HomeMy WebLinkAbout3960 Hoyt Court♦�A Inspection Type: Job Address: Permit Number: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 235-2855 Office INSPECTION NOTICE 7 No one available for inspection: Time AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes No When corrections are complete, schedule re -inspection online. Date: Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE .:t of ,�� � U t. t PrOPOrty Address Ma lfina Address (if different than property address) A dd r ess: City, State, Zip. u I Square's BTU's Gaftom _ Amps __ Sq Ft, Review Fee (due a t tin* oaf ubtl7iff l). ct ctor; T^"""""'T""'~~''''!!''''''f11'''''''''''''~''''''~-''''''''''",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,",_,,,,''''''''''~''''''''~''",,,~~r'''~",,,""".,'" ?If '&:PAR'I'Mt;ItT9f'PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number: 5623 BUIt..J)ING IN$PECTI9N DJViSION - 235-2855 'CtT'(OFWHEAT RIDGE Date: 8fl197 7500,WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner: Property Address: 3960 HOYT CT Contractor License No. : 19629 Company: Belcaro Fence Co. Phone: 321-6167 Phone: 321 6167 '....>. . :......., OWNJ;R1CONTAACTORSIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT lhilrebycertify lh!rt~....",*~" ~,by thl& """". aPllIicllllon are accurate, al)ddC)nol1liQl,a1a 1l1Pik:8b'"', C)rdjnanees. nJlea C)I' regllfatiQns C)f the City C)f Wheat Flldge C)r CC)lIeI1ll!1lS. aa_I\tt!C)I'resl~ C)f I'8C!lrd; that osurements shl)Wt1, and alIegatklns mada alell<<Ura!e; thai 'have read and to kIa aU conditio on thlll appHC$liC)n'llnd~,I~~fu!l~ rco with i1d1 cooe (U,B,C.) llnd'alIjIlljerappl\tabl&, 9a for rm~ (QWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNEO Description: Total: ~1.917.oo $63.00 $0,00 , $23.00 $86.00 Construction Value: PermltFee: Plan Review Fee : UseTax: BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC: Sq. Ft. : FENCE MUST NOT ENCROACH INTO 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN , ApprOval: Occupancy : Walls: Roof: stories : Resideotial Units : Plumbing License No : Company: Mechanical License No : Company: Eleclrleal License NO : Company: E;xPir'ation Date : Approval : . Expiration Date : Approval: . Expiration Date : Approval: . (1) This pemlil""",luut<IlnllOC<>lda""" witlI!he _is_ set IcrIh in yapur applICation and is _to lIIo laWS of !he SWW of CcIo_ and to !he Zoning Rogu_onillllliidinll Coda of Wheat _, C_ or any other o"""",,bla onlIn_ of !he CIIy, ' (2) ThiiI pemlil'ohal!....... w (A)!he1NQl1< auII1l>riZad is not commanced _sixty (60) days from _ dOte or (Il)!he buiiding _ Is suapended or, ~fOto=~., (3) ~this pemlil ~,a new _.,., .acquiIe<lfOt a foe ofona-hail!he amount normally raqulrad, provided no """- hava -.orwIU .,.,.-In!he ~...t=(~~,.1uli18es ..;'~~\I1~~.::,''t~:~\1l-.ment has not - one (1) year, R",,"- al8 _or huapanaion or__ 14) No wort< Many,......... _ ""(IqIMlIhe\WUI c:hange!he natul8l_ of water causl!'llo ~ pro-., 5) ConIr8dot ~ . .~1h= twenty-four (24) hours In advance for an lnapacliolls and shaD _va wrlllan __ on Inspection card before (8) ==:,W:o ",~r~ and apeciIIcaliona shaD not be construad II> be a pemlil for, nor an approval of. any _ of tha provisions ofthabuildiOll , If,ruleorrfigtJ.atiort, , , ChiefBulkf spector THIS'" MIT VAL.1D ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION ' DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 ' /)J~ Co if' COV1s.fvvcd I ~ -31b () ~c1/ B~cCV(O F~ CEo Building Permit Number: Company: Date: 0/7/1'7 TOM::f0ci.P1.7(j gqqb,j Phone: 52/-6/G7 Phone: .32!~(, / 67 Property Owner: Property Address: Contractor License No, : OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT ICf/TO Construction Value: I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, Permit Fee: and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants. easements or restrictions of record: that all measurements shown allegations Plan Review Fee: made are accurate; that I have read and agre abide conditions p. ed n this application, and that I assume full responsi "Ily or co lian . the eat ldge Building Use Tax: Code (U,8,C,) and all other applicable Whe R' ge or in7a 2fO (WO(rkJJJ"" 'rll~OJ't f~Total : (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED Description: U q- ~.. Z0f11fi{f'J:.