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3921 Ingalls Street
INSPECTIONS WILL NOT BE MADE UNLESS THIS CARD IS POSTED ON THE BUILDING SITE 24 HOURS NOTICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 7500 WEST 29th AVENUE (303) 234-5933 INSPECTION RECORD <;':;C{ . JOBADDREss3CJ-J I t rl..C)cl L [co> BUILDING PERMIT NO. 1 I ( I' ') .l( OWNERJ I (l fI II C C () 1\\ \-!'(,< L( ", CONTRACTOR Vt +'" p' C1 \" (6'{\. :'rh1 \ C-h ~/, SETBACKS FROM PROPERTY LINES: NORTH SOUTH DATEISSUED~ rc' 1L\{ I TYPE I t tJ~"~ rh t", OCCUPANCY I ( t(, EAST WEST INSPECTOR MUST SIGN All SPACES PERTAINING TO THIS JOB INSPECTION DATE INSPECTOR Foundations Footings Caissons Reinforcing or Monolithic Weatherproofing POUR No CONCRETE UNTil ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED Concrete Slab Floor: Electrical (Ground Work) Plumbing (Ground Work) Heating (Ground Work) Do NOT POUR FLOOR UNTil ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED Rough Electrical Rough Plumbing Air Test Gas Piping o.k. J /3/0 , I<. r... Rough Heating & Ventilation Framing Insulation (above must be signed prior to framing inspection) I Drywall nailing Roofing Refrigeration Electrical underground Electrical 0)'- Plumbin z; "- Heatin & Ventilation Frame ,,~'- 2. R.O.w. & Drainage Fire Department Parking & Landscaping C2. c... trf<:- OCCUPANCY NOT PE MI ED UNTIL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS ISSUED PROTECT T'-lIS CARD FROM THE WEATHER Certificate of Completion AND/OR Compliance CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 W. 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80215 THIS CERTIFICATE VERIFIES THAT THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED BELOW, DOES COMPLY WITH THE WHEAT RIDGE BUILDING CODE, ZONING AND OTHER RELATED LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT LAWS OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE FOR THE FOLLOWING PURPOSE: Fire Restoration Permit # 11626 OWNER: Manuel Gonzales ADDRESS: 3921 Ingalls Street PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3921 In!falls St. Wheat Ridge. CO. 80033 ZONING ADMINISTRATOR . DATE 2/16/01 CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL Date: 2/16/01 A Certificate of Occupancy or Completion has been requested for: AOORI:S5: 3921 Inqalls Street Wheat Ridqe. CO 80033 PURPOSI: or STRUCTURI:: Fi re Restorati on Building Departtnent Approval: tOt- ~ Remarks: Zoning Approval: Remarks: Public Works Approval: Remarks: Fire Marshall Approval: (If Applicable) Remarks: Sanitation District Approval: (If Applicable) Remarks: Water District Approval: (If Applicable) Remarks: BUILDING DEPARTMENT (303) 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * * Correction Notice I have this day' spected this structure and these premises and have found the following violations of City and/or State laws gov- erning same: Job Located at /I) ;::r~~< )~:::~ ~-h'?J; ~~ J.A.. 7) C<. . Ie y slid- . Ie fpr- ),.., ..pcet, j,edrop~ You are hereby notified to correct the foregoing violations. When corrections have been made, call for Inspection. Date Z/C,/Ol #?~ I I DO NOT REMOVE THI I 'AG or lor Building Dept. FORM WR8.22 t- -. _.. ___.' .m_'_~__ __.__ ~~-....,.---_____'_____~_ -.-,..._-.-~_..- j ,\ BUILDING DEPARTMENT (303) 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * * Correction Notice Job Located at -;;; 0/ ;;2. I 1/ L,/)0///~ , J 1 i , 1 1 j l j , 1 , J >~/ ,_Ji I 1 1 1 I have this day inspected this structure and these premises and have found the following violations of City and/or State laws gov- erning same: .. , . /110 ! !._"" I I 1./ ,.....: " t' r r::: ,-,)/" . / (" '';' L/_. .,. f ,. r , ~ j'/ "?' . ,., " <: . /II( J , -F (j r".' Iv4( ~? (" J 1 f/ I c~ .;: /Y " ' Iv;., /; FI " j l-. / > '.,t- />f l;J, ,,/1"1' :i ., if,' f F; t, 1~.I <: You are hereby notified to correct the foregoing violations. When corrections have been made, call for inspection. Date ) ,I 7/ c / 1 . , ." f> /,.':",.;L _.