HomeMy WebLinkAbout3220-3230 Estes Streetx< Call by 3:00 PM to receive inspection the following business day. INSPECTOR MUST SIGN ALL SPACES PERTAINING TO THIS JOB FOUNDATION INSPECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR COMMENTS:- , - INITIALS Footings/Caissons Stemwall / (CEG) Concrete Encased Ground Reinforcing or Monolithic Weatherproof/ French Drain Sewer Service Lines Water Service Lines POUR No CONCRETE UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED CONCRETE SLAB FLOOR Electrical (Underground) Plumbing ;(Underg ro u nd) Heating (Underground) DO NOT POUR FLOOR UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED PROTECT THIS CARD FROM THE WEATHER ♦ i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 235-2857 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE lnspection`Cype: F o~~, ,L Job Address: ~957wS ,;T- Permit Number: CIV(9w'9~4 ❑ No one available for inspection: Time AM/PM Re Inspection required: Yes "When corrections have been made, call for re-inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: Inspector: e DO NOT REMO E THIS NOTICE Jun 22 2009 9:31AM ROOFCORP 3037660077 P.1 ' City of Divislon a~~-AI Oats: Office: 303-235-2855 " Fax: 303-237-8929 Inspection Line: 303-2345933 Facsimile Building Permit Application Z'aD e4eb + Property Owner (please print): (Q pl fk8LTPhone: 9-cp~;7 Mailing Address: (Irdltrerent than props y address) Address: City, State, Zip: Phone: omoanv a License Expiration Date: Trade/Profession: Approv is Use of 6page (description); Zecy4O.rdCG OFD Plan Review (flue at rime of somftteo: LrF~7~idol~ s~r~~ ,(,s Sq. Ft./L.Ft added: Squares BTU'e_ Gallon Amps i OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by thin perk application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rubs or reguiattons of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements strown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full re~tnelblllly for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (I.S.C) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge Ordinances, for work undeor this pamth. Plana subject to field Inapectfon. CIRLCE ONE.: (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) or PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE of (OWNER) (CONTRATOR) FRI NAME: SIGNATURE: Date: Valuation, 11 . 1Y Credit Card PaVn1t: d card Ustedan fYfe, Date: Print name: Signature: 41 / '4 'f Ja< J1-4."1'411'711K1- '" 0> 0> ..... N ..... .c u '- '" ~ :;: 0 .. 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OJ a: ::> ~ 0. .~ IIJ Z " :;: IIJ 0 Z w ii: ~ <= a: OJ 0 0 a: 0 a: ...J ...J OJ 0 .. 0 0 ::c ... ~ IIJ U. 0 W a: .. a: 0 w w a: w ...J :I: Z ... 0. .. ... ~ Z 0 " a: 0 a: w 0 0 0. ...J U. ',~;_ o.;J ':1. .:'~~~, 1':0- .~~\ ~~. ~~~ ".J '.~}!.:;;~ ~~, t_.."";..' ~~:;dJ ~~~ ~_~\/.~::.:, ;.,,:l\ ,1,1 ......'." ,j~,;~~.:rI) ;1~";" ~~~~~l~ _, ~v ic <' "i)-~ <11: ;;.:~ CjF>~'l~) ''t '3/ ';1 i( :.,0 ',i;~'~i~f,-';' 11. . ,S ;I~J~)!)) ::'j:. -';~"~:'I ',' .\ '," .C' \ j ~0;~t~, '~~, .~~tii.i0"1i !~. ,. ' 11'''' , '-. 3: .. " 01 " " .. .. ;! o " (; .~ :; o~ :; j cD "'''' "" :ED: "31\1 ~ .. ".c: ~ :; '0 o~ ~o " '" "':; :; E .= g '" " ,., .. " E :ii '" 0. ~ i:l o o .~ (; n ~, " .E ---..., (; - .,'t;. -," ~J'-.[. 'c E " .. '" .S " o N '" " ~ " lD ~ .c: o OJ .c: " 0 .. '" '" - " .. .. 0 .c:; 0- 1:: o " zo Hi.IION lIINYid ....-.... (; ,., .. ::; (; u. ~ .. E . ~ '" ~ ,::...,?;:;\ "C,::,';J\\\ ,~ DATE: .~_ "-1-90 A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY HAS BEEN REQUESTED FOR: c: ~~;;2() -3c 6~ ~L PURPOSE OF STRUCTURE: ~ Building Dept. Approval: '\ \ , 1,; /O\~ ' /\ ~ Zoo'ng "'rov:',\J~ IJ_ CO ~ Remarks :;>,tt,~:cks : DATE: 11/20/92 TO: PUBLIC.. WORKS DEPARTMENT FROM: Building Department RE : TCO The property at signed off by the im~pection. Once the inspection has been c::ompleted, please. inform the building department as to the status. 3220-70 Estes Street has been Building Department and is ready for a.CO TJ?,ank YClU. ~vJ ho.v-e re.ce.; \led +L..a- \e~v ""+ J~-e ce..r-~ R-CA.~'OV1 ~ as but If-- 11"'-"". C'~ \)eve\eof~ "<:5~ h"'<7 ~ ~~ ~\ ~.-deJ Of::- fi-eld c.L.c.kJ or:- ll/z.-o /"'f2.. ~vJ o )C.. ~V Teo \ .