HomeMy WebLinkAboutTUP-95-7
The City o1
Rid~ra Department of Planning and Development
b 7500 West 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
Phone (303) 237-6944
ApplicantsIifav,CnrrF~/oPH-EIaEAddress 3/~{O GUEBSTE~Q Phoneo?.~.~$7~
Owner ~~,p~~,7y-f ,7jOro;[f-~/ate Address j/yLp L~B~ST6,~' Phone,~~~-/d77
Location of request ~/y-D /~~
Type o£ action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below
which pertain to your request.)
^ Change of zone or zone conditions
Site development plan approval
Special use permit
Conditional use permit
Temporary use/building permit
Minor subdivision
8 Preliminary
** See attached procedural guide
for specific requirements.
Detailed Description of request
Nonconforming use change
Flood plain special exception
Interpretation of code
Zone line modification
Public Improvement Exception
Street vacation
Miscellaneous plat
Solid waste landfill/'
mineral extraction permit
^ Other
I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and
correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application I
am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons
without whose consent the requested actior, cannot lawfully
Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attorney
which approved of this action on his behalf.
Signature of Applicant
Subscribed and sworn to me
day of
listed above,
be accomplished.
from the owner
19 7Jr
My commission expires
Ronoi nt TTn
r ~ ~ e r.,.
List all persons and companies who hold an interest in the described real
property, as owner, mortgagee, lessee, optionee, etc.
Recorded at o'ciOCk _ A1..
Reception No.
34-009533-0 DEED OF TRUST
Rr.oNer __
i THIS DEED OF TRUST, Dated May 16, 1988 • a:tween
' Donald E. Dopheide
Charlotte J. Dopheide
', the grantor herein whose uddnss is 3140 Webster Street
Denver, CO 80215
`County of Jeffe r50^ antl Slma nl' Colomdo.an0 the
PUBLIC TRUSTEE of the County or City end Count}' in which the prt:pdny descrihed below is siwutad.ir. the State of Colorado,
The¢mntorlo secuceapromissory note or notes hercinaflcr refdrrcd to in the singular. dated May I6, 1988
for the coral principal sum of $12, OOO. OO dollars, puyablc to dre order of
First Federal Savings Bank of Colorado
the beneficiary herein. whose address is 215 South Wadsworth Blvd.
LdkeWbbd, CO 80226 .after the dart thereof,
with interest thereon from [he date thereof at thn mm of 9.750 percent per annum, principal and interest payable
in 60 monthly installments of 5254.10 applied first to interest, the balance to
ti~nQipal,d comrpepping June 25, I988, and on the same day each month thereafter
d~Qir~b :lrk srlJ~o ~{: 11nm sold Public TI'uuce ds iolluwine Jcncribcd property. .lwale In ICe Cuunn
of Jefferson .stare of colorado.mwac
II also known by street and number az
Lot 17,
Webster Glenn,
County of Jefferson,
State of Colorado.
3140 Webster Street
j~ for a Deed of Trust for the use of Empire Savings and Loan Association~to secure
;~ the sum of $11,000.00, recorded August 6, 1986.
unn due 1
,moans sMll
I 'hould the bc.
aanry's kc
.. twm<sl<ad ex~
If all or any
Eaecvttd Jx day and )w first above wrill<n.
~~~ /~ 1
~ifll'f/,C!~` i~ _.. `CL~~L/~ L Q' ~f-u7.t~.e ®.
Donald E. Dophei a Charlotte J.~heide
i~ The fomgoing irutturnent wu acknowledged befom me this 16th day of May . l9 $$
;I by Donald E. Dopheide and Charlotte 'J. Dopheide
My commission upires~'~ -~ ~- ~ / 5~ Witness my hand and f rial seal.
~~ 215 S. Wadsworth"`~~.
Lakewood, CO 80226
•lf in Ornaxr, insert "City and."
No.9~C.Rev.I-A6. Dfi:D AF TRI'ATi W4lic Tru,lm.irn Uue nn fiWe l:WU,e ~, yep
d red50ndble SUm.
opem.nc~ FrcmoraPrccz that an <oun cosrsaMercasanable
xs hereby rckssc and waive all claims in said poparty u a
'> poor ssrituo ronunt, cxaudine m1 the crtalion of a lien ar
tltl apPinnoes, ~rlaoranskr bs tlevlseAesecnmrbyoperauon
'ninf an oplinn 10 pur:hue. 6enefiaor. ma., s bettdeiarpl
II hoe xms<d such npucn m aw<lerae li. Pnono the mle Or
Iha lh<crcdil oi,cm'h person issaOls'tory to bcnefiaiuy aN
dull be entideJ m a rcttiver fur said pmpenr, who may be appammd by any noun of
All o(IFe covenano
_ =1
BrW 4x,1 WnI~.A.~, 5n.3 W. qn A.e .:,lvr,u:. CO X0.1J-,iJ)l _]t.IFYU
P.O. BOX 638
WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80034-0638 - - (303) 294-5900
City Admin. Fax # 234-5924 _ Police Dept. Fax # 235-2949
June 15, 1995
The Wheat Ridge Depa
for approval of a ar
Your response to the
would be appreciated
date will constitute
The City of
rtment of Community Development has received a request
dial ncP nPrmi+ tCl-a11OW~aLQ~S]3~7 rare hn
__ at the property described below.
following questions and any comments on this proposal
by JnnP ~n, 1Q99 No response-fromyouu by this
no objections or concerns regarding this proposal.
CASE NO: SUP-95-3/Dopheide
LOCATION: 3140 Webster Street
REQUESTED ACTION: Approval of a special use permit in an R-lA zone dist.
PURPOSE: To allow a large day care home for up to 12 children
APPROXIMATE AREA: 9,000 square feet
1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to
serve this development?
YES NO If "NO", please explain below.
2. Are service lines available to the development?
YES NO _- If "NO", please explain below.
3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development?
YES NO If "NO", please explain below.
4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to
your rules and regulations?
YES NO If "NO", please explain below.
5. Are there any concerns or problems your agency has identified which
would or should affect approval of this• request?
Please reply to: ~/~~^y,J~,{~~ n~~G¢.c~ RPrti r+
Department o Planning & Development
XX Water District (Consolid~ited Mutual
XX Sanitation District (Wheat Ridge
XX Fire District (Wheat Ridge
Adjacent City ( )
XX Public Service Co.
US West Communications
State Land Use Commission
State Geological Survey
Colorado Dept. of Transportation
Colorado Div. of Wildlife XX
TCI of Colorado XX
iJ Rr~ a lad Pupa
Jefferson Co. Health Dept.
Jefferson Co. Schools
Jefferson Co. Commissioners
Denver-Water Board
W R Post Office
W R Police Dept.
W R Public Works Dept.
W R Parks & Recreation Com.
W R Forestry Div.
W R Building Div. ,
State Dept, of ,4ocial Services
Day Care Licensing Division
Public Service
June 20, 1995
The City of Wheat Ridge
7500 West 29th Avenue
P.O. Box 638
Wheat Ridge, CO 80034-0638
Public Service
Company of Colorado
2707 W. 7th Avenue
Denver, CO 802044114
C '~ bv. ; RID:' .
1~_nr~n~ nQ
~~ JUPJ 2 ~ 1995
Public Service Company of Colorado (PSCo) acknowledges receipt of
Dop~eide,. #SUp-95-3
Project Title
PSCo has examined the proposed plot plan of the above-captioned
project. PSCo has no conflict at this time.
PSCo would like to remind the developer to have utilities located
before beginning construction.
If you have any questions regarding the above subject matter,
please contact me on 571-3735.
~~~/ ~%~/ G~~
Teresa Wilson
Right of Way Processor
June z0, 1995 - CITS•OF WHEAT RIDGE
~~~)~ ~ ~ ~s~~ III!
Ms. Meredith Reckert
City of Wheat Ridge
7500 West 29th Avenue
Wheat Ridge; Colorado 80034-0638
Re: City of Wheat Ridge Case Number`SUP-95-3, approval of a
special use.--permit to allow a large-day care home for
property located. at 3140 Webster Street =
Dear Ms. Reckert:
This.-will acknowledge receipt of-your correspondence
dated June 15; 1995 regarding the above Yeferenced property.
Please be-advised that the ab-ove referenced..property is
in an area served by The Consolidated Mutual. Water Company by
virtue of _ a Distributor-'s contract- with Denver Water.
Domestic water service -may be provided to this. property-
subject to. compliance with. the Company's rules, regulations
and requirements, for .such service as well --as 'the- tap'
allocation policies as-established by Denver Water. .
The Company's rules, regulations and requirements
further- require that each separate structure .be served by
separate tap and meter,. and in order- to receive .domestic -
water service,-the property must also front a Company main.-
If'-the .future planned use of this property is within any
of the .above. categories, the owner, engineer or architect.
should-contact this office as soon as possible-so that we may
determine- what water.-system improvements will be needed to ..
serve this property.
Our records indicate that the property addressed as 3.140-
Webster Street is currently receiving domestic water from the, -.--
Company through a 5/8-meter (CMWCo-Tap__Number_ 7618/Account
Number A-03543).
Fire protection requirements-should.-be obtained from .the
Wheat Ridge Fire. Protection-District a_nd .those requirements
forwarded by the Fire District to this office at the earliest .
possible -time. We can then determine if-..additional- system .
improvements would be required-to .meet .the demands set forth.-
by the Fire. District.- _ - _° _-
1?700 West ?7th Avenue P.O. Bnx 110068 Lakewood, Golr~rado 80215
- Telephone ?38-Od51 Fus ?37-SS6D -
Ms. Meredith Reckert
City of Wheat-Ridge
June 20, 1995 _
Page 2
Consolidated has no objections regarding-the special use
permit, provided that Consolidated's existing easements are .
not affected or changed in any way.