~ll!mel)~'l ~ ~~ Approval: .,.... Zoning: Bmlal.~Comments;1 Approval: f:01iI~Coml)1entS::J Approval: Occupancy: Walls: "- / b 7- /I~ .ff. ./ Roof: Stories: Residential Units: Electrical License No : Company: Plumbing license No : Company: Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date: Approval: J2l !!i@lSlR!!'f!!Lf81I,. Expiration Date: Approval: III 1P.1~~!'lII!1.mtBlll Expiration Date: Approval: . Ie.IlIlmRlJI1!.!f.IJI__ (I) (2) (3) This permit was Issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur application and Is subfect to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of V\fheat RidS1e. COlorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. This pennll shall expire If (A) the woO< aulhonl.ed is not commenced within sixty (60) days from issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 days. If (his permit expires, a new perrnll may be acquired for a fee of one.half the amount normally required. provided no changes have been or will be made In the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has nol exceeded one (1) year. If changes are made Of if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new pennit. No wori( of any manner shall be done thaI will change the natural now of water causing a drainage problem. Contractor shall notify the Buildtng Inspector twenty.four (24) hours tn advance for an inspections and shan receive written approval on inspection card before proceediing with successive phases of the/.ob. The issuance of a pennil or the approval 0 drawings and specifications shall not be construed to be a pennit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions of the building codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. (4) (5) (6) Chief Building Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION ~__ t~- ,,~j,. . '. Y' .-r--r- .'J .. ~. N.'c.' ~'.'.'. ...........K.'.~ .-.., .-." . .. .. ~ .. .." . - .. . . . - .. . ..' A ~ \ L_---- ,r. t ---..,- ~....~ --,- '---'}"".t.~~ - -~- "\. ~.1, , \ r" \--\) ';ii S ~ ~q'A I .-" Lv ' - L'1 " r,. 'I ' ,:',,":J..' " .'-J u. ' c " ~ (;1 "::J.' I ,'J ,', '1\ , " o . Co T \', , I -I' . -.!/ .l ::-:-.::1___ . \~ ~~ .. >, - ~._ ______n -G-~ -- ~ a , .{ ;, ;: en o. J ,) ~ - - ~ (J, ~ - \ ,.-~) - 0---- -- ------ c' if) -> cD , {.~ ,-' HI ... Z -' -3 (j) -- - -- ------ r c- ., :, UI , [Y"~ ('" ,.,. () " . 411-", rY '" ,. c II - '< ", .., ,- .... . "" . .... " .. - .. .. . . . 'N ... .~ ~OO 1 C\ lO J \, / ~:;./.~C ./"" /" / ..c " r. ~-.- -\::- '- ~' d ,~f U) - 0-3 tzj "tl t"' > Z Rug 7 '97 12:55 P.Ol ~ ~ Ii II J'!=, :-----------,------7 I ' I , , I I -- HOYT COURT ---------, I I 1 I I >- I I E I I 1 I E I I l I iI . I - I . I II I N I ~ , 1 I 0, I I I I I " z I 1 ---------....- I --------iio..--- .... __::3 '--.j Rug 7 '97 13:00 P.01 -----=1 I I I I I J I ~ , \..,'0 I ~ I \\' I . 11', I II I U,l I I - ()> I >-3 '.J t>j I -' I '1j I r- I > I :z: HOYT COURT I I _._~_._--------'-'-_._- -' > ~ ~l i Ii - - - . " ...,') II> '" <:! . 0, I I I =-: I -------- -.;,.. '---..j ( /- ./ c R-(" R-2 lEAST GR.EFN ~I ~I ~: ~i . ~i .?:I ~i _ z ~ ....' ~I , >-1415. "'\IE "0 O. Cl '='. ~I ; ~l,,~,-~h:~~~ l, ' (Ltrt'-\ ' . ,55-5+ " fl:2,::2.";~j R-I "'<- :1 ::V:::R::.'- 3JNiOR ""'.6H \ ~~ "'VE -~ ill CI (!l ii) ::> S I VI ~C-I L C:RG_= ---,,: SuB '!',:: '; ~. .~! R~ I .~I 1 OFFICIAL ZONING MAP HHEA T RI DG!= COLORADO lY:A:::l ,A..:)QO""-:::l:> -.Jl,Jre i5. 'Qq4 _os' '<',"SOD' ~,o'ua I 8, 'gCj5 :>::;>hR""~~,- 0= :>-^':'.j!:6 ""-J J::-V-::c_-';P"E!iT - 23S-185~ ,~ '" ~ . -.'" .. _Cl .. .N ..' ~ '" . , .27(1 ~2SO I :J; .,> ","-':..0 ','0, ~- ..... '../ , ;/.,....,';"'.1"\0" /A"'C'-!,'^V 1,'" " . '""""--:; . " ..</ @I , /...-:;,. J .... ;-~ < ~ J sS001 ~ > ...3"l-...-\!: ~ ~ 1 !=1~ ~ If--f '" ,olV ; c rf).. ~ UJ ~ :5~L- ... if ' ;;; . -d~ '~ '~ ~=:).. ; lI) ~ ~T i rl'\ ~ ~ Ul~ -ill-- -- l.U > lY, ,;" I '=:l~ j S! s:; :l(r-._ Ji '! ,,~gQ, :H~ ~ ~f~-' ..,:s~ " . 