~ CCJ ~\Gv& \ \/2--0 , DATE: November 20, 1992 A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY HAS BEEN REQUESTED FOR: 3220-30 Estes Street PURPOSE OF STRUCTURE: 2 family residence Remarks: ~<Q Building Dept. Approval: Zoning Approval: ()? 0\71. t --r {.",. b \ \ '7-e:>" ~ Remarks: V flib ().AJL . ~ ~~ c,\~ ~ ~ ~\\\ ~ '<, I,', '. 'h' ..~ <~ - _\.' , o o ~ " ;;; @ ~ ~ No., 3971 ~1 ~! I 'i , , -' . , ,- ----. INSPECTION TICKET JOB ADDRESS 5;;';l.:2(j -.::3 iT c:;~ J{ DATE: c{ -( '7 BLDG. PERMln </(;3/ PERM In BLCI>G. CONTR. w~ SUBCONTRACTOR, DATE INSP. REO. <:( -/7 (~ TYPE OF INSP. ~ u.... INSPECTION M:DE 'I/; ~!~ L REMARKS Of ~ ,o~ '~ INSPECTION TICKET JOB ADDRESS 3 J.;2O - :,0 ,~ DATE: '-I-J,o L,9:o... BLDG. PERM In 'f'C, '51 pi;.RMln BLDG. CONTR. (AI ~).J.. SUBCONTRACTOR DATI: INSP. REO. TYPE: OF INSP. /~ ~.~~ REMARKS INSPECTION TICKET JOB ADDRESS ~C\:).O ~~ DATE: 5' ,..(, 6'j:;J. BLDG. PERM In '-I h ') \ PERM In BLDG. CONTR. (A!~ SUEICONTRACTOR DATE INSP. REO. TYPE OF INSP. REMARKS 39:;JidC/{,3,' , 0/ ) s '5 INSPECTION TICKET JOB ADDRESS , "1 Dl..d-O ;;;0. ~.a DATE: <{. -Di.. r:J d.5 yO#' BLDG. PERMln ~ ( PERM In BLDG. CONTR. G)~.JJ SUBCONTRACTOR ~.f11 ) DATE INSP. REO. ct- C,L \{ TYPE OF INSP. ~ INSPECTION MADE$'" If L REMARi<S 5 ~_ :#...1&- 9-57 /0 INSPECTION TICKET JOB ADDRESS j:J':':>O ~~ St DATE: ,( - ;; 9 ;3 9d?f BLDG. PERMln V63/ PERM In BLDG. CONTR. Ld~ (vi SUBCONTRACTOR " ) (6., ,)1, , DATE INSP. REO. \{ - d 'I "-.::: / TYPE OF INSP. r.....ia.J:.>>-v, INSPECTION MADE '1/3'1(12-- REMARKS d,( AI Y z- tJf( ~ ') INSPECTION TICKET JOB ADDRESS ~d-a-30 t~ ~ DATE: :r ,,67;;J BLDG. PERMIn </.(; 3/ PERM In BLDG. CONTR~ UA. (J~ SUBCONTRACTOR DATE INSP. REO. 5;-1 ')-92. (r?;') ----- TYPE OF INSP. ~ ~ '''~",o, "'~ fl;1Jl2- REMARKS t'1f t/ 11' INSPECTION TICKET y JOI~ ADDRESS ~ 2.. 2. 0 E "} /.~ DATE: " "d. BLDG. PERM In 4,1 I PERM In BLI)G. CONTR. .1"", I I- <. SUBCONTRACTOR DATE INSP. REO. TYPE OF INSP. .-&p. J /J", . '7- 2 q..., 0/( INISPECTION MADE REMARKS _rt~ {,1, INSPECTION TICKET c{ JOB ADDRESS :z,;;l?-o - 3,(\ (',:06.. DATE: 7 -;)-{ j!J9;;L BLDG. PERMln <./b 3 i BLDG. CONTR. PERMln (ctLJ.fi SUBCONTRACTOR DATE INSP. REO. 1-;) ( TYPE OF INSP. /'l. W INSPECTION MADE T}~ k1 ;'o{ ( tv . a~ flEMARKS <tf <, INSPECTION TICKET JOB :;; ADDRESS ;j;;l::f-O <'>(1 (0~SA- DATE: '1-;)1 !b9:J. BLDG. PERM In </ Cd/ PERMln BLDG. CONTR. ~, SUBCONTRACTOR ~1 DATE INSP. REO. 1-;}!1- TYPE OF INSP. ~ k 7-11 q (, vI( INSPECTION MADE REMARKS ......... ~1 ~ ~ I) ~ 'Q. ~- ~ JOB ADDRESS g8 INSPECTION TICKET J,;J.;;).(J -Jet ,.~ I~ DATE: ~-,;2) f'Y7 2 BLDG. PERMln L.J.b3 I PERM In /Jl /7 BLDG. CONTR. ~ SUBCONTRACTOR (!C.y DATE INSP. REO. '/ - ;,J. 3 TYPE OF INSP. -yo ~ INSPECTION MADE REMARKS ~ /{}() ~.J... ~ gl, INSPECTION TICKET ')' JOB ADDRESS '> d- ;>-0- :3 G {;.rt.L-? ~1.. DATE: '7 - d- <j ;d:n. BLDG. PERM In '-I(d / PERM In BLDG. CONTR. (.J~' ;l.J. , SUBCONTRACTOR DATE INSP. REO. '7 -:;L 7 TYPE OF INSP. ~ INSPECTION MADE '- REMARKS . C1<... g'l INSPECTION TICKET JOB "- ADDRESS ~ d d D c-- c::.s\E~ S t DATE: {be.. ( BC{2 BLDG. PERM In l\(n5\ PERM In BLDG. CONTR. fu5\ l \. ~ ') r l S t\ l- SUBCONTRACTOR DATE INSP. REO. 1 TYPE OF INSP. c.~ INSPECTION MAD REMARKSf ,\f\, ~ ~OCl-S..Q <7'0< 6/( ~~ INSPECTION TICKET JOEl ADDRESS ~0l.:;J.(\-:':,() ~'S.-L~;~A DATE: Z-cf j39J BLDG. PERM In t{b." ( PERMln BLDG. CONTR. llj~ SU'BCONTRACTOR DA,TE INSP. REO. '6' c{ TYPE OF INSP. <~"J,...t",~ INSPECTION MADE ~"Z- REMARKS tJ/L) - f(Y) INSPECTION TICKET JOB ADDRESS ~ 2- ~o ~,A-tw DATE: ~ >(i ;Jid- BLDG. PERMln \{.b 5/ PERM In EILDG. CONTR. GJ~ SUBCONTRACTOR DATE INSP. REO. TYPE OF INSP. INSPECTION MADE I 2- "M^,~~ :P W.R. FORM 6-19 // ;3 9:?# A!(,3 ( Cl3 INSPECTION TICKET .< JOB ADDRESS :"J23J t~ V DATE: j'-IS .6 J:;:) BLDG. PERMln V63/ BLDG. CONTR. PERMIT# {J I J ~V-1. SUBCONTRACTOR DATE INSP. REO. Ji-/ g TYPE OF INSP. INSPECTION MADE REMARKS ~ 3 INSPECTION TICKET JOB ADDRESS ') d -,) G ? C' ~ '" ;;;vv..."J DATE: ? _) '; _G .69:;1. (d BLDG. PERM In q b 3/ PERM In BLDG. CONTR. LJ ~fA SUBCONTRACTOR DATE INSP. REO. 6';). ') Cf<;;J TYPE OF INSP. ~~"""a --1NG..] "'''''''' MAO' % if, "- REMARKS ~ It. / W.R. FORM 6--19 / J3lf~tf Z-/ 0 ~3/ INSPECTION TICKET JOB ADDRESS J'iOldO ~2;o G ~6-,y DATE: II - :2. .c9"" BLDG. PERMIT# """'63/ PERMIT# BLDG. CONTR. {J.~ )L{ SUBCONTRACTOR ~ DATE INSP. REO. 11- 5 TYI'E OF INSP. cr"J ...--,.>v....b<.