~,:'-c,_, ~~', Inspector lor Sulldlng Dept. I , I .. ., .-._. ~_... ,~'_"_"~" _.. ..--, -- .. DO NOT REMOVE THIS TAG FORM WR6.22 _._.'".,-~. -'~..""","-~--_.'- ..- ,,-,,---,'-'--~...- ...__.~."'. ~-- ...------ -',. - 1 i j i 'j '?1 , j 1 I ~ DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION LINE. 303-234-5933 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2855) Building Permit Number: 11626 Date: 12/26/2000 Property Owner: Property Address: 3921 INGALLS ST Contractor License No. : 20868 Company: Kitzman Construction LlC OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this pennit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants. easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made afe accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance w~h the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, for work under this pennit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED DATE Description: FIRE RESTORATION BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Approval : Zoning: L cr I[v~b/ nes: Approval: Occupancy: Walls: Electrical License No : 19791 Company :Alexander Electric C Expiration Date: 2/28/2001 Approval: OK/KS Plumbing License No : 18416 Company :GREGORY J QUINTANA Expiration Date: 1/2/2002 Approval: OM Phone: 429-7915 Phone: 697-7174 Construction Value: Permit Fee: Plan Review Fee: Use Tax: Total: $10,OOO.DO $181.25 $0.00 $150.00 $331.25 Use: SIC: Sq. Ft: Residential Units: xpiration Date: Approval: (1) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set foM in yopur application and is subject to the laws of the state of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and BuildinQ Code of VVheat Rid~e, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. (2) This permit shall expire .f (A) the work authonzed is not commenced within sixty (60) days from issue date or (8) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 day's. (3) If this permit expires, a new permIt may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid (or a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. (5) Contractor shall notify the Building Ins rector twenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceediing with successive phases 0 the job. (6) The issuance of a it or the ap roval of drawings and specifications shall not be construed. to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions of the building es an oth rdinance, law, rule or regulation. , 'DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2855) Building Permit Number: Date: 12/26/2000 11626 Property Owner: Property Address: 3921 INGALLS ST Contractor license No. : 20868 Company: Kitzman Construction LLC OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Whe ldg ordinan , for work under this permit. " (QWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED DATEiZ/16~ Description: FIRE RESTORATION BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY ...... Approval: Zoning: ---- Approval: Approval: Occupancy: Walls: Roof: Stories: Electrical license No: 19791 Company :Alexander Electric Co. Expiration Date: 2/28/2001 Approval: OK/KS Plumbing license No : Company: Expiration Date: Approval: Phone: 429-7915 Phone: 697-7174 Construction Value: Permit Fee: Plan Review Fee: Use Tax: Total: $10,DOO.00 $181.25 $0.00 $150.00 $331.25 Use: SIC: Sq. Ft: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Residential Units: Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date: Approval: DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number: BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date: 7500 WEST 29TH A VENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2855) ~'ON Property Owner: t"'Ia,,"e. ( ~ 24 (,,, Property Address: ~q 2./ .:I'''''jI:!H-=- S/-r".t f Phone: 603- "I2'i" /<1/S""' Contractor License No. : Company: ~~+;l."""'" Co.".,.! t...t...c. OWNERlCONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING ANO AGREEMENT Phone: 003 ':<71- 7174 I here!:y certr1'y ~hat ~he setback distances .orccos.:c by this permit ap~lIca(lon are a~:::.Jrate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, I1Jles or regulations of the City of Wheat Rldge 0.' covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegatIons made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abIde by aU co~altjons printed ?'" thiS . . application, and that I assume full responsibility t liance wIth the Wheat Rl~ge BUlIdmg Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Whe ldge 0 nance~t r work under thIS permIt. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED DATE /2lwcn ~ Construction Value: IO,cCV~ Permit Fee: Use Tax: Total: Use: D'. /" () escnptlon: f- 'or><- f'<5/c;v.;-I;o~ BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY . 'JL"~~Y~.!1Hl"(::'-'t~~ SIC: Sq. Ft.: Approval : Zoning: = f{l.G1JJf" j~iJ.bil.,J)l~ Approval: ~l.tcli~ 00-. ~ .- ) .. Approval: Occupancy': Walls: Roof: Stories: Residential Units: Electrical License No ; Company: Plumbing License No : Company; Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date; Approval; Expiration Date: Approval : Expiration Date: Approval; (1) (2) (3) This permit was iSSUed in aec:araance with ltle IJroviSiOns set farth in yopur application and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to tt'le Zoning RegUlations and Building COde of'Nneat RlCge, ColOrado or any other applicable ordinances ot ltle City. This permit shall expire If (A) the work authorized ia not commenced within sixty (80) days from issue dale or (8) the building aut/'lorized is suspended or abandoned for a.periOd of 120 days, It this permit expIres, a new pernd may be lO:luired for a fee of one-halt the amount normally required, provided no Changes have been or will be made in the anginal plans and speeitlcations and any st.lspetlSlon or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. It Changes are made or it suspenSIon or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shaiI be paid for a new permIt. No WQI1( of any manner shall be done that will dlange the natura! now of water causing a drainage QrOblem. Contractor shall notify It'll! Building lnapector lWenty..four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection eard before pn><:eedUng _ su_ Phases of lhe job. . The issuance of a pennit or the ~ of drawings and speciftcations shall not be eonstnJed to be a permit for, nor an approval at, any violation ot the provisions of tne building COdes or any otnerordlnance, law, Nle or regulation. (4) (5) (6) Chief Building Inspector FRCl1 .: r<EPA I RS UNLI M !TED HK: FAX NO. ~c. 21 2000 01:11PM P2 j-JA~!:. ~:.u 71 '.;:ll;:!2820b SOb: HE_'::OII 12n211~~3 1~:4:; u.LST"n: lNSuv.NCE , <oBQxu.11 ;oW'lADO Spl\lNGS, CO &0962 'bo.w: 119-2&2-&2.04 f"'" 7\90282-8206 AlIs~~J 'mu'rebl~ - ~/ll_bon ~ Nal8Wl ta..,.., ~~dt_ I'll.. N....... !'IriI: I.... Date in_DatI: o\611llton ... N...W" COI4141!065A11-M GJlII5!1lW MANUEL L GOl'il.\\Jl5 62<lS TENN'lSON STllEET M,VADA.. CO Il/)Q()] ;ltiUml,! us.l'n (bollilo) ll1Q4XlO I:IIOflOO IlOB NtLSON n~ Pn..AmI~' &0033 I Marlbll oS: S,.;n _._..._ ...___o..W....".---- . .ONO__ .~., ._.'____ ....,.__. .---.. .____._..0.__._ '--'0---'-.----. Bull_ :a-*, fllltiJlWe . - Mm Cllu1II ^. ~ &om~. Pro6t. lit r.... . . CMlriGeI - - w_ AppIiod CI&illlN\lIIlIJor Il\JIIlCd: .06414736l.o1.