HomeMy WebLinkAboutWA-93-8The City of ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS APPLICATION Wheat Rid~ra Department of Planning and Development 6 7500 West 29P~h ne ( 303 ) 237 6944 ~ CO 80033 Applicant /~.~S~-P,~^T' /~wu-y9 _~ ............ .??~ -7 C Owner ,,'~0%4° cs'~v o h ~ `-~~ Addres's J /~ ~J ~~~ ~ n~~~ Location of request 3 7 S ~ __ Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request.) Change of zone or zone conditions Site development plan approval Special use permit Conditional use permit Temporary use/building permit Minor subdivision Subdivision Preliminary Final ** See attached procedural guide £or specific requirements. Detailed Description of request ~~ .~ .I~ .-c-D _ List all persons and companies who hold an interest in the described real property, as owner, mortgagee, lessee, optionee, etc. ADDRESS Variance/Waiver Nonconforming use change Flood plain special exception Interpretation of code Zone line modification Public Improvement Exception Street vacation Miscellaneous plat Solid waste landfill/ mineral extraction permit ^ Other I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attorney from the owner which approved of this action on his behalf. Signature of Applicant Subscribed and sworn ~---~ me this 7y day of PHONE 19 ~_ _ SEAL My commission expires .~•. ;_6 , ~ Recei t No. h'~~`7i2~- Case No. i~~~ ~~'-' Received ~'-~ p ~~}M ~ _ ~ ~.~ IIi C ~. ~~ ;, rn m N --I ~n~ ~L~~ Mme, ~li 1--~ o' op r- J3 LLI, F 0 r a M t v ~`~ ~ I f~ .J~ L A N D S U R V E Y I N G 5460 WARD ROAD • SUITE 160 ARVADA, COLORADO 80002 --- (3037 420-4788 IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE DATE ~ ~ FEE .JOB#_ MORTGAGE CO. ;r (I [:~'1=~.~ C.T. ADDRESS -- ~ _- BORROWERS NAME - - <,~, LEGAL DESCRIPTION IPER CLIENTI C,~~ ~.T'IAC"D') L~G,41.. IJES,.uju°It1\ P. o, b. In 0 \ ~ N ~ ~_ _ Z M O: V. •..I N , r ~ 5'Y_ 2 y ~ ~ . ~~ 2 n ~ R } 0 L~„ ~ g ~ 31 ~ °c~ I .' i 2 1 /K$J ~' i\' -~ Shed I'. 'I Vi b~ I ~. ~ _.. L. I ~i ~~ - ~ g r a v J pt o f N EI~4 27 - 3S- 69'N O ' O sned 0 o~, 4055 r On the basis of my knowledge, information and belief, I her ~by certify that this improvement location certificate was prepared for ~' ,that it Is not a Land Survey Plat ~I~F~r~d~~a~ tG not to b relied upon for the~stablishment of fence, build~ig, or other future or Improvement Survey improvement lines. I further certify t at the impr ements on the abo/ a described parcel on this d te, except utility connections, are entirely within the bo ndaries of th parcel, except as shown, that there are no encroachments upon the described premises by improvements o any adjoinin premises, except a Indicated, and that there is no ap arent evidence or sign of any easement crossing or burde ing any part f said parcel, excep~a\\`\,~~~~i[[llljiii // ./ "NOTICE: According to Colorado law you ust commen any legal action ba.~aRycQ~ ~q this survey within three years after you more than fen years from the tlate of first discover such defect. !n no event, may an action based u n any defect in t\f~ y~ H , the certltlcatio ~ hown hereon." - ' ~ ~p~`~.' \ ,9~' ; O O• ~_ It is my interpretation that the above described = : ~ It+' ' ~ 68 Z• _ .o_ property /S ,~~ lopted witYlina100 _v: ~ Rate Management L Recorded at ~ o'clock Reception }•fo. -----__ hI , ._ ~~ j DEEll OF 1RUS'1' THIS INDENTURE, M1tade this ~`' Robert L. 2y 7~ day t,r June Conner RECEPTIpN Mp. `~lG)55398 ~a/r^-5/71 1~ttft i 101.g1f~ 17E~DRUED IN ---..., COUNTY OF JEFFERSDN , STATE OF COLORADO 19 91 , hctuccn whose address is 3470 Estes St. , Wheat lodge, CO $0033 hereinafter referred to as gmntnr, and the Puhlic Trustee of the s7efferSOn ,State o(Coloradn• hcreinaftar refcmd to as fhlhl i~`rlrnrcef WITNESSETH, TNAT WHEREAS. Robert I„ COnIleY and Vicki Ann Conner, toclet}ler with has eattuted a promissory note or notes, hereinafter refcrmd N ittRihOi~sir }aloe dated nonce principal snm of Eighty thousand and 00 100 even date ..~.r cwi cn Denver Public School / ~$80,~0.00)_______ Dollars, .for the __-_-- payable hr the order Ut i whose address is 3700 East p.