0 ;; ~ ;; :!i; ~:;: [(l I .-- ..0 1:, -3--i zo'2V) 0/, ~ ~ :?, I --=- 9 W;; ~ ~ ~j : I,......... 11-. ~.l!--l i ,Of" 1 --~-~~OO::~I z; .. ,- ~...!I i"".....UlL. O~ .Jll.1 t'" "MI iD~ Z II I ...,1 ~, !(:r, ;:; d ~ 5:r. !; " . ~ ~ " " 1 lI. . 'R: . fl I-:3.eT.."'.'!: v,1 ~I ~ .r.' ~i 2'" " - ;1 .~ ." .~ A;?,;::A REQ0iR:~G 5 -;-E :';;_.~', A~::>=20/,),_ SV-J 22 cc-~=J..~ i=~COD o'---~'" ;A~;::>~OX'!'-'I..6,,= :_DC"";O~! _....-"'~---~,.~,-,.. -.--..-.--"" ~ 0"'.00 ;xx """ '""'" ixI :O~:= D!S""'::<IC...... 3OU~;DRV ?ARCELiLO, BO...NDR..... i;JESiGl'jA TES OWNER5ri:Pi SCALE :'.AOO :-~.ATE~ FEATtJR= :JE"'-iOTES ~GL - ::>:....= ~~~=5S=S BUILDING DEPARTMENT (303) 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * * Correction Notice Job Located at 39 bO //('>,/ j- r: f ' I have this day inspected this structure and these premises and have found the following violations of City and/or State laws gov- erning same: . kJ,..he)1 SljJ.; U/;-f- ), -;;{irAljp . ..,. .40,,57 }>4r-y 4,.,.,0/;<; L7 0 S .4 / / Arp d <x'". r).,"". ?r You are hereby notified to correct the foregoing violations. When corrections have been made, call for inspection. Date ?J25~ / 1.5 ~. Inspector for Building Dept. i .' , FORM WR6-22 DO NOT REMOVE THIS TAG I t , t I I I I ; I BUILDING DEPARTMENT (303) 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * * Correction Notice / II I Job Located at "?cr - 0 ;f/ OLI c/- I have this day inspected this structure and these premises and have found the following violations of City and/or State laws gov- erning same: ) -Sf /J Irs It PI? 2..-(,/}rlJP-5-' P<;pos,Pc.k(:/7 l~J un '3 . !/uf /Cv/d j?'I/(rS.-::,./ 1)... 0IJ7'--i~oo;.... tub' J..j - ih/1<;,!r.. A/J1J. Avl 19~ f;" Hr!}I,..} f<J1d fJ,J1<;(.. or S; P,rs /17'5<7//, '" {,- iF?;,! r-'O(/vvs "'0 ;'PI/{,. l..c7,/hvLbs ~ -). c; r (.J uf\.,cf ~ AX:r1 4 viP <:; P Lc. /.!l~;f-J- fJ -- , , / {:..r{)UA..~-', oS ,- ''6 You are hereby notified to correct the foregoing violations. Y'hen cO~fectiQ'1s ht)'e bee,n fl).ade> call f~r inspection, /5. (~;JO( pout', S/ur):J I , ,/ ,/ /-/ " ( / /,.J <' '" / --- 'II II, ( '/~ / / DO NOT REMOVE THIS TAG Fl-07h h /I r t1'I..,r: - /'I) t7 -r-- ') r ,r C'? , 'I'r 1 Date I Inspector for Building Dept. FORM WR6-22 . -, ~_.~_..__.._~._.'--J.. __,___",~_'__~._ _____ _ _, ._ '.~'_"__C...~__,__,_ ~.....i-.....:.._~~.."..';;;'""i,} I 1 l I I i I , I , I I j i I 1 I , J , ! i , I (j~~,! ..~;~\ cFc::',iJi if! '"'~"Yi,1 J,fi~..n 5i6,'i':..,,~. ',' 'UI''-'J"\.f1(:.'" . '~I ,=j,~'7'\\1\\\;"'~ i -Y:" "'" .. .., . _ ' ,~ v';""",':;f/:'''i''.'' .'. '''~~~;~~;,~';". :~: ;'1:'~t\::" -;;;:~ ""'"", r ~~~~,~' ~'~!1i ''''..~::_=.:4,..: 9,2 :i',.:r-~" " .;-jfjf.t,~~.f..:>l """~I\.':'lfif/t. ~ : "~i\if'",ii ~~ ~ it~~\., "j ~ :;:;....,. '':.,.t' ,-c.. ~ ,> ~it~li ~,~tfl'~~"'.,i #'1 "1;! ~'11 . ,~!~\lil(i i'~\\\~' ~ j' \-=.rtt~" j:~ t((~l, '~i1ilrl ; 'jj]o",", ~ ~ ' ,.; ~:ta(F.:J~ ,!__ " __ " 'l\\~~ ~=, '", fil1<.,} ':-':"'~':':'~,::,:':':~'~'~'~'''~,'''''' ',"'~~~"'~".'~'~'~?:':-',:""~::;-'-"'''.'~: .~. ,. ,.",. 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'" '" " -I fTl 3: " o ;0 :Io> ;0 -< -, - ;;;2 0-'17 DATE: - TO: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FROM: Building Department RE: Cu , The property at 3760 ,~+ dJ signed off by the Building D partment inspection. has been and is ready for a CO Once the inspection has been completed, please inform the building department as to the status. Thank you. Remarks: "It:Nf' C ,0, Ok 1'IUJD IN!; FII.W- ''-l~PEalDN l?1' G#/:J "'-NUDSoN, fi1~ D\L ~""(Z C.O. ~ 7> lzo I '1:r V' ' PUBLIC WORKS APPROVAL DATE: C2 - d). b~ ,) "7 A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY HAS BEEN REQUESTED FOR: 3700 1 !J~~ PURPOSE OF STRUCTURE, Building Dept.Approval: Remarks Zoning Approval:. / Remarks ~'J 1J~2:6v6 ~ .1+1"::f- CJ(CCU(j " , ' is, 1997 .; ;:.; "- "..'.." " i/ ;);', ';. ~ '".; ',' . ::~; ::: '.,' , . ,L,.. ,.': ":' :'; " " ,i:, :; ,C :. ;.~; \. I;> .;; Daily Inspection Log ',' : ~it I ' Job Address ' 2800 DEPEW sr Time Type CONCSLAB 3285 CHASE ST WAmRHEATER , ":4186 6527 34TIiAV .''