- ~~ INSPECTION MADE I ( ~7 ~ ( REMARKS pC/~ c; L G~ _ !h rY-~ W.R. FORM 6-19 l<..vJ-' __/____~j~ .<./-C;~~_._____ INSPECTION TICKET JOB ADDRESS 3.!fJ.?cI -':;0 ~:-:: lLo DATE: J I-:'J ,69'';;'- BLDG. PERMIT# 'If. ~ ( ~RMIT# BLDG. CONTR. SUBCONTRACTOR DATE INSP. REO. I(-?' TYPE OF INSP. r'!.....-l---vv-<. t~ _ INSPECTION MADE _UvSG-- /0{J RI=MAR~~ rLt-c rh('/~ W.R. FORM 6-19 g.o..vJ.. q_Y :L {(- ../ 3 () ~/ L-_ ~l; INSPECTION TICKET ~~~RESS :',7 2 (1 - :'; 0 ~ s..1v, .J;t g DATE: II - I 0 ij.z BLDG. PERMIT# l/G5/ BLDG. CONTR. PERMIT# / (J..-y-<..~ )Jt.. 6 SUBCONTRACTOR DATE INSP. REO. JI- / 3..- J ," I 0 TYPE OF INSP. t='-~ . c"-' e INSPECTION MADE /' '2 q 2, , ( - I l /)('5 REMARKS -~ - ---""------ it. INSPECTION TICKET JOB ADDRESS ~2w -50 {~ DATE: Il( It... BLDG. PERMIT#rlll%~ PERMIT# BLDG. CONTR. SUBCONTRACTOR DATE INSP. REO. II I,?-:> (k.(v\... , TYPE OF INSP. P ..p Q.p L . INSPECTION MADE / f - I '3 ~ REMARKS /~'J 'j W.R. FORM 6-19 ~~ / INSPECTION TICKET ~~~RESS 3 L 20-:3 CT ;; ~ J1 DATE: ((-( (6 I3Cc2- BLDG. PERMIT{ 1j63f PERMIT# BLDG. CONTR. {;J ~U SUBCONTRACTOR DATE INSP. REO.II-rey TYPE OF INSP. ~,-J..;-, INSPECTION MADE 1/-1 9 - c:rt2: REMARKS ~. W.R. FORM 1)..19 8 'l;;24f C/(,.=3 ( (.;) " v. s BUILDING DEPARTMENT 237.6944 Ex!. 255 1- . .;. i) /- ~~. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * * Correction Notice , Job Located at .}.E...2..~-::'.......r.0...~.../..................................... I have this day inspected this structure and these premises and have found the following violations of City and(or State laws governing same: }1 ;'/ J 7 ,-' V' _ .,-!- / /r I I. rJ I <____J ~~/'-'" 1..._ ,.':> ~ :::.::: y,})j::! /: 5(:::::: :~~: :::::::: ::~:: Ii.:~::' .:;:.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ You are hereby notified to correct the foregoing violations. When corrections have been made, call for inspection. -. (',' / I , .. . ( , " Date................................................!.....:.........................,.................... , Inspector for Building Dept. FORM WR6-22 DO NOT REMOVE THIS TAG ,6 '/c3.cr/ qb3 I 0.1 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 237 -6944 Ex!. 255 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * * Correction Notice );'50 Fsl. Job Located at .......................... ...>..... ,...... ... .'.?......... .... ............... ...... I have this day inspected this structure and these premises and have found the following violations of City and/or State laws governing same: J' / 4 !...,2l:.:. .~. C~.......... .5.e.:!.!. .:::. /. '~.... I;:,,'. 0.-:1.. ... ..,;, ..(:'/':[(0' ,:.=.. .... ...."..Q~./(.jJ<C:.~:-.........~:0:'C,..::~............................. ...... ......... Z' "'K.t:~'iz;"""""'" ..(3... ... "f:, uf.".... "rz '~'::" .:2;..... ;..:.;. ./)".. .... ::~.,:::(~:~i{~f.+';5~::::~::::::::~:::::::::::::::~::::::;;~::::::::::::~::::;::::::i -.:.,....~!;!;/!;~~?i):i.?J(>:://;~,::/:/::~.....I....~......<..11.'C:~~i :~:i;:;~:i/:;::;::::(~Z:::;':;:~::/:::::(;::::?::;':;::::;~::Z:::~:;:::~::.;~ L-- (.....- c~ c- 0...... _. ... ............._.......................... ................._............. .... ...... ... ......... ... 'YOU are hereby notified to correct the foregoing violations. When corrections have been made, call for inspection. .' ./ ( \... ,: .J Date..I............,...............................................~:............::..................... Inspector for Building Dept. FO~IM WAIl-22 DO NOT REMOVE THIS TAG LANE ENGINEERING SERVICE, INC. A PROFESSIONAL. CORPORATION ,n,oo W. FOURTEENTH AVE. . LAKEWOOD. COLO. 80215 STEVEN D. LISTER Professional Land Surveyor TEL.EPHONE 233.4042 RICHARD M. ROMBERG PrOfessional Engineer November 19, 1992 Mr. Steve Nguyen, P.E. Public Works Department CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Dear Mr. Nguyen: Reference is made to site improvements associated with a two-unit residence under construction on Lot 3 of ESTES HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION in the vicinity of West 32nd and Estes Street. Enclosed herewith, are two prints of a Record Drawing showing drainage improvements, actually built. Drainage features indicated on the Record Drawing are believed to be in substantial accord with details of the approved drainage report and