!1 DOOR \,i:y Pl..HiM I1eQUlRl;IJtNfS POWER SCHEDULE MANUFACTURER REMARKS . REMARKS LOREN COOK BELT DRIVEN/ACRUB #1200R3B) EXPLOSION PROOF/UP BLAST /200 CFM @ / 0.5SP/l/4H.P. ^ A^ INSTALLE[} BY HVAC CONTRACTOR. WIRED BY ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR. 4" DUCT - VENT THROUGH FLOOR OUT WALL. SEE ELEVA nONS SYM DESCRIPTION C)l) DUPLEX RECEPTACLE FURNISHED BY G.C. FURNISHEO BY G.C. REFER TO PLAN FOR LOCATIONS (WP's AT RTU N.I.C.) WALL MOUNT ABOVE TIME CLOCK AND CONTACTORS AT ELECTRICAL PANELS. C)l)WP WEATHERPROOF DUPLEX RECEPTACLE REFER TO PLAN FOR LOCATIONS AND NOTES CD FURNISH EO BY G.G. THERMOSTAT J-BOX AT FLOOR LEVEL - FLEX CONDUIT TO BE SET UNDER DISPLAY FIXTURES. DUPLEX RECEPTACLE MOUNTED TO BASE PLATE. ~ FURNISHED WITH UNIT REFER TO HVAC SPECIFICATIONS HVAC DISCONNECT q, I" CONt7lI1' FGR DIR1Y ~ POM:RFROMPMa "A" fO Pl..ffl1W.fGR reSreR, S1W IF 2" PROVIIIe 'I" x 4" J~ 11aIf fO~, NGre: 11mR1'O~I'I..I'N.~ ~.1 PW fO COlN11:R Vv1R1NU I'I..I'N 5ff1:r e2. FGR IN Sl..nl PQW;R R!:QlII1eIJtNfS MV WCA11ONS, NGre: I.I1eFeR 1'0 sm: I'I..I'N FC!1 sm: ~Iaif fNtJ P'rUJN ~UN CIRClJI1'S. 2, at:c1'l<lOl.- CONrRKfGR 11e5P0NSI~ FGR FIWl. CCJt..t..fC11ONS FGR t-.fON fNtJl"Y\,ON SlUNS, l1eFeR 1'0 mn I. I. :? I1eFeR 1'0 ROOF fRNAlNU pt,fN 5ffef S:? fGR WCA110N OF ROOF fOl" LNtrS. ...-, co en ..,. I I en en N N ...-, ...-, ~- 00 ~e x c;<: z . 0:: t=~ Uz ::>>-- ll::ui I-I' (/)"- z25 0'" U .. w ro~ "" z:S Cl@; _ "- (/)0 W...-, og II) S o c:o o u I.!) . ~w ...II.!) D..C .oi2~ 1\1 _ I- ~z< -ow 0,,:1= Zll)~ z <( ...J a... I:t: W 5; o a... t; a ~ ~ REVISION ~ 1. 12/23/94 II 2.05/01/95 N II) J 04/15/96 ;;, J, 4. ~ ~ ~ , ;; ARCHITECT: ;; ! DRAflSt.lJ\N: C , i CHECKED BY: b I OAT i 1/28/94 i 72N RIGHT ~ gEl g < ~ RF VOL TS: 208 V, C MOUNTED: FLUSH PHASE: 311l PANEL BUSSING: 200 AMPS WIRE: 3W FEEDER SEE RISER 200/3 MAIN BKR. AIC RATING: 10,000 AIC LOAO A S C SKR CK CK SKR A S C LOAO RTU 1 3240 40/3 1 2 40/3 3240 RTU 2 I 3240 I 3 4 I 3240 I 3240 I 5 6 I 3240 RTU-3 3240 40/3 7 8 40/3 3240 RTU-4 I 3240 I 9 10 I 3240 I 3240 I 11 12 I 3240 SPACE /1 13 14 20/2 1082 SITE LIGHTS 1,2 I I 15 16 I 1082 I I 17 18 20/2 1082 SITE LIGHTS 1,2 I I 19 20 i 1082 21 22 20/2 1082 SITE LIGHTS 1,2 I I 23 24 i 1082 I I 25 26 20/2 1082 SITE LIGHTS 1,2 I I 27 28 I 1082 29 30 20/2 1188 EXTERIOR L1CHTS 1,2 I I 31 32 i 1188 I I 33 34 /1 SPACE .1 I 35 36 I I 37 38 : I 39 40 I I , I 41 42 I I L1GHTINC TOTAL 0 0 0 4434 3246 3352 LIGHTING TOTAL MOTOR TOTAL 6480 6480 6480 6480 6480 6480 MOTOR TOTAL PANEL TOTAL 6480 6480 6480 10914 9726 9832 PANEL TOTAL NOTES: A. LIGHTING 4434 X 1.25 = 5543 + MOTOR 12960 = TOTAL 18503/120V = 154.2A 1 CONNECT TO CONTACTOR S' L1CHTING 3246 X 1.25 = 4058 + MOTOR 12960 = TOTAL 17018/120V = 141.8A 2 LOCK-ON REOUIRED 3 I.G. CIRCUIT C. LIGHTING 3352 X 1.25 = 4190 + MOTOR 12960 = TOTAL 17150/120V = 142,9A LOAO TOTAL LOAD A' PANEL "A"= 165.4A + PANEL "8"= 24.0 A. + PANEL "C"=lS4.2 A. TOTAL =343.6A TABULA liON TOTAL LOAD S. PANEL "A"= 170.2A + PANEL "S"= 24.0 A, + PANEL "C"= 141.8A, TOTAL =336.0A TOTAL LOAD C' PANEL "A"= 168.2A + PANEL "s" = 9.0 A, + PANEL "C"=142.9A, TOTAL = 320.1A SERVICE SIZE LARGEST PHASE = 343.6A + 25% OF LARGEST MOTOR (.25 x 27A = 6.75A) = 350A -- VOL TS: 120/208V A MOUNTED: FLU SH PHASE: 311l PANEL BUSSING: 200 AMP WIRE: 4W FEEDER: SEE RISER 200/3 MAIN BKR. AIC RATING: 10,000 AIC LOAD A S C SKR CK CK SKR A S C LOAD FLUORESCENT LIGHTS 2 4 1160 20/1 1 2 20/1 1160 FLUORESCENT LIGHTS 2 4 FLUORESCENT LIGHTS 1160 I 3 4 I 1392 FLUORESCENT LIGHTS 2. ~ FLUORESCENT LIGHTS 2 4 1160 I 5 6 I 1624 FLUORESCENT LIGHTS 2 4 FLUORESCENT LIGHTS 1624 I 7 8 I 1624 FLUORESCENT LIGHTS 2 4 FLUORESCENT LIGHTS 1392 9 10 1624 FLUORESCENT LIGHTS FLUORESCENT LIGHTS 2 4 1624 I 11 12 I 1392 FLUORESCENT LIGHTS 2 4 FLUORESCENT LIGHTS 1624 I 13 14 I SPACE FLUORESCENT LIGHTS 1624 I 15 16 I SPACE SPACE 17 18 1224 COUNTER LIGHTS 2 NEON 1 2 1680 I 19 20 I 720 BATTERY NEON 1 2 1680 I 21 22 I 720 BATTERY NEON 1 2 1680 I 23 24 I 720 SA TTERY SPARE 1680 25 26 800 SA TTERY SPARE 1680 I 27 28 I 720 SA TTERY SPARE 1680 I 29 30 I ~ / ,,- ~ NEON 12 1680 I 31 32 I ( 1512 I RECEP. & EXHAUST E PYLON SIGN 1 2 1512 I 33 34 I ../'-- ./ 96lY -../'- , RESTRM FANS EOF 1402 35 36 1680 SRAKE LATHE IMPACT WRENCH 800 I 37 38 I 720 RECEPT. DISPLAY ALTERNATOR 1500 I 39 40 I 1500 KITCHENETTE SPARE 600 I 41 42 30/1 2000 WATER HEATER L1CHTING TOTAL 9448 9048 6144 2784 3016 4240 L1CHTING TOTAL OUTLET & EQUIP, TOTAL 800 1500 2002 3752 3840 5200 OUTLET & EQUIP. TOTAL PANEL TOTAL 10248 10548 8146 6536 6856 9440 PANEL TOTAL NOTES: A' L1GHTINC 12232 X 1.25 = 15290 MISC. 4552 TOTAL 19842/120V = 165.4A 1 CONNECT TO CONTACTOR B' LIGHTING 12064 X 1.25 = 15080 MISC, 5340 TOTAL 20420/120V = 170.2A 2 LOCK-ON REQUIRED 3 I.G. CIRCUIT C' LIGHTING 10384 X 1.25 = 12980 MISC. 7202 TOTAL 20182<120V = 168,2A 4 s"t SECURITY DIAGRAM VOL TS: 120/208V B MOUNTED: FLUSH PHASE: 311l PANEL BUSSING: 100 AMP WIRE: 4W FEEDER SEE RISER 100/3 MAIN BKR, AIC RATING: 10,000 AIC LOAD A B C BKR CK CK SKR A B C LOAD H.P. COUNTER 23 375 20/1 1 2 20/1 150 TIME CLOCK 2 H.P. COUNTER 23 375 I 3 4 I 720 PHONE CIRCUIT 23 CHECKOUT CNTR 23 375 I 5 6 I 720 ALARM CIRCUIT 23 COMP MGR & CNTR 2 3 1640 I 7 8 I 720 LANDSCAPE CONTROLS SPARE 9 10 1736 NICHT LIGHTS 2 SPARE I 11 12 I SPARE SPARE I 13 14 I SPARE SPACE /1 15 16 /1 SPACE SPACE I 17 18 I SPACE SPACE I 19 20 I SPACE SPACE 21 22 SPACE I 23 24 I I 25 26 I I 27 28 I 29 30 I 31 32 I I 33 34 I I 35 36 I I 37 38 I 39 4D I 41 42 I LIGHTING TOTAL 0 0 0 0 1736 0 LIGHTING TOTAL OUTLET & EQUIP. TOTAL 2015 375 375 870 720 720 OUTLET & EQUIP. TOTAL PANEL TOTAL 2015 375 375 870 2456 720 PANEL TOTAL NOTES: A0 LIGHTING o X 1.25 = 0 MISC. 2885 TOTAL 2885/120V = 24.0A 1 CONNECT TO CONTACTOR 2 LOCK-ON REQUIRED 80 LIGHTING 1736 X 1.25 = 2170 MISC. 2831 TOTAL 2831/120V = 24.0A .3 I.G. CIRCUIT C0 UGHTING OX 1.25= 0 MISC. 1095 TOTAL 1095/120V = 9.0A 4 SEE SECURITY DIAGRAM PANEL SCHF[)UI F: NOTES' 1. ALL PANELBOARDS SHALL BE OWNER FURNISHED CONTRACTOR INSTALLED, PANELS WILL BE GENERAL ELECTRIC TYPE AQ. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY WITH LOCAL UTILITY COMPANY THE MAXIMUM AVAILABLE FAULT CURRENT EXPECTED AT THE SER\i1CE ENTRANCE. WHERE AVAILASLE FAULT CURRENT EXCEEDS 10,000 AMPS, AD\i1SE OWNERS EOUIPMENT SUPPLIER SO THAT PROPERLY RA TED EQUIPMENT CAN BE PRO\i1DED. 3. PANELBOARD "s" SHALL HAVE INSULATED AND ISOLATED GROUND SU5 IN ADDITION TO STANDARD GROUND BUS. ~PF" /, ,,,\'-;_~ CP,.E)' (:::/~;~',\sj62~'~ . ! * ~?q~1!i;) *) 1 ~~9:;-;g) ~ !a cP.\\ ~' /A ~ / <:) \ ~ ~NA\'~~~'; , ~ 0 F-\'S:C~8X - . 1 ELECTRICAL PANEL SCHEDULES :a (f) <1 t9 I co o N I to I (f) ill ...J :J o ill I U (f) ...J ill ti ~ a ...... if a.. REVISION 1. 12/23/94 5 ~ 2.4/15/96 UI o z ~ ex> d "'u z . _w ~g ~i2<< !!!~~ .o;!: ~:;;;I: . . ~ J. , o . 4. o ~ ARCHITECT: ~ DRAFTSMAN: " < b CHECKED BY: ~ g o ~ ,; < g "' 1i ~ 11/28/94 72N RIGHT E6 3 208-GAS ~3Y211 ~It ~ =& ~ N FE I ilXE/1, XI 1_211 NISG 11-4 II SEe,TION 6" , KNIFE ft, NISG SEe, TION 2 DECK NOTE: TYPE 1.0 TF15 TENSILFOR~1 24 GA. 660 GALVANIZED, 3011 COVERAGE ATTACHMENT: #12 X I~II TEK SCREWS, 30/4 PATTERN v-iITH 2 SIDE LAP #10 X ~II TEK SCREWS ALL HORIZONTAL BRIDGING SHALL HAVE A STANDARD 3" LAP. ,r -:1~~ :.:.J c::::= -IL ~L SEE X_WELDED BRDG. DETAIL NOTE: FIELD WELD AT ALL CONTACT POINTS TYPICAL HORIZONTAL BRIDGING L .-- I - () I dJ ~ ~ '''' -~ I ~TfOM CH<:)RD Bf<AC,E . MIDSPAN MARK 6GB SEe, TION 3 II -0 II III DECK EDGE TYP. 1 ft.l XI N I SJ(::, }ft- I j' '1 AL ~~' :~~ i I -.tC"'NISG If III (,4% II Ar ~ 4411X4'~/~ c;Y211 C,()NT. NISG -.--'-.----2 - ~ \ \\l N \~ ~12" FOUNDATION ViALL SE/' TI...,.,..O"', ..N.. .~ """." t; Ii! 4 SEe,TION 5 '_.alfj.J.__;iMel&rY~______~ ~_~''''''lI'~ 28 pes. [)2 I - - - rc 3 61 2468N3.4K 2 - () \ rf) \'~ 3 61 2468N3.4K 2 - \&) , N N -2 -2 -2 110 ,0" ::: 15" 21 '5" 36 SP @ 31-011= 108 .0 2" [)E(:'K L.AP "T1/P, il I 28 PCS" DI I Ii +- ---~, 35-20K4 JI I i 4 4 ""........,- "..-, ~ 63 24G8N3.4K ,"r '., 612 L4.G8~~~4K, I i I 35-20K4 J3 - " I I I I 4 .~ I /",~ ,~? 24GBN3.4K 6324GBN3.4K \.J 31-20K4 JI ,,--_. ~-(f)-- ~ I I 28 pes. DI _~ ___ jJOIST. II' '5('/,.- <S~ 44IJX411-"\ ~I~T. \ I ~ }/D ~7 SECTION A 21 ,5 ,.., .. -- 1>--- 4 r'\ ~ 6424GctN3.4K 'fI I ..... I 4 1"1'"\ ~ 66 2468N3.4K \J BLDG. 12N - RIGHT HAND ELQQR JOIST I! DECK PLACI~ PLAN / //V~ " / ~, 'II} ~ I: I: /' /', , / / f //V; ~ Y 811 FOUNDATION YiALL~ ~.'I.. 1. Y2 i !, , B . h- ~'~[ ~ T IE I II X6" -... -.IT.... XI '--4~" ,It ,~ NISC I ]=~ II... II'l'K, NIFE IE ---1-. NISC GIRDER\ Ck FE lUX€; II" I 1-4~ II NISC. SECTION 6 SEe, TION B --- _._- 2Lt..-41i ! 11-011 ~ I I I - I I 21-0" t- 1- ~Q! ~ I ~ ~~ ~ --1' I I 10 ~CS. lD3 I 1 I ...... I I I s=- - --.~--t-t- I I ~I I .--+---~ ~I I ! I NI f- t --- f- --. ~~. _. .t- - I 2'-()1l I I I I I I I r-- , I I ...f- 45. V / 65 24GBN3.4K i 1 N.....- 5 ~~.", /~1 . I I I 'lli 6 I ~ I 11-0 II f---~--I I +~-~--- I - I I ~ 2 I ' I I I I I I II I I I f--l-ll, -~ --- 4-2QK-L-dL.l1l _I._LJ I. _U. _ f- 14 pcs. 135- - r 3-r J 1 I 4 ~~--, 'f/ i I I 4 r!"'\ ~ \...1/ I 1""'- 't I () N ~ =\ 1# ~ , N 14 pes. D4 ..- ---,~.......... I" , f- ~- ----- 61 24G8N3.4K ~~ I ~ ~ II -8" 20'-4 NOTE: THE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL AFFIXED HERETO INDICATES THAT THE JOISTS HAVE BEEN DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STEEL JOIST INSTITUTE'S STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS TO RESIST THE SPECIFIED LOADS, AS NOTED WITHIN THIS SUBMITTAL. THE SEAL IS NOT INTENDED TO CERTIFY OR IMPL'( THAT THIS BUILDING DOES OR DOES NOT COt~FORM TO AN~I NATIONAL OR LOCAL BUILDING CODES. : . ~ RE' .........$.."'~- ,,, _UlnA If -e l 1~1J ..f;/ <9/,0" 6;;. GENFRAI NOTFS 1~ PAINT ONE 'c RED O.x.luE ALL MATERIAL. NOTE: lOP PAIN ON IS BY DIPPING. COATING BE UNIFORM AND MAY INCLUDE ACCUMULATIONS "rHAT Rf:"()l i!RJ:" REMOVAL BEFORE FINISH COAT IS APPLIED. 2. BRIDGING: 41 1/4 X I 1/4 HORIZ. WELDED TOP & BOT. FOR DIAGONAL WELDED FOR SSJ. DIAGONAL BOLTED FOR SSJ. -- HOR!Z. WELDED TOP &. BOT" FOR LSJ~ DIAGONAL WELDED FOR LSJ4 -- DIAGONAL BOLTED FOR LSJ. - - - IND. HORIZ. BRIDGING ROWS ON TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD. ::::::>-<::::: iND. DIAGONAL BRIDGING. NOTE: ALL BRIDGING TO BE EQUALLY SPACED 3. N.I.S.C.- NOT IN SMI CONTRACT. U.N.O.- UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 4. IND. TAGGED END OF JOISTS. IND. TAGGED END OF GIRDER. 5" ~ INDICATES A ROW OF BOLTED DIAGONAL BRIDGING RF()! HRl=T) tJ'<t.C IIUN ST ABILITY~ THIS ROW OF BRIDGING tier UKt. HOiSTING CABLES CAN BE RELEASED. 6. CHECK PIECES, QUANTITIES AND CONDITIONS Ar :[:r "''''''. lh'!t.:-. UPON ARRIVAL. INFORM SMI JOIST IMMEDIATELY ANY DISCREPANCIES OR DAMAGES. 7. SMI \.JOIST CO, WilL SUPPLY ONLY THE MATERIALS MA TERIALS. 8.. WHEN UNL.OADING 8'( CRANE, ALWAYS HOOK CHAINS OR BOTTOM CHORDS, PREFERABLY AT 1/3 NOT TO WEB ,~~& .-.....,.,..,." 9. IF JOISTS ARE NOT ERECTED IMMEDIATELY, COVER JOISTS TO t-'KU I tJ..; I PRIMER COAT. KEEP STORED lJOISTS OFF THE GRQUt\lD 'wn~ lnFr.J OR BLOCKS. 10. TO PROVIDE FOR PROPER ALIGNMENT. NOT END SUPPORTS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF BRIDGING. BE TACK WELDED ON THE SAME SIDE OF THE JOIST AT EACH END. ANY NECESSARY ALIGNMENT SHOULD BE DONE DURING THE INSTALLAT10N BRIDGING. AFTER BRIDGING IS JOISTS SHOULD BE TO SUPPORTS. 11. REFER TO THE STRUCTURAL CONTRACT DRAWINGS ON THE SPECIFIED JOIST AND GIRDER END ANCHORAGE REQUIREMENTS. PER END ANCHORAGE OF JOISTS AND GIRDERS RESTING ON STEEL SUPPut'< I ~ BE ATTACHED THERETO WITH A MINIMUM OF: SHORTSPANS- THE EQUIVALENT OF TWO 1/8 INCH FILLET WELDS 1 INCH OR WITH TWO 1/2 INCH BOLTS. LONGSPANS AND GIRDERS- THE EQUIVALENT OF TWO 1 INCH WELDS 2 INCHES LONG, OR WITH TWO 3/4 INCH BOLTS. BRIDGING- THE EQUIVALENT OF A 1/8 INCH FILLET WELD 1 INCH THE EXCEPTION OF BOLTING. BOTTOM CHORD BRACES- THE EQUIVALENT OF A 1/8 INCH 1 INCH LONG. DO NOT WELD BRACE TO GiRDER UNTIL ALL DEAD HA VE BEEN APPLlED~ 12. JOIST CHORDS ARE NOT DESIGNED FOR BENDING TO LOADS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. EITHER PLACE LOADS TRUSS PANEL POINTS OR INSTAll AN EXTRA WEB MEMBER FROM THE LOAD NEAREST PANEL POINT ON THE OPPOSITE CHORD AT NO (SEE "EXTRA VERTICALS AT CONCENTRATED LOADS" SHOvVN CONSULT THE PROJECT STRUCTURAL ENGINEER OF RECORD THESE EXTRA WEB MEMBERS. 13. BOTTOM CHORD EXTENSIONS, IF REQUIRED, ARE INDICATED OF MATERIALS. NOTE: FINAL CONNECTION OF THE BOTTOM CHORD SHOULD IN ACCORDANCE WITH INSTRUCTIONS FROM THE ~t-'t:L;H" riNG OR ENGINEER. DO NOT ATTACH BOTTOM CHORD UNTIL LOADS HAVE BEEN APPLIED. 14. JOIST TOP CHORDS MUST RIGIDLY ATTACHED TO DECKS A SPACING OF NO MORE .36tt D.C. FOR ADEQUATE EACH ATTACHMENT SHALL" OESIGNED TO SUPPORT LATERAL SPECIFIED BY THE STEEL iNSTITUTE STANDARD SPtClflC, 5. NOTE: COMPLETELY INSTALL ALL BR!DGING AND CHECK THAT AND ALL GIRDER ENDS ARE PERMANENTLY ATTACHED tjtJ-ot<t. CONSlRUCTION LOADS TO JOIST.. FAILURE TO DO THIS CAN IN DEATH OR INJURY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE MEANS ADEQUA DISTRIBUTION OF CONCENTRATED LOADS SO THAT Cf\RRilf\lG CAPACITY OF ANY JOIST IS NOT EXCEEDED. 16. WHEN IT IS NECESSARY FOR THE ERECTOR TO CLIMB ON THE EXTREME CAUTION MUST BE EXERCISED SINCE UNBRIDGED JOISTS MAY EXHIBIT SOME DEGREE OF INSTABILITY UNDER THE ERECTOR'S ~IGHT. SHORTSPANS a) ONE END OF ALL JOISTS SHALL BE ATTACHED TO ITS SUPPORT (SEE NOTE 11) 8EFOR~ ALLOWING THE WEIGHT OF AN ERECTOR ON THE JOISTS. b) WHEN BOLTED DIAGONAL BRIDGING IS REQUIRED DUE TO SPAN, HOISTING CABLES SHALL NOT BE RELEASED UNTIL THIS BRIDGING IS COMPLETELY INSTALLED. (SEE NOTE 5) LONGSPANS a) WHERE THE JOIST SPAN DOES NOT EXCEED 60'-0 AMIl BOLTED DIAGONAL BRIDGING FOR ERECTION STABILITY IS NOT REQUIRED, ONE END OF ALL JOISTS SHALL BE ATTACHED TO ITS SUPPORT (SEE NOTE 11), OR THE JOIST SHALL BE STABILIZED BY THE HOISTING CABLE(S) BEFORE ALLOWING THE WEIGHT OF AN ERECTQR ON THE JOISTS. b) A MAXIMUM WEIGHT OF TWO ERECTORS SHALL BE ALLOWED ON ANY UNBRIDGED JOIST IF: 1) THE JOIST IS STABILIZED BY THE HOISTING CABLE(S) OR 2) ONE END OF THE JOIST IS ATTACHED TO ITS SUPPORT (SEE NOTE 11) AMIl THE BOLTED DIAGONAL BRIDGING REQUIRED FOR ERECTION STABILITY IS COMPLETELY INSTALLED. c) WHEN BOLTED DIAGONAL BRIDGING IS REQUIRED DUE TO HOISTING CABLES SHALL NOT BE RELEASED UNTIL THIS BRIDGING IS COMPLETELY INSTALLED. (SEE NOTE 5) GIRDERS a) THE ENDS OF THE BOTTOM CHORD ARE RESTRAINED MOVEMENT TO BRACE THE GIRDER FROM OVERTURNING. b) NO OTHER LOADS SHALL BE PLACED ON THE JOiST UNTIL THE STEEL JOISTS BEARING ON THE GIRDER ARE IN PLACE AND WELDED TO THE GIRDER. 17. DO NOT CUT AWAY ANY CHORDS OR WEBS. DO NOT COMPLETELY STANDARD JOISTS TO BEARING SUPPORTS UNTIL PROPERLY ALIGNED. 18. ERECT ALL JOIST PRODUCTS AND ACCESSORIES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS OF THE STEEL JOIST INSTlTUTE~ 19. SMI JOISTS ARE FABRICATED TO MEET THE ERECTION REQUIREMENTS OF THE OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ACT. FIELD COMPLIANCE WITH THIS ACT IS NECESSARY. 20. SMI JOIST CO. WILL NOT ACCEPT THE RESPONSIBiliTY OR CHARGES THEIR ACCOUNT FOR ANY FIELD CORRECTIONS MADE WITHOUT APPROVAL FROM THE HOME OFFICE. APPROVER: ALL CLOUDED AREAS SHOWN AS uSUPPLY" OR ON THE DRAWINGS ARE ESSENTIAL TO SMI JOIST FOR MEETING DELIVERY SCHEDULES~ FAILURE TO SUPPLY INFORMATION WILL CAUSE DELAYS IN RELEASING THE JOB FOR PRODUCTION. THOSE AREAS TO BE VERIFIED THAT ARE NOT MARKED SHALL BE ASSUMED TO BE CORRECT AS SHOWN. ALSO, CHANGES MADE AFTER THE APPROVED DRAWINGS HAVE BEEN RECEIVED BY SMI dOIST WILL CAUSE FURTHER DELAYS IN THE JOB SCHEDULE. JOB JOBSI TE LOCA TION CUSTOMER CUSTOMER AUTOZONE MODEL 72N RIGHT' 3701 N. KIPLING WHEAT RIDGE, CO AUTOZONE P.O.NO. ~_..._--~._----- ~~ IMEMEER ~~VJl~J ~ ~1~~l~J P.O.80X 2000 HOPE, AR 71801 (501) 777_8777 DATE 1/96 DATE ~ k~ 'IX~ IMEMBERI \iJVI4.! '\~"/ DWG BY TIM CKD BY DATE PRINT FOR RECORD NO J-1 APPL 28/15 OF 1 FILE NO. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number: 2798 BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date: 3/21/96 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner: DAUENHAUER EDWIN M Property Address: 3701 KIPLING ST Conlractor License No.: 18762 Company: Diamond Fire Proleclion Co., Inc, Phone : Phone: 7627570 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Conslruclion Value: Permit Fee: Plan Review Fee: Use Tax: I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full respons, 'bilif for com. pliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Whi:" idge ordinance ;'for work under this permit:,. .- ' " ;/ // i ;/} (:1 (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED ,". '.!c.7:EJq,,/ DATE 7 '- ' 1(:,0 I INSTALL FIRE LINE UNDERGROUND AND COMPLETE WET PIPE SYSTEM INSIDE Total: $18,500.00 $198.00 $0.00 $277.50 $475.50 Descriplion : BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Ir~~lij) \-\W 2b~b Approval: Occupancy: Walls: Roof: Slories : Residenlial Unils : Eleclrical License No : Company: Plumbing License No : Company: Mechanical License No : Company: Expiralion Dale: Approval: . Expiralion Dale: Approval: . Expiralion Dale: Approval : . (4) (5) (6) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur application and is subject to the taws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. This permit shall expire If (A) the work authonzed is not commenced within sixty (60) days from issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 da~s. If this permit expires, a new perrmt may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made In the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year, If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem, Contractor shall notify the Building Inspector twenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on Inspection card before proceediin~, . h successive phases Ofthe/'ob. The issua, of a permit or the approval 0 drawings and specifications shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions oflhe ;i?;:tanv Zzzw, rule or regulation. ChfBuilding Inspeclor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION (1) (2) (3) DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number: BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date: 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner: ALA ,0 ZC!/0S ;!i-.L Property Address: 370 I t-J. k t P LlIJ6- 51 Phone: Conlraclor License No, : / PJ7ftJc;:L Company: 'DIAU,OUO r.:l~ (f01f:..<E-IIDOr!.t" 'Ik:.. Phone :"7 L,,:;J, -7570 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value: /8,6c::?O. DO 1 hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, P "t F and do not violate applicable ordinances. rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or errrll ee: covenants. easements or restrictions of record: that all measurements shown. and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this Use Tax: application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (V. B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances. for work under this permIt. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNE~'hl~..L~ i ' ::J.o.J~ATE 4/; /q~ Total: Description :~a,oaa.t-r. d.l~ U~tA.o/ I-"-~ a~ti 0~ tvd-~ ""1d.tNi.uat.d.R BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY :?">J)lLiJ.~~I~I"ll' JI" 1" Approval : Zoning: .;ylt':., 0 '7'!:~:ti~)ll'-b Approval: ~b.lI~WlMll,_tMma-:! Approval: Occupancy: Walls: Roof: Stories: Residential Unils : Electrical license No : Company: Plumbing License No . Company: Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date: Approval: ..J prans Rti,qu!red;'-:'I Expiralion Date: Approval: J1I Plans Required ,I Expiralion Date: Approval: ]I ~ P"~ns;Rt"qull'illllmill (1) (2) (3) This permit was ISSUed In accordance WIth the provIsions set forth tn yopur application and 1$ sublect 10 the laws of the Slale of Colorado and 10 the Zoning Regulations and Buddmg Code of lJVheat Rrdge, Coloraoo or any other applicable ordinances of the CIty. This permtt shall expire If (A) the work authonzed is not commenced Within SIXty (60) days from Issue date or (B) the bUIlding authonzed is suspended or abandonecl for a penOd of 120 days. If this permrt expires, a new 'permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required. pro....ided no changes ha....e been or Will be made In the anginal plans and SpecificatIons and any suspensIon or abandonment has not exceeded one (') year. If changes are made or If suspensIon or abandonment exceeds one (1) year. full fees shall be paid for a new permIt No work of any manner shall be done that wilt change the natural flow of water cauSing a drainage problem Contractor snail nollty the Building Inspeclor twenty-four (24) hours In advance for alllnspectJons and shaU receive written approval on mspectJon card before oroceedung With successive phases of the iob. The ISS ce of permit or the appr val of draWings and specifications shall not be construe(! to be a permit for. nor an approval of. any VIolation ot the prO....lslons Jf the JIG ding es or any other 0 mance. Jaw. rule or regulation (41 (5) (61 Building Inspeclor For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION DIAMOND FIRE PROTECTION HYDRAULIC DESIGN INFORMATION SHEET NAME LOCATION BUILDING CONTRACTOR CALCULATED BY Mike Bell NICETLvllV CONSTRUCTION: 0 COMBUSTIBLE OCUPANCY Mer",ntlle APPROVING AUTHORITIES CI1y of Wheat ridge Fire Dept., Owner Auto Zone ##826 3701 North Kipling. Wheatridge. CO DATE SYSTEM NO, CONTRACT NO, DRAWING NO. CEILING HEIGHT HASS FILE: 6-Mar-96 First FP-1 VARIES Autoz.sdf CD NON-COMBUSTIBLE FT. z Cl ~ NFPA 13 0 LT, HAZ, NFPA 231 D NFPA 231C OTHER (Specify) SPECIFIC RULING ORD. HAZGP.D1 FIGURE MADE BY Ul W C SYSTEM '.. 7 /~ / m WET D DRY '. f.~~ L--7 ~/I. NA\~~~\\\~ ~. SPRINKLER OR NOZZL~/I/"",i1"\I\\\\\\' i MAKE Central MODEL " A " SIZE 17 132" K-FACTOR 8.1 TEMPERATURE RATING 165' ::E w .... Ul > tI) AREA OF SPRINKLER OPERATION DENSITY AREA PER SPRINKLER HOSE ALLOWANCE GPM: INSIDE: HOSE ALLOWANCE GPM: OUTSIDE: RACK SPRINKLER ALLOWANCE 1500 0.20 121 o 250 CALCULATION GPM REQUIRED 662.2 PSI REQUIRED 71.8 @ 6" CI1y Main (::>I-'t;:(;/,...YLt)(;AIIUN) SUMMARY .C. FACTOR USED: OVERHEAD 120 UNDERGROUND 140 > ..J Q. Q. :;) Ul WATER FLOW TEST PUMP DATA RATED CAPACI AT PSI ELEVATION TANK OR ~ESERVOIR CAPACITY ELEVATION 04125/1995 90 65 1440 DATE & TIME STATIC PSI RESIDUAL PSI GPM FLOWING ELEVATION PROOF FLOW GPM a: w .... c( s: LOCATION 3700 Kline 5treet SOURCE OF INFORMATION Consolidated Mutual Water Dept w Cl c( a: o .... Ul COMM STORAGE HE STORAGE METHOD: CLASS AREA % PALLETIZED LOCATINN AISLE WIDTH % RACK ILE % B B SINGLE ROW DOUBLE ROW MULTIPLE ROW AUTOMATIC STORAGE SOLID SHELVING EN ENCAPSULATED NON- ENCAPSULATED > .... c o ::E ::E o o :.: u c( a: IN. FLUE SPACING IN INCHES CLEARANC M TOP OF STORAGE TO CEIUNG LONGITUDINAL TRANSVERSE FT, HORIZONTAL BARRIERS PROVIDED SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 1 Date: 03/06/1996 AUTOZ.SDF JOB TITLE: AUTO ZONE PARTS STORE - ORD GRP II - .20 GPM / 1500 SQFT WATER SUPPLY DATA SOURCE STATIC RESID . FLOW AVAIL. TOTAL REQ'D NODE PRESS. PRESS. @ PRESS. @ DEMAND PRESS. TAG (PSI) (PSI) (GPM) (PSI) (GPM) (PSI) 1 90.0 65.0 1440.0 84.1 662.2 71.8 AGGREGATE FLOW ANALYSIS: TOTAL FLOW AT SOURCE TOTAL HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCE AT SOURCE OTHER HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCES TOTAL DISCHARGE FROM ACTIVE SPRINKLERS 662.2 GPM 250.0 GPM 0.0 GPM 412.2 GPM NODE TAG NODE ANALYSIS DATA NODE TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 ELEVATION (FT) 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 4.2 4.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 13.2 13.1 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 14.0 14.0 14 .0 14;0 14.0 14.2 14.2 14.2- SOURCE K= 8.10 K= 8.10 K= 8.10 K= 8.10 K= 8.10 K= 8.10 K= 8.10 K= 8.10 K= 8.10 K= 8.10 K= 8.10 K= 8.10 K= 8.10 PRESSURE DISCHARGE (PSI) (GPM) 71.8 412.2 69.7 - - - 67.2 - - - 61. 9 - - - 60.5 - - - 49.5 - - - 44.8 - - - 42.4 - - - 36.5 - - - 36.1 - - - 35.9 - - - 10.0 25.6 10.4 26.2 12.1 28.2 15.6 32.0 18.7 35.0 10.0 25.6 10.5 26.2 12.1 28.2 15.6 32.0 18.7 35.0 25.1 40.6 23.5 39.2 22.6 38.5 SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 2 Date: 03/06/1996 AUTOZ.SDF JOB TITLE: AUTO ZONE PARTS STORE - ORD GRP II - .20 GPM / 1500 SQFT PIPE DATA PIPE TAG Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PRESS. END ELEV. NOZ. PT DISC. VEL (FPS) HW(C) (FT) SUM. NODES (FT) (K) (PSI) (GPM) F.L./FT (PSI) Pipe: 1 -25.6 1.452 PL 10.67 PF 0.4 101 13.7 8.1 10.0 25.6 5.0 120 FTG PE 0.0 102 13.7 8.1 10.4 26.2 0.042 TL 10.67 PV 0.2 Pipe: 2 -51. 8 1.452 PL 10.67 PF 1.7 102 13.7 8.1 10.4 26.2 10.0 120 FTG PE 0.0 103 13.7 8.1 12.1 28.2 0.155 TL 10.67 PV 0.7 Pipe: 3 -79.9 1.452 PL 10.00 PF 3.5 103 13.7 8.1 12.1 28.2 15.5 120 FTG PE 0.0 104 13.7 8.1 15.6 32.0 0.347 TL 10.00 PV 1.6 Pipe: 4 -111.9 1. 