} loyees Credit Onion I aneda, Denver, Colorado 80209 I at the mte of installm~r~~ n a#tet-tbrtluts.H..rcyq: ,sirh imcrrest thmrnn from dre d;rte thereof Each s ~~~`~ ~ abhbaq° ~iinipal and interest payable in monthly ~ payment shall be applied first t gi~ rettandr henhtodate her~yf. principal and interest then remainin ~ tweet principal. ,~11, i Y Years from the r3~ite her~f. g unpaid shall be due and payable ~ additional advances at the p ofTsaidote securf~I}1ereb ~ o lion Credit Y Provides for Union. It is agreed that* nose orarty of them may 6e. P• AND WHEREAS. Thegmmor is desinnls nFceroring nn;cm nl the prineip;d and intex•~t nl.uid pnnnisarO note in whose hands NOW,'f}}EREI4RE, The gmntnr, in ronsiderrtiun of the remises ; never the said WnQ~lres9id Public Tiusteb in Wst fumver, the following descri(reJ profx•rty Sin late in the - P inJ lur the purpose alnm+:dd• dtx•s herehs' gran[. bargain. sell and tt,m~ey ci`, C.1 ~~_`. _ _ ,State o(Colomdo. to tt it I, _ - ` , vTefferSUf] G,umy of ,r' ~'. "' j ~',•. ~Ji~rling at a R~int 60 Feet East and 230 Feet 'Northwest Corner of the Southeast 1 4 South of t}le •Section 27, Township 3 South, Ran e 69 f the Northeast 1/4 of Feet, Thence South 100 Feet, Thence Weste405.5 Feet East 405.5 North 100 Feet to point of Beginniplg, excepting all roadnae ditch rights of way ~ nd '~ II *any such additional advances shall be a part of the principal indebtedness; that all agreements evidencing sue}1 advances shall be a Part hereof and that this deed of trust shall secure i I the original indebtedness, any additional advances advances r r n addition to further provideslfornadditiona~thi whether such Y Payments or not. The note jl the estimated annual taxes s rnorrihly payments equal to 1/12th of in respect of the hereinafter describe~es~ments and insurance p operty. Premiums also known by street and number as 3470 Estes St. ~ TO HAVE AND TO ~ incase ofdefault in the HOLDthesame, togetherwirhallandsingulanlreprivileges and appurtenances lhcmunW belon m In Tmct nceertheless. that said noteoran Payment ofsaid noteoranyo(them,oranppanlhereo(. Ur in the payment nlYhe inlcn•u thereon. according [attic tennrand effect of y of them, or in the payment of any prior encunrbmncec. principal or interest. if any. or in ease default shall be made in or in case a(violation or breach of any of the terms, conditions, convertants or agreements herein ttrmained, the bencliriaq he'reundar or the Ieeal holder of the Indebtedness secured hereby may deelamaviolatinn of any of thecm'cnants herein contained and elect to advertise said m upon filing notice ofsuch election and demand for sale a ith the Rlhlic i'msrt•c, is ho shall upon receipt of such mgire o(elec9imr and demand for s;de cansc a copy of the same to be recorded in the recorder's oflice of the count} in a hieh raid coal estate is simaled. it shall and rnay' he lawful for the Public Trustee to sell anddispose of the samefen masse or in sepam(e parcek. ac the said R;hlic'Tnrstec mas'thlnk hesll.;m loll rtrct Tighe title andcinfemst ufUxagraotor. his heirs or assigns (herein, at public auction at the same will bring in etashf forurweeksrpublic notice hoeing been fn nt d nr d the (your HoUSC. in the Cannty n premises, or any part thereof' as mat be s Uef ferson previously given of the lin;c and pLhc of such a Ie.rbv ad,crticremhenLaaeekly[, Pn some newspaper of general circulation at that time published in,caid Counts of within ten days from the date of the first publiratiun thereof to the grantor al the address herein given and a+ such pen,m ar persons appcarin to hay address then such notice shall be mailed to the county seat, and In make and g' ~ u ce,py of a hieh notice shall he mailed acquired a subsequent record intemst in sail real estate at the address gisrn in the ree7ivJ d e~mn«ienr. a here only [he county and state is icen or terlificates in writing describing such m € e person entitled thereto shall be entitled tnaderd or deeds therefor unless the same (hull he ndeerncd ast'I'astrttf such m € as the P Perry' purchased, and the sum ar coon paid Ihrrcfnr. and Ihr time „hen the purchaser or purchasers for other upon demand by the person or n + , p perry at such sale, a certificate cnfided toa deed to and for the m Is Pnnidcd he tau; pe . t nt holding the said certificate or certilican•s nl purchase, n hen said dennmd is made, or upon demand by the rs , I rsons a decd or deeds to the said m , person or P party purchased. at the time such demand is made, the time (or mdemption hating expire) wake and exenuecto sudh m signed, ac owledged and delivrmd by the said Public Tmstee and shall convey and yuitrlaun to such person or persons entitled In . ~ s n P Party purchased az aforesaid and all the right title. irmemst cbenclittdndre prig ~o(rrcdc option of the grrvttor'this heirsra ~ ronvcymue. and shall 6c recite the sum or sums fur which the said properly was sold and shall refer m the purser of sale therein nnuained. and to the sale nr sales made by e' thereof; and in case of an assignment of such certifrate or certificates of such decd, the said encumbrancer, such assignment or redemption shall alao be referred m in such deed nr deeds; but the notice of .ale need nut he cc rn therein, and shall utuc purchase. or in case of the rcdentplion Uf such property. hr a suhsequent deeds and[he Public Tmstce shall,on[of the