improvement plans. Very truly yours, ~~ ~mf~ cc: Mrs. H. Miller Encl: Record Drwg (2) file: M159-l /~z= - "300 Es-teS S~t- INSPECTIO~ .. "'~ t. Be MADE UNLESS THIS CARD IS POSTED ON THE BUILDING SITE 24 HOURS NOTICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS 'I , , WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 7500 WEST 29th AVENUE (303) 234-5933 INSPECTION RECORD JOB ADDRESS 3220-3230 Estes Street BUILDING PERMIT NO. B92114631 DATE ISSUED 1/'i/Q? OWNER RYTnn & Hp 1 pn Mi" p,- GONTRACTOR Earl L. Wright, 978 Xenon Court, Golden, CO 80401 I TYPE I OCCUPANCY I SETBACKS FROM PROPERTY LINES: NORTH SOUTH EAST West INSPECTOR MUST SIGN ALL SPACES PERTAINING TO THIS JOB I NSPEQTION DATE INSPECTOR Foundations Footinas Caissons , . " U"'J , -' Reinforcina or Monolithic " ,of' , / ,- Weatheroroofi nn , POUR No CONCRETE UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED Concrete Slab Floor: Electrical Ground Work Plumbin Ground Work Heatin Ground Work Do NOT POUR FLOOR UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED ..' C!~. ("-~ ., ;t l, l' j i ,,1:,,;. '7 ~I...'L or.ooI:l ,l< (above must be signDc prior to framing inspection) , t' (fl. Final Electrical Fixtures Plumbin Fixtures Heatin & Ventilation Landsca e & Parkin R.O.W, & Draina e Fire De artment Job Com leted 1- {ef crt OCCUPANCY NOT PERMI'" "''CD UNTIL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPA~ " lSSUED '. PROTECT TdlS ,.. rHE WEATHER Jefferaon COuntll IleAlth Depu-t.-nt Certificate of Water ...4 S-r Service Avul~lity 3220 Estes Street Job Addre.s Februarv 24. 1992 JliIIte .w.lding Permit No. lAJgAl De.cription 3 IDt ~ock Estes Heights SUbdividon One Unit Residential u.eof Building JIote to'Applic.ant: Building permit will DOt be i..ued without this Certificate of s.-r and .,.ter Service Availability aigned by the Diatrict or agency .upplying .ervices. Helen Miller 2790 Howell Road Address 279-7128 %'elephone ClImer f= SEWER ..- Wheat Ridge Sanitation District of sanitation District or AgelIcy ~~ts or Conditions: Sanitary ( ) SEWER SERVICE NOT AVAILABLE: INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE: PERMIT NO. sewer service is subiect to i<Jf SEIlER SERVICE AVAILABLE: compliance with the rules and regulations of the Wheat Ridge San~tat~on D~str~ct. I hereby certifIJ that availabili ty of .ervice is as indicated above. '//f3(JM/H '-7lJ. ~J/'/A:;;,v.L Signature of Authorized Agent 2/27/92 Date Review: "efferson County Heal th Dept.: Signature Date WATER THE CONSOLIDATED MUTUAL WATER COMPANY ..- of Water District: or Agency ~) WATER SERVICE AVAILABLE ( ) WATER SERVICE NOT AVAILABLE COLORADO JfELL PERMIT NO. COmments or Conditions: Water service is subject to compliance with the Company's rules, regulations and requirements for such service. I bereby certify that availabilitlJ of .ervice is ~~~-/(.../ Ou',; Signature Author~zed Agent as indicated above. 2, Z// - '3r2-_ Date ;Review: "efi'erson County Health Dept.: Date Signature DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLO, THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND THE MAYOR - CALL 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION. )W~ND T~ANS MUST ACCOMPANY THIS APPLICATION ~US'NESS NAME'eARL L.WRfG I-f r.&Al5~RESS r'7:..:', 16+'d;Jr,'!:, CQl...j)e~ (b. 30 WI ~_~ DEED ~D IMPROVEMENT SURVEY REQUIRED .. ... REAR PROPERTY LINE 't I' 2- :to /00' FRONT PROPERTY LINE STREET NAME ICIRCLE FRONT) N E S W SHOW DISTANCES FROM THE MAIN BUILDING TO ADJOINING HOUSES, STREETS, AND PROPERTY LINES ON ABOVE SKETCH; SHOW LEAST DISTANCE TO PROPERTY LINES, NOT MAXIMUM OR AVERAGE DISTANCE. OWNERS NAME C>R..i3 YRON 'Y'it13U:i.k/ltll L L &R.. LEGAL DESCRIPTION . CONTRACTOR r:=- ;y R I i Wi"", "'71,c, NO METES AND BOUNDS DESCR'PTION ATTACHED ADDRESS 1'" S A- e- /if (;) IV C. T. PHONE:l3:1i? It '7d ADORESS '~2. 2.LJ j!I-:.? 23 0 E- S rES C'TY r-. /) L_ P F ,\/ ZIP CODE €'t:> v.c ( LOT NO, ~ BLOCK NO, LOT WIDTH IuD DEPTH:z.()!J ,j AREA ;2.", .fJ-o, SUBD'V'S'ON E'S Ti--S H6/6HIlIri - 7500 WEST 29th AVENUE 237.6944 EXT. 255 P,O, BOX 638 w z, :JI '''). ~ \,," t:( ~~ ~~ ~I'\ o '" "~I ) if) 'i:. ~ t 'i cT~ PERMIT NO B92114631 w z , :J f./\~ f'" "'~ <)0 <ig: w o '" J7 ~+ \iJ U) SPEC'FY NORTH INDICATE THOSE OF THE FOLLOWING OFF-$ITE IMPROVEMENTS NOW EXISTING: Curb a Gutter_Street PavlnO_Water _ Sewer _Storm Drainage_ HAVE ARRANGEMENTS BEEN MADE TO PROVIDE FOR THOSE NOT NOW EXISTING: YES_NO_ ARE THERE ANY ST THIS PROPERTY: YES NO OCCUPANCY STORIES )...