HomeMy WebLinkAboutTUP-95-2The Crty of - - ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS_APPLICATION Wheat ~Rid~re Department of Planning and Development 6 7500 West 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Phone (303) 237-6944 Applicant t/AN P Wt-"~PNC/L Addressys'~~ J-//¢/~Li9A/ ST' Phone S'7~-D fS7 owner )/p~/ }~ f,~~"2NE/-~ Address~SDg' f{f~l2Lf¢~/ .ST. Phone ~f7~-l1y,S~ Location of request,~/50_. l'/1%/ZLi9/d 5% /'l~/$T /c/~~T~ L/D X003 Type of action requested (check one or more -0f the actions listed below which pertain to your request.) ^ Change of zone or zone conditions Variance/Waiver -Site .development plan approval Nonconforming use change Special use permit Flood plain special-exception Conditional use permit interpretation.-of code Temporary use/building permit Zone line modification Minor subdivision Public Improvement Exception Subdivision Street .vacation-__-- 8 Preliminary Miscellaneous plat=-- = - Final Solid waste landfill/ [] ** See attached procedural guide mineral extraction. permit. _ for specific requirements. ^ Other Detailed Description of request '~D P~2K ,9Nd STdRE T~G7G/G %/2l?~2S AND S~ril!- 712AIt~RS . 'T~YYlP02/1PILY O~ Gls7i 1L So<n oP_ OTi~fE2 Lt6AL s/TE GAni _ _ I3E Fblritlt~ 'TOLUi42D5 I2EtJ2 Of /~/'DPF_QTy O.ULY List all persons and companies-who hold an interest_in the described--real property, as owner, mortgagee, lessee, optionee, etc: NAME ADDRESS PHONE 11/~N P w~2,v~2 X509 .~It7r2~-.~~rl sr lvhegt R,doc ~'a 8oas3 ~19~-b~.s~ i-~^, 1rlleh~~.l Z 1a7.~rnr~/.~,~ g+soS /Tt/?~.rfn/s> lUh~at%,d~ ee trhn33 yz/ /945 I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are. true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this. application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose-consent the requested actior, cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners. must submit power-of-attorney from the owner which approved o£ this act ono/n his behalf. Signature -of- Applicant CL~~ (~' 1,11p~~,/,~/ Subscribed and sworn to me this: ~~~day of~~U~l4„ 19 J Notary Pub is SEAL - _ - _ ~-~~4 ~ QCJ My commission expires Date Received ca['/4' -_ 1C~ 0 m 0 LL a O Receipt No. JrJC~~ Case No. DATE 19~NO. 7060 1~ RECEIVED FROM ~ f~ ~V~ ~ ^ ( ~~` ,\~€~ r ` ADDRESS ~/~ ~~ - .DOLLARS $ ~ JS1~J ~^~ FOR ~."'l JI"t ~ ~~ ., .. BY ,1 ~~ AMT. OF I CASH I ACCOUNT AMT. PAID CHECK BA uECE I ORDEF I ° Recorded at..-..._w-.-.....~._..o; loek.„........M., ..._.......». u~ Reeepaen N.__6256'76 ._ _-__-.___-- `ru .~ _ Teas DEED Made thin 11th day of February 19 74 ,Letwean ALICE H, SUMMERS of the County of Jefferson and sate of Cofo• redo, of eha fiat pert, and UNITED BANK OF DENVER NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, TRUSTEE, a national banking association eriet(:tg under and by virtue of the laws of the United Statue , no CZ.l18~t] ; R&CORDER'9 BTAMP a _N^ s mir N V T ~ t ~ ., ~ -~~- m r. ?:'' o00 Z L o~ N iii r$ t» V of the second part: 1 >3 I Cr7•C WiTNESSET$ That the aid part y of the flat part, Sor and In eanvideatien of the nom of other good and valuable considerations and TEN-------------------- DoLLARs to the anid party of the ant part In hand paid by the sold yarty of the second part, the receipt whereof tv hereby confaeed and acknowledged, hn S granted, bargained, sold sad conveyed, and by cheat presence do e5 grank barga/n, Bell, uonvay and confirm, unto the aid party of the second part, ice eneeevaoa and aaalgna forever, al] of the follow(ng dencxibed lot or parcel aL land, situate, lying and beag in tho Cooney of Jefferson and sea of Colorado, to wit: An undivided one-half interest in Lot 13, Carpenter Subdivision, except that portion described as follows: Beginning at a point on the West boundary of the said Lof 13, which point is 30 feet Southerly from the Northwest corner of the said Lot 13; thence asterly and parallel to the Northerly boundary of said Lot 13, a distance of 15 feet, thence Southerly and parallel to the Westerly boundary of said Lot 13, a distance of 59 feet, more or less, to a point on the Northerly boundary of tract described to Book 687 at Page 366; thence Easterly along said Northerly