>';'" 1 :<.::,.;" ': , r6527 34TIi A V 3960 HOYT CT FF F BLDG FE nJ .6513960 HClYT CT (\ II/" v (t\ FP '~,.~:S ,~960 HOYT CTI'--::: I^ A~I /~ "n' FHV AC J (Y.J Vy( :;3960 HOYT CT '-' 0 \ ~;(j F BLDG ~~7iiB3810 PI1SRCE sr RP ;~~76. 3810PffiRCEST GAS LINE PRESS (,ii mST 6605 381HAV WAmRHEAmR ROOF UGP CEILING ELEC FRAME ALL STORE FRONT UG ELEC ~ .,.i " .'~.' ' it. ;" f " : " ".-'-'. ). .. ~;' , 9983 3960 MILLER ST .. L " ,- , 3983 3960 MILLER ST .".., " . ',: ,'",:, l:, ' , :..',. " '. ": ,) " : . '4484 4010 MILLER WAY '.,' :44&<1 4010 MILLER WAY ; .. . 3726 3930 MILLER ST '. " RP PRESS mST GAS PPIPE RF INSUL 4091 MILLER WAY . : ,,' 3983 3960 MILLER ST FE ~ 'I ~, ~983 3960 MILLER ST FP FHVAC FF Approval , Page 1 Remalks INSPECTIONS WILL NOT BE MADE UNLESS THIS CARD IS POSTED ON THE BUILDING SITE 24 HOURS NOTICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 7500 WEST 29th AVENUE (303) 234-5933 INSPECTION RECORD JOB ADDRESS 3960 Hoyt Court BUILDING PERMIT NO, 96-3465 OWNER Tom 510ane CONTRACTOR Wyco1ff Construction SETBACKS FROM PROPERTY LINES: NORTH DATE ISSUED 7/17/96 I TYPE I OCCUPANCY I SOUTH EAST WEST INSPECTOR MUST SIGN ALL SPACES PERTAINING TO THIS JOB INSPECTION DATE I INSPECTOR Foundations Footings Caissons Reinforcing or Monolithic Weatherproofing POUR No CONCRETE UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED Concrete Slab Floor: Electrical (Ground Work) Plumbing (Ground Work) G.t .,1/11 vI: A,~. Heating (Ground Work) Rough Electrical Rough Plumbing Air Test Gas Piping Rough Heating & Ventilation Do NOT POUR FLOOR UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED o.k II I'll: 0, (above must be signed prior to framing inspeciion) Framing , Insulation ltinfhi Drywall nailing Roofing Refrigeration Electrical underground Final Electrical Plumbin Heatin & Ventilation Frame R.OW. & Drainage Fire Department Parking & Landscaping OCCUPANCY NOT PERMITTED UNTIL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS ISSUED PROTECT THIS CARD FROM THE WEATHER I I BUILDING DEPARTMENT (303) 235.2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * * Correction Notice Job Located at "3 q to 1-1; I " f , I have this day inspected this structure and these premises and have found the following violations of City and/or State laws gov. erning same: ;/ () - / ,/ , III PM I r "'7<; I/W" I ,P'5 C7 'J ('7";:; , , You are hereby notified to correct the foregoing violations. When corrections have been made, call for inspection. I I I I I I . Date l . I/I'J/c;& ';;c-l J~/.'#' I ' Insped..r lor Building Dept. DO NOT REMOVE THIS TAG FORM WR6-22 -~,_._--- -.-.. '-'~-~-_.~~~ ._~.~--- _..__._'-"~- -_.,_.~_....--., ._-~.~.~'"""'- .....:.....--.---.--. _.-._--------_.,,- ..~..__..."-~ '. j I j j 1 I l I I -~---- .------ , BUILDING DEPARTMENT (303) 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * * Correction Notice Job Located at '39 (./J It, v I L f / I have this day inspected this structure and these premises and have found the following violations of City and/or State laws gov- erning same: ,,~("1 bp,/roo/11 t': /o<;~1 t'""",,",, , H y4.i fer/. " 111/<;'7 ,',., n~) rJlM-le l/P VI+ f'j?'? .I 1-1 0).. L AI/Heir'-/' / You are hereby notified to correct the foregoing violations. When corrections have been made, call for inspection, Date Inspector lor Building Dept. DO NOT REMOVE THIS TAG FORM WR6-22 _.._-~~-~~--_.._._~..",-".;._--'-~._",-,",-~--'--~'~~._-- -----~._---~."'...-,_.~...,,' I j 1 I I J 1 I , ! ~ t '.It) b .i.'" ......~, v ..v.oJ; ~..v" _oJ. .."~'~ O.M.B, NO. :1067,(lb,.;. Expire< May 3\, 1996 OCT 2 1 1986 . ELEVATION CERTIFICATE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM ATTENTION: Use of Ihis '1CrtifiCIIle does nol provide a waiver ofthe flood insuranee purchase requirement. This form is used on IV \~ provide eleval.on InformaflOl1 necessary 10 ensure compliance wrth applicable communitY floodplain management oroinances, 10 determine \h.. proper insurance pr""lum rat.., anolor 10 support a reQuest fOr a Letter of Map Amendment or Revision (LOMA or LClMA) Insmaetions for completing this form can be, found on the following ~g.e. ' SECTION A PROPERTY INFORMATION poucv NIIWLFR eUILOING OWN!"'S HAMil! f"r""l S!vqn s.TREm ADDRESS (Including Apt.. Un., Suh. ..._ Oldg, Num.....) OR P,O, ROUTE AND SOX NUt.l8ER h' ' :3 'M 0 f.!,.,.f c-I. , 01 HeR DESCRIPTION (t.ot and Slock Num""". 