- , ~ , /'U..A--(,,~ EXTER'OR MATERIALS, WALLS Bq I C/( r~M~/~:", pn, ~ ~~-f yt!>C-(,L'Plb',). PERMIT FEE USE TAX TOTAL FEE $LJ1>,q, NOT VAllO UNLESS RECEIPTED UNITS REMARKS: OWNER / CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT thereby certity that the above setback distances shown 01'1 thiS permit application ore accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinonces, rules or regulations of the City ot Wheat Rdoe or covenants, easements ar restrictions of re- cord; that all measurements shown, and allegations mode are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and ttrat I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Budding Code (UB.C) and all other applicable Whe~t Ridge ordinon es, for workrund~r this permit (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) S,GNED ' , .::I DATE;L - ;l.... 'f 9;.. BASEMENT-ROUGH i BASEMENT -FINISHED GROUND FLOOR SECOND FLOOR GARAGE OTHER OTHER SQ,FT 1).810 ';..';/go 117 fR t;?go ~~C1 BU'LD,NG DEPARTMENT USE ONLY 0-"2- ~ ~S'lo ~ THE PROPERTY'S PRESENTLY ZONED THE PROPOSED USE ( S) I_IS N~T) ALLOWED UNDER THE ZONI G OROINANCE, r.t::!! COM ENT$: 't!!. ~ 1J~ I'H B3:l '7 /j'7"1' ID~(.' ~ 0'3'1 BU'LDING COST $ 1. "16 6'l. (> PLUMB't PERMIT STATE NO /7 "7/' 6 C'TY NO, PLANS REVIEWED_ (_OK)(_NOT OK) ELECTRICAL PERMIT STATE NO CITY NO PLANS REVIEWED_ (_OK)(_NOT OK) NO PLANS NEEDED_ PLANS NEEDED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF ELECTRICAL PERMIT PERM'T 'SSUED TO ~/Jt. 13/(I(1lf 1(.. PER REQUEST AS PER PLANS NO AS APPROVED AND ON FILE IN MY OFFICE DO NOT ISSUE PERMIT UNTIL CLEARED BY CHIEF BUILDING SPE OR .~;; 4v o G INSPE OR ',~ >_1. a c.--- NO PLANS NEEDED_ PLANS NEEDED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PLUMBING PERMIT PERM'T ISSUED TO iJN/j ~'JI 1i.:J PER REQUEST AS PER PLANS NO AS APPROVED AND ON FILE IN MY OFFICE DO NOT ISSUE PERMIT UNTil CLEARED BY CHIEF BUILDING PE OR I IL REMARKS 'It> MECHANICAL PERMIT o ( C,TY NO PLANS REV'EWED_ (_OK) (_NOT Ot<) NO PLANS NEEOED_ PLANS NEEDED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF MECHANICAL PERMIT, .f!- PERMIT ISSU€D TO II TTct. ') ? A PER REQUEST AS PER PLANs NO AS APPROVED AND ON FILE IN lilY OFFICE DO NOT ISSUE PERMIT UNTIL CLEARED BY CHIEF BUILDING INS/'l;CTOR ;. F) '1/1 '^-' DATE ClE RED BY '~L~rCTOR 7~? "t'~ BY DATE CONDITIONS CI) THIS PERMIT WAS ISSUED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS SET FORTH IN YOUR APPLICATION AND IS SUB,JECT TO THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF COLORADO AND TO THE ZONING REGULATIONS ANO BUILDING CODE OF WHEAT RIDGE, COlORADO OR ANY OTHER APPLICABLE ORDINANCES OF THE CITY (2) THIS PERMIT SHALL EXPIRE IF (A) THE WORK AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN SIXTY (60) DAYS FROM ISSUE DATE OR (8) THE eUILDING AUTHORIZED IS SUSPENDED OR ABANOONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS (3) IF THIS PERMIT EXPIRES, A NEW PERMIT MAY BE ACQUIRED FOR A FEE OF ONE-HALF THE AMOUNT NORMALLY REQUIRED, PROVIDED NO CHA.NGESHAVE BEEH OR WILL BE MADE IN THE ORIGINAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ANY SUSPENSION OR ABANDONt.lENT HAS NOT EXCE OED ONE (I) VEAR. IF CHANGES ARE MADE OR IF SUSPENSION OR ABANDONMENT EXCEEDS ONE(I)VEAR, FULL FEES SHALL BE PAID FOR A NEW PERMIT (4) NO WORK OF ANY MANNER SHALL BE DONE THAT WILL OBSTRUCT THE NATURAL F W OF WATER CAUSING A (lS) CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR TWENTY-FOUR (01:4) HOU IN ADVANCE FOR ALL I ON INSPECTI CARD FORE PROCEe:OI G WIT SUCCESSIVE PHASES OF THE DB .~ h (" 't ..t:, -.1 '- ,-l t~ & ~PPROVEV o "~.~ -x:: DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT REQUEST FOR PUBLIC WORKS REVIEW Date: ~/?4/~- Location: 2..'2?'t"':> -2>z.-:z....-:, Case/Building Permit No. .& - fj..;J.# 7C6.3/ E..s \es Please review the attached materials submitted in application for approval of a , and indicate your decision on those items check below, and please add any other comments which you may have under number 16. l. 2. 