HomeMy WebLinkAbout3712 Allison Street COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - (303-234-5933) CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO · 80033 - (303-235-2855) Building Permit Number: 18292 Date: 1/24/2005 Property Owner: DEANNA LEINO Property Address :3712 ALLISON ST Contractor License No. : 20252 Company: Boundary Fence and Supply OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Phone: 424-2641 Phone: 744-3391 Total: $2,700.00 $108.30 $0.00 $48.60 $156.90 I. hereby certify that thesetbac~ distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Whe'atRidge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that! have read a~dagreeJO abide byaU conditions printed on this application, and that I ,assume full, responsibility for c9mplia'nc-e with the"Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.BcGc) and all other applicable 'IN eat Ridge ordinances, forworkunder this permit . (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED DATE !-d..f-Qr; . . .... Valuation: Permit Fee: Plan Review Fee: Use Tax: Use: Description: EXTEND 42" CHAIN LINK T06' CHAIN LINK. BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY i7P'?4",,",,;r~~"~__ ~QJlIng~.D1l!1!lJ!.W Approval: JH Zoning: R-2 ~''']; < ,'<omment..i>, eBll~!l!iU:Jff~&mU!I>>J!,~ Approval: ~~ ~ ~ .~ ~ Approval: Occupancy: Walls: SIC: Sq. Ft.: 1/24/05. OK PER NOTES, Roof: PieaseNote: 0-1 c:ontraetor is responsible for< locating poope lines andcc)ttstnlcting improvements according to th approved plan and 'rcquir(;d. ckve1cpment standards. The City isnotresponsi4h:: felf In<lccurate jnfonrl~tiOl. submitted within the plan set and any constructlOn errors resulting from inllc<curate information. Stories: Residential Units: Electrical License No : Company: Plumbing License No . Company Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date Approval: Expiration Date: Approval: Expiration Date: Approval: (4) (5) (6) ........... ..' This pehnit was issued inaccordcince with the provisions set forth inyopur applk:ation and is subject to the lawsofthe State of Colorado and . to theZonirig Regulations and Building Code of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. This permit shall expire if (A}the work authorized is not commenced within sixty (60) days from issue datl3.or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned fora period of 120 days. If this permitexpires,.a riew permit may be aequiredfor a fee of6ne-halfthe amount normallyrequirect, provided no changesha've,been orwillbe made in the originalpJans and specifications and any suspension. orabandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. 'If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid tor-a new permit. . . . . . . N(l work of any, manner shall be done that wiUchangethe. natural flow of water causing a drainage problem, Contractor shaH notify the Building Inspector twenty.four (24) hours in advance fdralllnspectionsand shall receive 'written approval on inspection card before proceediing with successive phases of the job, The issuance o~it or t,pr-e. . drawings and specifications shall not be construed to be a permit for,-nor an approval of,_ any violationot the: provisions.. .' t.'r~...JliJdi~~eS orany'other 0 . ance,laV,',ruleor regulation.. ;;:;<J!!!t;~, d:~~-:;;;!