010.) Lo-f'r:", Ff!rnwDof/ 7T$i..W,j/sJi7l'? CITY JA,/heKf /?/(('.,e. v SECTION B OOMPANV NAte NUURI=t=l '- .~~ ; Provide the following from the proper FIRM (See Instructions): STATE CtJ FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION ZIP CODE ,R()(j33 l. COMMUNITY NUMBeR 2. PANEL NUtJIBiA 3. $Uf~l)( .. DATE OF FlAM INOEX 5. flr1M ZONE 6. eASE FLOOD El!VATIQ 09~O ?9 CJ()O> C ,re/.,4 " 1718 AIO {In AO Zonti, ute depth\ 53-S:~. 0 J 7, Inc:licalethe elevation datum syslem used on the FIRM for Base Flood Elevations (BFE): ~NGVD '28 [] Other (detcribe on b~bk) 8, For Zones A or V. wIIere no BFE is provided on the FIRM, and the community has established a BFE tor this building site, indlo_l~ the community's BFE: I I 1 I I [,I J feel NGVO (or other FlAM oatum-see Seclion B, lIem 7), SECTION C BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION ~n! " Using the Elevation CertificaW Instructions, indicate the diagram number trom the diagrams found on Pages 5 and 6 thai best describes the subject building's relerence level ~ ' 2("). FlAM Zones Al.A30. AE, AH, and A (wilh SFE), The lop ot the' reference level floor from the selected diagram is alan elev~\Ibn of I 15'131S\QI,~ fest NGVO (or \llher FIRM datum-see SQC\ion B, Item 7), (b). FlAM Zones Vl.V30, VE, and V (with BFE). The bottom of the lowest horizontal &lruClural mtmbtr of the reterenoe lell<>1 trQI~ the selected diagram, Is at an elevation of ill I I J.U fest NGVO (or other FlAM dllwlT1-68e Section B, Item 7). (e), FIRM Zona A (without BFE). Thl floor useo as the reference level from tns selected diagram Is l.lJ.U feel above 0 or below 0 (C11eck one) the highest grade adjacel'll to the building, ' (d). FIRM Zone AO. The floor used as the reference level from the $elected dlagrsm IS W, U fe91 above n or below [] (~I1'ek one) the highest grade adjacent 10 the building, If no flood depth number is available, is lhe building's lowest floor (r..ferenc. level) elevated in aooordanCe With the community's floodplain management ordinance? 0 Ves 0 No 0 Unknown 3. Indicate the elevallon dalum system used in oefermining the above referen~ level elp.vatlons% NGVO '29 n Other (dl!SCflUe under Comments on Page 2), (NOTE: If th, .ltvallon datum used In measuring !he elevat/ons is dltf'r6nttllan thaI used on Ihe FIRM (sBe Stellon 8, Item 7J, tf1en converT !hll /l/lvallons 10 the datum system) vsed un rhe FIRM and show the c;onvetSiQR eqva,ion under Comments on Page 2.) 4 Elevation reference mark used appears on FIRM, n Ves ~ No (See Instructions on Page 4) 5, The reference lev.l elevation is based on: ):ii( actual construction 0 oonstruction drawings (NOTE. Use of constrUction drawings is only valid if the building does not Y8' have th. r.f.,.nce level floor in place. in which case Ihls cerliflcat. will only be valid for Ihe bvilding during th. cou,..e of construction, A post-aonsltucflon Elevation Certificate Q,I~~~Ull~U~(Jb~W1Wlfj(IWlill]mlll)"uld~""U ."" ~~"""~.. Section 8, IllIm 7). J...._).,...cu ,.~.", \'"'' ..........' , ...... ............ ..:;... ~ SECTiON 0 COMMUNITY INFORMATION 1. If Ihe community official responsible for verifying building elevations sp9cifies Ihal the reference level indicated in Stctlon C, I~tn 1, Is not the 'lowest floor" as defined In the community's lioodplain management oroinance, the elevation of the building's "low.., 1100(' as defined by the ordinance is: I I 1 I I I,U teet NGVO (or other FIRM OQturn-see Section 8, Item 7), 2. Date of the start of construction or substantial improvement " FEMA Fo"" al.31,MAY93 REPlACES AU. PREVIOUS EDmONS SEE REVERSE SlOE FOR CONTlN4AnON SECTION E C!I'lTIFlCATlON This oertttication is 10 be iigntd by a lancj surveyor, engineer, or architect who is authorized by state or locallllw 10 certify eleYlltion Intormation wilen lhe elevation information for Zones