3. CJ Boundary Closure:CJOK CJ"Area: Acres []I( Drainage: a. Drainage b. Drainage c. Drainage be: l.JNot OK; refer to Stipulations Square Feet plan (and report) needed ~ Plan not needed CJ provisions have been reviewed and CJ OK CJ Not OK; refer to are found to Stipulations 4. CJ Legal Description: If not okay, please 5.uaPublic Improvements: a. Street Paving needed c. Sidewalk needed e. Storm Sewer needed Escrow required, for OOK explain: o Not OK; refer to Stipulations Y eN) b. Curb & Gutter neededC[) N @ N d. Street Lights needed Y @ Y <fD f. Escrow required Y dD what improvements? In what amount? If 6.1~ Agreement require '0,"" 7. CI tiated by Public Wo are 8. CJ Is a traffic impact analysis and report required? Y N 9. CJ New roadway or alley R.O.W. dedication is recommended: If yes, what is recommended: lO.CJ All existing dedicated roadways and alleys meet the standards of the City: If no, which do not and what is requested: ll.l~ All existing and proposed dedIcations have been reviewed and found to be: CJ OK CJ Not OK; refer to numbers 8 & 9. 12.~APproval: The Public Works Department has reviewed this request and hereby gives its approval, subject to the above and/or attached stipulations. -:- ~'''' ~. ~~re 13. CJ The Public Wor s Department has reviewed approve for the reasons stated: 5k/qz , Date this request and does not Signature 14. CJ Stipulations attached: Date Yes No 15. CJ DEADLINE DATE FOR PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REPLY: ~ro,*,.-! pc/ PWreview rev.01/89 Summary Comments: ~t. ~III'''''''S ..Jvn;"''''j''' v-E'ro",:\-!pIa.10<1 c,i\\t"O -I-\,.p ~IIVlOM.t ~-F -!j.,iC. b+- .\~ \(l""n~'Y' ~1/1 ~e. <e>inp -F->W1"l-r ~;:...!.p.A.+t'a \. \)p". rI.3r"",r WlP~OIll"',d 'I" ',\E'Wl i=c.. \--"'>,.... ~ hp -E'x~ruk.d..-\o:j W'f't"">r-\- / r\"''^ ha\,e ~ b2. p1ov- +0 fu Ic.c.Ut:l.hlO of=- b I~ \"'\'':'-3 F 16. ,...".... ,V\~v- /:III^A ,..! Ir-t"A ~ \'\ ~ ~yP RECEPTION NO. 92056307 5/13/92 10:22 20.00 RECORDED IN COUNTY OF JEFFERSON STATE OF COLORADO Fw w4i-w,fJ~ AGREEMENT U I~~ DEVELOPMENT COVENANT i, j \)10 1\. r, U ,1\ \' THIS DEVELOPMENT COVENANT, as authorized by the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS of the City of Wheat Ridqe, is entered into this 'I Ij day of 11..),,; I , 19:iL, between the City f Wheat Ridqe, a Municlpal Corporation, hereinafter referred as City, and Helen Miller hereinafter referred to as own , and concerns property located at 3220 & 3230 Estes street, Wh Ridge, Colorado 80033. WITNESSETH: I"" ~ WHEREAS, Owner is the titled Owner of a act of land in the city of Wheat Ridge of Jefferso , State of Colorado, more fully des ed L, S SUBDIVISION, more commonly known as 3220 & 3230 Estes Stree (which property is hereinafter re ed to as "the y"); and WHEREAS, Owner has requested a Building Permit to develop property; and WHEREAS, curb, gutter, sidewalk and street bordering the Property and neighboring tracts incomplete and/or below those standards as set SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS of the city; and improvements of land are forth in the WHEREAS, to be uniform and consistent with the existing neighboring improvements, the completion or non-completion of those improvements as required by SECTION FIVE: IMPROVEMENTS of the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS will make no significant change at the present in those streets fronting the Property and the neighboring tracts of land; and WHEREAS, in order to conform to those requirements as set out in the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS of the City, this Agreement is hereby determined to be proper. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREED THAT: 1. The responsibility for providing improvements along the street frontage of the Property, as set out in the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS of the City, is hereby acknowledged by the Owner. 2. The Owner has caused certain improvements to be constructed on the Property and associated on-site improvements. 3. The existing improvement of Property frontage along Estes Street is below those standards as set forth in the current SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS of the City, and the completion of those improvements as required by Section Five: Improvements of the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS will make no significant change at the present in those streets fronting the property. 