pnmcals or avails of such sale, after lust p;n ing and refaininu all (res. charges and caste o(makin ay fo the beneficiary hereunderor the legal holler of said note the principal and interes(doe on said note acc'oNing h, the tenor and effect thereof. and all annum, renderin the ove € said sale, oneys advanced by such beneficiary or legal holder o(said note for insurance. tares and asscssmants. a ith interest thereon al t oat m such deed or perpetual bar, both in lawandsequty ~agains tithe gmtnmclhis heirs and assignssand all entices from, through or underthe grantor. or any of ihenr. The holderor holders of said note or notes 21. ~~ per cent per € hieh sale or sales and said deed or Aceds so made shall be a agreed that the grantor, his heirs Ur assigns, will pay the espense (hereof nlas Purchase said n, P pert}' °r am' part thereof. by, not be obligatory upon the purchaser Ur purchasers a( anc such sale m see m the apphcationpi'iFrhe purchase money If a release deed be required, it is p perry or an}' part [ficreoF, and it shall 'If in Denver, insert "City and." 341A. Rev. 2.gq, -`--'---- - DEED OF TRUST' fPebtk 7F¢strel with Due an Sale Clnusr 9 ~ _ _. ~ ~ ... -.-~^ ~.. ~. _ ~ - ~- 8~~ nn ..BrrrWfoard PUblishin6, 17d3 WUte Sr„p,over, CO SU201-f)UJ)297~25Up-I-yU I, i i i. i~ r ', t r .Jefferson Beginning at a ):hint 60 Feet East and 230 Feet South of. the Northwest Corner of the Southeast 1/4 of. the 1.7ortheast 1/4 of Section 27, ToNmship 3 South, Range 69 West, 't'hence Fist 405.5 Feet, Thence South 100 Feet, Thence West 405.5 Feet, Thence North 100 Feet to point of Beginning, excepting all road atx9 ditch rights of way !~ G\ , _~ ~ `i NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given of a public hearing to be held before the Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment on June 24, 1993, at 7:30 P.M., at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petitions shall be heard: 1. Gase No. WA-93-7: An application by Antoinette Piety for approval of variances to Section 26-11.(F) regarding lot width and lot area standards, to allow construction of residences on substandard lots. Property is legally described as follows: Lots 25 & 26, except the east 12' of lot 26 Applewood Village County of Jefferson, State of Colorado 2. Case No. WA-93-8: An application by Robert Conner for approval of a variance to Section 26-15.(F) to allow the construction of a 1,500 square foot detached garage. The property is located at 3470 Estes Street and legally described as follows: Beginning at a point 60 the northwest corner of northeast 1/4 of Section West, thence east 405.5 thence west 405.5 feet, of beginning, excepting way. feet east and 230 feet south of the southeast 1/4 of the z 27, Township 3 South, Range 69 feet, thence south 100 feet, thence north 100 feet to point all road and ditch rights of 3. Case No TUP-93-4: An application by Shane Cleaveland for approval of a Temporary Use Permit to allow a flower and bedding plant sales on property located. at 3502 Wadsworth Boulevard. The property is legally described as follows: All that portion of the NE 1/4 of Section 26, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M., described as follows: Beginning at a point on the west line of the northeast 1/4 of said Section 26, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M., 1350 feet north of the southwest corner of said northeast 1/4; thence north along said west line 190 feet; thence east 175 feet; thence south along the west line of property described in Book 1494, at Page 134, a distance of 190 feet, to the north line of West 35th Avenue; thence west 175 feet along the north line of said West 35th Avenue and the westerly extension thereof to the point of beginning, EXCEPTING THEREFROM, those portions thereof described in Book 1185, at Page 428 and 3n Book 1185, at Page 430, alI in the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. q, ~~e No TUP-93-6: An application by Floyd Gibson for approval of a change of conditions for a previously approved Temporary Use Permit to allow a commercial venture that would charge a fee to allow citizens to fish on a private lake located at approximately 495Q Independence Street and legally described as follows: Tracts A, B, and C, Independence Park County of Jefferson, State of Colorado Mary o hapla, Secr ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City Clerk To be published: April 6, 1993 Wheat Ridge Sentinel P.a.flO%638 TELEPHONE: 703/t37.69~s The City of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE .WHEAT fi101CE. COLef1A00 80034 !S2 7L eaf g " ' Ridge POSTING CERTIFICATION CASE NO . ~,{/d - ~l3 " PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY~/COUNCIL - BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT (Circle One) HEARING DATE: ~ ~' a ~~ C 3 _ n a m e residing at ~ '7 T C' j' ~J ( Z°J ( a d d r e s s) as the applicant for Case No. GV Q.