HomeMy WebLinkAbout4350 Flower Street 0~~~".,lt !IiIII1~.II""~'1",.,....,,,,,IW:~J~!liI.t,~.~I.f,4~~.""'f"7!JJ,~J,,,,,,.~",~~J~lIU!wryl.4,1.!~!l~,",,I!!I~~~ .~#III!!D:! ,9EPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number: 4171 " ," BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION. 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date: 11/7/96 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WtfE.4t\l RIDGE, ~O 80215 '~ .' ",', ~" , '.,' Property Owner: PropertyAddress: 4530 FLOWER ST Contractor License No.: 19034 Company: APH Service Co., Inc. Phone: 424-3974 Phone: 2956622 Construclioll Value: Penriit Fee : Plan Review Fee : UseTax: OWNERlCONTRACTOR SIG.NATVRE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify lhel lhe ~~ Pf!Ipoaed bY this permK application .... 4COUrate. and do not v~ applicable OI<llnan<:es, rulea or regUlations of the City of Wheat RIdge or CClV8I)aII\8, e..",.",. or real/lctiOna of reoottI; that aU measurements shown, and allegations made are ac:cur.\e; lhall "- read and agr,e 10 ablds by all condKlons lltinted on this applicallon, and thai I assume. fUU responsibility for cort1pllanoe with.' th$ Wheat RIdge Building Code (U.B.C.) ~ aftOllle1' llJlIlIk:aIlIeWhelll RIdge ordInan_, for WlIIk under this permit. '. . 'c' (OWNER)(CQN1'RACTOR) SIGNED DATE Total: . $1.225.00 $44.00 $0.00 $14.70 $58.70 Description : REPLACE FURNACE BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC: Sq. Ft. : Approval: Occupancy : Walls: Roof: Stories: Residential Units : Plumbing License No : Company: Mechanical License No : Company : Electrical License No : Company: Expiration Data : Approval: . Expiration Date : Approval: . Expiration Date : Approval: . (I) ThIt permlI_tuUed in_with \he ~ oat forth In yopur appIk:otIon and II _10 \he _ of \he _oI~and 10 \he ZonIng 'Rea_and IluIIdIna c- 01_ Ridge, c_ or any _8ppIIoabIe ord__ 01 the City. (2) 1l1IO pOrmIt a6a1i""Jllnl W (AI the _ a_II not_ within sixty (80) days from Iaoue date or (9) \he building authorized Ia euapendad or abanlIC/l8d lor al"'liOd 01"120 . (3) Iftllll pennIt axplieI. . ..... may be acqulrad lor a lea oI_tho amount normally raqulrad, orovIded no changea have been or will be made in tho original Pk!/lO aild .' and any __ or abandonment has not axceedod ana (I) yaar. lr changas "'" made or If __ or_ axoeodaone(l) . ,fuII_.hallbepaidlora__ (4sl No WOlle of any manner _ be dona theI will chango lite hatural_ of_ CBuaI!'lla dralnaga problam. ( CoIh<:lO< Ohlill nolIfYtllellullding In= lWanty.four (24) hoUIS In advanca lor all I~ and Ohall racaIY8 written approval on inapo<:IIon canl bafore (8) 01 ~~\he~ and~. shall not be conatnJad 10 be a pennIt lor, nor an approval 01, any_ of the provlalOna of \he or~. laW, ruleorragulatlon. Chi Building InSpector THIS PERMIT VAUD>ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-61133 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION ....::.~~~........._.:~_._u._.-.;.:: u~.. --~. ------------- : 2::: ..~~"I::::.I~ :r: ~~~NIi'lG ).NC Cc'F:::::"'::P";IE?-l7 cL;licir:g ~S~lt ~1L;~Ccf: " 3lJ1L':ING INSPECTION DIVISION -135-1855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date: 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE r1 ( I '71 WHEAT RIDGE. co 80215 0 '1 ~ Property Owner: E I FI1 bE-{z~ Property Address: L.I'S 3D ~c.J! ~ Contractor Ucense No.: f q 6 3,-+ companY:#/I- SefVl "-~ - Phone: ~- 397cf .' ~/ In Co- Ph~ne (so~A~€-(.~.;2~ OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value: I ;)-;?-!> ' I hereoy cemty tnal the setlladr d_nces p",~ by.ll1is penn. appl_ 318 accume. P it F .; L11 GO and do nOI vlolale aOPUcaCIe onlinances. ruleS or negulalione of the CIty of lMleal Ridge or erm ee : '"!: 'f' covenants. easements or restnCZions ot record: that ail measurements snawn. and allegations made ara accur-Ie: tnall have read and agnee to abide by aU r:cnCl1ione Pnnted on this Use Tax : / Y 7 0 application. and that I assume full responSIbility fat l:OmJ)lW1C11 Wdh the Wheat Ridge Budding '. Code (U.8.C.) ano allolherapPIlCallI~~kl,g~~an?-lfar.....~ertl1lspennrt. Total: S .1D (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNeU~~.J:'_ ATE Descnptton: ~a.LI ~ !l_ - L 'J~ ;fir ~/~ ~S 000 BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY A'I.ll.W!6_~ Approval: Zoning: 0" '.-__'..'_. '_ - ...~"~t'~~Ai~~; ... Occupancy: Walls - Roof: . .. Stories : Residential Units : ..;;'..>.:-..."'-;". - -." -,~"._.. .~, :t.1 ~~1u:l11~ Plumbing Ucensa No :: - Com.P2"Y ~ ..~ ~,;.~..;;..S"~, ," ;>~~~:-~;,:r~\' -, . . ..... 9 Expiration Date: '.. ~,. ,..~....-~ .-" .:~prcv~1 : ..~.' ;~~!tH-'.:j :'>"Mecl1anical Ucense No: '~~Wr() \i~~~~~ Electncal License No : Company: Expiration Date: Approval: :3 <;J!)IIis:Rlqu~ Expiration Date : Approval : . ~_.!J._ 1':\.....: j I'--=":-..~~ (1) Tlll.___.. .....__",.pn>.____.._ ._is_lOtlIe_olllle_ol-=-andlO....loning R__.....B_~"'_RIlI;a~...__ -"''''.CIly. '. -. .,..... (2) This pem'IIt Shall..... It (A) thewarkaulllDnZllli............._.....4......... (ecJl ayalran _~ar(811be budding auIhcnz:ea ia..~ Ild.aar ao.ndOnedfcragenadol12D~ ..'~"""""":,-,.-,;....,"..v!.-"I~:-.."'. , .' '- ~"-.'''' ;.....-, ,.:" ....... '...' ',- - .--:-_., . (3) "___a___~...~......."'--.,_........~__no___orwillle.-..\he ongiIWtPJana.... ~ ~ _ana..,.- _.or.o...4-..._.(Manar Trane(1)"-;' .11cn.nv-..~orif,. ~.ot~4....._4 exc::eeason.(1)y.-.tuI,.........rar....C*ftIt' -' _.. ~'" ,:--:.;-, , ~~:-=:::::,_..,--... (41) N'o worx of any mlII'IIW sftaIbe~tMlwll c:nanoetftenatural flaw ",.....CIUII'IlJ. c:Ir8IMg.~ . . . . (S) ContraaDt snail noatv me 8uikiIn9 ItllDeClDrblt.-~ feW' (24) ncxn 1ft 8CIYMCa tor aM in'~ .. ana ....11IC8IVe wnft8n appn:wIII on ~ cans bIfI::n prcceeannqwnnsuc:celllWgnaeaottneJDQ..". . . (8) Th.lssuanceof a l*f"Ilartne~otchWlnlJSand.. - II.. ..sftallnarbecanstl'Ulld UlaeaPl'l'rlltrar. nor.. aQPnMII 01. In'fvicUtiDnoltbepravisions ottnebUPdU1gc:caaoranyOU'l....~__I..41ul.arf89UiDOR. . I '. '. . Chief Building Inspector For t.i!ayor THIS PERMITVAUO ONLYWHEN,SIGNm BYniE CHIEF BUILOING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CAt.t:-2:f4..59nUHOURS PRIOR. TO INSPECilON ,.,'.'-' :;,:,~., '''~-t:::~..~~.: . .' .':':'.'~~, ~,~f:~t~ft;:?:.:'::, '.. t:...' . .'. ... . . '. -'o ~'..-."'- - ..