4. In accordance with Section 5-45 of the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, Subsection E, the Department of Public Works has determined that the construction of public improvements along the Property frontage of Estes Street need not be immediately constructed and that execution of this Development Covenant is appropriate. The Owner agrees to participate in the Engineering and Construction cost for the Property's frontage along Estes Street when the street is brought in accordance with the City's Street Standards, or as directed by the Director of Public Works. The Engineering and Construction costs will be limited to those reasonable and necessary to construct Estes Street to current local standards, including earthwork, one half street width paving, drainage, curb, gutter and walk and miscellaneous and incidental items required to complete the Project. RECEPTION NO. 92056307 Development Covenant Byron and Helen Miller Page 2 5. The Director of Public Works shall give written notice and an estimate of costs to the Owner 30 days prior to advertisement of any major improvements of Estes street which would affect the Property and will submit to the Owner a detailed cost breakdown and billing after Award of the Construction Contract by the City Council. The detailed DEVELOPMENT COVENANT cost estimate will include the Owner's portion of the cost of curb, gutter and sidewalk, pavement improvements and other items listed in Paragraph ~ 4. 6. Upon receipt of the detailed cost estimate or billing, the Owner hereby agrees to pay to the City, within 45 days, the full amount of the detailed cost estimate or billing. The Owner also agrees to pay to the city any extra costs associated with the Public Improvements to the Property due to variations in estimated contract quantities or as a result of change orders within 30 days of written request by the City. The city will pay to the Owner any overcharges paid to the City by the Owner within 45 days after final acceptance of the Public Improvements by the City. 7. Owner agrees to pay for all public improvements or billings within 45 days of written notice; Owner further agreeing that any amount resulting from his failure to pay for any improvement thus completed shall constitute a lien upon the property above described in the actual amount of the pUblic improvements completed, less any payments made by Owner, plus interest on the amount unpaid at 10 percent (10%) per annum from the date of completion, plus any costs incurred by the City in collecting same, including court costs and attorney's fees. 8. In the event an Improvement District or a Special Improvement District is created by the city to improve or provide those requirements as set out in the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS for those streets or streets fronting the property and the neighboring tracts of lands, the Owner or his assigns and successors agree not to oppose its creation, or subsequent assessment of the costs to the property. 9. In the event an Improvement District is created by the City to provide the improvements as provided by the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS, the costs assessed against the property shall not be disproportionate with costs assessed to other nearby and like properties. 10. This COVENANT is executed by the Owner pursuant to the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS of the City of Wheat Ridge. 11. The Parties hereto agree that this DEVELOPMENT COVENANT, by its terms, shall be binding upon the City and the Owner and upon the assigns and successors thereof; and shall constitute covenants running with the property. 