~ ~ 3 ~ v hereby certify that I have posted the Notice of Public Hearing at 3 y 7c~ ~5 ~~S , ( l o c a t i o n) on this ~_ day of .'~.K~ _, 193 , and do hereby certify that said sign has been posted and remained in place for fifteen (15) days prior to and including the scheduled day of public hearing of this ease. The sign was pasted in the position shown on the map below. Signature: //~m~ - ~ - NOTE: This form must be submitted at the public hearing on this case and will be placed in the applicant's case file at the Department of Community Development. M A P P.O'~BOX 638 _- TELEPHONE: 303/237-6944 The Cify of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 cWheat Ridge June 7, 1993 This is to inform you that Case No. WA-93-8 which is a request for approval of a SOO square foot variance to the maximum area of 1,000 square feet allowed for a detached garage for property located at 3470 Estes Street will be heard by the Wheat Ridge BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex, 7500 West 29th Avenue at 7.30 P.M. on June 24, 1993 All owners and/or their legal counsel of the parcel under consideration must be present at this hearing before the BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other persons whose presence is desired at this meeting. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division. Thank you. PLANNING DIVISION "The Carnation City" P 923 919 908 U1 31 W ~ ^.. k yy+ ~ O 5 t 0 n r aw P 923 919 909 ~ _ ~-, (A m 9m ~ m C T ~ < m m ti i ~ €',W~ ~ W Q '. ~:- .. ~ r y~ n DN P 923 919 869 W m 0 O 7J m n m O n rn T m v a r ~w~ CY rt r,~~~ LL LS~ ~ ~ G O (~y ~ ~ A R r{ ~ PP~ _"- J < m ~ -y a m y z ~_ R T nlm m m y m n m y Z o ° vi o ~ m~ n - ~, 0 oN~~ r m~ m g m <~ im N nl nlal~ ~I IMPORTANT! PLACE STICKER pT TOP OF ENVELOPE TO THE RIGHT OF RETURN ADDRESS. _ ~ T o m ~ cn N 3 w t' °' ro •~ ~ I ~ ~ A ~ [ ~ i ~ ~ ~ N T . ` a Q m N ~ ~ - m N :° t ,i - "O i T o m ~ ~ 'm (31 ~ 'm 9 ~ f. ~ N N { j Z O c1QO ^ D a y 1 r ~ .- rt ~ tD j ~ 1= ~ O ~- ~ D) (/1 f0 o3i N N m - ~ C m I C m I j ~ ` O ~ ~ D ~o m ~ D a m 3 m ~ m P- w _.. ~~ ~ ~_ _ t' g° r °' ~ y ~~ m N ~ a N a a~3 N a Q Do ~~y`~vo~z ~ 2 m~ 3~ m mm a~ ~2m ~w~3 °' a>o ANN a m ~~3 v+~ ~y v ¢ O a lY ~ o Rd TA ~ A `T ° /y ~' ' ° a ~ 1 ~ 4 ~ a ~ . 7, y ^ p ~ 9S ao ~ m $ m ~ ,~ g: K ~ 3 ~ R _ ~3 `- ~.- ' W n •~~o •~~N a m-i~a ~°89~ ~ " ~~q w .°.33m =~ ~ n ~ 3 ' . `T e '~ (J n 3 E c, l = ~ ~ 1d ~p~ 3~ ~ MKS €r ~"'' _~a a m 0 ~" R _ . a n~ (~ O ~ 9~ o ~ N ~ } +. ~ po ~ F P Li. N O ~ fl p. j a ~ _ ryj~ ~ . M 1't dl LLL~~~ £4 ~ ~ ~ d. i ... _. _ ~.~s _ w IP~• s N I s~~ tc~ .. n g, O 4"5 ~ ~ .'~ €9. 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W _ 3 ~~ P 923 919 911 ~ ~ TO ~ _ _. ~_ ~ _ -. ~ N m ~ m m ~m~ Z{ m y c O }{ t O O R ~ Lai o ~ o" 1 o ~ ~ K ~ ~ s~ c it 4' - °o o yo m 43. w R w I3 n ,, 0~ ~ ~a m m of o0 m ~ z ' <a Cf ~ m z ~ m p ~ m N _ n ~ O \ ~ O a u a 0 r9 m cy ~a ~ T W Y r K~ m ~ 0 O 1 \/ m "I \ T e n n m m v ~ a s r 9 H _ - ~ ~ , N ` o ~ ~v ~ d .I ~ ~.~ ;= - W k3 m .~ar. .{ I J~ D O ~ a m ¢ m .N ~ N ~ A~ ~~~~ r> ~ ~=-1~ - d m ~ m N > c m Z, m a m a >c4>3 Q. a~io ~' $':: D m a m ~ W_ O ~ d C E ~ ~ L U y ~ ~ 0 ~3 ~~ a~° a m a w ~.~'~~ c° z' Q' ~ U d s~N w0 Q' d ¢ ~ ~.~ ~ a y ~ ~ m C pO 0 9d` ~ ~' E '~ rc53+E r s`~ $ B~~ taY E ~ 3'o i+4 ti 3 m s ova _ O G.6N m ~ ~E~ Ff s=~o~ $ a o8'e ~ m Ned `e~~s ~ u a~i S~R ~6N O ~ {1v mE°c pfi5 ~ ~,+' ~ i~ ~M E$d m y'! ~ IMPORTANT. PT{LIEO GHTOOF RETURNPADDRESSLOPE TO e~ TF ® i,F7 ~ $~ ~~ ~~ Q f"P Ct C] 43 W a' a ~ N d ~ ~ a d N ~ 1 "m m ,~ y .~ d ~ ~ Z Q n ~' ~ m 6rv Sj~ `~mmA -- ~~~ i]CG 7(ON ~9~0 arEn X93 '~w~ .=$ ~' a ago ~~~ $mo E,~$ ~wN Qo ~aC ~ a ~j~ ry O gad. ~D~~_ _ _.!~ o 'm m° `mom ~. o 4£m 3 ~~~ g _F a ~~' m ~~m 1 ~~~ ~ - ,~1` O ~ y m \ A l i O ~ O m Z ¢ T ' r m ~ ~ M m E c o ~ LL N N cd a ~~-~~-~ _ June 24, 1993 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: - Be it known--that I, Vada J. Ward, own and reside at ... 