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4040 Benton Street
Certificate Of Completion Building Division 7500 W 29TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033-8001 Stipulations: Kitchen remodel to include new cabinets, updated electrical laundry room created in closet by building a 30 inch partition wall between pantry, furnace replacement - 80k BTU. Replace drywall in the bath with electrical upgrades. Kitchen, laundry and bath electrical updated. Replace electrical panel and meter - 125 amp. This certificate verifies that the building constructed and/or the use proposed of the building and/or premises, under the above permit number and on property described below, does comply with the Wheat Ridge Building Code and development standards of the zone district in which it is located and may be occupied. All other licensing requirements for the City must be met. Site Address: 4040 Benton ST Parcel No: 39-244-21-005 Owner: TRENT HEADRICK 4040 BENTON ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80212 Contractor: Trent Headrick 3890 E KETTLE AVE CENTENNIAL CO 80122 For the Following Purpose: Residential Remodel Cade Editions NO change shall be made in the USE of — 2012 ICC/2014 NEC this building without prior notice — 2006 ICC/2011 NEC and a new Certificate Of Completion — 2006 ICC/2005 NEC from the City of Wheat Ridge. Other I A Z CERTIFfCATE MUST BE POSTED BY FRONT DOOR OF COMMERCIAL OCCUPANCIES City of Wheat Ridge Memorandum TO: Accounting Department FROM: Krish Graham, Building Division SUBJECT: Refund for Permit DATE: November 12, 2015 Reason: Cancellation of Pen -nit #201501242, 4040 Benton Street. There was a larger scope of work on this project, so this Work was incorporated into Permit #201501316. Please refund: Contractors License$ ( Total: $88.96 TO: LIBF Real Estate Services, Inc. 3890 E. Kettle Avenue Centennial, CO 80122 loom 129MR-M In Update Mode 201503,242 CDBO12142 08/17/15 PRM Permit Fee 56.56- 201501242 CDB012142 08/17/15 USE Use Tax 32.40 - TOTAL 88.96- GL Posting Summary 01-1011 BPS PERMIT PAYMENTS 88 96- 0.00 01-500-02-505 BPS PERMIT PAYMFNTS 0.00 32A0 02-510-00-516 BPS PERMIT PhYMENTS 0.00 56,56 TOTAL 68.96- 88.96 It I Lz(i s- t ny 39, cl 0 F *PernatValuations q ,.,Master k.... a... ee Total Valuation: 1,800,00 Permit Fees: 70,70 Use Tax- 32,40 AmourvtPald* 103,10 1,800M Other Few OM Total. 10310 .. # 0,00 a Fill k '• Valuation Croatian Valuation Desc 6ption Fee Use Fee Balance CO& Date Amount Amount Tax Paid royyr al valuation #: :i# #R f ##5# ## 1 #k # #t PJSE JU$e Tax 08117) y R R a, ,. #: # t t##. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY City CA Date: ID - F (AW&AUNtry DEVELOPMENT plenlpennit # Building & Inspecdon Services Division (6 7500 W. 29tAve., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Plan Review Office'. 303-235-2855 * Fax- 303-237-8929 Inspection Line.- 303-234-5933 Building Permit Application p*40*4iA0*** 4040 Benton Street J r*1 MAWIM. a" I I Address., 3890 E. Kettle Avenue Electrical: Tom Hause WR. City License ## Other City Licensed Sub, City License # Trent Headrick, Manager Plumbing� Steve Antonelli W R, City Ucense# Other City Licensed Sub: City License # Mechanical: Jerry Vandre W. R City License# Complete all information on BOTH sides of this form, MGME��� NEW COMMERCIAL 2:f w 2 »f: K ELECTRICAL SERVICE UPGRADE NEW RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE COMMERCIAL ROOFING COMMERCIAL ADDITION RESIDENTIAL ROOFING RESDENTIAL ADDITION WINDOW REPLACEMENT COMMERCIAL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE (Garage, shed, deck, etc.) RESIDENTIAL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE (Garage, shed, deck, etc.) MECHANICAL SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACEMENT PLUMBING SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACMENT ELECTRICAL SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR .,,a:. E OTHER (Describe) Kitchen remodel which will include new cabinets and appliance, updated electrical, updated plumbing, laundry room created in closet by building a 30" partition wall between pantry, plumbing upgrades in kitchen and bath and laundry, furnace replacement. Replace drywall in the bath with electrical upgrades. Kitchen, laundry and Bath electrical and plumbing updated. New Drywall in «..a to replace missing wall cover. Replace electrical panel and meter. All plumbing will remain in existing locations except for the new laundry plumbing. 