If- you have any questions or- comments: regarding-this
correspondence; please contact this office.
%v ~~~~'~~~~~
Walter S Welton, PLS/PE
Preside t
cc: Dave Roberts, Wheat Ridge. Fire Protection District
Robert J. Rivera, CMWCo Assistant Secretary/Treasurer
and Project Engineer -
Michael E. Queen, CMWCo Water Distribution Manager _
_ :
'500 LvEgT 29TH AVENUE
P.O. 60X 638
WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80034-0638
City Aamin. Fax ~ 234-5924
June 15, 1995
The Wheat Ridge Depa
for approval of a s
Your response to the
would be appreciated
date will constitute
Police Ceot. Fax T 2352949
The City of
rtment of Community Development has received a request
Pc~i al 1lRP narmi+ +n a"Iln.., a largo Aav ~arA home
at the..property described below.
following questions and any comments on-this proposal
by ,TnnP 3l1, 1995 No response from you by this
no objections or concerns regarding this proposal.
CASE NO: SUP-95-3/Dopheide
LOCATION: 3110 Webster Street
REQUESTED ACTION: Approval of a special use permit in an R-lA zone dist.
PURPOSE: To allow a large day care home for up to 12 children
APPROXIMATE AREA: 9,000 square feet
1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to
serve this development?
YES NO If "NO", please explain below.
2. Are service lines available to the development?
YES NO I£ "NO", please explain below.
3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development?
YES NO I£_"NO", please explain below.
4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to
your rules and regulations?
YES NO If "NO", please explain below.
5. Are there any concerns or problems your agency has identified which
would or should affect approval of this request? ~j7.e Sae ~~(,,.~~
~., Gz7vI~~
Please reply to: ///l i'/t.f' ~;~,~c~ ~,,~,~ R2 kpr+
Department o Planning & Development
XX Water District (Consolidated Mutual Jefferson Co. Health Dept.
XX Sanitation District (Wheat Ridge Jefferson Co. Schools
XX Fire District (Wheat Ridge Jefferson Co. Commissioners
Adjacent City ( ) Denver Water Board
XX Public Service Co. W R Post Office
US West Communications W R Police Dept.
State Land Use Commission W R Public- Works Dept. __
State Geological Survey W R Parks & Recreation Com.
Colorado. Dept. of Transportation W R Forestry Div.
Colorado Div._-off Wildlife XX W R Building Div.
TCI of Colorado XX State Dept. of Social Services
~~ `'~ '-°"`°" Day Care Licensing Division
UJ~~RI ~IDG~ ~I~~ ~~OT~C1100 DIST~IC1
P.O. Box 507
3880 Upham Stree4
Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034
(303) 424-7323
June 22, 1995
Meredith Reckert
Department of Planning & Development
City of Wheat Ridge
Wheat Ridge, Co.
Subject: Case #: SUP-95-3/Dopheide
JUN 2 2 19°5
~~~ f -
Location: 3140 Webster Street, Wheat Ridge, Co.
Requested Action: Approval of a special use permit in an R-lA-zone
Purpose: To allow a large day care home for up to 12 children.
Approximate Area: 9,000 square feet
Dear Meredith,
After a review of the afore mentioned request, I am submitting
the following information regarding this proposed request:
1. The proposed use constitutes a change of use from
residential to day care according to the Uniform Building
Code and Uniform Fire Code.
2. This change in use will require the structure to be
brought into compliance for that of an "E" occupancy as
required by the U.B.C., U.F.C..
3. The "E" occupancy category requires a complete
installation of a fire detection system and a fire
sprinkler system. Both systems must be monitored on a 24
hour basis by an alarm monitoring agency. A fire hydrant
will be required to be installed within 150 feet of the
structure for support of the sprinkler system.
4. The structure will also have to meet the requirements for
exiting and provision of a refuge area for all of the
5. There may be issues not addressed as of this time that
will be addressed as the need arises.
The applicant is welcome to contact this agency regarding any
concerns by phoning 424-7323 to set an appointment with me.
Dave Roberts
Fire Marshal
Wheat Ridge Fire
Protection District
_.31 -Statement of P Iici
- The licensee has completed 40 clock hours of approved
training, which includes the required hours of trainin
and fast aid obtained when originally licensed. (Se
7.707.42, C for content.)
- The licensee has had no substantiated complaints about
care provided to children in the home in the past 2
b. No care of additional children of school age during nonschooI
hours may be authorized.
B. An INF'APIT/TODDLER HOME is a type of family care home that provides
less than 24-hour care o,~ for children who are between birth and 3 years
1. The caregiver may have no more than 1 child or foster child between
3 and 6 years of age.
,.,.,,:,,r .
. 2. IF there is 1 caregiver, there may be a maximum of 4 children, with
no more than 2 children under 12 months, inducting the caregiver's
own children.
3. If there aze 2 caregivers caring for c]
children are present, there may be a maxi
birth and 3 years old, and no more than
between both and 1 year old, inducting th
4. An exception to 7.707.2, B, 2&3, can be r
„~ of twins, triplets, and other siblings dose
r,,n_)J' they need not be separated, but the total
exceed 4 in an infant toddler home with
infantltoddler home with. 2 caregivers,
C. A LARGE CHILD CARE HOME is a family dal
care for. 7 to i2 dtildren who are not related to t
1: Child care may be provided to drildren fi
--- of age..
7.707.3 -
2. C be rovided to no more than 2
siblings are in care,
A written statement of the home's policies must be availabl
including such topics as: admission and registration of chip
fees, discipline, emergency and security procedures, and me
P.O. EOx 638 The Crty of
'JJHEAT RIDGE. CO 80034-0638 _ !3031 234-5900 cWheat
City Admen, Fax ~ 234-5924 Police Deot. Fax ~ 2352949 ~' 'Ridge
June 15, 1995
The Wheat Ridge Depa
for approval of a s
Your .response to the
would be appreciated
date will constitute
ctment of Community Development has received a request
P~ial 11GP armit ~n~11~_3 larva tla~ ra ra }~mF+
at the property described below.
following questions and any comments on this proposal
by .7iina "i!1 1995 No response from you by this
no objections or concerns regarding this proposal.
CASE NO: SUP-95-3/Dopheide
LOCATION: 3140 Webster Street
REQUESTED ACTION: Approval of a special use permit in an R-lA zone dist.
PURPOSE: To allow a large day care home for up to 12 children
APPROXIMATE AREA: 9,000 square feet
1. Are public facilities or services provided by yob
serve phis development?
YES NO If "NO",.please explain belo
2. Are se vice lines available to the development?
YES NO If "NO", please explain Belo
3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the de~
YES ~J _ NO If "NO", please explain below.
~41~; ~ ~,~ 1995
~ ~~
4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to
your rules and regulations?
YES~^ NO If "NO", please explain below.. _
5. Are there any concerns or problems your agency has identified which
would or should ,affect approval of this reque t? ~ p
'% ~F- ~U7~C,pY/~ '~"'~~P/~~ ~' C6vlt.~ JAG J.~ p6 toL'~
Please reply to: j~,'(,/'~s' f,(~~ //~_r~Z~-.~~„R Ro„tior+
Department of Planning & Development
XX Water District (Consoliddted Mutual
XX Sanitation District (Wheat Ridge
XX Fire District (Wheat Ridge
Adjacent City ( )
XX Public Service Co.
US West Communications
State Land Use Commission
State Geological Survey
Colorado Dept. of Transportation
Colorado Div. of Wildlife XX
TCI of Colorado XX
a~ n.,,„~,,., rim,
Jefferson Co. Health Dept.
Jefferson Co. Schools
Jefferson Co. Commissioners
Denver Water Board
W R Post Office
W R Police Dept.
W R Public Works Dept.
W R Parks & Recreation Com.
W R Forestry Div.
W R Buildinq Div.
State Dept. of ,SOClal SerV1Ce5
Day Care Licensing Division
P.O. BOX 638
City Admin. Fax ~ 234-552a
June 22, 1995
Police Dept. Fax # 235~2949
Ms. Charlotte Dopheide
3140 Webster Street
Wheat Ridge CO 8D215
Dear Charlotte:
The City of
This letter is in regard to your application for approval of a
special use permit to allow your residence to be used as a small
day care home (up to 12 children~. Your applicaCion is sti7.l not
complete as the £ollowing items have not been submitted:
1. A filing fee in the amount of $10~.00;
2. Proof o~ ownership; and
3. Legal description for the property. This is typically on
the deed.
At the neighborhood meetin.g on May 30, you disclosed that at
times you already exceed the maximum allowed under your current
business license (up to six children). Please be aware that if
this violation continues to occur, Code Enforcement action by the
City may be taken. There are also serious fire and building code
violations which are occurring if the number of children exceeds
six. Please see the attached comments from the Wheat Ridge Fire
District and City Building Division.
I am tentatively looking at a public hearing clate in front of
Planning Commission on July 20, 1995. Please try to have the
missing items to me by June 30.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me t 235-
Sincerely yours,
~ .
Meredith Reckert
Planner -
~~-~I7P-9.5=.3 =
~, ~:., ,. ,<., ~ .
