HomeMy WebLinkAbout3408 Ames Street Sep-21-9a 02:21P Scott Hollister 719 4954193 P.01 -, . ,. ~ FAX MEMO !1tk)te) .) J?l4, ~~'6 't -- Zl To: DARIN MORGAN From: Scott Hollister e: Ames Street LDS Church project 3'107. ' ere are the letters from the adjacent property owners approving our design for the new retaining wall. I will tell Connor to go ahead with our design. Thank you, please call if you need anything else - (719) 495-3944 j4<{? 7J~~} ~~o~ I 33?s, 'J?' )J(', jke/'1 'f' . /1' 0/0 Sep-21-98 02:21P Scott Holl;ster 719 4954193 P.02 S.p-l....0.~a.A S~O~~ Hol'1.~.r 7U~ .8$4U1l3 P.Ql , ' un CJIUKClb J1\lISCfIRI"" I ~ 'ATTm-I)I\Y Si'\Nl'l P_CAL ~~lJTlIS __C4l...II_ 1275_- COIa_ .......r.;.:"'..- ""- (1'_. Kirk V.Hoc P.O. Box "29 EdwardJ, CO. 81632 970 476-2421 Mr. VanHcc. nus lener is In ceprd to Ihc llIftIodclillll-k dlIC if tMina place It dle LOS chURlh at 341118llCi MIna sa.t ill Oenwr. Vou IN Ihe ~ of IItIi*R pNlIoortY 10 die cast of \he ,hun:1l. AI)OU ani aware, t1lc OOIIltt1II:lion of. now maWlII Will hu AUIIld tho I1lIIininI wall 011 your ~ to fail. Tho chuTclI hu re-deliped the new WIll to handle Ibe now sitlll&ion. TIll ~h.1llld I:OnIrICUlr will; I. Cowr tbc cn&itc 00Il oftbc now wall. 2. Repair any ~ to slabs <<landIcapiD. It our ~ 3. Buikllbo .... _llCCOfdillJ to dle -~"'" ~I.. dr&_ by our cnsi-. 4. AsSUIM all *PlWibilily f<<4raiMF. f\Inbtr dIInIP C&lIIecl by lbc I1CYw .:ollSUllCtioa, and maimonancc ofdle new wall. This I.... ... with the attadIcd "site wall detail." mUll be 1IlAl...ltte4 to 1he ..ily for ~ 10 beciD epin. !(you a.,.. 10 these conditions p1cae sip this lc:ucr blIIow aIIIi fix it bIGk 10 me at (719) 495-4193. f aII\ '101}' tony fiIr any illCOlMllllencc tI1at Ibis hu G8UMld you. f hope Ibat we CIlIIO 01\ and be pacf ncilfhbors. For your future refetace the nlllllbcr of' &be mai1ltllll&Dce office lbJ thia p10ll'1lY i5 303 934-1ZOJ. PI_ fCcl free 10 call me if yOll haw any ~O.. at all. Also pi.- ia4icaIC to me "",,,thc:r yOlI ~ like sod or ,......1 and a baUcD bClIIrd to fill in 1bc saP c:rcated by tho void Iletu.a..aL tile - wall and tM old wall. 20.;;;;- , ScoII Holll_. fiold JIIlIIllIIM' " LOS Ch\Ireh Physical Facilities, ~tfI~ "ilk VallHee.. r --"'vi . 2'd ~" '~'^ '3'5'5 ~E'21 86, ~t d3S Sep-21-98 02:21P Scott Hollister _ SEP-17-9B e~:20 PH RKY "TN WRTLD PROD 719 4954193 6tJ.5 tf... I;J.c:::tH:' P.03 S;oP-14..9B 09,21?- Sco~~ Hollist.... 719 41154193 P.Ol ... \.!.\: ,,, -;; r..,UIlo I J..\I...r R-Ifr>-.tJ .) "f>L- Y.~ f...~ II r'" r.,fL6' ;.) PI".. .. j._H~) b ......., l'ttJ..)...J '1 \". J A g..< <. "1'''''' .. , I r I . \1 F="I'f:;fC.4.t. fAI.:IVi'[S f"k")l1f'. A-n(:r,l,;~ f~n!r", Ar,-" ni~ Sw,:,; F"Cl,Y.I Cr.>II]I~ry SJ:ltth~ t;:l,,';r.,\~l,;, I:S:.I9QU Pi'II'1M liI91....~,.:'l9,hl SIC<C O)'cr 1'.0. Bu, '1..7 Parkcr. Co. 80 1J4 303 1I41.82[)8 -.. Mr. Dler. Th.. "'ll~r .s in rCBara 10 Ihe n:m,>dehng work lhall> raklOS place al Ihe LDS church 3134010 and Aamcs Strett in Llcl"''f Vou ere tho: owner ofadjilCcnl prUJ.'Cr<} W Ih.: casl of Ihe church. A~ you arc aWilre. Ihe cun.U''''I;"o of a""" R:lainios wall has causeJ Ih~ rClOIinillll wnll on luur prop:ny 10 fall The church has re.dC'S'lln..,j the new "all to handle the tIC" situation. Th. church and Cllfll'a<:l<lr \\'ill; I. Co'.er Ihe enlire cust of 11>0: ne" "all 2. Rep;aJr any damage '0 sla~ or lal\d;cal.n~ 81 our (ost ), Ruild thc ne" "all according \0 tile an.c....d delall a.