HomeMy WebLinkAbout2804 Chase StreetIV � 4 i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection -Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: Job Address: ;2!S4 Permit Number:Q) 3 ❑ No one available for inspection: �Time � AM` Re -Inspection required: Yes(,_ o L_- When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234-5933 Date:-/ --2- /a )�Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE • •P T"I, (Cf� id highlIgMed areas) Date. plan # Property Address: 2- 1 0,- 7 /" ( #�? S e Property Owner (please print): L Fc, Phone: Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Wm= City License # City License # City License # City of Wheat Ridge Residetial Addition PERMIT - 060062 PERMIT NO, JOB ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION: 060062 2804 CHASE ST porch add on, woodstove, ISSUED, EXPIRES: shed/windows, door 03/01/2006 09/01/2007 *** CONTACTS *** owner 720/350-6256 Katherine Saitta-HEr ** PARCEL INFO ** ZONE CODE, UA SUBDIVISION: UA USE, BLOCK/LOT#, r-3 0/ Permit Fee Plan Review Fee Total Valuation Use Tax ** TOTAL ** ESTIMATED FEES 103.56 22.44 .00 10.80 136.80 PROJECT VALUATION, 600.00 ** FEE SUMMARY ** Please Note: ~er I contractor .is ,:sponsible for locating property hnes and conslructing Improvements according to the approved plan and required development standards. The City is not responsible for inaccurate information submitted "ithin the plan set and any conslruction I"1Tnrl:l ,.""~,,lt;""8 .........- :-riiilJflll. iJ.rJ.J..~cv... Comments: MR: Shed must have 10' side & rear setbacks. 2/27/06 CR: Patio enclosure shq~ be engineered out for frost heaving already built. Wood stove shall meet set backs per 2003 IRC. to field inspection. I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and all other appli W t di nces, for work under this permit. Plans subject to field inspection. tYi date 1. This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth 1n your application and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the zoning Regulations and Building Codes of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. 2. This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized 1S not commenced within sixty (60) days from issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes have been or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. 4. No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. 5. Contractor shall notify the Building Inspector twenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceeding with successive phases of the job. 6. The issuance of a it or appr of drawings and specifications shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval .on of th sions of the building codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. All plan C~"f .nspections. signature of Chief Building Offical date INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (303)234-5933 REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 3PM ANY BUSINESS Documents from the manzifacture;' .',., Ii "e onsite for final roof inspection whiCi . ON' 'Y roofing materials have been instal/ec ('el 110 MPH three-second wind gust---._,C BUILDING OFFICE: (303) 235-2855 DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. . . . COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING INSPECTION UNE. 303.234.5933 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE . 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE. WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033'. (303-235-2855) APPLICATION Building Pennit Number: Date: 'Property Owner: K.. />.1.~(!:t........o:! ...A.. 'S ~ . -r-"1 A.......' (? r-r- Property Address: ;;l.g" <.{ <! "-",,,, '"' s ~ Contractor License No.: Company: 7,;)o.$;Je> '(",;)5~C,,1{ Phone: "70)0 . q 8</ - <dJ< I I. <'< Ii Phone: OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNOERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that tha setback d.ls';nces proposed by this permit 'app1lcation are accurate, and do npt violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Rld:ge or covenants, easements or restrictions of recQrd; that all measurements shown, aRC allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assuma full rasponslbJllty for compliance with .tha Wheat Ridge Building Coda (I.B.G) and all other appllcabla Wheat Ridge Ordinances, for work under this permit. Plans subject to field Inspection. . (OWNE"l(CONTRACToi.}:SIGNElr1J.lm-, cl dl.e>~,e DArE:J.). o~ BuJldlna Dept. Va'uation Figure: $ Value:$ . Permit Fee:$ .x:3 Plan Review Fee:$ TIse Tax:$. Total:$ (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR):PRlNTEO DATE US90fSpace(description): P""t~l~o.dd"r] I '4100~~ue). sf,cd Description of work: . , . i,flk:(oW,S ~.lJ~I--tc>CJPC) Sq. Ft. added 4?J ? ~~DEPARTMENTUSEONLY SIC: Sq.FI.: ONING COMMENTS: ,I II Approval: ~.- ~ ,t: [, , IE>. . Zoning: ,} V-' , Uff~C {}'/ }- [L" \- 'I)(P ,1:';, '~!I~~ BUILQINGCOMMENTS: N rY {'I I'-' itr. "'. Approval: '~\D'.r- 'iN;\I =~l/D ti.d<8"'''::C I: '1'~~WJt,,~ .,~ \ '" ..V 1 7 ~/_.d I~ . (~ . UBLlCWORKSCOMMEN1's;__tl,I_.1? ~ ~1J}tt<,. ~<"j" z;?T-'- ',~ Approyal: ~ lJl>f _'_I! ~ ~ ~;;> I _ ~ Stoll'; ~. ~ .,..;;.'\- ~tt.... "fJ1O> IRE DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: 1;'1-1 L, , Approval: Occupancy: Walls: Roof: Stories: Residential Units: Electrical License No: Company: Plumbing License No: Company: Mechanical License No: . Company: Expiration Data: Expiration Date: Expiration Date; Approval: Approval: . Approvai: ' (1) ThIs permit was Issued \n.accordance with the provisions set forth In your application and Is SUbject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the ZonIng RegUlations and BuildIng Codes of Wheat RIdge, Colorado or any other applicable ordInances of ~~ . (2) This permit shall expire If (A) the work authorized Is not commenced within sixty (go! days from Issue date or (8) the building authorized Is suspended or abandoned fur a period of 180 days. . (3). . If this permit expires, a new permIt may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been orwm be made In the origInal plans-and specifications and any suspensIon or abandonment has not exceeded one (1}year. If changes have been orlf suspensIon or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit (4) No work of any manner shall be done thatwll1 change the- natural flow of water causing a draInage problem. (5) Contractor shall notify the BuildIng Inspector twenty-four (Z4) hours In advance for all Inspections and shall receive written approval on Inspection card before proceeding with successive phases of the Job. (6) The Issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings and specIfications shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval of. anyvloJatlon of the provrslons of the building codes or any other ordlnance, law, rule or regulation. AIl pl~n review Is subject to field Inspe~lons. " 'NH[A l' 5~'f, Building Guide C'OL OR ~\P Uesidentiul StOl"uge Shed How to use thiHuide At least two completed documents must be provided to apply for a building permit 1. Complete this building guide by filling in the applicable blanks. 2. Provide a floor plan (site plan) Showing dimensions of your project and its relationship to existing buildings or structures on the property and the distance to existing property lines. (See attached exampJe) 3. Fillouta permitappiication Sheds under 120 square feet in size require a NO FEE"Shed Piacement Permit" only. Sheds greater than 120 square feet require a "Building Permit" alongwilh the above information. ( ~ I Roofstyie A Roof de<klng Roof cover material ~ 2J< -#- Rafters@ ). , O.c. 12 ~9- /'--, .~d\t\Q /at~age.e~, irI'" /~"e ~p~ " -,_ ... ... .............. .,. , ' - - _ - "Il ~\ .,,,,........ .... .... .. ......,.......~~>Of1A ::........... . ~t........~or8lllll''''....llliJ . \\;I)\llG fa ~oI~Iol,Of"%C\\'j 01 ~.1l\8 tt:J. be - r.':.;;iiilg cotle Of em IlIe 'JlIlicY.W l... '01 IlIe ~:;-io violate 01 ~ sIIa\\ ~ . ~~ 01- ~ \)U\\llilI1l cotle' 01 01 e. 2J<~studS@ ~o.c. Siding/;16 oSE. ~~I ~ u " '" "" c '2 " '" Exist. Grade Minimum 16 Ga. metal straps with 8/16d nails and boiled 10 ground anchor wJl/2" boll Min. 1/2" Dia. Anchor@6'0" a.c. & 12" from corners. ~ "l '" " ;;- e 3 3-1/2" Minimum Concrete Slab 2x~ROOrjoist ...!:L-.x~ Sklds@Lo.c. 36" Anchor /8" Dia. Caisson -located at EACH corner ExIst. Grade -~ -- \-- --.+):) -f:: o I ~ ~\~ S "0 ~ /90 - I ;;-r () ;~ ... ~dt- - It" ~ Cl.cei1~~ 'TJ")' ~v". ~~~~, tt~ _eJ_. _ .~. s:::: -c-. .-.. )2.- (-. - Gt- V 1 \. \.J ! , \ \ .----------L I-t of:.~Sj' ----- ~(;vJ\, ~<;~(flD~' ~-d-Jl~~bb~ (S, . VARIANCES All properties within the City of Wheat Ridge are zoned. Zoning dictates how land can be used and establishes standards for construction including building setbacks, lot coverage, and building height. Zoning for residential properties also governs minimum lot sizes and lot widths for the different allowed uses in those zones. The intent of a variance is to allow a property owner the ability to vary zoning standards. As a rule, a variance should only be granted when there is a unique physical problem (such as topography or irregular lot shape) and when there would be no detriments to the neighborhood, Varia~ces of greater than 100(0 are.~~~dt<bY";trna~rd of Adjustment. (This percentage pertains to the amount of varljQ.e~".to~,. q~lI~,. al'l.' d. 'd~ev. ~ '.' t standards. For example: a variance of 2 feet from the'CfUir~#dH fO}}-~dt'"?ar . tb'~~ Iting in an 8 foot side yard setback is equal to a 200 ce:)1~ " III ,",'~" , l ~\';~'ffi"'~h'^" <( The Board of Adju~~fl1ef1 is W,"6r;ppointed ~~~95iti:?) eview all variances over 10%, tempo~~..peF"i~nd flood plain exceptions\,'fo a s than 10%, the process is admlr~veY::i IS means the Community DeveloRm empowered to deci~e UPO"h8.tlcatrOA or variances less th51n ;10% \/{i( Oll,~ th" nt of a public hearing. /'!if(lt..