687 PL 10.00 PF 3.1 104 13.7 8.1 15.6 32.0 16.1 120 FTG PE 0.0 105 13.7 8.1 18.7 35.0 0.311 TL 10.00 PV 1.7 Pipe: 5 -146.9 1.687 PL 15.25 PF 17.0 105 13.7 8.1 18.7 35.0 21.1 120 FTG 2T PE 0.3 11 13 .1 0.0 35.9 0.0 0.515 TL 33.05 PV 3.0 Pipe: 6 -25.6 1.452 PL 10.67 PF 0.5 106 14.0 8.1 10.0 25.6 5.0 120 FTG PE 0.0 107 14.0 8.1 10.5 26.2 0.042 TL 10.67 PV 0.2 Pipe: 7 -51.8 1.452 PL 10.67 PF 1.7 107 14.0 8.1 10.5 26.2 10.0 120 FTG PE 0.0 108 14.0 8.1 12.1 28.2 0.155 TL 10.67 PV 0.7 Pipe: 8 -80.0 1.452 PL 10.00 PF 3.5 108 14.0 8.1 12.1 28.2 15.5 120 FTG PE 0.0 109 14.0 8.1 15.6 32.0 0.347 TL 10.00 PV 1.6 Pipe: 9 -112.0 1. 687 PL 10.00 PF 3.1 109 14.0 8.1 15.6 32.0 16.1 120 FTG PE 0.0 110 14.0 8.1 18.7 35.0 0.312 TL 10.00 PV 1.7 Pipe: 10 -147.0 1. 687 PL 15.25 PF 17.0 110 14.0 8.1 18.7 35.0 21.1 120 FTG 2T PE 0.3 10 13.2 0.0 36.1 0.0 0.515 TL 33.05 PV 3.0 Pipe: 11 -38.5 1.452 PL 10.00 PF 0.9 113 14.2 8.1 22.6 38.5 7.5 120 FTG PE 0.0 112 14.2 8,1 23.5 39.2 0.090 TL 10.00 PV 0.4 Pipe: 12 -77.7 1. 687 PL 10.00 PF 1.6 112 14,2 8.1 23.5 39.2 11.2 120 FTG PE 0.0 111 14.2 8.1 25.1 40.6 0.159 TL 10.00 PV 0.8 Pipe: 13 -118,3 1.687 PL 15.25 PF 11,4 111 14.2 8.1 25.1 40.6 17.0 120 FTG 2T PE 0.0 9 14.2 0.0 36.5 0.0 0.345 TL 33.05 PV 1.9 SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Date: 03/06/1996 JOB TITLE: AUTOZONE PARTS STORE - ORD GRP II - .20 GPM / PIPE DATA (cont.) Page 3 AUTOZ.SDF 1500 SQFT PIPE TAG END ELEV. NOZ. NODES (FT) (K) Pipe: 14 13.1 13.2 11 10 Pipe: 15 13.2 14.2 10 9 Pipe: 16 14.2 14.2 9 8 Pipe: 17 14.2 14.2 8 7 Pipe: 18 14.2 4.2 7 6 5 6 Pipe: 19 4.2 4.2 5 4 Pipe: 20 4.2 1.0 4 3 Pipe: 21 1.0 0.0 2 3 Pipe: 22 0.0 0.0 Pipe: 23 0.0 0.0 2 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 SRCE Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PT DISC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (FT) (PSI) (GPM) F.L./FT 35.9 36.1 36.1 36.5 36.5 42.4 42.4 44.8 44.8 49.5 60.5 49.5 60.5 61. 9 61.9 67.2 69,7 67.2 69.7 71.8 -146.9 0.0 5.4 0.0 -293.9 0.0 10.8 0.0 -412.2 0.0 15.1 0.0 -412.2 0.0 9.0 0.0 -412.2 0.0 9.0 0.0 3.340 PL 120 FTG 0.018 TL 3.340 PL 120 FTG 0.067 TL 3.340 PL 120 FTG 0.125 TL 4.328 PL 120 FTG 0.035 TL 4.328 PL 120 FTG 0.035 TL 10.33 10.33 12.00 12.00 30.00 T 47.50 50.33 2E 68.73 9.92 9.92 PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV PF PE PV FIXED PRESSURE LOSS DEVICE 0.0 11.0 psi, 412.2 gpm 0.0 -412.2 0.0 9.0 0.0 -412.2 0.0 10.0 0.0 4.328 PL 0.67 120 FTG 0.035 TL 0.67 PF PE PV 4.100 PL 126.00 PF 140 FTG E PE 0.035 TL 140.50 PV FIXED PRESSURE LOSS DEVICE 0.0 2.5 psi, 412.2 gpm 0.0 -412.2 0.0 10.0 (N/A) 4.100 PL 140 FTG 0.035 TL 30.00 TG 62.00 PF PE PV PRESS. SUM. (PSI) 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.8 -0.4 0.8 5.9 0.0 1.5 2.4 0.0 0.5 0.4 4.3 0.5 0.0 1.4 0.5 4.9 0.4 0.7 2.1 0.0 0.7 NOTES: (1) Calculations were performed by the HASS 6.0.0 computer program under license no. 4 C1324I granted by HRS Systems, Inc. 2193 Ranchwood Dr., N.E. Atlanta, GA 30345 (2) The system has been balanced to provide an average imbalance at each node of 0.005 gpm and a maximum imbalance at any node of 0.111 gpm. SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Date: 03/06/1996 JOB TITLE: AUTOZONE PARTS STORE - ORD GRP II - .20 GPM / Page 4 AUTOZ.SDF 1500 SQFT (3) Velocity pressures are printed for not used in balancing the system. is 21.1 ft/sec at pipe 10. information only, and are Maximum water velocity (4) PIPE FITTINGS TABLE Pipe Table Name: STANDARD. PIP PAGE: C MATERIAL: DYNA HWC: 120 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E T F C B G A Ell Tee LngEll ChkVlv BfyVlv GatVlv AlmChk 1.452 3.10 7.20 1. 60 8.70 7.40 1. 20 3.10 1. 687 3.70 8.90 2.10 11.10 7.40 1.20 3.70 3.340 6.70 17.50 4.00 21.50 13 .40 1. 30 6.70 4.328 9.20 21.10 4.60 29.00 15.80 2.60 9.20 PAGE: D MATERIAL: DIRON HWC: 140 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E T L C B G F Ell Tee LngEll ChkVlv BfyVlv GatVlv FTYFV 4.100 14.50 29.10 8.70 32.00 17.40 2.90 5.80 D DPVlv 12.40 12.40 13 .40 13.20 SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 5 AUTOZ.SDF 1500 SQFT Date: 03/06/1996 JOB TITLE: AUTO ZONE PARTS STORE - ORD GRP II - .20 GPM / WATER SUPPLY CURVE 120+ 110+ 100+ 90*\\ \ \\\ \0\\ \\\ P 80+ \\\\ R \\\ E \\\\ S X \\\ S 70+ \\\\ U \\\ R * <-65.0 psi @ 1440 gpm E Flow Test Point 60+ ( P S I 50+ ) 40+ 30+ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ 20+ LEGEND " " X = Required Water Supply " 71.83 psi @ 662.2 gpm " 10+ " 0 = Available Water Supply " 84.06 psi @ 662.2 gpm " " 0++-+---+----+-----+------+--------+--------+---------+-----------+ 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 FLOW (GPM) STATE OF COLORADO DIVISION OF FIRE SAFETY PLAN REGISTRATION FORM Date t/e/1t; Contractor Registration Number t16- :;'Sq ContractorsName.1)I.4/uOIJD n~ P,..DnJ1TJOJJ (1. TVG. MailingAddress dl!1.3/ W. IJ~ ~ >i1/~"3 City €1it::f/t:,u..zoD ",....~Stat;;.cd .,. ZipCod~I/O Telephone No. :S~~-c7&:; -'7570 ;= Signature Certification No. (Qualified Fire Inspector) Jurisdiction Comments (for additional comments use separate sheet) Distribution: Original copy goes to Division of Fire Safety upon total completion of form. Copy to local fire department. Copy to contractor and copy to building owner upon completion and sign-off. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: DIAMOND FIRE PROTECTION CO., INC. .......... 2331 W.Hampden, Su~e 133' Englewood, Co. 80110' Telephone 303-762-7570. Fax 303-762-7518 MATERIAL SUBMITTAL PACKAGE FOR AUTO ZONE 3701 N. KIPLING WHEA TRIDGE, CO 80011 , ^ CENTRAL A 3-93 Sprinkler A Upright or Pendent Automatic Sprinkler Manufactured by: Central Sprinkler Company 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 r.;::;.1 Product 11111 Description The Central Model A Upright or Pendent Sprinklers offer the ultimate in aesthetic appeal and advanced design features. They incorporate a unique center strut design which resuits in a smaller, mom attractive sprinkler than those manufactured with a more traditional d,.sign approach. The center-sirut operating mechanism of the Model A sprinkler responds significantly fa';ter than more traditional mechani3ms such as the Bmm glass bulb or iii :;(-and-lever. The Model A SprinklFls are intended for installation ill accordance with current NFPA 13 St.mdards. They are available in a wide variety of orifice sizes, temperature ratings, finishes, and corrosion resistant coatings, Operation: A fusible alloy is sealed inlo a bronze center strut by a stainless steel ball. When the alloy melts at its raled temperature, the ball is forced upward into the center strul, releasing the two ejectors and operating the sprinkler. Unlike most other sprinkler designs, Ihe alloy is not exposed to atmospheric conditions thai could affect ils proper functioning. It is also less susceptible to mechanical damage since there are no protruding elements, exlending beyond the sprinkler frame. Gi For specific listing requirements see the appropriate information contained in this brochure. ..... R Technical ~ iii Data Model: A Styie: Upright or Pendent Orifice Size K Factor Thread %" (9.5mm) 2.7 (38.61) W' (12.7mm) N.P.T. jll(,"(II.fll!m) 4.2(6(1.00) 1,;;,"(12.7rnm)N.P.T. W' (12.7mm) 5.6 (80OB) Y2" (/2.7mm) N.P.T. 17/12" (13.5mm) 7.8 (111.54) W' (/2.7mmJ N.P.T. 17/32" (13.Smm) 8.1 (115.83) %" (/91 mm) N.P.T. Temp, Rating and Frame Arm Color: 1350F/5rC Uncolored 1650F/740C Uncolored 2120F/100oC White 2860F/1410C Blue Approvals: U.L., U.L.C., F.M" M.E.A., V.D.S., LPCB (see tabular information on Page 3.) Maximum Working Pressure: 175 p.s.i. Factory Hydro Test: 500 p.s.i. Standard Finishes: brass, chrome plated (chrome is not V.O.S. Approved and white paint is U.L. only.) Coatings: wax, lead, or wax-over-Iead (see tabular information on page 3.) Pintle: on deflector for '/8", '116", and 17/32" orifice by V," th read Length: 2%" (60.33mm) (excluding pintle) Width: 1'116" (36.51mm) (frame arms) Weight: 4.2 oz. (119g^"ms) ~. khZ~:' 3/S", 7/16", 1/2" or1?!~~ Orifice ""'k 'F" Automatic Sprinkle'r, No, 2-1.0 -- 15/16" Diameter---j 13/4" I ,m T 5/8" ... 17/16'~ Cross Section Model "A" Upright Sprinkler (Small Orifice with Pintle) -- 1 5/16" Diameter ---I 1 3/16" .. 13/4" I'm' T 5/8" ~ 17/16'~ Cross Section Model "A" Pendent Sprinkler .. 17/16'~ ~ 5/8" 1 1 ". ~ 1" ~ Diameter Combination Sprinkler Wrench Universal Wrench Desian Reaulrements - Standard ADDlications The Model A Upright and Pendent Sprinklers are intended for standard area coverages and standard flow and pressure requirements as specified in current NFPA 13 Slandards. " 2 U.L., .U.L.C. and "MEA (N.V.C.) Cal. No. 375-75-SA Listings Orifice Size and Style Temperalure Rating (OF) Corrosion-Resistanl Coating 3/8" uprighl and pendent ***135 165 212 ****286 lead, wax, wax-over-lead 7/16" upright and pendent ***135 165 212 ****286 lead, wax, wax-over-lead 112" upright and pendent *** 135 165 212 ****286 lead, wax, wax-over-Iead 17132" (x '!2" thd.) upright and pendent - -- 165 212 ****286 lead, wax, wax-over-Iead 17/32" (x '/4" thd.) uprighl and pendent -- - 165 212 ****286 lead, wax, wax.over-Iead '---' 2860 temperature Is not V.l.C. Approved with corrosion-resistant coatings. ** No corrosion-resistant coatings are Approved by MEA. Lead only. *..* Listed as high temperature, wax coated for installation where maximum ambient ceiling temperature does not exceed 150oF. F.M. Aoorovals Orifice Size and Stvle Temnerature Ratina (OFl Corrosion-Resislant Coatina 3/a" upright 135 165 212 286 lead 3/a" upright - -- -- - 212 -- - wax-over-Iead 3/a" upright -- - - -- 212 286 wax 112" upright and pendenl 135 165 212 286 lead '12" upright and pendent - -- -- - 212 - -- wax-over-lead 112" upright and pendent - -- 165 212 286 wax 17/32" (x '12" thd.) upright and pendent 135 165 212 286 lead 17/32" (x '!2" thd,) upright and pendent - -- -- - 212 - -- wax.over-Iead 17/32" (x '!2" thd.) uprighl and pendent -- - - -- 212 286 wax 17/32" (x '/4" thd.) upright and pendent 135 165 212 286 lead 17/32" (x '/4" thd.) upright and pendent - -- - -- 212 - -- wax-over lead 17/32" (x '/4" thd.) uprighl and pendent - -- - -- 212 286 wax LPCB Listings Orifice Size and Style Temperature Raling CF) Corrosion-Resislanl Coating '/2" (15 mm) upright and pendent 135 165 212 286 -- - I "/32" (20 mm) x '/4" lhd. upright and pendent 135 165 212 286 --- I \ '-" V.D.S. Listings Orifice Size and Slyle Temperature Raling CF) Corrosion-Resistant Coating 3/8" (10 mm) pendent - -- 165 - -- - -- - -- 112" (15 mm) upright and pendent 135 165 212 286 -- - 17/32" (20 mm) x '/4" thd. upright and pendent 135 165 212 286 - -- ~ Installation L All Central Model A Sprinklers must be installed according to current NFPA 13 Standards. Devialions from these requirements and standards or any alteration to the sprinkler itself will void any warranly made by Central Sprinkler Company. In addition, installation must also meet local government provisions, codes and standards as applicable. The system piping musl be properly sized to insure the minimum required flow rate at the sprinkler. Check for the proper model, style, orifice size, and temperature rating prior to installation. Install sprinklers after the piping is in place to avoid mechanical damage; replace any damaged units. Wet pipe systems must be protecled from freezing. Refer to the Central Bulletins on the Model A-1 Dry Pendent Sprinklers for use in dry pipe sprinkler installations. Upon completion of the installation, the system must be tested per recognized standards. In the event of a thread leak, remove the unit, apply new pipe joint compound or tape, and reinstall. Installation Sequence Step 1. The unit must be installed in the upright position for upright styie sprinklers, and in the pendent position for pendent slyle sprinklers. Slep 2. Use only a non-hardening pipe joint compound or Teflon' tape. Apply only to the male threads. "Teflon is a trademark of the DuPont Corp. 3 Slep 3. Hand tighten the sprinkler into the fitting. For uprighl sprinklers use a Central Sprinkler Combination Wrench, and for pendent sprinklers use a Central Sprinkler Universal Wrench, to tighten Ihe unil inlo the filling. A leak-tight joint requires only 7 to 14 ft. -Ibs. of torque; a langential force of 14 to 28 Ibs, delivered through a 6" handle will deliver adequate torque, Torque levels over 21 fl.-Ibs. may distort the orifice seal, resulting in leakage. For exposed piping systems, the sprinkler should be oriented so Ihe frame arms are parallel with the branch line pipe. Caution: Special care must be taker when installing with a CPVC piping system. Sprinklers must be installed after the CPVC manufacturer's recommended selling time for Ihe primer and cemenllo ensure Ihal no primer or cement accumulales wilhin the sprinkler. Special care must be Because the discharge pattern is Guarantee: Central Sprinkler taken when installing with a copper critical to protection of life and Company will repair and/or replace system. The sprinkler should be property, nothing should be hung or any products found to be defective in installed only after the inside of the attached to the sprinkler unit that material or workmanship within a sprinkler drops and associated fittings would disrupt the pattern. Such period of one year from the date of "- have been wire brushed to remove obstructions must be removed. In the shiprnent. Please refer to the current any flux. Residual flux can cause event that construction has altered the Price List for further details of Ihe corrosion and can impair proper original configuration, additional warranly. sprinkler operation. sprinklers should be installed to fJCare & maintain the protection level. E] Ordering Do not attempt to replace sprinklers Maintenance without first removing the fire protection system from service. Be Information certain to secure permission from all Sprinklers must be handled Authorities Having Jurisdiction, and Ordering Information: When notify all personnel who may be carefully. They must not be affected during system shutdown. A placing an order, indicale Ihe full transported or stored where ambient fire watch during maintenance periods product name. Please specify the temperature may exceed 100oF/38OC. is a recommended precaution. quanlity, model, style, orifice size, For best results, store them in a dry, To remove the system from service temperature rating, Iype of finish or cool location in the original shipping mode, firsl refer to the system coating, and sprinkler wrench. package, operating guide and valve instruction. Do not install sprinklers that have Drain water and relieve pressure in the Availability and Service: Central been dropped or visibly damaged. pipes. Remove the existing unit and sprinklers, valves, accessories, and Sprinklers must never be painted, install the replacement, using only the other products are available coated, plated or altered in any other special sprinkler wrench. Be certain to throughout the U.S. and Canada, and way from manufactured condition or match model, style, orifice, and internationally, through a network of they may not function properly. Any temperature rating. Central Sprinkler distribution centers. sprinklers altered in such manner must A fire protection system that has You may write directly to Central be replaced. been shut off after an activation should Sprinkler Company, or call 215-362- The owner is responsible for the be returned to service immediately. 0700 for the distributor nearest you, "- proper operating condition of all fire Inspect the entire system for damage protection devices and accessories. and replace or repair as necessary. Conversion Table: The NFPA standard 25 enlitled, Sprinklers that did not operate but 1 inch; 25.400 mm "Inspection, Testing and Maintenance were subjected to corrosive elements 1 foot; 0.4536 kg of Water-Based Fire Protection of combustion or excessive 1 foot pound; 1.36 Nm Systems", contains guidelines and temperatures should be inspected, 1 psi; 6.895 kpa minimum maintenance requirements. and replaced if need be. The Authority ; 0.0689 bar Furthermore, the local Authority Having Jurisdiction will detail minimum ; 0.0703 kg/cm' Having Jurisdiction may have replacement requirements and 1 U.S, gallon; 3.785 dm' additional regulations and regulations. ; 3.785 liters requirements for maintenance, testing, and inspection that must be obeyed. Conversions are approximate. It is advisable to have sprinkler syslems inspected regularly by a qualified inspection service. Length of lime between such inspections can vary due to accessibility, ambienl atmosphere, water supply, and site activity. Do not attempt 10 re-assemble or olherwise reuse a sprinkler Ihal has I:ENTRAL operated, Replace any sprinkler exhibiting corrosion or damage: always use new sprinklers of Ihe same type and temperature rating as Central Sprinkler Company "- replacements, 451 N. Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, PA 19446 @ 1993 Central Sprinkler Company Phone (215) 362-0700 Printed in U.S.A. FAX (215) 362-5385 Sprinkler A.3 ( FITTINGS PIP E I F-{O N CAST STANDARD CLASS '125 CAST IRON STnAIGHT 900 t:LLS 1;;~,l1IIM,'f4'!\~~W~~~~J,j:A1YI.f.I,t'G~\~:.;;":'~;:.r-. ':;I\(i' . ="'-,!.="a " ;, ,", '\ .'.". ..,' "',';:I,;;>':id;"1l_1YlitlIil>T" 'u:'.~ ,'.. "_' ~ _' t., ,......., ,."", " ,.' '... . J." '.~.. ... " .;, _, . FI ,"~."'" . 2 1 C6nler OulskJe 1 hread l<i~e OUll NPS to End Dla. '" Band L~r9t11 Dimen$;'l!l ' A B(min) o (rnln) 1/4" 0610 C 930 0,320 ,~,~~-=- :lI8" 0.950 , l.l~O 0.360 0,575 1/2" 1.120 1.340 O.4~JO O.5Sa . 3/4' 1.310 1.6,30 - 0-7~8- (1.000 1" 1.500 19,50 _. -0,[180 0.913 1 1/4" 1.750 2390 0.670 '- .~S-- 11/2" 1.940 2,680 0.70') -I ,,,, ..~-:~.- 2" 2.250 ~280 0.750 1.50[) 21/2" i700 3.860 0920 1 76:3 , 3' 3.080 4.620 0.980 ~]on03 31/2" 3',420 5.200 1f),'\I) ~ 2.358 4" 3.790 5.790 I 1.Ql\()- -~1;5-'- GURE r.-A---t I I r-r7'h I l:~'~" ~\"t'. - 'i ' I 'I" a +=,"- i,'---.--"------r I I ,I \ ; , 8:/,) I \ i .. 'I .1-__ ..:.:_,:"t,~ I A I oL_J_J__1 i CAST IRON REDUCING 90" ELLS ,- II. --~tM~~~~'..i'I~~I~~.\f~'\IU~t!:.!~,'''\.~CI'! i;';. :,"',.)jJr.'!.::,; ~'.:':i:~".~::T~~ '~:,~ ":""""".'.'.'''. t:""J") "~i.~.~'L;' .,.',....... '...."..t.R'._.___ FIGURE. 21 '. M''''~-' , ~ Canter -. Cenle~ OlJ'sid~ OUlslde l~r;\:;th L~r'I'dth I Takfl r Taklit- NPS to EnrJ 10 End aia,ol ~lia of '.,f (I :Jut Out Bard ~land 'hrl:'nd liHt:lrl.,J X Z 81(m:n) B2(min) tl1('n'n) [;:1(;\il'.) i-;{i x 3/8" 1.120 1,120 1.3,10 1310 ---0:430 ~360 0.145 0.620 3/4 x 1/2" , 120a ~1o 1,G30 1.340 - o:5(,-i) -~). .13;] 0.700 0,658 r3t4 )( :'V8" 1 ,200 122g_ ~~~_ 1.34Q (}'f~ o~jGO 0.625 (I.GS3 1 , 3/4.----- 1370 1.45J \.&50 T&jo - 0,[180 O~50a- osCi)' 0.762 1 , 1/2' -. 1260 1.30') 1.950 0,t18J '0-430 0760 13.10 0672 1 1/4 x 1" 1.580 , ..f~~. 2.,m 1.950 0,(71) . - O.Q~2 -.g:~~ 0,982 1 1/4, 3/4" 1.450 1.~20 2;l9~ I~~ 0,070 I) 5(10- O.t~e.8 ~'ffi 1 114 X 1/2" 1.3-10 , '.530 2.390 1.3'10 O,G7:)~~I)-"1)0 0,840 0.843 1 1/2)( 1 1/.1" U20 188') 2.S.30 2.3'10 U' 700 :-::-QJ~ "'!.:.L33 1.19:1 1 1/2,1" 1.650 1.800 ~i'iJ!!... 1.~F,O .Jl.7~~ _Q.~0~_ 0963 1.1l:} ~~314" 1520 1.750 2.680 1 OW 0.700 0 ')00 0 Y:,iB 1.053 1 1/2 X 1/2" 1.520 1.750 2660 1.030 0.700 '04,30 G:2~ 7~ '"~ . 2 xl 1/2" 2020 2160 3.2130 2,080 o 750 0.700- 1.30) ....!.:.i.~ 2 x 1 1/4' 1.900 2.100 3.280- ~90 -(I~i50 - 0 H70 - 121:3 USO - 2)( l' 1.730 2,020 3.280 1.9S0 31~~t_Y,80 Ion 1..~fg. 2 X 314" 1.600 1.970 3.280 1.6:)0 C,75~_.~~~ ~~,Q 1.220 ? ),1/2" 1.600 1.970 3,280 1 0:,') c.yr,o 0,4;10- 1 100 1,22C 2112 x 2" 2390 2.000 J.8GO 3.280 C.!:l2!:1 ~6- -1.640 1'i:€" 2 112.1 112" 2160 2!?10 3.860 2.G8fJ o 9;iO'-1-0.TIJO l.4'fJ 1.573 2112 XI 1/4" 2040 2.4~,O 3.660 2.390 f--(}9~;C OG7e 1.~~5:.s 1.513 2.370 ':Dieo 1.95(J o.g~O .. 1.103 1.433 2112 X t" 1.670 ..2~~~_ 2112)( 3/4" 1870 2.370 3.0(.( 1.950 O.92C o C.CO 1.308 1.433 3 x 21/2" 2830 2990 4620 3.eog_ 0980 O.~20 1.693 1990 3 x 2" Z,520 2,690 4620 3.260 -0 !lea 0.,56- ] .7/0 I e90 3 x 1 1/2" 2.,520 2.690 4.6:20 13:'2~~ O,9EO O,lC10 1 B:J3 1.890 3 X 1 1/4" 2.~70 2.7'lf) - <1,620 2.380 O.~(lj-I- .0670-- ~-~ 1,7.10 :J x," 2.170 2.74(} 4 fJ20 2".39U --o.986~ J,si:m- ~_.483 1t:7:1 0 31/Z'.;,' 3420 J 420 5 ~'~r)o r--s.2cio l'O)(j -ODgCI 2,420 "2,l.~ 4 x 3 1l2" 3.540 -3 690 . -E~- G.200 l('BO _.~";C- 2A'70'- 1,O:m 2565 4.3" 3.300 3.600 . ,5.,90 4.620 LOBO ;) 'd80 2 :Y~,O 2.17s' 4x2112' 3.,300 3.600 5.790 4.620 1.080 -O.92~ . 4~ ~.475 4 x 2" 2.740 3,410 0.790 ~~.28r) 1.0130 O,7~O 1.89(1 22!i5 4x 1 1/2~ 2,/40 3,410 5.790 3.280 I 080 () 7(1:) 2,053 ~~~35- ~ r-z ..,01 I 1'/' I ..'- i' ~:,.- ' ....,.. -:=- 31 P.05 ~-'T-2,~-~..5TUE 01: 19 ,~I'l IHTE'?t:10},,~tfT,':':',' l' "';/'!.". ""',.,,~ ""rt, ~t /;,>jJl..~.~t\ ' f- ',1.' .'. !t.'if.. '~::.i:~'S1" CAST IRON 45" ELLS , . ""il.:~..., ~~ r_'I_'l:'l\-~.,'.:.!'~~m:'\;'t: (.~...:L'J,"ii~'.:i""i:. .:;(i";.ji:'?f!.';;\...'.: '. .~" t '.~: ,:.~.;.::..,~.(:j~Y:-: ::"';~.'''';'''I;''~';'.if.l-;-:-:i,'''.':':;L'''!' ;,',-"','::;;,;.;,.J'i.; . . \.... FIGURE 23 Callier IQ Outsldo Dia. Lenglh of Tu~1'l QuI I NPS' End of Band Thraad A B (m;I1J C (Olin) 1/2" 0080 1.3'10 OA80 Q 3UIJ 314" 0.980 163<) 0.5(10 0.418 1" 1.120 1,9,0 0.fo60 ,'L~24-- 1 1/4"' 1.290 2390 0.6/0 0,603 j 1 1/2' 1.430 2.680 0,7CO Q.74,] -J 2" 1,680 3,280 0.750 <),930 I 21/2' 1.950 3,800 09::'0 1.013 3" 2.170 4.020 0.880 -----.....!--'!~ 31/2" 2.390 5,200 1.e30 1,328 4" 2.610 5.790 1.080 1A~5 J , /, //~ A / ,,'\.., '..- '.,// ...~ ,,/ ~/",\",/ \\.1/ / ,( / (' 1/ '" ,/" "( 1'---\"-,- \, '..............r-......=a. ...1 I \,/, .;[~-'r- ':,/- A pLj-_;L, ~_j L-__ e~--I CAST IRON STRAIGHT TEES __n r?Wr,!~:'~'1~.,i:';~~'~~;';(j;t;:"",.: \ !'~;;:~,.".., "!,,,),''ii:~>:r:~'-~~~7?:;~7TiT~~;:-~~:!ri ,~'. ~}.';F ..,#],'i~'t'':'''If1VJll~~\:ii-~i '. - I FIG U R E 24 -- Cenh~r Ol)tsld~ Throad lal<Et I NPS to End Die. of Banel lQngth OlltOim. A 8 (lI1in) Dlminl 3/8' 0.950 1120 0.3GO 0.575 1/2' 1.120 1.3~0 0.430 U,f;~JO 3/4' 1.310 1.630 D.50l) 0,748 ," 1500 1.950 0,'80 0813 1114" 1.750 2.390 0.0/0 1063- 11/2" . 1.940 2 ~80 0700 -',253 2" 2.250 3,280 0750 1500 2 II':!' 2.700 _~,OBO 0.92Q 1.763 3" 3,080 4.620 0900 2080 31/2' 3,420 5.200 ' ,030 n~~_ 4" 3.7S0 5.790 I.OBO 2665 1-8'1 _J-' i-I '-['-1- '~-i -"~-<""Ij ^ <;1rrr.':,-J. I I C:y-.Ja~-.. L-A---.,j ~ . -~'&~It.-:~'li~:Ji.f:--'.l~~',,:,;: :..i:j;;'~:,. t,: :,',;,'.(,\;"l":, :~:"t~\... .:.~S;-:-W:::::'1;;,.i:' ,~~..,l:r',,~,~~~ '.:"-J:,J..~:.N';'~:4.rf'~,'.;","~''fi~~ OJ. 32 ~~ P.06 CAST IRON REDUCING TEES _l~~NMJftt~~,:,::-:tP~:~:r,I~~~.tY:/."~.~'i',V::',;:\~",';" ~.:!, :(...~ ~.', '.I . .../......,. :'''^'' ~ ""'I~'" ""-""'-~", . ""<' '\'-' ,', ,ilill>JN"'" t FIGURE 25 ~ ~~> ~-~ ~ ----' I 02 r-:~..j-~;. Al . j 01 B3 ~ C9lltl1r Cellt~( CfI!'I~r -~.._~ OU:~Idt:l rfu~<<d n;H~a.j Ihroo.iJ Toke Take Take OUlsidg Oll:::,ida NPS To End 10End To End Dia Dia. [lia L.ngtl1 length lerlg~) Out 0", OUI H denolo. H..I Ell 01 !land of Band ClI Band D3Im;ll) AI A~ AJ AI A2 A3 Bllm10L B2imin) 831minl Ollmin; 02(minl 1/2 X 1/2 x 3/8 1.120 1.IZ0 1,120 1,.J40 1,140 1.3~0 0.430 0.430 0.360 0.620 0620 0.745 1/2 X 318 x 1/2 1.120 1120 1.120 1340 I.3~Q 1.340 0.430 0.360 0,430 O,G20 0745 0620 1/2 X 316 x 319 1.120 1 120 1.120 13.10 1.3.10 .. 1.3.10 0,4:10 0,360 0.360 0.620 0.745 0.74~ ~(e X ;j/lj lC. 1/~ 1.120 1120 1.120 1340 1,340 t340 O,36iJ 0.:360 0,430 0,7'5 0.745 0.620 3/4 x 3/4 x 112 1.200 1.(00 1.220 1.lNO i.K...u ',3.10 0.500 0,500 0.430 0.638 0.638 0.720 3/4 )( 3/4 x 31'S 1.2<)0 1.200 1.1:20 1.(.:50 \.t:'!o 1,34rJ 050'0 0.500 0.3(,0 0,638 0.6.18 0.e45 a'4 x 1ft:: x 3/4 1.310 1.310 1.:j1O 1.630 1080 1,ibo 0500 0.430 <.',{l{If) O. 46 0.810 0.14. ~/4 x 1/2 x 112 1.200 1.120 1220 1.(,)0 1,340 1,340 0.500 0.<130 042,0 0.639 0.620 a.no 1/2 x 1/2 < 314 \.a I 0 1.310 1.310 1.620 1,C'30 1f.30 0.430 0,430 Q,5tX> 0,810 0.910 O.74a Ix x ;,/4 \.a 1.310 ..4.50 1.950 1.950 1.630 05AO 0.~60 O.SOO 0.603 Ol6:l 0,868 1l( 1 x lIa 1.2S0 1.260 1.3ef) 1.950 1.flUJ 1 ,~14r) O.Stl(.l 0.580 0.430 0.573 0.673 0,660 1 x 1 x 3/8 1.2130 1.260 1.360 1950 1~5(l 13dJ 05eO 0.5"0 O.36f) 0.573 0.673 98S Ix- <I 1.500 1.3(,0 1.50,) I.~(lo 1,:341) 1.950 0590 0.360 0560 I u.810 0.9B5 0.13 I X 314 . I 1.500 1.450 1.500 1,950 1630 1.950 1)590 o SOO 0560 0,813 0.888 0613 1 x 314 x 914 1.3"10 1.310 l-1::J,j 1.95Q 1.~:;lO 1.6:JO 0,580 O.~)()O ().~OO 0.683 0.74$ 0998 'x~/4 X 112 1."60 1200 1.;:\60 1.950 1,5-50 13,11) 0530 0500 0430 0.573 0,608 0.8GO 1 X 1/2 J( 1 'T500 '~-f.-?- 1500 ~~ n'", ~.3.W ~;.950 05.10 0,4'30 0.580 0.613 0,860 D..'3 I x :x 3.'4 1.J70 1.J1U 1'-4515' 1.S/50 1.6:3') It,')I) O.5~O (I.