boundary, 20 feet, more or less, to the Northeast corner of tract des cribed in Book 687 at Page 366; thence Southerly along Easterly boundary of acne described in Boak 687 at Page 36G, li. 7 feet, mare or less, fo Southerly bounds of said Lot 13; thence Westerlyy alon said Southerly boundary of Lot 13 a disfanc~ of 35 feet, more or less, to tTie Sou~lwest corner of Lot 13; thence Northerly 76. feet, more or less, to the true point of beginning. TOGETHER with all and singular the hereditamence snd appurtenances thereunto belonging or a aaywlae apperalning, and the reyeaton and avealovs, amalndar and romahfdaa, rent, Issues and proace thereof; avd as the aeon, right, aaa, lnterost, cLlm and demand whsaoner of the aid party of the aaL part. either Ice kw or egnlty, of, in and to the aboys bargained premisea, with the heredltamena and appattenanea. TO 8AV8 AND TO HOLD the said premLa above bargained avd deun'bed, with the appurtenances, 'mto zhe ea[d party of eha second part, [a snccaeon and aatigna forayer. And the aald part y of the oat ynrt, Sor heat] f, her hehs, exceuton, and adm[nfatama, do es caveaant, gent, bsrgain and ague to and pith the old party of the second part, ace eviceevsoa sad aulgna, that at the time of the enaealing and delhery at eheve yreeevce, She i9 well aelzed of the premLee above conveyed, u of good, note, perfect, abeolua avd indefensible esaa of lnharltance, in 1nw, ce ice a[mpla, and ha S good rlghk full power ••.d Lwtul authority to grant, bargain, Bell and convey the name In manner and form u nfoaxid, and Lhat the same a • fm and clear from al] former and other gance, bargains, tales, ]tens, taro, asrtssmence and encumbrances of wha¢,er kind or Hama eoever, subject to encumbrances of record and the above bargained premlaes in the quint and peaceful pasaassian of the old party a[ the second Dark is suceenoa and aulgnv, against aLL and ovary pecan or person lawfully cfa[mag or to claim the whole or any part thereof, the Bald party of the tint part shall and Hal WARRANT AND FOREVERDEFEND. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The old part y of !hv fiat part ha 5 heavnte ut her hand and ved the day and year f}at above written. Signed, Sea]ed and Delivered in the Preaenn of .._~.ei.~ A..~.~.i.c,~c~!:t.et.n._.„[SEALI _....._......_..___...__..._._.........._...._......._........._.__.__ __..._.___.__......._ .._.__-__--_____C8EAL3 ...._............_.........._..._._.........._ .................-. ._....._. ..-....._.........._........_....._._..__._.................__...._ ISRALI STATE OF COLORADO, Jefferson as Caaaty of , Tha forearoing Ivtmment was acknowlodged before ma thin 11tH day of ~})~>~M , ]974 ,by Alice H. Summers. S;~ r.\:,~. °' t'fkiP, M7 eommiselon nxpim MY Commlulon enpirosMsr. 7,1976 V : 7 • of .i ,,• 3 R; ..oe WITNESS my hand and afli<tal sal. '•`~ ~ ~I;,:.1~ ' i rpryn4.~nm t Ne. s6i wan6altyy a® LD totroearton'-nr eawsmsW s~w.i. -androra 7a11Lltaa M. ifiN1 cwt a4net. aaanr. Cale,W-+» 2599 '703 RECEPTION N0. 93150218 19.00 RECORDED IN COUNTY OF JEFFERSON STATE OF COLORADO 9/23/93 13c25 ~ FILING STAMP bb THIS DEED ,Made this day of September' 20, 1993 between RANLIAI,L E. TCF•T'p'T SEN and MAUREEN A. KEPELSEN of the County of JEE'E'ERSOrI and State of Colorado, of the first part, and pAN p. WERNER AND MICHAEL I. MATANKY AS TENS TS .: ~:, ~1 whose legal address is 4509 HARLAN STREET WfiE'11,T RIDGE OOIJJRADO 80033 of the County of J~'F'FE1Z40N and State of Colorado, of the second part: WITNESSETH, That the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of (***$140,000.00 ) LL r z I~ ONE HUNDRED FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS AND 00/1O0THS and other good and valuable consideration to the said party of the first part in hand paid by the said parties of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unt alLh iheafol oui ngsdescribedelotd poor parcel heirsofnland, assigns forever, ~~ in tenancy in common pdt/i~r ~3YGtg69n~c~ON and State of Colorado, to wit: lying and being to the County of ~E THE WEST 207.4 FEED OF THE EAST 237.4 FEET OF THE NORTH 98.0 FEED OF THE SOUTH 222• 0 P'EEC OF THE SOUTH ONE-HALF