A1-A30, AE, AH, A (with 8FE),VI-Vao,VE, and v (with BFE) is required, Community officials who are authorized by local law or ordinance to provide floodplain managemtnt information, may alto sign the (:lInil\cation. ,In the case of Zones AO and A (without a FEIlAA or community issued eFE), a building official, a property owner, or an owner'S rePjl!sentative may alSO sign tile eenification ' " Referenoe level diagrams 6, 7 and 8 - Oiilingu;.hing Features-If the certifier is unallle to ctr\lfy 10 breakaway/non-breakaway wall, enclosure size, location of servicing equipment, area use. wall openings, or unfinished area reature(s), then list the Feature(s) not Included In the certification under Comments below, The diagram number, Section C, Item 1, mUit .tllI be entered, l' I cenify that the Inrormation in Seelions 8 and C on tills certificale represents my /}Qst efforts 10 interpret t~ data available. I tJfl(/frstand that any false statement may ~ punishable by fin/l or imprisonment under 18 U.S. Code, Seelion 1001. "".......",.. ~.. H. .... !.~(C'... (00' ,: l' ~ICENSE NUMBER (or AIlix SoaI) 97Sa COMPANY NAME n. TIel. &'...",... L) , 1ft , CITY ~\."f"t,.\nt"f C6 , . OATE PHONI ,,," 30 0 , .....1"... popltl lhOU G be made of l!;is cenlflcale lor: 1) community official, 2) Insurance agenl/company, and 3) building owner. STATE liP f:lOo?1 \ ~OMMENTS: (] M : /<"r1.." ~-I-. (AlCoJ-tJ ~,) Sf"L1 t:'.Cl.J!'! '''' h'~J"j J..."'JI- ~+ .<:_13.'__ ,CO"'''''''' ^-P f '3 ,,-4. A.JIL Lahe}") 1:'4/l. ...~ <:e-l- 11'iS tUo....:.. S;J'if". II -14- or ..... """ .......- ON ...... _OftCOLUllMl V 'ONES FLClOO !!m!!!ll:! . ~I$ . WN~ The diagrams abOve Illustrate the pOints al which the elevations should be measured in A iones and V Zones. I " / Elevations for all A Zon.. should be measured at the top of tm. reference level floor. ,. o. .".... Elevations for all V Zones ShOUld be measured atth\' bOIIom' of, tht lOWest hOrizontal structural member. . / Pagt~,\ "!,Ill.~"",.",.,.",..".,,, ,.l.,",", "~'=," ,T"'" " ~'./"",' "J."""l \ ,,,,,,,,J'lb;l!'J, )!",,,,,~I,Il)"""""''''''1,~'.~,,"!!l'I,,iI!l!'Jlfil~~.,, i '." ,".",,,",J!~I,1\!\! ,~"m""!!I!l.,,,,,,.,l,.,4.,,!!li~IIi,~ OEPAf{l'MJ:Nt OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number: 3465 , , BUILOiNG INSPECTION DIVISION. 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date: 7/17/96 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 " '~ Property Owner: Property Address: 3960 HOYT CT Contractor License No.: 18892 Company: Wycolff Construction Phone: Phone: 9403720 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I he~ certify that the aetback dlalancea proposed by this pennll application a18 accurate, and do not vic>lste applicable ordinances, rulll8 or regulatiOnS of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easemenlsor restrIctIona of record; thot all measuremenls shown, and all8gations made,....lICCUfBIe; thot I have 18ad and "I!rse to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full ~nce with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B,C,) and all other appIIca. , Inanceo, for work undar this pennM. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED DATE~ Construction Value : Permit Fee : Plan Review Fee : UseTax: $75,000.00 $527.00 $0.00 $900.00 $1,427.00 T olal : Description: 1/2 DUPLEX (SOUTH UNIT, LOT 6 FERNWOOD SUBDIVISION) Approval: Occupancy : Walls: Residential Units : Electrical License No: I <j f) I r Company: (hOc!Uht fJluJw.. Expiration Date J... a<&"...ql Approval: . BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC: MEETS ALL SET BACKS AND COVERAGES Roof: Stories: Sq. Ft.: 1496 Mechanical License No: 182.~~1 ~i~ny : . \ ~ ..:- e.