-o!:jO 0.500 0,683 0810 O,6BB 1 x 112 x 1/2 1.260 1.120 1.350 1,ij50 1.34~ 1:~"O 0.5130 (l.4~O 0430 0.57J 0,620 0.860 1 x 1/4 xl 1..seO 1.200 1.501) 1.S50 0,9)1) 1.950 0.580 0,320 0~80 0813 ().IJ25 0.813 3/4 x 3/4 x 1 1.500 1.450 IS?O ',9.50 1.6a.) '950 0.500 0,500 O,58~ 0.938 0.868 0.913 3/4 x 1/2 l( 1 ,t><)O 1.350 1.500 ''":')0 1.3'0 1950 Q,500 (0500 0.580 0.938 O.~O 0.813 1114 < 1 114 xl 1.580 l.~aO 1.b?O 2,390 239<) 1950 0.1370 0.670 0&90 Oag3 0.893 0.9~3 1 1.'4)c 1 114 x 3,14' 1.4[,0 1.450 1620 ~ 390 2a9<} 1.630 O,J;?Q 0,670 0.500 0,763 0,763 1.050 11(4)< 11/4 X 1.12 1.340 1.340 1530 2390 23S<> 13~0 0.670 OMO 0430 065,) 0653 1.030 1114.1,1 1/4 1.760 1.610 1.750 239') 1 Q~)() 23'~O 0.670 0.680 _0670 l00J 0,983 1.063 11;4 X 1 Xl 1.580 1,500 1.670 2390 1.95Q" 1.950 0,670 0.580 0.580 0,89.3 0.813 0.083 11/4 x I If 3/4 1.450 1.370 1.620 2390 1.950 H,JO 0670 O.~8f) 0.500 0,76.1 0.683 1.058 11f4xlxlFl 1.340 1.260 1.&3(' 2390 19:;O 1.340 0,670 O.!:BO 0410 0,65.1 o ~(:J 1.030 I 114 < ":4 < 1 114 1.750 1620 1.750 2,390 I.C'J() 2.3?O 0.1;70 ().~OO 0.670 1003 1.058 1.063 I 114 )(3:" x 1 1.580 1.450 570 ~,aJO 1.6)<1 1 ~50 (1.670 0500 0,580 0893 0.B89 0.983 1114<3/'<314 1,450 1.310 1.620 ~,~90 1.630 1630 oMO 0.&>-3 O,~OO 0.763 I 0.748 1.056 11l4): 3/4 x 1/2 1.<50 1310 1.620 2.3(10 lG:lO 1630 0,610 0.500 0.430 O.7r;:;I 0.748 1,120 11/4 x 1/2 X_I lt4 1.750 1.530 1.7tio 2390 1.3.10 ~.300 0,670 0,430 0670 1.00.1 1. 13u 1.",,3 I 114 x 1/2 X 1 1.750 1530 U60 23!JO 1,340 2,~1M 0.670 0430 0590 1.003 1,030 1.06.1 1 1/4 X 1/2 x 3/0 ~ 0.893 0.950 1.075 1.560 1.45U 1.450 D90 I 3~0 1.1;!O 0670 04)0 0360 114 x 112 < 112 1.34,? 1.1,0 1.530 2.)')0 134U :j~o 0,670 t-- 0.430 0430 0.653 0620 1.030 1 1/4 x 112 X 3/4 1.450 1.310 1.620 2.390 -j-61c- 1~30 <i67t! 0'30 MOO 0.76.1 0810 1.058 11/4)( 1/4 x \ 114 H 1.751) "30 1.760 .. D~O 0.930._ ~~ 01;.70 0.320 0610 1063 1.155 1.063 1 1f4 x 1/8)( 1 1/4 H 1,750 1.530 ~.i50 2.390 o ~Y30 2,.390 0.070 o. 20 0.670 1.0~3 1280 1.063 1)( 1 x 11/4 .75D 1.C20 1 00 2.l9Q 1.t>30 23'.10 o ~80 O.S;)O 0.670 1.06~ 0.983 I.Q63 1): 3/ xl1'4 1,750 1.1320 1.750 2:39'J 1.~1~ 2 :J''!o Q.5sr} 0.500 0.670 1,1,)63 1.056 I.C63 .UU/C:I(II/4 1.750 ~i..5JO 1.150 2 :]!JO -.":2,:.I',JO O.~80 u430 .. 0.670 1.083 .0.0 1.063 1.;)<10 1 112 ~1 1:2 'II( 1 1/~ 1,8:;;'0 lS2~_ 161lO 26fH) ;;,1;1'':0 ~''':2.'19(J O.711D 0.700 0.670 .. 1. fJ3 1.133 1193 1 1/2 x, \:2 x 1 1,(>.) 1,6W l:ioo ;! 660 :'-:.6Bfl 1,f:l.~O O,7uo \J,7QO 0.5(10 0.963 0.963 1.113 I x t ,c:J/.4 C5?D 1.520 1.750 2.C80 _.2 Geo 1630 070') 0.700 ('I.500 Ct,~3 0.8H 1.'aS '1I2/1:11l2;tf1RI 1.410 1.410 I~O ~:6W J,CWl 1.:140 0,700 0.700 0.'130 0.723 0.723 1.161) 1 1/2 l( 1/2 J( ~/a .. 1.410 1.410 D~(jQ ~.68() 1,340 0700 O.]:()O O,~60 O.,:2~ 0.723 , 2BS 2.I:'BO _.!'~ x I 1/4 x ll7Zj 1.9~0 Ul(~ 1.94~ 2,660 2.390 ~ (130 0,700 O.S7e 0_670 1.253 1.193 1,25J 11/2 x, 1/4)( 11M I 1.810 1,750 ..! 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Heel Ell Al A2 A~ 811"lIn) D'~l1lrl) D31mlnl Dill""') li';(>lIl'.'l D:J{lllil11 3,3.1 2mO 20000 26GO H2O 4.620 1.950 0960 0,900 Q:5g0 UNO 1.000 1.973 3,21/2x3 3,080 2.990 3,060 4,~10 3,0/30 4.62(1 6'900 0.U20 0,930 2,080 2,053 2.080 3.2../2.2J/2 2.eJO 20700 2,990 '.0,0 3S6\1 3.B6{J 0.960 0,920 IJ,92Q 1.9.30 1./6.'3 2,053 OIl( 21/2)(2 2.830 000 2,990 4,6~O 3e~;u 3.€W 0.980 0.9,0 0.750 1.630 1,,$3 2.240 312 12x 11/4 2,170 2.170 2.74Cl ..620 ~;620 2.'3QO o,Qeo 0020 0~70 1.170 1.233 2,05J 3K2~ 3.060 2.890 3,060 4.6'20 3280 4.620 C9HO ~o. 750 0.9BO 2.080 2.140 2.000 - . 3x~)(~J"2 3,060 <,8W 3.oeo ~.6<O 3,2ec' .U;ZI) G.9ao 0.75Q 0.020 '0.0 ~.t40 2.143 3X2xC! 2.620 2,250 ~,690 4620 3'c~O -32:30 0,1:"30 O,7~ 0.750 1620 1.500 2.140 , .,1/2 2,620 2.2!>IL 2.690 4620 3.2eiJ 32AQ 0,900 0.750 0.700 1520 1.500 2.203 3 x 11/2)(3 3.0BO 2.B90 3,080 4.620 3.28') 4.62Q o ~80 0.700 0,9BO 2WO 2.203 2.0eo 3'U!2.2 2520 2250 2,890 4,620 5200 3.2M Q,9BO 0.700 0.750 1520 IffiJ 2.140 3, 11/2.1 1/2 2oJO 2.260 2.89U 4.Q~O 3.28U ~.-280 0.980 0.700 0700 1520 1.563 2.~QJ 3, 1 / .3 H a.OlIo 2140 ~j,OBo 4620 - .- 2390 A.t,~O onSQ 0,670 0060 2.090 2.063 2,060 3 x 1 114 JC 2 fI 2.5 <.700 2,690 4.<;20 2.390 3.280 0.960 0,670 0.760 1.520 2.013 '.140 3 x 1 JC;j H 3.090 2740 3060 4 20 1.950 4.620 0980 0,580 o,Oeo 2.080 2.053 2080 3' . , H 2,520 2.630 2.900 4,620 1.9W 3280 0980 0580 \l7~0 1.'<0 1..43 2.140 3,3/h;. If 3.090 2.610 3080 H2O ~.K10 4620 OY80 0500 0,990 2.090 204B 2.080 I 1/2 i< 11/2.3 2.830 2.830 2275 2WO 26N) 4,620 0,700 0.700 O,OBO 2.14:J 2.143 1.275 , . 3,080 2.8. 3.061) 4,620 3.2BO 4,G20 0750 0./50 ogeo 2.3JO 2.140 2090 21/2xZl/2x3 8.00 2.990 3,060 4,62>) -"2.~0 4,(;20 0920 0.020 ogeo 2.14J 2.053 2,080 ;z 112 x 2 x J a.oeo ~690 J.(.~O 4.620 3.200 4 {,20 V921J 0750 O.Mo 2.143 2.140 2.0 0 3 1/2 x 3 1 fl' )( 4 3,100 3.7\10 a.190 57QC,l ~.790 t),790 10 0 1030 1090 2.12 ,720 2.665 3112~i2x3 3.420 3,4~O 3.420 ~.2C() S 2fXl !i200 10~O l.QJO 0,P60 ..358 2.356 2.420 31/2<31/2X21/2 2930 2.9,0 3240 5.lDO 5200 ~.f(1) 10~~0 1000- 0.020 l.e66 l.ee8 2.303 31if..31!~ 2. 20 2~20 3.141) ~,.2~() 5,200 3.L80 1.030 1.030 0.750 1.558 165e 2.390 3 1/2 . 3 1/h 1 1/2 2,390 ~390 3.051) 5,2')0 5,200 2MO i,OJIJ uno 0.700 1.70:) 1.329 2,36.3 3 1/<< 3 1/2 . 1 1 2.270 2,270 2.990 5.~"~J() 5.,00 ,,9;] 1,0-'0 1.030 0,670 l.Z08 1.206 2.303 3.J12 ~1/2 . 1 2.100 .00 2.910 5200 5 cOO 1,%Q 1010 1030 t) MO I.Q3S 1,03e 2223 31/2,3'31/2 3.420 3420 3420 5,2pO 5,2()) 5.2U0 ----rnJO 09BO 1.Q30 2,358 1.420 2,358 3~1(3x3 J.420 3 '20 3420 5,~OO 5200 5.,'00 1030 (l!)!;,O ogeo 2,358 2.420 2,420 31/2 .3x 21/. 'c"O a:l'J a 2.0 5,200 4.(21) 3,061) 1.030 O,P80 O,P20 1.868 183u <,303 3112>3.2 2.020 2,620 3.1.0 5,200 4.6~) 3280 1.030 0.980 0750 U58 1.020 2.330 a 1/2 x 3 x 1 112 2,390 ~~ 3.050 5200 4,820 2.680 1.030 0.060 0,750 1.32e 1,2:90 2,3<;'_ , 1/2 ,3 xIII. 2.390 2.290 3.0f,() S.N:) 4620 2.31)0- 1.030 ~980 O,~70 1328 1290 2,31)3 3 1/2 x 1 114 .3 1/2 Ii 3,420 2,990 3420 5.<00 2390 53~g... 1.0iD 0,670 1.030 235,9 2.303 2,733 31LO I '3 1/2 3.4~O 2910 3.420 5200 1.9r.o 5200 1,1)30 0.580 1.030 235B 2223 2,356 3x3x31/. 3.420 3.420 3420 S.200 ~.200 b,20ll 0.980 O~80 1030 2.420 2,420 2.358 4,4,31/2 3,790 3.790 3790 5.790 5.790 5.790- '- 1.060 loeo 1.030 2,655 2.665 U2B 4.4x3 3.300 3.300 3600 5,7~0 5.700- 5.'~oo ~ ,OE:O 1.080 \.030 2,\ 6 2.175 2.600 4:<.. x21f2 3.050 3050 3,510 5.790 5.7';-10 - 36~O 1.0CO 10eo 0.920 1.925 1,925 VbU L..4x4x2 2.740 2.740 3.410 5.790 5.790 32eiJ ~~~ 1080 0.750 1.815 l,el5 uoo .. x 4 l( 11/2 2.745 2.7.10 3410 -~ ~~/~IU 5.790 l,OAO 1'O!i0 0700 1815 1.815 2.723 Ox x4 3.790 3.700 3.7~O 5.790 5/~ 5,790 1.t'OO 1,030 1.0BO 2.~65 2.I2B 2,~65 4.3x4 3 llJO 3.600 ~.790 6.790 ~ 790 S.?9.g_ 1.0BO O,g~O 1,000 ~5 Z.6Or.l 2.665 '" x 2 121<" - 3.7~Q J,~10 .790 S,-?'iJ() '>.790 S 7CO '-.:eGO i-;)ll~Q 1.000 2.665 2573 2.665 ~x2.4 3.790 3:.,0 3.790 5,790 ._.5L'1V 3.800 1.VBD 0.750 10~0 U60 2,600 ".665 . 4' 11/2. 4 3:790 3,410 3.790 5.790 5,2CQ 3,260 I,O~') 0700 1000 2.695 2.723 2.665 4, , 1/4,4 I 3190 3.260 3,790 S.7b-O 5:;;00 2.6eL' 1,(81) 0670 1.0eO <.6~5 2.573 2665 L 4 k 1. 4 'H 3.790 3.180 3.7\10 5" !:lO 4.6:?O 51!}O lJJ80 O,'5BO l.oao 2,~65 2,493 2.66.; 4i':31/lx31/2 3.790 3.7\'0 J 79() 5,790 b.200 ~1790 W30 1((10 10~ 2&65 -. 2)26 2728 . -_.... . ~- ..- ......- ....... tt '* t: CAST IRON REDUCING TEES ~,"'f\!'!'_'!\\lfi~<W~~j!"'~: .,J(%~ -i!ii.;B. .:......"...[:~.~~:~ E , ' J ''It ~ ,1 l .' ~' .... \ ~ . ~ ~ "...--:--=:- l?-=~~="', ~..:~.=.~}.' ,~. 63 B1 25 Conlllr Center Cenler O\lt~ioj~ O'Jtdd" --..,- lhr"ad lh(~J Th(l.}ad Ta~,9 19J.:9 [.ko <)ul~ld€ NPS To End 10 End ToE:rd Dia, Dla, Ui1t. L~(19th L~llglh longlh OUI Oul Oul H oono1es H981 ell l'IO;illld (,I Band 01 ~arfd AI A2 A3 AI A2 A3 611ml;,1 8"'mi~'\ U3{mi'1. DHmi"l D21minl U"I"'.'J 4)1:3 1/2)(3 3,300 3.30D ., 600 ~.791) 5200 5.2'JO 1.000 1,030 o 9ar) 2,175 2.2,,0 2,600 4.31/2x21/2 3.050 3050 3.5\0 5.790 4,~~ 4.1320 1.000 1.030 0.920 1.925 1.90B 2.573 4 x 3 1/2 X 2 2.740 2 ~20 3.410 5,79<) 5200 3.'2.30 1.080 1.030 0,750 1.~15 1.558 2.660 h3112x 11/2 2,510 2.390 3,320 5.190 5,200 (,fBO 10!3() 1,030 0:700 1.385 1.328 ~.6f)1 4:11 3)'.311'2 3.790 3.690 3.790 5700 3e.GO ~ ]gl) 1,0130 O.{)8i.l 1.030 a6S 2.GaO 2.7l~ 4x:,l>l.) ~.540 3.420 3.'3!JO 5,790 4 H2O 4,('20- 10tlO 0,980 0,1J90 - 2415 2420 2.690 4X3,21/2 3.,,00 3,OijO 3,00 2!90 3.860 '-rec;U~ 1,u80 O,9il0 0.920 2,175 ~.08(j ,61,3 4)(3)(2 V40 ~,62() 3 ili- 579:0 3.8~,O :1"'iTr;O . ~-~ 0.9130 0.,50 1615 1.620 1.660 4 x~ 1. 1 l/l 2,~10 2.390 1.'J~O _c,,79<) 32))0 . ~~~ ~r 0,900 0.700 1 ~B5 1.390 2,6~3 4>:21/2x3 , 3.300 ;:\.090 :JGOO [> 7~-i ~~co_ ~J_~~ 1.0CO 0923 O.9AO 217, 2,143 -~ 4,21/2x21/2 3.USO 2.700 3.510 5.790 :) ~6') J~'J.O -TI~ -0920 0.920 ~ 1.763 2.573 .1x 21/2 x 2 .3050 2.700 3,510 5.7:"10 .'3.~8() -32:'0 I.or,o 09;>0 0,750 1.925 1,](,3 2.760 4x2)(21/2 3,~~ ~~2~ ~'O b,79l) ,',~~ 5.79C' 10eO 0920 C,5() 1925 1,~50 2.673 4x2)(2 2,740 2,250 3,410 5.7\)() J,200 3.21,(;- 1,01':0 0750 0.7&0 1.616 1.!iOO 2.660 4 x2 x 11/2 2740 2.25() 3.410 ,'),791) ft:eo 3,2p,(l 1,0130 Olf,f)- 0,70(1 1.615 1.500 2,723 ~,2'2 2.140 2.250 3,410 5.790 ,.:390 f> 790 I.oeo -0.700 0/50 I.G15 1.663 2660 4x11f2xlli2 2740 2,250 3410 5.790 1.950 -s.-iGr] I,ono 1l,7DO 0.700 1.615 1,563 2.723 . -;.;_..\~_~.\'lnl.,:}t.~~~;:'::~J;.Jl.~.~','N ~~'." '. ' .....",. ,",,- CAST IRON REDUCING COUPLINGS ~..-tr"........ . '..~~: .~: :."..t:r'~~'.:(.V ~t,Jl.":/ :'.-~~,:"';',"" . Out6ide Ouh;i':19 rake Takz Lo,'glh Dia. Dla. QuI Out 01 NPS QfBend of Band Fit:ir1g AI (mln) A2(min) 11 "Hex Head 1 x 3,14"u 1.990 1.625 1 303 I.~~ 1.700 iTi7~... 1.990 1313 1.303 0,813 1:700 11/4x l' 2,390 1.950 1.703 1.263 213,) 1 1/4x3/4' 2,390 1.950 1.703 1.3B3 -. L.1:l!)- 11/2 x 1114" 2,6BO 2,390 1.99.3 1.703 2~25(J- , 112 x" 2.680 2,390 1.933 1.7'),1 ~~o_ 2xl1l2" 3,280 2,080 25:0 19:13 l.._~ 2 xl 1/4" 3280 2.390 2.530 ~. 703 2_~':::iO 2x I" 3.280 1.950 2.530 12c~ :?no 2)( 314M 3.2BO 1.630 25J() 1,000 _~~:gL 2)( 1/21. 3,2BO 1.630 2.530 1130 2.320 2112 x2" 3.060 3.280 2,92~l 2,593 2 6 ~Q.., 2 112 x 1 112" 3.B60 3.2€.0 2,923 2.593 20.Cl..- 3x2" 4.820 3.2BO 3620 2.530- 2,BBO~ 3 x 1112" 4.620 3260 3.620 2,593 2880 """0;<"1" FIGURE 29 !-A2-, ,----'-rr I ., I o I L_. -$ L--A 1- (i~2il .~~ -'-------- 37 . , , \ t .. ~ , 't , Grinnell pipe rings adjustable swivel ring fig. 70 tapped per NFPA standards fig. 69 SIZE RANGE: Fig. 69 V2" - 8" Fig. 70 2V," - 8" MATERIAL: Carbon steel. FINISH: Plated. SERVICE: Recommended for suspension of non- insulaled, stationary pipe line. MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE: 650oF. APPROVALS: Fig. 69 Underwriters' Laboratories listed and Factory Mutual approved s;." thru 8". Complies with Federal Specificalion WW-H-171 E (Type 1 0) and Manu- faclurers Slandardizalion Society SP-69 (Type 10). FEATURES: . Threads are counlersunk so thallhey cannol be- come burred or damaged. . Knurled swivel nul provides vertical adjustment after piping is in place. . Caplured swivel nul in Ihe V2 Ihrough 2 inch sizes will not fall oul. ORDERING: Specify size, figure number, name. 'I I I I i i loads . welghls . dimensions (Inches) max weight I thread size recom (approx) UNC pipe 10ad,Ib Ibs each A B C F size Fig, 69 Fig. 70 Fig, 69 Fig. 70 Fig, 69 Fig. 70 Fig, 69 Fig. 70 Fig, 69 Fig. 70 Fig. 69 Fig. 70 'h 300 .09 % 2'1. 1% y, % 300 .09 % 25/16 FI16 'I, 1 300 .10 % 27116 19/16 y, 1'1. 300 .10 % 2% H~ 'I, 1% 300 .10 % 23/. He y, 2 300 .11 'I. 3% 2% lV, 2112 525 1000 .25 .33 % y, 4 315/16 2% 2'3116 1&116 1% 3 525 1000 .27 .36 % y, 4% 45116 3Ye 33116 1% 11116 4 650 1100 .48 .56 % % 411/16 5 313/16 37/8 19116 1% 5 1000 1100 .53 .62 'h % 55/16 59/16 4~, 4V2 18116 13,4 6 1000 1250 1.0 1.2 'h 'I. 67/16 6'l'e SV2 5V2 23/'6 23116 8 1000 1250 1.0 1.4 y, % 8 8% 7 7 211116 211116 ph-10 .':-:.:.2-!!'.....-=-.: --- universal C-type clamp fig. 92 (standard throat) Q/ . 1'"":, '-~..,.."'"' r' -I ~ 'I ~~'~o6"~~~~ '~-4 r-'f, . :0.-~- ar OPo5lv_ I 1___ !~E I -BODY I C.SHNG I I. / J.M-NUT' ~:. ~ ~"~AI$'1E~ODI ~.F ...., SH-5CRflOl SIZE RANGE: % & V, inch rod. MATERIAL: Ductile iron clamp, hardened steel cup poinl sel screw and locknut. APPROVALS: Underwrilers Laboratories/Underwriters Laboratories of Canada listed and Factory 'Autual approved for NFPA 13 maximum rated pipe sizes. Complies with Federal Specification WW-H-171 E and Manufacturers Standardization Society SP-69 (Type 19 & 23). SERVICE: Recommended for use under roof installations with bar joisl type construction, or for attachment to the top or bottom flange of structural shapes where the vertical hanger rod is required to be offset from the edge of the flange and where the thickness of joist or flange does not exceed 3f4 inch. HOW TO SIZE: Size of clamp is determined by size of rod 10 be used. INSTALLATION: Follow maximum recommended set screw torque values per MSS-SP-69. FEATURES: . They may be attached to horizontal flanges of structural members in either the top beam or bottom beam posilions. . Secured in place by a cup-poinled Set Screw tightened againsllhe flange. A Jam Nut is provided for tighten- ing Ihe Set Screw against the Body Casting. . Thru tapping of the body casting permits extended adjustmenl of the threaded rod. ORDERING: Specify rod size, figure number, name of clamp. FINISH: Black and plaled. loads . weigh Is rod size A % y, maximum recommended load lb... bottom 250 760 weight (approx.) Ibs. each .34 .63 ma. pipe size 4 8 to 500 950 . Maximum temperature of 450DF dimensions (Inches) rod alze A B C D E F G H % '. 15116 19/16 9116 13116 % y, y, % 1% 113/16 y, 11116 7116 23/32 Grinnell universal C-type clamp f;~:M.~ b~S ,<,Ii", I I'""~, '-~..""''"' r'--I . - --------l-? fU" Tt,~,~O I G " or "0C> ~lJ5' -t ---f,-- , :~.:: p, ",po,[U ___ ~J 1m.." ", J' c.,,,~c; .:- ~ ~g"'AISllEROOI SIZE RANGE: 3/8 & 112 inch rod. ,~::~::~Tl'," ,.J;- MATERIAL: %" ductile iron W' malleable iron clamp, hardened steel cup poinl set screw and locknut APPROVALS: Underwriters Laboratories/Underwriters Laboratories of Canada iisled and Faclory Mutual approved for NFPA 13 maximum raled pipe sizes. Complies with Federal Specification WW-H-171 E and Manufacturers Standardization Society SP-69 (Type 19 & 23). SERVICE: Recommended for use under roof installations with bar joisl type construction, or for attachment to the top or bottom flange of struclural shapes where the vertical hanger rod is required to be offsel from the edge of the flange and where the thickness of joist or flange does not exceed 1 'i4 inches. HOW TO SIZE: Size of clamp is determined by size of rod to be used. INSTALLATION: Follow recommended set screw torque vaiues per MSS-SP-69. FEATURES: . They may be attached to horizontal flanges of structural members in eilher the top beam or bottom beam positions. . Secured in place by a cup-pointed Set Screw tighlened against the flange. A Jam Nut is provided for tighten- ing the Set Screw against the Body Casting. . Thru tapping of the body casting permits extended adjustment of the threaded rod. . Wider throat for attaching to flange wilh up 10 1 'I," thickness. ORDERING: Specify rod size, figure number, name of clamp. FINISH: Black and plated. loads . welghls maximum <ad mo. recommended weight size pipe .!42adllbs.. (epprox.) A size to bottom Ibs. each % 4 500 250 .41 y, 8 950 760 .75 . Maximum temperature of 4500F dimensions (Inches) <ad size A B C D E F G H % 11f. 15116 2"'/32 9/16 13116 % % y, 1114 1% 2"/32 y, 11/16 7116 13116 ph-38 DOC-05-'95 15:24 ID::;r.'I".~::qB TE~_ ~fJ: 303-2:37-0283 1::t525 P02 Fl :~, - OW High S rength Steel Pipe The original high- trengUllightwall sprinkler ]>]1'(' with hydrlluli~s superiot'lo Sch-lO. A.IIIl'rkan TU)H: &. f ipt: CVIIlPUllY'!- Dym\-f'l""," i~ tht. I .ri~.....n;ll" J'lb'h- 81rength l4:htwalJ. inkler pi"". In addilion 10 havi. out8l1Uld~ h)'oraulicl, OynB- w pipe if, et.:,- nomicKl atld ca~y h cut, fabricate Mild in8tall. Av.n.b through dio- trilJU1(JNl "Mtiouwid . Dyne-Flow is reco;nized .. tho 001 popular alternate to conve 'ORal Seh-IO pi~. A'l\erican~mll e qualit,. and Jli!!h ,..rformenoe e.oring , nll,k. Oyna-F1vw" 'alu..bl. ..ddi- lion to allY fire pr ection "ygtf!m. 5Il1PIR.OR NYDRAULlC s; With an i'n~idt': dinm large'! than Sch-40 B tha" Soh.IO, Dvna.F! 'lite txceptionnL Lar Dyne..Flov.', and the .. t(l be down-lized wit thUB incre~lns the i8.vings, The chan 8 1.0.8 ol :Oyn.-Fl"... ocbedules. For "''''pi cha.rts, ftfer to hDyn Don Tahlei." ernfupto11% up to 7{t/o larger pipe', hydrauliC!! r 1.0.8 enoble ated c.omponentf, in the I;YiS[em, ential for joh eost ve compatt:8 the h flthf'T' IUPI': e Hazen- Williau16 ,Flo,," Hydraulic un EKptCTANCr DyWt-Flow pipe com inee the efficiency of ad,,'onced hydrauJ .,performance 1I..;th the vtllue (Jf lOh -term dur8bilit~.. Life exp.ct.ncy, defi I>f Und''''l"Iitors Laboratorleli 8& a Co O'.10n Ree;ihLallC:e. Ratio (eRR). ii relali e to the .tren~lh 01 the weakt"st point the pipe. typicaU;" at tbe jOint All duo ed Sch-40 pip. ioiot$ ha\o"l!' n eRR or 1.00. All folt:eS of Dyna-flov.. have CR values of 1 00 or gr~ater, therefore of ring greater life expectllnq', ~5ce cha t above.) tt.OQIJ JO/9. SPECIFICATIONS TIIISJlJli DIAM D\'NA SCH, NPS U.D. FLOW 10 P--Tl-;15 r~i~j07TN!A Jl ;~;;;::T;~,-;;~-t-1S42!~~4421 ~~'=t~{lO~-' 1.752 _L!~~:J r- .~~_~_:~~~~. ~!~~_ ih~':':~~ h 1i~;'7' 2.7", 1263; f-l- f .-1 ~t::: H::~~~.E~-:- ,~,_____.L__.L___ .. (.1I!n,I"lul H~h'l,' ~u".h:r.lllL eRR (,rmul.., UL nr~ Pn'l..t\lvl'. t(ruil'~'~"II.);nC'...~Y. Clll\'K.;tr.Y V1Z\'. HER ~- UL ,.R,R.. DYNA-FLO'W ,CII. D\'NA. SeH. PCS/ ,10 P'LO\1' 40 WTlIT LIf1' ~ I.()~~ I 2.41 1.00 .791 91 -~- , 1.3ijO I 1.55 1.UU 1.008 .1 1.6]0 ~.U ~ 61 i , 2.u67 : 1.9; LOU l.769 3, ~----i 1 2.J.(l9 i 1.04. 1.00 I 2.357 19 ----........;...---.-.-- ._~ I 3.066 I 1.29 1.00 , 3.268 19 , \ ,LO~6 i 1.00 1,00 : 4.327 .19 SHein....,"," "NIl """*'lOW"" IJynli-FJo,,"' pipe Ill' 1lI1.'111ufocru.l'~d t() me('t: ASTM A ':"95 Typt" E. G,ade A and ij in (;f)lllpliallce ,q'h :r\FPA.-13 8f,d NFPA-H A.llsiz:es of DYllil-Flv"," an': I"r:lt~.d at 300 plloi working pressure. D~'na-Flow IS, LIL Ullted\ FM Appr(,vt:'d o."d ULC Lift~d, ~) ~~l ~..~....... (U;'~) ". ....,.....;.. L,... ......... '-'fI" D:ma-Flow is UL/ULC Li:.lf1d f\lf u~e with f()1i groo,"~d, plftir,-ended cou. phng-;;;, $11<lweJded i'JlnUl fOT u'~t, dfT pl'e-aJ:tion and dei\Jge ~r~t~m~. It i~ FM Appwved fl.Jf IOU ~n)ll\'ed, plain-ended, and It.'~lded j.;)intii lOf w~t :oy~MfJlr., Refer W &ppropfin\(', (!(/(:umem8tim- for up-t(,-da1e h';tin~ and lIppl'"O"~J .nlor- matlon, Drn~-Ph),,' t:afl l>e Hhot.dip" gaJvJ:i.niled 't. metl FM1io requiremenu. for ul') 9\'s~el'lle ;:5~~5 I'; ,'1!~'1 ,t. "r PhU~"I'~. J.]. s~,~<:(. 10' E. Bru~ldWt'y I"'-Qkom,; H~ ~6?01 c ~'ODmONA1 .EMf-,ltS . Lighr..'eight end tuy (0 install, ('t'i!ultif1~ tll ,nore efficient \16e of yv",r freight and la~r df,Jlan. . Prm;des 8labiJity ueeded to comply Ill-itll &taodar-d hanger spacing {15 ft OC.) per NFPA. . Av.il.],I< in "",,dard len~h. for yuur t:VlnlOllitlIlCC, 01 ;;Nl be: ardered in cu~lolll ItngtM upon approval. . f ~t cutting and ,.elding. u well M euy roll groovine; Atld end preparation. . A\,ftilable in fachJry r()lI grooved form for qUlcker thop turnaround. . U.V. t.ured mill coated prQ\--idu l~mger "shelf life" and acte~. an t'xcellent prime! lot cu.lomer paint 6J'pli/.:fttiofiD. l..rr.,,"i1oowi..,....I'...,1'..,j""".~ ,,(,'vo.-rI<..,,'I'lII..& t\t.. ti>""..")'.j,,., AIlInf."...,.,J'A' ...~..j...dlot.....n... ..."".t<o".~.."............. of p..i.- h"",i,"" """".;....1......' ,..,.. '-'",...I~'. ,..t."",."". I"\ollUC'I '1_.ir.'\a~....-;r......,..."",...""...IIt~'\l.t1><.....nn.ol\lipot,_. Customer Servi:e 1.8OCI-877.8823 1.602.272.6606 FAX 602.269-13~4 ~~ ~ AMEltCANlU8H. PIPE' COM'oUft,IfCCOt,otmp 03/07/1995 14:33 303343%01 3E~INI FP!~IRE5YSDSG PAGE 01 ""Lr~ Black Lightwall Threadahle Pipe The origina1 "bla('j(" Jightwall threadable pipe with exceptional hydraulics and economy Amene... Tube & Pip" Company look a popular idea and made it belter. Unlike otber lighlwall lbreadable pi.,.,., BLT io black, moking il a petfuot match with moot o'b" .prinkler pipe.. And Ihe hlllck .oalinjJ it ....er to weld on than zinc coaled pipes, BLT'. proven hydraulic advanl...., and lighter we~t add. value to eny .yelem. PRODUCT ""~~NI""'ION BLT pipe i8 ft black.. ~xf;~pti(lnally .trong ....l.prinkler pip<> of the do.. ~.""r.uy known a. "!4lhtw.Jl threadable pipe" 1.. wall tbickne.. i.lea, thaa th..l of Sch-W or Sch"l(l but the cold fonuwg procel!ll!l l.lndergonr: in manufar.turing give", BLT pipe mechanical L!ltrength charaderietic~ equivalent to thQee required for Sch-4l). It ie deeigned for hrancliline UM' in wet, dry, pn;action and del~ l'Iyatmlll_ BLT uo ~ join~d with th~.d~d couphnSl!i (when in accordam;:e witb ANSI Bl,20.1), ""Ded grnoYe or plaiJHndod coup~, or wdcledjoin... UL hat ..Bi8nod Bl_l' pip<> COJToeion R~~il!lt.nc:e Ratio", (eRR) lel!t~ than th_ of th...ad.d Sch-4Q or Dyno- nll'ead- (Jw.:e chart). The actu.I lifeep8.u of tbe joint II dependen, UPQn many vanahlM. bu~ may be aff'"-c:too by wllter quwty or atmoepheric ~onditiun~ whd(" in 8P.rv1('t'. APPROVALS AND SPlC'I"<:ATIONS HJ ,T pipe i. m.nuf.cturM to nl~t ASTM A13S, Grade A for fir'"- I!Iprinkler appbea- tiona up to 300 psi wtlrkinl pre8liure. It is UL lilted for wet. dry, pre.ction and del. 1!I)'l!1te'nW, and FM approved for ~t Ijprinkl~r "Yl'lt~,me. BL Tilt ULe lil!lted for ll'I'SIDE l>IAMF:rER UL THREADED CRR' BLT SCH. SCH, DYNA- PCSI NPS BLT 40 BLT 40 1HREAD WTIFT LIFT J" 1.104 1.049 .35 1.00 1.00 1.19 9\ IIii' 1.452 1.380 .17 1.00 1.00 1.53 61 11/2' J.6ll7 1.610 .18 100 1.00 J.87 61 2" 2.]54 2.067 21 1.00 1.00 2.48 37 .. C.leulat".d IIAin@: St,H:l(!ud liL eRR fc)l't,(Ult.. UL Firt' Pl'ol"diun Di[~{'tory. (:.t~'gvry VllY, ~ 5Y8t~nlB whfin th..-~arkd, ~nd dt'l .nd preactkm '!>)'l:lhmu when unthr4"adE'.d. AD threaded alnd w.,.lded fittingtr. an .pproved in a'-'~o1"d.nce with :fl'PA 13. FM requirea 12' muimum hanger ~l*~ing for 8LT, C~Facton roc BIT are 120 lor 'Wet 5Yllt~nl!!i. and C-100 foJ:' dry 'YitemM. R~fer to Hal~n.WUliami dlo.rt~ lor accurate flow ~omparU!onl!l. @.~ LI01ed App"","" u_ ~UPtHIOR .,YDf{AULI(S BLT pipe offers the maXImum hyd.r'aulk advantage (If any available thrudabll!' 8prinkJer pipe. he iol!oide diatn~i~r is up tl) 5% larp::r tbll.n 5ch-40 and idfl':ntkal tu that of other Ji;shtVt'all thrradnhl...", The- u~e ofBLT, in ~onJ\lm:ti(\n with Dyna- flow. piPf!, can dram.aticaUy imvrm,'f': tl:i~ flow ChIlUctf!'.rietk8. ther~by in(,l'l!'uing the pOTential fur "dow:nebin{' l';Yi'ltfm (:ornp(menI8. a,0006l'" O'THIR OINtfn:s Bll' pipe;' cooted with our Diomond Coat"'" tin.il,h, an advanced mod~, aCI1'!ic that outla~l~ t}-picall.<:qu.n, Although thE: blar-k exteri4..'f enh.ances It more unifonn look ~th exiat:int( pi~ tlyetem8, thl': ('Jean .uri"", quality of Bll';., ~dUy poinloble. The ~t..r Wf::~t ofBLT ill. di"tioct advantage for ret..o-fit in",taU.bolUl .on CM aho reduce labor COltl. liLT ..........,....... \.~~"" ............... T,,~ .1'\.... <;__.1,,<_ A.lIWontllo_ h.......;._...,~ .~hllWlll' ticnc> "r 1'",U'""eM UIfI_...b}llt'l...."~~...uhWl M....... 101 E. Broadway Kcf.iomCl. IN 46001 2525 N. 27th AWJ. Phoenix, p.z 85009 CU..stOrllef ServicQ 1 ~800.e 77-8823 1-602.272-6606 f A)c'. 602.2fj'iHJ24 ~ ~. . iM1UIIl ...- ~ INCCI'PQiAilP OCT-23-95 SUU 132: 12 PI'l II~TLPr'II)UHT~111 ?,~-,:.~'(:::88'552 Dyna- Thread ~lill Line Sch. 40 l{eplaeenu~nt D)'lIu:nJl'l:ua 01fe1'8 the lili.> (~~l'eclallcy of SelL ,\() wilh ~lIl'erilJ)' h;d.l'auJico lUld grcaltT value. D~'I,lt\~Thr('lll.1 ~l1l'illl(lf;"r J,ipe fnml AJII(Ti'.'lHJ 'lhhc & Vip': 1.....lln.~M.'n'!o R.II ('.I1~iHCcl'illg 1\(lvnHCL'lUtJll fur Ih(' "'l'...nld~.l' pipe jlll-hUHt)". It (:Hll\hilJ(~15 die e:lfdr IUld lo,l'gc\.it}' vi' trmli~ 'iol\.1 5.1.. 4 I) p\l'e, "111i lhe \Iualily and h}'JL'RUllc A(httmlO\gcs llml AUlCl'icllJ,J 1\.hc & Iljlll=; JJI\ IUlOmt f"t. [~'lJJ!1,\m:rrI.t;1I!'8f.Ilt~ 11 Vrltu.TII~~l.I,I'" iWijcJ(' clhmll.'h~I' ilj 1.11.' W 3,(''1'c.lnrw~r llli\ll Sclt, ,lO gi..,.ulg il f'Ulll::ril.lJ:" hydroulil;,~, Ami wht;l1 ~1~n.1. in cOJlj~mcli(l1l wilh Dpm-F)(lw l'il1(~, (!QWIHI.;I,inS 1Jh~n IJI'\'IHI!I. e JJ)'ua-TllIuJ, h lun, Ji.,l,;d O1ull IIPl)1'O\'~lI hy UL. VLC, And PM for lil:"C .Injllkl~r (tj)v}jt,.'ntlt.II1,." '" 'l'llt~ Iilf! l'!;(IH::cl(ln(".)' Qf ll"I1I1.Tht:,:.ltl and Sell. IJ.O (Ire tqw:t) b"~(:ll on ,h~ c"lculltt~d wall tlli('.k.".E'~,~(,lll'cl' Lit. ("e CillO. [.1 TIIl~ ('c'lIIebb\IH llunHtr of J!tt.d Il1Cd l(1 Ululll; .IJYII.\-Tlll"curll'ndlihltel.l ~lIlu(,lll Lhl(:nding Ru~ll{lwcl'lUail)tf:_m\llcc C(l(;t~, fJ The 1.'XltrlQ{ c,f D)'nll-Tlne"lt (11 IJrlH~Clell h)' AJnel'it;8u'(I "Di.UllI;l,lC.l Go.ul' i.U.\'. clIl'ed .1_T)'Jid tHillill~ for t:,:J[lcll\lcd ~helf lif~ nmt U~)" pAmt lIN1lkatiI,JI1, eJ Wilh h~ iJl(:n~m5"'_d SlfclIglh 111~t.llij..':hI8r \\d~llt, f)\l\:.l.Thl'f.