~ MANUJil. L OONlAI.'ES Pw ...___.._~.._......_.._.....---____ ____.._ ._...__ _..,___. ._...... ._ --0---.- ...--....-----...'... Quatltilyl Unit UrM:Q~ ltellllC"" DoPr ACVlLo.. ........ ...---.--. 0I>0teIi0ll 00ilCriIrtI<lll ~ raT HOlM __.__.. ....___...----___ ," ._...._ _______.______.___. _0 .___...__.__.._.............__ .>> II 1M' II r.rr . """ z.JJ X UI SFr.1II.41 s,.",-*" rnw. 'us mw-UH SF'-"." "......"W o,...u,...... - PUSTl!J.CIJ:l. ]CT. G'i\' 1.~'nl U lUYC 4,13 Hll Mil 51.11 leo... .JlLM.J11l SLa. )C{_(i'~r:p L.\111 IHlISYC 21.61 3<<.18 ~U6 211.&1 20 1'E!llOi.h'T BETJ:'!R,.~ BASED ON 40 \llAOE """_ALl< 1001) \!t'.17G.'"....Aj...L-. f'A<"':-'vl l"~('?- b~ ,e~lJift.~p. CI.t PUSTBP.CI,.(I. lcr. O~ u tH II HZ 5FC 014 IS 6Q 0.00 1\.60 SJOOioI CllD)TEX'lVU C!lLlNcl 1I1.U src 0.19 Jj,S 74 000 61.74 I . ... (llDlINIl.ILJlLOWN.CBIL.CflL1S' 1Il42 5Fe O,~P 9101) 000 91.00 IomIlMUM mAUL" nON CHAllGi - aILING F1X1VlI!. GOOD l.llOEA 4.8. 4.16 000 H. Wact (III)')CljILlNO PlX'l\Ja~ GOOD \.00 llA 64% SUi ~oo ..9<l SIlOIiII ClIDli2AL &. p.lJNT Cl!llJNG 111.42 51C 0.# '12\ 0.00 511.1 S... Fl.OOII. covu.t. ,aoT;t;T 50.00 SFF o.n lUo 0.00 3510 Polm ClIDl1!IAS& RANCH.l )/1' 4U, LfW 0.41 ,H2 ~.OO 19.1l I_ill mAll tUSTllll. WA!l.S I.OOLS 11M1 115.61 000 11561 SlIIOial lHDl5l!AL& PAINT WAUl\' 2 CTS ~.66 SFW ~.Ss 116.l6 000 11~'6 s...w mJl&!dASl:fOlPAlN1lNG (Sf) .&4 60 SP ~.~ 2.162 000 IH2 ....... WAll VOO '.OOllA 1411 1418 000 14.18 l'IiIIl WALL V\!NT 1.00 i!A 2.21 2.H 0.00 2.17 , . - '-'1... lW'LAC1l1)AMA(ji!l FLOOIUNG 2.00SFF 5_]~ 120.00 0.00 IWOO MINIMUM lWWWOODFLOOIllNOClWl.Gll SwoiII SANIl. FINIIH &. WAX \'lA.\iAaeO Fl Ill"l sf1 2.44 27UI 0.00 21114 -- CAlPIlT 0\ PAll. VUY OOOI)C~'l) 11.:11 SYf 1.01 10.17 0.00 1;1.11 M . ....... CAltPEf & PAll. y~y GOOD enl Jut SYl' 001> 0.00 000 0.00 -... WlNLlOW. STOm ALl:loI.lilD 6.00 IiA 6.7$ 40.611 0.00 .0.61 1laI1... ellOlWlNOOw. STORM. ,t.LIJIol. MO 6 00 I!A 37.17 121m 0.00 Xl3.0! ~- CUOLAS$.3/l'-U4".s.i SF 1.00 EA 7.91 Zl,7\> 0.00 n7. tl~,Costl!ltimlt.c ~ \9&l"'PP~ ~lJ1JJO() H6:1, PM sa-, . FRC!:J...:-R8'HIRS UNLIMITED It~ ,l211 ~/2~0~ 1';: 4. 71 g:;;'28'1e~ .....---...--.-......--... .... _... I\llldInIJ ItDI EIllilluIO j . Mln. CI'Iame .. Bx.- ioca~ Prolll. or 'I"x<' I . Overrldu . . Wille ^",,1..4 FA~< In . ()sOnIioa o.riIlllOll 0uanlil'I1 Urit ............--..---..---...- .----.----..--...---'.--- __ .._.. .......__._ _.._ ___.... 00 .. _".. ...__._0 1.OGE" I.OOU 1.OOI!.A ~.)o HR l.00EA BCEA ..00 IU tOO EA UJ3 UW 31.00 1.1 1-'06; t.jE_5Ut,1 cWm !l.V!Dkf: 1,..rOll: Dec. 21 200001:12A1 P3 '""AGE ~j ..-...,---.' .\06474n6;..OI...." ImS1ll' Yao'IeiDpd buIIP : ......---....-----.....--...---..----. ti..~Cl>ll R..,VColt Doot ACVi!.<>.. ..--........ ....--. ...... .. 1909 IlO.l1 0.00 \lOll '1" !1.~6 000 II4/; 16 II 16\3 0.00 1611 7.0! 7.0S 0.00 1,05 44.77 "".17 O()l\ 40,71 2H) \2.36 000 la6 Ill) U&6 0.b6 26,&6 9.33 2M2 000 2H2 ..,0 '.40 0.1)(1 ..'" ".2') U,jj! 0.00 l8.n C<lO 19.)3 0.00 lOll 1.9! 4091 ~.oo 40.95 CIoaII DllvW1\U.Ol\L.,lfl'.TAPED IH&SFC 0.14 S1IOda1 SEJ.l.Dl\YW.-.u. 14&6 SFC 0.14 &... (l\J)I11XTll1U!CBlI.lNO 14.66 SFC 0.!9 Sl>ecW 11\)))S1!Al,,& PAlllY CElUNO W;o SiC 0" ~. PLASTU wALL. 3CT.a..,. LATH 1201 Si'W l.9:l lI:olM:I ~ ~\\Lb...la~e;ltr un1 lJ:.O~ SY'iI U,lo 2C PEIU:1iNT 8ET!'llIMENT ON PLASUR BASED ON AGE of 40 Yll.S ClCIIl PLASm WA.LL. KT.GYl' LA1'll IOU. SfW 0.1. SoodiI lHDlS!W.I:'IJI.,'1WAUS 1CTS 10S tlSFW 0.55 s.. pmUIASKFOUAlNl1NG (SF) j~U:iSF O.~ a-.. r.:A:l!II!'T" PAl). VEIl.y QOOD(SYl l.~>S~1 l.1ll . . 1llDl... CAlI'El' a PAD. VE&V QOOD {~Yi 163 S'lT C.OO il>ocIal SAl,ID. flNlSIl a. WAX p,l\4AGED n 1460 SFF 2.44 ~ lM.5l!. UNC1I. ~ 1/2;" IU6 UW 0.13 IliIUU (lIl)'IIl~.WiCH.3 lI2' IUHfW \.70 I'IiaI rlIDIBAR.v.NCH.3 In' !U(\ LI'W 041 lUI>t... flltl~. I' .l~' i~.