3440 Estes Street, immediately adjacent to the _- Robert-.Conner property, 3470 Estes Street, currently --_ under advisement from the City of Wheat Ridge to- -- build a garage-on°the Dudley Street portion of that property. - It is my opinion that not only will the-garage be an enhancement for the neighborhood, in general, but it will most assuredly :add value. to my .own property. The Conners have always-cared for their entire property with utmost pride. They are exceptionally orderly, clean, neat-and__their home and grounds are nearly pristine in appearance:---°- I am confident that they will take the same pride in _ designing and building a garage to house-their vehicles as they have taken in their-overall life style. I commend them for this decision, and I hope you will _ ---- grant them this variance. / ~ °-- ~~ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Date of Meeting: June 24, 1993 Case No. & Name: WA-93-8/CONNER Date Prepared: June 4, 1993 Case Manager: Greg Moberg Action Requested: A 500 square foot variance to the maximum area of 1,000 square feet allowed for a detached garage in a Residential-Two zone district. Location of Request: 3470 Estes Street Name & Address of Applicant(s): Robert Conner 3470 Estes Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Name & Address of Owner(s): Same Approximate Area: 40,550 square feet Present Zoning: Residential-Two Present Land Use: Single-family residence Surrounding Zoning: N & S: Residential-Two, E: Residential-One A, W: Residential-One Surrounding Land Use: N, S, & W: Single-family residences, E• Vacant Date Published: Date to be Posted: Date Legal Notices Sent: ------------------------ ENTER INTO RECORD: ( ) Comprehensive Plan (XX) Zoning Ordinance (XX) Case File & Packet Materials (XX) Exhibits ( ) Subdivision Regulations (XX) Other JURISDICTION' June 2, 1993 June 10, 1993 June 10, 1993 The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore there is jurisdiction to hear this case. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT STAFF REPORT CASE NO. WA-93-8 Page 2 REQUEST The applicant is requesting approval of a 500 square foot variance to the 1,000 square foot maximum area allowed forur ose detached garage in a Residential-Two zone district. Thep p of this request is to allow the construction of a detached garage. SITE The subject site has an approximate area of 40,550 square feet with an existing single-family residence and additional shed structures on the property. As per Section 26-15(F) the applicant is allowed to construct a maximum of a 1,000 square foot detached garage per unit and 400 squarearaee on site but wed for sheds. Currently there is no detached g g there are three sheds totaling 242 square feet in area. FINDINGS OF FACT No variance shall be granted unless the Board of Adjustment finds, based on evidence that: 1. Can the property in question yield a reasonable return in use, service or income if permitted to be used only under the conditions allowed by the regulations £or the district in which it is located. Because the property has an existing residential use and denial of this request_wi111e1d abreasonable return,laandn of the use, the property can y' will continue to if permitted to be used under the conditions allowed by the Residential-Two regulations. 2. Is the plight of the owner due to unique circumstances. There are no unique circumstances. 3, If the variation were granted, would it alter the essential character of the locality. The granting of this variance could alter the essential character crates overi1n000hsquaredfeettinrareae no other detached g g 4. Would the particular physical surrounding=o ertpeinvolved topographical condition of the specific p p Y result in a particular hardship upon the owner as distinguished from a mere inconvenience, if the strict letter of the regulations were carried out. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT STAFF REPORT CASE NO. WA-93-8 Page 3 There are no particular physical Toreo~ndin9olvedpthat would topographical conditions of the p P Y result in a particular hardship. Therfore, this aeauest is for the convenience of the owne~heozoningrdistrict. g larger than what is allowed by 5. Would the conditions upon which the petition for a variation is based be applicable, generally, to the other property within the same zoning classification. The granting of this variance could result inrohertiesing of a precedent for similar requests though few p P within the City have such old structures and are of similar in size. 6. Is the purpose of the variation based Ypeertyvely upon a desire to make more money out of the p P The purpose of this variance is not based exclusively upon the desire to make money. ~, The alleged difficulty or hardship has not been roeerty,bY any person presently having an interest in the p P The applicant has not created any hardship. g. Would the granting of the variation be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property ono arty is improvements in-the neighborhood in which the p p located. The granting of this variance would not be detrimental or injurious to property or improvements within the neighborhood. 