~ IV '. ~ 1\";'. <1"~\ ~ '* ~ ,,1' I ,'\ ,~ft" ~'\ r ~ ii' ^ A variance a' pJ:i:rron,j(administrative or non-adri1ini~tr' tiv,e} rp: dlud~th,~lQJJoJflg items: ". "'i 1'" !'< ,1 \m'& 1. comPlel'il. d~~ 'se c.as.e... Applicati.o.n",.......i.nc.I..udin ",' ,>, ofthe'~l!tuesr. ill 2. A $200 ' pplicatio~ fee (ad.!l:lj~trati~O.Q"li ~I h-admitistrative~ ~: ~r~~~i:rW\:~eur~~ilt!~~'~~~~ ~i~~~~irOf'$9'b'(A, . I e',6 I 5. Survey 0' the prop~tt.. w;!:"'. "',,'!!''f~"''.';~~~._.~~r.E;o,*.'.2> I; 1lir"Y;~"-'0 .. ._"'"'"',-~.'^"-""""'-,-..-.,.......~"......-,...;._~,~ $;f 6. A plot Plaill.ofthe pr'&)?_!il~,tI~!~h:~[gg:!J:Ie: /1. 7. Elevations'~if applicJ~lE:::::::::'._-"------ ,:,~ t '\ ',;: ~-"-- "c-"-"',"--:~: THE APPLlCAl'(ON WILL N,O'F-BE-ACGENEGl:JNI::., -." .. --- - .. .."">-:,:"..,,,..,,-.~q^..,-,,.~_.,,,-,~~~."..,,-,,-,,-"-,";~-,,,,,, ,u]l;[CSUBJV1ITTII[ EQUIREMEBElT51G:IV1EL "~t1 When t~e application $~,~ fftlid",~ --~~~B.i,~~r;~f' ess1i \ person IS the project man~ ". r f~r y~'as~,qpd;wtlh b { ::Jf entire variance process. to, "... ""If" ~ tl~ :.<{ 'r" ":'~;'-\;\;~,;",~. f!~",,;~4i' \ ,:<'; ...,d~~'f:.'.;i The case manager will review your appi~atjon.for"0b'h''lfrir. Once reviewed, the proposal may be referred to outside agencies and other City departments for review and comment. All comments received will be forwarded to you so you are aware of their comments, recommendations, and requirements. The variance case can now be scheduled for a public hearing in front of the Board of Adjustment which meets the fourth Thursday of every month. Publication of the case in the Wheat Ridge Transcript, notice to the neighboring landowners, and posting of the property with signs is required prior to the Board of Adjustment hearing. The City will coordinate the publication, mail the notices, and will provide you with the sign(s) City of Wheat Ridge Fence Height Standards Fences include: Hedges, Walls, Woven Wire, Chainlink, Wood & Ornamental Iron s~~t y~({f9J~~0~rliis w~ere :o'~:Ailey ,Int~~sects~~,~,m~e_t~:.::::: _':,:,<~ "':'_' ::,:- . ,- ~'f:~n"~:~;h~r~ht.,}s~_F~(ted._.to""3~'1~:~hen_~,': - . 't~e_:f.t~~~t,:Isct~:,_~hi~fi~l~or'c911~~tor_-: : ~F~n,ce~~ei9rt:<!~'li,rn!f_~~ ,:t.o\4_2I.lc~_hen~' . ~ : t!1_e:~st.r~t: i~ lopaC\ - ,- ... ~ _ : ~ F~nce5 :,~~hI?~lth~'~in;.-, :: fr.~n!farcfset~ck':~f~~,' <~?,~'~~~j(+,()::6~~j~.height;": Minimum Front Yard Setback Line Fe~~e"sJnfro.ntoUhe min. Hontyardsetbockline can .~~HP..i048"in height property line ....55' "",ee:'l .' . ~ <;;" "ef\O: ~S' f of Co\\ec.:'IO ;:'}~]ti;jiKgitiWlfii~~~~;,y"s:;.~ '. ';f,,(1jE~j.geig'?t;is JI'i)J,te.d to: 36 '~'f.d"' ail uses .::;: ~::p;h~i1\th_efstf,Eetois'jci'r(~rteFiaf:b'~-::'~o'i f~~tor ,~~;~:;~tiro~:;r:(~$~:~~'~;?;'i~~E;he *Si~9Ie fomilYresidences anddiiplex~s ..., qr.~"~x~r1iP:t.fGd.rn~~hx~w:4y':::~req~i~~m'nets if'locoted on:iI local street" . .,.. .. . ...~".," . . ;..F~~~~:~[t~i~ tJ1~':'~1$9Wf;i~;i~'i'~~;;l{;;~'~ ":~F,~'r~~- h~,i9hri~, 'Jt~i,~~_clft2::3~~~~h.ef~i~t~I~~s)":', .. ~'::l,of; the' streets' is \in\ir'te~,cil-_or 'c(;1Ie'ct'6~ '~;,:;::' . ":~.::- :.,., ::~. .. .<. .. - --' :,. '--~"~:" -,"" ~,:"",.:., "".... .:"'" ,'-':" ,:"': .:,'it'Fence ~eignt~is~Ii'mrfe'd:to'~:f211_ 'where;b~th '.' -' .:,~.~~~~s~~ti.~k";t~~ti~;~_e;J~c~i': .::.'-'\. -._;::;:':-;'.-' ,,- .' ' Decorative',~p~~-1YP,e:f~~f~4' .~~j.ch._ci~e_:atle~f. ~i_q:'Yo: '?p:en.