(\HfW 4~ hlAl I!lPl$lIliLP. I" ",1;1" 1407 UW ;0.> ...... CUl\5iTI'OLl! DII"1I.OUNO 1.3H!' l.6~ ~ ~llElJ'TlIM 1100 LfW [\7 TillS IS 1WM nv.T HOLDS 1.;1' sua \Jj;S Poia>t (}Il)'iIlHELI'TIUM suo Lrw 0.4$ ~. DOOIll'KA!&lNT.PlNIl IQ.O'HF 0.31 \IAOlat8 llOOtl'JJ,t.m, I):T. PflI,"ll 19.00 LF )01 Paint (IIl))OOOllFllAMP..lNT.PNE 19.00 If 030 ~ OOOL CLOSET.llIPASSFLUSH 1,00 fA 1162 Ill..... FlIT BDRM CLOSET 1.JJ ,,' ;"N x t." $FC-U.~ $,.....JII.1, J'L..U.:n .lf1IW'-11J.I $#'~ 111.'" ,........',064 ~-u.. --.. 'L/l5'l'l!RCJ.O.3CT.GVPLAnl 1.63 SVC 413 6.71 0.00 6'1:3 l<OIaoo rJ;J&1'llll l;l.li.l'i:'r. ...f lJ<1" 1.63 SYI;' 21.61 4U7 M1 '6.lO 10 PEll.CBNT lllITTUNJ!!IlI aASED ON AGfl Of <10 YRS 1Ur~~ "'I 'h." <7<."1'vA..... 1M lj2 &.6~ 6.74 '1.01 266.93 Uf'<.A.w. "'I 'I;' U.I. 3941 9.7~ l.7ti om 35.11 2.43 n.12 7.65 .;i.Z1 \5.5~ I~n <U7 000 1.05 0.00 l~:l O(ll Ml 0.00 6.1. 0.00 47.1ll !).39 2lU4 ~lJAt......... 0.00 Ul4 COO .\~.41 OOO ~.71 0.00 1.1' 000 0.00 0.00 3!.17 ~.oo 2.43 0.00 nil 0.00 1.65 0.00 68.23 1100 ISJ\ 0.00 1912 0.00 4\71 1\001,.. Cl.AGLASSJII~"1I4'.~-8SF HJi} EA FOJ. flllOlCI!N pANSS Of GLASS ONWlNOOWS ONL '{ 500dal l1UPCH04.IOI! 1.00 LS DJP Cf{AI.OE FOIlGI.ASS COMl'A."lY ~ LOCI:SET.PMSAGE ~ llOClIl.ON~'{.lNT.L.WAN.1LUSll llaIIMe lHll1DOOltONL Y .11,1' .LAVAN,FLUS! 5DeCiol c"lPmf\'!l'SWOU APDlTIONAI. UUM T\MI! ON 0001\ I'Ilol CHPlDDOJ.ONLT,n.rr,LAUA."l.J'lJJ;1 THIS II F01l1 COATS. Ji()1H SlJ)ES ,.... ,~DOOlll^!U ......... BL\liDS. MOO I\MII... BUNllI. allNI 5l*ial NASI TIIM s...w MASK OOOJiWlNOOW o \1l93 ADP-CSG (;,112-' 1'10 0.00 \lIO . 6~ 0.00 9.69 la.ll 0.00 ;8.33 !~ 000 1~0 17.6J 000 17.62 l'w;Ut COlt EatirMte 12Ji31OO J!6\3 PM FRCI:'1 : REFA I RS UNLI M !TED HI: r_.p'.'__ -...'--." ,12i12/2eaa 19~ ,:r, 71 ';J'2G'2S2fl6 lulldi... Ropoi, EIIlIIllle .. Mia. C1lIrIlt . _ fl..... ...... Qvorhoad.I'tQIil. 0' 1.... I. Ovcrriillls . .. Willi Awlie<l FAX NO. ''''_"0''- ,------ ---.. aUb:! IEl..SOli ~c. 21 200001:12PM P4 PAii:: J..1 ..-....---- ....-.... 4ffiI747)6S.uI-"A ~nftif Yw'nlnfMd ... 3 .. . " . . .... . . . ~ - - - -. . .. - - . ..___......r_.....___....__M..--- ---- __....r_ __.._....___... _..__wo. -....--.-' O\lOl1I:i<>D Ooocrllllloa Qu.ollIj",/Ullit \,lniliCOlt .....VCt>et Ool>l ACW\..,.. '.0_.' ,___., ..___0-.--' --.-- ..--- ,....- .. ....--..,.-.--. a.o- (tiPlOOOl\. CUllEY. 8Il'ASs:FLVSI1 1.I)OU 1~1.I5 l2l11 ~.L<l nu, .... (IIDIIlOOlI. Cl.0SET.1\JPASUUJ511 1.DOEA Io..~" ~\.Ol 0.00 11 \lIl SllIOiIl MAS\( nlM 18.66 LFW 0."0 1.46 0.00 74. ~r IlALL 1.11 X s.rl X 1.41 SFC=JU/ 5JI1V'" '.... SI'L'" n.ll slt.....'U'! SFR- .If _-IU. 0,0.0., - UM ~ (lID~AL.t PAINT CEIllNCl.1 CT Jo..1l SFC US 11.06 \),00 1!.06 -- (lmlSEALA P,Ul;I WAI.U. 2CTS 16.30 SFW o~' 41.~7 000 "1.~ !Iclo<'aI PIlIlJ'.t MAS!:: fOIL PAINTIIIO (Sf) 76.l0. SF 0.,09 611 0.00 6.11 SpaMJ MASJ: nIl<! 11.16 U'W 0..0 '.lio 0.00 7.26 PIIiIIl (Hl)lBASE. MNCH. 3 \,'2" 11.16 U'W O~I 7.45 000 7,4~ Suooill I'UlOX. CO'V. II: ,!\.OnCT :0.11 SFF 0.71 1421 0.00 14.lil ~ $l\lOU DIlTiCTOIlIlArrEJ.Y pay, IOOEA ..." 4.116 0.00 4.10 AoP1ooo SNOUJll!TIlCTOll BArmJ.'i PO',!, 1.00 1!A :26.~ 26.110 0.00 2Ci.90 ~. ooOlUlElJ.. V<RYGOOO 1.00 EA 4.41 44\ 000 HI !IaIlla 0001. BIiU. V1!IlY 0000 100 E.~ 92.34 92.34 Q.OO 9B4 telorior llUl'l'U. 8NlM I S,..;.t S\IOdIl .Iilt $p....1 SaociIl SpoNI - ....... ~ ....... ~ Ilop\ooe ba/IlIlIII: I'IioI a.....' M,.UTI:JlCLOHT I IIIIIir>n Po". 5....w &IodaI him Pod PalaI tal.... C 1993AJlP.aG 1162.\ CWim Null\Wr: I........: ..... It 1J.21 X 'Ji1 . IJIiM >..!J X~" ur;Oltlf,l' SIlf-.NU4 SFLW.'W 5""'''''' 1/1'7.0.,4.11 ,_-<1.lJ ."....,. 