7500 WEST 29TH A\~ENUE
P.O. BOX 638
The City of
WHEAT RIDGE, 0080034-0638 i303i 2345900
City Armin. Fax x 23d-5924 Police Dept. Fax x 235-2949 Ridge
July 5, 1995
Mrs. Charlotte Dopheide
3144 Webster Street
Wheat Ridge CO 80033_._-_
Dear Charlotte:
I have been recently advised by our City Attorney that a large
day care home is not allowed as a Special Use_in any of the
City's R-1 or R-2 zone districts. This use was declared invalid
by district court action taken against the City last Fall. City
Council has not yet authorized Staff to reflect this mandate in
the City's zoning ordinance.- Therefore, I will not be able to
processyouur application for special use.
It would be possible, however, for you to apply for a temporary
use permit. This is a-use which is granted for up to a year at a=
time by the Board of Adjustment at a_single public hearing. The
process takes_roughly one and a half months to complete and. costs
only $50.
Please advise me as to whether you would like to pursue the
temporary use approval.
I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you. If you "
have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at 235.2848.
Sincerely yours,
Meredith Reckert
.Notice is hereby given of a public hearing to be held before the
Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment on August 24, 1995, at 7:30 p.m.,
at 7500 West 29th Avenue, ,Wheat Ridge; Colorado. All interested
citizens are invited to speak at the public hearing or submit
written comments. The following petitions shall be heard:
1. Case No. TUP-95-7: An application.by Charlotte Dopheide for
approval of a temporary use permit to allow a large day care
home in a Residential-One A zone district. Said property is
located at 3140 Webster Street.
2. Case No. WA-95-24: An application by Sharon Johnson for
approval of a variance to allow a 2 yard dumpster in a
Resident ial-Two zone district. Said property is located at
4388 Gar land Street.
3. Case No. WA-95-25: An application by Robert Vance for
approval of a 15' variance to the required 15' setback for a _
dumpster enclosure on property zoned Residential-Three.
Said property is located at 373-1-3747 Yukon Court.
4. Case No. WA-95-26: An application by Quantum CM, Inc. for
approval of a 10' rear .yard setback variance and a 10' front
yard setback variance for property zoned Industrial. Said
property is located at 7885 W. 48th Avenue.
Mary L hapla; Se etary
Wanda Sang, City Clerk
To be published: .August 10, 1995
Jefferson Sentinel
P.o. sox s3s The City of
WHEAT RIDGE- CC 50C34-0635 - .-. (303) 23c.5p0 cWheat-
CityACmin.Fax#23~-5924 Police Dept.Faxk235-299 Ridge .
... .
CASE NO.~-!!~ 9~-
HEARING DATE: 8 ~z ~ 9.5-"
I, ~OTT~ ~. JJQG~F-I~:~
residing at ~~'7'O ~gt35T~
as the applicant for Case No. ~~/~ 9~ ~ hereby certify
that I have posted the Notice of Public Hearing at
.3i~d G~`E BST€r(~
(1 o c a` d o n)
on this _~ day of ~U~U.a~T 19 ~..5, and do
hereby certify that said sign has been ,.posted and remained in place .
for fifteen (15) days prior to and including the scheduled day of
public hearing of this case. The sign was posted in the position
shown on the map below.
NOTE: This form must be submitted at the public h wring on this case
and. will be placed in the applicant's case file at the
Department of Planning .and Development.
rev. 05-19-94
r, ~:....
750U West 29th Avenue The City of
Wheat Ridge, Colorado Wheat
Telephone 303/ 237-6944 R l dge
August 8, 1995
This is to inform you that Case No. TIIP-95-7 which is a request
for approval of a Temporary IIse Permit to allow a larve day
care home is a Residential-Two zone district located at
3140 Webster Street will be heard by the Wheat Ridge BOARD OF
ADJUSTMENT in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex, 7500
West 29th Avenue at 7:30 p.m., on Thursday August 24 1995.
All owners and/or their legal counsel of the parcel under
consideration must be present at this hearing before the BOARD OF
As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to
attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments.
It shall be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other
persons whose presence is desired at this meeting.
If you have any questions or desires to review any plans, please
contact the Planning Division. Thank You.
"The Carnation City "
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DATE OF MEETING: August 24, 1995 DATE PREPARED: August 17, 1995
CASE NO. & NAME: TUP-95.-7/DOPHEIDE CASE MANAGER:~~eredith Reckert
ACTION REQUESTED: Temporary Use Permit to allow a large day care
LOCATION OF REQUEST: 3140 Webster Street
3140 Webster Street
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
APPROXIMATE AREA: 9000 square feet
PRESENT ZONING: Residential-one A
PRESENT LAND USE: Single family residence/small day care home
ZONING: N: R-2, S, E: & W: R-lA
SURROUNDING LAND USE: N W S & E: Single family
DATE PUBLISHED: August 10, 1995
DATE POSTED: August 8, 1995
( ) Comprehensive Plan (XX) Case File & Packet Materials
(XX) Zoaing Ordinance ( ) Slides
( ) Subdivision Regulations (XX) Exhibits
( ) Other
The property is within the city of Wheat Ridge, and all
notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore
there is jurisdiction to hear this case.
CASE NO. TUP-95-7 Page 2
The applicant requests approval of a Temporary Use Permit to
allow a large day care home at 3140 Webster Street. The -
applicant is currently licensed with the City and Social
Services to operate a small day care home for up to 6
children out of her house. Pursuant to Section 26-30(Q)(1)
of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, a small day care home for
up to 6 children is an allowed home occupation in all of the
R-1 and R-2 zones.
The applicant would like to increase her license through
Social Services to allow up to 12 children. Prior to this
occurring she must obtain zoning approval from the City.
Short of rezoning to commercial, there are no alternatives
other than a Temporary Use Permit process to obtain this
The property in question is 9000 square feet in size with a
"split-level" house on it containing roughly 2300 square
feet. This area includes an attached double car garage with
a driveway large enough to park four cars tightly.
The day care takes up the living room and rear yard of the
residence. There is a 6 foot high solid fence enclosing-the
backyard. An additional employee-would be required with. the
The applicant has admitted that at-times she already exceeds
the 6-child limitation. Because of the Temporary Use Permit
application, staff has delayed any formal code enforcement
action, although she has been warned. By exceeding the 6-.
child limit, she also violates building and fire codes. The
City Building Department and Wheat Ridge Fire District will
require a commercial grade fire alarm system if this
limitation is exceeded at any time. She .will be approaching
the Building .Code Advisory Board for. waiver of this
requirement if the-Temporary Use Permit is_approved. A
negative recommendation will be given to the Building Code
Advisory Board. Exhibit-'B' are letters of support from
residents in the area. The applicant has submitted other
letters of support included under Exhibit 'C'.
Staff has the following comments regarding the criteria to
evaluate the temporary use.
CASE NO. TUP-95-7 Page 3
1. Will not have a detrimental effect upon the
general health, welfare, safety and convenience of
persons residing or working in the neighborhood of
the proposed use:
There is a-void in the market for good daycare facility
options for persons living and working in the area.
.However, there will. be detrimental affects on persons
residing in the area because of increased noise and
2. Will not adversely affect the adequate light and air,
nor cause significant air, water or noise pollution, or
cause drainage problems for the general area;
The day care home will not produce any more water~
pollution than a typical single family residence would.
The amount of light to adjacent properties will not be
affected as no building expansions are anticipated.
Increased traffic may increase-air pollution. The
amount of noise from the property, particularly the
backyard, will increase as well-.
3. Will not result in undue traffic congestion or traffic
hazards, or unsafe parking, loading, service or
internal traffic conflicts to the detriment of persons
whether on or aff the site;
It is generally estimated that traffic generated by a
single family residence is 10 vehicle trips per day. A
daycare home with six children would generate an
additional 12 trips per day (6 in the morning for drop-
offs and 6 in the evening for pick-ups). This figure
could be a little lower if there were more than one
child attending per family.
If the number of children allowed increases tp 12, this
would add an additional 12 trips per day bringing the
total to 34 vehicle trips per day (10 + 12 + 12). This
amount of traffic could lend a commercial feel to the
Staff is concerned that there are inadequate provisions
for pick-up and drop-off as well.
4. Will be appropriately designed, including setbacks,
heights, parking, bulk, buffering, screening and
landscaping, so as to be in harmony and compatible with
character of the surrounding areas and neighborhood,
especially with adjacent properties;
CASE NO. TIIP-95-7 Page 4
The applicant proposes no physical changes to the
property, therefore, the appearance will remain
residential in character.
5. Will not overburden the capacities of the existing
streets, utilities, parks, schools, and other public
facilities and services.
All utilities and other public facilities are in place.
Staff is concerned that the increased traffic will -
overburden the capacity of Webster Street.
Staff concludes that the applicant may already be in
violation of her city business license and day care license
through social services, as well as the Uniform Building and
Fire Code.
Staff further concludes that. the Temporary Use Permit will
negatively affect the neighborhood because of increased
noise and traffic.
Although there is a need for good daycare alternatives,
staff concludes that the evaluation-criteria do not support
this request because of the negative impacts associated with
the. expansion. For these reasons, a recommendation of
DENIAL is given for Case No. TUP-95-7.
If .this case is approved, staff recommends the following
1. No more than 12 children under the age of 16 allowed. on
the property at any time. This would include children
of the owner or employees as well. __
2. The applicant agrees to periodical drop-in inspections
by the City's Code Officer.
3. The applicant install a commercial grade fire alarm
system or receive a waiver from the Building Code
Advisory Board.
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May 23, 1995
Ms. Charlotte Dopheide
3140 T~7ebster Street
Denver, CO 80215
Re: Large Day Care License _._-
City of Ylheat Ridge
Dear Charlotte:
Please be advised that we have absolutely ao objection
to your maintaining a large day care at your residence,
The children are always under constant observation on your
premises, there is no traffic congestion as a result of the
day care, and there is no noise created from the children.