~nd rcdun'lI ill,',I:1I1;.t- tiOJl fll(ir;ul; OllIlJ b kll!,:\l fur I(;{HI-fil "pplif'uhlllu. ~~~~D~!JM!':&~ C,>U'osi-;l!I Ht,.,~j,lDIll;C Jlllti.o lCH.lO i8 II tJL (Ulld~nnil."'n LIlIJol"l!I.lf'J1T) I",em fot' the cewu<<tc:d 11((' I!:xpech'll1cy of a pip/! jl)ull, This is L",etl an lhe caku,I:\led I'Ylllllhid(- net' III tb~ b:l:Sc (If lho ru'd (xl'l)!<.'tl tll/fead. 4,'nlltlC(1 1<, I>~ Ih.: m:::t];,(:st J,oh)l (JC lJ.l~ 1'/~H,llcnl:5..Jl. JJ}"un:f1Il'~l:d and So;l,), ,w , ."I~lio.c:a"'.oN. . . . .!, . ' '" I . IN~IUE LJI.\~H,l_~~_ DYNA. Sell, j NI'S 'I'IlHEAJl ~10_n I' l.og, 1.1H'1 -~, - __!"jJ()_ 1.3,1>ilJ .1. J 12" 1 (,;:'0 L(; p," "1- --- --,,- ~,--- L-, UL Cl\!!'_ I)lNA-T/lHEAD DYN,I. SOl, tW.'!'. pesl '1UHE.\.lJ .11) I'll'~: WTWr W''l' - , I 1.1111 ) 00 .35 1.327 61 -~~ IOU 17 1.85,1 37 --- 8=-- 1')1) 11'0 ~- 2.292 37 1~1('----~;-- .21 3.U~7 19_._ -~_. --- r .2 I FI..i_~_~l~;~,_ " C"J':ub\I,:,ll.h~t'l; ,'ShIH!",.! I.lL (JUt j"',I11111\I',l'L Fi,lO:, rT,lttl~'i,('h tJiu:ctol')'. Cllh::!5or)' VIZY. It,llT \hr. {llIlll('. nJqd:llul waU :hi'~~,I,'IC~~I.'~ OIL thi" l'oinl and '11_". ,h.-.th Mi'.I;;II!"" the ~;,\ll\'" CHn .,{ l,Ot). Tl:.~ IIIca'l. 11m I ()pUI- 'lhn;noJ htu Lll" "~Ilnf' 'In'lI!;!11 ;'1)'\ Lil~ l':q;('(.'tullcy IH thn:a(krl 51..11. ,Wl.il'" Whe'lI n))l~j,ll.'l iu,!; lJJ~ We f;xpn::I,UI()" of An~' ~,iW" Ihl" CIUl vlIJI1r; lJCkr, II l!.(,n,j ku'oll\(:tl:t'uf I.'dutht lllTlabiJil\ ut. tIn.. jl!lul. D~lJ:l.Thp:lId., \\'(Ih jl.~ CH\.(,,,,l.OIl (IiJcv. BXt!;l1 pt:II(.\~ of Hli.lll! >>.0; \l"eU OIS ~lJpf;- "11,11 11)"(I\"41lllil'~ t\H1.1 ~.Itl:tl'thJlJ.:d \';l(l,IC. 1',"":HTJ'i' l<1;I'I~'l'wri ~:i,(,,",:\,'r<,,",,~~;~ t-rnil:'..r;~:dft. hJh.~Crlo~\7'l Y",,\., t~...rW;:lo..l n D~'ntl-1'lJr\~t,-,1 i~ 1101 df'''~~t~:1leJ R,~ II liF-IH\\':\lIllu-""llnhl~ pip,~,' n ~I"l'" W:111. llli\'kn,,~~~ ~t tll,. Ihl'( illl ~ CHlt.. J ,oU.ll?i\'l'~ D~ 01:\-1 hn'nd I,,:~, h:r liln e~W'(:hlll(,)' lh:\l1 lit,/Ilwy}l. Ihrt:1H.1- ..hk piJ.1cj,)illl/f.' r.J Unl,itl! lil;htll"uU t1Il"'I\(bhJ~ tliV~' I '\'11a. Thl~!'I.11l;1~ rlO t.lll'e:!<l j:.:>u~e \\~111;ng, J:I lJ}'II{1.1IuclId il'. :11'1'110\1:,1.1.., 'hllllal'J h~lIgr::r ~l'~dlJg 0;') ll. (J,e..l. C~U h~ U~f:_'.t 1oI~ ~lI..I.'lh,~\.t.RJU;: I:IW;\)' b"h.I,~U_l15' 11Ild ill ~:lre to Ilfl~~,!. tJn'jl_"" U lJ.l'lla.I'hn:rul i", ,,~f<T 1.11 wf-IJ (HI thatl IlIntl." 7.iu':.I"',I.!1U'_I,11lg.hl\\'.'I:.l \lurDd,,'-'Je l,iJlf" JJI"dll';l~, -------,--~_.- ~---,-- '..""-' 01 llYHfI-ThH:_nrl is I\1nr(' \\;lIdJ a('cq)\cJ tl."llli;;;htwO'lI11InudaMc wlll~l'e Sdl. ,.10 i.. ~pcrillcd. n~"~v'm;lf},\"lJmij1.~.~~ I>ytH,-ThreQ~ pipe i.ItHlfiulnNu.,....d to . I1ICE',t: ^ST~1 A 1351 Grade A rmd i;J in (.1)mpli9IH)l! with NFPA.13. A.1lsizes or llyrm.Th lead are ruled ut 300 p.i working prt::sSute. (~0 ~ .lpptovtd @9 1I,lqd ll.\,~ VY":l~Thl"~{ld is L1.. eud ULC H,ned for 'wl, ,-In "'Il'{ pl'IIo-adhm Ilpl'inldt:l' .!I)'Slthl' ~lId F:\I Api"l)v('d fQr \I.~O ill Wl;',t ~)'l!'tclU~. D)'IIlJ-Thl'o:ad ('."11 hI? t'bot-uiV" ~alvoni~cd If) IlInt F1\.( rC'qt1U-I~J"Il(:U\' (',n: dry .)"ettUlIl IJYIlOl:rhrl:'ml i. appJQ\.td (or IlI1l.hrcnd~d ('nl1pli.llg~ l!.J1d In::ld_cd ulJtld~ (llId it> 'mil- ,d,ie (01' 1111 l.uU-gl'oClycd, lIIud I,bin-cnd fillblg~. ($,-,(' 1iatillg infurntlltioll.) tip'. 'r~,^.o.I', . "',;....~,) 1I/1<!......Io ~l AII-er!,,"," 1.'.~.11C .. rl,.fl (;"~'! orl, h,c. ",II 'I ",,,.~ .,;"~.. ~". .1. ", h,,, In 10 "(,-", ~" .. ~J."'" .,,""~ or f''''~ ~'"Ilt" .~;c",.,. T~I,o " rll'~ "."...rA Uoo .t~l., l~ '\~~ff 1"0,1,.." 'I".";r,, ,llinll""""'~ ~'I... ""I ..;.lttlO. "It.,. nn, ol,I1.",~.. IU1 E. ['''O~ :J..,,,,/ 1(,)1.(11'1\.\, If"; ,'1f~:\l' '-'~-'~---.._-.._~----...... 2525/J 2i"h f,v~. PIlCI!':n;._, /\2 8~'U;q ':::'J';I')nll~r0';-fVIC(j \ 3tllLf:l77'/D2'j 1.,~((_~! 126f300 F,\\ F/'2,Jf"I~:J1 (jJ;;:O~- .) .-E 3Jj;,~ ~"'--:.'":- - -~. --.'-'.' AI'tlI:RI';:AN I UKII' 6: flt-'I!'- COIII'ANY, IICORPO,,AjIO OCT-23-9S SUN 0 :33 PM NTERt'10 t-~TAlt'l 30328 l2I5:52 P.01 CERIES 30 Horns Be SERIES 7000 Strobe Horns . Wheelock oUets a complete linG of high per10rlTlance AC and DC horns with optional flashing strobes. Ideal for fire alarm t'p- plications where high o~tput.low currant draw and dep8ndabilil'I are of critical concern All models provide rugged, vandal.rf'!slstant Cl,JIlSlrUt::tlOf) wlrh dIe CEtst housing for the horn mechanism and le){8.r'!l!' lens lor lhe strobe clrcuilry _ A full rangv 01 mounting options is pro'tided lor indoor or outdoor installations. All DC models feature a wide input voltage range for compalibillt)' with ~nregulated power supplies and are pola.riled 10 allow supervision of Installation wiring. Patented strobe horn mOl1els draw no more currfint than a horn alone and addre9S growing requirements for alerting the hearing impairod. llll&I,.lIfl'glst.,-.dlr;ldtMIlMIOIO.ntr.IG:laclfiO::COMPIOV II II """ SERIES 7002 31 7004 34 36 SERIES 7001 SERIES V7001 FEATURES . High sound output . Optional flashing strobes . Law power con~umption . ,1>.11 model. are tully factory asssmbled 10 save installation time . Slrob~ horn models have single input to save Wiring time for 2.wire, tandem operation ot horn and strob9. . dual lnpu' modalG a:so available JI WId" voltage rClnge . Convenient mounting oplions ORDERING INFORMATION AND SPECIFICATIONS ~("~NSt All models Incorporate 8 resonant grille design for increased sound output. MOd' I~PPI R.ttd dBA@ . Numh.' 'IllltJg.'," Cdntfll 10F.., ~1T'H.R 1iS~AC 0.16C \5 I 3H.1 -I': 12lJDC 1l.'2~ ~2 34T.24-A Z4WC 0,0$3 92 361-20 4VDC O.C4~ 90 D1lmlna o lions '.6.C 0.' AJI~roval. lJt.,CfM. P$"..fM.f!rp:C5~.llLG -- Ul.(,fM.a~A,llfr I t. C~M, BM, FM. err, ~SA STROBE HORNS: All models hove 8000 peak candlepower strops, with FIRE Imprinted on a white lens, Horn and strobe operata s;mullsneously from Oile power supply (nole 4). 3'H~WS.2HR mile OOH.1\5.W, I1$VAC . I. l~ C 700 .1, 12WC 7001 ' 4' ~ \Joe 700n.1 ' 12~OC \11001.2, . R 24\10 V100IT,'l.W.IR 12 ~OC MOUNTING OPTIONS t' UtDOOR 5lRIES 1002,1004. ~', 34., 36 4 tlot, 4 0.160 0.063 O. t2~ O,Q61 0.12\ 0063 0.t25 92 " n " " " 92 92 fl" II.G,O D SERllS 7002,7004,31.34,36 .. " Ul.l'fM';;'9 Ul.CfM.fM RfP I E FLUSH (hOlnl) SERI~S m,o, 3~1~~,~6~1\~~~;~ ~",,,, I ' , \.~n'f ~1 ...""" '~~\l 'J, IP . IlQrtS 1. AU llC 11\~'Jlll ill l!Ui\IJ~ l~ ~p~'.ll ~~i1 :! 2~'" 01 no:nl",l "'~~llollaQI t'!in~ ~:Imd DI ~rI,'1;r,~ ilu~ ....m tt~MiMl \'(It,~.. t. TYP;~(ll)A al10 ,~.t It mmrell1'l i'l Jnetl~'c ct,:.'.1l~r "I(;th ~mlnfl '6~,1 ""11.\01 t. {)(; h~rl"i5 J"d ~\rD\le ~Olnl nm In In.Tnn wrllll ~1 8;l;l;"l!~1~6:r ~ IllflCl Ifl...d ~url.n1 ~urlOQ 11111111 Ilfl\-M. 4. fOl c~d~~ or nllrc~ ....11 z. we ~ylt,,-, i. WtcllY ~~J~II :Io4H4.WS2~,rR 1'111'. !lIOIf,m IrJPu\$IQI ~rn l~ 1Ir~t..t. 5. ~~r41Vl'f: \II. = \'I,;:rWllitl'i l.l~~r.Oil~~.l~ r. "' tJno-llWnlm UMtl:lo~~~"r Clfil~l. Cfl\l " fl~le~' ':ll,:;>f;UIII"1 fIt1,lr\I~. rM.. F.~hII')'MlItuJI, ('':J, - \4Il",..n ~\',Illl'~rdiM1oa~nOC. t$.I\. Il,w y",k Cil,/ ~rJIA~ or :j11~~nG$ln~ Aj,pt.t. BfP ~ (;j1y 01 c~'uto A SURfACE (EiposeHnnduill B SURfACE IC.""I'dCnndulIl ......;~~o ............ C\j '-... ;..-' :] !\';i" ~ ~l~::"" ' ~~~ ,0 .~ SERifS 7002, lorJ4.3:,34. 35 SERIfS l00'Z.7004,:11,34.ae f FLUSH ISlrobaH'''1 G FLUSH (S~,b' K,m) SERIES Vl~O' SERIES 71)1')1 . ~'-... c<~'~w 1~~'1 .~~~ . FSSl "Iliill;'ii,j;"'i.'::;;\i"":"" '. ,. . , '1' ~;l~"'?:l.':,'I;~.,j~,!/.,:;,:. '.":' - - '., :.'.'.,'\';.';..'."".,',"11 L I 7'::r's" ' '!' , . · I,'"',,.,. . ',',' ," i~~".,Mn~r~'lsory )"'5' ',)''''':''.''''':i'' h ~,"ii"'''''' ,"I"~"""'," ,""",:" ~~;~3!;' 'w' 7,"l( '1' 'c'/<<"" i+;.;>?i~~ I I OSY2 System Sensor's OSY2 fils to the open position 01 an OS&Y (outside screw and yoke) type gate valve. The OSY2 contains two sets of SPOT (Form C) contacts, It is designed to mount easily to most OS& Y valves ranginy in size from 1" to 12". SINGLE SIDE ENTRANCE FOR CONDUIT Straight conduit entry above the OSY2 bracket and away from the J-hook adjustments makes the installation faster, easier, and helps eliminate unwanted call backs, Requires less expensive fittings. Durable metal enclosure gives the switch protection from adverse environmental conditions. ~ SYNCHRONIZED DURABLE SWITCH ASSEMBLY Two 10 Amp 12S/250 VAC, 2.5 Amp 24 VAC switches provided as standard are locked in a synchronized position and enclosed in a rugged terminal block for added strength and durability. Accommodates up to 12 AWG wire. NEW BRACKET DESIGN Makes installation faster and easier. Suitable for 1" to 12" valves. ADDITIONAL APPLICATIONS The OSY2 supervisory switch, without its gate valve bracket, can be used to monitor side-bracket style pressure reducing valves. Its three-position swilch gives vandal and valve close signals, The adjustable shaft makes installation easier. OPTIONAL TAMPER SWITCH KIT Mechanically activated by cover removal. SEMS CLAMPING PLATE BRACKET Enables wiring to conform with UL 753 Paragraph HA.2. ,,/ =SYSTEM SENSOR-:~~- A DIVISION OF PITTWAY =---~.=- 3825 Ohio Avenue. St, Charle., lIIinoi. 60174 . 708,377-6363 . FAX: 708.377-6495 In Canada: 416.675.1695 . FAX: 416,675.7078 An ISO 9000 Certified Company @ <8> APPROVED @ I.,...,,"'. ,.~, '. . '"1' .:;- ......... V MEA approved GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Agency Listings: UL, FM, ULC, CSFM, MEA 10A@125/2S0VAC 2.5 A@24VDC Die-cast zinc 5.3)4" /2") '-3/8" (14,Gcm /S.lem /3.5cm) Operating lernperature Ranges: 320F _120oF (OOC -490C) Ovcr.jll Swit<..h Dimensions: 5-1/2"H x 3-1/2'W x 3-1/4"0 (14em H x S.gem W x S.2em D) 2.8Ibs. Central station local Auxiliary Remote station Proprietary 3 years Contact Ratirlgs: Enclosure. Cover and Base: Bracket Span/HeightlWidth: Sllipping Weight: Selvke Use: NFPA71 NFPA 72A NFPA 728 NFPA 72C NFPA 72D Warra:lly: - ... ...... MADE IN THE U.S.A. -,_:-r:;?\/ ~T.m...' .:.., Wrench (PIN WFDWj Spring ~~/ MOuIltlrl9screw9 f.-(":0~rl~Af~f~~;l~:~'~:'br'Ok ,^;~::;;r~", ^""'''"Y''''; ":~..~;;,t&)I-:j";,,,,,,/") , "'_ ~Aelua;l;tgs~= ~~ BasehouSIIIQ/ Nipple sel screws --" 0 :- ,,3 1/2"'W Threaded nlppl - "C"cll 301l4:Z,,// raekel ~"",b JL:~~~EXW) II"OSY2 !:lAI=ltS lllE fOLLOWING AnE EXAMPLES OF ACCEPTABLE MOUNIII~G POSI110NS: THE FOLLOWING MOUNTING POSlT10N IS @T ACCEPTABLE: " ~ / , / , / I~'" J/ '-[" '"',, ~\',~ 5_)1" ~l. " / , / , / ' , r J ~-,j t II " I ,I,-[I,I}'~j I" I [, AC-'tJA10n VERI leAl (DOWN) ,\C TUII TOR 1-IOnllQNfAL ACTUATOR VERTICAL (POINTING UP) I~,;'.'.<<: ,.j', ., . "" ',--... ".., -, .' lopVI~w NOTE, COI"tnonR"dBcQ"""l'lIons....1II c1"9..wh~nyal"e"'ove.,15or 1t~ 'o'ullfavel dlslBnee Swlld,' l II' J ,co: ,: I,;, ,or," \\r l(;r " "J""--SWIlCh2 ShIPG:>geJ IO""''':;:::';~:::I;;:''i~~~ 11~~;~"I:lj;E~~lj_ .lltti~~~~~~II~~ .",-ol"",~""or TVI'lcoIFACPConfl\!cllon 10 ";;:i;~:::~~ [~t~ f:j t~I_~~1 ~ C~___] J ~~ B'e~~ wire as ohowll lor supervIsion 01 co"nec!lon. DO NOT allow ",t,lpped ...It"'endsloexle"dbeyondswllch h"".lng. DO NOT loop wl.eo. I I!. II' Engineer/Architect Specifications: OSY2 SUllcl'visory Switch Outside Screw-and- Yoke Supervisory Switch (OSYl) shillllJe irlstalled 011 each villve as desi911il!"c! Ot1l1lc drawings and/or as speci fled herein. Switches shall be mounted so as not to interfere with the florlllal operation of the valve and Shilll be ,ldju')led Lo Opclilte within two revolutions of the valve control or when the stem has moved no more than one-fifth of the disli1llce from its nor tHai positioll.lhe mechanism shall be contained in a weatherproof die cast metal housing, which shall provide a side entrance for 1/2" conduit and incorporate the necessary facilities for attachment tothevalve. Agrounding provision is provided. Theswitch assembly shall include two switches each with a rated capacity of 10 Amp@ 125/250VAC and 2.5 Amp@24 VOc. The cover shall contain tamper-resistant screws ror which a securily wrench will be provided with each switch. OSY2 shall be Underwriters laboratories listed for indoor or outdoor use. The OSY2 shall be Factory Mutual approved. Ordering Information Waterflow Switches WFD20 Waterflow Detector, Schedule 10/110, 2" WFD15 Waterflow Detector, Schedule 10/40, 2-1/Y WFD30 Waterflow Detector, Schedule 10/40, r WFD35 Waterflow Detector, Schedule 10/110, 3-1/2" WFDIIO Waterflow Detector, Schedule 10/40, 4" WFDSO Waterflow Detector, Schedule 10/40, 5" WFD60 Waterflow Detector, Schedule 10/40, 6" WFD80 Waterflow Detector, Schedule 10/40, 8" WFDT Water flow Detector, Fits 1", 1-1/4", 1-1/2" ferrous and bras~ threaded tees; 1", 1-114", 1-1/2",2" copper sweat tees; 1" CPVC tees; and 1-1/2" polyhutylell{' tees WFDTNR Waterflow Oetector, non-retard, lits sallie lees as Model WFDT Master Packet!: 6 units Supervisory Switches OSY2 Outside Screw and Yoke Valve Supervisory Switch- Two SPOT Switches PIBV2 rost IndicatorJlJutterfly Valve Supervisory Switch - Two SPOT Switches Pressure Switches EP510.' Alarm WaterOow Pressure Switch, One spor, 4-20 PSI EPS10~2 Alarm Water flow Pressure Switch, Two SPDT, 4-20 PSI EPSIIO-l Supervisory Low Pressure Switch, One SPDT, 10~10U PSI EPS40-2 Supervisory Hiyh/Low Pressure Switch, Twu SPLJT, 10-100 PSI ^Iarm Bells KMS.6-24 Bpll, 6", 2<1 VLJC, Polarized, 97 dBA KMS.8 24 Bell, R", 2<1 VDC, Polari7ed, 102 dBA KMS-1o-24 B('II, 10",2'1 VI1C, PolMi7ed, 104 dBA KBS-6-120 Bell,6", 120 VAC, Polarized, 95 dBA KBS-8-120 Bell, 8",120 VAC, Polilrized, 98 dBA KBS-IO-120 Bell, 10", 120 VAC, Polarized, 102 dBA Sprinl<ler Product Replacements A301O-00 H('placemellt Assembly Kit lor PIBV2 (Wrenches, Screw Pil(k) Rf'pla((,1l1f'1l1 Assembly Kit for OSYl (Wrenches, Screw PiJ{k, J hoob) Hpplil(Cmetll Delay r,1NhanislTl lor wro 2"-8" sizes (lll,l!_k) H('pl,1({'lllellI1erm;l1ill Block for WFD and WFDT H"I'LII<'ltll'lll '''It!lillal Block lor WFDTNll. Hepl<lu'!llcnt l'iHldlc Kit - 9 p.:lddlf's fOI WFlH .:llld Wmn~H (see WFOT for sizes included) 1,1I11IH'1 Swihh Kil for WFD, wrDT, pmV2, and OSY2 IkplilfPlllCllt lill11I'N Screws for Covers of WFD, WFDf, WFD1NR, QSY2, PIBV2, and EPS Wealh('rproor B,lCk Box for KMS and KBS Repl(lcpmenl Tamper Proof Wrench for Cover of WFD, WFOf, WFD1NR, OSY2, PIBV2, and EPS Replacement Hex Wrench for OSY1, PlBV2 A3011-00 A30080U A77-01-0i' All 01 OR PHK9 '.,/Hi IOOll SO/6l'i-02 WIlB WFDW HEXW e Copyright 8/93 System Sensor This document is not intended tu be useu for installation purposes. AOS-196-00 PL.AN · 4! ," irr-~4~'r 5T. p.s c:1l r ~ I /2 "O,C. , ~LEVATION , I I I 12" , I 81#-" I I e" .-~ I 1.--- . t4o=t Sea ~ RC'""IPMcaao W,N '1_ 12, I(!to WI It, Ma'l( WA&'I..I) :#:5@/!!:OGEW(l.lo) ASrM Ca4#78 (fI-ZO L014b) Ho&." As 'RS4lo\'UO .' ,., 00... c.~- tNNMW-C %NO. '0" oS06l"'" 1..1,.",,. D.NII'it. C:o aona ~ Alii LI/'/6 P,,.------ 'Wmi II/SEAt' COIlI1If a r A ~ ~ '-oJ :LI u:r __-.-f> I Ii C 1 f r ~ ~ D J E ~ ITeM F 0.3. CC;>, 5PGe, 101/-' 2,55 Z~ 7/e 2~ Va 2.q.%, 3,'1. , ty,S. CO, Sill'll. 1011 Jz'5 2'1 I Yo ZZVe 2'1 t. .sIt. l/- DeNvteflf H te", II.,. /lGI 1/05 24# I 'I,G g,2. '/a 2-If'l1l 8'1 1 'I" AUKILM'" /)CNVltft . ""a '708 .J5~ 1'18 31#- ~7 '/5 5 5'" . Z. P,.el (3(#" OUT"" Cotl~l<<, W'TI# .. CA.,,/f ' Z'# . C4AlTIItID . INN'R CO"~R) . r 2.~' 1 _.i I/R," . ~ J. '. --, rr . 'WI!IGH'T · '25 I.... 11 Mool''' . /VtJ. S071i k 11., '. T O'U, 1 1 t ==t+ zz ~~. ~ CO"L Ho,,' RING. ~ CO"I-'/t 2.1' Z~ 'f'G - I ~u.NO 6IMAfltlllll, INe. CA$rIRON RING$ I- Cov<<ItS "to'" ,~tJ'1W /IN.~ , D.NVU,CO' 80Jl~ ScAL-alY& ".'~O" DAAWINIJ PA.& '6 , '." 1lS.~ 1.____.. --- -----1 Specification Sheet for Model 800 (4" through 10") Detector Check for Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems @ Underwriters Laboralories In... f;;f~'? Check Valve Approved Model 800 4" Features .,j UL listed and FM approved for horizontal or vertical installation. * .,j .,j Econam ical new design. Patented spring-loaded swing check for reliability and minimum head loss. .,j .,j 250 PSI Working Pressure for superior strength. DuraCast ductile iron body for superior strength and lighter weight .,j .,j Fully rubber encapsulated ductile iron disc for strength. Fusion epoxy coated, inside and out, for corrosion protection. Simple service procedures. Cast lifting ring for ease of installation. - .,j .,j Operation In a non-flow condition, the mainline check and bypass check are closed and the meter is idle. All flows up to approximately 10 GPM will flow through the standard 3/4" bypass. This operation at low flow rates is accomplished by designing the differential pressure drop across the bypass line to be slightly less than the mainline check valve. Therefore, the mainline check valve remains closed 50 that low flows through tile firelin,,; system are registered by the bypass meter. Flows in excess of approximately 10 GPM will open the mainline check valve causing flow to occur through the mainline assembly and the bypass line, Specifications Detector check shall consist of a single spring-loaded swing check in parallel with a bypass meter assembly. Seat rings shall be bronze, bolted to the valve bodies with an Q-ring seal. The main check assembly shall be hinge guided, Head loss through the assembly shall not exceed 3 PSI at velocities from zero up to and including 15 FPS. Mainline check body and cover shall be manufactured of Ductile Iron ASTM A536 Grade 65-45-12. Ductile iron bodies shall be fianged ANSI B 16.42, class 150 and fusion epoxy coated 8 mils minimum to meet A.W.W.A. C550-90. Detector check shall be rated at 250 PSI working pressure and be UL listed and FM approved for both horizontal and vertical installation. Disc shall be rubber encapsulated ductile iron. Detector check shall meet or exceed requirements of Underwriters Laboratory and Factory Mutual Research Corporalion. Detector check shall be Febco Model 800 or approved equal. Typical Application The patented Model 800 is used in the protection of potable water supplies from potential contamination of automatic fi' e sprinkler systems and/or unauthorized water usage. This requires installation of the proper valving commensurate with the degree of contamination and/or the ability to measure water loss. The Model 800 Detector check is not a backflow prevenlion assembly and should not be used as such. Remote reading flow meter available Model 800 Flow Curves 10 10 4" 5 8" 5 PSI 0 PSI 0 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600 GPM I GPM I 15 FPS 15 FPS 10 10 6" 5 10" 5 PSI 0 PSI 0 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 I 4000 4500 GPM I GPM 15 FPS 15 FPS C ha ra cte ristics Physical Properties: Size of mainline Size of standard bypass Maximum working pressure Hydrostatic test pressure Temperature range End Detail 4",6",8" and 10" 3/4" 250 PSI 1000 PSI 32F to 110F(OC to 60C) Flanged ANSI B16.42, Class 150 Materials: Main valve body Ductile iron ASTM A536 Grade 65-45-12 Fusion Epoxy coated Internal and External AW.WA C550-90 Bronze ASlM B584 Alloy C83600 Nitrile Stainless Steel Trim Elastomers Spring Bypass Bypass meter Totalizing type GPM Size: 5/8" x 3/4" Bypass sizes: I~:-:-'--~'-'---'"'-"" I Standard I__m'~'._ -,".,..-~. ISi.z;e ~14" i 4" ,j ,j ,j i___ _________ I 6" ...J ...J ...J p;=~-; .1: 2" I I Imn--..I .J=-~~j Agency Compliance UL Listed & FM Approved. <: Dimensions 1--->, ,':' r-T-j b f;J0~\ j hj r-1 ~ l r';)LJ 'I \,r:'. i (:' . ""'i'r' L..__ E----.J r, JJ{~::rS '7 "",i",,,,,,~,> 1"",,\''''--, , ',e; "".' ......'.'- -'-.' I /,.",-1.' I '," '" ,:..~~ ,. I 'j =:>. t -"~:8_m ' -.--A u.s. Patent No. 4.989,635 I:i~e I I 6" 161/2" ,:~ ,:, lI~" ~I 17" ~ 5112,,1115/8" 14'" 157 :;~=r:"T~;;i :::: ::1 :~ 221/2" 8" 261/2" 10" 36" ___.____~_,_J. I FEBCol, :;~~~:~~:~N Division of CMB Industries. PO, Box 8070 Fresno, CA 93747. Fax. (209) 453-9030 !.:. ., ASSEMBLIES Printed in U,S, A @ CMB Industries 1993 SS 800 8/93 SPECIFICATION SHEET MODEL 880V ~ IFEBcol~~;vk:~~70n '"--" REDUCED PRESSURE ASSEMBL Y Physical Properties u.s. Patenl No. 4,969,635 u.s. Palenl No. 5,107,666 Size of Mainline 21/2",3,4",6",8", & 10" Max. Working Pressure 175 PSI (1200 KPa) Hydrostatic Test Press. 350 PSI (2400 KPa) Temperature Range 320F to 1400F WC to 60oC) End Connections Flanged ANSI B16.1 Class 125 -- Elastomers Spring Ductile iron ASTM A536 Grade 65-45-12 Fusion epoxy coated internal and external AWWA C550-90 NRS and OS& Y resilient wedge AWWA C509 gate valves Bronze ASTM B564 Alloy C63600 EPDM Slain less steel Materials Main Valve Body Coating Shut Off Valves ':""'" Trim MODEL 880V REDUCED PRESSURE ASSEMBLY (Shown In vertloal position.) Installation Views 18" min II ,co. L-!8"_ min .Vertical Support Adapter .Pipe Support (furnished by customer) -For valve weight only " I "--" FLOW Horizontal installation for model 660V (Shown in N-shape position.) Verlicallnstallation for model 660V (Shown in vertical position.) Recommended minimum clearances from permanent structures for ease of testing and maintenance. ~s 11 10 B ;1 Relief Valve Detail I Materials of Construction - ITEM DESCRIPTION MATERIALS ITEM DESCRIPTION MATERIALS ITEM DESCRIPTION MATERIALS - 1 Body A536 GR 65-45.12 14 Flange Gasket Rubber I Fabric 34.1 a-Ring FDA EPDM 2 Cover A536 GR 65-45-12 15 Bearing Socket Acetal Resin 35 Back-up Ring Acetal Ruin 2,1 a-Ring FOA EPOM 16 Hex Jam Nul 16-655 35.1 C-Ring EPDM ASTM 02000 2.2 Cap Screw Plated Steel 17 Washer 30255 36 Adaptor Plate 6564 Alloy CB3600 2.3 Hell Nul Plated Steel 18 Flange Boll Plated Steel 37 Sm. Diaphragm EPOM ASTM 02000 2.4 ElCpanslon Pin 420 55 18.1 flange Nut Plated Steel 38 Retainer 8584 Alloy C63800 3 Seat Ring 8564 AHoy C83600 20 R.V. COlier 8584 Alloy C83600 36.1 Slip Ring Acetal Resin 3.1 Guket EPDM ASTM 02000 20.1 Bleed Screw 18.855 39 FtowWasher Acetal Resin 4 ^,m 8584 Alloy C83600 20.2 Gasket HOPE 40 Sail Valve B584 AHoy C84400 4,1 Bushing-Swing Pin Acetal Resin 21 R.V. Body 8584 Alloy C83600 41 Nipple ASTM 8-62 Alloy 85-5-5 4.2 Swing Pin 304 SS 22 Cover Boll 18-8SS 42 Gale Valve (NRS) AI/VINA C509 5 Retaining CUp 302 SS 23 Elbow A536 GR 65-45-12 43 Bulkhead fitting B584 Alloy C83600 51 Retaining Clip 302 SS 24 RV Mtg Boll Plated Steel 43.1 Bulkhead Fitting B584 Alloy C63600 6 Check Disc Assy 111 EPOM Coated GR, 45 24.1 Washer Plated Steel 44 Bulkhead Plug B584 Alloy C83600 Duclile Iron with A276 25 RVMtg Nut Plated Steel 45 Gasket EPOM ASTM 02000 type 304 SS stem 26 Gasket I Strainer EPOM I SS Mesh 45.' Guket EPOM ASTM 02000 6.1 Check Disc A.sy 112 Same as 111 27 Lrg. Diaphragm EPOM ASTM 02000 46 Washer B36 Alloy 260 7 Load Pin 304 SS 28 Button A240 304 55 46.1 Washer 836 Alloy 260 8 Lwr Spring Retnr 8584 Alloy C83600 28.1 Flow Washer Acetal Resin 47 N,t 8584 Alloy C83600 9 Spring Stem 304 SS 29 RV Spring A313 Type 302 SS 47.1 N,1 8584 Alloy C83600 9,1 Elasllc Slop Jam Nut 18-8SS 30 RV Stem Acetal Ruin 50 5ltnsing Line SAE Hydraulic Hose 10 Spring A313 Typlt 631 S5 30.1 Stem Washer Acetal Res!n 51 Street Elbow ASTM 8-62 Alloy 65-5-5 10.' Spring 2nd Check A313 Type 631 S5 31 Main Guldlt 8584 Alloy C83600 60 Identification Plate 836 Alloy C26000 11 Spring Guide 8130 Alloy C22000 31.1 Main Guide O-Ring FDA EPDM 61 IdenllliclIIllon Plate 636 Alloy C26000 12 Upr Spring Relnr 8584 Alloy C83800 32 Seat Disc EPOM ASTM 02000 62 Drive Screw Stainless Steel 12.1 Bushlng-Spr. Stem Acetal Resin 33 Lower Guide Acetal Resin 70 Clamp AI/IMIA C806 13 Pivot Bearing 8584 Altoy C63600 34 Sesl Ring S584 Alloy C63600 Model 880V N-Shape Position Model 880V Vertical Position NOTE: The Model 880V is shipped in the N-shape position as shown below. --... K <t M \;;.--,.------ \ 0 ~~. --- " . " -----~----------- . ." , " " , ~~ ~;;=,~ q~~/ r- ~l --- 415/16-- -3112 ..J NRS Side View Relief Valve Detail Dimensions Size A B C 0 E E1 F G K .LL M NET NRS OS&Y "WT Full Open Approximate 2 1/2" 12 1/2 253/4 24 1/4 4 15/16 12 114 153/4 165/6 6 1/4 135/8 N/A 271/4 210 3" 12 1/2 253/4 243/4 5 711~ __.12,1/2_ _12.J14 16 5/8 _fl..1.li_ 14 1/8 21 1/2 28 1/4 280 4" 14 27 7/13_ ~g 3l~ _6~/_!6__ 133/4 _ 23 _1I4__1L~~/l.f3_ 7 15 1/2 24 31 320 -.-----..----- 6" 16 323/16 32 1/4.. 89/16 173/4 30 , 21 9/16, 8 185/8 ._ 29'l 37 1/4 480 ..-_.".."---- --..----------- 373/4- j-zlsiBi91l4 ------. 8" 18 1/2 33 11/16 365/16 99/16 21 1/2 _}0_314 331/2, 41 1/2 810 ---- ---..........".-.--. nn4y-r--nill-r-'-10- 45 I 10" 21 43 403/4 10 27 24 48 1350 Weights do not include risers or optional valve seller . Lay length with optional MJ x FL valve seller .. With NRS Gate Valves Refer to Specification Sheet SS VS for details on valve seller_ Options o Valve Setter with MJ x FL or FL x FL ends o UL/FM O.S. & Y. RW Gate Valves o Relief Valve Air Gap Drain Funnel o Wye Strainer Application Health Hazard ",.\~ --..--/ Agency Compliance Flow Curves Model 880V . ASSE Listing 1013. sizes 2 1/2" - 6", Horizontal and Vertical . UL, sizes 4" - 8" 20 I. Vi 16 !:.14~ "12 SlO U 8 . 