0"'._ (llIlISEAL '" PAINT l:aUNG. 2 CT iHD\SEAL '" ~AlNT wAU.S. 2 cn fllDlBAS..1WICH.,1/2' MASK TllIM I'IU:PANASUORrAlNTJN(l rSl'l Fl.00J. CQV]!lljt: noT1!CT llUIll)$. MlNI WND5.1dIN1 CBIlJ)IG l'\XTlJiU!. (J()()O am1CiJl,JNO F1lCl'Ulll!. OOOD CAltIt '" PAI>. VltlYOOOIHSY1 CMl'llt A PAD. VUY GOOD <SYl WALL VENT WALL VM 101.27 SFC 11l>.l4 SFW 47.13 UW 47.U LFW ~.14 SF ",00 IFF 1.OOEA 1.00 EA IllOlIA I.OOM 12.0S S'iF 12.03 S\. 100 EA I.OOEA O.~l 0.11 Q.41 0.40 Q.O';l 0.71 4.10 44.29 4.16 ;4.96 1.l1l 0.00 1411 2.21 ~9H I.Ul 1~.61 IU) 21.S3 2US 4.70 .uJ, 4.'. 64.90 12.00 000 1411 2.17 O.DO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 ODO 0.00 59.j~ 16UI 1961 \9.13 27" 24.81 4.70 '"29 ue 6H6 12.00 0.00 14lJ UT JM X '.JJ X I.f' IFC- 14." SI'W-.I&U sn.-u..... sn'W'- Uo>> in. lu,1I _-I", ~.)I.III CAiU'ET.t poUl. VU'iOOODISYI CAVEI' "',AO. V€Il.YOOOD(SY) (!Il)'JSllAL It PAINT CElLlNCl. 2 CT 1lfl))S!!AL II: PAlNT WAu.s. 2 crs {}lD',DAIE. RANCH. 1 112' (HPlIitll!l.P. 2 CT C:LOSIlT POLlll 3M' 1l0l1ND 163 S'I'P 1.63 SYF 14.EO SfC 101.1. Sl'W 1866 llW 14.00 LfW 100 LP le. 000 O.~$ 0" O.~I 1.07 026 l.7. 0.00 1.Q6 ~M1 7.65 14.9lI U~ 0.00 ODO 0.00 ~.OO 0,1)0 000 0.00 1.7" 000 8.06 59.47 7,6~ 14.98 U2 Unil CO" E,timolil 12/11100 J:SG:'3 i'N l'2I12/2~e0 n.43 n I:3'J~~~'LaG tUf.; t'~E_S.I.JH D~c. 21 2BJ001:13PM P5 , ~ ~ _.' __ u - ~ .. ~~~~~ -- ~~ . ~ . FROM : REP8lRS UNLIMITED ll~ fH,', NO. : ----- ,..-- --....- ,.'--.-." --,...-.... ...-.....-- . Cl>1" Numb..., 1.....\14.. 406414736S-01-AlI ""BtII' Yao'I'e Ill.....,.. 4 . -' ~ ~ .. WIl<li!\illlllllit EIliP\IU '1iII!4a.ClYIr1ile '~Il-' fror/I o..orhald- Pn>fi1. or tlUI j - ()v(r1ltlaa . . Wutal1llll>bo<l . . .. ~ .. - .. . . - - .. . ... .. - - - - . - - ~ -.. .. . - - . - - ~ .. - - -... - ..,-_.,- - -. -- ---.--'--..' .-..- ..----...---.---...-.... 00t1Jli0& ~1i0ll o-~l'il Uro' Urll!COII . - - -. . - ' .. ... - ... ...... - g " . - . -. .... ' . - - ~ ,.. - . ,. .. - . - .. - - .. , . . - ., . -.... - .. - . BAnraoo'M "" !Ii I." X '.1' 51'(' -.lA1f fFW" 1....1f JTJ.N _-;1M "",,"",,-v.. RdVCoIl Dolrr ACVIl..o" $T11I'>4UJ fI.JU1 ur= _ '. ~ . _" .. _ _ ~ . .. _ _." _. . .. .. M' " s... (Ktl)SllA\.& pAJN1' CEUJNG, 1 CT 1000 SfC 0.55 16.;0 0.00 I..lv '....101 iHDl5EJJ..Ji.'AOO WALL$,lCfS SO.OO S1'W 0.11 4400 1),00 4400 SoeoiaI !\iD)liUJ.ANn piJNT W,l.U. CA~ 2.00 U' 11'" Zi.\O oeo 21.~O SMoial '1\IH1'l!lt'S WOal( LOO !Ilt 10.96 lV.96 000 11196 4llOlno~;.L TJJM TIME F~ CAlllNl>T ~ \'LOOP. TU.IIIN. COIO.12'"JQ 1~.00 Spp 023 6.\IQ 000 6,\Xl 16 rl..... V""""'-t.9QJt. "'F1...~m~. r,QU.P.lJ.!l\!(.t-. JQ..oo gp 115 3'.:"11 T.3) ~~ 1lUl\1lcv,1lOI'l BASIlD ON CONI>mON OP FLOQlUNG Sll<<IaI JEMOVIlANDlI!SU~ 1.1Jll Hll 17.ia \7.62 M'l 11.61 (..(pI-l'f"t - a-wt PLMTlC 1lLI!.~SET.4 \1",,~114 Ul6Sf 0'; 17.61 0.00 27.6S ...... ~PL A9nr' "I"It fTHtI 'fr.l t4A"l~-1 41,'6 Sf 4.19 24-0.~ 0.00 240.~ <IV C/) -- WALL flX'ltlU,. 0001) 100 SA 4.27 4.27 COO 4.17 r. ,:1;,)' JaDlaolO W.u.!.~GOOI> \,00 ...~ ~g.l'9 19{J9 0.00 $9.00 - SHOWEll ClJ'-T AlN I\OO.! '1 J'1. 1.00 EA HZ 152 QiJO 1.~l ....... 580wa CIJlI.TA>>l WI), \"7.5'1" 1.oo~" 1..61 1661 000 3'.63 ......... a",nnuawAlLm.fIIIl!ll.OWS 1,00 EA 2..:;0 Zli10 0.00 16;0 ~ (llll)811 TH TUB WALL lOT. PlBEROl IW E." 101.26 IOU. 000 10l.u j . . I\ldP (HDlIl\YWALL WAll. 111' WR 4500 sfW D71 22000 0.00 ZZOCli r11'{W nJ.),(!)lDoIUM CHAJUl>> ......- YAUCitolSllOWiJl.iij.AO. 2 VALVE 1.00EA 31." 31.19 Q.oo ILI9 a-t TOl\ET sur I,OOEA 20\ ;:,Oi 0.00 10\ ~ rolUlT SEAT \,ooEA ~3,13 1l.S1 000 ~B3 - pMtlf DOOIl.J.u.l8S 2.SllU, 9,ll p.11 0.00 13."/ irIocltI' flOOR. covu... p1l.OTIiCT 30,00 spy 0.11 21.30 000 2130 .....- WALL V1!Nl 1.001>11 14.11 141. 000 141& PtlIll W,lU. VEN1' l.ooEA 2.27 227 000 2.27 IattI'IOr tJWIG aOOM 11." x I:." x 1.67 ' ~ au x UI $FC.l~U tnI'.)I1.... In.......M fiP-- SFI:....fn.'1I p~!I!n.4' ~.."~,,. s,.claI (Ill)'rSeAL" PAINT CI1Ul'IG. 2 C1 1~2;!(JSK o.,s &91\ oM 19.2\ s,.claI rHO'/iIiAI."PAlNTWALU.1CT$ 291.s.; SPW 0.