~---r::-"'~.f'>\1 'IV~ -..L.)0~ Expiration Date :, h 3 r Ii 1 Approval: . Plumbing License No: /92/1{ Company : ~ f/t;""S;"i Expiration Date :'7J-(t>'17 Approval: . (1) This pennltwu 1aa!Mlll In _oco with the provISions set IoI1h In ycpur 8Pl>llcatlon and Is subiect to the laws of the State of ~ llIld to the Zoning Regu/allon. and BUlldIntI Code of Wheat Ridge, ~ or any other _ onllnances of the City, (2) this pennIt _ explnl W (A) the wOO< a_Is not oommoncod wlthl,; .Ixty (80) doys 110m Ia8uo dote or (8) the building IlUthorIzod Is suspondod or _faa::~., (3) ~ this pennIt expires, . now may be scqulnld ror olea of ona-half tho smounl normally requlnld. _ no __ have -. or wID be modo In lI1a original plans and and any _ or abandonment has not _ one (1) year, 11 changaB.... mOdo or ~ __ or abandonmant __(I)yaar. M_shalbej>aldrora now parmIl (4) No wOO< of any mannar _be dona that wtN chanGo the _ra1 _ of _ CllUSlng 0 drainage proIlIam, (5) Fva;\ =.. ~~IOb-.l\)ur (24) hours In advanca ror ,,"inspection. and shall _written approval on Inspaction ClIIlIbaIonI (6) laauanoa "'a. pennIt or. approval of drewtngs llIld spaclftcelIons shall not be con_~to parmIl fall'" appovaI of, any vIOlatIon of the pnwIslons ofthebu orany onllnance, law, "'''' or reg.-n, ~ '.R/ /sf ' {J C f Building Inspector For ayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION DEPARTMENT. OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number: BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date: 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner: Q Property Address: hone: /'210 # 37 ZD Contractor License No, : Phone: ;{:.f(/.1Il f~ OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value: Permit Fee: Plan Review Fee: Use Tax: I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibilit for com . ce with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.8.C.) and all other applicabl e i o' nces, for work under this permit. '12 ~'Z ____ / 1.1 (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED DATE (0-1 (- DescriPtion~t)'U kift (, /Uiltdi Total: ;; BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Z~!;\!!!~:~] ~(l/;(qfF~ A.M L,dha-d.... a,JSI~~t"A.caS"~q, Ft.. Zoning: /22- ~qiR!jtj'91:.CPlli1fi'i!.'[tjl:] Approval: PObII!;lV!l~l'~(:j5!iftftll!1ts-::l Approval: Occupancy: Walls: Roof: Stories: Residential Units: N1.~ Electrical License No : \ Company :;?1()~........; Plumbing l,iCeQ,se No : '-;' Company: 1'tIffn C, ,( L~ Mechanical License No : ~? Company : ~ 'TZEL T Expiration Date: Approval: III !!f,'!,"'~R!1m![8j:I_ Expiration Date: Approval: III l1Jplal:fS;~i!'qUll'!1l_ Expiration Date: Approval: . !lfllll'js:JliOOil!:8:d_ This permit was issued in accordance with the prollisions set forth in yapur application and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Re.9ulations and Building Code of Wheat Ridge. Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. This permit shall expire if (A) the work authonzed is not commenced within sixty (60) days from issue dale or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 days. If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one.half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shalf be paid for a new permit. No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural now of water causing a drain e problem. Contr or shall notify the Building Insfector twenty.four (24) hours in advance for all inspec . and shall re Ive ritten approval on inspection card before pro iing With successIVe phases 0 the/'ob. TI)e' s~;i:: of a per~i~~ ~rproval 0 drawings and specifications shali not be const to be a perm for, or n a ro I of, any violation of the provisions ~l"\..g oy ordinance, law, rule or regulation, Chief Building Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Date: 1-(6-'10, 3 960 DEPAR'l'MUn uF PLANNING ~ DEVLl,~i'C',' REQUEST FOR PUBLIC WORKS REVIEw case/BuilcEn,; C~~) ~- I..' :- ~:: 1 t. No. qc'- ^ ~ 3 'Ie, ':, , (~CY Please review the attached materials submitted In ap~c"~a~~on for a , /^;::;) ~t:.{l~-L , and indicate your dec~s ,c cn those belOW, and lease add any other comments whICh ycu ~~:"," _~der Location: approval C~ l..t.erns cheer :-; '-..lmbe r ;. ~~ l. ~ Boundary Closure: Ls. OK Not OK; refer "=- _p-l':'atlo:"'.s 2. --- Area: Acres Square ~ t:.' c ], _____Drainage: a. Drainage plan (and report) needed b. Drainage plan not needed c. Drainage prOVISIons have been reVIeweco:,.J are X OK Not OK; refer to stIpul~",_:cs _____ "'-PI'<~CX\ "'1 D,G,-, "'" ~/eA NPDES Permit Required '{~) f o'.J.f'\a to be: 4. 