9, Would the proposed variation not impair the adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property or substantially increase the congestion in the public streets or increase the danger of fire or endanger the public values within the substantially diminish or impair property neighborhood. The granting of this variance would rotertpesrnoreincreasee supply of light or air to adjacent p p traffic congestion or endanger public safety. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT STAFF REPORT CASE NO. WA-93-8 Page 4 CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the preceding 'Findings of Fact', staff has reached the following conclusions: 1. Because the property has an existing residential use and denial of this request wi111e1d abreasonable returnuaandn of the use, the property can y' will continue to if permitted to be used under the conditions allowed by the Residential-Two regulations. 2. There are no unique circumstances. 3, The granting of this variance could alter the essential character of the local neighborhood as there are no other detached garages over 1,000 square feet in area. 4. There are no particular physical surrounding, shape or topographical conditions of the property involved that would result in a particular hardship. Therefore, this request is for the convenience of the owner to construct a garage larger than what is allowed by the zoning district. 5. The granting of this variance could result in the setting of a precedent-for similar requests though few properties within the City have such old structures and are of similar in size. Based on the conclusions derived from the preceding, staff would recommend that Case No. WA-93-8 be DENIED. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES OF MEETING: June 25, 1993 Page 4 B. Case No. WA-93-8: An application by Robert Conner for approval of a variance to Section 26-15.(F) to allow the construction of a 1,500 square foot detached garage. The property is located at 3470 Estes Street. Greg Moberg presented the staff report. All pertinent documents were entered into record, which Chairman HOWARD accepted. Board Member HOWARD asked if there is anything in the ordinance relating to the attachment of the shed to the garage, and Mr. Moberg said staff has interpreted and allowed garages over 1,000 square feet if they have included storage or shed area that would normally be associated with that garage. However, the applicant is asking for a 1,000 square feet over and above that. The applicant also has a 200 square feet of sheds located on the property. If he were to remove those, a building permit could be issued for a 1,400 square foot garage as long as 400 square feet of that is designated for something other than the parking of vehicles. Board Member ROSSILLON asked was staff saying if he tears down the three sheds then he would be allowed 1,400 square feet of space, and Mr. Moberg said yes, but the applicant could never build another shed on the property. Chairman HOWARD wanted to know if the building permit would require a solid wall between the shed and garage or could it be a continuous open space, and Mr. Moberg said it does not need a solid wall. .The interpretation is that aesthetically it is much more pleasing to see it all under one roof than scattered across the entire property. The structure would have to show that part of it is not being used as a garage. No further questions were asked of staff. The applicant, Robert Conner, 3470 Estes Street, was sworn in. Mr. Connor entered into record pictures of neighboring properties that allegedly have structures larger than 1,000 square feet. Mr. Connor also entered pictures of the three sheds on his property, and said they were there when he bought the property and he would gladly tear them down to be able to build a 1,500 square £oot building. All pictures were labeled Exhibit 'A'. Mr. Connor entered into record letters from his neighbors stating no objection to his request, labeled Exhibit 'B'. The applicant pointed out his is a unique piece of property being one square acre-and it backs up to Lutheran hospital grounds which has numerous large buildings. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES OF MEETING: June 25, 1993 Page 5 Board Member ABBOTT asked staff if the applicant tears the sheds down and asks for the 100 square foot variance, could that be done administratively. Mr. Moberg answered it would be too difficult and time consuming to take the application back through administration and since it is in front of the Board now, it would make more sense to take a look at it. Mr. Connor said feels since this is acre lot, it requires more room for storage. Board Member REYNOLDS questioned if the structure will only be used for a garage and storage, and Mr. Connor replied yes, that is all. Board Member ROSSILLON asked the applicant if it