~5 Itl,li/S 0.00 163.66 s....w j'Il!Ur. lllASK FOUIJNT!NG (Sf' 1.00 M' 0.09 ~,09 0.00 0.09 $tleda\ MASi TJJ}.l ,H~ U'W 040 1100 0.00 ;aoo FoOal (llP,.Wi. Ul'lCII. ~ Ill. 524'll4W Mt 11.52 000 2152 !iooCW I'UlOIL CO\'l!Il. II: P!l.O'fECT 11.00m 0.7\ \3 2~ QOO 1;.2$ -. IlLlNll!l. t.lD'l 1.{jOU ..70 g.40 0.00 9.4IJ ""'. BlJ!/O$. MIIlI 200 EA 44.19 U.lS 0.00 llSl SoodaI FADmlI\.'S won 1.00 HI. 10." 2,,'1.9~ 0.00 2G 96 $ji..>,l..1U'lO P ~'T 0001. AAClIIOPIDllNG TO t:lTCHEN .....,... W AlJ., YENT 100 EA. 14.11 IUi O.O~ 14.18 Po W AL\. Vl!NT I.OOU H7 1.21 n,oo 2.21 ........ C\ll\l.1>>1I t u~o~ lHl ~u:.. tl.OO 2~.67 1aUf\Dr IJlIllr""EiMljl\- ;21111l'<) ;:56'3 PIol t:> 19!1J AllP.CSO G5~.1 ~.!2~. R.~AIRS UNLIMITED IHC FA>; NO. : .12/l2/2~~e ~~; 43 7l'~;~l;r~B2el:: bUf.:: I~E.,"';.Ot, . ,- . - - . ... - - - -' . " - - - . ~ - - . . . uairo NU1l1bcr, lJ'.surod IWkliAA a-lr EIIUnoh . x MlD. CborJo ,_ ElI.CIII'lllltom o..rbeod. l'nlf,1. .r T.... I - o.mi<\tO .cW...A.rlllIIed Dec. 21 2000 01:13PM P6 Pt.,,:' t:lb ....r_...-.--'..' . 406474736l-01.Aj\ ~- 'bm lapod 1laIIIW --..--.......----...--......--.. .-- ---- ._-~- ul\illCo&l .___ V'__' .-................--..--.....--...-"...-- R<pVCool l)o1>r ACV!Loa& ....- ..... -.......-- ...-- ..., X :"7 X '.41 ~FC..4J4 STW.'l-H ..n......,U~ $~W- rw $11f.. ".I, _-fJI ~_lLM (lpmrio~ o.:.alotiOl> Quulil'il Vni1 ..,_...,~.'__ ...._o...__.r.--' LVlNG nt eL()IiI:T Sca:UI tHllliSAL UAOO CEILING. 1 CT SlIOlIiII (1!!l\SEAL I. PAM WAlU.l eTS P.... (RD)BAJJ!.IIA!~CH. 3 111" SlIooiIl W.U TIUM SIlooiII l'U,ltMA5UOUAI!ffiNC'i (SF) ,.... 0ID1S!IDU', I". l:r' 5IllICloI P"'lNt1I:S WOU; ADDlTlONAL nIM TIME IN CLOSET .1itIl 'AlNTpQORJ~ANtlTIUM 4.34 &FC 41.Q6 SFW 134 ~FW U4 LFW oI1.!il\ SF 4,)3 LFW 1.00 lilt. 0.;; Oll 0.41 0.40 ".~ 1.Q4; 20.96 l,!O~ jS3 J.l9 2363 3.42 3.J~ U? 4..'!i9 10% 0.00 0.00 0.00 Q(o() 0.00 0,00 0.00 239 2Hl ),41 3.~' U' 4.59 20~. 23.82 OJXI 2H2 IIIterior Kl'I'CIItN ILl' X UlI)( ',(J7 $rc-If4.JJ SI'W=u.... sn""...' sflOl'-""" SFfI IIIJJ&-lJ ~-41" ",........JJJ.SI Soo<iaI OIDiS.....L It: PA1!IT CBU,lNG, 2 (;'T 100,\3 SFC Q.~\ H,J9 0.00 IU9 ~ (IlIllSt,UIt: PAINT WALLS. 2 (;'TS l!S.'Xl SFW 05S IS 7. 0.00 IS 7. SDoUl PJJlP"I.l.UUOUAIN1Il'lG (SF) 155'10 SF 0.09 1.,0~ 000 14.0.3 1"..;.1 n.ona. cova It: PIlO11lCT .0.00 SIT O,! 3HO 0.00 ;$.50 lIa>:w. aLINDI. ).!il'o1 200 ill .70 940 0.00 9_40 lloolloo llLlN!)$. v.D<1 2.00 EA 44.19 88.5' 0.00 "Ii .....1lIool CWJNG FDrnlKE.OOOD l.ooEA 16.~4 16.26 0.00 1626 5,..;,1 (J{D)5EA1.ot PAINT BASECf.JI.1 C'\' U5lJ' 19,25 1"019 0.00 14029 11*IIl (!I[l)SUL4:tAlNIWALLCAB.2 '1 1>.00 If 11.0\ 14H~ 0.00 Hl,\ SlXtiIl PAll<TER'S WOlK 100 IlR 20.% 4l.92 0,00 olin AlJDltlONAL nIM TIME FOR CAlllNETS ~ IlSoIOVIi AND wn KITCiffl'I Slli I~HA Sll.79 ;o.~ 000 101j $.-I TIW' CILUfiE 1.00 Wi St.u; 5146 000 ll~ T1QP CHAM!. FOil PLIJMBEIl ....,.. IIICKSPLAllIl. JIOJ)IlCI. l~Sf o SO !.OJ 000 HI ~ BACKll.LASll. 1l0DllCA l.2j Sf 2.94 ~l"'Jt 0.00 21." S\lO;lIl ~ru'SWoax: ioof{~ J$.7) 2',73 0.00 ~,71 ADDITlOJo;AL llUM TIME FOIl. coUNTER10P INST.ULATION - COON1'IlR TOP curO\1T 7.25'2.1\ 4,51 33.13 0.00 l3J3 ~ cO\Jl'fl11l TO' .FoRMICA. vn GO l.tHI' 10.96 1.$1.96 000 IHi><\ Sl>6el1I TJIl' CHAJ,(Ji 1.00 LS 11.46 Sl.d6 0.00 11.46 TIUP CHAIlO!i 1'01 coUN1'EllTOP lNSHI.LERS AND DELIVERY ~ Ol'lUIT COViR 2.00 EA I.~ J.OO 0.00 ;.00 . ~ 1i~lOuIWJ'l'~1Jmu,~.~:M 'U111 ~c 14S 1190$ ~.9tl 12f1J5 Rr,'r I r"eeltll<<l. VlOifL~I."'-'vn t~t,;l~ ore 3.96 <lli........ ll'/,W '''Ol.ll,} tll!l"REClATION BASeD ON AOf: ,,-Io,,'D CON[)mON OF nOOR .."" aJal~nlMlltN'.ld!M'I'. tl'IuMl, 1,4 11lO.~31fi'l; U6 ...06 troJ ~.96 'r---i~ 9n'lP~Uml1lJ.. 100~' ~fF --b.tl 7[.4>> 000 ~."q Bw' (,~JU8R'BP.:'1"?alJ{ :..ee ](I ~~ H.:U! Il9C ,T:<6 I\I)[)mONAL TIME TO T\UM ~OUNI) BAS!; CABINlITS ""'" ."'.D).Al!ll.I\.