OF THE NORTHFaG'i' ONE-QUARTER OF THB~S~ ~G~~_ OLTATAFZCER OF THE NOFrPfiWF~T ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 24, T~ISHIP ,-- F7FS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF OOIARADO• Skate Dccumentary Fee Date r~. ~~ ...._......._.._ also known as street number 4509 IIARI.AN ST. WHEAT RIDE, COIARADO O(~8'3'^'-"""'"~_._.._.... TOGETHER wi [h all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof; and all the estate, right, title interest, claim and demand who csoever of the said party of the first part, either in law or equity, ot, in and to the above bargained premises, with the hereditaments and appurtenances. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises above bargained and described, with the appurtenances, unto the said parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns forever. And the said party of the first part, for himself, his heirs, executors, and adini ni st ra tors, does covenant, grant, bargain and agree to and with the said parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns, that at the time of the ensealing and delivery of tf~ese oresenes, he is well seized of the premises above conveyed, as of good, sure, perfect, absolute and indefeasible estate of inheritance, in Law, in fee simple, and has good tha[ttheusame~are freel anduclea rhf romyall former andgot hersgrant s,i bargainshasales, liens,1ataxes,fassessmentsaandd~ and encumbrances of whatever kind or nature soever, EXCEPT GENERAL TAXES AND ASSESSMEN`T'S FOR THE YEAR 1993 AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS SiIBTECT TO EASII~IEN`T5, RESERVATIONS, RESTRICTIONS, COVFNAP]'15 AND RIGHTS OF WAY OF RECORD, IF ANY; and the aboved bargained premises in the quiet and peaceable possession of said parties of the second pert, the survivor of them, their assigns and the heirs and assigns of such survivor, against all and every person or persons lawfully claiming or to claim the whole or any part thereof, the said party of the first part shall and will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND. The singular number shall include the plural, the plural the singular, and the use of any gender shall be applicable to all genders. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the first part has hereunto set his hand and seat the day and year first a ova written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of /~ / -~ __~. ~ - ~ STATE OF COL ADO County o1C~~J~/~, . _ n fLy~ . I oLt_/ V W" ~- ss - ~ ' ~ -~ I ptemtiex 20 1993 ) ~ ~' ~ Tlie fo~Egoing instrLinent was aEkndialecl~ed befidr~ me thi§ day of Se r ` ~ A I~'irETSEN py ~AN,L E. I~'P~t,SEt~.ant~~ ~iP,t7kF',~t`?. ..,~ T_., ~... .~ - My coinni asion expires ~~:~: Witness my hand and official seal. LfSA A. CO NOTAaY ~l STATE My CarlrDlsibn E~¢ Form 921A C D17885 R03~ ..-.. v~; a ~ ~~~ EED ~ .-Te-defttYimaLttr- ~ivsl.NY. 68 - ABP0384668_ _ /N Go.~a.tsG~r/ PROPERTY DESCRIPTION This single-story retail free-standing building has approximately 4,000 sq.ft. plus attic for storage. Ideal for Restaurant, Paint, Hardware and Plumbing Stores or Contractors. Two drive in doors. On site parking for approximately 30 cars. Located across the \ street from Lakeside Mall. ~3~C~S CITY/COJNTY Wheatridge/3eff ZONING C-1 R.E.TAXES LAND SIZE 98 X 207 SQ.FT. 20,286 ACREAGE .4657 i ` TOTAL BLDG.SIZE 4,000 s.f.ELECTRICAL 220/3phase HEATING GFA ~ . AVAIL.Sq.Ft. ALL CROSS STREET 44th Ave or I-70 1'Iae above etetemeatn. wh11s aoC 4uei'siatae~. ere Lrom souroas we bel ievo reliable . Dimeae ioae suby •ot to survey _ 3190-Soutswer# 27 P2u Poste Qa,2Ki nl ~ b7pD SrolZf?6~ Pti/4 N .?- ~ y- 9S STU¢A6F TRW~Lf F2 STD 2R6~ TI21314f-2 +- J W ~ ~ > s~ i~ P 4 ~ 5 ,OI. ~ F ~ /) fj m N I,3vgF Ti2rrttF2 Csrp2sl{ s OF,~/c~ r',~iyttF'rL Fpp2 $/¢L~F_ C.5 rp2AG~ Fq~Qh'1 T7tRr~rv2 MEMORANDUM T0: Jim Malone, Treasurer FROM; Mary Lou Chapla RE: Refund DATE: March 9, 14.45 The applicant withdrew his application to the Board of Adfustment. Please refund him the $50.00 application fee.- Receipt X19868, paid on February 13, 1995., Thank you. Van P. Werner 404 Rarlan Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 /mc cc: file