HomeMy WebLinkAbout3611 Allison Street Building Permit CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 West 29TH Avenue Wheatridge, CO 80033 303-235-2855 Permit Number 18828 6/10/2005 . Inspection Line 303-234-5833 Residential Plumbing PROPERTY 3611 Allison St OWNER: William & Barabra Field Unit: (303) 424-4827 Description Replacement of 40 gallon water heater IFEES IFees IUse Tax IPen"it Fee ITotal Fees I ICONTRACTORS IName IM.S.O.w I IDue 1$14.40 1$42.55 1$56.95 1 1 1 License # 121867 1 1 1 !JRiH~] 1 I I 1 IPaid 1$14.40 1$42.55 1$56.95 I 1 IPhone 13402650 City of WhE1at ~idae PRESCRIPTIVE ENERGY CODE BOILERS I FURNACES A MINIMUM OF 90% AFUE GAS WATER HEATERS AMINIMUM OUO ENERGY FACTOR ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS A MINIMUM OF .93 ENERGY FACTOR SETBACK THERMOSTAT REQUIRED (EXCEPT HYDRONIC HEAT) R-21 WALLS . R-38 CEILl.NGS. R-19 CRAWLSPACE~ Units: Occupancy: Walls: Roof: StoneS: Sq Feet: Iherllby certify that the setback distances proposed by tliis Pennltapplkadon areacc1II".ate, and.do not violate applicable.ordinances, rules orriguladons (lCtheCityoC Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations mlldeare accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by an conditions printed on this application, and that I assume fun respolllJlbility forcDmpliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable W~dge or~ances, for work under tbls pennlt. ~"'-"''''' .0 ~~\::L~\\~\~S (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED DATE 2 This permit was Issued in aCCordance with the provlslolllJ set forth in your application arid IS subject to the laws ofihe State of Colorado and to the Luring Regwations and Building c:odi: of Wheat Ridge, CDIDrado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. This pennit shan exPire if (A) the work authorized is not cDmmenced within sixfi(60) days from Issue date Dr (B}theb'uiIding authDrized is sUspended or aband(ined fDr a period DflZO da)"s. Irthis pennitexpins, a new permit may be ~cquired fDr a fee ofone-halfthe amonntnormally reqniied, proVided nD changes have been or win be made in thi: original Plans andspeclficatiDnsandany suspension or abandDnment has nDt exeeed~ .one (1) year. Ifcbanges are IDade orifsuspenslDn or abandonment exceeds one (1) l:ear,-fuB fees-shall be paid for a,new pennlt; No workofanymanner shaUbe done that,wiD change the natural flDwofwater causing a drainlige proble~: Contractor shall nDtlfy the Bnilding IIispectortwenty-four (24) hDurs in advance fDr all inspections and shall reeelve~rittenapproval onlnspeCtlon card before I'roceedingwithsJlccessiveJ)hasesofthejob. 3 4 5 6 sand specifieatiDns shall not be,colllJtrued tD be a permitfDr, nor an app'roval .of, any violation of the mance,law,ruleorregillation. SIGNED DATE . Friday,June 10,2005 Page 1 ofl oC~l~r COIIMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTIIENT ~f~~~ BUILDING INSPECTION UNE - (303-234-5933) U CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE <:~(1l..ii9 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 . (303-235-2155) Builqing Pemit Number: DaI9: APPLlCA nON Property Owner: lV:llia.+v-- ~ B"Irc>--lo r... ~<<.; () PropertyAddresa:3(P/1 AU;s""" S~ wlu..J-r,'d&-,- Co ~D"3:, Contractor license No,: 2, ~ <. ., Company: MS&>"-':TV'C, Phone: 363-<r"?Y - Lf!i'"?"7 Phone: SD3-3Vd-2G.S""cl OWNERICONTRACTOR SICINATURf OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREBBIT I henlby certify Ihallhe _ lb_ ~ by /his penrit ~ .. accuralo, and do 001_ appilcabIe occinances, rules or _Ialioo. oflhe City of Wheel Rldga oc ""'....Is.......- oc ...._. d _d: /hat.. __Is shown, andllilogalJons '-ora_: /hat I ha.._and _Ill_by .. condilioo. pmllld 00 /his application and 111m I ...uma 1111 reoponsibility tor """,_ 10ilh tho Whoal Ridge Building Code (U B.C) and" - ZP't R~Onlinances.tor_ undor/his permit. IOW""RIICONTRACTORI SIGIlED ,. '~,~ -=-- DATE ~/?'hs IOWNERIICONTRACIORI PRtIfIBl Dc Y\o-!d D ('a rd. ~ OAIE ~/~/0'5"" Construction Value: $ 8"1l ~ uo Permit Fee: $ Plan Review Fee: $ Use Tax: $ Total Fee: $ DESCRIPTION: i2-f~ 1 'fo ~ w~ ~ BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC: Sq.Ft: Z_c-TS: Approvat. Zoning: B....II...c-n.: Approval: Pu8ucWOODc-n.: Approvat. Occupancy: Walls: Roof: Stories: Residential Units: EIec:tiI~ Ucenle No: CompII'Iy: Plumblng Uc:enI8 No: Company: lIecllanlall Ucenle No: Company: Explrllllon D.: Appronl: Explrllllon Dale: ApplOVaI: ExpIrIIllon 0.: ApplOVaI: 111 t2l (3J ThII permit.. ....... III KCIOfttMcI will"" ,f'OVtIbtIlII fDIIt In your tppIk:IIan _ II .... to the.. ~.... s.... _ CoIorIdo..... to the Zon.... ......tldal. IlMf IIIIdIlMnt CadM _....~. Cokndo 01 MY oIw.......OI'dIunaeI 01.. CItJ. ThII penntt ...1.,..1f ~ tMwcwtI Mdhorized II nul CDmmIftCIIlI....... tIxlJ" days from ........01 ~ the buDdIng aIIhortad II...,.... Of IIIlendoMd for. _01120..... If tflfI permit...... . new ptnnI mar be...... for.,. ttI......, 1M nounI ~ rwqu..... prowIcIId no changII ".. bien 01 wilt be medt In the ~ ..... and 1J..Tc lie ~ ... an, .~ 0I....'.......1lt ... not....... aM (1),..-. If ~ t-. bien 01 . ...,..Ion or ......1Il'JIMI.~ on. (1) re-. full......... be P* fat I new permI. No wort! ~ eny.............. be done Itlat wfII cMnge'" Mlluntlllow or............... pn:lIIIem. ConIrIIctlH' ..... ~ the ...... """'*, twInty..fau, (24l haura In ...... tDr .. InIpectIona and IhIlII ,... wrtlen ."ow. on ~ en before pI'OCIMlIIng with.............. of the job. n........or. pannl:OIlhtIlPPf'lWllGfd....ancl1P m 11 ..... notbeCOftllnlldtD be I pamlItfat, nor an appnwllof', anyvlMtionartMpnwlllonlof the buldlng CCldH Of lIlY ClChw onIIn:Moe,lIw, ruII Of ....ulalon. III I5J '" Chief Building Inspector