We know that the children in your care are very fortunate
to have such dear loving people watching out for them.
Leo'J. Canjar
~~// ~ ~~~
Mary d. Canjar
3055 Webster Street
Denver, CO 80215
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To 'dhom It May Concern:
Re: lay Care '~ 3140 itebstsr Street
`rJe live on adjoining property directly north of the above address,
an3 wish to state that we have no objection to ar. increase of the
number o£ children to be care3 for at the: Dopheide home.
5ie enjoy hearing the children and they are very well supervised
and car-3d for and we~ze had ro problems whatsoever. 'J'e've not
experienced any traffic congestion nor children on our property.
F.~yp,~GvKr~ ~ 1~s~~.P~GLL"'~
A11en & Charlere Stied:~~ar
7420.'>•: 32nd Avenue
~rlh.eat Ridge, CO 80033
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May 3, 1995
Barb & Dane Leschak
5850 Newcombe Court
Arvada, ~ 80004
We are writing this letter of reference on the behalf of
Charlotte Dopheide. Our son, Austin, has Been in her
care since he was six months old.
The daycare hane is clean, well organized, and more than
large enough for 12 children. We are very pleased with
the care that she has given our son. They have given
him the love and care that we mould only hope for if he
were to stay with his own grandparents. Charlotte and
Kristy go far beyond what any daycare provider we have
had or interviewed are willing to wntribute.
We are planning to have another child. We would like
that child cared for by Charlotte and Kristy starting
at six weeks of age. We wind not bear to split our
children up and would never be able to find another
daycare that could even compare to theirs.
We sincerely feel they are more than capable to handle
a daycare with 12 children fran the ages of 6 weeks on
up. Any child would be very fortunate to have Charlotte
and Kristy as daycare providers.
S ely~ ~,6~-
• - - _:
Barb & Dane Leschak
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May O5, 1995
To whom it may concern:
My wife and I have been utiliang the daycare services provided by Chazlotte Dopheide for our
son for almost two years now. We have found the care at her facility to be outstanding! The level of
caze and genuine concern she expresses for the welfare of the children aze unsurpassed anywhere.
I heaz daycaze horror stories from co-workers, and all I can do is thank God for allowing
Chazlotte to watch over my little boy. After experiencing the excellent level of care thaz t~tarlotte
provides, there is no other place I would feel comfortable watching him. Each day we go off to work
with confidence, knowing that he is very happy, safe, and in loving hands.
My wife and I plan to have another child soon, and we pray that Chazlotte will be able to watch
him/her as well for two reasons. 1) we feel that she is the very best. 2) we want our children to be
Please feel free to contact me if yon have any questions or concerns.
Sin rely
Larry Gale
May 5, 1995
Charlotte Dopheide and her daughter Christy have been caring for
our son, Adrian, since August, 1993. Adrian is our fourth child.
He is now five years old and a very happy child. Choosing a child
care facility is a difficult task. While we work, we need to know
that Adrian is well cared for in a safe environment, and happy.
Most importantly, we need to know that the person watching our
child truly cares for him.
We know that Charlotte truly cares for Adrian. She treats him as
though he is part of her family and he feels like her home is his
home while he is there. The seemingly little things Charlotte and
Christy do has a lasting effect on Adrian. Beery holiday,
Charlotte's house is decorated. This excites Adrian and encourages
him to ask many questions about the holiday being celebrated. Bach
child is tidied up after nap time. Adrian likes to have us tidy
him up like Charlotte does. I believe that this seemingly simple
. routine has a profound affect on Adrian because he knows that he is
important to Charlotte and that she truly cares for him.
Charlotte's home is loving and comfortable. The backyard is well-
equipped for playing. The interior is bright and clean. The
layout is open so that the children can be anywhere on the main-
level and be seen.
Words don't seem to express how important Charlotte has been to
Adrian and to us. He feels secure and happy. He knows Charlotte
and Christy care about him. We know her home is clean, safe and
happy. Charlotte is very generous remembering each child`s
birthday and celebrating holidays throughout the year. There are
so many little things Charlotte does for each child to let them
know they are loved. We are grateful that we found Charlotte and
Christy. We know that they have been a positive influence on
Adrian's development.
~ .~ti ~c~-~~_
~C~O ~~~
Judith henk
Christopher Schenk
10495 W. 18th Avenue
lakewood, CO.
May 6, 1995
To Whom It May Concern
I am writing to offer my strong support for Charlotte Dopheideand to comment on
the excelent care my daughter Allie is receiving in Charlotte's daycare program.
I screened 70 licensed daycare providers in my search for excellent daycare fior
my child. Charlotte far surpassed all of these providers in her supervision and
interaction with the children, facilities, program, role modeling, and nurturance
of the children in her care. I am extremely pleased with the daycare Charlotte is
providing for my child and the other children in her care.
I feel very strongly that with the desintegration of support for the family and
children in the United States new attitudes and policies must be developed in
the 90's to address daycare. Siblings should be with the same daycare
provider at all times. After school care for siblings of children in daycare should
be a special provision in ratio determination. 1 am considering having a second
child and it would be of utmost importance that my children be together in
If I can offer further support or answer any specific questions or concerns you
may have, feel free to call me at 233-9505.
V ~~ ~ n~
Jo Ann Land
The Children's Hospital
1056 East 19th Avenue
Denver. Colo2tlo 80218
~~s -,5 ~~;t\z.n ~o co, ,r+r ~a-~ C.~,ia~c~o1 he~e1~,~
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Affiliated with
University of Colorado Health Sciences Center
10735 West 26th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215
May 4, 1995
To Whom It May Concern:
I am writing in support of Charlotte Dopheide`s appeal to
increase the number of children for whom she may provide child
care. I've known Charlotte and her daughter, Kristy Greaser, since
1991 when my oldest daughter began going to Charlotte's home for
day care. After my second daughter was born, she too went to
Charlotte's for child care.
Over this four year period, I have had numerous opportunities
to observe the style of care that Charlotte and Kristy provide. In
every instance I have found them to be very loving and giving
people who take the responsibility of caring for children very
seriously. They provide a clean, safe and nurturing environment
for the children for whom they care. In fact, during the course of
my relationship with Charlotte and Kristy, I've seen several
children blossom under their care. In all of my visits to
Charlotte's house, I have never felt any sense of chaos or of any
child's needs being left unattended. Because Charlotte and Kristy
are so conscientious, i don't believe that they would ever agree to
take care of more children than they were sure they could properly
handle. In addition, Charlotte and Kristy consistently bend over
backwards to try to accommodate the needs of the families for whom
they provide care. In this day and age, that's very rare, and I
can't begin to express what a difference their attitude makes to a
parent who can't always control the demands of the workplace.
As a parent, one of my highest priorities is to ensure that my
children are well taken care of when I can't be with them. I
consider myself extremely fortunate to have found Charlotte and
Kristy. If the goal of the licensing process is to insure quality
day care, then please issue Charlotte Dopheide a license which will
allow her to care for a greater number of children. Any child
going to Charlotte's will certainly benefit from the experience.
~~~ ~~~
Linda Fedak
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Tuesday, August 22,1995
3195 Vance Street
Lakewood, Gt? 80215
Ta whom it may cancem:
V am writing in reference to the daycare in the home of Ghar(otte Dapheide. 1(ive at 3195 Vance
Street and I da not abject to the daycare. The noise level is not bad, and i da not object fa her
having the number of children she now has.
chez ~%~^=~~
Diom r & Cara San
Tuesday, August 22,1 g95
Sam & Esther Vigil
3175 Vance Street
Lakewacd, CQ 80215
Tc whom it may concern:
I am writing in reference to the daycare in the home of Charlotte Dapheide. I live directly behind
Charlotte, and I do not object to the daycare. The noise level is not intolerable far me at all. I do
not object to her having the number of children she now has.
~?~~ fr=~~ L~
Sam & Esther Vigil
~< ,
MIN[TTES OF MEETING: August 24, 1995.
Page 2
Case No. WA-95-25 was continued until the September meeting
per the applicant. Motion was made to approve the order of
the agenda as amended and carried 5-0.
3. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for anyone to speak on any
subject not appearing on the agenda.),
No one came forward to speak.
---------- --- -
°~ase No. TUP-95-7: An application by Charlotte Dolpheide
for approval of a Temporary Use Permit to allow a large-day
care home in a Residential-One A zone district. Said
property is located at 3140'Webster Street.
Meredith Reckert present=ed the staff-report.' All pertinent
documents were entered into record, which Chairman HOWARD
Board Member ECHELMEYER'asked if this was instigated by a
complaint within the neighborhood or the City, and Ms.
Reckert replied-it_Was actually instigated by the applicant.
Board Member ECHELMEYER_commented there are quite a few
letters recommending the Board to move in a positive stance,
without addresses on .them, and Ms. Reckert said she is aware
of that and will-mark on a vicinity map who wrote letters.
Chairman HOWARD stated when the application was filled out
the applicant requested a Special Use Permit, but tonight
she is asking for a Temporary Use Permit. Ms. Reckert
offered some background on the case saying currently the
City of Wheat Ridge's residential zone districts have listed.
a large day care home as one of the allowed special uses.
Last winter the City was overturned in court on that ,
particular item because of another case that happened within
the City. That special use is no longer allowed, however
staff has not been directed by City Council to alter the -
zoning ordinance. The applicant applied for the Special Use
Permit at first but staff informed her that a Temporary Use --
Permit was her only alternative. This is the only way other
than rezoning that the applicant can do this on her
MINUTES OF MEETING: August 24, 1995
Page 3
Chairman HOWARD asked was the case that was overturned by
the court a request for a special use, and Ms. Reckert
replied yes, and said the way the City adopted the R-1
legislation was declared invalid.