~CIl. 3 In' 20.00 LFW 1),41 alO 0.00 '10 ~ 0001l.0NLY,EXLWOOD.WIGLASS I."".... 1.05 1.0l o.:lO 7.05 l\UIt ~I.ONL Y .EXT.WOOD.wi~n l.iJQM W;.611 iilO.EQ DOC )90.60 ,.,i,,, L'" Co.<! ~ GS2.' " )2/12,\)0 J,*U PM ~ ~. 11il2/2e~~ 19: ~3 n g'2.2:28'~!(Jt; EUB: ~.~E._SQ"-1 Dec. 212[100 01:14PM P? I-i,,\lit::. Zt7 -f.RQ'1 : REPFlIRS UNLIMITED lti: FAX NO. : ...-_..-.... OM"'_' ..> ---.. -...-"'..-- .---.-....--......-----...--....---.. ...a--..-'- . Cloim NUlJlbcr: lnoured 4()547~73b~.l)1.A'" ~-~ \iat're ID Fo4.... II 11llIdioa1lOlllirE~ , - MIll. C- ... E1ltlftlll1iu>> ()yolbMil. l'ftl61. or T.... I .. QvIl1i4III . _ W... Apollod ...-.__.-.......------_...--~..__. ._-'- ----".-.- ---.. ....-....--. ..-- ----..' .....------.....-....----.. PoIIIl nooaONL....SlCT.woonWIQLASS , COATUOTH SID6S SaofiIl MASK DOOl/WlWDOW ~ LQCWT.EXTEIUOIl. $IIOllioI pAll'l'fB'S W()ltl( PAJ20IT:ooo-. JAMa AND'lWM W... CAti'S'f hIil'H-l- S'l1'Jl' "8. CURt ~t g 1.\10 i~ uoilJCl*l 1la>VCOSl --_. --.. Ill? l7l4 \.93 33. IS 1141 :r7.41 20.9<1 2C.!lO ~~.~ ~~.~ OolIr ACViLo" __._.".........---............--.. _____0..- .oW" --.. --..." QIlCPlioo [)oaaI\~li<lD ()ullo!il'ilUnit .0.- ..0." 0.00 115~ ~;': D.OO Il.IS 0.00 11.41 COO 201lll -0,,", 14.n 9.00 ~.b" 1100 LF 1.00 I!!\ 100$ c._ COl't"l'Dl1'S ~:. _~ .~_. "1.~~GgA~ t.<<) fA 1~9>,$.).___.._9~--.. .. -7!.00 -. -424,19- G.-aI GIl'ClaAl. Sooc\Il UUCJ:lHG It IlMIUIIG UO TL 10a1 IS~ Jl 0.00 IlOl $IIOllioI Cl.SAN\J\' & DIlBIIS ~V ~ 3JlOIIR \1.62 j2." 000 J~J6 I . ~ ~WOllK 100 IlR 19.16 120.00 0.00 110.00 ,I lo4lNJMtJM CHAIlOE FQlI.IlLECl\lCIAN . . & II n.1 JllilrtQ.l'JBftr,1\J\4 eH~ 1.1lIl Lt g G~ 12~ ~jlij ~ AU.OWANC6 FOJt,IJllAINING l'LUMIlING TO AVOW f&UlIl'Il1 . .... P&Jl)lITII.t rt:U 1.00 Ul 0.00 0.00 0.00 aDO 1'J,!1l.Mll'& AN'!) J1IlES TO BE etMllUU2D CPON \lBCI!1PT Unil COil elt\1W\1e U/I2JOO 1:s.i:"3 PM C 19l1HJlP-CSO Gaz., F'1D'1 : REPAIRS UtjLIMITED B(: FAX t10. : .12112/2ee0 l~: d3 7t nS282a. til.)~:I'IS~~.oil ,~c. 21 2000 01:14PM P8 PAbc !Di:! - - ~ . - .. - - ~ . ..........---"...'. ...---- . -.". -. -- -. - - -.... ,- - -". ..--. .--- .--_. luil4ioa RJpalr I!ltimIIo , .. MI:a. CharH . _ p'~"",llt &ooa 0Y0'b00<L l'roll1. Dr T..... j p 0WtIidlII . . W.... AIllIUoO CWmNu!l\bOl: I"""",, 4OtI'IH735$.QI-M "". Yuu...ta,....t .... . , -.. - ~... ... - - - - . .. .. . . - ,- - - - - -. . ,'" - .... ... . .., . - ~ -. ... . " ..... . - ~".. - - -". - - - - - -. " . - - ....' ... - . -.. . . . ~ ....---..-.---.-.. ol)tI'Jlloa DaClillliOll ..--'.' -.-.. -.----_.~...- ._-_._~.'-_.. Ouantilvl Uril Unitlcoa IltpVCotl Dopr ACVII-OIS .--..--.. .--.,...-....--' ---...,.--..-..-----. Pro6l. @ $11.11)0.70 S3OO,77 $I.Ii29~) I~~~,<.I"I --.-.---'-" r,>D',.}'" 10.00% SI,66ZI4 S4S1S Sl.6tn~ l>+& ,J,,~"J ._~-_._.__....- --..-- S\0,5!lU4 $345.9t S..lll.146:9t (~1t>I--r~ . . ca!o.ilorlon~; ~AProilt rex.. MAterial ilIl lAbor (ii) iGu\emllll: <il 1.5W. OOO!/. 000'10 53Q3,36 StH! $JJl7'1f 2.4-"'1., ~ ---- --- ---...- ._~---- 510.196.20 5361.00 5lJl.>>4:J() ") et:lB, <"I (ct". \~.. N1<',v .r '.He I'V -~ -. ,,,i'~ fG SZ5000 !AI IJecllodbID ...:----.. TOTAL SIO.2$4JO ~.._---- Il()~~' ' , '!be i_lllIlkod ""Ill, 'JI,O' in tile ~D oocIe .ra aftbil ..uIlllllD ....e bual OD DlIIIOfIaI Pru:;lIll data pIO\'icltd b)' HOD" !Icpot. thIN klllDl allould be M1lab!o II fOIlI'lO<Al Home ~ "'en Illd reftegt pNltl ,.hid; arc ~ lvaiI&bl, ill YOII! 1",,11 IIlIIkeI. It obauld bt...1&Cl cllIJ ~ Depot poi.... _ ellaniC "ltMIa \Illlioe. _ ..nJll1OMr tlde ootinI. an4 work wilh you 1<- ~1Ye yoill' oliioo r'prdlou ofwhc'oj1:lU ~ mattrioll an4 wvica ItVOOllnd tile coot ofrcpoir or replI.._t i. mor. tlwl I1IlIcc* Ie llIItCllllialll4. pl_ -.... ywr tiIIixn .- 01 tbo lIUllII>ot IiflOCllbcw& C l!SWoCSG Vail Coil Ellimat. 12111100 3:J6:S:i PM