2§ 955 Sq. FULF 170sf Stu's Gallons Amps Squares Other Carbon inonoxide detector(s) shall coniply with Section R315 of the 'i w) 2102 IRC & not niore than 10' from the entrance of any sleeping room, tOR a ch Ullding Dep t,, sleeping area per 0 IRC, Sectio w „31 C , 3 Oul PIM 14 n"s ' PWMMr APPftal „ .. p wowo or CMtW t4 PIC s of �$....,.. $ esu 6+341$x3 x Ol r .�,. �. ' iL? - Gi S3F i E `^ 2 CD < EQ ca ,E t 24 LZ a ea a i c6 ro0 Eo O c ua ED 0 0 c ` Ri. c 0 0 IM 0 m 001)c -c. o c,E-0-�E .. 5) 36 Ca. Cts : QJ E B�tY . D Sat � YYfi CF4 C L C C? Ci „C 4F CD c "}ca cw *L 0 -C =u 65 Lt FOR OFFICE USE ONLY City of tater µ " COMMUMT-y DEVELOPMENT Building & Inspection Services Division �� . 7500 W. 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Plan Reviews Office: 303-235-2355 * Fax: 303.237-8929 Inspection Line: 303-234-5933 Building er it Application * Please complete all highlighted areas on both sides f this form, Incomplete aPplications may not be processed. Property Address Property nes lease rim : L Property Owner Email: Mailing Address: (if different than property address) w Address: n� City, State, i . r ch tectlEn+ i r E-mail-. 'hone: Contractor: Contractors City License #: Phone.. Contractor E-mail Address: Sub Contractors: Electrical: Plumbing: Mechanical: W.FL City License # W�k City License # W.k City License # Other City Licensed Sub: Other City Licensed Sub: City License # City license# Complete all information on BOTH sides of this form * « ? » * « * « *«� +<» ©� ? y� « &° >■ »: $ NEW COMMERCIAL STRUCTUU © $ ELECTRICAL SERVICE UPGRADE NEW RESIDENTIAL\\T:>%2 COMMERCIAL ROOFING COMMERCIAL ADDITION $ RESIDENTIAL ROOFI $ ESDENTIAL ADDITION $ WINDOW REPLACEMENT @ COMMERCIAL ACCESSORY ©T.R.^ (Garage,«>,d:e: RESIDENTIAL C : ».ef STRUCTURE (Garage, shed.ec � c. $ MECHAN \L « a - . \ \� } PAIR or EPLAC MBING SYSTEM/APPLIANCE RE/\rREPL 2 2 «TICAL di_.\w^� REPAIR PLAC @ OTHER i x \� � % � :=Li - "» A A Sq.FULF »`� <: 2 �. m .�2\r2?\ \~\:\ -<ll Amps § »y? m21y\: \ �//�\» ~ -...~._. --.--~-~. .~~"----. , , ! . . i BUILDING DEPARTMEN'lj (303) 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * * Correction Notice t f f r 1- 80IVJJ ff~c(J[;.y CDAcfl(.l,T- fo f11 t I ( po- /100 5-rN 'J 2- -APi; c &.- Ci/CX-> f'LJJ f<. oj) w / (' G- -.P !; f C f) hi./-. {co~1' 00 ~ Job Located at LID <-j 6 (5&du-.... I have this day inspected this structure and these premises and have found the following violations of City andlor State laws gov- erning same: 422-7 "'::>(;, ~ ! ! You are hereby notified to correct the foregoing violations. When corrections have been made, call for inspection, Date G '1 =- 97 . j I i I Inspector for Building Dept. I j j , j j _~.~_._L,_ _,....._~""-_,..::_..___.. _,~~_.~~ .._,J c/~ / DO NOT REMOVE THIS TAG FORM WR6-22 , l..""__,,,__~., ......__._ .._ ~.~'.... -~., ._._._"-~~...-.........-...._. I j ~"*F."""'''''''''','' ~PAffrf4ENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT , . BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 , CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Building Permit Number: Date: Property OWner: Property Address: 4040 BENTON ST Contractor License No. : 19500 Company: K J A Electric Phone: 422 7365 5182 5/30/97 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the$etback distances proposed by this parmit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the Cfty of Whaat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accura, t. e; lh<it '. nave read and agree to abide by an ccndnions pnnt,ed on tnis application, and that 1~$Urne full responsibility for compliance wftn the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and elll1iher applicable Wheat Ridge Ordinances, for work under this parmft. Construction Value: Permit Fee : Plan Review Fee : Use Tax: (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED Total: DATE Description: REPLACE DAMAGED METER HOUSING AND FEEDER TO PANE;L BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC: Sq. Pt.: Approval: Zoning: Approval: Approval: Occupancy: Roof: Stories: Residential Units: Walls: Electrical License No : Company: Plumbing License No : Company: Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration O;lte : Approval : Expiration Date : Approval : . Expiration Dale: Approval: II . $635.00 $45.00 $0.00 $7.6;2 '$G2.