No further questions were asked of staff:
The applicant, Charlotte Dolpheide, 3140 Webster Street, was
sworn in. Ms. Dolpheide said she has a-day care license now
that entitles her .to 6 +_2, which is 6 children plus 2 --
children after school or. whenever there are non-school
times.' The applicant said she has letters from everybody on
Webster Street stating they are in agreement with this
request, and the two people in objection are further down
the street.
Ms. Dolpheide spoke on the violation mentioned in the staff
report, saying one day only she took 13 children (3 as a
special favor) and it happened to'be the same day the
inspector came to her house. She thought at that time that
was an odd coincidence.
She continued saying the children play in the large rec-
room, they sleep in the bedrooms, use both bathrooms, and
they eat in the kitchen; so actually the children have the
whole house (which is 3000 square feet). The medical
building at 3280 Wadsworth does not 'have enough parking so
those cars have been told to park on Webster Street and.
there are 6-7 vehicles there almost every morning. The
applicant said she has hardly more than 2 people coming to
her house at the same time, so she feels there is no traffic
congestion regarding the day care center.
Ms. Dolpheide asked who is considered staff, and Ms. Reckert
answered it would be the City Planning and Community
Development staff, which is herself and the Director of
Planning and Development.
Ms. Dolpheide asked if they all think this is not the right
thing to do, and Ms. Reckert answered that staff is
concerned with the negative effects in the neighborhood.
The applicant said she does not know what the negative
effects are, because everybody on her block loves the
children. Most of the people come outside just to say hi to
the kids when they walk to the park, they are mostly retired
and thoroughly enjoy the children. The only negative effect
is the man behind her, he does construction work and when it
raining or cold, he wants to sleep and does not want any
noise from the children.
MINIITES OF MEETING: August 24, 1995
Page 4
Board Member ECHELMEYER wanted to know how long the
applicant has been .doing this, and Ms. Dolpheide replied she
has been licensed about 4 1/2 years.
Board Member ECHELMEYER asked during that time has it been 6 -_
children, and Ms. Dolpheide answered 6 + 2; she has 2 after
school. She is planning to do day care about one more year.
Board Member ECHELMEYER asked
Ms. Dolpheide replied she has
years old. She is wanting to
in this group. -
the age of the children, and
2 babies, and her oldest is 6
include her two grandchildren
Board Member ABBOTT asked if the license is from the state,
and Ms. Dolpheide. replied yes. Board Member ABBOTT said he
does not understand why she wants 12 children instead of 8,
and. Ms. Dolpheide explained the license states that it
allows 7-12 children, but she does not want 12 children,
that is just what the license states. Discussion followed
regarding the number of children the applicant will have.
Board Member ABBOTT questioned again why she needed a
license for 12 children and Ms. Reckert explained the
applicant wants to combine her daughter's own 2 children and
her daughter's 2 day care children; and with her 6 that
brings the total up to 10. In effect there will be two-
operations combined into one.
Board Member ABBOTT noted the majority of the letters seem
to be from the clients and of course they would be inclined
to want to see the applicant stay in business. Ms.
Dolpheide replied. that some-are from ex-clients supporting
Board Member ABBOTT asked the applicant why she objected to
installing the fire alarm system, and Ms. Dolpheide answered
she had 3 companies come in and the bids ranged from $2400-
$4000, and it wasn't the money as much as it was 13 smoke
alarms with screws/holes in every room, the pull station
front and back which meant they had to go into the brick,
the heat indicators, and all holes this would make
throughout her house. She has lived at this address for 40
years and the last 15 years has put $60,00.0 into the house
and-does not want to ruin it with the 13 smoke alarms. She
has a hard time with that requirement for just 4 more --
children max.
Board Member ABBOTT, having expertise in this field, said if
she does get approved for the Temporary Use Permit, he will
be .glad to testify in her behalf .that she does not need
MINUTES OF MEETING: August 24, 1995
Page 5
anywhere near 13 smoke alarms. Board Member ABBOTT feels
that .somebody has been misleading her on the amount of _-
equipment she needs.
Ms. Dolpheide said Margaret from the State did say she
thought they had her mixed up with a commercial day care.
Ms. Dolpheide said at first Dave Roberts from the Wheat
Ridge Fire Department told her she needed a fire hydrant
within-150 feet of the house, a sprinkling system, and a
fire alarm system. They then however came over and waived
two of the items, and said to just go with the fire-alarm
system. Ms. Dolpheide also believes the City was confused
when they wrote the fire code.
No further questions were asked of the applicant.
Jill Blasco, 3045 Vance Street, was sworn in. Ms. Blasco is
opposed to the large day care facility. She entered into
the record, 9 letters of opposition from people in the area,
labeled Exhibit 'A°. She has no opposition to the current
day care now but enlarging it to twice the amount will
increase the noise level. Ms. Blasco gets 5 weeks vacation
and she takes it at home and does not want to be home_on
vacation listening to a bunch of kids. She has one child.
and enjoys children but again does not want the noise. -she
added she might change her working hours and it would put
her home from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., and again she does not want
to listen to a bunch of kids. MS. Blasco stated she is
confused about the combining of the day care with the
applicant and her daughter, and feels if this is approved
the amount of kids could grow into 18. Traffic-will
increase- due to the horse-shoe effect of the street. They
enjoy the quietness of the neighborhood and want to keep it
a residential area. She said 4 of the letters submitted by
the applicant are from people that live outside of the Wheat
Ridge area.- Ms. Blasco is not against the home day care,
but it opposed to more of a commercial one. She also does
not understand why the applicant would want to waive the
fire alarm system, and thinks Ms. Dolpheide should abide by
all rules. The houses east of Webster Street and west of
Vance Street all abut against each other and the noise
travels through that valley of homes.
No questions were asked of Ms. Blasco.
Lawrence Blasco, 3045 Vance Street, was sworn in. Mr.
Blasco-said he is opposed to the enlargement of the day care
and the majority of the people on Vance Street also oppose
this request.
MINIITES OF MEETING: August 24, 1995 Page 6
Mr. Blasco said the children play in the backyard and the.
noise reverberates down between the back yards and that is
where the noise is amplified. Since-cars from the medical
center are parked along Vance, he feels traffic will be
Mr. Blasco also feels his home is his retreat and if he
wanted to buy a house that was next to a large day care, he
could have bought his house on Wadsworth or in other
commercial districts..
Mr. Blasco continued saying he thinks the odd thing is there
are nine letters and they all are praising her for currently
taking care of their. children. He said when social services
came to her house and found she was not in compliance by-
having the additional children, he finds it hard now that
the applicant does not know the criteria and regulations.
Mr. Blasco, being an ex-fireman, is appalled that the
applicant wants to waive a fire-alarm system required by
law. He is also concerned about setting a precedent and
other people in the area wanting to open day care homes,-
thus increasing noise, traffic and pollution. He is
concerned about the waiving the 24-hour monitoring alarm
system and the endangering of the children..-
No questions were asked of Mr. Blasco.
Charles Hamm, 3155 Vance Street, was sworn in. Mr. Hamm
lives directly behind the. applicant and is not opposed to
the day care now, but is opposed to enlarging it. He is
concerned with the daughter's kids and .day care kids being
brought to the applicant°s home, and perhaps they should
rent a space in Lakeside shopping center if they want to get
that big. All the paperwork he has seen states the
applicant is applying for this by herself (no help), and he
is concerned how one person can supervise 12 children.. He
has problems with balls coming over the fence and the
children scaling the fence to retrieve them. He does not
appre-date the noise and likes the mature neighborhood. Mr.
Hamm's bedroom faces Ms. Dolpheide's backyard, and there is
an awful lot of noise with the present situation. He stated
the applicant has been caught with 13 children before. He
is opposed to this request.
No questions were asked of Mr. Hamm.
Coralei Hamm, 3155 Vance Street, was sworn in. Ms. Hamm is
opposed to the enlargement of the day care center. The
noise would be a_lot more than they currently have and they
MINQTES OF MEETING: August 24, 1995
like to have peace and quiet. Twelve
she does not see how they can control
the applicant has already been caught
many times has she been over the. limit
She is also concerned that the number
slowly increase.
No questions were-asked of Ms. Hamm.
Page 7
children is a lot, and
that many. She said
once and wondered how
and not been caught.
of children will
Harry Williams, 3010 Webster Street,. was sworn in. Mr.
Williams has lived in the area for 40 years. When he moved
in the house there were 27 kids on the block, and today they
only have 3 teenagers; all the rest 'are gone. He has never
had a problem with this day care center, they have never
heard any noise and he cannot tell any difference in the
traffi-c, it does not exceed 50 cars'in a 24 hour period.
The kids are always well supervised and he enjoys going out
to talk to them. He is in favor of enlarging the day care
No questions were asked of Mr. Williams.
Lillian Williams, 3010 Webster Street, stated she does not.
need to speak only to say she is in favor of this request.
Maxine Nielson, '3075 Webster Street, was sworn in. Ms.
Nielson has never had a problem with traffic and the kids
cause no problem. She is in favor of this request.
No questions were asked of Ms. Nielson.
Mary Canjar, 3055 Webster Street, was sworn in. She has
never had any problem with the children and is in favor of
this day care.
No questions were asked of Ms. Canjar.