6' ~ ' 2 o 2 1/2" 6n B " =12 Vl ~10 ~ 8 .s 6 u ~ ' I -- L -- '/- - - -- 200 400 600 BOO 1000 1200 1400 1600 GPM 50 100 1 SO 200 250 300 350 400 GPM o 20 I. Vi 16 ~14 ~12 ,310 U 8 . 6 " I 4 ____u_~ 2 3" " _12 ;; !:.10 ~ B o -' 0 u ~ 4 I 2 8" ',- . A__ -- --- -- -=:: - - ~ -- F- - --- ,.., ---' -- ",,'" - - -- --- -- --, .- - - --- .-.-- "--'" I ==~I o 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 100 450 500 GPM o '00 1000 1500 GPM 2000 2500 3000 4" 10" " " o -' u . " I -- --. -- .. - f'E "ID 1\1' ,- I-- -- ----- - -.-- - ----- 1- - - - 1-- -- -- -- 20 18 Vi 16 ~14 ~ 12 .9 10 U 8 . 6 ~ ' 2 o 1- - - = ::.... - -, .-- --: - -.,-, I-- - ".,.- f-- - ~. - r= -- -. - -- ",-.---- .....- c:- ,"-"- . - ==: ~ - I-- ,. - - --- ::.... - - -- --- -- - -- - -- c.::: f-- -- - -- - - '--'- ;; IL 100 200 300 400 500 bOO 700 800 GPM GPM A - Outlet flow up 8 - Outlet flow down '- FEBCO Division of CMB Industrues P.O_ Box 8070 Fresno CA 93747 Fax: (209) 453-9030 880V SS 1/94 VP @1994 CMB Industries /FEBCO{ AIR GAP DRAIN SPECIFICATION SHEET MODEL 601 I '---' Model 601 Air Gap Drain Kit 21/2" - 10" For use with Master Series reduced pressure assemblies Air Gap Drain Kit The model 601 Air Gap Drain Kit is constructed of coated aluminum. The air gap drain is designed to be attached to the relief valve of Master Series reduced pressure assemblies, sizes 2 1/2" through 10". Four inch drainage piping may be attached to drain, creating a system that catches and removes minor relief valve discharges due to pressure fluctuations and/or minor check valve fouling. rr ~;i(V~C~~ Features ~ . Nozzle design directs flow directly into funnel, reducing side spray. . Funnels minor relief valve discharges into drains, . Lightweight for easy installation. . Coated for corrosion resistance. . 4" IPT for simple drain pipe installation. Airgap Drain Side View Model 860 Part Nozzle Funnel Rods Coating Material ASTM 826 Alloy 358 ASTM 826 Alloy 356 ASTM 8241 Alloy 6063 Pratt & Lambert, Inc. Vitralon polyurethane coating black #88-1204 or equivalent Material Specifications Airgap Drain Front View Model BBD Dimensions A 8 C D E F G H Weightlbs. 131/8" 6 3/8" 5 3/8" 3 1/2" 3 13/16" 2 7/32" 4 3/8" 9 7/8" 2.2 r E-I "'---I-I-II Nozzle ~ I I ~ ---r Rods - I A I Funnel _ - ___L_ \ i , I --8 H iF! II LI I I ,-,,' C Side View Front View Model 601 Air Gap Drain Kit Date 05/94 Drawing SS 601-1 I'm 07 '95 05: 00P11 "IATERI,j)RKS ':C,ALES P.2 I . it TYTON JOINT@Pipe 4"-64" Ductile Iron For Vvater and Wastewater, Fire Protection And Indu~trial Applications 1994 Edition . ~IHR 07 '95 05: OlPM l'I'HERNUf;\",; . . Cement Lining ANSI Spec. A21.4-1980 Seal Coated Inside, O:>ated Ov.tside U.S. lilillf QUIHin lor F'~"{lI! PrG~lJr'm'nI l,If'\lI'~r /l'uglit i.!lW N~, 'i4.$80, lillldle" 8002, 10.'\0...." (1,8 thl) R"OI,lf('" RIllC:)IIllrv ,6,0:-. ell l'1A, ~"'l:1I, dUCIICl mederl'l to:'e"l~1';I9Y. ro:.c.Iod iro~ ~...d tIO,",: ~er:ll' i~ u!ed \(1 0 :s~e tl'QMt in our OiJclillllron ~\DP or11Cl.c:I:l:ln, Nol" 1!."e<:;'~"lInd,"""!",t1.,Iooy"v.JIlteQ,~,,I~"l!Illilll....I:1 bOIl crleo'~nt"ed W""llI Cl\ir".O'Jctll Ire 10 Dll ;nl"'.ied. ",'fate"lll'.','~ .AN$IIAi'NJ\ll. C10j/,UU '''ol~(llhyl~nllll!r'Itt/;W'r'l'l'lt !Of O~cni' I/O" Pipi"QlIOI WsW'r l\l"Icl ~,I!l; I,.;qllld:J", for prop\Y.l!J(to:>fnei :mlt'cIIOIlDrOCMl,lru. . 'l"/'I'Ol'I', TY'l'ON JOINI'<, 'llI FLEX., AND mID LaK. aN ~ tn\I:lmRa.r1u cr '..;,S. P'ipeBl1d Foundfy ComPltly, "LGI ~YTON-JDINr ~;-ll I I I I I TYTON JOINT> is U.s. Pipe'. tradem.rk for pip. with a push-on type connectlan_ SImpJic:t)', sturd!n.ss and wat.Nigl1tness ot'llle sys. tern were brought aboul, not by ctu;r.cG but by design. Taking advan. tage of a backgTound of more than 90 years experience with pIpe and pipe conne..::ti.'lg 8YB;.eos. U.S. Pipe r.lade a thorough. stlldy of t?xisting joining 5YStFffiS and requirements of pipe 'users. The results of this .tudy showed the need for.. .imple, economical and r.table method of assembhng pipe; WIth the cbJectlve of d.veloping such a system; . number of new deSlgllS were devised. Several of the 1Il0st promisL..g were tested and the asaembly which possessed the most outstandingly desirable characteristics becamG TYTON JOINT pipe. After selection of the system, TYTON JOINT pipe were subjected to funher rigid tests designed t.:J simulate extreme installation and ser. vice conditions w:1lch mIght b. encountered in the field It was o!l1y af".er these te.ts proved completely satisfactory and w.re confir",-ed by Held installations that the deCIsion was made to market TYTON JOINT pipe in 1905, Conv'n<hg proof of its wide acceptance is shown oy the f~ct that mOre than 9,;% of the pipe now eold by this compallY is TY,'OS ,)0iJ\T pipe Th. TYTON'~ gssket-a circ~lal' rubb.r gaske, which has a modifi.d bulb .h~?e in cross section-is th. only accessory. Composition and din:ensions 01 \.he gasket h"11e ueen carefully eng:neered to ensu~e- a wa,er.tlght and lastin;: seal. Gaskets of s?eciaJ elastomers may be ordpred fOl' spe6al 8f\pllc;ations. The ~",ket contour and bell socket CO:ltour ensu re that the ifasket will rem.in s..tod during ?roper a.sembly of the pipe. The plain end of the pip. is furnish.d beveled to Us. ....:nbly Because TyrO:-; JOINT pipe ...embles sO easily, those not experi. enced wit.h it may get the iml'ression that the syst.em is not water-tight. But y@ars of succ~slilfuJ @xperience prove it to be water-tIght regardless of ease of assembiy, liydrostatic tests have shown that the system will withstand pressures iar in excess of rated pressures. Ductile Iron TyrOl> JOINT pipe are centrifugally cast in metal molds in accordancE with &'lSIfA\VWA C151!A215t TYTO]'i" .askets are furnished in accordance with A.'lSll AWVvA C II V A2LII St.r.dord. Asphaltic outside ::oaling and inside lining and coating are in accor- dance with ANS!/AW\VA C151/A2LlO "Ductile-Iron Pr,pe, Centrifugally Cast in Mgtrtl "'felas or SandLtn€d M'Qlds. (01' Water or Other Liquidsll f~r plp~ sl:d A]':SU AWWA CllO/A2L10 "Ductile-Iron and Gray-Iron Fi:tir.gs, 3 In Through 48 In., For Waler and Other LiquilU~ Cemellt lining, in accordance with ftu.'.;,SIIA\VVI'A C104/A214 "Cement.Morlar Luting for Duchlelror.. and Gray.iron Ptpe a.nd Fz.thngs for ~Va~er'" or speclallinings and,/or coatings can be fur:lished for specifIc condi-;;ions. SIzes 4" :hrough th..ou.h 36" are furnished in nominal1S.foot laying l.ngths, 42" 's furnisr_ed in nomina! 18.foot and 20.foot laying lengths- 48" t."lrough 64" a,e furnished in 20.foot laying lengths. As specified in k'{SI/AVv,VA C15l1A2L51, pipe weiifnts have been calculated USillg .standard barrel w'!ights and weight" ofbeU. being produced. When j01nt reef,raint is requireri for push-on joir.t pipe! two options .... available from U.S. PIpe. For ....traint of 4" through 12" SIze. with maximum working pre,sures of 250 ;>sl the FJELD LOK" G.skot may be used, In addItion. for joint restraint of 4" throl<gr. 64' sizes; TR FLEX~ Pipe and Fittin~ may be used. TR FLEX~ Pipe and Fittings are rat.d for working pressures cf 3501'$1 in 4' through 24' size. and for 250 pSL Ln larger Sl2.L'S. For higher pr~8sure applications see your U.S, Pipe repr..."tati\'o. Product brochures on both FIELD LOK@ Gasket. and TR FLEX' Pipe and Fittings are available from YOUT U.S, Pipe Tf:preSentat{vt';. TP : .. JII I,m 07'9h 05: 02Pf'1 eIRTEI"I,IORK:3 SAlES 1m Assembly of IImJ TYTON JOINT~ Pipe I I I ;',4 '-'lfi .- CAUTION: The in.id" of the,sockst" t.he g...ket"and theplam,end.t.o,be, insertedmusl be kept.clean.thr.oughout, the assembly. Joints are only as water-tight as they are clean, !fthe joint is 80mewhat difficult to assemble, inspect for proper gasket positioning, adequate lubrication, and foreign matter in the joint. Figure 1. Insertton of Gasket All foreign matter in th. .IIock@t must b@ l"emoved, i...) mud, WId, c1:Ide:s, rrsve1, pebbl.., Irll8h, frozOll m",terial, e~t', The 8uket teat .hould be thoroughly in.pected to be certain it it clean. FumF Inatter in the gasket seat may caUle .look. The ,uk,t m.... be wiped cl..... with . clun cloth, l1olOld. IlI\d ' then pl.~ UttQ th, .aft: with the round. od bulb ond ontoring tint Loop,nJ the guktt in the tnltial lmerlion wtJ) f.ciht<>te ..oliniI the g.,kot heel evenl)' lIlOund th. rvt.aJner seet. Sm.al1e: sizu Z'tq'JU'e only onf, lOOp. With IBl"Jer Slze!t it will be helpful to loop t.:~e gaeket lit. the 12 o'clock and e o'clock positions. When insta.llinp: TYT()N JOtN'T' 1)1..,. in N~IJ WIJIllthlPr, tnlll gMkm. prior to their uae. mUlt bt lctpt at . teml*'ltur\! of Bt lftst 40'F b:-, suitable meanl, BUm U ltoring ill a heaU!d area or keepino inunersed in a tank otwarm wata. 1! thQ guk!tB IlJ'f k~pt in'warm W8t.@f\ they should be dried befOlO plcdng in tho pipe .ock,t. ~ ~ . I One loop forsmsllerslzes. F'9ure E, Application of Lubric~ot A thin film ofTYTON JOINT" lubrie~n\ .houle b. lj>~lieci to inside .m.... of .asket which "Aill ctlJl\e In ~n' Lact with plain end of the pipe, The plain end of tho pipe must be cilJ&llm of all lomp! 1T.1lttat on th. ou.t&ide from the end to the Itri)>>S. Frozen mate- rial. mll> cll.1l( "" the pipe in oold weather and it mu\l.t be 'l't!. IT.Oyed, In eome eMee, it b, dMUoa,bl@. tn aprh' . thin film of lubricant. to the oulaide of the plaln end for .bout 8" boek from thc end, Do not allow tJU! plain end to t.o\Ich the SW'.J.nd OJ ~(Jh lIoid" ~ lubricatinr ainet fo~lrn m.ttst may ;ad.,tre to thlll plllin !'nQ and cause l leak. Lubricant other than that furnbhPd with the pipe should nlJt be' ~5ed, Fiyul'o 3 Initiol Ent'., of PI.in End in Socket The plllin er.d of the pipe ,hould bo alignod ""dcorefully..,lA!rod Intn the eockot untlllt just makea contact with the g3~et Th.iA ~ the st.arting pfJsiti.on tor tile ll.~al ..sembJy of the joint. Note the two pai.nted !':tnpu ne31' plain indo Figure 4, Completely Ass.mbled JOint Joi..,t usembly sho..ud then be completed by fOTcinr the plain md of t.1e eJ1tePne' pipe 'Put the liCasket. (which it tho;!reby C'ompre!ll!\l:l!d) until the plain end. makes contact. with the bortDm oi the ~:JCket. Noto that the first J)airlwd Gcripe",il) have di8.pp~and int.o the socktilt. and the front edge of ~h@ ucond stripe will be approld. mat@.}y flush with the b~ll fAC:fl. It f,!3I'1~mblv is not ..~.'ml'l.l.shed With the appli~tion of reasonable fome by the methods indic>>ltedl the ploUl end of the pipe ,hould be romovod 00 chock fo, tho prIlPf' po3iti.9nit1~ of the gp~J.et, .dequl\tf lubrios,tSon, me! ~val of fw>..ign IlU1V,~ in the joint. . Figure 5, Crowbar Method of Assemb,y For joint sl;semb1i@s S" U1d sm.allft locl:mng of the pi"'" end may b, acromplilhod in SOme ~l?8 by pushing r.gaiMt th,. fra 01 th~ bell of th. Mtl'ring piPE' with a Q1'Ow'b~ or spede. . 'fP2 MAR [17 ' 95 IjS: 03HI NATERI,\CIRI<S SALES P.S I Procedu.ree outlined in figures 1.3 on page TP 2, shol'ing tlle assembly of TYTOK JOJ:NT<il pipe should be followed before proceeding with the step ahOMl in figure 6 below. Figure 6, Teols Needed for Final Assel"'bly: Two \l ton chlin hoista, -..illl 2G II. of chlll\ and two (2) boll MOller .lings for 4" . :14" .1Ieo or two (2) l\'i TOn cboln hO",llI Cor ~()' .64" size&. Figure 7. W8p tho boll chokor ilinll>' OlOund the pipe J\l$t hthind tho boil .. thot tho !no ..do will.. loooted on the horioontal ....ltl:lin. on op_te sid.. of the boll with tho I"""" ends pl'Oiectinlin fioont of tho bo1l-. . Figure 8. J:IoQble-Wl'lIp the ehaW of the _ <:h>i.n hoiate oround t.'" pipe botttl at tht IJligcl ond allPlOldmatAly tlx fort &0", tho ,pi~ot tnd, POIilion tho hooks of tho ch-m hciato on the horiJontol oentarIiM on oppotito _ of the tpigol. 'l'II\III"'1"',I:"III[ 11'111' III , ~, I . FigJre 9, Attach the hook of ,ach choln hoist inlo the eye of .ad> bell U'lo",c:l!lJ'slin:. FigJre 10, Aosomble the joint by pullin~ evenly with both chlin hoillo, keeoin. the pipe in olignmm~ S~e 4" thru 20" Ben Choker SIln, ;0" di.. by 84" long W <Ii&. by 120" loDe %" di.. by 144" long %" dia. by 164" long W di.. by 184" long %" dia. by 206" long W' dia. by 225" long %" dia. by zor" long 24" and 30" 36" 42" 48" 54" 60" 110 64" .. 'Note: 'Th_ siz.. moy require the use of8 chain hoist and choker aliltg wu16, "3 ... .u 'l'<R 07 '96 05: 03P~1 eIATERI'IORI<S '3fC1LEc,Br, IBm Assembly of ., TYTpN JOINT" Pipe continued Field Cut Pipe Figure 11 When pipe are cut in the field, the cut end may be readily conditioned 60 that it can be used to make up the next joint, The outside of the cut end should be beveled about 'A-inch at an angle of about 30 degree!! (Figure 11), This can be Quite easily done with a coarse :file Dr a portable grinder, The operation removes any sharp, rough edges which othetWise might injure the gasket, ,.....5 V\lhen ductile iron pipe 14" and larger is to be cut in the field, the material should be ordered as "GAUGED FULL LENGTH". Pipe that is "gauged full length" is specially marked to avoid confusion, The ANSII AWWA standard for ductile iron pipe requires factory gauging of the spigot end. Accordingly, pipe selected for field cutting should also be field gauged in ths location of the cut and found to be within the tolerances shown in Table tIn the field a mechanical joint gland can be used as a gauging device, Table 1. Suitable Pipe Diameters for Field Guts and Restrained Joint Field Fabrication .~~- NonUnaI Pipe Min. Pipe MaJl. Pipe MilL Pipe Max. Pipe Sin Diameter Diameter Clrcw1\ference Circwnference In, In, In. In. In. 4 4.74 4,86 14"\", IB~" a 6,84 6,96 21'11 21'/. 8 899 9.11 2Bl~ 28% 10 11.04 11.16 3411116 35V" 12 13.14 13,7Jj 41'1''' 41'''.. 14 15.22 15.35 47:.v" 467/. 16 17,32 17,45 54''!'" 54:.v" 18 19,42 19,55 61 61:.v" 20 21.52 21.65 6719/32 6S I 24 25.72 25.&5 t 8O'W" 81'/.. i 30 31.94 32.08 lOOW" 10(,'0/" 36 38,24 3838 120"" 1200/" 42 44.44 44,58 139\'0 1401'" 48 M.~4 50.88 1,59:.v.. 159 "'/32 54 57,46 57.60 180"", 1803l,'" 80 alo51 61,65 193'" 193'V'l 64 65,57 6571 206 2087/" Above table b..ed on k'lSII AvVWA C151/ A21.51IlUic1e1in.. for pu,h-on joints .. . The Backhoe Method of Assembly A backhoe may be used to assemble pipe of intermediate and larger sizes, The plain end of the pipe . should be carefully guided by hand into the bell of Ole previously assembled pipe, Tne bucket of the , backhoe lTlay then be used to push the pipe lUltil fu1~' seated, A timber header should be Wled between the pipe and backhoe bucket to avoid damage to the pipe, TI'4 P.? I rtft 'Bel~5~;;~~T~~~~~3 ~fDuctile Iron _ TYTON JOINT~ Pipe . . Size 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 IB 20 I 24 f- 30 36 42 ~ 48 I 54 . ~~--.- 60 I ------ii~-----r_ , 1:Suh;e<:t to manufacturin~ tolerQ.J"lc..~lJ A Pipe O.D. 4_60 6,90 g,()f, 11.10 ----------- 13_20 15.30 17,40 :9_50 ~1.60 25,60 32,00 3!',30 44.50 5O.BO 57,56 6161 65.6i 4"-24 " l"ow: Actual hell coafiguration may vary from illuotratioa shown 30".&1" i f-- I i Di.menl!lions ut' BeDi" B Bell 0,0, 6.52 ~,66 10,82 \2_91 15.05 C Socket Depth 3.15 3,38 -~--._---------_.- 3,69 3.75 3_75 5.00 ,_00 5.00 0,50 5,95 6M 7.00 7.90 8_60 9.40 10_10 10.65 ----+------------ I r--------- __..1 17.62 19,74 -- ~-_..._-------, 21_86 23,98 i 28_16 ..'1--------- I :)5.40 41,84 I 49,36 ~ 06.9. i 62.63 -l-- I 66,63 __1_________ . 70.80 .__.____,_ ._1._.___. ___ _________ I _~L I , I _~_~J Dimensions ill mchelt "\"1'"; ~ ,. I"m 07 . 96 05: 04Fl'l l,ATERI"')l'hS 'SALES P,8 m Standard Pressure Classes of Ductile Iron Pipe Nominal Thickness for Standani Pre.mur. CI...... of DuctiJe.lron Pipe Bile tn, Outside PlaIl>ewr in. ~U< I 350 Pres:rore Clus- 1- 250 300 :lOa NOIlUnall'bickneu - ih. 3 4 8 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 30 86 42 48 54 60 64 3.96 4.80 6,90 9.05 11.10 18.20 15.30 17.40 19,50 21.60 25,80 32.00 38,3() 0\4,50 50.60 87.66 61.61 66.67 0,25.. 0,25" 0.25" 0.25" 0.26 0.26 0,31 0.84 0,36 0.38 0,43 0.49 0.56 0.63 0.70 0,79 ' 0.83 0,97 ---., . 0,28 0,30 O.,~l 0.33 0.37 0.42 0.4, 0.52 0,58 0,65 0.68 0.72 I 0.30 0.82 0.34 0.86 n~ __.0.40 0,45 0.51 om 0.64 0.72 0.76 0,80 I I ! 0.33 0.38 ! 0.42 I 0.47 I -T----- ____....1-. 0,62 C,56 0,61 C,64 I 0.34 : 0,38 ! 0.41 . ._--------------- 0,46 0.51 0.54 0.56 : . Pressure Classes are defined as the rated walt.!r pressure of the pipe in paL The thickneues sho"ll'l are ade. quate for the rated water working pre.sure plus a surge allowance of 100 psi. Calculationa are ba.ed on a minimum yield strength of 42,000 alld a 2.0 .afety factor times the sum of the workin, pr...ure and 100 p.i surge allowance. .. Calculated thicknesses for these .izes and preasure rating. are Ie.. th." those shown above, Presently these are the lowest nominal thicknesses available in theae sizes. ... DilnelUionselld weights of Spscial Cla....lThickne.. Cl...e.) are fo=d on page. TP9, TPlO, & TPll NOTE: Per ANSlI AWWA C1501 A2150 the thi~kn..... aboye include the O.OB" service allowance and the casting tolerance Hated below by si,. ranges: SIZE (lnches,L 3.8 10-12 14 -42 48 64.64 CASTING TOLERANCES (lncbes) 0.05 0,06 007 0.C8 0,09 TP€ . .' I I I I I. I I I .' MAR 07 ' 96 05: [l5Ft'1 eIATER,DFI<S ':,HLE'3 m Thicknesses, Dimensions and Weights IImJ of Ductile Iron TYTON JOINT~ Pipe . P.9 Thicknesses, dimensions and weights of 4" through 104" Ductile Iron pipe conform to A.v,sv AWWA C15l/ A21.51, I I I I I 1___. 205 i 300 , I 3SS 'i 510 I I i PrC\S!:'I\lrl!!' I Cl... I ~ I ; I :~ -+-to I - 350_.J 14 200 I 300 I 350 I I I , , 1 ..l... Inchf'~ S~ IDcho. f.)J.jbiide IHAh'I.""'.... Tb.lcknes, 4 350 0,25 0.25 6,9(~ 4.80 --;-..----- , n/; 9.05 0,26 1 UO , 0'28 ______ 132~_~ 0,28 15.80 I 0,30 15$) I 0.31 I 15,30 , 0.80 iuu 17,4? I 0.32 I 17.40 I 0,34 i 17.40 0.31 I 19.50 C.34 I 19.50 0,38 . 19.50 0,1)3 I 21,6C 0.36 i 21.60 I 0.38 21.50 -------J 0,33 I 25.80 I 0.37 25.80 I 0.40 25,80 II 0,43 2580 I 0.34 32.00 I 0,38 32,00 0.42 I 32.00 II 0.45 I 82.00 ~: +_.-:~~~--I 0,42 I 38.30 I 0,47 ! 38.30 0':;1 38.S0 O,EO 16 WJ 1B aoo a50 ----~ 250 I 300 ! 350 . 1-- I I I I 20 250 300 350 2'.A) 2J';,(J 300 85C 24 80 150 200 250 300 850 I I 1-:--1 i : I I I IIOTolC'8Mll oiO.D.oftplgot end: 4-12 In.. :!t.06m.; 1<<:4 in,. 'l().05u", .0.08 In,.. 30-48 4t.1 ~.os in" .0.00 in., ~ in., ~.04 in . -0 10 in, +In~lr.adin1 ~ ~':.'I.\1.tId wtr.~'ht of tJi~ 1"O'll.Jldf'd off 11;1 n(WeSt!5 tbs. . ttl1'leludin, beit.a'llen.f"wGlJht. ptlI"foo4 b!Ufd :,m c:alo.lJAte<1. weie-hto!pipe~!onl~g. 86 38.30 a-FOQ~ l.ayinJ Lenllth I WeiJiChtP" J Lo~ctht . ec5 770 825 850 940 1000 lOGO 1090 1185 l250 1290 laSS 1470 1550 17~ 1855 1985 20c0 2m 2435 25S5 2810 2675 :::\138 3200 3520 3S4O I'oWlols I I I I I ~ i Ave. v....ht P.,. Fooo+t 11.4 16,6 22,0 28.4 36,4 42.9 45.8 47.2 52,3 55.5 58.8 60.5 65.9 69.5 I I I 71,6 77,6 81,6 1l6.1 95,S 103.0 1102 1Jl,2 123.2 136,2 144.2 l.6S1 148.7 163.1 181.1 ,95,5 21304 TP7 MRR 07 "96 05: 0EPf'1 v.JATERNORI<,=: SRLES P .10 "'" m Dimensions and Weights for Special Classes I IImJ (Thickness Classes] of Ductile Iron TYTON JOINT" Pipe . Thicknesses., dimensions and weights of 4" ilirollgn M" Ductile Iron pipe conform:ng to ANSI.! AWWA C151!A2151 81.. Incl1RI Thh:lml!'ft Clan 4 51 52 53 54 55 56 a 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 . 8 50 51 52 53 54 55 I 56 ,---------- , I 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 10 12 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 I I I --' O\lceide Thiekneu Diameter' Inches 0.26 4.80 0.29 4,80 0.32 4,80 o 35 4,80 C.38 4.80 0,41 4.80 025 0,28 0.31 034- 0,37 0,40 0.43 0.27 0,30 0,33 0,36 0,39 0.42 0.45 0.29 0,32 035 0,38 0.~1 0.44 0.4' 0.31 0.34 0.37 0.40 0.43 0.46 0.49 I ! I I i- I I ---t-- I i I I I I l.._.. , , , . . TO't~raft..:~ of O.D, I)i .~~te'1.a; 4.1J In", i:O,06 in.~i.,.24 jJ1., -0.05 Ul,. -0.06 ~n,; ..0.1$0" in, ..0,06 \1".. -0.06 in, T In~luei2\t \)(Ill; C!)kutl~d w@'gntofpi:;lEl roundsc ~fl ti;\ Mtlrl:'st C la, tt Inc1udilltir o.lt, SVl!ra~~ 'lillirM. F~r foot. bucd en. c.al.cuJated wel.ht o( p,pi' OtofC11l r(i\.I.rtcHI\I1, 690 6.90 6,90 6.90 6.90 6,90 6,90 9,05 9,05 905 9.05 9.05 9,05 9,05 11.10 11,10 11.10 11.10 11.10 11.10 11.10 13,20 13,20 13,20 13,20 13,20 13,20 13,20 I IS-Foot i Laying Length I ' I \<\-~&ht Pe-r \ Ave'. Wellht f--~'~.~~--~ F..F..'tt I Powuis 210 I I 231; I ! 255 I 280 300 ' 320 I 11,8 18.1 14,3 15.5 16.6 17,S 300 330 865 395 430 460 490 16.6 18.4 20.2 22.0 23.S 25.6 27,3 1------ 23,7 26.1 28.6 31.0 i 33,4 , 35,7 , 38,1 1------ 31.4 34,5 37.5 40,5 43.4 48.4 49,3 425 470 515 1;60 600 641; 685 565 620 675 730 780 835 890 720 785 850 915 980 1040 1105 40.0 43.6 47.2 50,8 54,4 679 61.5 T?9 1.9 Me. t.J j t\i~ )/ 11 , ,I~~" 14 ~4: la'~ G.-JQ 1 I W.t-4~ ,L ..,) in ~ " {) )( T '-..,;:( f 1!4.V ~ ,.., 4...&;' ~ -1 -.-' , I k" " ~ \'SCSI ..J tJ ::.. ~ .~ "Z K.. ~ ~ ~1~Z" ~'t ~ ~~-l: ~ ~ r'~,. If.G) o~ ^ t .~ : ( '-/ ,4) i '1 Cl 11 ~ N )( -N N )t ~ " l' c~ 411 ,~ 1;11 8.11 1!t.1 ~-16 '- "' " " I ! If 4" " 111.4.0 ,yr- l f ~~ ~ J ~ ~ ~ " . x .. PRtNTID ON NO, 1000H CLEAR""'''' . i I ~ I !.. " ~ .. ~ 1'\.' ,'4- 4 l~ I. " t' 4... It> '4- Cf-ID ,~ " ,'- , '" " 141. Z. C,.. ~ f8" " , "" : " J I I t,'!I/I ,~ 0""": I _ ~.:' t1r' (;; i ~ >> 1 ! f l , I II l t 1 I; ~ '9...Il> ...... 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Uniform Fire Code Certification #53275 Colorado State Fire Suppression System Inspector Certification #92-173 comment~ 6 \( ~ \ ,,",bt~ l\ ;>+:~ . @ ? r.v ~ ~ ~~\ t.,.... rw'\-. (:: c ...-h,~ ~d \l "-e~ l.A. :.r...Q ~+s., ~+\-6""e \4 ZL\-7 3Z3, G:> ~~,,~ ~'1..s .\. u..-. "",,,,,,s-t \a C I '^'S td 1I-c L f d ~ t:.>(, 81 . -h ~t. I9f (-:"\~ \ I~+.s, Go ;, ~ ~ ~ ~ t@v" v.) l ~ ~i ec,. t" --\0 2tl ~ \4.Sf" "t~.6\A-" if \--- \~ \ ~ '\.e s'\ oS , @ U.e;t C, C"QW\. ~""-\-o 2o,j~ - ~D -IJ.t~ 4 fl3ZC1v{) 'rot ~ "'- ~ r'l. \L,..ev'\lts ~ ~.s+~ # C0 ~ ~ ~.s~ V\e~.Q.s -\0 be ~Q,,\=;eJ7 - ~.r,~v 6)~....() v&d \.s r€~\A. :...J; I' Q.,~~LS -t~t.- G :C.ss"'<J \Illl't c..k:~/<&s(Jl;J~\1 b"o>~Y~t'[;;;'C:~ V\e.~ (1,.(\5& , 48. ')(. 1 1-1i H J ~U t-.i 411 H:..BGO MODc./... 8C?Cl DE=- iE..C.lo ~ 411 a ~ Y V,.b..LVl:- 4N t':L 4' . ~~ . ~, ; " (DtI ~A+l p oe ~u....a.E:E... l3e-Lo t--J ~ ~A ~,- VE.. TAl L.r 'V F~ c:.E.NE.~L- ~ts~ 1, A LL., D~I ~ l.....li:lTALLATlotJ ~~L &.. PE..~- hJ , 1-=3 2. l"PIPI~~ To AHE2 U.17( NA. T J-I tl ~<::::"H 4t? J 1!-, II T &~ tlBL " T ~E~ IHi t T~ 4 " I&> E3-e:... II D(hl A I' If-ll 1" ,.~w 'Z F1rnwG,~ T~ &!!.. Tl-Jp C.l.. C I 'Z.l:? 311 ~ 4. FrTTI N~$ -r t;I> Bt:.. Gt Ii:?Vl!- ALL.. <:::t~~~ ~~LL BE.. 4. ALL I-~ ~ 13. ? ~ j..JOI 1.0 E:,.)lCeEP 121 c; dl't-J ~L - ':,14 LA) ~~ F #t?: 1) , AU-rO ZotJ ?/oee.. '# 82'-' ~-Iol ~IPLING. -?i W.....~,.eID<::!:II ICO DRAWN8Y H, ~ REVISED D P't Peo1"E..GTIPN 2'1 IW. ~~PP!J-~J Av~ ~133 co DRAWING NUMBER 1=P-1 Jehn & Associates, Inc. Professional Engineers and Surveyors Structural Calculations 72N/6NN Prototype 3701 Kipling Wheat Ridge, Colorado PREPARED FOR: Design & Construction 3030 Poplar Ave. Memphis, Tennessee Prepared By: Mark Russell P.E. Project Engineer Reviewed By: Joseph A Jehn P.E., CEO 24-Feb-96 5855 Wadsworth 8y-Pass . Suite 100. Arvada, Colorado 80003 (303) 423-6036 . (800) 547-JEHN . Fax (303J 467-9438 SCHEMATIC OF BUILDING 72N (6NN) PROTOTYPE jl--' '" ~(~) I C1 , , ~--" ~~~------- <: C2 )' ._,J '.' 112'-0" ------, . . I~,I~\ - 1,\ C1 . '.! \_/ C2 i I,,! II I" 11 ,!i I i! I'; II: III1 L "? '" .... }1 i; i/JlI/--\ f\~; Iii Ii I ! I , i. Ii 'I li!~(~-;' L~~n . '., ~-B1~'>, / \'\ " (E \b \,,-,/ ~~ Page of 16 JEHN & ASSOCIATES. INC. 5855 Wadsworth Bypass, Arvada, Colorado 80003 By: JBV Professional Engineers and Surveyors (303) 423-6036. Fox (303) 467-9438 Checked: MPR & 1-800-547-JEHN Job No.: 142-95-358 Date: 26-Feb-96 Client: AutoZone, Inc. Project: 3701 Kioina Street Subject: 72N (6NN) PrototYDe, 85 moh, EXD. C, 1991 UBC LOCATION: 3701 Kiping Street Wheatridge, Colorado STORE: 6NN PROTOTPYE DESIGN LOADS: ROOF 30 PSF - LIVE 15 PSF - DEAD 75 PSF - LIVE 41 PSF - DEAD 1991 UBC 85MPH, EXP, C 2A FLOOR: WIND SEISMIC ZONE: SOILS REPORT BY: Ground Engineering Consultants, Inc. 7393 Dahlia Street Commerce City, 80022 (303) 289-1989 Job No,: 95-281 RECOMMENDATIONS: TYPE OF FOUNDAtION- Drilled Piers FTG. DEPTH BELOW GRADE -36" Page 2 of 16 ::l\ltol!onel6NN.:d~ JEHN & ASSOCIATES. INC. 5855 Wadsworth Bypass. Arvado. Colorodo 80003 By: JBV Professional Engineers and Surveyors (303) 423-1;036' Fox (303) 467-9438 Checked: MPR ~ 1-800-547-JEHN Job No.: 142-95-358 Date: 26-Feb-96 Client: AutoZone, Inc, Project: 3701 Kioina Street Subject: 72N (6NN) Prototvoe, 85 mph, Exp, C, 1991 UBC Load Combinations: , Dead load plus live load or snow, , Dead load plus wind or seismic, , Dead load plus wind plus 1/2 seismic. , Dead load plus snow plus 112 wind, , Dead load plus snow plus seismic. 