5, ---- Legal Description: If not okay, please ^ OK explain: Not OK: :. t: e;:- st.lpulatlons 6. ~Public Improvements: a. Street paving needed c}::) N b. Co'" ,':;utter neededW c. Sidewalk needed (J! N d. S1::""L :'~ghts needed^ e. storm Sewer needed ('i) N f, Esce'c. requIred CY If Escrow requir,ed, for wh'af" improvemen1:s" :: '..":at amount? ~ d.e-r-........",c.q \~ ~~C"" ~ ~'("t~d.1"'\0'\- ~ ,c....o~ ~~ 7. ~evelopment Agreement required Y (';" - If Yes, for '--/ N CR\ N 8.~ All necessary documents have been initia1:"~ " P~bllC ~crks and ar. attached hereto: n ""^"I::. 9. ~s a traffic impact analysis and report ! ,. 'vl': i c ~. 11._____ New roadway or alley R.O.W, dedication If yes, what is recommended: 7 /N '-- IS ,,,-,,-,c,;:,,,,nded:(6 10. ~~s a State Highway Access Permit needed? 12.,----- All existing dedicated roadways and alleys :c,,,e~ the standards of tI' City: '1= If no, which do not and what is requested: 14, ...--' ----- All existing and proposed dedications have ~2~' --- be: ~ OK Not OK; refer to numbers 11 & ,.' ~ Appro all ThJi Public Works Department has revlewed thls request an n.r. y giv. i2P rOV,81I subject to t".e above and/or attache stip lat' ns. / _ ~ ,__-,// Ivl ('1/<:"'- , reviewed and found t 13 . Signat Date 15, The Public Works Department has reviewed approve for the reasons stated: .-, _c ~e4~est and does ny Signature Stipulations attached: JiJ.':.-e 16. ---- "x'es c;) 17, ..----- DEADLINE DATE FOR PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ,,,o.~ L i: 18. ..-;;;;:;-- 1\ A: \PL1\N&DEV, FRM (FORMS) ) /10 Iq~l WAUANTY DEED \ 'I1DSDEID....... May 24, 199' ...... alMI" a. McMillan and Irene .. McMillIn "'.. Said Caulll,'" JeUenon COlor.&:! ...-. ... ftlDllee M. Sloan oM _or ................3975 Hoyt COUl"t Wheatridge, Co 8033 '" l1li Said Caulll, or Jeffenon- - or Colbrldo ..... IH.tIIoI...-IbrIM. 'lI'd 111 ",.._or 1$120,000.00 I one hundred twenty thou..nd dOlian and no clnt. DQUIIU. .. ......... ..Ill' I '" wIIIcII II.., .....,;... ~ " ... ......4-".. .. ooIcI .1Id --,. ... ., - ..... - .... ......... _ _...... _l1li..-.................... III tbo..l .....-,...- willi 10..--. - 11l11li. ...... .,..... ....... said Caul1 '" Jeffenon ... - '" C01oraClo ."-W......... LOti t. 5. 6. and 7 ~ ~IVISI011 II. ~ that portion of Lot . conveyed by died recorded July a4, 1'72 in Book 2401 It..Pap 501. County of Jeffereon, .tlte.of C01oredo. ..., , . . ....... .......,_.........: 3975 Hoyt Court Wheat Ridge. CO 80033 _...&...... II... ................._... '.. . -lIlonlO ........ Of In .oyw;.'P."f .."...... --... __ .. ... .... I. 1.,...,.................,........-......tidcthllCl'lll,..........". 9..401.... ...-,.............,."'......10....... "I' ." . . .......... II ..I....IlP'"'--' '1'0 IIA. AND '1'0 HOLD ..... .......- ..........- ....., I .............,.,.ad , -....-. .. ..... ...... .....,.". ...,-.Ibr..-f.IlilIIIin.... ............ ..... _.... -". I"nt. bo.... ...................-... .............lIIIl.... _oflbo-U.........., ",_..-. ....... .... or l1li ........-- .,............- ...... ............ r - ........"'.....111'....11_. II............ ................... ................,............... ........,.. _II _.111 rona III........ _lIIIl tIlo.....n 1M.....' - ... -........... ........... ....-.. . ."" ' ._I.........III....,.............-_.~ t,,1 for the currant year and Iublequent yelrl. Ind except e.._U. rlltrictionl. neervationa. rightl of .ay and covenantB of record. if any. 1'-..-" ... wII WAMAHT AJIlD POUValllll'llNll'" _bupinId praml... i. tho ..... .. . \ok . . ,"'... ..-.Il1o...... ...... ....111.... ..., ...........-.......,......... - elf .., pod -- 1'-............... ...................................... "'ar ......... e.. rill>''' II...... ' III ..e..lT-.. .11..,..,...-........... ............ ...-. ~uj e.r~~~ 11..1' I. McMillan ~ ~, '}?'k ~H-*(J Irene a. McMillan STA'I'8OP COlorado } & ..14 ..,or May ..." . ena a. .., ,,, 1J~n'\" ....., ..... RIbIcca J. Moore .........'.... _ ................... _ . ,. 1.-4