Leo Canjar, 3055 Webster Street, was sworn in. They have
lived at this house for about 27 years and have four kids 'of
their own. They have no problem with the children from the
day care center.. Mr. Canjar lives next door to the Terrace
Apartments and has more noise coming from them than the day
care. He is all for the day care enlargement and the
daughter helping out.
No questions were asked of Mr
Barbara Laschak, 5815 Newcomb
Laschak is one of the mothers
applicant and is very much in
care. She said the applicant
Court, Arvada, CO. Ms.
that leaves her child with the
favor or her enlarging the day
provides excellent day care
MINUTES OF MEETING: August 24, 1995 Page 8
and she has no problem with leaving her child with that many
kids, and feels that any child is lucky to be there.
No questions were asked of Ms. Laschak.
Dane Laschak, 5815 Newcomb Court, Arvada, CO. Mr. Laschak
has no problem with leaving his son there with 10-12
children. He has dropped in on the day care early sometimes
and has never, encountered a problem with the way his child
has been treated. He_feels very comforted and it gives him_
peace o£ mind to leave his son with this day care. They
hope to have another child and i£ Ms. Dolpheide is not
allowed to_expand the day care, they might have to delay
that and would not want to see that happen.
No questions were asked of Mr. Laschak.
Judith Schenk, 8087 W. 17th Avenue, Lakewood,. CO. They are
clients of Ms. Dolpheide. She has 4 children and believes
Charlotte's day care is by far the best one she has found.
She stated everyone gives a lot of 'lip service' to having
family values and caring-about children and the community
and she feels this is an opportunity for the community to
provide 2-4 more children with this kind of day care. She
wants to point out that an increase in air pollution can be
said, but feels unless it is measured and data is given it
can't be said for sure that the increase will be
significant. She feels the estimate of more traffic was a
little bit overdone because only 2 more families would be
added. Most people never use Vance Street because it is the
longer way around. Ms. Schenk feels there is a need for
compromise regarding the fire alarm system and a reasonable
system for a home should be found. The children are only
out when it is bright and sunny, there is never any
commotion and she feels the children have a sense of good
behavior. Ms. Schenk added good day care is very hard to
find and this will benefit the community.
No questions were asked of Ms ., Schenk.
Kristy Greaser, the applicant's daughter, 5158 Arbutus
Street, Arvada, CO. She wants very much to do this day care
together and said that 5 out of the 8 children they have go
to the Bethlehem Lutheran school at W. 22nd and Wadsworth.
They have made in the past 4 trips a day and having two
adults in the household would allow one of them to make the
pick-ups. Also, if there is an accident, one person can
stay home with the other children.
MINUTES OF MEETING: August 24, 1995 Page 9
Ms. Greaser said her mother is doing all of this for her_
because she wants to stay home with her children.
No questions were asked of Ms. Greaser.
Vicki Sabery, 3125 Webster Street, was sworn in. Mse Sabery
lives across the street from the applicant and has two
concerns. There are a couple of people dropping children
off at the day care center who make U-turns on the street
and this has always bothered her because of the kids and the
dogs in_the neighborhood. The parking on Webster is not
only from the medical building, it is also RTD people who
park their car and then ride the bus. As far as the noise,
the Wadsworth noise is much worse with emergency vehicles
and such. Ms. Sabery said she is a family person and likes
to have family get togethers, and of course they make noise.
She feels the sounds the children make are healthy sounds.
Her husband sleeps in the daytime and•has never complained
about the children making noise. Ms ., Sabery stressed that
Charlotte has done a very good job in training the children
not to cross the street and to stay in their safety zone.
Some children do run toward their parents when they come to
pick them up, but she does not feel that is Charlotte°s
Ms. Sabery continued saying as far as enlarging the day
care, she feels Ms. Dolpheide and her daughter have enough
common sense to know when enough is enough, and if they feel
between the two of then they can handle 12 children, then go
for it, they have her blessing. As far as the fire code,
the house already has a fire system and they do not need
anything as extravagant and crazy as what was proposed. She
believes we need people like Ms. Dolpheide in society, and
feels that the day care and the activity in the neighborhood
is kind of a security measure for her own home. As far as
moving into the area because it is a quiet neighborhood,
well, older people sell and move and younger people with
kids move in.
No questions were asked of Ms. Sabery.
Charlotte Dolpheide rebutted saying one neighbor was opposed
to this because she thought the applicant was going to have
12-sixteen year old kids and said she was sorry she signed
the petition against this request, and she had no problem
with the proposal. Ms. Dolpheide said she does not know
where the nine people are that are against this request,
because she only knows of the. two that are present tonight.
MINUTES OF MEETING: August 24, 1995
Page 10
She feels the medical building is not her problem and she
said she did call the police one time but they informed her
there was nothing they could do about it. If anyone wanted
quiet, they should not have bought a home two blocks from
the busiest street irk Wheat Ridge. Regarding fire, her home
is cinderblock with brick over. it, so only furnishings would
burn, and she cannot see where that is really a problem.
The applicant said as far as the issue of the balls going
over the fence, the family that complained has yet to return
anything that has gone over the fence; they have put
everything in the .trash.
Board Member ECHELMEYER was confused about the make up of
the children there now, and wanted to know if the two
grandchildren are part of the original six, and Ms.
Dolpheide said no, and explained that she watches six
children and her daughter-has two children plus watches two
children. They would like to combine the two .day cares and
that would total 10 children.
Board Member WALKER wanted to .know just where this medical
building mentioned earlier is located, and Ms. Dolpheide
answered it is at 3280 Wadsworth Boulevard.
Chairman HOWARD asked what are the ages of the children that
the applicant is taking care of now, and Ms. Dolpheide
replied the youngest is 15 months old and the oldest is 6
years old.
Chairman HOWARD said there have been comments made about
taking children over to the school, so does that mean you
have school aged children, and Ms. Dolpheide said yes, some
3 and 4 year olds go to pre-school and one 5 year old goes
to kindergarten.
Ms. Reckert asked the Board in when making the motion, to
please be specific about the numbers because we want to
establish the maximum number of kids allowed.
Board Member.ECHELMEYER commented that if the applicant just
had her daughter and her two children come over and stay she
would not need a license for that, even though the applicant
has 6 other people that are not relatives. He asked staff
what is the relationship of the relatives and their children
to a day care center, and Ms. Reckert answered they would
have to count towards that maximum number.
MINUTES OF MEETING: August 24, 1995
Page 11
Chairman HOWARD wanted to know what does the existing City
ordinance allow on a day care center, and Ms. Reckert
replied it allows. 6 total. Chairman HOWARD asked even
though she has a license that allows 6+2 from the State she
is in non-conformance with the City ordinance at the present
time, and Ms. Reckert answered yes.
No further questions were asked.
Motion was made by Board Member ABBOTT, that Case No. TUP-
95-7, an application_by Charlotte Dolpheide, be DENIED for
the--following reasons:
1. Relating to the seven criteria, approval will run
significantly counter to the intent of the ordinance,
such as noise and traffic impacts. Testimony was given
that traffic in this neighborhood is currently being
impacted by uses such as the medical center.
2. Approval will create an unacceptable basis for future
precedent due to the lack of truly unique circumstances
or hardships.
Motion was seconded by Board Member ECHELMEYER. Motion for
denial__carried 5-0. Resolution attached.
B. Case No. wA-95-24: An application by Sharon Johnson for
approval of a variance to allow a 2-yard dumpster in a
Residential-Two zone district. Said property is located at
4388 Garland Street.
Susan Ellis presented the staff .report. All-pertinent
documents were entered into record, which Chairman HOWARD
Board Member ABBOTT asked if the applicant could have a one-
yard dumpster, and Ms. Ellis replied they are allowed a one-
yard and under dumpster.
Board Member SANG asked if they presently have any dumpsters
on the property now, and Ms. Ellis said no, they did remove
the two yard dumpster at Code Enforcement's request.
Board. Member WALKER asked how often is it picked up by the
trash service, and Ms. Ellis said she assumes once a week.
No further questions were asked of staff.
The applicant, Sharon Johnson, 4388 Garland Street, was
sworn in. Ms. Johnson said she is applying for the dumpster
because they need to remove the horse manure and debris from
I, Mary Lou Chapla, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Board of
Adjustment, do hereby certify that the following Resolution was
duly adopted in the City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson,.
State of Colorado, on the 24th day of August 1995.
APPLICANT'S NAME: Charlotte Dolpheide
LOCATION: 3140 Webster Street
Upon motion by Board Member ABBOTT seconded by Board Member
ECHELMEYER , the following Resolution was stated.
WHEREAS, the applicant was denied permission by an Administrative
Officer; and
WHEREAS, Board of Adjustment Application, Case No. TUP-95-7
is an appeal to this Board from the decision of an Administrative-
Officer; and
WHEREAS, the property has been posted the required 15 days by law
and there WERE protests registered against it; and'
WHEREAS, the relief applied for MAY NOT be granted .without
detriment to the public welfare and without substantially
impairing the intent and purpose of the regulations governing the
City of Wheat Ridge.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Board of Adjustment
Application Case No. TUP-95-7 , be and hereby is DENIED..
TYPE OF VARIANCE: Temporary Use Permit
PURPOSE: To allow a large day care
1. Relating to the seven criteria, approval will run
significantly counter to the intent of the ordinance, such as
noise and traffic impacts.- Testimony was given that traffic
in this neighborhood is currently being impacted by uses such
as the medical center.
2. Approval will create an unacceptable .basis for future
precedent due to the lack of truly unique circumstances or
VOTE: YES: Abbott, Echelmeyer, Howard, Sang and walker
NO: None
DISPOSITION: Temporary Use Permit denied by a vote of 5-0.
DAT D this 24th day of August, 1995.