~uc~-- as wrought iron moybepermittedup t06' inheight~ithinthe' min..requi.re. dJront yar.d.s~t~~k '(nowoxen_ wire 0;", cha[~:link) .- .. ...., - '--' ..'. .,-"" ,. '.'.' .-,. .. ,. , .,.-- -..,.. "., .-" .. -.... o , 40 80 Feet , , \2~3 City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 W. 29" Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 303-235-2846 www.ci.whealridge.co.us .>.~' 'NH[A> "'/ ~ < - , '-' , C'Ol.ORI>-;;:,o Sec. 26-212. Residential-Three A District (R-3A). A. Intent and purpose: This district is established to provide high quality, safe, quiet and stable medium-density residentia neighborhoods, and to prohibit activities of any nature which are incompatible with the medium-density residential character. B. Development standards: TABLE INSET: Ma>imum Maximum lofinimum Minimum Millir1llm Minimum Minimum Height Bui~~ Lot Lot Front Side Rear Coverage Area Wi<llll Yard Yard Yard Setback Setbackl'J Setbadr(bJ Ooe-lamly dwel1i~ 35' 40% 7.500 sf 6()'ifJ JO'!oJ 5 pentOi}' 1~ Two-family dwel~ng 35' 40% 9.000 sf 75'~ JO'!oJ S per story 10' MuIlitamOy (3+_"0 35' 40% 12.500 stI~ 100' JO' 15'~ 1s'~ 1Jlils) , G(oup home 35' 40% 9.000 sf 75' JO'!oJ 5 per stOi}' 10' A ..--:~ , ~~or~ ~5 600 sf p.,unlI 9.ooosl 75 JO'!oJ SIf<=8'inheight10'1f Sif<=8'inheigh~10'if , . >8'inheight >a'lnheight P' shed 10' 400 st!4 d.n. 9.000 sf 75' JO' s-(elif<= 8'inheight s!')n <- U ~height; . 'iI 10'ff>Uilheight ~ 10' if> 8' In height .. ChurcI1es. schools. 35' 40% 1 acre 200 JO' 15~al 20' govomment and quasi- g""""""",tbuidings. golf courses. small day care center. and oorslng. _ and congregate care hooles AA olher uses 35' 40% 9.000 sf 6O'~ JO;c) 15;aj 10' Notes: (a) Side and rear yard setback shaU be fifteen (15) feet for the first two (2) stories and an additional five (5) feet for eacl additional story over two (2) stories. (b) Any side or rear yard which abuts a public street shall have a minimum setback of thirty (30) feet for all structures. (c) Front s.etbacks for one-<lr two-family dwelling structures on lots or portions of lots which abut cul-de-sacs may bt reduced to ten (10) feet for those portions of lots which abut a cul-de-sac bulb. (See Figure 26-123.3.) (d) A minimum of three thousand nine hundred sixty (3,960) square feet of land area shall be required for each dwellin! unit for multifamily buildings. (0) Any building or structure which houses animals, except a residence, shall be set back fifteen (15) feet. (n Comer lots shall have a minimum lot width of eighty (80) feet for both street frontages. (9) Metal accessory buildings over 120 square feet in size are notJlermitled. The requirements of section 26-120C.2. shall not apply to require compliance with minimum lot area and/or minimum ian, area per unit requirements otherwise applicable to the reconstruction of multifamily dwelling units in the R-3A districl where such structures and their reconstruction.l11eet aU of the following requirements: 1. The structure was legally in exis~nce on September 8, 1997, 2. The structure is located upon a lot which does not meet the then-applicable minimum lot area and/c minimum land area per unit requirements for such proposed reconstruction, and htto:lI1ivepubJish.municode.com/2/Jpext.dlllInfobase7/J 11 d5c/205c12 J Oe?fn=document-frame.htm&f=temp... 5/4/200.