12. The City, in its sole discretion, may require a cash or surety bond to be held in escrow by the City to secure completion or the public improvements described herein. Such cash or surety bond shall be in the sum sufficient to cover the estimated costs of the construction of the public improvements described herein, said estimate to be made at or about the time of the notice described in Paragraph 5 above. Any interest earned on any escrow funds shall be the sole property of the City. 13. The DEVELOPMENT COVENANT shall be recorded with the Clerk and Recorder of Jefferson County, Colorado, and shall constitute a continuing covenant running with the land, providing however, that this DEVELOPMENT COVENANT shall be released by the City upon the completion of the public improvements and complete and satisfactory payment by the Owner of all costs and fees associated therewith of the public improvements described herein, Development Covenant Byron and Helen Miller Page 3 AGREEMENT RECEPTION NO. 92056307 which release shall be evidenced by a signed document attested to by the City Clerk and bearing the City's seal, which document shall likewise be recorded. SPECI:AL PROVI:SI:ONS AND COVENANT 3 This Development Covenant shall be in effect for a period of ten (10) years from the Date of the Agreement. I:N WI:TNESS WHEREOF, the parties have set their hands and seals on date first shown. ~t---~1tk,1 _ Public Works D partment RECOMMENDED BY: EXECUTED BY CI:TY: ATTEST: 1110a Q. tJ~~/, Mayor, ~ of Whe t ge EXECUTED 11 [/, BY OWNER: ~ , STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss County of Jefferson) The foregoing .instrument day of c..~7I \ \. was acknowledged , 19~, by before me this '\ ~ ~,,&:{\ ~~ \ Wi'. \ My commission expires: 'I - d-.'-'I , 19~5. ,',:.::111111'1, QUe'" '" '...', _/\;;.....;.~:.t..:~,:" \. "",<~,~~~,:,,;{~.~~,}:\ .....-: - .... " '.' .....,. ~r ^. t' y"1': : ~ _'\~..':"':\~ '1,.... ~ . ''''')f. : ~.~....,_" '-.;"Olf. i t~'-l~~2::~~::~;~f:~~~~?~:~ ],~~~: ; '''''',''',.", \ \t;-C;" ':;"~IP .... '.:.J:,;:;,<;;;~{.~~".., ~ ".~ /',.....~;:~>~~X'?h..f:~.O~. l........ 'j I'.j.. ;;'!:..~~~:C)\ . ",\'.';: "'~'I '~~o.;:~-.1rF'lC .,' .~t",:,.''';'"" ' ,.' .' . ~\.\. ~'5:\C\.~\C\ Nota y P blic - l St'il', l\j, Q...C~ ~ c..\ \yC:.\\~'C. WMn \- R1.c\~ 'C. L.., C C'. 'Gee ~'-\ RECEPTION NO. 92056307 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT REQUEST FOR PUBLIC WORKS REVIEW Date: "7/'74-/'17- Location: 2,27('") - ~z.~ Case/Building Permit No. ~ - 9.;J.d r<6:;:r/ E.s k:s Please review the attached materials submitted in application for approval of a , and indicate your decision on those items check below, and please add any other comments which you may have under number 16. l. 2. 3. CJ Boundary Closure:CJOK CJ~rea: Acres D1/' Drainage: a. Drainage plan (and report) needed ~ b. Drainage Plan not needed CJ c. Drainage provisions have been reviewed and be: CJ OK CJ Not OK; refer to ~Not OK; refer to Stipulations Square Feet t./ are found to Stipulations 4. CJ Legal Description: If not okay, please 5.~ublic Improvements: a. Street Paving needed c. Sidewalk needed e. Storm Sewer needed Escrow required, for CJ OK explain: CJ Not OK; refer to Stipulations Y (E) b. Curb & Gutter neededC[) N (j;) N d. street Lights needed Y @ Y dV f. Escrow required Y dD what improvements? In what amount? If 6. W"" Agreement require n tiated by Public Wo , OV\ 7. [::1 are 8. l::::l Is a traffic impact analysis and report required? Y N 9. I:J New roadway or alley R.O.W. dedication is recommended: If yes, what is recommended: lO.CJ All existing dedicated roadways and alleys meet the standards of the City: If no, which do not and what is requested: ll.l~ All existing and proposed dedications have been reviewed and found to be: CJ OK CJ Not OK; refer to numbers 8 & 9. 12.~APproval: The Public Works Department has reviewed this request and hereby gives its approval, subject to the above and/or attached stipulations. -::- --L..D ~, S re 13. CJ The Public Wor s Department has reviewed approve for the reasons stated: 3f.z/12 , Date this request and does not Signature 14. CJ Stipulations attached: Date Yes No 15. CJ DEADLINE DATE FOR PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REPLY: ~L/l Summary commentr~i:l ~' ,,'....,<;, ,...J\ra;""OljP -B,~ ::,j';'~'1>_I' .~,~.;...., ,;.;~i.t ....-1=' ...jj.,i<C" Ir...T ~.\I J.1. .-, l ' "",>1 p;:<W . t T"Y\ e. ~ ':. . ' ~"'1J .pl~;') , j7"'I \N1 , 'I VV1PMt;",,,,...d ',,,, 'IteWl i\= l(-, b"" >1:'" .c..,,"ro 16. ......., \.... ,n-py.- ........J1AA .-\\rr"..I ;Y\() 3"" F rW- +0 v-e".,.,.--t- / P"a..., \~ It1VJjPV' reo<Svt-P....:!:1'n \ p..\I' fl..3Y"VYlr ~ hP RX~ ruW. Ia~ rt'f'r~'r'+/ \,\,..,1/'0 nc\,e ..\..-., b.,. W \<;.SLJo.Vll.o r,f=- b,~ \,..(1':'5 ~; ~~ccl pc/ PWreview rev.Ol/89