ROBERT HOWARD, Chairman Mary L u hapla, S cretary
l\ Board of Adjustment Board o Adjustment
August 31, 1995
Mr. Robert Middaugh
City Administrator `____-~
City of Wheat Ridge
7500 W.-29th Avenue
Denver, Colorado 80215
Dear Mr. Middaugh,:
I feel it is my duty as a 40-year citizen of Wheat Ridge
to reveal my .experiences concerning a recent request for a _
business expansion. ',I was appalled at the. Tack of rules, --~ -
codes, communication and professionalism within the administra-
tion of. the City of Wheat Ridge. The deceitfulness and'the
arrogance of th'e employee.I worked with has. prompted me'to
write this letter:
My case number ;was TUP-,9.5 7;, .,and ..the. hearing; =was held ~ -- ~~- . ~=:-
August 24, 199'5. -Th'e'case Ynvolved'my day care.home'(licensed
for=6+2; children through the State of Colorado, #73263); re-
questing the necessary adjustments to add four children and
become licensed as a Large :Day Care Home (7-12 children).
Because the City of Wheat Ridge does not acknowledge the
existence of a Large Day Care Home, I was treated as a
commercial--Day Care Center. The only item that we were in
compliance with was the overwhelming need for family.-style
home day care within the City limits.
Following, please find a-chronological listing c_f the
events that took place during this nightmare.
1. April, 1993, I filed an application with the City o~ ~~~~ .-
Wheat Ridge. When I inquired in May, 1993 as to the W a ~°~'
status, I was. informed it had been lost. p~~ `i'
~ mac`' 1
2. April, 1994, I filed a second application and sent a -t~-rJ`fl~
check for $5.00, only to have Ms. Meredith Reckert ca1~~D
-and say "Forget it". She informed me the City does notJJ
issue permits for Large Day Care Homes. --r2J~.
3. April, 1995, my Jefferson.County caseworker suggested
I try. again since my large home was perfectly suited for ~~\'S~"
__ more.ch.ildren. :He pointed out that Large Day Care Home S~(aa~~
are_.used frequently by-the State, and that my home .has
already met., the, requirements..,.
4. - On May 8, 1995, I picked up a,third application from Ms.
Reckert and proceeded to follow all the necessary re-
quirements; i.e., filled out the application, designed a
-floor plan, took_photos of my home and yard, and asked
my .neighbors and. clients for letters of approval.
' - --- - _ 1
-- 1
-2- v ~,
May 30, 1995, I held my neighborhood meeting, which I'was ~Y".~'~
told was the time for anyone to voice their objections. J
One neighbor on Vance Street was in opposition, and
stated he ,worked in construction, and, when the weather was
bad, he wanted to sleep. all day.. I informed him that ~ _
when the weather was bad, the children are indoors. There ~~ ~-
was a second couple from Vance Street present, whose only .~p. ~ ~ ~,~
concern at that time,._was that. with .. this~.permit, I would -~)``_
become a commercial day care center, such as the one ~j~
located at 33rd and.Jay..Btreets Ms. Reckert informed me _
that I had the perfect set-up for day care;~and that two ~ ~'`'"
`neighbors were not the 20$ in the .600 square_foot,area. _
needed for denial.- She reiterated that 'she would do \. \_ soc.~SS.
'everything possible to help me ~h~®~ °-t~. Q~ ai-P~
~ Q9!ic P.c~2~.E1- Vii. r(= ..'.tii~a~,^a~,~'-r't)'~i.:~-'.as+~2~%n.~.~;~eka-c•~:;a~ t` 6'
June'24; 1995, Received the: enclosed letter from Wheat
Ridge Fire. Protection District.. Ca11ed.Ms. Reckert .
immediately on 6/26/95-and left a,message:.. No reply
t ~,
. 11 _"rYQ..~ n__~-.
Called 6/27/95 - No reply' ~'°~^,+-~'" ~3'~"+~'~"~'~
.. ~ eK:~> . .> -
_; ,:~ :..Called 6/28/95;r-zNo _reply:', ~ -. ., . ; ~_;`, . , :r ..: -,
June 29, 1995, I called Mr. Dave Roberts, Fire Marshall,
and asked him to come over to my home and .meet with me.
7. June 30, 1995, Meeting with Dave. Roberts and John Eckert.
They immediately realized-the discrepancy between the
_ __9000.sq. ft. building (described in Ms. Reckert's letter), >~
-and my 9000 sq. ft. lot-with a 3000 sq. ft. structure. They
agreed to waive the fire hydrant and the sprinkling system,
but'held firm on the fire_alarm system. _(I currently have
smoke alarms in my home.) I was quoted an estimate from
Dave Roberts of a leased fire alarm system to be, $99.00
installation and $25.00/month lease. I called ,three ~
companies and received quotes of $2,071.OO.installation,
$35.00/month; $2,400.00 installation, $35.00%month; and
$175.53/month for at least a 2-year period, totalling
$4,200.00. My concern at-this point was not only the
money, .but the deterioration of my home. -
8. July 7, 1995, Received Ms. Reckert's letter of 7/5/95, ~~~
copy enclosed. .: ~w F~'~~
,, ,~
9. July 10, 1995, Talked to Ms. Reckert,, and she encouraged'`\~ ~ ~'~.~ (y~
me to go for the Temporary Use Permit, and said that Dave Y C~Je
Roberts could waive the fire alarm system. 'I immediately~~ ~ ~1"
°==called Dave Roberts to check on her comment, and he informed -~
:? .. - . -me that- he could not do: that ,° --
- .~ ,- .
, ~
10. July 14, 1995, Talked to a representative at the Child Care. ~
Licensing Office for the State of Colorado, Margaret
- Bremmer. She informed me that the codes for a Large Days '
: "
_ _
Care Home are identical to those for my 6+2 license, which
does not include a fire alarm system. 'She. thought Dave
Roberts had my home confused with a commercial Child Care
~- ~ - - aM1 kS.rw "d$S3+F ~4~+PYa~TV . .: b ~}tirs. ~~ "~S yJ ... J
X ln'~ , .
°, -3-
-- _ _
11. July 21, 1995, After several attempts to-reach Dave'Roberts,
(approximately one week after speaking with Margaret
- Bremmer), he informed me that the fire codes for the City
of Wheat Ridge are different from the County and the ~~
- --- State, and I would' need th_ e fire. alarm system. ~~~ - _ ~Qv P,
_ ~~
12. August 1, 1995, The Building Department of Wheat Ridge ~~ (S,
called and asked me for. .my application, and a check for~~~~~6.~t
$50.00. They told me my hearing would be in September.
This was the .firs t. time L.had:heard of=any additional ~~~
_ application or money_needed.....Ms.. Reckert never informed d` ~
me of this procedure,; and,I was-confused by the fee to ~Q ~o~
the Building Department singe I was not Building anything~Q
Called Ms. Reckert to verif the Buildin Department s ~ L'~~
regaest.. _ __ p~~ -
.: ~ '
13. August 2,-1995, Mse'Reckert'called-and said my hearing was-
August-15th with the Building Department and~August 24th ~ ~ ~~'
for the Use Permit application. I told Ms. Reckert. that ~ ~ ~`.
the Building Department said my hearing was in September,_
and she said. she ,aou1.~ .,confirm the .schedule 'and' 're'turn... °` -' `"'
my call. ..
14. August 8, 1995, Did not hear from Ms. Reckert, so I called ~vv ~~
her. She was on vacation until the 15th of August. Sandy a''~- ~
-said she checked with the Building Department and their __-:_ _
meeting was the 24th of August;-and that I was on the
.agenda. ~a~ G2.~2-~ .lad ~~~~ ~.
- - _ ~~
15. August 8, 1995, Sandy phoned again and asked me ao bring -
in the deed to my home with the legal description a ~~~
she acknowledged receipt of a check for $50.OOL s ating.
without it, I would not have been on the agenda for the
meeting on the 24th). After. much confusion, I convinced ~~~
- them I had not paid my fee, and would be there tomor~ow Yv - --_-
to issue. my check. ---
16. August 9, 1995,-Went to the Building Department and wrote
my check for $100.00 ($50.00 for a filing fee for the
Use Permit, and $50,00 for the Building Department, hearing). _
_In the afternoon, Sandy called and asked me to. pick u
my check for $100.00; and issue a check for $50.00 only. /`~~~
She stated the Building Department had changed my hearing
date from ,the 16th df August to the 31st of August. She
said if I didn't get the O.K. on the 24th of August for
- -=-the Use Permit; there would be no need to pay the addl-
tional $50.00 for the Building Department hearing:
- -Directly upon my return home, Sean (from the City of
-Wheat Ridge}, asked me to pick up my sign for the yard.
(Three trips to the .City of Wheat Ridge within 30 minutes.)
- Is this a lack of.communication or what? Can you possibly .
understand my frustration at,this point? .I have never
had 2, people agree on-the same issue since this application
process had begun
. c
i7. August 14, 1 » 5, Received a certified letter with the
same information that they had given me in person on
August 9th. Why was this-necessary? ~ ~S 1~~~~
18. August 18, 1995, Received an invoice in the mail from --
the City of Wheat Ridge for postage,for.the certified. _ ____
letters and for a notice in the"Jefferson Sentinel.