~ drawn 1>)' u.r cnllin<:cr 4 Assume all re.pons,bility ror litaiWlb". fuMor dama~", <.11",,<1 by lhe new cOflslruetic.n. and m.lnlenalll.-e oflhe new "all. Thislctler. along "iI/Jibe allached "site wall dctail:' mu.'l tl\! .ubnlll1<o 10 Ihe cilY lor e""slrllCtion \0 begin again. If YI'U allfcc \.. tllese comhlions p1",,:oc siGn Ihi.' le"er helo" and Il~ il back to me al (7191 ~95.4193 ~,..ti~~~ 1.1>$ Church PhY'lcal Facllui., I am 'cr~ ....11)' lor an) incone.",,,nec Illll/lhls has CIlIScd yvu I hup<: Ihat we calt ">0 on and be g<>od l1C.ght>ocs tor your f.,.rc ceferen" \he number of the mllint'-JlallcC otliC\: fur thIS pro~rt} is 303 934.8203. Plcase f,ocl fr.:.; Iu call me if Y4.JU ba\'C ilny 'lul:~,i()n:) .11 all L~~.. AI'" ~ase in.li<:.r.: to Ill<: ..hel....r you would Me s.od or gracd and a 10 t1..J.. J ban,,,, board 10 lilI in the jlP crealed by Ihe ,'oid hel~n the ~w wall and Ure d""'>'''~ old wall. ~ t;"\ ~"ll a.~ /'1 ..t 7J t!:-V ~ ny __Jt._Jlo'~ c:.-4. ___ . nJ.l A Slhe r~r. Lant'!!;/, Thank yo. for )four paltenee and suppan 1~ APN: County: Use: Subdiv: RTSQ: Map Loe: Owners: Mail: / APN: County: Use: Subdiv: RTSQ: Map Loe: Owners: Situs: 3445 SHERIDAN BLVD, DENVER CO 80212-7054 C036 39-251-12-002 Ree Date: 09/16/87 JEFFERSON, CO Doe#: 118307 MULTI FAMILY LOT Sale Price: COLUMBtA HGTS RESUB BLK 05 1 st TD: 69W03S25NE Rooms: 20-C Zoning: Full Baths: VAN HEE EDWARD JITR KATHERINE ANN VAN HEE PO BOX 1529; EDWARDS CO 81632-1529 B014 Situs: 3405 SHERIDAN BLVD, DENVER CO 80212-7054 C036 39-251-12-003 Ree Date: 11/29/88 JEFFERSON, CO Doe#: 116575 MULTI FAMILY LOT Sale Price: $124,000 COLUMBIA HGTS RESUB BLK 05 1 st TD: 69W03S25NE Rooms: 20-C Zoning: Full Baths: DYER AMZEL P Mail: 700 S ALTON WY #4A; DENVER CO 80231-1625 C055 3) APN: County: Use: Subdiv: RTSQ: Map Loe: Owners: Mail: 7) APN: County: Use: Subdiv: RTSQ: Map Loe: Owners: Situs: 3315 SHERIDAN BLVD, DENVER CO 80212-7053 C036 39-251-12-003-006 Ree Date: JEFFERSON, CO Doc #: VACANT LAND (NEC) Sale Price: COLUMBIA HGTS RESUB BLK 05 1 st TO: Rooms: Zoning: Full Baths: HEALTH PARTNERSHIP 3315 SHERIDAN BLVD; DENVER CO 80212-7053 C036 Situs: 3355 SHERIDAN BLVD, DENVER CO 80212-7053 C036 39-251-12-003-010 Ree Date: JEFFERSON, CO Doc #: MULTI FAMILY LOT Sale Price: COLUMBIA HGTS RESUB BLK 05 1st TO: Rooms: Zoning: MUNSHI PAGE CORPORATION/CR Full Baths: Mail: 2575 N 119TH ST; LAFAYETTE CO 80026-9215 R001 3'185 Copyr,~"t @ 1996-97 Experian Bedrms: Half: Bedrms: Half: Bedrms: Half: Bedrms: Half: Total Value: Land Value: Imprv Vaiue: Bldg/Liv Area: Lot Size: YrBuilt: Stories: Phone: Total Value: Land Value: Imprv Value: Bldg/Liv Area: Lot Size: YrBuilt: Stories: Phone: Total Value: Land Value: Imprv Value: Bldg/Liv Area: Lot Size: YrBuilt: Stories: Phone: Total Value: Land Value: Imprv Value: Bldg/Liv Area: Lot Size: YrBuilt: Stories: Phone: $32,220 $6,440 $25,780 AO.03 $22,630 $4,530 $18,100 AO.32 Page: 1 of 2