would be acceptable to him if they granted the variance with the stipulation that the sheds would have to be torn down. Mr. Connor replied yes, that would be fine with him but he would like to be able to leave them up until the final inspection is done on the garage so he does not have all of his storage setting outside. Board Member ROSSILLON asked what is the location of the garage, and Mr. Connor answered behind his house on the north side (the doors would be on the south side). There is 40 large trees 12-18 feet high in the back, so one would have a hard time even seeing the building. Board Member DOOLEY wanted to know how far back on the Dudley Street side would the structure set, and Mr. Connor said that being an acre it would not even get into the back half of the acre. Board Member DOOLEY asked if the driveway would be adjacent to Dudley Street, and Mr. Connor said no, the driveway would be right behind the house. Chairman HOWARD asked if the driveway will be on the south side of the house, and Mr. Connor answered yes, the garage will be on the north side with the doors facing south. Chairman HOWARD said basically the request would be for a 50$ increase on allowable square footage, and Mr. Connor answered yes. Chairman HOWARD said it has been stated that this is for a garage, and Mr. Connor clarified a garage and storage. No further questions were asked of the applicant. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES OF MEETING: June 25, 1993 Page 6 Board Member ROSSILLON asked staff could the applicant build a four-bay garage if stipulations are not placed in the motion, and Mr. Moberg replied he does not think that is the intent of the ordinance. By granting the variance to allow the structure to be 1500 square feet certain areas do not have to be designated as garage or storage. Mr. Moberg did feel a condition should be made that no other sheds or structures be allowed on the property. Board Member ROSSILLON asked if the applicant could build this two-story, and Mr. Moberg said he could, unless a condition on height was placed on the request. Board Member REYNOLDS asked if the rear yard setback should be left open, and Mr. Moberg answered that should be conditioned because of the size of the garage. Bonnie Hayes, 3450 Estes Street, was sworn in. Ms. Hayes lives north of the applicant and has no objection with this request. Ms. Hayes said the variance would be neater than the three sheds that are on the property now. No questions were asked of Ms. Hayes. Board Member ABBOTT asked if Dudley Street has a required 30' setback, and Mr. Moberg answered the applicant would be wise to place the garage as close to the existing residence or at least on the west half of the property just in case he would want to divide the property in the future. Mr. Conner added the garage will be placed on the west half o£ the property. No further questions were asked of staff. Motion was made by Board Member ABBOTT, that Case No. WA-93- 8, an application by Robert Conner, be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. The lot is one full acre and therefore requires above average storage for maintenance equipment. 2. There are a few houses in the neighborhood which have over 1000 square foot detached structures. 3. This lot currently has 250 square feet of shed storage, this plus the 1000 square feet allowed for a detached garage results in only an increase of 250 square feet.. 4. The 1000 square feet allowed for a detached garage is a much smaller percentage of a full acre than that same 1000 square feet on a standard building lot, therefore this oversized structure seems in proportion. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES OF MEETING: June 25, 1993 Page 7 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. Five hundred (500) square feet of the proposed structure must be devoted to non-vehicular storage. 2. Three existing sheds on the property must be removed no later than 30 days of building permit Certificate of Occupancy. 3. No additional sheds, garages or other storage structures may be constructed at a future date. 4. Location of the structure will be in the approximate location indicated in the applicant's survey. Motion seconded by Board Member DOOLEY. Motion carried 5-0. Resolution attached. C. Oase No TUP 9 4: An application by Shane Cleaveland for approval of a Temporary Use Permit to allow a flower and bedding plant sales on property located at 3502 Wadsworth Boulevard. This case was withdrawn by applicant. D. Case No UP-93-6: An application by Floyd Gibson for approval of a change of conditions for a previously approved Temporary Use Permit to allow a commercial venture that would charge a fee to allow citizens