~.!. (1) This permit was issuecl In aecordance with the provisions set forth In yopur application and is subject to the laws of the State Of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and BI,IJlding COde of Wheat Ridge. Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. . ...', ".: (2) This permit shall expire it (A) the work aiJthortZ:ed Is not commenced within sixty (60). days from issue data or (8) the buUding authertz,edis: ~s~ded or abandoned for a period of 120 days. . . . . ..... :,. .. ..' (3) IfthispefJ'nit expns,a new permit may be acquired for a tee of one-half the amount nonnalty required, provided no change$ havebcten, ()(~"be made In the original plans and Specifications and any suspensionorabandonrnent has not exceeded one (1) year, If changes are made orlf'~ or $bandOnment exceeds one (1Jyesr, Mlres,shaD be paid fora new permit ' " c (4) Noworf('of any manner shain,be done that wiD change the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. (5) ContraCtpr Shallllotify ttle Building Inspectortwenty-four (24) hours in advance for all Inspections and shall receive written approval on Ins~Ol'l card befo(e proceediin ' ith:suecessive hases of the Job. " ' (6) The lss of a it or I of drawings and specifications shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval of,'any v<<!tlation of the provisions of the uildi or any lnance, law, rule or regutatlon. " ~' ii': . ~~"'" I C' Blilllding Inspector ,i 1'HISPEI'tMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number: BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date: 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 -,'J Property Owner: /) (./ ) Property Address: y'(: '/L Contractor License No. : ~,;::;-;!c" Company: !- J ,-i L--'l /'c,k- /;~" 1:0, 1',-r ) - :'7')//7 Phone: -'/., I ">: Y E/~ci'iC Phone: //) ), '7 ?(. ,-- ( - /':> -- ) OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value: Permit Fee: Plan Review Fee: Use Tax: /~-_.~ c-"),) '-- I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or CQVE!nants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that r have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building CadI:! (V. B.C.) and aU other applicable Wheat Rid!!~ ordinances, for work under this permit. , (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR)SrGNED 7:{~~(_ / / )( ,C>J DATE<:-~~~-<T j;.- Total: Description: ;( ~/i:, ., c / )'''':-'~'5'C- ( , /..,<<-.:1:, // .,.: . ( ,.~ ..<), .., G" // ( ~...t( .-..~ C(."" ~ !'!' . J ( I"~ ,c< BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY ~~iflli1UC6Iftm:ents~ Approval: Zoning: BUIRllifg'1.Cblffjjf'en~ Approval: SIC: Sq. Ft. : ~Obl~omm8ntn Approval: Occupancy: Walls: Roof: Stories: Residential Units: Electrical License No : Company: Plumbing License No : Company: Mechanical License No : Company: . l~ .~~i ;'Y. . Expiration Date: Approval: .. IrellilIJIa.e_q.D(~ Expiration Date: Approval: Expiration Date: Approval: .. ~. - i.11 QiJ .. 14) 5) (6) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur applica~ion and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of Wheat RidfJe. Colorado or any other, ailplicable ordinances of the City. This permit shall expire If (A) the work authonzed is not commenced wlthm sixty (60) days from issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 days. .. . . .. If this permit expires. a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one. half the amount normally reqUired, prOVided no changes have been or WIll be made m the anginal plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or If suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permi!. No work of any manner shall ,be done that will change the natural now of water causing a drainage problem. Contractor shall notify the BUilding Inspector twenty-four (24) hours In advance for aU inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceediing with successive phases of thelob the issuance of a permit or the approval 0 drawings and specifications shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval of. any violation of the provisions of the building codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. (1) (2) (3) Chief Building Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION