HomeMy WebLinkAbout3960 Dover Street Building Permit CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE! 7500 West 29TH Avenue Wheatridge, CO 80033 303-235-2855 Permit Number 19686 1/18/2006 ':.:' ''l4- ~ .'...~' ...... .. '-- ....-- --...--- ' . Cityoi'Mll!lllRidge '\ 1 Inspection Line 3D3-234-5933 Residential Mechanical PROPERTY 3960 ! Dover St Unit: (303) 424-4513 OWNER: Davies, Edward Description To replace existing furnace wi an 80te BTU 92% unit and to replace existing water heater with a 48 gallon low boy tanlc I I ~8ii=~ 1$~:3JJL_:=J 1$198.301 ~J(}~.~1 --1 C I "~--- ] -1E.h()Qe 1 ::::l090 431-80151 IFEE'S~ lEees' un !l,Jse'Tax ~rmit Fee-'- ll.ot1lil'ees [_nn lCoNTRACTORS IName Aaark Heatin I IDue nn[$53.91 m,~,~~ -'-I I. ul:, I 'icensefl & Air Conditioni_~119402 Units: Occupancy: R-3 Walls: Roof: Stories: Sq Feet: , IherebycertifythatthesetbackdiltancelProposedbythl~permltapplIcation are accurate, and do nOI vlolateapplicllbleordlnllnces,rulesorr ecullltloDS ofthe City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of re~ord; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accul'lIte; that I have read and alree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assu~e full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (L.B.C.) and aU other applicable Wheat Ride:e ordinances, for work under this permit. SIGNED DATE (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) This pennlt wali Issued In alX'ordance with the p~vlslons set forth in )'our application and is subject to tbe lawli of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Ree:ullltlonli and 8uildbtl Code ofWhellt Ridge, Ciolorado or any other applicable ordinances oftbe City. Every perulit issued shllU become invalid unless t,* work on the site authorized by such permit Is commenced within 180 days aller Itslli!iuance, or if the work authorized on the site by such permit Is suspend~ or abandoned far a period of 180 days after the time of work ls commenced. If this pennit expires, a new permit may be acqui~ for a fee of one-half the amount nonnally required, provided no changes have been or will be mllde in the original plans and speclflcatlonli and IIny suspensil'n or abandonment has not uceeded one (I) )'ear. If changes an made or ir sus~ns.iou or abandonment exceedli one (I) year, full fees shall be paid for a n~w pennlt. 4 No work of IIDY manner shill be done that wlU ch~nle the natural flow of water causlug a drainage problem. S Contractor shall notiry the BulWine-Inspector twenty-fonr (24) hours In advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on Inspection canI before proceeding with successive phases of the Job. Chief Building Inspector SIGNED DATE Page 1 of 1 Wednesday, January 18,2006 o DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7600 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Building Permit Number: Date: Property Owner: l1Vi5 I Cd w~rd Property Address: '3"1 &0 O(!Jlr 'Jt. Contractor License No.: Wrlt." \ (I: I ;i.. I', I{ 07. Company: A"", ' ~ u .. ~ ^ , !tIc , '1U' ' , 1 ~ " Phone: t.fl~' 4')15 Phone; 13/ '8'Oi) OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I ~ certify that tha ..!back dlltancN pro~ by this permit.ppUcaUon ara .ccurate. and do not vlOtele applicable ordlnancaa, rulaa or ~uIatlona of tha CIly of Wha.t RIdge or ......-, .-naiIIa or ...trtc:tionI of 18CORI; thal.U meuu_nll shown, and .11ag.tIon. made ... accural8; thall h.ve "ad~'" to 'b:'U condlllona printad on this ___. ~""". ~ thall_WIllI ~u .for nC8wlth thaWhaat RIdg. Building COde (U.B.C.) iIIld aII_ .pplicablll Whaat . ord ncaa. for work under this pennll (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED --;;( C/ DATE 11I3t1 /0) Description ;.....', I" r ' 10.t OiL t~;~I'I'v': rv"",.1 'II 0(1 'Or BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Construction Value : Permit Fee : Use Tax: ~"l'ICiS'C W~~ 63C;t I ~LI Total; , .rr,r , L4~ 9"W'o itAc. " ~ I " l~.' Approval ; Zoning : Approval : I i' ,. .,1)11 '.1:.... Approval: Occupancy : Walls: Roof: Stories : Residential Units ; EJeclrical LicenSB No : Company: Plumbing License No : Company: Mechanical License No : Company: fxpil:atiOJl Oate : 'Approval: . . -{ ,,,tI. ..- ExPiraticmDats : . Approval: . j"lJ.1l -II",,,,., _. Expiration Date : Approval: . ',' , , (1) lhIIpamil__In......-wIlII... __101 Iol1h In_ojlpIc:oIlon IIOd 11_"'" laws 01'" Stateol~1IOd ..thoZoning RoguiallonIIIOd BuIIdino COde 01_ RIdgo, ~ Of 11ft _ ..::=_ oIt11e City. (2) lhII pomiI_ upIra I W tho _ auIIIclrliad II not oommlnood olxty (10) days 110m...... date Of (B) tho building authorized II ouopendad Of _torapallod <1120= (3) U thiI pamil..... a _ may be __ tor aIM oI_tho _ nonnaUy raqulrad. pIOYIdod no changao IlIIYO boon Of wi' be .- in the original planallOd IptC'" .. and",,_OI_ldoo.,....hunot__(I)yoM. Uchangaoa<emodaOfU_Of_t _.... (1) yoM. U__ be paid"" __ l45) No _01"" __ _ be donetllll... cIlanga'" 1lII__ oIwetal' caUling 0 dIaInaga~. ) c-.- _ notifY tho BulldIng _ --""" (20) IlOuIa In _ fOf aU inIpacIiono IIOd _ -.. wrttton oppICVoJ on lnapodlon conl belonl _wIlII_phalMalthoJob. (e) Tho _ oIa parmII Of tho __ aI dIawInga IIOd apocjtIcalIonI_ not be _10 be a ponnlt for. nor an appICVol 01, eny violation 01 tho provisions 01 tho building c:odoa Of 11ft _ _.Iaw. ruIo Of rogulation. . Chief Building Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL; 234-5833 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION r DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION LINE. 303-234-5933 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2855) Building Permit Number: Date: 13538 3/8/02 Property Owner: ED DAVIES Properly Address: 3960 DOVER ST Contractor License No. : 21224 Company: WeatherSure Systems, Inc, phone: 424-4513 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT phone: 781-5454 I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants. easemants or restrictions 01 record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by aii conditions printed on this application. and that I assume lull respons'bility lor compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable at Ridge ordinances. for work under this pf'mit (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED {, ---::> &-<- DATE' 51 t!: (02- ( Total: $11,42800 $20925 $0.00 $17142 $380,67 Construction Value: Permit Fee Plan ReView Fee. Use Tax: Use' Description : REPLACEMENT OF ROOF SYSTEM WITH NEW INSULATED (R=10.0), UP APPLICATION WITH GRAVEL SURFACING, UILT- BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC Sq, Ft. Approval: Occupancy: WallS: Roof: Stories: Residential Units: Electrical License No : Company: Plumbing License No : Company: Mechanical License No ' Company Expiration Date: Approval: Expiration Date: Approval: Expiration Date: Approval: (41 (5) (6) This permit was issued in accordance with the provi . t f rth' ..' Regulations and Building Code of Wheat Ridge co~~;; se 0 ~~ yopur application and IS subject to the laws 01 the State of Colorado and to the Zoning This permit shall expire if (A) the work authoriz~d is not ;:,,;::,ny 0 er applicable ordinances ol.the City. abandoned for aperiod 01 120 days, enced Within s"ty (60) days from ..sue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or If ~h~S permIt expIres, a new permit may be acquired for a fee f ~~~'::~;: (~~~:~~~~:~~~~~ b~n~~~sio~~s~~:or :ba;~o~~~~ta:f.'~~~;:~~~~~~~m:;~ :~}q~;:rd, ::~~i:~ge~Oa~=~~~: ha~e been or will be made in the No work 01 any manner shall be done that w'lI h p rm". 0" suspenS'o' or abando,"""'" Contra~r sh~1I notify the Building Inspecto: ~e~~~~~~~;4~t~ra\ flo.W of water causing a drainage problem. proceedllng With successive phases of the j'ob ours In advance for all inspections and shall r.' , The uance I' ce"e w""en app I is ns 0 0 a pe~~~ ~~~~ :P;~~~t~:~~;i~';~c~:~a~~~~C~;i~;;u~=~~."ot be constcued to be a permit for nm an appro co;a fon inspection card before . va 0 , any Violation of the (1) (21 (3) Inspector Mar-'OB-02 d'~"'" '~~. /J.../ ' \"'_ i~1 - .9,\ ~"'i--_, ~) \"~;;')R"~~ ~._- 09:55A DEVREVFAX 303 DEPART!\fENT OF PLANNING AND Dn !lLOP<>lE"T BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-:! '.4-5933 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7S00 WEST 29TH A VENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215. (303-235-21 55) II.PPUI ~TION 235 2857 P.04 9ullcing Perrn.t t<:.:~bt".' Date: Proper.y Owner: Ej) :j:) {) LJ J:e:5 Property Address: 3900 DOVE 7? g..j. ConcrnclOr License No.: ,;2,1 d ~ Company: /.0&1'1 rJ{k?te..5'u. f?f ~4d.E ""'."S I~ I'\C PhQce303 1f'J..'f-4SI,.5 Phone363 7ff1 -S't'~-'I- O~[R.'CON1'R.ACTOR SlGNA TURf Of lINDER'iTANDlNG A."lD AGRUMEN'l I hcreby certify that the Jetbllck distances pro])Osed by thi$ permit fl.pplicarion are il curate, ani dJ not vIOlate applkabJeordin&DCCi, rulc.s or regul1tions of the City ofWreal J idgt or conn3CIts, casements orrestrict:ons of record; that all mcuurementssnowll. and all ,~atiors mlld~ ~ Iccurate; that 1 have read and agre~to ~bide by all ~or.djjons printedl)n th's ap~ll:atlon and that r asSume full rcsponslbdlty to" CO~plill1lCe with the Wiler Rld*~ Bulldltlg Code (V.B,C) and all other appl:Clble Wheal Ridge Ordinances, f.)r wo' '. under l1i:i p~tmit ~._____QArE_~/e./~"]. f Construction Value;$ IJ, ~;2?~1 Permit Fee;$ ! Plan Review Fed I ~-~;a~'~ j (OW'l\'ERXCON'Il<.ACTOR): S:ONED Description: 'Ke\!b(."",,"^, Dr 'i2..o0\ ":,i;~ '\Nltv-. "'~w l"~"'\"""'" (1<-'\0.0} :'?\i A"yl-."h- b~\\,.voD A<V'to " ,- \ l4"-",\ln.:of\ y.,,(lf'........ ~t.J~v-ce..\ S-.;lo\ \~C.\~4 , I I I I I I J BUILDING f}F,PARTMEN- USE ONLY ZONING COMMeNTS: Approval: Zoning: SIC S'I ;': BUILDING COMMeNTS: Approval: PUBLIC WOkKl COMMIlNTS: Approval: Occupancy: Walls: Roof: ::; ories: Residential Unit'!:; Electrical License No: Company' Plumbing License No: Company: Mechacl.Jcal Li~e,n:ie No: Company Expiration Date: Approval: Expiration Date: Appco~al: . ExpiratiJn Date Approval: (j) Thi, pennil -..vu illll\led ill aceen:l'MO wilh tho provisiolls '''1 forth 11I yow ~pllcl on 3....d. is Sl,;ilJeol Iclh$ :1.....1 cfth~ Sllll~ ofColo'fldc ,,~d to th~ lC'~iT'l1! ilegUJIlliOlU and Bu:1daa: Cud<<&. ef'Wbnt Ridlll, Crllotado Of any pOHtr lp;>liea'>j or-':inatl(..U orlbe C:ty (2) Tb;s Fczmlt dial' ex?ire i!(A) the wo~k Iilllhorinc is DOt ecmmlccfil witlljr., sixty .60) :lIYS from (nul oate or (B,lllle ",ull;lin" lutr.o~l.ed 1.\ !i"'~l'ei~,~eJ 01 lb~dl)ned fOf 11 pmcxi 01' j W d.l.y.-. (3) Iflli" per:Tli! expires." DC..... permit ma)' be acquired 6r I fef: cf'olle-halfrhe &mOl 'J norm.ally !"l!quired, pro...i~d n(, clll.nllcl r..ve ~~en or,,;I, br- l"'llrt~ ,r Ih~ original plllll.lllnd speeificatiGns L'lrlnny 51.l!pe:l1sion ot "bl1ldcn",~~r IIU nOl cHeeled ene III ~eaf IfC:~l'InilC! IUve i'lee~ ('If" ~1~pe"'~I"'l"'\r ,~"'" '.;'''''I'~nl c>;ueod~ one (l) year, fuJl [Sts shall bo ~&id for Q n.w pDrmil (4) No ....Gfll: 'lfa.ny:na.JlMl' thal! ~cIoll.t.b.t .,.,.:11 cha.ng.lh~ n~ll flow of wiler ~I '.I'ins: I drilinlgc i)roblun, (~) Conrn.~orlha.:1Q1)tifytheBuildilll hupeetorr,vClty.fOlJf(24) hO')17 lnad"\lUlot ~Ol :1 inJPIM<Jnl &lld",b~ll rteei"\le wr~tler, ~pplQ\lII on ir.lpe.l;o:\ ;~I"I;I before proxeeding with SUCCeUIl't phue. nflhejob (Ii) The ilnutC. Df ~ permit or the appro'o'a; ofdtawinss Md spe;if'icl.tipr.~ shill n',I( .1e COMtrlle' to be a pcrr:lit {Ol for an appro~1tl of. any ,,:Olll:I~[1 \)( (ht pro~..;siOlll ;.oftbe building codes or ilCl)" o(b:c ordiunce, la...., rule Of ~ru1I!l\l1l Chief Building lnspector