'Building is structurally regular. I. SEISMIC DESIGN: A. Desian Base Shear: where: where: where: V= ZICW Rw V= Z= 0.15 1= 1 C= 4.31 w= Rw= 6 C= 1,25S T2I' S= 1 T= 0.16 0,069 W (Reference Section 2334, 1991 UBC) = Total lateral force or shear at the base Seismic zone factor for this zone (2A) importance factor numerical coefficient (see below) total seismic deadload defined numerical coefficient 4.31 'Use 2,75 max = Site coefficient for soil characteristics, Fundamental period of vibration of the structure in the direction under consideration, T = Ct(hn)'14 = 0.16 Ct = 0.02 hn= 15.5 Numerical Coefficient Height, in feet, above the base to that level which is uppermost in the main portion of the structure. Page 3 of 16 ::'I\lto~ont/6NN.xl~ JEHN & ASSOCIATES. INC. 5855 Wadsworth Byposs. Arvodo, Colorodo 80003 By: JBV Professional Engineers and Surveyors (303) 423-6036' Fax (303) 467-9438 Checked: MPR & 1-800-547-JEHN Job No.: 142-95-358 Date: 26-Feb-96 Client: AutoZone, Inc, Project: 3701 Kiping Str~t Subject: 72N (6NN) Prototvpe, 85 mph, Exp. C, 1991 UBC B. Lateral Seismic Force: Fp = ZICpWp = 0,11 Wp (reference section 2336, 1991 UBC) where: Z= 0.15 Seismic zone factor for this zone (2A) 1= 1 importance factor Gp= 0,75 numerical coefficient (see below) Wp= Total seismic dead load, Rw= 6 numerical coefficient Weight of 8" CMU's wi #5's @32" O.C. = 51 psf Total Lateral Seismic Force = (51 psf)(.11) = 5.74 psf II. WIND DESIGN: Roof Live Load: Floor Live Load: Wind: P = CeCqq.1 = 25,6 psf (Reference Section 2316, 1991 UBC) where: P= Ge= Gq= q. = 1= 1,06 1,30 18.6 1,00 Design wind pressure, Combined height, exposure and gust factor coeff, Pressure coeff, for the structure under consideration, Wind stagnation pressure at the standard height of 30' Importance factor. Wind Load 25,6 psf > Lateral Seismic Force 5,74 psf > Therefore, 85 mph, Exposure C wind controls over seismic zone 2A, Page 4 of 16 t1\1tOi:!Obl.!:I6NN.xl~ JEHN & ASSOCIATES. INC. 5855 Wadsworth Bypass, Arvado. Colorado 80003 By: JBV Professional Engineers and Surveyors (303) 423-6036' Fax (303) 467-9438 Checked: MPR & '-800-547-JEHN Job No.: 142-95-358 Date: 26-Feb-96 Client: AutoZone, Inc. Project: 3701 Kioine Street Subject: 72N (6NN) Prototvoe, 85 moh, Exo. C, 1991 UBC III. FOUNDATION DESIGN: Allowable end bearing pressure: Allowable side shear: Minimun dead load: 25000psf 2500psf 1 OOOpsf for upper 15' of pier Pier diameter 10" 12" 16" 18" 24" "rea (sf) 0,54 0.79 14 1,77 3,14 Perimeter (sf) 2,61 3.14 4,18 4,71 6,28 Bearing (Kips) 13,5 19,8 35 44,3 75.4 Skin friction (Down) . (Kips) 39,2 47,1 62.7 70.7 94.2 rotal axial load capacity (Kips) 52.7 66,9 97,7 115 169,6 Skin friction (uplift) 39,1 47.1 62,7 70,7 94,2 Additional bedrock penetration 6 6 6 6 6 As min, = 1% By AC110,84 Use 1 % Ae/2 0.38 0,57 1,1 1.27 2.26 (For upper 15' of pier) ( Assuming no dead load) * (Based on a min. of 6' of penetraion in bedrock) Page 5 of 16 ::.uto:!oftt/6NN.xl!J JEHN & ASSOCIATES. INC. 5855 Wadsworth Bypass, AlVada, Colorado 80003 By: JBV Professional Engineers and Surveyors (303) 423-6036' Fox (303) 467-9438 Checked: MPR & 1-800-547-JEHN Job No.: 142-95-358 Date: 26-Feb-96 Client: AutoZone, Inc. Project: 3701 KipinO Street Subject: 72N (6NN) Prototype, 85 mph, Exp, C, 1991 UBC B. Foundation ((b Canopy Column (See Schematic Column "E") Uplift in Canopy Area: P = C.Cqq.1 = 23.7 psf where: P = Design wind pressure. C. = 1.06 Combined height, exposure and gust factor coeff, Cq = 1 ,20 Pressure coeff, for the structure under consideration, q. = 18.6 Wind stagnation pressure at the standard height of 30' I = 1.00 Importance factor. Roof Dead Load sf 4-ply built-up roof 1.70 Total Roof Dead Load: 13.43 psf Isocyanurate 2,5" insulation 3.75 1.5" metal deck (22-ga. painted) 1,78 Net Uplift: 23,7 Joists (LH32 @ 5'-0" O,C,) 4.20 -13.4 Mech.lElec, exce t s rinklers 2.00 10.2 psf Total Dead Load 13.43 Check footing @ Column: Contributing Area of Canopy: 207 sf Times Net Uplift: x 10.2 psf 2,12 kips = Total Uplift Dead Load of Footing & Pier: 18" dia. pier, 15-1/2' deep: 27,39 cu,ft. @,15kef = 4,11 18" dia, pier, 18' deep: 31,80 cu,ft, @.15kef = 4,77 Soil - 7.23 sf, l' deep (min,): 7.23 cu,ft, @.11 kef = 0,80 9.67 kips 9.67 kips 2.12 kips = 4,57 > 1.5 (not including skin friction) okay Page 6 of 16 ~Qto~Ol'l<::/6NN.xl~ JEHN & ASSOCIATES. INC. 5855 Wadsworth Bypass, Alvada, Colorado 80003 By: JBV Professional Engineers and Surveyors (303) 423-6036' Fax (303) 467-9438 Checked: MPR & '-800-547-JEHN Job No.: 142-95-358 Date: 26-Feb-96 Client: AutoZone, Inc, Project: 3701 Kjoino Street Subject: 72N 16NNl Prototvoe, 85 moh, Exo, C, 1991 UBC C. Foundations Under Girder Joist 1575 p~ I I R,=27.2 k R,=56.8 k 1, End Columns (See Schematic Columns "C1"): I R3=59,1 k I I R,= 29,5 k 5" x 5" x 1/4" tube steel 0,01562 kif Height 15 ft 29.5 kips + (.0156 klf}(15 ft) = 29,7 kips 18" diamerter pier capacity = 155k>> 29,7 End Columns: Tube Steel 5" x 5" x 1/4" Column (see APPENDIX A for design of tube steel and base plate) 2. Column Sections (See Schematic Columns "C2"): 5" x 5" x 1/4" tube steel 0.01562 kif Height 15 ft 59.1 kips +(.01562 klf}(15ft)= 59,3 kips Floor weight = 29.9 kips Page 7 of 16 ::luto~ol'l(:'6NN.xl~ JEHN & ASSOCIATES. INC. 5855 Wadsworth Bypass, Arvada, Colorodo 80003 By: JBV Professional Engineers and Surveyors (303) 423-6036" Fax (303) 467-9438 Checked: MPR 11 1-800-547.JEHN Job No.: 142-95-358 Date: 26-Feb-96 Client: AutoZone, Inc, Project: 3701 Kiping Street Subject: 72N (6NN) Prototype, 85 mph, Exp, C, 1991 UBC Total weight on pier = 89.2 kips 18" diamerter pier capacity = 155k>> 89.2 kips Tube Steel Columns: 5" x 5" x 1/4" Tube steel (see APPENDIX A for design) 0, Pilaster Footino (See Schematic Pilaster "0") Masonry Column Weight 140 Height 14.5 Area 2,67 pcf It Sa, It. (16" x 24") 6,6 kips + (140 pcf)(14,5 1t)(2,67 sf)/1000 = 1202 kips 18" diamerter pier capacity = 155k>> 12,02 E. Exterior Column Footina (See Schematic Column "E") Concrete Column Weight 150 pcf Height 11,5 It Area 1,77 sa, It, 13,7 kips + (150)(11.5)(1.77)/1000 = 16.8 kips 18" diamerter pier capacity = 155k>> 16.8 Column - 18" dia. corrugated galvanized spiral pipe with 8-#5's vertical and #3 ties at 15" O.C, (see APPENDIX A for design) Page 8 of 16 "lIto;:ond6NN.xl~ JEHN & ASSOCIATES. INC. 5855 Wadsworth Bypass, Arvada, Colorado 80003 By: JBV Professional Engineers and Surveyors (303) 423-6036' Fox (303) 467-9438 Checked: MPR & 1-800-547-JEHN Job No.: 142-95-358 Date: 26-Feb-96 Client: AutoZone, Inc. Project: 3701 Kioina Slreet Subject: 72N !6NN\ Prototvoe, 85 moh, Exo, C, 1991 UBe F, Foundation Wall Desian: "Design wall to span 10'-0" between piers, -Use 12" wide foundation wall, min, 24" deep, d= 30 inches b= 12 inches f, = 3000 psi fy = 60000 psi M= wl2 ft-kips = 43,3 ft-kips 10 where: M= Maximum moment w= 4,33 kif Total load on wall per foot 1= 10 If Design span, Mu= 1.7* M ft-kips = 73.6 ft-kips F= bd2 = 0.9 12000 K.,= Mu = 81.8 use min, as required F Minimum as required: Vertical: 0,0012 x 12x12 in2 = 0,17 in2 Horizontal: 0,0012 x 12x21 in2 = 0.30 in2 Use 2 - #6's top and bottom Po. (Area of Steel) = 4 x .44 = 1,76 in2 1,76 in2 > 0.30 in2 okay Page 9 of 16 'lI\ltoOlon<:I6NN.xll:i' JEHN & ASSOCIATES. INC. 5855 Wadsworth Bypass, Arvada, Colorado 80003 By: JBV Professional Engineers and Surveyors (303) 423-6036' Fax (303) 467-9438 Checked: MPR & 1-800-547-JEHN Job No.: 142-95-358 Date: 26-F eb-96 Client: AutoZone, Inc, Project: 3701 Kiping Street Subject: 72N (6NN) Prototvpe, 85 mph, Exp, e, 1991 UBe IV. BEAM SIZING: A. Pilaster to Masonrv Wall (See Schematic Beam "B1 ") ] I P,=.34 ! P,=0.90 I 3,\1/ 7' \' / 7' ~ _I t P3=1.35! I \1/ \/ 30 15 45 pst - live psf - dead psf - total 7' t R, L=24' R2 R, = 2,0 kips R2= 1.7 kips M = 13.4 kip-ft Sx = 6,7 in3 (see APPENDIX A for design) Use W 12x26 Sx =33,4 in' B, Pilaster to Girder Joist (See Schematic Beam "B2") P,=7,09 k I P,=7,54 k I P3=8,10 k I I t 4.5' 3.5' \1/ 5' t 5' t . I R, L=18' R2 R, = 11.9 kips R2 = 11 .2 kips M = 65.2 kip-ft Sx = 32.6 in3 (see APPENDIX A for design) Use W 12x26 Sx =33,4 in' Page 10 of 16 ilIuto;:onol!:/6NN.xl~ JEHN & ASSOCIATES. INC. 5855 Wadsworth Bypass, Arvada. Colorado 80003 By: JBV Professional Engineers and Surveyors (303) 423-$036' Fox (303) 467-9438 Checked: MPR A 1-800-547-JEHN Job No.: 142-95-358 Date: 26-Feb-96 Client: AutoZone, Inc, Project: 3701 Kiping Street Subject: 72N (6NN) Prototvoe, 85 moh, Exo. C, 1991 UBC C. Bar Joists Dead Load: 15 psf Space bar joists every: 5 feet Live Load: 30 psf Span = 60 feet Total Load: 45 psf Load (w) = 5 fl x 0,045 ksf = 0,23 kif Dead Load: 41 psf Space bar joists every: 3 feet Live Load: 75 pst Span = 60 feet Total Load: 116 psf Load (w) = 3 fl x 0,116 ksf = 0.35 kif From Vulcraft Design Catalog use: 30k11 bar joist for the roof 20k4 bar joist for the floor D. Girder Joist (Roof) p = 7,8 kips per bar joist, Bar joists spaced at 5' apart (typical), I I I I \i \ j\ 34'-7" 37'-6 112" 37'-5112" R,=27.2 K R,=56,8 K R,=59,1 K R,=29.5 K Girder Joist Designation: 36G8N7.8K 36G7N7.8K 36G8N7.8K Vulcraft Design Catalog D. Girder Joist (Floor) P = 2.7 kips per bar joist. Bar joists spaced at 3' apart (typical). I' , I . \ 21.5' .. I I Girder Joist Designation: R,=26,7 K 24G7N3.4K Vulcraft Design Catalog R,=26,7 K Page 11 of16 ..\lto~o,.<:-I'6NN.xl~ JEHN & ASSOCIATES. INC. 5855 Wodsworth Byposs. Arvod.. Colorodo 80003 By: JBV Professional Engineers and Surveyors (303) 423-6036 . Fax (303) 467-9438 Checked: MPR & 1-800-547-JEHN Job No.: 142-95-358 Date: 26-F eb-96 Client: AutoZone, Inc, Project: 3701 Kipina Street Subject: 72N !6NN\ Prototype, 85 mph, Exp. C, 1991 UBC V. DECK From Vulcraft Design Catalog (see attached) Try 1 ,5B22 Deck 1.5B22 Deck okay for up to 128 psf (for 5' triple span) Shear in deck from wind load: Contributing area of wall: 11212 x 17,512 = 490 s.f. Wind Load: 25.6 psf 490 sf x 0,0256 ksf = 12,6 kips Vd= 12,6 kips 71 feet = 0.18 kif Use 36/4 fastener pattern, (Vd = .269 kif) Connection to be #12 tek screws w/4 - #12 tek screws at side lap. (see APPENDIX B) VI. SHELF ANGLE PARALLEL TO JOISTS Allowable shear on bolts per Table No, 24-M of 1991 UBC: 550 Ibs/bolt Actual Shear: 1771blft x 32 in 12 inlft = 472 Ibs/bolt 550 Ib > 472 Ib okay Page 12 of 16 ::II...to;::on<:l6NN.xl:!: JEHN & ASSOCIATES. INC. 5855 Wadsworth Bypass, Arvada, Colorado 80003 By: JBV Professional Engineers and Surveyors (303) 423-1;036' Fox (303) 467-9438 Checked: MPR ~ 1-800-547-JEHN Job No.: 142-95-358 Date: 26-Feb-96 Client: AutoZone, Inc, Project: 3701 Kioina Street Subject: 72N (6NN) Prototvoe, 85 moh, Exo, C, 1991 UBC VII. BEARING PLATES UNDER BAR JOISTS: A, Under Bar Joists: Allowable masonry bearing stress: P= (For masonry baering: Floor system bar joist: bearing plates ok by inspection.) 225 7,8 7.8 0.225 (.225)(1)2 2 = 0,113 kio-in = 0.00469 in3 24 ksi d= (6S/b)'I2= 0,168 in bd2 6 Use 11" x 9" x 3/8" plate under girder joist at 16"x24" CMU Pilaster C. At front beam: Allowable masonry bearing stress: P= Required Area: M= wl2 2 S,",,'d, = M F, S= bd2 6 = B. Under Girder Joist: Allowable masonry bearing stress: P= Required Area: M= Sreq'd_ ;;;; M F. = S= d= psi kips/bar joist = 34,7 in2 = 0,113 in-kips Use 5" x 7" x 3/8" plate under each bar joist. 225 psi 6.6 kips 6.6 = 29,3 in2 0,225 (.225)(3)2 = 0,338 in-kips 2 ksi 0.338 kio-in = 0.01406 in3 24 (6S/b)'I2= 0.290 in 225 13.9 psi kips Required Area: 13,9 = 61,8 in2 0,225 M= (225)(3)2 = 0,338 in-kips 2 ksi Sreq'd. = M = F. S= bd2 d= 6 Page 13 of 16 ..vto;::oM/6NN.xl::; 0,338 kio-in = 0.01406 in3 24 (6S/b)'I2= 0,290 in Use 7" x 10" x 318" plate under front beam. JEHN & ASSOCIATES. INC. 5855 Wadswortl1 Bypass. Aniado, Colorodo 80003 By: JBV Professional Engineers and Surveyors (303) 423-6036' Fax (303) 467-9438 Checked: MPR ~ 1-800-547-JEHN Job No.: 142-95-358 Date: 26-Feb-96 Client: AutoZone, Inc, Project: 3701 Kiping street Subject: 72N (6NN) Prototvpe, 85 mph, Exp, C, 1991 UBC VIII. MASONRY DESIGN: (for design calculations, see APPENDIX AI A. Materials - Mortar: 1, Portland Cement 2, Masonry Cement 3. Sand 4. Water 5, Mortar Mix 6. Grout Mix ASTM C150Type I ASTM C91 Type II ASTM C144 Potable, from local utility supply. Type M: 1 part Masonry Cement 3 parts sand, 2000 psi min. per ASTM C270-72, Plant mixed Type M: 1 part Portland Cement. 2-1/4 parts sand, 3000 psi min, per ASTM C476-65, B, Materials - Masonrv Units: Lightweight, ASTM C90, Grade M-1, F'm = 1500 psi. Smooth, split and single scored face sizes where called for on drawings, C. Materials - Reinforcina: 1. Horizontal 2. Vertical and Bond Beams 3, Control Joints Standard duty, truss type, 9 gage side and cross rods, galvanized class 3, with prefabricated tees and corners, Steel bars, ASTM 615 Grade 60 - sizes are shown on the drawings, Everlastic high grade synthetic rubber slot seal, standard 2015-3 as manufactured by Williams Products, Inc, D, Shelf Anale Anchoraae 3-1/2" x 3-1/2" x 1/4" angle anchored to wall with 5/8" expansion anchors with 4" minimum embedment. Horizontal Load Capacity: Per section 2310, page 152 of the 1991 UBC, must resist 200 plf Anchor bolts are placed every 32" o,c, in each grouted cell. From equations 6-27 & 6-28 of the UBC: Ap= 50.2 Ab= 0,31 fm = 1500 f, = 24000 Allowable tension in bolt: B, = ,5Ap(f m)"2 = B, = .2Abf, = 972 1488 Ib/bolt Iblbolt 200 = use P= 32 12 x 533.3 Ib 5331b < 972 Ib okay Page 14 of 16 ':lI\lto~ohc/6NN.xl:::- JEHN & ASSOCIATES. INC. 5855 Wadsw<lrth Byposs, Arvodo. Colorodo 80003 By: JSV Professional Engineers and Surveyors (303) 423-6036' Fox (303) 467-9438 Checked: MPR ~ 1-800-547-JEHN Job No.: 142-95-358 Date: 26-Feb-96 Client: AutoZone, Inc. Project: 3701 Kioino Street Subject: 72N (6NN\ Prototvoe, 85 moh, Exo, e, 1991 use E. Shear Peroendicular to Wall Shear width per 32" (b) = 5" width cell webs end walls INOte,-per Section 2406 of 1991-UBC, '.1 the allowable shear stress for i I unreinforced masonry is 34 psi for Type 1M Mortar. 2(1") 4(1.5") 13" d = 3.82" v= V bd = 200 X 2 13 X 3,82 where: V = 200 plf from 1991 use Shear factor = 2 = 8.05 psi actuafshearstnBSS 8,05 psi < 34 psi okay Shear area parallel to wall = total face shell thickness X steel spacing + (length of grouted cells + masonry webs adj. to grouted cell) x width b/w outside face shells = 2 x 1,25" x 32" + (5" + 2 x 1,25") x 5" = 80 + 37.5 = 117,5 sq,in./32" = equivalent bd V= 12,6 kips = 0,589 kif 21.33 ft v= Vx2 = 589 x 2 = 10,03 psi actuafshearstress bd 117.5 34.00 psi > 1003 psi okay Page 15 of 16 "uto~Oht/&NN.xl~ APPENDIX A 018 Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 Line 5 Title Scope : Number: Misc Dsngr : Date:09-Mar-95 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SQUARE FOOTING DESIGN Page 018 DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------ >> Autozone, Inc. - 6NN Prototype ---- LOADING DATA DEAD LOAD k LIVE " k SHORT TERM " k SEISMIC ZONE (O=wind) OVERBURDEN WT psf COMBINE LL+ST? y/n n ---- FOOTING DATA LENGTH & WIDTH THICKNESS # OF BARS BAR SIZE COLUMN SIZE f'c Fy BAR COVER CONCRETE WT. ----- SOIL DATA ------ BASIC ALLOW. SP SHORT TERM MULT. DEPTH BELOW SOIL INCREASES...... PER FT DEPTH psf WHEN BELOW.... ft PER FT WIDTH psf WHEN WIDER.... ft -- CALCULATED FORCES - Max. static SP psf Allow static " Max. Short SP " Allow Short Term " One Way Shear: psi vu/phi " Two Way Shear: " Vu/phi " Mn k-ft/ft Mu/phi: Actual " ---- REINFORCING ----- Actual Bar Depth in MIN ALLOW. % STEEL 200 / Fy % Req'd Per Analysis USE...... .% In^2 Req'd per Foot Total Req'd in^2 --- REBAR CHOICES ---- Quantity of: #4 #5 #6 in psi psi in pcf psf 018 >> ft in ft --------1-------1-------1--------1-------1------- 9.83 19.7 4.07 5.6 19.67 39.4 8.14 11.2 # n n n y 4.5 5.67 3 3 12 14 12 12 4 6 4 4 5 5 5 5 22 12 16 18 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 3 3 3 3 3 145 145 145 145 145 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 1. 33 3 3 3 3 y 3,000 60,000 3 145 1. 33 --------1-------1-------1--------1-------1------- 1,602 2,007 1,502 2,012 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 630 782 597 767 109.54 109.54 109.54 109.54 17.43 42.11 2.93 0.94 219.09 219.09 219.09 219.09 38.33 110.16 15.52 16.40 11.60 17.00 17.11 17.11 2.50 9.63 0.92 1.00 --------1-------1-------1--------1-------1------- 8.69 10.69 8.69 8.69 8.69 8.69 0.0014 0.0014 0.0014 0.0014 0.0014 0.0014 0.0033 0.0033 0.0033 0.0033 0.0006 0.0014 0.0002 0.0002 0.0014 0.0019 0.0014 0.0014 0.146 0.244 0.146 0.146 0.657 1.382 0.438 0.438 --------1-------1-------1--------1-------1------- 483 3 352 2 242 2 018 Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 Line 5 Title : Scope : Number: Mise Dsngr : Date:09-Mar-95 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SQUARE FOOTING DESIGN Page ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 018 #7 2 3 2 2 #8 2 3 2 2 #9 2 2 1 1 #10 2 2 1 1 ---------------------- --------1-------1-------1--------1-------1------- 018 018 Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 Line 5 Ti tle Scope : Number: Misc : Dsngr : 018 Date:30-Jan-95 STEEL BEAM DESIGN & ANALYSIS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DESCRIPTION >>AutoZone, Inc. - 6NN Prototype >> ---------- BEAM DATA -------------- ---------- MEMBER DATA ----------- AISC SECTION ------>> W12x26 Fy = CENTER SPAN LENGTH = 18 ft LOAD DURATION FACTOR = LEFT " "= MINOR AXIS ? RIGHT" ,,= --------- END CONDITIONS --------- UNBRACED LENGTH = 5 ft FIXITY CODE ----->> INCLUDE BEAM WT ? Y y/n l=Pin/Pin, 2=Fix/Fix INCLUDE LL wi ST? N Y/n 3=Fix/Pin, 4=Pin/Fix --------------------------- APPLIED LOADS ------------------------------ --->> All distances refer to left support, use '-' for left cantilever POINT.....#1.. ..#2.. ..#3.. ..#4.. ..#5.. ..#6.. ..#7.. ..#8.. Dead = 2.36 2.51 2.7 k Live = 4.73 5.03 5.4 Short= Dist.= 3.5 DISTRIBUTED..... Dead = Live = Short= X Lft= X Rt = MOMENTS..... Dead = Live = Short= Dist.= TRAPEZOIDAL.... Dead Live Short Load @ Left = klf X Left = " @ Right= X Right = Load @ Left = klf X Left = " @ Right= X Right = -~~;-~-;~;;;~~--;~~-~~;:~~-;~~ioS~~,-;~~-~:~i-;~~i~-:-;~~~;~~-----I f 8.5 13.5 Max Values: Moment .....Stress Shear. .....stress Deflection . . Actual. .Allow.. fb I fv I Max. Max. % max % max Def! Ratio Def! Ratio k-ft ksi k ksi Fb Fv DL TL 66.1 23.76 40.5 14.40 in = 65.2 = 23.42 = 11.9 = 4.25 = -0.614 .......... DL LL LL+ST @Cntr @Cntr + ........ ... LL LL+ST @Cants @Cants ...All include DL --> DL only 36 1.00 N ksi Y/n 1 << ft klf ft k-ft ft Location ft ft = 0.99 0.30 1022 352 = = = Placed for Max Moments..M+ @ Center = M- @ Center = @ Left = @ Right = Shears...@ Left = @ Right = 22.4 65.2 22.4 ------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ " 4.1 3.9 11.9 11.2 4.1 3.9 013 65.2 k-ft " " 11. 9 kips 11.2 II 018 Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 Line 5 Title Scope : Number: Mise Dsngr : Date:30-Jan-95 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page STEEL BEAM DESIGN & ANALYSIS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -0.61 in -0.21 -0.61 -0.21 4.1 3.9 " " 11.9 11.2 11. 9 kips 11.2 11 018 I Defl . . . . . @ Center = @ Left = @ Right = @ ft = Reaction.@ Left = @ Right = 4.1 3.9 ------------------------ STEEL SECTION DATA ---------------------------- DEPTH = 12.22 in Ixx = 204 in^4 WEB THICKNESS = 0.230 in Iyy =17.299 in^4 FLANGE WIDTH = 6.490 in Sxx =33.387 in^3 FLANGE THICKNESS = 0.380 in Syy = 5.33 in^3 SECTION AREA = 7.65 in^2 rxx = 5.164 in SECTION WEIGHT = 25.97 #1ft ryy = 1. 504 in rT, y 1. 720 r 018 Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 Line 5 Title scope : Number: Misc : Dsngr : Date:02-Feb-95 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ STEEL BEAM DESIGN & ANALYSIS Page ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 018 DESCRIPTION >>AutoZone, Inc. - 6NN Prototype >> ---------- BEAM DATA -------------- ---------- MEMBER DATA ----------- AISC SECTION ------>> W12x26 Fy = 36 ksi CENTER SPAN LENGTH = 24 ft LOAD DURATION FACTOR = 1.00 LEFT II II = MINOR AXIS ? N Y In RIGHT II II = --------- END CONDITIONS --------- UNBRACED LENGTH = 7 ft FIXITY CODE ----->> 1<< INCLUDE BEAM WT ? Y y/n l=Pin/Pin, 2=Fix/Fix INCLUDE LL wi ST? N Y/n 3=Fix/Pin, 4=Pin/Fix --------------------------- APPLIED LOADS ------------------------------ --->> All distances refer to left support, use '-' for left cantilever POINT.....#1.. ..#2.. ..#3.. ..#4.. ..#5.. ..#6.. ..#7.. ..#8.. Dead = 0.11 0.3 0.45 k Live = 0.23 0.6 1.35 Short= Dist.= 3 10 17 ft DISTRIBUTED. . . . . Dead = kIf Live = Short= X Lft= ft X Rt = MOMENTS..... Dead = k-ft Live = Short= Dist.= ft TRAPEZOIDAL.... Dead Live Short Location Load @ Left = kIf X Left = ft II @ Right= X Right = Load @ Left = kIf X Left = ft II @ Right= X Right = ------------------------------- SUMMARY ------------------------------ USE: W12X26, Max Stress Ratio = 0.22, Max Defl Ratio = 1232.359 Max Values: Moment .....stress ;;; Shear . . . . . stress = Deflection = . .Actual. .Allow.. 13.4 60.1 k-ft 4.82 21.60 ksi 2.0 40.5 k 0.71 14.40 ksi = -0.234 in .......... DL DL LL LL+ST Only @Cntr @Cntr fb I fv I Max. Max. Fb Fv DL TL % max = : %max = Defl Ratio = Defl Ratio = 0.22 0.05 3207 1232 = + ........... ...AII include DL --> LL LL+ST @Cants @Cants Placed for Max ------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ Moments..M+ @ Center = M- @ Center = @ Left = @ Right = Shears...@ Left = @ Right = 5.1 13.4 5.1 13.4 k-ft II II II 0.7 0.8 1.7 2.0 0.7 0.8 1. 7 kips 2.0 " 018 018 Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 Line 5 Title Scope : Number: Misc Dsngr : Date:02-Feb-95 ------------------ -------------------------- ---------------------------- 018 STEEL BEAM DESIGN & ANALYSIS Page -------------------------------------------- IDefl.....@ Center = -0.09 -0.23 -o~~;-----------------=~~;;-i~ @ Left = II I a 'Riohr_ = II 018 Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 Line 5 Title Scope : Number: Mise Dsngr : Date:02-Feb-95 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ STEEL BEAM DESIGN & ANALYSIS Page ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 018 I Defl.. .. . @ Center = @ Left = @ Right = @ ft = Reaction.@ Left = @ Right = -0.09 -0.23 -0.09 -0.23 in " " 0.7 0.8 1.7 2.0 0.7 0.8 1.7 kips I 2.0 II ------------------------ STEEL SECTION DATA ---------------------------- DEPTH = 12.22 in Ixx = 204 in^4 WEB THICKNESS = 0.230 in Iyy =17.299 in^4 FLANGE WIDTH = 6.490 in Sxx =33.387 in^3 FLANGE THICKNESS = 0.380 in Syy = 5.33 in^3 SECTION AREA = 7.65 in^2 rxx = 5.164 in SECTION WEIGHT = 25.97 #/ft ryy = 1. 504 in rT, y 1. 720 r , 018 Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 Line 5 Title Scope : Number: Misc : Dsngr : Date:02-Feb-95 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ STEEL COLUMN DESIGN Page ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 018 DESCRIPTION >> AutoZone, Inc. >> --------- COLUMN DATA ---------- AISC SECTION ------>>TS5x5x1/4 TOTAL COLUMN HT. = 15 ft SUPPORT FIXITY --->> 1 << l=Pin/Pin, 2=Fix/Fix 3=Pin/Fix, 4=Fix/Pin (Bottom/Top) UNBRACED LENGTHS: X-X AXIS = 15 ft y-y AXIS = 15 ft --------------------------- APPLIED AXIAL DEAD LOAD = 19.7 kips " LIVE LOAD = 39.4 " " SHORT TERM = " X-X AXIS MOMENTS: TOP = BOTTOM = BTWN ENDS = y-y AXIS MOMENTS: TOP = BOTTOM = BTWN ENDS = POINT LOADS: (k) X-X = y-y = UNIFORM: (k/ft) X-X = y-y = ----------------------------- USE: TS5X5X1/4, Max Stress Load Comb.. .