Ms .' Reckert did not :.tell me I was responsible for your,... _ _
cost of doing business. Is this not included in my
$50.00 filing fee? no ._'~,-~- ~ pt{Z ~~ ~~,..~,~ ~o~
V1bT.Z`C,.Lt1JEA~S Pasv~,~-~P~.€bi.,yo+\'WH3L1~c~+~T Co4.,.€~e~•1L`~r'1'r~~..~1
19. Jim Koch, my 'Jefferson County caseworker;`called and ~,~.~~ ~ ~~ ~
-said he had had several calls about the number of .. rb ~e-~,c~~ ,~.~y
children I was caring for. The callers questioned
_... my daughter, Rristy, regarding her;.license, and if she
was watching children.' If so, how many? My inspector ~ ,~
was- quite concerned about the calls since in 4~• years," c!~'
he had never received a call concerning my day care. y~`
He asked .me to think of who.might,be trying to cause '4`~
--°On the evening of 'the hearing, August 24th, `the 'couple" •
on, Vance. Street made several comments about Kristy's
involvement at my day care, so I knew they were the.
-ones making the calls to my caseworker. I also learned
that evening that he had lied to several of my
immediate neighbors, saying that this new license would
create- a problem with me wanting to care for twelve
• - 16-year old children. How many 16-year old children
do you know in day care?
20. August 24, 1995, Public Hearing at City of Wheat Ridge
Building. -_ --
21. August 25, 1995, Asked Ms. Reckert-for a list of her S~a~ ~~ ~-~~-
staff, which,she quoted. at the hearing as being 12 ~ a'~ ~-~~`-~ ~~~
- - people, ~he five panel members, and copies .of the ine p~#1n4~S3 rW` ~~~'
letters she referenced, which turned out to be six~`~~~ ~ ~ ~~. "~
She said she would call me when the information was "w`,.
ready to be picked up. ~~ 5t'a~~gc tZ ~.~ ~~~~ z
22._ August 28, T995, Never heard from Ms. Reckert. I called
and asked her if I could pick up this information today.
She informed me,.the secretary, Mary Lou, was going to do
that for her, and she was not in. No one else could
find .the paperwork I was, told to, call back on Tuesday.
Also, on August 28th, I received a 3-pa.ge report from ~ s:
Ms. Reckert, revealing her -feelings concerning my ~~~'~ ~ c•~
application for appeal. "This report is dated 8/17/95.1'"~'~a~`f
It addressed the issues of hazardous traffic, air 'T~
pollution and noise.. Had I .received this letter before ~~,~`~",U- b'~
- my hearing date, I would have. asked her.to prepare a - ~'p~ .~'~~~•~~
_ ~~~~'~
-5_ -
traffic count of Webster Street to substantiate her
findings, I would have engaged an air pollution expert --
_ to_be present at the hearing and 2 could have made a'___
_. -
tape,of all the yipping poodles behind me. 2 was
shocked with these ridifulous excuses. for"denying four
~. more children in my home. -T~~S~" .Z~~54'~c!1~' ~g~ ,gam-,~,,;tzio~ "
23. August 29, 1995, Talked to a gentleman on Tuesday
morning; Mary Lou still not in. She will call back -
in the afternoon ..~~.:~;~ ..dam .~,..,~~ ~~€°S~'~(F.
24. August 30, 1995, Mary Lou called and said I could pick
up'the paperwork. There was no list of the 12 member
staff.' She commented that she didn't think more than
`.four people had read._the report. ' -'-5-2v.~" : c1t5' K~~`y ~' `~Z':' _'.
- -- - 'M"b~r11.~ Ti C2 cR~R~C12'~
25. August 31, 1995, Glenn Gidley called and we briefly ~`W "Z
discussed the.entire situation. I informed him my ".-
letter was forthcoming. _
I-was continuallg questioned at-the hearing, why I_ ~o•{
couldh't be happy with my six children and my two grand- ~ ~
children as the after school extras. I_d,d not ,think it ~~ 1`~'
was necessary at the time, with my clients present, to
discuss money. We charge $90.00 a week per child; this is- _-
$540.00 income per .week, to be split between. the two of us. ~ - ~ s r
My daughter is a single parent and has a hard time making~~ ~ „-_n
ends meet. With this income, we purchase food, toys, ~ „ ~, ~N`'
_r_epairs on my home, and pay taxes. .This net amount per 'Jr,°T.p..~'~" +,°~~
week is 'maintaining two households. -r2a~.i~tsz~~.`
I realize your next comment will-be, "Why doesn't Kristy
get her own license and do day care in her. own home?" Only
another day care provider can confirm how difficult it is to
-have six children 10. hours a day, 5 days a week, Sl,weeks a
year. Common sense tells-us that the security_of having two
adults, in case of sickness, injuries or any other emergency,
far outweighs the pollution, traffic and noise from a
possible 4 more children in my home. TwZ7 {YOV 1-~'S '~ 'S~R.~ ~~\'C
Last year, I watched the ,younger Fedak girl twice a
week for '3 hours so Linda could donate her time teaching
illiterate mothers in our community to read. I_felt a great-
- satisfaction in'being-able to help in this small way.. I
recently received a call from Linda, again for this purpose,
and.had to refuse her. _
The County seems to be in agreement with the.State, but :- --
- the City. of Wheat Ridge, especially the Fire Department,'refuses
to accept the fact that there is such a thing as a Large Dav `~
Care Home. In'all my rule ..books from Jefferson Gountg and'the \' ~
State of Colorado, a regular day care is 6+2 children (2 during n~~
non-school times), a Large Da.y,Care Home is 7-12 children \~
- ~~~ v aM "
_ -
(copy attachedD- However, the NFPA fire code book reads any
home with more than 6 children is a Day Care Center. It seems
to me;-with these discrepancies, the County and the State
should revise their code books to comply with the Fire
Department of Wheat Ridge, or vice versa.
I am not trying to point a finger 'at anyone in particular;
or blame anyone for. all this confusion... It seems to me that _
there is certainly a lack of knowledge and combined direction
within the City of Wheat Ridge administration.' I reiterate;'
the only thing we truly agree upon is the. urgent need for
quality home day care` in our surrounding'communities : ` ~` -- `` "~' •'' "`
My inspector made the comment that in his six years at
-the Jefferson County Social-Services; nb one has ever- obtained
a Large Day Care license in Wheat Ridge.,._Since we all agree
there is a tremendous need for familp home care, would ''
someone please tell me why.I would appreciate hearing from
you. ~. ~:.~'/~-~j~w~,Piv,.-c ir:~.-"'3~~-'
. ~ ~
- Yours .in Christ, ~`'!
Charlotte Dopheide ~ ~'" ~~
Day Care Provider `~
3140 Webster Street
Denver, CO 80215 m
- - _.
cc:_.Mr. Dave Wilde, Mayor ~,
Mr. Glenn Gidley, Planning & Development Y _ ~
' _i °~
- -- ~ -`~`/ ~ y
_. ..- - ___- - Wl 1 Y' D
October 5, 1995
1224 Wadsworth Blvd.
Lakewood CO 80215-5108.. _
Re• September 28 1995 Issue
Dear Editor: _
It amazes. me how the Jefferson Sentinel's editors and so-called
"reporters'! continue to print "the truth" without-being held
responsible for inaccuracies,. misinformation and biased slants on
the news. Two recent articles are,prime_examples of what appears
to be either shoddy practice of journalism or blatantly-biased
journalism. The first is Jan Couch's article in the September 28
Jefferson Sentinel regarding a proposed large day care home that
was denied. by the Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment. It is
unfortunate that Ms. Couch failed to interview even one City
official or review the case file regarding this matter before
castigating the City in her article. The "facts" that Ms._Couch --
chose to report were the unfounded allegations of the person who
was denied by the Board_of Adjustment, after a fair and open
quasi-judicial public hearing! As to the six-page letter, I
personally spoke .with Ms. Dopheide regarding each of her points
of concern, explained that City staff had very little discretion
regarding the points that she raised, that many of the concerns
that she raised didn't even involve the City, but rather the Fire.
District and a recent Jefferson County District Court judgement
regarding day care centers. Since the letter was copied to me, I
believed that our telephone conversation adequately addressed
each issue and that there wasn't a need_to follow-up with a
written responses-and I so informed Bob Middaugh, City
Administrator, and Mayor Dan Wilde.. So, if someone should be
blamed for not responding in writing, blame me! It must be nice
to have a newspaper at your disposal to air your "personal"
problems as Ms. Couch has with her babysitter problem.
The second example of shoddy, biased journalism appeared in the
same September 28 edition, where John McMillin "reported" the
"facts" on page 5 under the headline Candidates Clash in Citv'_
Hall. In the classic grocery store. check-out tabloid style, Mr.
McMillin described the exchange that took place. He went on
further, however, to include information that. is totally
erroneous, slanderous and libelous to me personally when he
reported that Mr. Vance Edwards charged that I practiced "blatant
cronyism" by giving a "legal .break" to the owner of Youngfield
Plaza Shopping Center because I am a friend of the developer of
Jefferson Sentinel Page 2
October 5, 1995
Wal-Mart. First, this statement was not made during the exchange
that took place during the Council meeting, so it must have been
stated at another time when Mr. McMillin interviewed Mr. Edwards-
From my observation, Mr. McMillin spends a lot of time with Mr.
Edwards during Council breaks and after Council meetings, almost
like a campaign publicist- Second, Mr. McMillin never
interviewed me regarding this statement before reporting, in
classic tabloid style - why print the facts when you can print
sensational, albeit false, trash?
I hope the readers of the Jefferson Sentinel recognize that not
everything that is reported in the Jefferson .Sentinel accurately
represents the facts and the whole truth. I am seriously
concerned in this particular case, because in my 23 years as a
professional in the planning field, I have never been the subject
of such irresponsible reporting.
Glen Gidley, Director
Department of Planning &
City of Wheat Ridge
Wheat Ridge CO