~' $'". .,; Chief Building Inspector Please sign Terms and Conditions on reverse side of page. (1) (2) (3) 01/17/05 10:55 BOUNDARY FENCE 002 ~~ DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Building Permit Number: . Date: 1--17-05" APPL\CKflO N Dea..nna- Leino 37/~ f+llf?IJrL Contractor L,ccnse No.: {)O'J-l) ~ Company: Boll. nda r y Fe nee. -r 5 tA.pply (0 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Property Owner: Property Address: '5-t (71 VA - ?iZ;1jI 't '"v Phone :~/L/{)...tf- ),6'1/ Phone:8 tNf./ 33 "f I Construction Value: ~ 100. D'1l 1/'1efEby !.,;C(\lfy Ihat Ul~ .:setback dlSlilflCC5 proposed by thl" pel"fT1lt ilPpJicallon are accurClh:, md do nol VIolate iJppllCClble ordinances. rules or regulations or the City of wncat Ridge or ,ovenanl$. ea5(!menC$ or re~lflc.llons of recDrCl; lhal all mcrlilsurernenlS $tJown, amJ allegations Inade are accunHe: IhaL I nave read and agree 10 abide by all conditions prinlt!d on this _lDpll~IIQn. i1nlJ Ihilll i1155Ume full responSlbllny for complnlnte wilh IIlI Wheal Ridge Building (;od'e (U.t5.C.j aM all olMr applicable al Kldge ordinances. for WOr1{ under U'ILS permit. DATE /-17-0, Permit Fee: Use Tax: iDWNERI(CONTAACTOR) SIGNED Total: Use: Description: eXhnd,n1 4d.-" chalf) 1,'nK. b I cha In /"nK: f r 6UILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY ~W.~VCOrflm~j'jtli;; " JotloJ Approval: '.) H Zoning: f... L ~lllmg,~or.l!!!O_,!ul':1l Approval: r.ubltC;Y~"..;~rPf.iill..!!!!iJ Approval: o~ ref" h.{O SIC ,!>q. Ft. : . "/1:.'>,, JA4' J I!/,'r, . .~ / .I>~ ! ff' /h. " . I/? ""(~ ~!? 17ar . Occupancy: Walls: Roof: Stories: Residential Units: Electrical License No : Comp~ny : Plumbing License No : Company' Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date: Approval: Expiration Dale: Approval: Expiration Date: Approval: ;; (') (21 1'1 'fh.ta !)e,mll WlI:l. lUl.Ocd In aOOOfClanCl! ....Ilt! Lhe: ~roYls'OI's nl IQrVllfl yopur aplIlic:.alion anl1 is 5ubl_a 10 Vle Iawa at l1le Slate or COIDraGO aNI m val ;.onln-Q R.tgullllons and SUIICMO Cod41 or Wheal Ridge. Coloraldo or any alt.l!!r applicable an:llnances of 1.1\1 City. ThiS ~"""t shalluplre If (AI LM wortl. autnOnl.d IS net. CClnvnenteCl W11I'li" 5lrty (60) clays'rom Issue elale Of (8) lh.e building aulnonlell is SulPlf'ldlCl Of atlaf1C1antCI fa, II perloa 01 120 CI:IY~. IIlt'.., permll ClIl.L:)lrC:I. ;a ncw pcl'TTlU may tie aOll,I"lIfe(J for II le~ II' ullc.half IJ1c amount nOnNIIl1y rcqulrw, pn:JYtdcd f1D Q'litllg_s haye wen or Win De made In V'le OOQ'f'lil O1anS and sPClC/ticahans i1nCl any SUSDtI'l'lOn or aban<lOf'tmen! has not eJCWeCled Ofle (1l year. If Changes are made or if suspenSIOn or abandonment e.ee.ds One (1) yeat. full fees sl\all be P'rd lOt a newt' permIt. No wQOic or flny manner shalll:l= c1~I"Il: 111011 will ~ngo Vll!' Ilillvral now or WOller cauSlnSl a dlillnllgC problem. . Conltaetor shall nOllty me DudCllng lnsoec\.or tw'e.I'lIy.fovr (2.) hours In a(lYill'll:e lor all InspectIons ind Sohal! receIVe wnnen apprcYlI on inspetllOO Qlrd belare proce&d1jl'lg ""'lln IIJccesSoiye phas.es 0' l/"Io jOb. Tho ".u.no< o' . pc:rmtl or ill. .pprOVil 01 GraMng' 'nG .p.~rIINUIll1IIOjIl 1101 De conSlI\JeQ 10 De a penTIIl fDf, nor an aPfl!O'lal Of, any viOlallOO or IlII proVISlOIli or U,I butldlng codes 0' 3ny olher oo:Sinll'lCe. law, l\lle. or regul.lJon. (A) ($) \$1 Chi.., Building InspeclOr , \;\~. l~.l" 'I t ., 01/17/05 10:56 BOUNDARY FENCE 003 BOUNDARY FENCE CO. nesidenlial & Ifldv8lr;al Con,,",ctor$ 'l'15 so JI\SON OfNVfR, COlORADO &<n'3 PHONE: 303.744.3391 FAX: 303.744.2074 Date I-/B-O() S,,},j (" [k ~cy L 1.A.- no Mill'"" j 7 / ~ JJJ1i51f!rk ., _.)t. 1,0(",,11,,1\ 01.1,,1> ._~.S.a/I/7~_. WhLa..fTld5fj Lo %O{/?;8 LiJd'; ~/tJ.~t{ -Aitl . , I Fonce Hei.,hL.....:7~.'.~.......Appro"'. Foot.'iI....~.6.Q...:...... KEY: o LNO on CUIINf 1\ rO~l 'ML I AL J : WO(1) I'OS'I l' I ACt" )(, L1Nt "UST .10..0 GAll tttt CX'~TINn Ft.Ncr LINl _ NEW fENCE LINE , , J , , 1 I I I J , . , , . . / , I . , o .., l:XISTiNG POSTS ~ f tt . 1'1' J L1 TY LOCJ\n: II ;!'ECIAI.. INSTRUCTIONS: De J- -/.:-uId e ~ ;SUn r ~ 10 7;)." h~1'h / t.// o lfio .311V . ." .. . . ~ - P:-9'r - . - - - . ~~ ~ >:. .~ .. ~;s-.,,~ . "---.. ~" "-- "-... "- ~ "- At..l-ls6tJ Jl.