>> 1.6 - 1a = 1.6 - 1b . = 1.6 - 2 = SUMMARY Ratio = Dead 0.312 0.199 Formula Formula Formula Fa : Allowable fa : Actual = 13.75 ksi 12.88 " = ---------~----------------- STEEL DEPTH WIDTH FLANGE THICKNESS WEB THICKNESS AREA WEIGHT r-T F'ex (DL+LL) F'ey (DL+LL) 018 = 5.00 in = 5.000 in = 0.250 in = 0.250 in = 4.59 in^2 = 15.58 #1ft = INTERMEDIATE STRESS = psi = psi - 6NN Prototype ----------- DESIGN DATA ------------ Fy = 36 ksi LOAD DURATION FACTOR = 1 COMBINE LL & ST ? N y/n SIDESWAY l:Restrained, X-X AXIS = Y-Y AXIS = EFFECTIVE LENGTH FACTORS: X-X AXIS = 1 Y-Y AXIS = 1 LOADS ------------------------------ ECC. for X-X MOMENTS = in " "y-y "= in O:Free 1 1 Dead Live Short SLoc ELoc k-ft k-ft ft k-ft k-ft ft ft ft ft ft 0.94 Live 0.624 0.397 D+L 0.937 0.596 D+L+ST 0.937 0.596 OK OK OK Fb : Allowable fb : Actual X-X Y-Y 23.76 23.76 ksi " SECTION DATA I-xx S-xx R-xx I-yy S-yy R-yy = 16.899 in^4 = 6.7599 in^3 = 1.919 in = 16.899 in^4 = 6.76 in^3 = 1.919 in CALCULATION VALUES F'ex (DL+LL+ST) F'ey (DL+LL+ST) = 16969. psi = 16969. psi 018 Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 Line 5 Title : Scope : Number: Mise Dsngr : Date:02-Feb-95 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ STEEL COLUMN DESIGN Page ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 018 Cm:x (DULL) = Cm:x (DL+LL+ST) = 0.60 Cm:y (DULL) = Cm:y (DL+LL+ST) = 0.60 Cb:x (DL+LL) = Cb:x (DL+LL+ST) = 1.75 Cb:y (DL+LL) = Cb:y (DL+LL+ST) = 1.75 018 018 Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 Line 5 Title : Scope : Number: Misc : Dsngr : Date:02-Feb-95 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SLENDER MASONRY WALL DESIGN Page ----------------------------- 1988 UBC 2411 ---------------------------- 018 DESCRIPTION >> AutoZone, Inc. - 6NN Prototype >> ----------- STRESS DATA ---------- ---------- WALL DATA ----------- UNSUPPORTED HEIGHT = THICKNESS = REBAR SIZE # SPACING = .... o:cntr,l:Edge ? f'm = 1,500 psi Fy = 60,000 psi SOLID GROUTING ? N y/n SPECIAL INSPECTION ? Y y/n WALL WT. FACTOR = 1 Phi = 0.80 'd' : Depth To Steel = 3.75 in Wall Weight = 51.00 psf ----------------------------- LOADING . . . . . . . . .. VERTICAL ............. UNIFORM DEAD LOAD = 450 plf " LIVE LOAD = 900 plf .....ECC. = 1 in TYPE: 1=RF,2=FLR? 1 1/2 CONCENTRIC DL = plf " LL = plf TYPE: 1=RF,2=FLR? 2 1/2 SEISMIC FACTOR:ZICp = WIND LOAD = 15.5 ft 8 in 5 32 in 1/0 0.11 psf DATA ----------------------------- . . . . . . . . .. LATERAL ............. POINT LATERAL LOAD = ..HEIGHT FROM BASE = ...1=WIND,2=SEISMIC ? UNIFORM LATERAL LOAD = ...DIST TO BOTTOM = " "TOP = ...1=WIND,2=SEISMIC ? SUMMARY -------------------------------- M-n * Phi : Moment Capacity = M-u: (.9D+1.43E),(0.9D+1.3W) = (1.05D+1.275L) + [1.403E -or- 1.275W] = Max. Overstress = Allow Deflection: 0.007 * Ht. = Max. Iterated Service Load Defl. = Actual Height/Deflection Ratio = Actual Reinforcing %: As / (b*t) = Allowable % (based on Fy) = Actual Axial Stress: (Pw + Po) / Ag = Allowable" " .04 * f'm * Ag = # ft 2 1/2 plf ft ft 2 1/2 Seismic --------- Wind 21,971 in-I 24,908 3,111 " 204 3,093 " 238 OK % 1. 302 in 0.016 in 11387 0.0012 0.0032 14.37 psi 60.00 psi in# " " % 1. 302 in OK 0.002 in 113707 OK 0.0012 0.0032 OK 29.68 psi 60.00 psi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FACTORED LOAD STRESS ANALYSIS ----------- Basic Moment w/o P-Delta = Basic Deflection w/o P-Delta = Moment in Excess of Cracking = Max. Iterated Mid-Height Deflection = Max. Iterated Mid-Height Moment = seismic -------- Wind 3,094 in-I 236 0.022 in 0.002 in-I 0.022 in 0.002 3,111 in-I 238 in-I in in-I in in-I SERVICE LOAD DEFLECTION ANALYSIS Basic Moment w/o P-Delta Basic Deflection w/o P-Delta Moment in Excess of Cracking 018 = = = Wind 225 0.002 Seismic -------- 2,247 in-I 0.016 in in-I in-I in in-I 018 Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 Line 5 Title : scope : Number: Misc Dsngr : Date:02-Feb-95 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SLENDER MASONRY WALL DESIGN Page ----------------------------- 1988 UBC 2411 ---------------------------- 018 Max. Iterated Mid-Height Deflection = 0.016 in 0.002 in Max. Iterated Mid-Height Moment = 2,261 in-# 226 in-# Deflection = 5 * Mcr * h^2 / (48 * Em * Ig) when Ms < Mcr = 5 * (Ms - Mcr) * h^2 / (48 * Em * Icr) when Mcr < Ms < Mn ----- VERTICAL LOAD SUMMARY ------ Dead Load @ Mid Ht. = 845.3 lbs Live Load @ Mid Ht. = 900.0 " 0.9 * Dead Load = 760.7 " 1.05 * Dead Load = 887.5 " 1.275 * Live Load = 1147.5 " ------------------------- ANALYSIS EST= Equiv Thickness = 4.90 Gross Area = EST*12" = 58.80 Asteel = 0.116 Asteel/(12 * d) = 0.0026 As-eff = (Pu+As*Fy)/Fy: Wind = Seismic = 'a' wind = 'a' : seismic = in in^2 in/ft 0.150 0.131 0.589 0.514 in^2 in^2 in 018 ----- LATERAL LOAD SUMMARY ------ 1.3 * Wind = psf 1.7 * Wind = " Seismic * Wall wt. = 5.61 " 1.43 * Seismic = 8.02 " 1.87 * Seismic = 10.49 " VALUES ------------------------------ Mn = phi*Aseff*Fy*(d-a/2): Wind = 24,908 in-# Seismic = 21,971 in-# Em : 750 * f'm =1.lE+06 psi n :29x10^6 / Em = 25.78 Fr : 2.5 * f'm^.S = 96.82 S-gross = 116.3 S * Fr (cracking) = 11,259 Igross = 443.3 Icracked = 26.4 psi in^3 in-# in^4 in^4 018 Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 Line 5 Title : Scope : Number: Misc Dsngr : Date:02-Feb-95 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MASONRY COLUMN DESIGN Page ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 018 DESCRIPTION >>e >> ----------------------------- DESIGN f'm = 1,500 psi Fs = 24,000 psi For calc of Em= f'm *, 750 Em = Mult. * f'm = 1.lE+06 psi n : Es/Em = 25.78 --------- LOADING DATA ------------ GIRDER DEAD LOAD = 2.2 kips GIRDER LIVE LOAD = 4.4 kips .....LOAD ECC. = 3 in ....TYPE? 1:F1r,0:Rf= .........Lateral Loads........... ADD'L UNIFORM LOAD = plf DIST. TO BOTTOM = ft DIST. TO TOP = ft ....1:WIND/2:SEISMIC? 2 ----------------------------- Moment ft-# 1,650 Axial # 6,600 fbs 2,040 Top of Column: DL + LL Btwn Supports:: DL + LL + W = 1,621 DL + LL + E = 1,354 NOTE.... LL included 4,907 2,004 4,907 1,675 w/Earthquake/Wind DATA ------------------------------ SPECIAL INSPECTION ? n Y/n SEISMIC FACTOR = 0.11 WIND LOAD = 25.6 psf COLUMN UNIT DENSITY = 140 pcf LOAD DURATION FACTOR = 1.33 --------- COLUMN DATA ---------- CLEAR SPAN HEIGHT = 14.5 ft COLUMN DEPTH = 16 in COLUMN WIDTH = 24 in REBAR SIZE # 5 ....# OF BARS ElF = 3 ... . BAR DEPTH = 11.75 in fa 15.3 fb/Fb+ fa/Fa 0.231 <= 1. 00 <= 1. 33 <= 1.33 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Rebar Area Each Face = 0.930 in^2 Gross Column Area = 384.0 in^2 SUMMARY -------------------------------- ....Max. Stresses.... (psi) fbm 40.1 39.3 32.9 only 12.8 0.217 12.8 0.190 if "Floor" ------------------------- ALLOWABLE STRESSES --------------------------- Axial Masonry: Reduction: [1-(h/42t)^3] = Fa: [0.20*f'm*Ac*(0.5 w/o sp.insp.) + 0.65*As*Fsc] * Reduction I Area = Bending Masonry Tension Steel Fb = .333*f'm*(.5 w/o insp) = 2,000 = Fs <= 24,000 = np k=(np^2+2np)^.5-np = 0.085 0.336 = j = 1 - k/3 2 I k j Maximum Allowable Moment w/o Axial Load Maxiumu Allowable Axial w/o Moments = 0.983 221. 6 psi 247.5 psi 24,000 psi 0.888 6.703 10,195 ft-# 85.11 kips = = = --------------------- AXIAL & LATERAL LOADS & MOMENTS ------------------ . . . . . . . . . .Axial Loads. . . . . . . . . . . . .........Combined Moments......... Axial Loads: Dead Live Top: DL + LL = 1,650 ft-# @ Top = 2,200 4,400 # Mid: DL + LL + W = 1,621 " @ Mid Ht = 4,907 4,400 # DL + LL + E = 1,354 " 018 018 Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 Line 5 Title Scope : Number: Misc Dsngr : Date:02-Feb-95 MASONRY COLUMN DESIGN Page 018 .........Lateral Loads........... Wind + (Lateral) = 51.20 pIt Seismic + (Lateral) = 41.07 pIt 018 018 Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 Line 5 Title Scope : Number: Misc Dsngr : Date: 31-Jan-95 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 018 CIRCULAR CONCRETE COLUMN Page DESCRIPTION >> >> ---------- DESIGN AutoZone, Inc. - 6NN Prototype f'c = 3,000 psi Fy = 60,000 psi SEISMIC ZONE ( o=wind) : COMBINE LL & ST ? n y/n EFF. LENGTH FACTOR = 1 IS COLUMN UNBRACED ? N y/n If Yes, enter De1ta:S * M2s (ACIlO.1l.5)= DATA ---------- ----------- COLUMN COLUMN DIAMETER REBAR CL TO FACE COLUMN HEIGHT USING SPIRALS REBARS TOTAL # OF BARS REBAR SIZE ------------------------- APPLIED SERVICE LOADS MOMENTS: DL = LL = ST = Total Reinf. Area % Steel As < 1% ! = 2.48 in^2 0.97 % = AXIAL: DL = 4.57 k LL = 9.13 k ST = k ECC. = 1 in DISTRIBUTED #1 = #2 = POINT #1 = #2 = DEAD LIVE SUMMARY DATA ------------ = 18 in = 1.5" = 11.5 ft ? Y y/n = 8 # 5 Actual Cage Diameter = 15 in Radial Bar Spacing = 45 deg Min. Spiral As % = 0.0073 Top Bottom ft-k " " SHORT SLoc ELoc kIf @ x= ft " " k @ x= " ft " = Equation 9-2 4.8 501.84 Pu : Max. Factored Pn * Phi : Capacity @ Design Ecc. ----------------------------- ACI 9-1 21.9 = 501.846 9-3 4.1 k 501. 84 k Final Ecc. : Axial*Ecc + Moments = 1.14 1.14 1.14 in Magnification Factor = 1. 000 1. 000 1. 000 in Design Eccentricity = 1.14 1.14 1.14 in Po * [0.80,0.85] : (short column) = 672.666 672.66 672.66 k P . Balanced = 301.1 301.1 301.1 k . Ecc: Balanced = 5.99 5.99 5.99 in ------------------------- SLENDERNESS Actual kLu/r = 30.67 Beta = 0.85 Neutral Axis Depth From Compo face Phi Max. kLu/r to neglect slenderness Beta = sustained / Maximum Moments Cm EI = Max[(.2*Ec*Ig+ES*IS)/(1+Beta) 018 EFFECTS -------------------------- Elastic Modulus = 3,122 ksi 9-1 9-2 9-3 = 17.75 17.75 17.75 in = 0.750 0.750 0.750 = 34.0 34.0 34.0 = = 1. 000 1.000 1.000 018 Line Line Line Line Line 1 2 3 4 5 Title Scope : Number: Misc Dsngr : Date:02-Feb-95 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 018 DESCRIPTION/S AISC BASE PLATE DESIGN Page ------------------------------------------------------------------------ >> AutoZone, Inc. - 6NN Prototype >> --------1--------------------------------------------1 kipsl 29.50 59.10 ft-kl ---->> 1 TS5x5x1/4TS5x5x1/4 I kl 1 inl EDGE inl in in in inl ------ PLATE DESIGN ------1---------------------------__________________ MIN. REQ'D THICKNESS inl 0.74 0.85 Plate Analysis Type # 3 3 I psil ----- DESIGN DATA AXIAL LOAD X-X AXIS MOMENT AISC SECTION NAME BOLT CAPACITY # BOLTS PER SIDE BOLT AREA ...DIST. FROM PL BASEPLATE HEIGHT " WIDTH SUPPORT PIER HEIGHT " " WIDTH in in in in f'c Fy LOAD DURATION FACTOR AISC SECTION DEPTH .....FLANGE WIDTH .....FLANGE THICKNESS .....WEB THICKNESS psi ksi Actual Bearing Allowable: Per ACI 10.15 I Per AISC 1. 5. 51 Max. Plate capacity for Allowable Bearing k 8.8 1 0.4418 2 8 12 12 22 3,000 36 1.00 5.00 5.000 0.250 0.250 307 2,960 1,741 167.2 None None None 8.8 2 0.4418 1.75 12 12 18 18 3,000 36 1.00 5.00 5.000 0.250 0.250 3,000 36 1.00 3,000 36 1.00 3,000 36 1.00 410 2,678 1,575 226.8 ----- PLATE ANALYSIS ---->>> Use If Actual Thickness Varies From Min. -- ACTUAL PLATE THICKNESS inj Max. Allow Plate Fb ksi) 27.00 27.00 Actual fb " I --------------------------1--------------------------------------------- 018 APPENDIX B 36LH14 36 36 442llO 'i 768 7~5 729 ~g~ 683 661 641 62~ 602 ~84 5H7 5511535 520 50~ 492 ,o<ci 456 4 4 412 373 356 339 32 309 95 2 3 270 259 247 23 228 36LH15 36 36 . .46600,'~; 809 795 781 769 744 721 698 677 656 ~37 618 600 58~ 5f 5~1 ~~ . " 480 464 448 434 413 394 375 358 342 27 312 299 28 2 4 23 ~ ..~ -:;. ~ _. i.-;;~"t.~- 35 . ~ , ~ ~ II ~ . ~ , Ii -II !l . , -iil ~ iIIl 'iil iIIl .. -i1 ... ... .~ ,~ ,~ ~ ~ ') ~ ~ ~ STANDARD LOAD TABLE I LONGSPAN STEEL JOISTS. LH SERIES B..ed on a Maximum Allowable Tensile Str... of 30,000 psi Approx- wt. '-,~~ In u.. ~ Depth In . m-:-_ '.~ CLEAR SPAN IN FEET ..... uno.. lnoh.. ~---.-~.. Dulgnation (JoISUI Onty) ~28-32:j'~ 33 34 35 38 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 48 47 48 24LH03 11 24 1'500;11 ~~ m ~~ ~i ~& m m m m ~M m ~# ~~B ~~ 13B 13~ 24LH04 12 24 '" !'141011'~ ~AX ~X~ fJ m m T~ m ~B 1e~ fJ m 1M 241 231 m 214 t~F~ ~~ 122 114 101 24LH05 13 24 "",.J,510tr 449 ~ 440 4~9 399 m ~~g 347 ij~ 3V m r's6 2SO 289 2~8 248 .~-~:~ 308 285 2 4 244 196 1 1 141 132 1 4 117 !"} .,......,",~ '.." . 24LH08 16 24 .,~:t 211300"; ~4 m ~g~ ~~~ ~# ~ ~~ ill ~& ~~ TB} TU m Tr, T~ 307 ~.~j~~, 11 1421 24LH07 17 24 k.. '*1Il ~~ ~~ 3~~ ~e9 ~ ~~~ ~~9 ~~~ ~9 m ~~ ~& TB~ m m T#T .-: ;'_""'''4 '..;:1 24LHOB 18 24 '23800' 70b 677 649 622 ~~ 572 545 ~~ 497 475 m 435 417 400 384 369 "u ""~1 48 447 416 388 338 314 272 254 222 208 196 184 173 24LH09 21 24 28000. 8~~ 80g 7g5 784 7~1 696 3~3 ~~ 60~ ~n ~n 524 ~J ~3 460 441 d";~~ 5 53 5 1 460 44 393 31 254 209 196 24LH10 23 24 29600,~ ~~ ~gB ~~~ ~ ~9~ ~B ~~ ~9~ 3g~ 3~~ 38~ ~8~ ~~8 ~~ ~!l ~8 .' 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'.. .;",..~ 4 33-40 ; 41 42 43 44 45 48 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 28LH05 13 28 14;'!00 "~ j r,~ ~6~ 310 ~b 28B m 288 255 245 ~l ~B 22Il 21~ 206 139 13~ 192 16 15 142 133 113 10 102 28LH06 16 28 18600 : 449 428 412 395 379 364 m Tfs 3~4 31~ 301 291 281 271 262 253 . 289 27 253 238 223 209 1 5 16 156 148 140 133 126 120 28LH07 17 28 21000'1 ~~~ 38~ ~~ m ~f1 ~~8 ~~ ~b3 TB9 T~~ m T~ n8 Tg8 1a~ 199 28LH08 18 28 225IlO ) ~~ m ~~ 47g ~8 438 ~~ m ~~ 371 TRX 344 ~~ n~ f'J 297 28 252 196 175 140 28LH09 21 28 27700 I ~7 ~8 312 ~~~ ~~ ~ ~19 499 ~t m m 430 415 401 387 374 _;.! 48 75 91 274 216 204 193 183 173 28LH10 23 28 30300 ; ~9 704 679 3Rt 625 600 576 ~~ 5~3 ~13 ~~ 477 480 444 429 415 '=,'l 6 439 414 364 342 322 2 5 69 241 228 215 204 193 28LH11 25 28 32500 . 7sg m ~ij 711 3B~ 655 3~ 605 582 ~81 540 ~~~ 50~ 485 468 453 ;49 423 373 331 312 94 278 24 236 223 212 28LH12 27 28 35700 i ~57 837 81~ 800 782 766 ~b ~ 682 656 6~2 609 587 ~~8 546 527 i 45 520 49 476 454 435 361 340 31 303 285 256 243 28LH13 30 28 37200 . 8~5 874 854 ~rs 81~ 799 ~~ 766 7Bl 722 6~4 638 643 ~~ 5~8 m : 5 9 543 518 47 452 415 3 6 373 3 2 32 314 2 1 38-48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 58 57 58 59 60 81 82 83 84 32LH06 14 32 18700 r,~ m TA~ T93 ~3 2B4 m m m ~r, 24~ 2T4 227 ~ 2~4 ~S 1 1 12 1 9 114 1 4 32LH07 16 32 18800 1m ~~3 ~T M~ ~~ m m ~~ ~~~ HB m ~~ 1~1 247 ~ffi m 121 32LHOB 17 32 20400 : 411 ~97 ~~ ~69 ~~ 345 T~ T~ 3~2 302 ~T 284 279 287 259 252 255 42 16 194 1 7 159 144 13 131 125 120 32LH09 21 32 25600 ~16 ~8~ ~g ~g 447 ~~ 418 404 ~8A m T8~ li8 m T~ T~9 31~ . 19 256 23 219 ~ 32LH10 21 32 28300 m ~~~ ~T~ ~~~ ~~ ~~9 ~i m m m ~~ T8~ Tb8 m ~~ 32LH11 24 32 31000 ~5 602 580 560 541 522 505 ~3 473 458 443 ~~ 416 1B~ 390 378 . 5 363 343 325 308 292 277 251 239 227 206 187 179 32LH12 27 32 36400 734 712 688 664 641 619 5~8 578 559 541 524 508 492 477 463 449 450 428 406 384 364 345 3 7 311 295 281 267 255 243 232 221 211 32LH13 30 32 40600 ~6~ ~~ ~~ 771 746 ~~i 3~8 3~ 3~ m 382 ~u ~~~ ~~ m m 444 42 32LH14 33 32 41800 ~~ m ~}8 m ~ ;,) ~~~ Hi 3~~ 339 3~ ~ ~~ ~9~ ~8~ m 32LH15 35 32 43200 870 853 837 821 805 791 m 763 750 7~5 701 3~ 656 835 6~6 5,7 532 511 492 473 454 438 407 393 3 4 355 322 306 2 2 29 42-58 57 58 59 80 81 82 63 84 85 86 rrr 88 89 70 71 72 36LH07 16 36 16800 ~n m ~~3 ~~3 m ~~ ~~ m ~~~ ~1 m ~~~ ~8~ 2g~ 13g 131 36LH08 18 36 18500 , 321 311 m 1~! 2e4 273 1~ 19s 2~3 246 1~ 23! 227 221 215 208 .. 194 185 1 0 15 1 4 128 11 113 109 104 10 36LH09 21 36 23100 ' 41} ~3e ~~~ ~74 ~8i ~~ 34~ m m 314 ~~ ~b 289 28~ m 2f ; 24 14 18 163 144 13 1 7 38LH10 21 36 26100 ' ~4 ~ ~i8 m ~~ ~~~ ~be TSt lib Tab m m Tgg m flJ r'J ! 3 36LH11 23 36 28500 .: 49~ ~3 ~B ~} m ~~i ~i 401 ~8~ T~e T88 TiS m T~~ Tgg m ':.;; 29 214 38LH12 25 36 34100 q~i m m ~39 ~~ ~9S ~~~ 47~ m ~ m 424 41i 1Bg fl9 378 25 213 20 17 36LH13 30 36 40100 ! 697 675 694 634 61~ ~~~ 579 ~B~ ~ag 5~1 ~~~ 502 488 475 ~ 45~ .-'~.:; 415 395 3 6 359 34 312 2 3 251 240 231 21 38LH14 36 36 44200 " i 768 755 729 706 68~ 661 641 621 602 ~84 ~rs 551 535 520 ~05 492 ";oj 456 434 412 392 37 3S6 339 323 309 95 270 259 247 37 228 36LH15 36 36 . 46600. :; 809 795 781 769 744 721 698 677 656 337 618 600 58~ 567 551 536 ','. 460 464 448 434 413 394 375 358 342 27 312 299 26 274 263 252 ~ _.' .-:i";;-'-"-- 35 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number: . BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date: 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 2728 3/8/96 Property Owner: DAUENHAUER EDWIN M Property Address: 3701 KIPLING ST Contractor License No. : 18764 Company: K.S. Enterprises, Inc. Phone: Phone: 3607880 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value: Permit Fee: Plan Review Fee: Use Tax: I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full respons' i1ity for co Iianee with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable W t Rid manees, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED DATE 3 -7-/- f c:, Total: $25,000.00 $252.00 $0.00 $375,00 $627.00 Description : KEYSTONE LOCK RETAINING WALL BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Approval: Occupancy: Walls: Roof: Stories: Residential Units: Electrical License No : Company: Plumbing License No : Company: Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date: Approval: II Expiration Date : Approval: II Expiration Date : Approval: II (1) (2) (3) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur application and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Bulldina Code of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. This permit shall expire If (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixty (60) days from issue date or (8) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 days. If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or jf suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid (ora new permit. No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. Contractor shall notify the Building Inspector twenty.four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on Inspection card before proceediing with successive phases of the job. The issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings and specifications shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions of the building es 0 any other gfpinance, w, rule or regulation. _ C.;! < l (4) (5) (6) THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BYTHE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR CALL: 234.5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION If i~]J) DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number: BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date: 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner: Property Address: Contractor License No. : A () 10 2 0/7 '(/ 3lb\ ~~~D<j~ Phone: Company: f, S" E /I (.(Jf I" I J e' h L- Phone: 3 (,,() ..7c?J(; OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value: L:J; 000. C() Permit Fee: Use Tax: I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this pennit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances. rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record: that all measurements shown. and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full respons~ "Iity for com . nee with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (V.B.C.) and all other applicable Whe Ridge ances. for work under this permit. DATES" :;<Y[7 Ie -eJ; I /' Ii' BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED / Description: ){ vy :..~7'0 /' to Total: !)Iff lL ~>JJ1[jJ!~':1'~"I'" 'II' I' Approval: Zoning: lh LiftV' #/11" ;TI ':'., . ''"!~~I\rll",;"J,\'J; Approval : gqb.If~~WlftKL."''''11Il1l.1ftS~ Approvai : Occupancy: Walis: Roof: Stones: Residential Units: Electrical License No : Company: Plumbing license No Company: Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date: Approval: -.J prans Rll,qu!red:;':"1 Expiration Date: Approval: J:l Plans .Required .I Expiration Date: Approvai : ~ :. P~ns..Ro-qull'illll:\S (11 (2) (3) This permit was ISSUed In accordance with the provISions set forth In yopur application and IS sublect 10 the laws of the Stale of Colorado and 10 the Zoning Regulations and Bulldmg Code of \Nheat Ridge. Colorado or any other applicable ordinances 01 the CIty. This permIt shall expire If (A) the work authonzed IS not commenced wlthm SIXty (60) days from Issue dale or (B) the bUlldmg aulhonzed is suspended Of abandonee! tor a period of 120 days. If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a tee of one.half the amount normalty reqUIred, provIded no changes have been or Will be made In the original plans aM speclficallons and any suspensIon or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year, If changes are made or If suspenSIon or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permIt. No work of any manner shall be done that Will change the natural now of water causing a drainage problem Contractor shaU notIfy the Building Inspector twenty-four (24) hours In advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceJidung With successIVe phases of the Job. The ~uance of a permit or the a roval of draWings and speCIfications snalt nal be Canstrueo to be a permit for. nor an approval of. any VIolatIon of the prOVISions 'l(l;;l coo~ or a ot" ordinance, law, rule 01 regulation jhief Building Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-593324 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION (4) (5) (6) ;ont TO 912145530103 P.01 ......... Iif~ I!II! I Ilil P', !'j hi!! i ,. Iii I III .hll li II I: i,l iJI: I ',! 'I' iiI ii'! r iI' lI!l .. II > !fl 'II" :il liJ C "........ .i 'I i i ~ " ~ 0 'I i I ~ N , ~ 0 trj Z '" >- trJ ~ ~ '" <5 '" '" ;;t'" o;-g...;, ~ :=0 -"'':llP' ~-g ~ ;:r CD~""5' to' ~CI:I ~ tTJ 1Z::~::E 0 ...'Z::;r~ Q = ~..'" o~~~ q ~ ,,0_ c.JI'-i!l ;; ~ " > ;; '-'--. 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DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number: 2725 BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date: 3nt96 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner: DAUENHAUER EDWIN M Property Address: 3701 KIPLING ST Contractor License No. : 18033 Company: Gordon Sign Co. Phone : Phone: 6296121 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED DATE Total: $8,600.00 $30.00 $0.00 $0.00 $30.00 1 hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this pannit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and 89,ree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, for work under this permit. Construction Value: Permit Fee: Plan Review Fee: Use Tax: Description: 2 SIGNS-ONE DOUBLE FACE 7'X14'=98 SOFT, 1 SFACE ILLUM. L TRS 4'6" X 26' BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY MR.PCD 3/5/96 NO SIGNAGE ALLOWED ON SOUTH SIDE Approval : Occupancy: Walls: Roof: Stories: Residential Units : Electrical License No : Company: Plumbing License No : Company: Mechanical License No : Company: III Expiration Date: Approval: III Expiration Date: Approval: Expiration Date: Approval: III l1l This permit was issued In accordance with the provisions set forth in yapur application and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of Wheat Rid~e, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. This permit shall expire if (A) the work authonzed is not commenced within sixty (60) days from issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 day's. If this permit expires, a new permtt may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid (or a new permit. No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. Contractor shall notify the Building Inspector twenty-four (24) hours in advance for alt inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceediing with successive phases of the job. The issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings and specifications shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions of the buildi 9 8 or a other ord1"ance, law, rule or regulation. ~/ e-J. { Chief uilding Inspector THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION (1) (2) (3) (6) DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Building Permit Number: Date: a~ ~'6 -9 <0 Property Owner: P-M to Zo Y\ -E-- Property Address: 310 1 ~\ P \;(\~ 'Z::>-\-"...,.eJ- Contractor License No. : Company: Gord6n 'S lCj II Com p1Y\ y Phone: Phone: &.;8...(p I.:JI OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT f# 00 . ()-c! Construction Value: I {) ,(JU7) .00 I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances. rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants. easements or restrictions of record: that all measurements shown. and allegations made are accurate: that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge dinances, for work under this permit. .ac:. Total: . OAT~4~-~ ,I i >< llf!. q6~,~~, 0(\"-. '5\1'- ,1\1l"':'. @j:,!l on€- p~Ol Se..t- ~ \etl-€rS '\0(\-1 \\\A.m- Permit Fee: UseTax: DC(o'3'd.- (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED '" ' 'S.n~ll OM ~le-.\d.6L. ad: Description: QX- </'-(,," X d;1V - /17 Sq,H. 'l not.. <>..\- t{ -" , .. ~'Lf BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY 4J>JJ1\jJ!!'~'~"!lI~ 'lj~ t Approval: Zoning: ~ , ......,\~t-.1A<..?t;;.. C-olt-lC-\DESo WilH. f'e D . -Jto~.~~ ~.~, L~) . / 3-'> ~ ,If' ~- ~ O'Y> .rll ,,-'~ ~ !r'!:':'~ll~)l\d; Approval: ~bllc;.Wlftk..J."""J.l'D.ms::! Approval: Occupancy: Walls: Roof: Stones: Residential Units: Electrical License No : Company : Plumbing License No ' Company: Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date: Approval: ..J Plans RAAu'red~:1 Expiration Date: Approval: j1 Plans Required .I Expiration Date: Approval: ~ 'P.fl!ns;lD"qulrilllll'mll (1) This permit was ISSUed In accordance With the provISions set forth in yopur application and 15 Subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and 10 the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of Wheal Ridge. ColoradO or any other applicable ordinances of the City. This permIt shall expire If (A) the work authonzed is not commenced WIthin SIXty (60) days from Issue dale or (B) the bUIlding authonzed is suspended or abandonea lor a penod of 120 days. If this permit expires. a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-halt the amount normally reqUIred, prOVIded no changes have been or Will be made In the origmal plans and Specifications and any suspensIon or abandonment has nOI exceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or If suspension or abandonmenl exceeds one (1) year. full fees shall be paid for a new permit No work. of any manner shall be done that Will change the natural now of water causmg a drainage problem Contractor sn notify Ihe Building Inspector twenty-four (24) hours In advance lor aU inspections and snail receIVe wntten aoproval on InspeclJon card before oroceedllng I successive phases of the tab. The IssuanCe fa p It or the approval of draWings and specifications shall not oe construea to be a permIt for. nor an approval of. any Violation ot the provIsions Jf the bUlldln code or any other din ceo law. rule or regulation. (2) (31 (41 (5) (6\ Chief ui aing Inspector For Mayor T S PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION FEB-13-S6 14,16 FROM, '" ..... '" "\ " I' q ~~M ~~?S \)Io~~,\ ~~("\~ r~"",""" ~~I~ ~'" ",,,, . """' Cl ~~ I rna "TIl'l . ~ fl>M !l!