to fish on a private lake located at approximately 4950 Independence Street. Board Member ABBOTT said the 'rubble' is still there even though it was of the conditions was it would be buried or flattened, and is the City finding this condition unworkable, Mr. Moberg answered that condition does not really lend itself to forcing the applicant to do that. The situation we are dealing with is an applicant who is not paying the owner any kind of fee to use the property. If we tell the owner that if the rubble is not removed we will have the applicant stop doing what he is doing would not do anything. When staff found out there was some illegal dumping, Code Enforcement took action. That process takes a fairly Long time but if the rubble is still there the Code Officer needs to go out and take a look and decide if Tom Yang has done what he was supposed to do. Staff allowed the applicant to occupy the property and start his business because of this long process. Chairman HOWARD asked staff why did they feel there was enough changes to warrant hearing this case, and Mr. Moberg replied because the conditions were numerous and at the end of the meeting things were a tittle disoriented, staff feels that is reason enough to have the Board re-look at the conditions and either approve them or not. It is difficult To: City of Wheat Ridge From: Rod Hayes 3450 Estes Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 231-9981 Date: June 24, 1993 I am writing a letter of support for a variance to allow construction of a large garage and storage by my neighbor, Bob Conner at 3470 Estes St.. There are three one acre lots in the middle of our block. We all have houses on the West end of the lots. Our property also has a very large two bay garage with an attached horse barn at the back of the property. The structure Bob wishes to build is in no way a problem for us. It will be right in keeping with the neighboring properties. Pleagse act favorably on this application. Respectfull submitted, CERTIFICATE OF RESOLUTION I, Mary Lou Chapla, Secretary to the City o£ Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment, do hereby certify that the following Resolution was duly adopted in the City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, on_the 24th day of June 1993. CASE NO: WA-93-8 APPLICANT'S NAME: Robert Conner LOCATION: 3470 Estes Street Upon motion by Board Member ABBOTT seconded by Board Member DOOLEY the following Resolution was stated. WHEREAS, the applicant was denied permission by an Administrative Officer; and WHEREAS,.BOard of Adjustment Application, Case No. WA-93-8 is an appeal to this Board from the decision of an Administrative Officer; and WHEREAS; the property has been posted the required 15 days by law and there WERE NO protests registered against it; and WHEREAS; the relief applied for MAY be granted without detriment to the public welfare and without substantially impairing the intent and purpose of the regulations governing the City of Wheat Ridge. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Board of Adjustment Application Case No. WA-93-8 be and hereby is APPROVED. TYPE OF VARIANCE: A 500 square foot to the maximum area of 1000 square feet allowed for a detached garage in a Residential-Two zone district. PURPOSE: To build a detached garage FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1. The lot is one full acre and therefore requires above average storage for maintenance equipment. 2. There are a few houses in the neighborhood which have over 1000 square foot detached structures. 3. This lot currently has 250 square feet of shed storage, this plus the 1000 square feet allowed for a detached garage results in only an increase of 250 square feet. 4. The 1000 square feet allowed for a detached garage is a much smaller percentage of a full acre than that same 1000 square feet on a standard builing lot, therefore this oversized structure seems in proportion. Certificate of Resolution Case No. WA-93-8/Page 2 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. Five hundred (500) square feet of the proposed structure must be devoted to non-vehicular storage. 2. Three existing sheds on the property must be removed no later than 30 days after issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. 3. No additional sheds, garages or other storage structures may be constructed at a future date. roximate location 4. Location of the structure will be in the app indicated in the applicant's survey. VOTE: YES: Abbott, Dooley, Howard, Reynolds and Rossillon NO: None DISPOSITION: Variance granted by a vote of 5-0. DATED this 24th d~ a~ne, 1993. ~ ~ t Mary o Chapla, Sec.etary R ERT HOWARD, Chairman Boar Adjustment Board of Adjustment