~"'~ aiS~g 0" z z m n o c ;0 en m en 3: o o :i:! I t\ OJ '<:l!: ~ 5~~~ ~ <J~~~ *< ~ .~. 1016024701313 ~.. ~ I PAGE 3/7 t tit, ~...~~ aiS,,~ ~n~ I'" r~ lin~ ~i ~~~~ i'ii~;:;'" z ~~ ~" ~.....-.... (;; '" -", '" ~"= l\l~;a " '" ~i ...'" '" Ol ~ il' ...~ .. " '" J~' Cl ~ (;~'1'~ ~ll;i;'" " ~~~ h ~~~ ~ 'T' I" ~ ~ ~ ~i~ m , fii'" = "TJ ~~~ -l ~~V\ - .~~ (f) <> ~! 0 ~ acg m 6 m !'" g ill ~ Z ~ '" (fJ ~ 0 ~ m --..-_ m r-_ m ---_ < ~ ~Q ~:t't: - ~l" ''l> I ~ ~ m~ ~~~ I . ~~ ~~~ ~ ,~.,j~~JI, ~I! ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ----~ ~~~ ~~ ~- I~I ~~ m ~~ ~. ;:u ~ ~, r"f m < ~ o z "' " I I; >< ~ ~ ;~ - ~ ~ " ~~ ~ ,..--. 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ZZ :;;f a.~ " ~ '" ~ ., 8 ~ .,,, N=> ~= ~~ l!i ;!; ll! ~ % o = ~ o 3 f2 i 0 .. t; ~ u w '" ~ ~m ~ , :.. ~ . ~i .~ N ~ -0 ~~ 0:; z. ~ CI)~ :WO~d 81'~1 88-8 td DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number: 2658 . - BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date: 2/20/96 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner: DAUENHAUER EDWIN M Property Address: 3701 KIPLING ST Contractor License No.: 18749 Company: Tony Crawford Construction Phone: 495-8700 Phone: 5530044 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value: Permit Fee: Plan Review Fee: Use Tax: $298,837.00 $1,336.00 $0.00 $4,482.56 $5,818.56 I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this pannit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED DATE Total: Description : AUTO ZONE BUILDING BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Approval : Zoning: Approval : Approval: Occupancy: Walls: Roof: Stories: Residential Units: Electrical License No : 18603 Company : Sechler Electric Expiration 2/28/97 Approval : ~ C--- II Plumbing License No : Company: Mechanical License No : I 7 1 ? '7 Company: 1< cite <!J}/If'''V 1(0<; Expiration Date : Approval : II Expiration Date: Approval: II 1tl (6) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur application and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and BuildinQ Code of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. This permit shall expire If (A) the work authonzed is not commenced within sixty (60) days from issue date or (8) the building authorized Is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 days. If this permit expires, a new pennlt may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new pennit. No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem, Contractor shall notify the Building Inspector twenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceediing with successive phases ofthe,'Ob, The issuance of a permit or the approval 0 drawings and specifications shall not be construed to be a pennit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions of the building codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. (1) (2) (3) Chief Building Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number: . . BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date: 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner: Property Address: Contractor License No, : Company: u~;n. 7J~ J70f 7~ ~r24(Phone: 1'1~J.- ~/Jf S"- b 7 () () ',' ,n,''', ,.... ',", jL~....f' . ".. ~ "..... {f"' .,.......\,....' Phone: +77~511t, OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value""" ~:;IOOCJ I 00 Permit Fee: Use Tax: I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate. and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restnctlons of record: that all measurements shown. and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONT~CTOR) SIGNE;;:hl~ ), tUe-Md. DATE 'I/I'1/'1? Description: W~/ CU 2~~ I BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Total: ]{g -'? g Approval: Approval: Occupancy: Walls: Roof: Stories: Residential Units: Electrical License No : Company: Plumbing License No : Company: Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date: Approval: II ....-_i....lIIIMiI Expiration Date: Approval: . _....__.....i1i'AH'_1 Expiration Date : Approval: . (1) (2) (3) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur application and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordInances of the City. This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixty (60) days from issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 days. If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. NO work of any manner shaH be done that will change the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem Contractor shall notify the Building Inspector twenty.four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceedling with successive phases of the Job. The issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings and specifications shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions of the building codes or any other ordinance. law, rule or regulation (4) (5) (6) Chief Building Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION , . DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number: 2658 BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date: 2/20/96 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner: DAUENHAUER EDWIN M Property Address: 3701 KIPLING ST Contractor License No.: 18749 Company: Tony Crawford Construction Phone: 495-8700 Phone : 5530044 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value: Permit Fee: Plan Review Fee: Use Tax: $298,837,00 $1,336.00 $0.00 $4,482.56 $5,818.56 I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record: that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and a~ree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED ;)~ ~ /~ DATE ;).-J.O-'l(,. Description: AUTO ZONE BUILDING BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Total: Approval: Occupancy: Walls: Roof: Stories: Residential Units: Plumbing License No:; ~~ 7 (. C Mechanical License No: liOfil Company :wt::3TI'rl-l w"CH""II""AI Company: XAE-' ~~;,~ t;cA- c.... . , I~j,dl ){o"tl- PI""" .. .:.... ^ ...v . Expiration Date: 2/20/97 Expiration Date: ",'v,,,, _~ -.;),..q 7 Approval: Approval: Electrical License No : Company :WESTECH MECHANICAL INC Expiration Date: 2/20/97 Approval: . . . (1) This permit was issued In accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur application and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of Wheat Rld~e, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authonzed is not commenced within sixty (GO) days from issue date or (8) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 dB)'S. (3) If thls permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceecIs one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. (45) No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem () Contractor shall notify the Building Inspector twenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and sha ive written approval on inspection card before proeeedling with successive phases of the/.ob_ (6) ThaJssuance of a permit or the approval 0 drawings and specifications shall not nstrued to be a p rm- oval of, any violation of the provisions of Ing or any r ord" ance, law, rule or regulation. ief Building Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECT CALL: 234.5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION AND MAYOR If ~3J Feb-12-96 Ol:41P WHEAT RIDGE SECOND FLOOR 2352857 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND D~VELOPMENT Building Permit Number; BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION. 235-2855 CITY OF 't"{HEAT RIDGE Date: 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RlqGE. CO 80215 " " P.02 t i t , J I , Property Owner: AUTOZONE, INC. I Property Address: 3701 N. KIPLING WHEAT 'RIDGE, COLORADO Contractor License No. : 1016185 Const.B Supervisor Company: 'l'CN{ CRAWFORD CXl\/STRucrroo . I ~'i olF;R1iONTRACTOR,S'GNA TURE ?~ UNDERSTANDI~G AND AG~EEMENT I ~bV certify that the -..IMdt dlStances prOOOSed by thiS penntt application are aCCUr.il18, at'llfoo not violate appIw:.abM 'OIdinanc:el. !'Ute. or regutoltions of the City of Wheat Ridge or . cov......: ea_n.. or .._os of'recolll: Chat an measuremelllS shown. and an"llalJO.' made Ire accurate: that I hay. read anc:l"agree to abide bv an conditions printed on this applatiot'l. It'ICI that 'a.sume ~1I relponlibiUty.for compliance Wit" the Wheat R~Q' Building CCl4. (U.B.C.) all4;all olher apploc:able Wh.at illdgo ord..."""., for woll< und./thlS perm,t. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED OATE02-19-96 Phone:901-495-8700 Phone:214-553-0044 I Construction Value :~'78~.,J?'37PtJ Permit Fee: /33b-O-td Use Tax: ~ -</8'';;-.IT, :5. '1,1 Y /..)~ Total: D~.~cription: GROUND-UP CXl\/STRUcrlOO OF STEEL & MASONRY BLDG. i " .. t BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY ~ ..-..-. . Approval : Zoning: J J ,:'! 1 __. . 7'::~"T"I. ~ 1\' j.' , Approval: '"~U~Wmn'VUlltlutfIftS':! Approval: Occupancy: Walls: Roof: Stories: Residential Units: Electrical License No : Company: PlumbIng License No Company: Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date: Approval: .J Plans R6;qulred 7" :1 Expiration Date: Approval: j:J Plans Rellulred .I Expiration Date: Approval: ]I : .....M ,~ulnftflmlll (1) Thl' pertM. wa. f"Yed ,1\ aecon:aance wlU\ ~.hc ptOVtllOt'iS Nt fonI'l 1ft yoput' aOCMtClllon and IS suDted to Ihe lawS 01 Ole State 01 ColoradO and to \he ZO(II"9 R8QutabOnl ana BUIlding COde or WI.at Rtdge. CoIQr.C10 at any otnef appllc.afH on1lRlnc.1l of tn. City. (2) Th,perm<< .1Ul11 ..l)lte" (Al the WOtk autftOft1ed IS not commel"lC*l WtU\tn SIxty (60) days from l$Sue date Of (8) the: buildIng authonzed IS suspenCled 01 aDanoonea tor. penod 01120 "ya. (3\ IfU'l.a petn'lll.llplr... . MW.petmt may be KqutNo,Of" fee of one-hal' &he amcll.J!f11 nonnatfy r~ulR<l, proooed no CI\Inges hilve Dean Of" Will be made 111 (!'Ie MOina' plan. and aj)eClficalK)nS and ."y IUSpenaaon ty abandonment ~s nol e.c:eecled 0.... (') year. If Cha"9e:s .;ue maa. or If :uspenstQ(\ Of aNnoooment e:xc:;eeo, one C 1) year, full 'eM snail be paw:s fOf a new permit. (.., NO work Of anymannet 1NIt! be done Nt Will d\ange ltIe natural flow 0' waler causll'lq a C1rall''1aoe problem (51 ContrKlOc' sna" nOllty the 8uddlt'l9 InlPOCtO!' rwenry"our :24) hOl,Irs In advance lor.U tnspec:tJon, ano '1'1&11 reCetve wntten appI'Ovill on mSpecl.IOn carCl before r procoeo11nq WIt" $ucx:aSaNe phases 01 the JOb. f61 Tr\e IUU..-.ce Of a pertnlt Of ,the approval at orilWlAgS ana SpearlCabOnS snan not De consU1.Jeo 10 be a permft for, nor an approval 01 any VlOlilll()l'l of the provIsions f ;)f the bUllOll'IQ cooes C)( any OIMr ordinance. law. rule or reQulatlOn,' /' ChiOf-Suilding Inspector For Mayor - THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL; 234-593324 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION 1 WHffH RIDGf FIRf PRDTfClIOn DISTRICT P.O. Box 507 3880 Upham Street Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034 (303) 424-7323 December 13, 1995 To: John Eckert Chief Building Official City of Wheat Ridge Wheat Ridge Co. 80033 Subject: Building comment review for Autozone, 3701 Kipling Street. Dear John, After conducting a plan review for this project, I am submitting the following comment/requirements: 1. A fire alarm panel will be needed for this building in order to accommodate the duct detection for the HVAC system and flow detection for the sprinkler system that is to be installed. Complete plans need to be submitted for approval prior to installation. 2. There may be additional items not addressed at this time that will be addressed as the need arises. The contractor/developer can contact this office regarding any concerns they may have. Please contact 424-7323 to schedule an appointment as needed. Respectfully, ~~ Dave Roberts Fire Marshal Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING , DEVELOPMENT REQUEST FOR PUBLIC WORKS REVIEW 9b - ~:;; 2? Date: ~-dO-Yb Location: 370 ( ~4'~ U Case/Building Permit No. ~~~ review the below, ~e 1'. ....L. 2. :/' 3. ~ attached materials submitted in application for approval of , and indicate your decision on those items check add any other comments which you may have under number 18. Boundary Closure: )( OK Not OK; refer to stipulations Square Feet Area: Acres Drainage: a. Drainage b. Drainage c. Drainage ...2L. OK plan (and report) needed plan not needed --- provisions have been reviewed and are Not OK; refer to stipulations found to be: 4. / NPDES Permit ;Required 5. ~ 6. --- 7. 8. ....--- 'l @ Legal Description: ~ OK If not okay, please explain: Not OK; refer to stipulations Public Improvements: a. street paving needed c. Sidewalk needed e. storm Sewer needed If Escrow required, for & N b. Curb &. Gutter neededa) N OP N d. Street Lights needed 'l N flJ N f, Escrow required ~ N whal:improvements? In what amount?~,_~~ .---- Development If 'les, for Agreement required 'l tV All necessary documents have been initiated by Public Works and are attached hereto: n~ --- /i:rN ., 9. -- Is a traffic impact analysis and report required? 'l ~ 10. ~ Is a State Highway Access Permit needed? ~ N 11. ~New roadway or alley R.O.W. dedication is recommended:(7o If yes, what is recommended: 12. ~ 13. ----- 14. ~ All eX.J...sting dedicated roadways and alleys meet the standards of the City: ( J. If)no, which do not and what is requested: \z l,,,,,, ~. -t; 10... ,~<:A F W".;".j ~, -:r<OVY\,.D All existing and proposed dedications have been reviewed and found to be: ~ OK Not OK; refer to numbers 11 &. 12. this request and and/or attached sign ure z. /20;% Date 15. The Public Works Department has reviewed this request and does not approve for the reasons stated.: Signature 16. ~ stipulations attached: Date 19 'les 17. ----- DEADLINE DATE FOR PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REPLY: 18. .....=-- Summary Comments: A....... 'PIZA.OA.~ - I fpu'BL.lC l~en-,.", 'N" ~ i.~'fDI-"e1U 1"""= \b ,='>AI\c.€ <>1"-1= en.. c.o~,,,~ ~- I....~".;..-, .....e\\ciZ.~~ ~~l;~F'ol2\e l~ ~ A.- --rc::.-o = C-.:::> AI \PLANo.p:mv. rlU( (rORHS) ,\;'(." '~lItl /~f I 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE PO BOX 638 WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80034.0638 (3031234.5900 The City of ~heat 'Ridge City Admin. Fax # 234.5924 POlice Oep1 Fax # 235-2949 January 4, 1996 Mr. David Moore, P.E. Jehn & Associates, Inc. 5695 Yukon Street Arvada, Colorado 80002 Re: Autozone Parts Store, 3701 Kipling Street - Approval of Final Drainage Study, Construction Drawings and Erosion Control Plan Dear Mr. Moore, This letter is to inform you that the final drainage study, construction drawings and the erosion control plan for the above referenced project have been reviewed and approved for construction. Please be aware of the following items regarding the construction of the project: 1. The proposed drainage facilities shall be constructed and approved by the City of Wheat Ridge prior to issuance of the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy, 2. Erosion control for the project shall be placed in conformance with the approved drainage/erosion control plan and shall be maintained as needed during the course of construction. 3. All drainage improvements shall be constructed in conformance with the approved drainage report and plan. 4. It will be the responsibility of the contractor for the project to repair any damage to the existing public improvements on Kline Street and/or Kipling Street as a result of related construction traffic in the area. Also, the contractor will be responsible for maintaining Kline Street and Kipling Street on a regular basis such they are free of construction debris and tracking from construction traffic accessing the site. 5. Upon completion of the drainage improvements the engineer, Jehn & Associates, Inc. shall provide to the City of Wheat Ridge a letter of certification stating that the various improvements, as defined in the drainage report and plan, have been accurately surveyed to confirm that their construction is in accordance with these documents. The certification letter shall be written and stamped by the engineer who prepared the o 1(,O,\',i,-,I/'III'" Mr. David Moore, P.E. Jehn & Associates, Inc. Page 2 drainage report, and shall be submitted for review and approval by the City prior to issuance of the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy, or Certificate of Occupancy. If ~av~ any questions, please contact me at 235-2868. si/c~/ / / rl~~ Greg Knudson Development Review Engineer GWK cc: Bob Goebel, Public Works Director Glen Gidley, Planning & Development Director John Oss, Sr. Project Engineer Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer John Eckert, Chief Building Inspector Meredith Reckert, Planner II John McGuire, City Surveyor Chuck Braden, ROW Technician File Kccon..lell at Reception No. o'\;lo\;k. M" Recorder. WARRANTY DEED TillS DEED, Made this 6TH day of NOVEMBER, 1995 between EDWIN M, DAUENHAUER of the County of JEFFERSON and Slate of COLORADO, of the first part, and AutoZone, Inc. a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of NEVADA, of the second part, whose legal address is p, 0, BOX 2198, MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE 38101-9842 WITNESSETH, That the said party of the nrst part, for and in consideration of the sum oj ' . N THOUSAND AND OOIlOOth. DOLLARS, ($127,000,00), to the said party of the first part in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm _unto .the said party of Ule second part, its successors and assigns forever, alllhe following described lot or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the County of JEFFERSON, and Slate of Colorado, to wit: ,. LOT 2, EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET AND EXCEPT THE EAST 15 FEET THEREOF, ELLER SUBDIVISION COUNTY OF ,JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO The foregoing Lot is also described on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereo also known by street and number as 3701 N, KIPLING, WHEATRIDGE, COLORADO 80033 TOGETHER wilh all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining and the reversion and reversion..~, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof; and all the estate, right, title, interest, claim and demand whatsoever of the said party of the first part, either in law or equity, of, in and to the above bargained premises, with the hereditaments and appurtenances. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises above bargained and described, with the appurtenances, unto the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever. And the said party of Ule fIrst part, for himself, his heirs, executors, and administrators, does covenant, granL, bargain and agree to and with the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, tJl3t at the time of the ensealing and delivery of these presents, he is well seized of the premises above conveyed. as of good, sure, perfect, absolute and indefeasible estate of inheritance, in law, in fee simple, and has good right, full power and lawful authority to grant, bargain, sell and convey the same in manner and fonn aforesaid, and that Ule same are free and clear from all fonner and other grants, bargains, sales, liens, taxes, assessments, encumbrances and restrictions of whatever kind or nature soever, except ror taxes ror the current year, a lien but nol yet due or payahle, and except those items set forth on Exhibit B. attached hereto and made a part hereof. and the above-bargained premises in the quiet and peaceable possession of the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, against all and every person or persons lawfully claiming or to claim the whole or any part Ulereof, the said party of the fust part shall and will WARRANT AND POREVER DEPEND. _ The singular number shall include the plural, the plural the singular, and the use of any gender shall be applicabJe to all genders. IN WITNESS WI:fEREOF. the said party of the first part has hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year fust above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of 6'~~~LJ~~, EDWIN M. DAUENHAUER. t: /~. r";. (.i- I'. ~ . S;~!~8~,~~~~RA.. 0 , l ss. .XOUNTYpP' ck, ~ ) .."'~'..'.. .,. f1le"foregoi~g1t)su:tih1. nt was acknowledged before me this 6TH day of NOVEMBER, 1995 by / f..t';:~~-~)/" .wy( :.\~:\ \ My't6owii~.~f~n r/xpir~s: 07-31-99 \. '>:.>.... .......<<...-/ . foe EDWIN M. DAUENHAUER Notary Public Nil. S.952. \Vurrnnly Deed In Curpurullm\ (rur I'hnluj.:rllphlr Reo:urtl) _.______..;.._.-:______u___~'________.._________~ . : .\ I ...., \ ,~ . \.... " "E X H I BIT A" .. ------------- __ 'l'-!---U , ! LOT 2 OF THE tLLER SUBDIVISION AS RECOR-DED IN BOOK 7, PAGE 14, JEFFERSON COUNTY PUBLIC RECORDS, EXCEPT THE WEST 20 FEET AND EXCEPT THE EAST 26 FEET .THEREOF, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: -- . COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF. THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH. PRINCIP-AL MERIDIAN; THENCE S 00 00'00" E ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE NORJHEASTl/4 OF THE -NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 28, A DISTANCE OF 766,12 FEET; . THENCE DEPARTING THE EAST LINE OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 28, S 89 24'38" W A DISTANCE OF 44,99 FEET TO A FOUND REBAR WITH PLASTIC CAP LS, 7124; THENCE CONTINUING S 89 24'38" W A DISTANCE OF 11.02 TO A SET REBAR WITH . ALUMINUM CAP LS, 5112 MARKING 'A POINT ON THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF . KIPLING STREET AS RECORDED IN REC. NO. 881243134, JEFFERSON COUNTY PUBLIC RECORDS, THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S 00 00'00" E, ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 154.42 FEET, TO A SET REBAR WITH ALUMINUM CAP LS. 5112; THENCE S 89 41'27" W, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 3, ELLER SUBDIVISION, BOOK 7, PAGE 14, JEFFERSON COUNTY PUBLIC RECORDS, A DISTANCE OF 254,15 FEET TO A FOUND NUMBER 5 REBAR WITHOUT CAP ON THE EAST RIGHT- OF-WAY LINE OF KLINE STREET; THENCE N 00 01'01" E, ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, BOOK 1046, PAGE 356, JEFFERSON COUNTY PUBLIC RECORDS, A DISTANCE OF 153.17 FEET TO A FOUND NUMBER 5 REBAR WITHOUT CAP; THENCE N 89 24'38" E ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF LOTI SAID ELLER SUBDIVISION, A DISTANCE OF .254.12 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; .~:: '\ COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. PURSUANT TO CRS 38-~5-106.5 THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION WAS ESTABLISHED/SET OUT BY JEHN & ASSOCIATES, INC. EXIlIBIT B SETBACK LINES AS SHOWN oN THE RECORDED PLAT OF ELLER SUBDIVISION. ." RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT AS GRANTED TO TilE MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AUGUST 27, 1971" .IN BOOK 2292 AT PAGE 410. Any Bssessment o~ lien of WIIEATRIDGE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT' AND THE PROSPECT VALLEY FIRE PROTECTION Dist~ict, BS disclosed by the inst~ument ~eco~ded OCTOBER 7, 1971 IN BOOK 2305 AT PAGE 895. TilE EFFECT OF KIPLING OFFICE PARK 9,D,P., RECORDED JUNE 27, 1980 AT RECEPTION NO, 80047269, THE EFFECT OF DESIGNERS' PLAZA O.D.P, RECORDED DECEMBER 22, 1988 RECEPTION No. 88124134 AND JULY 21, 1995 AT RECEPTION NO. 1"0086668. AT " . 50 FOOT SETBACK LINE LOCATED ON THE EASTERLY PORTION OF THE LAND DELINEATED ON ALT/\ LAND TITLE SURVEY BY JEHN '" I\SSOCIATES INC DATED 16, 1995, JOB NO. 142-95-189,'" , ., THE EFFECT OF ALTA LAND TITLE SURVEY RECORDED MAY 31, 1995 NO, 1"0062988. AT RECEPTION AS MAY